How to use pageValue method in differencify

Best JavaScript code snippet using differencify


Source:Script.js Github


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1let input = document.getElementById("sol");2const submitButton = document.getElementById("submit");3const prevButton = document.getElementById("prev");4const nextButton = document.getElementById("next");5let imageDiv = document.getElementById("nasa-images");6let pageHeading = document.querySelector(".flex-text h1");7let img = document.createElement("img");8let pageValue = 1;9let solValue = 1;10let inputChanged = false;11let pagesArray = [];12/*Data is only fetched for once after clicking the Submit button.13This is done using the Synchronous AJAX Call which is not advised and is depreciated now.14As it causes the screen to freeze which is a really bad thing.15So, now you know, always use AJAX asynchronous, AJAX asynchronous inside Promise, & the best to use FETCH() API.*/16//--------------------------------------------------------------17//FUNCTION: Updates the Next-Previous Buttons//18const updateButtons = (pagesArraylength, pageValue) => {19 if (pagesArraylength === 0) {20 //If there are no images21 pageHeading.textContent = "";22 inputChanged = false;23 pagesArray = [];24 alert("No images to show...");25 prevButton.setAttribute("disabled", "");26 nextButton.setAttribute("disabled", "");27 return;28 } else if (pagesArraylength === 1) {29 //If there is only one page30 prevButton.setAttribute("disabled", "");31 nextButton.setAttribute("disabled", "");32 } else if (pageValue === 1) {33 //If the page is the first page34 prevButton.setAttribute("disabled", "");35 nextButton.removeAttribute("disabled");36 } else if (pageValue === pagesArraylength) {37 //If the page is the last page38 prevButton.removeAttribute("disabled");39 nextButton.setAttribute("disabled", "");40 } else {41 //If the page is in the middle42 prevButton.removeAttribute("disabled");43 nextButton.removeAttribute("disabled");44 }45};46//--------------------------------------------------------------47//FUNCTION: Shows the images by inserting in the DOM//48const showImages = (pagesArray, pageValue) => {49 // Index will be pageValue - 1, because the array starts from 050 const photos = pagesArray[pageValue - 1];51 for (let photo of photos) {52 img = document.createElement("img");53 img.src = photo.img_src;54 img.alt =;55 imageDiv.appendChild(img);56 }57};58//--------------------------------------------------------------59//FUNCTION: XHR AJAX Calls the Data to fetch//60const XHR_AJAX_Call = (solValue, page, end) => {61 /*Page is the page number. It starts from 1. end is a boolean value to check if the page is the last page, as the last page will have 0 photos. If end is true, then the page is the last page. If end is false, then the page is not the last page. The last page will have 0 photos.*/62 const url = `${solValue}&page=${page}&api_key=`;63 const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();64 //Synchronous request65"GET", url, false);66 xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");67 xhr.onload = function () {68 if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {69 const data = JSON.parse(this.response);70 const photos =;71 if (photos.length === 0) {72 end = true;73 return;74 }75 pagesArray.push(photos);76 } else {77 alert("Something went wrong");78 return;79 }80 };81 xhr.onerror = function () {82 alert("Something went wrong");83 return;84 };85 xhr.send();86 if (end) {87 return "END";88 } else {89 return "";90 }91};92//--------------------------------------------------------------93//FUNCTION: Fetches the Data by calling AJAX in Loop//94const fetchImages = (solValue, pageValue) => {95 //If the page is the last page, then the pageValue will be the last page, & result will be "END", & end will be true, then the loop will end.96 let result = "";97 let end = false;98 let page = pageValue;99 while (result === "") {100 result = XHR_AJAX_Call(solValue, page, end);101 page++;102 }103};104//--------------------------------------------------------------105//FUNCTION: Updates on Input Change//106input.onchange = function () {107 inputChanged = true;108};109//--------------------------------------------------------------110//FUNCTION: Deletes the previous images//111const deleteImages = () => {112 imageDiv.querySelectorAll("img").forEach((image) => image.remove());113};114//--------------------------------------------------------------115//FUNCTION: Handles the Click on all Buttons//116document.onclick = function (e) {117 e.preventDefault();118 e.stopPropagation();119 const targetObject =;120 //If the target is the submit button121 if ( === "submit") {122 solValue = input.value;123 if (124 solValue === "" ||125 solValue === null ||126 solValue === undefined ||127 solValue === NaN128 ) {129 alert("Please fill the field correctly");130 return;131 }132 if (solValue === "0" || solValue === "1001") {133 alert("Sol value should be between 1 and 1000");134 return;135 }136 //If the input is changed137 if (inputChanged) {138 inputChanged = false;139 pageValue = 1;140 pageHeading.textContent = pageValue;141 pagesArray = [];142 //Fetch Data. Data is only fetched for once after clicking the Submit button.143 fetchImages(solValue, pageValue);144 //Update Buttons145 updateButtons(pagesArray.length, pageValue);146 //Delete Images147 deleteImages();148 //Show Images149 showImages(pagesArray, pageValue);150 }151 } else if ( === "prev") {152 //If the target is the previous button153 if (!inputChanged) {154 //If the input is not changed155 //Decrement the page value156 pageValue--;157 pageHeading.textContent = pageValue;158 //Update Buttons159 updateButtons(pagesArray.length, pageValue);160 //Delete Images161 deleteImages();162 //Show Images163 showImages(pagesArray, pageValue);164 } else {165 //If the input is changed166 alert("Press the Submit Button to get the images");167 return;168 }169 } else if ( === "next") {170 if (!inputChanged) {171 //If the input is not changed172 //Increment the page value173 pageValue++;174 pageHeading.textContent = pageValue;175 //Update Buttons176 updateButtons(pagesArray.length, pageValue);177 //Delete Images178 deleteImages();179 //Show Images180 showImages(pagesArray, pageValue);181 } else {182 //If the input is changed183 alert("Press the Submit Button to get the images");184 return;185 }186 }187};...

