Best JavaScript code snippet using cypress
Source: errors.js
...132 .then((platform) => merge(info, { platform }))133}134function formErrorText (info, msg) {135 const hr = '----------'136 return addPlatformInformation(info)137 .then((obj) => {138 const formatted = []139 function add (msg) {140 formatted.push(141 stripIndents`${msg}`142 )143 }144 add(`145 ${obj.description}146 ${obj.solution}147 `)148 if (msg) {149 add(`150 ${hr}...
Source: platform-info.js
1$(function () {2 getPlatformInformations();3 //on click btn, open add modal4 $("#add-platform-info").click(function () {5 addPlatformOpenModal();6 })7 8 //open modal for platform delete9 $(document).on('click', '.open-modal-delete-platform', function (e) {10 var $row = $(this).closest('tr');11 var index = $row.index();12 var platformId = $row.find('td:eq(0)').text();13 var platformName = $row.find('td:eq(1)').text();14 deletePlatformOpenModal(index, platformId, platformName);15 })16 //confirm delete platform17 $("#confirm-delete-platform-btn").click(function () {18 confirmDelete();19 })20 //confirm add platform21 $("#confirm-add-platform-btn").click(function () {22 confirmAdd();23 })24 25})26/*-------------------------------------METHODS------------------------------------------------------------ */27function confirmDelete() {28 showLoader();29 $.get("/session_administration/Configuration/DeletePlatformInformation?index=" + $("#index").val() + "&platformId=" + $("#platform-id").val() + "&platformName=" + $("#platform-name").val(), function () {30 }).done(function () {31 getPlatformInformations();32 }).fail(function () {33 toastr.error("Dogodila se greška prilikom brisanja!");34 }).always(function () {35 hideLoader();36 })37}38function confirmAdd() {39 let obj = {40 PlatformId: $("#platform-id-add").val(),41 Platform: $("#platform").val(),42 InputFilePath: $("#input-file-path").val(),43 InputFileFormat: $("#input-file-format").val(),44 OutputFileDirectory: $("#output-directory").val(),45 OriginFileDirectory: $("#origin-directory").val(),46 FTPServer: $("#ftp-server").val(),47 Port: $("#port").val(),48 Username: $("#username").val(),49 Password: $("#password").val(),50 IncomingInterval: $("#incoming-interval").val()51 };52 if (isNull(obj) == true) {53 toastr.warning("Molimo da popunite sva polja!");54 return;55 }56 if (isNaN(obj.IncomingInterval)) {57 toastr.warning("Interval mora biti u formatu cijelog broja!");58 return;59 }60 if (isNaN(obj.Port)) {61 toastr.warning("Port mora biti u formatu cijelog broja!");62 return;63 }64 showLoader();65 $("#add-platform-info-modal").modal("hide");66 obj = JSON.stringify({ 'obj': obj });67 $.ajax({68 contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',69 type: 'POST',70 url: '/session_administration/Configuration/AddPlatformInformation',71 data: obj,72 success: function () {73 toastr.success("Uspješno dodan zapis!");74 getPlatformInformations();75 hideLoader();76 },77 error: function () {78 toastr.error("Dogodila se greška prilikom dodavanja!");79 hideLoader();80 }81 })82}83function addPlatformOpenModal() {84 let nextIndex = $('#platform-info-tbl tr:last').find("td")[0].textContent;85 nextIndex = parseInt(nextIndex, 10) + 1;86 $("#platform-id-add").val(nextIndex);87 $("#add-platform-info-modal").modal("show");88}89function deletePlatformOpenModal(index, platformId, platformName) {90 $("#index").val(index);91 $("#platform-id").val(platformId);92 $("#platform-name").val(platformName);93 $("#confirm-delete-modal").modal("show");94} 95function getPlatformInformations() {96 $.get("/session_administration/Configuration/GetPlatformInformations", function () {97 }).done(function (result) {98 populatePlatformInfoTable(result);99 }).fail(function () {100 toastr.error("Dogodila se greška prilikom dohvatanja informacija o platformi!");101 }).always(function () {102 })103}104/*-------------------------------------POPULATE ------------------------------------------------------------ */105function populatePlatformInfoTable(list) {106 var html = "";107 var counter = list.length;108 for (var i = 0; i < counter; i++) {109 html += "<tr>";110 html += "<td>" + list[i].PlatformId + "</td>";111 html += "<td>" + list[i].Platform + "</td>";112 html += "<td>" + list[i].InputFilePath + "</td>";113 html += "<td>" + list[i].InputFileFormat + "</td>";114 html += "<td>" + list[i].OriginFileDirectory + "</td>";115 html += "<td>" + list[i].OutputFileDirectory + "</td>";116 html += "<td>" + list[i].FTPServer + "</td>";117 html += "<td>" + list[i].Port + "</td>";118 html += "<td>" + list[i].Username + "</td>";119 html += "<td>" + list[i].Password + "</td>";120 html += "<td>" + list[i].IncomingInterval + "</td>";121 html += "<td><button class='btn btn-custom open-modal-delete-platform'>Obriši</button></td>";122 html += "</tr>"123 }124 $("#platform-info-tbl tbody").html(html);...
