How to use toIndex method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


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1var ScriptList = {2 0: {3 "character": [],4 "background": "image/​bk_memory",5 "name": "",6 "dialogue": "我忘不了。",7 "toindex": 18 },9 1: {10 "character": [],11 "background": "image/​bk_memory",12 "name": "",13 "dialogue": "我怎么也忘不了高中时期因数学而结缘的她们。",14 "toindex": 215 },16 2: {17 "character": [],18 "background": "image/​bk_memory",19 "name": "",20 "dialogue": "她们是用一流的解法打动我的才女——米尔嘉,认真向我发问的活力少女——泰朵拉。",21 "toindex": 322 },23 3: {24 "character": [],25 "background": "image/​bk_memory",26 "name": "",27 "dialogue": "回想起那时的岁月,我脑海中顿时浮现出一个个计算公式、一个个新鲜的想法。",28 "toindex": 429 },30 4: {31 "character": [],32 "background": "image/​bk_memory",33 "name": "",34 "dialogue": "这些数学公式不会随着时间的推移而显得落伍或陈旧,而是向我展现了欧几里得、高斯、欧拉等数学家们熠熠生辉的才思。",35 "toindex": 536 },37 5: {38 "character": [],39 "background": "image/​bk_memory",40 "name": "",41 "dialogue": "我一边想着那些计算公式,一边体会着古时候数学家们体验到的那份感动。即便是几百年前就已经被证明的也没关系,现在我一边追溯理论一边埋头苦思的东西一定是自己的东西。",42 "toindex": 643 },44 6: {45 "character": [],46 "background": "image/​bk_memory",47 "name": "",48 "dialogue": "拨开层层密林,找出藏宝,数学就是这样一种令人兴奋的寻宝游戏。比拼智力,寻找最牛的解法,数学就是这样一场激烈的战斗。",49 "toindex": 750 },51 7: {52 "character": [],53 "background": "image/​bk_memory",54 "name": "",55 "dialogue": "那时,我开始使用名叫数学的武器。但是,那种武器往往过于巨大,很多时候不能灵活操控。这种感觉正如我很难操控自己年轻时的青涩,很难控制对她们的思念一样。",56 "toindex": 857 },58 8: {59 "character": [],60 "background": "image/​bk_memory",61 "name": "",62 "dialogue": "光让事情留在记忆里总不行啊,需要回忆出来大家共享的。",63 "toindex": 964 },65 9: {66 "character": [],67 "background": "image/​bk_memory",68 "name": "",69 "dialogue": "那我就从高一的春天开始讲起吧。",70 "toindex": 1071 },72 10: {73 "character": [],74 "background": "image/​bk_frontgate",75 "name": "",76 "dialogue": "那是高一的春天。",77 "toindex": 1178 },79 11: {80 "character": [],81 "background": "image/​bk_frontgate",82 "name": "",83 "dialogue": "开学典礼那天,春光明媚。",84 "toindex": 1285 },86 12: {87 "character": [],88 "background": "image/​bk_frontgate",89 "name": "",90 "dialogue": "“美丽的樱花开了……大家在新学期新起点之际……在这有着悠久历史的校舍里……努力学习、努力锻炼……少年易老学难成……”",91 "toindex": 1392 },93 13: {94 "character": [],95 "background": "image/​bk_building",96 "name": "",97 "dialogue": "校长那冗长的致辞简直引人入睡,我借着扶正眼镜的机会强忍住了呵欠。",98 "toindex": 1499 },100 14: {101 "character": [],102 "background": "image/​bk_building",103 "name": "",104 "dialogue": "开学典礼结束后,我在回教室的途中悄悄地溜了出来,独自一人漫步在校内的樱花树林间。周围连个人影都没有。",105 "toindex": 15106 },107 15: {108 "character": [],109 "background": "image/​bk_building",110 "name": "",111 "dialogue": "我现在 15 岁。15 岁、16 岁、17 岁……毕业的时候我将 18 岁了。有一个 4 次方的数字和一个质数。",112 "toindex": 16113 },114 16: {115 "character": [],116 "background": "image/​bk_building",117 "name": "",118 "dialogue": "15 = 3 * 5; \n 16 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 = 2^4; /​/​4次方数 \n 17 = 17; /​/​质数 \n 18 = 2 * 3 * 3 = 2 * 3^2;",119 "toindex": 17120 },121 17: {122 "character": [],123 "background": "image/​bk_classroom",124 "name": "",125 "dialogue": "现在教室里同学们一定正进行着自我介绍。我不擅长自我介绍,究竟该说说自己的什么呢?",126 "toindex": 18127 },128 18: {129 "character": [],130 "background": "image/​bk_classroom",131 "name": "我",132 "dialogue": "我喜欢数学,兴趣是讨论计算公式。请多多关照。",133 "toindex": 19134 },135 19: {136 "character": [],137 "background": "image/​bk_classroom",138 "name": "",139 "dialogue": "我想象了下又停住了。",140 "toindex": 20141 },142 20: {143 "character": [],144 "background": "image/​bk_classroom",145 "name": "",146 "dialogue": "算了,管他呢。静静地上课,在谁都不会去的图书室学数学,就这样像初中时一样度过高中三年的时光吧。",147 "toindex": 21148 },149 21: {150 "character": [],151 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",152 "name": "",153 "dialogue": "映入眼帘的是一棵硕大的樱花树。",154 "toindex": 22155 },156 22: {157 "character": [],158 "background": "image/​bk_ill_sakura",159 "name": "",160 "dialogue": "树下站着一个少女,她正抬头仰望着那棵樱花树。",161 "toindex": 23162 },163 23: {164 "character": [],165 "background": "image/​bk_ill_sakura",166 "name": "",167 "dialogue": "我想:她是位新生吧,大概和我一样也是溜出来的。",168 "toindex": 24169 },170 24: {171 "character": [],172 "background": "image/​bk_ill_sakura",173 "name": "",174 "dialogue": "我也抬头望了望那棵樱花树。模模糊糊的花色遮住了天空。",175 "toindex": 25176 },177 25: {178 "character": [],179 "background": "image/​bk_ill_sakura",180 "name": "",181 "dialogue": "刮起一阵风,飘舞着的樱花花瓣将少女裹住。",182 "toindex": 26183 },184 26: {185 "character": [],186 "background": "image/​bk_ill_sakura",187 "name": "",188 "dialogue": "少女也看到了我。",189 "toindex": 27190 },191 27: {192 "character": [{193 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",194 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"195 }],196 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",197 "name": "",198 "dialogue": "她身材高挑,长发乌黑亮丽,嘴巴紧闭着,一副认真的表情。脸上架着副金丝眼镜。",199 "toindex": 28200 },201 28: {202 "character": [{203 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",204 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"205 }],206 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",207 "name": "米尔嘉",208 "dialogue": "1, 1, 2, 3。",209 "toindex": 29210 },211 29: {212 "character": [{213 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",214 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"215 }],216 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",217 "name": "",218 "dialogue": "她清楚地念着。",219 "toindex": 30220 },221 30: {222 "character": [{223 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",224 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"225 }],226 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",227 "name": "",228 "dialogue": "念完这4个数字之后,少女便不出声了,用手指着我,好像在说:“喂!你,请回答接下来的数字。”",229 "toindex": 31230 },231 31: {232 "character": [{233 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",234 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"235 }],236 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",237 "name": "我",238 "dialogue": "要我回答?",239 "toindex": 32240 },241 32: {242 "character": [{243 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",244 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"245 }],246 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",247 "name": "",248 "dialogue": "她没有说话,而是点了点头。