Best JavaScript code snippet using chromy
Source: app.js
1function ScreenCaster(config) {2 this.enabled = config.enabled === true;3 this.watcher = config.watcher === true;4 this.showUpdates = true;5 this.stompClient = null;6 this.screenUpdateInterval = 250;7 this.currentPointerLocation = null;8 this.notificationStatus = {9 enabled: false10 };11 this.headers = {};12 this.init = function init() {13 this.headers["X-CSRF-TOKEN"] = $("meta[name=csrf]").attr("value");14 this.initWebSocketConnection();15 this.initNotes();16 if (this.watcher) {17 this.initScreenCast();18 return;19 }20 this.notificationStatus.enabled = false;21 this.setupNotesForm();22 this.initClipboardSupport();23 this.initDragAndDropSupport();24 };25 this.uploadFile = function uploadSingleFile(fileData) {26 console.log('uploading ' +;27 this.uploadFileViaAjax({28 filename:,29 data:,30 contentType: fileData.type31 }, function (fileInfo) {32 if (!fileInfo) {33 return;34 }35 if (fileInfo.contentType.indexOf("image") === 0) {36 this.storeNote({37 text: "### " + + "\n" +38 "<a href='/files/" + + "' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>" +39 "![Screenshot](/files/" + + ")<span class=\"hint-fullscreen glyphicon glyphicon-fullscreen\" title='Show fullscreen'></span>"40 + "</a>"41 });42 } else {43 this.storeNote({44 text: "### File " + "<a href='/files/" + + "' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>" + + "</a>"45 });46 }47 }.bind(this));48 }.bind(this);49 this.initDragAndDropSupport = function initDragAndDropSupport() {50 function removeDragData(ev) {51 console.log('Removing drag data');52 if (ev.dataTransfer.items) {53 // Use DataTransferItemList interface to remove the drag data54 ev.dataTransfer.items.clear();55 } else {56 // Use DataTransfer interface to remove the drag data57 ev.dataTransfer.clearData();58 }59 }60 var htmlElement = document.querySelector("html");61 htmlElement.addEventListener("dragover", function(evt){62 evt.preventDefault();63 });64 htmlElement.addEventListener("drop", function(evt){65 evt.preventDefault();66 });67 var notesDialog = document.querySelector("#notesDialog");68 notesDialog.addEventListener("drop", function(evt){69 evt.preventDefault();70 let dataTrans = evt.dataTransfer;71 if (dataTrans.items) {72 // Use DataTransferItemList interface to access the file(s)73 for (var i = 0; i < dataTrans.items.length; i++) {74 // If dropped items aren't files, reject them75 if (dataTrans.items[i].kind === 'file') {76 this.uploadFile(this.toFileData(dataTrans.items[i].getAsFile()));77 }78 }79 } else {80 // Use DataTransfer interface to access the file(s)81 for (var i = 0; i < dataTrans.files.length; i++) {82 this.uploadFile(this.toFileData(dataTrans.files[i]));83 }84 }85 // TODO cleanup dataTransfer86 // removeDragData(evt);87 }.bind(this));88 }.bind(this);89 this.toFileData = function toFileData (file) {90 return {91 name:,92 type: file.type,93 data: file94 }95 }.bind(this);96 this.initNotes = function initNotes() {97 this.loadNotes();98 }.bind(this);99 this.initScreenCast = function initScreenCast() {100 this.$screenImage = $("#screen")[0];101 this.$overlay = $("#overlay")[0];102 this.initScreenVisibilityHandling();103 this.initNotifications();104 this.initResizeTools();105 }.bind(this);106 this.start = function start() {107 this.startScreenCast();108 this.startPointerAnimation();109 }.bind(this);110 this.initWebSocketConnection = function initWebSocketConnection() {111 this.stompClient = Stomp.over(new SockJS("/screencaster/ws"));112 this.stompClient.debug = null;113 this.stompClient.connect({}, function (frame) {114 console.log('Connected: ' + frame);115 this.stompClient.subscribe("/topic/notes", function (noteMessage) {116 this.onNoteEvent(JSON.parse(noteMessage.body));117 }.bind(this));118 