Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo
1import { SchedulerArbitrary } from '../../../../src/arbitrary/_internals/SchedulerArbitrary';2import { fakeRandom } from '../__test-helpers__/RandomHelpers';3import * as SchedulerImplemMock from '../../../../src/arbitrary/_internals/implementations/SchedulerImplem';4import { ScheduledTask } from '../../../../src/arbitrary/_internals/implementations/SchedulerImplem';5function beforeEachHook() {6 jest.resetModules();7 jest.restoreAllMocks();8}9beforeEach(beforeEachHook);10describe('SchedulerArbitrary', () => {11 describe('generate', () => {12 it('should instanciate a SchedulerImplem on generate and clone the random generator', () => {13 // Arrange14 const act = jest.fn();15 const { instance: mrng, clone } = fakeRandom(); // random received by generate (risk to be altered from the outside so we clone it)16 const { instance: mrng1, clone: clone1 } = fakeRandom(); // random used by the first taskScheduler17 const { instance: mrng2 } = fakeRandom(); // random used by the clone of taskScheduler is needed18 clone.mockReturnValueOnce(mrng1);19 clone1.mockReturnValueOnce(mrng2);20 const fakeScheduler = {} as SchedulerImplemMock.SchedulerImplem<unknown>;21 const SchedulerImplem = jest.spyOn(SchedulerImplemMock, 'SchedulerImplem');22 SchedulerImplem.mockReturnValue(fakeScheduler);23 // Act24 const arb = new SchedulerArbitrary(act);25 const g = arb.generate(mrng, undefined);26 // Assert27 expect(g.value).toBe(fakeScheduler);28 expect(SchedulerImplem).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);29 expect(SchedulerImplem).toHaveBeenCalledWith(30 act,31 expect.objectContaining({ clone: expect.any(Function), nextTaskIndex: expect.any(Function) })32 );33 expect(clone).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);34 expect(clone1).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);35 });36 it('should build a taskScheduler pulling random values out of the cloned instance of Random', () => {37 // Arrange38 const act = jest.fn();39 const scheduledTasks = [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}] as ScheduledTask<unknown>[];40 const { instance: mrng, clone } = fakeRandom();41 const { instance: mrng1, clone: clone1, nextInt } = fakeRandom();42 const { instance: mrng2 } = fakeRandom();43 clone.mockReturnValueOnce(mrng1);44 clone1.mockReturnValueOnce(mrng2);45 const fakeScheduler = {} as SchedulerImplemMock.SchedulerImplem<unknown>;46 const SchedulerImplem = jest.spyOn(SchedulerImplemMock, 'SchedulerImplem');47 SchedulerImplem.mockReturnValue(fakeScheduler);48 const arb = new SchedulerArbitrary(act);49 arb.generate(mrng, undefined);50 // Act51 const taskScheduler = SchedulerImplem.mock.calls[0][1];52 taskScheduler.nextTaskIndex(scheduledTasks);53 // Assert54 expect(nextInt).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);55 expect(nextInt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, scheduledTasks.length - 1);56 });57 it('should build a taskScheduler that can be cloned and create the same values', () => {58 // Arrange59 const act = jest.fn();60 const scheduledTasks = [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}] as ScheduledTask<unknown>[];61 const { instance: mrng, clone } = fakeRandom();62 const { instance: mrng1, clone: clone1, nextInt } = fakeRandom();63 const { instance: mrng2, clone: clone2, nextInt: nextIntBis } = fakeRandom();64 const { instance: mrng3 } = fakeRandom();65 clone.mockReturnValueOnce(mrng1);66 clone1.mockImplementationOnce(() => {67 expect(nextInt).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // if we pulled values clone is not a clone of the source68 return mrng2;69 });70 clone2.mockImplementationOnce(() => {71 expect(nextIntBis).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); // if we pulled values clone is not a clone of the source72 return mrng3;73 });74 nextInt.mockReturnValueOnce(5).mockReturnValueOnce(2);75 nextIntBis.mockReturnValueOnce(5).mockReturnValueOnce(2);76 const fakeScheduler = {} as SchedulerImplemMock.SchedulerImplem<unknown>;77 const SchedulerImplem = jest.spyOn(SchedulerImplemMock, 'SchedulerImplem');78 SchedulerImplem.mockReturnValue(fakeScheduler);79 const arb = new SchedulerArbitrary(act);80 arb.generate(mrng, undefined);81 // Act82 const taskScheduler = SchedulerImplem.mock.calls[0][1];83 const v1 = taskScheduler.nextTaskIndex(scheduledTasks);84 const v2 = taskScheduler.nextTaskIndex(scheduledTasks);85 const taskScheduler2 = taskScheduler.clone();86 const u1 = taskScheduler2.nextTaskIndex(scheduledTasks);87 const u2 = taskScheduler2.nextTaskIndex(scheduledTasks);88 // Assert89 expect(nextInt).