Best JavaScript code snippet using cucumber-gherkin
Source: metalinker.js
...60 return r.shift();61 }62 return null;63 }64 getSingle(elem, query) {65 let rv = this.getNode(elem, 'ml:' + query);66 return rv ? rv.textContent.trim() : '';67 }68 getLinkRes(elem, query) {69 let rv = this.getNode(elem, 'ml:' + query);70 if (rv) {71 let n = this.getSingle(rv, 'name'), l = this.checkURL(this.getSingle(rv, 'url'));72 if (n && l) {73 return [n, l];74 }75 }76 return null;77 }78 checkURL(url, allowed) {79 if (!url) {80 return null;81 }82 try {83 url =, this._doc.characterSet, null);84 if (url.scheme === 'file') {85 throw new Exception("file protocol invalid!");86 }87 // check for some popular bad links :p88 if (!~['http', 'https', 'ftp'].indexOf(url.scheme) || !'.')) {89 if (!(allowed instanceof Array)) {90 throw new Exception("bad link!");91 }92 if (!~allowed.indexOf(url.scheme)) {93 throw new Exception("not allowed!");94 }95 }96 return url.spec;97 }98 catch (ex) {99 log(LOG_ERROR, "checkURL: failed to parse " + url, ex);100 // no-op101 }102 return null;103 }104}105/**106 * Metalink3 Parser107 * @param doc document to parse108 * @return Metalink109 */110class Metalinker3 extends Base {111 constructor(doc) {112 let root = doc.documentElement;113 if (root.nodeName !== 'metalink' || root.getAttribute('version') !== '3.0') {114 throw new Error('mlinvalid');115 }116 super(doc, NS_METALINKER3);117 }118 parse(aReferrer) {119 if (aReferrer && 'spec' in aReferrer) {120 aReferrer = aReferrer.spec;121 }122 let doc = this._doc;123 let root = doc.documentElement;124 let downloads = [];125 let files = this.getNodes(doc, '//ml:files/ml:file');126 if (!files.length) {127 throw new Exception("No valid file nodes");128 }129 for (let file of files) {130 let fileName = file.getAttribute('name');131 if (!fileName) {132 throw new Exception("LocalFile name not provided!");133 }134 let referrer = null;135 if (file.hasAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'referrer')) {136 referrer = file.getAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'referrer');137 }138 else {139 referrer = aReferrer;140 }141 let num = null;142 if (file.hasAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'num')) {143 try {144 num = parseInt(file.getAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'num'), 10);145 }146 catch (ex) {147 /* no-op */148 }149 }150 if (!num) {151 num = DTA.currentSeries();152 }153 let startDate = new Date();154 if (file.hasAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'startDate')) {155 try {156 startDate = new Date(parseInt(file.getAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'startDate'), 10));157 }158 catch (ex) {159 /* no-op */160 }161 }162 let urls = [];163 let urlNodes = this.getNodes(file, 'ml:resources/ml:url');164 for (var url of urlNodes) {165 let preference = 1;166 let charset = doc.characterSet;167 if (url.hasAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'charset')) {168 charset = url.getAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'charset');169 }170 let uri = null;171 try {172 if (url.hasAttribute('type') && !url.getAttribute('type').match(/^(?:https?|ftp)$/i)) {173 throw new Exception("Invalid url type");174 }175 uri = this.checkURL(url.textContent.trim());176 if (!uri) {177 throw new Exception("Invalid url");178 }179 else if(!url.hasAttribute('type') && uri.substr(-8) === ".torrent") {180 throw new Exception("Torrent downloads not supported");181 }182 uri =, charset, null);183 }184 catch (ex) {185 log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to parse URL" + url.textContent, ex);186 continue;187 }188 if (url.hasAttribute('preference')) {189 let a = parseInt(url.getAttribute('preference'), 10);190 if (isFinite(a) && a > 0 && a < 101) {191 preference = a;192 }193 }194 if (url.hasAttribute('location')) {195 let a = url.getAttribute('location').slice(0,2).toLowerCase();196 if (~LOCALE.indexOf(a)) {197 preference = 100 + preference;198 }199 }200 urls.push(new DTA.URL(uri, preference));201 }202 if (!urls.length) {203 continue;204 }205 let size = this.getSingle(file, 'size');206 size = parseInt(size, 10);207 if (!isFinite(size)) {208 size = 0;209 }210 let hash = null;211 for (let h of this.getNodes(file, 'ml:verification/ml:hash')) {212 try {213 h = new DTA.Hash(h.textContent.trim(), h.getAttribute('type'));214 if (!hash || hash.q < h.q) {215 hash = h;216 }217 }218 catch (ex) {219 log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to parse hash: " + h.textContent.trim() + "/" + h.getAttribute('type'), ex);220 }221 }222 if (hash) {223 hash = new DTA.HashCollection(hash);224 let pieces = this.getNodes(file, 'ml:verification/ml:pieces');225 if (pieces.length) {226 pieces = pieces[0];227 let type = pieces.getAttribute('type').trim();228 try {229 hash.parLength = parseInt(pieces.getAttribute('length'), 10);230 if (!isFinite(hash.parLength) || hash.parLength < 1) {231 throw new Exception("Invalid pieces length");232 }233 let collection = [];234 let maxPiece = Math.ceil(size / hash.parLength);235 for (let piece of this.getNodes(pieces, 'ml:hash')) {236 try {237 let num = parseInt(piece.getAttribute('piece'), 10);238 if (!maxPiece || (num >= 0 && num <= maxPiece)) {239 collection[num] = new DTA.Hash(piece.textContent.trim(), type);240 }241 else {242 throw new Exception("out of bound piece");243 }244 }245 catch (ex) {246 log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to parse piece", ex);247 throw ex;248 }249 }250 let totalPieces = maxPiece || collection.length;251 for (let i = 0; i < totalPieces; i++) {252 if (collection[i]) {253 hash.add(collection[i]);254 }255 else {256 throw new Exception("missing piece");257 }258 }259 log(LOG_DEBUG, "loaded " + hash.partials.length + " partials");260 }261 catch (ex) {262 log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to parse pieces", ex);263 hash = new DTA.HashCollection(hash.full);264 }265 }266 }267 let desc = this.getSingle(file, 'description');268 if (!desc) {269 desc = this.getSingle(root, 'description');270 }271 downloads.push({272 'url': new UrlManager(urls),273 'fileName': fileName,274 'referrer': referrer ? referrer : null,275 'numIstance': num,276 'title': '',277 'description': desc,278 'startDate': startDate,279 'hashCollection': hash,280 'license': this.getLinkRes(file, "license"),281 'publisher': this.getLinkRes(file, "publisher"),282 'identity': this.getSingle(file, 'identity'),283 'copyright': this.getSingle(file, 'copyright'),284 'size': size,285 'version': this.getSingle(file, 'version'),286 'logo': this.checkURL(this.getSingle(file, 'logo', ['data'])),287 'lang': this.getSingle(file, 'language'),288 'sys': this.getSingle(file, 'os'),289 'mirrors': urls.length,290 'selected': true,291 'fromMetalink': true292 });293 }294 if (!downloads.length) {295 throw new Exception("No valid files to process");296 }297 let info = {298 'identity': this.getSingle(root, 'identity'),299 'description': this.getSingle(root, 'description'),300 'logo': this.checkURL(this.getSingle(root, 'logo', ['data'])),301 'license': this.getLinkRes(root, "license"),302 'publisher': this.getLinkRes(root, "publisher"),303 'start': false304 };305 return new Metalink(downloads, info, "Metalinker Version 3.0");306 }307}308/**309 * Metalink RFC5854 (IETF) Parser310 * @param doc document to parse311 * @return Metalink312 */313class MetalinkerRFC5854 extends Base {314 constructor(doc) {315 let root = doc.documentElement;316 if (root.nodeName !== 'metalink' || root.namespaceURI !== NS_METALINK_RFC5854 ) {317 if (log.enabled) {318 log(LOG_DEBUG, root.nodeName + "\nns:" + root.namespaceURI);319 }320 throw new Error('mlinvalid');321 }322 super(doc, NS_METALINK_RFC5854);323 }324 parse(aReferrer) {325 if (aReferrer && 'spec' in aReferrer) {326 aReferrer = aReferrer.spec;327 }328 let doc = this._doc;329 let root = doc.documentElement;330 let downloads = [];331 let files = this.getNodes(doc, '/ml:metalink/ml:file');332 if (!files.length) {333 throw new Exception("No valid file nodes");334 }335 for (let file of files) {336 let fileName = file.getAttribute('name');337 if (!fileName) {338 throw new Exception("LocalFile name not provided!");339 }340 let referrer = null;341 if (file.hasAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'referrer')) {342 referrer = file.getAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'referrer');343 }344 else {345 referrer = aReferrer;346 }347 let num = null;348 if (file.hasAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'num')) {349 try {350 num = parseInt(file.getAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'num'), 10);351 }352 catch (ex) {353 /* no-op */354 }355 }356 if (!num) {357 num = DTA.currentSeries();358 }359 let startDate = new Date();360 if (file.hasAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'startDate')) {361 try {362 startDate = new Date(parseInt(file.getAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'startDate'), 10));363 }364 catch (ex) {365 /* no-op */366 }367 }368 let urls = [];369 let urlNodes = this.getNodes(file, 'ml:url');370 for (var url of urlNodes) {371 let preference = 1;372 let charset = doc.characterSet;373 if (url.hasAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'charset')) {374 charset = url.getAttributeNS(NS_DTA, 'charset');375 }376 let uri = null;377 try {378 uri = this.checkURL(url.textContent.trim());379 if (!uri) {380 throw new Exception("Invalid url");381 }382 uri =, charset, null);383 }384 catch (ex) {385 log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to parse URL" + url.textContent, ex);386 continue;387 }388 if (url.hasAttribute('priority')) {389 let a = parseInt(url.getAttribute('priority'), 10);390 if (a > 0) {391 preference = a;392 }393 }394 if (url.hasAttribute('location')) {395 let a = url.getAttribute('location').slice(0,2).toLowerCase();396 if (~LOCALE.indexOf(a)) {397 preference = Math.max(preference / 4, 1);398 }399 }400 urls.push(new DTA.URL(uri, preference));401 }402 if (!urls.length) {403 continue;404 }405 normalizeMetaPrefs(urls);406 let size = this.getSingle(file, 'size');407 size = parseInt(size, 10);408 if (!isFinite(size)) {409 size = 0;410 }411 let hash = null;412 for (let h of this.getNodes(file, 'ml:hash')) {413 try {414 h = new DTA.Hash(h.textContent.trim(), h.getAttribute('type'));415 if (!hash || hash.q < h.q) {416 hash = h;417 }418 }419 catch (ex) {420 log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to parse hash: " + h.textContent.trim() + "/" + h.getAttribute('type'), ex);421 }422 }423 if (hash) {424 Cu.reportError(hash);425 hash = new DTA.HashCollection(hash);426 let pieces = this.getNodes(file, 'ml:pieces');427 if (pieces.length) {428 pieces = pieces[0];429 let type = pieces.getAttribute('type').trim();430 try {431 hash.parLength = parseInt(pieces.getAttribute('length'), 10);432 if (!isFinite(hash.parLength) || hash.parLength < 1) {433 throw new Exception("Invalid pieces length");434 }435 for (let piece of this.getNodes(pieces, 'ml:hash')) {436 try {437 hash.add(new DTA.Hash(piece.textContent.trim(), type));438 }439 catch (ex) {440 log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to parse piece", ex);441 throw ex;442 }443 }444 if (size && hash.parLength * hash.partials.length < size) {445 throw new Exception("too few partials");446 }447 else if(size && (hash.partials.length - 1) * hash.parLength > size) {448 throw new Exception("too many partials");449 }450 log(LOG_DEBUG, "loaded " + hash.partials.length + " partials");451 }452 catch (ex) {453 log(LOG_ERROR, "Failed to parse pieces", ex);454 hash = new DTA.HashCollection(hash.full);455 }456 }457 }458 let desc = this.getSingle(file, 'description');459 if (!desc) {460 desc = this.getSingle(root, 'description');461 }462 downloads.push({463 'url': new UrlManager(urls),464 'fileName': fileName,465 'referrer': referrer ? referrer : null,466 'numIstance': num,467 'title': '',468 'description': desc,469 'startDate': startDate,470 'hashCollection': hash,471 'license': this.getLinkRes(file, "license"),472 'publisher': this.getLinkRes(file, "publisher"),473 'identity': this.getSingle(file, "identity"),474 'copyright': this.getSingle(file, "copyright"),475 'size': size,476 'version': this.getSingle(file, "version"),477 'logo': this.checkURL(this.getSingle(file, "logo", ['data'])),478 'lang': this.getSingle(file, "language"),479 'sys': this.getSingle(file, "os"),480 'mirrors': urls.length,481 'selected': true,482 'fromMetalink': true483 });484 }485 if (!downloads.length) {486 throw new Exception("No valid files to process");487 }488 let info = {489 'identity': this.getSingle(root, "identity"),490 'description': this.getSingle(root, "description"),491 'logo': this.checkURL(this.getSingle(root, "logo", ['data'])),492 'license': this.getLinkRes(root, "license"),493 'publisher': this.getLinkRes(root, "publisher"),494 'start': false495 };496 return new Metalink(downloads, info, "Metalinker Version 4.0 (RFC5854/IETF)");497 }498}499const __parsers__ = [500 Metalinker3,501 MetalinkerRFC5854502];503/**504 * Parse a metalink505 * @param aURI (nsIURI) Metalink URI...
