How to use this.rp method in Cypress

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Source: dop-prototypes.js Github


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1/​*2* Title : DOP Prototypes (JavaScript class)3* Version : 1.0.34* File : dop-prototypes.js5* File Version : 1.0.36* Created /​ Last Modified : 29 March 20167* Author : Dot on Paper8* Copyright : © 2014 Dot on Paper9* Website : http:/​/​www.dotonpaper.net10* Description : List of general functions that we use at Dot on Paper.11* Licence : MIT12*/​13var DOPPrototypes = new function(){14 /​*15 * Private variables16 */​17 var $ = jQuery.noConflict();18 /​*19 * Public variables20 */​21 22 /​*23 * Constructor24 */​25 this.__construct = function(){26 };27 28/​/​ Actions 29 /​*30 * Make all parents & current item visible.31 * 32 * @param item (element): item for which all parens are going to be made visible33 * 34 * @return list of parents35 */​36 this.doHiddenBuster = function(item){37 var parent = item.parent(),38 items = new Array();39 if (item.prop('tagName') !== undefined 40 && item.prop('tagName').toLowerCase() !== 'body'){41 items = this.doHiddenBuster(parent);42 }43 if (item.css('display') === 'none'){44 item.css('display', 'block');45 items.push(item);46 }47 return items;48 };49 50 /​*51 * Hide all items from list. The list is returned by function doHiddenBuster().52 * 53 * @param items (Array): list of items to be hidden54 */​55 this.undoHiddenBuster = function(items){ 56 var i;57 for (i=0; i<items.length; i++){58 items[i].css('display', 'none');59 }60 };61 62 /​*63 * Open a link.64 * 65 * @param url (String): link URL66 * @param target (String): link target (_blank, _parent, _self, _top)67 */​68 this.openLink = function(url,69 target){70 switch (target.toLowerCase()){71 case '_blank':72;73 break;74 case '_parent':75 parent.location.href = url;76 break;77 case '_top':78 top.location.href = url;79 break;80 default: 81 window.location = url;82 }83 };84 85 /​*86 * Randomize the items of an array.87 * 88 * @param theArray (Array): the array to be mixed89 * 90 * return array with mixed items91 */​92 this.randomizeArray = function(theArray){93 theArray.sort(function(){94 return 0.5-Math.random();95 });96 return theArray;97 };98 /​*99 * Scroll vertically to position.100 * 101 * @param position (Number): position to scroll to102 * @param speed (Number): scroll speed 103 */​ 104 this.scrollToY = function(position,105 speed){106 speed = speed !== undefined ? speed: 300;107 108 $('html').stop(true, true)109 .animate({'scrollTop': position}, 110 speed);111 $('body').stop(true, true)112 .animate({'scrollTop': position}, 113 speed);114 };115 116 /​*117 * One finger navigation for touchscreen devices.118 * 119 * @param parent (element): parent item120 * @param child (element): child item121 */​122 this.touchNavigation = function(parent,123 child){124 var prevX, 125 prevY, 126 currX, 127 currY, 128 touch, 129 childX, 130 childY;131 parent.bind('touchstart', function(e){132 touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0];133 prevX = touch.clientX;134 prevY = touch.clientY;135 });136 parent.bind('touchmove', function(e){ 137 touch = e.originalEvent.touches[0];138 currX = touch.clientX;139 currY = touch.clientY;140 childX = currX>prevX ? parseInt(child.css('margin-left'))+(currX-prevX):parseInt(child.css('margin-left'))-(prevX-currX);141 childY = currY>prevY ? parseInt(child.css('margin-top'))+(currY-prevY):parseInt(child.css('margin-top'))-(prevY-currY);142 if (childX < (-1)*(child.width()-parent.width())){143 childX = (-1)*(child.width()-parent.width());144 }145 else if (childX > 0){146 childX = 0;147 }148 else{ 149 e.preventDefault();150 }151 if (childY < (-1)*(child.height()-parent.height())){152 childY = (-1)*(child.height()-parent.height());153 }154 else if (childY > 0){155 childY = 0;156 }157 else{ 158 e.preventDefault();159 }160 prevX = currX;161 prevY = currY;162 if (parent.width() < child.width()){163 child.css('margin-left', childX);164 }165 if (parent.height() < child.height()){166 child.css('margin-top', childY);167 }168 });169 parent.bind('touchend', function(e){170 if (!this.isChromeMobileBrowser()){171 e.preventDefault();172 }173 });174 };175/​/​ Browsers & devices176 /​*177 * Check if operating system is Android.178 * 179 * @return true/​false180 */​181 this.isAndroid = function(){182 var isAndroid = false,183 agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();184 if (agent.indexOf('android') !== -1){185 isAndroid = true;186 }187 return isAndroid;188 };189 190 /​*191 * Check if browser is Chrome on mobile..192 * 193 * @return true/​false194 */​195 this.isChromeMobileBrowser = function(){196 var isChromeMobile = false,197 agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();198 if ((agent.indexOf('chrome') !== -1 199 || agent.indexOf('crios') !== -1) 200 && this.isTouchDevice()){201 isChromeMobile = true;202 }203 return isChromeMobile;204 };205 206 /​*207 * Check if browser is IE8.208 * 209 * @return true/​false210 */​211 this.isIE8Browser = function(){212 var isIE8 = false,213 agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();214 if (agent.indexOf('msie 8') !== -1){215 isIE8 = true;216 }217 return isIE8;218 };219 220 /​*221 * Check if browser is IE..222 * 223 * @return true/​false224 */​225 this.isIEBrowser = function(){226 var isIE = false,227 agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();228 if (agent.indexOf('msie') !== -1){229 isIE = true;230 }231 return isIE;232 };233 234 /​*235 * Detect touchscreen devices.236 * 237 * @return true/​false238 */​239 this.isTouchDevice = function(){240 var os = navigator.platform;241 if (os.toLowerCase().indexOf('win') !== -1){242 return window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints;243 }244 else {245 return 'ontouchstart' in document;246 }247 },248/​/​ Cookies249 250 /​*251 * Delete cookie.252 * 253 * @param name (String): cookie name254 * @param path (String): cookie path255 * @param domain (String): cookie domain256 */​257 this.deleteCookie = function(name,258 path,259 domain){260 if (this.getCookie(name)){261 document.cookie = name+'='+((path) ? ';path='+path:'')+((domain) ? ';domain='+domain:'')+';expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT';262 }263 };264 265 /​*266 * Get cookie.267 * 268 * @param name (String): cookie name269 */​ 270 this.getCookie = function(name){ 271 var namePiece = name+"=",272 cookie = document.cookie.split(";"),273 i;274 for (i=0; i<cookie.length; i++){275 var cookiePiece = cookie[i];276 while (cookiePiece.charAt(0) === ' '){277 cookiePiece = cookiePiece.substring(1,cookiePiece .length); 278 } 279 if (cookiePiece.indexOf(namePiece) === 0){280 return unescape(cookiePiece.substring(namePiece.length, cookiePiece.length));281 } 282 }283 return null;284 };285 286 /​*287 * Set cookie.288 * 289 * @param name (String): cookie name290 * @param value (String): cookie value291 * @param expire (String): the number of days after which the cookie will expire292 */​293 this.setCookie = function(name,294 value,295 expire){296 var expirationDate = new Date();297 expirationDate.setDate(expirationDate.getDate()+expire);298 document.cookie = name+'='+escape(value)+((expire === null) ? '': ';expires='+expirationDate.toUTCString())+';javahere=yes;path=/​';299 };300/​/​ Date & time301 302 /​*303 * Converts time to AM/​PM format.304 *305 * @param time (String): the time that will be converted (HH:MM)306 *307 * @return time to AM/​PM format308 */​309 this.getAMPM = function(time){310 var hour = parseInt(time.split(':')[0], 10),311 minutes = time.split(':')[1],312 result = '';313 if (hour === 0){314 result = '12';315 }316 else if (hour > 12){317 result = this.getLeadingZero(hour-12);318 }319 else{320 result = this.getLeadingZero(hour);321 }322 result += ':'+minutes+' '+(hour < 12 ? 'AM':'PM');323 return result;324 };325 326 /​*327 * Returns difference between 2 dates.328 * 329 * @param date1 (Date): first date (JavaScript date)330 * @param date2 (Date): second date (JavaScript date)331 * @param type (String): diference type332 * "seconds"333 * "minutes"334 * "hours"335 * "days"336 * @param valueType (String): type of number returned337 * "float"338 * "integer"339 * @param noDecimals (Number): number of decimals returned with the float value (-1 to display all decimals)340 * 341 * @return dates diference342 */​343 this.getDatesDifference = function(date1,344 date2,345 type,346 valueType,347 noDecimals){348 var y1 = date1.split('-')[0],349 m1 = date1.split('-')[1],350 d1 = date1.split('-')[2],351 y2 = date2.split('-')[0],352 m2 = date2.split('-')[1],353 d2 = date2.split('-')[2],354 time1 = (new Date(y1, m1-1, d1)).getTime(),355 time2 = (new Date(y2, m2-1, d2)).getTime(),356 diff = Math.abs(time1-time2);357 if (type === undefined){358 type = 'seconds';359 }360 if (valueType === undefined){361 valueType = 'float';362 }363 if (noDecimals === undefined){364 noDecimals = -1;365 }366 switch (type){367 case 'days':368 diff = diff/​(1000*60*60*24);369 break;370 case 'hours':371 diff = diff/​(1000*60*60);372 break;373 case 'minutes':374 diff = diff/​(1000*60);375 break;376 default:377 diff = diff/​(1000);378 }379 if (valueType === 'float'){380 return noDecimals === -1 ? diff:DOPPrototypes.getWithDecimals(diff, noDecimals);381 }382 else{383 return Math.ceil(diff);384 }385 };386 387 /​*388 * Returns difference between 2 hours.389 * 390 * @param hour1 (Date): first hour (HH:MM, HH:MM:SS)391 * @param hour2 (Date): second hour (HH:MM, HH:MM:SS)392 * @param type (String): diference type393 * "seconds"394 * "minutes"395 * "hours"396 * @param valueType (String): type of number returned397 * "float"398 * "integer"399 * @param noDecimals (Number): number of decimals returned with the float value (-1 to display all decimals)400 * 401 * @return hours difference402 */​403 this.getHoursDifference = function(hour1,404 hour2,405 type,406 valueType,407 noDecimals){408 var hours1 = parseInt(hour1.split(':')[0], 10),409 minutes1 = parseInt(hour1.split(':')[1], 10),410 seconds1 = hour1.split(':')[2] !== undefined ? parseInt(hour1.split(':')[2], 10):0,411 hours2 = parseInt(hour2.split(':')[0], 10),412 minutes2 = parseInt(hour2.split(':')[1], 10),413 seconds2 = hour2.split(':')[2] !