Best JavaScript code snippet using chromeless
Source: aws-website-resource.ts
...74 if (tags === undefined) {75 // The bucket doesn't exist yet76 logMessage(`Creating the S3 bucket...`);77 const params: AWS.S3.CreateBucketRequest = {78 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),79 ACL: 'public-read'80 };81 if ( !== 'us-east-1') {82 params.CreateBucketConfiguration = {LocationConstraint:};83 }84 await s3.createBucket(params).promise();85 await s386 .putBucketTagging({87 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),88 Tagging: {TagSet: [{Key: 'managed-by', Value: MANAGER_IDENTIFIER}]}89 })90 .promise();91 await s392 .putBucketWebsite({93 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),94 WebsiteConfiguration: {IndexDocument: {Suffix: config.indexPage}}95 })96 .promise();97 await s3.waitFor('bucketExists', {Bucket: this.getS3BucketName()}).promise();98 } else {99 // The bucket already exists100 if (!tags.some((tag) => isEqual(tag, {Key: 'managed-by', Value: MANAGER_IDENTIFIER}))) {101 throwError(102 `Cannot use a S3 bucket that was not originally created by this tool (bucket name: '${this.getS3BucketName()}')`103 );104 }105 const locationConstraint =106 (await s3.getBucketLocation({Bucket: this.getS3BucketName()}).promise())107 .LocationConstraint || 'us-east-1';108 if (locationConstraint !== {109 throwError(110 `Sorry, it is not currently possible to change the region of a S3 bucket. Please remove the bucket '${this.getS3BucketName()}' manually or set 'aws.region' to '${locationConstraint}'.`111 );112 }113 const websiteConfiguration = await s3114 .getBucketWebsite({Bucket: this.getS3BucketName()})115 .promise();116 if (websiteConfiguration.IndexDocument?.Suffix !== config.indexPage) {117 logMessage(`Updating the S3 bucket website configuration...`);118 websiteConfiguration.IndexDocument = {Suffix: config.indexPage};119 await s3120 .putBucketWebsite({121 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),122 WebsiteConfiguration: websiteConfiguration123 })124 .promise();125 }126 }127 }128 async getS3BucketTags() {129 const s3 = this.getS3Client();130 try {131 return (await s3.getBucketTagging({Bucket: this.getS3BucketName()}).promise()).TagSet;132 } catch (err) {133 if (err.code === 'NoSuchTagSet') {134 return [];135 }136 if (err.code === 'NoSuchBucket') {137 return undefined;138 }139 if (err.code === 'AccessDenied') {140 throwError(`Access denied to the S3 bucket '${this.getS3BucketName()}'`);141 }142 throw err;143 }144 }145 async synchronizeFiles() {146 const config = this.getConfig();147 const s3 = this.getS3Client();148 logMessage(`Synchronizing the files...`);149 const files = getFilesFromFileSpecifiers(, config.files);150 const previousConfig = await this.loadConfigFromS3();151 const s3Files = await this.listS3Files();152 const changes = new Array<string>();153 let addedFiles = 0;154 let updatedFiles = 0;155 let removedFiles = 0;156 for (const {directory, file} of files) {157 const absoluteFile = join(directory, file);158 const md5 = hasha.fromFileSync(absoluteFile, {algorithm: 'md5'});159 const size = statSync(absoluteFile).size;160 const isImmutable = matchFilePatterns(file, config.immutableFiles);161 let s3File: {path: string; size: number; md5: string} | undefined;162 const index = s3Files.findIndex(({path}) => path === file);163 if (index !== -1) {164 s3File = s3Files[index];165 s3Files.splice(index, 1);166 }167 if (s3File !== undefined && s3File.size === size && s3File.md5 === md5) {168 const wasImmutable = matchFilePatterns(file, previousConfig.immutableFiles);169 if (isImmutable === wasImmutable) {170 continue; // No changes171 }172 }173 logMessage(`Uploading '${file}' (${bytes(size)}) to S3...`);174 const params: AWS.S3.PutObjectRequest = {175 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),176 Key: file,177 ACL: 'public-read',178 Body: createReadStream(absoluteFile),179 ContentType: mime.getType(file) ?? 'application/octet-stream',180 ContentMD5: Buffer.from(md5, 'hex').toString('base64')181 };182 if (isImmutable) {183 params.CacheControl = `max-age=${IMMUTABLE_FILES_MAX_AGE}`;184 }185 await s3.putObject(params).promise();186 if (s3File === undefined) {187 addedFiles++;188 } else {189 updatedFiles++;190 }191 changes.push(file);192 }193 for (const s3File of s3Files) {194 logMessage(`Removing '${s3File.path}' from S3...