How to use scheduledCommand method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:scheduledCommands.ts Github


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1import { Client, Message, TextChannel } from "discord.js"2import { getFirestore } from "firebase-admin/firestore"3import { BotCommand } from "./botCommand"4import { HandleCommandExecution } from "./util"5import { CronJob } from "cron"6import ShortUniqueID from "short-unique-id"7const uid = new ShortUniqueID({ length: 10 })8const scheduledCommandCollectionID = "scheduledCommands"9export class ScheduledCommand10{11 id: string12 commandString: string13 cronString: string14 startAt?: number15 endAt?: number16 job?: CronJob17 channelID: string18 messageID: string19 createdAt: number20}21var scheduledCommands: ScheduledCommand[] = []22export async function interpretScheduledCommandSetting(client: Client, scheduledCommand: ScheduledCommand, handleCommandExecution: HandleCommandExecution)23{24 let channel = await client.channels.fetch(scheduledCommand.channelID) as TextChannel25 let message = await channel.messages.fetch(scheduledCommand.messageID)26 createScheduledCommand(scheduledCommand.commandString, scheduledCommand.startAt, scheduledCommand.endAt, scheduledCommand.cronString, message, scheduledCommand.createdAt,, handleCommandExecution)27}28export function removeScheduledCommandSetting(scheduledCommandToDelete: ScheduledCommand)29{30 if (!scheduledCommandToDelete) { return }31 scheduledCommandToDelete.job && scheduledCommandToDelete.job.stop()32 scheduledCommands = scheduledCommands.filter((scheduledCommand) => !==}34export function getScheduleCommand(handleCommandExecutionFunction: HandleCommandExecution): BotCommand35{36 return BotCommand.fromRegex(37 "schedule", "schedules commands using cron strings",38 /^schedule\s+(?:(?:(?:create\s+)?(?:([\d\-T:\.Z,]+)\s+)?(?:([\d\-T:\.Z,]+)\s+)?"([^"]+)"\s+(.*))|(?:remove\s+(.*))|(?:list(?:\s+(\d+))?))$/, /^schedule(\s+.*)?$/,39 "schedule [create | remove | list] [start date] [end date] [\"cron string\" | schedule id] [command]",40 async (commandArguments: string[], commandMessage: Message) => {41 let scheduleAction: "create" | "remove" | "list" = commandArguments[5] != null ? "remove" : (commandArguments[3] ? "create" : "list")42 switch (scheduleAction)43 {44 case "create":45 let startDateString: string = commandArguments[1]46 let endDateString: string = commandArguments[2]47 let startDate: number48 let endDate: number49 if (!startDateString)50 {51 startDate = null52 }53 else if (!isNaN(new Date(startDateString).getTime()))54 {55 startDate = new Date(startDateString).getTime()56 }57 else58 {59 startDate = parseInt(startDateString)60 }61 if (!endDateString)62 {63 endDate = null64 }65 else if (!isNaN(new Date(endDateString).getTime()))66 {67 endDate = new Date(endDateString).getTime()68 }69 else70 {71 endDate = parseInt(endDateString)72 }73 let cronString = commandArguments[3]74 let commandString = commandArguments[4].replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "")75 let scheduledCommandID = uid()76 let newScheduledCommand = createScheduledCommand(commandString, startDate, endDate, cronString, commandMessage,, scheduledCommandID, handleCommandExecutionFunction)77 let { job: _, ...scheduledCommandForUpload } = newScheduledCommand78 getFirestore().doc(scheduledCommandCollectionID + "/" + await commandMessage.reply(":hourglass_flowing_sand: Scheduled " + scheduledCommandID)80 break81 case "remove":82 let commandIDToStop = commandArguments[5]83 let scheduledCommand = scheduledCommands.find((scheduledCommand) => === commandIDToStop)84 removeScheduledCommandSetting(scheduledCommand)85 await getFirestore().doc(scheduledCommandCollectionID + "/" + await commandMessage.reply(":hourglass: Stopped " + commandIDToStop)87 break88 case "list":89 let listPage = parseInt(commandArguments[6] ?? "1")90 let pageOn = 191 const schedulesListTitle = ":hourglass: **__Scheduled Commands__**" + " **(" + listPage + ")**"92 scheduledCommands.sort((scheduledCommand1, scheduledCommand2) => scheduledCommand1.createdAt-scheduledCommand2.createdAt)93 let schedulesListString = schedulesListTitle94 for (let scheduledCommand of scheduledCommands)95 {96 let scheduleString = "\n**" + + "**: " + (scheduledCommand.startAt ? "<t:" + Math.floor(scheduledCommand.startAt/1000) + ":f>; " : "") + (scheduledCommand.endAt ? "<t:" + Math.floor(scheduledCommand.endAt/1000) + ":f>; " : "") + "\"" + scheduledCommand.cronString + "\"; " + scheduledCommand.commandString97 if (schedulesListString.length+scheduleString.length > 2000)98 {99 if (pageOn == listPage) { break }100 schedulesListString = schedulesListTitle + scheduleString101 pageOn += 1102 }103 else104 {105 schedulesListString += scheduleString106 }107 }108 if (pageOn != listPage)109 {110 schedulesListString = schedulesListTitle111 }112 await{113 "content": schedulesListString,114 "allowedMentions": { "roles" : [] }115 })116 break117 }118 }119 )120}121function createScheduledCommand(commandString: string, startAt: number, endAt: number, cronString: string, commandMessage: Message, createdAt: number, scheduledCommandIDToAdd: string, handleCommandExecutionFunction: HandleCommandExecution): ScheduledCommand122{123 if (scheduledCommands.some(scheduledCommand => == scheduledCommandIDToAdd)) { return }124 let scheduledCommandJob = new CronJob(cronString, () => {125 if (startAt && < startAt) { return }126 if (endAt && > endAt)127 {128 let scheduledCommand = scheduledCommands.find((scheduledCommand) => === scheduledCommandIDToAdd)129 removeScheduledCommandSetting(scheduledCommand)130 getFirestore().doc(scheduledCommandCollectionID + "/" + return132 }133 handleCommandExecutionFunction(commandString, commandMessage)134 }, null, true, "America/Los_Angeles")135 let newScheduledCommand: ScheduledCommand = {id: scheduledCommandIDToAdd, commandString: commandString, startAt: startAt, endAt: endAt, cronString: cronString, job: scheduledCommandJob, channelID: commandMessage.channelId, messageID:, createdAt: createdAt}136 scheduledCommands.push(newScheduledCommand)137 return newScheduledCommand...

