How to use fs.readJsonAsync method in Cypress

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Source:env.js Github


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...258 ignore = path.join(__dirname, '../git-ignore.json');259 pkg = path.join(__dirname, '../default-package.json');260 libdefaults = path.join(__dirname, '../library-defaults.json');261 steps = [262 fs.readJsonAsync(config).then(function (json) {263 enyo.system.config = json;264 }),265 fs.readJsonAsync(defaults).then(function (json) {266 enyo.system.defaults = json;267 }),268 fs.readJsonAsync(knowns).then(function (json) {269 enyo.system.knowns = json;270 }),271 fs.readJsonAsync(ignore).then(function (json) {272 enyo.system.gitignore = json;273 }),274 fs.readJsonAsync(pkg).then(function (json) {275 enyo.system.package = enyo.package.defaults = json;276 }),277 fs.readJsonAsync(libdefaults).then(function (json) {278 enyo.system.library = json;279 })280 ];281 return Promise.all(steps);282};283proto.validateEnvironment = function () {284 var enyo, steps;285 enyo = this;286 steps = [287 fs.statAsync(o_config).then(function (stat) {288 if (stat.isFile()) cli('\nYou have a configuration file %s that is no longer used and ' +289 'can safely be removed.\nEnsure you copy any customizations to your configuration ' +290 'file %s where applicable.\n', o_config, u_config);291 }),292 fs.statAsync(o_dir).then(function (stat) {293 if (stat.isDirectory()) {294 cli('\nRemoving an unused, deprecated directory %s. This should only happen once.\n', o_dir);295 return fs.remove(o_dir).catch(function (e) {296 cli('There was an issue removing %s, please remove this directory.\n', o_dir);297 });298 }299 })300 ];301 // we expect to receive errors, in this case, that means they do not exist which is a302 // good thing303 return Promise.all(steps).catch(function (e) {});304};305proto.ensureUserConfig = function () {306 var enyo, steps;307 enyo = this;308 steps = [309 fs.ensureDirAsync(u_dir).then(function () {310 return enyo.loadUserConfig().then(function () {311 if (!enyo.user.hadConfig) {312 enyo.user.json = clone(enyo.system.config, true);313 return enyo.user.commit();314 }315 }).then(function () {316 if (!enyo.user.hadDefaults) {317 enyo.user.defaults = clone(enyo.system.defaults, true);318 return enyo.user.commit(true);319 }320 });321 }),322 fs.ensureDirAsync(u_links),323 fs.statAsync(u_projects).then(function (stat) {324 if (stat.isDirectory()) {325 // older system, need to upgrade (this was never used but created in previous326 // versions of the tools327 return fs.removeAsync(u_projects);328 }329 }, function () {}).then(function () {330 return fs.ensureFileAsync(u_projects);331 })332 ];333 return Promise.all(steps);334};335proto.loadUserConfig = function () {336 var enyo, steps;337 enyo = this;338 steps = [339 fs.readJsonAsync(u_config).then(function (json) {340 enyo.user.json = json;341 enyo.user.hadConfig = true;342 }, function () {}),343 fs.readJsonAsync(u_defaults).then(function (json) {344 enyo.user.defaults = json;345 enyo.user.hadDefaults = true;346 }, function () {}),347 fs.readJsonAsync(u_projects).then(function (json) {348 enyo.projects.json = json;349 }, function () {350 enyo.projects.json = {};351 })352 ];353 return Promise.all(steps);354};355proto.loadLocals = function () {356 var enyo, opts, config, p_file, ignore, steps;357 enyo = this;358 opts = this.options;359 p_file = this.package.file = path.resolve(this.cwd, 'package.json');360 config = this.config.file = path.resolve(this.cwd, opts.configFile || '.enyoconfig');361 ignore = this.gitignore.file = path.resolve(this.cwd, '.gitignore');362 return fs.ensureDirAsync(this.cwd).then(function () {363 steps = [364 fs.readJsonAsync(p_file).then(function (json) {365 enyo.package.json = json;366 }, function () {}),367 fs.readJsonAsync(config).then(function (json) {368 enyo.config.json = json;369 return enyo.validateLocalConfig();370 }, function () {371 return fs.statAsync(config).then(function (stat) {372 if (stat.isFile()) {373 // then it failed to read/parse the JSON so we should let them know374 cli(('Unable to parse the configuration file %s, please check it for errors ' +375 'before proceeding.'), path.relative(enyo.cwd, config));376 process.exit(-1);377 } else {378 cli('The provided configuration file %s is not actually a file.', path.relative(enyo.cwd, config));379 process.exit(-1);380 }381 }, function () {});...

