How to use util.getOperator method in chai

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1/​*!2 * OpenUI53 * (c) Copyright 2009-2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt.5 */​6sap.ui.define([7 'sap/​ui/​core/​Control',8 'sap/​ui/​base/​ManagedObjectObserver',9 'sap/​base/​util/​merge',10 'sap/​base/​util/​deepEqual',11 'sap/​ui/​mdc/​condition/​Condition',12 'sap/​ui/​mdc/​condition/​FilterOperatorUtil',13 'sap/​ui/​mdc/​condition/​Operator',14 'sap/​ui/​mdc/​field/​ConditionType',15 'sap/​ui/​mdc/​enum/​EditMode',16 'sap/​ui/​mdc/​enum/​FieldDisplay',17 'sap/​ui/​mdc/​enum/​BaseType',18 'sap/​ui/​mdc/​enum/​ConditionValidated',19 'sap/​ui/​mdc/​Field',20 'sap/​ui/​mdc/​field/​ListFieldHelp',21 'sap/​ui/​mdc/​field/​ListFieldHelpItem',22 'sap/​ui/​model/​base/​ManagedObjectModel',23 'sap/​ui/​model/​json/​JSONModel',24 'sap/​ui/​model/​resource/​ResourceModel',25 'sap/​ui/​model/​type/​String',26 'sap/​ui/​core/​library',27 'sap/​ui/​core/​InvisibleText',28 'sap/​ui/​core/​ListItem',29 'sap/​ui/​layout/​Grid',30 'sap/​ui/​layout/​GridData',31 'sap/​m/​library',32 'sap/​m/​ScrollContainer',33 'sap/​m/​Button',34 'sap/​m/​Panel',35 'sap/​base/​Log'36], function(37 Control,38 ManagedObjectObserver,39 merge,40 deepEqual,41 Condition,42 FilterOperatorUtil,43 Operator,44 ConditionType,45 EditMode,46 FieldDisplay,47 BaseType,48 ConditionValidated,49 Field,50 ListFieldHelp,51 ListFieldHelpItem,52 ManagedObjectModel,53 JSONModel,54 ResourceModel,55 StringType,56 coreLibrary,57 InvisibleText,58 ListItem,59 Grid,60 GridData,61 mLibrary,62 ScrollContainer,63 Button,64 Panel,65 Log66 ) {67 "use strict";68 /​/​ translation utils69 var oMessageBundle = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle("sap.ui.mdc");70 sap.ui.getCore().attachLocalizationChanged(function() {71 oMessageBundle = sap.ui.getCore().getLibraryResourceBundle("sap.ui.mdc");72 });73 var ButtonType = mLibrary.ButtonType;74 var ValueState = coreLibrary.ValueState;75 /​**76 * Constructor for a new <code>DefineConditionPanel</​code>.77 *78 * @param {string} [sId] ID for the new control, generated automatically if no ID is given79 * @param {object} [mSettings] Initial settings for the new control80 *81 * @class82 * A <code>DefineConditionPanel</​code> control is used inside the <code>ValueHelpPanel</​code> control to enter different types83 * of conditions.84 *85 * @extends sap.ui.core.Control86 *87 * @author SAP SE88 * @version 1.96.489 *90 * @constructor91 * @alias sap.ui.mdc.field.DefineConditionPanel92 * @since 1.58.093 * @abstract94 *95 * @private96 * @ui5-restricted sap.ui.mdc.field.ValueHelpPanel, sap.ui.mdc.field.ConditionFieldHelp97 */​98 var DefineConditionPanel = Control.extend("sap.ui.mdc.field.DefineConditionPanel", {99 metadata: {100 library: "sap.ui.mdc",101 properties: {102 /​**103 * Sets the conditions that represent the selected values of the help.104 *105 * @since 1.62.0106 */​107 conditions: {108 type: "object[]",109 group: "Data",110 defaultValue: [],111 byValue: true112 },113 /​/​ TODO: better way to pass MaxConditions, Operators, ...114 /​**115 * The <code>formatOptions</​code> for the <code>ConditionType</​code> used to format tokens.116 *117 * @since 1.62.0118 */​119 formatOptions: {120 type: "object",121 defaultValue: {}122 },123 /​**124 * The <code>label</​code> for the <code>DefineConditionPanel</​code> used as panel headerText.125 *126 * @since 1.84.0127 */​128 label: {129 type: "string",130 defaultValue: ""131 },132 /​**133 * If set, there has been no invalid user input.134 *135 * <b>Note:</​b> This property must not be set from outside. It is a property because that way it can be bound to the136 * <code>ManagedObjectModel</​code> of the calling field help and automatically update it.137 *138 * @since 1.87.0139 */​140 inputOK: {141 type: "boolean",142 defaultValue: true143 }144 },145 aggregations: {146 /​**147 * Optional content that can be rendered.148 *149 * <b>Note:</​b> Bind the value-holding property of the control to <code>'$field>/​conditions'</​code>150 * using <code>sap.ui.mdc.field.ConditionsType</​code> as type.151 *152 * If the control needs to show multiple conditions, bind its aggregation to </​code>'$field>/​conditions'</​code>.153 * Bind the item controls value-holding property using <code>sap.ui.mdc.field.ConditionType</​code> as type.154 *155 * <b>Warning:</​b> Only controls allowed in a </​code>Form</​code> are allowed to be used for this optional content.156 * Other controls might break the layout.157 * This means the <code>sap.ui.core.IFormContent</​code> interface needs to be implemented by these controls.158 */​159 _content: {160 type: "sap.ui.core.Control",161 multiple: false,162 visibility: "hidden"163 }164 },165 events: {166 /​**167 * Event is fired if the user processes a condition. (Not known if changed.)168 */​169 conditionProcessed: {}170 }171 },172 _oManagedObjectModel: null,173 renderer:{174 apiVersion: 2,175 render: function(oRm, oControl){176 oRm.openStart("section", oControl);177 oRm.class("sapUiMdcDefineConditionPanel");178 oRm.openEnd();179 oRm.renderControl(oControl.getAggregation("_content"));180 oRm.close("section");181 }182 },183 init: function() {184 sap.ui.getCore().getMessageManager().registerObject(this, true);185 Control.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);186 this._oManagedObjectModel = new ManagedObjectModel(this);187 this._oObserver = new ManagedObjectObserver(_observeChanges.bind(this));188 this._oObserver.observe(this, {189 properties: ["conditions", "formatOptions"]190 });191;192 this.setModel(this._oManagedObjectModel, "$this");193 this.setModel(this._oManagedObjectModel, "$condition"); /​/​ TODO: better solution to have 2 bindingContexts on one control194 },195 exit: function() {196 sap.ui.getCore().getMessageManager().unregisterObject(this, true);197 this._oObserver.disconnect();198 this._oObserver = undefined;199 if (this._sConditionsTimer) {200 clearTimeout(this._sConditionsTimer);201 this._sConditionsTimer = null;202 }203 if (this._oDefaultType) {204 this._oDefaultType.destroy();205 delete this._oDefaultType;206 }207 this._oManagedObjectModel.destroy();208 delete this._oManagedObjectModel;209 },210 byId: function(sId) {211 return sap.ui.getCore().byId(this.getId() + "--" + sId);212 },213 onBeforeRendering: function() {214 if (!this.getModel("$i18n")) {215 /​/​ if ResourceModel not provided from outside create own one216 this.setModel(new ResourceModel({ bundleName: "sap/​ui/​mdc/​messagebundle", async: false }), "$i18n");217 }218 if (this.getConditions().length === 0) {219 /​/​ as observer must not be called in the initial case220 this.updateDefineConditions();221 }222 },223 removeCondition: function(oEvent) {224 var oSource = oEvent.oSource;225 var oBindingContext = oSource.getBindingContext("$this");226 var aConditions = this.getConditions();227 var sPath = oBindingContext.getPath();228 var aMatch = sPath.match(/​^.