How to use extractedBlocks method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:course-edit.component.ts Github


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1import { Component, OnInit, SecurityContext } from '@angular/core';2import { Course } from '../../models/course.model';3import { ActivatedRoute, Router, NavigationEnd } from '@angular/router';4import { CourseService } from '../../services/course.service';5import { NgForm, FormGroup, FormControl, FormBuilder, FormArray, Validators } from '@angular/forms';6import { Section } from '../../models/section.model';7import { FileUploader } from 'ng2-file-upload';8import { Material } from '../../models/material.model';9import { Book } from '../../models/book.model';10import { MaterialService } from '../../services/material.service';11import { Globals } from '../../globals2';12import { MaterialCollection } from '../../models/materialcollection.model';13import { Materialtype } from '../../models/materialtype.model';14import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';15import _ from 'lodash';16import {Location} from '@angular/common';17@Component({18 moduleId:,19 templateUrl: 'course-edit.component.html',20 styleUrls: ['course-edit.component.css']21})22export class CourseEditComponent implements OnInit {23 courseFormGroup: FormGroup;24 sectionsFormArray: FormArray;25 sectionFormGroup: FormGroup;26 // materialFormArray: FormArray[];27 imageFormArray: FormArray[];28 bookFormArray: FormArray[];29 docFormArray: FormArray[];30 videoFormArray: FormArray[];31 audioFormArray: FormArray[];32 quoteFormArray: FormArray[];33 blockFormArray: FormArray[];34 sectionReferences: FormGroup[];35 materialReferences: FormArray[];36 course: Course;37 id: string;38 errorMessage: string;39 image: string;40 imageUrl = '';41 public uploader: FileUploader;42 localImageUrl = '';43 tempName = '';44 thisFile: File;45 allpossiblematerials: Material[];46 docs: Material[];47 books: Material[];48 videos: Material[];49 audios: Material[];50 // extractedBooks: Material[][];51 // extractedDocs: Material[][];52 // extractedVideos: Material[][];53 // extractedAudios: Material[][];54 // extractedQuotes: Material[][];55 // extractedBlocks: Material[][];56 // extractedImages: Material[][];57 bookOptions: Material[];58 docOptions: Material[];59 videoOptions: Material[];60 audioOptions: Material[];61 quoteOptions: Material[];62 blockOptions: Material[];63 imageOptions: Material[];64 matObjRefArray: Object[];65 existingImage: string;66 uploadedCourseImage: boolean;67 materialFormArrayReferences: FormArray[]; // these are just pointers to the various material form arrays68 materialPlaceholder: string;69 bookPlaceholder: string;70 videoPlaceholder: string;71 docPlaceholder: string;72 audioPlaceholder: string;73 blockPlaceholder: string;74 quotePlaceholder: string;75 imagePlaceholder: string;76 materialTypes: Materialtype[];77 sectionMaterials: MaterialCollection[]; // this is an array of the actual Material Objects that are being78 // referenced by the section(s) -- haven't implemented this yet.79 constructor(private router: Router, private activated_route: ActivatedRoute,80 private courseService: CourseService, private fb: FormBuilder,81 private materialService: MaterialService, private globals: Globals,82 private _sanitizer: DomSanitizer,83 private _location: Location ) { }84 ngOnInit(): void {85 this.materialTypes = this.globals.materialTypes;86 this.materialPlaceholder = 'Choose a Material';87 this.bookPlaceholder = 'Choose a Book Reference';88 this.docPlaceholder = 'Choose a PDF Document';89 this.audioPlaceholder = 'Choose an audio file';90 this.videoPlaceholder = 'Choose a video file';91 this.quotePlaceholder = 'Choose a quote';92 this.blockPlaceholder = 'Choose a block';93 this.imagePlaceholder = 'Choose an image';94 this.courseService.ngOnInit();95 // this.extractedBooks = [];96 // this.extractedDocs = [];97 // this.extractedVideos = [];98 // this.extractedAudios = [];99 // this.extractedQuotes = [];100 // this.extractedBlocks = [];101 // this.extractedImages = [];102 this.imageFormArray = [];103 this.bookFormArray = [];104 this.docFormArray = [];105 this.videoFormArray = [];106 this.audioFormArray = [];107 this.quoteFormArray = [];108 this.blockFormArray = [];109 // Get the id from the activated route -- and get the data from the resolvers110 = this.activated_route.snapshot.params['id'];111 // console.log('About to Edit Course ID: ' +;112 this.course =['course'];113 // console.log('Course: ' + JSON.stringify(this.course));114 this.allpossiblematerials =['materials'];115 if ( !