Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo
1describe('taSanitize', function(){2 'use strict';3 beforeEach(module('textAngular'));4 beforeEach(module('ngSanitize'));5 describe('should change all align attributes to text-align styles for HTML5 compatability', function(){6 it('should correct left align', inject(function(taSanitize){7 var safe = angular.element(taSanitize('<div align="left"></div>'));8 expect(safe.attr('align')).not.toBeDefined();9 expect(safe.css('text-align')).toBe('left');10 }));11 it('should correct right align', inject(function(taSanitize){12 var safe = angular.element(taSanitize('<div align="right"></div>'));13 expect(safe.attr('align')).not.toBeDefined();14 expect(safe.css('text-align')).toBe('right');15 }));16 it('should correct center align', inject(function(taSanitize){17 var safe = angular.element(taSanitize('<div align=\'center\'></div>'));18 expect(safe.attr('align')).not.toBeDefined();19 expect(safe.css('text-align')).toBe('center');20 }));21 it('should correct justify align', inject(function(taSanitize){22 var safe = angular.element(taSanitize('<div align=\'justify\'></div>'));23 expect(safe.attr('align')).not.toBeDefined();24 expect(safe.css('text-align')).toBe('justify');25 }));26 it('should not affect existing styles', inject(function(taSanitize){27 var safe = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: red;" align="left"></div>'));28 expect(safe.attr('align')).not.toBeDefined();29 expect(safe.css('text-align')).toBe('left');30 expect(safe.css('color')).toBe('red');31 }));32 });33 describe('if invalid HTML', function(){34 it('should return the oldsafe passed in', inject(function(taSanitize){35 var result = taSanitize('<broken><test', 'safe');36 expect(result).toBe('safe');37 }));38 it('should return an empty string if no oldsafe', inject(function(taSanitize){39 var result = taSanitize('<broken><test');40 expect(result).toBe('');41 }));42 });43 describe('clears out unnecessary 	', function(){44 it('at start both', inject(function(taSanitize){45 var result = taSanitize('<p> 	Test Test 2</p>', 'safe');46 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');47 }));48 49 it('at start ', inject(function(taSanitize){50 var result = taSanitize('<p> Test Test 2</p>', 'safe');51 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');52 }));53 54 it('at start 	', inject(function(taSanitize){55 var result = taSanitize('<p>	Test Test 2</p>', 'safe');56 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');57 }));58 59 it('at middle both', inject(function(taSanitize){60 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test 	Test 2</p>', 'safe');61 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');62 }));63 64 it('at middle ', inject(function(taSanitize){65 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test Test 2</p>', 'safe');66 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');67 }));68 69 it('at middle 	', inject(function(taSanitize){70 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test 	Test 2</p>', 'safe');71 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');72 }));73 74 it('at end both', inject(function(taSanitize){75 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test Test 2 	</p>', 'safe');76 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');77 }));78 79 it('at end ', inject(function(taSanitize){80 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test Test 2 </p>', 'safe');81 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');82 }));83 84 it('at end 	', inject(function(taSanitize){85 var result = taSanitize('<p>Test Test 2	</p>', 'safe');86 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');87 }));88 89 it('combination', inject(function(taSanitize){90 var result = taSanitize('<p> Test 	Test 2 	</p>', 'safe');91 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p>');92 }));93 94 it('leaves them inbetween <pre> tags', inject(function(taSanitize){95 var result = taSanitize('<pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>', 'safe');96 expect(result).toBe('<pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>');97 }));98 99 it('correctly handles a mixture', inject(function(taSanitize){100 var result = taSanitize('<p> Test 	Test 2 	</p><pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>', 'safe');101 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p><pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>');102 }));103 104 it('correctly handles more than one pre-tag', inject(function(taSanitize){105 var result = taSanitize('<p> Test 	Test 2 	</p><pre>	Test 	Test 1 	</pre><p> Test 	Test 2 	</p><pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>', 'safe');106 expect(result).toBe('<p>Test Test 2</p><pre>	Test 	Test 1 	</pre><p>Test Test 2</p><pre>	Test 	Test 2 	</pre>');107 }));108 });109 describe('only certain style attributes are allowed', function(){110 describe('validated color attribute', function(){111 it('name', inject(function(taSanitize){112 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: blue;"></div>'));113 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: blue;');114 }));115 it('hex value', inject(function(taSanitize){116 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: #000000;"></div>'));117 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: #000000;');118 }));119 it('rgba', inject(function(taSanitize){120 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.5);"></div>'));121 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.5);');122 }));123 it('rgb', inject(function(taSanitize){124 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: rgb(20, 20, 20);"></div>'));125 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: rgb(20, 20, 20);');126 }));127 it('hsl', inject(function(taSanitize){128 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: hsl(20, 20%, 20%);"></div>'));129 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: hsl(20, 20%, 20%);');130 }));131 it('hlsa', inject(function(taSanitize){132 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="color: hsla(20, 20%, 20%, 0.5);"></div>'));133 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('color: hsla(20, 20%, 20%, 0.5);');134 }));135 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){136 var result = taSanitize('<div style="color: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');137 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');138 }));139 });140 describe('validated background-color attribute', function(){141 it('name', inject(function(taSanitize){142 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: blue;"></div>'));143 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: blue;');144 }));145 it('hex value', inject(function(taSanitize){146 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: #000000;"></div>'));147 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: #000000;');148 }));149 it('rgba', inject(function(taSanitize){150 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.5);"></div>'));151 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.5);');152 }));153 it('rgb', inject(function(taSanitize){154 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: rgb(20, 20, 20);"></div>'));155 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: rgb(20, 20, 20);');156 }));157 it('hsl', inject(function(taSanitize){158 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: hsl(20, 20%, 20%);"></div>'));159 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: hsl(20, 20%, 20%);');160 }));161 it('hlsa', inject(function(taSanitize){162 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="background-color: hsla(20, 20%, 20%, 0.5);"></div>'));163 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('background-color: hsla(20, 20%, 20%, 0.5);');164 }));165 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){166 var result = taSanitize('<div style="background-color: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');167 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');168 }));169 });170 describe('validated text-align attribute', function(){171 it('left', inject(function(taSanitize){172 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="text-align: left;"></div>'));173 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('text-align: left;');174 }));175 it('right', inject(function(taSanitize){176 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="text-align: right;"></div>'));177 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('text-align: right;');178 }));179 it('center', inject(function(taSanitize){180 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="text-align: center;"></div>'));181 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('text-align: center;');182 }));183 it('justify', inject(function(taSanitize){184 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="text-align: justify;"></div>'));185 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('text-align: justify;');186 }));187 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){188 var result = taSanitize('<div style="text-align: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');189 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');190 }));191 });192 describe('validated float attribute', function(){193 it('left', inject(function(taSanitize){194 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="float: left;"></div>'));195 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('float: left;');196 }));197 it('right', inject(function(taSanitize){198 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="float: right;"></div>'));199 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('float: right;');200 }));201 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){202 var result = taSanitize('<div style="float: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');203 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');204 }));205 });206 describe('validated height attribute', function(){207 it('px', inject(function(taSanitize){208 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="height: 100px;"></div>'));209 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('height: 100px;');210 }));211 it('px', inject(function(taSanitize){212 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="height: 100%;"></div>'));213 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('height: 100%;');214 }));215 it('em', inject(function(taSanitize){216 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="height: 100em;"></div>'));217 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('height: 100em;');218 }));219 it('rem', inject(function(taSanitize){220 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="height: 100rem;"></div>'));221 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('height: 100rem;');222 }));223 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){224 var result = taSanitize('<div style="height: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');225 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');226 }));227 });228 describe('validated width attribute', function(){229 it('px', inject(function(taSanitize){230 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="width: 100px;"></div>'));231 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('width: 100px;');232 }));233 it('px', inject(function(taSanitize){234 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="width: 100%;"></div>'));235 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('width: 100%;');236 }));237 it('em', inject(function(taSanitize){238 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="width: 100em;"></div>'));239 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('width: 100em;');240 }));241 it('rem', inject(function(taSanitize){242 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="width: 100rem;"></div>'));243 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('width: 100rem;');244 }));245 it('bad value not accepted', inject(function(taSanitize){246 var result = taSanitize('<div style="width: execute(alert(\'test\'));"></div>');247 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');248 }));249 });250 describe('un-validated are removed', function(){251 it('removes non whitelisted values', inject(function(taSanitize){252 var result = taSanitize('<div style="max-height: 12px;"></div>');253 expect(result).toBe('<div></div>');254 }));255 it('removes non whitelisted values leaving valid values', inject(function(taSanitize){256 var result = angular.element(taSanitize('<div style="text-align: left; max-height: 12px;"></div>'));257 expect(result.attr('style')).toBe('text-align: left;');258 }));259 });260 });261 describe('allow disabling of sanitizer', function(){262 it('should return the oldsafe passed in if bad html', inject(function(taSanitize, $sce){263 var result = taSanitize('<broken><test', 'safe', true);264 expect(result).toBe('safe');265 }));266 it('should allow html not allowed by sanitizer', inject(function(taSanitize, $sce){267 var result = taSanitize('<bad-tag></bad-tag>', '', true);268 expect(result).toBe('<bad-tag></bad-tag>');269 }));270 });271 describe('check if style is sanitized correctly', function(){272 it('should translate style to tag', inject(function(taSanitize, $sce){273 var result = taSanitize('Q<b>W</b><i style="font-weight: bold;">E</i><u style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">R</u>T');274 expect(result).toBe('Q<b>W</b><i><b>E</b></i><u><b><i>R</i></b></u>T');275 }));276 it('should translate style to tag, respecting nested tags', inject(function(taSanitize, $sce){277 var result = taSanitize("Q<i style='font-weight: bold;'><u>E</u></i>T");278 expect(result).toBe('Q<i><b><u>E</u></b></i>T');279 }));280 });...
