How to use QueryParser method in devicefarmer-stf

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1/​/​ Generated from src/​loader/​typescript/​grammar/​QueryParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.0-SNAPSHOT2import { ATN } from "antlr4ts/​atn/​ATN";3import { ATNDeserializer } from "antlr4ts/​atn/​ATNDeserializer";4import { FailedPredicateException } from "antlr4ts/​FailedPredicateException";5import { NotNull } from "antlr4ts/​Decorators";6import { NoViableAltException } from "antlr4ts/​NoViableAltException";7import { Override } from "antlr4ts/​Decorators";8import { Parser } from "antlr4ts/​Parser";9import { ParserRuleContext } from "antlr4ts/​ParserRuleContext";10import { ParserATNSimulator } from "antlr4ts/​atn/​ParserATNSimulator";11import { ParseTreeListener } from "antlr4ts/​tree/​ParseTreeListener";12import { ParseTreeVisitor } from "antlr4ts/​tree/​ParseTreeVisitor";13import { RecognitionException } from "antlr4ts/​RecognitionException";14import { RuleContext } from "antlr4ts/​RuleContext";15/​/​import { RuleVersion } from "antlr4ts/​RuleVersion";16import { TerminalNode } from "antlr4ts/​tree/​TerminalNode";17import { Token } from "antlr4ts/​Token";18import { TokenStream } from "antlr4ts/​TokenStream";19import { Vocabulary } from "antlr4ts/​Vocabulary";20import { VocabularyImpl } from "antlr4ts/​VocabularyImpl";21import * as Utils from "antlr4ts/​misc/​Utils";22import { QueryParserListener } from "./​QueryParserListener";23import { QueryParserVisitor } from "./​QueryParserVisitor";24export class QueryParser extends Parser {25 public static readonly ID = 1;26 public static readonly SINGULAR_PARAM_MARK = 2;27 public static readonly PLURAL_PARAM_MARK = 3;28 public static readonly COMMA = 4;29 public static readonly OB = 5;30 public static readonly CB = 6;31 public static readonly WORD = 7;32 public static readonly REQUIRED_MARK = 8;33 public static readonly SPECIAL = 9;34 public static readonly EOF_STATEMENT = 10;35 public static readonly WSL = 11;36 public static readonly STRING = 12;37 public static readonly RULE_input = 0;38 public static readonly RULE_query = 1;39 public static readonly RULE_param = 2;40 public static readonly RULE_ignored = 3;41 public static readonly RULE_scalarParam = 4;42 public static readonly RULE_pickParam = 5;43 public static readonly RULE_arrayPickParam = 6;44 public static readonly RULE_arrayParam = 7;45 public static readonly RULE_scalarParamName = 8;46 public static readonly RULE_paramName = 9;47 public static readonly RULE_pickKey = 10;48 /​/​ tslint:disable:no-trailing-whitespace49 public static readonly ruleNames: string[] = [50 "input", "query", "param", "ignored", "scalarParam", "pickParam", "arrayPickParam", 51 "arrayParam", "scalarParamName", "paramName", "pickKey",52 ];53 private static readonly _LITERAL_NAMES: Array<string | undefined> = [54 undefined, undefined, "'$'", "'$$'", "','", "'('", "')'", undefined, "'!'", 55 undefined, "';'",56 ];57 private static readonly _SYMBOLIC_NAMES: Array<string | undefined> = [58 undefined, "ID", "SINGULAR_PARAM_MARK", "PLURAL_PARAM_MARK", "COMMA", 59 "OB", "CB", "WORD", "REQUIRED_MARK", "SPECIAL", "EOF_STATEMENT", "WSL", 60 "STRING",61 ];62 public static readonly VOCABULARY: Vocabulary = new VocabularyImpl(QueryParser._LITERAL_NAMES, QueryParser._SYMBOLIC_NAMES, []);63 /​/​ @Override64 /​/​ @NotNull65 public get vocabulary(): Vocabulary {66 return QueryParser.VOCABULARY;67 }68 /​/​ tslint:enable:no-trailing-whitespace69 /​/​ @Override70 public get grammarFileName(): string { return "QueryParser.g4"; }71 /​/​ @Override72 public get ruleNames(): string[] { return QueryParser.ruleNames; }73 /​/​ @Override74 public get serializedATN(): string { return QueryParser._serializedATN; }75 protected createFailedPredicateException(predicate?: string, message?: string): FailedPredicateException {76 return new FailedPredicateException(this, predicate, message);77 }78 constructor(input: TokenStream) {79 super(input);80 this._interp = new ParserATNSimulator(QueryParser._ATN, this);81 }82 /​/​ @RuleVersion(0)83 public input(): InputContext {84 let _localctx: InputContext = new InputContext(this._ctx, this.state);85 this.enterRule(_localctx, 0, QueryParser.RULE_input);86 let _la: number;87 try {88 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);89 {90 this.state = 22;91 this.query();92 this.state = 24;93 this._errHandler.sync(this);94 _la = this._input.LA(1);95 if (_la === QueryParser.EOF_STATEMENT) {96 {97 this.state = 23;98 this.match(QueryParser.EOF_STATEMENT);99 }100 }101 this.state = 26;102 this.match(QueryParser.EOF);103 }104 }105 catch (re) {106 if (re instanceof RecognitionException) {107 _localctx.exception = re;108 this._errHandler.reportError(this, re);109 this._errHandler.recover(this, re);110 } else {111 throw re;112 }113 }114 finally {115 this.exitRule();116 }117 return _localctx;118 }119 /​/​ @RuleVersion(0)120 public query(): QueryContext {121 let _localctx: QueryContext = new QueryContext(this._ctx, this.state);122 this.enterRule(_localctx, 2, QueryParser.RULE_query);123 let _la: number;124 try {125 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);126 {127 this.state = 29;128 this._errHandler.sync(this);129 _la = this._input.LA(1);130 do {131 {132 {133 this.state = 28;134 this.ignored();135 }136 }137 this.state = 31;138 this._errHandler.sync(this);139 _la = this._input.LA(1);140 } while ((((_la) & ~0x1F) === 0 && ((1 << _la) & ((1 << QueryParser.ID) | (1 << QueryParser.COMMA) | (1 << QueryParser.OB) | (1 << QueryParser.CB) | (1 << QueryParser.WORD) | (1 << QueryParser.REQUIRED_MARK) | (1 << QueryParser.SPECIAL) | (1 << QueryParser.STRING))) !