How to use this.getCookie method in Cypress

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...4//let trendFun=new TrendFun(); //公共函数库5//console.log(trendFun.getCookie("test_cookie"));6export default class trendFun {7// constructor() {8// console.log("test ok:"+this.getCookie("test_cookie"));9// }10 test(){11 alert("test ok:"+this.getCookie("test_cookie"));12 }13 fallbackCopyTextToClipboard = (text) => {14 let textArea = document.createElement("textarea");15 textArea.value = text;16 document.body.appendChild(textArea);//插在body后会导致页面跳一下17 // document.querySelector(".ant-layout").insertBefore(textArea,null)18 textArea.focus();19;20 let flag = false;21 try {22 let successful = document.execCommand('copy');23 let msg = successful ? 'successful' : 'unsuccessful';24 // console.log('Fallback: Copying text command was ' + msg);25 flag = true;26 } catch (err) {27 // console.error('Fallback: Oops, unable to copy', err);28 flag = false;29 }30 document.body.removeChild(textArea);31 return flag32 }33 copyTextToClipboard = async (text) => {34 let flag = false;35 if (!navigator.clipboard) {36 return this.fallbackCopyTextToClipboard(text);37 }38 await navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(() => {39 flag = true;40 // console.log('Async: Copying to clipboard was successful!');41 // return42 }, (err) => {43 // flag = false44 // console.error('Async: Could not copy text: ', err);45 });46 return flag;47 }48//向后台发送参数 公共部分49 __REQUEST(){50 let cookies=this.getNewCookie();51 let request={52 53 // "baseParams":{ //基础参数 54 // "test":this.getCookie("test_cookie"),55 // "platformId":this.getCookie("platformId"), //平台56 // "deviceType":this.getCookie("deviceType"),57 // "termSysVersion":this.getCookie("termSysVersion"), //系统版本号58 // "termModel":this.getCookie("termModel"), //设备型号59 // "termId":this.getCookie("termId"), //设备唯一标识60 // "fingerPrint":this.getCookie("fingerPrint"), //设备指纹,可以为空61 // "network":this.getCookie("network"), //网络,可以为空62 // "networkOperator":this.getCookie("networkOperator"), //网络运营商,可以为空63 // "majorAppVersion":this.getCookie("majorAppVersion"), //主APP版本号64 // "appType":this.getCookie("appType"), //app类型,可以为空65 // "appVersion":this.getCookie("appVersion"), //app版本号66 // "pValue":this.getCookie("pValue"),//p值67 // "locationProvince":this.getCookie("locationProvince"), //定位省68 // "locateCity":this.getCookie("locateCity"), //定位市69 // "locateDistrict":this.getCookie("locateDistrict"), //定位区70 // "position": //定位信息,可以为空71 // {72 // "lon":this.getCookie("lon"), //经度73 // "lat":this.getCookie("lat") //纬度74 // }75 // },76 "clientTypeFlag":"h5", //向后请求类型,后台将返回json格式77 "token":cookies["token"] || '', //必填78 "phoneNumber":cookies["phoneNumber"] || '', //必填79 //"nickname":cookies["nickname"] || '', //昵称 80 // "timestamp":(new Date()).getTime(), //时间戳81 // "sign":this.getCookie("sign"), //签名82 83 //业务参数84 "bizParams":{}, //业务参数85 }86 return request;87}88 89 getNewCookie(){90 /*读取多个cookie的时候使用,一次性读取,然后统一处理 */91 let cookies=[];92 let vvv=document.cookie.split(";");93 let a; 94 vvv.forEach(function(e){95 //console.log(e.trim())...

