How to use bigIntBuilder method in fast-check-monorepo

Best JavaScript code snippet using fast-check-monorepo


Source:BigIntArbitrary.spec.ts Github


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1import * as fc from 'fast-check';2import { BigIntArbitrary } from '../../../../src/arbitrary/_internals/BigIntArbitrary';3import { Value } from '../../../../src/check/arbitrary/definition/Value';4import { fakeRandom } from '../__test-helpers__/RandomHelpers';5import {6 assertProduceValuesShrinkableWithoutContext,7 assertProduceCorrectValues,8 assertShrinkProducesSameValueWithoutInitialContext,9 assertShrinkProducesStrictlySmallerValue,10 assertProduceSameValueGivenSameSeed,11} from '../__test-helpers__/ArbitraryAssertions';12import { buildShrinkTree, renderTree, walkTree } from '../__test-helpers__/ShrinkTree';13import { Stream } from '../../../../src/stream/Stream';14import * as BiasNumericRangeMock from '../../../../src/arbitrary/_internals/helpers/BiasNumericRange';15import * as ShrinkBigIntMock from '../../../../src/arbitrary/_internals/helpers/ShrinkBigInt';16function beforeEachHook() {17 jest.resetModules();18 jest.restoreAllMocks();19 fc.configureGlobal({ beforeEach: beforeEachHook });20}21beforeEach(beforeEachHook);22describe('BigIntArbitrary', () => {23 if (typeof BigInt === 'undefined') {24 it('no test', () => {25 expect(true).toBe(true);26 });27 return;28 }29 describe('generate', () => {30 it('should never bias and generate the full range when biasFactor is not specified', () =>31 fc.assert(32, fc.bigInt(), fc.bigInt(), (a, b, c) => {33 // Arrange34 const [min, mid, max] = [a, b, c].sort((v1, v2) => Number(v1 - v2));35 const { instance: mrng, nextBigInt } = fakeRandom();36 nextBigInt.mockReturnValueOnce(mid);37 // Act38 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(min, max);39 const out = arb.generate(mrng, undefined);40 // Assert41 expect(out.value).toBe(mid);42 expect(nextBigInt).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);43 expect(nextBigInt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(min, max);44 })45 ));46 it('should not always bias values (expect 1 times over biasFreq) and still generate full range when unbiased', () =>47 fc.assert(48, fc.bigInt(), fc.bigInt(), fc.maxSafeInteger(), (a, b, c, biasFactor) => {49 // Arrange50 const [min, mid, max] = [a, b, c].sort((v1, v2) => Number(v1 - v2));51 const { instance: mrng, nextInt, nextBigInt } = fakeRandom();52 nextInt.mockReturnValueOnce(2); // 1 means bias, all others are unbiased53 nextBigInt.mockReturnValueOnce(mid);54 // Act55 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(min, max);56 const out = arb.generate(mrng, biasFactor);57 // Assert58 expect(out.value).toBe(mid);59 expect(nextInt).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);60 expect(nextInt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1, biasFactor);61 expect(nextBigInt).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);62 expect(nextBigInt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(min, max);63 })64 ));65 it('should bias values (1 times over biasFreq) by using one of the ranges from biasNumericRange', () =>66 fc.assert(67 fc.bigInt(),69 fc.bigInt(),70 fc.bigInt(),71 fc.maxSafeInteger(),72 fc.maxSafeInteger(),73 // Remark:74 // Following biasNumericRange is not fully identical to the onces that would be provided.75 // Range (in this stub) can be larger than the requested one. Not impacting from a unit-test point of view.76 fc.array(77 fc.tuple(fc.bigInt(), fc.bigInt()).map(([a, b]) => (a < b ? { min: a, max: b } : { min: b, max: a })),78 { minLength: 1 }79 ),80 (a, b, c, biasFactor, mod, ranges) => {81 // Arrange82 const [min, mid, max] = [a, b, c].sort((v1, v2) => Number(v1 - v2));83 const { instance: mrng, nextInt, nextBigInt } = fakeRandom();84 nextInt.mockReturnValueOnce(1); // 1 means bias85 if (ranges.length !