== 0));141 this.state = 42;142 this._errHandler.sync(this);143 _la = this._input.LA(1);144 while (_la === QueryParser.SINGULAR_PARAM_MARK || _la === QueryParser.PLURAL_PARAM_MARK) {145 {146 {147 this.state = 33;148 this.param();149 this.state = 37;150 this._errHandler.sync(this);151 _la = this._input.LA(1);152 while ((((_la) & ~0x1F) === 0 && ((1 << _la) & ((1 << QueryParser.ID) | (1 << QueryParser.COMMA) | (1 << QueryParser.OB) | (1 << QueryParser.CB) | (1 << QueryParser.WORD) | (1 << QueryParser.REQUIRED_MARK) | (1 << QueryParser.SPECIAL) | (1 << QueryParser.STRING))) !== 0)) {153 {154 {155 this.state = 34;156 this.ignored();157 }158 }159 this.state = 39;160 this._errHandler.sync(this);161 _la = this._input.LA(1);162 }163 }164 }165 this.state = 44;166 this._errHandler.sync(this);167 _la = this._input.LA(1);168 }169 }170 }171 catch (re) {172 if (re instanceof RecognitionException) {173 _localctx.exception = re;174 this._errHandler.reportError(this, re);175 this._errHandler.recover(this, re);176 } else {177 throw re;178 }179 }180 finally {181 this.exitRule();182 }183 return _localctx;184 }185 /​/​ @RuleVersion(0)186 public param(): ParamContext {187 let _localctx: ParamContext = new ParamContext(this._ctx, this.state);188 this.enterRule(_localctx, 4, QueryParser.RULE_param);189 try {190 this.state = 49;191 this._errHandler.sync(this);192 switch ( this.interpreter.adaptivePredict(this._input, 4, this._ctx) ) {193 case 1:194 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);195 {196 this.state = 45;197 this.pickParam();198 }199 break;200 case 2:201 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 2);202 {203 this.state = 46;204 this.arrayPickParam();205 }206 break;207 case 3:208 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 3);209 {210 this.state = 47;211 this.scalarParam();212 }213 break;214 case 4:215 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 4);216 {217 this.state = 48;218 this.arrayParam();219 }220 break;221 }222 }223 catch (re) {224 if (re instanceof RecognitionException) {225 _localctx.exception = re;226 this._errHandler.reportError(this, re);227 this._errHandler.recover(this, re);228 } else {229 throw re;230 }231 }232 finally {233 this.exitRule();234 }235 return _localctx;236 }237 /​/​ @RuleVersion(0)238 public ignored(): IgnoredContext {239 let _localctx: IgnoredContext = new IgnoredContext(this._ctx, this.state);240 this.enterRule(_localctx, 6, QueryParser.RULE_ignored);241 let _la: number;242 try {243 let _alt: number;244 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);245 {246 this.state = 52;247 this._errHandler.sync(this);248 _alt = 1;249 do {250 switch (_alt) {251 case 1:252 {253 {254 this.state = 51;255 _la = this._input.LA(1);256 if (!((((_la) & ~0x1F) === 0 && ((1 << _la) & ((1 << QueryParser.ID) | (1 << QueryParser.COMMA) | (1 << QueryParser.OB) | (1 << QueryParser.CB) | (1 << QueryParser.WORD) | (1 << QueryParser.REQUIRED_MARK) | (1 << QueryParser.SPECIAL) | (1 << QueryParser.STRING))) !== 0))) {257 this._errHandler.recoverInline(this);258 } else {259 if (this._input.LA(1) === Token.EOF) {260 this.matchedEOF = true;261 }262 this._errHandler.reportMatch(this);263 this.consume();264 }265 }266 }267 break;268 default:269 throw new NoViableAltException(this);270 }271 this.state = 54;272 this._errHandler.sync(this);273 _alt = this.interpreter.adaptivePredict(this._input, 5, this._ctx);274 } while (_alt !== 2 && _alt !== ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER);275 }276 }277 catch (re) {278 if (re instanceof RecognitionException) {279 _localctx.exception = re;280 this._errHandler.reportError(this, re);281 this._errHandler.recover(this, re);282 } else {283 throw re;284 }285 }286 finally {287 this.exitRule();288 }289 return _localctx;290 }291 /​/​ @RuleVersion(0)292 public scalarParam(): ScalarParamContext {293 let _localctx: ScalarParamContext = new ScalarParamContext(this._ctx, this.state);294 this.enterRule(_localctx, 8, QueryParser.RULE_scalarParam);295 try {296 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);297 {298 this.state = 56;299 this.match(QueryParser.SINGULAR_PARAM_MARK);300 this.state = 57;301 this.scalarParamName();302 }303 }304 catch (re) {305 if (re instanceof RecognitionException) {306 _localctx.exception = re;307 this._errHandler.reportError(this, re);308 this._errHandler.recover(this, re);309 } else {310 throw re;311 }312 }313 finally {314 this.exitRule();315 }316 return _localctx;317 }318 /​/​ @RuleVersion(0)319 public pickParam(): PickParamContext {320 let _localctx: PickParamContext = new PickParamContext(this._ctx, this.state);321 this.enterRule(_localctx, 10, QueryParser.RULE_pickParam);322 let _la: number;323 try {324 let _alt: number;325 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);326 {327 this.state = 59;328 this.match(QueryParser.SINGULAR_PARAM_MARK);329 this.state = 60;330 this.paramName();331 this.state = 61;332 this.match(QueryParser.OB);333 this.state = 62;334 this.pickKey();335 this.state = 67;336 this._errHandler.sync(this);337 _alt = this.interpreter.adaptivePredict(this._input, 6, this._ctx);338 while (_alt !== 2 && _alt !== ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) {339 if (_alt === 1) {340 {341 {342 this.state = 63;343 this.match(QueryParser.COMMA);344 this.state = 64;345 this.pickKey();346 }347 }348 }349 this.state = 69;350 this._errHandler.sync(this);351 _alt = this.interpreter.adaptivePredict(this._input, 6, this._ctx);352 }353 this.state = 71;354 this._errHandler.sync(this);355 _la = this._input.LA(1);356 if (_la === QueryParser.COMMA) {357 {358 this.state = 70;359 this.match(QueryParser.COMMA);360 }361 }362 this.state = 73;363 this.match(QueryParser.CB);364 }365 }366 catch (re) {367 if (re instanceof RecognitionException) {368 _localctx.exception = re;369 this._errHandler.reportError(this, re);370 this._errHandler.recover(this, re);371 } else {372 throw re;373 }374 }375 finally {376 this.exitRule();377 }378 return _localctx;379 }380 /​/​ @RuleVersion(0)381 public arrayPickParam(): ArrayPickParamContext {382 let _localctx: ArrayPickParamContext = new ArrayPickParamContext(this._ctx, this.state);383 this.enterRule(_localctx, 12, QueryParser.RULE_arrayPickParam);384 let _la: number;385 try {386 let _alt: number;387 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);388 {389 this.state = 75;390 this.match(QueryParser.PLURAL_PARAM_MARK);391 this.state = 76;392 this.paramName();393 this.state = 77;394 this.match(QueryParser.OB);395 this.state = 78;396 this.pickKey();397 this.state = 83;398 this._errHandler.sync(this);399 _alt = this.interpreter.adaptivePredict(this._input, 8, this._ctx);400 while (_alt !== 2 && _alt !== ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) {401 if (_alt === 1) {402 {403 {404 this.state = 79;405 this.match(QueryParser.COMMA);406 this.state = 80;407 this.pickKey();408 }409 }410 }411 this.state = 85;412 this._errHandler.sync(this);413 _alt = this.interpreter.adaptivePredict(this._input, 8, this._ctx);414 }415 this.state = 87;416 this._errHandler.sync(this);417 _la = this._input.LA(1);418 if (_la === QueryParser.COMMA) {419 {420 this.state = 86;421 this.match(QueryParser.COMMA);422 }423 }424 this.state = 89;425 this.match(QueryParser.CB);426 }427 }428 catch (re) {429 if (re instanceof RecognitionException) {430 _localctx.exception = re;431 this._errHandler.reportError(this, re);432 this._errHandler.recover(this, re);433 } else {434 throw re;435 }436 }437 finally {438 this.exitRule();439 }440 return _localctx;441 }442 /​/​ @RuleVersion(0)443 public arrayParam(): ArrayParamContext {444 let _localctx: ArrayParamContext = new ArrayParamContext(this._ctx, this.state);445 this.enterRule(_localctx, 14, QueryParser.RULE_arrayParam);446 try {447 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);448 {449 this.state = 91;450 this.match(QueryParser.PLURAL_PARAM_MARK);451 this.state = 92;452 this.scalarParamName();453 }454 }455 catch (re) {456 if (re instanceof RecognitionException) {457 _localctx.exception = re;458 this._errHandler.reportError(this, re);459 this._errHandler.recover(this, re);460 } else {461 throw re;462 }463 }464 finally {465 this.exitRule();466 }467 return _localctx;468 }469 /​/​ @RuleVersion(0)470 public scalarParamName(): ScalarParamNameContext {471 let _localctx: ScalarParamNameContext = new ScalarParamNameContext(this._ctx, this.state);472 this.enterRule(_localctx, 16, QueryParser.RULE_scalarParamName);473 try {474 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);475 {476 this.state = 94;477 this.match(QueryParser.ID);478 this.state = 96;479 this._errHandler.sync(this);480 switch ( this.interpreter.adaptivePredict(this._input, 10, this._ctx) ) {481 case 1:482 {483 this.state = 95;484 this.match(QueryParser.REQUIRED_MARK);485 }486 break;487 }488 }489 }490 catch (re) {491 if (re instanceof RecognitionException) {492 _localctx.exception = re;493 this._errHandler.reportError(this, re);494 this._errHandler.recover(this, re);495 } else {496 throw re;497 }498 }499 finally {500 this.exitRule();501 }502 return _localctx;503 }504 /​/​ @RuleVersion(0)505 public paramName(): ParamNameContext {506 let _localctx: ParamNameContext = new ParamNameContext(this._ctx, this.state);507 this.enterRule(_localctx, 18, QueryParser.RULE_paramName);508 try {509 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);510 {511 this.state = 98;512 this.match(QueryParser.ID);513 }514 }515 catch (re) {516 if (re instanceof RecognitionException) {517 _localctx.exception = re;518 this._errHandler.reportError(this, re);519 this._errHandler.recover(this, re);520 } else {521 throw re;522 }523 }524 finally {525 this.exitRule();526 }527 return _localctx;528 }529 /​/​ @RuleVersion(0)530 public pickKey(): PickKeyContext {531 let _localctx: PickKeyContext = new PickKeyContext(this._ctx, this.state);532 this.enterRule(_localctx, 20, QueryParser.RULE_pickKey);533 let _la: number;534 try {535 this.enterOuterAlt(_localctx, 1);536 {537 this.state = 100;538 this.match(QueryParser.ID);539 this.state = 102;540 this._errHandler.sync(this);541 _la = this._input.LA(1);542 if (_la === QueryParser.REQUIRED_MARK) {543 {544 this.state = 101;545 this.match(QueryParser.REQUIRED_MARK);546 }547 }548 }549 }550 catch (re) {551 if (re instanceof RecognitionException) {552 _localctx.exception = re;553 this._errHandler.reportError(this, re);554 this._errHandler.recover(this, re);555 } else {556 throw re;557 }558 }559 finally {560 this.exitRule();561 }562 return _localctx;563 }564 public static readonly _serializedATN: string =565 "\x03\uC91D\uCABA\u058D\uAFBA\u4F53\u0607\uEA8B\uC241\x03\x0Ek\x04\x02" +566 "\t\x02\x04\x03\t\x03\x04\x04\t\x04\x04\x05\t\x05\x04\x06\t\x06\x04\x07" +567 "\t\x07\x04\b\t\b\x04\t\t\t\x04\n\t\n\x04\v\t\v\x04\f\t\f\x03\x02\x03\x02" +568 "\x05\x02\x1B\n\x02\x03\x02\x03\x02\x03\x03\x06\x03 \n\x03\r\x03\x0E\x03" +569 "!\x03\x03\x03\x03\x07\x03&\n\x03\f\x03\x0E\x03)\v\x03\x07\x03+\n\x03\f" +570 "\x03\x0E\x03.