== undefined ? parseInt(hour2.split(':')[2], 10):0,414 time1,415 time2,416 diff;417 if (type === undefined){418 type = 'seconds';419 }420 if (valueType === undefined){421 valueType = 'float';422 }423 if (noDecimals === undefined){424 noDecimals = -1;425 }426 switch (type){427 case 'hours':428 time1 = hours1+minutes1/​60+seconds1/​60/​60;429 time2 = hours2+minutes2/​60+seconds2/​60/​60;430 break;431 case 'minutes':432 time1 = hours1*60+minutes1+seconds1/​60;433 time2 = hours2*60+minutes2+seconds2/​60;434 break;435 default:436 time1 = hours1*60*60+minutes1*60+seconds1;437 time2 = hours2*60*60+minutes2*60+seconds2;438 }439 diff = Math.abs(time1-time2);440 if (valueType === 'float'){441 return noDecimals === -1 ? diff:DOPPrototypes.getWithDecimals(diff, noDecimals);442 }443 else{444 return Math.ceil(diff);445 }446 };447 448 /​*449 * Returns next day.450 * 451 * @param date (Date): current date (YYYY-MM-DD)452 * 453 * @return next day (YYYY-MM-DD)454 */​455 this.getNextDay = function(date){456 var nextDay = new Date(),457 parts = date.split('-');458 nextDay.setFullYear(parts[0], parts[1], parts[2]);459 nextDay.setTime(nextDay.getTime()+86400000);460 return nextDay.getFullYear()+'-'+DOPPrototypes.getLeadingZero(nextDay.getMonth())+'-'+DOPPrototypes.getLeadingZero(nextDay.getDate());461 };462 463 /​*464 * Returns number of days between 2 dates.465 * 466 * @param date1 (Date): first date (YYYY-MM-DD)467 * @param date2 (Date): second date (YYYY-MM-DD)468 * 469 * @return number of days470 */​471 this.getNoDays = function(date1,472 date2){473 var y1 = date1.split('-')[0],474 m1 = date1.split('-')[1],475 d1 = date1.split('-')[2],476 y2 = date2.split('-')[0],477 m2 = date2.split('-')[1],478 d2 = date2.split('-')[2],479 time1 = (new Date(y1, m1-1, d1)).getTime(),480 time2 = (new Date(y2, m2-1, d2)).getTime(),481 diff = Math.abs(time1-time2);482 return Math.round(diff/​(1000*60*60*24))+1;483 };484 485 /​*486 * Returns the number of months between 2 dates.487 * 488 * @param date1 (Date): first date (YYYY-MM-DD)489 * @param date2 (Date): second date (YYYY-MM-DD)490 * 491 * @return the number of months 492 */​493 this.getNoMonths = function(date1,494 date2){495 var firstMonth,496 lastMonth,497 m,498 month1,499 month2,500 noMonths = 0,501 y,502 year1,503 year2;504 date1 = date1 <= date2 ? date1:date2;505 month1 = parseInt(date1.split('-')[1], 10);506 year1 = parseInt(date1.split('-')[0], 10);507 month2 = parseInt(date2.split('-')[1], 10);508 year2 = parseInt(date2.split('-')[0], 10);509 for (y=year1; y<=year2; y++){510 firstMonth = y === year1 ? month1:1;511 lastMonth = y === year2 ? month2:12;512 for (m=firstMonth; m<=lastMonth; m++){513 noMonths++;514 }515 }516 return noMonths;517 };518 519 /​*520 * Returns previous day.521 * 522 * @param date (Date): current date (YYYY-MM-DD)523 * 524 * @return previous day (YYYY-MM-DD)525 */​526 this.getPrevDay = function(date){527 var previousDay = new Date(),528 parts = date.split('-');529 previousDay.setFullYear(parts[0], parseInt(parts[1])-1, parts[2]);530 previousDay.setTime(previousDay.getTime()-86400000);531 return previousDay.getFullYear()+'-'+DOPPrototypes.getLeadingZero(previousDay.getMonth()+1)+'-'+DOPPrototypes.getLeadingZero(previousDay.getDate()); 532 };533 534 /​*535 * Returns previous time by hours, minutes, seconds.536 * 537 * @param time (String): time (HH, HH:MM, HH:MM:SS)538 * @param diff (Number): diference for previous time539 * @param diffBy (Number): diference by 540 * "hours"541 * "minutes"542 * "seconds"543 * 544 * @return previus hour (HH, HH:MM, HH:MM:SS)545 */​546 this.getPrevTime = function(time,547 diff,548 diffBy){549 var timePieces = time.split(':'),550 hours = parseInt(timePieces[0], 10),551 minutes = timePieces[1] === undefined ? 0:parseInt(timePieces[1], 10),552 seconds = timePieces[2] === undefined ? 0:parseInt(timePieces[2], 10);553 switch (diffBy){554 case 'seconds':555 seconds = seconds-diff;556 if (seconds < 0){557 seconds = 60+seconds;558 minutes = minutes-1;559 if (minutes < 0){560 minutes = 60+minutes;561 hours = hours-1 < 0 ? 0:hours-1;562 }563 }564 break;565 case 'minutes':566 minutes = minutes-diff;567 if (minutes < 0){568 minutes = 60+minutes;569 hours = hours-1 < 0 ? 0:hours-1;570 }571 break;572 default:573 hours = hours-diff < 0 ? 0:hours-diff;574 }575 return this.getLeadingZero(hours)+(timePieces[1] === undefined ? '':':'+this.getLeadingZero(minutes)+(timePieces[2] === undefined ? '':':'+this.getLeadingZero(seconds)));576 };577 578 /​*579 * Returns today date.580 * 581 * @return today (YYYY-MM-DD)582 */​583 this.getToday = function(){ 584 var today = new Date();585 return today.getFullYear()+'-'+DOPPrototypes.getLeadingZero(today.getMonth()+1)+'-'+DOPPrototypes.getLeadingZero(today.getDate());586 };587 /​*588 * Returns week day.589 * 590 * @param date (String): date for which the function get day of the week (YYYY-MM-DD)591 * 592 * @return week day index (0 for Sunday)593 */​594 this.getWeekDay = function(date){ 595 var months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],596 year = date.split('-')[0],597 month = date.split('-')[1],598 day = date.split('-')[2],599 newDate = new Date(eval('"'+day+' '+months[parseInt(month, 10)-1]+', '+year+'"'));600 return newDate.getDay();601 };602 603/​/​ Domains & URLs 604 605 /​*606 * Parse a $_GET variable.607 * 608 * @param name (String): variable name609 * 610 * @return variable vaue or "undefined" if it doesn't exist611 */​612 this.$_GET = function(name){613 var url = window.location.href.split('?')[1],614 variables = url !== undefined ? url.split('&'):[],615 i; 616 for (i=0; i<variables.length; i++){617 if (variables[i].indexOf(name) !== -1){618 return variables[i].split('=')[1];619 break;620 }621 }622 return undefined;623 };624 625 /​*626 * Access-Control-Allow-Origin buster. Modifies URL to be the same as browser URL.627 * 628 * @param url (String): URL629 * 630 * @return modified URL631 */​632 this.acaoBuster = function(url){633 var browserURL = window.location.href,634 pathPiece1 = '', pathPiece2 = '';635 if (this.getDomain(browserURL) === this.getDomain(url)){636 if (url.indexOf('https') !== -1 637 || url.indexOf('http') !== -1){638 if (browserURL.indexOf('http:/​/​www.') !== -1){639 pathPiece1 = 'http:/​/​www.';640 }641 else if (browserURL.indexOf('http:/​/​') !== -1){642 pathPiece1 = 'http:/​/​';643 }644 else if (browserURL.indexOf('https:/​/​www.') !== -1){645 pathPiece1 = 'https:/​/​www.';646 }647 else if (browserURL.indexOf('https:/​/​') !== -1){648 pathPiece1 = 'https:/​/​';649 }650 if (url.indexOf('http:/​/​www.') !== -1){651 pathPiece2 = url.split('http:/​/​www.')[1];652 }653 else if (url.indexOf('http:/​/​') !== -1){654 pathPiece2 = url.split('http:/​/​')[1];655 }656 else if (url.indexOf('https:/​/​www.') !== -1){657 pathPiece2 = url.split('https:/​/​www.')[1];658 }659 else if (url.indexOf('https:/​/​') !== -1){660 pathPiece2 = url.split('https:/​/​')[1];661 }662 return pathPiece1+pathPiece2;663 }664 else{665 return url;666 }667 }668 else{669 return url;670 }671 };672 673 /​*674 * Get current domain.675 *676 * @param url (String): the URL from which the domain will be extracted677 *678 * @return current domain679 */​ 680 this.getDomain = function(url){681 var domain = url;682 /​*683 * Remove white spaces from the begining of the URL.684 */​685 domain = domain.replace(new RegExp(/​^\s+/​),"");686 /​*687 * Remove white spaces from the end of the URL.688 */​689 domain = domain.replace(new RegExp(/​\s+$/​),"");690 /​*691 * If found , convert back slashes to forward slashes.692 */​693 domain = domain.replace(new RegExp(/​\\/​g),"/​");694 /​*695 * If there, removes "http:/​/​", "https:/​/​" or "ftp:/​/​" from the begining.696 */​697 domain = domain.replace(new RegExp(/​^http\:\/​\/​|^https\:\/​\/​|^ftp\:\/​\/​/​i),"");698 /​*699 * If there, removes 'www.' from the begining.700 */​701 domain = domain.replace(new RegExp(/​^www\./​i),"");702 /​*703 * Remove complete string from first forward slash on.704 */​705 domain = domain.replace(new RegExp(/​\/​(.*)/​),"");706 return domain;707 };708 709 /​*710 * Check if current URL has a subdomain.711 *712 * @param url (String): URL that will be checked713 *714 * @return true/​false715 */​ 716 this.hasSubdomain = function(url){717 var subdomain;718 /​*719 * Remove white spaces from the begining of the URL.720 */​721 url = url.replace(new RegExp(/​^\s+/​),"");722 /​*723 * Remove white spaces from the end of the URL.724 */​725 url = url.replace(new RegExp(/​\s+$/​),"");726 /​*727 * If found , convert back slashes to forward slashes.728 */​729 url = url.replace(new RegExp(/​\\/​g),"/​");730 /​*731 * If there, removes 'http:/​/​', 'https:/​/​' or 'ftp:/​/​' from the begining.732 */​733 url = url.replace(new RegExp(/​^http\:\/​\/​|^https\:\/​\/​|^ftp\:\/​\/​/​i),"");734 /​*735 * If there, removes 'www.' from the begining.736 */​737 url = url.replace(new RegExp(/​^www\./​i),"");738 /​*739 * Remove complete string from first forward slaash on.740 */​741 url = url.replace(new RegExp(/​\/​(.*)/​),""); /​/​ 742 if (url.match(new RegExp(/​\.[a-z]{2,3}\.[a-z]{2}$/​i))){743 /​*744 * Remove ".??.??" or ".???.??" from end - e.g. ".CO.UK", ".COM.AU"745 */​746 url = url.replace(new RegExp(/​\.[a-z]{2,3}\.[a-z]{2}$/​i),"");747 }748 else if (url.match(new RegExp(/​\.[a-z]{2,4}$/​i))){749 /​*750 * Removes ".??" or ".???" or ".????" from end - e.g. ".US", ".COM", ".INFO"751 */​752 url = url.replace(new RegExp(/​\.[a-z]{2,4}$/​i),"");753 }754 /​*755 * Check to see if there is a dot "." left in the string.756 */​757 subdomain = (url.match(new RegExp(/​\./​g))) ? true : false;758 return(subdomain);759 };760/​/​ Resize & position 761 762 /​*763 * Resize & position an item inside a parent.764 * 765 * @param parent (element): parent item766 * @param child (element): child item767 * @param pw (Number): parent width768 * @param ph (Number): parent height769 * @param cw (Number): child width770 * @param ch (Number): child height771 * @param pos (String): set child position in parent (bottom, bottom-center, bottom-left, bottom-right, center, left, horizontal-center, middle-left, middle-right, right, top, top-center, top-left, top-right, vertical-center)772 * @param type (String): resize type773 * "fill" fill parent (child will be cropped)774 * "fit" child resize to fit in parent775 */​776 this.rp = function(parent,777 child,778 pw,779 ph,780 cw,781 ch,782 pos,783 type){784 var newW = 0,785 newH = 0;786 /​*787 * Resize child.788 */​789 if (cw <= pw 790 && ch <= ph){791 newW = cw;792 newH = ch;793 }794 else{795 switch (type){796 case 'fill':797 newH = ph;798 newW = (cw*ph)/​ch;799 if (newW < pw){800 newW = pw;801 newH = (ch*pw)/​cw;802 }803 break;804 default:805 newH = ph;806 newW = (cw*ph)/​ch;807 if (newW > pw){808 newW = pw;809 newH = (ch*pw)/​cw;810 }811 break;812 }813 }814 child.width(newW);815 child.height(newH);816 /​*817 * Position child.818 */​819 switch(pos.toLowerCase()){820 case 'bottom':821 this.rpBottom(parent, 822 child, 823 ph);824 break;825 case 'bottom-center':826 this.rpBottomCenter(parent, 827 child, 828 pw, 829 ph);830 break;831 case 'bottom-left':832 this.rpBottomLeft(parent, 833 child, 834 pw, 835 ph);836 break;837 case 'bottom-right':838 this.rpBottomRight(parent, 839 child, 840 pw, 841 ph);842 break;843 case 'center':844 this.rpCenter(parent, 845 child, 846 pw, 847 ph);848 break;849 case 'left':850 this.rpLeft(parent, 851 child, 852 pw);853 break;854 case 'horizontal-center':855 this.rpCenterHorizontally(parent, 856 child, 857 pw);858 break;859 case 'middle-left':860 this.rpMiddleLeft(parent, 861 child, 862 pw, 863 ph);864 break;865 case 'middle-right':866 this.rpMiddleRight(parent, 867 child, 868 pw, 869 ph);870 break;871 case 'right':872 this.rpRight(parent, 873 child, 874 pw);875 break;876 case 'top':877 this.rpTop(parent, 878 child, 879 ph);880 break;881 case 'top-center':882 this.rpTopCenter(parent, 883 child, 884 pw, 885 ph);886 break;887 case 'top-left':888 this.rpTopLeft(parent, 889 child, 890 pw, 891 ph);892 break;893 case 'top-right':894 this.rpTopRight(parent, 895 child, 896 pw, 897 ph);898 break;899 case 'vertical-center':900 this.rpCenterVertically(parent, 901 child, 902 ph);903 break;904 }905 };906 907 /​*908 * Position item on bottom.909 * 910 * @param parent (element): parent item911 * @param child (element): child item912 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set913 */​914 this.rpBottom = function(parent,915 child,916 ph){917 if (ph !