1/* jshint scripturl: true */2'use strict';3describe('sanitizeUri', function() {4 var sanitizeHref, sanitizeImg, sanitizeUriProvider, testUrl;5 beforeEach(function() {6 module(function(_$$sanitizeUriProvider_) {7 sanitizeUriProvider = _$$sanitizeUriProvider_;8 });9 inject(function($$sanitizeUri) {10 sanitizeHref = function(uri) {11 return $$sanitizeUri(uri, false);12 };13 sanitizeImg = function(uri) {14 return $$sanitizeUri(uri, true);15 };16 });17 });18 function isEvilInCurrentBrowser(uri) {19 var a = document.createElement('a');20 a.setAttribute('href', uri);21 return a.href.substring(0, 4) !== 'http';22 }23 describe('img[src] sanitization', function() {24 it('should sanitize javascript: urls', function() {25 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";26 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');27 });28 it('should sanitize javascript: urls with comments', function() {29 testUrl = "javascript:alert(1)//data:image/";30 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:alert(1)//data:image/');31 });32 it('should sanitize non-image data: urls', function() {33 testUrl = "data:application/javascript;charset=US-ASCII,alert('evil!');";34 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe("unsafe:data:application/javascript;charset=US-ASCII,alert('evil!');");35 testUrl = "data:,foo";36 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe("unsafe:data:,foo");37 });38 it('should sanitize mailto: urls', function() {39 testUrl = "";40 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');41 });42 it('should sanitize obfuscated javascript: urls', function() {43 // case-sensitive44 testUrl = "JaVaScRiPt:doEvilStuff()";45 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');46 // tab in protocol47 testUrl = "java\u0009script:doEvilStuff()";48 if (isEvilInCurrentBrowser(testUrl)) {49 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toEqual('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');50 }51 // space before52 testUrl = " javascript:doEvilStuff()";53 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');54 // ws chars before55 testUrl = " \u000e javascript:doEvilStuff()";56 if (isEvilInCurrentBrowser(testUrl)) {57 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toEqual('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');58 }59 // post-fixed with proper url60 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff();";61 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBeOneOf(62 'unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff();',63 'unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff();%20'64 );65 });66 it('should sanitize ng-src bindings as well', function() {67 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";68 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');69 });70 it('should not sanitize valid urls', function() {71 testUrl = "foo/bar";72 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('foo/bar');73 testUrl = "/foo/bar";74 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('/foo/bar');75 testUrl = "../foo/bar";76 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('../foo/bar');77 testUrl = "#foo";78 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('#foo');79 testUrl = "";80 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');81 testUrl = "";82 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');83 testUrl = "";84 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');85 testUrl = "";86 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');87 testUrl = "file:///foo/bar.html";88 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('file:///foo/bar.html');89 });90 it('should not sanitize blob urls', function() {91 testUrl = "blob:///foo/bar.html";92 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('blob:///foo/bar.html');93 });94 it('should not sanitize data: URIs for images', function() {95 // image data uri96 // ref: testUrl = "";98 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('');99 });100 it('should allow reconfiguration of the src whitelist', function() {101 var returnVal;102 expect(sanitizeUriProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist() instanceof RegExp).toBe(true);103 returnVal = sanitizeUriProvider.imgSrcSanitizationWhitelist(/javascript:/);104 expect(returnVal).toBe(sanitizeUriProvider);105 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";106 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('javascript:doEvilStuff()');107 testUrl = "http://recon/figured";108 expect(sanitizeImg(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:http://recon/figured');109 });110 });111 describe('a[href] sanitization', function() {112 it('should sanitize javascript: urls', inject(function() {113 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";114 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');115 }));116 it('should sanitize data: urls', inject(function() {117 testUrl = "data:evilPayload";118 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:data:evilPayload');119 }));120 it('should sanitize obfuscated javascript: urls', inject(function() {121 // case-sensitive122 testUrl = "JaVaScRiPt:doEvilStuff()";123 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');124 // tab in protocol125 testUrl = "java\u0009script:doEvilStuff()";126 if (isEvilInCurrentBrowser(testUrl)) {127 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toEqual('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');128 }129 // space before130 testUrl = " javascript:doEvilStuff()";131 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');132 // ws chars before133 testUrl = " \u000e javascript:doEvilStuff()";134 if (isEvilInCurrentBrowser(testUrl)) {135 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toEqual('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');136 }137 // post-fixed with proper url138 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff();";139 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBeOneOf(140 'unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff();',141 'unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff();%20'142 );143 }));144 it('should sanitize ngHref bindings as well', inject(function() {145 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";146 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:javascript:doEvilStuff()');147 }));148 it('should not sanitize valid urls', inject(function() {149 testUrl = "foo/bar";150 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('foo/bar');151 testUrl = "/foo/bar";152 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('/foo/bar');153 testUrl = "../foo/bar";154 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('../foo/bar');155 testUrl = "#foo";156 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('#foo');157 testUrl = "http://foo/bar";158 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('http://foo/bar');159 testUrl = " http://foo/bar";160 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe(' http://foo/bar');161 testUrl = "https://foo/bar";162 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('https://foo/bar');163 testUrl = "ftp://foo/bar";164 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('ftp://foo/bar');165 testUrl = "";166 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('');167 testUrl = "file:///foo/bar.html";168 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('file:///foo/bar.html');169 }));170 it('should allow reconfiguration of the href whitelist', function() {171 var returnVal;172 expect(sanitizeUriProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist() instanceof RegExp).toBe(true);173 returnVal = sanitizeUriProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/javascript:/);174 expect(returnVal).toBe(sanitizeUriProvider);175 testUrl = "javascript:doEvilStuff()";176 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('javascript:doEvilStuff()');177 testUrl = "http://recon/figured";178 expect(sanitizeHref(testUrl)).toBe('unsafe:http://recon/figured');179 });180 });...