食指仍然指向我。",249 "toindex": 33250 },251 33: {252 "character": [{253 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",254 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"255 }],256 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",257 "name": "",258 "dialogue": "到底是什么呢?在樱花树丛中好好地散着步,为什么非要做什么猜数字的游戏呢?对了,刚才她说的是什么呢?",259 "toindex": 34260 },261 34: {262 "character": [{263 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",264 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"265 }],266 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",267 "name": "",268 "dialogue": "我回想她刚才的题目:“1, 1, 2, 3。”",269 "toindex": 35270 },271 35: {272 "character": [{273 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",274 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"275 }],276 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",277 "name": "",278 "dialogue": "啊,原来如此。我知道了。",279 "toindex": 37280 },281 /​/​ 36: {282 /​/​ "character": [{283 /​/​ "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",284 /​/​ "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"285 /​/​ }],286 /​/​ "background": "image/​bk_sakura",287 /​/​ "name": "我",288 /​/​ "dialogue": "1, 1, 2, 3 的后面接着的数字是", /​/​ 5,接下来是 8,再接下来是 13,然后是 21,然后再是……289 /​/​ "toindex": 37290 /​/​ },291 37: {292 "character": [{293 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",294 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"295 }],296 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",297 "name": "我",298 "dialogue": "1, 1, 2, 3 的后面接着的数字是",299 "toindex": 37,300 "selections": [{ "choice": "4", "toindex": "40" },301 { "choice": "5", "toindex": "41" },302 { "choice": "6", "toindex": "40" },303 { "choice": "7", "toindex": "40" }304 ]305 },306 40: {307 "character": [{308 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",309 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_2"310 }],311 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",312 "name": "",313 "dialogue": "她向我伸出手掌,示意我不要说了。",314 "toindex": 50315 },316 41: {317 "character": [{318 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",319 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"320 }],321 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",322 "name": "",323 "dialogue": "她向我伸出手掌,示意我不要说了。",324 "toindex": 50325 },326 50: {327 "character": [{328 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",329 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"330 }],331 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",332 "name": "",333 "dialogue": "接着,她给我出了另外一道题,又是4个数字。",334 "toindex": 51335 },336 51: {337 "character": [{338 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",339 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"340 }],341 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",342 "name": "米尔嘉",343 "dialogue": "1 4 27 256",344 "toindex": 52345 },346 52: {347 "character": [{348 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",349 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"350 }],351 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",352 "name": "",353 "dialogue": "她又指向我。",354 "toindex": 53355 },356 53: {357 "character": [{358 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",359 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"360 }],361 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",362 "name": "",363 "dialogue": "这是在考我吗?",364 "toindex": 54365 },366 54: {367 "character": [{368 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",369 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"370 }],371 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",372 "name": "我",373 "dialogue": "1, 4, 27, 256。",374 "toindex": 55375 },376 55: {377 "character": [{378 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",379 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"380 }],381 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",382 "name": "",383 "dialogue": "我突然一下子找到了规律。",384 "toindex": 57385 },386 /​/​ 56: {387 /​/​ "character": [{388 /​/​ "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",389 /​/​ "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"390 /​/​ }],391 /​/​ "background": "image/​bk_sakura",392 /​/​ "name": "我",393 /​/​ "dialogue": "1, 4, 27, 256,接下来是", /​/​ 3125 吧,再接下来是……心算是不行了。394 /​/​ "toindex": 57395 /​/​ },396 57: {397 "character": [{398 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",399 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"400 }],401 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",402 "name": "我",403 "dialogue": "1, 4, 27, 256,接下来是",404 "toindex": 57,405 "selections": [{ "choice": "625", "toindex": "60" },406 { "choice": "1024", "toindex": "60" },407 { "choice": "2187", "toindex": "60" },408 { "choice": "3125", "toindex": "62" }409 ]410 },411 60: {412 "character": [{413 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",414 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"415 }],416 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",417 "name": "",418 "dialogue": "再接下来是……心算是不行了。",419 "toindex": 61420 },421 61: {422 "character": [{423 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",424 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_2"425 }],426 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",427 "name": "",428 "dialogue": "她听到我说“心算是不行了”之后神色显得有些不满,摇了摇头,便告诉了我答案。",429 "toindex": 70430 },431 62: {432 "character": [{433 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",434 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"435 }],436 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",437 "name": "我",438 "dialogue": "再接下来是……心算是不行了。",439 "toindex": 63440 },441 63: {442 "character": [{443 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",444 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_2"445 }],446 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",447 "name": "",448 "dialogue": "她听到我说“心算是不行了”之后神色显得有些不满,摇了摇头,便告诉了我答案。",449 "toindex": 70450 },451 70: {452 "character": [{453 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",454 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_2"455 }],456 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",457 "name": "米尔嘉",458 "dialogue": "1, 4, 27, 256, 3125, 46656, ... ",459 "toindex": 71460 },461 71: {462 "character": [{463 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",464 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"465 }],466 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",467 "name": "",468 "dialogue": "她的声音很响亮。