How to use signature method in devicefarmer-stf

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1/​*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.3 * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.4 *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/​5/​/​ THIS IS GENERATED FILE. DO NOT MODIFY.6import { IEntries } from './​phpGlobals';7export const globalfunctions: IEntries = {8 debug_backtrace: {9 description: 'Generates a backtrace',10 signature: '([ int $options = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT [, int $limit = 0 ]]): array'11 },12 debug_print_backtrace: {13 description: 'Prints a backtrace',14 signature: '([ int $options = 0 [, int $limit = 0 ]]): void'15 },16 error_clear_last: {17 description: 'Clear the most recent error',18 signature: '(void): void'19 },20 error_get_last: {21 description: 'Get the last occurred error',22 signature: '(void): array'23 },24 error_log: {25 description: 'Send an error message to the defined error handling routines',26 signature: '( string $message [, int $message_type = 0 [, string $destination [, string $extra_headers ]]]): bool'27 },28 error_reporting: {29 description: 'Sets which PHP errors are reported',30 signature: '([ int $level ]): int'31 },32 restore_error_handler: {33 description: 'Restores the previous error handler function',34 signature: '(void): bool'35 },36 restore_exception_handler: {37 description: 'Restores the previously defined exception handler function',38 signature: '(void): bool'39 },40 set_error_handler: {41 description: 'Sets a user-defined error handler function',42 signature: '( callable $error_handler [, int $error_types = E_ALL | E_STRICT ]): mixed'43 },44 set_exception_handler: {45 description: 'Sets a user-defined exception handler function',46 signature: '( callable $exception_handler ): callable'47 },48 trigger_error: {49 description: 'Generates a user-level error/​warning/​notice message',50 signature: '( string $error_msg [, int $error_type = E_USER_NOTICE ]): bool'51 },52 user_error: {53 description: 'Alias of trigger_error',54 },55 opcache_compile_file: {56 description: 'Compiles and caches a PHP script without executing it',57 signature: '( string $file ): bool'58 },59 opcache_get_configuration: {60 description: 'Get configuration information about the cache',61 signature: '(void): array'62 },63 opcache_get_status: {64 description: 'Get status information about the cache',65 signature: '([ bool $get_scripts ]): array'66 },67 opcache_invalidate: {68 description: 'Invalidates a cached script',69 signature: '( string $script [, bool $force ]): bool'70 },71 opcache_is_script_cached: {72 description: 'Tells whether a script is cached in OPCache',73 signature: '( string $file ): bool'74 },75 opcache_reset: {76 description: 'Resets the contents of the opcode cache',77 signature: '(void): bool'78 },79 flush: {80 description: 'Flush system output buffer',81 signature: '(void): void'82 },83 ob_clean: {84 description: 'Clean (erase) the output buffer',85 signature: '(void): void'86 },87 ob_end_clean: {88 description: 'Clean (erase) the output buffer and turn off output buffering',89 signature: '(void): bool'90 },91 ob_end_flush: {92 description: 'Flush (send) the output buffer and turn off output buffering',93 signature: '(void): bool'94 },95 ob_flush: {96 description: 'Flush (send) the output buffer',97 signature: '(void): void'98 },99 ob_get_clean: {100 description: 'Get current buffer contents and delete current output buffer',101 signature: '(void): string'102 },103 ob_get_contents: {104 description: 'Return the contents of the output buffer',105 signature: '(void): string'106 },107 ob_get_flush: {108 description: 'Flush the output buffer, return it as a string and turn off output buffering',109 signature: '(void): string'110 },111 ob_get_length: {112 description: 'Return the length of the output buffer',113 signature: '(void): int'114 },115 ob_get_level: {116 description: 'Return the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism',117 signature: '(void): int'118 },119 ob_get_status: {120 description: 'Get status of output buffers',121 signature: '([ bool $full_status = FALSE ]): array'122 },123 ob_gzhandler: {124 description: 'ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer',125 signature: '( string $buffer , int $mode ): string'126 },127 ob_implicit_flush: {128 description: 'Turn implicit flush on/​off',129 signature: '([ int $flag = 1 ]): void'130 },131 ob_list_handlers: {132 description: 'List all output handlers in use',133 signature: '(void): array'134 },135 ob_start: {136 description: 'Turn on output buffering',137 signature: '([ callable $output_callback [, int $chunk_size = 0 [, int $flags ]]]): bool'138 },139 output_add_rewrite_var: {140 description: 'Add URL rewriter values',141 signature: '( string $name , string $value ): bool'142 },143 output_reset_rewrite_vars: {144 description: 'Reset URL rewriter values',145 signature: '(void): bool'146 },147 assert_options: {148 description: 'Set/​get the various assert flags',149 signature: '( int $what [, mixed $value ]): mixed'150 },151 assert: {152 description: 'Checks if assertion is FALSE',153 signature: '( mixed $assertion [, string $description [, Throwable $exception ]]): bool'154 },155 cli_get_process_title: {156 description: 'Returns the current process title',157 signature: '(void): string'158 },159 cli_set_process_title: {160 description: 'Sets the process title',161 signature: '( string $title ): bool'162 },163 dl: {164 description: 'Loads a PHP extension at runtime',165 signature: '( string $library ): bool'166 },167 extension_loaded: {168 description: 'Find out whether an extension is loaded',169 signature: '( string $name ): bool'170 },171 gc_collect_cycles: {172 description: 'Forces collection of any existing garbage cycles',173 signature: '(void): int'174 },175 gc_disable: {176 description: 'Deactivates the circular reference collector',177 signature: '(void): void'178 },179 gc_enable: {180 description: 'Activates the circular reference collector',181 signature: '(void): void'182 },183 gc_enabled: {184 description: 'Returns status of the circular reference collector',185 signature: '(void): bool'186 },187 gc_mem_caches: {188 description: 'Reclaims memory used by the Zend Engine memory manager',189 signature: '(void): int'190 },191 gc_status: {192 description: 'Gets information about the garbage collector',193 signature: '(void): array'194 },195 get_cfg_var: {196 description: 'Gets the value of a PHP configuration option',197 signature: '( string $option ): mixed'198 },199 get_current_user: {200 description: 'Gets the name of the owner of the current PHP script',201 signature: '(void): string'202 },203 get_defined_constants: {204 description: 'Returns an associative array with the names of all the constants and their values',205 signature: '([ bool $categorize ]): array'206 },207 get_extension_funcs: {208 description: 'Returns an array with the names of the functions of a module',209 signature: '( string $module_name ): array'210 },211 get_include_path: {212 description: 'Gets the current include_path configuration option',213 signature: '(void): string'214 },215 get_included_files: {216 description: 'Returns an array with the names of included or required files',217 signature: '(void): array'218 },219 get_loaded_extensions: {220 description: 'Returns an array with the names of all modules compiled and loaded',221 signature: '([ bool $zend_extensions ]): array'222 },223 get_magic_quotes_gpc: {224 description: 'Gets the current configuration setting of magic_quotes_gpc',225 signature: '(void): bool'226 },227 get_magic_quotes_runtime: {228 description: 'Gets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime',229 signature: '(void): bool'230 },231 get_required_files: {232 description: 'Alias of get_included_files',233 },234 get_resources: {235 description: 'Returns active resources',236 signature: '([ string $type ]): resource'237 },238 getenv: {239 description: 'Gets the value of an environment variable',240 signature: '( string $varname [, bool $local_only ]): array'241 },242 getlastmod: {243 description: 'Gets time of last page modification',244 signature: '(void): int'245 },246 getmygid: {247 description: 'Get PHP script owner\'s GID',248 signature: '(void): int'249 },250 getmyinode: {251 description: 'Gets the inode of the current script',252 signature: '(void): int'253 },254 getmypid: {255 description: 'Gets PHP\'s process ID',256 signature: '(void): int'257 },258 getmyuid: {259 description: 'Gets PHP script owner\'s UID',260 signature: '(void): int'261 },262 getopt: {263 description: 'Gets options from the command line argument list',264 signature: '( string $options [, array $longopts [, int $optind ]]): array'265 },266 getrusage: {267 description: 'Gets the current resource usages',268 signature: '([ int $who = 0 ]): array'269 },270 ini_alter: {271 description: 'Alias of ini_set',272 },273 ini_get_all: {274 description: 'Gets all configuration options',275 signature: '([ string $extension [, bool $details ]]): array'276 },277 ini_get: {278 description: 'Gets the value of a configuration option',279 signature: '( string $varname ): string'280 },281 ini_restore: {282 description: 'Restores the value of a configuration option',283 signature: '( string $varname ): void'284 },285 ini_set: {286 description: 'Sets the value of a configuration option',287 signature: '( string $varname , string $newvalue ): string'288 },289 magic_quotes_runtime: {290 description: 'Alias of set_magic_quotes_runtime',291 },292 main: {293 description: 'Dummy for main',294 },295 memory_get_peak_usage: {296 description: 'Returns the peak of memory allocated by PHP',297 signature: '([ bool $real_usage ]): int'298 },299 memory_get_usage: {300 description: 'Returns the amount of memory allocated to PHP',301 signature: '([ bool $real_usage ]): int'302 },303 php_ini_loaded_file: {304 description: 'Retrieve a path to the loaded php.ini file',305 signature: '(void): string'306 },307 php_ini_scanned_files: {308 description: 'Return a list of .ini files parsed from the additional ini dir',309 signature: '(void): string'310 },311 php_logo_guid: {312 description: 'Gets the logo guid',313 signature: '(void): string'314 },315 php_sapi_name: {316 description: 'Returns the type of interface between web server and PHP',317 signature: '(void): string'318 },319 php_uname: {320 description: 'Returns information about the operating system PHP is running on',321 signature: '([ string $mode = "a" ]): string'322 },323 phpcredits: {324 description: 'Prints out the credits for PHP',325 signature: '([ int $flag = CREDITS_ALL ]): bool'326 },327 phpinfo: {328 description: 'Outputs information about PHP\'s configuration',329 signature: '([ int $what = INFO_ALL ]): bool'330 },331 phpversion: {332 description: 'Gets the current PHP version',333 signature: '([ string $extension ]): string'334 },335 putenv: {336 description: 'Sets the value of an environment variable',337 signature: '( string $setting ): bool'338 },339 restore_include_path: {340 description: 'Restores the value of the include_path configuration option',341 signature: '(void): void'342 },343 set_include_path: {344 description: 'Sets the include_path configuration option',345 signature: '( string $new_include_path ): string'346 },347 set_magic_quotes_runtime: {348 description: 'Sets the current active configuration setting of magic_quotes_runtime',349 signature: '( bool $new_setting ): bool'350 },351 set_time_limit: {352 description: 'Limits the maximum execution time',353 signature: '( int $seconds ): bool'354 },355 sys_get_temp_dir: {356 description: 'Returns directory path used for temporary files',357 signature: '(void): string'358 },359 version_compare: {360 description: 'Compares two "PHP-standardized" version number strings',361 signature: '( string $version1 , string $version2 , string $operator ): bool'362 },363 zend_logo_guid: {364 description: 'Gets the Zend guid',365 signature: '(void): string'366 },367 zend_thread_id: {368 description: 'Returns a unique identifier for the current thread',369 signature: '(void): int'370 },371 zend_version: {372 description: 'Gets the version of the current Zend engine',373 signature: '(void): string'374 },375 bzclose: {376 description: 'Close a bzip2 file',377 signature: '( resource $bz ): int'378 },379 bzcompress: {380 description: 'Compress a string into bzip2 encoded data',381 signature: '( string $source [, int $blocksize = 4 [, int $workfactor = 0 ]]): mixed'382 },383 bzdecompress: {384 description: 'Decompresses bzip2 encoded data',385 signature: '( string $source [, int $small = 0 ]): mixed'386 },387 bzerrno: {388 description: 'Returns a bzip2 error number',389 signature: '( resource $bz ): int'390 },391 bzerror: {392 description: 'Returns the bzip2 error number and error string in an array',393 signature: '( resource $bz ): array'394 },395 bzerrstr: {396 description: 'Returns a bzip2 error string',397 signature: '( resource $bz ): string'398 },399 bzflush: {400 description: 'Force a write of all buffered data',401 signature: '( resource $bz ): bool'402 },403 bzopen: {404 description: 'Opens a bzip2 compressed file',405 signature: '( mixed $file , string $mode ): resource'406 },407 bzread: {408 description: 'Binary safe bzip2 file read',409 signature: '( resource $bz [, int $length = 1024 ]): string'410 },411 bzwrite: {412 description: 'Binary safe bzip2 file write',413 signature: '( resource $bz , string $data [, int $length ]): int'414 },415 PharException: {416 description: 'The PharException class provides a phar-specific exception class for try/​catch blocks',417 },418 zip_close: {419 description: 'Close a ZIP file archive',420 signature: '( resource $zip ): void'421 },422 zip_entry_close: {423 description: 'Close a directory entry',424 signature: '( resource $zip_entry ): bool'425 },426 zip_entry_compressedsize: {427 description: 'Retrieve the compressed size of a directory entry',428 signature: '( resource $zip_entry ): int'429 },430 zip_entry_compressionmethod: {431 description: 'Retrieve the compression method of a directory entry',432 signature: '( resource $zip_entry ): string'433 },434 zip_entry_filesize: {435 description: 'Retrieve the actual file size of a directory entry',436 signature: '( resource $zip_entry ): int'437 },438 zip_entry_name: {439 description: 'Retrieve the name of a directory entry',440 signature: '( resource $zip_entry ): string'441 },442 zip_entry_open: {443 description: 'Open a directory entry for reading',444 signature: '( resource $zip , resource $zip_entry [, string $mode ]): bool'445 },446 zip_entry_read: {447 description: 'Read from an open directory entry',448 signature: '( resource $zip_entry [, int $length = 1024 ]): string'449 },450 zip_open: {451 description: 'Open a ZIP file archive',452 signature: '( string $filename ): resource'453 },454 zip_read: {455 description: 'Read next entry in a ZIP file archive',456 signature: '( resource $zip ): resource'457 },458 deflate_add: {459 description: 'Incrementally deflate data',460 signature: '( resource $context , string $data [, int $flush_mode = ZLIB_SYNC_FLUSH ]): string'461 },462 deflate_init: {463 description: 'Initialize an incremental deflate context',464 signature: '( int $encoding [, array $options = array() ]): resource'465 },466 gzclose: {467 description: 'Close an open gz-file pointer',468 signature: '( resource $zp ): bool'469 },470 gzcompress: {471 description: 'Compress a string',472 signature: '( string $data [, int $level = -1 [, int $encoding = ZLIB_ENCODING_DEFLATE ]]): string'473 },474 gzdecode: {475 description: 'Decodes a gzip compressed string',476 signature: '( string $data [, int $length ]): string'477 },478 gzdeflate: {479 description: 'Deflate a string',480 signature: '( string $data [, int $level = -1 [, int $encoding = ZLIB_ENCODING_RAW ]]): string'481 },482 gzencode: {483 description: 'Create a gzip compressed string',484 signature: '( string $data [, int $level = -1 [, int $encoding_mode = FORCE_GZIP ]]): string'485 },486 gzeof: {487 description: 'Test for EOF on a gz-file pointer',488 signature: '( resource $zp ): int'489 },490 gzfile: {491 description: 'Read entire gz-file into an array',492 signature: '( string $filename [, int $use_include_path = 0 ]): array'493 },494 gzgetc: {495 description: 'Get character from gz-file pointer',496 signature: '( resource $zp ): string'497 },498 gzgets: {499 description: 'Get line from file pointer',500 signature: '( resource $zp [, int $length ]): string'501 },502 gzgetss: {503 description: 'Get line from gz-file pointer and strip HTML tags',504 signature: '( resource $zp , int $length [, string $allowable_tags ]): string'505 },506 gzinflate: {507 description: 'Inflate a deflated string',508 signature: '( string $data [, int $length = 0 ]): string'509 },510 gzopen: {511 description: 'Open gz-file',512 signature: '( string $filename , string $mode [, int $use_include_path = 0 ]): resource'513 },514 gzpassthru: {515 description: 'Output all remaining data on a gz-file pointer',516 signature: '( resource $zp ): int'517 },518 gzputs: {519 description: 'Alias of gzwrite',520 },521 gzread: {522 description: 'Binary-safe gz-file read',523 signature: '( resource $zp , int $length ): string'524 },525 gzrewind: {526 description: 'Rewind the position of a gz-file pointer',527 signature: '( resource $zp ): bool'528 },529 gzseek: {530 description: 'Seek on a gz-file pointer',531 signature: '( resource $zp , int $offset [, int $whence = SEEK_SET ]): int'532 },533 gztell: {534 description: 'Tell gz-file pointer read/​write position',535 signature: '( resource $zp ): int'536 },537 gzuncompress: {538 description: 'Uncompress a compressed string',539 signature: '( string $data [, int $length = 0 ]): string'540 },541 gzwrite: {542 description: 'Binary-safe gz-file write',543 signature: '( resource $zp , string $string [, int $length ]): int'544 },545 inflate_add: {546 description: 'Incrementally inflate encoded data',547 signature: '( resource $context , string $encoded_data [, int $flush_mode = ZLIB_SYNC_FLUSH ]): string'548 },549 inflate_get_read_len: {550 description: 'Get number of bytes read so far',551 signature: '( resource $resource ): int'552 },553 inflate_get_status: {554 description: 'Get decompression status',555 signature: '( resource $resource ): int'556 },557 inflate_init: {558 description: 'Initialize an incremental inflate context',559 signature: '( int $encoding [, array $options = array() ]): resource'560 },561 readgzfile: {562 description: 'Output a gz-file',563 signature: '( string $filename [, int $use_include_path = 0 ]): int'564 },565 zlib_decode: {566 description: 'Uncompress any raw/​gzip/​zlib encoded data',567 signature: '( string $data [, string $max_decoded_len ]): string'568 },569 zlib_encode: {570 description: 'Compress data with the specified encoding',571 signature: '( string $data , int $encoding [, int $level = -1 ]): string'572 },573 zlib_get_coding_type: {574 description: 'Returns the coding type used for output compression',575 signature: '(void): string'576 },577 random_bytes: {578 description: 'Generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random bytes',579 signature: '( int $length ): string'580 },581 random_int: {582 description: 'Generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random integers',583 signature: '( int $min , int $max ): int'584 },585 hash_algos: {586 description: 'Return a list of registered hashing algorithms',587 signature: '(void): array'588 },589 hash_copy: {590 description: 'Copy hashing context',591 signature: '( HashContext $context ): HashContext'592 },593 hash_equals: {594 description: 'Timing attack safe string comparison',595 signature: '( string $known_string , string $user_string ): bool'596 },597 hash_file: {598 description: 'Generate a hash value using the contents of a given file',599 signature: '( string $algo , string $filename [, bool $raw_output ]): string'600 },601 hash_final: {602 description: 'Finalize an incremental hash and return resulting digest',603 signature: '( HashContext $context [, bool $raw_output ]): string'604 },605 hash_hkdf: {606 description: 'Generate a HKDF key derivation of a supplied key input',607 signature: '( string $algo , string $ikm [, int $length = 0 [, string $info = \'\' [, string $salt = \'\' ]]]): string'608 },609 hash_hmac_algos: {610 description: 'Return a list of registered hashing algorithms suitable for hash_hmac',611 signature: '(void): array'612 },613 hash_hmac_file: {614 description: 'Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method and the contents of a given file',615 signature: '( string $algo , string $filename , string $key [, bool $raw_output ]): string'616 },617 hash_hmac: {618 description: 'Generate a keyed hash value using the HMAC method',619 signature: '( string $algo , string $data , string $key [, bool $raw_output ]): string'620 },621 hash_init: {622 description: 'Initialize an incremental hashing context',623 signature: '( string $algo [, int $options = 0 [, string $key ]]): HashContext'624 },625 hash_pbkdf2: {626 description: 'Generate a PBKDF2 key derivation of a supplied password',627 signature: '( string $algo , string $password , string $salt , int $iterations [, int $length = 0 [, bool $raw_output ]]): string'628 },629 hash_update_file: {630 description: 'Pump data into an active hashing context from a file',631 signature: '( HashContext $hcontext , string $filename [, resource $scontext ]): bool'632 },633 hash_update_stream: {634 description: 'Pump data into an active hashing context from an open stream',635 signature: '( HashContext $context , resource $handle [, int $length = -1 ]): int'636 },637 hash_update: {638 description: 'Pump data into an active hashing context',639 signature: '( HashContext $context , string $data ): bool'640 },641 hash: {642 description: 'Generate a hash value (message digest)',643 signature: '( string $algo , string $data [, bool $raw_output ]): string'644 },645 openssl_cipher_iv_length: {646 description: 'Gets the cipher iv length',647 signature: '( string $method ): int'648 },649 openssl_csr_export_to_file: {650 description: 'Exports a CSR to a file',651 signature: '( mixed $csr , string $outfilename [, bool $notext ]): bool'652 },653 openssl_csr_export: {654 description: 'Exports a CSR as a string',655 signature: '( mixed $csr , string $out [, bool $notext ]): bool'656 },657 openssl_csr_get_public_key: {658 description: 'Returns the public key of a CSR',659 signature: '( mixed $csr [, bool $use_shortnames ]): resource'660 },661 openssl_csr_get_subject: {662 description: 'Returns the subject of a CSR',663 signature: '( mixed $csr [, bool $use_shortnames ]): array'664 },665 openssl_csr_new: {666 description: 'Generates a CSR',667 signature: '( array $dn , resource $privkey [, array $configargs [, array $extraattribs ]]): mixed'668 },669 openssl_csr_sign: {670 description: 'Sign a CSR with another certificate (or itself) and generate a certificate',671 signature: '( mixed $csr , mixed $cacert , mixed $priv_key , int $days [, array $configargs [, int $serial = 0 ]]): resource'672 },673 openssl_decrypt: {674 description: 'Decrypts data',675 signature: '( string $data , string $method , string $key [, int $options = 0 [, string $iv = "" [, string $tag = "" [, string $aad = "" ]]]]): string'676 },677 openssl_dh_compute_key: {678 description: 'Computes shared secret for public value of remote DH public key and local DH key',679 signature: '( string $pub_key , resource $dh_key ): string'680 },681 openssl_digest: {682 description: 'Computes a digest',683 signature: '( string $data , string $method [, bool $raw_output ]): string'684 },685 openssl_encrypt: {686 description: 'Encrypts data',687 signature: '( string $data , string $method , string $key [, int $options = 0 [, string $iv = "" [, string $tag = NULL [, string $aad = "" [, int $tag_length = 16 ]]]]]): string'688 },689 openssl_error_string: {690 description: 'Return openSSL error message',691 signature: '(void): string'692 },693 openssl_free_key: {694 description: 'Free key resource',695 signature: '( resource $key_identifier ): void'696 },697 openssl_get_cert_locations: {698 description: 'Retrieve the available certificate locations',699 signature: '(void): array'700 },701 openssl_get_cipher_methods: {702 description: 'Gets available cipher methods',703 signature: '([ bool $aliases ]): array'704 },705 openssl_get_curve_names: {706 description: 'Gets list of available curve names for ECC',707 signature: '(void): array'708 },709 openssl_get_md_methods: {710 description: 'Gets available digest methods',711 signature: '([ bool $aliases ]): array'712 },713 openssl_get_privatekey: {714 description: 'Alias of openssl_pkey_get_private',715 },716 openssl_get_publickey: {717 description: 'Alias of openssl_pkey_get_public',718 },719 openssl_open: {720 description: 'Open sealed data',721 signature: '( string $sealed_data , string $open_data , string $env_key , mixed $priv_key_id [, string $method = "RC4" [, string $iv ]]): bool'722 },723 openssl_pbkdf2: {724 description: 'Generates a PKCS5 v2 PBKDF2 string',725 signature: '( string $password , string $salt , int $key_length , int $iterations [, string $digest_algorithm = "sha1" ]): string'726 },727 openssl_pkcs12_export_to_file: {728 description: 'Exports a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store File',729 signature: '( mixed $x509 , string $filename , mixed $priv_key , string $pass [, array $args ]): bool'730 },731 openssl_pkcs12_export: {732 description: 'Exports a PKCS#12 Compatible Certificate Store File to variable',733 signature: '( mixed $x509 , string $out , mixed $priv_key , string $pass [, array $args ]): bool'734 },735 openssl_pkcs12_read: {736 description: 'Parse a PKCS#12 Certificate Store into an array',737 signature: '( string $pkcs12 , array $certs , string $pass ): bool'738 },739 openssl_pkcs7_decrypt: {740 description: 'Decrypts an S/​MIME encrypted message',741 signature: '( string $infilename , string $outfilename , mixed $recipcert [, mixed $recipkey ]): bool'742 },743 openssl_pkcs7_encrypt: {744 description: 'Encrypt an S/​MIME message',745 signature: '( string $infile , string $outfile , mixed $recipcerts , array $headers [, int $flags = 0 [, int $cipherid = OPENSSL_CIPHER_RC2_40 ]]): bool'746 },747 openssl_pkcs7_read: {748 description: 'Export the PKCS7 file to an array of PEM certificates',749 signature: '( string $infilename , array $certs ): bool'750 },751 openssl_pkcs7_sign: {752 description: 'Sign an S/​MIME message',753 signature: '( string $infilename , string $outfilename , mixed $signcert , mixed $privkey , array $headers [, int $flags = PKCS7_DETACHED [, string $extracerts ]]): bool'754 },755 openssl_pkcs7_verify: {756 description: 'Verifies the signature of an S/​MIME signed message',757 signature: '( string $filename , int $flags [, string $outfilename [, array $cainfo [, string $extracerts [, string $content [, string $p7bfilename ]]]]]): mixed'758 },759 openssl_pkey_export_to_file: {760 description: 'Gets an exportable representation of a key into a file',761 signature: '( mixed $key , string $outfilename [, string $passphrase [, array $configargs ]]): bool'762 },763 openssl_pkey_export: {764 description: 'Gets an exportable representation of a key into a string',765 signature: '( mixed $key , string $out [, string $passphrase [, array $configargs ]]): bool'766 },767 openssl_pkey_free: {768 description: 'Frees a private key',769 signature: '( resource $key ): void'770 },771 openssl_pkey_get_details: {772 description: 'Returns an array with the key details',773 signature: '( resource $key ): array'774 },775 openssl_pkey_get_private: {776 description: 'Get a private key',777 signature: '( mixed $key [, string $passphrase = "" ]): resource'778 },779 openssl_pkey_get_public: {780 description: 'Extract public key from certificate and prepare it for use',781 signature: '( mixed $certificate ): resource'782 },783 openssl_pkey_new: {784 description: 'Generates a new private key',785 signature: '([ array $configargs ]): resource'786 },787 openssl_private_decrypt: {788 description: 'Decrypts data with private key',789 signature: '( string $data , string $decrypted , mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING ]): bool'790 },791 openssl_private_encrypt: {792 description: 'Encrypts data with private key',793 signature: '( string $data , string $crypted , mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING ]): bool'794 },795 openssl_public_decrypt: {796 description: 'Decrypts data with public key',797 signature: '( string $data , string $decrypted , mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING ]): bool'798 },799 openssl_public_encrypt: {800 description: 'Encrypts data with public key',801 signature: '( string $data , string $crypted , mixed $key [, int $padding = OPENSSL_PKCS1_PADDING ]): bool'802 },803 openssl_random_pseudo_bytes: {804 description: 'Generate a pseudo-random string of bytes',805 signature: '( int $length [, bool $crypto_strong ]): string'806 },807 openssl_seal: {808 description: 'Seal (encrypt) data',809 signature: '( string $data , string $sealed_data , array $env_keys , array $pub_key_ids [, string $method = "RC4" [, string $iv ]]): int'810 },811 openssl_sign: {812 description: 'Generate signature',813 signature: '( string $data , string $signature , mixed $priv_key_id [, mixed $signature_alg = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 ]): bool'814 },815 openssl_spki_export_challenge: {816 description: 'Exports the challenge assoicated with a signed public key and challenge',817 signature: '( string $spkac ): string'818 },819 openssl_spki_export: {820 description: 'Exports a valid PEM formatted public key signed public key and challenge',821 signature: '( string $spkac ): string'822 },823 openssl_spki_new: {824 description: 'Generate a new signed public key and challenge',825 signature: '( resource $privkey , string $challenge [, int $algorithm = 0 ]): string'826 },827 openssl_spki_verify: {828 description: 'Verifies a signed public key and challenge',829 signature: '( string $spkac ): string'830 },831 openssl_verify: {832 description: 'Verify signature',833 signature: '( string $data , string $signature , mixed $pub_key_id [, mixed $signature_alg = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 ]): int'834 },835 openssl_x509_check_private_key: {836 description: 'Checks if a private key corresponds to a certificate',837 signature: '( mixed $cert , mixed $key ): bool'838 },839 openssl_x509_checkpurpose: {840 description: 'Verifies if a certificate can be used for a particular purpose',841 signature: '( mixed $x509cert , int $purpose [, array $cainfo = array() [, string $untrustedfile ]]): int'842 },843 openssl_x509_export_to_file: {844 description: 'Exports a certificate to file',845 signature: '( mixed $x509 , string $outfilename [, bool $notext ]): bool'846 },847 openssl_x509_export: {848 description: 'Exports a certificate as a string',849 signature: '( mixed $x509 , string $output [, bool $notext ]): bool'850 },851 openssl_x509_fingerprint: {852 description: 'Calculates the fingerprint, or digest, of a given X.509 certificate',853 signature: '( mixed $x509 [, string $hash_algorithm = "sha1" [, bool $raw_output ]]): string'854 },855 openssl_x509_free: {856 description: 'Free certificate resource',857 signature: '( resource $x509cert ): void'858 },859 openssl_x509_parse: {860 description: 'Parse an X509 certificate and return the information as an array',861 signature: '( mixed $x509cert [, bool $shortnames ]): array'862 },863 openssl_x509_read: {864 description: 'Parse an X.509 certificate and return a resource identifier for it',865 signature: '( mixed $x509certdata ): resource'866 },867 password_get_info: {868 description: 'Returns information about the given hash',869 signature: '( string $hash ): array'870 },871 password_hash: {872 description: 'Creates a password hash',873 signature: '( string $password , int $algo [, array $options ]): integer'874 },875 password_needs_rehash: {876 description: 'Checks if the given hash matches the given options',877 signature: '( string $hash , int $algo [, array $options ]): bool'878 },879 password_verify: {880 description: 'Verifies that a password matches a hash',881 signature: '( string $password , string $hash ): bool'882 },883 sodium_add: {884 description: 'Add large numbers',885 signature: '( string $val , string $addv ): void'886 },887 sodium_base642bin: {888 description: 'Description',889 signature: '( string $b64 , int $id [, string $ignore ]): string'890 },891 sodium_bin2base64: {892 description: 'Description',893 signature: '( string $bin , int $id ): string'894 },895 sodium_bin2hex: {896 description: 'Encode to hexadecimal',897 signature: '( string $bin ): string'898 },899 sodium_compare: {900 description: 'Compare large numbers',901 signature: '( string $buf1 , string $buf2 ): int'902 },903 sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_decrypt: {904 description: 'Decrypt in combined mode with precalculation',905 signature: '( string $ciphertext , string $ad , string $nonce , string $key ): string'906 },907 sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_encrypt: {908 description: 'Encrypt in combined mode with precalculation',909 signature: '( string $msg , string $ad , string $nonce , string $key ): string'910 },911 sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_is_available: {912 description: 'Check if hardware supports AES256-GCM',913 signature: '(void): bool'914 },915 sodium_crypto_aead_aes256gcm_keygen: {916 description: 'Get random bytes for key',917 signature: '(void): string'918 },919 sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_decrypt: {920 description: 'Verify that the ciphertext includes a valid tag',921 signature: '( string $ciphertext , string $ad , string $nonce , string $key ): string'922 },923 sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_encrypt: {924 description: 'Encrypt a message',925 signature: '( string $msg , string $ad , string $nonce , string $key ): string'926 },927 sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt: {928 description: 'Verify that the ciphertext includes a valid tag',929 signature: '( string $ciphertext , string $ad , string $nonce , string $key ): string'930 },931 sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt: {932 description: 'Encrypt a message',933 signature: '( string $msg , string $ad , string $nonce , string $key ): string'934 },935 sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_keygen: {936 description: 'Get random bytes for key',937 signature: '(void): string'938 },939 sodium_crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_keygen: {940 description: 'Get random bytes for key',941 signature: '(void): string'942 },943 sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt: {944 description: 'Description',945 