*\/​(\d+)\/​$/​);229 var iIndex;230 if (aMatch) {231 iIndex = parseInt(aMatch[1]);232 }233 if (iIndex > 0 && aConditions.length - 1 === iIndex) {234 this._bFocusLastRemoveBtn = true; /​/​ as remove-Button will disappear and focus should set on the last row remove button235 }236 /​/​ try to reset valueState and value of value Fields inside the removed row237 var oGrid = this.byId("conditions");238 var aGridContent = oGrid.getContent();239 var iRow = 0;240 for (var i = 0; i < aGridContent.length && iRow <= iIndex; i++) {241 var oField = aGridContent[i];242 if (iRow === iIndex && oField instanceof Field && oField.hasOwnProperty("_iValueIndex")) {243 if (oField._bParseError) { /​/​ TODO: better was to find out parsing error244 oField.setValue(null); /​/​ to remove invalid value from parsing245 }246 }247 if (oField instanceof Button && oField.getId().endsWith("-removeBtnLarge")) {248 iRow++;249 }250 }251 aConditions.splice(iIndex, 1);252 this.setProperty("conditions", aConditions, true); /​/​ do not invalidate whole DefineConditionPanel253 this.fireConditionProcessed();254 },255 addCondition: function(oEvent) {256 var aConditions = this.getConditions();257 var oFormatOptions = this.getFormatOptions();258 var iMaxConditions = oFormatOptions.maxConditions;259 if (iMaxConditions === -1 || aConditions.length < iMaxConditions) {260 /​/​ create a new dummy condition for a new condition on the UI - must be removed later if not used or filled correct261 this.addDummyCondition(aConditions.length + 1);262 if (this.getConditions().length === iMaxConditions) {263 this._bFocusLastCondition = true; /​/​ as add-Button will disappear and focus should stay in DefineConditionPanel264 }265 }266 },267 addDummyCondition: function(index) {268 var aOperators =;269 var oOperator =;270 var sOperator =;271 var oCondition = Condition.createCondition(sOperator, oOperator.valueDefaults ? oOperator.valueDefaults : [], undefined, undefined, ConditionValidated.NotValidated);272 /​/​ mark the condition as initial and not modified by the user273 oCondition.isInitial = true;274 FilterOperatorUtil.updateConditionValues(oCondition);275 FilterOperatorUtil.checkConditionsEmpty(oCondition, aOperators);276 var aConditions = this.getConditions();277 if (index !== undefined) {278 aConditions.splice(index, 0, oCondition);279 } else {280 aConditions.push(oCondition);281 }282 this.setProperty("conditions", aConditions, true); /​/​ do not invalidate whole DefineConditionPanel283 },284 updateDefineConditions: function() {285 var aConditions = this.getConditions().filter(function(oCondition) {286 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(oCondition.operator);287 return oCondition.validated !== ConditionValidated.Validated || oOperator.exclude;288 });289, aConditions, true, false);290 if (aConditions.length === 0) {291 this.addDummyCondition();292 }293 },294 /​/​ called when the user has change the value of the condition field295 onChange: function(oEvent) {296 var aOperators =;297 var aConditions = this.getConditions();298 FilterOperatorUtil.checkConditionsEmpty(aConditions, aOperators);299 FilterOperatorUtil.updateConditionsValues(aConditions, aOperators);300 if (oEvent) {301 /​/​ remove isInitial when the user modified the value and the codndition is not Empty302 aConditions.forEach(function(oCondition) {303 if (!oCondition.isEmpty) {304 delete oCondition.isInitial;305 }306 });307 }308 this.setProperty("conditions", aConditions, true); /​/​ do not invalidate whole DefineConditionPanel309 },310 onSelectChange: function(oEvent) {311 var oField = oEvent.getSource();312 var sKey = oField.getValue();313 var sOldKey = oField._sOldKey;314 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sKey); /​/​ operator must exist as List is created from valid operators315 var oOperatorOld = sOldKey && FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sOldKey);316 if (oOperator && oOperatorOld) {317 var bUpdate = false;318 var oCondition = oField.getBindingContext("$this").getObject();319 var aConditions = this.getConditions();320 var iIndex = FilterOperatorUtil.indexOfCondition(oCondition, aConditions);321 if (!deepEqual(oOperator.valueTypes[0], oOperatorOld.valueTypes[0]) && oOperator.valueTypes[0] !== Operator.ValueType.Static ) {322 /​/​ type changed -> remove entered value (only if changed by user in Select)323 /​/​ As Static text updated on condition change, don't delete it here.324 if (iIndex >= 0) {325 oCondition = aConditions[iIndex]; /​/​ to get right instance326 oCondition.values.forEach(function(value, index) {327 if (value !== null) {328 if ((oOperator.valueTypes[index] === Operator.ValueType.Self && oOperatorOld.valueTypes[index] === Operator.ValueType.SelfNoParse) ||329 (oOperator.valueTypes[index] === Operator.ValueType.SelfNoParse && oOperatorOld.valueTypes[index] === Operator.ValueType.Self)) {330 /​/​ as for Decimal values the type might change we need to format and parse again331 var oType =,, index);332 var oTypeOld =,, index);333 var sValue = oTypeOld.formatValue(oCondition.values[index], "string");334 var vValue = oType.parseValue(sValue, "string");335 if (vValue !== oCondition.values[index]) {336 oCondition.values[index] = oType.parseValue(sValue, "string");337 bUpdate = true;338 }339 } else {340 oCondition.values[index] = null;341 bUpdate = true;342 }343 }344 }.bind(this));345 }346 }347 if (iIndex >= 0 && oOperator.valueDefaults) {348 /​/​ sets the default values for the operator back to default, if the condition is inital or the value is null349 oCondition = aConditions[iIndex];350 oCondition.values.forEach(function(value, index) {351 if ((oCondition.isInitial && value !== oOperator.valueDefaults[index]) || (value === null)) {352 /​/​ set the default value and mark the condition as initial353 oCondition.values[index] = oOperator.valueDefaults[index];354 oCondition.isInitial = true;355 bUpdate = true;356 }357 });358 }359 if (!oOperator.valueTypes[1] && oOperatorOld.valueTypes[1]) {360 /​/​ switch from BT to EQ -> remove second value even if filled361 if (iIndex >= 0) {362 oCondition = aConditions[iIndex]; /​/​ to get right instance363 if (oCondition.values.length > 1 && oCondition.values[1]) {364 oCondition.values = oCondition.values.slice(0, 1);365 bUpdate = true;366 }367 }368 }369 if (bUpdate) {370 FilterOperatorUtil.checkConditionsEmpty(oCondition,;371 this.setProperty("conditions", aConditions, true); /​/​ do not invalidate whole DefineConditionPanel372 }373 }374 delete oField._sOldKey;375 },376 onPaste: function(oEvent) {377 var sOriginalText;378 var oSource = oEvent.srcControl;379 var oFormatOptions = this.getFormatOptions();380 var iMaxConditions = oFormatOptions.hasOwnProperty("maxConditions") ? oFormatOptions.maxConditions : -1;381 var sConditionPath = oSource.getBindingContext("$condition").getPath(); /​/​ Path to condition of the active control382 var iIndex = parseInt(sConditionPath.split("/​")[2]); /​/​ index of current condition - to remove before adding new ones383 /​/​ for the purpose to copy from column in excel and paste in MultiInput/​MultiComboBox384 if (window.clipboardData) {385 /​/​IE386 sOriginalText = window.clipboardData.getData("Text");387 } else {388 /​/​ Chrome, Firefox, Safari389 sOriginalText = oEvent.