接着,她闭上眼,头微微朝上抬起,好似正在仰望樱花树。食指朝着天空飞快地写着些什么。",469 "toindex": 72470 },471 72: {472 "character": [{473 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",474 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"475 }],476 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",477 "name": "",478 "dialogue": "唯一从这个女孩口中说出的只是些数字,她漫不经心地将那些数字排列起来,略做些手势。但是我的目光却一直盯着这个与众不同的女孩。她到底想干什么?",479 "toindex": 73480 },481 73: {482 "character": [{483 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",484 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"485 }],486 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",487 "name": "",488 "dialogue": "她朝我这里看了看。",489 "toindex": 74490 },491 74: {492 "character": [{493 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",494 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"495 }],496 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",497 "name": "米尔嘉",498 "dialogue": "6 15 35 77",499 "toindex": 75500 },501 75: {502 "character": [{503 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",504 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"505 }],506 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",507 "name": "",508 "dialogue": "我心想,这题好难啊。我开动脑筋拼命思考,6 和 15 是 3 的倍数,但是 35 却不同了,35 和 77 是 7 的倍数。如果可以在纸上写写的话应该马上能解出来。",509 "toindex": 76510 },511 76: {512 "character": [{513 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",514 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"515 }],516 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",517 "name": "",518 "dialogue": "我瞟了她一眼,樱花树下的女孩还笔挺地站在那里,很认真地看着我,甚至都不掸一下飘落到头发上的樱花花瓣。那副认真的模样仿佛是在考试一样。",519 "toindex": 77520 },521 77: {522 "character": [{523 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",524 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"525 }],526 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",527 "name": "我",528 "dialogue": "啊,我知道了。",529 "toindex": 78530 },531 78: {532 "character": [{533 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",534 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_2"535 }],536 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",537 "name": "",538 "dialogue": "我刚一说,她顿时变得神采奕奕,微微一笑。我第一次看到她笑,便情不自禁地大声回答。",539 "toindex": 80540 },541 /​/​ 79: {542 /​/​ "character": [{543 /​/​ "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",544 /​/​ "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_2"545 /​/​ }],546 /​/​ "background": "image/​bk_sakura",547 /​/​ "name": "我",548 /​/​ "dialogue": "6, 15, 35, 77 的后面是",549 /​/​ "toindex": 80550 /​/​ },551 80: {552 "character": [{553 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",554 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_2"555 }],556 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",557 "name": "我",558 "dialogue": "6, 15, 35, 77 的后面是",559 "toindex": 80,560 "selections": [{ "choice": "113", "toindex": "81" },561 { "choice": "123", "toindex": "81" },562 { "choice": "133", "toindex": "81" },563 { "choice": "143", "toindex": "90" }564 ]565 },566 81: {567 "character": [{568 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",569 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"570 }],571 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",572 "name": "",573 "dialogue": "她摇了摇头,长发飘动,花瓣也随之飘落。她的表情仿佛在说:“哎呀呀,真可惜。”",574 "toindex": 82575 },576 82: {577 "character": [{578 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",579 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"580 }],581 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",582 "name": "米尔嘉",583 "dialogue": "计算错误!",584 "toindex": 83585 },586 83: {587 "character": [{588 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",589 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"590 }],591 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",592 "name": "",593 "dialogue": "计算错误?啊,真的算错了。11 乘以 13 应该是 143。", /​/​ ,而不是 133594 "toindex": 90595 },596 90: {597 "character": [{598 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",599 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_2"600 }],601 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",602 "name": "",603 "dialogue": "她又继续出了下一题。",604 "toindex": 91605 },606 91: {607 "character": [{608 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",609 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"610 }],611 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",612 "name": "米尔嘉",613 "dialogue": "6 2 8 2 10 18",614 "toindex": 92615 },616 92: {617 "character": [{618 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",619 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"620 }],621 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",622 "name": "",623 "dialogue": "这次是 6 个数字。我考虑了一下,最后一个 18 最令人头疼,如果是 2 就好了,现在的数字看上去乱七八糟,没有规则。啊,不对,这些都是偶数。——我知道了!",624 "toindex": 93625 },626 93: {627 "character": [{628 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",629 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"630 }],631 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",632 "name": "我",633 "dialogue": "接下来是 4, 12, 10, 6, ... ,这道题真伤脑子。",634 "toindex": 94635 },636 94: {637 "character": [{638 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",639 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"640 }],641 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",642 "name": "米尔嘉",643 "dialogue": "是吗?