How to use getCodecData method in Cypress

Best JavaScript code snippet using cypress


Source:proto.js Github


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...524 * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages525 */526proto.StreamData.toObject = function(includeInstance, msg) {527 var f, obj = {528 codecData: (f = msg.getCodecData()) && proto.CodecData.toObject(includeInstance, f),529 frameData: (f = msg.getFrameData()) && proto.FrameData.toObject(includeInstance, f),530 inferenceData: (f = msg.getInferenceData()) && proto.InferenceData.toObject(includeInstance, f)531 };532 if (includeInstance) {533 obj.$jspbMessageInstance = msg;534 }535 return obj;536};537}538/**539 * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format).540 * @param {jspb.ByteSource} bytes The bytes to deserialize.541 * @return {!proto.StreamData}542 */543proto.StreamData.deserializeBinary = function(bytes) {544 var reader = new jspb.BinaryReader(bytes);545 var msg = new proto.StreamData;546 return proto.StreamData.deserializeBinaryFromReader(msg, reader);547};548/**549 * Deserializes binary data (in protobuf wire format) from the550 * given reader into the given message object.551 * @param {!proto.StreamData} msg The message object to deserialize into.552 * @param {!jspb.BinaryReader} reader The BinaryReader to use.553 * @return {!proto.StreamData}554 */555proto.StreamData.deserializeBinaryFromReader = function(msg, reader) {556 while (reader.nextField()) {557 if (reader.isEndGroup()) {558 break;559 }560 var field = reader.getFieldNumber();561 switch (field) {562 case 1:563 var value = new proto.CodecData;564 reader.readMessage(value,proto.CodecData.deserializeBinaryFromReader);565 msg.setCodecData(value);566 break;567 case 2:568 var value = new proto.FrameData;569 reader.readMessage(value,proto.FrameData.deserializeBinaryFromReader);570 msg.setFrameData(value);571 break;572 case 3:573 var value = new proto.InferenceData;574 reader.readMessage(value,proto.InferenceData.deserializeBinaryFromReader);575 msg.setInferenceData(value);576 break;577 default:578 reader.skipField();579 break;580 }581 }582 return msg;583};584/**585 * Serializes the message to binary data (in protobuf wire format).586 * @return {!Uint8Array}587 */588proto.StreamData.prototype.serializeBinary = function() {589 var writer = new jspb.BinaryWriter();590 proto.StreamData.serializeBinaryToWriter(this, writer);591 return writer.getResultBuffer();592};593/**594 * Serializes the given message to binary data (in protobuf wire595 * format), writing to the given BinaryWriter.596 * @param {!proto.StreamData} message597 * @param {!jspb.BinaryWriter} writer598 * @suppress {unusedLocalVariables} f is only used for nested messages599 */600proto.StreamData.serializeBinaryToWriter = function(message, writer) {601 var f = undefined;602 f = message.getCodecData();603 if (f != null) {604 writer.writeMessage(605 1,606 f,607 proto.CodecData.serializeBinaryToWriter608 );609 }610 f = message.getFrameData();611 if (f != null) {612 writer.writeMessage(613 2,614 f,615 proto.FrameData.serializeBinaryToWriter616 );...

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Source:video_capture.js Github


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...51function getMsFromDuration(duration) {52 return utils_1.default.timemarkToSeconds(duration) * 1000;53}54exports.getMsFromDuration = getMsFromDuration;55function getCodecData(src) {56 return new bluebird_1.default((resolve, reject) => {57 return (0, fluent_ffmpeg_1.default)()58 .on('stderr', (stderr) => {59 return debug('get codecData stderr log %o', { message: stderr });60 }).on('codecData', resolve)61 .input(src)62 .format('null')63 .output(new black_hole_stream_1.default())64 .run();65 }).tap((data) => {66 return debug('codecData %o', {67 src,68 data,69 });...