`);195 await s3.deleteObject({Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(), Key: s3File.path}).promise();196 removedFiles++;197 changes.push(s3File.path);198 }199 if (!isEqual(config, previousConfig)) {200 await this.saveConfigToS3();201 }202 let info = '';203 const buildInfo = (operation: string, fileCount: number) => {204 if (fileCount === 0) {205 return;206 }207 if (info !== '') {208 info += ', ';209 }210 info += `${fileCount} file`;211 if (fileCount > 1) {212 info += 's';213 }214 info += ` ${operation}`;215 };216 buildInfo('added', addedFiles);217 buildInfo('updated', updatedFiles);218 buildInfo('removed', removedFiles);219 if (info === '') {220 info = 'no changes';221 }222 logMessage(`Synchronization completed (${info})`);223 return changes;224 }225 async listS3Files() {226 const s3 = this.getS3Client();227 logMessage(`Listing the existing files in S3...`);228 const files = [];229 let nextContinuationToken: string | undefined;230 do {231 const result = await s3232 .listObjectsV2({233 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),234 ContinuationToken: nextContinuationToken235 })236 .promise();237 for (const item of result.Contents!) {238 const path = item.Key!;239 const size = item.Size!;240 const md5 = item.ETag!.slice(1, -1);241 if (path[0] !== '.') {242 files.push({path, size, md5});243 }244 }245 nextContinuationToken = result.NextContinuationToken;246 } while (nextContinuationToken);247 return files;248 }249 async loadConfigFromS3() {250 const s3 = this.getS3Client();251 try {252 const result = await s3253 .getObject({254 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),255 Key: CONFIG_FILE_S3_KEY256 })257 .promise();258 return JSON.parse(result.Body as string);259 } catch (err) {260 if (err.code === 'NoSuchKey') {261 return {};262 }263 throw err;264 }265 }266 async saveConfigToS3() {267 const config = this.getConfig();268 const s3 = this.getS3Client();269 const body = JSON.stringify(config);270 const md5 = hasha(body, {algorithm: 'md5'});271 const contentMD5 = Buffer.from(md5, 'hex').toString('base64');272 await s3273 .putObject({274 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),275 Key: CONFIG_FILE_S3_KEY,276 Body: body,277 ContentType: 'application/json',278 ContentMD5: contentMD5279 })280 .promise();281 }282 getS3BucketName() {283 return this.getConfig().domainName;284 }285 // === CloudFront ===286 async createOrUpdateCloudFrontDistribution() {287 let hasBeenCreated;288 let status = await this.checkCloudFrontDistribution();289 if (status === 'NOT_FOUND') {290 await this.createCloudFrontDistribution();291 hasBeenCreated = true;292 status = 'DEPLOYING';293 } else if (status === 'NEEDS_UPDATE') {294 await this.updateCloudFrontDistribution();295 status = 'DEPLOYING';296 }297 if (status === 'DEPLOYING') {298 await this.waitForCloudFrontDistributionDeployment();299 }300 return hasBeenCreated;301 }302 async checkCloudFrontDistribution() {303 logMessage(`Checking the CloudFront distribution...`);304 const distribution = await this.getCloudFrontDistribution();305 if (distribution === undefined) {306 return 'NOT_FOUND';307 }308 await this.checkCloudFrontDistributionTags();309 if (!distribution.Enabled) {310 throwError(`The CloudFront distribution is disabled (ARN: '${distribution.ARN}')`);311 }312 if (await this.checkIfCloudFrontDistributionNeedsUpdate()) {313 return 'NEEDS_UPDATE';314 }315 if (distribution.Status !== 'Deployed') {316 return 'DEPLOYING';317 }318 return 'OKAY';319 }320 _cloudFrontDistribution?: AWS.CloudFront.DistributionSummary;321 async getCloudFrontDistribution() {322 if (this._cloudFrontDistribution === undefined) {323 const config = this.getConfig();324 const cloudFront = this.getCloudFrontClient();325 logMessage(`Searching for an existing CloudFront distribution...