但你不是解出来了嘛。",644 "toindex": 95645 },646 95: {647 "character": [{648 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",649 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"650 }],651 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",652 "name": "",653 "dialogue": "她装模作样地说着,走向我伸出手。她的手指又细又长。",654 "toindex": 96655 },656 96: {657 "character": [{658 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",659 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"660 }],661 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",662 "name": "",663 "dialogue": "我心想:难道她要和我握手吗?",664 "toindex": 97665 },666 97: {667 "character": [{668 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",669 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"670 }],671 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",672 "name": "",673 "dialogue": "于是,我莫名其妙地握住了她的手。她的手又柔软又温暖。",674 "toindex": 98675 },676 98: {677 "character": [{678 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",679 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"680 }],681 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",682 "name": "米尔嘉",683 "dialogue": "我叫米尔嘉,请多多关照。",684 "toindex": 99685 },686 99: {687 "character": [{688 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",689 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"690 }],691 "background": "image/​bk_sakura",692 "name": "",693 "dialogue": "这就是我和米尔嘉的邂逅。",694 "toindex": 100695 },696 100: {697 "character": [],698 "background": "image/​bk_night",699 "name": "",700 "dialogue": "夜晚。",701 "toindex": 101702 },703 101: {704 "character": [],705 "background": "image/​bk_night",706 "name": "",707 "dialogue": "我喜欢夜晚。",708 "toindex": 102709 },710 102: {711 "character": [],712 "background": "image/​bk_night",713 "name": "",714 "dialogue": "家人入睡后,我就可以有大量自由的时间,拥有一个没人打扰的世界。我喜欢自己一个人度过那段时间,打开书,探索世界。我思考数学问题,闯入那深邃的密密层林。",715 "toindex": 103716 },717 103: {718 "character": [],719 "background": "image/​bk_night",720 "name": "",721 "dialogue": "在那里,我发现了珍稀动物、清澈得令人吃惊的湖,还有需要抬头仰望的大树。令我意想不到的是,还遇到了美丽的花朵。",722 "toindex": 104723 },724 104: {725 "character": [],726 "background": "image/​bk_night",727 "name": "",728 "dialogue": "她就是米尔嘉小姐。",729 "toindex": 105730 },731 105: {732 "character": [],733 "background": "image/​bk_night",734 "name": "",735 "dialogue": "第一次见面就和我进行那样的对话,她真是个奇怪的女孩。她一定非常喜欢数学吧。她连开场白都没说,就直接给我出数列的脑筋急转弯题,简直像考试一样。",736 "toindex": 106737 },738 106: {739 "character": [],740 "background": "image/​bk_night",741 "name": "",742 "dialogue": "我是不是合格了呢?我握了她的手,那柔软的手,飘着淡淡的清香,真的是很淡的清香——女孩独特的香味。",743 "toindex": 107744 },745 107: {746 "character": [],747 "background": "image/​bk_night",748 "name": "",749 "dialogue": "女孩啊。",750 "toindex": 108751 },752 108: {753 "character": [],754 "background": "image/​bk_night",755 "name": "",756 "dialogue": "我摘下眼镜,把它搁到书桌上,闭上眼睛,开始回想我和米尔嘉之间的对话。",757 "toindex": 109758 },759 109: {760 "character": [],761 "background": "image/​bk_night",762 "name": "",763 "dialogue": "一开始的题目“1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ... ”是斐波那契数列。1, 1 后面的数字是将前两个数字相加,所得的和成为接下来的数字。",764 "toindex": 110765 },766 110: {767 "character": [],768 "background": "image/​bk_night",769 "name": "",770 "dialogue": "1, 1, 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5, 3+5=8, 5+8=13, ...",771 "toindex": 111772 },773 111: {774 "character": [],775 "background": "image/​bk_night",776 "name": "",777 "dialogue": "第二道题“1, 4, 27, 256, 3125, 46656, ... ”则是下面这种数列。",778 "toindex": 112779 },780 112: {781 "character": [],782 "background": "image/​bk_night",783 "name": "",784 "dialogue": "1^1,2^2,3^3,4^4,5^5,6^6,...",785 "toindex": 113786 },787 113: {788 "character": [],789 "background": "image/​bk_night",790 "name": "",791 "dialogue": "也就是说,这个数列中的各项是 n 的 n 次方,4 的 4 次方、5 的 5 次方之前心算还没问题,6 的 6 次方的话,心算就不太可能了。",792 "toindex": 114793 },794 114: {795 "character": [],796 "background": "image/​bk_night",797 "name": "",798 "dialogue": "第三道题“6, 15, 35, 77, 143, ... ”的数列如下。",799 "toindex": 115800 },801 115: {802 "character": [],803 "background": "image/​bk_night",804 "name": "",805 "dialogue": "2 × 3, 3 × 5, 5 × 7, 7 × 11, 11 × 13, ...",806 "toindex": 116807 },808 116: {809 "character": [],810 "background": "image/​bk_night",811 "name": "",812 "dialogue": "也就是“质数 × 后一个质数”的形式。可是我把 11 × 13 算错了,真是丢脸啊。米尔嘉一针见血地指出了我的“计算错误”。",813 "toindex": 117814 },815 117: {816 "character": [],817 "background": "image/​bk_night",818 "name": "",819 "dialogue": "最后一道题是“6, 2, 8, 2, 10, 18, 4, 12, 10, 6, ... ”。这道题很难。因为这个数列其实是由圆周率 π 中的每位数字乘以 2 而得到的。",820 "toindex": 118821 },822 118: {823 "character": [],824 "background": "image/​bk_night",825 "name": "",826 "dialogue": "π = 3.141592653... 圆周率 \n -> 3,1,4,1,5,9,2,6,5,3,... 各位数 \n -> 6,2,8,2,10,18,4,12,10,6,... 各位数的2倍",827 "toindex": 119828 },829 119: {830 "character": [],831 "background": "image/​bk_night",832 "name": "",833 "dialogue": "解这道题必须要背出圆周率 π 的各位数字。如果脑海里没有这样一个数列模式,就无法解出这道题。",834 "toindex": 120835 },836 120: {837 "character": [],838 "background": "image/​bk_night",839 "name": "",840 "dialogue": "记忆啊。",841 "toindex": 121842 },843 121: {844 "character": [],845 "background": "image/​bk_night",846 "name": "",847 "dialogue": "我喜欢数学。比起记忆背诵,我更喜欢思考。追溯过去不是数学,发掘新东西才是数学。",848 "toindex": 122849 },850 122: {851 "character": [],852 "background": "image/​bk_night",853 "name": "",854 "dialogue": "如果是要背诵的话,只要靠脑子死记硬背就可以了。记人名、记地名、背单词、背元素符号等,这些都无法进行推理计算。",855 "toindex": 123856 },857 123: {858 "character": [],859 "background": "image/​bk_night",860 "name": "",861 "dialogue": "但是,数学却不同。一旦告诉我题目后,我就会把材料和道具(笔和纸等)都排列到桌上。我一直认为数学不是靠记忆,而是靠思考。",862 "toindex": 124863 },864 124: {865 "character": [],866 "background": "image/​bk_night",867 "name": "",868 "dialogue": "但是,我又突然觉察到数学也许不是那么简单的东西。",869 "toindex": 125870 },871 125: {872 "character": [],873 "background": "image/​bk_night",874 "name": "",875 "dialogue": "米尔嘉在出“6, 2, 8, 2”这道题时,为什么不单单说“6, 2, 8, 2”,还一直说到“6, 2, 8, 2, 10, 18”呢?