Best JavaScript code snippet using cypress
...13 * @param b {Matrix} The second matrix to add.14 * @return {Matrix} A new matrix of the two added.15 */16 static add(a, b) {17 if (a.getRows() != b.getRows()) {18 throw new MatrixError(19 "To add the matrices they must have the same number of "20 + "rows and columns. Matrix a has " + a.getRows()21 + " rows and matrix b has " + b.getRows()22 + " rows.");23 }24 if (a.getCols() != b.getCols()) {25 throw new MatrixError(26 "To add the matrices they must have the same number "27 + "of rows and columns. Matrix a has "28 + a.getCols() + " cols and matrix b has "29 + b.getCols() + " cols.");30 }31 let result = new Matrix(a.getRows(), a.getCols());32 for (let resultRow = 0; resultRow < a.getRows(); resultRow++) {33 for (let resultCol = 0; resultCol < a.getCols(); resultCol++) {34 result.set(resultRow, resultCol, a.get(resultRow, resultCol) + b.get(resultRow, resultCol));35 }36 }37 return result;38 }39 /**40 * Return the result of multiplying every cell in the matrix by the41 * specified value.42 *43 * @param a {Matrix} The matrix.44 * @param b {Matrix | Number} The value45 * @return {Matrix} The result of the multiplication.46 */47 static multiply(a, b) {48 let result;49 const multiplierType =;50 if (multiplierType === 'Number') {51 result = new Matrix(a.getRows(), a.getCols());52 for (let row = 0; row < a.getRows(); row++) {53 for (let col = 0; col < a.getCols(); col++) {54 result.set(row, col, a.get(row, col) * b);55 }56 }57 } else {58 if (b.getRows() != a.getCols()) {59 throw new MatrixError(60 "To use ordinary matrix multiplication the number of "61 + "columns on the first matrix must mat the number of "62 + "rows on the second.");63 }64 result = new Matrix(a.getRows(), b.getCols());65 const bcolj = [];66 let s;67 for (let j = 0; j < b.getCols(); j++) {68 for (let k = 0; k < a.getCols(); k++) {69 bcolj[k] = b.get(k, j);70 }71 for (let i = 0; i < a.getRows(); i++) {72 s = 0;73 for (let k = 0; k < a.getCols(); k++) {74 s += a.get(i, k) * bcolj[k];75 }76 result.set(i, j, s);77 }78 }79 }80 return result;81 }82 /**83 * Compute the dot product for the two matrices84 *85 * @param a {Matrix} The first matrix.86 * @param b {Matrix} The second matrix.87 * @return {Number} The dot product.88 */89 static dot(a, b) {90 if (!a.isVector() || !b.isVector()) {91 let result = [];92 for (let row = 0; row < a.getRows(); row++) {93 result.push(, b.getCol(row)));94 }95 }96 const aArray = a.getData();97 const bArray = b.getData();98 const aLength = aArray.length == 1 ? aArray[0].length : aArray.length;99 const bLength = bArray.length == 1 ? bArray[0].length : bArray.length;100 if (aLength != bLength) {101 throw new MatrixError("To take the dot product, both matrices must be of the same length.");102 }103 let result = 0;104 if (aArray.length == 1 && bArray.length == 1) {105 for (let i = 0; i < aLength; i++) {106 result += aArray[0][i] * bArray[0][i];107 }108 }109 else if (aArray.length == 1 && bArray[0].length == 1) {110 for (let i = 0; i < aLength; i++) {111 result += aArray[0][i] * bArray[i][0];112 }113 }114 else if (aArray[0].length == 1 && bArray.length == 1) {115 for (let i = 0; i < aLength; i++) {116 result += aArray[i][0] * bArray[0][i];117 }118 }119 else if (aArray[0].length == 1 && bArray[0].length == 1) {120 for (let i = 0; i < aLength; i++) {121 result += aArray[i][0] * bArray[i][0];122 }123 }124 return result;125 }126 /**127 * Return the transposition of a matrix.128 *129 * @param input {Matrix} The matrix to transpose.130 * @return {Matrix} The matrix transposed.131 */132 static transpose(input) {133 const transposeMatrix = new Matrix(input.getCols(), input.getRows());134 for (let r = 0; r < input.getRows(); r++) {135 for (let c = 0; c < input.getCols(); c++) {136 transposeMatrix.set(c, r, input.get(r, c));137 }138 }139 return transposeMatrix;140 }141 /**142 * Return an identity matrix of the specified size.143 *144 * @param size {Number}145 * The number of rows and columns to create. An identity matrix146 * is always square.147 * @return {Matrix} An identity matrix.148 */149 static identity(size) {150 if (size < 1) {151 throw new MatrixError("Identity matrix must be at least of " + "size 1.");152 }153 const result = new Matrix(size, size);154 for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) {155 result.set(i, i, 1);156 }157 return result;158 }159 /**160 * Return the results of subtracting one matrix from another.161 *162 * @param a {Matrix} The first matrix.163 * @param b {Matrix} The second matrix.164 * @return {Matrix} The results of the subtraction.165 */166 static subtract(a, b) {167 if (a.getRows() != b.getRows()) {168 throw new MatrixError(169 "To subtract the matrices they must have the same "170 + "number of rows and columns. Matrix a has "171 + a.getRows() + " rows and matrix b has "172 + b.getRows() + " rows.");173 }174 if (a.getCols() != b.getCols()) {175 throw new MatrixError(176 "To subtract the matrices they must have the same "177 + "number of rows and columns. Matrix a has "178 + a.getCols() + " cols and matrix b has "179 + b.getCols() + " cols.");180 }181 const result = new Matrix(a.getRows(), a.getCols());182 for (let resultRow = 0; resultRow < a.getRows(); resultRow++) {183 for (let resultCol = 0; resultCol < a.getCols(); resultCol++) {184 result.set(resultRow, resultCol, a.get(resultRow, resultCol) - b.get(resultRow, resultCol));185 }186 }187 return result;188 }189}...
1//æ°æ®è¡¨æ ¼åå§å2//è¡¨æ ¼åå§å3//å±å¹é«åº¦åæ¾ç¤ºæ¡æ°4var height = window.screen.height - 260;5var total = parseInt(height / 30);6//è¡¨æ ¼åå§å7$('#table').datagrid({8 url: '/role/getMenuRole',9 pagination: true,10 singleSelect:true,11 pageSize: total,12 pageList: [total, total * 2, total * 3],13 columns: [[14 {field: 'cx', checkbox: true},15 {field: 'rid', title: 'è§è²ID', width: "10%"},16 {field: 'rname', title: 'è§è²å', width: "15%"},17 {field: 'name', title: 'è§è²æåä¿¡æ¯', width: "23%"},18 {field: 'rdesc', title: 'æè¿°', width: "20%"},19 {field: 'title', title: 'èåå称', width: "30%"},20 ]]21});2223$("#add").linkbutton({24 iconCls:'icon-add'25});26var rid=null;27$("#add").click(function(){28 var rows = $('#table').datagrid('getSelections');29 var mid=[];30 if(rows.length>0){31 if(rows[0].mid!=null){32 mid = rows[0].mid.split(",");33 }34 rid=rows[0].rid;35 $("#table-menu").treegrid('clearChecked');36 $("#add-div").dialog('open');37 var getRows=$("#table-menu").treegrid('getData');38 if(mid.length>0){39 for(var i = 0;i<getRows.length;i++){40 /*for(let j=0;j<mid.length;j++){41 if(mid[j]==getRows[i].mid){42 getRows[i].checkState="checked";43 getRows[i].checked=true;44 }45 }*/46 for(var k =0;k<getRows[i].children.length;k++){47 for(let j=0;j<mid.length;j++){48 if(mid[j]==getRows[i].children[k].mid){49 getRows[i].children[k].checkState="checked";50 getRows[i].children[k].checked=true;51 }52 }53 }54 $("#table-menu").treegrid('loadData',getRows);55 }56 }else{57 $("#table-menu").treegrid('clearChecked');58 }59 $("#table-menu").treegrid('reload');60 }else{61 $.messager.alert('æ示','请éæ©æ°æ®å¨æä½ï¼');62 }63});6465$("#add-div").dialog({66 iconCls: 'icon-save',67 title:'è§è²ææ',68 width:500,69 height:400,70 closed:true,71 buttons:[{72 text:'ä¿å',73 iconCls:'icon-save',74 handler:function(){75 var rows = $("#table-menu").treegrid('getCheckedNodes');76 var mids=[];77 for(var i =0;i<rows.length;i++){78 if(rows[i].fid!