Source: index.js
...7function addPlatformInformation (info) {8 return getPlatformInfo().then(platform => merge(info, { platform }))9}10function formError (info, error) {11 return addPlatformInformation(info).then(info =>12 merge(info, { message: error.message, stack: error.stack })13 )14}15const utils = {16 formError,17 getOsVersion,18 getPlatformInfo19}20const isInfo = is.schema({21 description: is.unemptyString,22 solution: is.unemptyString,23 printStack: is.maybe.bool24})25function formErrorText (info) {...
Using AI Code Generation
1const cypress = require('cypress')2const os = require('os')3cypress.addPlatformInformation({4 os: os.type(),5 osVersion: os.release(),6 cpu: os.cpus()[0].model,7 memory: os.totalmem(),8 cores: os.cpus().length,9})10const cypress = require('cypress')11const os = require('os')12cypress.addPlatformInformation({13 os: os.type(),14 osVersion: os.release(),15 cpu: os.cpus()[0].model,16 memory: os.totalmem(),17 cores: os.cpus().length,18})19const cypress = require('cypress')20const os = require('os')21cypress.addPlatformInformation({22 os: os.type(),23 osVersion: os.release(),24 cpu: os.cpus()[0].model,25 memory: os.totalmem(),26 cores: os.cpus().length,27})28const cypress = require('cypress')29const os = require('os')30cypress.addPlatformInformation({31 os: os.type(),32 osVersion: os.release(),33 cpu: os.cpus()[0].model,34 memory: os.totalmem(),35 cores: os.cpus().length,36})37const cypress = require('cypress')38const os = require('os')39cypress.addPlatformInformation({40 os: os.type(),41 osVersion: os.release(),42 cpu: os.cpus()[0].model,43 memory: os.totalmem(),44 cores: os.cpus().length,45})46const cypress = require('cypress')47const os = require('os')48cypress.addPlatformInformation({49 os: os.type(),50 osVersion: os.release(),51 cpu: os.cpus()[0].model,52 memory: os.totalmem(),53 cores: os.cpus().length,54})55const cypress = require('cypress')56const os = require('os')57cypress.addPlatformInformation({58 os: os.type(),59 osVersion: os.release(),60 cpu: os.cpus()[0].model,
Using AI Code Generation
1const cypress = require('cypress');2const addContext = require('mochawesome/addContext');3cypress.addPlatformInformation = (platform) => {4 addContext({ test: cy.state('runnable'), title: 'Platform', value: platform });5};6cypress.addBrowserInformation = (browser) => {7 addContext({ test: cy.state('runnable'), title: 'Browser', value: browser });8};9cypress.addBrowserVersionInformation = (browserVersion) => {10 addContext({ test: cy.state('runnable'), title: 'Browser Version', value: browserVersion });11};12cypress.addScreenResolutionInformation = (screenResolution) => {13 addContext({ test: cy.state('runnable'), title: 'Screen Resolution', value: screenResolution });14};15cypress.addDeviceInformation = (device) => {16 addContext({ test: cy.state('runnable'), title: 'Device', value: device });17};18cypress.addEnvironmentInformation = (environment) => {19 addContext({ test: cy.state('runnable'), title: 'Environment', value: environment });20};21cypress.addBrowserStackInformation = (browserStack) => {22 addContext({ test: cy.state('runnable'), title: 'BrowserStack', value: browserStack });23};24cypress.addCucumberInformation = (cucumber) => {25 addContext({ test: cy.state('runnable'), title: 'Cucumber', value: cucumber });26};27cypress.addCucumberInformation = (cucumber) => {28 addContext({ test: cy.state('runnable'), title: 'Cucumber', value: cucumber });29};30cypress.addCucumberInformation = (cucumber) => {31 addContext({ test: cy.state('runnable'), title: 'Cucumber', value: cucumber });32};
Using AI Code Generation
1const cypress = require('cypress')2cypress.addPlatformInformation({3}){6 "reporterOptions": {7 }8}9module.exports = (on, config) => {10 on('before:browser:launch', (browser = {}, launchOptions) => {11 if ( === 'chrome') {12 launchOptions.args.push('--disable-dev-shm-usage')13 }14 })15}16import 'cypress-mochawesome-reporter/register'17describe('Test', () => {18 it('test', () => {19 })20})21{22 "stats": {23 },24 {
Using AI Code Generation
1Cypress.addPlatformInformation({2})3Cypress.addBrowserInformation({4})5Cypress.addDeviceInformation({6})7Cypress.addEnvironmentInformation({8})9Cypress.addTestRunInformation({10})11Cypress.addTestInformation({12})13Cypress.addTestSuiteInformation({14})15Cypress.addFrameworkInformation({16})17Cypress.addTestRunInformation({18})19Cypress.addTestInformation({20})21Cypress.addTestSuiteInformation({22})23Cypress.addFrameworkInformation({24})25Cypress.addAttachment('fileName', 'filePath')
Using AI Code Generation
1const cypress = require('cypress');2cypress.addPlatformInformation({3});{5 config: {6 }7});
Using AI Code Generation
