Best JavaScript code snippet using cypress
Source: pantiler.js
1import Util from 'util'2import FSExtra from 'fs-extra'3import * as Zod from 'zod'4import Scramjet from 'scramjet'5import Axios from 'axios'6import Unzipper from 'unzipper'7import Fontnik from 'fontnik'8import Gdal from 'gdal-next'9import Spritezero from '@mapbox/spritezero'10import Tippecanoe from './tippecanoe.js'11function setup(directory, cache = '.pantiler-cache', clearCache = false, bounds = null, alert = () => {}) {12 function validate(tiledata) {13 const inputSchema = Zod.object({14 name: Zod.string(),15 url: Zod.string().url().optional(), // otherwise use path16 path: Zod.string().optional(), // otherwise use url17 format: Zod.string().optional(),18 matching: Zod.string().optional()19 })20 const schema = Zod.object({21 host: Zod.string().url(),22 zoomFrom: Zod.number().positive(),23 zoomTo: Zod.number().positive(),24 fonts: Zod.array(inputSchema).optional(),25 sprites: Zod.array(inputSchema).optional(),26 sources: Zod.array(Zod.object({27 name: Zod.string(),28 system: Zod.string(),29 fieldLongitude: Zod.string().optional(),30 fieldLatitude: Zod.string().optional(),31 inputs: Zod.array(inputSchema),32 outputs: Zod.array(Zod.object({33 name: Zod.string(),34 layer: Zod.string().optional(),35 filter: Zod.string().optional(),36 fields: Zod.object({}).optional(),37 zoomMin: Zod.number().optional(),38 zoomMax: Zod.number().optional()39 }))40 })),41 styling: Zod.object({}) // not attempting to validate this42 })43 schema.parse(tiledata)44 }45 async function englyph(fonts) {46 await fonts.reduce(async (a, font) => {47 await a48 alert({49 process: 'Englyphing',50 input:,51 message: 'in progress...'52 })53 const location = `${directory}/glyphs/${}`54 await FSExtra.ensureDir(location)55 const data = font.path56 ? await FSExtra.readFile(font.path)57 : await (await Axios({ url: font.url, responseType: 'arraybuffer' })).data58 let ranges = []59 for (let i = 0; i < 65536; (i = i + 256)) {60 ranges.push({ start: i, end: Math.min(i + 255, 65535) })61 }62 const conversions = range => {63 const result = await Util.promisify(Fontnik.range)({64 font: data,65 start: range.start,66 end: range.end67 })68 return FSExtra.writeFile(`${location}/${range.start}-${range.end}.pbf`, result)69 })70 await Promise.all(conversions)71 alert({72 process: 'Englyphing',73 input:,74 message: 'done'75 })76 }, Promise.resolve())77 }78 async function ensprite(sprites) {79 const ratios = [1, 2]80 await ratios.reduce(async (a, ratio) => {81 await a82 alert({83 process: 'Enspriting',84 input: `@${ratio}x`,85 message: 'in progress...'86 })87 const ratioAt = ratio > 1 ? `@${ratio}x` : ''88 const images = sprite => {89 const data = sprite.path90 ? await FSExtra.readFile(sprite.path)91 : await (await Axios({ url: sprite.url, responseType: 'arraybuffer' })).data92 return {93 id:,94 svg: data95 }96 })97 const config = {98 imgs: await Promise.all(images),99 pixelRatio: ratio100 }101 const manifest = await Util.promisify(Spritezero.generateLayout)({ ...config, format: true })102 await FSExtra.writeJson(`${directory}/sprites${ratioAt}.json`, manifest)103 const layout = await Util.promisify(Spritezero.generateLayout)({ ...config, format: false })104 const image = await Util.promisify(Spritezero.generateImage)(layout)105 await FSExtra.writeFile(`${directory}/sprites${ratioAt}.png`, image)106 alert({107 process: 'Enspriting',108 input: `@${ratio}x`,109 message: 'done'110 })111 }, Promise.resolve())112 }113 async function fetch(name, inputs) {114 const downloads = input => {115 const inputSpecifier = inputs.length > 1 ? `-${}` : ''116 if (!input.url && !input.path) throw new Error(`${name}${inputSpecifier}: need to specify either url or path`)117 const extension = input.format || (input.path || input.url).split('.').pop()118 const file = `${cache}/${name}${inputSpecifier}.${extension}`119 const fileExists = await FSExtra.pathExists(file)120 if (fileExists) {121 alert({122 process: 'Fetching',123 input: name + inputSpecifier,124 message: 'using cache'125 })126 return {127 name:,128 path: file,129 ...(input.matching ? { matching: input.matching } : {})130 }131 }132 if (input.path) {133 await FSExtra.ensureSymlink(input.path, file)134 alert({135 process: 'Fetching',136 input: name + inputSpecifier,137 message: 'linked'138 })139 return {140 name:,141 path: file,142 ...