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);90 expect(nextInt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, scheduledTasks.length - 1);91 expect(nextIntBis).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);92 expect(nextIntBis).toHaveBeenCalledWith(0, scheduledTasks.length - 1);93 expect(v1).toBe(u1);94 expect(v2).toBe(u2);95 });96 });97 describe('canShrinkWithoutContext', () => {98 it('should return false for any Scheduler received without any context (even for SchedulerImplem)', () => {99 // Arrange100 const act = jest.fn();101 // Act102 const arb = new SchedulerArbitrary(act);103 const out = arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(104 new SchedulerImplemMock.SchedulerImplem(act, { clone: jest.fn(), nextTaskIndex: jest.fn() })105 );106 // Assert107 expect(out).toBe(false);108 });109 it('should return false even for its own values', () => {110 // Arrange111 const act = jest.fn();112 const { instance: mrng, clone } = fakeRandom();113 const { instance: mrng1, clone: clone1 } = fakeRandom();114 const { instance: mrng2 } = fakeRandom();115 clone.mockReturnValueOnce(mrng1);116 clone1.mockReturnValueOnce(mrng2);117 // Act118 const arb = new SchedulerArbitrary(act);119 const g = arb.generate(mrng, undefined);120 const out = arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(g.value);121 // Assert122 expect(out).toBe(false);123 });124 });125 describe('shrink', () => {126 it('should always shrink to nil', () => {127 // Arrange128 const act = jest.fn();129 const { instance: mrng, clone } = fakeRandom();130 const { instance: mrng1, clone: clone1 } = fakeRandom();131 const { instance: mrng2 } = fakeRandom();132 clone.mockReturnValueOnce(mrng1);133 clone1.mockReturnValueOnce(mrng2);134 // Act135 const arb = new SchedulerArbitrary(act);136 const { value, context } = arb.generate(mrng, undefined);137 const shrinks = [...arb.shrink(value, context)];138 // Assert139 expect(shrinks).toHaveLength(0);140 });141 });...
1import * as prand from 'pure-rand';2import * as fc from 'fast-check';3import { Random } from '../../../../src/random/generator/Random';4const MAX_SIZE = 2048;5describe('Random', () => {6 describe('next', () => {7 it('Should produce values within 0 and 2 ** n - 1', () =>8 fc.assert(9, fc.nat(31), fc.nat(MAX_SIZE), (seed, n, num) => {10 const mrng = new Random(prand.xorshift128plus(seed));11 for (let idx = 0; idx !== num; ++idx) {12 const v =;13 if (v < 0 || v > (((1 << n) - 1) | 0)) return false;14 }15 return true;16 })17 ));18 });19 describe('nextInt', () => {20 it('Should produce values within the range', () =>21 fc.assert(22, fc.integer(), fc.integer(), fc.nat(MAX_SIZE), (seed, a, b, num) => {23 const mrng = new Random(prand.xorshift128plus(seed));24 const min = a < b ? a : b;25 const max = a < b ? b : a;26 for (let idx = 0; idx !== num; ++idx) {27 const v = mrng.nextInt(min, max);28 if (min > v || max < v) return false;29 }30 return true;31 })32 ));33 it('Should produce the same sequences given same seeds', () =>34 fc.assert(35, fc.nat(MAX_SIZE), (seed, num) => {36 const mrng1 = new Random(prand.xorshift128plus(seed));37 const mrng2 = new Random(prand.xorshift128plus(seed));38 for (let idx = 0; idx !== num; ++idx) if (mrng1.nextInt() !== mrng2.nextInt()) return false;39 return true;40 })41 ));42 });43 describe('nextDouble', () => {44 it('Should produce values within 0 and 1', () =>45 fc.assert(46, fc.nat(MAX_SIZE), (seed, num) => {47 const mrng = new Random(prand.xorshift128plus(seed));48 for (let idx = 0; idx !== num; ++idx) {49 const v = mrng.nextDouble();50 if (v < 0 || v >= 1) return false;51 }52 return true;53 })54 ));55 });56 describe('clone', () => {57 it('Should produce the same sequences', () =>58 fc.assert(59, fc.nat(MAX_SIZE), (seed, num) => {60 const mrng1 = new Random(prand.xorshift128plus(seed));61 const mrng2 = mrng1.clone();62 for (let idx = 0; idx !== num; ++idx) if (mrng1.nextInt() !== mrng2.nextInt()) return false;63 return true;64 })65 ));66 });...