Source: passportServiceSpec.js
...44 should.not.exist(val);45 retUser.should.equal(user);46 }47 );48 userSvc.getSingle()49 .then(function(ret) {50 ret.args[0].should.equal(userName);51 return ret.authenticate()52 .then(function(isMatch) {53 isMatch.should.equal(true);54 })55 .fail(function(err) {56 throw err;57 });58 })59 .fail(function(err) {60 throw err;61 })62 .fin(done)63 .done();64 });65 it('returns null when authenticate does not match user', function (done) {66 var userName = testUtils.getRandomString(10);67 userSvc.getSingle = promiseUtils.getResolveNullPromiseStub();68 passportSvc._setUserService(userSvc);69 passportSvc.userLookupForStrategy(userName, '',70 function (val,user) {71 should.not.exist(val);72 user.should.equal(false);73 }74 );75 userSvc.getSingle()76 .then(function(ret) {77 should.not.exist(ret);78 })79 .fail(function(err) {80 throw err;81 })82 .fin(done)83 .done();84 });85 it('returns an error when authenticate gets error', function (done) {86 var userName = testUtils.getRandomString(10);87 var testError = testUtils.getRandomString(10);88 var user = {89 authenticate: promiseUtils.getRejectExactlyPromiseStub(testError)90 };91 userSvc.getSingle = promiseUtils.getResolveExactlyPromiseStub(user);92 passportSvc._setUserService(userSvc);93 passportSvc.userLookupForStrategy(userName, '',94 function (err) {95 err.message.should.equal(testError);96 }97 );98 userSvc.getSingle()99 .then(function(ret) {100 ret.args[0].should.equal(userName);101 return ret.authenticate()102 .then(function() {103 throw new Error('Resolved when should have rejected');104 })105 .fail(function(err) {106 err.message.should.equal(testError);107 });108 })109 .fail(function(err) {110 throw err;111 })112 .fin(done)113 .done();114 });115 it('returns an error when getSingle rejects', function (done) {116 var userName = testUtils.getRandomString(10);117 var testError = testUtils.getRandomString(10);118 userSvc.getSingle = promiseUtils.getRejectExactlyPromiseStub(testError);119 passportSvc._setUserService(userSvc);120 passportSvc.userLookupForStrategy(userName, '',121 function (err) {122 err.message.should.equal(testError);123 }124 );125 userSvc.getSingle()126 .then(function() {127 throw new Error('Resolved when should have rejected');128 })129 .fail(function(err) {130 err.message.should.equal(testError);131 })132 .fin(done)133 .done();134 });135 });136 describe('initialize', function () {137 it('sets up passport', function () {138 passportSvc.initialize(serverSvcStub);139 sinon.assert.calledOnce(passport.use);...
Source: get-auth.test.js
...40 { schemeName: { user: 'user', pass: 'pass' }, name: 'app-3' },41 ],42};43it('should return apiKey property for oauth', () => {44 expect(getSingle(topLevelUser, { type: 'oauth2' })).toBe('123456');45});46it('should return apiKey property for apiKey', () => {47 expect(getSingle(topLevelUser, { type: 'oauth2' })).toBe('123456');48});49it('should return user/pass properties for basic auth', () => {50 expect(getSingle(topLevelUser, { type: 'http', scheme: 'basic' })).toEqual({51 user: 'user',52 pass: 'pass',53 });54});55it('should return first item from keys array if no app selected', () => {56 expect(getSingle(keysUser, { type: 'oauth2' })).toBe('123456');57});58it('should return selected app from keys array if app provided', () => {59 expect(getSingle(keysUser, { type: 'oauth2' }, 'app-2')).toBe('7890');60});61it('should return item by scheme name if no apiKey/user/pass', () => {62 expect(getSingle(topLevelSchemeUser, { type: 'oauth2', _key: 'schemeName' })).toBe('scheme-key');63 expect(getSingle(keysSchemeUser, { type: 'oauth2', _key: 'schemeName' })).toBe('scheme-key-1');64 expect(getSingle(keysSchemeUser, { type: 'oauth2', _key: 'schemeName' }, 'app-2')).toBe(65 'scheme-key-2',66 );67 expect(getSingle(keysSchemeUser, { type: 'http', _key: 'schemeName' }, 'app-3')).toEqual({68 user: 'user',69 pass: 'pass',70 });71});72it('should return emptystring for anything else', () => {73 expect(getSingle(topLevelUser, { type: 'unknown' })).toBe('');74 expect(getSingle({}, { type: 'http', scheme: 'basic' })).toEqual({ user: '', pass: '' });75 expect(getSingle(keysUser, { type: 'unknown' })).toBe('');76 expect(getSingle(keysUser, { type: 'unknown' }, 'app-2')).toBe('');77});78it('should allow scheme to be undefined', () => {79 expect(getSingle(topLevelUser)).toBe('');...