== undefined){918 parent.height(ph);919 }920 child.css('margin-top', parent.height()-child.height());921 };922 923 /​*924 * Position item on bottom-left.925 * 926 * @param parent (element): parent item927 * @param child (element): child item928 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set929 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set930 */​931 this.rpBottomCenter = function(parent,932 child,933 pw,934 ph){935 this.rpBottom(parent, 936 child, 937 ph);938 this.rpCenterHorizontally(parent, 939 child, 940 pw);941 };942 943 /​*944 * Position item on bottom-left.945 * 946 * @param parent (element): parent item947 * @param child (element): child item948 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set949 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set950 */​951 this.rpBottomLeft = function(parent,952 child,953 pw,954 ph){955 this.rpBottom(parent, 956 child, 957 ph);958 this.rpLeft(parent, 959 child, 960 pw);961 };962 963 /​*964 * Position item on bottom-left.965 * 966 * @param parent (element): parent item967 * @param child (element): child item968 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set969 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set970 */​971 this.rpBottomRight = function(parent,972 child,973 pw,974 ph){975 this.rpBottom(parent, 976 child, 977 ph);978 this.rpRight(parent, 979 child, 980 pw);981 };982 983 /​*984 * Position item on center.985 * 986 * @param parent (element): parent item987 * @param child (element): child item988 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set989 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set990 */​991 this.rpCenter = function(parent,992 child,993 pw,994 ph){995 this.rpCenterHorizontally(parent,996 child,997 pw);998 this.rpCenterVertically(parent, 999 child, 1000 ph);1001 };1002 1003 /​*1004 * Center item horizontally.1005 * 1006 * @param parent (element): parent item1007 * @param child (element): child item1008 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set1009 */​1010 this.rpCenterHorizontally = function(parent,1011 child,1012 pw){1013 if (pw !== undefined){1014 parent.width(pw);1015 }1016 child.css('margin-left', (parent.width()-child.width())/​2);1017 };1018 1019 /​*1020 * Center item vertically.1021 * 1022 * @param parent (element): parent item1023 * @param child (element): child item1024 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set1025 */​1026 this.rpCenterVertically = function(parent,1027 child,1028 ph){1029 if (ph !== undefined){1030 parent.height(ph);1031 }1032 child.css('margin-top', (parent.height()-child.height())/​2);1033 };1034 1035 /​*1036 * Position item on left.1037 * 1038 * @param parent (element): parent item1039 * @param child (element): child item1040 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set1041 */​1042 this.rpLeft = function(parent,1043 child,1044 pw){1045 if (pw !== undefined){1046 parent.width(pw);1047 }1048 child.css('margin-left', 0);1049 };1050 1051 /​*1052 * Position item on middle-left.1053 * 1054 * @param parent (element): parent item1055 * @param child (element): child item1056 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set1057 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set1058 */​1059 this.rpMiddleLeft = function(parent,1060 child,1061 pw,1062 ph){1063 this.rpCenterVertically(parent, 1064 child, 1065 ph);1066 this.rpLeft(parent, 1067 child, 1068 pw);1069 };1070 1071 /​*1072 * Position item on middle-right.1073 * 1074 * @param parent (element): parent item1075 * @param child (element): child item1076 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set1077 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set1078 */​1079 this.rpMiddleRight = function(parent,1080 child,1081 pw,1082 ph){1083 this.rpCenterVertically(parent, 1084 child, 1085 ph);1086 this.rpRight(parent, 1087 child, 1088 pw);1089 };1090 1091 /​*1092 * Position item on right.1093 * 1094 * @param parent (element): parent item1095 * @param child (element): child item1096 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set1097 */​1098 this.rpRight = function(parent,1099 child,1100 pw){1101 if (pw !== undefined){1102 parent.width(pw);1103 }1104 child.css('margin-left', parent.width()-child.width());1105 };1106 1107 /​*1108 * Position item on top.1109 * 1110 * @param parent (element): parent item1111 * @param child (element): child item1112 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set1113 */​1114 this.rpTop = function(parent,1115 child,1116 ph){1117 if (ph !== undefined){1118 parent.height(ph);1119 }1120 child.css('margin-top', 0);1121 };1122 1123 /​*1124 * Position item on top-center.1125 * 1126 * @param parent (element): parent item1127 * @param child (element): child item1128 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set1129 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set1130 */​1131 this.rpTopCenter = function(parent,1132 child,1133 pw,1134 ph){1135 this.rpTop(parent, 1136 child, 1137 ph);1138 this.rpCenterHorizontally(parent, 1139 child, 1140 pw);1141 };1142 1143 /​*1144 * Position item on top-left.1145 * 1146 * @param parent (element): parent item1147 * @param child (element): child item1148 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set1149 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set1150 */​1151 this.rpTopLeft = function(parent,1152 child,1153 pw,1154 ph){1155 this.rpTop(parent, 1156 child, 1157 ph);1158 this.rpLeft(parent, 1159 child, 1160 pw);1161 };1162 1163 /​*1164 * Position item on top-right.1165 * 1166 * @param parent (element): parent item1167 * @param child (element): child item1168 * @param pw (Number): width to which the parent is going to be set1169 * @param ph (Number): height to which the parent is going to be set1170 */​ 1171 this.rpTopRight = function(parent,1172 child,1173 pw,1174 ph){1175 this.rpTop(parent, 1176 child, 1177 ph);1178 this.rpRight(parent, 1179 child, 1180 pw);1181 };1182/​/​ Strings & numbers1183 1184 /​*1185 * Clean an input from unwanted characters.1186 * 1187 * @param input (element): the input to be checked1188 * @param allowedCharacters (String): the string of allowed characters1189 * @param firstNotAllowed (String): the character which can't be on the first position1190 * @param min (Number/​String): the minimum value that is allowed in the input1191 * 1192 * @return clean string1193 */​ 1194 this.cleanInput = function(input,1195 allowedCharacters,1196 firstNotAllowed,1197 min){1198 var characters = input.val().split(''),1199 returnStr = '', 1200 i, 1201 startIndex = 0;1202 /​*1203 * Check first character.1204 */​1205 if (characters.length > 1 1206 && characters[0] === firstNotAllowed){1207 startIndex = 1;1208 }1209 /​*1210 * Check characters.1211 */​1212 for (i=startIndex; i<characters.length; i++){1213 if (allowedCharacters.indexOf(characters[i]) !== -1){1214 returnStr += characters[i];1215 }1216 }1217 /​*1218 * Check the minimum value.1219 */​1220 if (min > returnStr){1221 returnStr = min;1222 }1223 input.val(returnStr);1224 };1225 1226 /​*1227 * Adds a leading 0 if number smaller than 10.1228 * 1229 * @param no (Number): the number1230 * 1231 * @return number with leading 0 if needed1232 */​1233 this.getLeadingZero = function(no){1234 if (no < 10){1235 return '0'+no;1236 }1237 else{1238 return no;1239 }1240 };1241 1242 /​*1243 * Creates a string with random characters.1244 * 1245 * @param stringLength (Number): the length of the returned string1246 * @param allowedCharacters (String): the string of allowed characters1247 * 1248 * @return random string1249 */​1250 this.getRandomString = function(stringLength,1251 allowedCharacters){1252 var randomString = '',1253 charactersPosition,1254 i;1255 allowedCharacters = allowedCharacters !== undefined ? allowedCharacters:'0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz';1256 for (i=0; i<stringLength; i++){1257 charactersPosition = Math.floor(Math.random()*allowedCharacters.length);1258 randomString += allowedCharacters.substring(charactersPosition, charactersPosition+1);1259 }1260 return randomString;1261 };1262 1263 /​*1264 * Returns a part of a string followed by 3 dots.1265 * 1266 * @param str (String): the string1267 * @param size (Number): the number of characters that will be displayed minus 3 dots1268 * 1269 * @return short string ...1270 */​1271 this.getShortString = function(str,1272 size){1273 var newStr = new Array(),1274 pieces = str.split(''), 1275 i;1276 if (pieces.length <= size){1277 newStr.push(str);1278 }1279 else{1280 for (i=0; i<size-3; i++){1281 newStr.push(pieces[i]);1282 }1283 newStr.push('...');1284 }1285 return newStr.join('');1286 };1287 1288 /​*1289 * Returns a number with a predefined number of decimals.1290 * 1291 * @param number (Number): the number1292 * @param no (Number): the number of decimals1293 * 1294 * @return string with number and decimals1295 */​1296 this.getWithDecimals = function(number,1297 no){1298 no = no === undefined ? 2:no;1299 return parseInt(number) === number ? String(number):parseFloat(number).toFixed(no);1300 };1301 1302 /​*1303 * Verify if a string contains allowed characters.1304 * 1305 * @param str (String): string to be checked1306 * @param allowedCharacters (String): the string of allowed characters1307 * 1308 * @return true/​false1309 */​1310 this.validateCharacters = function(str,1311 allowedCharacters){1312 var characters = str.split(''), 1313 i;1314 for (i=0; i<characters.length; i++){1315 if (allowedCharacters.indexOf(characters[i]) === -1){1316 return false;1317 }1318 }1319 return true;1320 };1321 1322 /​*1323 * Email validation.1324 * 1325 * @param email (String): email to be checked1326 * 1327 * @return true/​false1328 */​1329 this.validEmail = function(email){1330 var filter = /​^([\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*)@((?:[\w-]+\.)*\w[\w-]{0,66})\.([a-z]{2,6}(?:\.[a-z]{2})?)$/​i;1331 if (filter.test(email)){1332 return true;1333 }1334 return false;1335 };1336 1337 /​*1338 * Remove slashes from string.1339 * 1340 * @param str (String): the string1341 * 1342 * @return string without slashes1343 */​1344 this.stripSlashes = function(str){1345 return (str + '').replace(/​\\(.?)/​g, function (s, n1){1346 switch (n1){1347 case '\\':1348 return '\\';1349 case '0':1350 return '\u0000';1351 case '':1352 return '';1353 default:1354 return n1;1355 }1356 });1357 };1358/​/​ Styles1359 1360 /​*1361 * Convert RGB color to HEX.1362 * 1363 * @param rgb (String): RGB color1364 * 1365 * @return color HEX1366 */​1367 this.getHEXfromRGB = function(rgb){1368 var hexDigits = new Array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f');1369 rgb = rgb.match(/​^rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)$/​);1370 return (isNaN(rgb[1]) ? '00':hexDigits[(rgb[1]-rgb[1]%16)/​16]+hexDigits[rgb[1]%16])+1371 (isNaN(rgb[2]) ? '00':hexDigits[(rgb[2]-rgb[2]%16)/​16]+hexDigits[rgb[2]%16])+1372 (isNaN(rgb[3]) ? '00':hexDigits[(rgb[3]-rgb[3]%16)/​16]+hexDigits[rgb[3]%16]);1373 };1374 /​*1375 * Set text color depending on the background color.1376 * 1377 * @param bgColor(String): background color1378 * 1379 * return white/​black1380 */​1381 this.getIdealTextColor = function(bgColor){1382 var rgb = /​rgb\((\d+).*?(\d+).*?(\d+)\)/​.exec(bgColor);1383 if (rgb !== null){1384 return parseInt(rgb[1], 10)+parseInt(rgb[2], 10)+parseInt(rgb[3], 10) < 3*256/​2 ? 'white' : 'black';1385 }1386 else{1387 return parseInt(bgColor.substring(0, 2), 16)+parseInt(bgColor.substring(2, 4), 16)+parseInt(bgColor.substring(4, 6), 16) < 3*256/​2 ? 'white' : 'black';1388 }1389 };1390 1391 return this.__construct();...

