How to use revJson method in fast-check-monorepo

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Source:gulpfile.js Github


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1// 修复 gulp-uglify except不可用的bug,需要改成reserved2var config = require('./config');3var gulp = require('gulp');4var minifyCss = require('gulp-clean-css'); //- 压缩CSS为一行;5var htmlmin = require('gulp-htmlmin');6var rev = require('gulp-rev'); //- 对文件名加MD5后缀7var revCollector = require('gulp-rev-collector'); //- 路径替换8var clean = require('gulp-clean');9var uglify = require('gulp-uglify')10 //串行执行任务11var runSequence = require('run-sequence');12//同个task下合并多个步骤13var mergeStream = require('merge-stream');14//图片压缩相关15var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');16//cach17var cache = require('gulp-cache');18//错误抛出的补丁->防止异常情况下停止程序19var plumber = require('gulp-plumber');2021var handleErrors = function(error) {22 //继续监听23 console.log("~~~错误:" + error);24};25//情况以前目录26gulp.task('clean', function() {27 return gulp.src([28 config.clean.src29 ])30 //异常处理的补丁31 .pipe(plumber({32 errorHandler: handleErrors33 }))34 .pipe(clean({35 force: true36 }));37});38//处理需要md5签名的图片39gulp.task('dealMd5Img', function() {40 //排除html/**/img下面的41 //排除/libs/**/img下的42 return gulp.src([config.img.src, '!' + config.html.img.src, '!' + config.libs.img.src])43 .pipe(plumber({44 errorHandler: handleErrors45 }))46 .pipe(cache(imagemin({47 optimizationLevel: 3,48 progressive: true,49 interlaced: true50 })))51 .pipe(rev())52 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.img.dest))53 .pipe(rev.manifest(config.img.revJson, {54 //不合并55 merge: false56 }))57 //因为已经进入了json了,所以默认./就行58 .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));59});60//处理其他的图片-除去上面压缩后的61gulp.task('dealOtherImg', function() {62 //html/**/img下面的63 ///libs/**/img下的64 var htmlImg = gulp.src([config.html.img.src])65 .pipe(plumber({66 errorHandler: handleErrors67 }))68 .pipe(cache(imagemin({69 optimizationLevel: 3,70 progressive: true,71 interlaced: true72 })))73 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.html.img.dest));74 var libsImg = gulp.src([config.libs.img.src])75 .pipe(plumber({76 errorHandler: handleErrors77 }))78 .pipe(cache(imagemin({79 optimizationLevel: 3,80 progressive: true,81 interlaced: true82 })))83 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.libs.img.dest));8485 return mergeStream(htmlImg, libsImg);86});87//压缩并处理 json-这个是json文件夹下面的配置,只处理这个文件夹88gulp.task('dealJSON', function() {89 return gulp.src([config.json.src])90 .pipe(plumber({91 errorHandler: handleErrors92 }))93 .pipe(cache(imagemin({94 optimizationLevel: 3,95 progressive: true,96 interlaced: true97 })))98 .pipe(rev())99 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.json.dest))100 .pipe(rev.manifest(config.json.revJson, {101 //不合并102 merge: false103 }))104 //因为已经进入了json了,所以默认./就行105 .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));106});107//处理css108gulp.task('dealCss', function() {109 //- 需要处理的css文件,先替换里面的图片,然后再压缩md5签名110 //排除libs下的css111 return gulp.src([config.rev.revJson, config.css.src])112 .pipe(plumber({113 errorHandler: handleErrors114 }))115 .pipe(revCollector())116 .pipe(minifyCss()) //- 压缩处理成一行117 .pipe(rev()) //- 文件名加MD5后缀118 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.css.dest)) //- 输出文件本地,*号会自动输出119 .pipe(rev.manifest(config.css.revJson, {120 merge: false121 }))122 .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); //- 将 rev-manifest.json 保存到 rev 目录内123});124//先处理框架第三方不会依赖其它脚本的文件,排除seajs的配置,排除cacheConfig配置125//先处理的css,所以core里就算有引用css也没问题126gulp.task('dealCoreJs', function() {127 //- 需要处理的css文件,先替换里面的图片,然后再压缩md5签名128 return gulp.src([config.rev.revJson, config.js.coreJs.src, '!' + config.js.seaConfigJs.src, '!' + config.js.cacheConfigJs.src])129 .pipe(plumber({130 errorHandler: handleErrors131 }))132 .pipe(revCollector())133 .pipe(uglify({134 //mangle: true,//类型:Boolean 默认:true 是否修改变量名135 mangle: {136 reserved: ['require', 'exports', 'module', '$']137 } //排除混淆关键字138 }))139 .pipe(rev())140 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.js.coreJs.dest))141 .pipe(rev.manifest(config.js.coreJs.revJson, {142 merge: false143 }))144 .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));145});146//再处理业务js,会依赖于以上的两种js147//排除业务处理的config148gulp.task('dealBizlogicJs', function() {149 //- 需要处理的css文件,先替换里面的图片,然后再压缩md5签名150 return gulp.src([config.rev.revJson, config.js.bizlogicJs.src, '!' + config.js.bizConfigJs.src])151 .pipe(plumber({152 errorHandler: handleErrors153 }))154 .pipe(revCollector())155 .pipe(uglify({156 //mangle: true,//类型:Boolean 默认:true 是否修改变量名157 mangle: {158 reserved: ['require', 'exports', 'module', '$']159 } //排除混淆关键字160 }))161 .pipe(rev())162 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.js.bizlogicJs.dest))163 .pipe(rev.manifest(config.js.bizlogicJs.revJson, {164 merge: false165 }))166 .