`);326 const result = await cloudFront.listDistributions().promise();327 for (const distribution of result.DistributionList!.Items!) {328 if (distribution.Aliases!.Items!.includes(config.domainName)) {329 this._cloudFrontDistribution = distribution;330 break;331 }332 }333 if (this._cloudFrontDistribution === undefined && result.DistributionList!.IsTruncated) {334 throwError(335 `Whoa, you have a lot of CloudFront distributions! Unfortunately, this tool cannot list them all.`336 );337 }338 }339 return this._cloudFrontDistribution;340 }341 async createCloudFrontDistribution() {342 const config = this.getConfig();343 const cloudFront = this.getCloudFrontClient();344 const certificate = await this.ensureACMCertificate({region: 'us-east-1'});345 logMessage(`Creating the CloudFront distribution...`);346 const params: AWS.CloudFront.CreateDistributionWithTagsRequest = {347 DistributionConfigWithTags: {348 DistributionConfig: {349 CallerReference: String(,350 Aliases: {351 Quantity: 1,352 Items: [config.domainName]353 },354 DefaultRootObject: config.indexPage,355 Origins: this.generateCloudFrontDistributionOrigins(),356 DefaultCacheBehavior: this.generateCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior(),357 CacheBehaviors: {Quantity: 0, Items: []},358 CustomErrorResponses: this.generateCloudFrontDistributionCustomErrorResponses(),359 Comment: '',360 Logging: {Enabled: false, IncludeCookies: false, Bucket: '', Prefix: ''},361 PriceClass:,362 Enabled: true,363 ViewerCertificate: {364 ACMCertificateArn: certificate.arn,365 SSLSupportMethod: 'sni-only',366 MinimumProtocolVersion: 'TLSv1',367 Certificate: certificate.arn,368 CertificateSource: 'acm'369 },370 Restrictions: {GeoRestriction: {RestrictionType: 'none', Quantity: 0, Items: []}},371 WebACLId: '',372 HttpVersion: 'http2',373 IsIPV6Enabled: true374 },375 Tags: {376 Items: [{Key: 'managed-by', Value: MANAGER_IDENTIFIER}]377 }378 }379 };380 const {Distribution: distribution} = await cloudFront381 .createDistributionWithTags(params)382 .promise();383 this._cloudFrontDistribution = (distribution as unknown) as AWS.CloudFront.DistributionSummary;384 return this._cloudFrontDistribution;385 }386 async checkIfCloudFrontDistributionNeedsUpdate() {387 const config = this.getConfig();388 const distribution = (await this.getCloudFrontDistribution())!;389 if (!isEqual(distribution.Origins, this.generateCloudFrontDistributionOrigins())) {390 return true;391 }392 if (393 !isEqual(394 distribution.DefaultCacheBehavior,395 this.generateCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior()396 )397 ) {398 return true;399 }400 if (401 !isEqual(402 distribution.CustomErrorResponses,403 this.generateCloudFrontDistributionCustomErrorResponses()404 )405 ) {406 return true;407 }408 if (distribution.PriceClass !== {409 return true;410 }411 return false;412 }413 async updateCloudFrontDistribution() {414 const config = this.getConfig();415 const cloudFront = this.getCloudFrontClient();416 logMessage(`Updating the CloudFront distribution...`);417 const distribution = (await this.getCloudFrontDistribution())!;418 const {DistributionConfig: distConfig, ETag: eTag} = await cloudFront419 .getDistributionConfig({420 Id: distribution.Id421 })422 .promise();423 distConfig!.Origins = this.generateCloudFrontDistributionOrigins();424 distConfig!.DefaultCacheBehavior = this.generateCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior();425 distConfig!.CustomErrorResponses = this.generateCloudFrontDistributionCustomErrorResponses();426 distConfig!.PriceClass =;427 await cloudFront428 .updateDistribution({429 Id: distribution.Id,430 IfMatch: eTag,431 DistributionConfig: distConfig!432 })433 .promise();434 }435 generateCloudFrontDistributionOrigins() {436 const config = this.getConfig();437 return {438 Quantity: 1,439 Items: [440 {441 Id: config.domainName,442 DomainName: getS3WebsiteDomainName(this.getS3BucketName(),,443 OriginPath: '',444 CustomHeaders: {Quantity: 0, Items: []},445 CustomOriginConfig: {446 HTTPPort: 80,447 HTTPSPort: 443,448 OriginProtocolPolicy: 'http-only',449 OriginSslProtocols: {Quantity: 3, Items: ['TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2']},450 OriginReadTimeout: 30,451 OriginKeepaliveTimeout: 30452 },453 ConnectionAttempts: 3,454 ConnectionTimeout: 10,455 OriginShield: {Enabled: false}456 }...