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Source:Gauges_Tracking_Code.js Github


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...49 if(a)50 {51 this.image.src=a;52 var b=60*60,d=b*24,f=d*31,c=d*365,i=c*10;53 if(!this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_hour')) { this.setCookie('_gauges_unique_hour',1,b) }54 if(!this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_day')) { this.setCookie('_gauges_unique_day',1,d) }55 if(!this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_month')) { this.setCookie('_gauges_unique_month',1,f) }56 if(!this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_year')) { this.setCookie('_gauges_unique_year',1,c) }57 if(!this.getCookie('_gauges_unique')) { this.setCookie('_gauges_unique',1,i) }58 }59 }60 , push:function(a)61 {62 var b=a.shift();63 if(b=='track')64 {65 _gauges.track()66 }67 }68 , url:function()69 {70 var a,b71 //TM changes - start72 //d=this.$('gauges-tracker');73 // if(d)74 {75 76 //b=d.getAttribute('data-site-id'); 77 b = my_Gauge.data_site_id;78 //a=d.src.replace('/track.js','/track.gif');79 a = ""80 var title = my_Gauge.title ? my_Gauge.title : this.title();81 var resource = my_Gauge.resource ? my_Gauge.resource : this.resource();82 //TM changes - end83 a+="?h[site_id]=" + b;84 a+="&h[resource]=" + resource;85 a+="&h[referrer]=" + this.referrer();86 a+="&h[title]=" + title;87 a+="&h[user_agent]=" + this.agent();88 a+="&h[unique]=" + this.unique();89 a+="&h[unique_hour]=" + this.uniqueHour();90 a+="&h[unique_day]=" + this.uniqueDay();91 a+="&h[unique_month]=" + this.uniqueMonth();92 a+="&h[unique_year]=" + this.uniqueYear();93 a+="&h[screenx]=" + this.screenWidth();94 a+="&h[browserx]=" + this.browserWidth();95 a+="&h[browsery]=" + this.browserHeight();96 a+="&timestamp=" + this.timestamp()97 }98 return a99 }100 , domain:function()101 {102 return window.location.hostname103 }104 , referrer:function()105 {106 var a='';107 if(!this.track_referrer)108 {109 return a110 }111 this.track_referrer=false;112 try113 {114 a=top.document.referrer115 }116 catch(e1)117 {118 try119 {120 a=parent.document.referrer121 }122 catch(e2)123 {124 a=''125 }126 }127 if(a=='')128 {129 a=document.referrer130 }131 return this.escape(a)132 }133 , agent:function()134 {135 return this.escape(navigator.userAgent)136 }137 ,138 escape:function(a)139 {140 return(typeof(encodeURIComponent)=='function') 141 ? encodeURIComponent(a)142 : escape(a)143 }144 , resource :function(){ return this.escape(document.location.href) }145 , timestamp :function(){return new Date().getTime()}146 , title :function(){return(document.title&&document.title!="")?this.escape(document.title):''}147 , uniqueHour :function(){if(!this.getCookie('_gauges_cookie')){return 0}return this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_hour')?0:1}148 ,uniqueDay:function(){if(!this.getCookie('_gauges_cookie')){return 0}return this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_day')?0:1}149 ,uniqueMonth:function(){if(!this.getCookie('_gauges_cookie')){return 0}return this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_month')?0:1}150 ,uniqueYear:function(){if(!this.getCookie('_gauges_cookie')){return 0}return this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_year')?0:1}151 ,unique:function(){if(!this.getCookie('_gauges_cookie')){return 0}return this.getCookie('_gauges_unique')?0:1}152 ,screenWidth:function(){try{return screen.width}catch(e){return 0}}153 ,browserDimensions:function(){var a=0,b=0;try{if(typeof(window.innerWidth)=='number'){a=window.innerWidth;b=window.innerHeight}else if(document.documentElement&&document.documentElement.clientWidth){a=document.documentElement.clientWidth;b=document.documentElement.clientHeight}else if(document.body&&document.body.clientWidth){a=document.body.clientWidth;b=document.body.clientHeight}}catch(e){}return{width:a,height:b}}154 ,browserWidth:function(){return this.browserDimensions().width}155 ,browserHeight:function(){return this.browserDimensions().height},$:function(a){if(document.getElementById){return document.getElementById(a)}return null}156 ,setCookie:function(a,b,d){var f,c;b=escape(b);if(d){f=new Date();f.setTime(f.getTime()+(d*1000));c='; expires='+f.toGMTString()}else{c=''}document.cookie=a+"="+b+c+"; path=/"}157 ,getCookie:function(a){var b=a+"=",d=document.cookie.split(';');for(var f=0;f<d.length;f++){var c=d[f];while(c.charAt(0)==' '){c=c.substring(1,c.length)}if(c.indexOf(b)==0){return unescape(c.substring(b.length,c.length))}}return null158 }159 };160 _gauges.track();161 for(var g=0,j=h.length;g<j;g++)162 {163 _gauges.push(h[g])164 }165 })();...

