Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo
1var pg = require('pg');2var fs = require('fs');3// var models = require('../../config/models'),4// connections = require('../../config/connections');5// var connection = connections.connections[models.models.connection];6// var database = {7// host: ? : '' ,8// port: connection.port ? connection.port : '5432',9// user: connection.user ? connection.user :'postgres',10// password: connection.password ? connection.password :'transit',11// database: connection.database ? connection.database : 'transitModeler'12// };13var connString = 'postgres://'14//require('./pg');15var dbhelper = require('./batchmod.js');16var segFinder = require('./simsegments');17var frequencybuilder = function(schema,cb){18 console.log('the frequencybuilder', schema)19 if(schema === '--prod' ) return cb('--prod is not a schma error',null)20 var dotprod = function(l1,l2){21 var sum =0;22 for(var i =0, max = Math.min(l1.length,l2.length); i< max; i++){23 sum += l1[i]*l2[i];24 }25 return sum;26 };27 var diffSecs = function(t1,t2){28 factors = [3600,60,1];29 t1 = t1.split(':');30 t2 = t2.split(':');31 var parseI = function(x){return parseInt(x);};32 var p1=;33 var p2 =;34 var ctime1 = dotprod(factors,p1);35 var ctime2 = dotprod(factors,p2);36 return (ctime2 - ctime1);37 };38 var processData = function(data){39 var diffMat = [];40 data.forEach(function(row){ //iterate through the data41 var diffs = []; //init list of time differences42 var starts = row.starts;//get the list of start times43 if(starts.length-1 === 0){//if it only has one then when mark turnaround as 24 hours44 diffs.push(0);45 }else{46 for(var i = 0; i < starts.length-1; i++){//otherwise go through the list of times47 var t1 = starts[i]; //get current time48 var t2 = starts[i+1]; //and forthcoming time49 diffs.push(diffSecs(t1,t2)); //add their difference in seconds to the list50 }51 }52 //fs.appendFileSync('test.txt',JSON.stringify({starts:starts,diffs:diffs}));53 diffMat.push(diffs); //add this trip groups time deltas to a list54 });55 return diffMat;56 };57 //function to partition a single list of time deltas58 //into groups59 var parseGroups = function(List){60 var groups = [[]], ix = 0,gix=0, lastEl, El;61 lastEl = List[ix++];62 groups[gix].push(lastEl); //push first element into the first group63 while(ix < List.length){ //iterate through the list64 El = List[ix]; //get the next element of list65 if(El !== lastEl){ //if the current element last are not he same66 groups.push([]); //create a new group67 gix += 1; //increment the current group index68 ix += 1; //increment index in the list69 El = List[ix]; //skip over the current element70 lastEl = El; //set the current element to the one following71 }72 groups[gix].push(El); //add the current element to the current group73 ix += 1; //increment the index74 }75 groups ={76 var d;77 if(!g[0])78 d = 0;79 else80 d = g[0];81 return {size:g.length, delta:d};82 });83 return groups;84 };85 var newParseData = function(data){86 data.forEach(function(row,i){87 var deltas = [], trip_ids=data[i].trips, tripList = [], starts = data[i].starts, startsList = [], ends=data[i].ends, endList=[];88 groupList = segFinder(row.starts,diffSecs);89 groupList.forEach(function(group){90 var len = group.seg.length;91 deltas.push(group.del);92 tripList.push(trip_ids.splice(0,len)); //add to the trip list the corresponding trips for each group93 startsList.push(group.seg); //add to the starts list the corresponding start times for each group94 endList.push(ends.splice(0,len)); //same for the end times95 });96 data[i].trips = tripList;97 data[i].starts = startsList;98 data[i].ends = endList;99 data[i].deltas = deltas;100 });101 // console.log('write finished');102 return data;103 };104 var createFrequencies = function(data){105 var template = 'INSERT INTO "?".frequencies(start_time,end_time,headway_secs,trip_id)'+106 'VALUES (?,?,?,?)',107 template2 = 'DELETE FROM "?".stop_times WHERE trip_id=\'?