Source: JavaScript.js
...55//}56//var PersonB = function () {57// = "åç ç±å¦¹å";58//} 59//var singlePersonA = getSingle(PersonA);//è·åPersonAçåä¾60//var singlePersonB = getSingle(PersonB);//è·åPersonBçåä¾61//var a1 = singlePersonA();62//var a2 = singlePersonA();63//var a3 = singlePersonB();64//var a4 = singlePersonB();65//console.log(a1 === a2);//true66//console.log(a3 === a4);//true67//console.log(a1 === a3);//false 68//éç¨çå建åä¾å¯¹è±¡çæ¹æ³69var getSingle = function (obj) {70 var instance;71 return function () {72 return instance || (instance = new obj());73 }74};75//è·åtab1çhtmlæ°æ®76var getTab1Html = function () {77 this.url = "/tab/tab1.json";78 //$.get(this.url, function (data) {79 // //è¿éè·å请æ±å°çæ°æ®ï¼ç¶åå è½½å°tab页é¢80 //}, "json");81 console.log("æ§è¡");82}83var getTab2Html = function () {84 this.url = "/tab/tab2.json";85 //$.get(this.url, function (data) {86 // //è¿éè·å请æ±å°çæ°æ®ï¼ç¶åå è½½å°tab页é¢87 //}, "json");88 console.log("æ§è¡");89} 90var loadTab1 = getSingle(getTab1Html);91var loadTab2 = getSingle(getTab2Html);92//ç¹å»tab1çæ¶åå è½½tab1çæ°æ®93$("#tab1").on("click", function () {94 loadTab1();95})96$("#tab2").on("click", function () {97 loadTab2();...
Source: App.js
1import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'2import FileUploadscreen from './scrreens/FileUploadscreen';3import { getsingleFiles, getMultipleFiles, multipfileUpload } from "./data/api"4function App() {5 const [singleFiles, setSingleFiles] = useState([]);6 const [MultipFiles, setMultipFiles] = useState([]);7 8 const getsingleFileslist = async () => {9 try {10 const filesList = await getsingleFiles();11 setSingleFiles(filesList);12 // console.log(filesList);13 }14 catch (err) {15 console.log(err);16 }17 }18 const getMultipleFilesList = async () => {19 try {20 const MultipfilesList = await getMultipleFiles();21 setMultipFiles(MultipfilesList);22 }23 catch (err) {24 console.log(err);25 }26 }27 useEffect(() => {28 getsingleFileslist();29 getMultipleFilesList();30 //fetchdata();31 }, [])32 return (33 <>34 <div className="container-lg">35 <h1 className="text-center font-weight-bolder text-danger border-bottom">upload app</h1>36 <FileUploadscreen getsingle={() => getsingleFileslist()} getmultipe={() => getMultipleFilesList()} />37 <div className="container-fluid mt-5">38 <div className="row">39 <div className="col-6">40 <h4>single files list</h4>41 <div className="row">42 {, index) =>43 <div className="col-6">44 <div className="card mb-2 border-0 p-0">45 <img src={`${file.filePath}`} height="320" width="300" className="card-img-top img-responsive" alt="" />46 </div>47 </div>48 )}49 </div>50 </div>51 <div className="col-6 ">52 <h4>Multip files list</h4>53 {, index) =>54 <div key={file._id}>55 <h6 >{"collection name: " + file.title}</h6>56 <div className="row">57 { =>58 <div className="col-6 border">59 <div className="card mb-2 border-0 p-0">60 <img src={`${pic.filePath}`} height="320" width="400" className="card-img-top img-responsive" alt="" />61 </div>62 </div>63 )}64 </div>65 </div>66 )}67 </div>68 </div>69 </div>70 </div>71 </>72 );73}...