\v\x03\x03\x04\x03\x04\x03\x04\x03\x04\x05\x044\n\x04\x03" +571 "\x05\x06\x057\n\x05\r\x05\x0E\x058\x03\x06\x03\x06\x03\x06\x03\x07\x03" +572 "\x07\x03\x07\x03\x07\x03\x07\x03\x07\x07\x07D\n\x07\f\x07\x0E\x07G\v\x07" +573 "\x03\x07\x05\x07J\n\x07\x03\x07\x03\x07\x03\b\x03\b\x03\b\x03\b\x03\b" +574 "\x03\b\x07\bT\n\b\f\b\x0E\bW\v\b\x03\b\x05\bZ\n\b\x03\b\x03\b\x03\t\x03" +575 "\t\x03\t\x03\n\x03\n\x05\nc\n\n\x03\v\x03\v\x03\f\x03\f\x05\fi\n\f\x03" +576 "\f\x02\x02\x02\r\x02\x02\x04\x02\x06\x02\b\x02\n\x02\f\x02\x0E\x02\x10" +577 "\x02\x12\x02\x14\x02\x16\x02\x02\x03\x05\x02\x03\x03\x06\v\x0E\x0E\x02" +578 "m\x02\x18\x03\x02\x02\x02\x04\x1F\x03\x02\x02\x02\x063\x03\x02\x02\x02" +579 "\b6\x03\x02\x02\x02\n:\x03\x02\x02\x02\f=\x03\x02\x02\x02\x0EM\x03\x02" +580 "\x02\x02\x10]\x03\x02\x02\x02\x12`\x03\x02\x02\x02\x14d\x03\x02\x02\x02" +581 "\x16f\x03\x02\x02\x02\x18\x1A\x05\x04\x03\x02\x19\x1B\x07\f\x02\x02\x1A" +582 "\x19\x03\x02\x02\x02\x1A\x1B\x03\x02\x02\x02\x1B\x1C\x03\x02\x02\x02\x1C" +583 "\x1D\x07\x02\x02\x03\x1D\x03\x03\x02\x02\x02\x1E \x05\b\x05\x02\x1F\x1E" +584 "\x03\x02\x02\x02 !\x03\x02\x02\x02!\x1F\x03\x02\x02\x02!\"\x03\x02\x02" +585 "\x02\",\x03\x02\x02\x02#\'\x05\x06\x04\x02$&\x05\b\x05\x02%$\x03\x02\x02" +586 "\x02&)\x03\x02\x02\x02\'%\x03\x02\x02\x02\'(\x03\x02\x02\x02(+\x03\x02" +587 "\x02\x02)\'\x03\x02\x02\x02*#\x03\x02\x02\x02+.\x03\x02\x02\x02,*\x03" +588 "\x02\x02\x02,-\x03\x02\x02\x02-\x05\x03\x02\x02\x02.,\x03\x02\x02\x02" +589 "/​4\x05\f\x07\x0204\x05\x0E\b\x0214\x05\n\x06\x0224\x05\x10\t\x023/​\x03" +590 "\x02\x02\x0230\x03\x02\x02\x0231\x03\x02\x02\x0232\x03\x02\x02\x024\x07" +591 "\x03\x02\x02\x0257\t\x02\x02\x0265\x03\x02\x02\x0278\x03\x02\x02\x028" +592 "6\x03\x02\x02\x0289\x03\x02\x02\x029\t\x03\x02\x02\x02:;\x07\x04\x02\x02" +593 ";<\x05\x12\n\x02<\v\x03\x02\x02\x02=>\x07\x04\x02\x02>?\x05\x14\v\x02" +594 "?@\x07\x07\x02\x02@E\x05\x16\f\x02AB\x07\x06\x02\x02BD\x05\x16\f\x02C" +595 "A\x03\x02\x02\x02DG\x03\x02\x02\x02EC\x03\x02\x02\x02EF\x03\x02\x02\x02" +596 "FI\x03\x02\x02\x02GE\x03\x02\x02\x02HJ\x07\x06\x02\x02IH\x03\x02\x02\x02" +597 "IJ\x03\x02\x02\x02JK\x03\x02\x02\x02KL\x07\b\x02\x02L\r\x03\x02\x02\x02" +598 "MN\x07\x05\x02\x02NO\x05\x14\v\x02OP\x07\x07\x02\x02PU\x05\x16\f\x02Q" +599 "R\x07\x06\x02\x02RT\x05\x16\f\x02SQ\x03\x02\x02\x02TW\x03\x02\x02\x02" +600 "US\x03\x02\x02\x02UV\x03\x02\x02\x02VY\x03\x02\x02\x02WU\x03\x02\x02\x02" +601 "XZ\x07\x06\x02\x02YX\x03\x02\x02\x02YZ\x03\x02\x02\x02Z[\x03\x02\x02\x02" +602 "[\\\x07\b\x02\x02\\\x0F\x03\x02\x02\x02]^\x07\x05\x02\x02^_\x05\x12\n" +603 "\x02_\x11\x03\x02\x02\x02`b\x07\x03\x02\x02ac\x07\n\x02\x02ba\x03\x02" +604 "\x02\x02bc\x03\x02\x02\x02c\x13\x03\x02\x02\x02de\x07\x03\x02\x02e\x15" +605 "\x03\x02\x02\x02fh\x07\x03\x02\x02gi\x07\n\x02\x02hg\x03\x02\x02\x02h" +606 "i\x03\x02\x02\x02i\x17\x03\x02\x02\x02\x0E\x1A!\',38EIUYbh";607 public static __ATN: ATN;608 public static get _ATN(): ATN {609 if (!QueryParser.__ATN) {610 QueryParser.__ATN = new ATNDeserializer().deserialize(Utils.toCharArray(QueryParser._serializedATN));611 }612 return QueryParser.__ATN;613 }614}615export class InputContext extends ParserRuleContext {616 public query(): QueryContext {617 return this.getRuleContext(0, QueryContext);618 }619 public EOF(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.EOF, 0); }620 public EOF_STATEMENT(): TerminalNode | undefined { return this.tryGetToken(QueryParser.EOF_STATEMENT, 0); }621 constructor(parent: ParserRuleContext | undefined, invokingState: number) {622 super(parent, invokingState);623 }624 /​/​ @Override625 public get ruleIndex(): number { return QueryParser.RULE_input; }626 /​/​ @Override627 public enterRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {628 if (listener.enterInput) {629 listener.enterInput(this);630 }631 }632 /​/​ @Override633 public exitRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {634 if (listener.exitInput) {635 listener.exitInput(this);636 }637 }638 /​/​ @Override639 public accept<Result>(visitor: QueryParserVisitor<Result>): Result {640 if (visitor.visitInput) {641 return visitor.visitInput(this);642 } else {643 return visitor.visitChildren(this);644 }645 }646}647export class QueryContext extends ParserRuleContext {648 public ignored(): IgnoredContext[];649 public ignored(i: number): IgnoredContext;650 public ignored(i?: number): IgnoredContext | IgnoredContext[] {651 if (i === undefined) {652 return this.getRuleContexts(IgnoredContext);653 } else {654 return this.getRuleContext(i, IgnoredContext);655 }656 }657 public param(): ParamContext[];658 public param(i: number): ParamContext;659 public param(i?: number): ParamContext | ParamContext[] {660 if (i === undefined) {661 return this.getRuleContexts(ParamContext);662 } else {663 return this.getRuleContext(i, ParamContext);664 }665 }666 constructor(parent: ParserRuleContext | undefined, invokingState: number) {667 super(parent, invokingState);668 }669 /​/​ @Override670 public get ruleIndex(): number { return QueryParser.RULE_query; }671 /​/​ @Override672 public enterRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {673 if (listener.enterQuery) {674 listener.enterQuery(this);675 }676 }677 /​/​ @Override678 public exitRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {679 if (listener.exitQuery) {680 listener.exitQuery(this);681 }682 }683 /​/​ @Override684 public accept<Result>(visitor: QueryParserVisitor<Result>): Result {685 if (visitor.visitQuery) {686 return visitor.visitQuery(this);687 } else {688 return visitor.visitChildren(this);689 }690 }691}692export class ParamContext extends ParserRuleContext {693 public pickParam(): PickParamContext | undefined {694 return this.tryGetRuleContext(0, PickParamContext);695 }696 public arrayPickParam(): ArrayPickParamContext | undefined {697 return this.tryGetRuleContext(0, ArrayPickParamContext);698 }699 public scalarParam(): ScalarParamContext | undefined {700 return this.tryGetRuleContext(0, ScalarParamContext);701 }702 public arrayParam(): ArrayParamContext | undefined {703 return this.tryGetRuleContext(0, ArrayParamContext);704 }705 constructor(parent: ParserRuleContext | undefined, invokingState: number) {706 super(parent, invokingState);707 }708 /​/​ @Override709 public get ruleIndex(): number { return