How to use insertIframe method in Cypress

Best JavaScript code snippet using cypress


Source:setup-progress-tracking-iframe.js Github


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...10 } else {11 return "";12 }13 }14 function insertIframe(paramsString) {15 var deferred = Deferred();16 if (!_.isEmpty(iframeUrl)) {17 var $iframe = $("<iframe>").css("display", "none").attr("src", iframeUrl + paramsString);18 $iframe.load(function () {19 deferred.resolve();20 });21 $iframe.appendTo("body");22 setTimeout(function () {23 deferred.reject();24 }, 3000);25 } else {26 deferred.reject();27 }28 return deferred.promise();29 }30 /**31 * The id from metadata takes always precedence over local storage,32 * which is used only as a fallback for action which does not inherit33 * from AbstractSetupAction (VerifySMTPServerConnection)34 *35 * @returns id of current setup session36 */37 function getSetupSessionId() {38 var id = Meta.get("setup-session-id");39 var key = "";40 if (id) {41 localStorage.setItem(key, id);42 } else {43 id = localStorage.getItem(key);44 }45 return id;46 }47 function getDefaultParams() {48 return {49 "releasedInstantSetup": "true",50 "instantSetup": Meta.get("instant-setup"),51 "pg": window.location.pathname.replace(/\//g, "_"),52 "product": "jira",53 "SEN": Meta.get("SEN"),54 "setupSessionId": getSetupSessionId(),55 "sid": Meta.get("server-id"),56 "v": Meta.get("version-number")57 };58 }59 function insert() {60 return insertIframe(dataToUrl(getDefaultParams()));61 }62 function sendMailConfigurationEvent(params) {63 var params = params || {};64 var extParams = $.extend(getDefaultParams(), params);65 return insertIframe(dataToUrl(extParams));66 }67 function sendInstantSetupCompletedEvent(params) {68 var params = params || {};69 var extParams = $.extend(getDefaultParams(), params, {70 "instantSetupCompleted": "true"71 });72 return insertIframe(dataToUrl(extParams));73 }74 function sendUserCreatedEvent() {75 var extParams = $.extend(getDefaultParams(), {76 "instantSetupAIDUserCreated": "true"77 });78 return insertIframe(dataToUrl(extParams));79 }80 function sendUserLoggedInEvent() {81 var extParams = $.extend(getDefaultParams(), {82 "instantSetupAIDUserLogged": "true"83 });84 return insertIframe(dataToUrl(extParams));85 }86 function sendUserArrivedFromMacSuccess() {87 var extParams = $.extend(getDefaultParams(), {88 "instantSetupMacJourneyComplete": "true"89 });90 return insertIframe(dataToUrl(extParams));91 }92 function sendUserArrivedFromMacFailed() {93 var extParams = $.extend(getDefaultParams(), {94 "instantSetupMacJourneyFailure": "true"95 });96 return insertIframe(dataToUrl(extParams));97 }98 function sendUserClickedOnMigrationsLink() {99 var extParams = $.extend(getDefaultParams(), {100 "migrationsLinkClicked": "true"101 });102 return insertIframe(dataToUrl(extParams));103 }104 function sendUserClickedOnConnectingJiraToDatabaseLink() {105 var extParams = $.extend(getDefaultParams(), {106 "connectingJiraToDatabaseLinkClicked": "true"107 });108 return insertIframe(dataToUrl(extParams));109 }110 function sendUserPickedDatabase(dbType) {111 var dbType = dbType || "";112 var extParams = $.extend(getDefaultParams(), {113 "databaseOptionPicked": dbType114 });115 return insertIframe(dataToUrl(extParams));116 }117 return {118 insert: insert,119 sendInstantSetupCompletedEvent: sendInstantSetupCompletedEvent,120 sendMailConfigurationEvent: sendMailConfigurationEvent,121 sendUserCreatedEvent: sendUserCreatedEvent,122 sendUserLoggedInEvent: sendUserLoggedInEvent,123 sendUserArrivedFromMacSuccess: sendUserArrivedFromMacSuccess,124 sendUserArrivedFromMacFailed: sendUserArrivedFromMacFailed,125 sendUserClickedOnMigrationsLink: sendUserClickedOnMigrationsLink,126 sendUserClickedOnConnectingJiraToDatabaseLink: sendUserClickedOnConnectingJiraToDatabaseLink,127 sendUserPickedDatabase: sendUserPickedDatabase128 };129});