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));167});168169//再处理seajs的配置,或者是项目中的配置170gulp.task('dealSeaConfig', function() {171 //- 需要处理的css文件,先替换里面的图片,然后再压缩md5签名172 return gulp.src([config.rev.revJson, config.js.seaConfigJs.src])173 .pipe(plumber({174 errorHandler: handleErrors175 }))176 .pipe(revCollector())177 .pipe(uglify({178 //mangle: true,//类型:Boolean 默认:true 是否修改变量名179 mangle: {180 reserved: ['require', 'exports', 'module', '$']181 } //排除混淆关键字182 }))183 .pipe(rev())184 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.js.seaConfigJs.dest))185 .pipe(rev.manifest(config.js.seaConfigJs.revJson, {186 //允许合并以前的bizConfig187 //这里注意,如果是通过路径找到的json,则merge有用,否则merge并没有用188 merge: true189 }))190 .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));191});192//处理bizConfigJs的配置,或者是项目中的配置193//排除业务设置的路径194gulp.task('dealBizConfig', function() {195 //- 需要处理的css文件,先替换里面的图片,然后再压缩md5签名196 return gulp.src([config.rev.revJson, config.js.bizConfigJs.src])197 .pipe(plumber({198 errorHandler: handleErrors199 }))200 .pipe(revCollector())201 .pipe(uglify({202 //mangle: true,//类型:Boolean 默认:true 是否修改变量名203 mangle: {204 reserved: ['require', 'exports', 'module', '$']205 } //排除混淆关键字206 }))207 .pipe(rev())208 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.js.bizConfigJs.dest))209 .pipe(rev.manifest(config.js.bizConfigJs.revJson, {210 merge: true211 }))212 .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));213});214//cacheController->控制引入seaConfig215gulp.task('dealCacheConfigJs', function() {216 //- 需要处理的css文件,先替换里面的图片,然后再压缩md5签名217 return gulp.src([config.rev.revJson, config.js.cacheConfigJs.src])218 .pipe(plumber({219 errorHandler: handleErrors220 }))221 .pipe(revCollector())222 .pipe(uglify({223 //mangle: true,//类型:Boolean 默认:true 是否修改变量名224 mangle: {225 reserved: ['require', 'exports', 'module', '$']226 } //排除混淆关键字227 }))228 .pipe(rev())229 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.js.cacheConfigJs.dest))230 .pipe(rev.manifest(config.js.cacheConfigJs.revJson, {231 merge: true232 }))233 .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));234});235//处理html236gulp.task('dealHtml', function() {237 //- 需要处理的css文件,先替换里面的图片,然后再压缩md5签名238 return gulp.src([config.rev.revJson, config.html.src])239 .pipe(plumber({240 errorHandler: handleErrors241 }))242 .pipe(revCollector())243 .pipe(htmlmin({244 collapseWhitespace: true,245 collapseBooleanAttributes: true,246 removeComments: true,247 removeEmptyAttributes: true,248 removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,249 removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,250 //有时候有这个配置会出错(当代码作为示例显示时),所以脚本和css只压缩单独的文件251 minifyJS: true,252 minifyCSS: true253 })) //压缩254 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.html.dest));255});256//处理其它,除去img,css,html,js,以外的,单独包括.project文件257gulp.task('dealOthers', function() {258 //出去svn259 return gulp.src([config.other.src, config.other.project.src, '!' + config.js.coreJs.src, '!' + config.js.bizlogicJs.src, '!' + config.css.src, '!' + config.html.src, '!' + config.json.src, '!' + config.img.src, '!' + config.other.svn.src, '!' + config.other.settings.src])260 .pipe(plumber({261 errorHandler: handleErrors262 }))263 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.other.dest));264});265266// 看守267gulp.task('watch', function() {268269 console.log("路径:" + config.src + '/gulpWatch.json');270 // 看守所有位在 dist/ 目录下的档案,一旦有更动,便进行重整271 //[config.src+'/gulpWatch.json']).on('change', function(file) {272 // console.log("改动");273 // });274 + '/gulpWatch.json', ['default']);275276});277//压缩框架文件,仅仅压缩278gulp.task('MiniCoreJs', function() {279 //- 需要处理的css文件,先替换里面的图片,然后再压缩md5签名280 return gulp.src([config.js.coreJs.src])281 .pipe(plumber({282 errorHandler: handleErrors283 }))284 //.pipe(revCollector())285 .pipe(uglify({286 //mangle: true,//类型:Boolean 默认:true 是否修改变量名287 mangle: {288 reserved: ['require', 'exports', 'module', '$']289 } //排除混淆关键字290 }))291 //.pipe(rev())292 .pipe(gulp.dest(config.js.coreJs.dest))293// .pipe(rev.manifest(config.js.coreJs.revJson, {294// merge: false295// }))296// .pipe(gulp.dest('./'));297});298gulp.task('default', function(callback) {299 if(!config.isMiniJs){300 runSequence('clean', 'dealMd5Img', 'dealOtherImg', 'dealJSON', 'dealCss', 'dealCoreJs', 'dealBizlogicJs', 'dealSeaConfig', 'dealBizConfig', 'dealCacheConfigJs', 'dealHtml', 'dealOthers',301 callback);302 }else{303 runSequence('MiniCoreJs',304 callback);305 }306 ...