=null && rows[i].fid!=""){79 mids.push(rows[i].fid);80 }81 mids.push(rows[i].mid);82 }83 var json = JSON.stringify(mids);84 $.post('/role/menuRole',{"role_id":rid,"mid":json},function(data){85 if(data.flag){86 $.messager.alert('ææ','æææå');87 $("#add-div").dialog('close');88 $("#table-menu").treegrid('reload');89 $('#table').datagrid('reload');90 }else{91 $.messager.alert('ææ','ææ失败');92 }93 },'json');9495 }96 }]97});9899$("#table-menu").treegrid({100 url:'/getMenuTree',101 idField:'mid',102 checkbox: true,103 treeField:'title',104 showHeader:false,105 columns:[[106 {field:'title',title:'',width:'100%'},107 ]]
...17var main = new GoogleSpreadsheet('11vMqgUPstD719l0_IFN1RROP23QhX_a-gPkdiObgGN0');1819app.get("/GS-Main",function(req,res){20 main.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function (err) {21 main.getRows(1, function (err, rows) {22 dataset_main=rows;23 });24 });25 res.json({"data":dataset_main});26});2728app.get("/GS-Carousel",function(req,res){29 main.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function (err) {30 main.getRows(2, function (err, rows) {31 dataset_carousel=rows;32 });33 });34 res.json({"data":dataset_carousel});35});3637app.get("/GS-Region",function(req,res){38 main.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function (err) {39 main.getRows(3, function (err, rows) {40 dataset_region=rows;41 });42 });43 res.json({"data":dataset_region});44});4546app.get("/GS-Neighborhood",function(req,res){47 main.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function (err) {48 main.getRows(4, function (err, rows) {49 dataset_neighborhood=rows;50 });51 });52 res.json({"data":dataset_neighborhood});53});5455app.get("/GS-Datasets",function(req,res){56 main.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function (err) {57 main.getRows(5, function (err, rows) {58 dataset_datasets=rows;59 });60 });61 res.json({"data":dataset_datasets});62});6364app.get("/GS-Variables",function(req,res){65 main.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function (err) {66 main.getRows(6, function (err, rows) {67 dataset_variables=rows;68 });69 });70 res.json({"data":dataset_variables});71});7273app.get("/GS-Composite",function(req,res){74 main.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function (err) {75 main.getRows(7, function (err, rows) {76 dataset_composite=rows;77 });78 });79 res.json({"data":dataset_composite});80});8182app.get("/GS-Policy",function(req,res){83 main.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function (err) {84 main.getRows(8, function (err, rows) {85 dataset_policy=rows;86 });87 });88 res.json({"data":dataset_policy});89});9091app.get("/GS-Tooltips",function(req,res){92 main.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function (err) {93 main.getRows(9, function (err, rows) {94 dataset_tooltips=rows;95 });96 });97 res.json({"data":dataset_tooltips});98});99100app.get("/GS-About",function(req,res){101 main.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function (err) {102 main.getRows(10, function (err, rows) {103 dataset_about=rows;104 });105 });106 res.json({"data":dataset_about});107});108
...77 );78 if (isFetching || resourceData == null) {79 return null;80 }81 let data = getRows(resourceData);82 let items = => {83 let id = item[];84 let label = item[];85 return (86 <mui.MenuItem key={id} value={id}>87 {label}88 </mui.MenuItem>89 );90 });91 let onChange = e => {92 let value =;93 if (value === EMPTY_VALUE_SENTINEL) {94 value = null;95 }...