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Source:init.js Github


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...56 }57 });58 if (Object.keys(hasChanges).filter(key => key == 'totalTokenToGet').length > 0) {59 iframe.remove();60 insertIframe(query);61 62 console.log(d.toLocaleTimeString(), hasChanges);63 chrome.runtime.sendMessage('', {64 type: 'notification',65 options: {66 title: 'Starmon Mining Pool Tracker',67 message: `New record added. ${data.totalTokenToGet.toFixed(2)}`,68 iconUrl: '/images/32.png',69 type: 'basic'70 }71 });72 }73 set.prev = data;74 }75 // observer76 const observerConfig = {77 childList: true,78 subtree: true,79 attributes: true,80 characterData: true,81 attributeOldValue: true,82 characterDataOldValue: true,83 }84 const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {85 for (const mutation of mutations) {86 clearTimeout(set.timeout.getdata);87 set.timeout.getdata = setTimeout(() => initialize(), 500);88 }89 });90 observer.observe(poolSection, observerConfig);91 // init92 console.clear();93 console.log('Tracker Initialize!')94 insertIframe();95 }96 tracker();97 chrome.runtime.sendMessage('', {98 type: 'notification',99 options: {100 title: 'Starmon Mining Pool Tracker',101 message: 'Initialize!',102 iconUrl: '/images/32.png',103 type: 'basic'104 }105 });...

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Source:index.js Github


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1import "~/styles/iframe.scss"2import IFrame from "~/js/IFrame"3// import AudioAllower from "~/js/AudioAllower"4import Countdown from "~/js/Countdown"5import { MediaPipePose } from "~/local_modules/@ecal-mid/mediapipe"6// let p5Microphone7const CONFIG = {8 smoothenDetection: 0.5, //? between 0 and 1, 0 is no smoothing9 cameraConstraints: {10 audio: false,11 video: {12 width: 1080,13 height: 1920,14 // deviceId: "977315e0713f6d873c7028ba8221c652a0fcb866e151903ccd95efd5371153b3"15 },16 },17 mediaPipeOptions: {18 selfieMode: true, // mirror mode19 modelComplexity: 1,20 smoothLandmarks: true,21 enableSegmentation: false,22 smoothSegmentation: true,23 minDetectionConfidence: 0.5,24 minTrackingConfidence: 0.5,25 },26}27const nobodyCountdown = new Countdown(30 * 1000)28window.addEventListener('load', setup)29async function setup() {30 // await AudioAllower.allow()31 //! use the self called setup function from p5 to use microphone (for jamy project)32 // p5Microphone = await AudioAllower.getP5Microphone()33 const pose = await MediaPipePose.create({34 cameraConstraints: CONFIG.cameraConstraints,35 mediaPipeOptions: CONFIG.mediaPipeOptions,36 smoothen: CONFIG.smoothenDetection,37 })38 const debuggerElem = document.createElement('div')39 debuggerElem.className = 'debug'40 // document.body.appendChild(debuggerElem)41 // setInterval(() => {42 // const lvl = p5Microphone.getLevel()43 // debuggerElem.textContent = lvl44 // }, 1000) // force listening ?45 const player = pose.getVideoPlayer()46 pose.startDetection()47 const frame = new IFrame()48 pose.addEventListener('pose', (event) => {49 const someone = Boolean( if (someone) {51 nobodyCountdown.clear()52 return53 }54 if (nobodyCountdown.started()) return55 nobodyCountdown.start(() => {56 frame.sendMessage({ type: 'nobody' })57 overlayFrame.contentWindow?.location?.reload()58 })59 })60 frame.onFrameLoad = (event) => {61 nobodyCountdown.clear()62 insertIFrame({ player, iframe:, pose })63 }64 // const iframe = document.querySelector("#frame");65 // iframe.src = "/projects/melanie/index.html";66 const overlayFrame = document.querySelector("#overlay")67 overlayFrame.onload = (event) =>68 insertIFrame({ player, iframe:, pose })69 // overlayFrame.classList.add("hide");70 overlayFrame.src = "/pages/Overlay/index.html"71}72async function insertIFrame({ player, pose, iframe }) {73 const { mediaPipe, microphone } = iframe.contentWindow || {}74 mediaPipe?.setup({75 stream:,76 width: player.width,77 height: player.height,78 pose,79 mirrored: CONFIG.mediaPipeOptions.selfieMode,80 })81 // microphone?.plugIn(p5Microphone)...

