Best JavaScript code snippet using cypress
Source: index.js
1'use strict'; /* globals describe, it, beforeEach, afterEach, before, after, __dirname, module, global */2const chai = require('chai');3chai.use(require('chai-as-promised'));4chai.should();5global.expect = chai.expect;6const {7 concurrent: { _async, asyncClass, spawn, promisify, },8 fs: { FS, Path, },9} = require('es6lib');10const HttpServer = require('../server/index.js');11const buildExt = require('../../build.js');12const makeTempDir = promisify(require('temp').track().mkdir);13const eventToPromise = require('event-to-promise');14const Https = require('https'), Http = require('http');15const getBody = require('raw-body');16const { Builder, } = require('selenium-webdriver');17const Chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome');18const Firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');19const { Key, } = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/input');20const Test = asyncClass({21 constructor: function*({ noExt = false, server, } = { }) {22 if (!noExt) {23 // start a web server which the extension will contact during startup24 this.setupServer = new Http.Server(this._onSetupRequest.bind(this));25 (yield eventToPromise(this.setupServer.listen(0), 'listening'));26 this.setupServer.close = promisify(this.setupServer.close);27 this.setupPort = this.setupServer.address().port;28 // build add-on and create a firefox builder with it29 this.tempDir = (yield makeTempDir('add-on-build'));30 this.extName = (yield buildExt({31 icons: false, tld: false, // no need to rebuild these every time32 selenium: { setupPort: this.setupPort, },33 xpi: true,34 outDir: this.tempDir,35 }));36 this.extPath = Path.join(this.tempDir, this.extName +'.xpi');37 }38 this._makeBuilder();39 const log = this.serverLogs = [ ];40 this.server = (yield new HttpServer(Object.assign({41 httpPorts: [ 0, ],42 httpsPorts: [ 0, ],43 upgradePorts: { },44 log(header) { log.push(header); },45 serveFromFS: false,46 favicon: 'ignore',47 }, server)));48 this.pendingStartUp = null; // holds a PromiseCapability with additional options while the browser is starting49 this.browser = null; // reference to the browser driver, while it runs50 return this;51 },52 // start browser with config, wait for the add-on to have started, clear server logs53 start: function*({ storage, }) {54 if (this.browser || this.pendingStartUp) { throw new Error('Browser already started'); }55 const ctx = this.pendingStartUp = { options: { storage, token: Math.random().toString(36).slice(2), }, };56 const done = ctx.promise = this.setupServer ? new Promise((y, n) => { ctx.resolve = y; ctx.reject = n; }) : Promise.resolve();57 this.browser = (yield this.builder.buildAsync());58 (yield done);59 this.pendingStartUp = null;60 this.takeLogs();61 return this.browser;62 },63 // close browser, clear server logs64 stop: function*() { // TODO: add 'force' option65 this.pendingStartUp && (yield this.pendingStartUp.promise);66 this.browser && (yield this.browser.quit());67 this.browser = null;68 this.takeLogs();69 },70 // stop servers, calls .stop(true)71 destroy: function*() {72 (yield this.stop(true));73 this.server && (yield this.server.close());74 this.server = null;75 this.setupServer && (yield this.setupServer.close());76 this.setupServer = null;77 // TODO: destroy builder78 this.builder = null;79 },80 takeLogs() {81 return this.serverLogs.splice(0, Infinity);82 },83 peekLogs() {84 return this.serverLogs.slice(0, Infinity);85 },86/*87 openTab: function*(url) {88 (yield this.browser.executeScript('')); console.log('opened');89 // TODO: wait?90 (yield this.focusTab()); console.log('focused');91 url != null && (yield this.browser.get(url)); console.log('navigated');92 },93 focusTab: function*(index) {94 const tabs = (yield this.browser.getAllWindowHandles()); console.log('tabs', tabs);95 index = index == null ? tabs.length - 1 : index < 0 ? tabs.length - 1 + length : length;96 index = Math.max(0, Math.min(index, tabs.length - 1)); console.log('index', index);97 (yield this.browser.switchTo().window(tabs[index]));98 },99 closeTab: function*(index) {100 index != null && (yield this.focusTab(index));101 (yield this.browser.close());102 // (yield this.browser.executeScript('window.close()'));103 (yield this.focusTab(0));104 },105*/106 _makeBuilder: function() {107 const chromeOpts = new Chrome.Options();108 chromeOpts.addArguments(`load-extension=${ this.tempDir }/webextension`);109 const ffProfile = new Firefox.Profile();110 this.extPath && ffProfile.addExtension(this.extPath);111 ffProfile.setPreference('extensions.