(input.matching ? { matching: input.matching } : {})143 }144 }145 alert({146 process: 'Fetching',147 input: name + inputSpecifier,148 message: 'in progress...'149 })150 const response = await Axios({151 url: input.url,152 responseType: 'stream'153 })154 const writer = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {156 writer.on('error', reject)157 writer.on('close', resolve)158 })159 alert({160 process: 'Fetching',161 input: name + inputSpecifier,162 message: 'done'163 })164 return {165 name:,166 path: file,167 ...(input.matching ? { matching: input.matching } : {})168 }169 })170 return Promise.all(downloads)171 }172 async function extract(name, archives) {173 const extractions = archive => {174 if (!archive.path.endsWith('zip')) {175 return archive // no extraction needed176 }177 const archiveSpecifier = archives.length > 1 ? `-${}` : ''178 const zip = await Unzipper.Open.file(archive.path)179 const entries = zip.files.filter(entry => {180 if (entry.type !== 'File') return false181 if (entry.path.match(/\.(pdf|txt)$/)) return false182 if (archive.matching && !entry.path.match(new RegExp(archive.matching))) return false183 return true184 })185 const extractions = entry => {186 const extension = entry.path.split('.').pop()187 const file = `${cache}/${name}${archiveSpecifier}.${extension}`188 const fileExists = await FSExtra.pathExists(file)189 if (fileExists) {190 alert({191 process: 'Extracting',192 input: name + archiveSpecifier,193 ...(entries.length > 1 ? { output: name + (entries.length > 1 ? `/${extension}` : '') } : {}),194 message: 'using cache'195 })196 return { name:, path: file }197 }198 alert({199 process: 'Extracting',200 input: name + archiveSpecifier,201 ...(entries.length > 1 ? { output: name + (entries.length > 1 ? `/${extension}` : '') } : {}),202 message: 'in progress...'203 })204 const writer = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {206 writer.on('error', reject)207 writer.on('finish', resolve)208 })209 alert({210 process: 'Extracting',211 input: name + archiveSpecifier,212 ...(entries.length > 1 ? { output: name + (entries.length > 1 ? `/${extension}` : '') } : {}),213 message: 'done'214 })215 return { name:, path: file }216 })217 const extracted = await Promise.all(extractions)218 if (extracted.length === 1) return extracted[0]219 else if (extracted.find(file => file.path.endsWith('shp'))) return extracted.find(file => file.path.endsWith('shp'))220 else throw new Error(`${name}${archiveSpecifier}: archive has multiple files, you need to specify a input matching`)221 })222 return Promise.all(extractions)223 }224 async function convert(name, system, fieldLongitude, fieldLatitude, inputs, outputs) {225 const reprojection = new Gdal.CoordinateTransformation(Gdal.SpatialReference.fromProj4(system), Gdal.SpatialReference.fromProj4('+init=epsg:4326'))226 return outputs.reduce(async (previousOutput, output) => {227 await previousOutput228 const outputSpecifier = outputs.length > 1 ? `-${}` : ''229 const file = `${cache}/${name}${outputSpecifier}.geo.json`230 const fileExists = await FSExtra.pathExists(file)231 if (fileExists) {232 alert({233 process: 'Converting',234 input: name,235 ...(outputs.length > 1 || inputs.length > 1 ? { output: name + outputSpecifier } : {}),236 message: 'using cache'237 })238 return239 }240 const outputData =, 'w', 'GeoJSON')241 const outputLayer = outputData.layers.create(`${name}${outputSpecifier}`, null, Gdal.wkbUnknown)242 const outputFieldDefinitions = Object.keys(output.fields || {}).map(key => {243 return new Gdal.FieldDefn(key, Gdal.OFTString)244 })245 outputLayer.fields.add(outputFieldDefinitions)246 inputs.forEach(input => {247 alert({248 process: 'Converting',249 input: name + (inputs.length > 1 ? `-${}` : ''),250 ...