== '0' && ( this.course.image !== '' )) {116 this.existingImage = this.globals.courseimages + '/' + + '/' + this.course.image;117 // console.log('Existing image: ' + this.existingImage);118 }119 // console.log(JSON.stringify(this.materials));120 this.uploadedCourseImage = false;121 this.sectionsFormArray = this.fb.array([ ]);122 this.courseFormGroup ={123 title: [ '', [Validators.required, Validators.minLength(3)] ] ,124 description: [ '', [Validators.required ]],125 imageUploader: '',126 sections: this.sectionsFormArray127 });128 // console.log('Built course form');129 this.getPossibleImages();130 this.getPossibleVideos();131 this.getPossibleBooks();132 this.getPossibleDocs();133 this.getPossibleAudios();134 this.getPossibleQuotes();135 this.getPossibleBlocks();136 // console.log('gotDocs');137 this.addCourseImage();138 this.deLintMe();139 this.buildSections();140 }141 buildNewSection(i) {142 this.extractStuff(i);143 this.imageFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);144 this.bookFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);145 this.docFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);146 this.videoFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);147 this.audioFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);148 this.quoteFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);149 this.blockFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);150 // if (!this.course.sections[i]) {151 // this.course.sections[i] = new Section('', '', '', null, null, i);152 // }153 // if (this.course.sections[i] && this.extractedImages[i] ) {154 // for (let j = 0; j < this.extractedImages[i].length; j++ ) {155 // this.imageFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(this.extractedImages[i][j]['id'] ));156 // } }157 // if (this.course.sections[i] && this.extractedVideos[i] ) {158 // for (let j = 0; j < this.extractedVideos[i].length; j++ ) {159 // this.videoFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(this.extractedVideos[i][j]['id'] ));160 // } }161 // if (this.course.sections[i] && this.extractedAudios[i] ) {162 // for (let j = 0; j < this.extractedAudios[i].length; j++ ) {163 // this.audioFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(this.extractedAudios[i][j]['id'] ));164 // } }165 // if (this.course.sections[i] && this.extractedBooks[i] ) {166 // for (let j = 0; j < this.extractedBooks[i].length; j++ ) {167 // this.bookFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(this.extractedBooks[i][j]['id'] ));168 // } }169 // if (this.course.sections[i] && this.extractedDocs[i] ) {170 // for (let j = 0; j < this.extractedDocs[i].length; j++ ) {171 // this.docFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(this.extractedDocs[i][j]['id']) );172 // } }173 // if (this.course.sections[i] && this.extractedQuotes[i] ) {174 // for (let j = 0; j < this.extractedQuotes[i].length; j++ ) {175 // this.quoteFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(this.extractedQuotes[i][j]['id']) );176 // } }177 // if (this.course.sections[i] && this.extractedBlocks[i] ) {178 // for (let j = 0; j < this.extractedBlocks[i].length; j++ ) {179 // this.blockFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(this.extractedBlocks[i][j]['id']) );180 // } }181 // this.sectionMaterials[i] = this.materialService.sortMaterials(this.course.sections[i].materials);182 let title = '';183 let content = '';184 if (this.course.sections[i]) {185 if (this.course.sections[i].title) { title = this.course.sections[i].title; }186 if (this.course.sections[i].content) { content = this.course.sections[i].content; }187 }188 this.sectionReferences[i] = {189 title: title,190 content: content,191 // materials: this.materialFormArray[i],192 images: this.imageFormArray[i],193 videos: this.videoFormArray[i],194 audios: this.audioFormArray[i],195 books: this.bookFormArray[i],196 docs: this.docFormArray[i],197 quotes: this.quoteFormArray[i],198 blocks: this.blockFormArray[i]199 });200 this.sectionsFormArray.push( this.sectionReferences[i] );201 }202 buildSections() {203 // console.log('building sections.');204 this.sectionReferences = [];205 // this.materialFormArray = [];206 