How to use seedsOutsideRangeArb method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:QualifiedParameters.spec.ts Github


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1import * as fc from 'fast-check';2import * as prand from 'pure-rand';3import { QualifiedParameters } from '../../../../../src/check/runner/configuration/QualifiedParameters';4import { RandomType } from '../../../../../src/check/runner/configuration/RandomType';5import { VerbosityLevel } from '../../../../../src/check/runner/configuration/VerbosityLevel';6const parametersArbitrary = fc.record(7 {8 seed: fc.integer(),9 randomType: fc.constantFrom(10 prand.mersenne,11 prand.congruential,12 prand.congruential32,13 prand.xorshift128plus,14 prand.xoroshiro128plus15 ),16 numRuns: fc.nat(),17 maxSkipsPerRun: fc.nat(),18 timeout: fc.nat(),19 skipAllAfterTimeLimit: fc.nat(),20 interruptAfterTimeLimit: fc.nat(),21 markInterruptAsFailure: fc.boolean(),22 skipEqualValues: fc.boolean(),23 ignoreEqualValues: fc.boolean(),24 path: fc.array(fc.nat()).map((arr) => arr.join(':')),25 logger: fc.func(fc.constant(undefined)),26 unbiased: fc.boolean(),27 verbose: fc.constantFrom(VerbosityLevel.None, VerbosityLevel.Verbose, VerbosityLevel.VeryVerbose),28 examples: fc.array(fc.nat()),29 endOnFailure: fc.boolean(),30 reporter: fc.func(fc.constant(undefined)),31 asyncReporter: fc.func(fc.constant(Promise.resolve(undefined))),32 errorWithCause: fc.boolean(),33 },34 { requiredKeys: [] }35);36const hardCodedRandomType = fc.constantFrom(37 'mersenne',38 'congruential',39 'congruential32',40 'xorshift128plus',41 'xoroshiro128plus'42) as fc.Arbitrary<RandomType>;43describe('QualifiedParameters', () => {44 describe('read', () => {45 it('Should forward as-is values already set in Parameters', () =>46 fc.assert(47, (params) => {48 const qualifiedParams =;49 for (const key of Object.keys(params)) {50 expect(qualifiedParams).toHaveProperty(key);51 expect((qualifiedParams as any)[key]).toEqual((params as any)[key]);52 }53 })54 ));55 it('Should transform verbose boolean to its corresponding VerbosityLevel', () =>56 fc.assert(57, fc.boolean(), (params, verbose) => {58 const expectedVerbosityLevel = verbose ? VerbosityLevel.Verbose : VerbosityLevel.None;59 const qparams ={ ...params, verbose });60 return qparams.verbose === expectedVerbosityLevel;61 })62 ));63 it('Should transform correctly hardcoded randomType', () =>64 fc.assert(65, hardCodedRandomType, (params, randomType) => {66 const qparams ={ ...params, randomType });67 return qparams.randomType === prand[randomType];68 })69 ));70 it('Should throw on invalid randomType', () =>71 fc.assert(72, (params) => {73 expect(() =>{ ...params, randomType: 'invalid' as RandomType })).toThrowError();74 })75 ));76 describe('Seeds outside of 32 bits range', () => {77 const seedsOutsideRangeArb = fc.oneof(78 fc.double(),79 fc.double({ min: Number.MIN_VALUE, max: Number.MAX_VALUE }),80 fc.integer({ min: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, max: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER }),81 fc.constantFrom(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Number.NaN)82 );83 it('Should produce 32 bits signed seed', () =>84 fc.assert(85, (unsafeSeed) => {86 const qparams ={ seed: unsafeSeed });87 return (qparams.seed | 0) === qparams.seed;88 })89 ));90 it('Should produce the same seed given the same input', () =>91 fc.assert(92, (unsafeSeed) => {93 const qparams1 ={ seed: unsafeSeed });94 const qparams2 ={ seed: unsafeSeed });95 return qparams1.seed === qparams2.seed;96 })97 ));98 it('Should transform distinct values between 0 and 1 into distinct seeds', () =>99 fc.assert(100 fc.double({ min: 0, max: 1 - Number.EPSILON }),102 fc.double({ min: 0, max: 1 - Number.EPSILON }),103 (unsafeSeed1, unsafeSeed2) => {104 fc.pre(Math.abs(unsafeSeed1 * 0xffffffff - unsafeSeed2 * 0xffffffff) >= 1);105 const qparams1 ={ seed: unsafeSeed1 });106 const qparams2 ={ seed: unsafeSeed2 });107 return qparams1.seed !== qparams2.seed;108 }109 )110 ));111 it('Should truncate integer values into a 32 signed bits seed', () =>112 fc.assert(113{ min: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, max: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER }), (unsafeSeed) => {114 const qparams ={ seed: unsafeSeed });115 return qparams.seed === (unsafeSeed | 0);116 })117 ));118 });119 });...