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Source:config.js Github


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1/**2 * 作者: dailc3 * 时间: 2016-06-22 4 * 描述: gulp的一些配置,包括路径,项目层级5 * 6 */7(function() {8 //项目path,默认为''代表不使用项目path9 //示例/testproject10 //var projectPath = '/testDemo'11 var projectPath = '/showcase.dcloud.rayapp'12 var src = './src' + projectPath;13 var dest = './build' + projectPath;14 var rev = './rev' + projectPath;15 var isMiniJs = false;16 //定义的一些文件编译和输出路径,可以不用管太多17 module.exports = {18 //如果src前有**,目录会自动补齐19 src:src,20 dest:dest,21 rev:rev,22 css: {23 //所有需要编译的css24 src: src + '/**/css/**/*.css',25 //输出目录26 dest: dest + "",27 //json目录28 revJson: rev + "/rev-manifest-css.json"29 },30 js: {31 src: src + '/js/**/*.js',32 coreJs: {33 src: src + '/**/js/core/**/*.js',34 dest: dest + "",35 revJson: rev + "/rev-manifest-coreJs.json"36 },37 bizlogicJs: {38 src: src + '/**/js/bizlogic/**/*.js',39 dest: dest + "",40 revJson: rev + "/rev-manifest-bizlogicJs.json"41 },42 //seaConfig-以下三个config会合并43 seaConfigJs: {44 src: src + '/**/sea.config.js',45 dest: dest + "",46 revJson: rev + "/rev-manifest-config.json"47 },48 //业务处理的config ->包括自定义sea别名等49 bizConfigJs: {50 src: src + '/**/bizlogic/config/seaBizConfig.js',51 dest: dest + "",52 revJson: rev + "/rev-manifest-config.json"53 },54 //cacheController->控制引入seaConfig55 cacheConfigJs: {56 src: src + '/**/cacheControl.config.js',57 dest: dest + "",58 revJson: rev + "/rev-manifest-config.json"59 }60 },61 //默认图片只处理img目录下的,其它目录下的由于路径问题不好替换62 //所以img文件夹下请别放其它文件63 //由于有些项目直接在html里又有img,所以构建时得单独排除那一部分64 img: {65 jpg: {66 src: src + '/img/**/*.jpg'67 },68 png: {69 src: src + '/img/**/*.png'70 },71 gif: {72 src: src + '/img/**/*.gif'73 },74 src: src + '/**/img/**/*',75 dest: dest + "",76 revJson: rev + "/rev-manifest-img.json"77 },78 //只处理json文件夹下面的json79 json: {80 src: src + '/**/json/**/*.json',81 dest: dest + "",82 revJson: rev + "/rev-manifest-json.json"83 },84 clean: {85 src: dest86 },87 html: {88 img: {89 src: src + '/html/**/img/**/*',90 dest: dest + "/html"91 },92 src: src + "/**/*.html",93 dest: dest + ""94 },95 //引用,构建图片时需要过滤掉libs下引用的图片96 libs: {97 img: {98 src: src + '/libs/**/img/**/*',99 dest: dest + "/libs"100 }101 },102 other: {103 project: {104 src: src + "/**/.project",105 },106 svn: {107 src: src + "/**/.svn/*",108 },109 settings: {110 src: src + "/**/.settings/*",111 },112 src: src + "/**/*",113 dest: dest + ""114 },115 rev: { //use rev to reset html resource url116 revJson: rev + "/**/*.json"117 },118 isMiniJs:isMiniJs119 };...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const revJsonResult = revJson({ a: 1, b: 2 });3console.log(revJsonResult);4const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');5const revJsonResult = revJson({ a: 1, b: 2 });6console.log(revJsonResult);7const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8const revJsonResult = revJson({ a: 1, b: 2 });9console.log(revJsonResult);10const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');11const revJsonResult = revJson({ a: 1, b: 2 });12console.log(revJsonResult);13const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14const revJsonResult = revJson({ a: 1, b: 2 });15console.log(revJsonResult);16const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');17const revJsonResult = revJson({ a: 1, b: 2 });18console.log(revJsonResult);19const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');20const revJsonResult = revJson({ a: 1, b: 2 });21console.log(revJsonResult);22const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');23const revJsonResult = revJson({ a: 1, b: 2 });24console.log(revJsonResult);25const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');

