How to use pathToPackage method in Cypress

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Source:mev-steal-bootstrap.js Github


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1"use strict"; 2(function(global){3 function getParameterByName(name) {4 name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");5 var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),6 results = regex.exec(;7 return results === null ? undefined : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));8 }9 function writeCookie(name,value,days) {10 if (days) {11 var date = new Date();12 date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000));13 var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();14 }15 else var expires = "";16 document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";17 }18 function readCookie(name) {19 var nameEQ = name + "=";20 var ca = document.cookie.split(';');21 for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {22 var c = ca[i];23 while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);24 if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);25 }26 return null;27 }28 function eraseCookie(name) {29 writeCookie(name,"",-1);30 }31 function getEnv(){ 32 var env = getParameterByName("env") || readCookie("env");33 if(env) return env;34 35 if(window.location.href.indexOf("localhost")>=0 ||36 window.location.href.indexOf("dfci")>=0){37 return "bundle";38 }39 return "prod";40 }41 function getConfig(baseURL, main, livePort, live){42 var env = "prod";43 var relativeBaseURL = baseURL;44 if(baseURL.charAt(0)==="/"){45 relativeBaseURL = "";46 baseURL.match(/\//g).forEach(function(){47 relativeBaseURL += "../";48 });49 }50 var system = {51 config: relativeBaseURL+"package.json!npm",52 baseURL: relativeBaseURL,53 bundlesPath: baseURL+"dist/bundles/min",54 main: main,55 loadBundles: true,56 getStealSrc: function getStealSrc(){ 57 var stealsrc = baseURL+"node_modules/steal/steal.js"; 58 if(this && this.loadBundles)59 stealsrc = this.bundlesPath+"/"+this.main+".js" 60 return stealsrc;61 }62 };63 64 var env = getEnv();65 if(env.indexOf("bundle")>=0){66 system.bundlesPath = system.bundlesPath.replace("/min", "/dev");67 }else if(env.indexOf("live")>=0){68 system.loadBundles = false;69 system.main = live || main;70 system.config = baseURL+"package.json!npm";71 delete system.baseURL; 72 system.configDependencies=["live-reload"]; 73 system.liveReloadPort=livePort;74 }75 return system;76 }77 function startStralXhr(streal){78 var req = new XMLHttpRequest();79 // report progress events80 req.addEventListener("progress", function(event) {81 if (event.lengthComputable) {82 var percentComplete = event.loaded /;83 console.debug("progress: " + percentComplete);84 if(document){85 var myEvent = new CustomEvent("mev:load:progress", {86 detail: {87 percent: percentComplete * 10088 }89 });90 document.dispatchEvent(myEvent);91 }92 } else {93 // Unable to compute progress information since the total size is unknown94 }95 }, false);96 // load responseText into a new script element97 req.addEventListener("load", function(event) {98 var e =;99 var s = document.createElement("script");100 s.textContent = " \t" + e.responseText;101 s.setAttribute('charset',"UTF-8");102 s.setAttribute('id',"mev-bundle");103 document.documentElement.appendChild(s);104 s.addEventListener("load", function() {105 // this runs after the new script has been executed...106 });107 }, false);108"GET", steal.getStealSrc());109 req.send();110 }111 function startSteal(steal){112 console.log("steal", steal);113 if(steal.loadBundles){114 startStralXhr(steal);115 }else{116 var stealscript = document.createElement('script');117 stealscript.setAttribute('src',steal.getStealSrc());118 stealscript.setAttribute('charset',"UTF-8");119 document.head.appendChild(stealscript);120 }121 }122 var getConfig2 = function(pathToPackage, main, livePort){123 var baseURL = pathToPackage.replace("package.json!npm", "");124 return getConfig(baseURL, main, livePort);125 };126 global.startStealLive = function startSteal2(pathToPackage, main, livePort){ 127 writeCookie("env", "live");128 window.steal = getConfig2(pathToPackage, main, livePort);129 console.log("steal", steal);130 var stealscript = document.createElement('script');131 stealscript.setAttribute('src',steal.getStealSrc());132 stealscript.setAttribute('charset',"UTF-8");133 document.head.appendChild(stealscript);134 }135 global.getConfig = getConfig;136 global.start = startSteal;137;138 global.writeCookie = writeCookie;139 global.readCookie = readCookie;140 global.eraseCookie = eraseCookie;141 global.mevEnv=function(env){142 if(env)143 global.writeCookie("env", env);144 else145 return global.readCookie("env");146 };...

