How to use oldPx method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:LColorMatrixFilter.js Github


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1/​** @language chinese2 * <p>使用 LColorMatrixFilter 类可以将 4 x 5 矩阵转换应用于输入图像上的每个像素的 RGBA 颜色和 Alpha 值,以生成具有一组新的 RGBA 颜色和 Alpha 值的结果。该类允许饱和度更改、色相旋转、亮度为 Alpha 以及各种其他效果。您可以将滤镜应用于任何显示对象(即,从 LDisplayObject 类继承的对象),以及 LBitmapData 对象。</​p>3 * <p>注意:对于 RGBA 值,最高有效字节代表红色通道值,其后的有效字节分别代表绿色、蓝色和 Alpha 通道值。</​p>4 * <p>要创建新的颜色矩阵滤镜,请使用 new LColorMatrixFilter() 语法。滤镜的具体使用取决于要应用滤镜的对象:</​p>5 * <p>・要对影片剪辑、文本字段、按钮应用滤镜,请使用 filters 属性(继承自 LDisplayObject)。设置对象的 filters 属性不会修改相应的对象,而清除 filters 属性可以删除相应的滤镜。</​p>6 * <p>・要对 LBitmapData 对象应用滤镜,请使用 LBitmapData.applyFilter() 方法。对 LBitmapData 对象调用 applyFilter() 会取得源 LBitmapData 对象和滤镜对象,并最终生成一个过滤图像。</​p>7 * <p>如果对显示对象应用滤镜,则会自动调用该对象的 cacheAsBitmap(true) 。</​p>8 * @class LColorMatrixFilter9 * @extends LBitmapFilter10 * @constructor11 * @param {Array} matrix <p>由 20 个项目(排列成 4 x 5 矩阵)组成的数组。</​p>12 * <p>由 20 个项目组成的数组,适用于 4 x 5 颜色转换。matrix 属性不能通过直接修改它的值来更改(例如 myFilter.matrix[2] = 1;)。相反,必须先获取对数组的引用,对引用进行更改,然后重置该值。</​p>13 * <p>颜色矩阵滤镜将每个源像素分离成它的红色、绿色、蓝色和 Alpha 成分,分别以 srcR、srcG、srcB 和 srcA 表示。要计算四个通道中每个通道的结果,可将图像中每个像素的值乘以转换矩阵中的值。(可选)可以将偏移量(介于 -255 至 255 之间)添加到每个结果(矩阵的每行中的第五项)中。滤镜将各颜色成分重新组合为单一像素,并写出结果。</​p>14 * <p>在下列公式中,a[0] 到 a[19] 对应于由 20 个项目组成的数组中的条目 0 至 19,该数组已传递到 matrix 属性:</​p>15 * <p>如果对显示对象应用滤镜,则会自动调用该对象的 cacheAsBitmap(true) 。</​p>16 * <p>・redResult = (a[0] * srcR) + (a[1] * srcG) + (a[2] * srcB) + (a[3] * srcA) + a[4]</​p>17 * <p>・greenResult = (a[5] * srcR) + (a[6] * srcG) + (a[7] * srcB) + (a[8] * srcA) + a[9]</​p>18 * <p>・blueResult = (a[10] * srcR) + (a[11] * srcG) + (a[12] * srcB) + (a[13] * srcA) + a[14]</​p>19 * <p>・alphaResult = (a[15] * srcR) + (a[16] * srcG) + (a[17] * srcB) + (a[18] * srcA) + a[19]</​p>20 * <p>对于数组中的每个颜色值,值 1 等于正发送到输出的通道的 100%,同时保留颜色通道的值。</​p>21 * @example22 * LInit(1000/​60, "legend", 800, 480, main);23 * function main () {24 * loader = new LLoader();25 * loader.addEventListener(LEvent.COMPLETE, loadBitmapdata); 26 * loader.load("face.jpg", "bitmapData");27 * }28 * function loadBitmapdata (event) {29 * var layer = new LSprite();30 * layer.x = layer.y = 100;31 * addChild(layer);32 * var bitmapdata = new LBitmapData(; 33 * var bitmap = new LBitmap(bitmapdata); 34 * layer.addChild(bitmap); 35 * var sprite = new LSprite(); 36 *, "#000000", [0, 0, 190, 100],true,"#00FF00"); 37 * sprite.x = -100; 38 * layer.addChild(sprite); 39 * layer.filters = [new LColorMatrixFilter([0.3086,0.6094, 0.0820, 0, 0, 0.3086, 0.6094, 0.0820, 0, 0, 0.3086, 0.6094, 0.0820, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])];40 * }41 * @examplelink <p><a href="../​../​../​api/​LColorMatrixFilter/​index.html" target="_blank">测试链接</​a></​p>42 * @since 1.9.1143 * @public44 */​45var LColorMatrixFilter = (function () {46 function LColorMatrixFilter (matrix) {47 var s = this;48 LExtends(s, LBitmapFilter, []);49 s.type = "LColorMatrixFilter";50 s.matrix = matrix;51 }52 var p = {53 filter : function(olddata, w, c){54 var s = this;55 c = c || LGlobal.canvas;56 var oldpx =;57 var newdata = c.createImageData(olddata);58 var newpx =;59 var len = newpx.length;60 var a = s.matrix;61 for (var i = 0; i < len; i+=4) {62 newpx[i] = (a[0] * oldpx[i]) + (a[1] * oldpx[i+1]) + (a[2] * oldpx[i+2]) + (a[3] * oldpx[i+3]) + a[4];63 newpx[i+1] = (a[5] * oldpx[i]) + (a[6] * oldpx[i+1]) + (a[7] * oldpx[i+2]) + (a[8] * oldpx[i+3]) + a[9];64 newpx[i+2] = (a[10] * oldpx[i]) + (a[11] * oldpx[i+1]) + (a[12] * oldpx[i+2]) + (a[13] * oldpx[i+3]) + a[14];65 newpx[i+3] = (a[15] * oldpx[i]) + (a[16] * oldpx[i+1]) + (a[17] * oldpx[i+2]) + (a[18] * oldpx[i+3]) + a[19];66 }67 return newdata;68 }69 };70 for (var k in p) {71 LColorMatrixFilter.prototype[k] = p[k];72 }73 return LColorMatrixFilter;...