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Source:browser_dbg-inline-cache.js Github


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1/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.2 */3"use strict";4/*5 * Test loading inline scripts from cache:6 * - Load document with inline script7 * - Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching disabled8 * - Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching enabled9 */10const server = createTestHTTPServer();11let docValue = 1;12server.registerPathHandler("/inline-cache.html", (request, response) => {13 response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");14 // HTTP should assume cacheable by default.15 // Toolbox defaults to disabling cache for subsequent loads when open.16 response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=3600");17 response.write(`18 <html>19 <head>20 <script>21 let x = ${docValue};22 </script>23 </head>24 </html>25 `);26});27const SOURCE_URL = `http://localhost:${28 server.identity.primaryPort29}/inline-cache.html`;30/**31 * This is meant to simulate the developer editing the inline source and saving.32 * Effectively, we change the source during the test at specific controlled points.33 */34function makeChanges() {35 docValue++;36}37function getPageValue(tab) {38 return ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, {}, function() {39 return content.document.querySelector("script").textContent.trim();40 });41}42async function reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg) {43 let navigated = waitForDispatch(dbg, "NAVIGATE");44 let loaded = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);45 await reload(dbg, "inline-cache.html");46 return Promise.all([navigated, loaded]);47}48add_task(async function() {49 info("Load document with inline script");50 const tab = await addTab(SOURCE_URL);51 info("Open debugger");52 clearDebuggerPreferences();53 const toolbox = await openToolboxForTab(tab, "jsdebugger");54 const dbg = createDebuggerContext(toolbox);55 info("Reload tab to ensure debugger finds script");56 await reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg);57 let pageValue = await getPageValue(tab);58 is(pageValue, "let x = 1;", "Content loads from network, has doc value 1");59 await waitForSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");60 await selectSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");61 await waitForLoadedSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");62 let dbgValue = await findSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");63 info(`Debugger text: ${dbgValue.text}`);64 ok(65 dbgValue.text.includes(pageValue),66 "Debugger loads from cache, gets value 1 like page"67 );68 info("Disable HTTP cache for page");69 await{ options: { cacheDisabled: true } });70 makeChanges();71 info("Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching disabled (attempt 1)");72 await reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg);73 pageValue = await getPageValue(tab);74 is(pageValue, "let x = 2;", "Content loads from network, has doc value 2");75 await waitForLoadedSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");76 dbgValue = await findSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");77 info(`Debugger text: ${dbgValue.text}`);78 ok(79 dbgValue.text.includes(pageValue),80 "Debugger loads from network, gets value 2 like page"81 );82 makeChanges();83 info("Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching disabled (attempt 2)");84 await reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg);85 pageValue = await getPageValue(tab);86 is(pageValue, "let x = 3;", "Content loads from network, has doc value 3");87 await waitForLoadedSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");88 dbgValue = await findSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");89 info(`Debugger text: ${dbgValue.text}`);90 ok(91 dbgValue.text.includes(pageValue),92 "Debugger loads from network, gets value 3 like page"93 );94 info("Enable HTTP cache for page");95 await{ options: { cacheDisabled: false } });96 makeChanges();97 // Even though the HTTP cache is now enabled, Gecko sets the VALIDATE_ALWAYS flag when98 // reloading the page. So, it will always make a request to the server