How to use scheduledPromise method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:ChangeHandler.js Github


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1/**2 * Tupaia3 * Copyright (c) 2017 - 2021 Beyond Essential Systems Pty Ltd4 */5import winston from 'winston';6const MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS = 3;7export class ChangeHandler {8 /**9 * A map of change translators by record type. Each translator can alter the change details that10 * are queued and scheduled for handling at a later stage, when changes stop coming through.11 *12 * @protected13 * @type {Record<string, Function>}14 */15 changeTranslators = {};16 /**17 * Wait 1 sec after changes before handling the change queue, to avoid double-up.18 * Can override in child classes to fine-tune the timing of queue handling19 *20 * @protected21 */22 debounceTime = 1000; // ms23 changeQueue = [];24 scheduledTimeout = null;25 scheduledPromise = null;26 scheduledPromiseResolve = null;27 activePromise = null;28 changeHandlerCancellers = [];29 lockKey = null;30 /**31 * @param {ModelRegistry} models32 * @param {string} lockKey33 */34 constructor(models, lockKey) {35 this.models = models;36 this.lockKey = lockKey;37 }38 setDebounceTime(debounceTime) {39 this.debounceTime = debounceTime;40 }41 /**42 * @abstract43 * @protected44 */45 // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars46 async handleChanges(transactingModels, changes) {47 throw new Error('Any subclass of ChangeHandler must implement the "handleChanges" method');48 }49 /**50 * @protected51 */52 getChangeDebuggingInfo = changes => {53 return `Change count: ${changes.length}`;54 };55 listenForChanges() {56 if (Object.values(this.changeTranslators).length === 0) {57 throw new Error('No change translators found');58 }59 this.changeHandlerCancellers = Object.entries(this.changeTranslators).map(60 ([recordType, translator]) =>61 this.models[recordType].addChangeHandler(async changeDetails => {62 // Translate changes and schedule their handling as a batch at a later stage63 const translatedChanges = await translator(changeDetails);64 this.changeQueue.push(...translatedChanges);65 return this.scheduleChangeQueueHandler();66 }),67 );68 }69 stopListeningForChanges() {70 this.changeHandlerCancellers.forEach(c => c());71 this.changeHandlerCancellers = [];72 }73 async scheduleChangeQueueHandler() {74 // wait for any active handler to finish before scheduling a new one75 await this.activePromise;76 // clear any previous scheduled handler, so that we debounce all changes in the same time period77 if (this.scheduledTimeout) {78 clearTimeout(this.scheduledTimeout);79 }80 if (!this.scheduledPromise) {81 this.scheduledPromise = new Promise(resolve => {82 this.scheduledPromiseResolve = resolve;83 });84 }85 // schedule the handler to execute after an adequate period of debouncing86 this.scheduledTimeout = setTimeout(() => {87 this.activePromise = this.executeScheduledHandler();88 }, this.debounceTime);89 return this.scheduledPromise;90 }91 executeScheduledHandler = async () => {92 // remove timeout so any changes added now get scheduled anew93 this.scheduledTimeout = null;94 this.scheduledPromise = null;95 const currentQueue = this.changeQueue;96 this.changeQueue = [];97 let success;98 for (let i = 0; i < MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS; i++) {99 success = true;100 try {101 await this.models.wrapInTransaction(async transactingModels => {102 // Acquire a database advisory lock for the transaction103 // Ensures no other server instance can execute its change handler at the same time104 await transactingModels.database.acquireAdvisoryLockForTransaction(this.lockKey);105 await this.handleChanges(transactingModels, currentQueue);106 });107 } catch (error) {108 winston.warn(109 [110 `Attempt #${i + 1} to handle change batch failed with error message:`,111 error.message,112 ].join('\n'),113 );114 success = false;115 }116 if (success) {117 break;118 }119 }120 if (!success) {121 this.logFailedChanges(currentQueue);122 }123 this.scheduledPromiseResolve();124 };125 logFailedChanges = failedChanges => {126 winston.error(127 [128 `Failed to handle change batch after trying ${MAX_RETRY_ATTEMPTS} times`,129 'Debugging info:',130 this.getChangeDebuggingInfo(failedChanges),131 ].join('\n'),132 );133 };...