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Source:LConvolutionFilter.js Github


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1/​** @language chinese2 * <p>LConvolutionFilter 类应用矩阵盘绕滤镜效果。卷积将输入图像的像素与相邻的像素合并以生成图像。通过卷积,可以实现大量的图像效果,包括模糊、边缘检测、锐化、浮雕和斜角。您可以将滤镜应用于任何显示对象(即,从 LDisplayObject 类继承的对象)</​p>3 * <p>・要对影片剪辑、文本字段、按钮应用滤镜,请使用 filters 属性(继承自 LDisplayObject)。设置对象的 filters 属性不会修改相应的对象,而清除 filters 属性可以删除相应的滤镜。</​p>4 * <p>・要对 LBitmapData 对象应用滤镜,请使用 LBitmapData.applyFilter() 方法。对 LBitmapData 对象调用 applyFilter() 会取得源 LBitmapData 对象和滤镜对象,并最终生成一个过滤图像。</​p>5 * <p>如果对显示对象应用滤镜,则会自动调用该对象的 cacheAsBitmap(true) 。</​p>6 * @class LConvolutionFilter7 * @extends LBitmapFilter8 * @constructor9 * @param {int} matrixX 矩阵的 x 维度(矩阵中列的数目)。默认值为 0。10 * @param {int} matrixY 矩阵的 y 维度(矩阵中行的数目)。默认值为 0。11 * @param {Array} matrix 用于矩阵转换的值的数组。数组中的项数必须等于 matrixX * matrixY。12 * @param {int} divisor 矩阵转换中使用的除数。默认值为 1。13 * @param {int} bias 要添加到矩阵转换结果的偏差。默认值为 0。14 * @example15 * LInit(1000/​60, "legend", 800, 480, main);16 * function main () {17 * loader = new LLoader();18 * loader.addEventListener(LEvent.COMPLETE, loadBitmapdata); 19 * loader.load("face.jpg", "bitmapData");20 * }21 * function loadBitmapdata (event) {22 * var layer = new LSprite();23 * layer.x = layer.y = 100;24 * addChild(layer);25 * var bitmapdata = new LBitmapData(; 26 * var bitmap = new LBitmap(bitmapdata); 27 * layer.addChild(bitmap); 28 * var sprite = new LSprite(); 29 *, "#000000", [0, 0, 190, 100],true,"#00FF00"); 30 * sprite.x = -100; 31 * layer.addChild(sprite); 32 * layer.filters = [new LConvolutionFilter(3,3,[-5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5])]; 33 * }34 * @examplelink <p><a href="../​../​../​api/​LConvolutionFilter/​index.html" target="_blank">测试链接</​a></​p>35 * @since 1.9.1136 * @public37 */​38var LConvolutionFilter = (function () {39 function LConvolutionFilter (matrixX, matrixY, matrix, divisor, bias, preserveAlpha, clamp, color, alpha) {40 var s = this;41 LExtends(s, LBitmapFilter, []);42 s.type = "LConvolutionFilter";43 s.matrixX = matrixX ? matrixX : 0;44 s.matrixY = matrixY ? matrixY : 0;45 s.matrix = matrix;46 if (!divisor) {47 divisor = matrix.reduce(function(a, b) {return a + b;}) || 1;48 }49 s.divisor = divisor;50 s.bias = bias ? bias : 0;51 }52 var p = {53 filter : function(olddata, w, c){54 var s = this;55 c = c || LGlobal.canvas;56 var oldpx =;57 var newdata = c.createImageData(olddata);58 var newpx =;59 var len = newpx.length;60 for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {61 if ((i + 1) % 4 === 0) {62 newpx[i] = oldpx[i];63 continue;64 }65 res = 0;66 var these = [67 oldpx[i - w * 4 - 4] || oldpx[i],68 oldpx[i - w * 4] || oldpx[i],69 oldpx[i - w * 4 + 4] || oldpx[i],70 oldpx[i - 4] || oldpx[i],71 oldpx[i],72 oldpx[i + 4] || oldpx[i],73 oldpx[i + w * 4 - 4] || oldpx[i],74 oldpx[i + w * 4] || oldpx[i],75 oldpx[i + w * 4 + 4] || oldpx[i]76 ];77 for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++) {78 res += these[j] * s.matrix[j];79 }80 res /​= s.divisor;81 if (s.bias) {82 res += s.bias;83 }84 newpx[i] = res;85 }86 return newdata;87 }88 };89 for (var k in p) {90 LConvolutionFilter.prototype[k] = p[k];91 }92 return LConvolutionFilter;...