@stop-fingerprinting.sdk.console.logLevel', 'all');112 ffProfile.setPreference('xpinstall.signatures.required', false); // allow unsigned add-on (requires alpha/devEdition/unbranded build)113 ffProfile.setPreference('extensions.checkCompatibility.51.0a', false); // FF51 devEdition114 ffProfile.setPreference('extensions.checkCompatibility.51.0b', false); // FF51 beta115 // disable all caching, for now this is an acceptable way to handle caching in these tests,116 // but it needs to be removed once this extension affects caching itself117 ffProfile.setPreference('browser.cache.disk.enable', false);118 ffProfile.setPreference('browser.cache.memory.enable', false);119 ffProfile.setPreference('browser.cache.offline.enable', false);120 ffProfile.setPreference('network.http.use-cache', false);121 // enable all debugging output within Firefox122 ffProfile.setPreference('extensions.@stop-fingerprinting.sdk.console.logLevel', 'all');123 // these don't seem to work124 ffProfile.setAcceptUntrustedCerts(true);125 ffProfile.setAssumeUntrustedCertIssuer(true);126 const ffOpts = new Firefox.Options();127 // ffOpts.setBinary(new Firefox.Binary().useDevEdition(true));128 ffOpts.setBinary(String.raw`C:\Program Files\Firefox Developer Edition\firefox.exe`);129 ffOpts.setProfile(ffProfile);130 this.builder = new Builder()131 .forBrowser('firefox')132 // .setChromeOptions(chromeOpts)133 .setFirefoxOptions(ffOpts)134 .disableEnvironmentOverrides()135 ;136 },137 _onSetupRequest({ url, body, }, out) {138 const ctx = this.pendingStartUp;139 if (!ctx) {140 console.error('Unexpected startup request:', url);141 out.writeHead(404);142 out.end(); return;143 }144 switch (url.slice(1)) {145 case 'get-options': {146 if (ctx.options) {147 out.write(JSON.stringify(ctx.options));148 } else {149 out.writeHead(404);150 }151 ctx.options = null;152 } break;153 case 'statup-done': {154 ctx.resolve();155 } break;156 case 'statup-failed': {157 getBody(arguments[0])158 .catch(() => '<unknown>')159 .then(error => ctx.reject(new Error('Failed to start extension: '+ error)));160 } break;161 default: {162 console.error('request to unknown path:', url);163 out.writeHead(404);164 }165 }166 out.end();167 },168 [Symbol.toStringTag]: 'Test',169});170Test.register = function(options, done) {171 let test, getTest = new Test(options), port;172 before(_async(function*() {173 this.timeout(6000);174 test = (yield getTest);175 port = test.server.http[test.server.http.length - 1].address().port;176 (yield done(test));177 }));178 beforeEach(_async(function*() {179 test.server.files = { 'reset.html': 'Hey Ho!', };180 (yield test.browser.get(`http://localhost:${ port }/reset.html`));181 test.server.files = null;182 test.takeLogs();183 }));184 afterEach(_async(function*() {185 }));186 after(_async(function*() {187 (yield test.destroy());188 }));189};...
Source: server.js
...49 this._super();50 // Start up the port store.51 portStore.start();52 // Set up the server for master -- proxy (net server) if multiple ports, express if not.53 this.setupServer();54 };55 Server.prototype.setupServer = function() {56 if (this.server || (this.isMaster && this.numProcesses)) {57 return;58 }59 this._setupExpressServer();60 };61 // Slave62 // Server.prototype._setupExpressServer = function() {64 = express();65 // Use a cookie parser.66;67 // Use a body parser for POSTS.68;69 // For parsing application/x-www-form-urlencoded70{extend: true}));71 // Setup the session.72;73 // Setup the public routes.74 this._publicRoutes = [];75 for (var route in this.publicRoutes) {76 var serverPath = this.publicRoutes[route];77 this._publicRoutes.push(route);78, express.static(serverPath));79 }80 // Setup the endpoints.81 for (var i=0; i< this.routes.length; i++) {82 this.addEndpoint(this.routes[i]);83 }84 // Callback to call once express app is listening.85 var cb = function() { console.log('Server (', this.