...18 let table = tableFactory.create();19 const rowData = ['Column1', 'Column2', 'Column3'];20 it('Inserting data', done => {21 table.insertRow(rowData);22 assert.strictEqual(table.getRows().length, 1);23 table.insertRow(rowData);24 assert.strictEqual(table.getRows().length, 2);25 done();26 });27 });28 describe('toString', () => {29 let table = tableFactory.create();30 it('Converting data to String', done => {31 table.insertRow([1, 2]);32 table.insertRow(['test', 'testing...']);33 table.insertRow([5, 6]);34 assert.strictEqual(table.toString(), '{|\n' +35 '|-\n' +36 `| ${table.getRows()[0][0].toString()}\n` +37 `| ${table.getRows()[0][1].toString()}\n` +38 '|-\n' +39 `| ${table.getRows()[1][0].toString()}\n` +40 `| ${table.getRows()[1][1].toString()}\n` +41 '|-\n' +42 `| ${table.getRows()[2][0].toString()}\n` +43 `| ${table.getRows()[2][1].toString()}\n` +44 '|}');45 done();46 });47 });48 describe('column asymmetry', () => {49 let table = tableFactory.create();50 it('', done => {51 table.insertRow([1, 2])52 table.insertRow([3, 'test', 5, undefined]);53 table.insertRow([3, null, 5]);54 assert.strictEqual(table.toString(), '{|\n' +55 '|-\n' +56 `| ${table.getRows()[0][0].toString()}\n` +57 `| ${table.getRows()[0][1].toString()}\n` +58 '| \n' + // empty spaces where the missing values would be59 '| \n' +60 '|-\n' +61 `| ${table.getRows()[1][0].toString()}\n` +62 `| ${table.getRows()[1][1].toString()}\n` +63 `| ${table.getRows()[1][2].toString()}\n` +64 '| \n' +65 '|-\n' +66 `| ${table.getRows()[2][0].toString()}\n` +67 '| \n' +68 `| ${table.getRows()[2][2].toString()}\n` +69 '| \n' +70 '|}');71 done();72 });73 });...
...7 }8 add(row) {9 this.rows.push(row);10 }11 getRows() {12 return this.rows;13 }14 sortDataByColumn() {15 if (this.configFromHeadersFile.order.ascending) {16 this.getRows().sort((a,b)=>a[this.configFromHeadersFile.order.column]>b[this.configFromHeadersFile.order.column]); 17 }18 else{19 this.getRows().sort((a,b)=>a[this.configFromHeadersFile.order.column]<b[this.configFromHeadersFile.order.column]); 20 }21 }22 saveData() {23 this.getRows().unshift(this.configFromHeadersFile.headers);24 25 let columnsByHeaders = this.getRows()[0].length;26 let rowsByAddedFile = this.getRows().length;27 let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {28 let workbook = excelBuilder.createWorkbook('./', this.xlsxFileName);29 let sheet1 = workbook.createSheet('sheet1', columnsByHeaders, rowsByAddedFile);30 for (let j = 1; j <= columnsByHeaders; j++) {31 for (let i = 1; i <= rowsByAddedFile; i++) {32 sheet1.set(j, i, this.getRows()[i - 1][j - 1]);33 }34 }35>{36 ok = true;37 if (ok) {38 resolve('ok');39 }else{40 reject('failed');41 }42 });43 });44 return promise;45 }46}...