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Source:mock-backend.js Github


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1#! /usr/bin/env node2/**3 * Script to run wiremock based on specific stub jar downloaded from local machine or if not found from nexus.4 *5 * Download sources:6 * 1) local machine .m2 repository7 * 2) nexus artifactory8 *9 * Required params:10 * stubs - path to direct stubs jar link11 * uk/co/hl/bf/working-day-calendar/0.2.9-SNAPSHOT/working-day-calendar-0.2.9-20180112.122824-2-stubs.jar12 * port - port of wiremock to serve mocks13 * 900014 *15 * Example of use in project package.json:16 * node ./mock/mock-backend.js stubs=uk/co/hl/bf/working-day-calendar/0.2.9-SNAPSHOT/working-day-calendar-0.2.9-20180112.122824-2-stubs.jar port=9000"17 */18const NPMRC_CA_PARAM_NAME = "ca";19const MAVEN_REPO = "";20const fs = require('fs');21const request = require('request');22const unzip = require('unzip');23const execSync = require('child_process').execSync;24const dir = './stubs';25const jarDir = dir + '/stubs.jar';26const mappingsDir = dir + '/mappings';27cleanStubs(dir);28createBaseStubFolder();29downloadStubsJarAndRunWireMock(getParam('stubs'));30function downloadStubsJarAndRunWireMock(stubsPath) {31 createJarFromLocalM2Source(32 stubsPath,33 createJarFromNexusSource34 )35}36function createJarFromLocalM2Source(stubsPath, alternative) {37 const pathToPackage = getUserHome() + '/.m2/repository/' + stubsPath;38 console.log("Looking for jar in local", pathToPackage);39 fs.readFile(pathToPackage, (err, data) => {40 if (err) {41 alternative(stubsPath);42 return43 }44 fs.writeFile(jarDir, data, (err) => {45 if (err) {46 alternative(stubsPath);47 return48 }49 runWireMockOnJustCreatedJar();50});51})52}53function createJarFromNexusSource(stubsPath) {54 const projectCa = getNpmrcParam(NPMRC_CA_PARAM_NAME);55 const ca = projectCa !== undefined ? {ca: projectCa} : {};56 const pathToPackage = MAVEN_REPO + stubsPath;57 console.log("Looking for jar in nexus", pathToPackage);58 request({59 method: "GET",60 uri: pathToPackage,61 agentOptions: ca62 }, function(body, err) {63 if (err) {64 console.log('Jar downloading status: ' + err.statusCode + ' - ' + err.statusMessage);65 } else {66 console.log(body);67 }68 runWireMockOnJustCreatedJar();69 }).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(jarDir));70}71function runWireMockOnJustCreatedJar() {72 console.log("Running wiremock jar..");73 extractStubsJar();74 runWireMock(getParam('port'));75}76function createBaseStubFolder() {77 if (!fs.existsSync(dir)){78 fs.mkdirSync(dir);79 }80 if (!fs.existsSync(mappingsDir)){81 fs.mkdirSync(mappingsDir);82 }83}84function extractStubsJar() {85 fs.createReadStream(jarDir)86 .pipe(unzip.Parse())87 .on('entry', function (entry) {88 const fileName = entry.path;89 if (fileName.endsWith(".json")) {90 const filenameWithoutFolders = fileName.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '');91 console.log("found", filenameWithoutFolders);92 entry.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(mappingsDir + '/' + filenameWithoutFolders));93 } else {94 entry.autodrain();95 }96 });97}98function cleanStubs(path) {99 const deleteFolderRecursive = function(path) {100 if( fs.existsSync(path) ) {101 fs.readdirSync(path).forEach(function(file,index){102 const curPath = path + "/" + file;103 if(fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) { // recurse104 deleteFolderRecursive(curPath);105 } else {106 fs.unlinkSync(curPath);107 }108 });109 fs.rmdirSync(path);110 }111 };112 deleteFolderRecursive(path);113}114function runWireMock(port) {115 const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;116 spawn('java', ['-jar', './mock/wiremock-standalone-2.14.0.jar', '--root-dir=' + dir, '--port=' + port], { stdio: 'inherit' });117}118function getUserHome() {119 return process.env.HOME || process.env.USERPROFILE;120}121function getParam(key) {122 for (i = 0; i < process.argv.length; i++) {123 const val = process.argv[i];124 const name = val.split('=')[0];125 if (name === key) {126 return val.split('=')[1];127 }128 }129 console.log("Missing param: " + key);130 process.exit(-1);131}132function getNpmrcParam(param) {133 const paramValue = execSync('npm config get ' + param);134 return paramValue.toString();...