1const express = require('express');2const router = express.Router();3const sanitizehtml = require('sanitize-html');4const Board = require('../schemas/board');5/**6 * api name : ê²ìê¸ ëª©ë¡ ì¡°í7 * api function : ì
ë ¥ë ê²ìê¸ì ì ì²´ì¡°ííë¤. ë¨, ìì±ì¼ì를 ë´ë¦¼ì°¨ìì¼ë¡ ì¡°ííë¤.8 * type : GET9 * url : api/boardlist10 * request : None11 * response : {boardlist} set12 */13router.get('/boardlist', async (req, res) => {14 const boardlist = await Board.find().sort({regdt: -1});15 res.json({boardlist: boardlist});16});17/**18 * api name : ê²ìê¸ ìì¸ ì¡°í19 * api function : ê²ìê¸ì ëí ìì¸ì 보를 ì¡°ííë¤.20 * type : GET21 * url : api/boarddetail/:boardId22 * request : boardId23 * response : {boarddetail} set24 */25router.get('/boarddetail', async (req, res) => {26 const {boardId} = req.query;27 const boarddetail = await Board.find({_id: boardId}) //문ìë ì«ìë¤ì´ì¤ë©´ 죽ëë°; ì´ê±° ì¢ ê³ ì³ë´ì¼ê² ë¤; ì¼ë¨ ëëê¹ ëë¤.28 res.json({boarddetail: boarddetail});29});30/**31 * api name : ê²ìê¸ ìì±32 * api function : ê²ìê¸ì ìì±íë¤. ìì± ì ë°ëì 모ë ì
ë ¥ ê°ì´ ìì´ì¼íë¤.33 * type : POST34 * url : api/board35 * request : title, regid, password, content36 * response : json({success, msg})37 */38'/board', async (req, res) => {39 const {title, regid, password, content} = req.body;40 // XSS공격 ì·¨ì½ì ë³´ì41 const sanitizeTitle = sanitizehtml(title);42 const sanitizeRegid = sanitizehtml(regid);43 const sanitizePassword = sanitizehtml(password);44 const sanitizeContent = sanitizehtml(content);45 const regdt = new Date(+new Date() + 3240 * 10000).toISOString().replace("T", " ").replace(/\..*/, '');46 // ë¹ ê°ì ì²´í¬íë¤.47 if(!sanitizeTitle.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ì ëª©ì´ ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});48 if(!sanitizeRegid.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ìì±ìê° ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});49 if(!sanitizePassword.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'í¨ì¤ìëê° ì
ë ¥ëì§ ìììµëë¤.'});50 if(!sanitizeContent.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ê¸ ë´ì©ì´ ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});51 52 //ì
ë ¥ë ê°ì ë°ì, DBì ëíë¨¼í¸ ì½ì
53 await Board.create({54 title: sanitizeTitle,55 regid: sanitizeRegid,56 password: sanitizePassword,57 content: sanitizeContent,58 regdt: regdt,59 });60 res.json({success: true, msg: 'server message : ê²ìê¸ ìì± ì±ê³µ.'});61});62/**63 * api name : ê²ìê¸ ìì 64 * api function65 * - ì
ë ¥ë ê²ìê¸ì ìì íë¤.66 * - ë¨, ê²ìê¸ ìì ì ì
ë ¥íë 기존 í¨ì¤ìëì ëì¼í´ì¼ë§ ê¸ì ìì í ì ìëë¡ íë¤.67 * type : PUT68 * url : api/board69 * request : boardid, title, password, regid, content70 * response : json({success, msg})71 */72 router.put('/board', async (req, res) => {73 const {title, regid, password, content, boardId} = req.body;74 const [boarddetail] = await Board.find({_id: boardId})75 // XSS공격 ì·¨ì½ì ë³´ì76 const sanitizeTitle = sanitizehtml(title);77 const sanitizeRegid = sanitizehtml(regid);78 const sanitizePassword = sanitizehtml(password);79 const sanitizeContent = sanitizehtml(content);80 // ë¹ ê°ì ì²´í¬íë¤.81 if(!sanitizeTitle.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ì ëª©ì´ ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});82 if(!sanitizeRegid.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ìì±ìê° ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});83 if(!sanitizePassword.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'í¨ì¤ìëê° ì
ë ¥ëì§ ìììµëë¤.'});84 if(!sanitizeContent.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'ê¸ ë´ì©ì´ ì
ë ¥ëì§ ììê±°ë, ì¬ë°ë¥´ì§ ììµëë¤.'});85 if(boarddetail['password'] !== password){86 return res.json({ code: false, msg: 'server message : í¨ì¤ìëê° ì¼ì¹íì§ ìì' });87 // return res.status(400).json({ code: false, msg: 'server message : í¨ì¤ìëê° ì¼ì¹íì§ ìì' });88 }89 90 if(![boarddetail].length){91 return res.json({ success: false, msg: 'server message : ìì í ê²ìë¬¼ì´ ì¡´ì¬íì§ ìì' });92 // return res.status(400).json({ success: false, msg: 'server message : ìì í ê²ìë¬¼ì´ ì¡´ì¬íì§ ìì' });93 } 94 95 await Board.updateOne({ _id: boardId }, { $set: { title: sanitizeTitle, regid: sanitizeRegid, content:sanitizeContent } });96 res.json({ success: true, msg: 'server message : ê²ìê¸ì´ ìì ì±ê³µ.' })97});98/**99 * api name : ê²ìê¸ ìì 100 * api function101 * - ì
ë ¥ë ê²ìê¸ì ìì íë¤.102 * - ë¨, ê²ìê¸ ìì ì ì
ë ¥íë 기존 í¨ì¤ìëì ëì¼í´ì¼ë§ ê¸ì ìì í ì ìëë¡ íë¤.103 * type : DELETE104 * url : api/board105 * request : boardid, password106 * response : json({success, msg})107 */108 router.delete('/board', async (req, res) => {109 const {boardId, password} = req.body;110 const [boarddetail] = await Board.find({_id: boardId})111 // XSS공격 ì·¨ì½ì ë³´ì112 const sanitizePassword = sanitizehtml(password);113 // ë¹ ê°ì ì²´í¬íë¤.114 if(!sanitizePassword.length) return res.json({success: false, msg:'í¨ì¤ìëê° ì
ë ¥ëì§ ìììµëë¤.'});115 if(boarddetail['password'] !== password){116 return res.json({ code: false, msg: 'server message: í¨ì¤ìëê° ì¼ì¹íì§ ìì' });117 // return res.status(400).json({ code: false, msg: 'server message : í¨ì¤ìëê° ì¼ì¹íì§ ìì' });118 }119 120 if(![boarddetail].length){121 return res.json({ success: false, msg: 'server message: ìì í ê²ìë¬¼ì´ ì¡´ì¬íì§ ìì' });122 // return res.status(400).json({ success: false, msg: 'server message : ìì í ê²ìë¬¼ì´ ì¡´ì¬íì§ ìì' });123 }124 125 await Board.deleteOne({_id: boardId});126 res.json({ success: true, msg: 'server message: ê²ìê¸ ìì ì±ê³µ.' });127});...
1// Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.2// Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.3define([4 'jquery',5 'components/google-caja/html-css-sanitizer-minified',6], function($, sanitize) {7 "use strict";8 9 var noop = function (x) { return x; };10 11 var caja;12 if (window && window.html) {13 caja = window.html;14 caja.html4 = window.html4;15 caja.sanitizeStylesheet = window.sanitizeStylesheet;16 }17 18 var sanitizeAttribs = function (tagName, attribs, opt_naiveUriRewriter, opt_nmTokenPolicy, opt_logger) {19 /**20 * add trusting data-attributes to the default sanitizeAttribs from caja21 * this function is mostly copied from the caja source22 */23 var ATTRIBS = caja.html4.ATTRIBS;24 for (var i = 0; i < attribs.length; i += 2) {25 var attribName = attribs[i];26 if (attribName.substr(0,5) == 'data-') {27 var attribKey = '*::' + attribName;28 if (!ATTRIBS.hasOwnProperty(attribKey)) {29 ATTRIBS[attribKey] = 0;30 }31 }32 }33 // Caja doesn't allow data uri for img::src, see34 // // This is not a security issue for browser post ie6 though, so we36 // disable the check37 // ATTRIBS['img::src'] = 0;39 return caja.sanitizeAttribs(tagName, attribs, opt_naiveUriRewriter, opt_nmTokenPolicy, opt_logger);40 };41 42 var sanitize_css = function (css, tagPolicy) {43 /**44 * sanitize CSS45 * like sanitize_html, but for CSS46 * called by sanitize_stylesheets47 */48 return caja.sanitizeStylesheet(49 window.location.pathname,50 css,51 {52 containerClass: null,53 idSuffix: '',54 tagPolicy: tagPolicy,55 virtualizeAttrName: noop56 },57 noop58 );59 };60 61 var sanitize_stylesheets = function (html, tagPolicy) {62 /**63 * sanitize just the css in style tags in a block of html64 * called by sanitize_html, if allow_css is true65 */66 var h = $("<div/>").append(html);67 var style_tags = h.find("style");68 if (!style_tags.length) {69 // no style tags to sanitize70 return html;71 }72 style_tags.each(function(i, style) {73 style.innerHTML = sanitize_css(style.innerHTML, tagPolicy);74 });75 return h.html();76 };77 78 var sanitize_html = function (html, allow_css) {79 /**80 * sanitize HTML81 * if allow_css is true (default: false), CSS is sanitized as well.82 * otherwise, CSS elements and attributes are simply removed.83 */84 var html4 = caja.html4;85 if (allow_css) {86 // allow sanitization of style tags,87 // not just scrubbing88 &= ~html4.eflags.UNSAFE;89 = html4.atype.STYLE;90 } else {91 // scrub all CSS92 |= html4.eflags.UNSAFE;93 = html4.atype.SCRIPT;94 }95 96 var record_messages = function (msg, opts) {97 console.log("HTML Sanitizer", msg, opts);98 };99 100 var policy = function (tagName, attribs) {101 if (!(html4.ELEMENTS[tagName] & html4.eflags.UNSAFE)) {102 return {103 'attribs': sanitizeAttribs(tagName, attribs,104 noop, noop, record_messages)105 };106 } else {107 record_messages(tagName + " removed", {108 change: "removed",109 tagName: tagName110 });111 }112 };113 114 var sanitized = caja.sanitizeWithPolicy(html, policy);115 116 if (allow_css) {117 // sanitize style tags as stylesheets118 sanitized = sanitize_stylesheets(sanitized, policy);119 }120 121 return sanitized;122 };123 var sanitize_html_and_parse = function (html, allow_css) {124 /**125 * Sanitize HTML and parse it safely using jQuery.126 *127 * This disable's jQuery's html 'prefilter', which can make invalid128 * HTML valid after the sanitizer has checked it.129 *130 * Returns an array of DOM nodes.131 */132 var sanitized_html = sanitize_html(html, allow_css);133 var prev_htmlPrefilter = $.htmlPrefilter;134 $.htmlPrefilter = function(html) {return html;}; // Don't modify HTML135 try {136 return $.parseHTML(sanitized_html);137 } finally {138 $.htmlPrefilter = prev_htmlPrefilter; // Set it back again139 }140 };141 142 var security = {143 caja: caja,144 sanitize_html_and_parse: sanitize_html_and_parse,145 sanitize_html: sanitize_html146 };147 return security;...