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Source:iframe.js Github


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...20//this.test(); // для вывода даты21var srcArray = iframeParent.getAttribute('data-src').split(', '), // берем у этого блока аттрибут data-src (это строка) и разбиваем эту строку по запятой и пробелу 22 str = ''; // объявляем пустую строку23 for (var i = 0; i < srcArray.length; i++){ // идем в цикле по массиву 24 str += this.insertIframe(srcArray[i]); // и записываем в пустую строку результат выполнения метода this.insertIframe, т.е. с каждой новой итерацией 25 //в строку допишется кусок html из метода this.insertIframe, только в src с каждой новой итерацией передается новое значение из массива srcArray26 }27 iframeParent.insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin', str); // и вставляем полученную строку (кусок html) в нужный блок28}29Iframe.prototype = Object.create(App.prototype);30Iframe.prototype.insertIframe = function(src){ // метод возвращает кусок html с разным src 31 return '<div class="val-outer-frame">' + 32 '<span class="val-ico-online">' +33 '<i>Online</i>' +34 '</span>' +35 '<iframe width="100%" height="270px" src = "' + src + '"></iframe>' +36 '</div>';37}38/*Iframe.prototype.test = function(){ // для вывода даты...

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Source:turingtest_checkhuman.js Github


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1// Keep track if this page flags the user as human2isHuman = false;3iFrameSet = false;4// Start monitoring for user events5startMonitoring();6//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7// Monitoring for user events8//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9function startMonitoring()10{11 if (document.addEventListener)12 { 13 window.onclick = function(){ validateHuman() }; 14 window.onkeyup = function(){ validateHuman() }; 15 16 //window.onmousemove = function(){ validateHuman() }; 17 } 18 19 else if (window.document.attachEvent)20 { 21 window.document.attachEvent("onkeyup", validateHuman);22 window.document.attachEvent("onclick", validateHuman);23 //document.attachEvent("onmousemove", validateHuman);24 }25}26//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27// The tool to flag a session as being a human28//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29function validateHuman(e)30{31 // Already identified on this page32 if (isHuman)33 {34 return true;35 }36 // Create the iframe to load the sethuman script37 if (!iFrameSet)38 {39 insertIframe = document.createElement("IFRAME");40 insertIframe.setAttribute("src", "/webos/blank.html");41 = "setashuman";42 = "0px";43 = "0px";44 document.body.appendChild(insertIframe);45 iFrameSet = true;46 }47 48 // Load the sethuman script49 if (document.getElementById('setashuman'))50 {51 var insertScript = document.createElement("script");52 insertScript.src = "/webos/turingtest_sethuman.js";53 insertScript.type="text/javascript";54 document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(insertScript); 55 56 // Set them as human to avoid future calls57 isHuman = true;58 }...

