Best JavaScript code snippet using cypress
Source: index.js
1'use strict';2const React = require('react');
const ReactNative = require('react-native');3const {4 StyleSheet,5 Text,6 View,7 TouchableOpacity,8 TouchableHighlight,9 ScrollView,10} = ReactNative;11const VideoList = require('./VideoList.js');12const TaskMessageBox = require('./TaskMessageBox.js');13const PersonInfo = require('../person/PersonInfo.js');14const ShowMealBox = require('../package/ShowMealBox.js');15const PackageList = require('../package/PackageList.js');16module.exports = React.createClass({17 mixins: [SceneMixin],18 statics: {19 title: 'å¦ä¹ åº',20 leftButton: { image: app.img.personal_entrance, handler: () => {21 app.closeSpecopsPlayer && app.closeSpecopsPlayer();22 app.navigator.push({23 component: PersonInfo,24 fromLeft: true,25 });26 } },27 // rightButton: { image: app.img.study_label_button, handler: ()=>{app.scene.toggleMenuPanel();app.closeSpecopsPlayer&&app.closeSpecopsPlayer();}},28 },29 getInitialState () {30 return {31 tabIndex: 0,32 videoList:[],33 ShowMealBox: false,34 pageData: {},35 };36 },37 componentWillMount () {38 this.lists = {39 videoList0:[],40 videoList1:[],41 videoList2:[],42 videoList3:[],43 };44 this.listFlags = 0;45 },46 onWillHide () {47 app.closeSpecopsPlayer && app.closeSpecopsPlayer();48 },49 onWillFocus () {50 const { tabIndex } = this.state;51 if (!(this.listFlags & (1 << tabIndex))) {52 this.getVideoList(tabIndex);53 }54 app.openSpecopsPlayer && app.openSpecopsPlayer();55 },56 changeTab (tabIndex) {57 const videoList = this.lists['videoList' + tabIndex];58 this.setState({ tabIndex, videoList: videoList });59 if (!(this.listFlags & (1 << tabIndex))) {60 this.getVideoList(tabIndex);61 }62 },63 getSpecopsHomeData () {64 const param = {65 userID:,66 };67 POST(app.route.ROUTE_SPECIAL_SOLDIER_VIDEO, param, this.getSpecopsHomeDataSuccess, true);68 },69 getSpecopsHomeDataSuccess (data) {70 if (data.success) {71 this.setState({ pageData: data.context });72 } else {73 Toast(data.msg);74 }75 },76 toggleMenuPanel () {77 if (!this.state.overlayShowTask) {78 const param = {79 userID:,80 };81 POST(app.route.ROUTE_GET_TASK_INTEGRATION, param, this.doGetTaskIntegrationSuccess, true);82 }83 },84 doGetTaskIntegrationSuccess (data) {85 if (data.success) {86 const taskList = data.context.taskList || [];87 this.setState({ taskList: taskList, overlayShowTask:true });88 } else {89 Toast(data.msg);90 }91 },92 ShowMealBoxChange () {93 // this.setState({ShowMealBox: true});94 },95 getVideoList (tabIndex) {96 if (tabIndex === 3) {97 return;98 }99 this.listFlags |= (1 << tabIndex);100 const param = {101 userID:,102 videoType: tabIndex + 1,103 pageNo:1,104 };105 POST(app.route.ROUTE_GET_VIDEO_LIST, param, this.getVideoListSuccess.bind(null, tabIndex), this.getVideoListError.bind(null, tabIndex), true);106 },107 getVideoListSuccess (tabIndex, data) {108 if (data.success) {109 const videoList = data.context.videoList || [];110 this.lists['videoList' + tabIndex] = videoList;111 if (this.state.tabIndex === tabIndex) {112 this.setState({ videoList: videoList });113 }114 } else {115 Toast(data.msg);116 this.listFlags &= (~(1 << tabIndex));117 }118 },119 getVideoListError (tabIndex, error) {120 this.listFlags &= (~(1 << tabIndex));121 },122 doCancle () {123 this.setState({ ShowMealBox: false });124 },125 doPayConfirm () {126 app.navigator.push({127 title: 'å¥é¤',128 component: PackageList,129 });130 this.setState({ ShowMealBox: false });131 },132 doCloseTask () {133 this.setState({ overlayShowTask:false });134 },135 render () {136 const { tabIndex } = this.state;137 const menuAdminArray = ['ç²¾å课ç¨', '精彩æ¡ä¾'];138 if (CONSTANTS.ISSUE_IOS) {139 _.remove(menuAdminArray, (o, i) => i === 2);140 }141 return (142 <View style={styles.container}>143 <View style={styles.tabContainer}>144 {145 !app.GlobalVarMgr.getItem('isFullScreen') &&146, i) => {147 return (148 <TouchableHighlight149 key={i}150 underlayColor='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'151 onPress={this.changeTab.bind(null, i)}152 style={styles.touchTab}>153 <View style={styles.tabButton}>154 <Text style={[styles.tabText, this.state.tabIndex === i ? { color:'#A62045' } : { color:'#666666' }]} >155 {item}156 </Text>157 <View style={[styles.tabLine, this.state.tabIndex === i ? { backgroundColor: '#A62045' } : null]} />158 </View>159 </TouchableHighlight>160 );161 })162 }163 </View>164 {165 this.state.tabIndex < 3 &&166 <VideoList ShowMealBoxChange={this.ShowMealBoxChange} videoList={this.state.videoList} />167 }168 {169 typeof (this.state.taskList) != 'undefined' && this.state.overlayShowTask &&170 <TaskMessageBox171 style={styles.overlayContainer}172 taskList={this.state.taskList}173 doCloseTask={this.doCloseTask}174 doDraw={this.doDraw}175 doShare={this.doShare} />176 }177 {178 this.state.ShowMealBox &&179 <ShowMealBox180 doConfirm={this.doPayConfirm}181 doCancle={this.doCancle} />182 }183 </View>184 );185 },186});187const styles = StyleSheet.create({188 container: {189 flex: 1,190 backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF',191 paddingBottom: 49,192 },193 tabContainer: {194 width:sr.w,195 flexDirection: 'row',196 },197 touchTab: {198 flex: 1,199 paddingTop: 20,200 },201 tabButton: {202 alignItems:'center',203 justifyContent:'center',204 },205 tabButtonCenter: {206 flex: 1,207 alignItems:'center',208 justifyContent:'center',209 },210 tabButtonRight: {211 flex: 1,212 alignItems:'center',213 justifyContent:'center',214 borderRadius: 9,215 },216 tabText: {217 fontSize: 13,218 },219 tabLine: {220 width: sr.w / 4,221 height: 2,222 marginTop: 10,223 alignSelf: 'center',224 },225 makeup: {226 backgroundColor:'#4FC1E9',227 top: 0,228 width: 10,229 height: 50,230 position: 'absolute',231 },...
1// Auto-generated. Do not edit!2// (in-package bebop_msgs.msg)3"use strict";4const _serializer = _ros_msg_utils.Serialize;5const _arraySerializer = _serializer.Array;6const _deserializer = _ros_msg_utils.Deserialize;7const _arrayDeserializer = _deserializer.Array;8const _finder = _ros_msg_utils.Find;9const _getByteLength = _ros_msg_utils.getByteLength;10let std_msgs = _finder('std_msgs');11//-----------------------------------------------------------12class CommonCommonStateCountryListKnown {13 constructor(initObj={}) {14 if (initObj === null) {15 // initObj === null is a special case for deserialization where we don't initialize fields16 this.header = null;17 this.listFlags = null;18 this.countryCodes = null;19 }20 else {21 if (initObj.hasOwnProperty('header')) {22 this.header = initObj.header23 }24 else {25 this.header = new std_msgs.msg.Header();26 }27 if (initObj.hasOwnProperty('listFlags')) {28 this.listFlags = initObj.listFlags29 }30 else {31 this.listFlags = 0;32 }33 if (initObj.hasOwnProperty('countryCodes')) {34 this.countryCodes = initObj.countryCodes35 }36 else {37 this.countryCodes = '';38 }39 }40 }41 static serialize(obj, buffer, bufferOffset) {42 // Serializes a message object of type CommonCommonStateCountryListKnown43 // Serialize message field [header]44 bufferOffset = std_msgs.msg.Header.serialize(obj.header, buffer, bufferOffset);45 // Serialize message field [listFlags]46 bufferOffset = _serializer.uint8(obj.listFlags, buffer, bufferOffset);47 // Serialize message field [countryCodes]48 bufferOffset = _serializer.string(obj.countryCodes, buffer, bufferOffset);49 return bufferOffset;50 }51 static deserialize(buffer, bufferOffset=[0]) {52 //deserializes a message object of type CommonCommonStateCountryListKnown53 let len;54 let data = new CommonCommonStateCountryListKnown(null);55 // Deserialize message field [header]56 data.header = std_msgs.msg.Header.deserialize(buffer, bufferOffset);57 // Deserialize message field [listFlags]58 data.listFlags = _deserializer.uint8(buffer, bufferOffset);59 // Deserialize message field [countryCodes]60 data.countryCodes = _deserializer.string(buffer, bufferOffset);61 return data;62 }63 static getMessageSize(object) {64 let length = 0;65 length += std_msgs.msg.Header.getMessageSize(object.header);66 length += object.countryCodes.length;67 return length + 5;68 }69 static datatype() {70 // Returns