Best JavaScript code snippet using devicefarmer-stf
1let dbConfig = require("../Utilities/mysqlConfig");2//Models/triggers.js3let updatetokensOnUserNameUpdate = (callback) => {4 console.log(`CREATE TRIGGER IF EXISTS updatetokensOnUserNameUpdate`);5 dbConfig.getDB().query(`DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS updatetokensOnUserNameUpdate`);6 dbConfig.getDB().query(`CREATE TRIGGER updatetokensOnUserNameUpdate7 AFTER UPDATE 8 ON users FOR EACH ROW 9 BEGIN 10 IF != THEN11 UPDATE tokens SET userName = WHERE userId =; 12 END IF;13 END`, callback); 14}15//Models/triggers.js16let updatetokensOnShopNameUpdate = (callback) => {17 console.log(`CREATE TRIGGER IF EXISTS updatetokensOnShopNameUpdate`);18 dbConfig.getDB().query(`DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS updatetokensOnShopNameUpdate`);19 dbConfig.getDB().query(`CREATE TRIGGER updatetokensOnShopNameUpdate20 AFTER UPDATE 21 ON shops FOR EACH ROW 22 BEGIN 23 IF NEW.shopName != OLD.shopName THEN24 UPDATE tokens SET shopName = NEW.shopName WHERE shopId =; 25 END IF;26 END`, callback); 27}28//Models/triggers.js29let updateRequestsOnShopUpdate = (callback) => {30 console.log(`CREATE TRIGGER IF EXISTS updateRequestsOnShopUpdate`);31 dbConfig.getDB().query(`DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS updateRequestsOnShopUpdate`);32 dbConfig.getDB().query(`CREATE TRIGGER updateRequestsOnShopUpdate33 AFTER UPDATE 34 ON shops FOR EACH ROW 35 BEGIN 36 IF NEW.shopName != OLD.shopName OR NEW.address != OLD.address THEN37 UPDATE request SET shopName = NEW.shopName, address = NEW.address WHERE shopId =; 38 END IF;39 END`, callback); 40}41//Models/triggers.js42let updateRequestsOnAuthUpdate = (callback) => {43 console.log(`CREATE TRIGGER IF EXISTS updateRequestsOnAuthUpdate`);44 dbConfig.getDB().query(`DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS updateRequestsOnAuthUpdate`);45 dbConfig.getDB().query(`CREATE TRIGGER updateRequestsOnAuthUpdate46 AFTER UPDATE 47 ON localAuths FOR EACH ROW 48 BEGIN 49 IF NEW.mobileNumber != OLD.mobileNumber THEN50 UPDATE request SET authMobile = NEW.mobileNumber WHERE authId =; 51 END IF;52 END`, callback); 53}54//Models/triggers.js55let updateShopBookingOnInsertInToken = (callback) => {56 console.log(`CREATE TRIGGER IF EXISTS updateShopBookingOnInsertInToken`);57 dbConfig.getDB().query(`DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS updateShopBookingOnInsertInToken`);58 dbConfig.getDB().query(`CREATE TRIGGER updateShopBookingOnInsertInToken59 AFTER INSERT 60 ON tokens FOR EACH ROW 61 BEGIN 62 IF NEW.status = 1 THEN63 UPDATE shopBookings SET capacityLeft = capacityLeft - 1 WHERE shopId = NEW.shopId AND date = AND slotNumber = NEW.slotNumber; 64 END IF;65 IF NEW.verified = 1 THEN66 UPDATE shopBookings SET tokensVerified = tokensVerified + 1 WHERE shopId = NEW.shopId AND date = AND slotNumber = NEW.slotNumber;67 END IF;68 END`, callback); 69}70//Models/triggers.js71let updateShopBookingOnUpdateInToken = (callback) => {72 console.log(`CREATE TRIGGER IF EXISTS updateShopBookingOnUpdateInToken`);73 dbConfig.getDB().query(`DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS updateShopBookingOnUpdateInToken`);74 dbConfig.getDB().query(`CREATE