Source: website.ts
...89 if (tags === undefined) {90 // The bucket doesn't exist yet91 this.logMessage(`Creating the S3 bucket...`);92 const params: AWS.S3.CreateBucketRequest = {93 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),94 ACL: 'public-read'95 };96 if (config.region !== 'us-east-1') {97 params.CreateBucketConfiguration = {LocationConstraint: config.region};98 }99 await s3.createBucket(params).promise();100 await s3101 .putBucketTagging({102 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),103 Tagging: {TagSet: [{Key: 'managed-by', Value: this.constructor.managerIdentifiers[0]}]}104 })105 .promise();106 await s3107 .putBucketWebsite({108 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),109 WebsiteConfiguration: {IndexDocument: {Suffix: config.indexPage}}110 })111 .promise();112 await s3.waitFor('bucketExists', {Bucket: this.getS3BucketName()}).promise();113 await sleep(5000); // 5 secs114 } else {115 // The bucket already exists116 if (117 !tags.some(118 ({Key, Value}) =>119 Key === 'managed-by' && this.constructor.managerIdentifiers.includes(Value)120 )121 ) {122 this.throwError(123 `Cannot use a S3 bucket that was not originally created by this tool (bucket name: '${this.getS3BucketName()}')`124 );125 }126 const locationConstraint =127 (await s3.getBucketLocation({Bucket: this.getS3BucketName()}).promise())128 .LocationConstraint || 'us-east-1';129 if (locationConstraint !== config.region) {130 this.throwError(131 `Sorry, it is not currently possible to change the region of a S3 bucket. Please remove the bucket '${this.getS3BucketName()}' manually or set 'region' to '${locationConstraint}'.`132 );133 }134 const websiteConfiguration = await s3135 .getBucketWebsite({Bucket: this.getS3BucketName()})136 .promise();137 if (websiteConfiguration.IndexDocument?.Suffix !== config.indexPage) {138 this.logMessage(`Updating the S3 bucket website configuration...`);139 websiteConfiguration.IndexDocument = {Suffix: config.indexPage};140 await s3141 .putBucketWebsite({142 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),143 WebsiteConfiguration: websiteConfiguration144 })145 .promise();146 }147 }148 }149 async getS3BucketTags() {150 const s3 = this.getS3Client();151 try {152 return (await s3.getBucketTagging({Bucket: this.getS3BucketName()}).promise()).TagSet;153 } catch (err) {154 if (err.code === 'NoSuchTagSet') {155 return [];156 }157 if (err.code === 'NoSuchBucket') {158 return undefined;159 }160 if (err.code === 'AccessDenied') {161 this.throwError(`Access denied to the S3 bucket '${this.getS3BucketName()}'`);162 }163 throw err;164 }165 }166 async synchronizeFiles() {167 const config = this.getConfig();168 const s3 = this.getS3Client();169 this.logMessage(`Synchronizing the files...`);170 const files = walkSync(, {directories: false, ignore: ['**/.*']});171 const previousConfig = await this.loadConfigFromS3();172 const s3Files = await this.listS3Files();173 const changes = new Array<string>();174 let addedFiles = 0;175 let updatedFiles = 0;176 let removedFiles = 0;177 for (const file of files) {178 const absoluteFile = join(, file);179 const md5 = hasha.fromFileSync(absoluteFile, {algorithm: 'md5'});180 const size = statSync(absoluteFile).size;181 const isImmutable = matchFilePatterns(file, config.immutableFiles);182 let s3File: {path: string; size: number; md5: string} | undefined;183 const index = s3Files.findIndex(({path}) => path === file);184 if (index !== -1) {185 s3File = s3Files[index];186 s3Files.splice(index, 1);187 }188 if (s3File !