this.stompClient.subscribe("/topic/settings", function (settingsMessage) {119 this.onSettingsEvent(JSON.parse(settingsMessage.body));120 }.bind(this));121 this.stompClient.subscribe("/topic/pointer", function (pointerMessage) {122 this.onPointerEvent(JSON.parse(pointerMessage.body));123 }.bind(this));124 }.bind(this));125 }.bind(this);126 this.onPointerEvent = function onPointerEvent(pointerEvent) {127 // console.log(pointerEvent);128 this.currentPointerLocation = pointerEvent;129 }.bind(this);130 this.onSettingsEvent = function onSettingsEvent(settingsEvent) {131 if (settingsEvent.type === "updated") {132 var enabledChanged = this.enabled !== settingsEvent.settings.castEnabled;133 this.enabled = settingsEvent.settings.castEnabled;134 if (this.enabled && enabledChanged) {135 this.startScreenCast();136 }137 $("#screenCastStatus").text(this.enabled ? "active" : "not active");138 }139 }.bind(this);140 this.scrollToLatestNote = function scrollToLatestNote() {141 var $notesListContainer = $("#notesListContainer");142 $notesListContainer.animate({scrollTop: $notesListContainer.prop("scrollHeight")}, 250);143 };144 this.onNoteEvent = function onNoteEvent(noteEvent) {145 if (noteEvent.type === "created") {146 console.log("note created", noteEvent);147 this.addNote(noteEvent.note);148 if (this.notificationStatus.enabled) {149 var notification = new Notification("New notes", {150 body: "there are new notes available",151 icon: "/img/new-note-icon-128x128.png",152 timestamp: });154 setTimeout(notification.close.bind(notification), 3000);155 }156 } else if (noteEvent.type === "deleted") {157 console.log("note deleted", noteEvent);158 $("li[data-note-id='" + noteEvent.noteId + "']").remove();159 } else if (noteEvent.type === "updated") {160 console.log("note updated", noteEvent);161 var $noteContent = $("span[data-note-id='" + + "'].note-content");162 $noteContent.html(noteEvent.note.html);163 $;164 var $rawContent = $("textarea[data-note-id='" + + "'].raw-content");165 $rawContent.text(noteEvent.note.text);166 $rawContent.hide();167 }168 this.updateUnreadNotesCount();169 }.bind(this);170 this.addNote = function addNote(note) {171 var template = $('#note-template').html();172 Mustache.parse(template); // optional, speeds up future uses173 // hack to wrap element in span174 note.html = "<span data-note-id=\"" + + "\" class=\"note-content\">" + note.html + "</span>";175 note.createdAtHuman = moment(note.createdAt).format("DD.MM.YY HH:mm:ss");176 var renderedNote = Mustache.render(template, note).trim();177 var noteElement = $("#notesList").prepend(renderedNote);178 // FIXME find a way to highlight only the added note179 Prism.highlightAll();180 };181 this.updateUnreadNotesCount = function updateUnreadNotesCount() {182 $("#unreadNotesCounter").text($("").length);183 };184 this.onNoteAction = function onNoteAction(event) {185 event.preventDefault();186 var button = event.currentTarget;187 var noteId = $(button.parentElement).data("note-id");188 var $rawContent = $("textarea[data-note-id='" + noteId + "'].raw-content");189 var $noteContent = $("span[data-note-id='" + noteId + "'].note-content");190 if (button.value === 'delete') {191 $.ajax({192 url: $("action"),193 type: "delete",194 headers: this.headers195 }).done(function (response) {196 console.log("note deleted");197 });198 } else if (button.value === 'deleteAll') {199 if (!window.confirm("Delete all notes?")) {200 return;201 }202 $.ajax({203 url: "/notes",204 type: "delete",205 headers: this.headers206 }).done(function (response) {207 console.log("all notes deleted");208 $("li[data-note-id]").remove();209 });210 } else if (button.value === 'edit') {211 console.log("edit", button);212 $noteContent.hide();213 $"text-backup", $rawContent.text());214 $;215 $(button.parentElement).find("button[name='actionUpdate']").show()216 $(button.parentElement).find("button[name='actionReset']").show()217 } else if (button.value === 'update') {218 var note = {219 id: noteId,220 text: $rawContent.val()221 };222 this.updateNote(note);223 $(button.parentElement).find("button[name='actionUpdate']").hide();224 $(button.parentElement).find("button[name='actionReset']").hide();225 } else if (button.value === 'reset') {226 $rawContent.val($"text-backup"));227 $"text-backup", null);228 $(button.parentElement).find("button[name='actionUpdate']").hide();229 $(button.parentElement).find("button[name='actionReset']").hide();230 $;231 $rawContent.hide();232 }233 }.bind(this);234 this.markNoteAsRead = function markNoteAsRead(note) {235 var $note = $(note);236 $note.removeClass('new');237 $note.addClass('read');238 this.updateUnreadNotesCount();239 }.bind(this);240 this.loadNotes = function loadNotes() {241 $.getJSON("/notes", function (notes) {242 for (var i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {243 this.addNote(notes[i]);244 }245 }.bind(this));246 }.bind(this);247 this.setupNotesForm = function setupNotesForm() {248 $("#notesForm").submit(function (event) {249 event.preventDefault();250 var note = {251 text: $("#txtNote").val()252 };253 this.storeNote(note);254 $("#notesForm")[0].reset();255 }.bind(this));256 $("#notesForm").keydown(function (keyEvent) {257 var ctrlAndEnterWasPressed = (keyEvent.ctrlKey || keyEvent.metaKey) && keyEvent.which == 13;258 if (ctrlAndEnterWasPressed) {259 $("#notesForm").submit();260 $("#txtNote").focus();261 event.preventDefault();262 return false;263 }264 return true;265 });266 }.bind(this);267 this.storeNote = function storeNote(note) {268 $.ajax({269 url: "/notes",270 type: "post",271 data: note,272 headers: this.headers273 }).done(function (response) { //274 // console.log(response);275 });276 }.bind(this);277 this.updateNote = function updateNote(note) {278 $.ajax({279 url: "/notes/" +,280 type: "put",281 data: note,282 headers: this.headers283 }).done(function (response) { //284 // console.log(response);285 // FIXME find a way to highlight only the added note286 Prism.highlightAll();287 });288 }.bind(this);289 this.initClipboardSupport = function initClipboardSupport() {290 function onPaste(evt) {291 if (!evt.clipboardData) {292 return;293 }294 var items = evt.clipboardData.items;295 if (!items) {296 return;297 }298 if (items.length === 0) {299 return;300 }301 var currentItem = items[0];302 if (currentItem.type.indexOf("image") === -1) {303 return;304 }305 var blob = currentItem.getAsFile();306 this.uploadFile({307 name: "Screenshot " + moment("DD-MM-YY_HH-mm-ss"),308 data: blob,309 type: currentItem.type310 });311 }312 document.addEventListener('paste', onPaste.bind(this), false);313 }.bind(this);314 this.uploadFileViaAjax = function uploadFileViaAjax(fileData, callback) {315 var data = new FormData();316 data.append('file',, fileData.filename);317 $.ajax({318 url: "/files",319 type: "post",320 enctype: 'multipart/form-data',321 data: data,322 processData: false,323 contentType: false,324 headers: this.headers,325 success: callback326 });327 }.bind(this);328 this.initScreenVisibilityHandling = function initScreenVisibilityHandling() {329 var hiddenAttributeName, visibilityChangeEventName;330 if (typeof document.hidden !== "undefined") { // Opera 12.10 and Firefox 18 and later support331 hiddenAttributeName = "hidden";332 visibilityChangeEventName = "visibilitychange";333 } else if (typeof document.msHidden !== "undefined") {334 hiddenAttributeName = "msHidden";335 visibilityChangeEventName = "msvisibilitychange";336 } else if (typeof document.webkitHidden !