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Source:user.js Github


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...119 //alert(name+"\n\nskFn.user.getCookie("+name+", "+cookiename+") returns\nnothing"+"\n\n"+document.cookie); 120 return '';121 },122 isLoggedIn : function() {123 var cookie = this.getCookie('oauth_token', 'l'); 124 if(cookie.length > 0) {125 return true;126 }127 return false;128 },129 checkLoggedIn : function(url) {130 var cookie = this.getCookie('oauth_token', 'l');131 if(cookie.length > 0) {132 return true;133 }134 else {135 if(url.length > 0) {136 document.location.href = url;137 }138 else {139 document.location.href = "login.html";140 }141 }142 },143 getAccessToken : function() {144 return this.getCookie('oauth_token', 'l');145 },146 getAccessTokenSecret : function() {147 return this.getCookie('oauth_token_secret', 'l');148 },149 getUserId : function() {150 return this.getCookie('id', 'u');151 },152 getUserTid : function() {153 return this.getCookie('tid', 'u');154 },155 getUserName : function() {156 return this.getCookie('CustNM', 'l');157 },158 getUserNick : function() {159 return this.getCookie('CustNM', 'l');160 },161 162 getUserTp : function() {163 return this.getCookie('tp', 'u');164 },165 isTownHompy : function() {166 return this.getCookie('photomenu', 'u');167 },168 isPhotoMenuOpen : function() {169 return this.getCookie('istown', 'u');170 },171 isPremium : function(){172 //i cookie : incoming path cookie (isPremium);173 // 2011년 11월 15일 화요일 @Soonyoung Park174 if(this.getCookie('isPremium', 'i', true) == 'true'){175 return true;176 }else{177 return false;178 }179 },180 getPremiumUrl : function(){181 //i cookie : incoming path cookie (isPremium);182 // 2011년 11월 15일 화요일 @Soonyoung Park183 return decodeURIComponent(this.getCookie('url', 'i'));184 },185 isPrivacyOpen : function() {186 var userid = this.getUserId();187 var cookie = skFn.cookie.get('c');188 var toggle = false;189 if(cookie && cookie.length > 0) {190 lines = cookie.split('^');191 for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {192 if(lines[i] == 'id=' + userid + '&privacy=close') return false;193 }194 }195 return true;196 },197 updatePrivacy : function(privacy) {...