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Source:background.js Github


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1console.log('testing environment');2chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(function(tab) {3 chrome.tabs.getSelected(null, function(tab) {4 var tabId =;5 tabUrl = tab.url;6 console.log(tab.url);7 });8 chrome.tabs.executeScript({9 file: "insertIframe.js"10 });11});12// chrome.tabs.onActivated.addListener(function(){13// refreshSyndicationIcon();14// });15// chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener(function(){16// chrome.tabs.query({active:true,windowType:"normal", currentWindow: true},function(tabs){17// chrome.tabs.executeScript({18// file: "insertIframe.js"19// });20// });21// });22chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message, sender, sendResponse) {23 if(message.type == "exitExtension")24 {25 chrome.tabs.executeScript({26 file: "insertIframe.js"27 });28 }29 //Refresh extension ember app30 if(message.type == "extension_refresh")31 {32 }33 if(message.type == "sendPageData")34 {35 chrome.tabs.executeScript({36 file: "pageData.js"37 }, function(data){38 let res = data[0];39 sendResponse(res);40 });41 return true;42 }43 if(message.type === "extensionAuthenticated")44 {45 }...

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Source:iframe_standard.js Github


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1/**Mootools framework code to build Cleansheet UI elements*/23/*This function creates a dynamic element iframe, it receives parent element to insert iFrame and jsp file url (with actual Facebook html code)*/4function insertIframe(parent,url,layout, show_faces,width,height,action,font,color){56789var href= location.href;10var full_url= url + 'layout=' + layout +'&show_faces=' + show_faces +'&width='+ width +'&action=' + action + '&font=' + font + '&colorscheme='+ color +'&height=' + height +'&href='+ encodeURI(href);11 parent.getElement('iframe').setProperties({'src':full_url});12131415 161718192021222324}2526/*This event can be called from outside this js file, wire up insertIframe function with actual DOM elements*/27window.addEvent('domready',function(){2829 var url = ''; 30 var layout ='standard';31 var show_faces='false';32 var width='400';33 var height='40';34 var action='like';35 var font='verdana';36 var color='dark';3738 //insertIframe($$('.js_fb_like')[0],url,layout, show_faces,width,height,action,font,color);39 ...

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Source:cache-control-immutable.js Github