== "undefined") {337 hiddenAttributeName = "webkitHidden";338 visibilityChangeEventName = "webkitvisibilitychange";339 } else {340 // step out, since some older browsers don't support handling of visibility changes.341 return;342 }343 var handler = function () {344 if (document[hiddenAttributeName]) {345 document.title = "Paused...";346 console.log("stop updating");347 this.showUpdates = false;348 } else {349 document.title = "Active...";350 console.log("start updating");351 this.showUpdates = true;352 this.startScreenCast();353 }354 }.bind(this);355 document.addEventListener(visibilityChangeEventName, handler, false);356 }.bind(this);357 this.initNotifications = function initNotifications() {358 if (!("Notification" in window)) {359 console.log("This browser does not support system notifications");360 this.notificationStatus.enabled = false;361 return;362 }363 if (Notification.permission === "granted") {364 this.notificationStatus.enabled = true;365 return;366 }367 if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') {368 Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {369 if (permission === "granted") {370 this.notificationStatus.enabled = true;371 }372 }.bind(this));373 }374 }.bind(this);375 this.initResizeTools = function initResizeTools() {376 // TODO fix resizing377 $("#screenContainer").onclick = function (evt) {378 $(this.$screenImage).toggleClass("screen-fit")379 };380 }.bind(this);381 /**382 * Starts the screenshot fetching383 *384 * @type {any}385 */386 this.startScreenCast = function startScreenCast() {387 if ("URLSearchParams" in window) {388 var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;389 if (urlParams.has("screenUpdateInterval")) {390 this.screenUpdateInterval = parseInt(urlParams.get("screenUpdateInterval"), 10);391 }392 }393 if (!this.$screenImage) {394 return;395 }396 this.$screenImage.onload = (function () {397 if (!this.enabled) {398 return;399 }400 if (!this.casterScreenDimensions) {401 // resize canvas...402 this.casterScreenDimensions = {403 w: this.$screenImage.naturalWidth,404 h: this.$screenImage.naturalHeight405 };406 this.$overlay.width = this.$screenImage.width;407 this.$overlay.height = this.$screenImage.height;408 }409 setTimeout(refreshImage.bind(this), this.screenUpdateInterval);410 }).bind(this);411 function refreshImage() {412 if (!this.showUpdates) {413 return;414 }415 console.log("screen update");416 this.$screenImage.src = "/screenshot.jpg?" +;417 }418 setTimeout(refreshImage.bind(this), this.screenUpdateInterval);419 }.bind(this);420 /**421 * Renders the remote mouse pointer422 */423 this.startPointerAnimation = function startPointerAnimation() {424 requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop.bind(this));425 var startTime =;426 var pulseDuration = 1.45;427 function renderLoop() {428 let pointerLocation = this.currentPointerLocation;429 let screenDimensions = this.casterScreenDimensions;430 if (pointerLocation && screenDimensions) {431 var time = ( - startTime) / 1000.0;432 var pulseCompletion = (time % pulseDuration) / pulseDuration;433 var cvs = this.$overlay;434 var context = cvs.getContext('2d');435 context.globalAlpha = 0.95;436 context.clearRect(0, 0, cvs.width, cvs.height);437 var scalingW = cvs.width / screenDimensions.w;438 var scalingH = cvs.height / screenDimensions.h;439 var radius = 4;440 context.beginPath();441 context.arc(pointerLocation.x * scalingW, pointerLocation.y * scalingH, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);442 context.fillStyle = 'magenta';443 context.fill();444 context.beginPath();445 context.arc(pointerLocation.x * scalingW, pointerLocation.y * scalingH, radius + pulseCompletion * 10, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);446 context.lineWidth = 1;447 context.strokeStyle = 'magenta';448 context.globalAlpha = 1 - pulseCompletion;449 context.stroke();450 }451 requestAnimationFrame(renderLoop.bind(this));452 }453 }...