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Source: render.js Github


Full Screen

1/​*2 * File: render.js3 *4 * Rendering class renders world to canvas according to player's viewport.5 *6 * Author: Karl Kangur <>7 * Licence: WTFPL 2.0 (http:/​/​​wiki/​WTFPL)8*/​9/​/​ render chunks inside the world10function Renderer(canvas, world, player)11{12 /​/​ local references13 this.canvas = canvas;14 = world;15 this.player = player;16 = false;17 18 this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d");19 this.vertex = {};20 21 /​/​ define canvas size according to window size22 this.canvas.width = window.innerWidth-200;23 this.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;24 25 /​/​ half canvas size for math later on26 this.w2 = (this.canvas.width/​2)|0;27 this.h2 = (this.canvas.height/​2)|0;28 29 this.focalLength = 500;30 31 /​/​ render distance, the higher the slower32 this.nodeRenderDist = 100;33 this.chunkRenderDist = 420;34 this.workingFace = false;35 this.workingNode = false;36 this.renderNodes = [];37 this.chunkCount = 0;38 this.nodeCount = 0;39 this.faceCount = 0;40 this.vertexCount = 0;41 /​/​ default starting render mode (0: plain color, 1: textured)42 this.renderMode = 1;43 this.graph = false;44 = false;45 this.hud = true;46 this.mouselock = false;47 this.fps = 0;48 this.frames = 0;49 this.time = new Date().getTime();50 this.frustrum = [];51 this.lowResChunks = [];52 53 /​/​ normal look at vector in 3 and 2 dimention54 this.n3d = {}55 this.n2d = {}56 57 /​/​ define texture (takes a couple of milliseconds to load)58 this.texture = new Image();59 this.texture.src = "media/​texture.png";60 this.textureSize;61 this.texture.onload = function(){62 renderer.textureSize = this.width/​16;63 }64 65 this.crosshair = new Image();66 this.crosshair.src = "media/​crosshair.png";67 68 /​/​ mouse click interface69 this.mouseClick = false;70 this.clickedNode = false;71 this.clickedFace = false;72 73 /​/​ make parent reference74 var renderer = this;75 this.canvas.onmousedown = function(event)76 {77 if(renderer.mouselock)78 {79 /​/​ when mouse is locked the click is always at the origin80 renderer.mouseClick = {81 x: 0,82 y: 0,83 button: event.button84 };85 }86 else87 {88 renderer.mouseClick = {89 x: event.pageX-renderer.w2,90 y: event.pageY-renderer.h2,91 button: event.button92 };93 }94 }95 96 /​/​ update canvas size97 window.onresize = function()98 {99 renderer.canvas.width = window.innerWidth-200;100 renderer.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;101 renderer.w2 = (renderer.canvas.width/​2)|0;102 renderer.h2 = (renderer.canvas.height/​2)|0;103 }104 105 /​/​ disable right click menu106 this.canvas.oncontextmenu = function(event)107 {108 return false;109 }110 111 /​/​ canvas always in focus112 this.canvas.onblur = function()113 {114 this.focus();115 }116 this.canvas.focus();117 118 /​/​ needed for mouse lock119 document.renderer = this;120 121 this.render();122}123window.requestFrame = (function()124{125 return window.requestAnimationFrame ||126 window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||127 window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||128 window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||129 window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||130 function(callback, element)131 {132 window.setTimeout(callback, 10);133 }134})();135Renderer.prototype.lockPointer = function()136{137 /​/​ detect feature138 if(139 !('pointerLockElement' in document) &&140 !('mozPointerLockElement' in document) &&141 !('webkitPointerLockElement' in document)142 )143 {144 alert("Pointer lock unavailable in this browser.");145 return;146 }147 148 /​/​ firefox can only lock pointer when in full screen mode, this "program" should never run in full screen149 if('mozPointerLockElement' in document)150 {151 alert("Firefox needs full screen to lock mouse. Use Chrome for the time being.");152 return;153 }154 155 /​/​ when mouse us locked/​unlocked callback156 document.addEventListener('pointerlockchange', this.mouseLockChangeCallback, false);157 document.addEventListener('mozpointerlockchange', this.mouseLockChangeCallback, false);158 document.addEventListener('mozpointerchange', this.mouseLockChangeCallback, false);159 document.addEventListener('webkitpointerlockchange', this.mouseLockChangeCallback, false);160 161 this.canvas.requestPointerLock = this.canvas.requestPointerLock || this.canvas.mozRequestPointerLock || this.canvas.webkitRequestPointerLock;162 /​/​ actually lock the mouse163 this.canvas.requestPointerLock();164}165/​/​ called when mouse lock state changes166Renderer.prototype.mouseLockChangeCallback = function()167{168 /​/​ called from document169 if(170 document.pointerLockElement === this.renderer.canvas ||171 document.mozPointerLockElement === this.renderer.canvas ||172 document.webkitPointerLockElement === this.renderer.canvas173 )174 {175 document.addEventListener('mousemove', this.renderer.mouseMoveCallback, false);176 this.renderer.mouselock = true;177 }178 else179 {180 document.removeEventListener('mousemove', this.renderer.mouseMoveCallback, false);181 this.renderer.mouselock = false;182 }183}184/​/​ mouse move event callback185Renderer.prototype.mouseMoveCallback = function(event)186{187 var movementX = event.movementX || event.mozMovementX || event.webkitMovementX || 0;188 var movementY = event.movementY || event.mozMovementY || event.webkitMovementY || 0;189 /​/​ this is document here190 this.renderer.player.rotation.x -= movementY/​100;191 this.renderer.player.rotation.y -= movementX/​100;192}193Renderer.prototype.changeRenderDist = function(value)194{195 this.nodeRenderDist = parseInt(value);196 this.chunkRenderDist = parseInt(value)+320;197}198/​/​ prerender canvas element (http:/​/​​node/​103)199Renderer.prototype.prerender = function(width, height, renderFunction)200{201 var buffer = document.createElement("canvas");202 buffer.width = width;203 buffer.height = height;204 renderFunction(buffer.getContext('2d'));205 return buffer;206}207/​/​ ############################################################ FRUSTRUM208Renderer.prototype.getFrustrumPlanes = function()209{210 /​/​ http:/​/​​wiki/​Rotation_matrix211 212 /​/​ vectors corners system planes213 /​/​ vy|/​n3d 0-----1 y +--0--+214 /​/​ --+-> vx | | --+->x 3 1215 /​/​ | 3-----2 | +--2--+216 217 /​/​ get the player x axis rotation unit vector218 var vx = {219 x: this.n2d.z,220 /​/​y: 0,221 z: -this.n2d.x222 };223 224 /​/​ get the player y axis rotation unit vector (cross product with vx.y == 0)225 var vy = {226 x: this.n3d.y*vx.z,227 y: this.n3d.z*vx.x-this.n3d.x*vx.z,228 z: -this.n3d.y*vx.x229 };230 231 var vectors = [232 {233 x: this.n3d.x*this.focalLength-vx.x*this.w2+vy.x*this.h2,234 y: this.n3d.y*this.focalLength+vy.y*this.h2,235 z: this.n3d.z*this.focalLength-vx.z*this.w2+vy.z*this.h2236 },237 {238 x: this.n3d.x*this.focalLength+vx.x*this.w2+vy.x*this.h2,239 y: this.n3d.y*this.focalLength+vy.y*this.h2,240 z: this.n3d.z*this.focalLength+vx.z*this.w2+vy.z*this.h2241 },242 {243 x: this.n3d.x*this.focalLength+vx.x*this.w2-vy.x*this.h2,244 y: this.n3d.y*this.focalLength-vy.y*this.h2,245 z: this.n3d.z*this.focalLength+vx.z*this.w2-vy.z*this.h2246 },247 {248 x: this.n3d.x*this.focalLength-vx.x*this.w2-vy.x*this.h2,249 y: this.n3d.y*this.focalLength-vy.y*this.h2,250 z: this.n3d.z*this.focalLength-vx.z*this.w2-vy.z*this.h2251 }252 ];253 254 var v1, v2, length;255 for(var i=0; i<4; i++)256 {257 /​/​ get planes with a cross product258 v1 = vectors[i];259 v2 = vectors[(i+1)%4];260 261 this.frustrum[i] = {262 x: v1.y*v2.z-v1.z*v2.y,263 y: v1.z*v2.x-v1.x*v2.z,264 z: v1.x*v2.y-v1.y*v2.x265 }266 267 /​/​ normalize vector (same length for all)268 if(!length)269 {270 length = 1/​Math.sqrt(this.frustrum[i].x*this.frustrum[i].x+this.frustrum[i].y*this.frustrum[i].y+this.frustrum[i].z*this.frustrum[i].z);271 }272 273 this.frustrum[i].x *= length;274 this.frustrum[i].y *= length;275 this.frustrum[i].z *= length;276 }277}278/​/​ ############################################################ WORLD RENDERING279Renderer.prototype.render = function()280{281 this.player.update();282 283 /​/​ 3d look-at vector284 this.n3d = {285 x: -this.player.rotTrig.cosx*this.player.rotTrig.siny,286 y: this.player.rotTrig.sinx,287 z: this.player.rotTrig.cosy*this.player.rotTrig.cosx288 };289 290 /​/​ 2d look-at vector (XZ plane)291 this.n2d = {292 x: -this.player.rotTrig.siny,293 z: this.player.rotTrig.cosy294 };295 296 = {297 x: this.player.position.x,298 y: this.player.position.y+this.player.height,299 z: this.player.position.z300 }301 302 this.chunkCount = 0;303 this.nodeCount = 0;304 this.faceCount = 0;305 this.vertexCount = 0;306 307 /​/​ reset vertices308 this.vertex = {};309 310 this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);311 312 this.getFrustrumPlanes();313 314 /​/​ empty renderable node array from last render and low resolution chunks315 this.renderNodes = [];316 /​/​this.lowResChunks = [];317 318 /​/​ relative chunk position319 var rcp, distance;320 for(var i in {322 rcp = {323 x:[i].x*,324 z:[i].z* };326 327 /​/​ chunk is behind player (bounding cylinder radius: sqrt(8^2) = 11.31+margin = 13)328 if(this.n2d.x*rcp.x+this.n2d.z*rcp.z < -13)329 {330 continue;331 }332 333 /​/​ chunk too far334 /​*distance = rcp.x*rcp.x+rcp.z*rcp.z;335 if(distance > this.chunkRenderDist)336 {337 this.lowResChunks.push({338 chunk:[i],339 distance: distance340 });341 continue;342 }*/​343 344 /​/​ get renderable nodes from each chunk inside this.renderNodes345 this.getChunkNodes([i]);346 }347 348 /​/​ first fog layer from furthest nodes349 var fogDistance = 50;350 351 /​/​ render low resolution chunks according to their distance to player352 /​*this.lowResChunks.sort(function(a, b)353 {354 return b.distance-a.distance;355 });356 357 for(var i in this.lowResChunks)358 {359 this.renderLowResChunk(this.lowResChunks[i].chunk);360 fogDistance = this.fogLayer(fogDistance, this.lowResChunks[i].distance);361 }*/​362 363 /​/​ render nodes according to their distance to player364 this.renderNodes.sort(function(a, b)365 {366 return b.distance-a.distance;367 });368 369 for(var i in this.renderNodes)370 {371 this.renderNode(this.renderNodes[i].node);372 fogDistance = this.fogLayer(fogDistance, this.renderNodes[i].distance);373 }374 375 /​/​ mouse interface376 if(this.mouseClick)377 {378 /​/​ left click = add new node379 if(this.clickedNode && this.mouseClick.button == 0)380 {381 var selectedType = document.getElementById("type").value;382 383 var newNode = {x: this.clickedNode.x, y: this.clickedNode.y, z: this.clickedNode.z};384 385 switch(this.clickedFace)386 {387 case FACE.FRONT: newNode.z++; break;388 case FACE.BACK: newNode.z--; break;389 case FACE.RIGHT: newNode.x++; break;390 case FACE.LEFT: newNode.x--; break;391 case FACE.TOP: newNode.y++; break;392 case FACE.BOTTOM: newNode.y--; break;393 }394 395 if(!this.player.nodeCollision(newNode))396 {397 /​/​ get node type from DOM398, newNode.y, newNode.z, selectedType);399 }400 }401 /​/​ right click = remove node402 else if(this.clickedNode && this.mouseClick.button == 2)403 {404;405 }406 this.clickedNode = false;407 this.clickedFace = false;408 this.mouseClick = false;409 }410 411 if(this.mouselock)412 {413 /​/​ render crosshair414 this.context.drawImage(this.crosshair, this.w2-8, this.h2-8);415 }416 417 if(this.hud)418 { 419 this.displayHud();420 }421 422 if(this.graph)423 {424 this.displayPerformanceGraph();425 }426 427 if( {429 this.displayHeightMap();430 }431 432 /​/​ frames per second counter433 if(new Date().getTime()-this.time >= 1000)434 {435 this.fps = this.frames;436 this.frames = 0;437 this.time = new Date().getTime();438 }439 this.frames++;440 441 window.requestFrame(this.render.bind(this));442}443/​/​ pseudo fog filter renders a semi-transparent gray square over everything444Renderer.prototype.fogLayer = function(fogDistance, currentDistance)445{446 if(fogDistance < 80 && currentDistance < this.nodeRenderDist-fogDistance)447 {448 this.context.globalAlpha = 0.5;449 this.context.fillStyle = "#eeeeee";450 this.context.beginPath();451 this.context.fillRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);452 this.context.closePath();453 this.context.fill();454 this.context.globalAlpha = 1;455 456 /​/​ next fog layer at457 return fogDistance+20;458 }459 460 return fogDistance;461}462Renderer.prototype.renderLowResChunk = function(chunk)463{464 /​/​ you read it, now complete it!465 return;466}467Renderer.prototype.getChunkNodes = function(chunk)468{469 /​/​ relative node position470 var rnp, distance;471 472 addSortNode:473 for(var i in chunk.renderNodes)474 {475 rnp = {476 x: chunk.renderNodes[i],477 y: chunk.renderNodes[i],478 z: chunk.renderNodes[i] };480 481 distance = rnp.x*rnp.x+rnp.y*rnp.y+rnp.z*rnp.z;482 483 /​/​ node is too far or behind player (bounding sphere radius: sqrt(3*(0.5)^2) = 0.866)484 if(distance > this.nodeRenderDist || this.n3d.x*rnp.x+this.n3d.y*rnp.y+this.n3d.z*rnp.z < -0.866)485 {486 continue;487 }488 489 /​/​ check node bounding sphere against all 4 frustrum planes490 for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++)491 {492 if(this.frustrum[j].x*rnp.x+this.frustrum[j].y*rnp.y+this.frustrum[j].z*rnp.z > 0.866)493 {494 continue addSortNode;495 }496 }497 498 this.nodeCount++;499 500 this.renderNodes.push({501 node: chunk.renderNodes[i],502 distance: distance503 });504 }505}506Renderer.prototype.renderNode = function(node)507{508 this.workingNode = node;509 510 /​/​ translate511 this.rx =;512 this.ry =;513 this.rz =;514 515 /​/​ projected points array516 this.rp = [];517 518 /​/​ node519 /​/​ 3-----7520 /​/​ /​| /​|521 /​/​ 2-+---6 |522 /​/​ | 1---|-5523 /​/​ |/​ |/​524 /​/​ 0-----4525 526 /​/​ draw visible faces527 if(node.sides & FACE.FRONT && node.z+1 < {529 this.workingFace = FACE.FRONT;530 this.drawRect(VERTEX.FRONT);531 }532 533 if(node.sides & FACE.BACK && node.z > {535 this.workingFace = FACE.BACK;536 this.drawRect(VERTEX.BACK);537 }538 539 if(node.sides & FACE.RIGHT && node.x+1 < {541 this.workingFace = FACE.RIGHT;542 this.drawRect(VERTEX.RIGHT);543 }544 545 if(node.sides & FACE.LEFT && node.x > {547 this.workingFace = FACE.LEFT;548 this.drawRect(VERTEX.LEFT);549 }550 551 if(node.sides & FACE.TOP && node.y+1 < {553 this.workingFace = FACE.TOP;554 this.drawRect(VERTEX.TOP);555 }556 557 if(node.sides & FACE.BOTTOM && node.y > {559 this.workingFace = FACE.BOTTOM;560 this.drawRect(VERTEX.BOTTOM);561 }562}563Renderer.prototype.drawRect = function(p)564{565 /​/​ process each vertex566 var index, x, y, z, xx, yy, zz;567 568 var offset = OFFSET;569 570 for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++)571 {572 index = (this.workingNode.x+offset[p[i]].x)+'_'+(this.workingNode.y+offset[p[i]].y)+'_'+(this.workingNode.z+offset[p[i]].z);573 574 /​/​ vertex already processed for this frame575 if((this.rp[p[i]] = this.vertex[index]) !