== undefined && s3File.size === size && s3File.md5 === md5) {189 const wasImmutable = matchFilePatterns(file, previousConfig.immutableFiles);190 if (isImmutable === wasImmutable) {191 continue; // No changes192 }193 }194 this.logMessage(`Uploading '${file}' (${bytes(size)}) to S3...`);195 const params: AWS.S3.PutObjectRequest = {196 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),197 Key: file,198 ACL: 'public-read',199 Body: createReadStream(absoluteFile),200 ContentType: mime.getType(file) ?? 'application/octet-stream',201 ContentMD5: Buffer.from(md5, 'hex').toString('base64')202 };203 if (isImmutable) {204 params.CacheControl = `max-age=${IMMUTABLE_FILES_MAX_AGE}`;205 }206 await s3.putObject(params).promise();207 if (s3File === undefined) {208 addedFiles++;209 } else {210 updatedFiles++;211 }212 changes.push(file);213 }214 for (const s3File of s3Files) {215 this.logMessage(`Removing '${s3File.path}' from S3...`);216 await s3.deleteObject({Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(), Key: s3File.path}).promise();217 removedFiles++;218 changes.push(s3File.path);219 }220 if (!isEqual(config, previousConfig)) {221 await this.saveConfigToS3();222 }223 let info = '';224 const buildInfo = (operation: string, fileCount: number) => {225 if (fileCount === 0) {226 return;227 }228 if (info !== '') {229 info += ', ';230 }231 info += `${fileCount} file`;232 if (fileCount > 1) {233 info += 's';234 }235 info += ` ${operation}`;236 };237 buildInfo('added', addedFiles);238 buildInfo('updated', updatedFiles);239 buildInfo('removed', removedFiles);240 if (info === '') {241 info = 'no changes';242 }243 this.logMessage(`Synchronization completed (${info})`);244 return changes;245 }246 async listS3Files() {247 const s3 = this.getS3Client();248 this.logMessage(`Listing the existing files in S3...`);249 const files = [];250 let nextContinuationToken: string | undefined;251 do {252 const result = await s3253 .listObjectsV2({254 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),255 ContinuationToken: nextContinuationToken256 })257 .promise();258 for (const item of result.Contents!) {259 const path = item.Key!;260 const size = item.Size!;261 const md5 = item.ETag!.slice(1, -1);262 if (path[0] !== '.') {263 files.push({path, size, md5});264 }265 }266 nextContinuationToken = result.NextContinuationToken;267 } while (nextContinuationToken);268 return files;269 }270 async loadConfigFromS3() {271 const s3 = this.getS3Client();272 try {273 const result = await s3274 .getObject({275 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),276 Key: CONFIG_FILE_S3_KEY277 })278 .promise();279 return JSON.parse(result.Body as string);280 } catch (err) {281 if (err.code === 'NoSuchKey') {282 return {};283 }284 throw err;285 }286 }287 async saveConfigToS3() {288 const config = this.getConfig();289 const s3 = this.getS3Client();290 const body = JSON.stringify(config);291 const md5 = hasha(body, {algorithm: 'md5'});292 const contentMD5 = Buffer.from(md5, 'hex').toString('base64');293 await s3294 .putObject({295 Bucket: this.getS3BucketName(),296 Key: CONFIG_FILE_S3_KEY,297 Body: body,298 ContentType: 'application/json',299 ContentMD5: contentMD5300 })301 .promise();302 }303 getS3BucketName() {304 return this.getConfig().domainName;305 }306 // === CloudFront ===307 async createOrUpdateCloudFrontDistribution() {308 let hasBeenCreated;309 let status = await this.checkCloudFrontDistribution();310 if (status === 'NOT_FOUND') {311 await this.createCloudFrontDistribution();312 hasBeenCreated = true;313 status = 'DEPLOYING';314 } else if (status === 'NEEDS_UPDATE') {315 await this.updateCloudFrontDistribution();316 status = 'DEPLOYING';317 }318 if (status === 'DEPLOYING') {319 await this.waitForCloudFrontDistributionDeployment();320 }321 return hasBeenCreated;322 }323 async checkCloudFrontDistribution() {324 this.logMessage(`Checking the CloudFront distribution...