Source: frameCapture.js
...5// Very fast but needs synchronization8// Captures whole browser window9async function startScreencast({ logger, format, page, jpegQuality }) {10 const client = await;11 const options = {12 format,13 quality: jpegQuality || undefined,14 // maxWidth: width,15 // maxHeight: height,16 everyNthFrame: 1,17 };18 // await client.send('Page.startScreencast', options);19 let screenCastFrameCb;20 // eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations21 function onScreencastFrame(frame) {22 if (screenCastFrameCb) {23 screenCastFrameCb(frame);24 screenCastFrameCb = undefined;25 }26 }27 client.on('Page.screencastFrame', async (frameObject) => {28 // logger.log(frameObject.metadata, frameObject.sessionId);29 try {30 const buf = Buffer.from(, 'base64');31 await client.send('Page.screencastFrameAck', { sessionId: frameObject.sessionId });32 // Sometimes it hangs if we start it only once, so restart for every frame33 // Also we avoid duplicates34 await client.send('Page.stopScreencast');35 onScreencastFrame(buf);36 } catch (err) {37 logger.error('Page.screencastFrame', err);38 }39 });40 async function captureFrame(frameNum) {41 const numRetries = 5;42 const timeoutVal = 5000;43 // Sometimes we never receive the Page.screencastFrame event44 // This can sometimes be triggered on MacOS by doing Exposé45 for (let i = 0; i < numRetries; i += 1) {46 try {47 // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func48 const promise = new Promise((resolve) => { screenCastFrameCb = resolve; });49 // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop50 await client.send('Page.startScreencast', options);51 // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop52 const frame = await pTimeout(promise, timeoutVal, `Page.screencastFrame Timeout after ${timeoutVal}ms`);53 if (!frame) throw new Error('Empty frame');54 return frame;55 } catch (err) {56 logger.error('captureFrame failed', frameNum, err);57 logger.log('Retrying', i + 1);58 // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop59 await client.send('Page.stopScreencast');60 }61 }62 throw new Error(`No Page.screencastFrame after ${numRetries} retries`);63 }64 return { captureFrame };65}66// Alternative simpler implementation:67/*68async function startScreencast({ format, page, jpegQuality }) {69 const client = await;70 const options = {71 format,72 quality: jpegQuality || undefined,73 // maxWidth: width,74 // maxHeight: height,75 everyNthFrame: 1,76 };77 async function captureFrame() {78 return new Promise((resolve) => {79 client.once('Page.screencastFrame', async (frameObject) => {80 // logger.log('Page.screencastFrame');81 // logger.log(frameObject.metadata, frameObject.sessionId);82 if (! throw new Error('No frame captured');...
Source: runner.js
...12 await chromy.goto(url)13 await'.i-amphtml-story-experiment-error button')14 // await Page.navigate({url: url})15 // await Page.loadEventFired()16 // await Page.startScreencast({format: 'png', everyNthFrame: 1})17 //18 // let counter = 019 // while (counter < 100) {20 // const {data, metadata, sessionId} = await Page.screencastFrame()21 // console.log(data, metadata, sessionId)22 // counter++23 // await Page.screencastFrameAck({sessionId: sessionId})24 // }25 await chromy.goto(url)26 await chromy.wait(500)27 await chromy.evaluate(() => {28 console.log(213)29 let problem = document.querySelector('.i-amphtml-story-no-rotation-overlay')30 if (problem) {31 problem.className = ''32 }33 })34 // await chromy.startScreencast({format: 'png', everyNthFrame: 1})35 await chromy.startScreencast(async (photo) => {36 frame++37 // fs.writeFileSync('results/out' + frame + '.png', if (frame >= 50) {39 console.log('Finish')40 return chromy.stopScreencast()41 }42 await fs.writeFile('results/out' + frame + '.png',, 'base64')43 console.log(photo.metadata, frame)44 }, {45 format: 'png',46 quality: 100,47 maxWidth: 400,48 maxHeight: 720,49 everyNthFrame: 1...