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Source:module-resolver.js Github


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1"format cjs";2/*global require,process,__dirname*/3var path = require("path");4var fs = require("fs");5var Module = require("module");6var { x: execSync } = require("child_process");7var { ensurePackageMap, packageDirsFromEnv } = require("./flatn-cjs.js");8var originalResolve;9installResolver();10process.execPath = process.argv[0] = path.join(__dirname, "bin/node");11let counter = 0;12function installResolver() {13 if (!originalResolve) originalResolve = Module._resolveFilename;14 Module._resolveFilename = function(request, parent, isMain) {15 try {16 let result =, request, parent, isMain);17 // console.log(`${request} => ${result}`);18 return result;19 } catch (err) {20 let parentId = parent ? parent.filename || : "",21 // _ = console.log(`[_resolveFilename] searching for "${request}" from ${parentId}`),22 config = findPackageConfig(parentId),23 deps = config ? depMap(config) : {},24 basename = request.startsWith('@') ? request.split("/").slice(0, 2).join('/') : request.split('/')[0],25 {packageCollectionDirs, individualPackageDirs, devPackageDirs} = packageDirsFromEnv(),26 packageMap = ensurePackageMap(packageCollectionDirs, individualPackageDirs, devPackageDirs),27 packageFound = packageMap.lookup(basename, deps[basename])28 || packageMap.lookup(request, deps[request])/*for package names with "/"*/,29 resolved = packageFound && findModuleInPackage(packageFound, basename, request);30 31 if (resolved) return resolved;32 process.env.FLATN_VERBOSE && console.error(`Failing to require "${request}" from ${parentId}`);33 throw err;34 }35 }36}37function findPackageConfig(modulePath) {38 let dir = path.dirname(modulePath), configs = [];39 // accumulate all found package.json files and merge them into one40 // until we reach one of the packageCollectionDirs or individualPackageDirs41 let {packageCollectionDirs, individualPackageDirs, devPackageDirs} = packageDirsFromEnv();42 while (true) {43 if (fs.existsSync(path.join(dir, "package.json"))) {44 configs.push(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(dir, "package.json"))));45 }46 let nextDir = path.dirname(dir);47 if (nextDir === dir) break;48 if (packageCollectionDirs.includes(nextDir)) break;49 if (individualPackageDirs.includes(nextDir)) break;50 dir = nextDir;51 }52 return configs.reduce(function(configA, configB) {53 return Object.assign(configA, configB);54 }, {});55}56function depMap(packageConfig) {57 return ["peerDependencies","dependencies","devDependencies", "optionalDependencies"]58 .reduce((deps, field) => {59 if (!packageConfig[field]) return deps;60 for (let name in packageConfig[field])61 Object.assign(deps, packageConfig[field]);62 return deps;63 }, {});64}65function findModuleInPackage(requesterPackage, basename, request) {66 // Given {name, version, path} from resolveFlatPackageToModule, will find the67 // full path to the module inside of the package, using the module request68 // let {config: {name, version}, location: pathToPackage} = requesterPackage69 let {name, version, location: pathToPackage} = requesterPackage70 let fullpath;71 if (name === request) {72 let config = findPackageConfig(path.join(pathToPackage, "index.js"));73 if (!config || !config.main) fullpath = path.join(pathToPackage, "index.js");74 else fullpath = path.join(pathToPackage, config.main);75 } else fullpath = path.join(pathToPackage, request.slice(basename.length));76 if (fs.existsSync(fullpath)) {77 return !fs.statSync(fullpath).isDirectory() ?78 fullpath :79 fs.existsSync(fullpath + ".js") ?80 fullpath + ".js" : path.join(fullpath, "index.js");81 }82 if (fs.existsSync(fullpath + ".js")) return fullpath + ".js";83 if (fs.existsSync(fullpath + ".json")) return fullpath + ".json";84 // packageConfig.main field wrong? yes, this happens...85 if (fullpath !== path.join(pathToPackage, "index.js") &&86 fs.existsSync(path.join(pathToPackage, "index.js")))87 return path.join(pathToPackage, "index.js");88 return null;...

