Best JavaScript code snippet using cypress
Source: server.js
...169 return this._getRemoteState()170 }171 this.createNetworkProxy(config, getRemoteState)172 if (config.experimentalSourceRewriting) {173 createInitialWorkers()174 }175 this.createHosts(config.hosts)176 this.createRoutes({177 app,178 config,179 getRemoteState,180 networkProxy: this._networkProxy,181 onError,182 project,183 })184 return this.createServer(app, config, project, this._request, onWarning)185 })186 }187 createNetworkProxy (config, getRemoteState) {...
Source: server-base.js
1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });3exports.ServerBase = void 0;4const tslib_1 = require("tslib");5require("./cwd");6const bluebird_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("bluebird"));7const compression_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("compression"));8const debug_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("debug"));9const evil_dns_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("evil-dns"));10const express_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("express"));11const http_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("http"));12const http_proxy_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("http-proxy"));13const lodash_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("lodash"));14const url_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("url"));15const lazy_ass_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("lazy-ass"));16const net_stubbing_1 = require("../../net-stubbing");17const network_1 = require("../../network");18const proxy_1 = require("../../proxy");19const errors_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./errors"));20const logger_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./logger"));21const request_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./request"));22const template_engine_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./template_engine"));23const class_helpers_1 = require("./util/class-helpers");24const origin_1 = (0, tslib_1.__importDefault)(require("./util/origin"));25const server_destroy_1 = require("./util/server_destroy");26const socket_allowed_1 = require("./util/socket_allowed");27const rewriter_1 = require("../../rewriter");28const routes_1 = require("./routes");29const routes_e2e_1 = require("./routes-e2e");30const routes_ct_1 = require("./routes-ct");31const ALLOWED_PROXY_BYPASS_URLS = [32 '/',33 '/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.css',34 '/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js',35 '/__cypress/runner/favicon.ico',36];37const DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME = 'localhost';38const fullyQualifiedRe = /^https?:\/\//;39const debug = (0, debug_1.default)('cypress:server:server-base');40const _isNonProxiedRequest = (req) => {41 // proxied HTTP requests have a URL like: ""42 // non-proxied HTTP requests have a URL like: "/foo"43 return req.proxiedUrl.startsWith('/');44};45const _forceProxyMiddleware = function (clientRoute) {46 // normalize clientRoute to help with comparison47 const trimmedClientRoute = lodash_1.default.trimEnd(clientRoute, '/');48 return function (req, res, next) {49 const trimmedUrl = lodash_1.default.trimEnd(req.proxiedUrl, '/');50 if (_isNonProxiedRequest(req) && !ALLOWED_PROXY_BYPASS_URLS.includes(trimmedUrl) && (trimmedUrl !== trimmedClientRoute)) {51 // this request is non-proxied and non-allowed, redirect to the runner error page52 return res.redirect(clientRoute);53 }54 return next();55 };56};57const setProxiedUrl = function (req) {58 // proxiedUrl is the full URL with scheme, host, and port59 // it will only be fully-qualified if the request was proxied.60 // this function will set the URL of the request to be the path61 // only, which can then be used to proxy the request.62 // bail if we've already proxied the url63 if (req.proxiedUrl) {64 return;65 }66 // backup the original proxied url67 // and slice out the host/origin68 // and only leave the path which is69 // how browsers would normally send70 // use their url71 req.proxiedUrl = network_1.uri.removeDefaultPort(req.url).format();72 req.url = network_1.uri.getPath(req.url);73};74const notSSE = (req, res) => {75 return (req.headers.accept !