How to use typeDetect method in chai

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Source: virusscanner.js Github


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1"use strict"2const fs = require("fs")3const cprocs = require("child_process")4const path = require("path")5const readline = require("readline")6/​/​const loc_clut_tools = "../​../​vs-cpp/​VirusScannerCPP/​scanner"7/​/​const loc_vs_py = "../​../​vs-python/​virusscanner"8const loc_clut_tools = "/​home/​joe/​projects/​scanner/​"9const loc_vs_py = "/​home/​joe/​projects/​vs-python/​"10/​/​ convert bit to png11function runbit2png(bitstream, output, logfile, cb) {12 let args = [bitstream, output]13 let logstream = fs.createWriteStream(logfile)14 logstream.on("open", () => {15 process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "./​build"16 let proc = cprocs.spawn("./​build/​bit2png", args, {cwd: loc_clut_tools, stdio: [null, logstream, logstream]})17 proc.on("exit", (err) => {18 if (err)19 return cb(err)20 return cb()21 })22 })23}24/​/​ check bitstream matches shell25function runCheckShell(bitstream, output, logfile, cb) {26 let args = [bitstream, output]27 let logstream = fs.createWriteStream(logfile)28 logstream.on("open", () => {29 process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "./​build"30 let proc = cprocs.spawn("./​", args, {cwd: loc_clut_tools, stdio: [null, logstream, logstream]})31 proc.on("exit", (err) => {32 if (err)33 return cb(err)34 return cb()35 })36 })37}38function parseCheckShell(output, cb) {39 fs.readFile(output, "utf8", (err, data) => {40 if (err) return cb(err)41 cb(null, data.includes("pass"))42 })43}44/​/​ convert bitstream to fasm45function runbit2fasm(bitstream, output, logfile, cb) {46 let args = [bitstream, output]47 let logstream = fs.createWriteStream(logfile)48 logstream.on("open", () => {49 process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "./​build"50 let proc = cprocs.spawn("./​build/​bit2fasm", args, {cwd: loc_clut_tools, stdio: [null, logstream, logstream]})51 proc.on("exit", (err) => {52 if (err)53 return cb(err)54 return cb()55 })56 })57}58/​/​ convert bitstream to json59function runbit2json(bitstream, output, logfile, cb) {60 let args = [bitstream, output]61 let logstream = fs.createWriteStream(logfile)62 logstream.on("open", () => {63 process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "./​build"64 let proc = cprocs.spawn("./​build/​bit2json", args, {cwd: loc_clut_tools, stdio: [null, logstream, logstream]})65 proc.on("exit", (err) => {66 if (err)67 return cb(err)68 return cb()69 })70 })71}72/​/​ run c++ virus scanner73function runVSCPP(bitstream, output, logfile, glitchmap, cb) {74 let args = [bitstream, output, glitchmap]75 let logstream = fs.createWriteStream(logfile)76 logstream.on("open", () => {77 process.env.LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "./​build"78 let proc = cprocs.spawn("./​build/​virusscanner", args, {cwd: loc_clut_tools, stdio: [null, logstream, logstream]})79 proc.on("exit", (err) => {80 if (err)81 return cb(err)82 return cb()83 })84 })85}86/​/​ parse c++ virus scanner report file87function parseVSCPPOut(output, cb) {88 let filestream = fs.createReadStream(output)89 let linestream = readline.createInterface({input: filestream, crlfDelay: Infinity})90 let data = {}91 let type = null92 let scandata = null93 let score = null94 linestream.on("line", (line) => {95 line = line.trim()96 if (line == "")97 return98 99 let typedetect = /​^(\w+): ([^\s]+)$/​.exec(line)100 if (typedetect) {101 type = typedetect[1]102 scandata = {type: type, score: parseFloat(typedetect[2]), data: []}103 data[type] = scandata104 return105 }106 107 let finaldetect = /​^Final score: ([^\s]+)$/​.exec(line)108 if (finaldetect !== null) {109 score = parseFloat(finaldetect[1])110 return111 }112 if (scandata)113 })115 linestream.on("close", () => {116 cb(null, {score: score, scans: data})117 })118}119/​/​ run python fpga virus scanner120function runVSPy(bitstream, config, chiptype, outfile, logfile, cb) {121 let args = ["-m", "virusscanner", "-i", bitstream, "-c", config, "-n", chiptype, "-o", outfile]122 let logstream = fs.createWriteStream(logfile)123 logstream.on("open", () => {124 let proc = cprocs.spawn("python", args, {cwd: loc_vs_py, stdio: [null, logstream, logstream]})125 proc.on("exit", (err) => {126 if (err)127 return cb(err)128 return cb()129 })130 })131}132/​/​ parse python fpga virus scanner report133function parseVSPyOut(output, cb) {134 let filestream = fs.createReadStream(output)135 let linestream = readline.createInterface({input: filestream, crlfDelay: Infinity})136 let data = {}137 let type = null138 let scandata = null139 let score = null140 linestream.on("line", (line) => {141 line = line.trim()142 if (line == "")143 return144 145 console.log("got line: '" + line + "'")146 let typedetect = /​^(\w+): ([^\s]+)$/​.exec(line)147 if (typedetect) {148 type = typedetect[1]149 console.log(" detected new scan type " + type)150 scandata = {type: type, score: parseFloat(typedetect[2]), data: []}151 data[type] = scandata152 return153 }154 155 let finaldetect = /​^Final score: ([^\s]+)$/​.exec(line)156 if (finaldetect !== null) {157 score = parseFloat(finaldetect[1])158 console.log(" detected final value " + score)159 return160 }161 if (scandata)162 })164 linestream.on("close", () => {165 console.log("stream closed")166 cb(null, {score: score, scans: data})167 })168}169module.exports = {170 runbit2png, runbit2fasm, runbit2json,171 runCheckShell, parseCheckShell,172 runVSCPP, parseVSCPPOut,...