那是因为如果她只说“6, 2, 8, 2”的话,我们无法发现其中的规律其实是圆周率 π 的各位数字的 2 倍。",876 "toindex": 126877 },878 126: {879 "character": [],880 "background": "image/​bk_night",881 "name": "",882 "dialogue": "我们还可能得出其他简单的答案。假设题目只是“6, 2, 8, 2, 10, ... ”的话,我们还可能联想到以下数列。",883 "toindex": 127884 },885 127: {886 "character": [],887 "background": "image/​bk_night",888 "name": "",889 "dialogue": "6,2,8,2,10,2,12,2,...",890 "toindex": 128891 },892 128: {893 "character": [],894 "background": "image/​bk_night",895 "name": "",896 "dialogue": "有这样的联想也是非常自然的吧。也就是说,在连续的偶数之间放入一个 2 作为间隔。",897 "toindex": 129898 },899 129: {900 "character": [],901 "background": "image/​bk_night",902 "name": "",903 "dialogue": "原来米尔嘉在出这道题时想得如此周密啊。",904 "toindex": 130905 },906 130: {907 "character": [],908 "background": "image/​bk_night",909 "name": "",910 "dialogue": "“但你不是解出来了嘛。”",911 "toindex": 131912 },913 131: {914 "character": [],915 "background": "image/​bk_night",916 "name": "",917 "dialogue": "她似乎预料到我能够解出这道题。我突然想到她那装模作样的表情。",918 "toindex": 132919 },920 132: {921 "character": [],922 "background": "image/​bk_night",923 "name": "",924 "dialogue": "米尔嘉啊。",925 "toindex": 133926 },927 133: {928 "character": [],929 "background": "image/​bk_night",930 "name": "",931 "dialogue": "在这样一个春色满园,樱花飘落的地方,她显得有些格格不入。她有着一头乌黑亮丽的秀发,宛若指挥家般修长的手指,温暖的小手,淡淡的清香。",932 "toindex": 134933 },934 134: {935 "character": [],936 "background": "image/​bk_night",937 "name": "",938 "dialogue": "不知怎么的,我一直想着米尔嘉的事情。",939 "toindex": 135940 },941 135: {942 "character": [],943 "background": "image/​bk_library",944 "name": "我",945 "dialogue": "喂,米尔嘉,那时为什么考我数列智力题呀?",946 "toindex": 136947 },948 136: {949 "character": [{950 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_3",951 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_2"952 }],953 "background": "image/​bk_library",954 "name": "米尔嘉",955 "dialogue": "什么那时呀?",956 "toindex": 137957 },958 137: {959 "character": [{960 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_3",961 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_2"962 }],963 "background": "image/​bk_library",964 "name": "",965 "dialogue": "米尔嘉抬起头,停止了计算。",966 "toindex": 138967 },968 138: {969 "character": [{970 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_3",971 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_2"972 }],973 "background": "image/​bk_library",974 "name": "",975 "dialogue": "这里是图书室。惬意的春风透过打开的窗子徐徐吹来,已经可以依稀看到法国梧桐冒出一片片嫩叶。远处的操场上还隐约传来棒球队的练习声。",976 "toindex": 139977 },978 139: {979 "character": [],980 "background": "image/​bk_building",981 "name": "",982 "dialogue": "已经五月了。",983 "toindex": 140984 },985 140: {986 "character": [],987 "background": "image/​bk_building",988 "name": "",989 "dialogue": "新学校,新教室,新同学,随着时间的流逝,新鲜感也在逐渐减少,我开始过起普普通通的每一天。",990 "toindex": 141991 },992 141: {993 "character": [],994 "background": "image/​bk_building",995 "name": "",996 "dialogue": "我没有参加任何课外社团,也就是说我参加了“回家族社团”。虽说如此,但我也不是放学后就立即回家。参加完师生座谈会后,我一般都去图书室,因为那里便于我推导数学公式。",997 "toindex": 142998 },999 142: {1000 "character": [],1001 "background": "image/​bk_building",1002 "name": "",1003 "dialogue": "我初中时也是这样,不参加社团活动,放学后去图书室。我经常在那里读读书,看看窗外的绿色,复习预习上课的内容。",1004 "toindex": 1431005 },1006 143: {1007 "character": [],1008 "background": "image/​bk_classroom",1009 "name": "",1010 "dialogue": "我最喜欢的就是展开数学公式。我经常将课堂上学过的公式写在笔记本上,然后自己再进行公式变形,以学到的定义为基础进行公式推导。",1011 "toindex": 1441012 },1013 144: {1014 "character": [],1015 "background": "image/​bk_classroom",1016 "name": "",1017 "dialogue": "根据定义进行变形,思考是否能举出具体例子,思考如何证明。在这一过程中我感到很快乐。我喜欢把这些过程都写在笔记本上。",1018 "toindex": 1451019 },1020 145: {1021 "character": [],1022 "background": "image/​bk_classroom",1023 "name": "",1024 "dialogue": "我不喜欢运动,也没有什么朋友和我一起玩,唯一的乐趣就是一个人面朝笔记本写写算算。虽然是自己写这些数学公式,但并不是说一定能按照自己所想的那样把公式写出来。因为公式是有规律的,而有规律的地方就存在着游戏。",1025 "toindex": 1461026 },1027 146: {1028 "character": [],1029 "background": "image/​bk_classroom",1030 "name": "",1031 "dialogue": "这是最最严密、最最自由的一种游戏。历史上的数学家们也都是挑战着这种游戏过来的。这个游戏只需要使用铅笔、笔记本和自己的脑子就行了。我对数学的迷恋简直达到了狂热的程度。",1032 "toindex": 1471033 },1034 147: {1035 "character": [{1036 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_3",1037 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1038 }],1039 "background": "image/​bk_library",1040 "name": "",1041 "dialogue": "所以,成为一名高中生后,我打算继续享受我一个人往返于图书室的日子。",1042 "toindex": 1481043 },1044 148: {1045 "character": [{1046 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_3",1047 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1048 }],1049 "background": "image/​bk_library",1050 "name": "",1051 "dialogue": "但是这个计划却落空了。",1052 "toindex": 1491053 },1054 149: {1055 "character": [{1056 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_3",1057 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1058 }],1059 "background": "image/​bk_library",1060 "name": "",1061 "dialogue": "这是因为来图书室的不止我一个人。",1062 "toindex": 1501063 },1064 150: {1065 "character": [{1066 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_3",1067 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1068 }],1069 "background": "image/​bk_library",1070 "name": "",1071 "dialogue": "另一个人就是米尔嘉。",1072 "toindex": 1511073 },1074 151: {1075 "character": [{1076 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_3",1077 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1078 }],1079 "background": "image/​bk_library",1080 "name": "",1081 "dialogue": "她和我是同班同学。她每三天来一次图书室。",1082 "toindex": 1521083 },1084 152: {1085 "character": [{1086 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_3",1087 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1088 }],1089 "background": "image/​bk_library",1090 "name": "",1091 "dialogue": "当我正在计算的时候,手中的铅笔突然被她拿起,接着她就旁若无人地在笔记本上写了起来。喂,这可是我的笔记本啊。",1092 "toindex": 1531093 },1094 153: {1095 "character": [{1096 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_3",1097 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1098 }],1099 "background": "image/​bk_library",1100 "name": "",1101 "dialogue": "但是,我并不讨厌她那样。