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Source:imageProcess.js Github


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1let stream, ogCanvas, context, temp, tempContext, viewWidth, viewHeight, frame;2function init() {3 stream = document.getElementById('video');4 ogCanvas = document.getElementById('processed');5 context = ogCanvas.getContext('2d');6 temp = document.createElement('canvas');7 temp.setAttribute('width', viewWidth);8 temp.setAttribute('height', viewHeight);9 tempContext = temp.getContext('2d');10 stream.addEventListener('play', computeFrame);11}12function computeFrame() {13 tempContext.drawImage(stream, 0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight);14 frame = tempContext.getImageData(0, 0, viewWidth, viewHeight);15 /​/​brightness16 let data =;17 /​/​brightness level18 let level = Number(document.getElementById('brightness').value);19 let len = data.length;20 for (var i=0; i<len; i+=4) {21 data[i] += level; /​/​r22 data[i + 1] += level; /​/​g23 data[i + 2] += level; /​/​b24 }25 let divisor = 1;26 let offset = level;27 const userInput = document.getElementById('matrix').value;28 let matrix;29 switch (userInput) {30 case 'none': /​/​can use this and offset to control brightness. but need to resolve framerate issue first.31 matrix = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0];32 break;33 case 'sharpen':34 matrix = [0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0];35 break;36 case 'edgeDetect':37 matrix = [0, 1, 0, 1, -4, 1, 0, 1, 0];38 break;39 case 'emboss':40 matrix = [-2, 1, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2];41 break;42 case 'blur':43 matrix = [.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1];44 break;45 }46 47 if(userInput !== 'none') {48 frame = convolve(matrix, divisor, offset);49 }50 context.putImageData(frame, 0, 0);51 /​/​calls itself52 setTimeout(computeFrame, 0);53}54document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {55 init();56 resize();57});58/​/​resize canvas when viewport is resized59window.addEventListener('resize', () => {60 resize();61});62function resize() {63 /​/​dividing viewWidth by a factor improves framerate at the cost of image quality.64 viewWidth = window.innerWidth;65 viewHeight = (viewWidth /​ 16) * 9;66 ogCanvas.setAttribute('width', viewWidth);67 ogCanvas.setAttribute('height', viewHeight);68 temp.setAttribute('width', viewWidth);69 temp.setAttribute('height', viewHeight);70 video.setAttribute('width', viewWidth);71 video.setAttribute('height', viewHeight);72};73function convolve(matrix, divisor, offset) {74 let olddata = frame;75 let oldpx =;76 let newdata = context.createImageData(olddata);77 let newpx =;78 let len = newpx.length;79 let res = 0;80 let w = frame.width;81 for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {82 /​/​skip if it is alpha channel83 if ((i+1) % 4 === 0) {84 newpx[i] = oldpx[i];85 continue;86 };87 res = 0;88 let these = [89 oldpx[i - w * 4 - 4] || oldpx[i],90 oldpx[i - w * 4] || oldpx[i],91 oldpx[i - w * 4 + 4] || oldpx[i],92 oldpx[i - 4] || oldpx[i],93 oldpx[i],94 oldpx[i + 4] || oldpx[i],95 oldpx[i + w * 4 - 4] || oldpx[i],96 oldpx[i + w * 4] || oldpx[i],97 oldpx[i + w * 4 + 4] || oldpx[i]98 ];99 for (var j=0; j < 9; j++) {100 res += these[j] * matrix[j];101 }102 res /​= divisor;103 if(offset) {104 res += offset;105 }106 newpx[i] = res;107 }108 return newdata;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {oldPx} from 'fast-check-monorepo';2console.log(oldPx(1,2,3));3import {newPx} from 'fast-check-monorepo';4console.log(newPx(1,2,3));5import {oldPx} from 'fast-check';6console.log(oldPx(1,2,3));7import {newPx} from 'fast-check';8console.log(newPx(1,2,3));9import {oldPx} from 'fast-check-legacy';10console.log(oldPx(1,2,3));11import {newPx} from 'fast-check-legacy';12console.log(newPx(1,2,3));13import {oldPx} from 'fast-check-legacy';14console.log(oldPx(1,2,3));15import {newPx} from 'fast-check-legacy';16console.log(newPx(1,2,3));17import {oldPx} from 'fast-check-legacy';18console.log(oldPx(1,2,3));19import {newPx} from 'fast-check-legacy';20console.log(newPx(1,2,3));21import {oldPx} from 'fast-check-legacy';22console.log(oldPx(1,2,3));23import {newPx} from 'fast-check-legacy';24console.log(newPx(1,2,3));25import {oldPx} from 'fast-check-legacy';26console.log(oldPx(1,2,3));27import {newPx} from 'fast-check-legacy';28console.log(newPx(1,2,3));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { oldPx } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const { px } = require('fast-check');3const { newPx } = require('fast-check-monorepo');4const { oldPx } = require('fast-check');5const { newPx } = require('fast-check');6const { oldPx } = require('fast-check-monorepo');7const { px } = require('fast-check');8const { newPx } = require('fast-check-monorepo');9const { oldPx } = require('fast-check');10const { newPx } = require('fast-check');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require("fast-check");2const { oldPx } = require("fast-check-monorepo");3const { px } = require("fast-check-monorepo");4console.log("oldPx", oldPx);5console.log("px", px);6const newFc = require("fast-check-monorepo");7const { newPx } = require("fast-check-monorepo");8console.log("newPx", newPx);9const newFc2 = require("fast-check");10const { px: px2 } = require("fast-check");11console.log("px2", px2);12const newFc3 = require("fast-check");13const { newPx: newPx2 } = require("fast-check");14console.log("newPx2", newPx2);15const newFc4 = require("fast-check-monorepo");16const { newPx: newPx3 } = require("fast-check-monorepo");17console.log("newPx3", newPx3);18const newFc5 = require("fast-check-monorepo");19const { newPx: newPx4 } = require("fast-check");20console.log("newPx4", newPx4);21const newFc6 = require("fast-check");22const { newPx: newPx5 } = require("fast-check-monorepo");23console.log("newPx5", newPx5);24const newFc7 = require("fast-check-monorepo");25const { newPx: newPx6 } = require("fast-check-monorepo");26console.log("newPx6", newPx6);27const newFc8 = require("fast-check");28const { newPx: newPx7 } = require("fast-check-monorepo");29console.log("newPx7", newPx7);30const newFc9 = require("fast-check");31const { newPx: newPx8 } = require("fast-check

