How to use configureGlobal method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:index.js Github


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1/* eslint-disable react/jsx-no-target-blank */2import { Button, Form, Input, Modal, Select, Tag } from 'antd';3import { connect } from 'dva';4import React, { PureComponent } from 'react';5import AddGroup from '../../components/AddOrEditGroup';6import configureGlobal from '../../utils/configureGlobal';7import globalUtil from '../../utils/global';8import wutongUtil from '../../utils/wutong';9const { Option } = Select;10const formItemLayout = {11 labelCol: {12 span: 513 },14 wrapperCol: {15 span: 1916 }17};18@connect(19 ({ global, loading }) => ({20 groups: global.groups,21 createAppByCodeLoading: loading.effects['createApp/createAppByCode'],22 wutongInfo: global.wutongInfo23 }),24 null,25 null,26 { withRef: true }27)28@Form.create()29export default class Index extends PureComponent {30 constructor(props) {31 super(props);32 this.state = {33 addGroup: false,34 demoHref:35 || configureGlobal.documentAddressDefault36 };37 }38 onAddGroup = () => {39 this.setState({ addGroup: true });40 };41 cancelAddGroup = () => {42 this.setState({ addGroup: false });43 };44 handleSubmit = e => {45 e.preventDefault();46 const { form, onSubmit } = this.props;47 form.validateFields((err, fieldsValue) => {48 if (!err && onSubmit) {49 onSubmit(fieldsValue);50 }51 });52 };53 handleAddGroup = groupId => {54 const { setFieldsValue } = this.props.form;55 setFieldsValue({ group_id: groupId });56 this.cancelAddGroup();57 };58 fetchGroup = () => {59 this.props.dispatch({60 type: 'global/fetchGroups',61 payload: {62 team_name: globalUtil.getCurrTeamName()63 }64 });65 };66 handleOpenDemo = () => {67 Modal.warning({68 title: '查看Dmeo源码',69 content: (70 <div>71 <Tag color="magenta" style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }}>72 <a73 target="_blank"74 style={{ color: '#EA2E96' }}75 href={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}demo-2048.git`}76 >77 2048小游戏78 </a>79 </Tag>80 <Tag color="green" style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }}>81 <a82 target="_blank"83 style={{ color: '#74CC49' }}84 href={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}static-demo.git`}85 >86 静态Web:hello world !87 </a>88 </Tag>89 <Tag color="volcano" style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }}>90 <a91 target="_blank"92 style={{ color: '#FA541B' }}93 href={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}php-demo.git`}94 >95 PHP Demo96 </a>97 </Tag>98 <Tag color="blue" style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }}>99 <a100 target="_blank"101 style={{ color: '#1990FF' }}102 href={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}python-demo.git`}103 >104 Python Demo105 </a>106 </Tag>107 <Tag color="orange" style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }}>108 <a109 target="_blank"110 style={{ color: '#FA8E14' }}111 href={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}nodejs-demo.git`}112 >113 Node.js Demo114 </a>115 </Tag>116 <Tag color="gold" style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }}>117 <a118 target="_blank"119 style={{ color: '#FCAD15' }}120 href={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}go-demo.git`}121 >122 Golang Demo123 </a>124 </Tag>125 <Tag color="lime" style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }}>126 <a127 target="_blank"128 style={{ color: '#A0D912' }}129 href={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}java-maven-demo.git`}130 >131 Java-Maven Demo132 </a>133 </Tag>134 <Tag color="geekblue" style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }}>135 <a136 target="_blank"137 style={{ color: '#3054EB' }}138 href={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}java-jar-demo.git`}139 >140 Java-Jar Demo141 </a>142 </Tag>143 <Tag color="purple" style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }}>144 <a145 target="_blank"146 style={{ color: '#722DD1' }}147 href={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}java-war-demo.git`}148 >149 Java-War Demo150 </a>151 </Tag>152 <Tag color="volcano" style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }}>153 <a154 target="_blank"155 style={{ color: '#FA541B' }}156 href={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}java-gradle-demo.git`}157 >158 Java-Gradle Demo159 </a>160 </Tag>161 <Tag color="gold" style={{ marginBottom: '10px' }}>162 <a163 target="_blank"164 style={{ color: '#FCAD15' }}165 href={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}dotnet-demo.git`}166 >167 .NetCore Demo168 </a>169 </Tag>170 </div>171 )172 });173 };174 handleChangeDemo = value => {175 this.setState({176 demoHref: value177 });178 };179 handleValiateNameSpace = (_, value, callback) => {180 if (!value) {181 return callback(new Error('请输入组件英文名称'));182 }183 if (value && value.length <= 32) {184 const Reg = /^[a-z]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?