她所说的数学题虽然比较难,但是也很有趣,非常刺激。",1102 "toindex": 1541103 },1104 154: {1105 "character": [{1106 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_3",1107 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_2"1108 }],1109 "background": "image/​bk_library",1110 "name": "",1111 "dialogue": "米尔嘉拿着我的铅笔轻轻地敲了敲我的太阳穴,问我。",1112 "toindex": 1551113 },1114 155: {1115 "character": [{1116 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",1117 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_2"1118 }],1119 "background": "image/​bk_library",1120 "name": "米尔嘉",1121 "dialogue": "那时是指什么时候的事情呀?",1122 "toindex": 1561123 },1124 156: {1125 "character": [{1126 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",1127 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_2"1128 }],1129 "background": "image/​bk_library",1130 "name": "我",1131 "dialogue": "就是我们初次见面的时候,在樱花树下。",1132 "toindex": 1571133 },1134 157: {1135 "character": [{1136 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",1137 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_2"1138 }],1139 "background": "image/​bk_library",1140 "name": "米尔嘉",1141 "dialogue": "啊,是吗?我没有理由出数学题考你呀。我只是临时想到而已。为什么突然又提起这件事情呢?",1142 "toindex": 1581143 },1144 158: {1145 "character": [{1146 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",1147 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1148 }],1149 "background": "image/​bk_library",1150 "name": "我",1151 "dialogue": "我也正好是突然想到。",1152 "toindex": 1591153 },1154 159: {1155 "character": [{1156 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",1157 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1158 }],1159 "background": "image/​bk_library",1160 "name": "米尔嘉",1161 "dialogue": "你喜欢那种智力题吗?",1162 "toindex": 1601163 },1164 160: {1165 "character": [{1166 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_1",1167 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1168 }],1169 "background": "image/​bk_library",1170 "name": "我",1171 "dialogue": "一般吧,我并不讨厌。",1172 "toindex": 1611173 },1174 161: {1175 "character": [{1176 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1177 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1178 }],1179 "background": "image/​bk_library",1180 "name": "米尔嘉",1181 "dialogue": "这样啊。‘数列智力题没有正确答案’这个说法你知道吗?",1182 "toindex": 1621183 },1184 162: {1185 "character": [{1186 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1187 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1188 }],1189 "background": "image/​bk_library",1190 "name": "我",1191 "dialogue": "什么意思呀?",1192 "toindex": 1631193 },1194 163: {1195 "character": [{1196 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1197 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1198 }],1199 "background": "image/​bk_library",1200 "name": "米尔嘉",1201 "dialogue": "比如说,你认为 1, 2, 3, 4 接下来的数字是什么?",1202 "toindex": 1641203 },1204 164: {1205 "character": [{1206 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1207 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1208 }],1209 "background": "image/​bk_library",1210 "name": "我",1211 "dialogue": "1, 2, 3, 4 接下来的数字是", /​/​ 那自然是 5 喽。1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... 这样一直继续下去喽。1212 "toindex": 164,1213 "selections": [{ "choice": "1", "toindex": "170" },1214 { "choice": "5", "toindex": "170" },1215 { "choice": "10", "toindex": "170" }1216 ]1217 },1218 170: {1219 "character": [{1220 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1221 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1222 }],1223 "background": "image/​bk_library",1224 "name": "米尔嘉",1225 "dialogue": "那可不一定哦。比如 1, 2, 3, 4 后面突然变成 10, 20, 30, 40,然后突然又增加到 100, 200, 300, 400, ... 这样的数列也是有可能的。",1226 "toindex": 1711227 },1228 171: {1229 "character": [{1230 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1231 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1232 }],1233 "background": "image/​bk_library",1234 "name": "我",1235 "dialogue": "这样的题目太狡猾了。一开始只告诉我 4 个数字,后面的数字却突然增大,这太过分了。1, 2, 3, 4 的后面突然接个 10,这种情况不可能想到啊!",1236 "toindex": 1721237 },1238 172: {1239 "character": [{1240 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1241 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1242 }],1243 "background": "image/​bk_library",1244 "name": "米尔嘉",1245 "dialogue": "是吗?如果照你这么说的话,那要看到第几个数字才算数呢?数列是无限延续的,到底要看到第几个数字才能知道剩下的数字是什么呢?",1246 "toindex": 1731247 },1248 173: {1249 "character": [{1250 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1251 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1252 }],1253 "background": "image/​bk_library",1254 "name": "我",1255 "dialogue": "原来你所说的‘数列智力题没有正确答案’就是这个意思啊。题目中提供的数字,其后面的变化可能很大,但是,1, 2, 3, 4 后面如果接一个数字 10 的话,作为题目而言太无聊了。",1256 "toindex": 1741257 },1258 174: {1259 "character": [{1260 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1261 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1262 }],1263 "background": "image/​bk_library",1264 "name": "米尔嘉",1265 "dialogue": "可是世上的事情不就是那样吗?谁都不知道接下来会发生什么。事情往往会偏离自己所预想的。对了,你知道这个数列的通项吗?",1266 "toindex": 1751267 },1268 175: {1269 "character": [{1270 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1271 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1272 }],1273 "background": "image/​bk_library",1274 "name": "米尔嘉",1275 "dialogue": "1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 8, 12, 18, 27, ...",1276 "toindex": 1761277 },1278 176: {1279 "character": [{1280 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1281 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1282 }],1283 "background": "image/​bk_library",1284 "name": "我",1285 "dialogue": "嗯,我也吃不准,似懂非懂的感觉。",1286 "toindex": 1771287 },1288 177: {1289 "character": [{1290 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1291 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1292 }],1293 "background": "image/​bk_library",1294 "name": "米尔嘉",1295 "dialogue": "看到 1, 2, 3, 4 这样的排列的话,一般会认为接下来的数字是 5,对吧?