QueryParser.RULE_param; }710 /​/​ @Override711 public enterRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {712 if (listener.enterParam) {713 listener.enterParam(this);714 }715 }716 /​/​ @Override717 public exitRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {718 if (listener.exitParam) {719 listener.exitParam(this);720 }721 }722 /​/​ @Override723 public accept<Result>(visitor: QueryParserVisitor<Result>): Result {724 if (visitor.visitParam) {725 return visitor.visitParam(this);726 } else {727 return visitor.visitChildren(this);728 }729 }730}731export class IgnoredContext extends ParserRuleContext {732 public ID(): TerminalNode[];733 public ID(i: number): TerminalNode;734 public ID(i?: number): TerminalNode | TerminalNode[] {735 if (i === undefined) {736 return this.getTokens(QueryParser.ID);737 } else {738 return this.getToken(QueryParser.ID, i);739 }740 }741 public WORD(): TerminalNode[];742 public WORD(i: number): TerminalNode;743 public WORD(i?: number): TerminalNode | TerminalNode[] {744 if (i === undefined) {745 return this.getTokens(QueryParser.WORD);746 } else {747 return this.getToken(QueryParser.WORD, i);748 }749 }750 public STRING(): TerminalNode[];751 public STRING(i: number): TerminalNode;752 public STRING(i?: number): TerminalNode | TerminalNode[] {753 if (i === undefined) {754 return this.getTokens(QueryParser.STRING);755 } else {756 return this.getToken(QueryParser.STRING, i);757 }758 }759 public COMMA(): TerminalNode[];760 public COMMA(i: number): TerminalNode;761 public COMMA(i?: number): TerminalNode | TerminalNode[] {762 if (i === undefined) {763 return this.getTokens(QueryParser.COMMA);764 } else {765 return this.getToken(QueryParser.COMMA, i);766 }767 }768 public OB(): TerminalNode[];769 public OB(i: number): TerminalNode;770 public OB(i?: number): TerminalNode | TerminalNode[] {771 if (i === undefined) {772 return this.getTokens(QueryParser.OB);773 } else {774 return this.getToken(QueryParser.OB, i);775 }776 }777 public CB(): TerminalNode[];778 public CB(i: number): TerminalNode;779 public CB(i?: number): TerminalNode | TerminalNode[] {780 if (i === undefined) {781 return this.getTokens(QueryParser.CB);782 } else {783 return this.getToken(QueryParser.CB, i);784 }785 }786 public SPECIAL(): TerminalNode[];787 public SPECIAL(i: number): TerminalNode;788 public SPECIAL(i?: number): TerminalNode | TerminalNode[] {789 if (i === undefined) {790 return this.getTokens(QueryParser.SPECIAL);791 } else {792 return this.getToken(QueryParser.SPECIAL, i);793 }794 }795 public REQUIRED_MARK(): TerminalNode[];796 public REQUIRED_MARK(i: number): TerminalNode;797 public REQUIRED_MARK(i?: number): TerminalNode | TerminalNode[] {798 if (i === undefined) {799 return this.getTokens(QueryParser.REQUIRED_MARK);800 } else {801 return this.getToken(QueryParser.REQUIRED_MARK, i);802 }803 }804 constructor(parent: ParserRuleContext | undefined, invokingState: number) {805 super(parent, invokingState);806 }807 /​/​ @Override808 public get ruleIndex(): number { return QueryParser.RULE_ignored; }809 /​/​ @Override810 public enterRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {811 if (listener.enterIgnored) {812 listener.enterIgnored(this);813 }814 }815 /​/​ @Override816 public exitRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {817 if (listener.exitIgnored) {818 listener.exitIgnored(this);819 }820 }821 /​/​ @Override822 public accept<Result>(visitor: QueryParserVisitor<Result>): Result {823 if (visitor.visitIgnored) {824 return visitor.visitIgnored(this);825 } else {826 return visitor.visitChildren(this);827 }828 }829}830export class ScalarParamContext extends ParserRuleContext {831 public SINGULAR_PARAM_MARK(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.SINGULAR_PARAM_MARK, 0); }832 public scalarParamName(): ScalarParamNameContext {833 return this.getRuleContext(0, ScalarParamNameContext);834 }835 constructor(parent: ParserRuleContext | undefined, invokingState: number) {836 super(parent, invokingState);837 }838 /​/​ @Override839 public get ruleIndex(): number { return QueryParser.RULE_scalarParam; }840 /​/​ @Override841 public enterRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {842 if (listener.enterScalarParam) {843 listener.enterScalarParam(this);844 }845 }846 /​/​ @Override847 public exitRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {848 if (listener.exitScalarParam) {849 listener.exitScalarParam(this);850 }851 }852 /​/​ @Override853 public accept<Result>(visitor: QueryParserVisitor<Result>): Result {854 if (visitor.visitScalarParam) {855 return visitor.visitScalarParam(this);856 } else {857 return visitor.visitChildren(this);858 }859 }860}861export class PickParamContext extends ParserRuleContext {862 public SINGULAR_PARAM_MARK(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.SINGULAR_PARAM_MARK, 0); }863 public paramName(): ParamNameContext {864 return this.getRuleContext(0, ParamNameContext);865 }866 public OB(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.OB, 0); }867 public pickKey(): PickKeyContext[];868 public pickKey(i: number): PickKeyContext;869 public pickKey(i?: number): PickKeyContext | PickKeyContext[] {870 if (i === undefined) {871 return this.getRuleContexts(PickKeyContext);872 } else {873 return this.getRuleContext(i, PickKeyContext);874 }875 }876 public CB(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.CB, 0); }877 public COMMA(): TerminalNode[];878 public COMMA(i: number): TerminalNode;879 public COMMA(i?: number): TerminalNode | TerminalNode[] {880 if (i === undefined) {881 return this.getTokens(QueryParser.COMMA);882 } else {883 return this.getToken(QueryParser.COMMA, i);884 }885 }886 constructor(parent: ParserRuleContext | undefined, invokingState: number) {887 super(parent, invokingState);888 }889 /​/​ @Override890 public get ruleIndex(): number { return QueryParser.RULE_pickParam; }891 /​/​ @Override892 public enterRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {893 if (listener.enterPickParam) {894 listener.enterPickParam(this);895 }896 }897 /​/​ @Override898 public exitRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {899 if (listener.exitPickParam) {900 listener.exitPickParam(this);901 }902 }903 /​/​ @Override904 public accept<Result>(visitor: QueryParserVisitor<Result>): Result {905 if (visitor.visitPickParam) {906 return visitor.visitPickParam(this);907 } else {908 return visitor.visitChildren(this);909 }910 }911}912export class ArrayPickParamContext extends ParserRuleContext {913 public PLURAL_PARAM_MARK(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.PLURAL_PARAM_MARK, 0); }914 public paramName(): ParamNameContext {915 return this.getRuleContext(0, ParamNameContext);916 }917 public OB(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.OB, 0); }918 public pickKey(): PickKeyContext[];919 public pickKey(i: number): PickKeyContext;920 public pickKey(i?: number): PickKeyContext | PickKeyContext[] {921 if (i === undefined) {922 return this.getRuleContexts(PickKeyContext);923 } else {924 return this.getRuleContext(i, PickKeyContext);925 }926 }927 public CB(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.CB, 0); }928 public COMMA(): TerminalNode[];929 public COMMA(i: number): TerminalNode;930 public COMMA(i?: number): TerminalNode | TerminalNode[] {931 if (i === undefined) {932 return this.getTokens(QueryParser.COMMA);933 } else {934 return this.getToken(QueryParser.COMMA, i);935 }936 }937 constructor(parent: ParserRuleContext | undefined, invokingState: number) {938 super(parent, invokingState);939 }940 /​/​ @Override941 public get ruleIndex(): number { return QueryParser.RULE_arrayPickParam; }942 /​/​ @Override943 public enterRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {944 if (listener.enterArrayPickParam) {945 listener.enterArrayPickParam(this);946 }947 }948 /​/​ @Override949 public exitRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {950 if (listener.exitArrayPickParam) {951 listener.exitArrayPickParam(this);952 }953 }954 /​/​ @Override955 public accept<Result>(visitor: QueryParserVisitor<Result>): Result {956 if (visitor.visitArrayPickParam) {957 return visitor.visitArrayPickParam(this);958 } else {959 return visitor.visitChildren(this);960 }961 }962}963export class ArrayParamContext extends ParserRuleContext {964 public PLURAL_PARAM_MARK(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.PLURAL_PARAM_MARK, 0); }965 public scalarParamName(): ScalarParamNameContext {966 return this.getRuleContext(0, ScalarParamNameContext);967 }968 constructor(parent: ParserRuleContext | undefined, invokingState: number) {969 super(parent, invokingState);970 }971 /​/​ @Override972 public get ruleIndex(): number { return QueryParser.RULE_arrayParam; }973 /​/​ @Override974 public enterRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {975 if (listener.enterArrayParam) {976 listener.enterArrayParam(this);977 }978 }979 /​/​ @Override980 public exitRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {981 if (listener.exitArrayParam) {982 listener.exitArrayParam(this);983 }984 }985 /​/​ @Override986 public accept<Result>(visitor: QueryParserVisitor<Result>): Result {987 if (visitor.visitArrayParam) {988 return visitor.visitArrayParam(this);989 } else {990 return visitor.visitChildren(this);991 }992 }993}994export class ScalarParamNameContext extends ParserRuleContext {995 public ID(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.ID, 0); }996 public REQUIRED_MARK(): TerminalNode | undefined { return this.tryGetToken(QueryParser.REQUIRED_MARK, 0); }997 constructor(parent: ParserRuleContext | undefined, invokingState: number) {998 super(parent, invokingState);999 }1000 /​/​ @Override1001 public get ruleIndex(): number { return QueryParser.RULE_scalarParamName; }1002 /​/​ @Override1003 public enterRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {1004 if (listener.enterScalarParamName) {1005 listener.enterScalarParamName(this);1006 }1007 }1008 /​/​ @Override1009 public exitRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {1010 if (listener.exitScalarParamName) {1011 listener.exitScalarParamName(this);1012 }1013 }1014 /​/​ @Override1015 public accept<Result>(visitor: QueryParserVisitor<Result>): Result {1016 if (visitor.visitScalarParamName) {1017 return visitor.visitScalarParamName(this);1018 } else {1019 return visitor.visitChildren(this);1020 }1021 }1022}1023export class ParamNameContext extends ParserRuleContext {1024 public ID(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.ID, 0); }1025 constructor(parent: ParserRuleContext | undefined, invokingState: number) {1026 super(parent, invokingState);1027 }1028 /​/​ @Override1029 public get ruleIndex(): number { return QueryParser.RULE_paramName; }1030 /​/​ @Override1031 public enterRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {1032 if (listener.enterParamName) {1033 listener.enterParamName(this);1034 }1035 }1036 /​/​ @Override1037 public exitRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {1038 if (listener.exitParamName) {1039 listener.exitParamName(this);1040 }1041 }1042 /​/​ @Override1043 public accept<Result>(visitor: QueryParserVisitor<Result>): Result {1044 if (visitor.visitParamName) {1045 return visitor.visitParamName(this);1046 } else {1047 return visitor.visitChildren(this);1048 }1049 }1050}1051export class PickKeyContext extends ParserRuleContext {1052 public ID(): TerminalNode { return this.getToken(QueryParser.ID, 