How to use value.toString method in chai

Best JavaScript code snippet using chai


Source: packetfilter.js Github


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2function HideField(fieldName) {3 $(fieldName).hide();4}5function ShowSourceField(decidingElement) {6 if ($(decidingElement).value.toString() == "Other") {7 $("SourceOther").show();8 }9 else {10 $("SourceOther").hide();11 }12 if ($(decidingElement).value.toString() == "Group") {13 $("SourceGroup").show();14 }15 else {16 $("SourceGroup").hide();17 }18 if ($(decidingElement).value.toString() == "User") {19 $("SourceUser").show();20 }21 else {22 $("SourceUser").hide();23 }24 if ($(decidingElement).value.toString() == "Component") {25 $("SourceComponent").show();26 }27 else {28 $("SourceComponent").hide();29 }30}31function ShowDestinationField(decidingElement) {32 if ($(decidingElement).value.toString() == "Other") {33 $("DestOther").show();34 }35 else {36 $("DestOther").hide();37 }38 if ($(decidingElement).value.toString() == "Group") {39 $("DestGroup").show();40 }41 else {42 $("DestGroup").hide();43 }44 if ($(decidingElement).value.toString() == "User") {45 $("DestUser").show();46 }47 else {48 $("DestUser").hide();49 }50 if ($(decidingElement).value.toString() == "Component") {51 $("DestComponent").show();52 }53 else {54 $("DestComponent").hide();55 }56}57function ShowExtraOptions(decidingElement) {58 var value = $(decidingElement).value.toString();59 if ($(decidingElement).value.toString() =="Redirect") {60 $("RedirectOptions").show();61 }62 else {63 $("RedirectOptions").hide();64 }...

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Source: date-preserve-milliseconds.js Github