但是不对,不是 5 而是 6。这说明,如果只告诉我们一点点条件的话,我们无法发现数列的规律,真正的数列模型是一眼看不出来的。",1296 "toindex": 1781297 },1298 178: {1299 "character": [{1300 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1301 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1302 }],1303 "background": "image/​bk_library",1304 "name": "我",1305 "dialogue": "嗯。",1306 "toindex": 1791307 },1308 179: {1309 "character": [{1310 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1311 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1312 }],1313 "background": "image/​bk_library",1314 "name": "米尔嘉",1315 "dialogue": "如果看到 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9,你一定会认为接下来的数字会变大,对吧?但是不对,9 后面的数字却变小了,是 8。我们原本认为接下来的数字是逐渐变大的,但突然又峰回路转变小了。你能看出这个数列模型的规律吗?",1316 "toindex": 1801317 },1318 180: {1319 "character": [{1320 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1321 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1322 }],1323 "background": "image/​bk_library",1324 "name": "我",1325 "dialogue": "嗯,让我想想。如果去掉第一个数字 1 的话,接下来的数字都是 2 和 3 的倍数。可接下来的数字变小我却想不通了。",1326 "toindex": 1811327 },1328 181: {1329 "character": [{1330 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1331 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1332 }],1333 "background": "image/​bk_library",1334 "name": "米尔嘉",1335 "dialogue": "比如说,答案可能是这样的。\n 2^0*3^0, 2^1*3^0,2^0*3^1, 2^2*3^0,2^1*3^1,2^0*3^2, \n 2^3*3^0,2^2*3^1,2^2*3^2,2^0*3^3,...",1336 "toindex": 18101337 },1338 1810: {1339 "character": [{1340 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1341 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1342 }],1343 "background": "image/​bk_library",1344 "name": "米尔嘉",1345 "dialogue": "如果考虑 2 和 3 的指数的话,这个数列模型就逐渐浮出水面了。",1346 "toindex": 1821347 },1348 182: {1349 "character": [{1350 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1351 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1352 }],1353 "background": "image/​bk_library",1354 "name": "我",1355 "dialogue": "嗯?是吗?我不太明白呢。某数的 0 次方就是 1。但仔细一看,\n 2^0*3^0=1,2^1*3^0=2,2^0*3^1=3,... \n 题目中的数列确实也是这样的。",1356 "toindex": 1831357 },1358 183: {1359 "character": [{1360 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1361 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1362 }],1363 "background": "image/​bk_library",1364 "name": "米尔嘉",1365 "dialogue": "嗯,把这些指数写下来你也不理解吗?那么,我们这样来总结一下。",1366 "toindex": 1841367 },1368 184: {1369 "character": [{1370 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1371 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1372 }],1373 "background": "image/​bk_library",1374 "name": "米尔嘉",1375 "dialogue": "2^0*3^0,指数之和为0\n2^1*3^0,2^0*3^1,指数之和为1\n2^2*3^0,2^1*3^1,2^0*3^2,指数之和为2\n2^3*3^0,2^2*3^1,2^2*3^2,2^0*3^3,指数之和为3",1376 "toindex": 1851377 },1378 185: {1379 "character": [{1380 "body": "image/​mikaru_halfside_2",1381 "face": "image/​mikaru_halfside_exp_1"1382 }],1383 "background": "image/​bk_library",1384 "name": "我",1385 "dialogue": "原来如此。",1386 "toindex": 1861387 },1388 186: {1389 "character": [{1390 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",1391 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1392 }],1393 "background": "image/​bk_library",1394 "name": "米尔嘉",1395 "dialogue": "但是说起 2 和 3 的倍数呢……",1396 "toindex": 1871397 },1398 187: {1399 "character": [{1400 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",1401 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1402 }],1403 "background": "image/​bk_library",1404 "name": "女生A",1405 "dialogue": "练琴的时间快到了,你怎么还不出去放松一下呀?",1406 "toindex": 1881407 },1408 188: {1409 "character": [{1410 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",1411 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1412 }],1413 "background": "image/​bk_library",1414 "name": "",1415 "dialogue": "米尔嘉刚开口,图书室的入口处便传来了大吵大嚷的声音。",1416 "toindex": 1891417 },1418 189: {1419 "character": [{1420 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_2",1421 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_2"1422 }],1423 "background": "image/​bk_library",1424 "name": "米尔嘉",1425 "dialogue": "啊,我想起来了,今天是训练的日子。",1426 "toindex": 1901427 },1428 190: {1429 "character": [{1430 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",1431 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1432 }],1433 "background": "image/​bk_library",1434 "name": "",1435 "dialogue": "米尔嘉说着把铅笔还给我,朝站在入口处的女孩子走去。",1436 "toindex": 1911437 },1438 191: {1439 "character": [{1440 "body": "image/​mikaru_front_1",1441 "face": "image/​mikaru_front_exp_1"1442 }],1443 "background": "image/​bk_library",1444 "name": "米尔嘉",1445 "dialogue": "什么时候有空的话,我跟你说关于‘世界上只有两个质数’的话题。",1446 "toindex": 1921447 },1448 192: {1449 "character": [],1450 "background": "image/​bk_library",1451 "name": "",1452 "dialogue": "说完她就离开了。图书室里只剩下我一个人。",1453 "toindex": 1931454 },1455 193: {1456 "character": [],1457 "background": "image/​bk_frontgate",1458 "name": "",1459 "dialogue": "为什么世界上只有两个质数呢?",1460 "toindex": 1941461 },1462 194: {1463 "character": [],1464 "background": "image/​bk_frontgate",1465 "name": "",1466 "dialogue": "这到底是怎么回事?",1467 "toindex": 1951468 },1469 195: {1470 "character": [],1471 "background": "image/​bk_frontgate",1472 "name": "",1473 "dialogue": "end",1474 "toindex": 9991475 }...

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Source:arrayUtil.js Github


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...112 }113 }114 }115}116/​/​ const x = exchange(fromArray).fromIndex(0).toIndex(2);117/​/​ const y = exchange(fromArray).fromIndex(4).toIndex(2);118/​/​ const z = exchange(fromArray).fromIndex(4).toIndex(12);119/​/​ const a = exchange(fromArray).fromIndex(12).toIndex(11);120/​/​ const x = moveTo(fromArray).fromIndex(0).toIndex(2);121/​/​ const y = moveTo(fromArray).fromIndex(4).toIndex(2);122/​/​ const z = moveTo(fromArray).fromIndex(4).toIndex(12);123/​/​ const a = moveTo(fromArray).fromIndex(12).toIndex(11);124/​/​ console.log(x)125/​/​ console.log(y)126/​/​ console.log(z)...