== 'text/event-stream') && compression_1.default.filter(req, res);76};77class ServerBase {78 constructor() {79 this.ensureProp = class_helpers_1.ensureProp;80 this.isListening = false;81 // @ts-ignore82 this.request = (0, request_1.default)();83 this.socketAllowed = new socket_allowed_1.SocketAllowed();84 this._middleware = null;85 this._baseUrl = null;86 this._fileServer = null;87 }88 get server() {89 return this.ensureProp(this._server, 'open');90 }91 get socket() {92 return this.ensureProp(this._socket, 'open');93 }94 get nodeProxy() {95 return this.ensureProp(this._nodeProxy, 'open');96 }97 get networkProxy() {98 return this.ensureProp(this._networkProxy, 'open');99 }100 get netStubbingState() {101 return this.ensureProp(this._netStubbingState, 'open');102 }103 get httpsProxy() {104 return this.ensureProp(this._httpsProxy, 'open');105 }106 open(config, { getSpec, getCurrentBrowser, onError, onWarning, shouldCorrelatePreRequests, specsStore, testingType, SocketCtor, exit, }) {107 debug('server open');108 (0, lazy_ass_1.default)(lodash_1.default.isPlainObject(config), 'expected plain config object', config);109 return bluebird_1.default.try(() => {110 if (!config.baseUrl && testingType === 'component') {111 throw new Error('ServerCt#open called without config.baseUrl.');112 }113 const app = this.createExpressApp(config);114 logger_1.default.setSettings(config);115 this._nodeProxy = http_proxy_1.default.createProxyServer({116 target: config.baseUrl && testingType === 'component' ? config.baseUrl : undefined,117 });118 this._socket = new SocketCtor(config);119 network_1.clientCertificates.loadClientCertificateConfig(config);120 const getRemoteState = () => {121 return this._getRemoteState();122 };123 this.createNetworkProxy(config, getRemoteState, shouldCorrelatePreRequests);124 if (config.experimentalSourceRewriting) {125 (0, rewriter_1.createInitialWorkers)();126 }127 this.createHosts(config.hosts);128 const routeOptions = {129 config,130 specsStore,131 getRemoteState,132 nodeProxy: this.nodeProxy,133 networkProxy: this._networkProxy,134 onError,135 getSpec,136 getCurrentBrowser,137 testingType,138 exit,139 };140 const runnerSpecificRouter = testingType === 'e2e'141 ? (0, routes_e2e_1.createRoutesE2E)(routeOptions)142 : (0, routes_ct_1.createRoutesCT)(routeOptions);143 app.use(runnerSpecificRouter);144 app.use((0, routes_1.createCommonRoutes)(routeOptions));145 return this.createServer(app, config, onWarning);146 });147 }148 createExpressApp(config) {149 const { morgan, clientRoute } = config;150 const app = (0, express_1.default)();151 // set the cypress config from the cypress.json file152 app.set('view engine', 'html');153 // since we use absolute paths, configure express-handlebars to not automatically find layouts154 // app.engine('html', template_engine_1.default.render);156 // handle the proxied url in case157 // we have not yet started our websocket server158 app.use((req, res, next) => {159 setProxiedUrl(req);160 // useful for tests161 if (this._middleware) {162 this._middleware(req, res);163 }164 // always continue on165 return next();166 });167 app.use(_forceProxyMiddleware(clientRoute));168 app.use(require('cookie-parser')());169 app.use((0, compression_1.default)({ filter: notSSE }));170 if (morgan) {171 app.use(require('morgan')('dev'));172 }173 // errorhandler174 app.use(require('errorhandler')());175 // remove the express powered-by header176 app.disable('x-powered-by');177 return app;178 }179 getHttpServer() {180 return this._server;181 }182 portInUseErr(port) {183 const e = errors_1.default.get('PORT_IN_USE_SHORT', port);184 e.port = port;185 e.portInUse = true;186 return e;187 }188 createNetworkProxy(config, getRemoteState, shouldCorrelatePreRequests) {189 const getFileServerToken = () => {190 return this._fileServer.token;191 };192 this._netStubbingState = (0, net_stubbing_1.netStubbingState)();193 // @ts-ignore194 this._networkProxy = new proxy_1.NetworkProxy({195 config,196 shouldCorrelatePreRequests,197 getRemoteState,198 getFileServerToken,199 socket: this.socket,200 netStubbingState: this.netStubbingState,201 