\';DELETE FROM "?".trips WHERE trip_id=\'?\'';108 var objs = [];109 var dels = [];110 var totalTrips=0,delTrips=0;111 data.forEach(function(topoGroup){112 topoGroup.trips.forEach(function(tripGroup,i){113 var id = tripGroup[0];114 tripGroup.splice(0,1);115 totalTrips+=1;116 var obj = {117 table:schema,118 trip: '\'' + id + '\'', //set the trip id to the first regular trip in the list119 start:"'"+topoGroup.starts[i][0]+"'",120 end:"'"+topoGroup.starts[i][topoGroup.starts[i].length-1]+"'",121 headway:topoGroup.deltas[i],122 };123 tripGroup.forEach(function(d){124 dels.push({trip:d,file:schema});125 totalTrips+=1;126 delTrips+=1;127 });128 objs.push(obj);129 });130 });131 //console.log('Total Trips: ', totalTrips, 'Deleted Trips: ', delTrips, 'Remaining Trips: ', totalTrips - delTrips);132 var map = ['table','start','end','headway','trip'],133 map2 = ['file','trip','file','trip'];134 dbhelp = new dbhelper(template,objs);135 dbhelp.setMapping(map);136 var sql = dbhelp.getQuery();137 dbhelp = new dbhelper(template2,dels);138 dbhelp.setMapping(map2);139 sql += dbhelp.getQuery();140 return sql;141 };142 var handleResponse = function(data){143 // var deltaMat = processData(data.rows);144 // parseData(data.rows,deltaMat);145 newParseData(data.rows);146 process.stdout.write('Finished Parsing, now Building Query\n');147 var sql = 'DELETE FROM '+schema+'.frequencies WHERE true;'+createFrequencies(data.rows);148 return sql;149 };150 var temp = 'Select array_agg(T2.starting ORDER BY T2.starting)as starts, array_agg(T2.ending ORDER BY T2.starting) as ends, T2.service_id, array_agg(T2.trip_id ORDER BY T2.starting) as trips from ( '151 +'SELECT MIN(ST.departure_time)as starting,MAX(ST.arrival_time)as ending, '152 +'T.route_id, T.service_id, T.shape_id, T.trip_id,T.direction_id, array_agg(ST.stop_id Order By ST.stop_sequence) as stops '153 +'FROM "?".trips as T '154 +'JOIN "?".stop_times as ST '155 +'ON T.trip_id = ST.trip_id '156 +'JOIN "?".calendar as C '157 +'ON T.service_id = C.service_id '158 +'Group By T.trip_id '159 +'Order By T.route_id, starting, T.trip_id '160 + ' ) as T2 '161 +'Group by T2.shape_id,T2.stops,T2.route_id,T2.service_id;'162 pg.connect(connString,function(err,client,done){163 if(err){164 return console.error('error fetching client from pool',err);165 }166 dbhelp = new dbhelper(temp,[{table:schema,table2:schema,table3:schema}]);167 dbhelp.setMapping(['table','table2','table3']);168 client.query(dbhelp.getQuery(),[],function(err,data){169 if(err){170 return console.error('error running query',err);171 }172 //console.log('total Rows: ',data.rows.length);173 fs.writeFileSync('test.txt',JSON.stringify(data));174 var newquery = handleResponse(data);175 client.query(newquery,[],function(err,data){176 done();177 if(err){178 console.error('error running query',err);179 cb(err,data);180 }else181 cb(err,data);182 });183 });184 });185};186// frequencybuilder('gtfs_20141014_13_1_edited');187if(process.argv[2] && (typeof process.argv[2] ==='string') ){188 console.log(process.argv,'this is getting run from here')189 //if(process.argv[2] !== '--prod')190 // frequencybuilder(process.argv[2],function(err,data){191 // //console.log(err,data);192 // });193}...