`);325 const distribution = await this.getCloudFrontDistribution();326 if (distribution === undefined) {327 return 'NOT_FOUND';328 }329 await this.checkCloudFrontDistributionTags();330 if (!distribution.Enabled) {331 this.throwError(`The CloudFront distribution is disabled (ARN: '${distribution.ARN}')`);332 }333 if (await this.checkIfCloudFrontDistributionNeedsUpdate()) {334 return 'NEEDS_UPDATE';335 }336 if (distribution.Status !== 'Deployed') {337 return 'DEPLOYING';338 }339 return 'OKAY';340 }341 _cloudFrontDistribution?: AWS.CloudFront.DistributionSummary;342 async getCloudFrontDistribution() {343 if (this._cloudFrontDistribution === undefined) {344 const config = this.getConfig();345 const cloudFront = this.getCloudFrontClient();346 this.logMessage(`Searching for an existing CloudFront distribution...`);347 const result = await cloudFront.listDistributions().promise();348 for (const distribution of result.DistributionList!.Items!) {349 if (distribution.Aliases!.Items!.includes(config.domainName)) {350 this._cloudFrontDistribution = distribution;351 break;352 }353 }354 if (this._cloudFrontDistribution === undefined && result.DistributionList!.IsTruncated) {355 this.throwError(356 `Whoa, you have a lot of CloudFront distributions! Unfortunately, this tool cannot list them all.`357 );358 }359 }360 return this._cloudFrontDistribution;361 }362 async createCloudFrontDistribution() {363 const config = this.getConfig();364 const cloudFront = this.getCloudFrontClient();365 const certificate = await this.ensureACMCertificate({region: 'us-east-1'});366 this.logMessage(`Creating the CloudFront distribution...`);367 const params: AWS.CloudFront.CreateDistributionWithTagsRequest = {368 DistributionConfigWithTags: {369 DistributionConfig: {370 CallerReference: String(,371 Aliases: {372 Quantity: 1,373 Items: [config.domainName]374 },375 DefaultRootObject: config.indexPage,376 Origins: this.generateCloudFrontDistributionOrigins(),377 DefaultCacheBehavior: this.generateCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior(),378 CacheBehaviors: {Quantity: 0, Items: []},379 CustomErrorResponses: CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION_CUSTOM_ERROR_RESPONSES,380 Comment: '',381 Logging: {Enabled: false, IncludeCookies: false, Bucket: '', Prefix: ''},382 PriceClass: config.cloudFront.priceClass,383 Enabled: true,384 ViewerCertificate: {385 ACMCertificateArn: certificate.arn,386 SSLSupportMethod: 'sni-only',387 MinimumProtocolVersion: 'TLSv1',388 Certificate: certificate.arn,389 CertificateSource: 'acm'390 },391 Restrictions: {GeoRestriction: {RestrictionType: 'none', Quantity: 0, Items: []}},392 WebACLId: '',393 HttpVersion: 'http2',394 IsIPV6Enabled: true395 },396 Tags: {397 Items: [{Key: 'managed-by', Value: this.constructor.managerIdentifiers[0]}]398 }399 }400 };401 const {Distribution: distribution} = await cloudFront402 .createDistributionWithTags(params)403 .promise();404 this._cloudFrontDistribution = (distribution as unknown) as AWS.CloudFront.DistributionSummary;405 return this._cloudFrontDistribution;406 }407 async checkIfCloudFrontDistributionNeedsUpdate() {408 const config = this.getConfig();409 const distribution = (await this.getCloudFrontDistribution())!;410 // if (!isEqual(distribution.Origins, this.generateCloudFrontDistributionOrigins())) {411 // return true;412 // }413 // if (414 // !isEqual(415 // distribution.DefaultCacheBehavior,416 // this.generateCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior()417 // )418 // ) {419 // return true;420 // }421 // if (422 // !isEqual(distribution.CustomErrorResponses, CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION_CUSTOM_ERROR_RESPONSES)423 // ) {424 // return true;425 // }426 if (distribution.PriceClass !