this.imageFormArray = [];207 this.bookFormArray = [];208 this.docFormArray = [];209 this.videoFormArray = [];210 this.audioFormArray = [];211 this.quoteFormArray = [];212 this.blockFormArray = [];213 for (let i = 0; i < this.course.sections.length; i++) {214 this.buildNewSection(i);215 }216 this.populateForm();217 }218 get sections(): FormArray {219 return <FormArray>this.courseFormGroup.get('sections');220 }221 buildSection(): FormGroup {222 return {223 title: '',224 content: '',225 images: [],226 videos: [],227 audios: [],228 books: [],229 docs: [],230 quotes: [],231 blocks: []232 });233 }234 buildMaterialsSubSection(value) {235 return{236 material: value237 });238 }239 extract( sectionNumber, type) {240 const extractedArray = [];241 if (this.course && this.course.sections &&242 this.course.sections[sectionNumber] &&243 this.course.sections[sectionNumber].materials) {244 for ( let j = 0; j < this.course.sections[sectionNumber].materials.length; j++) {245 const matID = this.course.sections[sectionNumber].materials[j];246 // console.log('mat: ' + JSON.stringify(matObj));247 if (matID) {248 const foundObj = this.allpossiblematerials.find( materialObject => ( === matID ) );249 if (foundObj) {250 // console.log( ' Found: ' + JSON.stringify(foundObj));251 if (foundObj['type'] === type) {252 extractedArray.push(foundObj);253 }254 }255 }256 }257 }258 // console.log('my extracted Array: ' + JSON.stringify(extractedArray));259 return extractedArray;260 }261 // We want an array of books that has been selected for this SECTION --262 // so we look through all of the materials for this section, and extract the ones that are 'books'263 extractStuff(sectionNumber) {264 // const offSetSectionNumber = sectionNumber + 1;265 // this.extractedImages[sectionNumber] = [];266 // this.extractedImages[sectionNumber] = this.extract(sectionNumber, 'image');267 // this.extractedBooks[sectionNumber] = [];268 // this.extractedBooks[sectionNumber] = this.extract(sectionNumber, 'book');269 // this.extractedDocs[sectionNumber] = [];270 // this.extractedDocs[sectionNumber] = this.extract(sectionNumber, 'doc');271 // this.extractedVideos[sectionNumber] = [];272 // this.extractedVideos[sectionNumber] = this.extract(sectionNumber, 'video');273 // this.extractedAudios[sectionNumber] = [];274 // this.extractedAudios[sectionNumber] = this.extract(sectionNumber, 'audio');275 // this.extractedQuotes[sectionNumber] = [];276 // this.extractedQuotes[sectionNumber] = this.extract(sectionNumber, 'quote');277 // this.extractedBlocks[sectionNumber] = [];278 // this.extractedBlocks[sectionNumber] = this.extract(sectionNumber, 'block');279 }280 fileChange(event) {281 const fileList: FileList =;282 if ( fileList.length > 0) {283 const file: File = fileList[0];284 this.thisFile = file;285 }286 }287 populateForm(): void {288 this.courseFormGroup.patchValue({'title': this.course.title,289 'description': this.course.description });290 }291 deLintMe() {292 for (let i = 0; i < this.course.sections.length; i++) {293 // console.log('delinting the sections');294 const sc = this.course.sections[i].content;295 if (sc) {296 const editedSC = sc.replace(/<br>/g, '\n');297 this.course.sections[i].content = editedSC; }298 }299 }300 lintMe( combinedCourseObject ) {301 let lintedModel = combinedCourseObject;302 // console.log('LINTING: ');303 for (let i = 0; i < combinedCourseObject.sections.length; i++) {304 // console.log('Linting section: ' + i);305 const sectionContent = combinedCourseObject.sections[i].content;306 let LintedSectionContent = sectionContent;307 if (sectionContent) {308 LintedSectionContent = sectionContent.replace(/\n/g, '<br>'); }309 combinedCourseObject.sections[i].content = LintedSectionContent;310 // console.log(combinedCourseObject.sections[i].content);311 }312 lintedModel = combinedCourseObject;313 return lintedModel;314 }315 postCourse() {316 if (this.uploadedCourseImage) {317 this.course.image = this.image; }318 // This is Deborah Korata's way of merging our data model with the form model319 let combinedCourseObject = Object.assign( {}, this.course, this.courseFormGroup.value);320 // const combinedCourseObject = this.courseFormGroup.value;321 // add a dummy "section Zero" to the front of the sections array -- (which we use as the course syllabus page)322 // combinedCourseObject.sections.unshift({ 'sectionNumber' : '0' });323 // I want to consolidate