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Source: simple.js Github


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...20function isFalse(value, msg) {21 this.equal(value, false, msg)22}23function typeOf(value, type, msg) {24 this.equal(typeDetect(value), type, msg)25}26function notTypeOf(value, type, msg) {27 this.notEqual(typeDetect(value), type, msg)28}29function isLess(val1, val2, msg) {30 this.isTrue(val1 < val2, msg)31}32function isMore(val1, val2, msg) {33 this.isTrue(val1 > val2, msg)34}35function instanceOf(value, constructor, msg) {36 this.isTrue(value instanceof constructor, msg)37}38function notInstanceOf(value, constructor, msg) {39 this.isFalse(value instanceof constructor, msg)40}41function isEmpty(value, msg) {42 this.equal(Object.keys(value).length, 0, msg)43}44function isNotEmpty(value, msg) {45 this.isMore(Object.keys(value).length, 0, msg)46}47function isObject(value, msg) {48 this.typeOf(value, 'object', msg)49}50function isNotObject(value, msg) {51 this.notTypeOf(value, 'object', msg)52}53function isNull(value, msg) {54 msg = msg || 'isNull'55 this.typeOf(value, 'null', msg)56}57function isNotNull(value, msg) {58 this.notTypeOf(value, 'null', msg)59}60/​/​ call checkNaN because in JavaScript there is function isNaN61function checkNaN(value, msg) {62 this.isTrue(isNaN(value), msg)63}64function isNotNaN(value, msg) {65 this.isFalse(isNaN(value), msg)66}67function isUndefined(value, msg) {68 this.typeOf(value, 'undefined', msg)69}70function isDefined(value, msg) {71 this.notTypeOf(value, 'undefined', msg)72}73function isFunction(value, msg) {74 this.typeOf(value, 'function', msg)75}76function isNotFunction(value, msg) {77 this.notTypeOf(value, 'function', msg)78}79function isArray(value, msg) {80 this.isTrue(Array.isArray(value), msg)81}82function isNotArray(value, msg) {83 this.isFalse(Array.isArray(value), msg)84}85function isString(value, msg) {86 this.typeOf(value, 'string', msg)87}88function isNotString(value, msg) {89 this.notTypeOf(value, 'string', msg)90}91function isNumber(value, msg) {92 this.typeOf(value, 'number', msg)93}94function isNotNumber(value, msg) {95 this.notTypeOf(value, 'number', msg)96}97function isBoolean(value, msg) {98 this.typeOf(value, 'boolean', msg)99}100function isNotBoolean(value, msg) {101 this.notTypeOf(value, 'boolean', msg)102}103function include(haystack, needle, msg) {104 haystack.hasOwnProperty('includes') && this.isTrue(haystack.includes(needle), msg)105}106function notInclude(haystack, needle, msg) {107 haystack.hasOwnProperty('includes') && this.isFalse(haystack.includes(needle), msg)108}109function lengthOf(object, length, msg) {110 object.hasOwnProperty('length') && this.equal(object.length, length, msg)111}112function match(value, regexp, msg) {113 typeDetect(regexp) === 'regexp' && this.isTrue(regexp.test(value), msg)114}115function notMatch(value, regexp, msg) {116 typeDetect(regexp) === 'regexp' && this.isFalse(regexp.test(value), msg)117}118function operator(val1, operator, val2, msg) {119 switch (operator) {120 case '<':121 this.isLess(val1, val2, msg)122 break123 case '<=':124 this.isLess(val1, val2 + 1, msg)125 break126 case '>':127 this.isMore(val1, val2, msg)128 break129 case '>=':130 this.isMore(val1, val2 - 1, msg)...