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Source:Algorithms.ts Github


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1import {Comparator} from "./​Comparators";2import * as Emptys from "./​Emptys";3import {ArrayList} from "./​Iterables";4/​**5 * if value== null: not found, the index is the suitable index6 * if value !=null: found, the index is the matched value's index7 */​8export class SearchResult<E extends any> {9 value: E;10 index: number;11 constructor(index: number, value: E) {12 this.index = index;13 this.value = value;14 }15}16/​**17 * using binary search logic to search an element18 * the search scope is [fromIndex, toIndex]19 * @param sortedArray the sorted array20 * @param fromIndex21 * @param toIndex22 * @param e the value will to search23 * @param asc search from left to right if true, else search from right to left24 * @param comparator25 */​26export function binarySearch(sortedArray: ArrayList<any>, e: any, comparator: Comparator<any>, asc?: boolean, fromIndex?: number, toIndex?: number): SearchResult<any> {27 if (Emptys.isEmpty(sortedArray)) {28 return new SearchResult<any>(0, null);29 }30 if (fromIndex == null || fromIndex < 0) {31 fromIndex = 0;32 }33 if (toIndex == null || toIndex >= sortedArray.size()) {34 toIndex = sortedArray.size() - 1;35 }36 asc = asc == null || asc;37 if (asc) {38 /​/​ compare the first of current scope39 let cFirst =, sortedArray.get(fromIndex));40 if (cFirst <= 0) {41 return new SearchResult<any>(fromIndex, cFirst == 0 ? sortedArray.get(fromIndex) : null);42 }43 if (fromIndex == toIndex) {44 return new SearchResult<any>(toIndex + 1, null);45 }46 /​/​ compare the last of current scope47 let cLast =, sortedArray.get(toIndex));48 if (cLast >= 0) {49 return new SearchResult<any>(cLast == 0 ? toIndex : (toIndex + 1), cLast == 0 ? sortedArray.get(toIndex) : null);50 }51 if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {52 /​/​ has no middle element53 return new SearchResult<any>(toIndex, null);54 }55 } else {56 /​/​ compare the last of current scope57 let cLast =, sortedArray.get(toIndex));58 if (cLast >= 0) {59 return new SearchResult<any>(cLast == 0 ? toIndex : (toIndex + 1), cLast == 0 ? sortedArray.get(toIndex) : null);60 }61 if (fromIndex == toIndex) {62 return new SearchResult<any>(toIndex - 1, null);63 }64 /​/​ compare the first of current scope65 let cFirst =, sortedArray.get(fromIndex));66 if (cFirst <= 0) {67 return new SearchResult<any>(fromIndex, cFirst == 0 ? sortedArray.get(fromIndex) : null);68 }69 if (toIndex - fromIndex == 1) {70 /​/​ has no middle element71 return new SearchResult<any>(toIndex, null);72 }73 }74 /​/​ compare the middle of current scope75 let middleIndex = Math.floor((fromIndex + toIndex + 1) /​ 2);76 let cMiddle =, sortedArray.get(middleIndex));77 if (cMiddle == 0) {78 return new SearchResult<any>(middleIndex, sortedArray.get(middleIndex));79 }80 if (cMiddle < 0) {81 /​/​ go to the left82 if (fromIndex + 1 >= middleIndex) {83 /​/​ end84 return new SearchResult<any>(middleIndex, null);85 }86 return binarySearch(sortedArray, e, comparator, asc, fromIndex + 1, middleIndex - 1);87 } else {88 /​/​ go to the right89 if (toIndex - 1 <= middleIndex) {90 /​/​ end91 return new SearchResult<any>(middleIndex + 1, null);92 }93 return binarySearch(sortedArray, e, comparator, asc, middleIndex + 1, toIndex - 1);94 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require("fast-check");2const toIndex = (array, index) => {3 if (index < 0) {4 return array[array.length + index];5 }6 return array[index];7};8const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];9const index = 0;10const result = toIndex(array, index);11console.log(resu

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toIndex } = require('@fast-check/​monorepo');2const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];3for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {4 console.log(toIndex(array, i));5}6const { indexOf } = require('@fast-check/​monorepo');7const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];8for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {9 console.log(indexOf(array, i));10}11const { lastIndexOf } = require('@fast-check/​monorepo');12const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];13for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {14 console.log(lastIndexOf(array, i));15}16const { valueAt } = require('@fast-check/​monorepo');17const array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];18for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {19 console.log(valueAt(array, i));20}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const toIndex = require('fast-check-monorepo').toIndex;3const array = [1, 2, 3];4const index = toIndex(array);5const fc = require('fast-check');6const toIndex = require('fast-check').toIndex;7const array = [1, 2, 3];8const index = toIndex(array);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require("fast-check");2const { toIndex } = require("fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​toIndex");3const { nat } = require("fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​NumericArbitrary");4const { convertToNext } = require("fast-check/​lib/​check/​arbitrary/​definition/​Converters");5const { NextValue } = require("fast-check/​lib/​check/​model/​NextValue");6const n = 10;7const max = 100;8const arb = convertToNext(nat(max));9const index = toIndex(arb, n);10for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {11 const value = index.generate();12 console.log(value);13}14function toIndex(arb, size) {15 return new NextValue(arb.generate(new Random(42), size));16}17generate(mrng, biasFactor) {18 return this.generate(mrng, biasFactor);19}20generate(mrng, biasFactor) {21 return this.generate(mrng, biasFactor);22}23generate(mrng, biasFactor) {24 return this.generate(mrng, biasFactor);25}26generate(mrng, biasFactor) {27 return this.generate(mrng, biasFactor);28}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toIndex } = require('fast-check-monorepo')2const index = toIndex('Hello World')3console.log(index)4{5 "dependencies": {6 }7}8const { toIndex } = require('fast-check-monorepo')9const index = toIndex('Hello World')10console.log(index)11{12 "dependencies": {13 }14}15const { toIndex } = require('fast-check-monorepo')16const index = toIndex('Hello World')17console.log(index)18{19 "dependencies": {20 }21}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { toIndex } = require('fast-check');2const myArray = [1,2,3,4,5];3const myIndex = toIndex(myArray);4const { toIndex } = require('fast-check');5const myArray = [1,2,3,4,5];6const myIndex = toIndex(myArray);7const { toIndex } = require('fast-check');8const myArray = [1,2,3,4,5];9const myIndex = toIndex(myArray);10const { toIndex } = require('fast-check');11const myArray = [1,2,3,4,5];12const myIndex = toIndex(myArray);13const { toIndex } = require('fast-check');14const myArray = [1,2,3,4,5];15const myIndex = toIndex(myArray);16const { toIndex } = require('fast-check');

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