all the materials into one array for each section324 for (let j = 0; j < combinedCourseObject.sections.length; j++) {325 combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials = [];326 const audioGroup = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].audios;327 combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials.concat(audioGroup);328 const videoGroup = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].videos;329 combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials.concat(videoGroup);330 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].videos;331 const bookGroup = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].books;332 combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials.concat(bookGroup);333 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].books;334 const docGroup = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].docs;335 combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials.concat(docGroup);336 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].docs;337 const quoteGroup = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].quotes;338 combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials.concat(quoteGroup);339 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].quotes;340 const blockGroup = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].blocks;341 combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials.concat(blockGroup);342 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].blocks;343 const imageGroup = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].images;344 combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials = combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials.concat(imageGroup);345 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].audios;346 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].videos;347 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].books;348 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].docs;349 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].quotes;350 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].blocks;351 delete combinedCourseObject.sections[j].images;352 // I also want to strip out the individual objects and just store an array of ID #s.353 if (combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials) {354 const IDArray = combinedCourseObject.sections[j] material => {355 if (material && material.material) {356 return material.material; } else { return null; }357 });358 combinedCourseObject.sections[j].materials = IDArray;359 }360 // we also need to store the SectionNumber -- although this might eventually already be part of the model361 // after / if we add the ability to move sections around. For now - we'll just store the index.362 combinedCourseObject.sections[j].sectionNumber = j;363 // console.log('Section' + j + ': ' + JSON.stringify(combinedCourseObject.sections[j]) );364 }365 // console.log( 'Posting course: ' + JSON.stringify(combinedCourseObject) );366 const lintedModel = this.lintMe( combinedCourseObject );367 combinedCourseObject = lintedModel;368 combinedCourseObject.sections[0] = { 'sectionNumber': 0 };369 combinedCourseObject.sections[0].materials = [];370 if ( === '0') {371 this.courseService.createCourse( combinedCourseObject ).subscribe(372 (val) => {373 },374 response => { this.reset();375 this.router.navigate(['/admin/classes']);376 },377 () => {378 this.reset();379 this.router.navigate(['/admin/classes']);380 }381 );382 } else {383 // Validate stuff here384 this.courseService385 .updateCourse( combinedCourseObject ).subscribe(386 (val) => {387 },388 response => { this.reset(); this.router.navigate(['/admin/classes']);389 },390 () => {391 this.reset();392 this.router.navigate(['/admin/classes']);393 }394 );395 }396 }397 reset() {398 this.courseFormGroup.reset();399 }400 getPossibleQuotes() {401 this.materialService.getDynamicMaterials(0, 'quote').subscribe(402 quotes => { this.quoteOptions = this.sortObjs(quotes); },403 error => this.errorMessage = <any> error);404 }405 getPossibleImages() {406 this.materialService.getDynamicMaterials(0, 'image').subscribe(407 images => { this.imageOptions = this.sortObjs(images); },408 error => this.errorMessage = <any> error);409 }410 getPossibleVideos() {411 this.materialService.getDynamicMaterials(0, 'video').subscribe(412 videos => { this.videoOptions = this.sortObjs(videos); },413 error => this.errorMessage = <any> error);414 }415 getPossibleAudios() {416 this.materialService.getDynamicMaterials(0, 'audio').subscribe(417 audios => { this.audioOptions = this.sortObjs(audios); },418 error => this.errorMessage = <any> error);419 }420 getPossibleBooks() {421 this.materialService.getDynamicMaterials(0, 'book').subscribe(422 books => {423 this.bookOptions = this.sortObjs(books);424 },425 error => this.errorMessage = <any> error);426 }427 getPossibleBlocks() {428 this.materialService.getDynamicMaterials(0, 'block').subscribe(429 blocks => {430 this.blockOptions = this.sortObjs(blocks);431 },432 error => this.errorMessage = <any> error);433 }434 getPossibleDocs() {435 this.materialService.getDynamicMaterials(0, 'doc').subscribe(436 docs => {437 this.docOptions = this.sortObjs(docs);438 console.log('possible docs: ');439 doc => console.log(doc.title));440 },441 error => this.errorMessage = <any> error);442 }443 sortObjs( objs) {444 const sortedObjs = _.sortBy(objs, item => item.title);445 return sortedObjs;446 }447 addSection(): void {448 let newSection = 1;449 if (this.course.sections && this.course.sections.length > 0) {450 console.log('At least one section already exists.');451 newSection = this.course.sections.length;452 this.course.sections.push(new Section( '', '', [], null, newSection) );453 console.log('About to build a new section:' + newSection);454 this.buildNewSection(newSection);455 } else {456 newSection = 0;457 this.course.sections.push(new Section( '', '', [], null, newSection) );458 this.buildNewSection(0);459 newSection = 1;460 this.course.sections.push(new Section( '', '', [], null, newSection) );461 this.buildNewSection(1);462 }463 }464 addQuote(i): void {465 if (this.quoteFormArray[i]) {466 this.quoteFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));467 } else {468 this.quoteFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);469 this.quoteFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));470 }471 }472 addImage(i): void {473 if (this.imageFormArray[i]) {474 this.imageFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));475 } else {476 this.imageFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);477 this.imageFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));478 }479 }480 addVideo(i): void {481 if (this.videoFormArray[i]) {482 this.videoFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));483 } else {484 this.videoFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);485 this.videoFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));486 }487 }488 addAudio(i): void {489 if (this.audioFormArray[i]) {490 this.audioFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));491 } else {492 this.audioFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);493 this.audioFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));494 }495 }496 addBlock(i): void {497 if (this.blockFormArray[i]) {498 this.blockFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));499 } else {500 this.blockFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);501 this.blockFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));502 }503 }504 addBook(i): void {505 // console.log('Adding Book to section: ' + i);506 if (this.bookFormArray[i]) {507 console.log('FormArray for section #' + i + ' exists.');508 this.bookFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));509 } else {510 console.log('Creating FormArray for section #' + i);511 this.bookFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);512 this.bookFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));513 }514 // console.log('Done building bookFormArray');515 }516 addDoc(i): void {517 // console.log('Adding PDF Document to section: ' + i);518 if (this.docFormArray[i]) {519 console.log('FormArray for section #' + i + ' exists.');520 this.docFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));521 } else {522 console.log('Creating FormArray for section #' + i);523 this.docFormArray[i] = this.fb.array([]);524 this.docFormArray[i].push(this.buildMaterialsSubSection(''));525 }526 // console.log('Done building bookFormArray');527 }528 killSection(i) {529 const k = confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this whole section, and all the related reference materials?');530 if (k) {531 this.sections.removeAt(i); }532 }533 // killBook(i, k) {534 // this.bookFormArray[i].removeAt(k);535 // }536 // killBlock(i, k) {537 // this.blockFormArray[i].removeAt(k);538 // }539 // killImage(i, k) {540 // this.imageFormArray[i].removeAt(k);541 // }542 // killDoc(i, k) {543 // this.docFormArray[i].removeAt(k);544 // }545 // killVideo(i, k) {546 // this.videoFormArray[i].removeAt(k);547 // }548 // killQuote(i, k) {549 // this.quoteFormArray[i].removeAt(k);550 // }551 // killAudio(i, k) {552 // this.audioFormArray[i].removeAt(k);553 // }554 addCourseImage() {555 console.log('adding course image');556 const urlWithQuery = this.globals.postcourseimages + '?id=' +;557 this.uploader = new FileUploader({url: urlWithQuery});558 this.uploader.onAfterAddingFile = (fileItem) => {559 const url = (window.URL) ? window.URL.createObjectURL(fileItem._file)560 : (window as any).webkitURL.createObjectURL(fileItem._file);561 this.localImageUrl = url;562 this.uploader.queue[0].upload();563 this.uploadedCourseImage = true;564 };565 this.uploader.onCompleteItem = (item: any, response: any, status: any, headers: any) => {566 this.tempName = this.uploader.queue[0];567 this.image = this.tempName;568 this.imageUrl = this.globals.courseimages + '/' +569 + '/' + this.image;570 this.uploader.queue[0].remove();571 };572 }573 escapeHtml(unsafe) {574 return unsafe.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;')575 .replace(/"/g, '&quot;').replace(/'/g, '&#039;');576 }577 moveUp(i) {578 if (i > 1) {579 console.log('moving up: ' + i);580 // const dummySection = this.sectionReferences[i - 1];581 // const dummyFormArray = this.sectionsFormArray[i - 1];582 // this.sectionReferences[i - 1] = this.sectionReferences[i];583 // this.sectionsFormArray[i - 1] = this.sectionsFormArray[i];584 // this.sectionReferences[i] = dummySection;585 // this.sectionsFormArray[i] = dummyFormArray;586 // this.courseFormGroup.patchValue({sections: this.sectionsFormArray });587 }588 }589 closer() {590 this.router.navigate(['/admin/classes']);591 // this._location.back();592 // // this.router.navigate(['/coursebuilder']);593 }594 removeCourse() {595 this.courseService.removeCourse( this.course).subscribe( (val) => {596 this.router.navigate(['/admin/classes']);597 }, response => { this.router.navigate(['/admin/classes']); },598 () => { this.router.navigate(['/admin/classes']); });599 }600 deleteCourse(courseId) {601 const result = confirm( 'Are you sure you want to delete this course,' +602 ' and All of it\'s related sections, width ID: ' + courseId + '? ');603 if (result) {604 console.log('Got the ok to delete the course.');605 this.courseService.deleteCourse(courseId).subscribe(606 (data) => {607 console.log('Got back from the Course Service.');608 this.router.navigate(['/coursebuilder']);609 },610 error => {611 this.errorMessage = <any>error;612 // This is a work-around for a HTTP error message I was getting even when the613 // course was successfully deleted.614 if (error.status === 200) {615 console.log('Got back from the Course Service.');616 this.router.navigate(['/coursebuilder']);617 } else {618 console.log('Error: ' + JSON.stringify(error) ); }619 } );620 }621 }...

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Source:task.js Github


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1var c2stem = new C2Stem();2c2stem.fixupLogoutLink();3$( window ).on( "load", function() {4 console.log( "ready!" );5 c2stem.loadTaskData(, function (err, res) {6 if(res === null){7 // c2stem.logout(function (err) {8 window.location.href = "login.html";9 // });10 return;11 }12 console.log("loading task",;13 c2stem.task_id =;14 c2stem.module_id =;15 c2stem.mode = c2stem.query.mode;16 TaskViewActionManger.pageLoaded(c2stem.task_id, c2stem.module_id);17 if(c2stem.mode !== null && (c2stem.mode === 'teacher' ))18 $('#reset_to_template').hide();19 c2stem.getUserRole(function () {20 if(c2stem.userRole.role !== 'teacher' && c2stem.mode === 'teacher'){21 c2stem.mode = "";22 }23 $("#dashboard").hide();24 if(c2stem.userRole.role === "teacher" || c2stem.userRole.role !== 'researcher'){25 $("#dashboard").show();26 }27 console.log()28 c2stem.isNewTask(function () {29 console.log("isNewTask:", c2stem.isNewTask);30 c2stem.loadPublicProject(c2stem.task_id, null, false, function (err) {31 loadTask(err,res);32 });33 });34 });35 });36});37function loadTask(err, res) {38 if (err === "ERROR: Not logged in") {39 window.location.href = "login.html";40 } else if (err && err !