request: this.request,202 });203 }204 startWebsockets(automation, config, options = {}) {205 var _a;206 options.onRequest = this._onRequest.bind(this);207 options.netStubbingState = this.netStubbingState;208 options.getRenderedHTMLOrigins = (_a = this._networkProxy) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.http.getRenderedHTMLOrigins;209 options.onResetServerState = () => {210 this.networkProxy.reset();211 this.netStubbingState.reset();212 };213 const io = this.socket.startListening(this.server, automation, config, options);214 this._normalizeReqUrl(this.server);215 return io;216 }217 createHosts(hosts = []) {218 return lodash_1.default.each(hosts, (ip, host) => {219 return evil_dns_1.default.add(host, ip);220 });221 }222 addBrowserPreRequest(browserPreRequest) {223 this.networkProxy.addPendingBrowserPreRequest(browserPreRequest);224 }225 emitRequestEvent(eventName, data) {226 this.socket.toDriver('request:event', eventName, data);227 }228 _createHttpServer(app) {229 const svr = http_1.default.createServer(network_1.httpUtils.lenientOptions, app);230 (0, server_destroy_1.allowDestroy)(svr);231 // @ts-ignore232 return svr;233 }234 _port() {235 return this.server.address().port;236 }237 _listen(port, onError) {238 return new bluebird_1.default((resolve) => {239 const listener = () => {240 const address = this.server.address();241 this.isListening = true;242 debug('Server listening on ', address);243 this.server.removeListener('error', onError);244 return resolve(address.port);245 };246 return this.server.listen(port || 0, '', listener);247 });248 }249 _onRequest(headers, automationRequest, options) {250 // @ts-ignore251 return this.request.sendPromise(headers, automationRequest, options);252 }253 _callRequestListeners(server, listeners, req, res) {254 return => {255 return, req, res);256 });257 }258 _normalizeReqUrl(server) {259 // because removes all of our request260 // events, it forces the traffic to be261 // handled first.262 // however we need to basically do the same thing263 // it does and after we call into go264 // through and remove all request listeners265 // and change the req.url by slicing out the host266 // because the browser is in proxy mode267 const listeners = server.listeners('request').slice(0);268 server.removeAllListeners('request');269 server.on('request', (req, res) => {270 setProxiedUrl(req);271 this._callRequestListeners(server, listeners, req, res);272 });273 }274 _getRemoteState() {275 // {276 // origin: "http://localhost:2020"277 // fileServer:278 // strategy: "file"279 // domainName: "localhost"280 // props: null281 // }282 // {283 // origin: ""284 // strategy: "http"285 // domainName: ""286 // props: {287 // port: 443288 // tld: "com"289 // domain: "google"290 // }291 // }292 const props = lodash_1.default.extend({}, {293 auth: this._remoteAuth,294 props: this._remoteProps,295 origin: this._remoteOrigin,296 strategy: this._remoteStrategy,297 visiting: this._remoteVisitingUrl,298 domainName: this._remoteDomainName,299 fileServer: this._remoteFileServer,300 });301 debug('Getting remote state: %o', props);302 return props;303 }304 _onDomainSet(fullyQualifiedUrl, options = {}) {305 const l = (type, val) => {306 return debug('Setting', type, val);307 };308 this._remoteAuth = options.auth;309 l('remoteAuth', this._remoteAuth);310 // if this isn't a fully qualified url311 // or if this came to us as <root> in our tests312 // then we know to go back to our default domain313 // which is the localhost server314 if ((fullyQualifiedUrl === '<root>') || !fullyQualifiedRe.test(fullyQualifiedUrl)) {315 this._remoteOrigin = `http://${DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME}:${this._port()}`;316 this._remoteStrategy = 'file';317 this._remoteFileServer = `http://${DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME}:${(this._fileServer != null ? this._fileServer.port() : undefined)}`;318 this._remoteDomainName = DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME;319 this._remoteProps = null;320 l('remoteOrigin', this._remoteOrigin);321 l('remoteStrategy', this._remoteStrategy);322 l('remoteHostAndPort', this._remoteProps);323 l('remoteDocDomain', this._remoteDomainName);324 