== config.cloudFront.priceClass) {427 return true;428 }429 return false;430 }431 async updateCloudFrontDistribution() {432 const config = this.getConfig();433 const cloudFront = this.getCloudFrontClient();434 this.logMessage(`Updating the CloudFront distribution...`);435 const distribution = (await this.getCloudFrontDistribution())!;436 const {DistributionConfig: distConfig, ETag: eTag} = await cloudFront437 .getDistributionConfig({438 Id: distribution.Id439 })440 .promise();441 distConfig!.Origins = this.generateCloudFrontDistributionOrigins();442 distConfig!.DefaultCacheBehavior = this.generateCloudFrontDistributionDefaultCacheBehavior();443 distConfig!.CustomErrorResponses = CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION_CUSTOM_ERROR_RESPONSES;444 distConfig!.PriceClass = config.cloudFront.priceClass;445 await cloudFront446 .updateDistribution({447 Id: distribution.Id,448 IfMatch: eTag,449 DistributionConfig: distConfig!450 })451 .promise();452 }453 generateCloudFrontDistributionOrigins() {454 const config = this.getConfig();455 return {456 Quantity: 1,457 Items: [458 {459 Id: config.domainName,460 DomainName: getS3WebsiteDomainName(this.getS3BucketName(), config.region),461 OriginPath: '',462 CustomHeaders: {Quantity: 0, Items: []},463 CustomOriginConfig: {464 HTTPPort: 80,465 HTTPSPort: 443,466 OriginProtocolPolicy: 'http-only',467 OriginSslProtocols: {Quantity: 3, Items: ['TLSv1', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1.2']},468 OriginReadTimeout: 30,469 OriginKeepaliveTimeout: 30470 },471 ConnectionAttempts: 3,472 ConnectionTimeout: 10,473 OriginShield: {Enabled: false}474 }...
Source: uploader.js
1const aws = require('aws-sdk');2const s3 = new aws.S3({apiVersion: '2006-03-01'});3// const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');4function getS3BucketName() {5 return process.env['CHROME_S3_BUCKET_NAME'];6}7function getS3BucketUrl() {8 return process.env['CHROME_S3_BUCKET_URL'];9}10function getS3ObjectKeyPrefix() {11 return process.env['CHROME_S3_OBJECT_KEY_PREFIX'] || '';12}13function getS3FilesPermissions() {14 return process.env['CHROME_S3_OBJECT_ACL'] || 'public-read';15}16// const isS3Configured = () => {17// return getS3BucketName() && getS3BucketUrl();18// }19const s3ContentTypes = {20 'image/png': {21 extension: 'png',22 },23 'image/jpg': {24 extension: 'jpg',25 },26 'image/jpeg': {27 extension: 'jpeg',28 },29 'application/pdf': {30 extension: 'pdf',31 },32 'image/webp': {33 extension: 'webp',34 },35};36const uploadToS3 = async (37 data,38 contentType,39 // upload path won't include the extension40 uploadPath,41) => {42 const s3ContentType = s3ContentTypes[contentType];43 if (!s3ContentType) {44 throw new Error(`Unknown S3 Content type ${contentType}`);45 }46 const s3Path = `${getS3ObjectKeyPrefix()}${uploadPath}.${s3ContentType.extension}`;47 await s348 .putObject({49 Bucket: getS3BucketName(),50 Key: s3Path,51 ContentType: contentType,52 ACL: getS3FilesPermissions(),53 Body: Buffer.from(data, 'base64'),54 })55 .promise();56 // the s3Path we return needs to be encoded57 return `https://${getS3BucketUrl()}/${encodeURIComponent(s3Path)}`;58};59module.exports = {60 uploadToS3,...