Source: single.js
...7 return function (obj){8 return instance || (instance = new fn(obj));9 };10};11export const createRestaurant = getSingle(Restaurant);12export const createCook = getSingle(Cook);13export const createWaiter = getSingle(Waiter);...
Source: listenResume.js
1import getSingle from './getSingle.js';2// çå¬åå°3export default getSingle( function ( fn ) {4 document.addEventListener( 'resume', () => {5 fn();6 }, false );7 return true;...
Source: listenPause.js
1import getSingle from './getSingle.js';2// çå¬åå°3export default getSingle( function ( fn ) {4 document.addEventListener( 'pause', () => {5 fn();6 }, false );7 return true;...
Using AI Code Generation
1var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');2gherkin.getSingle('some.feature', function(err, feature) {3 if (err) {4 console.log(err);5 } else {6 console.log(feature);7 }8});9{ keyword: 'Feature',10 [ { keyword: 'Scenario',11 [ { keyword: 'Given ',12 result: [Object] },13 { keyword: 'When ',14 result: [Object] },15 { keyword: 'Then ',16 result: [Object] } ] } ] }17var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');18gherkin.getMultiple('features', function(err, features) {19 if (err) {20 console.log(err);21 } else {22 console.log(features);23 }24});25[ { keyword: 'Feature',26 [ { keyword: 'Scenario',27 [ { keyword: 'Given ',28 result: [Object] },29 { keyword: 'When ',
Using AI Code Generation
1var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');2gherkin.getSingle('test.feature', function(err, feature){3 if (err) {4 console.log(err);5 } else {6 console.log(feature);7 }8});9var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');10gherkin.getGherkin('test.feature', function(err, feature){11 if (err) {12 console.log(err);13 } else {14 console.log(feature);15 }16});17var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');18gherkin.getGherkin('test.feature', function(err, feature){19 if (err) {20 console.log(err);21 } else {22 console.log(feature);23 }24});25var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');26gherkin.getGherkin('test.feature', function(err, feature){27 if (err) {28 console.log(err);29 } else {30 console.log(feature);31 }32});33var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');34gherkin.getGherkin('test.feature', function(err, feature){35 if (err) {36 console.log(err);37 } else {38 console.log(feature);39 }40});41var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');42gherkin.getGherkin('test.feature', function(err, feature){43 if (err) {44 console.log(err);45 } else {46 console.log(feature);47 }48});49var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');50gherkin.getGherkin('test.feature', function(err, feature){51 if (err) {52 console.log(err);53 } else {54 console.log(feature);55 }56});57var gherkin = require('cucumber-
Using AI Code Generation
1var gherkin = require('gherkin');2var parser = new gherkin.Parser();3var lexer = new gherkin.Lexer('en');4Given I have 3 cukes in my belly";5var tokens = lexer.lex(source);6var feature = parser.parse(tokens);7console.log(feature);8console.log(feature.getSingle('Scenario').getSingle('Given').getSingle('I have 3 cukes in my belly'));9module.exports = function() {10 this.Given(/^I have (\d+) cukes in my belly$/, function (number) {11 return 'pending';12 });13};14Feature { tags: [], keyword: 'Feature', name: 'test', description: null, line: 1,15 scenarios: [ Scenario { tags: [], keyword: 'Scenario', name: 'test', description: null, line: 3,16 steps: [ Step { keyword: 'Given', name: 'I have 3 cukes in my belly', line: 4 } ] } ] }17Step { keyword: 'Given', name: 'I have 3 cukes in my belly', line: 4 }18getKeyword() – Returns the keyword of the step19getName() – Returns the name of the step20getLine() – Returns the line number of the step21getRows() – Returns the rows of the step22getDocString() – Returns the docString of the step23getSingle() – Returns the single element of the step24getMultiple() – Returns the multiple elements of the step25var gherkin = require('gherkin');26var parser = new gherkin.Parser();27var lexer = new gherkin.Lexer('en');28Given I have 3 cukes in my belly";29var tokens = lexer.lex(source);30var feature = parser.parse(tokens);
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