Source: page.js
1var util = require('util')2var Core = require('../lib/core')3var PageFrame = require('../objects/pageFrame')4function Page (server, client) {5 this.initialize(server, client)6 this.server.on('Page.enable', this.enable.bind(this))7 this.server.on('Page.navigate', this.navigate.bind(this))8 this.server.on('Page.reload', this.reload.bind(this))9 this.server.on('Page.canEmulate', this.canEmulate.bind(this))10 this.server.on('Page.hasTouchInputs', this.hasTouchInputs.bind(this))11 this.server.on('Page.canScreencast', this.canScreencast.bind(this))12 // this.server.on('Page.startScreencast', this.startScreencast.bind(this))13 // this.server.on('Page.stopScreencast', this.stopScreencast.bind(this))14 this.screncastingInterval;15}16util.inherits(Page, Core)17Page.prototype.enable = function (request) {18 request.reply(true)19}20Page.prototype.canEmulate = function (request) {21 request.reply(false)22}23Page.prototype.canScreencast = function (request) {24 request.reply({25 result: false26 })27}28Page.prototype.hasTouchInputs = function (request) {29 request.reply(false)30}31Page.prototype.reload = function (request) {32 var page = this.client.getPage( page.reload()34}35Page.prototype.navigate = function (request) {36 var page = this.client.getPage( var url = page.navigateTo(url, function () {39 request.sendNotification('Page.frameNavigated', {40 frame: new PageFrame(url)41 })42 setTimeout(function () {43 // TODO: This event should be fired, whne we get told from Firefox, but I don't know how to listen to that event yet.44 request.sendNotification('Page.loadEventFired', {45 timestamp: new Date().getTime()46 })47 }, 2000)48 })49}50Page.prototype.startScreencast = function (req) {51 var page = this.client.getPage( var captureScreencastFrame = function () {53 page.Device.screenshotToDataURL(function(err, screenData) {54 // page.DOM.document(function (err, elmDocument) {55 screenData = screenData.replace('data:image/png;base64,', '')56 var params = {57 data: screenData,58 metadata: {59 pageScaleFactor: 1,60 offsetTop: 0,61 deviceWidth: 1000,62 deviceHeight: 1000,63 scrollOffsetX: 0,64 scrollOffsetY: 065 }66 }67 req.sendNotification('Page.screencastFrame', params)68 // });69 })70 }71 this.screncastingInterval = setInterval(captureScreencastFrame, 1000)72}73Page.prototype.stopScreencast = function (req) {74 if (this.screncastingInterval) {75 clearInterval(this.screncastingInterval)76 }77}...
Source: index.js
...33 // Page.screencastFrame()34 // Page.captureScreenshot({format: 'png', fromSurface: true})35 // const ss = await Page.captureScreenshot({format: 'png', fromSurface: true})36 // fs.writeFile('screenshot.png',, 'base64')37 // await Page.startScreencast({format: 'png', everyNthFrame: 1});38 })39 // await Page.startScreencast({40 // format: 'png',41 // quality: 100,42 // maxWidth: 400,43 // maxHeight: 720,44 // everyNthFrame: 145 // })46 // Page.screencastFrame(image => {47 // frame++48 // const {data, metadata} = image49 // fs.writeFile('results/out' + frame + '.png', data, 'base64')50 // if (frame >= 50) {51 // console.log('Finish')52 // protocol.close()53 // chrome.kill()...