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Source:PeerConnectionStats.js Github


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...131 */132const addOutboundRtpReport = (report, previousStats, statsObject) => {133 logger.debug('Parsing outbound-rtp report')134 const mediaType = getMediaType(report)135 const codecInfo = getCodecData(report.codecId, statsObject.raw)136 const additionalData = getBaseRtpReportData(report, mediaType)137 additionalData.totalBytesSent = report.bytesSent138 = report.id139 const previousBytesSent = previousStats ? previousStats[mediaType].outbounds.find(x => === ?? 0 : null140 additionalData.bitrate = previousBytesSent ? 8 * (report.bytesSent - previousBytesSent) : 0141 if (mediaType === 'video') {142 additionalData.qualityLimitationReason = report.qualityLimitationReason143 }144 statsObject[mediaType].outbounds.push({145 ...codecInfo,146 ...additionalData147 })148}149/**150 * Parse and add incoming inbound-rtp report from RTCPeerConnection to final report.151 * @param {Object} report - JSON object which represents a report from RTCPeerConnection stats.152 * @param {ConnectionStats} previousStats - Previous stats parsed.153 * @param {Object} statsObject - Current stats object being parsed.154 */155const addInboundRtpReport = (report, previousStats, statsObject) => {156 logger.debug('Parsing inbound-rtp report')157 let mediaType = getMediaType(report)158 const codecInfo = getCodecData(report.codecId, statsObject.raw)159 // Safari is missing mediaType and kind for 'inbound-rtp'160 if (!['audio', 'video'].includes(mediaType)) {161 if ('Video')) mediaType = 'video'162 else mediaType = 'audio'163 }164 const additionalData = getBaseRtpReportData(report, mediaType)165 additionalData.totalBytesReceived = report.bytesReceived166 additionalData.totalPacketsReceived = report.packetsReceived167 additionalData.totalPacketsLost = report.packetsLost168 additionalData.jitter = report.jitter169 = report.id170 additionalData.bitrate = 0171 additionalData.packetsLostRatioPerSecond = 0172 additionalData.packetsLostDeltaPerSecond = 0...

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Source:ws_client.js Github


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...41};42function handle_stream_data(data) {43 switch (data.getTypeCase()) {44 case proto.StreamData.TypeCase.CODEC_DATA:45 handle_codec_data(data.getCodecData());46 break;47 case proto.StreamData.TypeCase.FRAME_DATA:48 handle_frame_data(data.getFrameData());49 break;50 case proto.StreamData.TypeCase.INFERENCE_DATA:51 handle_inference_data(data.getInferenceData());52 break;53 default:54 break;55 }56}57function handle_codec_data(data) {58 if (g_player == null) {59 g_player = new Player({...

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Source:video_compression_spec.js Github


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...55 // if video is seekable and not just one frozen frame, this file should exist56 await fs.stat(lastFrameFile).catch((err) => {57 throw new Error(`Expected video to have seekable ending frame, but it did not. The video may be corrupted.`)58 })59 const { duration } = await videoCapture.getCodecData(files[0])60 const durationMs = videoCapture.getMsFromDuration(duration)61 expect(durationMs) expect(durationMs), humanInterval('15 seconds'))63 const { chapters } = await videoCapture.getChapters(files[0])64 // There are 40 chapters but we test only the first one65 // because what we want to check is if chapters are added properly.66 // In a chapter object, there are properties like 'end' and 'end_time'.67 // We don't check them here because they return the test time in milliseconds.68 // They cannot be guessed correctly and they can cause flakiness.69 expect(chapters[0].id).to.eq(0)70 expect(chapters[0].start).to.eq(0)71 expect(chapters[0].start_time).to.eq(0)72 expect(chapters[0]['TAG:title']).to.eq('num: 1 makes some long tests')73 expect(chapters[0].time_base).to.eq('1/1000')...

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Source:WebRTCVideo.js Github


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...17 let {gateway = `${window.location.protocol}//${}`} = this.props;18 gateway = gateway.replace(/\/$/, '');19 this.streamId = streamId;20 this.gateway = gateway;21 this.getCodecData();22 this.setupPeerConnection();23 }24 getCodecData = async () => {25 console.debug('getCodecData');26 try {27 const resp = await fetch(`${this.gateway}/codec/${this.streamId}`);28 const data = await resp.json();29 if (data.length > 0) {30 this.peerConnection.addTransceiver('audio', {31 'direction': 'sendrecv'32 })33 this.peerConnection.addTransceiver('video', {34 'direction': 'sendrecv'35 });...