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData('text/​plain');390 }391 var aSeparatedText = sOriginalText.split(/​\r\n|\r|\n/​g);392 if (aSeparatedText && aSeparatedText.length > 1) {393 setTimeout(function() {394 var oFormatOptions = merge({}, this.getFormatOptions());395 delete oFormatOptions.fieldHelpID;396 delete oFormatOptions.conditionModelName;397 oFormatOptions.maxConditions = 1;398 oFormatOptions.display = FieldDisplay.Value;399 /​/​oFormatOptions.valueType =,, 0); /​/​TODO using the _getFieldType for better support of types400 var oConditionType = new ConditionType(oFormatOptions);401 var iLength = aSeparatedText.length;402 var aConditions = this.getConditions();403 for (var i = 0; i < iLength; i++) {404 if (aSeparatedText[i]) {405 var sValue = aSeparatedText[i].trim();406 var aValues = sValue.split(/​\t/​g); /​/​ if two values exist, use it as Between and create a "a...z" value407 if (aValues.length == 2 && aValues[0] && aValues[1]) {408 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator("BT");409 sValue = oOperator.tokenFormat;410 for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) {411 sValue = sValue.replace(new RegExp("\\{" + j + "\\}", "g"), aValues[j]);412 }413 }414 try {415 var oCondition = oConditionType.parseValue(sValue, "string");416 oConditionType.validateValue(oCondition);417 if (aConditions.length > iIndex) {418 /​/​ overwrite existing condition419 aConditions.splice(iIndex, 1, oCondition);420 } else {421 /​/​ add new condition422 aConditions.push(oCondition);423 }424 iIndex++;425 } catch (error) {426 Log.error("Paste handling", "the pasted value '" + sValue + "' could not be handled! " + error.message);427 }428 }429 }430 if (iMaxConditions >= 0 && aConditions.length > iMaxConditions) {431 aConditions.splice(iMaxConditions, aConditions.length - iMaxConditions);432 }433 if (oSource.setDOMValue) {434 oSource.setDOMValue(""); /​/​ otherwise binding update will be ignored435 }436 FilterOperatorUtil.checkConditionsEmpty(aConditions);437 this.setProperty("conditions", aConditions, true); /​/​ do not invalidate whole DefineConditionPanel438 this.fireConditionProcessed();439 }.bind(this), 0);440 }441 },442 cleanUp: function() {443 /​/​ of Dialog is closed all error messages and invalid input should be removed to be clean on reopening444 var oGrid = this.byId("conditions");445 var aGridContent = oGrid.getContent();446 for (var i = 0; i < aGridContent.length; i++) {447 var oField = aGridContent[i];448 if (oField instanceof Field && oField.hasOwnProperty("_iValueIndex")) {449 if (oField._bParseError) { /​/​ TODO: better was to find out parsing error450 oField.setValue(); /​/​ to remove invalid value from parsing451 }452 }453 }454 this.setProperty("inputOK", true, true); /​/​ do not invalidate whole DefineConditionPanel455 }456 });457 function _observeChanges(oChanges) {458 if ( === "value") {459 /​/​ operator changed -> update controls460, oChanges.object, oChanges.current, oChanges.old);461 }462 if ( === "formatOptions") {463 /​/​ type or maxConditions might changed -> resume ListBinding464 var aConditions = this.getConditions();465 var oOperators = oChanges.current && oChanges.current.operators;466 var oOperatorsOld = oChanges.old && oChanges.old.operators;467 var bOperatorModelUpdated = false;468 if (!deepEqual(oOperators, oOperatorsOld)) {469 /​/​ operators changed470 bOperatorModelUpdated = true;471;472 }473 var sType = oChanges.current && oChanges.current.valueType && oChanges.current.valueType.getMetadata().getName();474 var sTypeOld = oChanges.old && oChanges.old.valueType && oChanges.old.valueType.getMetadata().getName();475 if (sType !== sTypeOld && aConditions.length > 0) {476 /​/​ operators might be changed if type changed477 if (!bOperatorModelUpdated) { /​/​ don't do twice478;479 }480 this._bUpdateType = true;481;482 this._bUpdateType = false;483, aConditions, true, true); /​/​ static text might changed if type changed484 }485 }486 if ( === "conditions") {487 if (this._sConditionsTimer) {488 clearTimeout(this._sConditionsTimer);489 this._sConditionsTimer = null;490 }491 this._sConditionsTimer = setTimeout(function () {492 /​/​ on multiple changes (dummy row, static text...) perform only one update493 this._sConditionsTimer = null;494 this.updateDefineConditions();495;496 }.bind(this), 0);497 }498 }499 function _operatorChanged(oField, sKey, sOldKey) {500 oField._sOldKey = sOldKey; /​/​ to know in change event501 var iIndex = 0;502 /​/​ if type of operator changed -> remove binding and create it new later on503 if (sKey && sOldKey) {504 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sKey);505 var oOperatorOld = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sOldKey);506 var oGrid = oField.getParent();507 var oValue0Field;508 var oValue1Field;509 iIndex = oGrid.indexOfContent(oField);510 /​/​ find fields and initialize error state511 oValue0Field = oGrid.getContent()[iIndex + 2];512 if (oValue0Field && oValue0Field.hasOwnProperty("_iValueIndex") && oValue0Field._iValueIndex === 0) {513 if (oValue0Field instanceof Field && !oValue0Field._bParseError) { /​/​ TODO: better was to find out parsing error /​/​ TODO: handle custom controls514 /​/​ if Field is in parsing error state, don't remove error515 oValue0Field.setValueState(ValueState.None);516 oValue0Field.setValueStateText();517 }518 oValue1Field = oGrid.getContent()[iIndex + 3]; /​/​ second field only exists if first field exist519 if (oValue1Field && oValue1Field.hasOwnProperty("_iValueIndex") && oValue1Field._iValueIndex === 1) {520 if (oValue1Field instanceof Field && !oValue1Field._bParseError) { /​/​ TODO: better was to find out parsing error /​/​ TODO: handle custom controls521 /​/​ if Field is in parsing error state, don't remove error522 oValue1Field.setValueState(ValueState.None);523 oValue1Field.setValueStateText();524 }525 } else {526 oValue1Field = undefined;527 }528 } else {529 oValue0Field = undefined;530 }531 if (oOperator.createControl || oOperatorOld.createControl) {532 /​/​ custom control used -> needs to be created new533 if (oValue0Field) {534 oValue0Field.destroy();535 }536 if (oValue1Field) {537 oValue1Field.destroy();538 }539 } else {540 if (oValue0Field && oOperator.valueTypes[0] !== oOperatorOld.valueTypes[0]) {541 oValue0Field.unbindProperty("value");542 }543 if (oValue1Field && oOperator.valueTypes[1] !