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Source:publish-package.js Github


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1const fs = require(`fs-extra`)2const path = require(`path`)3const { promisifiedSpawn } = require(`../utils/promisified-spawn`)4const { registryUrl } = require(`./verdaccio-config`)5const NPMRCContent = `${registryUrl.replace(6 /https?:/g,7 ``8)}/:_authToken="gatsby-dev"`9const {10 getMonorepoPackageJsonPath,11} = require(`../utils/get-monorepo-package-json-path`)12const { registerCleanupTask } = require(`./cleanup-tasks`)13/**14 * Edit package.json to:15 * - adjust version to temporary one16 * - change version selectors for dependencies that17 * will be published, to make sure that yarn18 * install them in local site19 */20const adjustPackageJson = ({21 monoRepoPackageJsonPath,22 packageName,23 versionPostFix,24 packagesToPublish,25 ignorePackageJSONChanges,26 root,27}) => {28 // we need to check if package depend on any other package to will be published and29 // adjust version selector to point to dev version of package so local registry is used30 // for dependencies.31 const monorepoPKGjsonString = fs.readFileSync(32 monoRepoPackageJsonPath,33 `utf-8`34 )35 const monorepoPKGjson = JSON.parse(monorepoPKGjsonString)36 monorepoPKGjson.version = `${monorepoPKGjson.version}-dev-${versionPostFix}`37 packagesToPublish.forEach(packageThatWillBePublished => {38 if (39 monorepoPKGjson.dependencies &&40 monorepoPKGjson.dependencies[packageThatWillBePublished]41 ) {42 const currentVersion = JSON.parse(43 fs.readFileSync(44 getMonorepoPackageJsonPath({45 packageName: packageThatWillBePublished,46 root,47 }),48 `utf-8`49 )50 ).version51 monorepoPKGjson.dependencies[52 packageThatWillBePublished53 ] = `${currentVersion}-dev-${versionPostFix}`54 }55 })56 const temporaryMonorepoPKGjsonString = JSON.stringify(monorepoPKGjson)57 const unignorePackageJSONChanges = ignorePackageJSONChanges(packageName, [58 monorepoPKGjsonString,59 temporaryMonorepoPKGjsonString,60 ])61 // change version and dependency versions62 fs.outputFileSync(monoRepoPackageJsonPath, temporaryMonorepoPKGjsonString)63 return {64 newPackageVersion: monorepoPKGjson.version,65 unadjustPackageJson: registerCleanupTask(() => {66 // restore original package.json67 fs.outputFileSync(monoRepoPackageJsonPath, monorepoPKGjsonString)68 unignorePackageJSONChanges()69 }),70 }71}72/**73 * Anonymous publishing require dummy .npmrc74 * See * This is `npm publish` (as in linked comment) and `yarn publish` requirement.76 * This is not verdaccio restriction.77 */78const createTemporaryNPMRC = ({ pathToPackage }) => {79 const NPMRCPath = path.join(pathToPackage, `.npmrc`)80 fs.outputFileSync(NPMRCPath, NPMRCContent)81 return registerCleanupTask(() => {82 fs.removeSync(NPMRCPath)83 })84}85const publishPackage = async ({86 packageName,87 packagesToPublish,88 root,89 versionPostFix,90 ignorePackageJSONChanges,91}) => {92 const monoRepoPackageJsonPath = getMonorepoPackageJsonPath({93 packageName,94 root,95 })96 const { unadjustPackageJson, newPackageVersion } = adjustPackageJson({97 monoRepoPackageJsonPath,98 packageName,99 root,100 versionPostFix,101 packagesToPublish,102 ignorePackageJSONChanges,103 })104 const pathToPackage = path.dirname(monoRepoPackageJsonPath)105 const uncreateTemporaryNPMRC = createTemporaryNPMRC({ pathToPackage })106 // npm publish107 const publishCmd = [108 `npm`,109 [`publish`, `--tag`, `gatsby-dev`, `--registry=${registryUrl}`],110 {111 cwd: pathToPackage,112 },113 ]114 console.log(115 `Publishing ${packageName}@${newPackageVersion} to local registry`116 )117 try {118 await promisifiedSpawn(publishCmd)119 console.log(120 `Published ${packageName}@${newPackageVersion} to local registry`121 )122 } catch (e) {123 console.error(`Failed to publish ${packageName}@${newPackageVersion}`, e)124 process.exit(1)125 }126 uncreateTemporaryNPMRC()127 unadjustPackageJson()128 return newPackageVersion129}...