TRIGGER updateShopBookingOnUpdateInToken75 AFTER UPDATE76 ON tokens FOR EACH ROW77 BEGIN78 IF NEW.status = 0 AND OLD.status = 1 THEN 79 UPDATE shopBookings SET capacityLeft = capacityLeft + 1 WHERE shopId = OLD.shopId AND date = AND slotNumber = OLD.slotNumber;80 END IF;81 IF NEW.status = 1 AND OLD.status = 2 THEN 82 UPDATE shopBookings SET capacityLeft = GREATEST(capacityLeft - 1, 0) WHERE shopId = NEW.shopId AND date = AND slotNumber = NEW.slotNumber;83 END IF;84 IF NEW.verified = 1 AND OLD.verified = 0 THEN85 UPDATE shopBookings SET tokensVerified = tokensVerified + 1 WHERE shopId = NEW.shopId AND date = AND slotNumber = NEW.slotNumber;86 END IF;87 END `, callback); 88}89//Models/triggers.js90let updateShopOnResolveRequest = (callback) => {91 console.log(`CREATE TRIGGER IF EXISTS updateShopOnResolveRequest`);92 dbConfig.getDB().query(`DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS updateShopOnResolveRequest`);93 dbConfig.getDB().query(`CREATE TRIGGER updateShopOnResolveRequest94 AFTER UPDATE95 ON request FOR EACH ROW96 BEGIN97 IF NEW.status = 1 AND OLD.status = 2 THEN 98 IF NEW.capacity = 0 THEN99 UPDATE shops SET authVerification = 1, openingTimeApp = LEAST(openingTimeApp, NEW.openingTime), closingTimeApp = GREATEST(closingTimeApp, NEW.closingTime) WHERE id = NEW.shopId;100 ELSE101 UPDATE shops SET authVerification = 1, capacityApp = NEW.capacity WHERE id = NEW.shopId;102 END IF;103 END IF;104 END `, callback); 105}106module.exports = {107 updatetokensOnUserNameUpdate : updatetokensOnUserNameUpdate,108 updatetokensOnShopNameUpdate : updatetokensOnShopNameUpdate,109 updateShopBookingOnInsertInToken : updateShopBookingOnInsertInToken,110 updateShopBookingOnUpdateInToken : updateShopBookingOnUpdateInToken,111 updateRequestsOnShopUpdate : updateRequestsOnShopUpdate,112 updateRequestsOnAuthUpdate : updateRequestsOnAuthUpdate,113 updateShopOnResolveRequest : updateShopOnResolveRequest...
...40 postUpdateTokens(t,l);41 return t;42 }43 if(t[9] == l[9]){ t = t.slice(0,9); }44 updateTokens(t,l,1,2);45 if(t[3]==l[3] && t[4]==l[4] && t[5]==l[5] )46 {47 t[0]=compress_map["g1"];48 updateTokens(t,l,6,3);49 postUpdateTokens(t,l,6,3,3);50 t.splice(3,3);51 return t;52 }53 if(t[3]==l[6] && t[4]==l[7] && t[5]==l[8] )54 {55 t[0]=compress_map["g3"];56 updateTokens(t,l,6,3);57 postUpdateTokens(t,l,6,3,3);58 t.splice(3,3);59 return t;60 }61 if(t[6]==l[3] && t[7]==l[4] && t[8]==l[5] )62 {63 t[0]=compress_map["g2"];64 updateTokens(t,l,3,3);65 t.splice(6,3);66 return t;67 }68 if(t[6]==l[6] && t[7]==l[7] && t[8]==l[8] )69 {70 t[0]=compress_map["g4"];71 updateTokens(t,l,3,3);72 t.splice(6,3);73 return t;74 }75 if(t[6]==t[3] && t[7]==t[4])76 {77 t[0]=compress_map["g5"];78 updateTokens(t,l,3,3);79 updateTokens(t,l,8,1);80 t.splice(6,2);81 return t;82 }83 if(t[7]==t[4] && t[8]==t[5])84 {85 t[0]=compress_map["g6"];86 updateTokens(t,l,3,4);87 t.splice(7,2);88 return t;89 }90 if(t[6]==t[3] && t[8]==t[5])91 {92 t[0]=compress_map["g7"];93 updateTokens(t,l,3,2);94 updateTokens(t,l,7,2);95 t.splice(5,2);96 return t;97 }98 updateTokens(t,l,3,6);99 postUpdateTokens(t,l,6,3,3);100 return t;101 },102 general: function(t){103 for (var i=1; i!=t.length; ++i)104 {105 if(t[i]=="0")106 {107 t[i] = "";108 }109 }110 t[0] = compress_map[t[0]];111 return t;112 },