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Source:6_video_compression_spec.js Github


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...29 const videosPath = Fixtures.projectPath('e2e/cypress/videos/*')30 return glob(videosPath)31 .then((files) => {32 expect(files).to.have.length(1, `globbed for videos and found: ${files.length}. Expected to find 1 video. Search in videosPath: ${videosPath}.`)33 return videoCapture.getCodecData(files[0])34 .then(({ duration }) => {35 const durationMs = videoCapture.getMsFromDuration(duration)36 expect(durationMs) expect(durationMs), humanInterval('15 seconds'))38 })39 })40 }).get('stdout')41 .then((stdout) => {42 expect(stdout).to.match(/Compression progress:\s+\d{1,3}%/)43 })44 },45 })46 })47})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var cypress = require("cypress");2var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();3console.log(codecData);4var cypress = require("cypress");5var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();6console.log(codecData);7var cypress = require("cypress");8var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();9console.log(codecData);10var cypress = require("cypress");11var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();12console.log(codecData);13var cypress = require("cypress");14var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();15console.log(codecData);16var cypress = require("cypress");17var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();18console.log(codecData);19var cypress = require("cypress");20var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();21console.log(codecData);22var cypress = require("cypress");23var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();24console.log(codecData);25var cypress = require("cypress");26var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();27console.log(codecData);28var cypress = require("cypress");29var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();30console.log(codecData);31var cypress = require("cypress");32var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();33console.log(codecData);34var cypress = require("cypress");35var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();36console.log(codecData);37var cypress = require("cypress");38var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();39console.log(codecData);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {2 console.log(data);3});4Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {5 console.log(data);6});7Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {8 console.log(data);9});10Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {11 console.log(data);12});13Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {14 console.log(data);15});16Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {17 console.log(data);18});19Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {20 console.log(data);21});22Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {23 console.log(data);24});25Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {26 console.log(data);27});28Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {29 console.log(data);30});31Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {32 console.log(data);33});34Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {35 console.log(data);36});37Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {38 console.log(data);39});40Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {41 console.log(data);42});43Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {44 console.log(data);45});46Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {47 console.log(data);48});49Cypress.getCodecData().then((data) => {50 console.log(data);51});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var cypress = require("cypress");2var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();3console.log(codecData);4var cypress = require("cypress");5var codecData = cypress.getCodecData();6console.log(codecData);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((codecData) => {2 console.log(codecData)3})4Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((codecData) => {5 console.log(codecData)6})7Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((codecData) => {8 console.log(codecData)9})10Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((codecData) => {11 console.log(codecData)12})13Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((codecData) => {14 console.log(codecData)15})16Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((codecData) => {17 console.log(codecData)18})19Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((codecData) => {20 console.log(codecData)21})22Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((codecData) => {23 console.log(codecData)24})25Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((codecData) => {26 console.log(codecData)27})28Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((codecData) => {29 console.log(codecData)30})31Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((codecData) => {32 console.log(codecData)33})34Cypress.Blob.getCodecData('image/png').then((

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var cypress = require('cypress');2cypress.getCodecData('test').then(function(data) {3 console.log(data);4});5var cypress = require('cypress');6cypress.getCodecData('test', function(data) {7 console.log(data);8});9var cypress = require('cypress');10cypress.getCodecData('test', function(data) {11 console.log(data);12}, function(error) {13 console.log(error);14});15var cypress = require('cypress');16cypress.getCodecData('test', function(data) {17 console.log(data);18}, function(error) {19 console.log(error);20}, function() {21 console.log('done');22});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var Cypress = require('cypress');2Cypress.getCodecData();3exports.getCodecData = function() {4 console.log("getCodecData method called");5}6Can you please share the code which you are using to call the getCodecData() method?

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var cypress = require('cypress');2cypress.getCodecData(function (err, data) {3 console.log(data);4});5var cypress = require('cypress');6cypress.getCodecData(function (err, data) {7 console.log(data);8});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add('getCodecData', () => {2 cy.get('@video').then($video => {3 const video = $video[0];4 const codecData = video.getCodecData();5 console.log('codecData: ', codecData);6 });7});8it('Test', () => {9 cy.get('iframe').then($iframe => {10 const $body = $iframe.contents().find('body');11 cy.wrap($body).find('video').as('video');12 cy.get('@video').getCodecData();13 });14});15codecData: {codecs: "avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2", width: 320, height: 240, framerate: 24}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('Test Cypress.Cy.getCodecData', () => {2 it('Get codec data for a video file', () => {3 cy.getCodecData('video.mp4').then((codecData) => {4 console.log(codecData)5 })6 })7})

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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