== "ERROR: Project not found" ) {41 Materialize.toast(err || 'Could not load tasks');42 } else {43 console.log("c2stem.userTaskData:", c2stem.userTaskData);44 c2stem.fixupModuleLink(,;45 c2stem.fixupTaskLink(,;46 $('#tabs-div').append('<ul class="tabs tabs-transparent"></ul>');47 var tab = null;48 for (var i = 0; i < res.tabs.length; i++) {49 tab = res.tabs[i];50 $("#tabs-div ul").append(`<li class="tab"><a href="#tab${}" id="tab_${}">${}</a></li>`)51 if (tab.type === 'desc') {52 c2stem.addDescriptionTab(,, tab.markup);53 } else if (tab.type === 'snap1') {54 c2stem.addSnap1Tab(,, tab.template);55 } else if (tab.type === 'snap2') {56 c2stem.addSnap2Tab(,;57 } else if (tab.type === 'cm') {58 c2stem.addConcpetualModelingTab(,,;59 }60 var n = document.getElementById("tab_";61 n.tab_name =;62 n.tab_type = tab.type;63 $("#tab_" (event) {64 var eid =;65 var n = document.getElementById(eid);66 // console.log("tab clicked:", n.tab_name, n.tab_type);67 TaskViewActionManger.switchTab(n.tab_name, n.tab_type);68 // ConceptualActionManager.deleteProperty(selected_concept, selected_property);69 });70 }71 $("#reset_to_template").click(function () {72 var cloud = C2StemCloud;73 TaskViewActionManger.resetTask(c2stem.task_id, c2stem.module_id);74 cloud.deleteUserProgress(c2stem.task_id, function () {75 console.log(c2stem.task_id," reset_to_template successful");76 location.reload();77 }, function (err) {78 console.log(c2stem.task_id,"could not reset_to_template, err:", err);79 });80 });81 $("#logout").click(function () {82 LoginActionManger.logout();83 });84 // $("#ExportSnapBlocks").click(function () {85 // c2stem.SaveBlocksCache("ExtractedBlocks", function (error) {86 // if(error === null){87 // c2stem.loadBlocksCache("ExtractedBlocks", "d.asif.hasan");88 // }89 // });90 // });91 $('ul.tabs').tabs(); // visualize the tabs92 }...

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Source:BlockParser.ts Github


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1import * as winston from "winston";2import { Block } from "../models/BlockModel";3import { IBlock } from "./CommonInterfaces";4import { Sdk } from "../services/Sdk";5import { MissedBlock } from "../models/MissedBlockModel";6import { Config } from "./Config";7import * as Bluebird from "bluebird";8const config = require("config");9export class BlockParser {10 public async parseBlocks(blocks: any) {11 if (blocks.length === 0) return Promise.resolve();12 const extractedBlocks = blocks.flatMap((block: any) => {13 return new Block(this.extractBlockData(block));14 });15 const bulkBlocks = Block.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();16 extractedBlocks.forEach((block: IBlock) => {17 bulkBlocks18 .find({ height: block.height })19 .upsert()20 .replaceOne(block);21 });22 if (bulkBlocks.length === 0) return Promise.resolve();23 return bulkBlocks.execute().then((bulkResult: any) => {24 return Promise.resolve(extractedBlocks);25 });26 }27 extractBlockData(block: any) {28 return {29 height: Number(block.block_meta.header.height),30 hash: String(block.block_meta.block_id.hash),31 time: block.block_meta.header.time,32 num_txs: Number(block.block_meta.header.num_txs),33 proposer: String(block.block_meta.header.proposer_address)34 };35 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check-monorepo');2const f = (a, b) => a + b;3const g = (a, b) => a - b;4const h = (a, b) => a * b;5const blocks = extractedBlocks([f, g, h]);6console.log(blocks);7const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check-monorepo');8const f = (a, b) => a + b;9const g = (a, b) => a - b;10const h = (a, b) => a * b;11const blocks = extractedBlocks([f, g, h]);12console.log(blocks);13const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check-monorepo');14const f = (a, b) => a + b;15const g = (a, b) => a - b;16const h = (a, b) => a * b;17const blocks = extractedBlocks([f, g, h]);18console.log(blocks);19const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check-monorepo');20const f = (a, b) => a + b;21const g = (a, b) => a - b;22const h = (a, b) => a * b;23const blocks = extractedBlocks([f, g, h]);24console.log(blocks);25const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check-monorepo');26const f = (a, b) => a + b;27const g = (a, b) => a - b;28const h = (a, b) => a * b;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check');2extractedBlocks(1, 