1/**2 * By default, React DOM escapes any values embedded in JSX before rendering them,3 * but sometimes it is necessary to sanitize the user-generated content of received entities.4 * If you use this data in component props without any sanitization or encoding,5 * it might create XSS vulnerabilities.6 *7 * You should especially consider how you are using extended data inside the app.8 */9const ESCAPE_TEXT_REGEXP = /[<>]/g;10const ESCAPE_TEXT_REPLACEMENTS = {11 //fullwidth lesser-than character12 '<': '\uff1c',13 //fullwidth greater-than character14 '>': '\uff1e',15};16// An example how you could sanitize text content.17// This swaps some coding related characters to less dangerous ones18const sanitizeText = str =>19 str == null20 ? str21 : typeof str === 'string'22 ? str.replace(ESCAPE_TEXT_REGEXP, ch => ESCAPE_TEXT_REPLACEMENTS[ch])23 : '';24/**25 * Sanitize user entity.26 * If you add public data, you should probably sanitize it here.27 * By default, React DOM escapes any values embedded in JSX before rendering them,28 * but if you use this data on props, it might create XSS vulnerabilities29 * E.g. you should sanitize and encode URI if you are creating links from public data.30 */31export const sanitizeUser = entity => {32 const { attributes, ...restEntity } = entity || {};33 const { profile, ...restAttributes } = attributes || {};34 const { bio, displayName, abbreviatedName, publicData } = profile || {};35 const sanitizePublicData = publicData => {36 // TODO: If you add public data, you should probably sanitize it here.37 return publicData ? { publicData } : {};38 };39 const profileMaybe = profile40 ? {41 profile: {42 abbreviatedName: sanitizeText(abbreviatedName),43 displayName: sanitizeText(displayName),44 bio: sanitizeText(bio),45 ...sanitizePublicData(publicData),46 },47 }48 : {};49 const attributesMaybe = attributes ? { attributes: { ...profileMaybe, ...restAttributes } } : {};50 return { ...attributesMaybe, ...restEntity };51};52/**53 * Sanitize listing entity.54 * If you add public data, you should probably sanitize it here.55 * By default, React DOM escapes any values embedded in JSX before rendering them,56 * but if you use this data on props, it might create XSS vulnerabilities57 * E.g. you should sanitize and encode URI if you are creating links from public data.58 */59export const sanitizeListing = entity => {60 const { attributes, ...restEntity } = entity;61 const { title, description, publicData, ...restAttributes } = attributes || {};62 const sanitizeLocation = location => {63 const { address, building } = location || {};64 return { address: sanitizeText(address), building: sanitizeText(building) };65 };66 const sanitizePublicData = publicData => {67 // Here's an example how you could sanitize location and rules from publicData:68 // TODO: If you add public data, you should probably sanitize it here.69 const { location, rules, ...restPublicData } = publicData || {};70 const locationMaybe = location ? { location: sanitizeLocation(location) } : {};71 const rulesMaybe = rules ? { rules: sanitizeText(rules) } : {};72 return publicData ? { publicData: { ...locationMaybe, ...rulesMaybe, ...restPublicData } } : {};73 };74 const attributesMaybe = attributes75 ? {76 attributes: {77 title: sanitizeText(title),78 description: sanitizeText(description),79 ...sanitizePublicData(publicData),80 ...restAttributes,81 },82 }83 : {};84 return { ...attributesMaybe, ...restEntity };85};86/**87 * Sanitize entities if needed.88 * Remember to add your own sanitization rules for your extended data89 */90export const sanitizeEntity = entity => {91 const { type } = entity;92 switch (type) {93 case 'listing':94 return sanitizeListing(entity);95 case 'user':96 return sanitizeUser(entity);97 default:98 return entity;99 }...
1const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');2const User = require("../models/user");3const sanitizeHtml = require("sanitize-html");4const Joi = require("@hapi/joi");5const bcrypt = require("bcrypt");6exports.createToken = function (user) {7 return jwt.sign({ id: user._id, email: }, 'secretpasswordnotrevealedtoanyone', {8 algorithm: 'HS256',9 expiresIn: '1h',10 });11};12exports.decodeToken = function (token) {13 var userInfo = {};14 try {15 var decoded = jwt.verify(token, 'secretpasswordnotrevealedtoanyone');16 userInfo.userId =;17 =;18 } catch (e) {19 }20 return userInfo;21};22exports.accountValidation = function(payload) {23 const schema = Joi.object({24 firstName: Joi.string().required(),25 lastName: Joi.string().required(),26 email: Joi.string().email().required(),27 password: Joi.string().required().min(5),28 userType: Joi.string().regex(/User|Admin/)29 });30 let schemaValidation = schema.validate({31 firstName: payload.firstName,32 lastName: payload.lastName,33 email:,34 password: payload.password,35 userType: payload.userType36 });37 if (!schemaValidation.error) {38 return true;39 }40 return false;41};42exports.monumentValidation = function(payload) {43 const schema = Joi.object({44 title: Joi.string().required(),45 description: Joi.string().required(),46 imageUpload: Joi.any(),47 province: Joi.string().required(),48 county: Joi.string().required(),49 category: Joi.any(),50 latitude: Joi.number().required(),51 longitude: Joi.number().required(),52 });53 let schemaValidation = schema.validate({54 title: payload.title,55 description: payload.description,56 imageUpload: payload.imageUpload,57 province: payload.province,58 county: payload.county,59 category: payload.category,60 latitude: payload.latitude,61 longitude: payload.longitude,62 });63 if (!schemaValidation.error) {64 return true;65 }66 return false;67}68exports.monumentInputSanitization = function(payload) {69 let categories = [];70 let images = [];71 if (sanitizeHtml(payload.title) && sanitizeHtml(payload.description) && sanitizeHtml(payload.province) && sanitizeHtml(payload.county) && sanitizeHtml(payload.longitude) && sanitizeHtml(payload.latitude)) {72 if (payload.category) {73 categories = sanitizeHtml(payload.category)74 }75 if (payload.imageUpload) {76 images = sanitizeHtml(payload.imageUpload);77 }78 return {79 title: sanitizeHtml(payload.title),80 description: sanitizeHtml(payload.description),81 category: categories,82 imageUpload: images,83 province: sanitizeHtml(payload.province),84 county: sanitizeHtml(payload.county),85 latitude: sanitizeHtml(payload.latitude),86 longitude: sanitizeHtml(payload.longitude)87 }88 }89 else {90 return false;91 }92}93exports.hashPassword = async function (password, numberOfRounds) {94 let hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(password, numberOfRounds);95 return hashedPassword;96}97exports.accountInputSanitization = async function(payload) {98 if (sanitizeHtml(payload.firstName) && sanitizeHtml(payload.lastName) && sanitizeHtml( && sanitizeHtml(payload.password) && sanitizeHtml(payload.userType)) {99 let hashedPassword = await this.hashPassword(payload.password, 10);100 return {101 firstName: sanitizeHtml(payload.firstName),102 lastName: sanitizeHtml(payload.lastName),103 email: sanitizeHtml(,104 password: hashedPassword,105 userType: sanitizeHtml(payload.userType)106 }107 }108 else {109 return false;110 }111}112exports.validate = async function (decoded, request) {113 const user = await User.findOne({ _id: });114 if (!user) {115 return { isValid: false };116 } else {117 return { isValid: true };118 }...