(outputs.length > 1 || inputs.length > 1 ? { output: name + outputSpecifier } : {}),251 message: 'in progress...'252 })253 const inputData = const inputLayer = output.filter255 ? inputData.executeSQL(`select * from "${output.layer || inputData.layers.get(0).name}" where ${output.filter}`) // produces correct results, unlike using setAttributeFilter()256 : inputData.layers.get(output.layer || 0)257 if (bounds) {258 const reprojectionReverse = new Gdal.CoordinateTransformation(Gdal.SpatialReference.fromProj4('+init=epsg:4326'), Gdal.SpatialReference.fromProj4(system))259 const min = reprojectionReverse.transformPoint(bounds[0], bounds[1])260 const max = reprojectionReverse.transformPoint(bounds[2], bounds[3])261 inputLayer.setSpatialFilter(min.x, min.y, max.x, max.y)262 }263 inputLayer.features.forEach(feature => {264 const outputFeature = new Gdal.Feature(outputLayer)265 const outputFields = Object.entries(output.fields || {}).map(([key, value]) => {266 try {267 return [key, feature.fields.get(value)]268 }269 catch (e) {270 return [key, null]271 }272 })273 outputFeature.fields.set(Object.fromEntries(outputFields))274 const outputGeometry = (fieldLongitude && fieldLatitude)275 ? Gdal.Geometry.fromGeoJson({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [Number(feature.fields.get(fieldLongitude)), Number(feature.fields.get(fieldLatitude))] })276 : feature.getGeometry()277 outputGeometry.transform(reprojection) // mutates in-place278 outputFeature.setGeometry(outputGeometry)279 outputLayer.features.add(outputFeature)280 })281 alert({282 process: 'Converting',283 input: name + (inputs.length > 1 ? `-${}` : ''),284 ...(outputs.length > 1 || inputs.length > 1 ? { output: name + outputSpecifier } : {}),285 message: 'done'286 })287 })288 outputData.close()289 if (output.zoomMin || output.zoomMax) {290 const collection = await FSExtra.readJson(file)291 const tippecanoe = {292 ...(output.zoomMin ? { minzoom: output.zoomMin } : {}),293 ...(output.zoomMax ? { maxzoom: output.zoomMax } : {})294 }295 const features = => ({ ...feature, tippecanoe }))296 await FSExtra.writeJson(file, { ...collection, features })297 }298 }, Promise.resolve())299 }300 async function tile(sources, zoomFrom, zoomTo) {301 alert({ process: 'Tiling', message: 'in progress...' })302 const sourcelist = sources.flatMap(source => {303 return => {304 const outputSpecifier = source.outputs.length > 1 ? `-${}` : ''305 return `named-layer=${}:${cache}/${}${outputSpecifier}.geo.json`306 })307 })308 const options = [309 `minimum-zoom=${zoomFrom}`,310 `maximum-zoom=${zoomTo}`,311 `output-to-directory=${directory}`,312 ...(bounds ? [`clip-bounding-box=${bounds.join(',')}`] : []),313 'generate-ids',314 'no-tile-compression',315 ...sourcelist316 ]317 await Tippecanoe(options, status => {318 alert({ process: 'Tiling', message: `in progress... ${status}` })319 })320 const metadata = await FSExtra.readJson(`${directory}/metadata.json`)321 await FSExtra.remove(`${directory}/metadata.json`)322 alert({ process: 'Tiling', message: 'done' })323 return metadata324 }325 async function style(metadata, styling, host, hasFonts, hasSprites) {326 const styles = {327 version: 8,328 metadata: {329 date: new Date().toISOString()330 },331 ...(hasFonts ? { glyphs: `${host}/glyphs/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf` } : {}),332 ...(hasSprites ? { sprite: `${host}/sprites` } : {}),333 sources: {334 primary: {335 type: 'vector',336 tiles: [`${host}/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf`],337 bounds: metadata.bounds.split(',').map(Number),338 minzoom: Number(metadata.minzoom),339 maxzoom: Number(metadata.maxzoom)340 }341 },342 ...styling343 }344 alert({ process: 'Styling', message: 'done' })345 return FSExtra.writeJson(`${directory}/style.json`, styles)346 }347 async function cleanup(clearCache) {348 if (!clearCache) return349 await FSExtra.remove(cache)350 alert({ process: 'Cleaning up', message: 'done' })351 }352 async function run(tiledata) {353 const directoryExists = await FSExtra.exists(directory)354 if (directoryExists) throw new Error('directory already exists')355 validate(tiledata)356 await FSExtra.ensureDir(directory)357 await FSExtra.ensureDir(cache)358 if (tiledata.fonts) await englyph(tiledata.fonts)359 if (tiledata.sprites) await ensprite(tiledata.sprites)360 await Scramjet.DataStream.from(tiledata.sources).each(async source => {361 const archives = await fetch(, source.inputs)362 const inputs = await extract(, archives)363 return convert(, source.system, source.fieldLongitude, source.fieldLatitude, inputs, source.outputs)364 }).whenEnd()365 const metadata = await tile(tiledata.sources, tiledata.zoomFrom, tiledata.zoomTo)366 await style(metadata, tiledata.styling,, tiledata.fonts?.length > 0, tiledata.sprites?.length > 0)367 await cleanup(clearCache)368 alert({ message: 'Done!' })369 }370 return run371}...