$/;185 if (!Reg.test(value)) {186 return callback(187 new Error(188 '只支持小写字母、数字或“-”,并且必须以字母开始、以数字或字母结尾'189 )190 );191 }192 callback();193 }194 if (value.length > 32) {195 return callback(new Error('不能大于32个字符'));196 }197 };198 render() {199 const { getFieldDecorator } = this.props.form;200 const { groups, createAppByCodeLoading, wutongInfo } = this.props;201 const data = || {};202 return (203 <Form layout="horizontal" hideRequiredMark>204 <Form.Item {...formItemLayout} label="应用名称">205 {getFieldDecorator('group_id', {206 initialValue: data.groupd_id ? data.groupd_id : undefined,207 rules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择' }]208 })(209 <Select210 getPopupContainer={triggerNode => triggerNode.parentNode}211 placeholder="请选择要所属应用"212 style={{ display: 'inline-block', width: 292, marginRight: 15 }}213 >214 {(groups || []).map(group => (215 <Option key={group.group_id} value={group.group_id}>216 {group.group_name}217 </Option>218 ))}219 </Select>220 )}221 <Button onClick={this.onAddGroup}>新建应用</Button>222 </Form.Item>223 <Form.Item {...formItemLayout} label="组件名称">224 {getFieldDecorator('service_cname', {225 initialValue: data.service_cname || '',226 rules: [227 { required: true, message: '要创建的组件还没有名字' },228 {229 max: 24,230 message: '最大长度24位'231 }232 ]233 })(234 <Input235 style={{ width: 292 }}236 placeholder="请为创建的组件起个名字吧"237 />238 )}239 </Form.Item>240 <Form.Item {...formItemLayout} label="组件英文名称">241 {getFieldDecorator('k8s_component_name', {242 rules: [243 {244 required: true,245 validator: this.handleValiateNameSpace246 }247 ]248 })(<Input placeholder="组件的英文名称" style={{ width: 292 }} />)}249 </Form.Item>250 <Form.Item {...formItemLayout} label={<span>Demo</span>}>251 {getFieldDecorator('git_url', {252 initialValue:253 data.git_url || configureGlobal.documentAddressDefault,254 rules: [{ required: true, message: '请选择' }]255 })(256 <Select257 getPopupContainer={triggerNode => triggerNode.parentNode}258 style={{ display: 'inline-block', width: 292, marginRight: 15 }}259 onChange={this.handleChangeDemo}260 >261 <Option value={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}demo-2048.git`}>262 2048小游戏263 </Option>264 <Option265 value={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}static-demo.git`}266 >267 静态Web:hello world !268 </Option>269 <Option value={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}php-demo.git`}>270 PHP Demo271 </Option>272 <Option273 value={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}python-demo.git`}274 >275 Python Demo276 </Option>277 <Option278 value={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}nodejs-demo.git`}279 >280 Node.js Demo281 </Option>282 <Option value={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}go-demo.git`}>283 Golang Demo284 </Option>285 <Option286 value={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}java-maven-demo.git`}287 >288 Java-Maven Demo289 </Option>290 <Option291 value={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}java-jar-demo.git`}292 >293 Java-Jar Demo294 </Option>295 <Option296 value={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}java-war-demo.git`}297 >298 Java-war Demo299 </Option>300 <Option301 value={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}java-gradle-demo.git`}302 >303 Java-gradle Demo304 </Option>305 <Option306 value={`${configureGlobal.documentAddress}dotnet-demo.git`}307 >308 .NetCore Demo309 </Option>310 </Select>311 )}312 {this.state.demoHref && wutongUtil.documentPlatform_url(wutongInfo) && (313 <a target="_blank" href={this.state.demoHref}>314 查看源码315 </a>316 )}317 </Form.Item>318 <Form.Item319 wrapperCol={{320 xs: { span: 24, offset: 0 },321 sm: {322 span: formItemLayout.wrapperCol.span,323 offset: formItemLayout.labelCol.span324 }325 }}326 label=""327 >328 <Button329 onClick={this.handleSubmit}330 type="primary"331 loading={createAppByCodeLoading}332 >333 确认创建334 </Button>335 </Form.Item>336 {this.state.addGroup && (337 <AddGroup onCancel={this.cancelAddGroup} onOk={this.handleAddGroup} />338 )}339 </Form>340 );341 }...