...31})32describe('table.get.rows', () => {33 const { getRows } = require('../table')34 test('getrows accepts returns array of values in order', () => {35 expect(getRows(['name', 'id'], a)).toEqual(['a', 1])36 })37 it('works', () => {38 expect(getRows(cols, a)).toEqual(['a', 1])39 expect(getRows(cols, [a])).toEqual([['a', 1]])40 })41 test('getrows accepts string keys ', () => {42 expect(getRows('name', a)).toEqual(['a'])43 })44 test('getrows accepts string[] key input ', () => {45 expect(getRows(['name'], a)).toEqual(['a'])46 })47 test('getrows accepts returns rows for each entry data ', () => {48 expect(getRows(['name'], [a, b, c, d])).toEqual([49 ['a'],50 ['b'],51 [],52 ['d']53 ])54 })...
1let steps = [];2function getRows() {3 //TODO: Rows should be the breadth of the tree4 // return 2;5 let paths = [];6 function getPathsRecursive(step, stack) {7 if (!step) {8 return;9 }10 stack.push(;11 // let paths = [];12 if (!step.nextsteps || step.nextsteps.length === 0) {13 paths.push(Array(...stack));14 // console.log(stack);15 // return paths;16 }17 for (let branch of step.nextsteps) {18 getPathsRecursive(branch, stack);19 }20 stack.pop();21 }22 let firstStep = steps[0];23 getPathsRecursive(firstStep, []);24 return paths;25}26function testGetRows() {27 let step1 = { id: "1", nextsteps: [] };28 steps.push(step1);29 // console.log(getRows());30 // getRows();31 let step2 = { id: "2", nextsteps: [] };32 step1.nextsteps.push(step2);33 steps.push(step2);34 // console.log(getRows());35 // getRows();36 let step3 = { id: "3", nextsteps: [] };37 step1.nextsteps.push(step3);38 steps.push(step3);39 // getRows();40 let step4 = { id: "4", nextsteps: [] };41 step1.nextsteps.push(step4);42 steps.push(step4);43 // getRows();44 // console.log(paths);45 console.log(getRows());46}47function TestArrays() {48 let arr1 = [1, 2, 3];49 let arr2 = [4, 5, 6, 7];50 arr1 = [...arr2];51 console.log(arr1);52 console.log(arr2);53 arr2 = [];54 console.log(arr2);55}...
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('my test', function() {2 it('my test case', function() {3 cy.get('table').getRows().should('have.length', 4)4 })5})6Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', {prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject) => {7 cy.wrap(subject).find('tr')8})9I am not able to use the getRows() method in my test case. I am getting the following error:10I tried upgrading to the latest version of Cypress but the issue still persists. I am not able to use the getRows() method in my test case. I am getting the following error:11I am not able to use the getRows() method in my test case. I am getting the following error:
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Cypress test', () => {2 it('Get rows', () => {3 cy.getRows()4 })5})6Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {7 cy.get('table').find('tr')8 .each(($el, index, $list) => {9 cy.log($el.text())10 })11})12Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {13 cy.get('table').find('tr')14 .each(($el, index, $list) => {15 cy.log($el.text())16 })17})18Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {19 cy.get('table').find('tr')20 .each(($el, index, $list) => {21 cy.log($el.text())22 })23})24Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {25 cy.get('table').find('tr')26 .each(($el, index, $list) => {27 cy.log($el.text())28 })29})30Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {31 cy.get('table').find('tr')32 .each(($el, index, $list) => {33 cy.log($el.text())34 })35})36Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {37 cy.get('table').find('tr')38 .each(($el, index, $list) => {39 cy.log($el.text())40 })41})42Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {43 cy.get('table').find('tr')44 .each(($el, index, $list) => {45 cy.log($el.text())46 })47})48Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {49 cy.get('table').find('tr')50 .each(($el, index, $list) => {51 cy.log($el.text())52 })53})54Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {55 cy.get('table').find('tr')56 .each(($el, index, $list) => {57 cy.log($el.text())58 })59})60Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {61 cy.get('table').find('tr')62 .each(($el, index, $list) => {63 cy.log($el.text())64 })65})