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Source:basic.test.js Github


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1var assert = require ('assert');2var fs = require('fs-extra');3var path = require('path');4var exec = require('child_process').exec;5var npm = require('../');6describe('basic usage', function () {7 function rimrafTestStuff (cb) {8 this.pathToDep = path.resolve(9 __dirname,10 '../node_modules/lodash');11 fs.remove(this.pathToDep, cb);12 }13 before(rimrafTestStuff);14 after(rimrafTestStuff);15 it('should be requirable', function () {16 this.npm = require('../');17 assert(this.npm);18 });19 it('should not crash', function (cb) {20 this.npm.install({21 dependencies: ['lodash'],22 production: true,23 loglevel: 'silent'24 }, cb);25 });26 it('should actually install things', function (cb) {27 fs.lstat(this.pathToDep, cb);28 });29});30describe('with more options', function (){31 function rimrafTestStuff (cb) {32 this.pathToDep = path.resolve(33 __dirname,34 '../node_modules/mocha');35 fs.remove(this.pathToDep, cb);36 }37 before(rimrafTestStuff);38 after(rimrafTestStuff);39 it('should not crash', function(cb) {40 npm.install({41 dependencies: ['mocha'],42 loglevel: 'silent',43 production: true,44 // 'min-cache': 99999999945 }, cb);46 });47 it('should actually install things', function (cb) {48 fs.lstat(this.pathToDep, cb);49 });50});51describe('with save option', function (){52 function rimrafTestStuff (cb) {53 this.pathToDep = path.resolve(54 __dirname,55 '../node_modules/mocha');56 this.pathToPackage = path.resolve(57 __dirname, '../package.json'58 );59 //fs.remove(this.pathToDep, cb);60 exec('npm rm mocha --save', cb);61 }62 before(rimrafTestStuff);63 after(rimrafTestStuff);64 it('should not crash', function(cb) {65 npm.install({66 dependencies: ['mocha'],67 loglevel: 'silent',68 production: false,69 save: true70 // 'min-cache': 99999999971 }, cb);72 });73 it('should actually install things', function (cb) {74 //require does not work because of caching75 var dependencies = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(this.pathToPackage), { encoding: 'utf8'}).dependencies;76 assert('mocha' in dependencies);77 fs.lstat(this.pathToDep, cb);78 });79});80describe('with save-dev option', function (){81 function rimrafTestStuff (cb) {82 this.pathToDep = path.resolve(83 __dirname,84 '../node_modules/string');85 this.pathToPackage = path.resolve(86 __dirname, '../package.json'87 );88 //fs.remove(this.pathToDep, cb);89 exec('npm rm string --save-dev', cb);90 }91 before(rimrafTestStuff);92 after(rimrafTestStuff);93 it('should not crash', function(cb) {94 npm.install({95 dependencies: ['string'],96 loglevel: 'silent',97 production: false,98 saveDev: true,99 // 'min-cache': 999999999100 }, cb);101 });102 it('should actually install things', function (cb) {103 //require does not work because of caching104 var devDependencies = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(this.pathToPackage), { encoding: 'utf8'}).devDependencies;105 assert('string' in devDependencies);106 fs.lstat(this.pathToDep, cb);107 });108});109describe('with path option', function (){110 function rimrafTestStuff (cb) {111 this.pathToDep = path.resolve(112 __dirname,113 '../new-folder/node_modules/string');114 fs.removeSync('new-folder');115 exec('npm rm string --save-dev', cb);116 }117 before(rimrafTestStuff);118 after(rimrafTestStuff);119 it('should not crash', function(cb) {120 npm.install({121 dependencies: ['string'],122 loglevel: 'silent',123 production: false,124 prefix: 'new-folder',125 // 'min-cache': 999999999126 }, cb);127 });128 it('should actually install things', function (cb) {129 //require does not work because of caching130 fs.lstat(this.pathToDep, cb);131 });...