Source: index.js
1#!/usr/bin/env node2const updateChk = require('../lib/update')3const downloadTpl = require('../lib/download')4const compileStr = require('../lib/compile')5const program = require('commander')6const inquirer = require('inquirer')7const fsextra = require('fs-extra')8const path = require('path')9const ora = require('ora')10const chalk = require('chalk')11const symbols = require('log-symbols')12const shell = require('child_process').exec13// version14program15 .version(require('../package.json').version, '-v, --version')16// upgrade17program18 .command('upgrade')19 .description("Check the VuePress-Creator's version.")20 .option('-t, --templete', 'Upgrade the VuePress templete version.')21 .action(() => {22 let _length = process.argv.slice(2).length23 if ( _length > 2) {24 program.outputHelp()25 } else {26 switch (_length){27 case 1:28 if (process.argv[2] == 'upgrade') {29 updateChk()30 }31 break32 case 2:33 if (process.argv[3] == '-t') {34 const templatePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../template')35 fsextra.emptyDir(templatePath).then(() => {36 downloadTpl(templatePath)37 }).catch(err => {38 console.error(err)39 })40 }41 break42 default:43 program.outputHelp()44 }45 }46 })47// default templete48program49 .command('def <project>')50 .description('Initialize the default template for VuePress.')51 .action(project => {52 fsextra53 .pathExists(project)54 .then(exists => {55 if (!exists) {56 const templatePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../template')57 const processPath = process.cwd()58 const targetPath = `${processPath}/${project}`59 fsextra.pathExists(templatePath).then(exists => {60 if (exists) {61 compileAction(project,templatePath,targetPath,{theme:null}).then(() => {62 showInfoAction(project)63 })64 } else {65 fsextra.emptyDir(templatePath).then(() => {66 downloadTpl(templatePath).then(() => {67 compileAction(project,templatePath,targetPath,{theme:null}).then(() => {68 showInfoAction(project)69 })70 })71 }).catch(err => {72 console.error(err)73 })74 }75 })76 } else {77 console.log(symbols.error,'The project already exists.'))78 }79 }).catch(err => {80 console.error(err)81 })82 })83// antdocs theme84program85 .command('ads <project>')86 .description('Initialize the template with AntDocs theme for VuePress.')87 .action(project => {88 fsextra89 .pathExists(project)90 .then(exists => {91 if (!exists) {92 const templatePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../template')93 const processPath = process.cwd()94 const targetPath = `${processPath}/${project}`95 const stylePath = `${processPath}/${project}/docs/.vuepress/styles`96 fsextra.pathExists(templatePath).then(exists => {97 if (exists) {98 compileAction(project,templatePath,targetPath,{theme:'antdocs'}).then(() => {99 installThemeAction(project).then(()=>{100 fsextra.emptyDir(stylePath)101 showInfoAction(project)102 })103 })104 } else {105 fsextra.emptyDir(templatePath).then(() => {106 downloadTpl(templatePath).then(() => {107 compileAction(project,templatePath,targetPath,{theme:'antdocs'}).then(() => {108 installThemeAction(project).then(()=>{109 fsextra.emptyDir(stylePath)110 showInfoAction(project)111 })112 })113 })114 }).catch(err => {115 console.error(err)116 })117 }118 })119 } else {120 console.log(symbols.error,'The project already exists.'))121 }122 }).catch(err => {123 console.error(err)124 })125 })126// init127program128 .name('vuepress-creator')129 .usage('<commands> [options]')130 .command('init <project>')131 .description('Create a VuePress project.')132 .action(project => {133 fsextra.pathExists(project).then(exists => {134 if (!exists) {135 inquirer.prompt([{136 type:'list',137 name:'theme',138 message:'Pick a theme for VuePress?',139 choices: [140 'Default',141 'AntDocs (Ant Design style)'142 ],143 default: 'Default'144 }]).then(answers => {145 let _theme = answers.theme == 'Default' ? null:'antdocs'146 const templatePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../template')147 const processPath = process.cwd()148 const targetPath = `${processPath}/${project}`149 const stylePath = `${processPath}/${project}/docs/.vuepress/styles`150 switch (_theme){151 case null:152 fsextra.pathExists(templatePath).then(exists => {153 if (exists) {154 compileAction(project,templatePath,targetPath,{theme:null}).then(() => {155 showInfoAction(project)156 })157 } else {158 fsextra.emptyDir(templatePath).then(() => {159 downloadTpl(templatePath).then(() => {160 compileAction(project,templatePath,targetPath,{theme:null}).then(() => {161 showInfoAction(project)162 })163 })164 }).catch(err => {165 console.error(err)166 })167 }168 })169 break170 case 'antdocs':171 fsextra.pathExists(templatePath).then(exists => {172 if (exists) {173 compileAction(project,templatePath,targetPath,{theme:'antdocs'}).then(() => {174 installThemeAction(project).then(()=>{175 fsextra.emptyDir(stylePath)176 showInfoAction(project)177 })178 })179 } else {180 fsextra.emptyDir(templatePath).then(() => {181 downloadTpl(templatePath).then(() => {182 compileAction(project,templatePath,targetPath,{theme:'antdocs'}).then(() => {183 installThemeAction(project).then(()=>{184 fsextra.emptyDir(stylePath)185 showInfoAction(project)186 })187 })188 })189 }).catch(err => {190 console.error(err)191 })192 }193 })194 break195 }196 }) 197 } else {198 console.log(symbols.error,'The project already exists.'))199 }200 })201 })202program.on('--help', function() {203 console.log('')204 console.log('Examples:')205 console.log(' $ vuepress-creator init project')206 console.log(' $ vuepress-creator upgrade -t')207 console.log('')208})209program.parse(process.argv)210function compileAction(prjName,tplPath,tgrPath,cfgGather){211 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {212 fsextra.copy(tplPath, tgrPath).then(() => {213 const configPath = `${prjName}/docs/.vuepress/config.js`214 const configGather = cfgGather215 compileStr(configPath, configGather).then(() => {216 resolve()217 }).catch(err => {218 return err219 })220 }).catch(err => {221 return reject(err)222 })223 })224}225function installThemeAction(prjName){226 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {227 const installSpinner = ora(chalk.cyan('Install AntDocs theme...'))228 installSpinner.start()229 shell(`cd ${prjName} && npm i vuepress-theme-antdocs`, (err, stdout, stderr) => {230 if (err) {231 installSpinner.text = 'Install AntDocs theme failed.'232 return reject(err)234 }235 installSpinner.text = 'Install AntDocs theme successful.'236 installSpinner.succeed()237 resolve()238 })239 })240}241function showInfoAction(prjName){242 console.log('')243 console.log(' To get started:')244 console.log('')245 console.log(chalk.yellow(` cd ${prjName}`))246 console.log(` ${chalk.yellow('npm install')} or ${chalk.yellow('yarn install')}`)247 console.log(` ${chalk.yellow('npm run dev')} or ${chalk.yellow('yarn run dev')}`)248 console.log('')...