Source: screenCastDemo.js
...3loadPlugin(ID, clientHandler);4(async () => {5 try {6 await openBrowser();7 await startScreencast('<pathWhereYouWantToKeepGif>/selenium_testwebsite.gif');8 await goto('');9 await click("Our Passion");10 await click("Menu");11 await click("Check Out");12 await click("Log In");13 await stopScreencast();14 ;15 } catch (e) {16 console.error(e);17 } finally {18 await closeBrowser();19 }...
Source: browserLauncher.js
...3const screenCastEnabled = process.env.SCREENCAST_ENABLED.toLowerCase() === 'true';4module.exports.openBrowserAndStartScreencast = async (outFile) => {5 await openBrowser({ args: ['--no-first-run', '--no-sandbox'] });6 if (screenCastEnabled) {7 await startScreencast(outFile);8 }9};10module.exports.closeBrowserAndStopScreencast = async () => {11 if (screenCastEnabled) {12 await stopScreencast();13 }14 await closeBrowser();...
Source: screen_cast.js
...3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await setViewPort({width:400, height:200})6 await goto("file:///tmp/");7 await screencast.startScreencast('demo.gif');8 } finally {9 await screencast.stopScreencast();10 await closeBrowser();11 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1const chromy = new Chromy();2chromy.chain()3 .startScreencast({4 })5 .wait(5000)6 .end()7 .then(() => {8 console.log('done');9 chromy.close();10 })11 .catch((e) => {12 console.log('error', e);13 chromy.close();14 });15const chromy = new Chromy();16chromy.chain()17 .stopScreencast()18 .wait(5000)19 .end()20 .then(() => {21 console.log('done');22 chromy.close();23 })24 .catch((e) => {25 console.log('error', e);26 chromy.close();27 });28const chromy = new Chromy();29chromy.chain()30 .screencastFrameAck()31 .wait(5000)32 .end()33 .then(() => {34 console.log('done');35 chromy.close();36 })37 .catch((e) => {38 console.log('error', e);39 chromy.close();40 });41const chromy = new Chromy();42chromy.chain()43 .handleScreencastFrame((params) => {44 })45 .wait(5000)46 .end()47 .then(() => {48 console.log('done');49 chromy.close();50 })51 .catch((e) => {52 console.log('error', e);53 chromy.close();54 });55const chromy = new Chromy();56chromy.chain()
Using AI Code Generation
1var chromy = require('chromy');2chromy.chain()3.startScreencast({4})5.wait(1000)6.end()7.then(function(result) {8console.log(result);9})10.catch(function(e) {11console.log(e);12});13var chromy = require('chromy');14chromy.chain()15.startScreencast({16})17.wait(1000)18.stopScreencast()19.end()20.then(function(result) {21console.log(result);22})23.catch(function(e) {24console.log(e);25});26var chromy = require('chromy');27chromy.chain()28.startScreencast({29})30.wait(1000)31.screencastFrameAck(1)32.end()33.then(function(result) {34console.log(result);35})36.catch(function(e) {37console.log(e);38});39var chromy = require('chromy');40chromy.chain()41.startScreencast({42})43.wait(1000)44.screencastFrame(1)45.end()46.then(function(result) {47console.log(result);48})49.catch(function(e) {50console.log(e);51});52var chromy = require('chromy');53chromy.chain()54.startScreencast({55})
Using AI Code Generation
1var chromy = new Chromy({ port: 9222, visible: true });2 .startScreencast({3 })4 .evaluate(function() {5 document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').value = 'Chromy';6 })7 .screenshot('screenshot-1.png')8 .click('input[name="btnK"]')9 .wait('#resultStats')10 .screenshot('screenshot-2.png')11 .end()12 .then(function() {13 console.log('done');14 })15 .catch(function(e) {16 console.error(e);17 });18var chromy = new Chromy({ port: 9222, visible: true });19 .startScreencast({20 })21 .evaluate(function() {22 document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').value = 'Chromy';23 })24 .screenshot('screenshot-1.png')25 .click('input[name="btnK"]')26 .wait('#resultStats')27 .screenshot('screenshot-2.png')28 .stopScreencast()29 .end()30 .then(function() {31 console.log('done');32 })33 .catch(function(e) {34 console.error(e);35 });36var chromy = new Chromy({ port: 9222, visible: true });37 .startScreencast({38 })39 .evaluate(function() {40 document.querySelector('input[name="q"]').value = 'Chromy';41 })42 .screenshot('screenshot-1.png')43 .click('input[name="btnK"]')44 .wait('#resultStats')45 .screenshot('screenshot-2.png')46 .stopScreencast()