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1const revJson = require('fast-check-monorepo').revJson;2const input = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };3const output = revJson(input);4console.log(output);5const revJson = require('fast-check-monorepo').revJson;6const input = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };7const output = revJson(input);8console.log(output);9const revJson = require('fast-check-monorepo').revJson;10const input = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };11const output = revJson(input);12console.log(output);13const revJson = require('fast-check-monorepo').revJson;14const input = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };15const output = revJson(input);16console.log(output);17const revJson = require('fast-check-monorepo').revJson;18const input = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };19const output = revJson(input);20console.log(output);21const revJson = require('fast-check-monorepo').revJson;22const input = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };23const output = revJson(input);24console.log(output);25const revJson = require('fast-check-monorepo').revJson;26const input = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };27const output = revJson(input);28console.log(output);29const revJson = require('fast-check-monorepo').revJson;30const input = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const revJson = require('fast-check-monorepo').revJson;2const obj = {a: 1, b: 2};3const rev = revJson(obj);4console.log(rev);5const revJson = require('fast-check-monorepo').revJson;6const obj = {a: 1, b: 2};7const rev = revJson(obj);8console.log(rev);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const json = {3 d: { e: 1, f: 2 }4};5const rev = revJson(json);6console.log(rev);7const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');8const json = {9 d: { e: 1, f: 2 }10};11const rev = revJson(json);12console.log(rev);13const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');14const json = {15 d: { e: 1, f: 2 }16};17const rev = revJson(json);18console.log(rev);19const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');20const json = {21 d: { e: 1, f: 2 }22};23const rev = revJson(json);24console.log(rev);25const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');26const json = {27 d: { e: 1, f: 2 }28};29const rev = revJson(json);30console.log(rev);31const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');32const json = {33 d: { e:

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { fc } = require('fast-check');3const arb = fc.object();4const revJsonArb =;5fc.assert(6, (a) => {7 return JSON.parse(revJson(JSON.stringify(a))) === a;8 })9);

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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const revJson = require('fast-check').revJson;3const revJsonTests = () => {4 it('should return an empty string when given an empty string', () => {5 fc.assert(6, (s) => {7 revJson(s).should.equal('');8 })9 );10 });11};12describe('revJson', revJsonTests);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { revJson } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { check, property } = require('fast-check');3const revJsonProp = property(4 check.anyJson(),5 (a) => revJson(revJson(a)) === a6);7check(revJsonProp);

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