Source: reconcile.js
1import Crypto from 'crypto'2import FSExtra from 'fs-extra'3import Scramjet from 'scramjet'4import Axios from 'axios'5import AxiosRetry from 'axios-retry'6import AxiosRateLimit from 'axios-rate-limit'7import FormData from 'form-data'8import Querystring from 'querystring'9function request(retries, cache, verbose, alert, limit, messages) {10 const cacheDirectory = '.reconcile-cache'11 const timeout = 45 * 100012 const toUrl = location => typeof location === 'string' ? location : location.url13 const toLocationName = location => {14 if (!location) throw new Error('Request location is blank')15 const method = location.method ? location.method.toUpperCase() : 'GET'16 const stringifyObject = object => Object.entries(object).map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${JSON.stringify(value)}`).join(' ')17 return `${method} ${toUrl(location)}`18 + (location.params ? '?' + Querystring.stringify(location.params) : '')19 + (location.dataQuery ? ' ' + Querystring.stringify(location.dataQuery) : '')20 + (location.dataForm ? ' <' + stringifyObject(location.dataForm) + '>' : '')21 + ( && !location.dataQuery && !location.dataForm ? ' [' + stringifyObject( + ']' : '')22 }23 const toErrorMessage = e => {24 const reconcilerError = e.response && messages(e)25 if (reconcilerError) return reconcilerError // look for reconciler-specific errors first26 const locationName = toLocationName(e.config)27 if (e.response) return `Received code ${e.response.status}: ${locationName}` // response recieved, but non-2xx28 if (e.code === 'ECONNABORTED') return `Timed out after ${timeout / 1000}ms: ${locationName}` // request timed out29 if (e.code) return `Error ${e.code}: ${locationName}` // request failed, with error code30 return e.message // request not made31 }32 const instance = Axios.create({ timeout })33 AxiosRetry(instance, {34 retries,35 shouldResetTimeout: true,36 retryCondition: e => {37 return !e.response || e.response.status >= 500 || e.response.status === 429 // no response, server error, or hit rate limit38 },39 retryDelay: (number, e) => {40 const message = toErrorMessage(e)41 const attempt = number > 0 && number <= retries && retries > 1 ? ' (retrying' + (number > 1 ? `, attempt ${number}` : '') + '...)' : ''42 if (number === 1) alert(`${message}${attempt}`)43 else alert(` â ${message}${attempt}`)44 return 5 * 100045 }46 })47 AxiosRateLimit(instance, {48 maxRequests: limit, // so limit is number of requests per second49 perMilliseconds: 1 * 100050 })51 let cacheChecked = false52 return async location => {53 const hash = Crypto.createHash('sha1').update(JSON.stringify(typeof location === 'string' ? location : { ...location, auth: null })).digest('hex')54 if (location.dataQuery) {55 = Querystring.stringify(location.dataQuery)56 }57 if (location.dataForm) {58 const form = new FormData()59 location.headers = form.getHeaders()60 Object.entries(location.dataForm).forEach(([key, value]) => form.append(key, JSON.stringify(value)))61 = form62 }63 const locationName = toLocationName(location)64 if (cache) {65 if (!cacheChecked) {66 const cacheExists = await FSExtra.pathExists(cacheDirectory)67 if (cacheExists) alert('Cached data found!')68 else alert('No existing cached data found')69 cacheChecked = true70 }71 const isCached = await FSExtra.pathExists(`${cacheDirectory}/${hash}`)72 if (isCached) {73 if (verbose) alert(`Cached [${hash}]: ${locationName}`)74 const cacheData = await FSExtra.readJson(`${cacheDirectory}/${hash}`)75 return {76 url: toUrl(location),77 data: cacheData,78 passthrough: location.passthrough79 }80 }81 }82 try {83 if (verbose) alert(`Requesting: ${locationName}`)84 const response = await instance(location)85 if (cache) {86 await FSExtra.ensureDir(cacheDirectory)87 await FSExtra.writeJson(`${cacheDirectory}/${hash}`, }89 return {90 url: toUrl(location),91 data:,92 passthrough: location.passthrough93 }94 }95 catch (e) {96 alert(toErrorMessage(e))97 }98 }99}100async function load(command, filename, parameters = {}, retries = 5, cache = false, join = 'inner', verbose = false, alert = () => {}) {101 const die = message => {102 throw new Error(message)103 }104 const requestor = request.bind(null, retries, cache, verbose, alert)105 const { default: reconciler } = await import(`./reconcilers/${command}.js`)106 Object.keys(parameters).forEach(parameter => {107 if (!reconciler.details.parameters.find(p => === parameter)) alert(`Ignoring unexpected parameter '${parameter}'`)108 })109 const batch = reconciler.details.batch || 1110 const execute = reconciler.initialise(parameters, requestor, die)111 const source = () => Scramjet.StringStream.from(FSExtra.createReadStream(filename)).CSVParse({ header: true })112 const columnsReconciler = => const columnsSource = Object.keys((await source().slice(0, 1).toArray())[0])114 const columnMapEntries = => {115 const columnUnique = (i = '') => {116 const attempt = `${column}${i}`117 if (columnsSource.find(name => name === attempt)) return columnUnique(Number(i) + 1)118 if (i) alert(`Column '${column}' from the reconciler has been renamed '${attempt}' so it does not overwrite the source`)119 return attempt120 }121 return [column, columnUnique()]122 })123 const columnMap = Object.fromEntries(columnMapEntries)124 const blank = Object.fromEntries(Object.values(columnMap).map(key => [key]))125 const length = async () => {126 const entries = await source().reduce(a => a + 1, 0)127 return Math.ceil(entries / batch)128 }129 const run = async () => source().batch(batch).setOptions({ maxParallel: 1 }).map(async items => {130 try {131 const executed = await execute(batch === 1 ? items[0] : items)132 return items.flatMap((item, i) => {133 const results = batch > 1 && Array.isArray(executed[i]) ? executed[i] // batch mode, reconciler is one-to-many134 : batch > 1 ? [executed[i]] // batch mode, reconciler is one-to-one135 : Array.isArray(executed) ? executed // reconciler is one-to-many136 : [executed] // reconciler is one-to-one137 if (join === 'outer' && results.length === 0) return [{ ...item, ...blank }]138 return => {139 const resultRemapped = result140 ? Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(result).map(([column, value]) => [columnMap[column], value]))141 : Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(columnMap).map(([column]) => [column, ''])) // if there is no result (eg. not found)142 return { ...item, ...resultRemapped }143 })144 })145 }146 catch (e) {147 alert(verbose ? e.stack : e.message)148 if (join === 'outer') {149 return => ({ ...item, ...blank }))150 }151 else return []152 }153 })154 return { run, length }155}...
Source: executor.js
1import Process from 'process'2import WorkerThreads from 'worker_threads'3import ObjectHash from 'object-hash'4import FSExtra from 'fs-extra'5async function sourcing() {6 const { method, ...settings } = watch.source // omit method name7 const { default: f } = await import(`./../methods/source-${watch.source.method}.js`)8 const items = await f(settings)9 return => {10 const id = ObjectHash(content)11 return { id, content }12 })13}14async function diffing(items) {15 const key = ObjectHash(watch.source)16 const path = `.newsagent-cache/${key}`17 const hash = ObjectHash(items)18 const hashset = => const cachefileExists = await FSExtra.pathExists(path)20 if (!cachefileExists) {21 await FSExtra.writeJson(path, { hash, hashset, amalgam: items })22 return []23 }24 const cachefile = await FSExtra.readJson(path)25 if (cachefile.hash === hash) return [] // whole-data hash is the same, so we can avoid looking at individual records26 const additions = () => {27 return items.filter(item => !cachefile.hashset.includes( => {28 return { ...item, difference: 'addition' }29 })30 }31 const removals = () => {32 return cachefile.hashset.filter(hash => !hashset.includes(hash)).map(hash => {33 const item = cachefile.amalgam.find(item => === hash)34 return { ...item, difference: 'removal' }35 })36 }37 const changesAdditions = watch.monitor === 'additions-and-removals' || watch.monitor === 'additions-only' ? additions() : []38 const changesRemovals = watch.monitor === 'additions-and-removals' || watch.monitor === 'removals-only' ? removals() : []39 const amalgam = cachefile.amalgam40 .filter(item => !changesRemovals.find(change => === .concat( => ({ id:, content: change.content }))) // so omit difference field42 await FSExtra.writeJson(path, { hash, hashset, amalgam })43 return [...changesAdditions, ...changesRemovals]44}45async function processing(changes) {46 if (!watch.processes) return changes47 return watch.processes.reduce(async (a, process) => {48 const { method, ...settings } = process // omit method name49 const { default: f } = await import(`./../methods/process-${process.method}.js`)50 const all = await Promise.all((await a).map(async change => {51 const contentNew = await f(change.content, change.difference, settings)52 return { ...change, content: contentNew }53 }))54 return all.filter(x => x.content)55 }, changes)56}57async function alerting(results) {58 const firings = alert => {59 const { method, ...settings } = alert // omit method name60 const { default: f } = await import(`./../methods/alert-${alert.method}.js`)61 results.forEach(result => f(, result.content, settings))62 })63 await Promise.all(firings)64}65async function execute() {66 try {67 const items = await sourcing()68 const changes = await diffing(items)69 const processed = await processing(changes)70 await alerting(processed)71 }72 catch (e) {73 if ( === 'ZodError') {74 const error = e.errors[0]75 WorkerThreads.parentPort.postMessage({76 event: 'execution-invalid',77 data: { error: `${error.message}: ${error.path.join('.')} wanted ${error.expected} but got ${error.received}` }78 })79 }80 else {81 WorkerThreads.parentPort.postMessage({82 event: 'execution-failure',83 data: { error: e.message }84 })85 }86 Process.exit(1)87 }88}...