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Test suite', function() {2 it('Test', function() {3 cy.get('.query-table').find('tr').eq(2).find('td').eq(1).should('contain', 'Larry the Bird')4 })5})6describe('Test suite', function() {7 it('Test', function() {8 cy.get('.query-table').getRows(2).getCols(1).should('contain', 'Larry the Bird')9 })10})11Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', {prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, row) => {12 cy.wrap(subject).find('tr').eq(row)13})14Cypress.Commands.add('getCols', {prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, col) => {15 cy.wrap(subject).find('td').eq(col)16})17describe('Test suite', function() {18 it('Test', function() {19 cy.get('.query-table').find('tr').eq(2).find('td').eq(1).should('contain', 'Larry the Bird')20 })21})22describe('Test suite', function() {23 it('Test', function() {24 cy.get('.query-table').getRows(2).getCols(1).should('contain', 'Larry the Bird')25 })26})27Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', {prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, row) => {28 cy.wrap(subject).find('tr').eq(row)29})30Cypress.Commands.add('getCols', {prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, col) => {31 cy.wrap(subject).find('td').eq(col)32})33Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', {prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, row) => {34 cy.wrap(subject).find('tr').eq(row)35})36Cypress.Commands.add('getCols', {prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, col) => {37 cy.wrap(subject).find('td').eq
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {2 return cy.get('tbody tr');3});4describe('test', () => {5 it("should get rows", function() {6 cy.getRows().should('have.length', 1);7 });8});9Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {10 return cy.get('tbody tr');11});12describe('test', () => {13 it("should get rows", function() {14 cy.getRows().should('have.length', 1);15 });16});17Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {18 return cy.get('tbody tr');19});20describe('test', () => {21 it("should get rows", function() {22 cy.getRows().should('have.length', 1);23 });24});25Cypress.Commands.add('getRows', () => {26 return cy.get('tbody tr');27});28describe('test', () => {29 it("should get rows", function() {30 cy.getRows().should('have.length', 1);31 });32});
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Test', () => {2 it('test', () => {3 cy.getRows('table', 'tbody').each((row, index) => {4 cy.wrap(row).find('td').each((col, index) => {5 cy.wrap(col).invoke('text').then((text) => {6 cy.log(text);7 });8 });9 });10 });11});
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.Commands.add("getRows", (table, index) => {2 return cy.get(table).find('tbody > tr').eq(index);3});4cy.getRows('table', 1).find('td').eq(1).should('contain', 'Test');5Cypress.Commands.add("getRows", (table, index) => {6 return cy.get(table).find('tbody > tr').eq(index);7});8cy.getRows('table', 1).find('td').eq(1).should('contain', 'Test');
Using AI Code Generation
1import {Cypress} from 'cypress';2let tableRows = Cypress.getRows('tableId');3console.log(tableRows);4for(let i=0; i<tableRows.length; i++)5{6 console.log(tableRows[i]);7}8import {Cypress} from 'cypress';9let cellValue = Cypress.getCell('tableId', 'rowIndex', 'columnIndex');10console.log(cellValue);11import {Cypress} from 'cypress';12let cellValue = Cypress.getCell('tableId', 'rowIndex', 'columnIndex');13console.log(cellValue);14import {Cypress} from 'cypress';15let cellValue = Cypress.getCell('tableId', 'rowIndex', 'columnIndex');16console.log(cellValue);17import {Cypress} from 'cypress';18let cellValue = Cypress.getCell('tableId', 'rowIndex', 'columnIndex');19console.log(cellValue);20import {Cypress} from 'cypress';21let cellValue = Cypress.getCell('tableId',
Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.
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