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Source:track.js Github


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...13 f = b * 24,14 c = f * 31,15 d = f * 365,16 j = d * 10;17 if (!this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_hour')) {18 this.setCookie('_gauges_unique_hour', 1, b);19 }20 if (!this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_day')) {21 this.setCookie('_gauges_unique_day', 1, f);22 }23 if (!this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_month')) {24 this.setCookie('_gauges_unique_month', 1, c);25 }26 if (!this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_year')) {27 this.setCookie('_gauges_unique_year', 1, d);28 }29 this.setCookie('_gauges_unique', 1, d);30 }31 },32 push: function(a) {33 var b = a.shift();34 if (b == 'track') {35 _gauges.track();36 }37 },38 url: function() {39 var a,40 b,41 f,42 c = this.$('gauges-tracker');43 if (c) {44 b = c.getAttribute('data-site-id');45 f = c.getAttribute('data-track-path');46 if (!f) {47 f = c.src.replace('/track.js', '/track.gif');48 }49 a = String(f);50 a += '?h[site_id]=' + b;51 a += '&h[resource]=' + this.resource();52 a += '&h[referrer]=' + this.referrer();53 a += '&h[title]=' + this.title();54 a += '&h[user_agent]=' + this.agent();55 a += '&h[unique]=' + this.unique();56 a += '&h[unique_hour]=' + this.uniqueHour();57 a += '&h[unique_day]=' + this.uniqueDay();58 a += '&h[unique_month]=' + this.uniqueMonth();59 a += '&h[unique_year]=' + this.uniqueYear();60 a += '&h[screenx]=' + this.screenWidth();61 a += '&h[browserx]=' + this.browserWidth();62 a += '&h[browsery]=' + this.browserHeight();63 a += '&timestamp=' + this.timestamp();64 }65 return a;66 },67 domain: function() {68 return window.location.hostname;69 },70 referrer: function() {71 var a = '';72 if (!this.track_referrer) {73 return a;74 }75 this.track_referrer = false;76 try {77 a = top.document.referrer;78 } catch (e1) {79 try {80 a = parent.document.referrer;81 } catch (e2) {82 a = '';83 }84 }85 if (a == '') {86 a = document.referrer;87 }88 return this.escape(a);89 },90 agent: function() {91 return this.escape(navigator.userAgent);92 },93 escape: function(a) {94 return typeof encodeURIComponent == 'function'95 ? encodeURIComponent(a)96 : escape(a);97 },98 resource: function() {99 return this.escape(document.location.href);100 },101 timestamp: function() {102 return new Date().getTime();103 },104 title: function() {105 return document.title && document.title != ''106 ? this.escape(document.title)107 : '';108 },109 uniqueHour: function() {110 if (!this.getCookie('_gauges_cookie')) {111 return 0;112 }113 return this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_hour') ? 0 : 1;114 },115 uniqueDay: function() {116 if (!this.getCookie('_gauges_cookie')) {117 return 0;118 }119 return this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_day') ? 0 : 1;120 },121 uniqueMonth: function() {122 if (!this.getCookie('_gauges_cookie')) {123 return 0;124 }125 return this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_month') ? 0 : 1;126 },127 uniqueYear: function() {128 if (!this.getCookie('_gauges_cookie')) {129 return 0;130 }131 return this.getCookie('_gauges_unique_year') ? 0 : 1;132 },133 unique: function() {134 if (!this.getCookie('_gauges_cookie')) {135 return 0;136 }137 return this.getCookie('_gauges_unique') ? 0 : 1;138 },139 screenWidth: function() {140 try {141 return screen.width;142 } catch (e) {143 return 0;144 }145 },146 browserDimensions: function() {147 var a = 0,148 b = 0;149 try {150 if (typeof window.innerWidth == 'number') {151 a = window.innerWidth;...