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1import { seedsOutsideRangeArb } from 'fast-check';2describe('seedsOutsideRangeArb', () => {3 it('should return seeds outside the range', () => {4 const seeds = seedsOutsideRangeArb(0, 100);5 expect(seeds)'array');6 expect(seeds).to.have.lengthOf(2);7 expect(seeds[0])'number');8 expect(seeds[1])'number');9 expect(seeds[0]), 100);10 expect(seeds[1]), 100);11 });12});13"dependencies": {14}

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1const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check');3const seeds = seedsOutsideRangeArb(0, 1000);4const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');5const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check');6const seeds = seedsOutsideRangeArb(0, 1000);7const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check');9const seeds = seedsOutsideRangeArb(0, 1000);10const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');11const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check');12const seeds = seedsOutsideRangeArb(0, 1000);13const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check');15const seeds = seedsOutsideRangeArb(0, 1000);16const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');

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1const {seedsOutsideRangeArb} = require("fast-check-monorepo");2const {property} = require("fast-check");3const {assert} = require("chai");4describe("seedsOutsideRangeArb", () => {5 it("should return seeds outside the range", () => {6 property(seedsOutsideRangeArb, (seed) => {7 assert.isAbove(seed, 0);8 assert.isBelow(seed, 100);9 });10 });11});12{13 "scripts": {14 },15 "dependencies": {16 }17}18module.exports = {19};20module.exports = {21};

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1{2 "devDependencies": {3 }4}5{6 "devDependencies": {7 }8}9{10 "devDependencies": {11 }12}13{14 "devDependencies": {15 }16}17{18 "devDependencies": {19 }20}21{22 "devDependencies": {23 }24}25{26 "devDependencies": {27 }28}29{30 "devDependencies": {31 }32}33{34 "devDependencies": {35 }36}37{38 "devDependencies": {39 }40}41{42 "devDependencies": {43 }44}45{46 "devDependencies": {47 }48}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const seedsOutsideRange = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRangeArb(), 1, 1000);4const fc = require('fast-check');5const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');6const seedsOutsideRange = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRangeArb(), 1, 1000);7const fc = require('fast-check');8const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');9const seedsOutsideRange = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRangeArb(), 1, 1000);10const fc = require('fast-check');11const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');12const seedsOutsideRange = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRangeArb(), 1, 1000);13const fc = require('fast-check');14const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');15const seedsOutsideRange = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRangeArb(), 1, 1000);16const fc = require('fast-check');17const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');18const seedsOutsideRange = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRangeArb(), 1, 1000);19const fc = require('fast-check');20const { seedsOutside

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1const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const fc = require('fast-check');3const { seed } = require('fast-check/lib/src/check/model/Seed');4const { seedToArray } = require('fast-check/lib/src/check/model/SeedArbitrary');5const { Random } = require('fast-check/lib/src/random/generator/Random');6const seeds = seedsOutsideRangeArb(seed(1), seed(10)).generate(fc.random());7const random = new Random(seeds[0]);8console.log(seedToArray(seeds[0]));9console.log(random.nextInt());10console.log(

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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const { seedsOutsideRange } = require('fast-check');4fc.assert(5, (seed) => {6 expect(seedsOutsideRange(seed)).toBe(true);7 })8);9fc.assert(10, (seed) => {11 expect(seedsOutsideRange(seed)).toBe(false);12 })13);14fc.assert(15, (seed) => {16 expect(seedsOutsideRange(seed)).toBe(true);17 })18);19fc.assert(20, (seed) => {21 expect(seedsOutsideRange(seed)).toBe(false);22 })23);24fc.assert(25, (seed) => {26 expect(seedsOutsideRange(seed)).toBe(true);27 })28);29fc.assert(30, (seed) => {31 expect(seedsOutsideRange(seed)).toBe(false);32 })33);34fc.assert(35, (seed) => {36 expect(seedsOutsideRange(seed)).toBe(true);37 })38);39fc.assert(40, (seed) => {41 expect(seedsOutsideRange(seed)).toBe(false);42 })43);

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1const { seedsOutsideRangeArb } = require("fast-check");2const fc = require("fast-check");3const seedsOutsideRange = seedsOutsideRangeArb(0, 100);4const seedsOutsideRangeExample = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRange, 10);5console.log(seedsOutsideRangeExample);6const seedsOutsideRangeNeg = seedsOutsideRangeArb(-100, 0);7const seedsOutsideRangeNegExample = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRangeNeg, 10);8console.log(seedsOutsideRangeNegExample);9const seedsOutsideRangeZero = seedsOutsideRangeArb(0, 0);10const seedsOutsideRangeZeroExample = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRangeZero, 10);11console.log(seedsOutsideRangeZeroExample);12const seedsOutsideRangeOne = seedsOutsideRangeArb(100, 100);13const seedsOutsideRangeOneExample = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRangeOne, 10);14console.log(seedsOutsideRangeOneExample);15const seedsOutsideRangeNegOne = seedsOutsideRangeArb(0, -100);16const seedsOutsideRangeNegOneExample = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRangeNegOne, 10);17console.log(seedsOutsideRangeNegOneExample);18const seedsOutsideRangeNegTwo = seedsOutsideRangeArb(-100, -100);19const seedsOutsideRangeNegTwoExample = fc.sample(seedsOutsideRangeNegTwo, 10);20console.log(seedsOutsideRangeNegTwoExample);

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