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Source:script.js Github


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...3 Verifique se é um: number, boolean ou string;4 E retorne uma mensagem para cada tipo;5 Execute uma função para cada caso;6*/​7function typeDetect(dado){8 if(typeof dado == "number"){9 return `O dado ${dado} é do tipo NUMBER`;10 }else if(typeof dado == "boolean"){11 return `O dado ${dado} é do tipo BOOLEAN`;12 }else if(typeof dado == "string"){13 return `O dado ${dado} é do tipo STRING`;14 }15}16console.log(typeDetect(22));17console.log(typeDetect(true));...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');3const expect = chai.expect;4chai.use(chaiHttp);5const app = require('./​index');6describe('testing /​users route', function() {7 it('should return a list of users', function(done) {8 chai.request(url)9 .get('/​users')10 .end(function(err, res) {11 expect(res).to.have.status(200);12 expect(res.body)'array');13 expect(res.body).to.have.lengthOf(3);14 done();15 });16 });17});18const express = require('express');19const app = express();20 {id: 1, name: 'John'},21 {id: 2, name: 'Smith'},22 {id: 3, name: 'Mike'}23];24app.get('/​users', function(req, res) {25 res.send(users);26});27app.listen(3000, function() {28 console.log('Server is running on port 3000');29});30{31 "scripts": {32 },33 "dependencies": {34 },35 "devDependencies": {36 }37}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3describe('typeDetect', function() {4 it('should detect a string', function() {5 expect('hello')'string');6 });7});8var chai = require('chai');9var expect = chai.expect;10describe('typeDetect', function() {11 it('should detect a string', function() {12 expect('hello')'string');13 });14});15var chai = require('chai');16var expect = chai.expect;17describe('typeDetect', function() {18 it('should detect a string', function() {19 expect('hello')'string');20 });21});22var chai = require('chai');23var expect = chai.expect;24describe('typeDetect', function() {25 it('should detect a string', function() {26 expect('hello')'string');27 });28});29var chai = require('chai');30var expect = chai.expect;31describe('typeDetect', function() {32 it('should detect a string', function() {33 expect('hello')'string');34 });35});36var chai = require('chai');37var expect = chai.expect;38describe('typeDetect', function() {39 it('should detect a string', function() {40 expect('hello')'string');41 });42});43var chai = require('chai');44var expect = chai.expect;45describe('typeDetect', function() {46 it('should detect a string', function() {47 expect('hello')'string');48 });49});50var chai = require('chai');51var expect = chai.expect;52describe('typeDetect', function() {53 it('should detect a string', function() {54 expect('hello')'string');55 });56});57var chai = require('chai');58var expect = chai.expect;59describe('typeDetect', function() {60 it('should detect a string', function() {61 expect('hello')'string');62 });63});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var typeDetect = require('type-detect');3var assert = chai.assert;4describe('typeDetect', function() {5 it('typeDetect', function() {6 assert.equal(typeDetect('hello'), 'string');7 });8});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var assert = chai.assert;4var should = chai.should();5var type = require('../​typeDetect.js');6describe('typeDetect', function() {7 it('should return a string', function() {8 assert.typeOf(type.typeDetect(1), 'string');9 });10 it('should return a number', function() {11 assert.typeOf(type.typeDetect(1), 'number');12 });13 it('should return a boolean', function() {14 assert.typeOf(type.typeDetect(true), 'boolean');15 });16 it('should return a function', function() {17 assert.typeOf(type.typeDetect(function(){}), 'function');18 });19 it('should return a undefined', function() {20 assert.typeOf(type.typeDetect(undefined), 'undefined');21 });22 it('should return a null', function() {23 assert.typeOf(type.typeDetect(null), 'null');24 });25 it('should return a object', function() {26 assert.typeOf(type.typeDetect({}), 'object');27 });28});29module.exports = {30 typeDetect: function (type) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var typeDetect = require('type-detect');2var assert = require('chai').assert;3describe('TypeDetect', function() {4 it('should return type of variable', function() {5 var a = 1;6 var b = "test";7 var c = {};8 var d = [];9 var e = null;10 var f = undefined;11 var g = new Date();12 var h = function() {};13 assert.equal(typeDetect(a), "number");14 assert.equal(typeDetect(b), "string");15 assert.equal(typeDetect(c), "object");16 assert.equal(typeDetect(d), "array");17 assert.equal(typeDetect(e), "null");18 assert.equal(typeDetect(f), "undefined");19 assert.equal(typeDetect(g), "date");20 assert.equal(typeDetect(h), "function");21 });22});23 1 passing (8ms)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2chai.use(require('chai-things'));3var expect = chai.expect;4var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];5expect(arr)'number');6var obj = {7};8expect(obj)'name')'string');9expect(obj)'age')'number');10var arrOfObj = [{11}, {12}, {13}];14expect(arrOfObj)'name')'string');15expect(arrOfObj)'age')'number');16var nestedObj = {17 address: {18 }19};20expect(nestedObj)'name')'string');21expect(nestedObj)'age')'number');22expect(nestedObj)'address')'object');23expect(nestedObj.address)'city')'string');24expect(nestedObj.address)'state')'string');25var nestedArr = [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6], 7, 8, 9, 10];26expect(nestedArr)'number');27expect(nestedArr)'[3]')'array');28expect(nestedArr[3])'number');29var nestedArrOfObj = [{