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Source:scheduler.js Github


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1"use strict";2exports.__esModule = true;3exports.scheduleJob = void 0;4const _ = require(`lodash`);5const uuidv4 = require(`uuid/v4`);6const pDefer = require(`p-defer`);7const worker = require(`./worker`);8const {9 createProgress10} = require(`./utils`);11const toProcess = new Map();12let pendingImagesCounter = 0;13let completedImagesCounter = 0;14let bar; // node 8 doesn't support promise.finally, we extract this function to re-use it inside then & catch15const cleanupJob = (job, actions) => {16 if (bar) {17 bar.tick(job.task.args.operations.length);18 }19 completedImagesCounter += job.task.args.operations.length;20 if (completedImagesCounter === pendingImagesCounter) {21 if (bar) {22 bar.done();23 bar = null;24 }25 pendingImagesCounter = 0;26 completedImagesCounter = 0;27 }28 actions.endJob({29 id: job.id30 }, {31 name: `gatsby-plugin-sharp`32 });33};34const executeJobs = _.throttle(actions => {35 toProcess.forEach(job => {36 const {37 task38 } = job;39 toProcess.delete(task.inputPaths[0]);40 try {41 worker.IMAGE_PROCESSING(task.inputPaths, task.outputDir, task.args).then(() => {42 job.deferred.resolve();43 cleanupJob(job, actions);44 }).catch(err => {45 job.deferred.reject(err);46 cleanupJob(job, actions);47 });48 } catch (err) {49 job.deferred.reject(err);50 cleanupJob(job, actions);51 }52 });53}, 1000, {54 leading: false55});56const scheduleJob = async (job, actions, pluginOptions, reporter, reportStatus = true) => {57 const isQueued = toProcess.has(job.inputPath);58 let scheduledPromise;59 if (reportStatus && !bar) {60 bar = createProgress(`Generating image thumbnails`, reporter);61 bar.start();62 } // if an input image is already queued we add it to a transforms queue63 // doing different manipulations in parallel makes sharp faster.64 if (isQueued) {65 const registeredJob = toProcess.get(job.inputPath); // add the transform to the transforms list66 const operations = registeredJob.task.args.operations.concat({67 outputPath: job.outputPath,68 transforms: job.args69 });70 scheduledPromise = registeredJob.deferred.promise;71 toProcess.set(job.inputPath, Object.assign({}, registeredJob, {72 task: Object.assign({}, registeredJob.task, {73 args: Object.assign({}, registeredJob.task.args, {74 operations75 })76 })77 })); // update the job78 actions.setJob({79 id:,80 imagesCount: operations.length81 }, {82 name: `gatsby-plugin-sharp`83 });84 } else {85 const jobId = uuidv4();86 const deferred = pDefer();87 scheduledPromise = deferred.promise; // make our job compliant with new job spec88 toProcess.set(job.inputPath, {89 id: jobId,90 task: {91 inputPaths: [job.inputPath],92 outputDir: job.outputDir,93 args: {94 contentDigest: job.contentDigest,95 pluginOptions,96 operations: [{97 outputPath: job.outputPath,98 transforms: job.args99 }]100 }101 },102 deferred103 }); // create the job so gatsby waits for completion104 actions.createJob({105 id: jobId,106 description: `processing image ${job.inputPath}`,107 imagesCount: 1108 }, {109 name: `gatsby-plugin-sharp`110 });111 }112 pendingImagesCounter++;113 if (bar) {114 = pendingImagesCounter;115 }116 executeJobs(actions);117 return scheduledPromise;118};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {fc} = require('fast-check');2const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const {delay} = require('fast-check-monorepo');4const test3 = () => {5 fc.assert(6, async (i) => {7 const p = scheduledPromise(delay(1000), i);8 const result = await p;9 return result === i;10 })11 );12};13module.exports = test3;14const {fc} = require('fast-check');15const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check-monorepo');16const {delay} = require('fast-check-monorepo');17const test4 = () => {18 fc.assert(19, async (i) => {20 const p = scheduledPromise(delay(1000), i);21 const result = await p;22 return result === i;23 })24 );25};26module.exports = test4;27const {fc} = require('fast-check');28const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check-monorepo');29const {delay} = require('fast-check-monorepo');30const test5 = () => {31 fc.assert(32, async (i) => {33 const p = scheduledPromise(delay(1000), i);34 const result = await p;35 return result === i;36 })37 );38};39module.exports = test5;40const {fc} = require('fast-check');41const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check-monorepo');42const {delay} = require('fast-check-monorepo');43const test6 = () => {44 fc.assert(45, async (i) => {46 const p = scheduledPromise(delay(1000), i);47 const result = await p;48 return result === i;49 })50 );51};52module.exports = test6;53const {fc} = require('fast-check');54const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check-monorepo');55const {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check');2const myPromise = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {3 setTimeout(() => resolve('done!'), 500);4});5scheduledPromise(myPromise, {interval: 1000}).then(console.log);6const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check');7const myPromise = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {8 setTimeout(() => resolve('done!'), 500);9});10scheduledPromise(myPromise, {interval: 1000}).then(console.log);11const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check');12const myPromise = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {13 setTimeout(() => resolve('done!'), 500);14});15scheduledPromise(myPromise, {interval: 1000}).then(console.log);16const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check');17const myPromise = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {18 setTimeout(() => resolve('done!'), 500);19});20scheduledPromise(myPromise, {interval: 1000}).then(console.log);21const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check');22const myPromise = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {23 setTimeout(() => resolve('done!'), 500);24});25scheduledPromise(myPromise, {interval: 1000}).then(console.log);26const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check');27const myPromise = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {28 setTimeout(() => resolve('done!'), 500);29});30scheduledPromise(myPromise, {interval: 1000}).then(console.log);31const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { scheduledPromise } from 'fast-check';2const promise = scheduledPromise(() => {3 console.log('Hello');4 return 42;5}, 1000);6promise.then((result) => {7 console.log(result);8});9import { scheduledPromise } from 'fast-check';10const promise = scheduledPromise(() => {11 console.log('Hello');12 return 42;13}, 1000);14promise.then((result) => {15 console.log(result);16});17navigation.navigate('MyScreen');18this.props.navigation.navigate('MyScreen');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { check, property } from "fast-check";2import { scheduledPromise } from "fast-check-monorepo";3const arb = property(4 scheduledPromise(5 property(6 check(7 property(8 property((n: number) => n > 0),9 property((m: number) => m > 0),10 (n, m) => n * m11 { numRuns: 10 }12 (p) => {13 return p.then((n) => {14 expect(n).toBeGreaterThan(0);15 });16 }17);18test("scheduledPromise", () => {19 check(arb, { numRuns: 10 });20});21import { check, property } from "fast-check";22import { scheduledPromise } from "fast-check-monorepo";23const arb = property(24 scheduledPromise(25 property(26 check(27 property(28 property((n: number) => n > 0),29 property((m: number) => m > 0),30 (n, m) => n * m31 { numRuns: 10 }32 (p) => {33 return p.then((n) => {34 expect(n).toBeGreaterThan(0);35 });36 }37);38test("scheduledPromise", () => {39 check(arb, { numRuns: 10 });40});41import { check, property } from "fast-check";42import { scheduledPromise } from "fast-check-monorepo";43const arb = property(44 scheduledPromise(45 property(46 check(47 property(48 property((n: number) => n > 0),49 property((m: number) => m > 0),50 (n, m) => n * m51 { numRuns: 10 }52 (p) => {53 return p.then((n) => {54 expect(n).toBeGreaterThan(0);55 });56 }57);58test("scheduledPromise", () => {59 check(arb, { numRuns: 10 });60});