Source: csv-fetch.js
1import FSExtra from 'fs-extra'2import Scramjet from 'scramjet'3import Axios from 'axios'4import AxiosRetry from 'axios-retry'5import AxiosRateLimit from 'axios-rate-limit'6function fetcher(urlColumn, nameColumn, depository, suffix, headers, limit, retries, check, verbose, alert) {7 const timeout = 45 * 10008 const toErrorMessage = e => {9 const locationName = e.config.url10 if (e.response) return `Received code ${e.response.status}: ${locationName}` // response recieved, but non-2xx11 if (e.code === 'ECONNABORTED') return `Timed out after ${timeout / 1000}ms: ${locationName}` // request timed out12 if (e.code) return `Error ${e.code}: ${locationName}` // request failed, with error code13 return e.message // request not made14 }15 const instance = Axios.create({ timeout })16 AxiosRetry(instance, {17 retries,18 shouldResetTimeout: true,19 retryCondition: e => {20 return !e.response || e.response.status >= 500 || e.response.status === 429 // no response, server error, or hit rate limit21 },22 retryDelay: (number, e) => {23 const message = toErrorMessage(e)24 const attempt = number > 0 && number <= retries && retries > 1 ? ' (retrying' + (number > 1 ? `, attempt ${number}` : '') + '...)' : ''25 if (number === 1) alert(`${message}${attempt}`)26 else alert(` â ${message}${attempt}`)27 return 5 * 100028 }29 })30 AxiosRateLimit(instance, {31 maxRequests: limit, // so limit is number of requests per second32 perMilliseconds: 1 * 100033 })34 return async row => {35 const key = row[nameColumn]36 if (!key) {37 alert('Key column is empty!')38 return39 }40 const url = row[urlColumn]41 if (!url) {42 alert('URL column is empty!')43 return44 }45 const filename = key + (suffix || '')46 if (check) {47 const exists = await FSExtra.pathExists(`${depository}/${filename}`)48 if (exists && verbose) {49 alert(`Exists [${filename}]: ${url}`)50 return51 }52 }53 try {54 const headersValues = headers ? Object.fromEntries( => header.split(/: ?/))) : {}55 if (verbose) alert(`Requesting: ${url}` + (headersValues ? ' ' + JSON.stringify(headersValues, null, 2) : ''))56 const response = await instance({57 url,58 headers: headersValues,59 responseType: 'arraybuffer'60 })61 await FSExtra.writeFile(`${depository}/${filename}`, }63 catch (e) {64 alert(toErrorMessage(e))65 }66 }67}68function source(filename) {69 return Scramjet.StringStream.from(FSExtra.createReadStream(filename)).CSVParse({ header: true })70}71function length(filename) {72 return source(filename).reduce(a => a + 1, 0)73}74async function run(filename, urlColumn, nameColumn, depository, suffix, headers, limit, retries, check, verbose, alert) {75 await FSExtra.ensureDir(depository)76 const fetch = fetcher(urlColumn, nameColumn, depository, suffix, headers, limit, retries, check, verbose, alert)77 return source(filename).each(fetch)78}...
Source: cli.js
1import Readline from 'readline'2import FSExtra from 'fs-extra'3import Process from 'process'4import Yargs from 'yargs'5import Progress from 'progress'6import csvFetch from './csv-fetch.js'7function alert(message) {8 Readline.clearLine(process.stderr)9 Readline.cursorTo(process.stderr, 0)10 console.error(message)11}12function ticker(text, total) {13 const progress = new Progress(text + ' |:bar| :percent / :etas left', {14 total,15 width: Infinity,16 complete: 'â',17 incomplete: ' '18 })19 return () => progress.tick()20}21async function setup() {22 const instructions = Yargs(Process.argv.slice(2))23 .usage('Usage: csv-fetch <url-column> <name-column> <depository> <filename>')24 .wrap(null)25 .option('s', { alias: 'suffix', type: 'string', describe: 'A suffix to add to the name of each file, such as an extension' })26 .option('h', { alias: 'header', type: 'string', array: true, nargs: 1, describe: 'Set a header to be sent with the request' })27 .option('l', { alias: 'limit', type: 'number', nargs: 1, describe: 'Limit the number of requests made per second' })28 .option('r', { alias: 'retries', type: 'number', nargs: 1, describe: 'Number of times a request should be retried', default: 5 })29 .option('c', { alias: 'check', type: 'boolean', describe: 'Check whether file has already been downloaded, and skip if so', default: false })30 .option('V', { alias: 'verbose', type: 'boolean', describe: 'Print every request made', default: false })31 .help('?').alias('?', 'help')32 .version().alias('v', 'version')33 if (instructions.argv._.length === 0) instructions.showHelp().exit(0)34 try {35 const {36 _: [urlColumn, nameColumn, depository, filename],37 suffix,38 header: headers,39 limit,40 retries,41 check,42 verbose43 } = instructions.argv44 if (filename === '-') throw new Error('reading from standard input not supported')45 const exists = await FSExtra.pathExists(filename)46 if (!exists) throw new Error(`${filename}: could not find file`)47 if (headers) headers.forEach(header => {48 if (!header.includes(':')) throw new Error(`"${header}" header is not valid`)49 })50 const total = await csvFetch.length(filename)51 console.error('Starting up...')52 const process = await, urlColumn, nameColumn, depository, suffix, headers, limit, retries, check, verbose, alert)53 await process54 .each(ticker('Working...', total))55 .whenEnd()56 console.error('Done!')57 }58 catch (e) {59 console.error(e.message)60 Process.exit(1)61 }62}...