0); }1053 public REQUIRED_MARK(): TerminalNode | undefined { return this.tryGetToken(QueryParser.REQUIRED_MARK, 0); }1054 constructor(parent: ParserRuleContext | undefined, invokingState: number) {1055 super(parent, invokingState);1056 }1057 /​/​ @Override1058 public get ruleIndex(): number { return QueryParser.RULE_pickKey; }1059 /​/​ @Override1060 public enterRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {1061 if (listener.enterPickKey) {1062 listener.enterPickKey(this);1063 }1064 }1065 /​/​ @Override1066 public exitRule(listener: QueryParserListener): void {1067 if (listener.exitPickKey) {1068 listener.exitPickKey(this);1069 }1070 }1071 /​/​ @Override1072 public accept<Result>(visitor: QueryParserVisitor<Result>): Result {1073 if (visitor.visitPickKey) {1074 return visitor.visitPickKey(this);1075 } else {1076 return visitor.visitChildren(this);1077 }1078 }...

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Source:QueryParserListener.ts Github


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1/​/​ Generated from src/​loader/​typescript/​grammar/​QueryParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.0-SNAPSHOT2import { ParseTreeListener } from "antlr4ts/​tree/​ParseTreeListener";3import { InputContext } from "./​QueryParser";4import { QueryContext } from "./​QueryParser";5import { ParamContext } from "./​QueryParser";6import { IgnoredContext } from "./​QueryParser";7import { ScalarParamContext } from "./​QueryParser";8import { PickParamContext } from "./​QueryParser";9import { ArrayPickParamContext } from "./​QueryParser";10import { ArrayParamContext } from "./​QueryParser";11import { ScalarParamNameContext } from "./​QueryParser";12import { ParamNameContext } from "./​QueryParser";13import { PickKeyContext } from "./​QueryParser";14/​**15 * This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by16 * `QueryParser`.17 */​18export interface QueryParserListener extends ParseTreeListener {19 /​**20 * Enter a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.input`.21 * @param ctx the parse tree22 */​23 enterInput?: (ctx: InputContext) => void;24 /​**25 * Exit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.input`.26 * @param ctx the parse tree27 */​28 exitInput?: (ctx: InputContext) => void;29 /​**30 * Enter a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.query`.31 * @param ctx the parse tree32 */​33 enterQuery?: (ctx: QueryContext) => void;34 /​**35 * Exit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.query`.36 * @param ctx the parse tree37 */​38 exitQuery?: (ctx: QueryContext) => void;39 /​**40 * Enter a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.param`.41 * @param ctx the parse tree42 */​43 enterParam?: (ctx: ParamContext) => void;44 /​**45 * Exit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.param`.46 * @param ctx the parse tree47 */​48 exitParam?: (ctx: ParamContext) => void;49 /​**50 * Enter a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.ignored`.51 * @param ctx the parse tree52 */​53 enterIgnored?: (ctx: IgnoredContext) => void;54 /​**55 * Exit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.ignored`.56 * @param ctx the parse tree57 */​58 exitIgnored?: (ctx: IgnoredContext) => void;59 /​**60 * Enter a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.scalarParam`.61 * @param ctx the parse tree62 */​63 enterScalarParam?: (ctx: ScalarParamContext) => void;64 /​**65 * Exit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.scalarParam`.66 * @param ctx the parse tree67 */​68 exitScalarParam?: (ctx: ScalarParamContext) => void;69 /​**70 * Enter a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.pickParam`.71 * @param ctx the parse tree72 */​73 enterPickParam?: (ctx: PickParamContext) => void;74 /​**75 * Exit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.pickParam`.76 * @param ctx the parse tree77 */​78 exitPickParam?: (ctx: PickParamContext) => void;79 /​**80 * Enter a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.arrayPickParam`.81 * @param ctx the parse tree82 */​83 enterArrayPickParam?: (ctx: ArrayPickParamContext) => void;84 /​**85 * Exit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.arrayPickParam`.86 * @param ctx the parse tree87 */​88 exitArrayPickParam?: (ctx: ArrayPickParamContext) => void;89 /​**90 * Enter a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.arrayParam`.91 * @param ctx the parse tree92 */​93 enterArrayParam?: (ctx: ArrayParamContext) => void;94 /​**95 * Exit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.arrayParam`.96 * @param ctx the parse tree97 */​98 exitArrayParam?: (ctx: ArrayParamContext) => void;99 /​**100 * Enter a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.scalarParamName`.101 * @param ctx the parse tree102 */​103 enterScalarParamName?: (ctx: ScalarParamNameContext) => void;104 /​**105 * Exit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.scalarParamName`.106 * @param ctx the parse tree107 */​108 exitScalarParamName?: (ctx: ScalarParamNameContext) => void;109 /​**110 * Enter a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.paramName`.111 * @param ctx the parse tree112 */​113 enterParamName?: (ctx: ParamNameContext) => void;114 /​**115 * Exit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.paramName`.116 * @param ctx the parse tree117 */​118 exitParamName?: (ctx: ParamNameContext) => void;119 /​**120 * Enter a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.pickKey`.121 * @param ctx the parse tree122 */​123 enterPickKey?: (ctx: PickKeyContext) => void;124 /​**125 * Exit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.pickKey`.126 * @param ctx the parse tree127 */​128 exitPickKey?: (ctx: PickKeyContext) => void;...