__className, ') has started.'); }.bind(this);86 // Have it listen to localhost87 //if (this.isMaster) {88 this.server =, cb);89 //} else {90 //this.server =, 'localhost', cb);91 //}92 // Setup the sockets.93 for (var i=0; i< this.sockets.length; i++) {94 this.addSocket(this.sockets[i]);95 }96 };97 Server.prototype._createSession = function() {98 var RedisStore = connectRedis(expressSession);99 return expressSession({100 'store': new RedisStore({ 'client': redisManager.getCluster() }),101 'secret': credentials.cookieSecret,102 'cookie': this._getCookieParams(),103 'resave': false,104 'saveUninitialized': false105 });106 };107 Server.prototype._getCookieParams = function() {108 // // Note: for https sites, read that.110 return {111 'path': '/',112 'httpOnly': true,113 'maxAge': 86400*90, // 90 days114 // 'domain': 'your domain so you can have multiple sub-domains using the same cookie'115 'secure': false116 }117 };118 Server.prototype.addEndpoint = function(endpointOrOptions) {119 if (!endpointOrOptions) return;120 var ep;121 if (endpointOrOptions.prototype.__templateType === 'endpoint') {122 ep = new endpointOrOptions({'app':});123 } else {124 endpointOrOptions['app'] =;125 ep = new Endpoint(endpointOrOptions);126 }127 this.endpoints[ep.url] = ep;128 };129 Server.prototype.addSocket = function(socket) {130 var publicRoute = this._publicRoutes[0] || '';131 var s = new socket({'server': this.server, 'publicRoute': publicRoute, 'app':});132 this.sockets[socket.__id] = s;133 };134 Server.prototype.onFork = function() {135 if (this.isMaster) return;136 this._super.apply(this, arguments);137 this.setupServer();138 };139 // Listening to messages sent by master -- if it's a connection event, then140 // emulate the connection event on the server by emitting the event that master sent us.141 Server.prototype.onProcessMessage = function(message, connection) {142 console.log(message, connection);143 if (this.isMaster || message !== (config.stickySessionEvent || 'sticky-session:connection')) return;144 connection.resume();145 this.server.emit('connection', connection);146 };147 return extend(MicroService, Server);...
Source: pyserialclient.js
...7 this.pySerialServer = undefined8 this.socket = undefined9 this.socketIoConnected = false10 this.serialPortConnected = false11 this.setupServer(callbacks)12 this.setupSocketIO(callbacks)13 }14 setupServer(callbacks) {15 let options = {16 mode: 'text',17 pythonOptions: ['-u'],18 scriptPath: path.join(__dirname, 'python')19 }20 if (this.pySerialServer) {21 delete this.pySerialServer22 }23 this.pySerialServer = new PythonShell('', options)24 this.pySerialServer.on('message', (message) => {25 console.log(" - stdout:", message)26 })27 this.pySerialServer.end( (err) => {28 console.log(' finished')29 // If we didn't receive a disconnect event from socketio, we know30 // the python script crashed. We will attempt to restart it31 if (this.socketIoConnected === true) {32 console.log(err)33 console.log("Ungraceful Disconnection, restarting pyserialserver")34 this.socketIoConnected = false35 this.serialPortConnected = false36 this.setupServer(callbacks)38 }39 })40 }41 setupSocketIO(callbacks) {42 this.socket = io.connect('http://localhost:8000', {reconnect: true,43 transports: ['websocket']} )44 // built in event listneres45 this.socket.on('connect', () => {46 console.log("Socket IO connected.")47 this.socketIoConnected = true48 this.getPortList()50 })51 this.socket.on('disconnect', () => {...
Source: SocketService.js
...65 ],66 methods: [67 function init() {68 if ( ! this.listen ) return;69 this.setupServer(this.port);70 },71 function setupServer(port) {72 var server = this.server = new require('net').Server();73 this.server.on('connection', this.onConnection);74 this.server.on('error', function(error) {75 this.error(' Server error', error);76 server.unref();77 if ( error.code === 'EADDRINUSE' ) {78 var port = Math.floor( 10000 + ( Math.random() * 10000 ) );79' Retrying on port', port);80 this.setupServer(port);81 }82 }.bind(this));83 if ( this.listen ) {84 this.server.on('listening', function() {85 this.listening = true;86 }.bind(this));87 this.server.listen(this.port = port);88 }89 },90 function addSocket(socket) {91 var socketBox = this.RawSocketBox.create({92 socket: socket93 })94 var X = this.creationContext.createSubContext({...