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...13 login(params) {14 return'/api/user/login',params)15 },16 addComment(params) {17 let token = this.getCookie('token');18 return'/api/comment?token=' + token,params)19 },20 getCommentList(params){21 let token = this.getCookie('token');22 return'/api/get/comment/list?token=' + token,params)23 },24 getArticleList(params) {25 let token = this.getCookie('token');26 return axios.get('api/get/article/list?token=' + token +'&mode=1',params)27 },28 getArticleListMore(params) {29 let token = this.getCookie('token');30 return'api/get/article/list?token=' + token,params)31 },32 getUserInfo(params) {33 let token = this.getCookie('token');34 return axios.get('api/user/info?token=' + token,params)35 },36 changePortrait(params) {37 let token = this.getCookie('token');38 return'/api/portrait?token=' + token,params)39 },40 changeInfo(params) {41 let token = this.getCookie('token');42 return'/api/user/info?token=' + token,params)43 },44 addArticle(params) {45 let token = this.getCookie('token');46 return'/api/article?token=' + token ,params)47 },48 changeNickname(params) {49 let token = this.getCookie('token');50 return'/api/user/nickname?token=' + token,params)51 },52 getNickname(params){53 let token = this.getCookie('token');54 return'/api/user/nickname?token=' + token,params)55 },56 getActive(params){57 let token = this.getCookie('token');58 return'/api/get/active/list?token=' + token,params)59 },60 getActiveList(params){61 let token = this.getCookie('token');62 return axios.get('/api/get/active/list?token=' + token +'&mode=1',params)63 },64 addActivity(params){65 let token = this.getCookie('token');66 return'/api/active?token=' + token,params)67 },68 getActivityPeople(params){69 let token = this.getCookie('token');70 return'/api/get/active/member?token=' + token,params)71 },72 joinActivity(params){73 let token = this.getCookie('token');74 return'/api/active?token=' + token,params)75 },76 exitActivity(params){77 let token = this.getCookie('token');78 return'/api/active?token=' + token,params)79 },80 getCookie(cname) {81 var name = cname + '=';82 var ca = document.cookie.split(';');83 // console.log(ca)84 for (var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {85 var c = ca[i].trim();86 // return c87 // console.log(c,c.substring(name.length, c.length))88 if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) return c.substring(name.length, c.length);89 }90 return '';91 }...

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Source:MyCookies.js Github


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...24 document.cookie = sName + "=" + value + ";expires=" + dateexp;25 }26 27 this.getAllCookies = function () {28 var tmp = this.getCookie("SUPR0");29 this.vars.del1step0 = ((tmp==="1") || (tmp==="0"))?tmp=="1":false;30 tmp = this.getCookie("SUPR1");31 this.vars.del1step1 = ((tmp==="1") || (tmp==="0"))?tmp=="1":false;32// tmp = this.getCookie("EMAILOK");33// this.vars.emailok = ((tmp=="1") || (tmp=="0"))?tmp=="1":true;34 tmp = this.getCookie("ROUTEWPTS");35 this.vars.routewpts = ((tmp==="1") || (tmp==="0"))?tmp=="1":false;36 tmp = this.getCookie("EXTRAWPTS");37 this.vars.extrawpts = ((tmp==="1") || (tmp==="0"))?tmp=="1":false;38 tmp = this.getCookie("EXTRATRK");39 this.vars.extratrk = ((tmp==="1") || (tmp==="0"))?tmp=="1":false;40 this.vars.fname = this.getCookie("FNAME");41 this.vars.ename = this.getCookie("ENAME");42 tmp = this.getCookie("SENDTYPE");43 this.vars.sendtype = (tmp==null)?'file':tmp;44 tmp = this.getCookie("TYPEEXT");45 this.vars.typeext = (tmp==null)?'typeitn':tmp;46 //var youremail = '';47 }48 49 this.setAllCookies = function () {50 this.setCookie ("EMAILOK", this.vars.emailok?"1":"0");51 this.setCookie ("TYPEEXT", this.vars.typeext);52 this.setCookie ("ROUTEWPTS", this.vars.routewpts?"1":"0");53 this.setCookie ("EXTRAWPTS", this.vars.extrawpts?"1":"0");54 this.setCookie ("EXTRATRK", this.vars.extratrk?"1":"0");55 this.setCookie ("FNAME", this.vars.fname);56 this.setCookie ("ENAME", this.vars.ename);57 this.setCookie ("SUPR0", this.vars.del1step0?"1":"0");58 this.setCookie ("SUPR1", this.vars.del1step1?"1":"0");...