signature: '( string $ciphertext , string $ad , string $nonce , string $key ): string'946 },947 sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt: {948 description: 'Description',949 signature: '( string $msg , string $ad , string $nonce , string $key ): string'950 },951 sodium_crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_keygen: {952 description: 'Description',953 signature: '(void): string'954 },955 sodium_crypto_auth_keygen: {956 description: 'Get random bytes for key',957 signature: '(void): string'958 },959 sodium_crypto_auth_verify: {960 description: 'Verifies that the tag is valid for the message',961 signature: '( string $signature , string $msg , string $key ): bool'962 },963 sodium_crypto_auth: {964 description: 'Compute a tag for the message',965 signature: '( string $msg , string $key ): string'966 },967 sodium_crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey: {968 description: 'Description',969 signature: '( string $secret_key , string $public_key ): string'970 },971 sodium_crypto_box_keypair: {972 description: 'Randomly generate a secret key and a corresponding public key',973 signature: '(void): string'974 },975 sodium_crypto_box_open: {976 description: 'Verify and decrypt a ciphertext',977 signature: '( string $ciphertext , string $nonce , string $key ): string'978 },979 sodium_crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey: {980 description: 'Description',981 signature: '( string $key ): string'982 },983 sodium_crypto_box_publickey: {984 description: 'Description',985 signature: '( string $key ): string'986 },987 sodium_crypto_box_seal_open: {988 description: 'Decrypt the ciphertext',989 signature: '( string $ciphertext , string $key ): string'990 },991 sodium_crypto_box_seal: {992 description: 'Encrypt a message',993 signature: '( string $msg , string $key ): string'994 },995 sodium_crypto_box_secretkey: {996 description: 'Description',997 signature: '( string $key ): string'998 },999 sodium_crypto_box_seed_keypair: {1000 description: 'Deterministically derive the key pair from a single key',1001 signature: '( string $key ): string'1002 },1003 sodium_crypto_box: {1004 description: 'Encrypt a message',1005 signature: '( string $msg , string $nonce , string $key ): string'1006 },1007 sodium_crypto_generichash_final: {1008 description: 'Complete the hash',1009 signature: '( string $state [, int $length = SODIUM_CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_BYTES ]): string'1010 },1011 sodium_crypto_generichash_init: {1012 description: 'Initialize a hash',1013 signature: '([ string $key [, int $length = SODIUM_CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_BYTES ]]): string'1014 },1015 sodium_crypto_generichash_keygen: {1016 description: 'Get random bytes for key',1017 signature: '(void): string'1018 },1019 sodium_crypto_generichash_update: {1020 description: 'Add message to a hash',1021 signature: '( string $state , string $msg ): bool'1022 },1023 sodium_crypto_generichash: {1024 description: 'Get a hash of the message',1025 signature: '( string $msg [, string $key [, int $length = SODIUM_CRYPTO_GENERICHASH_BYTES ]]): string'1026 },1027 sodium_crypto_kdf_derive_from_key: {1028 description: 'Derive a subkey',1029 signature: '( int $subkey_len , int $subkey_id , string $context , string $key ): string'1030 },1031 sodium_crypto_kdf_keygen: {1032 description: 'Get random bytes for key',1033 signature: '(void): string'1034 },1035 sodium_crypto_kx_client_session_keys: {1036 description: 'Description',1037 signature: '( string $client_keypair , string $server_key ): array'1038 },1039 sodium_crypto_kx_keypair: {1040 description: 'Creates a new sodium keypair',1041 signature: '(void): string'1042 },1043 sodium_crypto_kx_publickey: {1044 description: 'Description',1045 signature: '( string $key ): string'1046 },1047 sodium_crypto_kx_secretkey: {1048 description: 'Description',1049 signature: '( string $key ): string'1050 },1051 sodium_crypto_kx_seed_keypair: {1052 description: 'Description',1053 signature: '( string $string ): string'1054 },1055 sodium_crypto_kx_server_session_keys: {1056 description: 'Description',1057 signature: '( string $server_keypair , string $client_key ): array'1058 },1059 sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_str_verify: {1060 description: 'Verify that the password is a valid password verification string',1061 signature: '( string $hash , string $password ): bool'1062 },1063 sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256_str: {1064 description: 'Get an ASCII encoded hash',1065 signature: '( string $password , int $opslimit , int $memlimit ): string'1066 },1067 sodium_crypto_pwhash_scryptsalsa208sha256: {1068 description: 'Derives a key from a password',1069 signature: '( int $length , string $password , string $salt , int $opslimit , int $memlimit ): string'1070 },1071 sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_needs_rehash: {1072 description: 'Description',1073 signature: '( string $password , int $opslimit , int $memlimit ): bool'1074 },1075 sodium_crypto_pwhash_str_verify: {1076 description: 'Verifies that a password matches a hash',1077 signature: '( string $hash , string $password ): bool'1078 },1079 sodium_crypto_pwhash_str: {1080 description: 'Get an ASCII-encoded hash',1081 signature: '( string $password , int $opslimit , int $memlimit ): string'1082 },1083 sodium_crypto_pwhash: {1084 description: 'Derive a key from a password',1085 signature: '( int $length , string $password , string $salt , int $opslimit , int $memlimit [, int $alg ]): string'1086 },1087 sodium_crypto_scalarmult_base: {1088 description: 'Alias of sodium_crypto_box_publickey_from_secretkey',1089 },1090 sodium_crypto_scalarmult: {1091 description: 'Compute a shared secret given a user\'s secret key and another user\'s public key',1092 signature: '( string $n , string $p ): string'1093 },1094 sodium_crypto_secretbox_keygen: {1095 description: 'Get random bytes for key',1096 signature: '(void): string'1097 },1098 sodium_crypto_secretbox_open: {1099 description: 'Verify and decrypt a ciphertext',1100 signature: '( string $ciphertext , string $nonce , string $key ): string'1101 },1102 sodium_crypto_secretbox: {1103 description: 'Encrypt a message',1104 signature: '( string $string , string $nonce , string $key ): string'1105 },1106 sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_pull: {1107 description: 'Description',1108 signature: '( string $header , string $key ): string'1109 },1110 sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_init_push: {1111 description: 'Description',1112 signature: '( string $key ): array'1113 },1114 sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_keygen: {1115 description: 'Description',1116 signature: '(void): string'1117 },1118 sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_pull: {1119 description: 'Description',1120 signature: '( string $state , string $c [, string $ad ]): array'1121 },1122 sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_push: {1123 description: 'Description',1124 signature: '( string $state , string $msg [, string $ad [, int $tag ]]): string'1125 },1126 sodium_crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_rekey: {1127 description: 'Description',1128 signature: '( string $state ): void'1129 },1130 sodium_crypto_shorthash_keygen: {1131 description: 'Get random bytes for key',1132 signature: '(void): string'1133 },1134 sodium_crypto_shorthash: {1135 description: 'Compute a fixed-size fingerprint for the message',1136 signature: '( string $msg , string $key ): string'1137 },1138 sodium_crypto_sign_detached: {1139 description: 'Sign the message',1140 signature: '( string $msg , string $secretkey ): string'1141 },1142 sodium_crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519: {1143 description: 'Convert an Ed25519 public key to a Curve25519 public key',1144 signature: '( string $key ): string'1145 },1146 sodium_crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519: {1147 description: 'Convert an Ed25519 secret key to a Curve25519 secret key',1148 signature: '( string $key ): string'1149 },1150 sodium_crypto_sign_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey: {1151 description: 'Description',1152 signature: '( string $secret_key , string $public_key ): string'1153 },1154 sodium_crypto_sign_keypair: {1155 description: 'Randomly generate a secret key and a corresponding public key',1156 signature: '(void): string'1157 },1158 sodium_crypto_sign_open: {1159 description: 'Check that the signed message has a valid signature',1160 signature: '( string $string , string $public_key ): string'1161 },1162 sodium_crypto_sign_publickey_from_secretkey: {1163 description: 'Extract the public key from the secret key',1164 signature: '( string $key ): string'1165 },1166 sodium_crypto_sign_publickey: {1167 description: 'Description',1168 signature: '( string $keypair ): string'1169 },1170 sodium_crypto_sign_secretkey: {1171 description: 'Description',1172 signature: '( string $key ): string'1173 },1174 sodium_crypto_sign_seed_keypair: {1175 description: 'Deterministically derive the key pair from a single key',1176 signature: '( string $key ): string'1177 },1178 sodium_crypto_sign_verify_detached: {1179 description: 'Verify signature for the message',1180 signature: '( string $signature , string $msg , string $public_key ): bool'1181 },1182 sodium_crypto_sign: {1183 description: 'Sign a message',1184 signature: '( string $msg , string $secret_key ): string'1185 },1186 sodium_crypto_stream_keygen: {1187 description: 'Get random bytes for key',1188 signature: '(void): string'1189 },1190 sodium_crypto_stream_xor: {1191 description: 'Encrypt a message',1192 signature: '( string $msg , string $nonce , string $key ): string'1193 },1194 sodium_crypto_stream: {1195 description: 'Generate a deterministic sequence of bytes from a seed',1196 signature: '( int $length , string $nonce , string $key ): string'1197 },1198 sodium_hex2bin: {1199 description: 'Decodes a hexadecimally encoded binary string',1200 signature: '( string $hex [, string $ignore ]): string'1201 },1202 sodium_increment: {1203 description: 'Increment large number',1204 signature: '( string $val ): void'1205 },1206 sodium_memcmp: {1207 description: 'Test for equality in constant-time',1208 signature: '( string $buf1 , string $buf2 ): int'1209 },1210 sodium_memzero: {1211 description: 'Overwrite buf with zeros',1212 signature: '( string $buf ): void'1213 },1214 sodium_pad: {1215 description: 'Add padding data',1216 signature: '( string $unpadded , int $length ): string'1217 },1218 sodium_unpad: {1219 description: 'Remove padding data',1220 signature: '( string $padded , int $length ): string'1221 },1222 dba_close: {1223 description: 'Close a DBA database',1224 signature: '( resource $handle ): void'1225 },1226 dba_delete: {1227 description: 'Delete DBA entry specified by key',1228 signature: '( string $key , resource $handle ): bool'1229 },1230 dba_exists: {1231 description: 'Check whether key exists',1232 signature: '( string $key , resource $handle ): bool'1233 },1234 dba_fetch: {1235 description: 'Fetch data specified by key',1236 signature: '( string $key , resource $handle , int $skip ): string'1237 },1238 dba_firstkey: {1239 description: 'Fetch first key',1240 signature: '( resource $handle ): string'1241 },1242 dba_handlers: {1243 description: 'List all the handlers available',1244 signature: '([ bool $full_info ]): array'1245 },1246 dba_insert: {1247 description: 'Insert entry',1248 signature: '( string $key , string $value , resource $handle ): bool'1249 },1250 dba_key_split: {1251 description: 'Splits a key in string representation into array representation',1252 signature: '( mixed $key ): mixed'1253 },1254 dba_list: {1255 description: 'List all open database files',1256 signature: '(void): array'1257 },1258 dba_nextkey: {1259 description: 'Fetch next key',1260 signature: '( resource $handle ): string'1261 },1262 dba_open: {1263 description: 'Open database',1264 signature: '( string $path , string $mode [, string $handler [, mixed $... ]]): resource'1265 },1266 dba_optimize: {1267 description: 'Optimize database',1268 signature: '( resource $handle ): bool'1269 },1270 dba_popen: {1271 description: 'Open database persistently',1272 signature: '( string $path , string $mode [, string $handler [, mixed $... ]]): resource'1273 },1274 dba_replace: {1275 description: 'Replace or insert entry',1276 signature: '( string $key , string $value , resource $handle ): bool'1277 },1278 dba_sync: {1279 description: 'Synchronize database',1280 signature: '( resource $handle ): bool'1281 },1282 pdo_drivers: {1283 description: 'Return an array of available PDO drivers',1284 signature: '(void): array'1285 },1286 cal_days_in_month: {1287 description: 'Return the number of days in a month for a given year and calendar',1288 signature: '( int $calendar , int $month , int $year ): int'1289 },1290 cal_from_jd: {1291 description: 'Converts from Julian Day Count to a supported calendar',1292 signature: '( int $jd , int $calendar ): array'1293 },1294 cal_info: {1295 description: 'Returns information about a particular calendar',1296 signature: '([ int $calendar = -1 ]): array'1297 },1298 cal_to_jd: {1299 description: 'Converts from a supported calendar to Julian Day Count',1300 signature: '( int $calendar , int $month , int $day , int $year ): int'1301 },1302 easter_date: {1303 description: 'Get Unix timestamp for midnight on Easter of a given year',1304 signature: '([ int $year = date("Y") ]): int'1305 },1306 easter_days: {1307 description: 'Get number of days after March 21 on which Easter falls for a given year',1308 signature: '([ int $year = date("Y") [, int $method = CAL_EASTER_DEFAULT ]]): int'1309 },1310 frenchtojd: {1311 description: 'Converts a date from the French Republican Calendar to a Julian Day Count',1312 signature: '( int $month , int $day , int $year ): int'1313 },1314 gregoriantojd: {1315 description: 'Converts a Gregorian date to Julian Day Count',1316 signature: '( int $month , int $day , int $year ): int'1317 },1318 jddayofweek: {1319 description: 'Returns the day of the week',1320 signature: '( int $julianday [, int $mode = CAL_DOW_DAYNO ]): mixed'1321 },1322 jdmonthname: {1323 description: 'Returns a month name',1324 signature: '( int $julianday , int $mode ): string'1325 },1326 jdtofrench: {1327 description: 'Converts a Julian Day Count to the French Republican Calendar',1328 signature: '( int $juliandaycount ): string'1329 },1330 jdtogregorian: {1331 description: 'Converts Julian Day Count to Gregorian date',1332 signature: '( int $julianday ): string'1333 },1334 jdtojewish: {1335 description: 'Converts a Julian day count to a Jewish calendar date',1336 signature: '( int $juliandaycount [, bool $hebrew [, int $fl = 0 ]]): string'1337 },1338 jdtojulian: {1339 description: 'Converts a Julian Day Count to a Julian Calendar Date',1340 signature: '( int $julianday ): string'1341 },1342 jdtounix: {1343 description: 'Convert Julian Day to Unix timestamp',1344 signature: '( int $jday ): int'1345 },1346 jewishtojd: {1347 description: 'Converts a date in the Jewish Calendar to Julian Day Count',1348 signature: '( int $month , int $day , int $year ): int'1349 },1350 juliantojd: {1351 description: 'Converts a Julian Calendar date to Julian Day Count',1352 signature: '( int $month , int $day , int $year ): int'1353 },1354 unixtojd: {1355 description: 'Convert Unix timestamp to Julian Day',1356 signature: '([ int $timestamp = time() ]): int'1357 },1358 date_add: {1359 description: 'Adds an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds to a DateTime object',1360 signature: '( DateInterval $interval , DateTime $object ): DateTime'1361 },1362 date_create: {1363 description: 'Returns new DateTime object',1364 signature: '([ string $time = "now" [, DateTimeZone $timezone ]]): DateTime'1365 },1366 date_create_from_format: {1367 description: 'Parses a time string according to a specified format',1368 signature: '( string $format , string $time [, DateTimeZone $timezone ]): DateTime'1369 },1370 date_get_last_errors: {1371 description: 'Returns the warnings and errors',1372 signature: '(void): array'1373 },1374 date_modify: {1375 description: 'Alters the timestamp',1376 signature: '( string $modify , DateTime $object ): DateTime'1377 },1378 date_date_set: {1379 description: 'Sets the date',1380 signature: '( int $year , int $month , int $day , DateTime $object ): DateTime'1381 },1382 date_isodate_set: {1383 description: 'Sets the ISO date',1384 signature: '( int $year , int $week [, int $day = 1 , DateTime $object ]): DateTime'1385 },1386 date_time_set: {1387 description: 'Sets the time',1388 signature: '( int $hour , int $minute [, int $second = 0 [, int $microseconds = 0 , DateTime $object ]]): DateTime'1389 },1390 date_timestamp_set: {1391 description: 'Sets the date and time based on an Unix timestamp',1392 signature: '( int $unixtimestamp , DateTime $object ): DateTime'1393 },1394 date_timezone_set: {1395 description: 'Sets the time zone for the DateTime object',1396 signature: '( DateTimeZone $timezone , DateTime $object ): object'1397 },1398 date_sub: {1399 description: 'Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds from a DateTime object',1400 signature: '( DateInterval $interval , DateTime $object ): DateTime'1401 },1402 date_create_immutable: {1403 description: 'Returns new DateTimeImmutable object',1404 signature: '([ string $time = "now" [, DateTimeZone $timezone ]]): DateTimeImmutable'1405 },1406 date_create_immutable_from_format: {1407 description: 'Parses a time string according to a specified format',1408 signature: '( string $format , string $time [, DateTimeZone $timezone ]): DateTimeImmutable'1409 },1410 date_diff: {1411 description: 'Returns the difference between two DateTime objects',1412 signature: '( DateTimeInterface $datetime2 [, bool $absolute , DateTimeInterface $datetime1 ]): DateInterval'1413 },1414 date_format: {1415 description: 'Returns date formatted according to given format',1416 signature: '( DateTimeInterface $object , string $format ): string'1417 },1418 date_offset_get: {1419 description: 'Returns the timezone offset',1420 signature: '( DateTimeInterface $object ): int'1421 },1422 date_timestamp_get: {1423 description: 'Gets the Unix timestamp',1424 signature: '( DateTimeInterface $object ): int'1425 },1426 date_timezone_get: {1427 description: 'Return time zone relative to given DateTime',1428 signature: '( DateTimeInterface $object ): DateTimeZone'1429 },1430 timezone_open: {1431 description: 'Creates new DateTimeZone object',1432 signature: '( string $timezone ): DateTimeZone'1433 },1434 timezone_location_get: {1435 description: 'Returns location information for a timezone',1436 signature: '( DateTimeZone $object ): array'1437 },1438 timezone_name_get: {1439 description: 'Returns the name of the timezone',1440 signature: '( DateTimeZone $object ): string'1441 },1442 timezone_offset_get: {1443 description: 'Returns the timezone offset from GMT',1444 signature: '( DateTimeInterface $datetime , DateTimeZone $object ): int'1445 },1446 timezone_transitions_get: {1447 description: 'Returns all transitions for the timezone',1448 signature: '([ int $timestamp_begin [, int $timestamp_end , DateTimeZone $object ]]): array'1449 },1450 timezone_abbreviations_list: {1451 description: 'Returns associative array containing dst, offset and the timezone name',1452 signature: '(void): array'1453 },1454 timezone_identifiers_list: {1455 description: 'Returns a numerically indexed array containing all defined timezone identifiers',1456 signature: '([ int $what = DateTimeZone::ALL [, string $country ]]): array'1457 },1458 checkdate: {1459 description: 'Validate a Gregorian date',1460 signature: '( int $month , int $day , int $year ): bool'1461 },1462 date_default_timezone_get: {1463 description: 'Gets the default timezone used by all date/​time functions in a script',1464 signature: '(void): string'1465 },1466 date_default_timezone_set: {1467 description: 'Sets the default timezone used by all date/​time functions in a script',1468 signature: '( string $timezone_identifier ): bool'1469 },1470 date_interval_create_from_date_string: {1471 description: 'Alias of DateInterval::createFromDateString',1472 },1473 date_interval_format: {1474 description: 'Alias of DateInterval::format',1475 },1476 date_parse_from_format: {1477 description: 'Get info about given date formatted according to the specified format',1478 signature: '( string $format , string $date ): array'1479 },1480 date_parse: {1481 description: 'Returns associative array with detailed info about given date',1482 signature: '( string $date ): array'1483 },1484 date_sun_info: {1485 description: 'Returns an array with information about sunset/​sunrise and twilight begin/​end',1486 signature: '( int $time , float $latitude , float $longitude ): array'1487 },1488 date_sunrise: {1489 description: 'Returns time of sunrise for a given day and location',1490 signature: '( int $timestamp [, int $format = SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING [, float $latitude = ini_get("date.default_latitude") [, float $longitude = ini_get("date.default_longitude") [, float $zenith = ini_get("date.sunrise_zenith") [, float $gmt_offset = 0 ]]]]]): mixed'1491 },1492 date_sunset: {1493 description: 'Returns time of sunset for a given day and location',1494 signature: '( int $timestamp [, int $format = SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING [, float $latitude = ini_get("date.default_latitude") [, float $longitude = ini_get("date.default_longitude") [, float $zenith = ini_get("date.sunset_zenith") [, float $gmt_offset = 0 ]]]]]): mixed'1495 },1496 date: {1497 description: 'Format a local time/​date',1498 signature: '( string $format [, int $timestamp = time() ]): string'1499 },1500 getdate: {1501 description: 'Get date/​time information',1502 signature: '([ int $timestamp = time() ]): array'1503 },1504 gettimeofday: {1505 description: 'Get current time',1506 signature: '([ bool $return_float ]): mixed'1507 },1508 gmdate: {1509 description: 'Format a GMT/​UTC date/​time',1510 signature: '( string $format [, int $timestamp = time() ]): string'1511 },1512 gmmktime: {1513 description: 'Get Unix timestamp for a GMT date',1514 signature: '([ int $hour = gmdate("H") [, int $minute = gmdate("i") [, int $second = gmdate("s") [, int $month = gmdate("n") [, int $day = gmdate("j") [, int $year = gmdate("Y") [, int $is_dst = -1 ]]]]]]]): int'1515 },1516 gmstrftime: {1517 description: 'Format a GMT/​UTC time/​date according to locale settings',1518 signature: '( string $format [, int $timestamp = time() ]): string'1519 },1520 idate: {1521 description: 'Format a local time/​date as integer',1522 signature: '( string $format [, int $timestamp = time() ]): int'1523 },1524 localtime: {1525 description: 'Get the local time',1526 signature: '([ int $timestamp = time() [, bool $is_associative ]]): array'1527 },1528 microtime: {1529 description: 'Return current Unix timestamp with microseconds',1530 signature: '([ bool $get_as_float ]): mixed'1531 },1532 mktime: {1533 description: 'Get Unix timestamp for a date',1534 signature: '([ int $hour = date("H") [, int $minute = date("i") [, int $second = date("s") [, int $month = date("n") [, int $day = date("j") [, int $year = date("Y") [, int $is_dst = -1 ]]]]]]]): int'1535 },1536 strftime: {1537 description: 'Format a local time/​date according to locale settings',1538 signature: '( string $format [, int $timestamp = time() ]): string'1539 },1540 strptime: {1541 description: 'Parse a time/​date generated with strftime',1542 signature: '( string $date , string $format ): array'1543 },1544 strtotime: {1545 description: 'Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp',1546 signature: '( string $time [, int $now = time() ]): int'1547 },1548 time: {1549 description: 'Return current Unix timestamp',1550 signature: '(void): int'1551 },1552 timezone_name_from_abbr: {1553 description: 'Returns the timezone name from abbreviation',1554 signature: '( string $abbr [, int $gmtOffset = -1 [, int $isdst = -1 ]]): string'1555 },1556 timezone_version_get: {1557 description: 'Gets the version of the timezonedb',1558 signature: '(void): string'1559 },1560 chdir: {1561 description: 'Change directory',1562 signature: '( string $directory ): bool'1563 },1564 chroot: {1565 description: 'Change the root directory',1566 signature: '( string $directory ): bool'1567 },1568 closedir: {1569 description: 'Close directory handle',1570 signature: '([ resource $dir_handle ]): void'1571 },1572 dir: {1573 description: 'Return an instance of the Directory class',1574 signature: '( string $directory [, resource $context ]): Directory'1575 },1576 getcwd: {1577 description: 'Gets the current working directory',1578 signature: '(void): string'1579 },1580 opendir: {1581 description: 'Open directory handle',1582 signature: '( string $path [, resource $context ]): resource'1583 },1584 readdir: {1585 description: 'Read entry from directory handle',1586 signature: '([ resource $dir_handle ]): string'1587 },1588 rewinddir: {1589 description: 'Rewind directory handle',1590 signature: '([ resource $dir_handle ]): void'1591 },1592 scandir: {1593 description: 'List files and directories inside the specified path',1594 signature: '( string $directory [, int $sorting_order = SCANDIR_SORT_ASCENDING [, resource $context ]]): array'1595 },1596 finfo_buffer: {1597 description: 'Return information about a string buffer',1598 signature: '( resource $finfo , string $string [, int $options = FILEINFO_NONE [, resource $context ]]): string'1599 },1600 finfo_close: {1601 description: 'Close fileinfo resource',1602 signature: '( resource $finfo ): bool'1603 },1604 finfo_file: {1605 description: 'Return information about a file',1606 signature: '( resource $finfo , string $file_name [, int $options = FILEINFO_NONE [, resource $context ]]): string'1607 },1608 finfo_open: {1609 description: 'Create a new fileinfo resource',1610 signature: '([ int $options = FILEINFO_NONE [, string $magic_file ]]): resource'1611 },1612 finfo_set_flags: {1613 description: 'Set libmagic configuration options',1614 signature: '( resource $finfo , int $options ): bool'1615 },1616 mime_content_type: {1617 description: 'Detect MIME Content-type for a file',1618 signature: '( string $filename ): string'1619 },1620 basename: {1621 description: 'Returns trailing name component of path',1622 signature: '( string $path [, string $suffix ]): string'1623 },1624 chgrp: {1625 description: 'Changes file group',1626 signature: '( string $filename , mixed $group ): bool'1627 },1628 chmod: {1629 description: 'Changes file mode',1630 signature: '( string $filename , int $mode ): bool'1631 },1632 chown: {1633 description: 'Changes file owner',1634 signature: '( string $filename , mixed $user ): bool'1635 },1636 clearstatcache: {1637 description: 'Clears file status cache',1638 signature: '([ bool $clear_realpath_cache [, string $filename ]]): void'1639 },1640 copy: {1641 description: 'Copies file',1642 signature: '( string $source , string $dest [, resource $context ]): bool'1643 },1644 delete: {1645 description: 'See unlink or unset',1646 },1647 dirname: {1648 description: 'Returns a parent directory\'s path',1649 signature: '( string $path [, int $levels = 1 ]): string'1650 },1651 disk_free_space: {1652 description: 'Returns available space on filesystem or disk partition',1653 signature: '( string $directory ): float'1654 },1655 disk_total_space: {1656 description: 'Returns the total size of a filesystem or disk partition',1657 signature: '( string $directory ): float'1658 },1659 diskfreespace: {1660 description: 'Alias of disk_free_space',1661 },1662 fclose: {1663 description: 'Closes an open file pointer',1664 signature: '( resource $handle ): bool'1665 },1666 feof: {1667 description: 'Tests for end-of-file on a file pointer',1668 signature: '( resource $handle ): bool'1669 },1670 fflush: {1671 description: 'Flushes the output to a file',1672 signature: '( resource $handle ): bool'1673 },1674 fgetc: {1675 description: 'Gets character from file pointer',1676 signature: '( resource $handle ): string'1677 },1678 fgetcsv: {1679 description: 'Gets line from file pointer and parse for CSV fields',1680 signature: '( resource $handle [, int $length = 0 [, string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = \'"\' [, string $escape = "\\" ]]]]): array'1681 },1682 fgets: {1683 description: 'Gets line from file pointer',1684 signature: '( resource $handle [, int $length ]): string'1685 },1686 fgetss: {1687 description: 'Gets line from file pointer and strip HTML tags',1688 signature: '( resource $handle [, int $length [, string $allowable_tags ]]): string'1689 },1690 file_exists: {1691 description: 'Checks whether a file or directory exists',1692 signature: '( string $filename ): bool'1693 },1694 file_get_contents: {1695 description: 'Reads entire file into a string',1696 signature: '( string $filename [, bool $use_include_path [, resource $context [, int $offset = 0 [, int $maxlen ]]]]): string'1697 },1698 file_put_contents: {1699 description: 'Write data to a file',1700 signature: '( string $filename , mixed $data [, int $flags = 0 [, resource $context ]]): int'1701 },1702 file: {1703 description: 'Reads entire file into an array',1704 signature: '( string $filename [, int $flags = 0 [, resource $context ]]): array'1705 },1706 fileatime: {1707 description: 'Gets last access time of file',1708 signature: '( string $filename ): int'1709 },1710 filectime: {1711 description: 'Gets inode change time of file',1712 signature: '( string $filename ): int'1713 },1714 filegroup: {1715 description: 'Gets file group',1716 signature: '( string $filename ): int'1717 },1718 fileinode: {1719 description: 'Gets file inode',1720 signature: '( string $filename ): int'1721 },1722 filemtime: {1723 description: 'Gets file modification time',1724 signature: '( string $filename ): int'1725 },1726 fileowner: {1727 description: 'Gets file owner',1728 signature: '( string $filename ): int'1729 },1730 fileperms: {1731 description: 'Gets file permissions',1732 signature: '( string $filename ): int'1733 },1734 filesize: {1735 description: 'Gets file size',1736 signature: '( string $filename ): int'1737 },1738 filetype: {1739 description: 'Gets file type',1740 signature: '( string $filename ): string'1741 },1742 flock: {1743 description: 'Portable advisory file locking',1744 signature: '( resource $handle , int $operation [, int $wouldblock ]): bool'1745 },1746 fnmatch: {1747 description: 'Match filename against a pattern',1748 signature: '( string $pattern , string $string [, int $flags = 0 ]): bool'1749 },1750 fopen: {1751 description: 'Opens file or URL',1752 signature: '( string $filename , string $mode [, bool $use_include_path [, resource $context ]]): resource'1753 },1754 fpassthru: {1755 description: 'Output all remaining data on a file pointer',1756 signature: '( resource $handle ): int'1757 },1758 fputcsv: {1759 description: 'Format line as CSV and write to file pointer',1760 signature: '( resource $handle , array $fields [, string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = \'"\' [, string $escape_char = "\\" ]]]): int'1761 },1762 fputs: {1763 description: 'Alias of fwrite',1764 },1765 fread: {1766 description: 'Binary-safe file read',1767 signature: '( resource $handle , int $length ): string'1768 },1769 fscanf: {1770 description: 'Parses input from a file according to a format',1771 signature: '( resource $handle , string $format [, mixed $... ]): mixed'1772 },1773 fseek: {1774 description: 'Seeks on a file pointer',1775 signature: '( resource $handle , int $offset [, int $whence = SEEK_SET ]): int'1776 },1777 fstat: {1778 description: 'Gets information about a file using an open file pointer',1779 signature: '( resource $handle ): array'1780 },1781 ftell: {1782 description: 'Returns the current position of the file read/​write pointer',1783 signature: '( resource $handle ): int'1784 },1785 ftruncate: {1786 description: 'Truncates a file to a given length',1787 signature: '( resource $handle , int $size ): bool'1788 },1789 fwrite: {1790 description: 'Binary-safe file write',1791 signature: '( resource $handle , string $string [, int $length ]): int'1792 },1793 glob: {1794 description: 'Find pathnames matching a pattern',1795 signature: '( string $pattern [, int $flags = 0 ]): array'1796 },1797 is_dir: {1798 description: 'Tells whether the filename is a directory',1799 signature: '( string $filename ): bool'1800 },1801 is_executable: {1802 description: 'Tells whether the filename is executable',1803 signature: '( string $filename ): bool'1804 },1805 is_file: {1806 description: 'Tells whether the filename is a regular file',1807 signature: '( string $filename ): bool'1808 },1809 is_link: {1810 description: 'Tells whether the filename is a symbolic link',1811 signature: '( string $filename ): bool'1812 },1813 is_readable: {1814 description: 'Tells whether a file exists and is readable',1815 signature: '( string $filename ): bool'1816 },1817 is_uploaded_file: {1818 description: 'Tells whether the file was uploaded via HTTP POST',1819 signature: '( string $filename ): bool'1820 },1821 is_writable: {1822 description: 'Tells whether the filename is writable',1823 signature: '( string $filename ): bool'1824 },1825 is_writeable: {1826 description: 'Alias of is_writable',1827 },1828 lchgrp: {1829 description: 'Changes group ownership of symlink',1830 signature: '( string $filename , mixed $group ): bool'1831 },1832 lchown: {1833 description: 'Changes user ownership of symlink',1834 signature: '( string $filename , mixed $user ): bool'1835 },1836 link: {1837 description: 'Create a hard link',1838 signature: '( string $target , string $link ): bool'1839 },1840 linkinfo: {1841 description: 'Gets information about a link',1842 signature: '( string $path ): int'1843 },1844 lstat: {1845 description: 'Gives information about a file or symbolic link',1846 signature: '( string $filename ): array'1847 },1848 mkdir: {1849 description: 'Makes directory',1850 signature: '( string $pathname [, int $mode = 0777 [, bool $recursive [, resource $context ]]]): bool'1851 },1852 move_uploaded_file: {1853 description: 'Moves an uploaded file to a new location',1854 signature: '( string $filename , string $destination ): bool'1855 },1856 parse_ini_file: {1857 description: 'Parse a configuration file',1858 signature: '( string $filename [, bool $process_sections [, int $scanner_mode = INI_SCANNER_NORMAL ]]): array'1859 },1860 parse_ini_string: {1861 description: 'Parse a configuration string',1862 signature: '( string $ini [, bool $process_sections [, int $scanner_mode = INI_SCANNER_NORMAL ]]): array'1863 },1864 pathinfo: {1865 description: 'Returns information about a file path',1866 signature: '( string $path [, int $options = PATHINFO_DIRNAME | PATHINFO_BASENAME | PATHINFO_EXTENSION | PATHINFO_FILENAME ]): mixed'1867 },1868 pclose: {1869 description: 'Closes process file pointer',1870 signature: '( resource $handle ): int'1871 },1872 popen: {1873 description: 'Opens process file pointer',1874 signature: '( string $command , string $mode ): resource'1875 },1876 readfile: {1877 description: 'Outputs a file',1878 signature: '( string $filename [, bool $use_include_path [, resource $context ]]): int'1879 },1880 readlink: {1881 description: 'Returns the target of a symbolic link',1882 signature: '( string $path ): string'1883 },1884 realpath_cache_get: {1885 description: 'Get realpath cache entries',1886 signature: '(void): array'1887 },1888 realpath_cache_size: {1889 description: 'Get realpath cache size',1890 signature: '(void): int'1891 },1892 realpath: {1893 description: 'Returns canonicalized absolute pathname',1894 signature: '( string $path ): string'1895 },1896 rename: {1897 description: 'Renames a file or directory',1898 signature: '( string $oldname , string $newname [, resource $context ]): bool'1899 },1900 rewind: {1901 description: 'Rewind the position of a file pointer',1902 signature: '( resource $handle ): bool'1903 },1904 rmdir: {1905 description: 'Removes directory',1906 signature: '( string $dirname [, resource $context ]): bool'1907 },1908 set_file_buffer: {1909 description: 'Alias of stream_set_write_buffer',1910 },1911 stat: {1912 description: 'Gives information about a file',1913 signature: '( string $filename ): array'1914 },1915 symlink: {1916 description: 'Creates a symbolic link',1917 signature: '( string $target , string $link ): bool'1918 },1919 tempnam: {1920 description: 'Create file with unique file name',1921 signature: '( string $dir , string $prefix ): string'1922 },1923 tmpfile: {1924 description: 'Creates a temporary file',1925 signature: '(void): resource'1926 },1927 touch: {1928 description: 'Sets access and modification time of file',1929 signature: '( string $filename [, int $time = time() [, int $atime ]]): bool'1930 },1931 umask: {1932 description: 'Changes the current umask',1933 signature: '([ int $mask ]): int'1934 },1935 unlink: {1936 description: 'Deletes a file',1937 signature: '( string $filename [, resource $context ]): bool'1938 },1939 iconv_get_encoding: {1940 description: 'Retrieve internal configuration variables of iconv extension',1941 signature: '([ string $type = "all" ]): mixed'1942 },1943 iconv_mime_decode_headers: {1944 description: 'Decodes multiple MIME header fields at once',1945 signature: '( string $encoded_headers [, int $mode = 0 [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding") ]]): array'1946 },1947 iconv_mime_decode: {1948 description: 'Decodes a MIME header field',1949 signature: '( string $encoded_header [, int $mode = 0 [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding") ]]): string'1950 },1951 iconv_mime_encode: {1952 description: 'Composes a MIME header field',1953 signature: '( string $field_name , string $field_value [, array $preferences ]): string'1954 },1955 iconv_set_encoding: {1956 description: 'Set current setting for character encoding conversion',1957 signature: '( string $type , string $charset ): bool'1958 },1959 iconv_strlen: {1960 description: 'Returns the character count of string',1961 signature: '( string $str [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding") ]): int'1962 },1963 iconv_strpos: {1964 description: 'Finds position of first occurrence of a needle within a haystack',1965 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding") ]]): int'1966 },1967 iconv_strrpos: {1968 description: 'Finds the last occurrence of a needle within a haystack',1969 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding") ]): int'1970 },1971 iconv_substr: {1972 description: 'Cut out part of a string',1973 signature: '( string $str , int $offset [, int $length = iconv_strlen($str, $charset) [, string $charset = ini_get("iconv.internal_encoding") ]]): string'1974 },1975 iconv: {1976 description: 'Convert string to requested character encoding',1977 signature: '( string $in_charset , string $out_charset , string $str ): string'1978 },1979 ob_iconv_handler: {1980 description: 'Convert character encoding as output buffer handler',1981 signature: '( string $contents , int $status ): string'1982 },1983 collator_asort: {1984 description: 'Sort array maintaining index association',1985 signature: '( array $arr [, int $sort_flag , Collator $coll ]): bool'1986 },1987 collator_compare: {1988 description: 'Compare two Unicode strings',1989 signature: '( string $str1 , string $str2 , Collator $coll ): int'1990 },1991 collator_create: {1992 description: 'Create a collator',1993 signature: '( string $locale ): Collator'1994 },1995 collator_get_attribute: {1996 description: 'Get collation attribute value',1997 signature: '( int $attr , Collator $coll ): int'1998 },1999 collator_get_error_code: {2000 description: 'Get collator\'s last error code',2001 signature: '( Collator $coll ): int'2002 },2003 collator_get_error_message: {2004 description: 'Get text for collator\'s last error code',2005 signature: '( Collator $coll ): string'2006 },2007 collator_get_locale: {2008 description: 'Get the locale name of the collator',2009 signature: '( int $type , Collator $coll ): string'2010 },2011 collator_get_sort_key: {2012 description: 'Get sorting key for a string',2013 signature: '( string $str , Collator $coll ): string'2014 },2015 collator_get_strength: {2016 description: 'Get current collation strength',2017 signature: '( Collator $coll ): int'2018 },2019 collator_set_attribute: {2020 description: 'Set collation attribute',2021 signature: '( int $attr , int $val , Collator $coll ): bool'2022 },2023 collator_set_strength: {2024 description: 'Set collation strength',2025 signature: '( int $strength , Collator $coll ): bool'2026 },2027 collator_sort_with_sort_keys: {2028 description: 'Sort array using specified collator and sort keys',2029 signature: '( array $arr , Collator $coll ): bool'2030 },2031 collator_sort: {2032 description: 'Sort array using specified collator',2033 signature: '( array $arr [, int $sort_flag , Collator $coll ]): bool'2034 },2035 numfmt_create: {2036 description: 'Create a number formatter',2037 signature: '( string $locale , int $style [, string $pattern ]): NumberFormatter'2038 },2039 numfmt_format_currency: {2040 description: 'Format a currency value',2041 signature: '( float $value , string $currency , NumberFormatter $fmt ): string'2042 },2043 numfmt_format: {2044 description: 'Format a number',2045 signature: '( number $value [, int $type , NumberFormatter $fmt ]): string'2046 },2047 numfmt_get_attribute: {2048 description: 'Get an attribute',2049 signature: '( int $attr , NumberFormatter $fmt ): int'2050 },2051 numfmt_get_error_code: {2052 description: 'Get formatter\'s last error code',2053 signature: '( NumberFormatter $fmt ): int'2054 },2055 numfmt_get_error_message: {2056 description: 'Get formatter\'s last error message',2057 signature: '( NumberFormatter $fmt ): string'2058 },2059 numfmt_get_locale: {2060 description: 'Get formatter locale',2061 signature: '([ int $type , NumberFormatter $fmt ]): string'2062 },2063 numfmt_get_pattern: {2064 description: 'Get formatter pattern',2065 signature: '( NumberFormatter $fmt ): string'2066 },2067 numfmt_get_symbol: {2068 description: 'Get a symbol value',2069 signature: '( int $attr , NumberFormatter $fmt ): string'2070 },2071 numfmt_get_text_attribute: {2072 description: 'Get a text attribute',2073 signature: '( int $attr , NumberFormatter $fmt ): string'2074 },2075 numfmt_parse_currency: {2076 description: 'Parse a currency number',2077 signature: '( string $value , string $currency [, int $position , NumberFormatter $fmt ]): float'2078 },2079 numfmt_parse: {2080 description: 'Parse a number',2081 signature: '( string $value [, int $type [, int $position , NumberFormatter $fmt ]]): mixed'2082 },2083 numfmt_set_attribute: {2084 description: 'Set an attribute',2085 signature: '( int $attr , int $value , NumberFormatter $fmt ): bool'2086 },2087 numfmt_set_pattern: {2088 description: 'Set formatter pattern',2089 signature: '( string $pattern , NumberFormatter $fmt ): bool'2090 },2091 numfmt_set_symbol: {2092 description: 'Set a symbol value',2093 signature: '( int $attr , string $value , NumberFormatter $fmt ): bool'2094 },2095 numfmt_set_text_attribute: {2096 description: 'Set a text attribute',2097 signature: '( int $attr , string $value , NumberFormatter $fmt ): bool'2098 },2099 locale_accept_from_http: {2100 description: 'Tries to find out best available locale based on HTTP "Accept-Language" header',2101 signature: '( string $header ): string'2102 },2103 locale_canonicalize: {2104 description: 'Canonicalize the locale string',2105 signature: '( string $locale ): string'2106 },2107 locale_compose: {2108 description: 'Returns a correctly ordered and delimited locale ID',2109 signature: '( array $subtags ): string'2110 },2111 locale_filter_matches: {2112 description: 'Checks if a language tag filter matches with locale',2113 signature: '( string $langtag , string $locale [, bool $canonicalize ]): bool'2114 },2115 locale_get_all_variants: {2116 description: 'Gets the variants for the input locale',2117 signature: '( string $locale ): array'2118 },2119 locale_get_default: {2120 description: 'Gets the default locale value from the INTL global \'default_locale\'',2121 signature: '(void): string'2122 },2123 locale_get_display_language: {2124 description: 'Returns an appropriately localized display name for language of the inputlocale',2125 signature: '( string $locale [, string $in_locale ]): string'2126 },2127 locale_get_display_name: {2128 description: 'Returns an appropriately localized display name for the input locale',2129 signature: '( string $locale [, string $in_locale ]): string'2130 },2131 locale_get_display_region: {2132 description: 'Returns an appropriately localized display name for region of the input locale',2133 signature: '( string $locale [, string $in_locale ]): string'2134 },2135 locale_get_display_script: {2136 description: 'Returns an appropriately localized display name for script of the input locale',2137 signature: '( string $locale [, string $in_locale ]): string'2138 },2139 locale_get_display_variant: {2140 description: 'Returns an appropriately localized display name for variants of the input locale',2141 signature: '( string $locale [, string $in_locale ]): string'2142 },2143 locale_get_keywords: {2144 description: 'Gets the keywords for the input locale',2145 signature: '( string $locale ): array'2146 },2147 locale_get_primary_language: {2148 description: 'Gets the primary language for the input locale',2149 signature: '( string $locale ): string'2150 },2151 locale_get_region: {2152 description: 'Gets the region for the input locale',2153 signature: '( string $locale ): string'2154 },2155 locale_get_script: {2156 description: 'Gets the script for the input locale',2157 signature: '( string $locale ): string'2158 },2159 locale_lookup: {2160 description: 'Searches the language tag list for the best match to the language',2161 signature: '( array $langtag , string $locale [, bool $canonicalize [, string $default ]]): string'2162 },2163 locale_parse: {2164 description: 'Returns a key-value array of locale ID subtag elements',2165 signature: '( string $locale ): array'2166 },2167 locale_set_default: {2168 description: 'Sets the default runtime locale',2169 signature: '( string $locale ): bool'2170 },2171 normalizer_get_raw_decomposition: {2172 description: 'Gets the Decomposition_Mapping property for the given UTF-8 encoded code point',2173 signature: '( string $input ): string'2174 },2175 normalizer_is_normalized: {2176 description: 'Checks if the provided string is already in the specified normalization form',2177 signature: '( string $input [, int $form = Normalizer::FORM_C ]): bool'2178 },2179 normalizer_normalize: {2180 description: 'Normalizes the input provided and returns the normalized string',2181 signature: '( string $input [, int $form = Normalizer::FORM_C ]): string'2182 },2183 msgfmt_create: {2184 description: 'Constructs a new Message Formatter',2185 signature: '( string $locale , string $pattern ): MessageFormatter'2186 },2187 msgfmt_format_message: {2188 description: 'Quick format message',2189 signature: '( string $locale , string $pattern , array $args ): string'2190 },2191 msgfmt_format: {2192 description: 'Format the message',2193 signature: '( array $args , MessageFormatter $fmt ): string'2194 },2195 msgfmt_get_error_code: {2196 description: 'Get the error code from last operation',2197 signature: '( MessageFormatter $fmt ): int'2198 },2199 msgfmt_get_error_message: {2200 description: 'Get the error text from the last operation',2201 signature: '( MessageFormatter $fmt ): string'2202 },2203 msgfmt_get_locale: {2204 description: 'Get the locale for which the formatter was created',2205 signature: '( NumberFormatter $formatter ): string'2206 },2207 msgfmt_get_pattern: {2208 description: 'Get the pattern used by the formatter',2209 signature: '( MessageFormatter $fmt ): string'2210 },2211 msgfmt_parse_message: {2212 description: 'Quick parse input string',2213 signature: '( string $locale , string $pattern , string $source , string $value ): array'2214 },2215 msgfmt_parse: {2216 description: 'Parse input string according to pattern',2217 signature: '( string $value , MessageFormatter $fmt ): array'2218 },2219 msgfmt_set_pattern: {2220 description: 'Set the pattern used by the formatter',2221 signature: '( string $pattern , MessageFormatter $fmt ): bool'2222 },2223 intlcal_get_error_code: {2224 description: 'Get last error code on the object',2225 signature: '( IntlCalendar $calendar ): int'2226 },2227 intlcal_get_error_message: {2228 description: 'Get last error message on the object',2229 signature: '( IntlCalendar $calendar ): string'2230 },2231 intltz_get_error_code: {2232 description: 'Get last error code on the object',2233 signature: '(void): int'2234 },2235 intltz_get_error_message: {2236 description: 'Get last error message on the object',2237 signature: '(void): string'2238 },2239 datefmt_create: {2240 description: 'Create a date formatter',2241 signature: '( string $locale , int $datetype , int $timetype [, mixed $timezone = NULL [, mixed $calendar = NULL [, string $pattern = "" ]]]): IntlDateFormatter'2242 },2243 datefmt_format: {2244 description: 'Format the date/​time value as a string',2245 signature: '( mixed $value , IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): string'2246 },2247 datefmt_format_object: {2248 description: 'Formats an object',2249 signature: '( object $object [, mixed $format = NULL [, string $locale = NULL ]]): string'2250 },2251 datefmt_get_calendar: {2252 description: 'Get the calendar type used for the IntlDateFormatter',2253 signature: '( IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): int'2254 },2255 datefmt_get_datetype: {2256 description: 'Get the datetype used for the IntlDateFormatter',2257 signature: '( IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): int'2258 },2259 datefmt_get_error_code: {2260 description: 'Get the error code from last operation',2261 signature: '( IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): int'2262 },2263 datefmt_get_error_message: {2264 description: 'Get the error text from the last operation',2265 signature: '( IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): string'2266 },2267 datefmt_get_locale: {2268 description: 'Get the locale used by formatter',2269 signature: '([ int $which , IntlDateFormatter $fmt ]): string'2270 },2271 datefmt_get_pattern: {2272 description: 'Get the pattern used for the IntlDateFormatter',2273 signature: '( IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): string'2274 },2275 datefmt_get_timetype: {2276 description: 'Get the timetype used for the IntlDateFormatter',2277 signature: '( IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): int'2278 },2279 datefmt_get_timezone_id: {2280 description: 'Get the timezone-id used for the IntlDateFormatter',2281 signature: '( IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): string'2282 },2283 datefmt_get_calendar_object: {2284 description: 'Get copy of formatterʼs calendar object',2285 signature: '(void): IntlCalendar'2286 },2287 datefmt_get_timezone: {2288 description: 'Get formatterʼs timezone',2289 signature: '(void): IntlTimeZone'2290 },2291 datefmt_is_lenient: {2292 description: 'Get the lenient used for the IntlDateFormatter',2293 signature: '( IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): bool'2294 },2295 datefmt_localtime: {2296 description: 'Parse string to a field-based time value',2297 signature: '( string $value [, int $position , IntlDateFormatter $fmt ]): array'2298 },2299 datefmt_parse: {2300 description: 'Parse string to a timestamp value',2301 signature: '( string $value [, int $position , IntlDateFormatter $fmt ]): int'2302 },2303 datefmt_set_calendar: {2304 description: 'Sets the calendar type used by the formatter',2305 signature: '( mixed $which , IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): bool'2306 },2307 datefmt_set_lenient: {2308 description: 'Set the leniency of the parser',2309 signature: '( bool $lenient , IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): bool'2310 },2311 datefmt_set_pattern: {2312 description: 'Set the pattern used for the IntlDateFormatter',2313 signature: '( string $pattern , IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): bool'2314 },2315 datefmt_set_timezone_id: {2316 description: 'Sets the time zone to use',2317 signature: '( string $zone , IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): bool'2318 },2319 datefmt_set_timezone: {2320 description: 'Sets formatterʼs timezone',2321 signature: '( mixed $zone , IntlDateFormatter $fmt ): bool'2322 },2323 resourcebundle_count: {2324 description: 'Get number of elements in the bundle',2325 signature: '( ResourceBundle $r ): int'2326 },2327 resourcebundle_create: {2328 description: 'Create a resource bundle',2329 signature: '( string $locale , string $bundlename [, bool $fallback ]): ResourceBundle'2330 },2331 resourcebundle_get_error_code: {2332 description: 'Get bundle\'s last error code',2333 signature: '( ResourceBundle $r ): int'2334 },2335 resourcebundle_get_error_message: {2336 description: 'Get bundle\'s last error message',2337 signature: '( ResourceBundle $r ): string'2338 },2339 resourcebundle_get: {2340 description: 'Get data from the bundle',2341 signature: '( string|int $index [, bool $fallback , ResourceBundle $r ]): mixed'2342 },2343 resourcebundle_locales: {2344 description: 'Get supported locales',2345 signature: '( string $bundlename ): array'2346 },2347 transliterator_create: {2348 description: 'Create a transliterator',2349 signature: '( string $id [, int $direction ]): Transliterator'2350 },2351 transliterator_create_from_rules: {2352 description: 'Create transliterator from rules',2353 signature: '( string $rules [, int $direction , string $id ]): Transliterator'2354 },2355 transliterator_create_inverse: {2356 description: 'Create an inverse transliterator',2357 signature: '(void): Transliterator'2358 },2359 transliterator_get_error_code: {2360 description: 'Get last error code',2361 signature: '(void): int'2362 },2363 transliterator_get_error_message: {2364 description: 'Get last error message',2365 signature: '(void): string'2366 },2367 transliterator_list_ids: {2368 description: 'Get transliterator IDs',2369 signature: '(void): array'2370 },2371 transliterator_transliterate: {2372 description: 'Transliterate a string',2373 signature: '( string $subject [, int $start [, int $end , mixed $transliterator ]]): string'2374 },2375 intl_get_error_code: {2376 description: 'Get the last error code',2377 signature: '(void): int'2378 },2379 intl_get_error_message: {2380 description: 'Get description of the last error',2381 signature: '(void): string'2382 },2383 grapheme_extract: {2384 description: 'Function to extract a sequence of default grapheme clusters from a text buffer, which must be encoded in UTF-8',2385 signature: '( string $haystack , int $size [, int $extract_type [, int $start = 0 [, int $next ]]]): string'2386 },2387 grapheme_stripos: {2388 description: 'Find position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a case-insensitive string',2389 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset = 0 ]): int'2390 },2391 grapheme_stristr: {2392 description: 'Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of case-insensitive needle to the end of haystack',2393 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, bool $before_needle ]): string'2394 },2395 grapheme_strlen: {2396 description: 'Get string length in grapheme units',2397 signature: '( string $input ): int'2398 },2399 grapheme_strpos: {2400 description: 'Find position (in grapheme units) of first occurrence of a string',2401 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset = 0 ]): int'2402 },2403 grapheme_strripos: {2404 description: 'Find position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a case-insensitive string',2405 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset = 0 ]): int'2406 },2407 grapheme_strrpos: {2408 description: 'Find position (in grapheme units) of last occurrence of a string',2409 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset = 0 ]): int'2410 },2411 grapheme_strstr: {2412 description: 'Returns part of haystack string from the first occurrence of needle to the end of haystack',2413 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, bool $before_needle ]): string'2414 },2415 grapheme_substr: {2416 description: 'Return part of a string',2417 signature: '( string $string , int $start [, int $length ]): string'2418 },2419 idn_to_ascii: {2420 description: 'Convert domain name to IDNA ASCII form',2421 signature: '( string $domain [, int $options = IDNA_DEFAULT [, int $variant = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 [, array $idna_info ]]]): string'2422 },2423 idn_to_utf8: {2424 description: 'Convert domain name from IDNA ASCII to Unicode',2425 signature: '( string $domain [, int $options = IDNA_DEFAULT [, int $variant = INTL_IDNA_VARIANT_UTS46 [, array $idna_info ]]]): string'2426 },2427 intl_error_name: {2428 description: 'Get symbolic name for a given error code',2429 signature: '( int $error_code ): string'2430 },2431 intl_is_failure: {2432 description: 'Check whether the given error code indicates failure',2433 signature: '( int $error_code ): bool'2434 },2435 mb_check_encoding: {2436 description: 'Check if the string is valid for the specified encoding',2437 signature: '([ string $var [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): bool'2438 },2439 mb_chr: {2440 description: 'Get a specific character',2441 signature: '( int $cp [, string $encoding ]): string'2442 },2443 mb_convert_case: {2444 description: 'Perform case folding on a string',2445 signature: '( string $str , int $mode [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]): string'2446 },2447 mb_convert_encoding: {2448 description: 'Convert character encoding',2449 signature: '( string $str , string $to_encoding [, mixed $from_encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]): string'2450 },2451 mb_convert_kana: {2452 description: 'Convert "kana" one from another ("zen-kaku", "han-kaku" and more)',2453 signature: '( string $str [, string $option = "KV" [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): string'2454 },2455 mb_convert_variables: {2456 description: 'Convert character code in variable(s)',2457 signature: '( string $to_encoding , mixed $from_encoding , mixed $vars [, mixed $... ]): string'2458 },2459 mb_decode_mimeheader: {2460 description: 'Decode string in MIME header field',2461 signature: '( string $str ): string'2462 },2463 mb_decode_numericentity: {2464 description: 'Decode HTML numeric string reference to character',2465 signature: '( string $str , array $convmap [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() [, bool $is_hex ]]): string'2466 },2467 mb_detect_encoding: {2468 description: 'Detect character encoding',2469 signature: '( string $str [, mixed $encoding_list = mb_detect_order() [, bool $strict ]]): string'2470 },2471 mb_detect_order: {2472 description: 'Set/​Get character encoding detection order',2473 signature: '([ mixed $encoding_list = mb_detect_order() ]): mixed'2474 },2475 mb_encode_mimeheader: {2476 description: 'Encode string for MIME header',2477 signature: '( string $str [, string $charset = determined by mb_language() [, string $transfer_encoding = "B" [, string $linefeed = "\r\n" [, int $indent = 0 ]]]]): string'2478 },2479 mb_encode_numericentity: {2480 description: 'Encode character to HTML numeric string reference',2481 signature: '( string $str , array $convmap [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() [, bool $is_hex ]]): string'2482 },2483 mb_encoding_aliases: {2484 description: 'Get aliases of a known encoding type',2485 signature: '( string $encoding ): array'2486 },2487 mb_ereg_match: {2488 description: 'Regular expression match for multibyte string',2489 signature: '( string $pattern , string $string [, string $option = "msr" ]): bool'2490 },2491 mb_ereg_replace_callback: {2492 description: 'Perform a regular expression search and replace with multibyte support using a callback',2493 signature: '( string $pattern , callable $callback , string $string [, string $option = "msr" ]): string'2494 },2495 mb_ereg_replace: {2496 description: 'Replace regular expression with multibyte support',2497 signature: '( string $pattern , string $replacement , string $string [, string $option = "msr" ]): string'2498 },2499 mb_ereg_search_getpos: {2500 description: 'Returns start point for next regular expression match',2501 signature: '(void): int'2502 },2503 mb_ereg_search_getregs: {2504 description: 'Retrieve the result from the last multibyte regular expression match',2505 signature: '(void): array'2506 },2507 mb_ereg_search_init: {2508 description: 'Setup string and regular expression for a multibyte regular expression match',2509 signature: '( string $string [, string $pattern [, string $option = "msr" ]]): bool'2510 },2511 mb_ereg_search_pos: {2512 description: 'Returns position and length of a matched part of the multibyte regular expression for a predefined multibyte string',2513 signature: '([ string $pattern [, string $option = "ms" ]]): array'2514 },2515 mb_ereg_search_regs: {2516 description: 'Returns the matched part of a multibyte regular expression',2517 signature: '([ string $pattern [, string $option = "ms" ]]): array'2518 },2519 mb_ereg_search_setpos: {2520 description: 'Set start point of next regular expression match',2521 signature: '( int $position ): bool'2522 },2523 mb_ereg_search: {2524 description: 'Multibyte regular expression match for predefined multibyte string',2525 signature: '([ string $pattern [, string $option = "ms" ]]): bool'2526 },2527 mb_ereg: {2528 description: 'Regular expression match with multibyte support',2529 signature: '( string $pattern , string $string [, array $regs ]): int'2530 },2531 mb_eregi_replace: {2532 description: 'Replace regular expression with multibyte support ignoring case',2533 signature: '( string $pattern , string $replace , string $string [, string $option = "msri" ]): string'2534 },2535 mb_eregi: {2536 description: 'Regular expression match ignoring case with multibyte support',2537 signature: '( string $pattern , string $string [, array $regs ]): int'2538 },2539 mb_get_info: {2540 description: 'Get internal settings of mbstring',2541 signature: '([ string $type = "all" ]): mixed'2542 },2543 mb_http_input: {2544 description: 'Detect HTTP input character encoding',2545 signature: '([ string $type = "" ]): mixed'2546 },2547 mb_http_output: {2548 description: 'Set/​Get HTTP output character encoding',2549 signature: '([ string $encoding = mb_http_output() ]): mixed'2550 },2551 mb_internal_encoding: {2552 description: 'Set/​Get internal character encoding',2553 signature: '([ string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]): mixed'2554 },2555 mb_language: {2556 description: 'Set/​Get current language',2557 signature: '([ string $language = mb_language() ]): mixed'2558 },2559 mb_list_encodings: {2560 description: 'Returns an array of all supported encodings',2561 signature: '(void): array'2562 },2563 mb_ord: {2564 description: 'Get code point of character',2565 signature: '( string $str [, string $encoding ]): int'2566 },2567 mb_output_handler: {2568 description: 'Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer',2569 signature: '( string $contents , int $status ): string'2570 },2571 mb_parse_str: {2572 description: 'Parse GET/​POST/​COOKIE data and set global variable',2573 signature: '( string $encoded_string [, array $result ]): array'2574 },2575 mb_preferred_mime_name: {2576 description: 'Get MIME charset string',2577 signature: '( string $encoding ): string'2578 },2579 mb_regex_encoding: {2580 description: 'Set/​Get character encoding for multibyte regex',2581 signature: '([ string $encoding = mb_regex_encoding() ]): mixed'2582 },2583 mb_regex_set_options: {2584 description: 'Set/​Get the default options for mbregex functions',2585 signature: '([ string $options = mb_regex_set_options() ]): string'2586 },2587 mb_scrub: {2588 description: 'Description',2589 signature: '( string $str [, string $encoding ]): string'2590 },2591 mb_send_mail: {2592 description: 'Send encoded mail',2593 signature: '( string $to , string $subject , string $message [, mixed $additional_headers [, string $additional_parameter ]]): bool'2594 },2595 mb_split: {2596 description: 'Split multibyte string using regular expression',2597 signature: '( string $pattern , string $string [, int $limit = -1 ]): array'2598 },2599 mb_strcut: {2600 description: 'Get part of string',2601 signature: '( string $str , int $start [, int $length = NULL [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): string'2602 },2603 mb_strimwidth: {2604 description: 'Get truncated string with specified width',2605 signature: '( string $str , int $start , int $width [, string $trimmarker = "" [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): string'2606 },2607 mb_stripos: {2608 description: 'Finds position of first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive',2609 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): int'2610 },2611 mb_stristr: {2612 description: 'Finds first occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive',2613 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, bool $before_needle [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): string'2614 },2615 mb_strlen: {2616 description: 'Get string length',2617 signature: '( string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]): string'2618 },2619 mb_strpos: {2620 description: 'Find position of first occurrence of string in a string',2621 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): string'2622 },2623 mb_strrchr: {2624 description: 'Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another',2625 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, bool $part [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): string'2626 },2627 mb_strrichr: {2628 description: 'Finds the last occurrence of a character in a string within another, case insensitive',2629 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, bool $part [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): string'2630 },2631 mb_strripos: {2632 description: 'Finds position of last occurrence of a string within another, case insensitive',2633 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): int'2634 },2635 mb_strrpos: {2636 description: 'Find position of last occurrence of a string in a string',2637 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): int'2638 },2639 mb_strstr: {2640 description: 'Finds first occurrence of a string within another',2641 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, bool $before_needle [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): string'2642 },2643 mb_strtolower: {2644 description: 'Make a string lowercase',2645 signature: '( string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]): string'2646 },2647 mb_strtoupper: {2648 description: 'Make a string uppercase',2649 signature: '( string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]): string'2650 },2651 mb_strwidth: {2652 description: 'Return width of string',2653 signature: '( string $str [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]): string'2654 },2655 mb_substitute_character: {2656 description: 'Set/​Get substitution character',2657 signature: '([ mixed $substchar = mb_substitute_character() ]): integer'2658 },2659 mb_substr_count: {2660 description: 'Count the number of substring occurrences',2661 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]): string'2662 },2663 mb_substr: {2664 description: 'Get part of string',2665 signature: '( string $str , int $start [, int $length = NULL [, string $encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ]]): string'2666 },2667 exif_imagetype: {2668 description: 'Determine the type of an image',2669 signature: '( string $filename ): int'2670 },2671 exif_read_data: {2672 description: 'Reads the EXIF headers from an image file',2673 signature: '( mixed $stream [, string $sections [, bool $arrays [, bool $thumbnail ]]]): array'2674 },2675 exif_tagname: {2676 description: 'Get the header name for an index',2677 signature: '( int $index ): string'2678 },2679 exif_thumbnail: {2680 description: 'Retrieve the embedded thumbnail of an image',2681 signature: '( mixed $stream [, int $width [, int $height [, int $imagetype ]]]): string'2682 },2683 read_exif_data: {2684 description: 'Alias of exif_read_data',2685 },2686 ezmlm_hash: {2687 description: 'Calculate the hash value needed by EZMLM',2688 signature: '( string $addr ): int'2689 },2690 mail: {2691 description: 'Send mail',2692 signature: '( string $to , string $subject , string $message [, mixed $additional_headers [, string $additional_parameters ]]): bool'2693 },2694 bcadd: {2695 description: 'Add two arbitrary precision numbers',2696 signature: '( string $left_operand , string $right_operand [, int $scale = 0 ]): string'2697 },2698 bccomp: {2699 description: 'Compare two arbitrary precision numbers',2700 signature: '( string $left_operand , string $right_operand [, int $scale = 0 ]): int'2701 },2702 bcdiv: {2703 description: 'Divide two arbitrary precision numbers',2704 signature: '( string $dividend , string $divisor [, int $scale = 0 ]): string'2705 },2706 bcmod: {2707 description: 'Get modulus of an arbitrary precision number',2708 signature: '( string $dividend , string $divisor [, int $scale = 0 ]): string'2709 },2710 bcmul: {2711 description: 'Multiply two arbitrary precision numbers',2712 signature: '( string $left_operand , string $right_operand [, int $scale = 0 ]): string'2713 },2714 bcpow: {2715 description: 'Raise an arbitrary precision number to another',2716 signature: '( string $base , string $exponent [, int $scale = 0 ]): string'2717 },2718 bcpowmod: {2719 description: 'Raise an arbitrary precision number to another, reduced by a specified modulus',2720 signature: '( string $base , string $exponent , string $modulus [, int $scale = 0 ]): string'2721 },2722 bcscale: {2723 description: 'Set or get default scale parameter for all bc math functions',2724 signature: '( int $scale ): int'2725 },2726 bcsqrt: {2727 description: 'Get the square root of an arbitrary precision number',2728 signature: '( string $operand [, int $scale = 0 ]): string'2729 },2730 bcsub: {2731 description: 'Subtract one arbitrary precision number from another',2732 signature: '( string $left_operand , string $right_operand [, int $scale = 0 ]): string'2733 },2734 abs: {2735 description: 'Absolute value',2736 signature: '( mixed $number ): number'2737 },2738 acos: {2739 description: 'Arc cosine',2740 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2741 },2742 acosh: {2743 description: 'Inverse hyperbolic cosine',2744 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2745 },2746 asin: {2747 description: 'Arc sine',2748 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2749 },2750 asinh: {2751 description: 'Inverse hyperbolic sine',2752 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2753 },2754 atan2: {2755 description: 'Arc tangent of two variables',2756 signature: '( float $y , float $x ): float'2757 },2758 atan: {2759 description: 'Arc tangent',2760 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2761 },2762 atanh: {2763 description: 'Inverse hyperbolic tangent',2764 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2765 },2766 base_convert: {2767 description: 'Convert a number between arbitrary bases',2768 signature: '( string $number , int $frombase , int $tobase ): string'2769 },2770 bindec: {2771 description: 'Binary to decimal',2772 signature: '( string $binary_string ): float'2773 },2774 ceil: {2775 description: 'Round fractions up',2776 signature: '( float $value ): float'2777 },2778 cos: {2779 description: 'Cosine',2780 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2781 },2782 cosh: {2783 description: 'Hyperbolic cosine',2784 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2785 },2786 decbin: {2787 description: 'Decimal to binary',2788 signature: '( int $number ): string'2789 },2790 dechex: {2791 description: 'Decimal to hexadecimal',2792 signature: '( int $number ): string'2793 },2794 decoct: {2795 description: 'Decimal to octal',2796 signature: '( int $number ): string'2797 },2798 deg2rad: {2799 description: 'Converts the number in degrees to the radian equivalent',2800 signature: '( float $number ): float'2801 },2802 exp: {2803 description: 'Calculates the exponent of e',2804 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2805 },2806 expm1: {2807 description: 'Returns exp(number) - 1, computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero',2808 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2809 },2810 floor: {2811 description: 'Round fractions down',2812 signature: '( float $value ): float'2813 },2814 fmod: {2815 description: 'Returns the floating point remainder (modulo) of the division of the arguments',2816 signature: '( float $x , float $y ): float'2817 },2818 getrandmax: {2819 description: 'Show largest possible random value',2820 signature: '(void): int'2821 },2822 hexdec: {2823 description: 'Hexadecimal to decimal',2824 signature: '( string $hex_string ): number'2825 },2826 hypot: {2827 description: 'Calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle',2828 signature: '( float $x , float $y ): float'2829 },2830 intdiv: {2831 description: 'Integer division',2832 signature: '( int $dividend , int $divisor ): int'2833 },2834 is_finite: {2835 description: 'Finds whether a value is a legal finite number',2836 signature: '( float $val ): bool'2837 },2838 is_infinite: {2839 description: 'Finds whether a value is infinite',2840 signature: '( float $val ): bool'2841 },2842 is_nan: {2843 description: 'Finds whether a value is not a number',2844 signature: '( float $val ): bool'2845 },2846 lcg_value: {2847 description: 'Combined linear congruential generator',2848 signature: '(void): float'2849 },2850 log10: {2851 description: 'Base-10 logarithm',2852 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2853 },2854 log1p: {2855 description: 'Returns log(1 + number), computed in a way that is accurate even when the value of number is close to zero',2856 signature: '( float $number ): float'2857 },2858 log: {2859 description: 'Natural logarithm',2860 signature: '( float $arg [, float $base = M_E ]): float'2861 },2862 max: {2863 description: 'Find highest value',2864 signature: '( array $values , mixed $value1 [, mixed $... ]): string'2865 },2866 min: {2867 description: 'Find lowest value',2868 signature: '( array $values , mixed $value1 [, mixed $... ]): string'2869 },2870 mt_getrandmax: {2871 description: 'Show largest possible random value',2872 signature: '(void): int'2873 },2874 mt_rand: {2875 description: 'Generate a random value via the Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator',2876 signature: '( int $min , int $max ): int'2877 },2878 mt_srand: {2879 description: 'Seeds the Mersenne Twister Random Number Generator',2880 signature: '([ int $seed [, int $mode = MT_RAND_MT19937 ]]): void'2881 },2882 octdec: {2883 description: 'Octal to decimal',2884 signature: '( string $octal_string ): number'2885 },2886 pi: {2887 description: 'Get value of pi',2888 signature: '(void): float'2889 },2890 pow: {2891 description: 'Exponential expression',2892 signature: '( number $base , number $exp ): number'2893 },2894 rad2deg: {2895 description: 'Converts the radian number to the equivalent number in degrees',2896 signature: '( float $number ): float'2897 },2898 rand: {2899 description: 'Generate a random integer',2900 signature: '( int $min , int $max ): int'2901 },2902 round: {2903 description: 'Rounds a float',2904 signature: '( float $val [, int $precision = 0 [, int $mode = PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP ]]): float'2905 },2906 sin: {2907 description: 'Sine',2908 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2909 },2910 sinh: {2911 description: 'Hyperbolic sine',2912 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2913 },2914 sqrt: {2915 description: 'Square root',2916 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2917 },2918 srand: {2919 description: 'Seed the random number generator',2920 signature: '([ int $seed ]): void'2921 },2922 tan: {2923 description: 'Tangent',2924 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2925 },2926 tanh: {2927 description: 'Hyperbolic tangent',2928 signature: '( float $arg ): float'2929 },2930 pcntl_alarm: {2931 description: 'Set an alarm clock for delivery of a signal',2932 signature: '( int $seconds ): int'2933 },2934 pcntl_async_signals: {2935 description: 'Enable/​disable asynchronous signal handling or return the old setting',2936 signature: '([ bool $on ]): bool'2937 },2938 pcntl_errno: {2939 description: 'Alias of pcntl_get_last_error',2940 },2941 pcntl_exec: {2942 description: 'Executes specified program in current process space',2943 signature: '( string $path [, array $args [, array $envs ]]): void'2944 },2945 pcntl_fork: {2946 description: 'Forks the currently running process',2947 signature: '(void): int'2948 },2949 pcntl_get_last_error: {2950 description: 'Retrieve the error number set by the last pcntl function which failed',2951 signature: '(void): int'2952 },2953 pcntl_getpriority: {2954 description: 'Get the priority of any process',2955 signature: '([ int $pid = getmypid() [, int $process_identifier = PRIO_PROCESS ]]): int'2956 },2957 pcntl_setpriority: {2958 description: 'Change the priority of any process',2959 signature: '( int $priority [, int $pid = getmypid() [, int $process_identifier = PRIO_PROCESS ]]): bool'2960 },2961 pcntl_signal_dispatch: {2962 description: 'Calls signal handlers for pending signals',2963 signature: '(void): bool'2964 },2965 pcntl_signal_get_handler: {2966 description: 'Get the current handler for specified signal',2967 signature: '( int $signo ): mixed'2968 },2969 pcntl_signal: {2970 description: 'Installs a signal handler',2971 signature: '( int $signo , callable|int $handler [, bool $restart_syscalls ]): bool'2972 },2973 pcntl_sigprocmask: {2974 description: 'Sets and retrieves blocked signals',2975 signature: '( int $how , array $set [, array $oldset ]): bool'2976 },2977 pcntl_sigtimedwait: {2978 description: 'Waits for signals, with a timeout',2979 signature: '( array $set [, array $siginfo [, int $seconds = 0 [, int $nanoseconds = 0 ]]]): int'2980 },2981 pcntl_sigwaitinfo: {2982 description: 'Waits for signals',2983 signature: '( array $set [, array $siginfo ]): int'2984 },2985 pcntl_strerror: {2986 description: 'Retrieve the system error message associated with the given errno',2987 signature: '( int $errno ): string'2988 },2989 pcntl_wait: {2990 description: 'Waits on or returns the status of a forked child',2991 signature: '( int $status [, int $options = 0 [, array $rusage ]]): int'2992 },2993 pcntl_waitpid: {2994 description: 'Waits on or returns the status of a forked child',2995 signature: '( int $pid , int $status [, int $options = 0 [, array $rusage ]]): int'2996 },2997 pcntl_wexitstatus: {2998 description: 'Returns the return code of a terminated child',2999 signature: '( int $status ): int'3000 },3001 pcntl_wifexited: {3002 description: 'Checks if status code represents a normal exit',3003 signature: '( int $status ): bool'3004 },3005 pcntl_wifsignaled: {3006 description: 'Checks whether the status code represents a termination due to a signal',3007 signature: '( int $status ): bool'3008 },3009 pcntl_wifstopped: {3010 description: 'Checks whether the child process is currently stopped',3011 signature: '( int $status ): bool'3012 },3013 pcntl_wstopsig: {3014 description: 'Returns the signal which caused the child to stop',3015 signature: '( int $status ): int'3016 },3017 pcntl_wtermsig: {3018 description: 'Returns the signal which caused the child to terminate',3019 signature: '( int $status ): int'3020 },3021 posix_access: {3022 description: 'Determine accessibility of a file',3023 signature: '( string $file [, int $mode = POSIX_F_OK ]): bool'3024 },3025 posix_ctermid: {3026 description: 'Get path name of controlling terminal',3027 signature: '(void): string'3028 },3029 posix_errno: {3030 description: 'Alias of posix_get_last_error',3031 },3032 posix_get_last_error: {3033 description: 'Retrieve the error number set by the last posix function that failed',3034 signature: '(void): int'3035 },3036 posix_getcwd: {3037 description: 'Pathname of current directory',3038 signature: '(void): string'3039 },3040 posix_getegid: {3041 description: 'Return the effective group ID of the current process',3042 signature: '(void): int'3043 },3044 posix_geteuid: {3045 description: 'Return the effective user ID of the current process',3046 signature: '(void): int'3047 },3048 posix_getgid: {3049 description: 'Return the real group ID of the current process',3050 signature: '(void): int'3051 },3052 posix_getgrgid: {3053 description: 'Return info about a group by group id',3054 signature: '( int $gid ): array'3055 },3056 posix_getgrnam: {3057 description: 'Return info about a group by name',3058 signature: '( string $name ): array'3059 },3060 posix_getgroups: {3061 description: 'Return the group set of the current process',3062 signature: '(void): array'3063 },3064 posix_getlogin: {3065 description: 'Return login name',3066 signature: '(void): string'3067 },3068 posix_getpgid: {3069 description: 'Get process group id for job control',3070 signature: '( int $pid ): int'3071 },3072 posix_getpgrp: {3073 description: 'Return the current process group identifier',3074 signature: '(void): int'3075 },3076 posix_getpid: {3077 description: 'Return the current process identifier',3078 signature: '(void): int'3079 },3080 posix_getppid: {3081 description: 'Return the parent process identifier',3082 signature: '(void): int'3083 },3084 posix_getpwnam: {3085 description: 'Return info about a user by username',3086 signature: '( string $username ): array'3087 },3088 posix_getpwuid: {3089 description: 'Return info about a user by user id',3090 signature: '( int $uid ): array'3091 },3092 posix_getrlimit: {3093 description: 'Return info about system resource limits',3094 signature: '(void): array'3095 },3096 posix_getsid: {3097 description: 'Get the current sid of the process',3098 signature: '( int $pid ): int'3099 },3100 posix_getuid: {3101 description: 'Return the real user ID of the current process',3102 signature: '(void): int'3103 },3104 posix_initgroups: {3105 description: 'Calculate the group access list',3106 signature: '( string $name , int $base_group_id ): bool'3107 },3108 posix_isatty: {3109 description: 'Determine if a file descriptor is an interactive terminal',3110 signature: '( mixed $fd ): bool'3111 },3112 posix_kill: {3113 description: 'Send a signal to a process',3114 signature: '( int $pid , int $sig ): bool'3115 },3116 posix_mkfifo: {3117 description: 'Create a fifo special file (a named pipe)',3118 signature: '( string $pathname , int $mode ): bool'3119 },3120 posix_mknod: {3121 description: 'Create a special or ordinary file (POSIX.1)',3122 signature: '( string $pathname , int $mode [, int $major = 0 [, int $minor = 0 ]]): bool'3123 },3124 posix_setegid: {3125 description: 'Set the effective GID of the current process',3126 signature: '( int $gid ): bool'3127 },3128 posix_seteuid: {3129 description: 'Set the effective UID of the current process',3130 signature: '( int $uid ): bool'3131 },3132 posix_setgid: {3133 description: 'Set the GID of the current process',3134 signature: '( int $gid ): bool'3135 },3136 posix_setpgid: {3137 description: 'Set process group id for job control',3138 signature: '( int $pid , int $pgid ): bool'3139 },3140 posix_setrlimit: {3141 description: 'Set system resource limits',3142 signature: '( int $resource , int $softlimit , int $hardlimit ): bool'3143 },3144 posix_setsid: {3145 description: 'Make the current process a session leader',3146 signature: '(void): int'3147 },3148 posix_setuid: {3149 description: 'Set the UID of the current process',3150 signature: '( int $uid ): bool'3151 },3152 posix_strerror: {3153 description: 'Retrieve the system error message associated with the given errno',3154 signature: '( int $errno ): string'3155 },3156 posix_times: {3157 description: 'Get process times',3158 signature: '(void): array'3159 },3160 posix_ttyname: {3161 description: 'Determine terminal device name',3162 signature: '( mixed $fd ): string'3163 },3164 posix_uname: {3165 description: 'Get system name',3166 signature: '(void): array'3167 },3168 escapeshellarg: {3169 description: 'Escape a string to be used as a shell argument',3170 signature: '( string $arg ): string'3171 },3172 escapeshellcmd: {3173 description: 'Escape shell metacharacters',3174 signature: '( string $command ): string'3175 },3176 exec: {3177 description: 'Execute an external program',3178 signature: '( string $command [, array $output [, int $return_var ]]): string'3179 },3180 passthru: {3181 description: 'Execute an external program and display raw output',3182 signature: '( string $command [, int $return_var ]): void'3183 },3184 proc_close: {3185 description: 'Close a process opened by proc_open and return the exit code of that process',3186 signature: '( resource $process ): int'3187 },3188 proc_get_status: {3189 description: 'Get information about a process opened by proc_open',3190 signature: '( resource $process ): array'3191 },3192 proc_nice: {3193 description: 'Change the priority of the current process',3194 signature: '( int $increment ): bool'3195 },3196 proc_open: {3197 description: 'Execute a command and open file pointers for input/​output',3198 signature: '( string $cmd , array $descriptorspec , array $pipes [, string $cwd [, array $env [, array $other_options ]]]): resource'3199 },3200 proc_terminate: {3201 description: 'Kills a process opened by proc_open',3202 signature: '( resource $process [, int $signal = 15 ]): bool'3203 },3204 shell_exec: {3205 description: 'Execute command via shell and return the complete output as a string',3206 signature: '( string $cmd ): string'3207 },3208 system: {3209 description: 'Execute an external program and display the output',3210 signature: '( string $command [, int $return_var ]): string'3211 },3212 ftok: {3213 description: 'Convert a pathname and a project identifier to a System V IPC key',3214 signature: '( string $pathname , string $proj ): int'3215 },3216 msg_get_queue: {3217 description: 'Create or attach to a message queue',3218 signature: '( int $key [, int $perms = 0666 ]): resource'3219 },3220 msg_queue_exists: {3221 description: 'Check whether a message queue exists',3222 signature: '( int $key ): bool'3223 },3224 msg_receive: {3225 description: 'Receive a message from a message queue',3226 signature: '( resource $queue , int $desiredmsgtype , int $msgtype , int $maxsize , mixed $message [, bool $unserialize [, int $flags = 0 [, int $errorcode ]]]): bool'3227 },3228 msg_remove_queue: {3229 description: 'Destroy a message queue',3230 signature: '( resource $queue ): bool'3231 },3232 msg_send: {3233 description: 'Send a message to a message queue',3234 signature: '( resource $queue , int $msgtype , mixed $message [, bool $serialize [, bool $blocking [, int $errorcode ]]]): bool'3235 },3236 msg_set_queue: {3237 description: 'Set information in the message queue data structure',3238 signature: '( resource $queue , array $data ): bool'3239 },3240 msg_stat_queue: {3241 description: 'Returns information from the message queue data structure',3242 signature: '( resource $queue ): array'3243 },3244 sem_acquire: {3245 description: 'Acquire a semaphore',3246 signature: '( resource $sem_identifier [, bool $nowait ]): bool'3247 },3248 sem_get: {3249 description: 'Get a semaphore id',3250 signature: '( int $key [, int $max_acquire = 1 [, int $perm = 0666 [, int $auto_release = 1 ]]]): resource'3251 },3252 sem_release: {3253 description: 'Release a semaphore',3254 signature: '( resource $sem_identifier ): bool'3255 },3256 sem_remove: {3257 description: 'Remove a semaphore',3258 signature: '( resource $sem_identifier ): bool'3259 },3260 shm_attach: {3261 description: 'Creates or open a shared memory segment',3262 signature: '( int $key [, int $memsize [, int $perm = 0666 ]]): resource'3263 },3264 shm_detach: {3265 description: 'Disconnects from shared memory segment',3266 signature: '( resource $shm_identifier ): bool'3267 },3268 shm_get_var: {3269 description: 'Returns a variable from shared memory',3270 signature: '( resource $shm_identifier , int $variable_key ): mixed'3271 },3272 shm_has_var: {3273 description: 'Check whether a specific entry exists',3274 signature: '( resource $shm_identifier , int $variable_key ): bool'3275 },3276 shm_put_var: {3277 description: 'Inserts or updates a variable in shared memory',3278 signature: '( resource $shm_identifier , int $variable_key , mixed $variable ): bool'3279 },3280 shm_remove_var: {3281 description: 'Removes a variable from shared memory',3282 signature: '( resource $shm_identifier , int $variable_key ): bool'3283 },3284 shm_remove: {3285 description: 'Removes shared memory from Unix systems',3286 signature: '( resource $shm_identifier ): bool'3287 },3288 shmop_close: {3289 description: 'Close shared memory block',3290 signature: '( resource $shmid ): void'3291 },3292 shmop_delete: {3293 description: 'Delete shared memory block',3294 signature: '( resource $shmid ): bool'3295 },3296 shmop_open: {3297 description: 'Create or open shared memory block',3298 signature: '( int $key , string $flags , int $mode , int $size ): resource'3299 },3300 shmop_read: {3301 description: 'Read data from shared memory block',3302 signature: '( resource $shmid , int $start , int $count ): string'3303 },3304 shmop_size: {3305 description: 'Get size of shared memory block',3306 signature: '( resource $shmid ): int'3307 },3308 shmop_write: {3309 description: 'Write data into shared memory block',3310 signature: '( resource $shmid , string $data , int $offset ): int'3311 },3312 json_decode: {3313 description: 'Decodes a JSON string',3314 signature: '( string $json [, bool $assoc [, int $depth = 512 [, int $options = 0 ]]]): mixed'3315 },3316 json_encode: {3317 description: 'Returns the JSON representation of a value',3318 signature: '( mixed $value [, int $options = 0 [, int $depth = 512 ]]): string'3319 },3320 json_last_error_msg: {3321 description: 'Returns the error string of the last json_encode() or json_decode() call',3322 signature: '(void): string'3323 },3324 json_last_error: {3325 description: 'Returns the last error occurred',3326 signature: '(void): int'3327 },3328 connection_aborted: {3329 description: 'Check whether client disconnected',3330 signature: '(void): int'3331 },3332 connection_status: {3333 description: 'Returns connection status bitfield',3334 signature: '(void): int'3335 },3336 constant: {3337 description: 'Returns the value of a constant',3338 signature: '( string $name ): mixed'3339 },3340 define: {3341 description: 'Defines a named constant',3342 signature: '( string $name , mixed $value [, bool $case_insensitive ]): bool'3343 },3344 defined: {3345 description: 'Checks whether a given named constant exists',3346 signature: '( string $name ): bool'3347 },3348 die: {3349 description: 'Equivalent to exit',3350 },3351 eval: {3352 description: 'Evaluate a string as PHP code',3353 signature: '( string $code ): mixed'3354 },3355 exit: {3356 description: 'Output a message and terminate the current script',3357 signature: '( int $status ): void'3358 },3359 get_browser: {3360 description: 'Tells what the user\'s browser is capable of',3361 signature: '([ string $user_agent [, bool $return_array ]]): mixed'3362 },3363 __halt_compiler: {3364 description: 'Halts the compiler execution',3365 signature: '(void): void'3366 },3367 highlight_file: {3368 description: 'Syntax highlighting of a file',3369 signature: '( string $filename [, bool $return ]): mixed'3370 },3371 highlight_string: {3372 description: 'Syntax highlighting of a string',3373 signature: '( string $str [, bool $return ]): mixed'3374 },3375 hrtime: {3376 description: 'Get the system\'s high resolution time',3377 signature: '([ bool $get_as_number ]): mixed'3378 },3379 ignore_user_abort: {3380 description: 'Set whether a client disconnect should abort script execution',3381 signature: '([ bool $value ]): int'3382 },3383 pack: {3384 description: 'Pack data into binary string',3385 signature: '( string $format [, mixed $... ]): string'3386 },3387 php_check_syntax: {3388 description: 'Check the PHP syntax of (and execute) the specified file',3389 signature: '( string $filename [, string $error_message ]): bool'3390 },3391 php_strip_whitespace: {3392 description: 'Return source with stripped comments and whitespace',3393 signature: '( string $filename ): string'3394 },3395 sapi_windows_cp_conv: {3396 description: 'Convert string from one codepage to another',3397 signature: '( int|string $in_codepage , int|string $out_codepage , string $subject ): string'3398 },3399 sapi_windows_cp_get: {3400 description: 'Get process codepage',3401 signature: '( string $kind ): int'3402 },3403 sapi_windows_cp_is_utf8: {3404 description: 'Indicates whether the codepage is UTF-8 compatible',3405 signature: '(void): bool'3406 },3407 sapi_windows_cp_set: {3408 description: 'Set process codepage',3409 signature: '( int $cp ): bool'3410 },3411 sapi_windows_vt100_support: {3412 description: 'Get or set VT100 support for the specified stream associated to an output buffer of a Windows console.',3413 signature: '( resource $stream [, bool $enable ]): bool'3414 },3415 show_source: {3416 description: 'Alias of highlight_file',3417 },3418 sleep: {3419 description: 'Delay execution',3420 signature: '( int $seconds ): int'3421 },3422 sys_getloadavg: {3423 description: 'Gets system load average',3424 signature: '(void): array'3425 },3426 time_nanosleep: {3427 description: 'Delay for a number of seconds and nanoseconds',3428 signature: '( int $seconds , int $nanoseconds ): mixed'3429 },3430 time_sleep_until: {3431 description: 'Make the script sleep until the specified time',3432 signature: '( float $timestamp ): bool'3433 },3434 uniqid: {3435 description: 'Generate a unique ID',3436 signature: '([ string $prefix = "" [, bool $more_entropy ]]): string'3437 },3438 unpack: {3439 description: 'Unpack data from binary string',3440 signature: '( string $format , string $data [, int $offset = 0 ]): array'3441 },3442 usleep: {3443 description: 'Delay execution in microseconds',3444 signature: '( int $micro_seconds ): void'3445 },3446 class_implements: {3447 description: 'Return the interfaces which are implemented by the given class or interface',3448 signature: '( mixed $class [, bool $autoload ]): array'3449 },3450 class_parents: {3451 description: 'Return the parent classes of the given class',3452 signature: '( mixed $class [, bool $autoload ]): array'3453 },3454 class_uses: {3455 description: 'Return the traits used by the given class',3456 signature: '( mixed $class [, bool $autoload ]): array'3457 },3458 iterator_apply: {3459 description: 'Call a function for every element in an iterator',3460 signature: '( Traversable $iterator , callable $function [, array $args ]): int'3461 },3462 iterator_count: {3463 description: 'Count the elements in an iterator',3464 signature: '( Traversable $iterator ): int'3465 },3466 iterator_to_array: {3467 description: 'Copy the iterator into an array',3468 signature: '( Traversable $iterator [, bool $use_keys ]): array'3469 },3470 spl_autoload_call: {3471 description: 'Try all registered __autoload() functions to load the requested class',3472 signature: '( string $class_name ): void'3473 },3474 spl_autoload_extensions: {3475 description: 'Register and return default file extensions for spl_autoload',3476 signature: '([ string $file_extensions ]): string'3477 },3478 spl_autoload_functions: {3479 description: 'Return all registered __autoload() functions',3480 signature: '(void): array'3481 },3482 spl_autoload_register: {3483 description: 'Register given function as __autoload() implementation',3484 signature: '([ callable $autoload_function [, bool $throw [, bool $prepend ]]]): bool'3485 },3486 spl_autoload_unregister: {3487 description: 'Unregister given function as __autoload() implementation',3488 signature: '( mixed $autoload_function ): bool'3489 },3490 spl_autoload: {3491 description: 'Default implementation for __autoload()',3492 signature: '( string $class_name [, string $file_extensions = spl_autoload_extensions() ]): void'3493 },3494 spl_classes: {3495 description: 'Return available SPL classes',3496 signature: '(void): array'3497 },3498 spl_object_hash: {3499 description: 'Return hash id for given object',3500 signature: '( object $obj ): string'3501 },3502 spl_object_id: {3503 description: 'Return the integer object handle for given object',3504 signature: '( object $obj ): int'3505 },3506 set_socket_blocking: {3507 description: 'Alias of stream_set_blocking',3508 },3509 stream_bucket_append: {3510 description: 'Append bucket to brigade',3511 signature: '( resource $brigade , object $bucket ): void'3512 },3513 stream_bucket_make_writeable: {3514 description: 'Return a bucket object from the brigade for operating on',3515 signature: '( resource $brigade ): object'3516 },3517 stream_bucket_new: {3518 description: 'Create a new bucket for use on the current stream',3519 signature: '( resource $stream , string $buffer ): object'3520 },3521 stream_bucket_prepend: {3522 description: 'Prepend bucket to brigade',3523 signature: '( resource $brigade , object $bucket ): void'3524 },3525 stream_context_create: {3526 description: 'Creates a stream context',3527 signature: '([ array $options [, array $params ]]): resource'3528 },3529 stream_context_get_default: {3530 description: 'Retrieve the default stream context',3531 signature: '([ array $options ]): resource'3532 },3533 stream_context_get_options: {3534 description: 'Retrieve options for a stream/​wrapper/​context',3535 signature: '( resource $stream_or_context ): array'3536 },3537 stream_context_get_params: {3538 description: 'Retrieves parameters from a context',3539 signature: '( resource $stream_or_context ): array'3540 },3541 stream_context_set_default: {3542 description: 'Set the default stream context',3543 signature: '( array $options ): resource'3544 },3545 stream_context_set_option: {3546 description: 'Sets an option for a stream/​wrapper/​context',3547 signature: '( resource $stream_or_context , string $wrapper , string $option , mixed $value , array $options ): bool'3548 },3549 stream_context_set_params: {3550 description: 'Set parameters for a stream/​wrapper/​context',3551 signature: '( resource $stream_or_context , array $params ): bool'3552 },3553 stream_copy_to_stream: {3554 description: 'Copies data from one stream to another',3555 signature: '( resource $source , resource $dest [, int $maxlength = -1 [, int $offset = 0 ]]): int'3556 },3557 stream_filter_append: {3558 description: 'Attach a filter to a stream',3559 signature: '( resource $stream , string $filtername [, int $read_write [, mixed $params ]]): resource'3560 },3561 stream_filter_prepend: {3562 description: 'Attach a filter to a stream',3563 signature: '( resource $stream , string $filtername [, int $read_write [, mixed $params ]]): resource'3564 },3565 stream_filter_register: {3566 description: 'Register a user defined stream filter',3567 signature: '( string $filtername , string $classname ): bool'3568 },3569 stream_filter_remove: {3570 description: 'Remove a filter from a stream',3571 signature: '( resource $stream_filter ): bool'3572 },3573 stream_get_contents: {3574 description: 'Reads remainder of a stream into a string',3575 signature: '( resource $handle [, int $maxlength = -1 [, int $offset = -1 ]]): string'3576 },3577 stream_get_filters: {3578 description: 'Retrieve list of registered filters',3579 signature: '(void): array'3580 },3581 stream_get_line: {3582 description: 'Gets line from stream resource up to a given delimiter',3583 signature: '( resource $handle , int $length [, string $ending ]): string'3584 },3585 stream_get_meta_data: {3586 description: 'Retrieves header/​meta data from streams/​file pointers',3587 signature: '( resource $stream ): array'3588 },3589 stream_get_transports: {3590 description: 'Retrieve list of registered socket transports',3591 signature: '(void): array'3592 },3593 stream_get_wrappers: {3594 description: 'Retrieve list of registered streams',3595 signature: '(void): array'3596 },3597 stream_is_local: {3598 description: 'Checks if a stream is a local stream',3599 signature: '( mixed $stream_or_url ): bool'3600 },3601 stream_isatty: {3602 description: 'Check if a stream is a TTY',3603 signature: '( resource $stream ): bool'3604 },3605 stream_notification_callback: {3606 description: 'A callback function for the notification context parameter',3607 signature: '( int $notification_code , int $severity , string $message , int $message_code , int $bytes_transferred , int $bytes_max ): callable'3608 },3609 stream_register_wrapper: {3610 description: 'Alias of stream_wrapper_register',3611 },3612 stream_resolve_include_path: {3613 description: 'Resolve filename against the include path',3614 signature: '( string $filename ): string'3615 },3616 stream_select: {3617 description: 'Runs the equivalent of the select() system call on the given arrays of streams with a timeout specified by tv_sec and tv_usec',3618 signature: '( array $read , array $write , array $except , int $tv_sec [, int $tv_usec = 0 ]): int'3619 },3620 stream_set_blocking: {3621 description: 'Set blocking/​non-blocking mode on a stream',3622 signature: '( resource $stream , bool $mode ): bool'3623 },3624 stream_set_chunk_size: {3625 description: 'Set the stream chunk size',3626 signature: '( resource $fp , int $chunk_size ): int'3627 },3628 stream_set_read_buffer: {3629 description: 'Set read file buffering on the given stream',3630 signature: '( resource $stream , int $buffer ): int'3631 },3632 stream_set_timeout: {3633 description: 'Set timeout period on a stream',3634 signature: '( resource $stream , int $seconds [, int $microseconds = 0 ]): bool'3635 },3636 stream_set_write_buffer: {3637 description: 'Sets write file buffering on the given stream',3638 signature: '( resource $stream , int $buffer ): int'3639 },3640 stream_socket_accept: {3641 description: 'Accept a connection on a socket created by stream_socket_server',3642 signature: '( resource $server_socket [, float $timeout = ini_get("default_socket_timeout") [, string $peername ]]): resource'3643 },3644 stream_socket_client: {3645 description: 'Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection',3646 signature: '( string $remote_socket [, int $errno [, string $errstr [, float $timeout = ini_get("default_socket_timeout") [, int $flags = STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT [, resource $context ]]]]]): resource'3647 },3648 stream_socket_enable_crypto: {3649 description: 'Turns encryption on/​off on an already connected socket',3650 signature: '( resource $stream , bool $enable [, int $crypto_type [, resource $session_stream ]]): mixed'3651 },3652 stream_socket_get_name: {3653 description: 'Retrieve the name of the local or remote sockets',3654 signature: '( resource $handle , bool $want_peer ): string'3655 },3656 stream_socket_pair: {3657 description: 'Creates a pair of connected, indistinguishable socket streams',3658 signature: '( int $domain , int $type , int $protocol ): array'3659 },3660 stream_socket_recvfrom: {3661 description: 'Receives data from a socket, connected or not',3662 signature: '( resource $socket , int $length [, int $flags = 0 [, string $address ]]): string'3663 },3664 stream_socket_sendto: {3665 description: 'Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not',3666 signature: '( resource $socket , string $data [, int $flags = 0 [, string $address ]]): int'3667 },3668 stream_socket_server: {3669 description: 'Create an Internet or Unix domain server socket',3670 signature: '( string $local_socket [, int $errno [, string $errstr [, int $flags = STREAM_SERVER_BIND | STREAM_SERVER_LISTEN [, resource $context ]]]]): resource'3671 },3672 stream_socket_shutdown: {3673 description: 'Shutdown a full-duplex connection',3674 signature: '( resource $stream , int $how ): bool'3675 },3676 stream_supports_lock: {3677 description: 'Tells whether the stream supports locking',3678 signature: '( resource $stream ): bool'3679 },3680 stream_wrapper_register: {3681 description: 'Register a URL wrapper implemented as a PHP class',3682 signature: '( string $protocol , string $classname [, int $flags = 0 ]): bool'3683 },3684 stream_wrapper_restore: {3685 description: 'Restores a previously unregistered built-in wrapper',3686 signature: '( string $protocol ): bool'3687 },3688 stream_wrapper_unregister: {3689 description: 'Unregister a URL wrapper',3690 signature: '( string $protocol ): bool'3691 },3692 token_get_all: {3693 description: 'Split given source into PHP tokens',3694 signature: '( string $source [, int $flags = 0 ]): array'3695 },3696 token_name: {3697 description: 'Get the symbolic name of a given PHP token',3698 signature: '( int $token ): string'3699 },3700 base64_decode: {3701 description: 'Decodes data encoded with MIME base64',3702 signature: '( string $data [, bool $strict ]): string'3703 },3704 base64_encode: {3705 description: 'Encodes data with MIME base64',3706 signature: '( string $data ): string'3707 },3708 get_headers: {3709 description: 'Fetches all the headers sent by the server in response to an HTTP request',3710 signature: '( string $url [, int $format = 0 [, resource $context ]]): array'3711 },3712 get_meta_tags: {3713 description: 'Extracts all meta tag content attributes from a file and returns an array',3714 signature: '( string $filename [, bool $use_include_path ]): array'3715 },3716 http_build_query: {3717 description: 'Generate URL-encoded query string',3718 signature: '( mixed $query_data [, string $numeric_prefix [, string $arg_separator [, int $enc_type ]]]): string'3719 },3720 parse_url: {3721 description: 'Parse a URL and return its components',3722 signature: '( string $url [, int $component = -1 ]): mixed'3723 },3724 rawurldecode: {3725 description: 'Decode URL-encoded strings',3726 signature: '( string $str ): string'3727 },3728 rawurlencode: {3729 description: 'URL-encode according to RFC 3986',3730 signature: '( string $str ): string'3731 },3732 urldecode: {3733 description: 'Decodes URL-encoded string',3734 signature: '( string $str ): string'3735 },3736 urlencode: {3737 description: 'URL-encodes string',3738 signature: '( string $str ): string'3739 },3740 curl_close: {3741 description: 'Close a cURL session',3742 signature: '( resource $ch ): void'3743 },3744 curl_copy_handle: {3745 description: 'Copy a cURL handle along with all of its preferences',3746 signature: '( resource $ch ): resource'3747 },3748 curl_errno: {3749 description: 'Return the last error number',3750 signature: '( resource $ch ): int'3751 },3752 curl_error: {3753 description: 'Return a string containing the last error for the current session',3754 signature: '( resource $ch ): string'3755 },3756 curl_escape: {3757 description: 'URL encodes the given string',3758 signature: '( resource $ch , string $str ): string'3759 },3760 curl_exec: {3761 description: 'Perform a cURL session',3762 signature: '( resource $ch ): mixed'3763 },3764 curl_file_create: {3765 description: 'Create a CURLFile object',3766 signature: '( string $filename [, string $mimetype [, string $postname ]]): CURLFile'3767 },3768 curl_getinfo: {3769 description: 'Get information regarding a specific transfer',3770 signature: '( resource $ch [, int $opt ]): mixed'3771 },3772 curl_init: {3773 description: 'Initialize a cURL session',3774 signature: '([ string $url ]): resource'3775 },3776 curl_multi_add_handle: {3777 description: 'Add a normal cURL handle to a cURL multi handle',3778 signature: '( resource $mh , resource $ch ): int'3779 },3780 curl_multi_close: {3781 description: 'Close a set of cURL handles',3782 signature: '( resource $mh ): void'3783 },3784 curl_multi_errno: {3785 description: 'Return the last multi curl error number',3786 signature: '( resource $mh ): int'3787 },3788 curl_multi_exec: {3789 description: 'Run the sub-connections of the current cURL handle',3790 signature: '( resource $mh , int $still_running ): int'3791 },3792 curl_multi_getcontent: {3793 description: 'Return the content of a cURL handle if CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER is set',3794 signature: '( resource $ch ): string'3795 },3796 curl_multi_info_read: {3797 description: 'Get information about the current transfers',3798 signature: '( resource $mh [, int $msgs_in_queue ]): array'3799 },3800 curl_multi_init: {3801 description: 'Returns a new cURL multi handle',3802 signature: '(void): resource'3803 },3804 curl_multi_remove_handle: {3805 description: 'Remove a multi handle from a set of cURL handles',3806 signature: '( resource $mh , resource $ch ): int'3807 },3808 curl_multi_select: {3809 description: 'Wait for activity on any curl_multi connection',3810 signature: '( resource $mh [, float $timeout = 1.0 ]): int'3811 },3812 curl_multi_setopt: {3813 description: 'Set an option for the cURL multi handle',3814 signature: '( resource $mh , int $option , mixed $value ): bool'3815 },3816 curl_multi_strerror: {3817 description: 'Return string describing error code',3818 signature: '( int $errornum ): string'3819 },3820 curl_pause: {3821 description: 'Pause and unpause a connection',3822 signature: '( resource $ch , int $bitmask ): int'3823 },3824 curl_reset: {3825 description: 'Reset all options of a libcurl session handle',3826 signature: '( resource $ch ): void'3827 },3828 curl_setopt_array: {3829 description: 'Set multiple options for a cURL transfer',3830 signature: '( resource $ch , array $options ): bool'3831 },3832 curl_setopt: {3833 description: 'Set an option for a cURL transfer',3834 signature: '( resource $ch , int $option , mixed $value ): bool'3835 },3836 curl_share_close: {3837 description: 'Close a cURL share handle',3838 signature: '( resource $sh ): void'3839 },3840 curl_share_errno: {3841 description: 'Return the last share curl error number',3842 signature: '( resource $sh ): int'3843 },3844 curl_share_init: {3845 description: 'Initialize a cURL share handle',3846 signature: '(void): resource'3847 },3848 curl_share_setopt: {3849 description: 'Set an option for a cURL share handle',3850 signature: '( resource $sh , int $option , string $value ): bool'3851 },3852 curl_share_strerror: {3853 description: 'Return string describing the given error code',3854 signature: '( int $errornum ): string'3855 },3856 curl_strerror: {3857 description: 'Return string describing the given error code',3858 signature: '( int $errornum ): string'3859 },3860 curl_unescape: {3861 description: 'Decodes the given URL encoded string',3862 signature: '( resource $ch , string $str ): string'3863 },3864 curl_version: {3865 description: 'Gets cURL version information',3866 signature: '([ int $age = CURLVERSION_NOW ]): array'3867 },3868 ftp_alloc: {3869 description: 'Allocates space for a file to be uploaded',3870 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , int $filesize [, string $result ]): bool'3871 },3872 ftp_append: {3873 description: 'Append the contents of a file to another file on the FTP server',3874 signature: '( resource $ftp , string $remote_file , string $local_file [, int $mode ]): bool'3875 },3876 ftp_cdup: {3877 description: 'Changes to the parent directory',3878 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream ): bool'3879 },3880 ftp_chdir: {3881 description: 'Changes the current directory on a FTP server',3882 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $directory ): bool'3883 },3884 ftp_chmod: {3885 description: 'Set permissions on a file via FTP',3886 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , int $mode , string $filename ): int'3887 },3888 ftp_close: {3889 description: 'Closes an FTP connection',3890 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream ): resource'3891 },3892 ftp_connect: {3893 description: 'Opens an FTP connection',3894 signature: '( string $host [, int $port = 21 [, int $timeout = 90 ]]): resource'3895 },3896 ftp_delete: {3897 description: 'Deletes a file on the FTP server',3898 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $path ): bool'3899 },3900 ftp_exec: {3901 description: 'Requests execution of a command on the FTP server',3902 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $command ): bool'3903 },3904 ftp_fget: {3905 description: 'Downloads a file from the FTP server and saves to an open file',3906 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , resource $handle , string $remote_file [, int $mode [, int $resumepos = 0 ]]): bool'3907 },3908 ftp_fput: {3909 description: 'Uploads from an open file to the FTP server',3910 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $remote_file , resource $handle [, int $mode [, int $startpos = 0 ]]): bool'3911 },3912 ftp_get_option: {3913 description: 'Retrieves various runtime behaviours of the current FTP stream',3914 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , int $option ): mixed'3915 },3916 ftp_get: {3917 description: 'Downloads a file from the FTP server',3918 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $local_file , string $remote_file [, int $mode [, int $resumepos = 0 ]]): bool'3919 },3920 ftp_login: {3921 description: 'Logs in to an FTP connection',3922 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $username , string $password ): bool'3923 },3924 ftp_mdtm: {3925 description: 'Returns the last modified time of the given file',3926 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $remote_file ): int'3927 },3928 ftp_mkdir: {3929 description: 'Creates a directory',3930 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $directory ): string'3931 },3932 ftp_mlsd: {3933 description: 'Returns a list of files in the given directory',3934 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $directory ): array'3935 },3936 ftp_nb_continue: {3937 description: 'Continues retrieving/​sending a file (non-blocking)',3938 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream ): int'3939 },3940 ftp_nb_fget: {3941 description: 'Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes it to an open file (non-blocking)',3942 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , resource $handle , string $remote_file [, int $mode [, int $resumepos = 0 ]]): int'3943 },3944 ftp_nb_fput: {3945 description: 'Stores a file from an open file to the FTP server (non-blocking)',3946 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $remote_file , resource $handle [, int $mode [, int $startpos = 0 ]]): int'3947 },3948 ftp_nb_get: {3949 description: 'Retrieves a file from the FTP server and writes it to a local file (non-blocking)',3950 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $local_file , string $remote_file [, int $mode [, int $resumepos = 0 ]]): int'3951 },3952 ftp_nb_put: {3953 description: 'Stores a file on the FTP server (non-blocking)',3954 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $remote_file , string $local_file [, int $mode [, int $startpos = 0 ]]): int'3955 },3956 ftp_nlist: {3957 description: 'Returns a list of files in the given directory',3958 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $directory ): array'3959 },3960 ftp_pasv: {3961 description: 'Turns passive mode on or off',3962 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , bool $pasv ): bool'3963 },3964 ftp_put: {3965 description: 'Uploads a file to the FTP server',3966 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $remote_file , string $local_file [, int $mode [, int $startpos = 0 ]]): bool'3967 },3968 ftp_pwd: {3969 description: 'Returns the current directory name',3970 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream ): string'3971 },3972 ftp_quit: {3973 description: 'Alias of ftp_close',3974 },3975 ftp_raw: {3976 description: 'Sends an arbitrary command to an FTP server',3977 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $command ): array'3978 },3979 ftp_rawlist: {3980 description: 'Returns a detailed list of files in the given directory',3981 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $directory [, bool $recursive ]): array'3982 },3983 ftp_rename: {3984 description: 'Renames a file or a directory on the FTP server',3985 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $oldname , string $newname ): bool'3986 },3987 ftp_rmdir: {3988 description: 'Removes a directory',3989 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $directory ): bool'3990 },3991 ftp_set_option: {3992 description: 'Set miscellaneous runtime FTP options',3993 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , int $option , mixed $value ): bool'3994 },3995 ftp_site: {3996 description: 'Sends a SITE command to the server',3997 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $command ): bool'3998 },3999 ftp_size: {4000 description: 'Returns the size of the given file',4001 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream , string $remote_file ): int'4002 },4003 ftp_ssl_connect: {4004 description: 'Opens a Secure SSL-FTP connection',4005 signature: '( string $host [, int $port = 21 [, int $timeout = 90 ]]): resource'4006 },4007 ftp_systype: {4008 description: 'Returns the system type identifier of the remote FTP server',4009 signature: '( resource $ftp_stream ): string'4010 },4011 checkdnsrr: {4012 description: 'Check DNS records corresponding to a given Internet host name or IP address',4013 signature: '( string $host [, string $type = "MX" ]): bool'4014 },4015 closelog: {4016 description: 'Close connection to system logger',4017 signature: '(void): bool'4018 },4019 define_syslog_variables: {4020 description: 'Initializes all syslog related variables',4021 signature: '(void): void'4022 },4023 dns_check_record: {4024 description: 'Alias of checkdnsrr',4025 },4026 dns_get_mx: {4027 description: 'Alias of getmxrr',4028 },4029 dns_get_record: {4030 description: 'Fetch DNS Resource Records associated with a hostname',4031 signature: '( string $hostname [, int $type = DNS_ANY [, array $authns [, array $addtl [, bool $raw ]]]]): array'4032 },4033 fsockopen: {4034 description: 'Open Internet or Unix domain socket connection',4035 signature: '( string $hostname [, int $port = -1 [, int $errno [, string $errstr [, float $timeout = ini_get("default_socket_timeout") ]]]]): resource'4036 },4037 gethostbyaddr: {4038 description: 'Get the Internet host name corresponding to a given IP address',4039 signature: '( string $ip_address ): string'4040 },4041 gethostbyname: {4042 description: 'Get the IPv4 address corresponding to a given Internet host name',4043 signature: '( string $hostname ): string'4044 },4045 gethostbynamel: {4046 description: 'Get a list of IPv4 addresses corresponding to a given Internet host name',4047 signature: '( string $hostname ): array'4048 },4049 gethostname: {4050 description: 'Gets the host name',4051 signature: '(void): string'4052 },4053 getmxrr: {4054 description: 'Get MX records corresponding to a given Internet host name',4055 signature: '( string $hostname , array $mxhosts [, array $weight ]): bool'4056 },4057 getprotobyname: {4058 description: 'Get protocol number associated with protocol name',4059 signature: '( string $name ): int'4060 },4061 getprotobynumber: {4062 description: 'Get protocol name associated with protocol number',4063 signature: '( int $number ): string'4064 },4065 getservbyname: {4066 description: 'Get port number associated with an Internet service and protocol',4067 signature: '( string $service , string $protocol ): int'4068 },4069 getservbyport: {4070 description: 'Get Internet service which corresponds to port and protocol',4071 signature: '( int $port , string $protocol ): string'4072 },4073 header_register_callback: {4074 description: 'Call a header function',4075 signature: '( callable $callback ): bool'4076 },4077 header_remove: {4078 description: 'Remove previously set headers',4079 signature: '([ string $name ]): void'4080 },4081 header: {4082 description: 'Send a raw HTTP header',4083 signature: '( string $header [, bool $replace [, int $http_response_code ]]): void'4084 },4085 headers_list: {4086 description: 'Returns a list of response headers sent (or ready to send)',4087 signature: '(void): array'4088 },4089 headers_sent: {4090 description: 'Checks if or where headers have been sent',4091 signature: '([ string $file [, int $line ]]): bool'4092 },4093 http_response_code: {4094 description: 'Get or Set the HTTP response code',4095 signature: '([ int $response_code ]): mixed'4096 },4097 inet_ntop: {4098 description: 'Converts a packed internet address to a human readable representation',4099 signature: '( string $in_addr ): string'4100 },4101 inet_pton: {4102 description: 'Converts a human readable IP address to its packed in_addr representation',4103 signature: '( string $address ): string'4104 },4105 ip2long: {4106 description: 'Converts a string containing an (IPv4) Internet Protocol dotted address into a long integer',4107 signature: '( string $ip_address ): int'4108 },4109 long2ip: {4110 description: 'Converts an long integer address into a string in (IPv4) Internet standard dotted format',4111 signature: '( int $proper_address ): string'4112 },4113 openlog: {4114 description: 'Open connection to system logger',4115 signature: '( string $ident , int $option , int $facility ): bool'4116 },4117 pfsockopen: {4118 description: 'Open persistent Internet or Unix domain socket connection',4119 signature: '( string $hostname [, int $port = -1 [, int $errno [, string $errstr [, float $timeout = ini_get("default_socket_timeout") ]]]]): resource'4120 },4121 setcookie: {4122 description: 'Send a cookie',4123 signature: '( string $name [, string $value = "" [, int $expires = 0 [, string $path = "" [, string $domain = "" [, bool $secure [, bool $httponly [, array $options = [] ]]]]]]]): bool'4124 },4125 setrawcookie: {4126 description: 'Send a cookie without urlencoding the cookie value',4127 signature: '( string $name [, string $value [, int $expires = 0 [, string $path [, string $domain [, bool $secure [, bool $httponly [, array $options = [] ]]]]]]]): bool'4128 },4129 socket_get_status: {4130 description: 'Alias of stream_get_meta_data',4131 },4132 socket_set_blocking: {4133 description: 'Alias of stream_set_blocking',4134 },4135 socket_set_timeout: {4136 description: 'Alias of stream_set_timeout',4137 },4138 syslog: {4139 description: 'Generate a system log message',4140 signature: '( int $priority , string $message ): bool'4141 },4142 socket_accept: {4143 description: 'Accepts a connection on a socket',4144 signature: '( resource $socket ): resource'4145 },4146 socket_addrinfo_bind: {4147 description: 'Create and bind to a socket from a given addrinfo',4148 signature: '( resource $addr ): resource'4149 },4150 socket_addrinfo_connect: {4151 description: 'Create and connect to a socket from a given addrinfo',4152 signature: '( resource $addr ): resource'4153 },4154 socket_addrinfo_explain: {4155 description: 'Get information about addrinfo',4156 signature: '( resource $addr ): array'4157 },4158 socket_addrinfo_lookup: {4159 description: 'Get array with contents of getaddrinfo about the given hostname',4160 signature: '( string $host [, string $service [, array $hints ]]): array'4161 },4162 socket_bind: {4163 description: 'Binds a name to a socket',4164 signature: '( resource $socket , string $address [, int $port = 0 ]): bool'4165 },4166 socket_clear_error: {4167 description: 'Clears the error on the socket or the last error code',4168 signature: '([ resource $socket ]): void'4169 },4170 socket_close: {4171 description: 'Closes a socket resource',4172 signature: '( resource $socket ): void'4173 },4174 socket_cmsg_space: {4175 description: 'Calculate message buffer size',4176 signature: '( int $level , int $type [, int $n = 0 ]): int'4177 },4178 socket_connect: {4179 description: 'Initiates a connection on a socket',4180 signature: '( resource $socket , string $address [, int $port = 0 ]): bool'4181 },4182 socket_create_listen: {4183 description: 'Opens a socket on port to accept connections',4184 signature: '( int $port [, int $backlog = 128 ]): resource'4185 },4186 socket_create_pair: {4187 description: 'Creates a pair of indistinguishable sockets and stores them in an array',4188 signature: '( int $domain , int $type , int $protocol , array $fd ): bool'4189 },4190 socket_create: {4191 description: 'Create a socket (endpoint for communication)',4192 signature: '( int $domain , int $type , int $protocol ): resource'4193 },4194 socket_export_stream: {4195 description: 'Export a socket extension resource into a stream that encapsulates a socket',4196 signature: '( resource $socket ): resource'4197 },4198 socket_get_option: {4199 description: 'Gets socket options for the socket',4200 signature: '( resource $socket , int $level , int $optname ): mixed'4201 },4202 socket_getopt: {4203 description: 'Alias of socket_get_option',4204 },4205 socket_getpeername: {4206 description: 'Queries the remote side of the given socket which may either result in host/​port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type',4207 signature: '( resource $socket , string $address [, int $port ]): bool'4208 },4209 socket_getsockname: {4210 description: 'Queries the local side of the given socket which may either result in host/​port or in a Unix filesystem path, dependent on its type',4211 signature: '( resource $socket , string $addr [, int $port ]): bool'4212 },4213 socket_import_stream: {4214 description: 'Import a stream',4215 signature: '( resource $stream ): resource'4216 },4217 socket_last_error: {4218 description: 'Returns the last error on the socket',4219 signature: '([ resource $socket ]): int'4220 },4221 socket_listen: {4222 description: 'Listens for a connection on a socket',4223 signature: '( resource $socket [, int $backlog = 0 ]): bool'4224 },4225 socket_read: {4226 description: 'Reads a maximum of length bytes from a socket',4227 signature: '( resource $socket , int $length [, int $type = PHP_BINARY_READ ]): string'4228 },4229 socket_recv: {4230 description: 'Receives data from a connected socket',4231 signature: '( resource $socket , string $buf , int $len , int $flags ): int'4232 },4233 socket_recvfrom: {4234 description: 'Receives data from a socket whether or not it is connection-oriented',4235 signature: '( resource $socket , string $buf , int $len , int $flags , string $name [, int $port ]): int'4236 },4237 socket_recvmsg: {4238 description: 'Read a message',4239 signature: '( resource $socket , array $message [, int $flags = 0 ]): int'4240 },4241 socket_select: {4242 description: 'Runs the select() system call on the given arrays of sockets with a specified timeout',4243 signature: '( array $read , array $write , array $except , int $tv_sec [, int $tv_usec = 0 ]): int'4244 },4245 socket_send: {4246 description: 'Sends data to a connected socket',4247 signature: '( resource $socket , string $buf , int $len , int $flags ): int'4248 },4249 socket_sendmsg: {4250 description: 'Send a message',4251 signature: '( resource $socket , array $message [, int $flags = 0 ]): int'4252 },4253 socket_sendto: {4254 description: 'Sends a message to a socket, whether it is connected or not',4255 signature: '( resource $socket , string $buf , int $len , int $flags , string $addr [, int $port = 0 ]): int'4256 },4257 socket_set_block: {4258 description: 'Sets blocking mode on a socket resource',4259 signature: '( resource $socket ): bool'4260 },4261 socket_set_nonblock: {4262 description: 'Sets nonblocking mode for file descriptor fd',4263 signature: '( resource $socket ): bool'4264 },4265 socket_set_option: {4266 description: 'Sets socket options for the socket',4267 signature: '( resource $socket , int $level , int $optname , mixed $optval ): bool'4268 },4269 socket_setopt: {4270 description: 'Alias of socket_set_option',4271 },4272 socket_shutdown: {4273 description: 'Shuts down a socket for receiving, sending, or both',4274 signature: '( resource $socket [, int $how = 2 ]): bool'4275 },4276 socket_strerror: {4277 description: 'Return a string describing a socket error',4278 signature: '( int $errno ): string'4279 },4280 socket_write: {4281 description: 'Write to a socket',4282 signature: '( resource $socket , string $buffer [, int $length = 0 ]): int'4283 },4284 apache_child_terminate: {4285 description: 'Terminate apache process after this request',4286 signature: '(void): bool'4287 },4288 apache_get_modules: {4289 description: 'Get a list of loaded Apache modules',4290 signature: '(void): array'4291 },4292 apache_get_version: {4293 description: 'Fetch Apache version',4294 signature: '(void): string'4295 },4296 apache_getenv: {4297 description: 'Get an Apache subprocess_env variable',4298 signature: '( string $variable [, bool $walk_to_top ]): string'4299 },4300 apache_lookup_uri: {4301 description: 'Perform a partial request for the specified URI and return all info about it',4302 signature: '( string $filename ): object'4303 },4304 apache_note: {4305 description: 'Get and set apache request notes',4306 signature: '( string $note_name [, string $note_value = "" ]): string'4307 },4308 apache_request_headers: {4309 description: 'Fetch all HTTP request headers',4310 signature: '(void): array'4311 },4312 apache_reset_timeout: {4313 description: 'Reset the Apache write timer',4314 signature: '(void): bool'4315 },4316 apache_response_headers: {4317 description: 'Fetch all HTTP response headers',4318 signature: '(void): array'4319 },4320 apache_setenv: {4321 description: 'Set an Apache subprocess_env variable',4322 signature: '( string $variable , string $value [, bool $walk_to_top ]): bool'4323 },4324 getallheaders: {4325 description: 'Fetch all HTTP request headers',4326 signature: '(void): array'4327 },4328 virtual: {4329 description: 'Perform an Apache sub-request',4330 signature: '( string $filename ): bool'4331 },4332 nsapi_request_headers: {4333 description: 'Fetch all HTTP request headers',4334 signature: '(void): array'4335 },4336 nsapi_response_headers: {4337 description: 'Fetch all HTTP response headers',4338 signature: '(void): array'4339 },4340 nsapi_virtual: {4341 description: 'Perform an NSAPI sub-request',4342 signature: '( string $uri ): bool'4343 },4344 session_abort: {4345 description: 'Discard session array changes and finish session',4346 signature: '(void): bool'4347 },4348 session_cache_expire: {4349 description: 'Return current cache expire',4350 signature: '([ string $new_cache_expire ]): int'4351 },4352 session_cache_limiter: {4353 description: 'Get and/​or set the current cache limiter',4354 signature: '([ string $cache_limiter ]): string'4355 },4356 session_commit: {4357 description: 'Alias of session_write_close',4358 },4359 session_create_id: {4360 description: 'Create new session id',4361 signature: '([ string $prefix ]): string'4362 },4363 session_decode: {4364 description: 'Decodes session data from a session encoded string',4365 signature: '( string $data ): bool'4366 },4367 session_destroy: {4368 description: 'Destroys all data registered to a session',4369 signature: '(void): bool'4370 },4371 session_encode: {4372 description: 'Encodes the current session data as a session encoded string',4373 signature: '(void): string'4374 },4375 session_gc: {4376 description: 'Perform session data garbage collection',4377 signature: '(void): int'4378 },4379 session_get_cookie_params: {4380 description: 'Get the session cookie parameters',4381 signature: '(void): array'4382 },4383 session_id: {4384 description: 'Get and/​or set the current session id',4385 signature: '([ string $id ]): string'4386 },4387 session_is_registered: {4388 description: 'Find out whether a global variable is registered in a session',4389 signature: '( string $name ): bool'4390 },4391 session_module_name: {4392 description: 'Get and/​or set the current session module',4393 signature: '([ string $module ]): string'4394 },4395 session_name: {4396 description: 'Get and/​or set the current session name',4397 signature: '([ string $name ]): string'4398 },4399 session_regenerate_id: {4400 description: 'Update the current session id with a newly generated one',4401 signature: '([ bool $delete_old_session ]): bool'4402 },4403 session_register_shutdown: {4404 description: 'Session shutdown function',4405 signature: '(void): void'4406 },4407 session_register: {4408 description: 'Register one or more global variables with the current session',4409 signature: '( mixed $name [, mixed $... ]): bool'4410 },4411 session_reset: {4412 description: 'Re-initialize session array with original values',4413 signature: '(void): bool'4414 },4415 session_save_path: {4416 description: 'Get and/​or set the current session save path',4417 signature: '([ string $path ]): string'4418 },4419 session_set_cookie_params: {4420 description: 'Set the session cookie parameters',4421 signature: '( int $lifetime [, string $path [, string $domain [, bool $secure [, bool $httponly , array $options ]]]]): bool'4422 },4423 session_set_save_handler: {4424 description: 'Sets user-level session storage functions',4425 signature: '( callable $open , callable $close , callable $read , callable $write , callable $destroy , callable $gc [, callable $create_sid [, callable $validate_sid [, callable $update_timestamp , object $sessionhandler [, bool $register_shutdown ]]]]): bool'4426 },4427 session_start: {4428 description: 'Start new or resume existing session',4429 signature: '([ array $options = array() ]): bool'4430 },4431 session_status: {4432 description: 'Returns the current session status',4433 signature: '(void): int'4434 },4435 session_unregister: {4436 description: 'Unregister a global variable from the current session',4437 signature: '( string $name ): bool'4438 },4439 session_unset: {4440 description: 'Free all session variables',4441 signature: '(void): bool'4442 },4443 session_write_close: {4444 description: 'Write session data and end session',4445 signature: '(void): bool'4446 },4447 preg_filter: {4448 description: 'Perform a regular expression search and replace',4449 signature: '( mixed $pattern , mixed $replacement , mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int $count ]]): mixed'4450 },4451 preg_grep: {4452 description: 'Return array entries that match the pattern',4453 signature: '( string $pattern , array $input [, int $flags = 0 ]): array'4454 },4455 preg_last_error: {4456 description: 'Returns the error code of the last PCRE regex execution',4457 signature: '(void): int'4458 },4459 preg_match_all: {4460 description: 'Perform a global regular expression match',4461 signature: '( string $pattern , string $subject [, array $matches [, int $flags [, int $offset = 0 ]]]): int'4462 },4463 preg_match: {4464 description: 'Perform a regular expression match',4465 signature: '( string $pattern , string $subject [, array $matches [, int $flags = 0 [, int $offset = 0 ]]]): int'4466 },4467 preg_quote: {4468 description: 'Quote regular expression characters',4469 signature: '( string $str [, string $delimiter ]): string'4470 },4471 preg_replace_callback_array: {4472 description: 'Perform a regular expression search and replace using callbacks',4473 signature: '( array $patterns_and_callbacks , mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int $count ]]): mixed'4474 },4475 preg_replace_callback: {4476 description: 'Perform a regular expression search and replace using a callback',4477 signature: '( mixed $pattern , callable $callback , mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int $count ]]): mixed'4478 },4479 preg_replace: {4480 description: 'Perform a regular expression search and replace',4481 signature: '( mixed $pattern , mixed $replacement , mixed $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int $count ]]): mixed'4482 },4483 preg_split: {4484 description: 'Split string by a regular expression',4485 signature: '( string $pattern , string $subject [, int $limit = -1 [, int $flags = 0 ]]): array'4486 },4487 addcslashes: {4488 description: 'Quote string with slashes in a C style',4489 signature: '( string $str , string $charlist ): string'4490 },4491 addslashes: {4492 description: 'Quote string with slashes',4493 signature: '( string $str ): string'4494 },4495 bin2hex: {4496 description: 'Convert binary data into hexadecimal representation',4497 signature: '( string $str ): string'4498 },4499 chop: {4500 description: 'Alias of rtrim',4501 },4502 chr: {4503 description: 'Generate a single-byte string from a number',4504 signature: '( int $bytevalue ): string'4505 },4506 chunk_split: {4507 description: 'Split a string into smaller chunks',4508 signature: '( string $body [, int $chunklen = 76 [, string $end = "\r\n" ]]): string'4509 },4510 convert_cyr_string: {4511 description: 'Convert from one Cyrillic character set to another',4512 signature: '( string $str , string $from , string $to ): string'4513 },4514 convert_uudecode: {4515 description: 'Decode a uuencoded string',4516 signature: '( string $data ): string'4517 },4518 convert_uuencode: {4519 description: 'Uuencode a string',4520 signature: '( string $data ): string'4521 },4522 count_chars: {4523 description: 'Return information about characters used in a string',4524 signature: '( string $string [, int $mode = 0 ]): mixed'4525 },4526 crc32: {4527 description: 'Calculates the crc32 polynomial of a string',4528 signature: '( string $str ): int'4529 },4530 crypt: {4531 description: 'One-way string hashing',4532 signature: '( string $str [, string $salt ]): string'4533 },4534 echo: {4535 description: 'Output one or more strings',4536 signature: '( string $arg1 [, string $... ]): void'4537 },4538 explode: {4539 description: 'Split a string by a string',4540 signature: '( string $delimiter , string $string [, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX ]): array'4541 },4542 fprintf: {4543 description: 'Write a formatted string to a stream',4544 signature: '( resource $handle , string $format [, mixed $... ]): int'4545 },4546 get_html_translation_table: {4547 description: 'Returns the translation table used by htmlspecialchars and htmlentities',4548 signature: '([ int $table = HTML_SPECIALCHARS [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = "UTF-8" ]]]): array'4549 },4550 hebrev: {4551 description: 'Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text',4552 signature: '( string $hebrew_text [, int $max_chars_per_line = 0 ]): string'4553 },4554 hebrevc: {4555 description: 'Convert logical Hebrew text to visual text with newline conversion',4556 signature: '( string $hebrew_text [, int $max_chars_per_line = 0 ]): string'4557 },4558 hex2bin: {4559 description: 'Decodes a hexadecimally encoded binary string',4560 signature: '( string $data ): string'4561 },4562 html_entity_decode: {4563 description: 'Convert HTML entities to their corresponding characters',4564 signature: '( string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = ini_get("default_charset") ]]): string'4565 },4566 htmlentities: {4567 description: 'Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities',4568 signature: '( string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = ini_get("default_charset") [, bool $double_encode ]]]): string'4569 },4570 htmlspecialchars_decode: {4571 description: 'Convert special HTML entities back to characters',4572 signature: '( string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 ]): string'4573 },4574 htmlspecialchars: {4575 description: 'Convert special characters to HTML entities',4576 signature: '( string $string [, int $flags = ENT_COMPAT | ENT_HTML401 [, string $encoding = ini_get("default_charset") [, bool $double_encode ]]]): string'4577 },4578 implode: {4579 description: 'Join array elements with a string',4580 signature: '( string $glue , array $pieces ): string'4581 },4582 join: {4583 description: 'Alias of implode',4584 },4585 lcfirst: {4586 description: 'Make a string\'s first character lowercase',4587 signature: '( string $str ): string'4588 },4589 levenshtein: {4590 description: 'Calculate Levenshtein distance between two strings',4591 signature: '( string $str1 , string $str2 , int $cost_ins , int $cost_rep , int $cost_del ): int'4592 },4593 localeconv: {4594 description: 'Get numeric formatting information',4595 signature: '(void): array'4596 },4597 ltrim: {4598 description: 'Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string',4599 signature: '( string $str [, string $character_mask ]): string'4600 },4601 md5_file: {4602 description: 'Calculates the md5 hash of a given file',4603 signature: '( string $filename [, bool $raw_output ]): string'4604 },4605 md5: {4606 description: 'Calculate the md5 hash of a string',4607 signature: '( string $str [, bool $raw_output ]): string'4608 },4609 metaphone: {4610 description: 'Calculate the metaphone key of a string',4611 signature: '( string $str [, int $phonemes = 0 ]): string'4612 },4613 money_format: {4614 description: 'Formats a number as a currency string',4615 signature: '( string $format , float $number ): string'4616 },4617 nl_langinfo: {4618 description: 'Query language and locale information',4619 signature: '( int $item ): string'4620 },4621 nl2br: {4622 description: 'Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string',4623 signature: '( string $string [, bool $is_xhtml ]): string'4624 },4625 number_format: {4626 description: 'Format a number with grouped thousands',4627 signature: '( float $number , int $decimals = 0 , string $dec_point = "." , string $thousands_sep = "," ): string'4628 },4629 ord: {4630 description: 'Convert the first byte of a string to a value between 0 and 255',4631 signature: '( string $string ): int'4632 },4633 parse_str: {4634 description: 'Parses the string into variables',4635 signature: '( string $encoded_string [, array $result ]): void'4636 },4637 print: {4638 description: 'Output a string',4639 signature: '( string $arg ): int'4640 },4641 printf: {4642 description: 'Output a formatted string',4643 signature: '( string $format [, mixed $... ]): int'4644 },4645 quoted_printable_decode: {4646 description: 'Convert a quoted-printable string to an 8 bit string',4647 signature: '( string $str ): string'4648 },4649 quoted_printable_encode: {4650 description: 'Convert a 8 bit string to a quoted-printable string',4651 signature: '( string $str ): string'4652 },4653 quotemeta: {4654 description: 'Quote meta characters',4655 signature: '( string $str ): string'4656 },4657 rtrim: {4658 description: 'Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string',4659 signature: '( string $str [, string $character_mask ]): string'4660 },4661 setlocale: {4662 description: 'Set locale information',4663 signature: '( int $category , array $locale [, string $... ]): string'4664 },4665 sha1_file: {4666 description: 'Calculate the sha1 hash of a file',4667 signature: '( string $filename [, bool $raw_output ]): string'4668 },4669 sha1: {4670 description: 'Calculate the sha1 hash of a string',4671 signature: '( string $str [, bool $raw_output ]): string'4672 },4673 similar_text: {4674 description: 'Calculate the similarity between two strings',4675 signature: '( string $first , string $second [, float $percent ]): int'4676 },4677 soundex: {4678 description: 'Calculate the soundex key of a string',4679 signature: '( string $str ): string'4680 },4681 sprintf: {4682 description: 'Return a formatted string',4683 signature: '( string $format [, mixed $... ]): string'4684 },4685 sscanf: {4686 description: 'Parses input from a string according to a format',4687 signature: '( string $str , string $format [, mixed $... ]): mixed'4688 },4689 str_getcsv: {4690 description: 'Parse a CSV string into an array',4691 signature: '( string $input [, string $delimiter = "," [, string $enclosure = \'"\' [, string $escape = "\\" ]]]): array'4692 },4693 str_ireplace: {4694 description: 'Case-insensitive version of str_replace',4695 signature: '( mixed $search , mixed $replace , mixed $subject [, int $count ]): mixed'4696 },4697 str_pad: {4698 description: 'Pad a string to a certain length with another string',4699 signature: '( string $input , int $pad_length [, string $pad_string = " " [, int $pad_type = STR_PAD_RIGHT ]]): string'4700 },4701 str_repeat: {4702 description: 'Repeat a string',4703 signature: '( string $input , int $multiplier ): string'4704 },4705 str_replace: {4706 description: 'Replace all occurrences of the search string with the replacement string',4707 signature: '( mixed $search , mixed $replace , mixed $subject [, int $count ]): mixed'4708 },4709 str_rot13: {4710 description: 'Perform the rot13 transform on a string',4711 signature: '( string $str ): string'4712 },4713 str_shuffle: {4714 description: 'Randomly shuffles a string',4715 signature: '( string $str ): string'4716 },4717 str_split: {4718 description: 'Convert a string to an array',4719 signature: '( string $string [, int $split_length = 1 ]): array'4720 },4721 str_word_count: {4722 description: 'Return information about words used in a string',4723 signature: '( string $string [, int $format = 0 [, string $charlist ]]): mixed'4724 },4725 strcasecmp: {4726 description: 'Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison',4727 signature: '( string $str1 , string $str2 ): int'4728 },4729 strchr: {4730 description: 'Alias of strstr',4731 },4732 strcmp: {4733 description: 'Binary safe string comparison',4734 signature: '( string $str1 , string $str2 ): int'4735 },4736 strcoll: {4737 description: 'Locale based string comparison',4738 signature: '( string $str1 , string $str2 ): int'4739 },4740 strcspn: {4741 description: 'Find length of initial segment not matching mask',4742 signature: '( string $subject , string $mask [, int $start [, int $length ]]): int'4743 },4744 strip_tags: {4745 description: 'Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string',4746 signature: '( string $str [, string $allowable_tags ]): string'4747 },4748 stripcslashes: {4749 description: 'Un-quote string quoted with addcslashes',4750 signature: '( string $str ): string'4751 },4752 stripos: {4753 description: 'Find the position of the first occurrence of a case-insensitive substring in a string',4754 signature: '( string $haystack , mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0 ]): int'4755 },4756 stripslashes: {4757 description: 'Un-quotes a quoted string',4758 signature: '( string $str ): string'4759 },4760 stristr: {4761 description: 'Case-insensitive strstr',4762 signature: '( string $haystack , mixed $needle [, bool $before_needle ]): string'4763 },4764 strlen: {4765 description: 'Get string length',4766 signature: '( string $string ): int'4767 },4768 strnatcasecmp: {4769 description: 'Case insensitive string comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm',4770 signature: '( string $str1 , string $str2 ): int'4771 },4772 strnatcmp: {4773 description: 'String comparisons using a "natural order" algorithm',4774 signature: '( string $str1 , string $str2 ): int'4775 },4776 strncasecmp: {4777 description: 'Binary safe case-insensitive string comparison of the first n characters',4778 signature: '( string $str1 , string $str2 , int $len ): int'4779 },4780 strncmp: {4781 description: 'Binary safe string comparison of the first n characters',4782 signature: '( string $str1 , string $str2 , int $len ): int'4783 },4784 strpbrk: {4785 description: 'Search a string for any of a set of characters',4786 signature: '( string $haystack , string $char_list ): string'4787 },4788 strpos: {4789 description: 'Find the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string',4790 signature: '( string $haystack , mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0 ]): int'4791 },4792 strrchr: {4793 description: 'Find the last occurrence of a character in a string',4794 signature: '( string $haystack , mixed $needle ): string'4795 },4796 strrev: {4797 description: 'Reverse a string',4798 signature: '( string $string ): string'4799 },4800 strripos: {4801 description: 'Find the position of the last occurrence of a case-insensitive substring in a string',4802 signature: '( string $haystack , mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0 ]): int'4803 },4804 strrpos: {4805 description: 'Find the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string',4806 signature: '( string $haystack , mixed $needle [, int $offset = 0 ]): int'4807 },4808 strspn: {4809 description: 'Finds the length of the initial segment of a string consisting entirely of characters contained within a given mask',4810 signature: '( string $subject , string $mask [, int $start [, int $length ]]): int'4811 },4812 strstr: {4813 description: 'Find the first occurrence of a string',4814 signature: '( string $haystack , mixed $needle [, bool $before_needle ]): string'4815 },4816 strtok: {4817 description: 'Tokenize string',4818 signature: '( string $str , string $token ): string'4819 },4820 strtolower: {4821 description: 'Make a string lowercase',4822 signature: '( string $string ): string'4823 },4824 strtoupper: {4825 description: 'Make a string uppercase',4826 signature: '( string $string ): string'4827 },4828 strtr: {4829 description: 'Translate characters or replace substrings',4830 signature: '( string $str , string $from , string $to , array $replace_pairs ): string'4831 },4832 substr_compare: {4833 description: 'Binary safe comparison of two strings from an offset, up to length characters',4834 signature: '( string $main_str , string $str , int $offset [, int $length [, bool $case_insensitivity ]]): int'4835 },4836 substr_count: {4837 description: 'Count the number of substring occurrences',4838 signature: '( string $haystack , string $needle [, int $offset = 0 [, int $length ]]): int'4839 },4840 substr_replace: {4841 description: 'Replace text within a portion of a string',4842 signature: '( mixed $string , mixed $replacement , mixed $start [, mixed $length ]): mixed'4843 },4844 substr: {4845 description: 'Return part of a string',4846 signature: '( string $string , int $start [, int $length ]): string'4847 },4848 trim: {4849 description: 'Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string',4850 signature: '( string $str [, string $character_mask = " \t\n\r\0\x0B" ]): string'4851 },4852 ucfirst: {4853 description: 'Make a string\'s first character uppercase',4854 signature: '( string $str ): string'4855 },4856 ucwords: {4857 description: 'Uppercase the first character of each word in a string',4858 signature: '( string $str [, string $delimiters = " \t\r\n\f\v" ]): string'4859 },4860 vfprintf: {4861 description: 'Write a formatted string to a stream',4862 signature: '( resource $handle , string $format , array $args ): int'4863 },4864 vprintf: {4865 description: 'Output a formatted string',4866 signature: '( string $format , array $args ): int'4867 },4868 vsprintf: {4869 description: 'Return a formatted string',4870 signature: '( string $format , array $args ): string'4871 },4872 wordwrap: {4873 description: 'Wraps a string to a given number of characters',4874 signature: '( string $str [, int $width = 75 [, string $break = "\n" [, bool $cut ]]]): string'4875 },4876 array_change_key_case: {4877 description: 'Changes the case of all keys in an array',4878 signature: '( array $array [, int $case = CASE_LOWER ]): array'4879 },4880 array_chunk: {4881 description: 'Split an array into chunks',4882 signature: '( array $array , int $size [, bool $preserve_keys ]): array'4883 },4884 array_column: {4885 description: 'Return the values from a single column in the input array',4886 signature: '( array $input , mixed $column_key [, mixed $index_key ]): array'4887 },4888 array_combine: {4889 description: 'Creates an array by using one array for keys and another for its values',4890 signature: '( array $keys , array $values ): array'4891 },4892 array_count_values: {4893 description: 'Counts all the values of an array',4894 signature: '( array $array ): array'4895 },4896 array_diff_assoc: {4897 description: 'Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check',4898 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... ]): array'4899 },4900 array_diff_key: {4901 description: 'Computes the difference of arrays using keys for comparison',4902 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... ]): array'4903 },4904 array_diff_uassoc: {4905 description: 'Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check which is performed by a user supplied callback function',4906 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... , callable $key_compare_func ]): array'4907 },4908 array_diff_ukey: {4909 description: 'Computes the difference of arrays using a callback function on the keys for comparison',4910 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... , callable $key_compare_func ]): array'4911 },4912 array_diff: {4913 description: 'Computes the difference of arrays',4914 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... ]): array'4915 },4916 array_fill_keys: {4917 description: 'Fill an array with values, specifying keys',4918 signature: '( array $keys , mixed $value ): array'4919 },4920 array_fill: {4921 description: 'Fill an array with values',4922 signature: '( int $start_index , int $num , mixed $value ): array'4923 },4924 array_filter: {4925 description: 'Filters elements of an array using a callback function',4926 signature: '( array $array [, callable $callback [, int $flag = 0 ]]): array'4927 },4928 array_flip: {4929 description: 'Exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array',4930 signature: '( array $array ): string'4931 },4932 array_intersect_assoc: {4933 description: 'Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check',4934 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... ]): array'4935 },4936 array_intersect_key: {4937 description: 'Computes the intersection of arrays using keys for comparison',4938 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... ]): array'4939 },4940 array_intersect_uassoc: {4941 description: 'Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check, compares indexes by a callback function',4942 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... , callable $key_compare_func ]): array'4943 },4944 array_intersect_ukey: {4945 description: 'Computes the intersection of arrays using a callback function on the keys for comparison',4946 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... , callable $key_compare_func ]): array'4947 },4948 array_intersect: {4949 description: 'Computes the intersection of arrays',4950 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... ]): array'4951 },4952 array_key_exists: {4953 description: 'Checks if the given key or index exists in the array',4954 signature: '( mixed $key , array $array ): bool'4955 },4956 array_key_first: {4957 description: 'Gets the first key of an array',4958 signature: '( array $array ): mixed'4959 },4960 array_key_last: {4961 description: 'Gets the last key of an array',4962 signature: '( array $array ): mixed'4963 },4964 array_keys: {4965 description: 'Return all the keys or a subset of the keys of an array',4966 signature: '( array $array , mixed $search_value [, bool $strict ]): array'4967 },4968 array_map: {4969 description: 'Applies the callback to the elements of the given arrays',4970 signature: '( callable $callback , array $array1 [, array $... ]): array'4971 },4972 array_merge_recursive: {4973 description: 'Merge one or more arrays recursively',4974 signature: '( array $array1 [, array $... ]): array'4975 },4976 array_merge: {4977 description: 'Merge one or more arrays',4978 signature: '( array $array1 [, array $... ]): array'4979 },4980 array_multisort: {4981 description: 'Sort multiple or multi-dimensional arrays',4982 signature: '( array $array1 [, mixed $array1_sort_order = SORT_ASC [, mixed $array1_sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR [, mixed $... ]]]): string'4983 },4984 array_pad: {4985 description: 'Pad array to the specified length with a value',4986 signature: '( array $array , int $size , mixed $value ): array'4987 },4988 array_pop: {4989 description: 'Pop the element off the end of array',4990 signature: '( array $array ): array'4991 },4992 array_product: {4993 description: 'Calculate the product of values in an array',4994 signature: '( array $array ): number'4995 },4996 array_push: {4997 description: 'Push one or more elements onto the end of array',4998 signature: '( array $array [, mixed $... ]): int'4999 },5000 array_rand: {5001 description: 'Pick one or more random keys out of an array',5002 signature: '( array $array [, int $num = 1 ]): mixed'5003 },5004 array_reduce: {5005 description: 'Iteratively reduce the array to a single value using a callback function',5006 signature: '( array $array , callable $callback [, mixed $initial ]): mixed'5007 },5008 array_replace_recursive: {5009 description: 'Replaces elements from passed arrays into the first array recursively',5010 signature: '( array $array1 [, array $... ]): array'5011 },5012 array_replace: {5013 description: 'Replaces elements from passed arrays into the first array',5014 signature: '( array $array1 [, array $... ]): array'5015 },5016 array_reverse: {5017 description: 'Return an array with elements in reverse order',5018 signature: '( array $array [, bool $preserve_keys ]): array'5019 },5020 array_search: {5021 description: 'Searches the array for a given value and returns the first corresponding key if successful',5022 signature: '( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict ]): mixed'5023 },5024 array_shift: {5025 description: 'Shift an element off the beginning of array',5026 signature: '( array $array ): array'5027 },5028 array_slice: {5029 description: 'Extract a slice of the array',5030 signature: '( array $array , int $offset [, int $length [, bool $preserve_keys ]]): array'5031 },5032 array_splice: {5033 description: 'Remove a portion of the array and replace it with something else',5034 signature: '( array $input , int $offset [, int $length = count($input) [, mixed $replacement = array() ]]): array'5035 },5036 array_sum: {5037 description: 'Calculate the sum of values in an array',5038 signature: '( array $array ): number'5039 },5040 array_udiff_assoc: {5041 description: 'Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check, compares data by a callback function',5042 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... , callable $value_compare_func ]): array'5043 },5044 array_udiff_uassoc: {5045 description: 'Computes the difference of arrays with additional index check, compares data and indexes by a callback function',5046 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... , callable $value_compare_func , callable $key_compare_func ]): array'5047 },5048 array_udiff: {5049 description: 'Computes the difference of arrays by using a callback function for data comparison',5050 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... , callable $value_compare_func ]): array'5051 },5052 array_uintersect_assoc: {5053 description: 'Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check, compares data by a callback function',5054 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... , callable $value_compare_func ]): array'5055 },5056 array_uintersect_uassoc: {5057 description: 'Computes the intersection of arrays with additional index check, compares data and indexes by separate callback functions',5058 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... , callable $value_compare_func , callable $key_compare_func ]): array'5059 },5060 array_uintersect: {5061 description: 'Computes the intersection of arrays, compares data by a callback function',5062 signature: '( array $array1 , array $array2 [, array $... , callable $value_compare_func ]): array'5063 },5064 array_unique: {5065 description: 'Removes duplicate values from an array',5066 signature: '( array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_STRING ]): array'5067 },5068 array_unshift: {5069 description: 'Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of an array',5070 signature: '( array $array [, mixed $... ]): int'5071 },5072 array_values: {5073 description: 'Return all the values of an array',5074 signature: '( array $array ): array'5075 },5076 array_walk_recursive: {5077 description: 'Apply a user function recursively to every member of an array',5078 signature: '( array $array , callable $callback [, mixed $userdata ]): bool'5079 },5080 array_walk: {5081 description: 'Apply a user supplied function to every member of an array',5082 signature: '( array $array , callable $callback [, mixed $userdata ]): bool'5083 },5084 array: {5085 description: 'Create an array',5086 signature: '([ mixed $... ]): array'5087 },5088 arsort: {5089 description: 'Sort an array in reverse order and maintain index association',5090 signature: '( array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR ]): bool'5091 },5092 asort: {5093 description: 'Sort an array and maintain index association',5094 signature: '( array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR ]): bool'5095 },5096 compact: {5097 description: 'Create array containing variables and their values',5098 signature: '( mixed $varname1 [, mixed $... ]): array'5099 },5100 count: {5101 description: 'Count all elements in an array, or something in an object',5102 signature: '( mixed $array_or_countable [, int $mode = COUNT_NORMAL ]): int'5103 },5104 current: {5105 description: 'Return the current element in an array',5106 signature: '( array $array ): mixed'5107 },5108 each: {5109 description: 'Return the current key and value pair from an array and advance the array cursor',5110 signature: '( array $array ): array'5111 },5112 end: {5113 description: 'Set the internal pointer of an array to its last element',5114 signature: '( array $array ): mixed'5115 },5116 extract: {5117 description: 'Import variables into the current symbol table from an array',5118 signature: '( array $array [, int $flags = EXTR_OVERWRITE [, string $prefix ]]): int'5119 },5120 in_array: {5121 description: 'Checks if a value exists in an array',5122 signature: '( mixed $needle , array $haystack [, bool $strict ]): bool'5123 },5124 key_exists: {5125 description: 'Alias of array_key_exists',5126 },5127 key: {5128 description: 'Fetch a key from an array',5129 signature: '( array $array ): mixed'5130 },5131 krsort: {5132 description: 'Sort an array by key in reverse order',5133 signature: '( array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR ]): bool'5134 },5135 ksort: {5136 description: 'Sort an array by key',5137 signature: '( array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR ]): bool'5138 },5139 list: {5140 description: 'Assign variables as if they were an array',5141 signature: '( mixed $var1 [, mixed $... ]): array'5142 },5143 natcasesort: {5144 description: 'Sort an array using a case insensitive "natural order" algorithm',5145 signature: '( array $array ): bool'5146 },5147 natsort: {5148 description: 'Sort an array using a "natural order" algorithm',5149 signature: '( array $array ): bool'5150 },5151 next: {5152 description: 'Advance the internal pointer of an array',5153 signature: '( array $array ): mixed'5154 },5155 pos: {5156 description: 'Alias of current',5157 },5158 prev: {5159 description: 'Rewind the internal array pointer',5160 signature: '( array $array ): mixed'5161 },5162 range: {5163 description: 'Create an array containing a range of elements',5164 signature: '( mixed $start , mixed $end [, number $step = 1 ]): array'5165 },5166 reset: {5167 description: 'Set the internal pointer of an array to its first element',5168 signature: '( array $array ): mixed'5169 },5170 rsort: {5171 description: 'Sort an array in reverse order',5172 signature: '( array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR ]): bool'5173 },5174 shuffle: {5175 description: 'Shuffle an array',5176 signature: '( array $array ): bool'5177 },5178 sizeof: {5179 description: 'Alias of count',5180 },5181 sort: {5182 description: 'Sort an array',5183 signature: '( array $array [, int $sort_flags = SORT_REGULAR ]): bool'5184 },5185 uasort: {5186 description: 'Sort an array with a user-defined comparison function and maintain index association',5187 signature: '( array $array , callable $value_compare_func ): bool'5188 },5189 uksort: {5190 description: 'Sort an array by keys using a user-defined comparison function',5191 signature: '( array $array , callable $key_compare_func ): bool'5192 },5193 usort: {5194 description: 'Sort an array by values using a user-defined comparison function',5195 signature: '( array $array , callable $value_compare_func ): bool'5196 },5197 __autoload: {5198 description: 'Attempt to load undefined class',5199 signature: '( string $class ): void'5200 },5201 call_user_method_array: {5202 description: 'Call a user method given with an array of parameters',5203 signature: '( string $method_name , object $obj , array $params ): mixed'5204 },5205 call_user_method: {5206 description: 'Call a user method on an specific object',5207 signature: '( string $method_name , object $obj [, mixed $... ]): mixed'5208 },5209 class_alias: {5210 description: 'Creates an alias for a class',5211 signature: '( string $original , string $alias [, bool $autoload ]): bool'5212 },5213 class_exists: {5214 description: 'Checks if the class has been defined',5215 signature: '( string $class_name [, bool $autoload ]): bool'5216 },5217 get_called_class: {5218 description: 'The "Late Static Binding" class name',5219 signature: '(void): string'5220 },5221 get_class_methods: {5222 description: 'Gets the class methods\' names',5223 signature: '( mixed $class_name ): array'5224 },5225 get_class_vars: {5226 description: 'Get the default properties of the class',5227 signature: '( string $class_name ): array'5228 },5229 get_class: {5230 description: 'Returns the name of the class of an object',5231 signature: '([ object $object ]): string'5232 },5233 get_declared_classes: {5234 description: 'Returns an array with the name of the defined classes',5235 signature: '(void): array'5236 },5237 get_declared_interfaces: {5238 description: 'Returns an array of all declared interfaces',5239 signature: '(void): array'5240 },5241 get_declared_traits: {5242 description: 'Returns an array of all declared traits',5243 signature: '(void): array'5244 },5245 get_object_vars: {5246 description: 'Gets the properties of the given object',5247 signature: '( object $object ): array'5248 },5249 get_parent_class: {5250 description: 'Retrieves the parent class name for object or class',5251 signature: '([ mixed $object ]): string'5252 },5253 interface_exists: {5254 description: 'Checks if the interface has been defined',5255 signature: '( string $interface_name [, bool $autoload ]): bool'5256 },5257 is_a: {5258 description: 'Checks if the object is of this class or has this class as one of its parents',5259 signature: '( mixed $object , string $class_name [, bool $allow_string ]): bool'5260 },5261 is_subclass_of: {5262 description: 'Checks if the object has this class as one of its parents or implements it',5263 signature: '( mixed $object , string $class_name [, bool $allow_string ]): bool'5264 },5265 method_exists: {5266 description: 'Checks if the class method exists',5267 signature: '( mixed $object , string $method_name ): bool'5268 },5269 property_exists: {5270 description: 'Checks if the object or class has a property',5271 signature: '( mixed $class , string $property ): bool'5272 },5273 trait_exists: {5274 description: 'Checks if the trait exists',5275 signature: '( string $traitname [, bool $autoload ]): bool'5276 },5277 ctype_alnum: {5278 description: 'Check for alphanumeric character(s)',5279 signature: '( string $text ): string'5280 },5281 ctype_alpha: {5282 description: 'Check for alphabetic character(s)',5283 signature: '( string $text ): string'5284 },5285 ctype_cntrl: {5286 description: 'Check for control character(s)',5287 signature: '( string $text ): string'5288 },5289 ctype_digit: {5290 description: 'Check for numeric character(s)',5291 signature: '( string $text ): string'5292 },5293 ctype_graph: {5294 description: 'Check for any printable character(s) except space',5295 signature: '( string $text ): string'5296 },5297 ctype_lower: {5298 description: 'Check for lowercase character(s)',5299 signature: '( string $text ): string'5300 },5301 ctype_print: {5302 description: 'Check for printable character(s)',5303 signature: '( string $text ): string'5304 },5305 ctype_punct: {5306 description: 'Check for any printable character which is not whitespace or an alphanumeric character',5307 signature: '( string $text ): string'5308 },5309 ctype_space: {5310 description: 'Check for whitespace character(s)',5311 signature: '( string $text ): string'5312 },5313 ctype_upper: {5314 description: 'Check for uppercase character(s)',5315 signature: '( string $text ): string'5316 },5317 ctype_xdigit: {5318 description: 'Check for character(s) representing a hexadecimal digit',5319 signature: '( string $text ): string'5320 },5321 filter_has_var: {5322 description: 'Checks if variable of specified type exists',5323 signature: '( int $type , string $variable_name ): bool'5324 },5325 filter_id: {5326 description: 'Returns the filter ID belonging to a named filter',5327 signature: '( string $filtername ): int'5328 },5329 filter_input_array: {5330 description: 'Gets external variables and optionally filters them',5331 signature: '( int $type [, mixed $definition [, bool $add_empty ]]): mixed'5332 },5333 filter_input: {5334 description: 'Gets a specific external variable by name and optionally filters it',5335 signature: '( int $type , string $variable_name [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT [, mixed $options ]]): mixed'5336 },5337 filter_list: {5338 description: 'Returns a list of all supported filters',5339 signature: '(void): array'5340 },5341 filter_var_array: {5342 description: 'Gets multiple variables and optionally filters them',5343 signature: '( array $data [, mixed $definition [, bool $add_empty ]]): mixed'5344 },5345 filter_var: {5346 description: 'Filters a variable with a specified filter',5347 signature: '( mixed $variable [, int $filter = FILTER_DEFAULT [, mixed $options ]]): mixed'5348 },5349 call_user_func_array: {5350 description: 'Call a callback with an array of parameters',5351 signature: '( callable $callback , array $param_arr ): mixed'5352 },5353 call_user_func: {5354 description: 'Call the callback given by the first parameter',5355 signature: '( callable $callback [, mixed $... ]): mixed'5356 },5357 create_function: {5358 description: 'Create an anonymous (lambda-style) function',5359 signature: '( string $args , string $code ): string'5360 },5361 forward_static_call_array: {5362 description: 'Call a static method and pass the arguments as array',5363 signature: '( callable $function , array $parameters ): mixed'5364 },5365 forward_static_call: {5366 description: 'Call a static method',5367 signature: '( callable $function [, mixed $... ]): mixed'5368 },5369 func_get_arg: {5370 description: 'Return an item from the argument list',5371 signature: '( int $arg_num ): mixed'5372 },5373 func_get_args: {5374 description: 'Returns an array comprising a function\'s argument list',5375 signature: '(void): array'5376 },5377 func_num_args: {5378 description: 'Returns the number of arguments passed to the function',5379 signature: '(void): int'5380 },5381 function_exists: {5382 description: 'Return TRUE if the given function has been defined',5383 signature: '( string $function_name ): bool'5384 },5385 get_defined_functions: {5386 description: 'Returns an array of all defined functions',5387 signature: '([ bool $exclude_disabled ]): array'5388 },5389 register_shutdown_function: {5390 description: 'Register a function for execution on shutdown',5391 signature: '( callable $callback [, mixed $... ]): void'5392 },5393 register_tick_function: {5394 description: 'Register a function for execution on each tick',5395 signature: '( callable $function [, mixed $... ]): bool'5396 },5397 unregister_tick_function: {5398 description: 'De-register a function for execution on each tick',5399 signature: '( callable $function ): void'5400 },5401 boolval: {5402 description: 'Get the boolean value of a variable',5403 signature: '( mixed $var ): boolean'5404 },5405 debug_zval_dump: {5406 description: 'Dumps a string representation of an internal zend value to output',5407 signature: '( mixed $variable [, mixed $... ]): void'5408 },5409 doubleval: {5410 description: 'Alias of floatval',5411 },5412 empty: {5413 description: 'Determine whether a variable is empty',5414 signature: '( mixed $var ): bool'5415 },5416 floatval: {5417 description: 'Get float value of a variable',5418 signature: '( mixed $var ): float'5419 },5420 get_defined_vars: {5421 description: 'Returns an array of all defined variables',5422 signature: '(void): array'5423 },5424 get_resource_type: {5425 description: 'Returns the resource type',5426 signature: '( resource $handle ): string'5427 },5428 gettype: {5429 description: 'Get the type of a variable',5430 signature: '( mixed $var ): string'5431 },5432 import_request_variables: {5433 description: 'Import GET/​POST/​Cookie variables into the global scope',5434 signature: '( string $types [, string $prefix ]): bool'5435 },5436 intval: {5437 description: 'Get the integer value of a variable',5438 signature: '( mixed $var [, int $base = 10 ]): integer'5439 },5440 is_array: {5441 description: 'Finds whether a variable is an array',5442 signature: '( mixed $var ): bool'5443 },5444 is_bool: {5445 description: 'Finds out whether a variable is a boolean',5446 signature: '( mixed $var ): bool'5447 },5448 is_callable: {5449 description: 'Verify that the contents of a variable can be called as a function',5450 signature: '( mixed $var [, bool $syntax_only [, string $callable_name ]]): bool'5451 },5452 is_countable: {5453 description: 'Verify that the contents of a variable is a countable value',5454 signature: '( mixed $var ): array'5455 },5456 is_double: {5457 description: 'Alias of is_float',5458 },5459 is_float: {5460 