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Source:build-tmp-path.js Github


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1const path = require('path');2const { TMP_PATH, TMP_PATH_DESTINATION } = require('./constants');3const buildTmpPath = (function memoize() {4 const cache = {};5 /**6 * @typedef BuildTmpPathOptions7 * @type {object}8 * @property {boolean} [addDestination=false]9 */10 /**11 * @param {string} pathToPackage The path to the root of the package we are constructing a tmp path for.12 * @param {BuildTmpPathOptions?} [options={}]13 */14 return function _buildTmpPath(pathToPackage, options = {}) {15 const cacheKey = JSON.stringify(arguments);16 if (!cache[cacheKey]) {17 cache[cacheKey] = path.join(18 pathToPackage,19 options.addDestination ? TMP_PATH_DESTINATION : TMP_PATH20 );21 }22 return cache[cacheKey];23 };24})();...

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Source:pathResolveHelper.js Github


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1const fs = require(`fs`);2const path = require(`path`);3const chalk = require(`chalk`);4const appDirectory = fs.realpathSync(process.cwd());5const resolveApp = relativePath => path.resolve(appDirectory, relativePath);6const resolvePackage = packageName => {7 const pathToPackage = path.resolve(appDirectory, `./node_modules/`, packageName);8 try {9 fs.statSync(pathToPackage);10 } catch (e) {11 console.warn(chalk.gray.bgYellow(`${pathToPackage} not found. Used ${`@moedelo/webpack2-build modules`)}`)); // eslint-disable-line no-console12 return path.resolve(appDirectory, `./node_modules/@moedelo/webpack2-build/node_modules`, packageName);13 }14 return pathToPackage;15};...