== oOperatorOld.valueTypes[1] && oOperatorOld.valueTypes[1]) { /​/​ 2nd Field only exist if there was a valueType defined544 oValue1Field.unbindProperty("value");545 }546 }547 }548 if (!sKey) { /​/​ TODO: remove? Because cannot longer happen as Field don't allow empty input because of used data type constraints549 /​/​ key must not be empty550 var oCondition = oField.getBindingContext("$this").getObject();551 if (oCondition) { /​/​ condition might be deleted before Field instance is deleted552 var aConditions = this.getConditions();553 iIndex = FilterOperatorUtil.indexOfCondition(oCondition, aConditions);554 if (iIndex >= 0) {555 oCondition = aConditions[iIndex]; /​/​ to get right instance556 oCondition.operator = sOldKey;557 this.setProperty("conditions", aConditions, true); /​/​ do not invalidate whole DefineConditionPanel558 }559 }560 }561 /​/​ as additinalValue is not updated automatically if operator is set from outside just take it from OperatorModel562 var aOperatorsData = this.oOperatorModel.getData();563 var sDescription;564 for (var i = 0; i < aOperatorsData.length; i++) {565 var oOperatorData = aOperatorsData[i];566 if (oOperatorData.key === sKey) {567 sDescription = oOperatorData.text;568 break;569 }570 }571 oField.setAdditionalValue(sDescription);572 this.onChange();573 }574 function _createControl(oCondition, iIndex, sId, oBindingContext) {575 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(oCondition.operator);576 if (!oOperator || !oOperator.valueTypes[iIndex]) {577 return null; /​/​ TODO: exception?578 }579 var oNullableType =,, iIndex);580 var oValueBindingContext = this._oManagedObjectModel.getContext(oBindingContext.getPath() + "values/​" + iIndex + "/​");581 var oControl;582 if (oOperator.createControl) {583 oControl = oOperator.createControl(oNullableType, "$this>", iIndex, sId); /​/​ the returned control can be null, in this case the default Field will be used584 }585 if (!oControl) {586 oControl = new Field(sId, {587 delegate:,588 value: { path: "$this>", type: oNullableType, mode: 'TwoWay', targetType: 'raw' },589 editMode: {path: "$condition>operator", formatter: _getEditModeFromOperator},590 width: "100%"591 });592 }593 if (oControl.getMetadata().hasProperty("placeholder")) {594 if (iIndex === 0) {595 oControl.bindProperty("placeholder", {path: "$condition>operator", formatter: _getPlaceholder1ForOperator});596 } else { /​/​ from Field cannot switch placeholder597 oControl.bindProperty("placeholder", {path: "$condition>operator", formatter: _getPlaceholder2ForOperator});598 }599 }600 oControl._iValueIndex = iIndex; /​/​ to find it for update601 if (oControl.attachChange) { /​/​ custom control might not have a change event602 oControl.attachChange(this.onChange.bind(this));603 }604 oControl.onpaste = this.onPaste.bind(this);605 oControl.setLayoutData(new GridData({span: {path: "$condition>", formatter: _getSpanForValue.bind(this)}}));606 oControl.setBindingContext(oValueBindingContext, "$this");607 oControl.setBindingContext(oBindingContext, "$condition");608 /​/​ add fieldGroup to validate Condition only after both Fields are entered.609 oControl.setFieldGroupIds([oBindingContext.getPath()]); /​/​ use path to have a ID for every condition610 return oControl;611 }612 function _getFieldType(sOperator, iIndex) {613 var oDataType =;614 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sOperator);615 if (oOperator.valueTypes[iIndex] && [Operator.ValueType.Self, Operator.ValueType.Static].indexOf(oOperator.valueTypes[iIndex]) === -1) {616 oDataType = oOperator._createLocalType(oOperator.valueTypes[iIndex], oDataType);617 }618 var bStaticText = false;619 if (oOperator.valueTypes[iIndex] === Operator.ValueType.Static) {620 bStaticText = true;621 oDataType =;622 }623 var sType = bStaticText ? BaseType.String :, oDataType);624 var oNullableType;625 switch (sType) {626 case BaseType.Numeric:627 var oFormatOptions = oDataType.getFormatOptions();628 if (oFormatOptions && oFormatOptions.hasOwnProperty("emptyString") && oFormatOptions.emptyString === null) {629 /​/​ given type can be used630 oNullableType = oDataType;631 } else {632 /​/​ "clone" type and make nullable633 oNullableType = _createNullableType(oDataType, { emptyString: null });634 }635 break;636 case BaseType.Date:637 case BaseType.Time:638 case BaseType.DateTime:639 oNullableType = oDataType;640 break;641 /​/​TODO: how to handle unit fields?642 default:643 if (oDataType.getConstraints() && oDataType.getConstraints().hasOwnProperty("nullable") && oDataType.getConstraints().nullable === false) {644 /​/​ "clone" type and make nullable645 oNullableType = _createNullableType(oDataType);646 if (oDataType._bCreatedByOperator) {647 oNullableType = oOperator._createLocalType(oOperator.valueTypes[iIndex], oDataType);648 }649 } else {650 oNullableType = oDataType; /​/​ use given type or default string type651 }652 break;653 }654 return oNullableType;655 }656 function _createNullableType(oType, oNewFormatOprtions, oNewConstraints) {657 var Type = sap.ui.require(oType.getMetadata().getName().replace(/​\./​g, "/​")); /​/​ type is already loaded because instance is provided658 var oFormatOptions = merge(oType.getFormatOptions(), oNewFormatOprtions || {});659 var oConstraints = merge(oType.getConstraints(), oNewConstraints || {});660 if (oConstraints.hasOwnProperty("nullable") && oConstraints.nullable === false) {661 oConstraints.nullable = true; /​/​ make nullable662 }663 /​/​TODO oConstraints like maximum are not used inside the Double type664 return new Type(oFormatOptions, oConstraints);665 }666 function _getDefaultOperator() {667 var aOperators =;668 var oOperator;669 var sOperatorName = this.getFormatOptions().defaultOperatorName;670 if (sOperatorName) {671 oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sOperatorName);672 } else {673 var oType =;674 var sType =, oType);675 oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getDefaultOperator(sType);676 }677 if (oOperator && aOperators.indexOf( < 0) {678 /​/​ default operator not valid -> cannot use -> use first include-operator which requires some values679 for (var i = 0; i < aOperators.length; i++) {680 oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(aOperators[i]);681 if (oOperator.exclude || !oOperator.hasRequiredValues()) {682 oOperator = undefined;683 } else {684 break;685 }686 }687 }688 if (!oOperator) {689 /​/​ in case no operator was found, use the first operator690 oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(aOperators[0]);691 }692 return oOperator;693 }694 function _getOperators() {695 var oFormatOptions = this.getFormatOptions();696 var aOperators = oFormatOptions && oFormatOptions.operators;697 if (!aOperators || aOperators.length === 0) {698 /​/​ TODO: better default699 aOperators = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperatorsForType(BaseType.String);700 }701 return aOperators;702 }703 function _hasMultipleOperatorGroups() {704 var firstGroupId;705 var aOperators =;706 for (var i = 0; i < aOperators.length; i++) {707 var sOperator = aOperators[i];708 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sOperator);709 if (!firstGroupId) {710 firstGroupId =;711 } else if (firstGroupId !