description: 'Finds whether the type of a variable is float',5461 signature: '( mixed $var ): bool'5462 },5463 is_int: {5464 description: 'Find whether the type of a variable is integer',5465 signature: '( mixed $var ): bool'5466 },5467 is_integer: {5468 description: 'Alias of is_int',5469 },5470 is_iterable: {5471 description: 'Verify that the contents of a variable is an iterable value',5472 signature: '( mixed $var ): array'5473 },5474 is_long: {5475 description: 'Alias of is_int',5476 },5477 is_null: {5478 description: 'Finds whether a variable is NULL',5479 signature: '( mixed $var ): bool'5480 },5481 is_numeric: {5482 description: 'Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string',5483 signature: '( mixed $var ): bool'5484 },5485 is_object: {5486 description: 'Finds whether a variable is an object',5487 signature: '( mixed $var ): bool'5488 },5489 is_real: {5490 description: 'Alias of is_float',5491 },5492 is_resource: {5493 description: 'Finds whether a variable is a resource',5494 signature: '( mixed $var ): bool'5495 },5496 is_scalar: {5497 description: 'Finds whether a variable is a scalar',5498 signature: '( mixed $var ): resource'5499 },5500 is_string: {5501 description: 'Find whether the type of a variable is string',5502 signature: '( mixed $var ): bool'5503 },5504 isset: {5505 description: 'Determine if a variable is declared and is different than NULL',5506 signature: '( mixed $var [, mixed $... ]): bool'5507 },5508 print_r: {5509 description: 'Prints human-readable information about a variable',5510 signature: '( mixed $expression [, bool $return ]): mixed'5511 },5512 serialize: {5513 description: 'Generates a storable representation of a value',5514 signature: '( mixed $value ): string'5515 },5516 settype: {5517 description: 'Set the type of a variable',5518 signature: '( mixed $var , string $type ): bool'5519 },5520 strval: {5521 description: 'Get string value of a variable',5522 signature: '( mixed $var ): string'5523 },5524 unserialize: {5525 description: 'Creates a PHP value from a stored representation',5526 signature: '( string $str [, array $options ]): mixed'5527 },5528 unset: {5529 description: 'Unset a given variable',5530 signature: '( mixed $var [, mixed $... ]): void'5531 },5532 var_dump: {5533 description: 'Dumps information about a variable',5534 signature: '( mixed $expression [, mixed $... ]): string'5535 },5536 var_export: {5537 description: 'Outputs or returns a parsable string representation of a variable',5538 signature: '( mixed $expression [, bool $return ]): mixed'5539 },5540 xmlrpc_decode_request: {5541 description: 'Decodes XML into native PHP types',5542 signature: '( string $xml , string $method [, string $encoding ]): mixed'5543 },5544 xmlrpc_decode: {5545 description: 'Decodes XML into native PHP types',5546 signature: '( string $xml [, string $encoding = "iso-8859-1" ]): mixed'5547 },5548 xmlrpc_encode_request: {5549 description: 'Generates XML for a method request',5550 signature: '( string $method , mixed $params [, array $output_options ]): string'5551 },5552 xmlrpc_encode: {5553 description: 'Generates XML for a PHP value',5554 signature: '( mixed $value ): string'5555 },5556 xmlrpc_get_type: {5557 description: 'Gets xmlrpc type for a PHP value',5558 signature: '( mixed $value ): string'5559 },5560 xmlrpc_is_fault: {5561 description: 'Determines if an array value represents an XMLRPC fault',5562 signature: '( array $arg ): bool'5563 },5564 xmlrpc_parse_method_descriptions: {5565 description: 'Decodes XML into a list of method descriptions',5566 signature: '( string $xml ): array'5567 },5568 xmlrpc_server_add_introspection_data: {5569 description: 'Adds introspection documentation',5570 signature: '( resource $server , array $desc ): int'5571 },5572 xmlrpc_server_call_method: {5573 description: 'Parses XML requests and call methods',5574 signature: '( resource $server , string $xml , mixed $user_data [, array $output_options ]): string'5575 },5576 xmlrpc_server_create: {5577 description: 'Creates an xmlrpc server',5578 signature: '(void): resource'5579 },5580 xmlrpc_server_destroy: {5581 description: 'Destroys server resources',5582 signature: '( resource $server ): bool'5583 },5584 xmlrpc_server_register_introspection_callback: {5585 description: 'Register a PHP function to generate documentation',5586 signature: '( resource $server , string $function ): bool'5587 },5588 xmlrpc_server_register_method: {5589 description: 'Register a PHP function to resource method matching method_name',5590 signature: '( resource $server , string $method_name , string $function ): bool'5591 },5592 xmlrpc_set_type: {5593 description: 'Sets xmlrpc type, base64 or datetime, for a PHP string value',5594 signature: '( string $value , string $type ): bool'5595 },5596 com_create_guid: {5597 description: 'Generate a globally unique identifier (GUID)',5598 signature: '(void): string'5599 },5600 com_event_sink: {5601 description: 'Connect events from a COM object to a PHP object',5602 signature: '( variant $comobject , object $sinkobject [, mixed $sinkinterface ]): bool'5603 },5604 com_get_active_object: {5605 description: 'Returns a handle to an already running instance of a COM object',5606 signature: '( string $progid [, int $code_page ]): variant'5607 },5608 com_load_typelib: {5609 description: 'Loads a Typelib',5610 signature: '( string $typelib_name [, bool $case_sensitive ]): bool'5611 },5612 com_message_pump: {5613 description: 'Process COM messages, sleeping for up to timeoutms milliseconds',5614 signature: '([ int $timeoutms = 0 ]): bool'5615 },5616 com_print_typeinfo: {5617 description: 'Print out a PHP class definition for a dispatchable interface',5618 signature: '( object $comobject [, string $dispinterface [, bool $wantsink ]]): bool'5619 },5620 variant_abs: {5621 description: 'Returns the absolute value of a variant',5622 signature: '( mixed $val ): mixed'5623 },5624 variant_add: {5625 description: '"Adds" two variant values together and returns the result',5626 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5627 },5628 variant_and: {5629 description: 'Performs a bitwise AND operation between two variants',5630 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5631 },5632 variant_cast: {5633 description: 'Convert a variant into a new variant object of another type',5634 signature: '( variant $variant , int $type ): variant'5635 },5636 variant_cat: {5637 description: 'Concatenates two variant values together and returns the result',5638 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5639 },5640 variant_cmp: {5641 description: 'Compares two variants',5642 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right [, int $lcid [, int $flags ]]): int'5643 },5644 variant_date_from_timestamp: {5645 description: 'Returns a variant date representation of a Unix timestamp',5646 signature: '( int $timestamp ): variant'5647 },5648 variant_date_to_timestamp: {5649 description: 'Converts a variant date/​time value to Unix timestamp',5650 signature: '( variant $variant ): int'5651 },5652 variant_div: {5653 description: 'Returns the result from dividing two variants',5654 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5655 },5656 variant_eqv: {5657 description: 'Performs a bitwise equivalence on two variants',5658 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5659 },5660 variant_fix: {5661 description: 'Returns the integer portion of a variant',5662 signature: '( mixed $variant ): mixed'5663 },5664 variant_get_type: {5665 description: 'Returns the type of a variant object',5666 signature: '( variant $variant ): int'5667 },5668 variant_idiv: {5669 description: 'Converts variants to integers and then returns the result from dividing them',5670 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5671 },5672 variant_imp: {5673 description: 'Performs a bitwise implication on two variants',5674 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5675 },5676 variant_int: {5677 description: 'Returns the integer portion of a variant',5678 signature: '( mixed $variant ): mixed'5679 },5680 variant_mod: {5681 description: 'Divides two variants and returns only the remainder',5682 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5683 },5684 variant_mul: {5685 description: 'Multiplies the values of the two variants',5686 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5687 },5688 variant_neg: {5689 description: 'Performs logical negation on a variant',5690 signature: '( mixed $variant ): mixed'5691 },5692 variant_not: {5693 description: 'Performs bitwise not negation on a variant',5694 signature: '( mixed $variant ): mixed'5695 },5696 variant_or: {5697 description: 'Performs a logical disjunction on two variants',5698 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5699 },5700 variant_pow: {5701 description: 'Returns the result of performing the power function with two variants',5702 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5703 },5704 variant_round: {5705 description: 'Rounds a variant to the specified number of decimal places',5706 signature: '( mixed $variant , int $decimals ): mixed'5707 },5708 variant_set_type: {5709 description: 'Convert a variant into another type "in-place"',5710 signature: '( variant $variant , int $type ): void'5711 },5712 variant_set: {5713 description: 'Assigns a new value for a variant object',5714 signature: '( variant $variant , mixed $value ): void'5715 },5716 variant_sub: {5717 description: 'Subtracts the value of the right variant from the left variant value',5718 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5719 },5720 variant_xor: {5721 description: 'Performs a logical exclusion on two variants',5722 signature: '( mixed $left , mixed $right ): mixed'5723 },5724 libxml_clear_errors: {5725 description: 'Clear libxml error buffer',5726 signature: '(void): void'5727 },5728 libxml_disable_entity_loader: {5729 description: 'Disable the ability to load external entities',5730 signature: '([ bool $disable ]): bool'5731 },5732 libxml_get_errors: {5733 description: 'Retrieve array of errors',5734 signature: '(void): array'5735 },5736 libxml_get_last_error: {5737 description: 'Retrieve last error from libxml',5738 signature: '(void): LibXMLError'5739 },5740 libxml_set_external_entity_loader: {5741 description: 'Changes the default external entity loader',5742 signature: '( callable $resolver_function ): bool'5743 },5744 libxml_set_streams_context: {5745 description: 'Set the streams context for the next libxml document load or write',5746 signature: '( resource $streams_context ): void'5747 },5748 libxml_use_internal_errors: {5749 description: 'Disable libxml errors and allow user to fetch error information as needed',5750 signature: '([ bool $use_errors ]): bool'5751 },5752 simplexml_import_dom: {5753 description: 'Get a SimpleXMLElement object from a DOM node',5754 signature: '( DOMNode $node [, string $class_name = "SimpleXMLElement" ]): SimpleXMLElement'5755 },5756 simplexml_load_file: {5757 description: 'Interprets an XML file into an object',5758 signature: '( string $filename [, string $class_name = "SimpleXMLElement" [, int $options = 0 [, string $ns = "" [, bool $is_prefix ]]]]): SimpleXMLElement'5759 },5760 simplexml_load_string: {5761 description: 'Interprets a string of XML into an object',5762 signature: '( string $data [, string $class_name = "SimpleXMLElement" [, int $options = 0 [, string $ns = "" [, bool $is_prefix ]]]]): SimpleXMLElement'5763 },5764 utf8_decode: {5765 description: 'Converts a string with ISO-8859-1 characters encoded with UTF-8 to single-byte ISO-8859-1',5766 signature: '( string $data ): string'5767 },5768 utf8_encode: {5769 description: 'Encodes an ISO-8859-1 string to UTF-8',5770 signature: '( string $data ): string'5771 },5772 xml_error_string: {5773 description: 'Get XML parser error string',5774 signature: '( int $code ): string'5775 },5776 xml_get_current_byte_index: {5777 description: 'Get current byte index for an XML parser',5778 signature: '( resource $parser ): int'5779 },5780 xml_get_current_column_number: {5781 description: 'Get current column number for an XML parser',5782 signature: '( resource $parser ): int'5783 },5784 xml_get_current_line_number: {5785 description: 'Get current line number for an XML parser',5786 signature: '( resource $parser ): int'5787 },5788 xml_get_error_code: {5789 description: 'Get XML parser error code',5790 signature: '( resource $parser ): int'5791 },5792 xml_parse_into_struct: {5793 description: 'Parse XML data into an array structure',5794 signature: '( resource $parser , string $data , array $values [, array $index ]): int'5795 },5796 xml_parse: {5797 description: 'Start parsing an XML document',5798 signature: '( resource $parser , string $data [, bool $is_final ]): int'5799 },5800 xml_parser_create_ns: {5801 description: 'Create an XML parser with namespace support',5802 signature: '([ string $encoding [, string $separator = ":" ]]): resource'5803 },5804 xml_parser_create: {5805 description: 'Create an XML parser',5806 signature: '([ string $encoding ]): resource'5807 },5808 xml_parser_free: {5809 description: 'Free an XML parser',5810 signature: '( resource $parser ): bool'5811 },5812 xml_parser_get_option: {5813 description: 'Get options from an XML parser',5814 signature: '( resource $parser , int $option ): mixed'5815 },5816 xml_parser_set_option: {5817 description: 'Set options in an XML parser',5818 signature: '( resource $parser , int $option , mixed $value ): bool'5819 },5820 xml_set_character_data_handler: {5821 description: 'Set up character data handler',5822 signature: '( resource $parser , callable $handler ): bool'5823 },5824 xml_set_default_handler: {5825 description: 'Set up default handler',5826 signature: '( resource $parser , callable $handler ): bool'5827 },5828 xml_set_element_handler: {5829 description: 'Set up start and end element handlers',5830 signature: '( resource $parser , callable $start_element_handler , callable $end_element_handler ): bool'5831 },5832 xml_set_end_namespace_decl_handler: {5833 description: 'Set up end namespace declaration handler',5834 signature: '( resource $parser , callable $handler ): bool'5835 },5836 xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler: {5837 description: 'Set up external entity reference handler',5838 signature: '( resource $parser , callable $handler ): bool'5839 },5840 xml_set_notation_decl_handler: {5841 description: 'Set up notation declaration handler',5842 signature: '( resource $parser , callable $handler ): bool'5843 },5844 xml_set_object: {5845 description: 'Use XML Parser within an object',5846 signature: '( resource $parser , object $object ): bool'5847 },5848 xml_set_processing_instruction_handler: {5849 description: 'Set up processing instruction (PI) handler',5850 signature: '( resource $parser , callable $handler ): bool'5851 },5852 xml_set_start_namespace_decl_handler: {5853 description: 'Set up start namespace declaration handler',5854 signature: '( resource $parser , callable $handler ): bool'5855 },5856 xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler: {5857 description: 'Set up unparsed entity declaration handler',5858 signature: '( resource $parser , callable $handler ): bool'5859 },5860 xmlwriter_end_attribute: {5861 description: 'End attribute',5862 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5863 },5864 xmlwriter_end_cdata: {5865 description: 'End current CDATA',5866 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5867 },5868 xmlwriter_end_comment: {5869 description: 'Create end comment',5870 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5871 },5872 xmlwriter_end_document: {5873 description: 'End current document',5874 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5875 },5876 xmlwriter_end_dtd_attlist: {5877 description: 'End current DTD AttList',5878 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5879 },5880 xmlwriter_end_dtd_element: {5881 description: 'End current DTD element',5882 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5883 },5884 xmlwriter_end_dtd_entity: {5885 description: 'End current DTD Entity',5886 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5887 },5888 xmlwriter_end_dtd: {5889 description: 'End current DTD',5890 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5891 },5892 xmlwriter_end_element: {5893 description: 'End current element',5894 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5895 },5896 xmlwriter_end_pi: {5897 description: 'End current PI',5898 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5899 },5900 xmlwriter_flush: {5901 description: 'Flush current buffer',5902 signature: '([ bool $empty , resource $xmlwriter ]): mixed'5903 },5904 xmlwriter_full_end_element: {5905 description: 'End current element',5906 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5907 },5908 xmlwriter_open_memory: {5909 description: 'Create new xmlwriter using memory for string output',5910 signature: '(void): resource'5911 },5912 xmlwriter_open_uri: {5913 description: 'Create new xmlwriter using source uri for output',5914 signature: '( string $uri ): resource'5915 },5916 xmlwriter_output_memory: {5917 description: 'Returns current buffer',5918 signature: '([ bool $flush , resource $xmlwriter ]): string'5919 },5920 xmlwriter_set_indent_string: {5921 description: 'Set string used for indenting',5922 signature: '( string $indentString , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5923 },5924 xmlwriter_set_indent: {5925 description: 'Toggle indentation on/​off',5926 signature: '( bool $indent , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5927 },5928 xmlwriter_start_attribute_ns: {5929 description: 'Create start namespaced attribute',5930 signature: '( string $prefix , string $name , string $uri , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5931 },5932 xmlwriter_start_attribute: {5933 description: 'Create start attribute',5934 signature: '( string $name , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5935 },5936 xmlwriter_start_cdata: {5937 description: 'Create start CDATA tag',5938 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5939 },5940 xmlwriter_start_comment: {5941 description: 'Create start comment',5942 signature: '( resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5943 },5944 xmlwriter_start_document: {5945 description: 'Create document tag',5946 signature: '([ string $version = 1.0 [, string $encoding [, string $standalone , resource $xmlwriter ]]]): bool'5947 },5948 xmlwriter_start_dtd_attlist: {5949 description: 'Create start DTD AttList',5950 signature: '( string $name , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5951 },5952 xmlwriter_start_dtd_element: {5953 description: 'Create start DTD element',5954 signature: '( string $qualifiedName , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5955 },5956 xmlwriter_start_dtd_entity: {5957 description: 'Create start DTD Entity',5958 signature: '( string $name , bool $isparam , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5959 },5960 xmlwriter_start_dtd: {5961 description: 'Create start DTD tag',5962 signature: '( string $qualifiedName [, string $publicId [, string $systemId , resource $xmlwriter ]]): bool'5963 },5964 xmlwriter_start_element_ns: {5965 description: 'Create start namespaced element tag',5966 signature: '( string $prefix , string $name , string $uri , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5967 },5968 xmlwriter_start_element: {5969 description: 'Create start element tag',5970 signature: '( string $name , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5971 },5972 xmlwriter_start_pi: {5973 description: 'Create start PI tag',5974 signature: '( string $target , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5975 },5976 xmlwriter_text: {5977 description: 'Write text',5978 signature: '( string $content , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5979 },5980 xmlwriter_write_attribute_ns: {5981 description: 'Write full namespaced attribute',5982 signature: '( string $prefix , string $name , string $uri , string $content , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5983 },5984 xmlwriter_write_attribute: {5985 description: 'Write full attribute',5986 signature: '( string $name , string $value , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5987 },5988 xmlwriter_write_cdata: {5989 description: 'Write full CDATA tag',5990 signature: '( string $content , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5991 },5992 xmlwriter_write_comment: {5993 description: 'Write full comment tag',5994 signature: '( string $content , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5995 },5996 xmlwriter_write_dtd_attlist: {5997 description: 'Write full DTD AttList tag',5998 signature: '( string $name , string $content , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'5999 },6000 xmlwriter_write_dtd_element: {6001 description: 'Write full DTD element tag',6002 signature: '( string $name , string $content , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'6003 },6004 xmlwriter_write_dtd_entity: {6005 description: 'Write full DTD Entity tag',6006 signature: '( string $name , string $content , bool $pe , string $pubid , string $sysid , string $ndataid , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'6007 },6008 xmlwriter_write_dtd: {6009 description: 'Write full DTD tag',6010 signature: '( string $name [, string $publicId [, string $systemId [, string $subset , resource $xmlwriter ]]]): bool'6011 },6012 xmlwriter_write_element_ns: {6013 description: 'Write full namespaced element tag',6014 signature: '( string $prefix , string $name , string $uri [, string $content , resource $xmlwriter ]): bool'6015 },6016 xmlwriter_write_element: {6017 description: 'Write full element tag',6018 signature: '( string $name [, string $content , resource $xmlwriter ]): bool'6019 },6020 xmlwriter_write_pi: {6021 description: 'Writes a PI',6022 signature: '( string $target , string $content , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'6023 },6024 xmlwriter_write_raw: {6025 description: 'Write a raw XML text',6026 signature: '( string $content , resource $xmlwriter ): bool'6027 },...

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...34_FLOAT = meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(35 name="foobar",36 dtype=dtypes.float32.as_datatype_enum37)38def _make_signature(inputs, outputs, name=None):39 input_info = {40 input_name: utils.build_tensor_info(tensor)41 for input_name, tensor in inputs.items()42 }43 output_info = {44 output_name: utils.build_tensor_info(tensor)45 for output_name, tensor in outputs.items()46 }47 return signature_def_utils_impl.build_signature_def(input_info, output_info,48 name)49class SignatureDefUtilsTest(test.TestCase):50 def testBuildSignatureDef(self):51 x = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, 1, name="x")52 x_tensor_info = utils.build_tensor_info(x)53 inputs = dict()54 inputs["foo-input"] = x_tensor_info55 y = array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, name="y")56 y_tensor_info = utils.build_tensor_info(y)57 outputs = dict()58 outputs["foo-output"] = y_tensor_info59 signature_def = signature_def_utils_impl.build_signature_def(60 inputs, outputs, "foo-method-name")61 self.assertEqual("foo-method-name", signature_def.method_name)62 # Check inputs in signature def.63 self.assertEqual(1, len(signature_def.inputs))64 x_tensor_info_actual = signature_def.inputs["foo-input"]65 self.assertEqual("x:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_FLOAT, x_tensor_info_actual.dtype)67 self.assertEqual(1, len(x_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))68 self.assertEqual(1, x_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim[0].size)69 # Check outputs in signature def.70 self.assertEqual(1, len(signature_def.outputs))71 y_tensor_info_actual = signature_def.outputs["foo-output"]72 self.assertEqual("y:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_FLOAT, y_tensor_info_actual.dtype)74 self.assertEqual(0, len(y_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))75 def testRegressionSignatureDef(self):76 input1 = constant_op.constant("a", name="input-1")77 output1 = constant_op.constant(2.2, name="output-1")78 signature_def = signature_def_utils_impl.regression_signature_def(79 input1, output1)80 self.assertEqual(signature_constants.REGRESS_METHOD_NAME,81 signature_def.method_name)82 # Check inputs in signature def.83 self.assertEqual(1, len(signature_def.inputs))84 x_tensor_info_actual = (85 signature_def.inputs[signature_constants.REGRESS_INPUTS])86 self.assertEqual("input-1:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_STRING, x_tensor_info_actual.dtype)88 self.assertEqual(0, len(x_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))89 # Check outputs in signature def.90 self.assertEqual(1, len(signature_def.outputs))91 y_tensor_info_actual = (92 signature_def.outputs[signature_constants.REGRESS_OUTPUTS])93 self.assertEqual("output-1:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_FLOAT, y_tensor_info_actual.dtype)95 self.assertEqual(0, len(y_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))96 def testClassificationSignatureDef(self):97 input1 = constant_op.constant("a", name="input-1")98 output1 = constant_op.constant("b", name="output-1")99 output2 = constant_op.constant(3.3, name="output-2")100 signature_def = signature_def_utils_impl.classification_signature_def(101 input1, output1, output2)102 self.assertEqual(signature_constants.CLASSIFY_METHOD_NAME,103 signature_def.method_name)104 # Check inputs in signature def.105 self.assertEqual(1, len(signature_def.inputs))106 x_tensor_info_actual = (107 signature_def.inputs[signature_constants.CLASSIFY_INPUTS])108 self.assertEqual("input-1:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_STRING, x_tensor_info_actual.dtype)110 self.assertEqual(0, len(x_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))111 # Check outputs in signature def.112 self.assertEqual(2, len(signature_def.outputs))113 classes_tensor_info_actual = (114 signature_def.outputs[signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_CLASSES])115 self.assertEqual("output-1:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_STRING, classes_tensor_info_actual.dtype)117 self.assertEqual(0, len(classes_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))118 scores_tensor_info_actual = (119 signature_def.outputs[signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_SCORES])120 self.assertEqual("output-2:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_FLOAT, scores_tensor_info_actual.dtype)122 self.assertEqual(0, len(scores_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))123 def testPredictionSignatureDef(self):124 input1 = constant_op.constant("a", name="input-1")125 input2 = constant_op.constant("b", name="input-2")126 output1 = constant_op.constant("c", name="output-1")127 output2 = constant_op.constant("d", name="output-2")128 signature_def = signature_def_utils_impl.predict_signature_def({129 "input-1": input1,130 "input-2": input2131 }, {"output-1": output1,132 "output-2": output2})133 self.assertEqual(signature_constants.PREDICT_METHOD_NAME,134 signature_def.method_name)135 # Check inputs in signature def.136 self.assertEqual(2, len(signature_def.inputs))137 input1_tensor_info_actual = (signature_def.inputs["input-1"])138 self.assertEqual("input-1:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_STRING, input1_tensor_info_actual.dtype)140 self.assertEqual(0, len(input1_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))141 input2_tensor_info_actual = (signature_def.inputs["input-2"])142 self.assertEqual("input-2:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_STRING, input2_tensor_info_actual.dtype)144 self.assertEqual(0, len(input2_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))145 # Check outputs in signature def.146 self.assertEqual(2, len(signature_def.outputs))147 output1_tensor_info_actual = (signature_def.outputs["output-1"])148 self.assertEqual("output-1:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_STRING, output1_tensor_info_actual.dtype)150 self.assertEqual(0, len(output1_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))151 output2_tensor_info_actual = (signature_def.outputs["output-2"])152 self.assertEqual("output-2:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_STRING, output2_tensor_info_actual.dtype)154 self.assertEqual(0, len(output2_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))155 def testTrainSignatureDef(self):156 self._testSupervisedSignatureDef(157 signature_def_utils_impl.supervised_train_signature_def,158 signature_constants.SUPERVISED_TRAIN_METHOD_NAME)159 def testEvalSignatureDef(self):160 self._testSupervisedSignatureDef(161 signature_def_utils_impl.supervised_eval_signature_def,162 signature_constants.SUPERVISED_EVAL_METHOD_NAME)163 def _testSupervisedSignatureDef(self, fn_to_test, method_name):164 inputs = {165 "input-1": constant_op.constant("a", name="input-1"),166 "input-2": constant_op.constant("b", name="input-2"),167 }168 loss = {"loss-1": constant_op.constant(0.45, name="loss-1")}169 predictions = {170 "classes": constant_op.constant([100], name="classes"),171 }172 metrics_val = constant_op.constant(100.0, name="metrics_val")173 metrics = {174 "metrics/​value": metrics_val,175 "metrics/​update_op": array_ops.identity(metrics_val, name="metrics_op"),176 }177 signature_def = fn_to_test(inputs, loss, predictions, metrics)178 self.assertEqual(method_name, signature_def.method_name)179 # Check inputs in signature def.180 self.assertEqual(2, len(signature_def.inputs))181 input1_tensor_info_actual = (signature_def.inputs["input-1"])182 self.assertEqual("input-1:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_STRING, input1_tensor_info_actual.dtype)184 self.assertEqual(0, len(input1_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))185 input2_tensor_info_actual = (signature_def.inputs["input-2"])186 self.assertEqual("input-2:0", self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_STRING, input2_tensor_info_actual.dtype)188 self.assertEqual(0, len(input2_tensor_info_actual.tensor_shape.dim))189 # Check outputs in signature def.190 self.assertEqual(4, len(signature_def.outputs))191 self.assertEqual("loss-1:0", signature_def.outputs["loss-1"].name)192 self.assertEqual(types_pb2.DT_FLOAT, signature_def.outputs["loss-1"].dtype)193 self.assertEqual("classes:0", signature_def.outputs["classes"].name)194 self.assertEqual(1, len(signature_def.outputs["classes"].tensor_shape.dim))195 self.assertEqual(196 "metrics_val:0", signature_def.outputs["metrics/​value"].name)197 self.assertEqual(198 types_pb2.DT_FLOAT, signature_def.outputs["metrics/​value"].dtype)199 self.assertEqual(200 "metrics_op:0", signature_def.outputs["metrics/​update_op"].name)201 self.assertEqual(202 types_pb2.DT_FLOAT, signature_def.outputs["metrics/​value"].dtype)203 def testTrainSignatureDefMissingInputs(self):204 self._testSupervisedSignatureDefMissingInputs(205 signature_def_utils_impl.supervised_train_signature_def,206 signature_constants.SUPERVISED_TRAIN_METHOD_NAME)207 def testEvalSignatureDefMissingInputs(self):208 self._testSupervisedSignatureDefMissingInputs(209 signature_def_utils_impl.supervised_eval_signature_def,210 signature_constants.SUPERVISED_EVAL_METHOD_NAME)211 def _testSupervisedSignatureDefMissingInputs(self, fn_to_test, method_name):212 inputs = {213 "input-1": constant_op.constant("a", name="input-1"),214 "input-2": constant_op.constant("b", name="input-2"),215 }216 loss = {"loss-1": constant_op.constant(0.45, name="loss-1")}217 predictions = {218 "classes": constant_op.constant([100], name="classes"),219 }220 metrics_val = constant_op.constant(100, name="metrics_val")221 metrics = {222 "metrics/​value": metrics_val,223 "metrics/​update_op": array_ops.identity(metrics_val, name="metrics_op"),224 }225 with self.assertRaises(ValueError):226 signature_def = fn_to_test(227 {}, loss=loss, predictions=predictions, metrics=metrics)228 signature_def = fn_to_test(inputs, loss=loss)229 self.assertEqual(method_name, signature_def.method_name)230 self.assertEqual(1, len(signature_def.outputs))231 signature_def = fn_to_test(inputs, metrics=metrics, loss=loss)232 self.assertEqual(method_name, signature_def.method_name)233 self.assertEqual(3, len(signature_def.outputs))234 def testGetShapeAndTypes(self):235 inputs = {236 "input-1": constant_op.constant(["a", "b"]),237 "input-2": array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, [10, 11]),238 }239 outputs = {240 "output-1": array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, [10, 32]),241 "output-2": constant_op.constant([["b"]]),242 }243 signature_def = _make_signature(inputs, outputs)244 self.assertEqual(245 signature_def_utils_impl.get_signature_def_input_shapes(signature_def),246 {"input-1": [2], "input-2": [10, 11]})247 self.assertEqual(248 signature_def_utils_impl.get_signature_def_output_shapes(signature_def),249 {"output-1": [10, 32], "output-2": [1, 1]})250 self.assertEqual(251 signature_def_utils_impl.get_signature_def_input_types(signature_def),252 {"input-1": dtypes.string, "input-2": dtypes.float32})253 self.assertEqual(254 signature_def_utils_impl.get_signature_def_output_types(signature_def),255 {"output-1": dtypes.float32, "output-2": dtypes.string})256 def testGetNonFullySpecifiedShapes(self):257 outputs = {258 "output-1": array_ops.placeholder(dtypes.float32, [None, 10, None]),259 "output-2": array_ops.sparse_placeholder(dtypes.float32),260 }261 signature_def = _make_signature({}, outputs)262 shapes = signature_def_utils_impl.get_signature_def_output_shapes(263 signature_def)264 self.assertEqual(len(shapes), 2)265 # Must compare shapes with as_list() since 2 equivalent non-fully defined266 # shapes are not equal to each other.267 self.assertEqual(shapes["output-1"].as_list(), [None, 10, None])268 # Must compare `dims` since its an unknown shape.269 self.assertEqual(shapes["output-2"].dims, None)270 def _assertValidSignature(self, inputs, outputs, method_name):271 signature_def = signature_def_utils_impl.build_signature_def(272 inputs, outputs, method_name)273 self.assertTrue(274 signature_def_utils_impl.is_valid_signature(signature_def))275 def _assertInvalidSignature(self, inputs, outputs, method_name):276 signature_def = signature_def_utils_impl.build_signature_def(277 inputs, outputs, method_name)278 self.assertFalse(279 signature_def_utils_impl.is_valid_signature(signature_def))280 def testValidSignaturesAreAccepted(self):281 self._assertValidSignature(282 {"inputs": _STRING},283 {"classes": _STRING, "scores": _FLOAT},284 signature_constants.CLASSIFY_METHOD_NAME)285 self._assertValidSignature(286 {"inputs": _STRING},287 {"classes": _STRING},288 signature_constants.CLASSIFY_METHOD_NAME)289 self._assertValidSignature(290 {"inputs": _STRING},291 {"scores": _FLOAT},292 signature_constants.CLASSIFY_METHOD_NAME)293 self._assertValidSignature(...