== 1) {86 nextInt.mockImplementationOnce((min, max) => min + (mod % (max - min + 1)));87 }88 nextBigInt.mockReturnValueOnce(mid); // Remark: this value will most of the time be outside of requested range89 const biasNumericRange = jest.spyOn(90 BiasNumericRangeMock,91 'biasNumericRange'92 ) as unknown as jest.SpyInstance<{ min: bigint; max: bigint }[], [bigint, bigint, () => bigint]>;93 biasNumericRange.mockReturnValueOnce(ranges);94 // Act95 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(min, max);96 const out = arb.generate(mrng, biasFactor);97 // Assert98 expect(out.value).toBe(mid);99 expect(biasNumericRange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);100 expect(biasNumericRange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(min, max, expect.any(Function));101 if (ranges.length === 1) {102 expect(nextInt).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);103 expect(nextInt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1, biasFactor);104 expect(nextBigInt).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);105 expect(nextBigInt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ranges[0].min, ranges[0].max);106 } else {107 expect(nextInt).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);108 expect(nextInt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(1, biasFactor);109 const secondNextIntParams = nextInt.mock.calls[1];110 expect(secondNextIntParams[0]).toBeLessThan(0); // arbitrary is supposed to prefer the first entry111 expect(secondNextIntParams[1]).toBe(ranges.length - 2); // other entries do not have any special treatments112 // negative values for [0], positive value n means ranges[n+1]113 const secondNextIntResult = nextInt.mock.results[1].value;114 const selectedRange = secondNextIntResult < 0 ? 0 : secondNextIntResult + 1;115 expect(nextBigInt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ranges[selectedRange].min, ranges[selectedRange].max);116 }117 }118 )119 ));120 });121 describe('canShrinkWithoutContext', () => {122 it('should always tells it can generate values included in the requested range', () =>123 fc.assert(124, fc.bigInt(), fc.bigInt(), (a, b, c) => {125 // Arrange126 const [min, mid, max] = [a, b, c].sort((v1, v2) => Number(v1 - v2));127 // Act128 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(min, max);129 const out = arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(mid);130 // Assert131 expect(out).toBe(true);132 })133 ));134 it('should always reject values outside of the requested range', () =>135 fc.assert(136 fc.bigInt(),138 fc.bigInt(),139 fc.bigInt(),140 fc.constantFrom(...(['lower', 'higher'] as const)),141 (a, b, c, position) => {142 // Arrange143 const s = [a, b, c].sort((v1, v2) => Number(v1 - v2));144 const [min, max, requested] = position === 'lower' ? [s[1], s[2], s[0]] : [s[0], s[1], s[2]];145 fc.pre(requested !== min && requested !== max);146 // Act147 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(min, max);148 const out = arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(requested);149 // Assert150 expect(out).toBe(false);151 }152 )153 ));154 it.each`155 requested156 ${'1'}157 ${1}158 ${'1n'}159 ${1.5}160 ${-0}161 ${Number.NaN}162 ${''}163 ${{}}164 `('should always reject non bigint values like $requested', ({ requested }) => {165 // Arrange166 const min = BigInt(0);167 const max = BigInt(100);168 // Act169 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(min, max);170 const out = arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(requested);171 // Assert172 expect(out).toBe(false);173 });174 });175 describe('shrink', () => {176 it('should always call shrink helper when no context provided', () =>177 fc.assert(178, fc.bigInt(), fc.bigInt(), (a, b, c) => {179 // Arrange180 const [min, mid, max] = [a, b, c].sort((v1, v2) => Number(v1 - v2));181 const expectedShrinks = Stream.nil<Value<bigint>>();182 const shrinkBigInt = jest.spyOn(ShrinkBigIntMock, 'shrinkBigInt');183 shrinkBigInt.mockReturnValueOnce(expectedShrinks);184 // Act185 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(min, max);186 const shrinks = arb.shrink(mid, undefined);187 // Assert188 expect(shrinks).toBe(expectedShrinks);189 expect(shrinkBigInt).