== undefined)576 {577 continue;578 }579 580 /​/​ translate vertices581 x = this.rx+offset[p[i]].x;582 y = this.ry+offset[p[i]].y;583 z = this.rz+offset[p[i]].z;584 585 /​/​ clip point if behind player586 if(x*this.n3d.x+y*this.n3d.y+z*this.n3d.z < 0)587 {588 this.rp[p[i]] = false;589 this.vertex[index] = false;590 continue;591 }592 593 /​/​ rotatate vertices (http:/​/​​wiki/​Rotation_matrix)594 xx = this.player.rotTrig.cosy*x+this.player.rotTrig.siny*z;595 yy = this.player.rotTrig.sinx*this.player.rotTrig.siny*x+this.player.rotTrig.cosx*y-this.player.rotTrig.sinx*this.player.rotTrig.cosy*z;596 zz = -this.player.rotTrig.siny*this.player.rotTrig.cosx*x+this.player.rotTrig.sinx*y+this.player.rotTrig.cosx*this.player.rotTrig.cosy*z;597 598 /​/​ project 3d point to 2d screen (http:/​/​​wiki/​3D_projection)599 zz = this.focalLength/​zz;600 601 /​/​ save relative point602 this.rp[p[i]] = {x: xx*zz, y: -yy*zz};603 604 /​/​ save processed vertex605 this.vertex[index] = this.rp[p[i]];606 this.vertexCount++;607 }608 609 /​/​ corner clipping to viewport610 /​*if(611 (!this.rp[p[0]] || (this.rp[p[0]].x < -this.w2 || this.rp[p[0]].x > this.w2) || (this.rp[p[0]].y < -this.h2 || this.rp[p[0]].y > this.h2)) &&612 (!this.rp[p[1]] || (this.rp[p[1]].x < -this.w2 || this.rp[p[1]].x > this.w2) || (this.rp[p[1]].y < -this.h2 || this.rp[p[1]].y > this.h2)) &&613 (!this.rp[p[2]] || (this.rp[p[2]].x < -this.w2 || this.rp[p[2]].x > this.w2) || (this.rp[p[2]].y < -this.h2 || this.rp[p[2]].y > this.h2)) &&614 (!this.rp[p[3]] || (this.rp[p[3]].x < -this.w2 || this.rp[p[3]].x > this.w2) || (this.rp[p[3]].y < -this.h2 || this.rp[p[3]].y > this.h2))615 )616 {617 return;618 }*/​619 620 /​/​ check for click (http:/​/​​geometry/​insidepoly/​)621 if(this.mouseClick)622 {623 if(624 (this.mouseClick.y-this.rp[p[0]].y)*(this.rp[p[1]].x-this.rp[p[0]].x)-(this.mouseClick.x-this.rp[p[0]].x)*(this.rp[p[1]].y-this.rp[p[0]].y) < 0 &&625 (this.mouseClick.y-this.rp[p[2]].y)*(this.rp[p[3]].x-this.rp[p[2]].x)-(this.mouseClick.x-this.rp[p[2]].x)*(this.rp[p[3]].y-this.rp[p[2]].y) < 0 &&626 (this.mouseClick.y-this.rp[p[1]].y)*(this.rp[p[2]].x-this.rp[p[1]].x)-(this.mouseClick.x-this.rp[p[1]].x)*(this.rp[p[2]].y-this.rp[p[1]].y) < 0 &&627 (this.mouseClick.y-this.rp[p[3]].y)*(this.rp[p[0]].x-this.rp[p[3]].x)-(this.mouseClick.x-this.rp[p[3]].x)*(this.rp[p[0]].y-this.rp[p[3]].y) < 0628 )629 {630 this.clickedNode = this.workingNode;631 this.clickedFace = this.workingFace;632 }633 }634 635 if(this.renderMode == 0)636 {637 this.drawMonochrome(p);638 }639 else if(this.renderMode == 1)640 {641 this.drawTextured(p);642 }643 644 this.faceCount++;645}646Renderer.prototype.drawMonochrome = function(p)647{ 648 var points = [];649 650 if(this.rp[p[0]])651 {652 points.push(this.rp[p[0]]);653 }654 if(this.rp[p[1]])655 {656 points.push(this.rp[p[1]]);657 }658 if(this.rp[p[2]])659 {660 points.push(this.rp[p[2]]);661 }662 if(this.rp[p[3]])663 {664 points.push(this.rp[p[3]]);665 }666 667 if(points.length > 1)668 {669 /​/​ reset drawing settings670 this.context.strokeStyle = "#000000";671 this.context.lineWidth = 1;672 this.context.fillStyle = this.workingNode.type.color;673 674 /​/​ set transparency675 if(this.workingNode.type.transparent)676 {677 this.context.globalAlpha = 0.5;678 }679 680 /​/​ start drawing polygon681 this.context.beginPath();682 683 /​/​ move to first point684 this.context.moveTo(points[0].x+this.w2, points[0].y+this.h2);685 for(var i = 1; i < points.length; i++)686 {687 this.context.lineTo(points[i].x+this.w2, points[i].y+this.h2);688 }689 /​/​ line back to first point (not needed)690 /​/​this.context.lineTo(points[0].x+this.w2, points[0].y+this.h2);691 692 this.context.closePath();693 694 /​/​ fill doesn't work properly in Chrome 20.0.1132.57695 this.context.fill();696 this.context.stroke();697 this.context.globalAlpha = 1;698 }699}700Renderer.prototype.drawTextured = function(p)701{702 /​/​ affine texture mapping code by Andrea Griffini (http:/​/​​a/​4774298/​176269)703 var texture = this.workingNode.type.texture(this.workingFace);704 705 /​/​ 0---3 texture map corner order706 /​/​ | |707 /​/​ 1---2708 709 var size = this.textureSize;710 var pts = [711 {x: this.rp[p[0]].x, y: this.rp[p[0]].y, u: size*texture[0], v: size*texture[1]},712 {x: this.rp[p[1]].x, y: this.rp[p[1]].y, u: size*texture[0], v: size*texture[1]+size},713 {x: this.rp[p[2]].x, y: this.rp[p[2]].y, u: size*texture[0]+size, v: size*texture[1]+size},714 {x: this.rp[p[3]].x, y: this.rp[p[3]].y, u: size*texture[0]+size, v: size*texture[1]}715 ];716 717 /​/​ triangle subdivision718 var tris = [];719 720 if(this.rp[p[0]] && this.rp[p[1]] && this.rp[p[2]])721 {722 tris.push([0, 1, 2]);723 }724 else if(this.rp[p[1]] && this.rp[p[2]] && this.rp[p[3]])725 {726 tris.push([1, 2, 3]);727 }728 729 if(this.rp[p[2]] && this.rp[p[3]] && this.rp[p[0]])730 {731 tris.push([2, 3, 0]);732 }733 else if(this.rp[p[0]] && this.rp[p[1]] && this.rp[p[3]])734 {735 tris.push([0, 1, 3]);736 }737 738 for(var t=0; t<tris.length; t++)739 {740 var pp = tris[t];741 var x0 = pts[pp[0]].x+this.w2, x1 = pts[pp[1]].x+this.w2, x2 = pts[pp[2]].x+this.w2;742 var y0 = pts[pp[0]].y+this.h2, y1 = pts[pp[1]].y+this.h2, y2 = pts[pp[2]].y+this.h2;743 var u0 = pts[pp[0]].u, u1 = pts[pp[1]].u, u2 = pts[pp[2]].u;744 var v0 = pts[pp[0]].v, v1 = pts[pp[1]].v, v2 = pts[pp[2]].v;745 /​/​ set clipping area so that only pixels inside the triangle will be affected by the image drawing operation746;747 this.context.beginPath();748 this.context.moveTo(x0, y0);749 this.context.lineTo(x1, y1);750 this.context.lineTo(x2, y2);751 this.context.closePath();752 this.context.clip();753 /​/​ compute matrix transform754 var delta = u0*v1+v0*u2+u1*v2-v1*u2-v0*u1-u0*v2;755 var delta_a = x0*v1+v0*x2+x1*v2-v1*x2-v0*x1-x0*v2;756 var delta_b = u0*x1+x0*u2+u1*x2-x1*u2-x0*u1-u0*x2;757 var delta_c = u0*v1*x2+v0*x1*u2+x0*u1*v2-x0*v1*u2-v0*u1*x2-u0*x1*v2;758 var delta_d = y0*v1+v0*y2+y1*v2-v1*y2-v0*y1-y0*v2;759 var delta_e = u0*y1+y0*u2+u1*y2-y1*u2-y0*u1-u0*y2;760 var delta_f = u0*v1*y2+v0*y1*u2+y0*u1*v2-y0*v1*u2-v0*u1*y2-u0*y1*v2;761 /​/​ draw the transformed image762 this.context.transform(delta_a/​delta, delta_d/​delta, delta_b/​delta, delta_e/​delta, delta_c/​delta, delta_f/​delta);763 this.context.drawImage(this.texture, 0, 0);764 this.context.restore();765 }766}767/​/​ ############################################################ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION768Renderer.prototype.displayHud = function()769{770;771 this.context.textBaseline = "top";772 this.context.textAlign = "left";773 this.context.fillStyle = "#000000";774 this.context.font = "12px sans-serif";775 this.context.fillText("FPS: "+this.fps, 0, 0);776 this.context.fillText("Chunks: "+this.chunkCount, 0, 12);777 this.context.fillText("Nodes: "+this.nodeCount, 0, 24);778 this.context.fillText("Faces: "+this.faceCount, 0, 36);779 this.context.fillText("Vertices: "+this.vertexCount, 0, 48);780 this.context.fillText("X: "+this.player.position.x.toFixed(2), 0, 60);781 this.context.fillText("Y: "+this.player.position.y.toFixed(2), 0, 72);782 this.context.fillText("Z: "+this.player.position.z.toFixed(2), 0, 84);783 this.context.restore();784}785Renderer.prototype.displayPerformanceGraph = function()786{787 if(typeof this.graph != 'object')788 {789 this.graph = {790 fps: [],791 width: 300,792 height: 100,793 dataPoints: 20794 };795 796 this.graph.interval = this.graph.width/​this.graph.dataPoints;797 798 /​/​ prerender graph base799 var graph = this.graph;800 this.graph.base = this.prerender(this.graph.width, this.graph.height, function(ctx)801 {802 ctx.fillStyle = "#EEEEEE";803 ctx.beginPath();804 ctx.rect(0, 0, graph.width, graph.height);805 ctx.fill();806 ctx.closePath();807 808 ctx.strokeStyle = '#CCCCCC';809 ctx.lineWidth = 1;810 ctx.beginPath();811 for(var i=0; i<graph.dataPoints; i++)812 {813 ctx.moveTo(i*graph.interval, 0);814 ctx.lineTo(i*graph.interval, graph.height);815 }816 ctx.stroke();817 ctx.closePath();818 });819 }820 821 /​/​ update graph every second822 if(!this.graph.time || new Date().getTime()-this.graph.time >= 1000)823 {824 this.graph.time = new Date().getTime();825 826 /​/​ data stack827 if(this.graph.fps.length > this.graph.dataPoints)828 {829 this.graph.fps.shift();830 }831 this.graph.fps.push(this.fps);832 833 /​/​ prerender graph834 var graph = this.graph;835 this.graph.image = this.prerender(this.graph.width, this.graph.height+20, function(ctx)836 {837 ctx.drawImage(graph.base, 0, 0);838 839 /​/​ draw fps line and text840 ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";841 ctx.lineWidth = 2;842 ctx.fillStyle = "#000000";843 ctx.textBaseline = "bottom";844 ctx.textAlign = "right";845 ctx.font = "10px sans-serif";846 847 ctx.beginPath();848 ctx.moveTo(0, graph.height-graph.fps[0]*graph.height/​60);849 for(var i=1; i<graph.fps.length; i++)850 {851 var y = graph.height-graph.fps[i]*graph.height/​60;852 ctx.fillText(graph.fps[i], i*graph.interval, y);853 ctx.lineTo(i*graph.interval, y);854 }855 ctx.stroke();856 ctx.closePath();857 858 /​/​ average frames per second859 var avgFps = 0;860 for(var i in graph.fps)861 {862 avgFps += graph.fps[i];863 }864 avgFps /​= graph.fps.length;865 866 ctx.textBaseline = "top";867 ctx.textAlign = "left";868 ctx.font = "12px sans-serif";869 ctx.fillText("Avg. FPS: "+(avgFps|0), 0, graph.height);870 });871 }872 873 this.context.drawImage(this.graph.image, this.canvas.width-this.graph.width, 0);874}875Renderer.prototype.displayHeightMap = function()876{877 var mapsize = 64;878 879 /​/​ current chunk coordinates880 var x = Math.floor(​16);881 var z = Math.floor(​16);882 883 /​/​ no map, player changed chunks or map seed changed884 if(typeof != 'object' || != x || != z || != {886 = {887 x: x,888 z: z,889 offset: mapsize*2,890 step: mapsize/​16,891 size: mapsize*4,892 seed: }894 895 = new Image();896 = "media/​pos.png";897 898 /​/​ prerender 16 chunks worth of heightmap899 var renderer = this;900 var map =;901 = this.prerender(64, 64, function(ctx)902 {903 var hmap = renderer.context.createImageData(64, 64);904 var index, color, cx, cz;905 906 for(var mz=0; mz<4; mz++)907 {908 for(var mx=0; mx<4; mx++)909 {910 cx = map.x+mx-2;911 cz = map.z+mz-2;912 913 /​/​ draw one chunck of 16 by 16 nodes (reverse z coordinate)914 for(var z=0; z<16; z++)915 {916 for(var x=0; x<16; x++)917 {918 index = 4*(16*mx+x)+256*(16*(3-mz)+16-z);919 color = 16*(*cx+x, 16*cz+z)*16|0);920 921 /​/​ red, green, blue, alpha922[index] = color;923[index+1] = color;924[index+2] = color;925[index+3] = 255;926 }927 }928 }929 }930 ctx.putImageData(hmap, 0, 0);931 });932 }933 934;935 this.context.translate(this.canvas.width-mapsize, this.canvas.height-mapsize);936 this.context.rotate(this.player.rotation.y);937 938 /​/​ clipping mask939 this.context.beginPath();940 /​/​ 6.28 = 2*pi941 this.context.arc(0, 0, mapsize, 0, 6.28, false);942 this.context.closePath();943 this.context.clip();944 945 /​/​ context.drawImage(canvas element, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh)946 this.context.drawImage(, 0, 0, 64, 64,*(((,*(((,,;947 948 this.context.restore();949 950 this.context.drawImage(, this.canvas.width-mapsize-8, this.canvas.height-mapsize-8);...