Using AI Code Generation
1 .startScreencast({format: 'jpeg', everyNthFrame: 1, quality: 100, maxWidth: 1000, maxHeight: 1000})2 .then(() => {3 return chromy.stopScreencast()4 })5 .then((data) => {6 return chromy.saveScreenshot(data, 'screenshot.jpeg')7 })8 .then(() => {9 return chromy.close()10 })11 .catch((err) => {12 console.log(err)13 return chromy.close()14 })15### startScreencast(options)16### stopScreencast()17### saveScreenshot(data, path)18MIT © [Sudhanshu Yadav](
Using AI Code Generation
1chromy.startScreencast({2})3chromy.on('Page.screencastFrame', (params) => {4})5chromy.stopScreencast()6chromy.screencastFrameAck({7})8* `promptText` - *(string)* - The text to enter into the dialog prompt before accepting. Used only if this is a prompt
Using AI Code Generation
1const chromy = new Chromy();2chromy.startScreencast({3});4const chromy = new Chromy();5chromy.stopScreencast();6const chromy = new Chromy();7chromy.screencastFrameAck({8});9const chromy = new Chromy();10chromy.screencastVisibilityChanged({11});12const chromy = new Chromy();13chromy.screencastFrame({14});15const chromy = new Chromy();16chromy.screencastFrameMetadata({17 viewport: {18 },19});20const chromy = new Chromy();21chromy.screencastFrameStopped({22});23Overrides the values of device screen dimensions (window.screen.width, window.screen.height
Using AI Code Generation
1chromy.startScreencast({format:'jpeg', everyNthFrame:1}).then(function(data) {2 console.log(data);3 var base64Data =^data:image\/jpeg;base64,/, "");4 require("fs").writeFile("out.jpg", base64Data, 'base64', function(err) {5 console.log(err);6 });7});8chromy.stopScreencast().then(function(data) {9 console.log(data);10});11chromy.screencastFrameAck({sessionId:1}).then(function(data) {12 console.log(data);13});14### `new Chromy([options])`15### `chromy.close()`16### `chromy.chain()`17chromy.chain()18 .evaluate(function () {19 })20 .result(function (title) {21 })22 .end()23### `chromy.chain().goto(url)`24### `chromy.chain().goto(url, options)`25### `chromy.chain().goto(url, options, headers)`26### `chromy.chain().goto(url, options, headers, body)`
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Pair testing can help you complete your testing tasks faster and with higher quality. But who can do pair testing, and when should it be done? And what form of pair testing is best for your circumstance? Check out this blog for more information on how to conduct pair testing to optimize its benefits.
How do we acquire knowledge? This is one of the seemingly basic but critical questions you and your team members must ask and consider. We are experts; therefore, we understand why we study and what we should learn. However, many of us do not give enough thought to how we learn.
So, now that the first installment of this two fold article has been published (hence you might have an idea of what Agile Testing is not in my opinion), I’ve started feeling the pressure to explain what Agile Testing actually means to me.
To understand the agile testing mindset, we first need to determine what makes a team “agile.” To me, an agile team continually focuses on becoming self-organized and cross-functional to be able to complete any challenge they may face during a project.
Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.
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