...21const pkg = require('../package.json')22Hertzy.VERSION = pkg.version23const _frequencies = new Map()24function makeFrequency(frequency) {25 const Frequency = frequencyBuilder(frequency, _frequencies)26 return new Frequency()27}28Hertzy.tune = frequency => {29 if (!frequency) {30 throw new Error('Hertzy: frequency needs to be a valid string')31 }32 if (_frequencies.has(frequency)) {33 return _frequencies34 .get(frequency)35 }36 return _frequencies37 .set(frequency, makeFrequency(frequency))38 .get(frequency)39}...
1import {Frequency as FrequencyEnum} from '@logi/src/lib/template'2import {Builder} from '@logi/base/ts/common/builder'3import {Impl} from '@logi/base/ts/common/mapped_types'4export interface Frequency {5 readonly id: FrequencyEnum6 readonly text: string7}8class FrequencyImpl implements Impl<Frequency> {9 public id!: FrequencyEnum10 public text = ''11}12export class FrequencyBuilder extends Builder<Frequency, FrequencyImpl> {13 public constructor(obj?: Readonly<Frequency>) {14 const impl = new FrequencyImpl()15 if (obj)16 FrequencyBuilder.shallowCopy(impl, obj)17 super(impl)18 }19 public id(id: FrequencyEnum): this {20 this.getImpl().id = id21 return this22 }23 public text(text: string): this {24 this.getImpl().text = text25 return this26 }27 protected get daa(): readonly string[] {28 return FrequencyBuilder.__DAA_PROPS__29 }30 protected static readonly __DAA_PROPS__: readonly string[] = [31 'id',32 ]33}34export function isFrequency(value: unknown): value is Frequency {35 return value instanceof FrequencyImpl36}37export function assertIsFrequency(value: unknown): asserts value is Frequency {38 if (!(value instanceof FrequencyImpl))39 throw Error('Not a Frequency!')...
Using AI Code Generation
1const { frequencyBuilder } = require('@dubzzz/fast-check');2const frequency = frequencyBuilder([3 { arbitrary: 1, weight: 1 },4 { arbitrary: 2, weight: 2 },5 { arbitrary: 3, weight: 3 },6]);7const { frequencyBuilder } = require('fast-check');8const frequency = frequencyBuilder([9 { arbitrary: 1, weight: 1 },10 { arbitrary: 2, weight: 2 },11 { arbitrary: 3, weight: 3 },12]);13const { frequencyBuilder } = require('fast-check');14const frequency = frequencyBuilder([15 { arbitrary: 1, weight: 1 },16 { arbitrary: 2, weight: 2 },17 { arbitrary: 3, weight: 3 },18]);
Using AI Code Generation
1const { frequencyBuilder } = require('fast-check');2const builder = frequencyBuilder();3const builder2 = builder.add(1, 1);4const builder3 = builder.add(1, 1);5const builder4 = builder.add(1, 1);6const builder5 = builder.add(1, 1);7const builder6 = builder.add(1, 1);8const builder7 = builder.add(1, 1);9const builder8 = builder.add(1, 1);10const builder9 = builder.add(1, 1);11const builder10 = builder.add(1, 1);12const builder11 = builder.add(1, 1);13const builder12 = builder.add(1, 1);14const builder13 = builder.add(1, 1);15const builder14 = builder.add(1, 1);16const builder15 = builder.add(1, 1);17const builder16 = builder.add(1, 1);18const builder17 = builder.add(1, 1);19const builder18 = builder.add(1, 1);20const builder19 = builder.add(1, 1);21const builder20 = builder.add(1, 1);22const builder21 = builder.add(1, 1);23const builder22 = builder.add(1, 1);24const builder23 = builder.add(1, 1);25const builder24 = builder.add(1, 1);26const builder25 = builder.add(1, 1);27const builder26 = builder.add(1, 1);28const builder27 = builder.add(1, 1);29const builder28 = builder.add(1, 1);30const builder29 = builder.add(1, 1);31const builder30 = builder.add(1, 1);32const builder31 = builder.add(1, 1);33const builder32 = builder.add(1, 1);34const builder33 = builder.add(1, 1);35const builder34 = builder.add(1, 1);36const builder35 = builder.add(1, 1);37const builder36 = builder.add(1, 1);38const builder37 = builder.add(1, 1);39const builder38 = builder.add(1, 1);40const builder39 = builder.add(1, 1);41const builder40 = builder.add(1, 1);42const builder41 = builder.add(1, 1);