Source: compile.js
1const chalk = require('chalk')2const fsextra = require('fs-extra')3const handlebars = require('handlebars')4const symbols = require('log-symbols')5function compileStr(filePath, answersContent) {6 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {7 fsextra.pathExists(filePath).then(exists => {8 if (exists) {9 const _filePath = filePath10 const _Content = fsextra.readFileSync(_filePath).toString()11 const _Result = handlebars.compile(_Content)(answersContent)12 fsextra.writeFileSync(_filePath, _Result)13 console.log(symbols.success, `${chalk.cyan(filePath)} configured successful.`)14 resolve()15 } else {16 console.log(symbols.error, `${} not found.`)17 return reject()18 }19 }).catch(err => {20 console.log(symbols.error, })22 })23}...
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.Commands.add('pathExists', (path) => {2 return cy.task('pathExists', path)3})4module.exports = (on, config) => {5 on('task', {6 pathExists(path) {7 return fsExtra.pathExists(path)8 }9 })10}11Cypress.Commands.add('pathExists', (path) => {12 return cy.task('pathExists', path)13})14require('./commands')15describe('test', () => {16 it('test', () => {17 cy.pathExists('test')18 })19})20{21}
Using AI Code Generation
1const fsExtra = require('fs-extra');2describe('fsExtra.pathExists', () => {3 it('should return true for existing file', () => {4 fsExtra.pathExists('cypress.json').should('be.true');5 });6 it('should return false for non-existing file', () => {7 fsExtra.pathExists('non-existing-file.json').should('be.false');8 });9});
Using AI Code Generation
1const fsExtra = require('fs-extra');2const path = require('path');3const pathToTest = path.resolve(__dirname, './cypress/integration/MyTest.spec.js');4fsExtra.pathExists(pathToTest).then((exists) => {5 console.log(exists ? 'Path exists' : 'Path does not exist');6});7cy.get('#identifierId').type('
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Cypress fsExtra', function() {2 it('fsExtra.pathExists', function() {3 cy.task('pathExists', 'path/to/file')4 .then((exists) => {5 })6 })7})8const fsExtra = require('fs-extra')9module.exports = (on) => {10 on('task', {11 pathExists(path) {12 return fsExtra.pathExists(path)13 },14 })15}16Cypress.Commands.add('pathExists', function(path) {17 return cy.task('pathExists', path)18})19describe('Cypress fsExtra', function() {20 it('fsExtra.pathExists', function() {21 cy.pathExists('path/to/file')22 .then((exists) => {23 })24 })25})
Using AI Code Generation
1const fsExtra = require('fs-extra');2const path = require('path');3const filePath = path.resolve('cypress', 'fixtures', 'data.json');4fsExtra.pathExists(filePath).then((exists) => {5 if (exists) {6 console.log('File exists');7 } else {8 console.log('File does not exist');9 }10});11describe('My First Test', () => {12 it('Does not do much!', () => {13 cy.contains('type').click();14 cy.url().should('include', '/commands/actions');15 cy.get('.action-email').type('
Cypress does not always executes click on element
How to get current date using cy.clock()
.type() method in cypress when string is empty
Cypress route function not detecting the network request
How to pass files name in array and then iterating for the file upload functionality in cypress
confused with cy.log in cypress
why is drag drop not working as per expectation in
Failing wait for request in Cypress
How to Populate Input Text Field with Javascript
Is there a reliable way to have Cypress exit as soon as a test fails?
2022 here and tested with cypress version: "6.x.x"
until "10.x.x"
You could use { force: true }
cy.get("YOUR_SELECTOR").click({ force: true });
but this might not solve it ! The problem might be more complex, that's why check below
My solution:
In my case, I needed to watch a bit deeper what's going on. I started by pin the click
action like this:
Then watch the console, and you should see something like:
Now click on line Mouse Events
, it should display a table:
So basically, when Cypress executes the click
function, it triggers all those events but somehow my component behave the way that it is detached the moment where click event
is triggered.
So I just simplified the click by doing:
And it worked ????
Hope this will fix your issue or at least help you debug and understand what's wrong.
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Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.
You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.
Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.
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