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Source: RendeQuTor.js Github


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1import * as RC from "../​rnr_core/​RenderCore.js";2function iterateSceneR(object, callback)3{4 /​/​ if (object === null || object === undefined) return;5 if (object.children.length > 0) {6 for (let i = 0; i < object.children.length; i++) {7 iterateSceneR(object.children[i], callback);8 }9 }10 callback(object);11}12export class RendeQuTor13{14 constructor(renderer, scene, camera)15 {16 this.renderer = renderer;17 this.scene = scene;18 = camera;19 this.queue = new RC.RenderQueue(renderer);20 this.pqueue = new RC.RenderQueue(renderer);21 this.make_PRP_plain();22 /​/​ Depth extraction somewhat works , get float but in some unknown coordinates :)23 /​/​ If you enable this, also enable EXT_color_buffer_float in GlViewerRCore.createRCoreRenderer24 /​/​ this.make_PRP_depth2r();25 /​/​ See also comments in shaders/​custom/​copyDepth2RReve.frag26 this.SSAA_value = 1;27 const nearPlane = 0.0625; /​/​ XXXX - pass to view_setup(vport, nfclip)28 const farPlane = 8192; /​/​ XXXX29 /​/​ Why object.pickable === false in Initialize functions ???30 /​/​ How is outline supposed to work ???31 /​/​ Picking ???32 this.OriginalMats = [];33 this.MultiMats = [];34 /​/​ RenderQueue ... subclass or envelop?35 /​/​ For every pass, store object + resize behaviour36 }37 initDirectToScreen()38 {39 this.make_RP_DirectToScreen();40 }41 initSimple(ssaa_val)42 {43 this.SSAA_value = ssaa_val;44 this.make_RP_SSAA_Super();45 /​/​this.make_RP_SSAA_Down();46 this.make_RP_ToScreen();47 this.RP_ToScreen.input_texture = "color_ssaa_super";48 }49 initFull(ssaa_val)50 {51 this.SSAA_value = ssaa_val;52 this.make_RP_SSAA_Super();53 this.make_RP_HighPassGaussBloom();54 /​/​ this.make_RP_SSAA_Down(); this.RP_SSAA_Down.input_texture = "color_bloom";55 this.make_RP_ToScreen();56 this.RP_ToScreen.input_texture = "color_bloom";57 }58 updateViewport(w, h)59 {60 let vp = { width: w, height: h };61 let rq = this.queue._renderQueue;62 for (let i = 0; i < rq.length; i++)63 {64 rq[i].view_setup(vp);65 }66 rq = this.pqueue._renderQueue;67 for (let i = 0; i < rq.length; i++)68 {69 rq[i].view_setup(vp);70 }71 }72 render()73 {74 this.queue.render();75 }76 pick()77 {78 let foo = this.pqueue.render();79 console.log(foo);80 {81 let glman = this.renderer.glManager;82 let gl =;83 let texref = this.pqueue._textureMap["depthr32f_picking"];84 let tex = glman.getTexture(texref);85 console.log("Dumper:", glman, gl, texref, tex);86 const fb = gl.createFramebuffer();87 gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, fb);88 gl.framebufferTexture2D(gl.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, gl.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, gl.TEXTURE_2D, tex, 0);89 let x = this.renderer._pickCoordinateX;90 let y = this.renderer._canvas.height - this.renderer._pickCoordinateY;91 console.log(x, y);92 let d = new Float32Array(9);93 gl.readPixels(x-1, y-1, 3, 3, gl.RED, gl.FLOAT, d);94 console.log("Pick depth at", x, ",", y, ":", d);95 /​*96 let d = new Uint32Array(9);97 gl.readPixels(x-1, y-1, 3, 3, gl.RED, gl.UNSIGNED_INT, d);98 console.log("Pick depth:", d;99 */​100 gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, null);101 gl.deleteFramebuffer(fb);102 }103 }104 /​/​=============================================================================105 /​/​ Picking RenderPasses106 /​/​=============================================================================107 make_PRP_plain()108 {109 var pthis = this;110 this.PRP_plain = new RC.RenderPass(111 RC.RenderPass.BASIC,112 function (textureMap, additionalData) {},113 function (textureMap, additionalData) { return { scene: pthis.scene, camera: }; },114 RC.RenderPass.TEXTURE,115 null,116 "depth_picking",117 [ { id: "color_picking", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGBA_TEXTURE_CONFIG } ]118 );119 this.PRP_plain.view_setup = function (vport) { this.viewport = vport; };120 this.pqueue.pushRenderPass(this.PRP_plain);121 }122 make_PRP_depth2r()123 {124 this.PRP_depth2r_mat = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("copyDepth2RReve");125 this.PRP_depth2r_mat.lights = false;126 var pthis = this;127 this.PRP_depth2r = new RC.RenderPass(128 RC.RenderPass.POSTPROCESS,129 function (textureMap, additionalData) {},130 function (textureMap, additionalData) {131 return { material: pthis.PRP_depth2r_mat, textures: [ textureMap["depth_picking"] ] };132 },133 RC.RenderPass.TEXTURE,134 null,135 null,136 [ { id: "depthr32f_picking", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.FULL_FLOAT_R32F_TEXTURE_CONFIG } ]137 /​/​ [ { id: "depthr32f_picking", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_R32UI_TEXTURE_CONFIG } ]138 );139 this.PRP_depth2r.view_setup = function (vport) { this.viewport = vport; };140 this.pqueue.pushRenderPass(this.PRP_depth2r);141 }142 /​/​=============================================================================143 make_RP_DirectToScreen()144 {145 var pthis = this;146 this.RP_DirectToScreen = new RC.RenderPass(147 RC.RenderPass.BASIC,148 function (textureMap, additionalData) {},149 function (textureMap, additionalData) { return { scene: pthis.scene, camera: }; },150 RC.RenderPass.SCREEN,151 null152 );153 this.RP_DirectToScreen.view_setup = function (vport) { this.viewport = vport; };154 this.queue.pushRenderPass(this.RP_DirectToScreen);155 }156 /​/​=============================================================================157 make_RP_SSAA_Super()158 {159 var pthis = this;160 this.RP_SSAA_Super = new RC.RenderPass(161 /​/​ Rendering pass type162 RC.RenderPass.BASIC,163 /​/​ Initialize function164 function (textureMap, additionalData) {165 iterateSceneR(pthis.scene, function(object){166 if (object.pickable === false || object instanceof RC.Text2D || object instanceof RC.IcoSphere) {167 object.visible = true;168 return;169 }170 pthis.OriginalMats.push(object.material);171 });172 },173 /​/​ Preprocess function174 function (textureMap, additionalData) {175 let m_index = 0;176 iterateSceneR(pthis.scene, function(object) {177 if(object.pickable === false || object instanceof RC.Text2D || object instanceof RC.IcoSphere) {178 object.visible = true;179 return;180 }181 object.material = pthis.OriginalMats[m_index];182 m_index++;183 });184 return { scene: pthis.scene, camera: };185 },186 /​/​ Target187 RC.RenderPass.TEXTURE,188 /​/​ Viewport189 null,190 /​/​ Bind depth texture to this ID191 "depthDefaultDefaultMaterials",192 [ { id: "color_ssaa_super", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGBA_TEXTURE_CONFIG } ]193 );194 this.RP_SSAA_Super.view_setup = function (vport) { this.viewport = { width: vport.width*pthis.SSAA_value, height: vport.height*pthis.SSAA_value }; };195 this.queue.pushRenderPass(this.RP_SSAA_Super);196 }197 make_RP_SSAA_Down()198 {199 this.RP_SSAA_Down_mat = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("copyTexture");200 this.RP_SSAA_Down_mat.lights = false;201 var pthis = this;202 this.RP_SSAA_Down = new RC.RenderPass(203 /​/​ Rendering pass type204 RC.RenderPass.POSTPROCESS,205 /​/​ Initialize function206 function (textureMap, additionalData) {},207 /​/​ Preprocess function208 function (textureMap, additionalData) {209 return { material: pthis.RP_SSAA_Down_mat, textures: [textureMap[pthis.input_texture]] };210 },211 /​/​ Target212 RC.RenderPass.TEXTURE,213 /​/​ Viewport214 null,215 /​/​ Bind depth texture to this ID216 null,217 [ { id: "color_ssaa_down", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGBA_TEXTURE_CONFIG } ]218 );219 this.RP_SSAA_Down.input_texture = "color_ssaa_super";220 this.RP_SSAA_Down.view_setup = function(vport) { this.viewport = vport; };221 this.queue.pushRenderPass(this.RP_SSAA_Down);222 }223 /​/​=============================================================================224 make_RP_ToScreen()225 {226 this.RP_ToScreen_mat = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("copyTexture");227 this.RP_ToScreen_mat.lights = false;228 var pthis = this;229 this.RP_ToScreen = new RC.RenderPass(230 RC.RenderPass.POSTPROCESS,231 function (textureMap, additionalData) {},232 function (textureMap, additionalData) {233 return { material: pthis.RP_ToScreen_mat, textures: [ textureMap[this.input_texture] ] }; /​/​ XXXX pthis or this ????234 },235 RC.RenderPass.SCREEN,236 null237 );238 this.RP_ToScreen.input_texture = "color_ssaa_down";239 this.RP_ToScreen.view_setup = function(vport) { this.viewport = vport; };240 this.queue.pushRenderPass(this.RP_ToScreen);241 }242 /​/​=============================================================================243 make_RP_HighPassGaussBloom()244 {245 var pthis = this;246 /​/​ let hp = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("highPass", {MODE: RC.HIGHPASS_MODE_BRIGHTNESS, targetColor: [0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722], threshold: 0.75});247 let hp = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("highPass", { MODE: RC.HIGHPASS_MODE_DIFFERENCE,248 targetColor: [0x0/​255, 0x0/​255, 0xff/​255], threshold: 0.1});249 console.log("XXXXXXXX", hp);250 /​/​ let hp = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("highPassReve");251 this.RP_HighPass_mat = hp;252 this.RP_HighPass_mat.lights = false;253 this.RP_HighPass = new RC.RenderPass(254 RC.RenderPass.POSTPROCESS,255 function (textureMap, additionalData) {},256 function (textureMap, additionalData) {257 return { material: pthis.RP_HighPass_mat, textures: [textureMap["color_ssaa_super"]] };258 },259 RC.RenderPass.TEXTURE,260 null,261 /​/​ XXXXXX MT: this was "dt", why not null ????262 null, /​/​ "dt",263 [ {id: "color_high_pass", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGBA_TEXTURE_CONFIG} ]264 );265 this.RP_HighPass.view_setup = function (vport) { this.viewport = { width: vport.width*pthis.SSAA_value, height: vport.height*pthis.SSAA_value }; };266 this.queue.pushRenderPass(this.RP_HighPass);267 this.RP_Gauss1_mat = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("gaussBlur", {horizontal: true, power: 1.0});268 this.RP_Gauss1_mat.lights = false;269 this.RP_Gauss1 = new RC.RenderPass(270 RC.RenderPass.POSTPROCESS,271 function (textureMap, additionalData) {},272 function (textureMap, additionalData) {273 return { material: pthis.RP_Gauss1_mat, textures: [textureMap["color_high_pass"]] };274 },275 RC.RenderPass.TEXTURE,276 null,277 null,278 [ {id: "color_gauss_half", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGBA_TEXTURE_CONFIG} ]279 );280 this.RP_Gauss1.view_setup = function (vport) { this.viewport = { width: vport.width*pthis.SSAA_value, height: vport.height*pthis.SSAA_value }; };281 this.queue.pushRenderPass(this.RP_Gauss1);282 this.RP_Gauss2_mat = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("gaussBlur", {horizontal: false, power: 1.0});283 this.RP_Gauss2_mat.lights = false;284 this.RP_Gauss2 = new RC.RenderPass(285 RC.RenderPass.POSTPROCESS,286 function (textureMap, additionalData) {},287 function (textureMap, additionalData) {288 return { material: pthis.RP_Gauss2_mat, textures: [textureMap["color_gauss_half"]] };289 },290 RC.RenderPass.TEXTURE,291 null,292 null,293 [ {id: "color_gauss_full", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGBA_TEXTURE_CONFIG} ]294 );295 this.RP_Gauss2.view_setup = function (vport) { this.viewport = { width: vport.width*pthis.SSAA_value, height: vport.height*pthis.SSAA_value }; };296 this.queue.pushRenderPass(this.RP_Gauss2);297 this.RP_Bloom_mat = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("bloom");298 this.RP_Bloom_mat.lights = false;299 this.RP_Bloom = new RC.RenderPass(300 RC.RenderPass.POSTPROCESS,301 function (textureMap, additionalData) {},302 function (textureMap, additionalData) {303 return { material: pthis.RP_Bloom_mat, textures: [textureMap["color_gauss_full"], textureMap["color_ssaa_super"]] };304 },305 RC.RenderPass.TEXTURE,306 null,307 null,308 [ {id: "color_bloom", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGBA_TEXTURE_CONFIG} ]309 );310 this.RP_Bloom.view_setup = function (vport) { this.viewport = { width: vport.width*pthis.SSAA_value, height: vport.height*pthis.SSAA_value }; };311 this.queue.pushRenderPass(this.RP_Bloom);312 }313};314/​*315export const RenderPass_MainMulti = new RC.RenderPass(316 /​/​ Rendering pass type317 RC.RenderPass.BASIC,318 /​/​ Initialize function319 function (textureMap, additionalData) {320 iterateSceneR(scene, function(object){321 if(object.pickable === false || object instanceof RC.Text2D || object instanceof RC.IcoSphere) {322 object.visible = false;323 /​/​GL_INVALID_OPERATION : glDrawElementsInstancedANGLE: buffer format and fragment output variable type incompatible324 /​/​Program has no frag output at location 1, but destination draw buffer has an attached image.325 return;326 }327 const multi = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("multi", {near: nearPlane, far: farPlane});328 multi.side = RC.FRONT_AND_BACK_SIDE; /​/​reather use depth from default materials329 MultiMats.push(multi);330 });331 },332 /​/​ Preprocess function333 function (textureMap, additionalData) {334 let m_index = 0;335 iterateSceneR(scene, function(object){336 if(object.pickable === false || object instanceof RC.Text2D || object instanceof RC.IcoSphere) {337 object.visible = false;338 return;339 }340 object.material = MultiMats[m_index];341 m_index++;342 });343 return { scene: scene, camera: camera };344 },345 /​/​ Target346 RC.RenderPass.TEXTURE,347 /​/​ Viewport348 { width: predef_width*SSAA_value, height: predef_height*SSAA_value },349 /​/​ Bind depth texture to this ID350 "depthDefaultMultiMaterials",351 [352 {id: "depth", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGBA_TEXTURE_CONFIG},353 {id: "normal", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGB_TEXTURE_CONFIG},354 {id: "viewDir", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGB_TEXTURE_CONFIG},355 {id: "camDist", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGBA16F_TEXTURE_CONFIG}356 ]357 );358*/​359/​*360const outline = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("outline", {scale: 1.0*SSAA_value, edgeColor: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]});361outline.lights = false;362export const RenderPass_Outline = new RC.RenderPass(363 /​/​ Rendering pass type364 RC.RenderPass.POSTPROCESS,365 /​/​ Initialize function366 function (textureMap, additionalData) {367 },368 /​/​ Preprocess function369 function (textureMap, additionalData) {370 return {material: outline, textures: [textureMap["depthDefaultMultiMaterials"], textureMap["normal"], textureMap["viewDir"], textureMap["color_bloom"]]};371 },372 /​/​ Target373 RC.RenderPass.TEXTURE,374 /​/​ Viewport375 { width: predef_width*SSAA_value, height: predef_height*SSAA_value },376 /​/​ Bind depth texture to this ID377 null,378 [379 {id: "color_outline", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGBA_TEXTURE_CONFIG}380 ]381 );382const fog = new RC.CustomShaderMaterial("fog", {MODE: 1, fogColor: [0.5, 0.4, 0.45, 0.8]});383fog.lights = false;384export const RenderPass_Fog = new RC.RenderPass(385 /​/​ Rendering pass type386 RC.RenderPass.POSTPROCESS,387 /​/​ Initialize function388 function (textureMap, additionalData) {389 },390 /​/​ Preprocess function391 function (textureMap, additionalData) {392 /​/​return {material: fog, textures: [textureMap["color_outline"], textureMap["depthDefaultDefaultMaterials"]]}; /​/​grid jumps on depth buffer393 return {material: fog, textures: [textureMap["color_outline"], textureMap["camDist"]]}; /​/​grid has specific shader for extruding geometry, even if implemented, it would jump around394 },395 /​/​ Target396 RC.RenderPass.TEXTURE,397 /​/​ Viewport398 { width: predef_width*SSAA_value, height: predef_height*SSAA_value },399 /​/​ Bind depth texture to this ID400 null,401 [402 {id: "color_fog", textureConfig: RC.RenderPass.DEFAULT_RGBA_TEXTURE_CONFIG}403 ]404 );...