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const fcMonorepo = require('fast-check-monorepo');3const oldPx = fcMonorepo.oldPx;4const oldPx2 = fcMonorepo.oldPx2;5fc.assert(, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {6 return oldPx(a, b) === oldPx2(a, b);7}));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2console.log(fc.oldPx(2, 3));3const { newPx } = require('fast-check');4console.log(newPx(2, 3));5{6 "scripts": {7 },8 "dependencies": {9 }10}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {oldPx} = require('fast-check');2const {property} = require('fast-check');3const {expect} = require('chai');4const {assert} = require('chai');5describe('oldPx', () => {6 it('should return the same result as oldPx', () => {7 const result = property(oldPx);8 expect(result);9 });10});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { oldPx } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const fc = require('fast-check');3fc.configureGlobal({ numRuns: 100 });4const { oldPx } = require('fast-check-monorepo');5const fc = require('fast-check');6fc.configureGlobal({ numRuns: 100 });7fc.assert(8, (arr) => {9 return oldPx(arr, (a, b) => a + b) === arr.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);10 })11);12 at Object.<anonymous> (test.js:22:67)13 at Module._compile (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:999:30)14 at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:1027:10)15 at Module.load (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:863:32)16 at Function.Module._load (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:708:14)17 at Function.Module.runMain (internal/​modules/​cjs/​loader.js:1043:10)18"env": {19 "NODE_PATH": "${workspaceFolder}/​node_modules"20},

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2fc.assert(, fc.integer(), (x, y) => oldPx(x, y) === x + y));3const fc = require('fast-check');4fc.assert(, fc.integer(), (x, y) => newPx(x, y) === x + y));5const fc = require('fast-check');6fc.assert(, fc.integer(), (x, y) => newPx(x, y) === x + y));7const fc = require('fast-check');8fc.assert(, fc.integer(), (x, y) => oldPx(x, y) === x + y));9module.exports = {

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