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1# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.2#3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.5# You may obtain a copy of the License at6#7# http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.08#9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13# limitations under the License.14# ==============================================================================15"""Tests for"""16from __future__ import absolute_import17from __future__ import division18from __future__ import print_function19import os.path20from tensorflow.contrib.session_bundle import bundle_shim21from tensorflow.contrib.session_bundle import constants22from tensorflow.contrib.session_bundle import manifest_pb223from tensorflow.core.protobuf import config_pb224from tensorflow.core.protobuf import meta_graph_pb225from tensorflow.python.framework import meta_graph26from tensorflow.python.framework import ops27import tensorflow.python.ops.parsing_ops # pylint: disable=unused-import28from tensorflow.python.platform import test29from tensorflow.python.saved_model import signature_constants30from tensorflow.python.saved_model import tag_constants31from tensorflow.python.util import compat32SAVED_MODEL_PATH = ("cc/​saved_model/​testdata/​half_plus_two/​00000123")33SESSION_BUNDLE_PATH = "contrib/​session_bundle/​testdata/​half_plus_two/​00000123"34class BundleShimTest(test.TestCase):35 def testBadPath(self):36 base_path = test.test_src_dir_path("/​no/​such/​a/​dir")37 ops.reset_default_graph()38 with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):39 _, _ = bundle_shim.load_session_bundle_or_saved_model_bundle_from_path(40 base_path)41 def testAddInputToSignatureDef(self):42 signature_def = meta_graph_pb2.SignatureDef()43 signature_def_compare = meta_graph_pb2.SignatureDef()44 # Add input to signature-def corresponding to `foo_key`.45 bundle_shim._add_input_to_signature_def("foo-name", "foo-key",46 signature_def)47 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.inputs), 1)48 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.outputs), 0)49 self.assertProtoEquals(50 signature_def.inputs["foo-key"],51 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="foo-name"))52 # Attempt to add another input to the signature-def with the same tensor53 # name and key.54 bundle_shim._add_input_to_signature_def("foo-name", "foo-key",55 signature_def)56 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.inputs), 1)57 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.outputs), 0)58 self.assertProtoEquals(59 signature_def.inputs["foo-key"],60 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="foo-name"))61 # Add another input to the signature-def corresponding to `bar-key`.62 bundle_shim._add_input_to_signature_def("bar-name", "bar-key",63 signature_def)64 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.inputs), 2)65 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.outputs), 0)66 self.assertProtoEquals(67 signature_def.inputs["bar-key"],68 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="bar-name"))69 # Add an input to the signature-def corresponding to `foo-key` with an70 # updated tensor name.71 bundle_shim._add_input_to_signature_def("bar-name", "foo-key",72 signature_def)73 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.inputs), 2)74 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.outputs), 0)75 self.assertProtoEquals(76 signature_def.inputs["foo-key"],77 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="bar-name"))78 # Test that there are no other side-effects.79 del signature_def.inputs["foo-key"]80 del signature_def.inputs["bar-key"]81 self.assertProtoEquals(signature_def, signature_def_compare)82 def testAddOutputToSignatureDef(self):83 signature_def = meta_graph_pb2.SignatureDef()84 signature_def_compare = meta_graph_pb2.SignatureDef()85 # Add output to signature-def corresponding to `foo_key`.86 bundle_shim._add_output_to_signature_def("foo-name", "foo-key",87 signature_def)88 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.outputs), 1)89 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.inputs), 0)90 self.assertProtoEquals(91 signature_def.outputs["foo-key"],92 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="foo-name"))93 # Attempt to add another output to the signature-def with the same tensor94 # name and key.95 bundle_shim._add_output_to_signature_def("foo-name", "foo-key",96 signature_def)97 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.outputs), 1)98 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.inputs), 0)99 self.assertProtoEquals(100 signature_def.outputs["foo-key"],101 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="foo-name"))102 # Add another output to the signature-def corresponding to `bar-key`.103 bundle_shim._add_output_to_signature_def("bar-name", "bar-key",104 signature_def)105 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.outputs), 2)106 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.inputs), 0)107 self.assertProtoEquals(108 signature_def.outputs["bar-key"],109 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="bar-name"))110 # Add an output to the signature-def corresponding to `foo-key` with an111 # updated tensor name.112 bundle_shim._add_output_to_signature_def("bar-name", "foo-key",113 signature_def)114 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.outputs), 2)115 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.inputs), 0)116 self.assertProtoEquals(117 signature_def.outputs["foo-key"],118 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="bar-name"))119 # Test that there are no other sideeffects.120 del signature_def.outputs["foo-key"]121 del signature_def.outputs["bar-key"]122 self.assertProtoEquals(signature_def, signature_def_compare)123 def testConvertDefaultSignatureGenericToSignatureDef(self):124 signatures_proto = manifest_pb2.Signatures()125 generic_signature = manifest_pb2.GenericSignature()126 signatures_proto.default_signature.generic_signature.CopyFrom(127 generic_signature)128 signature_def = bundle_shim._convert_default_signature_to_signature_def(129 signatures_proto)130 self.assertEquals(signature_def, None)131 def testConvertDefaultSignatureRegressionToSignatureDef(self):132 signatures_proto = manifest_pb2.Signatures()133 regression_signature = manifest_pb2.RegressionSignature()134 regression_signature.input.CopyFrom(135 manifest_pb2.TensorBinding(136 tensor_name=signature_constants.REGRESS_INPUTS))137 regression_signature.output.CopyFrom(138 manifest_pb2.TensorBinding(139 tensor_name=signature_constants.REGRESS_OUTPUTS))140 signatures_proto.default_signature.regression_signature.CopyFrom(141 regression_signature)142 signature_def = bundle_shim._convert_default_signature_to_signature_def(143 signatures_proto)144 # Validate regression signature correctly copied over.145 self.assertEqual(signature_def.method_name,146 signature_constants.REGRESS_METHOD_NAME)147 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.inputs), 1)148 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.outputs), 1)149 self.assertProtoEquals(150 signature_def.inputs[signature_constants.REGRESS_INPUTS],151 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name=signature_constants.REGRESS_INPUTS))152 self.assertProtoEquals(153 signature_def.outputs[signature_constants.REGRESS_OUTPUTS],154 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name=signature_constants.REGRESS_OUTPUTS))155 def testConvertDefaultSignatureClassificationToSignatureDef(self):156 signatures_proto = manifest_pb2.Signatures()157 classification_signature = manifest_pb2.ClassificationSignature()158 classification_signature.input.CopyFrom(159 manifest_pb2.TensorBinding(160 tensor_name=signature_constants.CLASSIFY_INPUTS))161 classification_signature.classes.CopyFrom(162 manifest_pb2.TensorBinding(163 tensor_name=signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_CLASSES))164 classification_signature.scores.CopyFrom(165 manifest_pb2.TensorBinding(166 tensor_name=signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_SCORES))167 signatures_proto.default_signature.classification_signature.CopyFrom(168 classification_signature)169 signatures_proto.default_signature.classification_signature.CopyFrom(170 classification_signature)171 signature_def = bundle_shim._convert_default_signature_to_signature_def(172 signatures_proto)173 # Validate classification signature correctly copied over.174 self.assertEqual(signature_def.method_name,175 signature_constants.CLASSIFY_METHOD_NAME)176 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.inputs), 1)177 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.outputs), 2)178 self.assertProtoEquals(179 signature_def.inputs[signature_constants.CLASSIFY_INPUTS],180 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name=signature_constants.CLASSIFY_INPUTS))181 self.assertProtoEquals(182 signature_def.outputs[signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_SCORES],183 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(184 name=signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_SCORES))185 self.assertProtoEquals(186 signature_def.outputs[signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_CLASSES],187 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(188 name=signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_CLASSES))189 def testConvertNamedSignatureNonGenericToSignatureDef(self):190 signatures_proto = manifest_pb2.Signatures()191 regression_signature = manifest_pb2.RegressionSignature()192 signatures_proto.named_signatures[193 signature_constants.PREDICT_INPUTS].regression_signature.CopyFrom(194 regression_signature)195 with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):196 _ = bundle_shim._convert_named_signatures_to_signature_def(197 signatures_proto)198 signatures_proto = manifest_pb2.Signatures()199 classification_signature = manifest_pb2.ClassificationSignature()200 signatures_proto.named_signatures[201 signature_constants.PREDICT_INPUTS].classification_signature.CopyFrom(202 classification_signature)203 with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):204 _ = bundle_shim._convert_named_signatures_to_signature_def(205 signatures_proto)206 def testConvertNamedSignatureToSignatureDef(self):207 signatures_proto = manifest_pb2.Signatures()208 generic_signature = manifest_pb2.GenericSignature()209["input_key"].CopyFrom(210 manifest_pb2.TensorBinding(tensor_name="input"))211 signatures_proto.named_signatures[212 signature_constants.PREDICT_INPUTS].generic_signature.CopyFrom(213 generic_signature)214 generic_signature = manifest_pb2.GenericSignature()215["output_key"].CopyFrom(216 manifest_pb2.TensorBinding(tensor_name="output"))217 signatures_proto.named_signatures[218 signature_constants.PREDICT_OUTPUTS].generic_signature.CopyFrom(219 generic_signature)220 signature_def = bundle_shim._convert_named_signatures_to_signature_def(221 signatures_proto)222 self.assertEqual(signature_def.method_name,223 signature_constants.PREDICT_METHOD_NAME)224 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.inputs), 1)225 self.assertEqual(len(signature_def.outputs), 1)226 self.assertProtoEquals(227 signature_def.inputs["input_key"],228 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="input"))229 self.assertProtoEquals(230 signature_def.outputs["output_key"],231 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="output"))232 def testConvertSignaturesToSignatureDefs(self):233 base_path = test.test_src_dir_path(SESSION_BUNDLE_PATH)234 meta_graph_filename = os.path.join(base_path,235 constants.META_GRAPH_DEF_FILENAME)236 metagraph_def = meta_graph.read_meta_graph_file(meta_graph_filename)237 default_signature_def, named_signature_def = (238 bundle_shim._convert_signatures_to_signature_defs(metagraph_def))239 self.assertEqual(default_signature_def.method_name,240 signature_constants.REGRESS_METHOD_NAME)241 self.assertEqual(len(default_signature_def.inputs), 1)242 self.assertEqual(len(default_signature_def.outputs), 1)243 self.assertProtoEquals(244 default_signature_def.inputs[signature_constants.REGRESS_INPUTS],245 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="tf_example:0"))246 self.assertProtoEquals(247 default_signature_def.outputs[signature_constants.REGRESS_OUTPUTS],248 meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="Identity:0"))249 self.assertEqual(named_signature_def.method_name,250 signature_constants.PREDICT_METHOD_NAME)251 self.assertEqual(len(named_signature_def.inputs), 1)252 self.assertEqual(len(named_signature_def.outputs), 1)253 self.assertProtoEquals(254 named_signature_def.inputs["x"], meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="x:0"))255 self.assertProtoEquals(256 named_signature_def.outputs["y"], meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name="y:0"))257 # Now try default signature only258 collection_def = metagraph_def.collection_def259 signatures_proto = manifest_pb2.Signatures()260 signatures = collection_def[constants.SIGNATURES_KEY].any_list.value[0]261 signatures.Unpack(signatures_proto)262 named_only_signatures_proto = manifest_pb2.Signatures()263 named_only_signatures_proto.CopyFrom(signatures_proto)264 default_only_signatures_proto = manifest_pb2.Signatures()265 default_only_signatures_proto.CopyFrom(signatures_proto)266 default_only_signatures_proto.named_signatures.clear()267 default_only_signatures_proto.ClearField("named_signatures")268 metagraph_def.collection_def[constants.SIGNATURES_KEY].any_list.value[269 0].Pack(default_only_signatures_proto)270 default_signature_def, named_signature_def = (271 bundle_shim._convert_signatures_to_signature_defs(metagraph_def))272 self.assertEqual(default_signature_def.method_name,273 signature_constants.REGRESS_METHOD_NAME)274 self.assertEqual(named_signature_def, None)275 named_only_signatures_proto.ClearField("default_signature")276 metagraph_def.collection_def[constants.SIGNATURES_KEY].any_list.value[277 0].Pack(named_only_signatures_proto)278 default_signature_def, named_signature_def = (279 bundle_shim._convert_signatures_to_signature_defs(metagraph_def))280 self.assertEqual(named_signature_def.method_name,281 signature_constants.PREDICT_METHOD_NAME)282 self.assertEqual(default_signature_def, None)283 def testLegacyBasic(self):284 base_path = test.test_src_dir_path(SESSION_BUNDLE_PATH)285 ops.reset_default_graph()286 sess, meta_graph_def = (287 bundle_shim.load_session_bundle_or_saved_model_bundle_from_path(288 base_path,289 tags=[""],290 target="",291 config=config_pb2.ConfigProto(device_count={"CPU": 2})))292 self.assertTrue(sess)293 asset_path = os.path.join(base_path, constants.ASSETS_DIRECTORY)294 with sess.as_default():295 path1, path2 =["filename1:0", "filename2:0"])296 self.assertEqual(297 compat.as_bytes(os.path.join(asset_path, "hello1.txt")), path1)298 self.assertEqual(299 compat.as_bytes(os.path.join(asset_path, "hello2.txt")), path2)300 collection_def = meta_graph_def.collection_def301 signatures_any = collection_def[constants.SIGNATURES_KEY].any_list.value302 self.assertEqual(len(signatures_any), 1)303 def testSavedModelBasic(self):304 base_path = test.test_src_dir_path(SAVED_MODEL_PATH)305 ops.reset_default_graph()306 sess, meta_graph_def = (307 bundle_shim.load_session_bundle_or_saved_model_bundle_from_path(308 base_path,309 tags=[tag_constants.SERVING],310 target="",311 config=config_pb2.ConfigProto(device_count={"CPU": 2})))312 self.assertTrue(sess)313 # Check basic signature def property.314 signature_def = meta_graph_def.signature_def315 self.assertEqual(signature_def["regress_x_to_y"].method_name,316 signature_constants.REGRESS_METHOD_NAME)317 with sess.as_default():318 output1 =["filename_tensor:0"])319 self.assertEqual([compat.as_bytes("foo.txt")], output1)320if __name__ == "__main__":...

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...219 'saved_model.signature_def_utils.is_valid_signature'220 ])221@deprecation.deprecated_endpoints(222 'saved_model.signature_def_utils.is_valid_signature')223def is_valid_signature(signature_def):224 """Determine whether a SignatureDef can be served by TensorFlow Serving."""225 if signature_def is None:226 return False227 return (_is_valid_classification_signature(signature_def) or228 _is_valid_regression_signature(signature_def) or229 _is_valid_predict_signature(signature_def))230def _is_valid_predict_signature(signature_def):231 """Determine whether the argument is a servable 'predict' SignatureDef."""232 if signature_def.method_name != signature_constants.PREDICT_METHOD_NAME:233 return False234 if not signature_def.inputs.keys():235 return False236 if not signature_def.outputs.keys():237 return False238 return True239def _is_valid_regression_signature(signature_def):240 """Determine whether the argument is a servable 'regress' SignatureDef."""241 if signature_def.method_name != signature_constants.REGRESS_METHOD_NAME:242 return False243 if (set(signature_def.inputs.keys())244 != set([signature_constants.REGRESS_INPUTS])):245 return False246 if (signature_def.inputs[signature_constants.REGRESS_INPUTS].dtype !=247 types_pb2.DT_STRING):248 return False249 if (set(signature_def.outputs.keys())250 != set([signature_constants.REGRESS_OUTPUTS])):251 return False252 if (signature_def.outputs[signature_constants.REGRESS_OUTPUTS].dtype !=253 types_pb2.DT_FLOAT):254 return False255 return True256def _is_valid_classification_signature(signature_def):257 """Determine whether the argument is a servable 'classify' SignatureDef."""258 if signature_def.method_name != signature_constants.CLASSIFY_METHOD_NAME:259 return False260 if (set(signature_def.inputs.keys())261 != set([signature_constants.CLASSIFY_INPUTS])):262 return False263 if (signature_def.inputs[signature_constants.CLASSIFY_INPUTS].dtype !=264 types_pb2.DT_STRING):265 return False266 allowed_outputs = set([signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_CLASSES,267 signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_SCORES])268 if not signature_def.outputs.keys():269 return False270 if set(signature_def.outputs.keys()) - allowed_outputs:...

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1# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.2#3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.5# You may obtain a copy of the License at6#7# http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.08#9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13# limitations under the License.14# ==============================================================================15"""Shim for systems that need to load both SessionBundle and SavedModel.16This is intended to be used during migration to SavedModel.17"""18from __future__ import absolute_import19from __future__ import division20from __future__ import print_function21import os22from tensorflow.contrib.session_bundle import constants as legacy_constants23from tensorflow.contrib.session_bundle import manifest_pb224from tensorflow.contrib.session_bundle import session_bundle25from tensorflow.core.protobuf import meta_graph_pb226from tensorflow.python.client import session27from tensorflow.python.framework import meta_graph28from tensorflow.python.platform import tf_logging as logging29from tensorflow.python.saved_model import loader30from tensorflow.python.saved_model import signature_constants31def _add_input_to_signature_def(tensor_name, map_key, signature_def):32 """Add input tensor to signature_def.33 Args:34 tensor_name: string name of tensor to add to signature_def inputs35 map_key: string key to key into signature_def inputs map36 signature_def: object of type meta_graph_pb2.SignatureDef()37 Sideffect:38 adds a TensorInfo with tensor_name to signature_def inputs map keyed with39 map_key40 """41 tensor_info = meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name=tensor_name)42 signature_def.inputs[map_key].CopyFrom(tensor_info)43def _add_output_to_signature_def(tensor_name, map_key, signature_def):44 """Add output tensor to signature_def.45 Args:46 tensor_name: string name of tensor to add to signature_def outputs47 map_key: string key to key into signature_def outputs map48 signature_def: object of type meta_graph_pb2.SignatureDef()49 Sideffect:50 adds a TensorInfo with tensor_name to signature_def outputs map keyed with51 map_key52 """53 tensor_info = meta_graph_pb2.TensorInfo(name=tensor_name)54 signature_def.outputs[map_key].CopyFrom(tensor_info)55def _convert_default_signature_to_signature_def(signatures):56 """Convert default signature to object of type SignatureDef.57 Args:58 signatures: object of type manifest_pb2.Signatures()59 Returns:60 object of type SignatureDef which contains a converted version of default61 signature from input signatures object62 Returns None if signature is of generic type because it cannot be converted63 to SignatureDef.64 """65 default_signature = signatures.default_signature66 signature_def = meta_graph_pb2.SignatureDef()67 if (default_signature.WhichOneof("type") ==68 legacy_constants.REGRESSION_SIGNATURE):69 regression_signature = default_signature.regression_signature70 signature_def.method_name = signature_constants.REGRESS_METHOD_NAME71 _add_input_to_signature_def(regression_signature.input.tensor_name,72 signature_constants.REGRESS_INPUTS,73 signature_def)74 _add_output_to_signature_def(regression_signature.output.tensor_name,75 signature_constants.REGRESS_OUTPUTS,76 signature_def)77 elif (default_signature.WhichOneof("type") ==78 legacy_constants.CLASSIFICATION_SIGNATURE):79 classification_signature = default_signature.classification_signature80 signature_def.method_name = signature_constants.CLASSIFY_METHOD_NAME81 _add_input_to_signature_def(classification_signature.input.tensor_name,82 signature_constants.CLASSIFY_INPUTS,83 signature_def)84 _add_output_to_signature_def(classification_signature.classes.tensor_name,85 signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_CLASSES,86 signature_def)87 _add_output_to_signature_def(classification_signature.scores.tensor_name,88 signature_constants.CLASSIFY_OUTPUT_SCORES,89 signature_def)90 else:91 logging.error("Only classification and regression default signatures "92 "are supported for up-conversion. %s is not "93 "supported" % default_signature.WhichOneof("type"))94 return None95 return signature_def96def _convert_named_signatures_to_signature_def(signatures):97 """Convert named signatures to object of type SignatureDef.98 Args:99 signatures: object of type manifest_pb2.Signatures()100 Returns:101 object of type SignatureDef which contains a converted version of named102 signatures from input signatures object103 Raises:104 RuntimeError: if input and output named signatures are not of type105 GenericSignature106 """107 signature_def = meta_graph_pb2.SignatureDef()108 input_signature = signatures.named_signatures[109 signature_constants.PREDICT_INPUTS]110 output_signature = signatures.named_signatures[111 signature_constants.PREDICT_OUTPUTS]112 # TODO(pdudnik): what if there are other signatures? Mimic cr/​140900781 once113 # it is submitted.114 if (input_signature.WhichOneof("type") != legacy_constants.GENERIC_SIGNATURE115 or output_signature.WhichOneof("type") !=116 legacy_constants.GENERIC_SIGNATURE):117 raise RuntimeError("Named input and output signatures can only be "118 "up-converted if they are generic signature. "119 "Input signature type is %s, output signature type is "120 "%s" % (input_signature.WhichOneof("type"),121 output_signature.WhichOneof("type")))122 signature_def.method_name = signature_constants.PREDICT_METHOD_NAME123 for key, val in _add_input_to_signature_def(val.tensor_name, key, signature_def)125 for key, val in _add_output_to_signature_def(val.tensor_name, key, signature_def)127 return signature_def128def _convert_signatures_to_signature_defs(metagraph_def):129 """Produce default and named upconverted SignatureDef objects from Signatures.130 Args:131 metagraph_def: object of type meta_graph_pb2.MetaGraphDef containing legacy132 format Session Bundle signatures133 Returns:134 default_signature_def: object of type SignatureDef which contains an135 upconverted version of default signatures in metagraph_def136 named_signature_def: object of type SignatureDef which contains an137 upconverted version of named signatures in metagraph_def138 """139 collection_def = metagraph_def.collection_def140 signatures_proto = manifest_pb2.Signatures()141 signatures = collection_def[legacy_constants.SIGNATURES_KEY].any_list.value[0]142 signatures.Unpack(signatures_proto)143 default_signature_def = None144 named_signature_def = None145 if signatures_proto.HasField("default_signature"):146 default_signature_def = _convert_default_signature_to_signature_def(147 signatures_proto)148 if len(signatures_proto.named_signatures) > 1:149 named_signature_def = _convert_named_signatures_to_signature_def(150 signatures_proto)151 return default_signature_def, named_signature_def152def _load_saved_model_from_session_bundle_path(export_dir, target, config):153 """Load legacy TF Exporter/​SessionBundle checkpoint.154 Args:155 export_dir: the directory that contains files exported by exporter.156 target: The execution engine to connect to. See target in tf.Session()157 config: A ConfigProto proto with configuration options. See config in158 tf.Session()159 Returns:160 session: a tensorflow session created from the variable files.161 metagraph_def: The `MetaGraphDef` protocol buffer loaded in the provided162 session. This can be used to further extract signature-defs,163 collection-defs, etc.164 This model is up-converted to SavedModel format. Specifically, metagraph_def165 SignatureDef field is populated with Signatures converted from legacy166 signatures contained within CollectionDef167 Raises:168 RuntimeError: If metagraph already contains signature_def and cannot be169 up-converted.170 """171 meta_graph_filename = os.path.join(export_dir,172 legacy_constants.META_GRAPH_DEF_FILENAME)173 metagraph_def = meta_graph.read_meta_graph_file(meta_graph_filename)174 if metagraph_def.signature_def:175 raise RuntimeError("Legacy graph contains signature def, unable to "176 "up-convert.")177 # Add SignatureDef to metagraph.178 default_signature_def, named_signature_def = (179 _convert_signatures_to_signature_defs(metagraph_def))180 if default_signature_def:181 metagraph_def.signature_def[182 signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY].CopyFrom(183 default_signature_def)184 if named_signature_def:185 signature_def_key = signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY186 if default_signature_def:187 signature_def_key += "_from_named"188 metagraph_def.signature_def[signature_def_key].CopyFrom(named_signature_def)189 # We cannot just output session we loaded with older metagraph_def and190 # up-converted metagraph definition because Session has an internal object of191 # type Graph which is populated from meta_graph_def. If we do not create192 # session with our new meta_graph_def, then Graph will be out of sync with193 # meta_graph_def.194 sess, metagraph_def = session_bundle.load_session_bundle_from_path(195 export_dir, target, config, meta_graph_def=metagraph_def)196 return sess, metagraph_def197def load_session_bundle_or_saved_model_bundle_from_path(export_dir,198 tags=None,199 target="",200 config=None):201 """Load session bundle from the given path.202 The function reads input from the export_dir, constructs the graph data to the203 default graph and restores the parameters for the session created.204 Args:205 export_dir: the directory that contains files exported by exporter.206 tags: Set of string tags to identify the required MetaGraphDef when model is207 saved as SavedModel. These should correspond to the tags used when208 saving the variables using the SavedModel `save()` API.209 target: The execution engine to connect to. See target in tf.Session()210 config: A ConfigProto proto with configuration options. See config in211 tf.Session()212 Returns:213 session: a tensorflow session created from the variable files.214 meta_graph: a meta graph proto saved in the exporter directory.215 Raises:216 RuntimeError: if the required files are missing or contain unrecognizable217 fields, i.e. the exported model is invalid.218 """219 metagraph_def = None220 sess = None221 if loader.maybe_saved_model_directory(export_dir):222 sess = session.Session(target, graph=None, config=config)223 metagraph_def = loader.load(sess, tags, export_dir)224 elif session_bundle.maybe_session_bundle_dir(export_dir):225 sess, metagraph_def = _load_saved_model_from_session_bundle_path(export_dir,226 target,227 config)228 else:229 raise RuntimeError("SessionBundle or SavedModelBundle not found at "230 "specified export location: %s" % export_dir)...

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1function Signature() {2 const $signatureModal = $("#updateSignature");3 const $closeModalButtons = $signatureModal.find(".close-me");4 const $createSignatureButton = $("#createSignatureButton");5 const $signaturePad = $signatureModal.find(".fillAndSign__signaturePad");6 const $signaturePadCanvas = $signaturePad.find("canvas");7 const $signaturePadClear = $signaturePad.find("a");8 const $signatureApplyButton = $("#signatureApplyButton");9 const $fontSelect = $signatureModal.find("#fontSelect");10 const $signatureTextInput = $signatureModal.find(".fillAndSign__signatureInput"); /​/​ prettier-ignore11 const $signatureHolder = $(".signature-holder");12 const prefixURL = "";13 async function fetchUserSignature() {14 const endpoint = `${prefixURL}/​Profile/​getUserSignature`;15 const response = await fetch(endpoint, {16 headers: {17 accepts: "application/​json",18 },19 });20 const data = await response.json();21 return data;22 }23 async function storeUserSignature(signatureUrl) {24 const payload = {25 signature: signatureUrl,26 };27 const endpoint = `${prefixURL}/​Profile/​createOrUpdateSignature`;28 const response = await fetch(endpoint, {29 method: "POST",30 body: JSON.stringify(payload),31 headers: {32 accepts: "application/​json",33 "content-type": "application/​json",34 },35 });36 const data = await response.json();37 return data;38 }39 function setSignature(data) {40 const $image = $signatureHolder.find("#userSignatureImage");41 const $imageDate = $signatureHolder.find("#userSignatureImageUpdatedAt");42 const { signature, updated_at } = data;43 $image.attr("src", signature);44 $imageDate.text(moment(updated_at).format("MM/​DD/​YYYY"));45 $;46 $("#userSignatureWarning").hide();47 }48 function attachEventHandlers() {49 $signaturePadClear.on("click", (event) => {50 event.preventDefault();51 signaturePad.clear();52 });53 const $fontItems = $fontSelect.find(".dropdown-item");54 const $fontItemText = $fontSelect.find(".dropdown-toggle");55 $fontItems.on("click", (event) => {56 event.preventDefault();57 event.stopPropagation();58 const $target = $(;59 const font = $"font");60 $fontItemText.text($target.text().trim());61 $signatureTextInput.attr("data-font", font);62 });63 $signatureApplyButton.on("click", async function () {64 const $activeTab = $signatureModal.find("");65 const signatureType = $"signature-type");66 let signatureDataUrl = null;67 const canvas = $signaturePadCanvas.get(0);68 if (signatureType === "type") {69 const signature = $signatureTextInput.val();70 const fontSize = $signatureTextInput.css("font-size");71 const fontFamily = $signatureTextInput.css("font-family");72 const fontWeight = $signatureTextInput.css("font-weight");73 if (isEmptyOrSpaces(signature)) {74 alert("Signature is required.");75 return;76 }77 signaturePad.clear();78 const clonedCanvas = cloneCanvas(canvas);79 const context = clonedCanvas.getContext("2d");80 context.font = `${fontWeight} ${fontSize} ${fontFamily}`;81 const textWidth = context.measureText(signature).width;82 context.fillText(signature, clonedCanvas.width /​ 2 - textWidth /​ 2, 100); /​/​ prettier-ignore83 trimCanvas(context);84 signatureDataUrl = clonedCanvas.toDataURL("image/​png");85 } else {86 if (isCanvasBlank(canvas)) {87 alert("Signature is required.");88 return;89 }90 const clonedCanvas = cloneCanvas(canvas);91 trimCanvas(clonedCanvas.getContext("2d"));92 signatureDataUrl = clonedCanvas.toDataURL("image/​png");93 }94 $(this).attr("disabled", true);95 $(this).find(".spinner-border").removeClass("d-none");96 const { data } = await storeUserSignature(signatureDataUrl);97 setSignature(data);98 $(this).attr("disabled", false);99 $(this).find(".spinner-border").addClass("d-none");100 $signatureModal.modal("hide");101 });102 $createSignatureButton.on("click", () => {103 $signatureModal.find(".fillAndSign__signatureInput").val("");104 signaturePad.clear();105 $signatureModal.modal("show");106 });107 $closeModalButtons.on("click", (event) => {108 event.preventDefault();109 $signatureModal.modal("hide");110 });111 }112 async function init() {113 const { data } = await fetchUserSignature();114 if (data) {115 setSignature(data);116 } else {117 $signatureHolder.hide();118 }119 signaturePad = new SignaturePad($signaturePadCanvas.get(0));120 attachEventHandlers();121 }122 return { init };123}124$(document).ready(function () {125 new Signature().init();...

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1/​*2 * Start jQuery3 */​4$(document).ready(function() {5 6/​*7 * on signature type 8 */​9$(".signature-input").keyup(function() {10 textSignature = $(this).val();11 if (textSignature == "") {12 textSignature = "Your Name";13 }14 $(".text-signature").text(textSignature);15})16/​*17 * change signature style18 */​19$(".signature-style").change(function() {20 var signatureStyle = $(this).val();21 $(".text-signature").css("font-style", signatureStyle);22})23/​*24 * change signature color25 */​26/​/​ function updateSignatureColor(color) {27/​/​ $(".text-signature").css("color", "#"+color);28/​/​ $(".signature-color").css("color", "#"+color);29/​/​ }30/​*31 * Initilize signature drawing32 */​33$('a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function (e) {34 var target = $("type");35 if (target === "draw") {36 initDrawing()37 }38});39/​*40 * change signature weight41 */​42$(".signature-weight").change(function() {43 var signatureWeight = $(this).val();44 $(".text-signature").css("font-weight", signatureWeight);45})46/​*47 * change signature font48 */​49$(".signature-font").change(function() {50 var signatureFont = $(this).val();51 $(".text-signature").css("font-family", signatureFont);52})53/​*54 * on stroke size click55 */​56$("#signature-stroke").click(function() {57 stroke = parseInt($(this).attr("stroke"));58 if (stroke == 3) {59 updateStroke(5);60 }else if(stroke == 5){61 updateStroke(7);62 }else if(stroke == 7){63 updateStroke(3);64 }65});66/​*67 * update stroke68 */​69 function updateStroke(stroke){70 modules.stroke(stroke);71 $("#signature-stroke").attr("stroke", stroke);72 }73/​*74 * change signature font75 */​76$(".save-signature").click(function() {77 signatureType = $("#updateSignature .head-links").find("").attr("type");78 if (signatureType === "capture") {79 saveTextSignature();80 }else if(signatureType === "upload"){81 saveUploadSignature();82 }else if(signatureType === "draw"){83 saveSignature($('#draw-signature').getCanvasImage('png'));84 }85});86/​*87 * save text signature88 */​89 function saveTextSignature(){90 html2canvas([document.getElementById("text-signature")], {91 onrendered: function(canvas) {92 var imagedata = canvas.toDataURL('image/​png'); 93 saveSignature(imagedata);94 }95 })96 }97/​*98 * save text signature99 */​100 function saveDrawnSignature(){101 html2canvas([document.getElementById("draw-signature")], {102 onrendered: function(canvas) {103 var imagedata = canvas.toDataURL('image/​png'); 104 saveSignature(imagedata);105 }106 })107 }108/​*109 * save uploaded signature 110 */​111 function saveUploadSignature(){112 signature = $("input[name=signatureupload]").val();113 if (signature !== '') {114 saveSignature(signature);115 }116 }117/​*118 * save signature to server119 */​120 function saveSignature(signature){121 if (auth) {122 server({123 url: saveSignatureUrl,124 data: {125 "signature": signature,126 "csrf-token": Cookies.get("CSRF-TOKEN")127 },128 loader: true129 });130 }else{131 sessionStorage.setItem('signature', signature);132 $('#updateSignature').modal('hide');133 toastr.success("Signature successfully saved.","Alright!", {timeOut: 2000, closeButton: true, progressBar: false});134 }135 }136/​*137 * change signature font138 */​139 function signatureCallback(image){140 $(".signature-body img").attr("src", image);141 $('#updateSignature').modal('hide');...

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1__author__ = 'bromix'2class JsonScriptEngine(object):3 def __init__(self, json_script):4 self._json_script = json_script5 pass6 def execute(self, signature):7 _signature = signature8 _actions = self._json_script['actions']9 for action in _actions:10 func = '_'+action['func']11 params = action['params']12 if func == '_return':13 break14 for i in range(len(params)):15 param = params[i]16 if param == '%SIG%':17 param = _signature18 params[i] = param19 break20 pass21 method = getattr(self, func)22 if method:23 _signature = method(*params)24 pass25 else:26 raise Exception("Unknown method '%s'" % func)27 pass28 return _signature29 def _join(self, signature):30 return ''.join(signature)31 def _list(self, signature):32 return list(signature)33 def _slice(self, signature, b):34 del signature[b:]35 return signature36 def _splice(self, signature, a, b):37 del signature[a:b]38 return signature39 def _reverse(self, signature):40 return signature[::-1]41 def _swap(self, signature, b):42 c = signature[0]43 signature[0] = signature[b % len(signature)]44 signature[b] = c45 return signature...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var signature = require('devicefarmer-stf').signature;2var adb = require('adbkit');3var client = adb.createClient();4client.listDevices()5.then(function(devices) {6 return Promise.all( {7 return client.sign(, '/​home/​username/​.android/​adbkey')8 .then(adb.util.readAll)9 .then(function(signature) {10 return signature.toString('base64');11 })12 .then(function(signature) {13 console.log( + ': ' + signature);14 });15 }));16})17.catch(function(err) {18 console.error('Something went wrong:', err.stack);19});

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