How to use stringifiedValue method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:BigDecimal.ts Github


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1export default class BigDecimal {2 // to preserve trailing zeroes in exponent, 'value' should be of String type3 constructor(value: any) {4 var originalValue: string = value.toString().trim();5 if (!value.toString().includes('e')) {6 // simplified parsing that allows to preserve exponent precision (e.g. 0.2000 instead of 0.2)7 value = value.toString().trim().split('.');8 if (value.length > 1) {9 this.scale = value[1].length;10 this.intCompact = parseInt(value[0].concat(value[1]));11 } else {12 this.scale = 0;13 this.intCompact = parseInt(value[0]);14 }15 } else {16 // for scientific notation; saving exponent precision is not possible here17 value = parseFloat(value).toString().trim().split('e');18 var base: string = value[0];19 var exponent: number = 0;20 if (value.length > 1) {21 exponent = parseInt(value[1]);22 }23 value = base.toString().split('.');24 if (value.length > 1) {25 this.scale = value[1].length - exponent;26 this.intCompact = parseInt(value[0].concat(value[1]));27 } else {28 this.scale = -exponent;29 this.intCompact = parseInt(value[0]);30 }31 }32 this.precision = this.calculateIntegerLength();33 this.stringifiedValue = this.stringifyIntCompact(originalValue);34 }35 intCompact: number;36 precision: number;37 scale: number;38 stringifiedValue: string;39 calculateIntegerLength(): number {40 var value: number = Math.abs(this.intCompact);41 if (value == 0) {42 return 1;43 }44 return Math.floor(Math.log10(value)) + 1;45 }46 calculateExponentLength(value: number): number {47 value = Math.abs(value);48 var e: number = 1;49 while ((Math.round(value * e) / e) !== value) {50 e *= 10;51 }52 return Math.round(Math.log(e) / Math.LN10);53 }54 signum(): number {55 var intCompact = this.intCompact;56 return intCompact > 0 ? 1 : 1 / intCompact == 1 / +0 ? 0 : -1;57 }58 negate(): BigDecimal {59 this.intCompact = -this.intCompact;60 return this;61 }62 shiftLeft(amount: number): BigDecimal {63 var stringifiedValue: string = this.stringifiedValue;64 var stringifiedInt: string = this.getStringifiedInt();65 var stringifiedRemainder: string = this.getStringifiedRemainder();66 var pointIndex: number = this.getActualIntegerLength() - amount;67 if (amount == 0) {68 } else if (pointIndex == 0) {69 stringifiedValue = "0".concat(stringifiedInt, stringifiedRemainder);70 } else if (pointIndex > 0) {71 stringifiedValue = stringifiedInt.slice(0, pointIndex).concat(".", stringifiedInt.slice(pointIndex), stringifiedRemainder);72 } else {73 var additionalZeroes: string = "";74 for (var i: number = pointIndex; i < 0; i++) {75 additionalZeroes = additionalZeroes.concat("0");76 }77 stringifiedValue = "0".concat(additionalZeroes, stringifiedInt, stringifiedRemainder);78 }79 return new BigDecimal(stringifiedValue);80 }81 integer(): BigDecimal {82 return new BigDecimal(this.getStringifiedInt());83 }84 remainder(): BigDecimal {85 return new BigDecimal('0.'.concat(this.getStringifiedRemainder()));86 }87 getActualExponentLength(): number {88 return this.getStringifiedRemainder().length;89 }90 getActualIntegerLength(): number {91 return this.getStringifiedInt().length;92 }93 removeExponent(removeTrailingZero?: boolean): BigDecimal {94 var stringifiedRemainder: string = this.getStringifiedRemainder();95 if (removeTrailingZero) {96 if (stringifiedRemainder[stringifiedRemainder.length - 1] == '0') {97 stringifiedRemainder = stringifiedRemainder.slice(0, -1);98 }99 }100 return new BigDecimal(stringifiedRemainder);101 }102 getIntCompact(): number {103 return this.intCompact;104 }105 stringifyIntCompact(value: any): string {106 var stringifiedValue: any = value.toString();107 if (stringifiedValue.charCodeAt(0) == 45) {108 stringifiedValue = stringifiedValue.slice(1);109 }110 var scale: number = 0;111 // scientific notation112 if (stringifiedValue.includes('e')) {113 stringifiedValue = stringifiedValue.split('e');114 scale -= parseInt(stringifiedValue[1]);115 stringifiedValue = stringifiedValue[0];116 }117 if (stringifiedValue.includes('.')) {118 stringifiedValue = stringifiedValue.split('.');119 scale = parseInt(stringifiedValue[1].length) + scale;120 stringifiedValue = stringifiedValue[0].concat(stringifiedValue[1]);121 }122 if (scale < 0) {123 for (var i: number = 0; i > scale; i--) {124 stringifiedValue = stringifiedValue.concat('0');125 }126 stringifiedValue = stringifiedValue.concat('.0');127 } else if (scale == 0) {128 stringifiedValue = stringifiedValue.concat('.0');129 } else {130 var precision: number = stringifiedValue.length;131 scale = precision - scale;132 if (scale > 0) {133 var integerPart: string = stringifiedValue.slice(0, scale);134 var decimalPart: string = stringifiedValue.slice(scale);135 stringifiedValue = integerPart.concat('.').concat(decimalPart);136 } else {137 for (var i: number = 0; i > scale; i--) {138 stringifiedValue = '0'.concat(stringifiedValue);139 }140 stringifiedValue = '0.'.concat(stringifiedValue);141 }142 }143 return stringifiedValue;144 }145 toPlainString(): string {146 var delimeter: number = this.precision - this.scale;147 var valStr: string = this.intCompact.toString();148 var integer: string = valStr.slice(0, delimeter);149 var remainder: string = valStr.slice(delimeter);150 return integer.concat('.').concat(remainder);151 }152 getActualInt(): number {153 return parseInt(this.getStringifiedInt());154 }155 getStringifiedInt(): string {156 return this.stringifiedValue.split('.')[0];157 }158 getStringifiedRemainder(): string {159 return this.stringifiedValue.split('.')[1];160 }...