Using AI Code Generation
1const chromeless = require('chromeless')()2const getS3BucketName = require('./getS3BucketName')3async function run() {4 .type('chromeless', 'input[name="q"]')5 .press(13)6 .wait('#resultStats')7 .evaluate(getS3BucketName)8 await chromeless.end()9}10run().catch(console.error.bind(console))11module.exports = () => {12 const result = document.querySelector('#resultStats')13 if (result) {14 }15}
Using AI Code Generation
1const chromeless = require('chromeless')()2async function run() {3 .type('input[name="s3BucketName"]', 'my-s3-bucket')4 .click('button[type="submit"]')5 .wait('#s3BucketName')6 .evaluate(() => {7 return document.querySelector('#s3BucketName').value8 })9 await chromeless.end()10}11run().catch(console.error.bind(console))12const chromeless = require('chromeless')()13async function run() {14 .type('input[name="s3BucketName"]', 'my-s3-bucket')15 .click('button[type="submit"]')16 .wait('#s3BucketName')17 .evaluate(() => {18 return document.querySelector('#s3BucketName').value19 })20 await chromeless.end()21}22run().catch(console.error.bind(console))23const chromeless = require('chromeless')()24async function run() {25 .type('input[name="s3BucketName"]', 'my-s3-bucket')26 .click('button[type="submit"]')27 .wait('#s3BucketName')28 .evaluate(() => {29 return document.querySelector('#s3BucketName').value30 })31 await chromeless.end()32}33run().catch(console.error.bind(console))34const chromeless = require('chromeless')()35async function run() {36 .type('input[name="s3BucketName"]', 'my-s3-bucket')
Using AI Code Generation
1const chromeless = new Chromeless();2const s3BucketName = await chromeless.getS3BucketName();3console.log(s3BucketName);4await chromeless.end();5const Chromeless = require('chromeless').Chromeless;6const chromeless = new Chromeless();7const s3BucketName = await chromeless.getS3BucketName();8console.log(s3BucketName);9await chromeless.end();10module.exports = {11 getS3BucketName: async () => {12 const chromeless = new Chromeless();13 const s3BucketName = await chromeless.getS3BucketName();14 console.log(s3BucketName);15 await chromeless.end();16 }17}18module.exports = {19 getS3BucketName: async () => {20 const chromeless = new Chromeless();21 const s3BucketName = await chromeless.getS3BucketName();22 console.log(s3BucketName);23 await chromeless.end();24 return s3BucketName;25 }26}27const Chromeless = require('chromeless').Chromeless;28module.exports = {29 getS3BucketName: async () => {30 const chromeless = new Chromeless();31 const s3BucketName = await chromeless.getS3BucketName();32 console.log(s3BucketName);33 await chromeless.end();34 return s3BucketName;35 }36}37const Chromeless = require('chromeless').Chromeless;38module.exports = {39 getS3BucketName: async () => {40 const chromeless = new Chromeless();41 const s3BucketName = await chromeless.getS3BucketName();42 console.log(s3BucketName);43 await chromeless.end();44 return s3BucketName;45 }46}47const Chromeless = require('chromeless').Chromeless;48module.exports = {
Using AI Code Generation
1const chromeless = require('./chromeless');2chromeless.getS3BucketName();3module.exports.getS3BucketName = function() {4 const AWS = require('aws-sdk');5 const s3 = new AWS.S3();6 s3.getBucketLocation({Bucket: 'myBucket'}, function(err, data) {7 if (err) return console.log(err);8 console.log(data);9 });10}11Your name to display (optional):12Your name to display (optional):13Your name to display (optional):
Using AI Code Generation
1var chromeless = require('./chromeless');2var chromeless = require('chromeless');3var chromeless = new chromeless();4var getS3BucketName = function(url) {5 chromeless.goto(url)6 .evaluate(() => {7 return document.querySelector('s3BucketName').innerText;8 })9 .end();10}11module.exports.getS3BucketName = getS3BucketName;
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Learn to execute automation testing from scratch with LambdaTest Learning Hub. Right from setting up the prerequisites to run your first automation test, to following best practices and diving deeper into advanced test scenarios. LambdaTest Learning Hubs compile a list of step-by-step guides to help you be proficient with different test automation frameworks i.e. Selenium, Cypress, TestNG etc.
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