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1const fc = require("fast-check-monorepo");2function testFunction() {3 return 1;4}5fc.assert(6 fc.scheduledPromise(8 fc.integer({ min: 0, max: 1000 }),9 fc.integer({ min: 0, max: 1000 })10 (p) => p.then((r) => r >= 0 && r <= 1000)11);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { scheduler, scheduledPromise } from 'fast-check';2const p1 = scheduledPromise(() => {3 console.log('p1');4 return 1;5});6const p2 = scheduledPromise(() => {7 console.log('p2');8 return 2;9});10const p3 = scheduledPromise(() => {11 console.log('p3');12 return 3;13});14const p4 = scheduledPromise(() => {15 console.log('p4');16 return 4;17});18const p5 = scheduledPromise(() => {19 console.log('p5');20 return 5;21});22const p6 = scheduledPromise(() => {23 console.log('p6');24 return 6;25});26const p7 = scheduledPromise(() => {27 console.log('p7');28 return 7;29});30const p8 = scheduledPromise(() => {31 console.log('p8');32 return 8;33});34const p9 = scheduledPromise(() => {35 console.log('p9');36 return 9;37});38const p10 = scheduledPromise(() => {39 console.log('p10');40 return 10;41});42const p11 = scheduledPromise(() => {43 console.log('p11');44 return 11;45});46const p12 = scheduledPromise(() => {47 console.log('p12');48 return 12;49});50const p13 = scheduledPromise(() => {51 console.log('p13');52 return 13;53});54const p14 = scheduledPromise(() => {55 console.log('p14');56 return 14;57});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const {scheduledPromise} = require('fast-check-monorepo');3fc.assert(4, (i) => {5 const p = scheduledPromise(i);6 return fc.pre(i > 0) || p.then(() => false, () => true);7 }),8 { time: 500 }9);

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