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Source:QueryParserVisitor.ts Github


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1/​/​ Generated from src/​loader/​typescript/​grammar/​QueryParser.g4 by ANTLR 4.9.0-SNAPSHOT2import { ParseTreeVisitor } from "antlr4ts/​tree/​ParseTreeVisitor";3import { InputContext } from "./​QueryParser";4import { QueryContext } from "./​QueryParser";5import { ParamContext } from "./​QueryParser";6import { IgnoredContext } from "./​QueryParser";7import { ScalarParamContext } from "./​QueryParser";8import { PickParamContext } from "./​QueryParser";9import { ArrayPickParamContext } from "./​QueryParser";10import { ArrayParamContext } from "./​QueryParser";11import { ScalarParamNameContext } from "./​QueryParser";12import { ParamNameContext } from "./​QueryParser";13import { PickKeyContext } from "./​QueryParser";14/​**15 * This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced16 * by `QueryParser`.17 *18 * @param <Result> The return type of the visit operation. Use `void` for19 * operations with no return type.20 */​21export interface QueryParserVisitor<Result> extends ParseTreeVisitor<Result> {22 /​**23 * Visit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.input`.24 * @param ctx the parse tree25 * @return the visitor result26 */​27 visitInput?: (ctx: InputContext) => Result;28 /​**29 * Visit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.query`.30 * @param ctx the parse tree31 * @return the visitor result32 */​33 visitQuery?: (ctx: QueryContext) => Result;34 /​**35 * Visit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.param`.36 * @param ctx the parse tree37 * @return the visitor result38 */​39 visitParam?: (ctx: ParamContext) => Result;40 /​**41 * Visit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.ignored`.42 * @param ctx the parse tree43 * @return the visitor result44 */​45 visitIgnored?: (ctx: IgnoredContext) => Result;46 /​**47 * Visit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.scalarParam`.48 * @param ctx the parse tree49 * @return the visitor result50 */​51 visitScalarParam?: (ctx: ScalarParamContext) => Result;52 /​**53 * Visit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.pickParam`.54 * @param ctx the parse tree55 * @return the visitor result56 */​57 visitPickParam?: (ctx: PickParamContext) => Result;58 /​**59 * Visit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.arrayPickParam`.60 * @param ctx the parse tree61 * @return the visitor result62 */​63 visitArrayPickParam?: (ctx: ArrayPickParamContext) => Result;64 /​**65 * Visit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.arrayParam`.66 * @param ctx the parse tree67 * @return the visitor result68 */​69 visitArrayParam?: (ctx: ArrayParamContext) => Result;70 /​**71 * Visit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.scalarParamName`.72 * @param ctx the parse tree73 * @return the visitor result74 */​75 visitScalarParamName?: (ctx: ScalarParamNameContext) => Result;76 /​**77 * Visit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.paramName`.78 * @param ctx the parse tree79 * @return the visitor result80 */​81 visitParamName?: (ctx: ParamNameContext) => Result;82 /​**83 * Visit a parse tree produced by `QueryParser.pickKey`.84 * @param ctx the parse tree85 * @return the visitor result86 */​87 visitPickKey?: (ctx: PickKeyContext) => Result;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var queryParser = require('devicefarmer-stf').queryParser;2var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");3console.log(query);4var queryParser = require('stf').queryParser;5var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");6console.log(query);7var queryParser = require('stf-client').queryParser;8var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");9console.log(query);10var queryParser = require('stf').queryParser;11var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");12console.log(query);13var queryParser = require('stf-client').queryParser;14var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");15console.log(query);16var queryParser = require('stf').queryParser;17var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");18console.log(query);19var queryParser = require('stf-client').queryParser;20var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");21console.log(query);22var queryParser = require('stf').queryParser;23var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");24console.log(query);25var queryParser = require('stf-client').queryParser;26var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");27console.log(query);28var queryParser = require('stf').queryParser;29var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");30console.log(query);31var queryParser = require('stf-client').queryParser;32var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");33console.log(query);34var queryParser = require('stf').queryParser;35var query = queryParser.parse("name=.*");36console.log(query);37var queryParser = require('stf-client').queryParser;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var provider = require('devicefarmer-stf-provider');2var queryParser = provider.util.queryParser;3var query = "OS=Android AND (Manufacturer=Samsung OR Manufacturer=HTC)";4var parsedQuery = queryParser.parse(query);5console.log(parsedQuery);6var provider = require('devicefarmer-stf-provider');7var queryParser = provider.util.queryParser;8var query = "OS=Android AND (Manufacturer=Samsung OR Manufacturer=HTC)";9var parsedQuery = queryParser.parse(query);10console.log(parsedQuery);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var queryParser = require('devicefarmer-stf').QueryParser;2var query = queryParser.parse('manufacturer:HTC and (model:One or model:One X) and not (version:4.4 or version:4.3)');3console.log(query);4var queryParser = require('devicefarmer-stf').QueryParser;5var query = queryParser.parse('manufacturer:HTC and (model:One or model:One X) and not (version:4.4 or version:4.3)');6console.log(query);7var queryParser = require('devicefarmer-stf').QueryParser;8var query = queryParser.parse('manufacturer:HTC and (model:One or model:One X) and not (version:4.4 or version:4.3)');9console.log(query);10var queryParser = require('devicefarmer-stf').QueryParser;11var query = queryParser.parse('manufacturer:HTC and (model:One or model:One X) and not (version:4.4 or version:4.3)');12console.log(query);13var queryParser = require('devicefarmer-stf').QueryParser;

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