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Source:Output.js Github


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1import React from "react";2import PropTypes from "prop-types";3import { connect } from "react-redux";4import styled from "@emotion/styled";5import {6 stringifySpeed,7 stringifyPace,8 stringifyTime,9 stringifyDistance10} from "utils";11import { PACE, SPEED, TIME, DISTANCE } from "state/constants";12import { getFieldValue, getTotalField } from "state/selectors";13import { UnitStyle } from "styles";14const Output = ({ segmentId = null, type, content }) => {15 let stringifiedValue = null;16 let label = null;17 let unit = null;18 switch (type) {19 case SPEED.type:20 stringifiedValue = stringifySpeed(content);21 label = SPEED.label;22 unit = SPEED.unit;23 break;24 case PACE.type:25 stringifiedValue = stringifyPace(content);26 label = PACE.label;27 unit = PACE.unit;28 break;29 case TIME.type:30 stringifiedValue = stringifyTime(content);31 label = TIME.label;32 unit = TIME.unit;33 break;34 case DISTANCE.type:35 stringifiedValue = stringifyDistance(content);36 label = DISTANCE.label;37 unit = DISTANCE.unit;38 break;39 default:40 stringifiedValue = content;41 }42 return (43 <Container>44 <Box>45 <Label>{label}</Label>46 <Result>47 <Value>{stringifiedValue}</Value>48 {!(type === TIME.type) && <Unit> {unit}</Unit>}49 </Result>50 </Box>51 </Container>52 );53};54Output.propTypes = {55 segmentId: PropTypes.number,56 type: PropTypes.oneOf([TIME.type, SPEED.type, PACE.type, DISTANCE.type]),57 content: PropTypes.oneOfType([58 PropTypes.number,59 PropTypes.exact({60 min: PropTypes.number,61 sec: PropTypes.number62 }),63 PropTypes.exact({64 h: PropTypes.number,65 min: PropTypes.number,66 sec: PropTypes.number67 })68 ])69};70const Container = styled.div`71 display: flex;72 margin: auto 1em auto 0;73 flex: auto;74`;75const Box = styled.div`76 display: flex;77 flex-direction: column;78 margin: auto;79`;80const Label = styled.span`81 color: ${({ theme }) => theme.color.secondary};82 text-transform: uppercase;83 font-size: 0.75em;84 font-family: "Spartan", sans-serif;85`;86const Result = styled.div`87 white-space: nowrap;88`;89const Value = styled.span`90 color: ${({ theme }) => theme.color.lightGrey};91 font-weight: 700;92 font-size: 1.2em;93`;94const Unit = styled.span`95 ${({ theme }) => UnitStyle(theme)}96`;97function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {98 return {99 content:100 typeof ownProps.segmentId === "number"101 ? getFieldValue(state, ownProps.segmentId, ownProps.type)102 : getTotalField(state, ownProps.type).value103 };104}...