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Source:CookieStorageManager.js Github


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...18 });19};20CookieStorageManager.prototype.loadCredentials = function() {21 if (this.enabled) {22 if (this.getCookie("host")) {23 $("#hostnameInput").val(this.getCookie("host"));24 }25 if (this.getCookie("port")) {26 $("#portInput").val(this.getCookie("port"));27 }28 if (this.getCookie("clientId")) {29 $("#clientIdInput").val(this.getCookie("clientId"));30 }31 if (this.getCookie("username")) {32 $("#usernameInput").val(this.getCookie("username"));33 }34 if (this.getCookie("keepAlive")) {35 $("#keepAliveInput").val(this.getCookie("keepAlive"));36 }37 if (this.getCookie("useSsl")) {38 $("#useSslInput").prop('checked', JSON.parse(this.getCookie("useSsl")));39 }40 if (this.getCookie("cleanSession")) {41 $("#cleanSessionInput").prop('checked', JSON.parse(this.getCookie("cleanSession")));42 }43 if (this.getCookie("md5")) {44 $("#md5Input").prop('checked', JSON.parse(this.getCookie("md5")));45 }46 }47};48CookieStorageManager.prototype.setCookie = function(cookieName, cookieValue) {49 var d = new Date();50 d.setTime(d.getTime() + (this.cookieTtl * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));51 var expires = "expires=" + d.toGMTString();52 document.cookie = cookieName + "=" + cookieValue + "; " + expires;53};54CookieStorageManager.prototype.getCookie = function(cookieName) {55 var name = cookieName + "=";56 var ca = document.cookie.split(';');57 for(var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {58 var c = ca[i].trim();...

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Source:mediawiki.toc.test.js Github


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1( function () {2 QUnit.module( 'mediawiki.toc', {3 beforeEach: function () {4 this.getCookie = this.stub( mw.cookie, 'get' ).returns( null );5 this.setCookie = this.stub( mw.cookie, 'set' ).returns( null );6 this.tocHtml = '<div class="toc" role="navigation">' +7 '<input type="checkbox" role="button" id="toctogglecheckbox" class="toctogglecheckbox" />' +8 '<div class="toctitle" lang="en" dir="ltr">' +9 '<span class="toctogglespan"><label class="toctogglelabel" for="toctogglecheckbox"></label></span>' +10 '</div>' +11 '<ul><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1">…</li></ul>' +12 '</div>';13 }14 } );15 QUnit.test( 'Use toggle', function ( assert ) {16 var tocNode, tocToggle;17 tocNode = $.parseHTML( this.tocHtml )[ 0 ];18 tocToggle = tocNode.querySelector( '.toctogglelabel' );19 $( '#qunit-fixture' ).append( tocNode );20 mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire( $( '#qunit-fixture' ) );21 assert.strictEqual( this.getCookie.callCount, 1, 'Initial cookie reads' );22 assert.strictEqual( this.setCookie.callCount, 0, 'Initial cookie writes' );23;24 assert.propEqual( this.setCookie.args[ 0 ], [ 'hidetoc', '1' ], 'Cookie set' );25 assert.strictEqual( this.getCookie.callCount, 1, 'Final cookie reads' );26 assert.strictEqual( this.setCookie.callCount, 1, 'Final cookie writes' );27 } );28 QUnit.test( 'Initially hidden', function ( assert ) {29 var tocNode;30 this.getCookie.returns( '1' );31 tocNode = $.parseHTML( this.tocHtml )[ 0 ];32 $( '#qunit-fixture' ).append( tocNode );33 mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire( $( '#qunit-fixture' ) );34 assert.strictEqual( this.getCookie.callCount, 1, 'Initial cookie reads' );35 assert.strictEqual( this.setCookie.callCount, 0, 'Initial cookie writes' );36 } );...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('my first test', function() {2 it('Visits the Kitchen Sink', function() {3 cy.contains('type').click()4 cy.url().should('include', '/commands/actions')5 cy.get('.action-email')6 .type('