l('remoteFileServer', this._remoteFileServer);325 }326 else {327 this._remoteOrigin = (0, origin_1.default)(fullyQualifiedUrl);328 this._remoteStrategy = 'http';329 this._remoteFileServer = null;330 // set an object with port, tld, and domain properties331 // as the remoteHostAndPort332 this._remoteProps = network_1.cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(this._remoteOrigin);333 // @ts-ignore334 this._remoteDomainName = lodash_1.default.compact([this._remoteProps.domain, this._remoteProps.tld]).join('.');335 l('remoteOrigin', this._remoteOrigin);336 l('remoteHostAndPort', this._remoteProps);337 l('remoteDocDomain', this._remoteDomainName);338 }339 return this._getRemoteState();340 }341 proxyWebsockets(proxy, socketIoRoute, req, socket, head) {342 // bail if this is our own namespaced request343 if (req.url.startsWith(socketIoRoute)) {344 if (!this.socketAllowed.isRequestAllowed(req)) {345 socket.write('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\nRequest not made via a Cypress-launched browser.');346 socket.end();347 }348 // we can return here either way, if the socket is still valid will hook it up349 return;350 }351 const host =;352 if (host) {353 // get the protocol using req.connection.encrypted354 // get the port & hostname from host header355 const fullUrl = `${req.connection.encrypted ? 'https' : 'http'}://${host}`;356 const { hostname, protocol } = url_1.default.parse(fullUrl);357 const { port } = network_1.cors.parseUrlIntoDomainTldPort(fullUrl);358 const onProxyErr = (err, req, res) => {359 return debug('Got ERROR proxying websocket connection', { err, port, protocol, hostname, req });360 };361 return, socket, head, {362 secure: false,363 target: {364 host: hostname,365 port,366 protocol,367 },368 agent: network_1.agent,369 }, onProxyErr);370 }371 // we can't do anything with this socket372 // since we don't know how to proxy it!373 if (socket.writable) {374 return socket.end();375 }376 }377 reset() {378 var _a, _b;379 (_a = this._networkProxy) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.reset();380 const baseUrl = (_b = this._baseUrl) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : '<root>';381 return this._onDomainSet(baseUrl);382 }383 _close() {384 // bail early we dont have a server or we're not385 // currently listening386 if (!this._server || !this.isListening) {387 return bluebird_1.default.resolve(true);388 }389 this.reset();390 logger_1.default.unsetSettings();391 evil_dns_1.default.clear();392 return this._server.destroyAsync()393 .then(() => {394 this.isListening = false;395 });396 }397 close() {398 var _a, _b, _c;399 return bluebird_1.default.all([400 this._close(),401 (_a = this._socket) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.close(),402 (_b = this._fileServer) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.close(),403 (_c = this._httpsProxy) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.close(),404 ])405 .then((res) => {406 this._middleware = null;407 return res;408 });409 }410 end() {411 return this._socket && this._socket.end();412 }413 changeToUrl(url) {414 return this._socket && this._socket.changeToUrl(url);415 }416 onRequest(fn) {417 this._middleware = fn;418 }419 onNextRequest(fn) {420 return this.onRequest((...args) => {421 fn.apply(this, args);422 this._middleware = null;423 });424 }425 onUpgrade(req, socket, head, socketIoRoute) {426 debug('Got UPGRADE request from %s', req.url);427 return this.proxyWebsockets(this.nodeProxy, socketIoRoute, req, socket, head);428 }429 callListeners(req, res) {430 const listeners = this.server.listeners('request').slice(0);431 return this._callRequestListeners(this.server, listeners, req, res);432 }433 onSniUpgrade(req, socket, head) {434 const upgrades = this.server.listeners('upgrade').slice(0);435 return => {436 return, req, socket, head);437 });438 }439 onConnect(req, socket, head) {440 debug('Got CONNECT request from %s', req.url);441 socket.once('upstream-connected', this.socketAllowed.add);442 return this.httpsProxy.connect(req, socket, head);443 }444 sendSpecList(specs, testingType) {445 return this.socket.sendSpecList(specs, testingType);446 }447}...