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Source:conversation.ts Github


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1import { v4 } from 'uuid';2import { Character } from './character';3export interface IConversationScheduledCommand {4 character: Character;5 time: number;6 command: string;7}8export class Conversation {9 id: string;10 characters: Character[];11 scheduledCommand?: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;12 subConversation?: Conversation;13 parentConversation?: Conversation;14 endConversationCallback?: (data?: unknown) => void;15 constructor(characters: Character[], endConversationCallback?: (data?: unknown) => void) {16 = v4();17 this.characters = characters;18 characters.forEach((character) => {19 character.conversation = this;20 });21 this.scheduledCommand = undefined;22 this.endConversationCallback = endConversationCallback;23 }24 scheduleCommand(command: IConversationScheduledCommand) {25 this.clearCommand();26 this.scheduledCommand = setTimeout(() => {27 this.scheduledCommand = undefined;28 command.character.sendCommand(command.command);29 }, command.time * 1000);30 }31 clearCommand() {32 if (this.scheduledCommand) {33 clearTimeout(this.scheduledCommand);34 this.scheduledCommand = undefined;35 }36 }37 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars38 handleCommand(invoker: Character, rawInput: string): boolean {39 // Override this in your conversations40 return false;41 }42 handleConversationCommand(invoker: Character, rawInput: string): boolean {43 // Probably leave this one alone44 if (this.subConversation) {45 return this.subConversation.handleConversationCommand(invoker, rawInput);46 }47 return this.handleCommand(invoker, rawInput);48 }49 startSubConversation(subConversation: Conversation) {50 this.subConversation = subConversation;51 subConversation.parentConversation = this;52 }53 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars54 returnToConversation(data?: unknown) {55 // No-op56 }57 endConversation(data?: unknown) {58 this.characters.forEach((character) => {59 character.conversation = this.parentConversation ?? undefined;60 });61 if (this.parentConversation) {62 this.parentConversation.subConversation = undefined;63 this.parentConversation.returnToConversation(data);64 } else if (this.endConversationCallback) {65 this.endConversationCallback(data);66 }67 }68 removeFromConversation(character: Character) {69 this.characters = this.characters.filter((other) => other !== character);70 character.conversation = undefined;71 }72 tick(invoker: Character, tickCounter: number): boolean {73 if (this.subConversation) {74 return this.subConversation.tick(invoker, tickCounter);75 }76 return false;77 }...