Using AI Code Generation
1const fc = require('fast-check');2const frequencyBuilder = require('fast-check-monorepo/packages/fast-check/src/arbitrary/frequencyBuilder.ts');3const arb =[1, 2, 3], (v) => fc.constant(v));4fc.assert(, (v) => v === 1 || v === 2 || v === 3));5const fc = require('fast-check');6const frequencyBuilder = require('fast-check-monorepo/packages/fast-check/src/arbitrary/frequencyBuilder.ts');7const arb =[1, 2, 3], (v) => fc.constant(v));8fc.assert(, (v) => v === 1 || v === 2 || v === 3));9We can see that the frequencyBuilder method is being imported correctly in both the files. But when we run the tests using the command10const arb =[1, 2, 3], (v) => fc.constant(v));
Using AI Code Generation
1const { frequencyBuilder } = require('fast-check/lib/check/arbitrary/FrequencyArbitrary');2const { array, nat } = require('fast-check');3const frequency = frequencyBuilder([4 { arbitrary: nat(10), weight: 1 },5 { arbitrary: nat(100), weight: 2 },6 { arbitrary: nat(1000), weight: 3 },7]);8array(frequency, 10).forEach(console.log);
Using AI Code Generation
1import { frequencyBuilder } from "fast-check-monorepo";2const { frequency } = frequencyBuilder();3const gen = frequency(4 { arbitrary: fc.integer(), weight: 1 },5 { arbitrary: fc.string(), weight: 2 }6);7fc.assert(, (v) => v !== null));
Using AI Code Generation
1const { frequencyBuilder } = require('fast-check');2const { array } = require('fast-check');3const { integer } = require('fast-check');4const arb = frequencyBuilder()5 .add(0.2, array(integer(0, 100), 0, 10))6 .add(0.8, array(integer(0, 100), 0, 10))7 .build();8arb.generate(mrng => mrng.nextInt(0, 100));9const { frequencyBuilder } = require('fast-check');10const { array } = require('fast-check');11const { integer } = require('fast-check');12const arb = frequencyBuilder()13 .add(0.2, array(integer(0, 100), 0, 10))14 .add(0.8, array(integer(0, 100), 0, 10))15 .build();16arb.generate(mrng => mrng.nextInt(0, 100));17const { frequencyBuilder } = require('fast-check');18const { array } = require('fast-check');19const { integer } = require('fast-check');20const arb = frequencyBuilder()21 .add(0.2, array(integer(0, 100), 0, 10))22 .add(0.8, array(integer(0, 100), 0, 10))23 .build();24arb.generate(mrng => mrng.nextInt(0, 100));
Using AI Code Generation
1const { frequencyBuilder } = require("fast-check");2const { string, record } = require("fast-check");3const gen1 = string();4const gen2 = record({});5const frequency = frequencyBuilder([gen1, gen2]);6const { property } = require("fast-check");7const prop = property(frequency, (value) => {8 return true;9});10const { run } = require("fast-check");11run(prop).then((result) => {12 console.log(result);13});14- [frequencyBuilder](#frequencybuilder)15 - [Parameters](#parameters)16 - [Examples](#examples)17const { frequencyBuilder } = require("fast-check-monorepo");18const { string, record } = require("fast-check");19const gen1 = string();20const gen2 = record({});21const frequency = frequencyBuilder([gen1, gen2]);22Returns **[Generator](#generator)** frequency
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