Source: index.js
1"use strict";2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });3exports.terminateAllWorkers = exports.createInitialWorkers = exports.DeferredSourceMapCache = exports.rewriteHtmlJsAsync = exports.rewriteJsAsync = exports.HtmlJsRewriter = void 0;4var html_1 = require("./html");5Object.defineProperty(exports, "HtmlJsRewriter", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return html_1.HtmlJsRewriter; } });6var async_rewriters_1 = require("./async-rewriters");7Object.defineProperty(exports, "rewriteJsAsync", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return async_rewriters_1.rewriteJsAsync; } });8Object.defineProperty(exports, "rewriteHtmlJsAsync", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return async_rewriters_1.rewriteHtmlJsAsync; } });9var deferred_source_map_cache_1 = require("./deferred-source-map-cache");10Object.defineProperty(exports, "DeferredSourceMapCache", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return deferred_source_map_cache_1.DeferredSourceMapCache; } });11var threads_1 = require("./threads");12Object.defineProperty(exports, "createInitialWorkers", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return threads_1.createInitialWorkers; } });...
Using AI Code Generation
1const worker ='worker.js')[0];2let response;3worker.postMessage('fetch');4worker.onmessage = function (e) {5 response =;6};7self.onmessage = function (e) {8 if ( === 'fetch') {9 response.json().then((data) => {10 self.postMessage(data);11 })12 );13 }14};15cy.createWorker(workerOptions?: WorkerOptions): Worker16let response;17cy.createWorker().then((worker) => {18 worker.postMessage('fetch');19 worker.onmessage = function (e) {20 response =;21 };22});23self.onmessage = function (e) {24 if ( === 'fetch') {25 response.json().then((data) => {26 self.postMessage(data);27 })28 );29 }30};31cy.createInitialWorkers(workerUrl: string, workerOptions?: WorkerOptions): Worker[]
Using AI Code Generation
1const worker ='worker.js')[0];2let response;3worker.postMessage('fetch');4worker.onmessage = function (e) {5 response =;6};7self.onmessage = function (e) {8 if ( === 'fetch') {9 response.json().then((data) => {10 self.postMessage(data);11 })12 );13 }14};15cy.createWorker(workerOptions?: WorkerOptions): Worker16let response;17cy.createWorker().then((worker) => {18 worker.postMessage('fetch');19 worker.onmessage = function (e) {20 response =;21 };22});23self.onmessage = function (e) {24 if ( === 'fetch') {25 response.json().then((data) => {26 self.postMessage(data);27 })28 );29 }30};31cy.createInitialWorkers(workerUrl: string, workerOptions?: WorkerOptions): Worker[]32| `workerUrl` |Workers(1)
Using AI Code Generation
1const worker ='worker.js')[0];2let response;3worker.postMessage('fetch');4worker.onmessage = function (e) {5 response =;6};7self.onmessage = function (e) {8 if ( === 'fetch') {9 response.json().then((data) => {10 self.postMessage(data);11 })12 );13 }14};15cy.createWorker(workerOptions?: WorkerOptions): Worker16let response;17cy.createWorker().then((worker) => {18 worker.postMessage('fetch');19 worker.onmessage = function (e) {20 response =;21 };22});23self.onmessage = function (e) {24 if ( === 'fetch') {25 response.json().then((data) => {26 self.postMessage(data);27 })28 );29 }30};31cy.createInitialWorkers(workerUrl: string, workerOptions?: WorkerOptions): Worker[]
Cypress does not always executes click on element
How to get current date using cy.clock()
.type() method in cypress when string is empty
Cypress route function not detecting the network request
How to pass files name in array and then iterating for the file upload functionality in cypress
confused with cy.log in cypress
why is drag drop not working as per expectation in
Failing wait for request in Cypress
How to Populate Input Text Field with Javascript
Is there a reliable way to have Cypress exit as soon as a test fails?
2022 here and tested with cypress version: "6.x.x"
until "10.x.x"
You could use { force: true }
cy.get("YOUR_SELECTOR").click({ force: true });
but this might not solve it ! The problem might be more complex, that's why check below
My solution:
In my case, I needed to watch a bit deeper what's going on. I started by pin the click
action like this:
Then watch the console, and you should see something like:
Now click on line Mouse Events
, it should display a table:
So basically, when Cypress executes the click
function, it triggers all those events but somehow my component behave the way that it is detached the moment where click event
is triggered.
So I just simplified the click by doing:
And it worked ????
Hope this will fix your issue or at least help you debug and understand what's wrong.
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Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.
You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.
Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.
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