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Source:settings.js Github


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...75 return options.configFile === false ? false : (options.configFile || 'cypress.json')76 },77 id (projectRoot, options = {}) {78 const file = this.pathToConfigFile(projectRoot, options)79 return fs.readJsonAsync(file)80 .get('projectId')81 .catch(() => {82 return null83 })84 },85 exists (projectRoot, options = {}) {86 const file = this.pathToConfigFile(projectRoot, options)87 // first check if cypress.json exists88 return maybeVerifyConfigFile(file)89 .then(() => {90 // if it does also check that the projectRoot91 // directory is writable92 return fs.accessAsync(projectRoot, fs.W_OK)93 }).catch({ code: 'ENOENT' }, () => {94 // cypress.json does not exist, we missing project95 log('cannot find file %s', file)96 return this._err('CONFIG_FILE_NOT_FOUND', this.configFile(options), projectRoot)97 }).catch({ code: 'EACCES' }, () => {98 // we cannot write due to folder permissions99 return errors.warning('FOLDER_NOT_WRITABLE', projectRoot)100 }).catch((err) => {101 if (errors.isCypressErr(err)) {102 throw err103 }104 return this._logReadErr(file, err)105 })106 },107 read (projectRoot, options = {}) {108 if (options.configFile === false) {109 return Promise.resolve({})110 }111 const file = this.pathToConfigFile(projectRoot, options)112 return fs.readJsonAsync(file)113 .catch({ code: 'ENOENT' }, () => {114 return this._write(file, {})115 }).then((json = {}) => {116 const changed = this._applyRewriteRules(json)117 // if our object is unchanged118 // then just return it119 if (_.isEqual(json, changed)) {120 return json121 }122 // else write the new reduced obj123 return this._write(file, changed)124 }).catch((err) => {125 if (errors.isCypressErr(err)) {126 throw err127 }128 return this._logReadErr(file, err)129 })130 },131 readEnv (projectRoot) {132 const file = this.pathToCypressEnvJson(projectRoot)133 return fs.readJsonAsync(file)134 .catch({ code: 'ENOENT' }, () => {135 return {}136 })137 .catch((err) => {138 if (errors.isCypressErr(err)) {139 throw err140 }141 return this._logReadErr(file, err)142 })143 },144 write (projectRoot, obj = {}, options = {}) {145 if (options.configFile === false) {146 return Promise.resolve({})147 }...