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var should = chai.should;4describe('typeDetect', function() {5 it('should return type of the variable', function() {6 expect('abc')'string');7 expect(123)'number');8 expect({})'object');9 expect([])'array');10 expect(true)'boolean');11 expect(null)'null');12 expect(undefined)'undefined');13 });14});15var chai = require('chai');16var expect = chai.expect;17var should = chai.should;18describe('typeDetect', function() {19 it('should return type of the variable', function() {20 expect('abc')'string');21 expect(123)'number');22 expect({})'object');23 expect([])'array');24 expect(true)'boolean');25 expect(null)'null');26 expect(undefined)'undefined');27 });28});29var chai = require('chai');30var expect = chai.expect;31var should = chai.should;32describe('typeDetect', function() {33 it('should return type of the variable', function() {34 expect('abc')'string');35 expect(123)'number');36 expect({})'object');37 expect([])'array');38 expect(true)'boolean');39 expect(null)'null');40 expect(undefined)'undefined');41 });42});43var chai = require('chai');44var expect = chai.expect;45var should = chai.should;46describe('typeDetect', function() {47 it('should return type of the variable', function() {48 expect('abc')'string');49 expect(123)'number');50 expect({})'object');51 expect([])'array');52 expect(true)'boolean');53 expect(null)'null');54 expect(undefined

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var assert = chai.assert;4var should = chai.should();5var typeDetect = require('type-detect');6var js = require('./​js.js');7var js1 = require('./​js1.js');8var js2 = require('./​js2.js');9var js3 = require('./​js3.js');10describe('Test for type detection', function(){11 it('should return number', function(){12 assert.equal(typeDetect(js()), 'number');13 });14 it('should return string', function(){15 assert.equal(typeDetect(js1()), 'string');16 });17 it('should return boolean', function(){18 assert.equal(typeDetect(js2()), 'boolean');19 });20 it('should return function', function(){21 assert.equal(typeDetect(js3()), 'function');22 });23});24module.exports = function(){25 return 1;26};27module.exports = function(){28 return "hello";29};30module.exports = function(){31 return true;32};33module.exports = function(){34 return function(){35 return 1;36 };37};38var chai = require('chai');39var expect = chai.expect;40var assert = chai.assert;41var should = chai.should();42var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');43chai.use(chaiAsPromised);44var js = require('./​js.js');45describe('Test for promise', function(){46 it('should return promise', function(){47 assert.isFulfilled(js(), 'promise');48 });49});50module.exports = function(){51 return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){52 setTimeout(function(){53 resolve(1);54 }, 2000);55 });56};

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