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Source: convprocessor.js Github


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1'use strict'2const PayloadBuilder = require('./​payloadbuilder.js')3const ConvMemDBHandler = require('../​db/​api/​convmemorydbhandler.js')4const syncEach = require('sync-each')5class ConvProcessor {6 constructor(oInstance) {7 this.RP = oInstance8 this.convdb = {}9 }10 process() {11 console.log("In Conversation Processor - Process")12 var self = this13 try {14 if (this.isConvDBExists() == false) {15 console.log("No ConvDB exists")16 throw new Error("Invalid conversation: " + this.getConversationIDFromRequest())17 } else {18 this.convdb = this.getConversationDB()19 }20 if (this.isStepNameExistsInRequest() == false) {21 /​/​ well this should not happen but if happens raise error.22 console.log("No Steps exists")23 throw new Error("Empty step name")24 }25 if (this.isConvIntentExists() == false) {26 /​/​ well this should not happen but if happens raise error.27 console.log("No Intent exists")28 }29 /​/​ if (this.isCurRecastIntentDiffFromConvIntent()) {30 /​/​ if (this.isCrossIntentAllowed()) {31 /​/​ this.processConversation()32 /​/​ } else {33 /​/​ /​/​ what should we do when the intents not matched34 /​/​ console.log("Different Intent")35 /​/​ var oConversation = this.convdb36 /​/​ oConversation.conv_end = true37 /​/​ oConversation.conv_error = true38 /​/​ oConversation.conv_steps = []39 /​/​ oConversation.current_step = 'complete'40 /​/​ console.log("oConversation", oConversation)41 /​/​ this.RP["conversation"] = oConversation42 /​/​ new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildConversationCombinationOutput()43 /​/​ }44 /​/​ } else { 45 this.processConversation()46 /​/​ }47 } catch (e) {48 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildConversationErrorOutput(e)49 }50 }51 processConversation() {52 var self = this53 var oConversation = this.getConversationDB()54 if (this.isOkParamMatched()) {55 /​/​ return the next step56 /​/​ 57 console.log("Next steps avail", self.isNextStepsAvailable())58 this.setCurrentStepComplete().then((data) => {59 if (self.isNextStepsAvailable()) {60 var oNextStep = self.getNextStepsFromDB()61 console.log("Current Step", oNextStep)62 oConversation.current_step = oNextStep.step_name63 oConversation.conv_steps = oConversation.conv_steps.filter((ele) => {64 return ele.step_name == oNextStep.step_name65 })66 this.RP.conversation = oConversation67 if (this.RP.ignore_nlp) {68 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildConversationOutput_Processed()69 } else {70 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildConversationOutput()71 }72 } else {73 console.log("Conversation Complete") 74 self.setConversationComplete().then((data) => {75 console.log("Conversation Complete true", data)76 oConversation["conv_end"] = true77 delete oConversation["current_step"] 78 oConversation.conv_steps = []79 if (self.RP.intents.get(oConversation.conv_intent)['actions'].length > 0){80 oConversation.conv_steps.push({81 "actions" : self.RP.intents.get(oConversation.conv_intent)['actions']82 })83 } 84 if (self.RP.intents.get(oConversation.conv_intent)['responses'].length > 0){85 oConversation.conv_steps.push({86 "responses" : self.RP.intents.get(oConversation.conv_intent)['responses']87 }) 88 }89 this.RP.conversation = oConversation90 if (this.RP.ignore_nlp) {91 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildConversationOutput_Processed()92 } else {93 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildConversationOutput()94 }95 }).catch((err) => {96 /​/​ what 2 do97 console.log("Conversation Complete Error", err)98 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildConversationErrorOutput(err)99 })100 }101 }).catch((err) => {102 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildConversationErrorOutput(err)103 })104 } else {105 /​/​ return the current step 106 var oCurrentStep = self.getCurrentStepFromDB()107 console.log("Current Step", oCurrentStep)108 oConversation.conv_steps = oConversation.conv_steps.filter((ele) => {109 return ele.step_name == oCurrentStep.step_name110 })111 oConversation.current_step = oCurrentStep.step_name112 this.RP.conversation = oConversation113 if (this.RP.ignore_nlp) {114 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildConversationOutput_Processed()115 } else {116 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildConversationOutput()117 }118 }119 }120 getConversationFromRequest() {121 return this.RP.http.get('req')['body']['conversation']122 }123 getConversationIDFromRequest() {124 return this.RP.http.get('req')['body']['conversation']['conversation_id']125 }126 getCurrentStepFromRequest() {127 return this.RP.http.get('req')['body']['conversation']['current_step']128 }129 getCurrentIntentFromRequest() {130 return this.RP.http.get('req')['body']['conversation']['conv_intent']131 }132 isConvIntentExists() {133 return this.getCurrentIntentFromRequest() != "" ? true : false134 }135 isStepNameExistsInRequest() {136 return this.getCurrentStepFromRequest() != "" ? true : false137 }138 isCurRecastIntentDiffFromConvIntent() {139 return (this.getConversationFromRequest().conv_intent != this.RP.recast.get('output')['intent']) ? true : false140 }141 isConvDBExists() {142 return (this.RP.conversationdb.has(this.getConversationIDFromRequest()) &&143 JSON.stringify(this.RP.conversationdb.get(this.getConversationIDFromRequest())) != "{}") ? true : false144 }145 isCrossIntentAllowed() {146 var oCrossIntent = new Set(this.RP.intents.get(this.getConversationFromRequest().conv_intent).cross_intents)147 return oCrossIntent.has(this.RP.recast.get('output')['intent'])148 }149 isOkParamExists() {150 return this.getConversationFromRequest()['ok_param'] != "" ? true : false151 }152 getConversationDB() {153 return this.RP.conversationdb.get(this.getConversationIDFromRequest())154 }155 isOkParamMatched() {156 var ok_param = this.getConversationFromRequest()["ok_param"]157 var convdb = this.getConversationDB()158 var aCurrentStep = convdb.conv_steps.filter((ele) => {159 return ele.step_name == this.getCurrentStepFromRequest()160 })161 if (aCurrentStep.length > 0) {162 if (ok_param == aCurrentStep[0].ok_param) {163 return true164 } else {165 return false166 }167 } else {168 return false169 }170 }171 setCurrentStepComplete() {172 var convdb = this.getConversationDB()173 var oCurrentStep = this.getCurrentStepFromDB()174 var aOther_steps = convdb.conv_steps.filter((ele) => {175 return ele.step_name != this.getCurrentStepFromRequest()176 })177 oCurrentStep.step_complete = true178 aOther_steps.push(oCurrentStep)179 180 var oNewValues = {181 conv_steps: aOther_steps182 } 183 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {184 new ConvMemDBHandler().updateConvMem(this.getConversationIDFromRequest(),185 oNewValues).then((data) => {186 resolve()187 }).catch((err) => {188 reject(err)189 })190 })191 }192 isNextStepsAvailable() {193 var convdb = this.getConversationDB()194 var aSteps = convdb.conv_steps.filter((ele) => {195 return ele.step_name != this.getCurrentStepFromRequest() && ele["step_complete"] == false196 }) 197 return (aSteps.length > 0) ? true : false198 }199 getCurrentStepFromDB() {200 var convdb = this.getConversationDB() 201 var aCurrentStep = convdb.conv_steps.filter((ele) => {202 return ele.step_name == this.getCurrentStepFromRequest()203 })204 return aCurrentStep[0]205 }206 getNextStepsFromDB() {207 var convdb = this.getConversationDB()208 var aNextSteps = convdb.conv_steps.filter((ele) => {209 return ele.step_name != this.getCurrentStepFromRequest() && ele["step_complete"] == false210 })211 return aNextSteps[0]212 }213 setConversationComplete() {214 var oNewValues = {215 conv_end: true216 }217 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {218 new ConvMemDBHandler().updateConvMem(this.getConversationIDFromRequest(),219 oNewValues).then((data) => {220 resolve(data)221 }).catch((err) => {222 reject(err)223 })224 })225 }226}...

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Source: payloadbuilder.js Github


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1'use strict'2const syncEach = require('sync-each')3class PayloadBuilder {4 constructor(oInstance) {5 this.RP = oInstance6 this.payload = {}7 console.log("PayloadBuilder")8 }9 buildGeneralOutput() {10 try {11 var self = this12 var oRecastOP = this.RP.recast.get('output')13 var oIntentConfig = {}14 oIntentConfig = this.RP.intents.get(this.RP.recast.get('output').intent) || {}15 this.payload["intent"] = oRecastOP.intent16 this.payload["confidence"] = oRecastOP.confidence17 this.payload["source"] = oRecastOP.source18 this.payload["entities"] = oRecastOP["entities"]19 /​/​this.payload["entities"] = []20 /​/​ Object.keys(oRecastOP.entities).forEach((oEntity) => {21 /​/​ self.payload["entities"].push({22 /​/​ "name": oEntity,23 /​/​ "value": oRecastOP["entities"][oEntity][0]["raw"]24 /​/​ })25 /​/​ })26 /​/​27 this.payload["requiredParams"] = []28 this.payload["responses"] = ('responses' in oIntentConfig) ? oIntentConfig.responses : []29 this.payload["fallback"] = oIntentConfig.fallback || ""30 this.payload["actions"] = ("actions" in oIntentConfig && oIntentConfig.actions.length > 0) ?31 oIntentConfig.actions : []32 this.payload["followup"] = ("followup" in oIntentConfig && oIntentConfig.followup.length > 0) ?33 oIntentConfig.followup : []34 if (this.payload.actions.length > 0) {35 var actions = []36 syncEach(this.payload.actions, (oAction, next) => {37 var oaction = new mapPathValueToEntityValue(self.payload["entities"], oAction).action38 actions.push(oAction)39 next()40 }, () => {41 this.payload.actions = actions42 })43 }44 /​/​console.log("Intent Configu", oIntentConfig)45 if (oIntentConfig.entities.length > 0) {46 syncEach(oIntentConfig.entities, (oEntity, next) => {47 if (oEntity["is_required"] == true) {48 self.payload["requiredParams"].push( }50 next()51 }, () => {52 self.RP.http.get('res').status(201).send(self.payload)53 })54 } else {55 self.RP.http.get('res').status(201).send(self.payload)56 }57 } catch (e) {58 /​/​throw e59 console.log("General Errror :", e)60 self.RP.http.get('next')(e)61 }62 }63 buildConversationOutput() {64 var aEntities = []65 var oRecastOP = this.RP.recast.get('output')66 /​/​ Object.keys(oRecastOP.entities).forEach((oEntity) => {67 /​/​ aEntities.push({68 /​/​ "name": oEntity,69 /​/​ "value": oRecastOP["entities"][oEntity][0]["raw"]70 /​/​ })71 /​/​ })72 var oIntentConfig = (this.RP.intents.has(this.RP.recast.get('output').intent)) ?73 this.RP.intents.get(this.RP.recast.get('output').intent) : {}74 aEntities = oRecastOP["entities"]75 try {76 delete this.RP.conversation.created_on77 delete this.RP.conversation.changed_on78 if (this.RP.conversation.conv_steps.length > 0 &&79 this.RP.conversation.conv_steps[0].actions.length > 0) {80 var actions = []81 syncEach(this.RP.conversation.conv_steps[0].actions, (oAction, next) => {82 var oaction = new mapPathValueToEntityValue(aEntities, oAction).action83 actions.push(oAction)84 next()85 }, () => {86 this.RP.conversation.conv_steps[0].actions = actions87 })88 }89 this.payload['conversation'] = this.RP.conversation90 this.payload['conversation']['entities'] = aEntities91 this.payload["followup"] = ("followup" in oIntentConfig && oIntentConfig.followup.length > 0) ?92 oIntentConfig.followup : []93 this.RP.http.get('res').status(201).send(this.payload)94 } catch (e) {95 /​/​throw e96 console.log("Error -capture ", e)97 this.RP.http.get('next')(e)98 }99 }100 buildConversationCombinationOutput() {101 try {102 var self = this103 var oRecastOP = this.RP.recast.get('output')104 var oIntentConfig = (this.RP.intents.has(this.RP.recast.get('output').intent)) ?105 this.RP.intents.get(this.RP.recast.get('output').intent) : {}106 this.payload["intent"] = oRecastOP.intent107 this.payload["confidence"] = oRecastOP.confidence108 this.payload["source"] = oRecastOP.source109 /​/​ this.payload["entities"] = []110 /​/​ Object.keys(oRecastOP.entities).forEach((oEntity) => {111 /​/​ self.payload["entities"].push({112 /​/​ "name": oEntity,113 /​/​ "value": oRecastOP["entities"][oEntity][0]["raw"]114 /​/​ })115 /​/​ })116 /​/​117 this.payload["entities"] = oRecastOP["entities"]118 if (this.RP.conversation.conv_steps.length > 0 &&119 this.RP.conversation.conv_steps[0].actions.length > 0) {120 var actions = []121 syncEach(this.RP.conversation.conv_steps[0].actions, (oAction, next) => {122 var oaction = new mapPathValueToEntityValue(aEntities, oAction).action123 actions.push(oAction)124 next()125 }, () => {126 this.RP.conversation.conv_steps[0].actions = actions127 })128 }129 console.log()130 this.payload['conversation'] = this.RP.conversation131 this.payload['conversation']['entities'] = this.payload["entities"]132 this.payload["requiredParams"] = []133 this.payload["responses"] = ('responses' in oIntentConfig) ?134 oIntentConfig.responses : []135 this.payload["fallback"] = ('fallback' in oIntentConfig) ? oIntentConfig.fallback : ""136 this.payload["actions"] = ("actions" in oIntentConfig && oIntentConfig.actions.length > 0) ?137 oIntentConfig.actions : []138 this.payload["followup"] = ("followup" in oIntentConfig && oIntentConfig.followup.length > 0) ?139 oIntentConfig.followup : []140 if ("actions" in oIntentConfig && this.payload.actions.length > 0) {141 var actions = []142 syncEach(this.payload.actions, (oAction, next) => {143 var oaction = new mapPathValueToEntityValue(self.payload["entities"], oAction).action144 actions.push(oAction)145 next()146 }, () => {147 this.payload.actions = actions148 })149 }150 if ("entities" in oIntentConfig && oIntentConfig.entities.length > 0) {151 syncEach(oIntentConfig.entities, (oEntity, next) => {152 if (oEntity["is_required"] == true) {153 self.payload["requiredParams"].push( }155 next()156 }, () => {157 self.RP.http.get('res').status(201).send(self.payload)158 })159 } else {160 self.RP.http.get('res').status(201).send(self.payload)161 }162 } catch (e) {163 /​/​throw e164 console.log("Errror :", e)165 this.RP.http.get('next')(e)166 }167 }168 buildConversationErrorOutput(err) {169 console.log("ConvOUT:", err)170 this.RP.http.get('next')(err)171 }172 buildConversationOutput_Processed() {173 var aEntities = []174 var oIntentConfig = (this.RP.intents.has(this.RP.recast.get('output').intent)) ?175 this.RP.intents.get(this.RP.recast.get('output').intent) : {}176 try {177 delete this.RP.conversation.created_on178 delete this.RP.conversation.changed_on179 if (this.RP.conversation.conv_steps.length > 0 &&180 this.RP.conversation.conv_steps[0].actions.length > 0) {181 var actions = []182 syncEach(this.RP.conversation.conv_steps[0].actions, (oAction, next) => {183 var oaction = new mapPathValueToEntityValue(aEntities, oAction).action184 actions.push(oAction)185 next()186 }, () => {187 this.RP.conversation.conv_steps[0].actions = actions188 })189 }190 this.payload['conversation'] = this.RP.conversation191 this.payload['conversation']['entities'] = aEntities192 this.payload["followup"] = ("followup" in oIntentConfig && oIntentConfig.followup.length > 0) ?193 oIntentConfig.followup : []194 195 this.RP.http.get('res').status(201).send(this.payload)196 } catch (e) {197 /​/​throw e198 console.log("Error -capture ", e)199 this.RP.http.get('next')(e)200 }201 }202}203function mapPathValueToEntityValue(oEntities, oAction) {204 this.action = {}205 var aFS = ['{{$', '$}}']206 var spath = oAction.path207 syncEach(oEntities, (oEntity, next) => {208 var oEntityMap = aFS.join( spath = spath.replace(oEntityMap, "'" + oEntity.values + "'")210 next()211 }, () => {212 this.action = oAction213 var re = /​({{\$.*?\$}})/​g214 spath = spath.replace(re, "''")215 console.log(spath)216 this.action.path = spath217 })218}...