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);190 expect(shrinkBigInt).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mid, expect.any(BigInt), true);191 })192 ));193 });194});195describe('BigIntArbitrary (integration)', () => {196 if (typeof BigInt === 'undefined') {197 it('no test', () => {198 expect(true).toBe(true);199 });200 return;201 }202 type Extra = { min: bigint; max: bigint };203 const extraParameters: fc.Arbitrary<Extra> = fc204 .tuple(fc.bigInt(), fc.bigInt())205 .map(([a, b]) => (a < b ? { min: a, max: b } : { min: b, max: a }));206 const isCorrect = (value: bigint, extra: Extra) =>207 typeof value === 'bigint' && extra.min <= value && value <= extra.max;208 const isStrictlySmaller = (v1: bigint, v2: bigint) => {209 const absV1 = v1 < BigInt(0) ? -v1 : v1;210 const absV2 = v2 < BigInt(0) ? -v2 : v2;211 return absV1 < absV2;212 };213 const bigIntBuilder = (extra: Extra) => new BigIntArbitrary(extra.min, extra.max);214 it('should produce the same values given the same seed', () => {215 assertProduceSameValueGivenSameSeed(bigIntBuilder, { extraParameters });216 });217 it('should only produce correct values', () => {218 assertProduceCorrectValues(bigIntBuilder, isCorrect, { extraParameters });219 });220 it('should produce values seen as shrinkable without any context', () => {221 assertProduceValuesShrinkableWithoutContext(bigIntBuilder, { extraParameters });222 });223 it('should be able to shrink to the same values without initial context', () => {224 assertShrinkProducesSameValueWithoutInitialContext(bigIntBuilder, { extraParameters });225 });226 it('should shrink towards strictly smaller values', () => {227 assertShrinkProducesStrictlySmallerValue(bigIntBuilder, isStrictlySmaller, { extraParameters });228 });229 describe('shrink', () => {230 it('should build a mirrored version of the shrinking tree if we negate all the values', () =>231 fc.assert(232 fc.bigInt(),234 fc.bigUint({ max: BigInt(20) }), // larger trees might be too wide235 fc.bigUint({ max: BigInt(20) }),236 (start, o1, o2) => {237 // Arrange238 const min = start;239 const [mid, max] = o1 < o2 ? [min + o1, min + o2] : [min + o2, min + o1];240 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(min, max);241 const arbNegate = new BigIntArbitrary(-max, -min);242 // Act243 const source = new Value(mid, undefined);244 const sourceNegate = new Value(-mid, undefined);245 const tree = buildShrinkTree(arb, source);246 const treeNegate = buildShrinkTree(arbNegate, sourceNegate);247 const flat: bigint[] = [];248 const flatNegate: bigint[] = [];249 walkTree(tree, (v) => flat.push(v));250 walkTree(treeNegate, (v) => flatNegate.push(-v));251 // Assert252 expect(arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(source.value)).toBe(true);253 expect(arbNegate.canShrinkWithoutContext(sourceNegate.value)).toBe(true);254 expect(flatNegate).toEqual(flat);255 }256 )257 ));258 it('should build an offset version of the shrinking tree if we offset all the values (keep every value >=0)', () =>259 fc.assert(260 fc.bigUint(),262 fc.bigUint({ max: BigInt(20) }), // larger trees might be too wide263 fc.bigUint({ max: BigInt(20) }),264 fc.bigUint(),265 (start, o1, o2, offset) => {266 // Arrange267 fc.pre(start + o1 + offset <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);268 fc.pre(start + o2 + offset <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);269 const min = start;270 const [mid, max] = o1 < o2 ? [min + o1, min + o2] : [min + o2, min + o1];271 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(min, max);272 const arbOffset = new BigIntArbitrary(min + offset, max + offset);273 // Act274 const source = new Value(mid, undefined);275 const sourceOffset = new Value(mid + offset, undefined);276 const tree = buildShrinkTree(arb, source);277 const treeOffset = buildShrinkTree(arbOffset, sourceOffset);278 const flat: bigint[] = [];279 