1self.__precacheManifest = (self.__precacheManifest || []).concat([2 {3 "revision": "12b9f0c467289ba919ecda7b4bf138de",4 "url": "/momentum/index.html"5 },6 {7 "revision": "15d9853062c75fc8fb89",8 "url": "/momentum/static/css/2.4707e12a.chunk.css"9 },10 {11 "revision": "df4ebd00298a8f8b7b50",12 "url": "/momentum/static/css/main.502c1ce3.chunk.css"13 },14 {15 "revision": "15d9853062c75fc8fb89",16 "url": "/momentum/static/js/2.ff5c5240.chunk.js"17 },18 {19 "revision": "0749163b59fbee32225059cb60c18af6",20 "url": "/momentum/static/js/2.ff5c5240.chunk.js.LICENSE.txt"21 },22 {23 "revision": "df4ebd00298a8f8b7b50",24 "url": "/momentum/static/js/main.d1ef2ca8.chunk.js"25 },26 {27 "revision": "dd5edded77f39b117d48",28 "url": "/momentum/static/js/runtime-main.de89ae0f.js"29 },30 {31 "revision": "938e334e398ce45a293bb064c3e35b04",32 "url": "/momentum/static/media/aft1.938e334e.jpg"33 },34 {35 "revision": "c1672133f22c4ee5096076882b9f353e",36 "url": "/momentum/static/media/aft2.c1672133.jpg"37 },38 {39 "revision": "77544be1b392fe2073f7d6d3615acbec",40 "url": "/momentum/static/media/aft3.77544be1.jpg"41 },42 {43 "revision": "c91881efaec8674511252aac34f1043a",44 "url": "/momentum/static/media/aft4.c91881ef.jpg"45 },46 {47 "revision": "c8d50e6e14376fd136696e5c5a7875ab",48 "url": "/momentum/static/media/evng1.c8d50e6e.jpg"49 },50 {51 "revision": "6e660a2904d2f78f025f42f1392d0f7e",52 "url": "/momentum/static/media/evng2.6e660a29.jpg"53 },54 {55 "revision": "acf901568208f8ae0aa9329415534723",56 "url": "/momentum/static/media/evng3.acf90156.jpg"57 },58 {59 "revision": "799f7b9e89fa647b7e98c3c5c2167922",60 "url": "/momentum/static/media/evng4.799f7b9e.jpg"61 },62 {63 "revision": "776b02c6442a789314bcf2295e2ea357",64 "url": "/momentum/static/media/mrng1.776b02c6.jpg"65 },66 {67 "revision": "b30227c46d19e7e44502e9924ff40deb",68 "url": "/momentum/static/media/mrng2.b30227c4.jpg"69 },70 {71 "revision": "8d4bcf576881795706035b81f8729b1c",72 "url": "/momentum/static/media/mrng3.8d4bcf57.jpg"73 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { mrng2 } from 'fast-check-monorepo';2const mrng = mrng2();3console.log(mrng.nextInt());4{5 "dependencies": {6 }7}
Using AI Code Generation
1import * as fc from 'fast-check';2const mrng = fc.mrng2();3const next = mrng.nextInt();4const nextFloat = mrng.nextFloat();5const nextBoolean = mrng.nextBoolean();6const nextArray = mrng.nextArray(10);7const nextString = mrng.nextString(10);8const nextString = mrng.nextString(10, 20);9const nextString = mrng.nextString(10, 20, 'abc');10const nextString = mrng.nextString(10, 20, 'abc', true);11const nextString = mrng.nextString(10, 20, 'abc', true, true);12const nextString = mrng.nextString(10, 20, 'abc', true, true, true);13const nextString = mrng.nextString(10, 20, 'abc', true, true, true, true);
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