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Source:config.js Github


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...27 return o;28 });29};30exports.getBb = function () {31 return fs.readJsonAsync('bb.json')32 .catch(function () {33 return {};34 });35};36exports.getBower = function () {37 return fs.readJsonAsync('bower.json')38 .then(function (r) {39 if (typeof r.main === 'string') r.main = [r.main];40 return r;41 })42 .catch(function () {43 return {};44 });45};46exports.getBowerRc = function () {47 return fs.readJsonAsync('.bowerrc')48 .catch(function () {49 return {};50 });51};52exports.getBbRc = function (cliConfig) {53 var profile = cliConfig && cliConfig.profile || process.env.BBPROFILE;54 iniDir = process.cwd();55 return getNested('.bbrc', [], 100)56 .then(function(r) {57 if (profile && r.profiles && r.profiles[profile]) {58 // if profile exist, extend bbrc with profile properties59 _.merge(r, r.profiles[profile]);60 }61 if (r.path) r.path = exports.absolutizePath(r.path);62 return r;63 })64 .catch(function() {65 return {};66 });67};68exports.absolutizePath = function (pth) {69 if (pth.substr(0, 1) === '~') pth = path.join(HOME, pth.substr(1));70 else if (!path.isAbsolute(pth)) {71 pth = path.join(process.cwd(), pth);72 }73 return path.normalize(pth);74};75exports.getCommon = function (cliConfig) {76 return exports.get(cliConfig)77 .then(function (config) {78 var restConfig = {};79 // merge .bbrc properties80 var cnames = ['scheme', 'host', 'port', 'context', 'username', 'password',81 'portal', 'verbose', 'authPath'];82 _.merge(restConfig, _.pick(config.bbrc, cnames));83 _.merge(restConfig, _.pick(config.cli, cnames));84 restConfig.plugin = bbrestNodePlugin;85 bbrest = BBRest(restConfig);86 var mwareOption = config.cli.middleware && config.cli.middleware.split(',');87 var mwares =, function(mwareName) {88 var mname = _.trim(mwareName);89 if (mname === 'default') return bbrest.config.middleware[0];90 var mwareFile = path.resolve(mname + '.js');91 try {92 return require(mwareFile);93 } catch (err) {94 throw new Error('Error ') + 'Cannot find middleware module \'' + mwareFile + '\'');95 }96 });97 if (mwares.length) bbrest.config.middleware = mwares;98 return bbrest.server().query({ps: 0}).get()99 .then(function() {100 return {101 config: config,102 bbrest: bbrest,103 jxon: jxon104 };105 });106 })107 .catch(function(err) {108 if (err.statusInfo && err.statusInfo.indexOf('ECONNREFUSED') !== -1) {109 throw new Error('Error') + ' Connection refused. Check if CXP Portal is running.');110 }111 throw(err);112 });113};114function getNested(name, a, depth) {115 a = a || [];116 return fs.readJsonAsync(name)117 .then(function (r) {118 a.push(r);119 return onRead(name, a, depth);120 })121 .catch(function (e) {122 // if no file, proceed123 if (e.code !== 'ENOENT') console.log('Error parsing file:'), process.cwd() + '/' + name, e);124 return onRead(name, a, depth);125 });126}127function onRead(name, a, depth) {128 if (process.cwd() !== '/' && (depth !== undefined && depth > 0)) {129 process.chdir('..');130 if (depth !== undefined) depth--;...

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Source:fuse_tasks.js Github


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...68 */69 () => {70' └── ') +'Copying i18n client files...'))71 return fs.ensureDirAsync('./assets/js/i18n').then(() => {72 return fs.readJsonAsync('./server/locales/en/browser.json').then(enContent => {73 return fs.readdirAsync('./server/locales').then(langs => {74 return, lang => {75' ' + lang + '.json'))76 let outputPath = path.join('./assets/js/i18n', lang + '.json')77 return fs.readJsonAsync(path.join('./server/locales', lang, 'browser.json'), 'utf8').then((content) => {78 return fs.outputJsonAsync(outputPath, _.defaultsDeep(content, enContent))79 }).catch(err => { // eslint-disable-line handle-callback-err80 return fs.outputJsonAsync(outputPath, enContent)81 })82 })83 })84 })85 })86 },87 /**88 * Delete Fusebox cache89 */90 () => {91' └── ') +'Clearing fuse-box cache...'))...

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Source:syncSettings.js Github


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...20 .then((obj) => !_isEmpty(obj) ? obj : false)21 .catchReturn(false)22}23const loadConfigFromFile = () => {24 return fs.pathExistsAsync(configPath).then((exists) => exists ? fs.readJsonAsync(configPath) : false)25}26const loadDefaultConfig = () => {27 return fs.pathExistsAsync(configDefaultPath).then((exists) => exists ? fs.readJsonAsync(configDefaultPath) : false)28}29const writeConfig = (loadedConfig) => {30 return fs.writeJsonAsync(configPath, loadedConfig).then((err) => {31 if(err) return console.error(err)32 return loadedConfig33 })34}35const syncSettings = (loadedConfig) => {36 console.log('sync settings')37 return getSettingsClient()38 .setConfigAsync(JSON.stringify(loadedConfig))39 .then((savedConfig, syncTime) => {40 console.log('set new sync time', syncTime)41 lastSync = syncTime...

