Best JavaScript code snippet using cucumber-gherkin
...237 for (const scenarioName of info.scenarios) {238 const path = vnPath + scenarioName + ".scn";239 const scenarioResult = await fetch(path);240 const scenarioText = await scenarioResult.text();241 const scenario = compileScenario(scenarioText);242 scenarios.set(scenarioName, scenario);243 }244 return scenarios;245}246async function makeInfo() {247 const infoResult = await fetch(vnPath + "info.json");248 const infoJSON = await infoResult.json();249 const scenarios = new Set();250 for (const scenario of infoJSON.scenarios)251 scenarios.add(scenario);252 return {253 ...infoJSON,254 scenarios255 };256}257// compiler258function compileScenario(file) {259 const chapterNames = file260 .match(/^\s*chapter\s+(\w+)\s*$/gm)261 .map(match => match.split(" ")[1].trim());262 const chapterTexts = file263 .split(/^\s*chapter\s+\w+\s*/gm)264 .map(c => c.trim())265 .filter(c => c != "");266 const scenario = new Map(, i) => [n, compileChapter(chapterTexts[i])]));267 return scenario;268}269function compileChapter(text) {270 const chapter = {271 commands: [],272 rootBlock: null...
...20 compileRule(pickles, language, tags, backgroundSteps, featureChild.rule, uri)21 } else {22 var scenario = featureChild.scenario23 if (scenario.examples.length === 0) {24 compileScenario(tags, backgroundSteps, scenario, language, pickles, uri);25 } else {26 compileScenarioOutline(tags, backgroundSteps, scenario, language, pickles, uri);27 }28 }29 }30 }31 function compileRule(pickles, language, tags, featureBackgroundSteps, rule, uri) {32 var backgroundSteps = featureBackgroundSteps.slice(0) // dup33 for (const ruleChild of rule.children) {34 if (ruleChild.background) {35 backgroundSteps = backgroundSteps.concat(pickleSteps(ruleChild.background.steps));36 } else {37 var scenario = ruleChild.scenario38 if (scenario.examples.length === 0) {39 compileScenario(tags, backgroundSteps, scenario, language, pickles, uri);40 } else {41 compileScenarioOutline(tags, backgroundSteps, scenario, language, pickles, uri);42 }43 }44 }45 }46 function compileScenario(featureTags, backgroundSteps, scenario, language, pickles, uri) {47 var steps = scenario.steps.length === 0 ? [] : backgroundSteps.slice(0)48 steps = steps.concat(pickleSteps(scenario.steps))49 var tags = [].concat(featureTags).concat(scenario.tags);50 var pickle = m.Pickle.fromObject({51 uri: uri,52 tags: pickleTags(tags),53 name:,54 language: language,55 locations: [scenario.location],56 steps: steps57 })58 pickles.push(pickle);59 }60 function compileScenarioOutline(featureTags, backgroundSteps, scenario, language, pickles, uri) {...
...14 } else {15 return null16 }17}18function compileScenario() {19 var scenarioInfo = getElt('scenarioInfo')20 var missionInfo = getElt('missionInfo')21 if (!scenarioInfo) {22 return null23 } else if (!missionInfo) {24 return {25 name:,26 description: scenarioInfo.description,27 startDate: scenarioInfo.startDate,28 scenarioType: scenarioInfo.scenarioType,29 network: {30 nodes: getElt('scenarioNetworkNodes'),31 edges: getElt('scenarioNetworkEdges')32 },...
...72 }73 addEvent(data)74 alert('Event added')75 location.reload()76 console.log(compileScenario())...
...61 }62 addEvent(data)63 alert('Event added')64 location.reload()65 console.log(compileScenario())...
...56 }57 addEvent(data)58 alert('Event added')59 location.reload()60 console.log(compileScenario())61 ...
...52 }53 addEvent(data)54 alert('Event added')55 location.reload()56 console.log(compileScenario())...