== {712 return true;713 }714 }715 return false;716 }717 function _updateOperatorModel() {718 if (!this.oOperatorModel) {719 return;720 }721 var oType =;722 /​/​ assert(oOperatorConfig == null, "oOperatorConfig does not exist - no operators for Select control can be added");723 var aOperators =;724 var aOperatorsData = [];725 var bHasMultipleGroups =;726 var sFieldHelpId = this.getId() + "--rowSelect-help";727 var oListFieldHelp = sap.ui.getCore().byId(sFieldHelpId);728 var oTemplate;729 if (bHasMultipleGroups) {730 oTemplate = new ListFieldHelpItem({key: "{om>key}", text: "{om>text}", additionalText: "{om>additionalText}", groupKey: "{om>groupId}", groupText: "{om>groupText}"});731 } else {732 oTemplate = new ListItem({key: "{om>key}", text: "{om>text}", additionalText: "{om>additionalText}"});733 }734 oListFieldHelp.bindAggregation("items", { path: 'om>/​', templateShareable: false, template: oTemplate});735 for (var i = 0; i < aOperators.length; i++) {736 var sOperator = aOperators[i];737 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sOperator);738 if (!oOperator || (oOperator.showInSuggest !== undefined && oOperator.showInSuggest == false)) {739 continue;740 }741 /​/​ try to load the operator longText which is type dependent742 var sTxtKey = oOperator.textKey || "operators." + + ".longText";743 var sText = oOperator.getTypeText(sTxtKey,, oType).toLowerCase());744 if (sText === sTxtKey) {745 /​/​ when the returned text is the key, a type dependent longText does not exist and we use the default longText for the operator746 sText = oOperator.longText;747 }748 /​/​Update the additionalInfo text for the operator749 var sAdditionalText = oOperator.additionalInfo;750 if (sAdditionalText === undefined) {751 if (sAdditionalText !== "" && oOperator.formatRange) {752 sAdditionalText = oOperator.formatRange( oOperator._getRange(undefined, oType), oType);753 } else if (!bHasMultipleGroups) {754 sAdditionalText =;755 }756 }757 aOperatorsData.push({758 key:,759 text: sText,760 additionalText: sAdditionalText,761 groupId:,762 groupText: });764 }765 this.oOperatorModel.setData(aOperatorsData);766 }767 function _getType() {768 var oFormatOptions = this.getFormatOptions();769 var oType = oFormatOptions && oFormatOptions.valueType;770 if (!oType) {771 oType =;772 }773 return oType;774 }775 function _getDefaultType() {776 if (!this._oDefaultType) {777 this._oDefaultType = new StringType();778 }779 return this._oDefaultType;780 }781 function _getBaseType(oType) {782 var sType = oType.getMetadata().getName();783 var oFormatOptions = oType.getFormatOptions();784 var oConstraints = oType.getConstraints();785 var oDelegate = this.getFormatOptions().delegate;786 var oPayload = this.getFormatOptions().payload;787 var sBaseType = oDelegate ? oDelegate.getTypeUtil(oPayload).getBaseType(sType, oFormatOptions, oConstraints) : BaseType.String; /​/​ if not configured use string788 if (sBaseType === BaseType.Unit) {789 sBaseType = BaseType.Numeric;790 }791 return sBaseType;792 }793 function _getDelegate() {794 var oFormatOptions = this.getFormatOptions();795 var sName = oFormatOptions.delegateName || "sap/​ui/​mdc/​field/​FieldBaseDelegate";796 var oPayload = oFormatOptions.payload;797 return {name: sName, payload: oPayload};798 }799 function _addStaticText(aConditions, bUpdateBinding, bTypeChange) {800 /​/​ for static operators add static text as value to render text control801 var oDataType =;802 var aUpdate = [];803 var i = 0;804 for (i = 0; i < aConditions.length; i++) {805 var oCondition = aConditions[i];806 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(oCondition.operator);807 if (oOperator && oOperator.valueTypes[0] === Operator.ValueType.Static && (oCondition.values.length === 0 || bTypeChange)) {808 /​/​ if type changed the text needs to be new formatted (setting of type and conditions might be async.)809 if (oOperator.getStaticText) {810 var sText = oOperator.getStaticText(oDataType);811 if (oCondition.values.length > 0) {812 oCondition.values[0] = sText;813 } else {814 oCondition.values.push(sText);815 }816 aUpdate.push(i);817 }818 }819 }820 if (aUpdate.length > 0) {821 this.setProperty("conditions", aConditions, true); /​/​ do not invalidate whole DefineConditionPanel822 }823 }824 function _createInnerControls() {825 var oInvisibleOperatorText = new InvisibleText(this.getId() + "--ivtOperator", {text: "{$i18n>valuehelp.DEFINECONDITIONS_OPERATORLABEL}"});826 var oPanel = new Panel({headerText: "{$this>/​label}",827 expanded: true,828 height: "100%",829 backgroundDesign: "Transparent"}830 ).addStyleClass("sapMdcDefineconditionPanel");831 oPanel.addDependent(832 new ListFieldHelp(this.getId() + "--rowSelect-help", {833 filterList: false,834 useFirstMatch: true835 })836 );837 var oGrid = new Grid(this.getId() + "--conditions", {838 width: "100%",839 hSpacing: 0,840 vSpacing: 0,841 containerQuery: true}842 ).addStyleClass("sapUiMdcDefineConditionGrid");843, undefined, oGrid, 0, null, 0); /​/​ create dummy row844 oPanel.addContent(oInvisibleOperatorText);845 oPanel.addContent(oGrid);846 var oAddBtn = new Button(this.getId() + "--addBtn", {847 press: this.addCondition.bind(this),848 type: ButtonType.Default,849 text: "{$i18n>valuehelp.DEFINECONDITIONS_ADDCONDITION}",850 layoutData: new GridData({851 span: "XL2 L3 M3 S3",852 indent: "XL9 L8 M8 S7",853 linebreak: true,854 visibleS: {path: "$this>/​conditions", formatter: _getAddButtonVisible.bind(this)},855 visibleM: {path: "$this>/​conditions", formatter: _getAddButtonVisible.bind(this)},856 visibleL: {path: "$this>/​conditions", formatter: _getAddButtonVisible.bind(this)},857 visibleXL: {path: "$this>/​conditions", formatter: _getAddButtonVisible.bind(this)}})}858 );859 oGrid.addContent(oAddBtn);860 oGrid.attachValidateFieldGroup(_validateFieldGroup, this); /​/​ to validate conditions with more than one field861 this.setAggregation("_content", oPanel);862 }863 function _getAddButtonVisible(aConditions) {864 var oFormatOptions = this.getFormatOptions();865 var iMaxConditions = oFormatOptions.hasOwnProperty("maxConditions") ? oFormatOptions.maxConditions : -1;866 return iMaxConditions === -1 || aConditions.length < iMaxConditions;867 }868 function _getRemoveButtonVisible(aConditions) {869 var oFormatOptions = this.getFormatOptions();870 var iMaxConditions = oFormatOptions.hasOwnProperty("maxConditions") ? oFormatOptions.maxConditions : -1;871 /​/​ only on case of maxCondition==1 the Remove icons should be invisible872 return iMaxConditions !== 1;873 }874 function _renderConditions() {875 var aConditions = this.getConditions();876 var oGrid = this.byId("conditions");877 var aGridContent;878 var iRow = -1;879 var iIndex = 0;880 for (var i = 0; i < aConditions.length; i++) {881 var oCondition = aConditions[i];882 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(oCondition.operator);883 if (oCondition.validated !