1odoo.define('web.bootstrap.extensions', function () {2'use strict';3/**4 * The bootstrap library extensions and fixes should be done here to avoid5 * patching in place.6 */7/**8 * Review Bootstrap Sanitization: leave it enabled by default but extend it to9 * accept more common tag names like tables and buttons, and common attributes10 * such as style or data-. If a specific tooltip or popover must accept custom11 * tags or attributes, they must be supplied through the whitelist BS12 * parameter explicitely.13 *14 * We cannot disable sanitization because bootstrap uses tooltip/popover15 * DOM attributes in an "unsafe" way.16 */17var bsSanitizeWhiteList = $.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.whiteList;18bsSanitizeWhiteList['*'].push('title', 'style', /^data-[\w-]+/);19bsSanitizeWhiteList.header = [];20bsSanitizeWhiteList.main = [];21bsSanitizeWhiteList.footer = [];22bsSanitizeWhiteList.caption = [];23bsSanitizeWhiteList.col = ['span'];24bsSanitizeWhiteList.colgroup = ['span'];25bsSanitizeWhiteList.table = [];26bsSanitizeWhiteList.thead = [];27bsSanitizeWhiteList.tbody = [];28bsSanitizeWhiteList.tfooter = []; = []; = ['colspan', 'rowspan']; = ['colspan', 'rowspan'];32bsSanitizeWhiteList.address = [];33bsSanitizeWhiteList.article = [];34bsSanitizeWhiteList.aside = [];35bsSanitizeWhiteList.blockquote = [];36bsSanitizeWhiteList.section = [];37bsSanitizeWhiteList.button = ['type'];38bsSanitizeWhiteList.del = [];39/**40 * Returns an extended version of bootstrap default whitelist for sanitization,41 * i.e. a version where, for each key, the original value is concatened with the42 * received version's value and where the received version's extra key/values43 * are added.44 *45 * Note: the returned version46 *47 * @param {Object} extensions48 * @returns {Object} /!\ the returned whitelist is made from a *shallow* copy of49 * the default whitelist, extended with given whitelist.50 */51function makeExtendedSanitizeWhiteList(extensions) {52 var whiteList = _.clone($.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.whiteList);53 Object.keys(extensions).forEach(key => {54 whiteList[key] = (whiteList[key] || []).concat(extensions[key]);55 });56 return whiteList;57}58/* Bootstrap tooltip defaults overwrite */59$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.placement = 'auto';60$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.fallbackPlacement = ['bottom', 'right', 'left', 'top'];61$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.html = true;62$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.trigger = 'hover';63$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.container = 'body';64$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.boundary = 'window';65$.fn.tooltip.Constructor.Default.delay = { show: 1000, hide: 0 };66var bootstrapShowFunction = $;67$ = function () {68 // Overwrite bootstrap tooltip method to prevent showing 2 tooltip at the69 // same time70 $('.tooltip').remove();71 return;72};73return {74 makeExtendedSanitizeWhiteList: makeExtendedSanitizeWhiteList,75};...
2var util = require('../src/js/util');3describe('util', function () {4 describe('sanitize', function () {5 it('should leave valid JSON as is', function () {6 assert.equal(util.sanitize('{"a":2}'), '{"a":2}');7 });8 it('should replace JavaScript with JSON', function () {9 assert.equal(util.sanitize('{a:2}'), '{"a":2}');10 assert.equal(util.sanitize('{\'a\':2}'), '{"a":2}');11 assert.equal(util.sanitize('{a:\'foo\'}'), '{"a":"foo"}');12 // should leave string content untouched13 assert.equal(util.sanitize('"{a:b}"'), '"{a:b}"');14 });15 it('should add/remove escape characters', function () {16 assert.equal(util.sanitize('"foo\'bar"'), '"foo\'bar"');17 assert.equal(util.sanitize('"foo\\"bar"'), '"foo\\"bar"');18 assert.equal(util.sanitize('\'foo"bar\''), '"foo\\"bar"');19 assert.equal(util.sanitize('\'foo\\\'bar\''), '"foo\'bar"');20 assert.equal(util.sanitize('"foo\\\'bar"'), '"foo\'bar"');21 });22 it('remove comments', function () {23 assert.equal(util.sanitize('/* foo */ {}'), ' {}');24 // should not remove comments in string25 assert.equal(util.sanitize('{"str":"/* foo */"}'), '{"str":"/* foo */"}');26 });27 it('should strip JSONP notation', function () {28 // matching29 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123({});'), '{}');30 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123([]);'), '[]');31 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123(2);'), '2');32 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123("foo");'), '"foo"');33 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123(null);'), 'null');34 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123(true);'), 'true');35 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback_123(false);'), 'false');36 assert.equal(util.sanitize('/* foo bar */ callback_123 ({})'), '{}');37 assert.equal(util.sanitize('/* foo bar */ callback_123 ({})'), '{}');38 assert.equal(util.sanitize('/* foo bar */\ncallback_123({})'), '{}');39 assert.equal(util.sanitize('/* foo bar */ callback_123 ( {} )'), ' {} ');40 assert.equal(util.sanitize(' /* foo bar */ callback_123 ({}); '), '{}');41 assert.equal(util.sanitize('\n/* foo\nbar */\ncallback_123 ({});\n\n'), '{}');42 // non-matching43 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback abc({});'), 'callback abc({});');44 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback {}'), 'callback {}');45 assert.equal(util.sanitize('callback({}'), 'callback({}');46 });47 });48 // TODO: thoroughly test all util methods...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');2const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');3const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');4const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');5const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');6const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');7const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');8const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');9const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');10const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');11const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');12const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');13const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');14const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');15const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');16const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');17const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');