const flatOffset: bigint[] = [];280 walkTree(tree, (v) => flat.push(v));281 walkTree(treeOffset, (v) => flatOffset.push(v - offset));282 // Assert283 expect(arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(source.value)).toBe(true);284 expect(arbOffset.canShrinkWithoutContext(sourceOffset.value)).toBe(true);285 expect(flatOffset).toEqual(flat);286 }287 )288 ));289 it('should shrink strictly positive value for positive range including zero', () => {290 // Arrange291 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(BigInt(0), BigInt(10));292 const source = new Value(BigInt(8), undefined);293 // Act294 const tree = buildShrinkTree(arb, source);295 const renderedTree = renderTree(tree).join('\n');296 // Assert297 expect(arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(source.value)).toBe(true);298 // When there is no more option, the shrinker retry one time with the value299 // current-1 to check if something that changed outside (another value not itself)300 // may have changed the situation.301 expect(renderedTree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`302 "8n303 ├> 0n304 ├> 4n305 | ├> 2n306 | | └> 1n307 | | └> 0n308 | └> 3n309 | └> 2n310 | ├> 0n311 | └> 1n312 | └> 0n313 ├> 6n314 | └> 5n315 | └> 4n316 | ├> 0n317 | ├> 2n318 | | └> 1n319 | | └> 0n320 | └> 3n321 | └> 2n322 | ├> 0n323 | └> 1n324 | └> 0n325 └> 7n326 └> 6n327 ├> 0n328 ├> 3n329 | └> 2n330 | └> 1n331 | └> 0n332 └> 5n333 └> 4n334 └> 3n335 ├> 0n336 └> 2n337 └> 1n338 └> 0n"339 `);340 // Remarks:341 // * When we shrink 5 in path 8 > 6 > 5342 // we already now that 4 passed so we now that the smallest failing case343 // to look for is >= 5344 // * Same thing when we shrink 6 in path 8 > 6345 // * When we shrink 7 in path 8 > 7346 // we already now that 6 passed so we now that the smallest failing case347 // to look for is >= 7348 });349 it('should shrink strictly positive value for range not including zero', () => {350 // Arrange351 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(BigInt(10), BigInt(20));352 const source = new Value(BigInt(18), undefined);353 // Act354 const tree = buildShrinkTree(arb, source);355 const renderedTree = renderTree(tree).join('\n');356 // Assert357 expect(arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(source.value)).toBe(true);358 // As the range [10, 20] and the value 18359 // are just offset by +10 compared to the first case,360 // the rendered tree will be offset by 10 too361 expect(renderedTree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`362 "18n363 ├> 10n364 ├> 14n365 | ├> 12n366 | | └> 11n367 | | └> 10n368 | └> 13n369 | └> 12n370 | ├> 10n371 | └> 11n372 | └> 10n373 ├> 16n374 | └> 15n375 | └> 14n376 | ├> 10n377 | ├> 12n378 | | └> 11n379 | | └> 10n380 | └> 13n381 | └> 12n382 | ├> 10n383 | └> 11n384 | └> 10n385 └> 17n386 └> 16n387 ├> 10n388 ├> 13n389 | └> 12n390 | └> 11n391 | └> 10n392 └> 15n393 └> 14n394 └> 13n395 ├> 10n396 └> 12n397 └> 11n398 └> 10n"399 `);400 });401 it('should shrink strictly negative value for negative range including zero', () => {402 // Arrange403 const arb = new BigIntArbitrary(BigInt(-10), BigInt(0));404 const source = new Value(BigInt(-8), undefined);405 // Act406 const tree = buildShrinkTree(arb, source);407 const renderedTree = renderTree(tree).join('\n');408 // Assert409 expect(arb.canShrinkWithoutContext(source.value)).toBe(true);410 // As the range [-10, 0] and the value -8411 // are the opposite of first case, the rendered tree will be the same except412 // it contains opposite values413 expect(renderedTree).toMatchInlineSnapshot(`414 "-8n415 ├> 0n416 ├> -4n417 | ├> -2n418 | | └> -1n419 | | └> 0n420 | └> -3n421 | └> -2n422 | ├> 0n423 | └> -1n424 | └> 0n425 ├> -6n426 | └> -5n427 | └> -4n428 | ├> 0n429 | ├> -2n430 | | └> -1n431 | | └> 0n432 | └> -3n433 | └> -2n434 | ├> 0n435 | └> -1n436 | └> 0n437 └> -7n438 └> -6n439 ├> 0n440 ├> -3n441 | └> -2n442 | └> -1n443 | └> 0n444 └> -5n445 └> -4n446 └> -3n447 ├> 0n448 └> -2n449 └> -1n450 └> 0n"451 `);452 });453 });...