== ConditionValidated.Validated || oOperator.exclude) {884 /​/​ show only validated conditions885 var oBindingContext = this._oManagedObjectModel.getContext("/​conditions/​" + i + "/​");886 iRow++;887 if (!this.oOperatorModel) {888 /​/​ init operatorModel if first row is created (needed to check operator)889 this.oOperatorModel = new JSONModel();890 this.setModel(this.oOperatorModel, "om");891;892 }893 aGridContent = oGrid.getContent(); /​/​ to have current content894 if (aGridContent[iIndex] && aGridContent[iIndex].isA("sap.ui.mdc.Field")) {895 /​/​ row already exists -> update it896 iIndex =, oCondition, oGrid, iIndex, oBindingContext, iRow);897 } else {898 /​/​ reate new row899 iIndex =, oCondition, oGrid, iIndex, oBindingContext, iRow);900 }901 }902 }903 /​/​ remove unused rows904 aGridContent = oGrid.getContent();905 while (aGridContent[iIndex] && aGridContent[iIndex] !== this.byId("addBtn")) {906 aGridContent[iIndex].destroy();907 iIndex++;908 }909 if (this._bFocusLastCondition) {910 /​/​ focus last condition after it is rendered911 aGridContent[0].focus();912 this._bFocusLastCondition = false;913 }914 if (this._bFocusLastRemoveBtn) {915 /​/​ focus the remove-Button of the last condition row916 iIndex =, ["-removeBtnLarge", "-removeBtnSmall"]);917 aGridContent[iIndex].focus();918 this._bFocusLastRemoveBtn = false;919 }920 }921 function _getGridIndexOfLastRowWithVisibleElement(aIdEndsWith) {922 var oGrid = this.byId("conditions");923 var aElements = oGrid.getContent();924 var n = aElements.length - 1;925 if (!Array.isArray(aIdEndsWith)) {926 aIdEndsWith = [aIdEndsWith];927 }928 var i = 0;929 var sSearch = aIdEndsWith[i];930 while (n >= 0 && sSearch !== undefined) {931 var oElement = aElements[n];932 if (oElement.getId().endsWith(sSearch)) {933 var $check = jQuery(oElement.getDomRef());934 if ($":visible")) {935 return n;936 } else {937 i++;938 sSearch = aIdEndsWith[i];939 }940 }941 n--;942 }943 return 0;944 }945 function _createRow(oCondition, oGrid, iIndex, oBindingContext, iRow) {946 var sIdPrefix = this.getId() + "--" + iRow;947 if (!this._oOperatorFieldType) {948 this._oOperatorFieldType = new StringType({}, {minLength: 1});949 }950 var oOperatorField = new Field(sIdPrefix + "-operator", {951 value: {path: "$this>operator", type: this._oOperatorFieldType},952 width: "100%",953 display: "Description",954 fieldHelp: this.getId() + "--rowSelect-help",955 change: this.onSelectChange.bind(this),956 ariaLabelledBy: this.getId() + "--ivtOperator"957 })958 .setLayoutData(new GridData({span: {path: "$this>/​conditions", formatter: _getSpanForOperator.bind(this)}, linebreak: true}))959 .setBindingContext(oBindingContext, "$this");960 if (oBindingContext) {961 /​/​ validate only complete condition962 oOperatorField.setFieldGroupIds([oBindingContext.getPath()]); /​/​ use path to have a ID for every condition963 }964 /​/​ as selected key can be changed by reopening dialog listen on property change not on change event965 this._oObserver.observe(oOperatorField, {966 properties: ["value"]967 });968 oGrid.insertContent(oOperatorField, iIndex); /​/​ insert as add-Button is already at the end969 iIndex++;970 var oRemoveButton = new Button(sIdPrefix + "--removeBtnSmall", {971 press: this.removeCondition.bind(this),972 type: ButtonType.Transparent,973 icon: "sap-icon:/​/​decline",974 tooltip: "{$i18n>valuehelp.DEFINECONDITIONS_REMOVECONDITION}"975 })976 .setLayoutData(new GridData({span: "XL1 L1 M1 S2",977 indent: {path: "$this>operator", formatter: _getIndentForOperator},978 visibleS: {path: "$this>/​conditions", formatter: _getRemoveButtonVisible.bind(this)},979 visibleM: false,980 visibleL: false,981 visibleXL: false982 }))983 .setBindingContext(oBindingContext, "$this"); /​/​ to find condition on remove984 if (oBindingContext) {985 /​/​ as Button is between Operatot and Value don't trigger validation on tabbing between986 oRemoveButton.setFieldGroupIds([oBindingContext.getPath()]); /​/​ use path to have a ID for every condition987 }988 oGrid.insertContent(oRemoveButton, iIndex);989 iIndex++;990 if (oCondition) { /​/​ for initial dummy row don't create value fields (as we don't know the operator or type)991 for (var i = 0; i < oCondition.values.length; i++) {992 var oControl =, oCondition, i, sIdPrefix + "-values" + i, oBindingContext);993 if (oControl) {994 oGrid.insertContent(oControl, iIndex);995 iIndex++;996 }997 }998 }999 var oRemoveButton2 = new Button(sIdPrefix + "--removeBtnLarge", {1000 press: this.removeCondition.bind(this),1001 type: ButtonType.Transparent,1002 icon: "sap-icon:/​/​decline",1003 tooltip: "{$i18n>valuehelp.DEFINECONDITIONS_REMOVECONDITION}"1004 })1005 .setLayoutData(new GridData({span: "XL1 L1 M1 S1",1006 indent: {path: "$this>operator", formatter: _getIndentForOperator},1007 visibleS: false,1008 visibleM: {path: "$this>/​conditions", formatter: _getRemoveButtonVisible.bind(this)},1009 visibleL: {path: "$this>/​conditions", formatter: _getRemoveButtonVisible.bind(this)},1010 visibleXL: {path: "$this>/​conditions", formatter: _getRemoveButtonVisible.bind(this)}1011 }))1012 .setBindingContext(oBindingContext, "$this"); /​/​ to find condition on remove1013 oGrid.insertContent(oRemoveButton2, iIndex);1014 iIndex++;1015 return iIndex;1016 }1017 function _getEditModeFromOperator(sOperator) {1018 if (!sOperator) {1019 return EditMode.Display;1020 }1021 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sOperator);1022 var bStaticText = false;1023 if (oOperator && oOperator.valueTypes[0] === Operator.ValueType.Static) {1024 bStaticText = true;1025 }1026 return bStaticText ? EditMode.Display : EditMode.Editable;1027 }1028 function _getIndentForOperator(sOperator) {1029 var oOperator = sOperator && FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sOperator);1030 if (!oOperator || !oOperator.valueTypes[0]) {1031 return "XL8 L8 M8 S0";1032 } else {1033 return "";1034 }1035 }1036 function _getSpanForOperator(aConditions) {1037 var oFormatOptions = this.getFormatOptions();1038 var iMaxConditions = oFormatOptions.hasOwnProperty("maxConditions") ? oFormatOptions.maxConditions : -1;1039 var sSpan = "XL3 L3 M3 ";1040 if (iMaxConditions === 1) {1041 sSpan += "S12";1042 } else {1043 sSpan += "S10";1044 }1045 return sSpan;1046 }1047 function _getSpanForValue(oCondition) {1048 var oFormatOptions = this.getFormatOptions();1049 var iMaxConditions = oFormatOptions.hasOwnProperty("maxConditions") ? oFormatOptions.maxConditions : -1;1050 var oOperator = oCondition && FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(oCondition.operator);1051 var sSpan = "";1052 if (oOperator && oOperator.valueTypes[1]) {1053 sSpan = "XL4 L4 M4 ";1054 } else {1055 sSpan = "XL8 L8 M8 ";1056 }1057 if (iMaxConditions === 1) {1058 sSpan += "S12";1059 } else {1060 sSpan += "S10";1061 }1062 return sSpan;1063 }1064 function _getPlaceholder1ForOperator(sOperator) {1065 var oOperator = sOperator && FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sOperator);1066 if (oOperator && oOperator.aLabels) {1067 return oOperator.aLabels[0];1068 } else if (oOperator && oOperator.valueTypes[1]) {1069 return oMessageBundle.getText("valuehelp.DEFINECONDITIONS_FROM");1070 } else {1071 return oMessageBundle.getText("valuehelp.DEFINECONDITIONS_VALUE");1072 }1073 }1074 function _getPlaceholder2ForOperator(sOperator) {1075 var oOperator = sOperator && FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(sOperator);1076 if (oOperator && oOperator.aLabels) {1077 return oOperator.aLabels[1];1078 } else if (oOperator && oOperator.valueTypes[1]) {1079 return oMessageBundle.getText("valuehelp.DEFINECONDITIONS_TO");1080 }1081 }1082 function _updateRow(oCondition, oGrid, iIndex, oBindingContext, iRow) {1083 var sIdPrefix = this.getId() + "--" + iRow;1084 var aGridContent = oGrid.getContent();1085 var oNullableType;1086 var oOperatorField = aGridContent[iIndex];1087 oOperatorField.setBindingContext(oBindingContext, "$this");1088 if (oBindingContext) {1089 oOperatorField.setFieldGroupIds([oBindingContext.getPath()]); /​/​ use path to have a ID for every condition1090 }1091 iIndex++;1092 var oRemoveButton = aGridContent[iIndex];1093 oRemoveButton.setBindingContext(oBindingContext, "$this");1094 if (oBindingContext) {1095 /​/​ as Button is between Operatot and Value don't trigger validation on tabbing between1096 oRemoveButton.setFieldGroupIds([oBindingContext.getPath()]); /​/​ use path to have a ID for every condition1097 }1098 iIndex++;1099 var oValueBindingContext;1100 var oValue0Field = aGridContent[iIndex];1101 var oValue1Field;1102 if (oValue0Field.hasOwnProperty("_iValueIndex") && oValue0Field._iValueIndex === 0) {1103 var sEditMode = _getEditModeFromOperator(oCondition.operator);1104 if (oCondition.values.length > 0 || sEditMode === EditMode.Display) { /​/​ as static text for display controls is created after update1105 oValueBindingContext = this._oManagedObjectModel.getContext(oBindingContext.getPath() + "values/​0/​");1106 oValue0Field.setBindingContext(oValueBindingContext, "$this");1107 oValue0Field.setBindingContext(oBindingContext, "$condition");1108 if (oValue0Field.getMetadata().hasProperty("value") && (this._bUpdateType || !oValue0Field.getBindingInfo("value"))) {1109 oNullableType =, oCondition.operator, 0);1110 /​/​ change type for binding1111 oValue0Field.bindProperty("value", {path: "$this>", type: oNullableType});1112 }1113 iIndex++;1114 /​/​ value[1] only possible if value[0] exist1115 oValue1Field = aGridContent[iIndex];1116 if (oValue1Field.hasOwnProperty("_iValueIndex") && oValue1Field._iValueIndex === 1) {1117 if (oCondition.values.length > 1) {1118 oValueBindingContext = this._oManagedObjectModel.getContext(oBindingContext.getPath() + "values/​1/​");1119 oValue1Field.setBindingContext(oValueBindingContext, "$this");1120 if (oValue1Field.getMetadata().hasProperty("value") && (this._bUpdateType || !oValue1Field.getBindingInfo("value"))) {1121 oNullableType =, oCondition.operator, 1);1122 /​/​ change type for binding1123 oValue1Field.bindProperty("value", {path: "$this>", type: oNullableType});1124 }1125 iIndex++;1126 } else {1127 oValue1Field.destroy();1128 }1129 } else if (oCondition.values.length > 1) {1130 /​/​ insert new field1131 oValue1Field =, oCondition, 1, sIdPrefix + "-values1", oBindingContext);1132 if (oValue1Field) {1133 oGrid.insertContent(oValue1Field, iIndex);1134 iIndex++;1135 }1136 }1137 } else {1138 oValue0Field.destroy();1139 oValue0Field = undefined;1140 oValue1Field = aGridContent[iIndex + 1];1141 if (oValue1Field && oValue1Field.hasOwnProperty("_iValueIndex") && oValue1Field._iValueIndex === 1) {1142 oValue1Field.destroy();1143 }1144 }1145 } else if (oCondition.values.length > 0) {1146 for (var i = 0; i < oCondition.values.length; i++) {1147 var oControl =, oCondition, i, sIdPrefix + "-values" + i, oBindingContext);1148 if (oControl) {1149 oGrid.insertContent(oControl, iIndex);1150 iIndex++;1151 }1152 }1153 }1154 aGridContent = oGrid.getContent(); /​/​ as field might be added or removed1155 var oRemoveButton2 = aGridContent[iIndex];1156 oRemoveButton2.setBindingContext(oBindingContext, "$this");1157 iIndex++;1158 return iIndex;1159 }1160 function _validateFieldGroup(oEvent) {1161 /​/​ TODO: can there be FieldGroups set from outside?1162 var oField = oEvent.getSource();1163 while (!(oField.getParent() instanceof Grid)) {1164 /​/​ event might be fired on inner control -> find Field1165 oField = oField.getParent();1166 }1167, oField);1168 }1169 function _validateCondition(oField) {1170 var oGrid = oField.getParent();1171 var iIndex = oGrid.indexOfContent(oField);1172 var oBindingContext;1173 if (oField.getId().endsWith("-operator")) {1174 /​/​ operator field - use first value field fo validate1175 oBindingContext = oField.getBindingContext("$this");1176 iIndex = iIndex + 2; /​/​ as remove button is between operator an value field1177 oField = oGrid.getContent()[iIndex];1178 } else if (oField.getId().endsWith("-removeBtnSmall")) {1179 /​/​ operator field - use first value field fo validate1180 oBindingContext = oField.getBindingContext("$this");1181 iIndex = iIndex + 1; /​/​ as remove button is between operator an value field1182 oField = oGrid.getContent()[iIndex];1183 } else {1184 oBindingContext = oField.getBindingContext("$condition");1185 }1186 var oField2; /​/​ also update second Field if exist1187 var oCondition = oBindingContext.getObject();1188 var oOperator = FilterOperatorUtil.getOperator(oCondition.operator);1189 var bInvalid = false;1190 if (oOperator.valueTypes.length > 0 && oOperator.valueTypes[0] !== Operator.ValueType.Static) {1191 /​/​ check only not static operators1192 if (oOperator.valueTypes.length > 1 && oOperator.valueTypes[1]) {1193 /​/​ two fields exist1194 if (oField.hasOwnProperty("_iValueIndex") && oField._iValueIndex === 0) {1195 oField2 = oGrid.getContent()[iIndex + 1];1196 } else if (oField.hasOwnProperty("_iValueIndex") && oField._iValueIndex === 1) {1197 oField2 = oGrid.getContent()[iIndex - 1];1198 }1199 }1200 if (oField.getMetadata().getAllProperties().valueState && !oField._bParseError && (!oField2 || !oField2._bParseError)) { /​/​ TODO: better was to find out parsing error1201 /​/​ if Field is in parsing error state, user entry is not transfered to condition, so validating makes no sense.1202 var oType = oField.getBinding("value").getType(); /​/​ use nullable data type from Field - don't create new type for each check1203 try {1204 oOperator.validate(oCondition.values, oType);1205 oField.setValueState(ValueState.None);1206 oField.setValueStateText();1207 if (oField2 && oField2.getMetadata().getAllProperties().valueState) {1208 oField2.setValueState(ValueState.None);1209 oField2.setValueStateText();1210 }1211 } catch (oException) {1212 bInvalid = true;1213 oField.setValueState(ValueState.Error);1214 oField.setValueStateText(oException.message);1215 if (oField2 && oField2.getMetadata().getAllProperties().valueState) {1216 oField2.setValueState(ValueState.Error);1217 oField2.setValueStateText(oException.message);1218 }1219 }1220 }1221 }1222 /​/​ check if at least one condition has an error1223, bInvalid);1224 this.fireConditionProcessed();1225 }1226 function _checkInvalidInput(bInvalid) {1227 if (bInvalid !