for the main99 // document contents.100 info("Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching enabled (attempt 1)");101 await reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg);102 pageValue = await getPageValue(tab);103 is(pageValue, "let x = 4;", "Content loads from network, has doc value 4");104 await waitForLoadedSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");105 dbgValue = await findSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");106 info(`Debugger text: ${dbgValue.text}`);107 ok(108 dbgValue.text.includes(pageValue),109 "Debugger loads from cache, gets value 4 like page"110 );111 makeChanges();112 info("Reload inside debugger with toolbox caching enabled (attempt 2)");113 await reloadTabAndDebugger(tab, dbg);114 pageValue = await getPageValue(tab);115 is(pageValue, "let x = 5;", "Content loads from network, has doc value 5");116 await waitForLoadedSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");117 dbgValue = await findSource(dbg, "inline-cache.html");118 info(`Debugger text: ${dbgValue.text}`);119 ok(120 dbgValue.text.includes(pageValue),121 "Debugger loads from cache, gets value 5 like page"122 );123 await toolbox.destroy();124 await removeTab(tab);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { pageValue } = require('differencify')2describe('My First Test', () => {3 it('Visits the Kitchen Sink', () => {4 cy.contains('type').click()5 pageValue('myFirstTest')6 })7})8### pageValue(name, options)9pageValue('myFirstTest')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const assert = require('assert');2const differencify = require('differencify');3(async () => {4 const instance = await differencify.init();5 assert.equal(result, 'Google');6 await instance.close();7})();8### init(options)9Default: `{}`10Puppeteer launch options. See [Puppeteer documentation](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { pageValue } = require('differencify');2const { expect } = require('chai');3describe('Login Page', () => {4 it('should display login page', async () => {5 const page = await browser.takeScreenshot();6 const pageValue = await pageValue(page);7 expect(pageValue);8 });9});10Thanks to [Jen Looper](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const differencify = require('differencify');2const { pageValue } = differencify;3const element = pageValue('element');4const text = pageValue('text');5const attribute = pageValue('attribute');6const property = pageValue('property');7const css = pageValue('css');8describe('My Test', () => {9 it('should do something', async () => {10 await expect(element('#id')).to.matchImageSnapshot();11 await expect(text('#id')).to.matchImageSnapshot();12 await expect(attribute('#id', 'href')).to.matchImageSnapshot();13 await expect(property('#id', 'value')).to.matchImageSnapshot();14 await expect(css('#id', 'color')).to.matchImageSnapshot();15 });16});17You can customize the diff by using the `diffOptions` option in the `toMatchImageSnapshot` matcher. See the [Jest Image Snapshot](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const differencify = require("differencify");2const differencifyPage = differencify.initPage(browser);3const assert = require("assert");4describe("Test", () => {5 it("should be able to capture a screenshot", async () => {6 const screenshot = await differencifyPage.pageValue();7 assert.ok(screenshot);8 });9});10const screenshot = await differencifyPage.pageValue();11const screenshot = await differencifyPage.pageValue({12});13const element = await $("body");14const screenshot = await differencifyPage.elementValue(element);15const element = await $("body");16const screenshot = await differencifyPage.elementValue(element, {17});18const screenshot = await differencifyPage.pageValue();19const diff = await;20const screenshot = await differencifyPage.pageValue();21const diff = await, {22});23const element = await $("body");24const screenshot = await differencifyPage.elementValue(element);25const diff = await differencifyPage.compareElement(element, screenshot);26const element = await $("body");27const screenshot = await differencifyPage.elementValue(element);28const diff = await differencifyPage.compareElement(element, screenshot

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