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Source:utils.ts Github


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1import { getGroupedFields } from '@terascope/data-types';2import {3 DataTypeConfig, DataTypeFields, FieldType4} from '@terascope/types';5import { WritableData } from '../core';6import { Builder, BuilderOptions } from './Builder';7import { ListBuilder } from './ListBuilder';8import {9 AnyBuilder, BigIntBuilder, BooleanBuilder,10 DateBuilder, IntBuilder, FloatBuilder,11 GeoBoundaryBuilder, GeoJSONBuilder, GeoPointBuilder,12 IPBuilder, IPRangeBuilder,13 ObjectBuilder, StringBuilder, TupleBuilder14} from './types';15export function getBuildersForConfig<T extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, unknown>>(16 config: DataTypeConfig, size: number17): Map<(keyof T), Builder<unknown>> {18 const builders = new Map<keyof T, Builder<unknown>>();19 const groupedFieldEntries = Object.entries(getGroupedFields(config.fields));20 for (const [field, nested] of groupedFieldEntries) {21 let childConfig: DataTypeFields|undefined;22 nested.forEach((fullField) => {23 if (fullField === field) return;24 const nestedField = fullField.replace(`${field}.`, '');25 childConfig ??= {};26 childConfig[nestedField] = config.fields[fullField];27 });28 builders.set(field, Builder.make(new WritableData(size), {29 childConfig,30 config: config.fields[field],31 name: field,32 }));33 }34 return builders;35}36export function _newBuilder<T>(37 data: WritableData<any>,38 options: BuilderOptions,39): Builder<T> {40 const fieldType = options.config.type as FieldType;41 if (!(fieldType in FieldType)) {42 throw new Error(`Unsupported field type ${fieldType}`);43 }44 if (options.config.array) {45 return new ListBuilder(data, options) as Builder<any>;46 }47 return _newBuilderForType(data, options) as Builder<T>;48}49/**50 * Create primitive builder types, does not deal with array or object type fields51*/52function _newBuilderForType(53 data: WritableData<any>,54 options: BuilderOptions,55) {56 switch (options.config.type) {57 case FieldType.String:58 case FieldType.Text:59 case FieldType.Keyword:60 case FieldType.KeywordCaseInsensitive:61 case FieldType.KeywordTokens:62 case FieldType.KeywordTokensCaseInsensitive:63 case FieldType.KeywordPathAnalyzer:64 case FieldType.Domain:65 case FieldType.Hostname:66 return new StringBuilder(data, options);67 case FieldType.IP:68 return new IPBuilder(data, options);69 case FieldType.IPRange:70 return new IPRangeBuilder(data, options);71 case FieldType.Date:72 return new DateBuilder(data, options);73 case FieldType.Boolean:74 return new BooleanBuilder(data, options);75 case FieldType.Float:76 case FieldType.Number:77 case FieldType.Double:78 // Double can't supported entirely until we have BigFloat79 return new FloatBuilder(data, options);80 case FieldType.Byte:81 case FieldType.Short:82 case FieldType.Integer:83 return new IntBuilder(data, options);84 case FieldType.Long:85 return new BigIntBuilder(data, options);86 case FieldType.Boundary:87 return new GeoBoundaryBuilder(data, options);88 case FieldType.Geo:89 case FieldType.GeoPoint:90 return new GeoPointBuilder(data, options);91 case FieldType.GeoJSON:92 return new GeoJSONBuilder(data, options);93 case FieldType.Object:94 return new ObjectBuilder(data, options);95 case FieldType.Tuple:96 return new TupleBuilder(data, options);97 default:98 return new AnyBuilder(data, options);99 }...