string type for a message object71 return 'bebop_msgs/CommonCommonStateCountryListKnown';72 }73 static md5sum() {74 //Returns md5sum for a message object75 return '86539e5f9157f2f0855dd0d95cb534f2';76 }77 static messageDefinition() {78 // Returns full string definition for message79 return `80 # CommonCommonStateCountryListKnown81 # auto-generated from up stream XML files at82 # # To check upstream commit hash, refer to last_build_info file84 # Do not modify this file by hand. Check scripts/meta folder for generator files.85 #86 # SDK Comment: List of countries known by the drone.87 88 Header header89 90 # List entry attribute Bitfield. 0x01: First: indicate its the first element of the list. 0x02: Last: indicate its the last element of the list. 0x04: Empty: indicate the list is empty (implies First/Last). All other arguments should be ignored.91 uint8 listFlags92 # Following of country code with ISO 3166 format, separated by ;. Be careful of the command size allowed by the network used. If necessary, split the list in several commands.93 string countryCodes94 95 ================================================================================96 MSG: std_msgs/Header97 # Standard metadata for higher-level stamped data types.98 # This is generally used to communicate timestamped data 99 # in a particular coordinate frame.100 # 101 # sequence ID: consecutively increasing ID 102 uint32 seq103 #Two-integer timestamp that is expressed as:104 # * stamp.sec: seconds (stamp_secs) since epoch (in Python the variable is called 'secs')105 # * stamp.nsec: nanoseconds since stamp_secs (in Python the variable is called 'nsecs')106 # time-handling sugar is provided by the client library107 time stamp108 #Frame this data is associated with109 string frame_id110 111 `;112 }113 static Resolve(msg) {114 // deep-construct a valid message object instance of whatever was passed in115 if (typeof msg !== 'object' || msg === null) {116 msg = {};117 }118 const resolved = new CommonCommonStateCountryListKnown(null);119 if (msg.header !== undefined) {120 resolved.header = std_msgs.msg.Header.Resolve(msg.header)121 }122 else {123 resolved.header = new std_msgs.msg.Header()124 }125 if (msg.listFlags !== undefined) {126 resolved.listFlags = msg.listFlags;127 }128 else {129 resolved.listFlags = 0130 }131 if (msg.countryCodes !== undefined) {132 resolved.countryCodes = msg.countryCodes;133 }134 else {135 resolved.countryCodes = ''136 }137 return resolved;138 }139};...
Source: home.js
1FirstApp.factory('homeService',['crudResource', '$q', 'likecomment',2 3 function(crudResource, $q, likecomment) {4 return { 5 loadComments : function(){6 7 var dfd = $q.defer();8 crudResource.getComments(9 function successs (response){10 11 dfd.resolve(response);12 },13 function failure (error){14 15 dfd.reject(error);16 }17 18 );19 20 return dfd.promise;21 },22 23 getUser: function(){24 var dfd=$q.defer();25 crudResource.auth(26 function success(response){27 28 dfd.resolve(response);29 },30 function failure(error){31 dfd.reject(error);32 }33 );34 return dfd.promise;35 },36 37 post: function(comment){38 39 var dfd = $q.defer();40 /* with utf-8 message transfer encoding */41// new String (s.getBytes ("iso-8859-1"), "UTF-8");42// $scope.comment.message = ($scope.comment.message.getBytes("iso-8859-1"), "UTF-8");43// console.log('comment message is: ' + $scope.commnet.message);44 crudResource.postComment(comment,45 function successs (response){46 47 dfd.resolve(response);48 },49 function failure (error){50 51 dfd.reject(error);52 }53 54 );55 56 return dfd.promise;57 },58 59 setFlagsLikes : function(comments){60 /* ne ni treba */61 var listFlags = [];62 var result = true;63 64 for (var int = 0; int < comments.length; int++) {65 console.log("comment id is " + comments[int].id);66 result = likecomment.checkLike(comments[int].id).then(67 function succ(response){68 console.log('smee da lajkne: ' + response);69 listFlags.push(result);70 },71 function failure(error){72 console.log('error');73 }74 );75 76 }77 78 return listFlags;79 }80 81 82 83 84 };...