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Source:configureGlobal.js Github


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1const configureGlobal = {2 documentAddressDefault: '',3 wutongDocumentAddress: '',4 documentAddress: '',5 newbieGuideShow: true,6 wutongTextShow: true7};...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2configureGlobal({ seed: 1234 });3const fc = require('fast-check');4fc.assert(, fc.integer(), (a, b) => a + b >= a));5const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check-monorepo');6configureGlobal({ seed: 1234 });7const fc = require('fast-check');8fc.assert(, fc.integer(), (a, b) => a + b >= a));9const fc = require('fast-check');10const i = fc.integer(-100, 100).generate();11const a = fc.array(fc.integer(0, 10), 5).generate();12const fc = require('fast-check');13const isSorted = (tab) => {14 for (let idx = 1; idx !== tab.length; ++idx) {15 if (tab[idx - 1] > tab[idx]) return false;16 }17 return true;18};19fc.assert(, isSorted));20const fc = require('fast-check');21const isSortedAsync = async (tab) => {22 for (let idx = 1; idx !== tab.length

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const fc = require('fast-check');2const configureGlobal = require('fast-check-monorepo').configureGlobal;3configureGlobal(fc);4fc.assert(5, fc.integer(), (a, b) => {6 return a + b >= a && a + b >= b;7 })8);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');2configureGlobal({3});4const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');5configureGlobal({6});7const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');8configureGlobal({9});10const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');11configureGlobal({12});13const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');14configureGlobal({15});16const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');17configureGlobal({18});19const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');20configureGlobal({21});22const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');23configureGlobal({24});25const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');26configureGlobal({27});28const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');29configureGlobal({30});31const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');32configureGlobal({33});34const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');35configureGlobal({36});37const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');38configureGlobal({39});40const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');41configureGlobal({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const configureGlobal = require('fast-check-monorepo').configureGlobal;2configureGlobal({3});4const fc = require('fast-check');5fc.assert(, fc.integer(), (a, b) => a + b === b + a));6const configureGlobal = require('fast-check-monorepo').configureGlobal;7configureGlobal({8});9const fc = require('fast-check');10fc.assert(, fc.integer(), (a, b) => a + b === b + a));11const configureGlobal = require('fast-check-monorepo').configureGlobal;12configureGlobal({13});14const fc = require('fast-check');15fc.assert(, fc.integer(), (a, b) => a + b === b + a));16const configureGlobal = require('fast-check-monorepo').configureGlobal;17configureGlobal({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');2configureGlobal({3});4const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');5configureGlobal({6});7const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');8configureGlobal({9});10const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');11configureGlobal({12});13const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');14configureGlobal({15});16const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');17configureGlobal({18});19const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');20configureGlobal({21});22const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check');23configureGlobal({24});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2configureGlobal({ numRuns: 1000 });3const { property } = require('fast-check');4property(5 () => {6 },7 { numRuns: 1000 }8);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { configureGlobal } = require('fast-check-monorepo');2configureGlobal({ numRuns: 1000 });3const { property } = require('fast-check');4const { isEven } = require('./isEven');5describe('isEven', () => {6 it('should return true when the input is even', () => {7 property(isEven).checkForall();8 });9});10function isEven(n) {11 return n % 2 === 0;12}13module.exports = { isEven };14{15 "scripts": {16 },17 "dependencies": {18 },19 "devDependencies": {20 }21}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import configureGlobal from 'fast-check-monorepo/lib/configuration/GlobalParameters';2configureGlobal({3});4export default configureGlobal;5import configureGlobal from 'fast-check-monorepo/lib/configuration/GlobalParameters';6configureGlobal({7});8export default configureGlobal;9import configureGlobal from 'fast-check-monorepo/lib/configuration/GlobalParameters';10configureGlobal({11});12export default configureGlobal;13import configureGlobal from 'fast-check-monorepo/lib/configuration/GlobalParameters';14configureGlobal({15});16export default configureGlobal;

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