Source: instrumentation-middleware.js
1'use strict';2const pino = require('pino')();3const cpuProfiler = require('./v8-cpu-profiler');4const heapProfiler = require('heap-profile');5heapProfiler.start();6class InstrumentationMiddleware {7 constructor(app) {8 = app;9'preHandler', async (request, reply) => {10 const route = request.req.url.replace(new RegExp(/\//, 'g'), "");11 if (this.isCpuProfiling(request.req.url))12 cpuProfiler.startProfiling();13 if (this.isMemoryProfiling(request.req.url))14 heapProfiler.write(`./out/${route}-${}-before.heapprofile`);15 if (this.isLogging(request.req.url))16;17 });18'onSend', async (request, reply, payload) => {19 const route = request.req.url.replace(new RegExp(/\//, 'g'), "");20 if (this.isLogging(request.req.url))21;22 if (this.isMemoryProfiling(request.req.url))23 heapProfiler.write(`./out/${route}-${}-after.heapprofile`);24 if (this.isCpuProfiling(request.req.url))25 cpuProfiler.stopProfiling(`./out/${route}-${}.cpuprofile`);26 });27'onRoute', (routeOptions) => {28 if (routeOptions.url in this.routes) return;29 this.routes.push(routeOptions.url);30 })31 this.routes = []32 this.instrumenting = {};33 this.setupServer = require('express')();34 this.setupServer.use(require('express').json());35 this.setupServer.get('/', (req, res) => {36 res.json( => {37 return {38 path: route,39 instrumented: this.instrumenting[route] || [],40 instrumentations: this.availableInstrumentations(),41 }42 }));43 });44'/', (req, res) => {45 this.instrumenting = req.body;46 res.send();47 });48 this.setupServer.listen('/tmp/instrumentation.sock')49 }50 isCpuProfiling(route) {51 return this.isInstrumenting(route, 'cpu-profiler');52 }53 isMemoryProfiling(route) {54 return this.isInstrumenting(route, 'memory-profiler');55 }56 isLogging(route) {57 return this.isInstrumenting(route, 'logging');58 }59 isInstrumenting(route, instrumentation) {60 return (this.instrumenting[route] || []).includes(instrumentation);61 }62 availableInstrumentations() {63 return [64 'cpu-profiler',65 'memory-profiler',66 'logging',67 ];68 }69}70module.exports = {71 InstrumentationMiddleware...
Source: Application.js
1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });3const express = require("express");4const mongoose_1 = require("mongoose");5class Application {6 constructor(opt) {7 = express();8 this.port = opt.port;9 this.db_address = opt.db_address;10 this.middllewaresArray = opt.middllewaresArray;11 this.setUpServer();12 this.setDb();13 this.setUpMiddleWares();14 }15 setUpServer() {16, () => {17 console.log("App is listening to port " + this.port);18 });19 }20 setDb() {21 this.db_address && (mongoose_1.default.connect(this.db_address, {22 useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true23 })24 .then(_ => {25 console.log("Db connected");26 })27 .catch(err => {28 throw err;29 }));30 }31 setUpMiddleWares() {32 if (this.middllewaresArray) {33 => {34 m.path ?, m.cb) :;35 });36 }37 }38}...
Source: Room.js
...5class Room extends Component {6 constructor(props) {7 super(props);8 this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);9 this.setupServer();10 }11 /**12 * Tirggered when the user selects a room13 */14 handleClick = () => {15 if (16 ! ||17 ( !== undefined && !== this.props.roomId)18 )19 this.props.socket.emit("updateRoom", this.props.roomId);20 };21 /**22 * Setup the real time server23 */...
Source: setup.js
1(function() {2 var app = angular.module('rcSetup', []);3 app.controller('rcSetupController', function() {4 this.setupServer = function() {5 // ....6 };7 });8 9 var flower = []...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { setupServer } from 'msw/node'2import { handlers } from './handlers'3const server = setupServer(...handlers)4beforeAll(() => server.listen())5afterEach(() => server.resetHandlers())6afterAll(() => server.close())7describe('test', () => {8 it('test', () => {9 })10})11import { rest } from 'msw'12import { setupServer } from 'msw/node'13 rest.get('/test', (req, res, ctx) => {14 return res(15 ctx.json({16 })17 }),18{19}
Using AI Code Generation
1import { setupServer } from 'msw/node'2import { handlers } from './handlers'3export const server = setupServer(...handlers)4before(() => {5 server.listen()6})7after(() => {8 server.close()9})10import { rest } from 'msw'11 rest.get('/greeting', (req, res, ctx) => {12 return res(13 ctx.json({14 }),15 }),16describe('Example', () => {17 it('works', () => {18 cy.request('/greeting').should((response) => {19 expect(response.body.greeting).to.eq('hello there')20 })21 })22})
Using AI Code Generation
1import './commands'2import './commands'3import './commands'4import './commands'5import './commands'6import './commands'7import './commands'8import './commands'9import './commands'10import './commands'11import './commands'12import './commands'13import './commands'14import './commands'15import './commands'16import './commands'17import './commands'18import './commands'
Using AI Code Generation