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Source:property-parsing-test.js Github


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1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be3// found in the LICENSE file.4// testharness.js and testharnessreport.js need to be included first5// Properties should be given in camelCase format6function convert_to_dashes(property) {7 return property.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(letter) {8 return "-" + letter.toLowerCase();9 });10}11function assert_valid_value(property, value, serializedValue) {12 if (arguments.length != 3)13 serializedValue = value;14 stringifiedValue = JSON.stringify(value);15 test(function(){16 assert_true(CSS.supports(convert_to_dashes(property), value));17 }, "CSS.supports('" + property + "', " + stringifiedValue + ") should return true");18 test(function(){19 var div = document.createElement('div');20[property] = value;21 assert_not_equals([property], "");22 }, "['" + property + "'] = " + stringifiedValue + " should set the value");23 test(function(){24 var div = document.createElement('div');25[property] = value;26 var readValue =[property];27 assert_equals(readValue, serializedValue);28[property] = readValue;29 assert_equals([property], readValue);30 }, "Serialization should round-trip after setting['" + property + "'] = " + stringifiedValue);31}32function assert_invalid_value(property, value) {33 stringifiedValue = JSON.stringify(value);34 test(function(){35 assert_false(CSS.supports(convert_to_dashes(property), value));36 }, "CSS.supports('" + property + "', " + stringifiedValue + ") should return false");37 test(function(){38 var div = document.createElement('div');39[property] = value;40 assert_equals([property], "");41 }, "['" + property + "'] = " + stringifiedValue + " should not set the value");...

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Source:parsing-testcommon.js Github


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1'use strict';2function test_valid_value(property, value, serializedValue) {3 if (arguments.length < 3)4 serializedValue = value;5 var stringifiedValue = JSON.stringify(value);6 test(function(){7 var div = document.createElement('div');8[property] = value;9 assert_not_equals([property], "");10 }, "['" + property + "'] = " + stringifiedValue + " should set the property value");11 test(function(){12 var div = document.createElement('div');13[property] = value;14 var readValue =[property];15 assert_equals(readValue, serializedValue);16[property] = readValue;17 assert_equals([property], readValue);18 }, "Serialization should round-trip after setting['" + property + "'] = " + stringifiedValue);19}20function test_invalid_value(property, value) {21 var stringifiedValue = JSON.stringify(value);22 test(function(){23 var div = document.createElement('div');24[property] = value;25 assert_equals([property], "");26 }, "['" + property + "'] = " + stringifiedValue + " should not set the property value");...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { stringifiedValue } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/ArbitraryRunner');3const arb = fc.integer(0, 100);4const value = arb.generate(fc.random(42));5console.log(stringifiedValue(value));6const fc = require('fast-check');7const { stringifiedValue } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/ArbitraryRunner');8const arb = fc.integer(0, 100);9const value = arb.generate(fc.random(42));10console.log(stringifiedValue(value));11Your name to display (optional):12Your name to display (optional):13const fc = require('fast-check');14const { stringifiedValue } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/ArbitraryRunner');15const arb = fc.integer(0, 100);16const value = arb.generate(fc.random(42));17console.log(stringifiedValue(value));18const fc = require('fast-check');19const { stringifiedValue } = require('fast-check/lib/check/runner/ArbitraryRunner');20const arb = fc.integer(0, 100);21const value = arb.generate(fc.random(42));22console.log(stringifiedValue(value));23const fc = require('fast-check');24Your name to display (optional):

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {stringifiedValue} = require('fast-check');2const {string} = require('fast-check');3const {property} = require('fast-check');4const isString = (value) => {5 return typeof value === 'string';6};7property(string(), (value) => {8 return isString(value);9}).afterFailure((err, value) => {10 console.log('value: ' + stringifiedValue(value));11}).check();12const {stringifiedValue} = require('fast-check');13const {string} = require('fast-check');14const {property} = require('fast-check');15const isString = (value) => {16 return typeof value === 'string';17};18property(string(), (value) => {19 return isString(value);20}).afterFailure((err, value) => {21 console.log('value: ' + stringifiedValue(value));22}).check();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { ExecutionPath } = require('fast-check');2const path = new ExecutionPath();3path.record(1);4path.record(2);5path.record(3);6path.record(4);7path.record(5);8console.log(path.stringifiedValue());9const { ExecutionPath } = require('fast-check');10const path = new ExecutionPath();11path.record(1);12path.record(2);13path.record(3);14path.record(4);15path.record(5);16console.log(path.stringifiedValue());17const { ExecutionPath } = require('fast-check');18const path = new ExecutionPath();19path.record(1);20path.record(2);21path.record(3);22path.record(4);23path.record(5);24console.log(path.stringifiedValue());25const { ExecutionPath } = require('fast-check');26const path = new ExecutionPath();27path.record(1);28path.record(2);29path.record(3);30path.record(4);31path.record(5);32console.log(path.stringifiedValue());33const { ExecutionPath } = require('fast-check');34const path = new ExecutionPath();35path.record(1);36path.record(2);37path.record(3);38path.record(4);39path.record(5);40console.log(path.stringifiedValue());