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1function log(text, expected, result)2{3 logdiv.innerText += text + ": " + (result ? "YES" : "NO") + " (expected " + (expected ? "YES" : "NO") + ")\n";4}5function insertIframe(maxAge, loaded) {6 const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');7 document.body.appendChild(iframe);8 iframe.src = "resources/iframe-with-script.cgi?script-cache-control=immutable,max-age=" + maxAge;9 iframe.onload = () => loaded(iframe);10}11function test(maxAge, callback) {12 insertIframe(maxAge, (iframe) => {13 const firstNumber = iframe.contentWindow.randomNumber;14 iframe.onload = () => callback(firstNumber != iframe.contentWindow.randomNumber);15 iframe.contentWindow.location.reload();16 });...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add("insertIframe", (iframeSelector) => {2 .get(iframeSelector)3 .then(($iframe) => {4 const $body = $iframe.contents().find("body");5 return cy.wrap($body);6 })7 .as("iframe");8});9Cypress.Commands.add("insertIframe", (iframeSelector) => {10 .get(iframeSelector)11 .then(($iframe) => {12 const $body = $iframe.contents().find("body");13 return cy.wrap($body);14 })15 .as("iframe");16});17Cypress.Commands.add("insertIframe", (iframeSelector) => {18 .get(iframeSelector)19 .then(($iframe) => {20 const $body = $iframe.contents().find("body");21 return cy.wrap($body);22 })23 .as("iframe");24});25Cypress.Commands.add("insertIframe", (iframeSelector) => {26 .get(iframeSelector)27 .then(($iframe) => {28 const $body = $iframe.contents().find("body");29 return cy.wrap($body);30 })31 .as("iframe");32});33Cypress.Commands.add("insertIframe", (iframeSelector) => {34 .get(iframeSelector)35 .then(($iframe) => {36 const $body = $iframe.contents().find("body");37 return cy.wrap($body);38 })39 .as("iframe");40});41Cypress.Commands.add("insertIframe", (iframeSelector) => {42 .get(iframeSelector)43 .then(($iframe) => {44 const $body = $iframe.contents().find("body");45 return cy.wrap($body);46 })47 .as("iframe");48});49Cypress.Commands.add("insertIframe", (iframeSelector) => {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('My First Test', function() {2 it('Does not do much!', function() {3 cy.contains('type').click()4 cy.url().should('include', '/commands/actions')5 cy.get('.action-email')6 .type('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('My First Test', function () {2 it('Does not do much!', function () {3 cy.contains('type').click()4 cy.url().should('include', '/commands/actions')5 cy.get('.action-email')6 .type('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('test', () => {2 it('test', () => {3 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {4 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')5 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')6 })7 })8})9describe('test', () => {10 it('test', () => {11 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {12 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')13 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')14 })15 })16})17describe('test', () => {18 it('test', () => {19 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {20 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')21 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')22 })23 })24})25describe('test', () => {26 it('test', () => {27 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {28 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')29 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')30 })31 })32})33describe('test', () => {34 it('test', () => {35 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {36 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')37 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')38 })39 })40})41describe('test', () => {42 it('test', () => {43 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {44 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')45 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')46 })47 })48})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Inserting an iframe using Cypress', function () {2 it('inserts an iframe', function () {3 cy.insertIframe()4 })5})6describe('Inserting an iframe using Cypress', function () {7 it('inserts an iframe', function () {8 cy.insertIframe({9 }n10 })11})12describ"myIlearing the contents of an iframe using Cfpress', function () {13 it('clears the contents of an iframe', function () {14 cy.insertIframe()15 cy.clearIframe()16 })17})18describe('Clearing the contents of an iframe using Cypress', function () {19 it('clears the contents of an iframe', function () {20 cy.insertIframe({21 })22 cy.clearIframe({23 })24 })25})26describe('Getting the body of an iframe using Cypress', function () {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('test', () => {2 it('test', () => {3 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {4 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')5 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')6 })7 })8})9describe('test', () => {10 it('test', () => {11 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {12 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')13 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')14 })15 })16})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describod Example to demonstrate the use of insertIframe method of ofpress', () => {2 it('Inserts an iframe and performs actions on the contents of the iframe', () => {3 cy.insertIframe('.demo-iframe', () => {4 cy.get('#tinymce').clear({ force: true });5 cy.get('#tinymce').type('Hello world', { force: true });6 });7 });8}); Cypress9describe('test', () => {10 it('test', () => {11 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {12 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')13 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')14 })15 })16})17describe('test', () => {18 it('test', () => {19 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {20 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')21 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')22 })23 })24})25describe('test', () => {26 it('test', () => {27 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {28 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')29 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')30 })31 })32})33describe('test', () => {34 it('test', () => {35 cy.get('#iframe').then((iframe) => {36 const body = iframe.contents().find('body')37 cy.wrap(body).find('input').type('hello world')38 })39 })40})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add('insertIframe', (selector, url) => {2 cy.get(selector).then(($iframe) => {3 const $body = $iframe.contents().find('body')4 if ($body.length) {5 cy.wrap($body).as('iframe')6 } else {7 cy.log('iframe body not loaded yet, waiting...')8 }9 })10})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Example to demonstrate the use of insertIframe method of Cypress', () => {2 it('Inserts an iframe and performs actions on the contents of the iframe', () => {3 cy.insertIframe('.demo-iframe', () => {4 cy.get('#tinymce').clear({ force: true });5 cy.get('#tinymce').type('Hello world', { force: true });6 });7 });8});

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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