1import { setupServer } from 'msw/node'2import { handlers } from './handlers'3export const server = setupServer(...handlers)4beforeEach(() => {5 server.listen()6})7afterEach(() => {8 server.resetHandlers()9})10afterAll(() => {11 server.close()12})13import { server } from './test'14Cypress.Commands.add('login', (overrides = {}) => {15 const user = {
Using AI Code Generation
1import {setupServer} from 'cypress-server-mock';2import {mockServer} from 'cypress-server-mock';3const mockServer = require('cypress-server-mock');4const setupServer = require('cypress-server-mock');5const mockServer = require('cypress-server-mock').mockServer;6const setupServer = require('cypress-server-mock').setupServer;7const mockServer = require('cypress-server-mock').mockServer;8const setupServer = require('cypress-server-mock').setupServer;9const mockServer = require('cypress-server-mock').mockServer;10const setupServer = require('cypress-server-mock').setupServer;11const mockServer = require('cypress-server-mock').mockServer;12const setupServer = require('cypress-server-mock').setupServer;13const mockServer = require('cypress-server-mock').mockServer;14const setupServer = require('cypress-server-mock').setupServer;15const mockServer = require('cypress-server-mock').mockServer;16const setupServer = require('cypress-server-mock').setupServer;17const mockServer = require('cypress-server-mock').mockServer;18const setupServer = require('cypress-server-mock').setupServer;19const mockServer = require('cypress-server-mock').mockServer;20const setupServer = require('cypress-server-mock').setupServer;
Using AI Code Generation
1describe("My First Test", function() {2 it("Visits the Kitchen Sink", function() {3 cy.contains("type").click();4 cy.url().should("include", "/commands/actions");5 cy.get(".action-email")6 .type("
Using AI Code Generation
1import { setupServer } from 'msw/node'2import { rest } from 'msw'3 { id: 1, text: 'todo 1', completed: false },4 { id: 2, text: 'todo 2', completed: false },5const server = setupServer(6 rest.get('/api/todos', (req, res, ctx) => {7 return res(ctx.json(todos))8 }),9'/api/todos', (req, res, ctx) => {10 todos.push(todo)11 return res(ctx.status(201), ctx.json(todo))12 })13beforeAll(() => server.listen())14afterEach(() => server.resetHandlers())15afterAll(() => server.close())16it('should fetch todos', () => {17 cy.request('/api/todos').should((response) => {18 expect(response.body).to.deep.equal(todos)19 })20})21it('should create a todo', () => {22 const todo = { text: 'todo 3', completed: false }23 cy.request('POST', '/api/todos', todo).should((response) => {24 expect(response.status).to.equal(201)25 expect(response.body).to.deep.equal({26 })27 })28 cy.request('/api/todos').should((response) => {29 expect(response.body).to.deep.equal([...todos, todo])30 })31})
Using AI Code Generation
1const PORT = 3000;2describe("My First Test", function() {3 beforeEach(function() {4 this.setupServer();5 });6 it("Visits the app root url", function() {7 cy.visit("/");8 cy.title().should("include", "Welcome to Your Vue.js App");9 });10});11describe("My Second Test", function() {12 it("Visits the app root url", function() {13 cy.visit("/");
Cypress does not always executes click on element
How to get current date using cy.clock()
.type() method in cypress when string is empty
Cypress route function not detecting the network request
How to pass files name in array and then iterating for the file upload functionality in cypress
confused with cy.log in cypress
why is drag drop not working as per expectation in
Failing wait for request in Cypress
How to Populate Input Text Field with Javascript
Is there a reliable way to have Cypress exit as soon as a test fails?
2022 here and tested with cypress version: "6.x.x"
until "10.x.x"
You could use { force: true }
cy.get("YOUR_SELECTOR").click({ force: true });
but this might not solve it ! The problem might be more complex, that's why check below
My solution:
In my case, I needed to watch a bit deeper what's going on. I started by pin the click
action like this:
Then watch the console, and you should see something like:
Now click on line Mouse Events
, it should display a table:
So basically, when Cypress executes the click
function, it triggers all those events but somehow my component behave the way that it is detached the moment where click event
is triggered.
So I just simplified the click by doing:
And it worked ????
Hope this will fix your issue or at least help you debug and understand what's wrong.
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Web products of top-notch quality can only be realized when the emphasis is laid on every aspect of the product. This is where web automation testing plays a major role in testing the features of the product inside-out. A majority of the web testing community (including myself) have been using the Selenium test automation framework for realizing different forms of web testing (e.g., cross browser testing, functional testing, etc.).
Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.
You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.
Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.
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