1const cypress = require('cypress');2const os = require('os');3cypress.addPlatformInformation({4 'os': os.platform(),5 'osVersion': os.release(),6 'osArch': os.arch(),7 'cpuCores': os.cpus().length,8 'memory': os.totalmem(),9});{11});12{13}
Using AI Code Generation
1const cypress = require('cypress');2const os = require('os');3cypress.addPlatformInformation({4 value: os.type()5});6const cypress = require('cypress');7const os = require('os');8cypress.addPlatformInformation({9 value: os.type()10});11const cypress = require('cypress');12const os = require('os');13cypress.addPlatformInformation({14 value: os.type()15});16const cypress = require('cypress');17const os = require('os');18cypress.addPlatformInformation({19 value: os.type()20});21const cypress = require('cypress');22const os = require('os');23cypress.addPlatformInformation({24 value: os.type()25});26const cypress = require('cypress');27const os = require('os');28cypress.addPlatformInformation({29 value: os.type()30});31const cypress = require('cypress');32const os = require('os');33cypress.addPlatformInformation({34 value: os.type()35});36const cypress = require('cypress');37const os = require('os');38cypress.addPlatformInformation({39 value: os.type()40});41const cypress = require('cypress');42const os = require('os');43cypress.addPlatformInformation({
Using AI Code Generation
1const cypress = require('cypress')2const os = require('os');3cypress.addPlatformInformation({4 osName: os.platform(),5 osVersion: os.release()6}){8 config: {9 }10})
Using AI Code Generation
Cypress: Page doesn't load within the second 'it' block for the click action
Argument type string is not assignable to parameter type keyof Chainable ... cypress JS
Comparing two date values in cypress
How to perform 'redirect' with token received in authorisation headers in Cypress?
Cypress chrome not pausing at debugger statement
Export the test results to HTML in cypress
How can we test the alert and the text it is displaying using Js automation framework?
While loop element state cypress
error in replace one letter to null, then compare it with number in javaScript and cypress
React nodemailer net.isIP is not a function
You have to preserve your cookies in beforeEach()
to make sure that you stay logged in, in all it()
blocks. You can read more in cypress docs.
describe('Dashboard', () => {
before(() => {
// log in only once before any of the tests run.
// your app will likely set some sort of session cookie.
// you'll need to know the name of the cookie(s), which you can find
// in your Resources -> Cookies panel in the Chrome Dev Tools.
beforeEach(() => {
// before each test, we can automatically preserve the
// 'session_id' and 'remember_token' cookies. this means they
// will not be cleared before the NEXT test starts.
// the name of your cookies will likely be different
// this is an example
Cypress.Cookies.preserveOnce('session_id', 'remember_token')
it('displays stats', () => {
// ...
it('can do something', () => {
// ...
it('opens a modal', () => {
// ...
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Back in the old days, software testing was just about finding errors in a product. The goal being – to improve product quality. But nowadays, the range of software testing has broadened. When it comes to software testing, automation testing has always been in the vanguard. Going by the latest test automation testing trends, the software testing industry is expected to evolve even more than in the last decade.
Most Software Developers in Test are familiar with Test-Driven Development, or TDD, but Behavior-Driven Development, or BDD, is often misunderstood. The truth is that both of these approaches have advantages and disadvantages to consider.
Sometimes referred to as automated UI testing or visual regression testing, VRT checks software from a purely visual standpoint (taking a screenshot and comparing it against another approved screenshot). Cypress is an emerging test automation framework that enables teams to ship high-quality products faster.
Mobile devices and mobile applications – both are booming in the world today. The idea of having the power of a computer in your pocket is revolutionary. As per Statista, mobile accounts for more than half of the web traffic worldwide. Mobile devices (excluding tablets) contributed to 54.4 percent of global website traffic in the fourth quarter of 2021, increasing consistently over the past couple of years.
Do you think that just because your web application passed in your staging environment with flying colors, it’s going to be the same for your Production environment too? You might want to rethink that!
Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.
You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.
Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.
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