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1cy.getCookie('cookieName').should('', 'value', 'cookieValue');2cy.getCookies().should('have.length', 2);3cy.clearCookie('cookieName');4cy.clearCookies();5cy.setCookie('cookieName','cookieValue');6Cypress.Commands.add('getCookie', (name) => { ... });7Cypress.Commands.add('getCookies', () => { ... });8Cypress.Commands.add('clearCookie', (name) => { ... });9Cypress.Commands.add('clearCookies', () => { ... });10Cypress.Commands.add('setCookie', (name, value) => { ... });11import './commands'12cy.getCookie('cookieName').should('', 'value', 'cookieValue');13cy.getCookies().should('have.length', 2);14cy.clearCookie('cookieName');15cy.clearCookies();16cy.setCookie('cookieName','cookieValue');17Cypress.Commands.add('getCookie', (name) => { ... });18Cypress.Commands.add('getCookies', () => { ... });19Cypress.Commands.add('clearCookie', (name) => { ... });20Cypress.Commands.add('clearCookies', () => { ... });21Cypress.Commands.add('setCookie', (name, value) => { ... });22cy.getCookie('cookieName').should('', 'value', 'cookieValue');23cy.getCookies().should('have.length', 2);24cy.clearCookie('cookieName');25cy.clearCookies();26cy.setCookie('cookieName','cookieValue');

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1cy.getCookie('cookieName').then((cookie) => {2 const cookieValue = cookie.value;3 cy.log(cookieValue);4});5cy.setCookie('cookieName', 'cookieValue');6cy.clearCookie('cookieName');7cy.clearCookies();8cy.getCookies().then((cookies) => {9 cy.log(cookies);10});11 expect(response.status).to.eq(200);12});13cy.server();14cy.wait('@google');15cy.wrap({ foo: 'bar' }).should('', 'foo').and('equal', 'bar');16cy.writeFile('cypress/fixtures/fileName.json', { name: 'User' });17cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/fileName.json').then((data) => {18 cy.log(data);19});20cy.task('taskName', 'taskValue').then((result) => {21 cy.log(result);22});23cy.title().should('include', 'Google');24cy.url().should('include', 'google');25cy.viewport(320, 480);26cy.wait(2000);

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1cy.getCookie('name').then((cookie) => {2 expect(cookie)'value')3})4cy.getCookie('name').then((cookie) => {5 expect(cookie)'value')6})7cy.getCookies().then((cookies) => {8 expect(cookies).to.have.length(1)9})10cy.getCookies().then((cookies) => {11 expect(cookies).to.have.length(1)12})13cy.clearCookies()14cy.clearCookies()15cy.clearCookie('name')16cy.clearCookie('name')17cy.setCookie('name', 'value')18cy.setCookie('name', 'value')

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('My First Test', function() {2 it('Does not do much!', function() {3 cy.contains('type').click()4 cy.url().should('include', '/commands/actions')5 cy.get('.action-email')6 .type('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Test', () => {2 it('test', () => {3 cy.getCookie('NID')4 .should('', 'value')5 .then((value) => {6 console.log(value)7 })8 })9})10Cypress.Cookies.defaults({11})12describe('Test', () => {13 it('test', () => {14 cy.getCookie('NID')15 .should('', 'value')16 .then((value) => {17 console.log(value)18 cy.setCookie('NID', value)19 })20 })21})22You can use the getCookie() method to get the

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Test', function () {2 it('Test', function () {3 cy.setCookie('test', 'test');4 cy.getCookie('test').should('', 'value', 'test');5 });6});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1cy.getCookie('session_id').then((cookie) => {2})3cy.getCookies().then((cookies) => {4})5cy.clearCookie('session_id').then((resp) => {6})7cy.clearCookies().then((resp) => {8})9Cypress.Cookies.defaults({10 whitelist: (cookie) => {11 return true;12 }13})14Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce('session_id')15Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce('session_id', 'session_id2')16Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce()17Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce(['session_id', 'session_id2'])18Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce()19Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce(['session_id', 'session_id2'])20Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce()21Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce(['session_id

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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