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Source:Scheduler.ts Github


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1import * as schedule from 'node-schedule'2import { Logger } from '../log'3import { Command } from './Command'4interface Timetable {5 second?: number6 minute?: number7 hour?: number8 date?: number9 month?: number10 year?: number11 dayOfWeek?: number12}13export interface ScheduledCommand {14 schedule: Timetable | string,15 command: Command,16 args: any[]17}18export class Scheduler {19 private scheduledCommands: ScheduledCommand[]20 constructor(21 private logger: Logger22 ) {}23 /**24 * Adds a new command to run on a schedule.25 *26 * Cron format.27 * * * * * * *28 * ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬29 * │ │ │ │ │ |30 * │ │ │ │ │ └ day of week (0 - 7) (0 or 7 is Sun)31 * │ │ │ │ └───── month (1 - 12)32 * │ │ │ └────────── day of month (1 - 31)33 * │ │ └─────────────── hour (0 - 23)34 * │ └──────────────────── minute (0 - 59)35 * └───────────────────────── second (0 - 59, OPTIONAL)36 */37 public schedule(schedule: Timetable | string, command: Command, args: any[]) {38 this.scheduledCommands.push({ schedule, command, args })39 }40 /**41 * Start the scheduler, will run all schedules commands at their given cron interval42 */43 public start = () => {44 this.logger.debug('Starting scheduler...')45 this.scheduledCommands.forEach(scheduledCommand => {46 schedule.scheduleJob(scheduledCommand.schedule, async () => {47`Running command: ${}`)48 try {49 await } catch (error) {51 this.logger.error(`Failed to run command: ${}. Reason: ${error.stack}`)52 }53 })54 })55 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { scheduledCommand } from 'fast-check'2describe('test', () => {3 it('should work', () => {4 fc.assert(5, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {6 })7 })8})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { scheduledCommand } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3fc.configureGlobal({4});5fc.assert(6, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {7 const command = scheduledCommand(fc.integer(), fc.integer(), (a, b) => {8 console.log(`a = ${a} b = ${b}`);9 return a + b;10 });11 return command(a,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const moment = require('moment');3const { scheduledCommand } = require('fast-check-monorepo');4const fc = require('fast-check');5const moment = require('moment');6const { scheduledCommand } = require('fast-check-monorepo');7const command = scheduledCommand({8 startTime: moment('2020-01-01 00:00:00'),9 duration: moment.duration(1, 'hour'),10 interval: moment.duration(1, 'minute'),11 command: fc.nat(),12}); => {14 console.log(value);15});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");2const { check } = require("fast-check");3const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");4const { check } = require("fast-check");5const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");6const { check } = require("fast-check");7const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");8const { check } = require("fast-check");9const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");10const { check } = require("fast-check");11const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");12const { check } = require("fast-check");13const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");14const { check } = require("fast-check");15const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");16const { check } = require("fast-check");17const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");18const { check } = require("fast-check");19const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");20const { check } = require("fast-check");21const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");22const { check } = require("fast-check");23const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");24const { check } = require("fast-check");25const { scheduleCommand } = require("fast-check-monorepo");26const { check } = require("fast-check");27const { scheduleCommand

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { scheduleCommand } = require('fast-check');2const command = scheduleCommand(1000, () => console.log('hi'));3command();4{5 "scripts": {6 }7}8François de Campredon (@dubzzz) for fast-check9François de Campredon (@dubzzz) for fast-check-monorepo

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const assert = require('assert');3const { Runner } = require('fast-check');4const arbitrary = fc.integer();5const command = fc.scheduledCommand(6 (model, command) => {7 console.log('command: ' + command);8 return model + command;9 },10 (model, command) => {11 console.log('check: ' + command);12 assert.equal(model, command);13 }14);15const runner = new Runner();, 1);

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