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Source: newconvprocessor.js Github


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1'use strict'2const PayloadBuilder = require('./​payloadbuilder.js')3const ConvMemDBHandler = require('../​db/​api/​convmemorydbhandler.js')4const uuidv1 = require('uuid/​v1')5const syncEach = require('sync-each')6class NewConvProcessor {7 constructor(oInstance) {8 this.RP = oInstance9 this.intent = {}10 }11 process() {12 this.intent = this.RP.intents.get(this.RP.recast.get('output')['intent'])13 if ("conversations" in this.intent &&14 this.intent.conversations.length > 0) {15 this.triggerConversations()16 } else {17 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildGeneralOutput()18 }19 }20 triggerConversations() {21 var self = this22 var oConversation = {23 "conversation_id": uuidv1(),24 "app_id":'app')['_id'],25 "conv_intent": this.RP.recast.get('output')['intent'],26 "current_step": "",27 "conv_end": false,28 "conv_error": false,29 "conv_steps": []30 }31 syncEach(this.intent.conversations, (oConv, next) => {32 var steps = {}33 if (oConv.execonnullentity && oConv.belongstoentity != "") {34 if (self.IsRecastEntityIsEmpty(oConv.belongstoentity)) {35 steps['step_name'] = oConv.step_name36 steps['step_type'] = oConv.step_type37 steps['ok_param'] = oConv.ok_param38 steps['belongstoentity'] = oConv.belongstoentity39 steps['execonnullentity'] = oConv.execonnullentity40 steps['actions'] = oConv.actions41 steps['dropdowns'] = oConv.dropdowns42 steps['texts'] = oConv.texts43 }44 } else {45 steps['step_name'] = oConv.step_name46 steps['step_type'] = oConv.step_type47 steps['belongstoentity'] = oConv.belongstoentity48 steps['execonnullentity'] = oConv.execonnullentity49 steps['ok_param'] = oConv.ok_param50 steps['actions'] = oConv.actions51 steps['dropdowns'] = oConv.dropdowns52 steps['texts'] = oConv.texts53 }54 if (JSON.stringify(steps) != "{}") {55 oConversation.conv_steps.push(steps)56 }57 next()58 }, () => {59 if (oConversation.conv_steps.length > 0 && "step_name" in oConversation.conv_steps[0]) {60 oConversation.current_step = oConversation.conv_steps[0].step_name61 } else {62 oConversation.current_step = 'complete'63 oConversation.conv_end = true64 }65 console.log("New Conversation", oConversation)66 new ConvMemDBHandler().createNewConvMem(oConversation)67 .then((data) => {68 this.RP.conversation = oConversation69 this.RP.conversation.conv_steps = (oConversation.conv_steps.length > 0) ?70 [oConversation.conv_steps[0]] : []71 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildConversationOutput()72 }).catch((err) => {73 console.log(err)74 this.RP.http.get('next')(err)75 })76 })77 }78 IsRecastEntityIsEmpty(sEntity) {79 console.log("recast entities", this.RP.recast.get('output').entities)80 if (this.RP.recast.get('output').entities.length == 0) {81 return true82 }83 var aEntity = this.RP.recast.get('output').entities.filter((oEntity) => {84 return == sEntity85 })86 console.log("FOund Entity", aEntity)87 if (aEntity.length == 0){88 return true89 } else {90 if (aEntity[0].values.length == 0){91 return true92 } else{93 return false94 }95 }96 }97}...

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Source: MinimalIdentity.jsm Github


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1"use strict";this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS=["IdentityService"];const Cu=Components.utils;const Ci=Components.interfaces;const Cc=Components.classes;const Cr=Components.results;Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​XPCOMUtils.jsm");Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​Services.jsm");Cu.import("resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​identity/​LogUtils.jsm");XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this,"objectCopy","resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​identity/​IdentityUtils.jsm");XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this,"makeMessageObject","resource:/​/​gre/​modules/​identity/​IdentityUtils.jsm");function log(...aMessageArgs){Logger.log.apply(Logger,["minimal core"].concat(aMessageArgs));}2function reportError(...aMessageArgs){Logger.reportError.apply(Logger,["core"].concat(aMessageArgs));}3function IDService(){Services.obs.addObserver(this,"quit-application-granted",false); this.RP=this;this.IDP=this; this._rpFlows={};this._authFlows={};this._provFlows={};}4IDService.prototype={QueryInterface:XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsISupports,Ci.nsIObserver]),observe:function observe(aSubject,aTopic,aData){switch(aTopic){case"quit-application-granted":this.shutdown();break;}},shutdown:function(){Services.obs.removeObserver(this,"quit-application-granted");},parseEmail:function parseEmail(email){var match=email.match(/​^([^@]+)@([^@^/​]+.[a-z]+)$/​);if(match){return{username:match[1],domain:match[2]};}5return null;},watch:function watch(aRpCaller){ this._rpFlows[]=aRpCaller;log("flows:",Object.keys(this._rpFlows).join(', '));let options=makeMessageObject(aRpCaller);log("sending identity-controller-watch:",options);Services.obs.notifyObservers({wrappedJSObject:options},"identity-controller-watch",null);},unwatch:function unwatch(aRpId,aTargetMM){let rp=this._rpFlows[aRpId];if(!rp){return;}6let options=makeMessageObject({id:aRpId,origin:rp.origin,messageManager:aTargetMM});log("sending identity-controller-unwatch for id",,options.origin);Services.obs.notifyObservers({wrappedJSObject:options},"identity-controller-unwatch",null); delete this._rpFlows[aRpId];},request:function request(aRPId,aOptions){let rp=this._rpFlows[aRPId];if(!rp){reportError("request() called before watch()");return;}7let options=makeMessageObject(rp);objectCopy(aOptions,options);Services.obs.notifyObservers({wrappedJSObject:options},"identity-controller-request",null);},logout:function logout(aRpCallerId){let rp=this._rpFlows[aRpCallerId];if(!rp){reportError("logout() called before watch()");return;}8let options=makeMessageObject(rp);Services.obs.notifyObservers({wrappedJSObject:options},"identity-controller-logout",null);},childProcessShutdown:function childProcessShutdown(messageManager){Object.keys(this._rpFlows).forEach(function(key){if(this._rpFlows[key]._mm===messageManager){log("child process shutdown for rp",key,"- deleting flow");delete this._rpFlows[key];}},this);},doLogin:function doLogin(aRpCallerId,aAssertion,aInternalParams){let rp=this._rpFlows[aRpCallerId];if(!rp){log("WARNING: doLogin found no rp to go with callerId "+aRpCallerId);return;}9rp.doLogin(aAssertion,aInternalParams);},doLogout:function doLogout(aRpCallerId){let rp=this._rpFlows[aRpCallerId];if(!rp){log("WARNING: doLogout found no rp to go with callerId "+aRpCallerId);return;} 10let origin=rp.origin;Object.keys(this._rpFlows).forEach(function(key){let rp=this._rpFlows[key];if(rp.origin===origin){rp.doLogout();}}.bind(this));},doReady:function doReady(aRpCallerId){let rp=this._rpFlows[aRpCallerId];if(!rp){log("WARNING: doReady found no rp to go with callerId "+aRpCallerId);return;}11rp.doReady();},doCancel:function doCancel(aRpCallerId){let rp=this._rpFlows[aRpCallerId];if(!rp){log("WARNING: doCancel found no rp to go with callerId "+aRpCallerId);return;}...

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Source: nonconvprocessor.js Github


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1'use strict'2const PayloadBuilder = require('./​payloadbuilder.js')3const NewConvProcessor = require('./​newconvprocessor.js')4class NonConvProcessor {5 constructor(oInstance) {6 this.RP = oInstance7 }8 process() {9 try {10 if (this.checkIntentIsConversible()) {11 /​/​ trigger new conversation12 console.log("Trigger New Conversation") 13 new NewConvProcessor(this.RP).process()14 15 } else {16 new PayloadBuilder(this.RP).buildGeneralOutput()17 }18 } catch (e) {19 var err = e20 err.status = 50021 this.RP.http.get('next')(e)22 }23 }24 checkIntentIsConversible() {25 try {26 console.log('Check Intents', this.RP.intents.get(this.RP.recast.get('output')))27 var bFlag = this.RP.intents.get(this.RP.recast.get('output')['intent'])['is_conversation']28 return bFlag ? true : false29 } catch (e) {30 return false31 }32 }33}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('My First Test', function() {2 it('Does not do much!', function() {3 cy.contains('type').click()4 cy.url().should('include', '/​commands/​actions')5 cy.get('.action-email')6 .type('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (method, url, body) => {2 cy.request({3 headers: {4 },5 }).then((response) => {6 return response;7 });8});9Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (method, url, body) => {10 cy.request({11 headers: {12 },13 }).then((response) => {14 return response;15 });16});17Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (method, url, body) => {18 cy.request({19 headers: {20 },21 }).then((response) => {22 return response;23 });24});25Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (method, url, body) => {26 cy.request({27 headers: {28 },29 }).then((response) => {30 return response;31 });32});33Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (method, url, body) => {34 cy.request({35 headers: {36 },37 }).then((response) => {38 return response;39 });40});41Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (method, url, body) => {42 cy.request({43 headers: {44 },45 }).then((response) => {46 return response;47 });48});49Cypress.Commands.add('rp',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (method, url, body) => {2 return cy.request({3 auth: {4 username: Cypress.env('username'),5 password: Cypress.env('password')6 }7 });8});9describe('Test', () => {10 it('Test', () => {11 expect(response.status).to.eq(200);12 });13 });14});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Test', () => {2 it('test', () => {3 console.log(response);4 });5 });6});7const rp = require('reques

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Using AI Code Generation


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1cy.rp('POST', '/​api/​xyz', {a: 1, b: 2}).then((res) => {2 cy.log(res.body)3})4cy.rp('POST', '/​api/​xyz', {a: 1, b: 2}).then((res) => {5 cy.log(res.body)6})7cy.rp('POST', '/​api/​xyz', {a: 1, b: 2}).then((res) => {8 cy.log(res.body)9})10cy.rp('POST', '/​api/​xyz', {a: 1, b: 2}).then((res) => {11 cy.log(res.body)12})13cy.rp('POST', '/​api/​xyz', {a: 1, b: 2}).then((res) => {14 cy.log(res.body)15})16cy.rp('POST', '/​api/​xyz', {a: 1, b: 2}).then((res) => {17 cy.log(res.body)18})19cy.rp('POST', '/​api/​xyz', {a: 1, b: 2}).then((res) => {20 cy.log(res.body)21})22cy.rp('POST', '/​api/​xyz', {a: 1, b: 2}).then((res) => {23 cy.log(res.body)24})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (url, data, options) => {2 return cy.request({3 })4})5cy.rp('/​api/​endpoint', { name: 'test' }, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/​json' } })6Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (url, data, options) => {7 return cy.request({8 })9})10Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (url, data, options) => {11 return cy.request({12 })13})14Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (url, data, options) => {15 return cy.request({16 })17})18cy.rp('/​api/​endpoint', { name: 'test' }, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/​json' } })19Cypress.Commands.add('rp', (url, data, options) => {20 return cy.request({21 })22})23cy.rp('/​api/​endpoint', { name: 'test' }, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/​json'

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StackOverFlow community discussions


Cypress does not always executes click on element

How to get current date using cy.clock()

.type() method in cypress when string is empty

Cypress route function not detecting the network request

How to pass files name in array and then iterating for the file upload functionality in cypress

confused with cy.log in cypress

why is drag drop not working as per expectation in

Failing wait for request in Cypress

How to Populate Input Text Field with Javascript

Is there a reliable way to have Cypress exit as soon as a test fails?

2022 here and tested with cypress version: "6.x.x" until "10.x.x"

You could use { force: true } like:

cy.get("YOUR_SELECTOR").click({ force: true });

but this might not solve it ! The problem might be more complex, that's why check below

My solution:



In my case, I needed to watch a bit deeper what's going on. I started by pin the click action like this:

enter image description here

Then watch the console, and you should see something like: enter image description here

Now click on line Mouse Events, it should display a table: enter image description here

So basically, when Cypress executes the click function, it triggers all those events but somehow my component behave the way that it is detached the moment where click event is triggered.

So I just simplified the click by doing:


And it worked ????

Hope this will fix your issue or at least help you debug and understand what's wrong.


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How To Perform Cypress Testing At Scale With LambdaTest

Web products of top-notch quality can only be realized when the emphasis is laid on every aspect of the product. This is where web automation testing plays a major role in testing the features of the product inside-out. A majority of the web testing community (including myself) have been using the Selenium test automation framework for realizing different forms of web testing (e.g., cross browser testing, functional testing, etc.).

Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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