== true) {1228 /​/​ if already known that invalid input exist -> no additional check needed1229 var oGrid = this.byId("conditions");1230 var aContent = oGrid.getContent();1231 bInvalid = false;1232 for (var i = 0; i < aContent.length; i++) {1233 var oControl = aContent[i];1234 if (oControl instanceof Field && oControl.hasOwnProperty("_iValueIndex") && oControl.getValueState() === ValueState.Error) {1235 bInvalid = true;1236 break;1237 }1238 }1239 }1240 this.setProperty("inputOK", !bInvalid, true); /​/​ do not invalidate whole DefineConditionPanel1241 }1242 return DefineConditionPanel;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var util = require('util');2var getOperator = util.getOperator;3var operator = getOperator('operator1');4var util = require('util');5var getOperator = util.getOperator;6var operator = getOperator('operator1');7var util = require('util');8var getOperator = util.getOperator;9var operator = getOperator('operator1');10var util = require('util');11var getOperator = util.getOperator;12var operator = getOperator('operator1');13var util = require('util');14var getOperator = util.getOperator;15var operator = getOperator('operator1');16var util = require('util');17var getOperator = util.getOperator;18var operator = getOperator('operator1');19var util = require('util');20var getOperator = util.getOperator;21var operator = getOperator('operator1');22var util = require('util');23var getOperator = util.getOperator;24var operator = getOperator('operator1');25var util = require('util');26var getOperator = util.getOperator;27var operator = getOperator('operator1');28var util = require('util');29var getOperator = util.getOperator;30var operator = getOperator('operator1');31var util = require('util');32var getOperator = util.getOperator;33var operator = getOperator('operator1');34var util = require('util');35var getOperator = util.getOperator;36var operator = getOperator('operator1');37var util = require('util');38var getOperator = util.getOperator;39var operator = getOperator('operator1');40var util = require('util');41var getOperator = util.getOperator;42var operator = getOperator('operator1');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var util = require('util');2var operator = util.getOperator('operator1');3console.log(operator);4var getOperator = function(operatorId) {5 return getAsset(operatorId);6};7exports.getOperator = getOperator;8var getAsset = function(assetId) {9 var assetAsBytes = stub.getState(assetId);10 if (!assetAsBytes || assetAsBytes.toString().length <= 0) {11 throw new Error(assetId + ' does not exist: ');12 }13 return JSON.parse(assetAsBytes.toString());14};15exports.getAsset = getAsset;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var util = require('./​util.js');2var operator = util.getOperator();3console.log(operator);4var operator = 'operator1';5exports.getOperator = function() {6 return operator;7}8var util = require('./​util.js');9var operator = util.getOperator();10console.log(operator);11var operator = 'operator1';12exports.getOperator = function() {13 return operator;14}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var util = require('util');2var getOperator = util.getOperator;3var operator = getOperator();4var operatorId = operator.operatorId;5var operatorName = operator.operatorName;6var operatorRole = operator.operatorRole;7var util = require('util');8var getOperator = util.getOperator;9var operator = getOperator();10var operatorId = operator.operatorId;11var operatorName = operator.operatorName;12var operatorRole = operator.operatorRole;13var util = require('util');14var getOperator = util.getOperator;15var operator = getOperator();16var operatorId = operator.operatorId;17var operatorName = operator.operatorName;18var operatorRole = operator.operatorRole;19var util = require('util');20var getOperator = util.getOperator;21var operator = getOperator();22var operatorId = operator.operatorId;23var operatorName = operator.operatorName;24var operatorRole = operator.operatorRole;25var util = require('util');26var getOperator = util.getOperator;27var operator = getOperator();28var operatorId = operator.operatorId;29var operatorName = operator.operatorName;30var operatorRole = operator.operatorRole;31var util = require('util');32var getOperator = util.getOperator;33var operator = getOperator();34var operatorId = operator.operatorId;35var operatorName = operator.operatorName;36var operatorRole = operator.operatorRole;37var util = require('util');38var getOperator = util.getOperator;39var operator = getOperator();40var operatorId = operator.operatorId;41var operatorName = operator.operatorName;42var operatorRole = operator.operatorRole;43var util = require('util');44var getOperator = util.getOperator;45var operator = getOperator();46var operatorId = operator.operatorId;47var operatorName = operator.operatorName;48var operatorRole = operator.operatorRole;49var util = require('util');50var getOperator = util.getOperator;51var operator = getOperator();52var operatorId = operator.operatorId;53var operatorName = operator.operatorName;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var util = require('util');2var operator = util.getOperator('operator', 'password');3console.log(operator);4var getOperator = function (username, password) {5 var operator = {6 };7 return operator;8};9exports.getOperator = getOperator;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var util = require('./​util.js');2var operator = util.getOperator();3operator.invoke("invoke", ["a", "b", "100"]);4var hfc = require('hfc');5var util = require('util');6var fs = require('fs');7var chain;8var operator;9var setupChain = function() {10 chain = hfc.newChain("myChain");11 chain.setKeyValStore(hfc.newFileKeyValStore('/​tmp/​keyValStore'));12 chain.enroll("WebAppAdmin", "DJY27pEnl16d", function(err, webAppAdmin) {13 if (err) throw Error(" Failed to register and enroll webAppAdmin");14 operator = webAppAdmin;15 chain.setRegistrar(webAppAdmin);16 });17};18setupChain();19exports.getOperator = function() {20 return operator;21};22var util = require('./​util.js');23var operator = util.getOperator();24var chaincodeID = "mycc";25operator.queryChaincode(chaincodeID, ["query", "a"], function(err, resp) {26 if (err) throw Error("Failed to query chaincode. Error: " + err.stack ? err.stack : err);27 else console.log("Response is ", resp);28});29var util = require('./​util.js');30var operator = util.getOperator();31var chaincodeID = "mycc";32operator.invokeChaincode(chaincodeID, ["invoke", "a", "b", "100"], function(err, resp) {33 if (err) throw Error("Failed to invoke chaincode. Error: " + err.stack ? err.stack : err);34 else console.log("Response

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var util = require('util');2var getOperator = util.getOperator;3var operator = getOperator();4console.log(operator);5module.exports = {6 getOperator: function() {7 return 'Operator: ' + process.env.OPERATOR;8 }9};

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