Source: component.unit.test.js
1import { fromJS } from "immutable";2import { List } from "@material-ui/core";3import { setupMountedComponent } from "../../../../test";4import ListFlagsItem from "../list-flags-item";5import { FlagRecord } from "../../records";6import ListFlags from "./component";7describe("<ListFlags />", () => {8 let component;9 const props = {10 recordType: "cases",11 record: "230590"12 };13 const initialState = fromJS({14 records: {15 flags: {16 data: [17 FlagRecord({18 id: 7,19 record_id: "230590",20 record_type: "cases",21 date: "2019-08-01",22 message: "This is a flag 1",23 flagged_by: "primero",24 removed: false25 })26 ]27 }28 }29 });30 beforeEach(() => {31 ({ component } = setupMountedComponent(ListFlags, props, initialState));32 });33 it("should render the ListFlags", () => {34 expect(component.find(ListFlags)).to.have.lengthOf(1);35 });36 it("renders component with valid props", () => {37 const listFlagsProps = { ...component.find(ListFlags).props() };38 ["record", "recordType"].forEach(property => {39 expect(listFlagsProps);40 delete listFlagsProps[property];41 });42 expect(listFlagsProps);43 });44 it("should render List", () => {45 expect(component.find(List)).to.have.lengthOf(1);46 });47 it("renders ListFlagsItem", () => {48 expect(component.find(ListFlagsItem)).to.have.lengthOf(1);49 });...
Source: app.js
1const listFlagsURL = '';2const listRatesURL = '';3let template = document.querySelector('template').content;4template = template.firstElementChild.innerHTML;5console.dir(template);6(async function(){7 let reqListsArr = await Promise.all([fetch(listFlagsURL), fetch(listRatesURL)]);8 reqListsArr = await Promise.all( => item.json()));9 let [listFlags, listRates] = reqListsArr;10 for (let country of listFlags){11 country.rate = '';12 = '';13 for (let rate of listRates){14 for (let currency of country.currencies){15 if (currency.code =={16 country.rate += rate.rate.toString() + '</br>';17 += + ' - ' +rate.txt + '</br>';18 country.exchangedate = rate.exchangedate;19 }20 }21 }22 }23 24 listFlags = listFlags.filter(item => != '');25 26 displayResult(listFlags);27}());28function displayResult(dataArr){29 30 document.querySelector('#rates') .innerHTML = => `31 <tr>32 <th><img src="${item.flag}" alt="" width="130" height="100"></th>33 <th>${}</th>34 <th>${}</th>35 <th>${item.rate}</th>36 <th>${item.exchangedate}</th>37 </tr>`).join('');...
Source: Home.jsx
1import React, {useEffect, useState} from "react";2import ListFlags from "../components/Home/ListFlags"3const Home = () =>{4 //state5 const [data, setData] = useState([]);6 7 //API8 const fetchDataApi = async() =>{9 try {10 const API = "";11 const response = await fetch(API)12 const data = await response.json();13 setData(data)14 console.log(data) 15 16 } catch (error) {17 console.log(error) 18 }19 20 };21 //registre un cambio, solamente cuando se ejecute. para evitar que ejecute a 22 useEffect(() =>{23 fetchDataApi()24 },[])25 26 return(27 data.length> 0 &&,i) => 28 <ListFlags 29 name={}30 flags={valor.flags[0]}31 key={i}32 data={data}33 />34 )35 )36}...
Source: list-flags.js
2var listFlags = require('../').listFlags;3function inspect(obj, depth) {4 console.error(require('util').inspect(obj, false, depth || 5, true));5}...