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Source:add_config_test.js Github


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...18 })19 it('be able to add test variable', function () {20 return enduro_configurator.set_config({ test_property: 'test_value' })21 .then(() => {22 return fs.readJsonAsync(path.join(enduro.project_path, 'enduro.json'))23 })24 .then((public_config) => {25 expect(public_config)'test_property')26 expect(public_config['test_property']).to.equal('test_value')27 })28 })29 it('be able to add secret test variable', function () {30 return enduro_configurator.set_config({ secret: { test_property: 'test_value' } })31 .then(() => {32 return Promise.all([33 fs.readJsonAsync(path.join(enduro.project_path, 'enduro.json')),34 fs.readJsonAsync(path.join(enduro.project_path, 'enduro_secret.json'))35 ])36 })37 .spread((public_config, secret_config) => {38 expect(public_config)'secret')39 expect(secret_config.secret)'test_property')40 expect(secret_config.secret['test_property']).to.equal('test_value')41 })42 })43 it('be able to add both public and secret test variable', function () {44 return enduro_configurator.set_config({ test_property_2: 'test_value2', secret: { secret_test_property2: 'secret_value2' } })45 .then(() => {46 return Promise.all([47 fs.readJsonAsync(path.join(enduro.project_path, 'enduro.json')),48 fs.readJsonAsync(path.join(enduro.project_path, 'enduro_secret.json'))49 ])50 })51 .spread((public_config, secret_config) => {52 expect(public_config)'test_property_2')53 expect(public_config['test_property_2']).to.equal('test_value2')54 expect(secret_config.secret)'secret_test_property2')55 expect(secret_config.secret['secret_test_property2']).to.equal('secret_value2')56 })57 })58 after(function () {59 return test_utilities.after()60 })...

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Source:user.js Github


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...31function getCredential(org) {32 var cp = paths.dir.auth + '/' + org + '.json';33 return fs.existsAsync(cp).then(function(exists) {34 if(!exists) return Promise.reject('Credential does not exist: ' + org);35 return fs.readJsonAsync(paths.dir.auth + '/' + org + '.json');36 });37}38function saveCredential(org, data) {39 = org;40 return fs.outputJsonAsync(paths.dir.auth + '/' + org + '.json', data);41}42function deleteCredential(org) {43 return hasCredential(org).then(function(doesExist) {44 if(doesExist) {45 return fs.unlinkAsync(paths.dir.auth + '/' + org + '.json');46 }47 });48}49function listCredentials() {50 return fs.readdirAsync(paths.dir.auth).then(function(orgs) {51 var promises = _(orgs)52 .map(function(orgFileName) {53 if(/\.json/.test(orgFileName)) {54 return fs.readJsonAsync(paths.dir.auth + '/' + orgFileName).then(function(org) {55 if(! {56 = orgFileName.replace('.json', '');57 }58 return org;59 });60 }61 })62 .compact()63 .value();64 return Promise.all(promises);65 });66}67/* exports */68module.exports.bootstrap = bootstrap;...

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Source:version.js Github


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...40 */41const postversion = opt => {42 return Promise.all([43 exec('git', ['push', '--follow-tags']),44 fs.readJsonAsync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'package.json')),45 repositoryURL(),46 ]).then(results => {47 if (opt.options['without-changelog']) {48 return49 }50 const changelogURL = results[2]51 .replace(52 /^(git\+https?|git\+ssh):\/\/(.*@)?(.+?)(\.git\/?)?$/,53 'https://$3'54 )55 .concat(`/releases/tag/v${results[1].version}`)56 // GitHub needs some time to publish our commit57 console.log('Waiting for GitHub...')58 return new Promise(resolve => {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('My Test Suite', () => {2 it('My Test Case', () => {3 cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/abc.json').then((json) => {4 })5 })6})7Cypress.Commands.add('readFile', (fileName) => {8 .task('readFileMaybe', fileName)9 .then(JSON.parse)10 .then((json) => {11 })12})13const fs = require('fs-extra')14const path = require('path')15const os = require('os')16module.exports = (on, config) => {17 on('task', {18 readFileMaybe (fileName) {19 return fs.readFile(path.join(os.homedir(), fileName), 'utf8')20 },21 })22}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then(function(fileContent) {2})3cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then((fileContent) => {4})5cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then(fileContent => {6})7cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then((fileContent) => {8})9cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then(fileContent => {10})11cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then((fileContent) => {12})13cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then(fileContent => {14})15cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then((fileContent) => {16})17cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then(fileContent => {18})19cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then((fileContent) => {20})21cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then(fileContent => {22})23cy.readFile('cypress/fixtures/test.json').then((fileContent) => {24})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { readJsonAsync } = require('fs-extra')2describe('my test', () => {3 it('does something', () => {4 const json = await readJsonAsync('cypress/fixtures/data.json')5 cy.log(json)6 })7})

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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