...6 this.compile = function (feature) {7 var backgroundSteps = feature.background ? feature.background.steps : [];8 feature.scenarioDefinitions.forEach(function (scenarioDefinition) {9 if(scenarioDefinition.type === 'Scenario') {10 compileScenario(backgroundSteps, scenarioDefinition);11 } else {12 compileScenarioOutline(backgroundSteps, scenarioDefinition);13 }14 });15 };16 function compileScenario(backgroundSteps, scenario) {17 var testCase = {18 name: scenario.keyword + ": " +,19 location: scenario.location20 };21 self.emit('test-case', testCase);22 var steps = [].concat(backgroundSteps).concat(scenario.steps);23 steps.forEach(function (step) {24 var testStep = {25 name: step.keyword +,26 location: step.location27 };28 self.emit('test-step', testStep);29 });30 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');2var fs = require('fs');3var feature = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');4var scenario = fs.readFileSync('test.scenario', 'utf8');5gherkin.compileScenario(scenario, feature, function(err, compiledScenario) {6 if (err) {7 console.log(err);8 } else {9 console.log(compiledScenario);10 }11});12{13 {14 },15 {16 },17 {18 }19}20var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');21var fs = require('fs');22var feature = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');23gherkin.compileFeature(feature, function(err, compiledFeature) {24 if (err) {25 console.log(err);26 } else {27 console.log(compiledFeature);28 }29});
Using AI Code Generation
1var Cucumber = require('cucumber');2var fs = require('fs');3var gherkin = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');4var scenario = Cucumber.GherkinParser.parse(gherkin).feature.children[0];5var compiledScenario = Cucumber.Compiler.compileScenario(scenario);6console.log(compiledScenario);7{8 "dependencies": {9 }10}
Using AI Code Generation
1var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');2var fs = require('fs');3var scenario = fs.readFileSync('features/test.feature', 'utf8');4gherkin.compileScenario(scenario, function(err, result) {5 if (err) {6 console.log(err);7 } else {8 console.log(result);9 }10});11 Given I have 1 cucumber(s)12 When I eat 2 cucumber(s)13 Then I should have 3 cucumber(s)14{ type: 'Scenario',15 [ { type: 'Given',16 name: 'I have 1 cucumber(s)',17 arguments: [] },18 { type: 'When',19 name: 'I eat 2 cucumber(s)',20 arguments: [] },21 { type: 'Then',22 name: 'I should have 3 cucumber(s)',23 arguments: [] } ] }
Using AI Code Generation
1var fs = require('fs');2var gherkin = require('gherkin');3var gherkinSource = fs.readFileSync('./features/feature_1.feature', 'utf8');4var parser = new gherkin.Parser();5var feature = parser.parse(gherkinSource);6console.log(feature);
Using AI Code Generation
1var fs = require('fs');2var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');3var feature = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');4var parser = new gherkin.Parser();5var compiler = new gherkin.Compiler();6var compiledFeature = compiler.compile(parser.parse(feature));7var fs = require('fs');8var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');9var feature = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');10var parser = new gherkin.Parser();11var parsedFeature = parser.parse(feature);12var fs = require('fs');13var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');14var feature = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');15var compiler = new gherkin.Compiler();16var compiledFeature = compiler.compile(feature);17var fs = require('fs');18var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');19var feature = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');20var parser = new gherkin.Parser();21var parsedFeature = parser.parse(feature);22var fs = require('fs');23var gherkin = require('cucumber-gherkin');24var feature = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');
Using AI Code Generation
1var Cucumber = require('cucumber');2Then I should see the login form";3var gherkinDocument = Cucumber.Gherkin.Parser(gherkinSource).parse();4var feature = Cucumber.Gherkin.Compiler(gherkinDocument).getFeature();5var scenarios = feature.getScenarios();6var scenario = scenarios[0];7var background = feature.getBackground();8var steps = scenario.getSteps();9var step = steps[0];10console.log("Feature: " + feature.getName());11console.log("Scenario: " + scenario.getName());12console.log("Background: " + background.getName());13console.log("Step: " + step.getName());14var backgroundSteps = background.getSteps();15var backgroundStep = backgroundSteps[0];16var backgroundSteps = background.getSteps();17var backgroundStep = backgroundSteps[0];18var backgroundSteps = background.getSteps();19var backgroundStep = backgroundSteps[0];20var backgroundSteps = background.getSteps();21var backgroundStep = backgroundSteps[0];
Using AI Code Generation
1var Cucumber = require('cucumber');2var fs = require('fs');3var gherkin = fs.readFileSync('test.feature', 'utf8');4var compiler = Cucumber.Gherkin.Compiler();5var parser = Cucumber.Gherkin.Parser();6var ast = parser.parse(gherkin);7var compiled = compiler.compile(ast);8console.log(compiled);9var Cucumber = require('cucumber');10var cli = Cucumber.Cli(process.argv.slice(2)); (success) {12 process.exit(success ? 0 : 1);13});
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