Using AI Code Generation
1import { sanitize } from 'fast-check';2const sanitized = sanitize('Hello World!');3console.log(sanitized);4import { sanitize } from 'fast-check';5const sanitized = sanitize('Hello World!');6console.log(sanitized);7import { sanitize } from '@fast-check/sanitize';8const sanitized = sanitize('Hello World!');9console.log(sanitized);10import { sanitize } from '@fast-check/sanitize';11const sanitized = sanitize('Hello World!');12console.log(sanitized);13import { sanitize } from '@fast-check/sanitize';14const sanitized = sanitize('Hello World!');15console.log(sanitized);16import { sanitize } from '@fast-check/sanitize';17const sanitized = sanitize('
Using AI Code Generation
1const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');2console.log(sanitize('Hello World'));3const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');4console.log(sanitize('Hello World'));5const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');6console.log(sanitize('Hello World'));7const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');8console.log(sanitize('Hello World'));9const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');10console.log(sanitize('Hello World'));11const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');12console.log(sanitize('Hello World'));13const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');14console.log(sanitize('Hello World'));15const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');16console.log(sanitize('Hello World'));17const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');18console.log(sanitize('Hello World'));19const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');20console.log(sanitize('Hello World'));21const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');22console.log(sanitize('Hello World'));23const { sanitize } = require('fast-check');24console.log(sanitize
Using AI Code Generation
1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/sanitizers/Sanitizer');3const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/sanitizers/Sanitizer');4const fc = require('fast-check');5console.log(sanitize);6const fc = require('fast-check');7const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/sanitizers/Sanitizer');8const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/sanitizers/Sanitizer');9const fc = require('fast-check');10console.log(sanitize);11const fc = require('fast-check');12const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/sanitizers/Sanitizer');13const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/sanitizers/Sanitizer');14const fc = require('fast-check');15console.log(sanitize);16const fc = require('fast-check');17const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/sanitizers/Sanitizer');18const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/sanitizers/Sanitizer');19const fc = require('fast-check');20console.log(sanitize);21const fc = require('fast-check');22const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/sanitizers/Sanitizer');23const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/sanitizers/Sanitizer');24const fc = require('fast-check');25console.log(sanitize);26const fc = require('fast-check');27const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/arbitrary/sanitizers/Sanitizer');28const { sanitize } = require('fast-check/lib/sanitizers/S
Using AI Code Generation
1const fc = require("fast-check");2const sanitize = require("fast-check-monorepo").sanitize;3const { isString } = require("fast-check-monorepo").utils;4const { isInteger } = require("fast-check-monorepo").utils;5const { isBoolean } = require("fast-check-monorepo").utils;6const fc = require("fast-check");7const sanitize = require("fast-check-monorepo").sanitize;8const { isString } = require("fast-check-monorepo").utils;9const { isInteger } = require("fast-check-monorepo").utils;10const { isBoolean } = require("fast-check-monorepo").utils;11fc.assert(12 fc.integer(),14 fc.integer(),15 fc.integer(),16 (a, b, c) => {17 return a + (b + c) === (a + b) + c;18 }19);20fc.assert(21 fc.integer(),23 fc.integer(),24 fc.integer(),25 (a, b, c) => {26 return a + (b + c) === (a + b) + c;27 }28);29fc.assert(30 fc.string(),32 fc.string(),33 fc.string(),34 (a, b, c) => {35 return a + (b + c) === (a + b) + c;36 }37);38fc.assert(39 fc.string(),41 fc.string(),42 fc.string(),43 (a, b, c) => {44 return a + (b + c) === (a + b) + c;45 }46);47fc.assert(48 fc.integer(),50 fc.integer(),51 fc.integer(),52 (a, b, c) => {53 return a + (b + c) === (a + b) + c;54 }55);56fc.assert(57 fc.integer(),59 fc.integer(),60 fc.integer(),61 (a, b, c) => {62 return a + (b + c) === (a + b) + c;63 }64);65fc.assert(66 fc.string(),68 fc.string(),69 fc.string(),70 (a, b, c) => {71 return a + (b
Using AI Code Generation
1const {fc} = require('fast-check');2const {sanitize} = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const prop =, s => {4 const sanitized = sanitize(s);5 return sanitized.indexOf('foo') === -1;6});7fc.assert(prop);
Using AI Code Generation
1const fc = require('fast-check');2const sanitize = require('fast-check/lib/types/sanitize').sanitize;3let sanitized = sanitize(fc.integer(), {numRuns: 100});4console.log(sanitized);5fc.assert(sanitized);6const fc = require('fast-check');7const sanitize = require('fast-check/lib/types/sanitize').sanitize;8let sanitized = sanitize(fc.integer(), {numRuns: 100});9console.log(sanitized);10fc.assert(sanitized);11const fc = require('fast-check');12const sanitize = require('fast-check/lib/types/sanitize').sanitize;13let sanitized = sanitize(fc.integer(), {numRuns: 100});14console.log(sanitized);15fc.assert(sanitized);16const fc = require('fast-check');17const sanitize = require('fast-check/lib/types/sanitize').sanitize;18let sanitized = sanitize(fc.integer(), {numRuns: 100});19console.log(sanitized);20fc.assert(sanitized);21const fc = require('fast-check');22const sanitize = require('fast-check/lib/types/sanitize').sanitize;23let sanitized = sanitize(fc.integer(), {numRuns: 100});24console.log(sanitized);25fc.assert(sanitized);26const fc = require('fast-check');27const sanitize = require('fast-check/lib/types/sanitize').sanitize;28let sanitized = sanitize(fc.integer(), {numRuns: 100});29console.log(sanitized);30fc.assert(sanitized);31const fc = require('fast-check');32const sanitize = require('fast-check/lib/types/sanitize').sanitize;33let sanitized = sanitize(fc.integer(), {numRuns: 100});34console.log(sanitized);35fc.assert(sanitized);36const fc = require('fast-check');
Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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