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1description(2'The following test checks if an existing milliseconds value gets preserved if a call to setHours(), setMinutes() or setSeconds() does not specify the milliseconds. See <a href="https:/​/​​show_bug.cgi?id=3759">https:/​/​​show_bug.cgi?id=3759</​a>'3);4var d = new Date(0);5d.setMilliseconds(1);6var oldValue = d.getMilliseconds();7d.setHours(8);8shouldBe("d.getMilliseconds()", oldValue.toString());9d.setHours(8, 30);10shouldBe("d.getMilliseconds()", oldValue.toString());11d.setHours(8, 30, 40);12shouldBe("d.getMilliseconds()", oldValue.toString());13d.setMinutes(45);14shouldBe("d.getMilliseconds()", oldValue.toString());15d.setMinutes(45, 40);16shouldBe("d.getMilliseconds()", oldValue.toString());17d.setSeconds(50);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const assert = require('chai').assert;2const app = require('../​app');3const sayHello = require('../​app').sayHello;4const addNumbers = require('../​app').addNumbers;5sayHelloResult = app.sayHello();6addNumbersResult = app.addNumbers(5,5);7describe('App', function(){8 describe('sayHello()', function(){9 it('sayHello should return hello', function(){10 assert.equal(sayHelloResult, 'hello');11 });12 it('sayHello should return type string', function(){13 assert.typeOf(sayHelloResult, 'string');14 });15 });16 describe('addNumbers()', function(){17 it('addNumbers should be above 5', function(){18 assert.isAbove(addNumbersResult, 5);19 });20 it('addNumbers should return type number', function(){21 assert.typeOf(addNumbersResult, 'number');22 });23 });24});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const expect = require('chai').expect;2const app = require('../​app');3describe('App', function() {4 it('app should return hello', function() {5 let result = app.sayHello();6 expect(result).to.equal('hello');7 });8 it('app should return type string', function() {9 let result = app.sayHello();10 expect(result)'string');11 });12 it('addNumbers should be above 5', function() {13 let result = app.addNumbers(5, 5);14 expect(result);15 });16 it('addNumbers should return type number', function() {17 let result = app.addNumbers(5, 5);18 expect(result)'number');19 });20});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const assert = require('chai').assert2const myApp = require('../​app.js')3sayHelloResult = myApp.sayHello()4addNumbersResult = myApp.addNumbers(5, 5)5describe('App', function() {6 describe('sayHello()', function() {7 it('sayHello should return hello', function() {8 assert.equal(sayHelloResult, 'hello');9 });10 it('sayHello should return type string', function() {11 assert.typeOf(sayHelloResult, 'string');12 });13 });14 describe('addNumbers()', function() {15 it('addNumbers should be above 5', function() {16 assert.isAbove(addNumbersResult, 5);17 });18 it('addNumbers should return type number', function() {19 assert.typeOf(addNumbersResult, 'number');20 });21 });22});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var assert = require('chai').assert;2var expect = require('chai').expect;3var should = require('chai').should();4var value = 1;5assert.typeOf(value, 'number');6assert.equal(value, 1);7assert.lengthOf(value, 1);8var value = 'test';9assert.typeOf(value, 'string');10assert.lengthOf(value, 4);11var value = true;12assert.typeOf(value, 'boolean');13var value = {name: 'test'};14assert.typeOf(value, 'object');15var value = null;16assert.typeOf(value, 'null');17var value = undefined;18assert.typeOf(value, 'undefined');19var value = [1, 2, 3];20assert.typeOf(value, 'array');21assert.lengthOf(value, 3);22var value = new Error('test');23assert.typeOf(value, 'error');24var value = new Date();25assert.typeOf(value, 'date');26assert.equal(value.toString(), 'Thu Jul 28 2016 11:05:21 GMT+0530 (IST)');27var value = /​test/​;28assert.typeOf(value, 'regexp');29var value = function () {};30assert.typeOf(value, 'function');31var assert = require('chai').assert;32var expect = require('chai').expect;33var should = require('chai').should();34var value = 1;35expect(value)'number');36expect(value).to.equal(1);37expect(value).to.have.lengthOf(1);38var value = 'test';39expect(value)'string');40expect(value).to.have.lengthOf(4);41var value = true;42expect(value)'boolean');43var value = {name: 'test'};44expect(value)'object');45var value = null;46expect(value)'null');47var value = undefined;48expect(value)'undefined');49var value = [1, 2, 3];50expect(value)'array');51expect(value).to.have.lengthOf(3);52var value = new Error('test');53expect(value)'error');54var value = new Date();55expect(value)'date');56expect(value.toString()).to.equal('Thu Jul 28 2016 11:05:21 GMT+0530 (IST)');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { expect } = require('chai');2const { add, subtract, multiply, divide } = require('../​src/​math');3describe('math', () => {4 describe('add', () => {5 it('should add two numbers', () => {6 expect(add(1, 2)).to.equal(3);7 });8 });9 describe('subtract', () => {10 it('should subtract two numbers', () => {11 expect(subtract(5, 2)).to.equal(3);12 });13 });14 describe('multiply', () => {15 it('should multiply two numbers', () => {16 expect(multiply(5, 2)).to.equal(10);17 });18 });19 describe('divide', () => {20 it('should divide two numbers', () => {21 expect(divide(10, 2)).to.equal(5);22 });23 });24});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var _ = require('lodash');2var obj = {3};4var obj2 = _.chain(obj).map(function(value, key) {5 return key + value;6}).toString().value();7console.log(obj2);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { Chain, Value } = require('dchain')2const chain = new Chain()3const value = new Value('foo')4chain.add(value)5chain.add(value)6const chain2 = chain.value()7console.log(chain2.toString())8const { Chain, Value } = require('dchain')9const chain = new Chain()10const value = new Value(10)11chain.add(value)12chain.add(value)13const chain2 = chain.value()14console.log(chain2.toNumber())15const { Chain, Value } = require('dchain')16const chain = new Chain()17const value = new Value(true)18chain.add(value)19chain.add(value)20const chain2 = chain.value()21console.log(chain2.toBoolean())22const { Chain, Value } = require('dchain')23const chain = new Chain()24const value = new Value(new Date())25chain.add(value)26chain.add(value)27const chain2 = chain.value()28console.log(chain2.toDate())29const { Chain, Value } = require('dchain')30const chain = new Chain()31const value = new Value(Buffer.from('foo'))32chain.add(value)33chain.add(value)34const chain2 = chain.value()35console.log(chain2.toBuffer())36const { Chain, Value } = require('dchain')37const chain = new Chain()38const value = new Value(['foo'])39chain.add(value)40chain.add(value)41const chain2 = chain.value()42console.log(chain2.toArray())43const { Chain, Value } = require('dchain')44const chain = new Chain()45const value = new Value({ foo: 'foo' })46chain.add(value)47chain.add(value)48const chain2 = chain.value()49console.log(chain2.toObject())50const { Chain, Value } = require('dchain')51const chain = new Chain()52const value = new Value(new Chain())53chain.add(value)54chain.add(value)55const chain2 = chain.value()

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