1import { validTokens } from '../utils/tokens'2import { dataReturned } from '../utils/dataReturned'3import {4 BUTTON_LOGOUT,5 BUTTON_POST_CREATION,6 BUTTON_SIGN_IN_NAVIGATE,7 HOME_ROUTE,8 INPUT_POST_CREATION,9 POST,10 POSTS_ENDPOINT,11 TOKEN_ENDPOINT,12 WALL_ROUTE13} from '../utils/constants'14describe('Test Home page', () => {15 it('is possible to create a post if logged', () => {16 window.localStorage.setItem('authTokens', JSON.stringify(validTokens))17 cy.intercept(TOKEN_ENDPOINT, dataReturned(200, 'successTokens')).as(18 'updateTokens'19 )20 cy.intercept(POSTS_ENDPOINT, dataReturned(200, 'posts')).as('getPosts')21 cy.visit(WALL_ROUTE)22 cy.wait(['@updateTokens', '@getPosts'])23 cy.get(INPUT_POST_CREATION).should('exist')24 cy.get(BUTTON_POST_CREATION).should('exist')25 cy.get(BUTTON_SIGN_IN_NAVIGATE).should('not.exist')26 cy.location('pathname').should('eq', WALL_ROUTE)27 })28 it('unable to create a post if not logged', () => {29 cy.intercept(POSTS_ENDPOINT, dataReturned(200, 'posts')).as('getPosts')30 cy.visit(WALL_ROUTE)31 cy.wait('@getPosts')32 cy.get(INPUT_POST_CREATION).should('not.exist')33 cy.get(BUTTON_POST_CREATION).should('not.exist')34 cy.get(BUTTON_SIGN_IN_NAVIGATE).should('exist')35 cy.location('pathname').should('eq', WALL_ROUTE)36 })37 it('navigate from Wall page to Home on Sign In click', () => {38 cy.intercept(POSTS_ENDPOINT, dataReturned(200, 'posts')).as('getPosts')39 cy.visit(WALL_ROUTE)40 cy.wait('@getPosts')41 cy.get(BUTTON_SIGN_IN_NAVIGATE).click()42 cy.location('pathname').should('eq', HOME_ROUTE)43 })44 it('is possible to logout', () => {45 window.localStorage.setItem('authTokens', JSON.stringify(validTokens))46 cy.intercept(TOKEN_ENDPOINT, dataReturned(200, 'successTokens')).as(47 'updateTokens'48 )49 cy.intercept(POSTS_ENDPOINT, dataReturned(200, 'posts')).as('getPosts')50 cy.visit(WALL_ROUTE)51 cy.wait(['@updateTokens', '@getPosts'])52 cy.get(BUTTON_LOGOUT).click()53 cy.location('pathname').should('eq', HOME_ROUTE)54 })55 it('has username on Wall Post Header', () => {56 window.localStorage.setItem('authTokens', JSON.stringify(validTokens))57 cy.intercept(TOKEN_ENDPOINT, dataReturned(200, 'successTokens')).as(58 'updateTokens'59 )60 cy.intercept(POSTS_ENDPOINT, dataReturned(200, 'posts')).as('getPosts')61 cy.visit(WALL_ROUTE)62 cy.wait(['@updateTokens', '@getPosts'])63 cy.get('p:contains("userTest")').should('exist')64 })65 it('has username on Wall Post Header', () => {66 cy.intercept(POSTS_ENDPOINT, dataReturned(200, 'posts')).as('getPosts')67 cy.visit(WALL_ROUTE)68 cy.wait('@getPosts')69 cy.get(POST).its('length').should('eq', 10)70 })...
Using AI Code Generation
1var client = require('devicefarmer-stf-client');2var util = require('util');3var fs = require('fs');4var path = require('path');5var file = path.join(__dirname, 'stf.json');6var stf = require(file);7var stfClient = new client(stf);8stfClient.updateTokens(function(err, result) {9 if (err) {10 console.log(err);11 } else {12 console.log(result);13 }14});15{ updated: 0, skipped: 1, errors: 0 }16Share this: Click to print (Opens in new window)
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