2, 3);3console.log('test3');4const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check');5extractedBlocks(1, 2, 3);6console.log('test4');7const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check');8extractedBlocks(1, 2, 3);9console.log('test5');10const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check');11extractedBlocks(1, 2, 3);12console.log('test6');13const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check');14extractedBlocks(1, 2, 3);15console.log('test7');16const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check');17extractedBlocks(1, 2, 3);18console.log('test8');19const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check');20extractedBlocks(1, 2, 3);21console.log('test9');22const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check');23extractedBlocks(1, 2, 3);24console.log('test10');25const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check');26extractedBlocks(1, 2, 3);27console.log('test11');28const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check');29extractedBlocks(1, 2, 3);30console.log('test12');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {extractedBlocks} = require('@fast-check/arbitrary/ExtractedBlocks.js');2const {fc} = require('@fast-check/arbitrary/ExtractedBlocks.js');3const {extractedBlocks} = require('@fast-check/arbitrary/ExtractedBlocks.js');4const {fc} = require('@fast-check/arbitrary/ExtractedBlocks.js');5fc.assert(6, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {7 return a + b === b + a;8 })9);10fc.assert(11, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {12 return a * b === b * a;13 })14);15fc.assert(16, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {17 return a - b === -(b - a);18 })19);20fc.assert(21, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {22 return a / b === 1 / (b / a);23 })24);25fc.assert(26, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {27 return a % b === a - Math.floor(a / b) * b;28 })29);30fc.assert(31, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {32 return a ** b === Math.pow(a, b);33 })34);35fc.assert(36, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {37 return a & b === b & a;38 })39);40fc.assert(41, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {42 return a | b === b | a;43 })44);45fc.assert(46, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {47 return a ^ b === b ^ a;48 })49);50fc.assert(51, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {52 return a << b === b << a;53 })54);55fc.assert(56, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {57 return a >> b === b >> a;58 })59);60fc.assert(61, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {62 return a >>> b === b >>> a;63 })64);65fc.assert(66, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check-monorepo');3fc.configureGlobal({numRuns: 1000});4const arb = fc.integer(-100, 100);5const isOdd = (n) => n % 2 !== 0;6const isEven = (n) => n % 2 === 0;7describe('isOdd', () => {8 extractedBlocks(arb, isOdd, {9 });10});11describe('isEven', () => {12 extractedBlocks(arb, isEven, {13 });14});15 ✓ should hold for all the examples (3ms)16 ✓ should hold for all the generated values (3ms)17 ✓ should hold for all the examples (2ms)18 ✓ should hold for all the generated values (2ms)19 ✓ should hold for all the examples (2ms)20 ✓ should hold for all the examples (1ms)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {extractedBlocks} = require('fast-check');2const mySpec = {3 {4 {5 {6 {7 {8 {9 {10 {11 {12 {13 {14 {15 {16 {17 {18 {19 {20 {21 {22 {23 {24 {25 {26 {27 {28 {29 {30 {31 {32 {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const { extractedBlocks } = require('fast-check-monorepo');3 .integer()4 .noBias()5 .noShrink();6 .integer()7 .noBias()8 .noShrink();9 .integer()10 .noBias()11 .noShrink();12 .integer()13 .noBias()14 .noShrink();15 .integer()16 .noBias()17 .noShrink();18 .integer()19 .noBias()20 .noShrink();21const arbitraries = [arb, arb2, arb3, arb4, arb5, arb6];22const sizes = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];23const frequencies = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];24const seeds = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];25const results = extractedBlocks(arbitraries, sizes, frequencies, seeds);26console.log(results);

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