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Source:index.js Github


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1#!/usr/bin/env node2const shell = require('shelljs');3let pathToPackage = require('global-modules-path').getPath('git-safe');4switch (process.argv[2]) {5 case 'encrypt':6 {7 shell.exec(`bash ${pathToPackage}/ encrypt ${pathToPackage}`);8 }9 break;10 case 'decrypt':11 {12 shell.exec(`bash ${pathToPackage}/ decrypt ${pathToPackage}`);13 }14 break;15 case 'commit':16 {17 shell.exec(`bash ${pathToPackage}/ commit ${pathToPackage}`);18 }19 break;20 default: {21 console.log(22 '[git-safe]: Only `git-safe encrypt | git-safe decrypt | git-safe commit` are supported !'23 );24 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Path to package', () => {2 it('should return the path to the package', () => {3 cy.pathToPackage('cypress-plugin-snapshots').then(path => {4 expect(path)'string')5 })6 })7})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Cypress pathToPackage', () => {2 it('should return the path to the package', () => {3 cy.log(Cypress.pathToPackage('cypress'))4 })5})6describe('Cypress pathToPackage', () => {7 it('should return the path to the package', () => {8 cy.log(Cypress.pathToPackage('cypress'))9 })10})11cy.get('div').contains('Test').should('be.visible');12cy.get('div').contains('Test').should('exist');13cy.document().should('', 'Test');14cy.document().should('', 'Test').should('exist');15cy.contains('Test').should('exist');16cy.contains('Test').should('be.visible');17cy.contains('Test').should('be.visible').should('exist');18cy.get('div').should('', 'Test');19cy.get('div').should('', 'Test').should('exist');20cy.get('div').should('', 'Test').should('be.visible');21cy.get('div').should('', 'Test').should('be.visible').should('exist');22cy.get('div').should('exist');23cy.get('div').should('be.visible');24cy.get('div').should('be.visible').should('exist');25cy.get('div').should('exist').should('be.visible');26cy.get('div').should('exist').should('be.visible').should('exist');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const pathToPackage = require('path').join(2 Cypress.config('projectRoot'),3const { version } = require('fs').readFileSync(4cy.writeFile('version.txt', version)5cy.readFile('version.txt').should('equal', version)6{7 "env": {8 }9}10const version = Cypress.env('version')11cy.writeFile('version.txt', version)12cy.readFile('version.txt').should('equal', version)13const version = Cypress.env('version')14cy.writeFile('version.txt', version)15cy.readFile('version.txt').should('equal', version)16const version = Cypress.env('version')17cy.writeFile('version.txt', version)18cy.readFile('version.txt').should('equal', version)19cy.readFile('version.txt').should('equal', version)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Cypress path to package', () => {2 it('should return path to package', () => {3 cy.log(Cypress.pathToPackage('cypress', 'cypress.json'))4 })5})6{7}8describe('Cypress path to package', () => {9 it('should return path to package', () => {10 cy.log(Cypress.pathToPackage('cypress', 'cypress.json'))11 })12})13{14}15describe('Cypress path to package', () => {16 it('should return path to package', () => {17 cy.log(Cypress.pathToPackage('cypress', 'cypress.json'))18 })19})20{21}22describe('Cypress path to package', () => {23 it('should return path to package', () => {24 cy.log(Cypress.pathToPackage('cypress', 'cypress.json'))25 })26})27{28}29describe('Cypress path to package', () => {30 it('should return path to package', () => {31 cy.log(Cypress.pathToPackage('cypress', 'cypress.json'))32 })33})34{

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Testing pathToPackage', () => {2 it('should return the package path', () => {3 cy.pathToPackage('cypress-plugin-snapshots').should('exist');4 });5});6module.exports = (on, config) => {7 require('cypress-plugin-snapshots/plugin')(on, config);8};9import 'cypress-plugin-snapshots/commands';10cy.percySnapshot(name, options)11cy.screenshot()12cy.percyHealthCheck()13cy.percyCSS()14cy.percyDOM()15cy.percySnapshot(name, options)16cy.percySnapshot(name, options, percyCSS)17cy.percySnapshot(name, options, percyCSS, percyDOM)18cy.percySnapshot(name, options, percyCSS, percyDOM, percyOptions)19cy.get(selector).percySnapshot(name, options)20cy.get(selector).percySnapshot(name, options, percyCSS)21cy.get(selector).percySnapshot(name, options, percyCSS, percyDOM)22cy.get(selector).percySnapshot(name, options, percyCSS, percyDOM, percyOptions)

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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