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { stringifiedValue } from 'fast-check'2const fc = require('fast-check')3const arb = fc.integer()4fc.assert(, (num) => {5 const str = stringifiedValue(num)6 return str === num.toString()7}))8import { stringifiedValue } from 'fast-check'9const fc = require('fast-check')10const arb = fc.integer()11fc.assert(, (num) => {12 const str = stringifiedValue(num)13 return str === num.toString()14}))15import { stringifiedValue } from 'fast-check'16const fc = require('fast-check')17const arb = fc.integer()18fc.assert(, (num) => {19 const str = stringifiedValue(num)20 return str === num.toString()21}))22import { stringifiedValue } from 'fast-check'23const fc = require('fast-check')24const arb = fc.integer()25fc.assert(, (num) => {26 const str = stringifiedValue(num)27 return str === num.toString()28}))29import { stringifiedValue } from 'fast-check'30const fc = require('fast-check')31const arb = fc.integer()32fc.assert(, (num) => {33 const str = stringifiedValue(num)34 return str === num.toString()35}))36import { stringifiedValue } from 'fast-check'37const fc = require('fast-check')38const arb = fc.integer()39fc.assert(, (num) => {40 const str = stringifiedValue(num)41 return str === num.toString()42}))43import { stringifiedValue } from 'fast-check'44const fc = require('fast-check')45const arb = fc.integer()46fc.assert(, (num) => {47 const str = stringifiedValue(num)48 return str === num.toString()49}))

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { string } from 'fast-check';2const arb = string();3console.log(arb.stringifyValue('foo'));4import { string } from 'fast-check';5const arb = string();6console.log(arb.stringify('foo'));7import { string } from 'fast-check';8const arb = string();9console.log(arb.stringify(123));10import { string } from 'fast-check';11const arb = string();12console.log(arb.stringify({foo: 'bar'}));13import { string } from 'fast-check';14const arb = string();15console.log(arb.stringify([1,2,3]));16import { string } from 'fast-check';17const arb = string();18console.log(arb.stringify(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']));19import { string } from 'fast-check';20const arb = string();21console.log(arb.stringify([1, 'foo', 2, 'bar', 3, 'baz']));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const {stringifiedValue} = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const arb = fc.array(fc.integer(0, 10));4const sample = arb.sample();5console.log(stringifiedValue(sample));6const fc = require('fast-check');7const {stringify} = require('fast-check-monorepo');8const arb = fc.array(fc.integer(0, 10));9const sample = arb.sample();10console.log(stringify(sample));11const fc = require('fast-check');12const {stringify} = require('fast-check-monorepo');13const arb = fc.array(fc.integer(0, 10));14const sample = arb.sample();15console.log(stringify(sample, 3));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require("fast-check");2function stringifyValue(value) {3 return JSON.stringify(value);4}5function parseValue(stringifiedValue) {6 return JSON.parse(stringifiedValue);7}8function roundTrip(value) {9 return parseValue(stringifyValue(value));10}11function check(value) {12 return value === roundTrip(value);13}14function checkAndRoundTrip(value) {15 return [check(value), roundTrip(value)];16}17function checkAndRoundTripAndStringify(value) {18 return [check(value), roundTrip(value), stringifyValue(roundTrip(value))];19}20function checkAndRoundTripAndStringifyAndParse(value) {21 check(value),22 roundTrip(value),23 stringifyValue(roundTrip(value)),24 parseValue(stringifyValue(roundTrip(value)))25 ];26}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { stringifiedValue } = require('fast-check')2const { test2 } = require('./test2')3const test3 = stringifiedValue(test2)4console.log(test3)5const { stringifiedValue } = require('fast-check')6const { test2 } = require('./test2')7const test4 = stringifiedValue(test2)8console.log(test4)9const { stringifiedValue } = require('fast-check')10const { test2 } = require('./test2')11const test5 = stringifiedValue(test2)12console.log(test5)13const { stringifiedValue } = require('fast-check')14const {

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