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Source:index.ts Github


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1export * from './AnyBuilder';2export * from './BigIntBuilder';3export * from './BooleanBuilder';4export * from './DateBuilder';5export * from './FloatBuilder';6export * from './GeoBoundaryBuilder';7export * from './GeoJSONBuilder';8export * from './GeoPointBuilder';9export * from './IntBuilder';10export * from './IPBuilder';11export * from './IPRangeBuilder';12export * from './ObjectBuilder';13export * from './StringBuilder';...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const bigIntBuilder = require("fast-check").bigIntBuilder;2const bigIntArb = bigIntBuilder()3 .noShrink()4 .noBias()5 .noShrink()6 .noBias()7 .build();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { bigIntBuilder } from 'fast-check';2import { bigInt } from 'fast-check';3const arb = bigIntBuilder().noShrink().noBias().build();4import { bigInt } from 'fast-check';5const arb = bigInt();6import { bigInt } from 'fast-check';7const arb = bigInt();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { bigIntBuilder } = require('fast-check');2const bigInt = bigIntBuilder();3const { bigInt } = require('fast-check');4const { bigUint } = require('fast-check');5const { bigUintN } = require('fast-check');6const { oneof } = require('fast-check');7const { array } = require('fast-check');8const { record } = require('fast-check');9const { tuple } = require('fast-check');10const { constant } = require('fast-check');11const { dictionary } = require('fast-check');12const { set } = require('fast-check');13const { map } = require('fast-check');14const { subarray } = require('fast-check');15const { subarrayOf } = require('fast-check');16const { subarrayBy } = require('fast-check');17const { subarrayByOf } = require('fast-check');18const { shuffle } = require('fast-check');19const { sample } = require('fast-check');20const { sampleOne } = require('fast-check');21const { option } = require('fast-check');22const { nullable } = require('fast-check');23const { memo } = require('fast-check');24const { oneof as oneof2 } = require('fast-check');25const { string } = require('fast-check');26const { unicode } = require('fast-check');27const { unicodeJson } = require('fast-check');28const { char } = require('fast-check');29const { char16bits } = require('fast-check');30const { fullUnicode } = require('fast-check');31const { fullUnicodeJson } = require('fast-check');32const { fullUnicodeJsonObject } = require('fast-check');33const { fullUnicodeJsonArray } = require('fast-check');34const { fullUnicodeJsonString } = require('fast-check');35const { hexa } = require('fast-check');36const { base64 } = require('fast-check');37const { base64Json } = require('fast-check');38const { base64JsonObject } = require('fast-check');39const { base64JsonArray } = require('fast-check');40const { base64JsonString } = require('fast-check');41const { ascii } = require('fast-check');42const { asciiString } = require('fast-check');43const { asciiJsonObject } = require('fast-check');44const { asciiJsonArray } = require('fast-check');45const { asciiJsonString } = require('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { bigIntBuilder } = require('fast-check');2const bigInt = bigIntBuilder();3describe('bigInt', () => {4 it('should generate bigInt', () => {5 const arb = bigInt();6 const out = arb.generate();7 expect(out).toBeInstanceOf(BigInt);8 });9});10const { bigInt64ArrayBuilder } = require('fast-check');11const bigInt64Array = bigInt64ArrayBuilder();12describe('bigInt64Array', () => {13 it('should generate bigInt64Array', () => {14 const arb = bigInt64Array();15 const out = arb.generate();16 expect(out).toBeInstanceOf(BigInt64Array);17 });18});19const { bigUint64ArrayBuilder } = require('fast-check');20const bigUint64Array = bigUint64ArrayBuilder();21describe('bigUint64Array', () => {22 it('should generate bigUint64Array', () => {23 const arb = bigUint64Array();24 const out = arb.generate();25 expect(out).toBeInstanceOf(BigUint64Array);26 });27});28const { dateBuilder } = require('fast-check');29const date = dateBuilder();30describe('date', () => {31 it('should generate date', () => {32 const arb = date();33 const out = arb.generate();34 expect(out).toBeInstanceOf(Date);35 });36});37const { float32ArrayBuilder } = require('fast-check');38const float32Array = float32ArrayBuilder();39describe('float32Array', () => {40 it('should generate float32Array', () => {41 const arb = float32Array();42 const out = arb.generate();43 expect(out).toBeInstanceOf(Float32Array);44 });45});46const { float64ArrayBuilder } = require('fast-check');47const float64Array = float64ArrayBuilder();48describe('float64