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('My First Test', function() {2 it('Does not do much!', function() {3 cy.contains('type').click()4 cy.url().should('include', '/commands/actions')5 cy.get('.action-email')6 .type('
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('My First Test', function() {2 it('Does not do much!', function() {3 cy.contains('type').click()4 cy.url().should('include', '/commands/actions')5 cy.get('.action-email')6 .type('
Using AI Code Generation
1const cypress = require('cypress'){3 config: {4 }5}).then((results) => {6 console.log(results)7 console.log(results.runs[0].browser)8 console.log(results.runs[0].spec.relative)9 console.log(results.runs[0].state)10 console.log(results.runs[0].stats)11 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.tests)12 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.passes)13 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.failures)14 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.pending)15 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.skipped)16 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.duration)17 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.wallClockDuration)18 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.videoTimestamp)19 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.suites)20 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.testsRegistered)21 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.passPercent)22 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.pendingPercent)23 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.other)24 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.hasOther)25 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.skippedPercent)26 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.testsRegistered)27 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.passPercent)28 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.pendingPercent)29 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.other)30 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.hasOther)31 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.skippedPercent)32 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.suites)33 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.testsRegistered)34 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.passPercent)35 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.pendingPercent)36 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.other)37 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.hasOther)38 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.skippedPercent)39 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.suites)40 console.log(results.runs[0].stats.testsRegistered)
Using AI Code Generation
1const cypress = require('cypress'){3 env: {4 }5}).then((results) => {6 console.log(results)7})8describe('Test', () => {9 it('test', () => {10 if (Cypress.env('listFlags')) {11 cy.listFlags()12 }13 })14})15Cypress.Commands.add('listFlags', () => {16 Cypress._.each(Cypress.env(), (value, key) => {17 console.log(`${key}=${value}`)18 })19})
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.on('window:before:load', win => {2 win.listFlags = () => {3 const flags = Cypress._.chain(win.localStorage)4 .keys()5 .filter(key => key.startsWith('cypress:flag:'))6 .map(key => key.replace('cypress:flag:', ''))7 .value()8 console.table(flags)9 }10})11Cypress.Commands.add('listFlags', () => {12 cy.window().then(win => {13 win.listFlags()14 })15})16it('lists flags', () => {17 cy.listFlags()18})19it('lists flags', () => {20 cy.listFlags()21})22it('lists flags', () => {23 cy.listFlags()24})25it('lists flags', () => {26 cy.listFlags()27})28it('lists flags', () => {29 cy.listFlags()30})31it('lists flags', () => {32 cy.listFlags()33})34it('lists flags', () => {35 cy.listFlags()36})37it('lists flags', () => {38 cy.listFlags()39})
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Flags', () => {2 it('List Flags', () => {3 cy.get('.navbar-nav').contains('Docs').click()4 cy.get('.dropdown-menu').contains('API').click()5 cy.get('.dropdown-menu').contains('Cypress').click()6 cy.get('.dropdown-menu').contains('Flags').click()7 cy.get('.navbar-nav').contains('Flags').click()8 cy.listFlags().then((flags) => {9 console.log(flags)10 })11 })12})
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Test Flags', () => {2 it('should test the flags', () => {3 cy.listFlags().then((flags) => {4 console.log(flags);5 });6 });7});8{9 "env": {10 "flags": {11 }12 }13}14{15}16{17 "env": {18 "flags": {19 }20 }21}22describe('Test Flags', () => {23 it('should test the flags', () => {24 cy.visit(Cypress.env('baseUrl'));25 cy.listFlags().then((flags) => {26 console.log(flags);27 });28 });29});30{31}32What is the difference between cypress.env() and Cypress.env()?33{34 "env": {
cypress wait for redirection after login
Cypress sees undefined when reffering to an aliased text value
Cypress: Stub response for same route with three different responses
Missing credentials in config, if using AWS_CONFIG_FILE, set AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=1 (credentials file is present)
In Cypress how to select input element based on name?
Validate CSS 'backgroud-image' URL using Cypress
How can we run offline tests using cypress in a PWA application?
Skipping a test in Cypress conditionally
How to add types to Cypress.env?
How can I test automatically Service Workers in offline mode? Trying with Cypress
Cypress provides retry abilities on assertion. You can resolve the waiting issue for the redirection URL with the below change
cy.url().should('contain', '/redirection-url')
cy.url().should('eq', '')
Here should
assertion will wait till 4 seconds by default and retries cy.url()
You can change the default timeout by updating parameter in cypress.json
"defaultCommandTimeout": 30000
Hope this will solve your issue.
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Every company wants their release cycle to be driven in the fast lane. Agile and automation testing have been the primary tools in the arsenal of any web development team. Incorporating both in SDLC(Software Development Life Cycle), has empowered web testers and developers to collaborate better and deliver faster. It is only natural to assume that these methodologies have become lifelines for web professionals, allowing them to cope up with the ever-changing customer demands.
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Mobile devices and mobile applications – both are booming in the world today. The idea of having the power of a computer in your pocket is revolutionary. As per Statista, mobile accounts for more than half of the web traffic worldwide. Mobile devices (excluding tablets) contributed to 54.4 percent of global website traffic in the fourth quarter of 2021, increasing consistently over the past couple of years.
Selenium has always been the most preferred test automation framework for testing web applications. This open-source framework supports popular programming languages (e.g. Java, JavaScript, Python, C#, etc.), browsers, and operating systems. It can also be integrated with other test automation frameworks like JUnit, TestNG, PyTest, PyUnit, amongst others. As per the State of open source testing survey, Selenium is still the king for web automation testing, with 81% of organizations preferring it over other frameworks.
Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.
You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.
Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.
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