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1const { bigIntBuilder } = require('fast-check');2const { bigInt } = require('big-integer');3const { isBigInt } = require('util');4const { assert } = require('chai');5describe('bigIntBuilder', function() {6 it('should produce a bigInt', function() {7 const arb = bigIntBuilder();8 const value = arb.generate();9 assert(isBigInt(value), 'value should be a bigInt');10 });11});

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1const bigIntBuilder = require('fast-check/build/types/arbitrary/bigIntArbitrary').bigIntBuilder;2const fc = require('fast-check');3const bigInt = bigIntBuilder(-1000, 1000);4fc.assert(, (n) => {5 return n >= -1000 && n <= 1000;6}));7fc.check(, (n) => {8 return n >= -1000 && n <= 1000;9}));10const bigIntBuilder = require('fast-check').bigIntBuilder;11const fc = require('fast-check');12const bigInt = bigIntBuilder(-1000, 1000);13fc.assert(, (n) => {14 return n >= -1000 && n <= 1000;15}));16fc.check(, (n) => {17 return n >= -1000 && n <= 1000;18}));19const bigIntBuilder = require('fast-check').bigIntBuilder;20const fc = require('fast-check');21const bigInt = bigIntBuilder(-1000, 1000);22fc.assert(, (n) => {23 return n >= -1000 && n <= 1000;24}));25fc.check(, (n) => {26 return n >= -1000 && n <= 1000;27}));28const bigIntBuilder = require('fast-check').bigIntBuilder;29const fc = require('fast-check');30const bigInt = bigIntBuilder(-1000, 1000);31fc.assert(, (n) => {

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1const bigIntBuilder = require('fast-check').bigIntBuilder;2const bigInt = bigIntBuilder();3console.log('bigInt', bigInt);4const bigInt100 = bigIntBuilder(0, 100);5console.log('bigInt100', bigInt100);6const bigInt100bias = bigIntBuilder(0, 100, 0.5);7console.log('bigInt100bias', bigInt100bias);8const bigInt100biasseed = bigIntBuilder(0, 100, 0.5, 1234);9console.log('bigInt100biasseed', bigInt100biasseed);10const bigInt100biasseed = bigIntBuilder(0, 100, 0.5, 1234);11console.log('bigInt100biasseed', bigInt100biasseed);12const bigInt100biasseed = bigIntBuilder(0, 100, 0.5, 1234);13console.log('bigInt100biasseed', bigInt100biasseed);14const bigInt100biasseed = bigIntBuilder(0, 100, 0.5, 1234);15console.log('bigInt100biasseed', bigInt100biasseed);16const bigInt100biasseed = bigIntBuilder(0, 100, 0.5, 1234);17console.log('bigInt100biasseed', bigInt100biasseed);

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1const { bigIntBuilder } = require("fast-check");2const bigIntArb = bigIntBuilder();3const bigIntArb2 = bigIntBuilder(0, 100);4describe("test bigIntBuilder", () => {5 test("bigIntBuilder", () => {6 expect(bigIntArb).toBeDefined();7 expect(bigIntArb2).toBeDefined();8 });9});10bigIntBuilder (1 ms)

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Automation Testing Tutorials

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