Best JavaScript code snippet using chai
Source: proxify.js
...52 if (53 !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(prop) &&54 builtins.indexOf(prop) === -155 ) {56 var dist = stringDistanceCapped(57 property,58 prop,59 suggestionDistance60 );61 if (dist < suggestionDistance) {62 suggestion = prop;63 suggestionDistance = dist;64 }65 }66 });67 if (suggestion !== null) {68 throw Error('Invalid Chai property: ' + property +69 '. Did you mean "' + suggestion + '"?');70 } else {71 throw Error('Invalid Chai property: ' + property);72 }73 }74 // Use this proxy getter as the starting point for removing implementation75 // frames from the stack trace of a failed assertion. For property76 // assertions, this prevents the proxy getter from showing up in the stack77 // trace since it's invoked before the property getter. For method and78 // chainable method assertions, this flag will end up getting changed to79 // the method wrapper, which is good since this frame will no longer be in80 // the stack once the method is invoked. Note that Chai builtin assertion81 // properties such as `__flags` are skipped since this is only meant to82 // capture the starting point of an assertion. This step is also skipped83 // if the `lockSsfi` flag is set, thus indicating that this assertion is84 // being called from within another assertion. In that case, the `ssfi`85 // flag is already set to the outer assertion's starting point.86 if (builtins.indexOf(property) === -1 && !flag(target, 'lockSsfi')) {87 flag(target, 'ssfi', proxyGetter);88 }89 return Reflect.get(target, property);90 }91 });92};93/**94 * # stringDistanceCapped(strA, strB, cap)95 * Return the Levenshtein distance between two strings, but no more than cap.96 * @param {string} strA97 * @param {string} strB98 * @param {number} number99 * @return {number} min(string distance between strA and strB, cap)100 * @api private101 */102function stringDistanceCapped(strA, strB, cap) {103 if (Math.abs(strA.length - strB.length) >= cap) {104 return cap;105 }106 var memo = [];107 // `memo` is a two-dimensional array containing distances.108 // memo[i][j] is the distance between strA.slice(0, i) and109 // strB.slice(0, j).110 for (var i = 0; i <= strA.length; i++) {111 memo[i] = Array(strB.length + 1).fill(0);112 memo[i][0] = i;113 }114 for (var j = 0; j < strB.length; j++) {115 memo[0][j] = j;116 }...
Using AI Code Generation
1var args = process.argv.slice(2);2var Fabric_Client = require('fabric-client');3var path = require('path');4var util = require('util');5var os = require('os');6var fabric_client = new Fabric_Client();7var channel = fabric_client.newChannel('mychannel');8channel.addPeer(peer);9var member_user = null;10var store_path = path.join(__dirname, 'hfc-key-store');11console.log('Store path:'+store_path);12var tx_id = null;13Fabric_Client.newDefaultKeyValueStore({ path: store_path14}).then((state_store) => {15 fabric_client.setStateStore(state_store);16 var crypto_suite = Fabric_Client.newCryptoSuite();17 var crypto_store = Fabric_Client.newCryptoKeyStore({path: store_path});18 crypto_suite.setCryptoKeyStore(crypto_store);19 fabric_client.setCryptoSuite(crypto_suite);20 return fabric_client.getUserContext('user1', true);21}).then((user_from_store) => {22 if (user_from_store && user_from_store.isEnrolled()) {23 console.log('Successfully loaded user1 from persistence');24 member_user = user_from_store;25 } else {26 throw new Error('Failed to get user1.... run registerUser.js');27 }28 const request = {29 };30 return channel.queryByChaincode(request);31}).then((query_responses) => {32 console.log("Query has completed, checking
Using AI Code Generation
1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiLevenshtein = require('chai-levenshtein');3chai.use(chaiLevenshtein);4const expect = chai.expect;5describe('chai-levenshtein', function() {6 it('should calculate Levenshtein distance', function() {7 expect('foo').to.have.levenshteinDistanceOf(1, 'fao');8 });9});10const chai = require('chai');11const chaiLevenshtein = require('chai-levenshtein');12chai.use(chaiLevenshtein);13const expect = chai.expect;14describe('chai-levenshtein', function() {15 it('should calculate Levenshtein distance', function() {16 expect('foo').to.have.levenshteinDistanceOf(1, 'fao');17 });18});19const chai = require('chai');20const chaiLevenshtein = require('chai-levenshtein');21chai.use(chaiLevenshtein);22const expect = chai.expect;23describe('chai-levenshtein', function() {24 it('should calculate Levenshtein distance', function() {25 expect('foo').to.have.levenshteinDistanceOf(1, 'fao');26 });27});28const chai = require('chai');29const chaiLevenshtein = require('chai-levenshtein');30chai.use(chaiLevenshtein);31const expect = chai.expect;32describe('chai-levenshtein', function() {33 it('should calculate Levenshtein distance', function() {34 expect('foo').to.have.levenshteinDistanceOf(1, 'fao');35 });36});37const chai = require('chai');38const chaiLevenshtein = require('chai-levenshtein');39chai.use(chaiLevenshtein);40const expect = chai.expect;41describe('chai-levenshtein', function()
Using AI Code Generation
Using AI Code Generation
1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance').stringDistanceCapped;4chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);5var chai = require('chai');6var expect = chai.expect;7var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance').stringDistanceCapped;8chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);9var chai = require('chai');10var expect = chai.expect;11var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance').stringDistanceCapped;12chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);13var chai = require('chai');14var expect = chai.expect;15var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance').stringDistanceCapped;16chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);17var chai = require('chai');18var expect = chai.expect;19var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance').stringDistanceCapped;20chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);21var chai = require('chai');22var expect = chai.expect;23var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance').stringDistanceCapped;24chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);25var chai = require('chai');26var expect = chai.expect;27var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance').stringDistanceCapped;28chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);29var chai = require('chai');30var expect = chai.expect;31var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance').stringDistanceCapped;32chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);33var chai = require('chai');34var expect = chai.expect;35var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance').stringDistanceCapped;36chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);
Using AI Code Generation
1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3chai.use(require('chai-string'));4var str1 = "Hello";5var str2 = "Hello";6var str3 = "Hello world";7assert.equal(str1, str2);8assert.equal(str1, str3);9assert.equal(str1, str2, 'str1 is equal to str2');10assert.equal(str1, str3, 'str1 is equal to str3');11assert.notEqual(str1, str3);12assert.notEqual(str1, str2);13assert.notEqual(str1, str3, 'str1 is not equal to str3');14assert.notEqual(str1, str2, 'str1 is not equal to str2');15assert.notTypeOf(str1, 'number');16assert.notTypeOf(str1, 'number', 'str1 is not a number');17assert.equal(str1, str2, 'str1 is equal to str2');18assert.notEqual(str1, str3, 'str1 is not equal to str3');19assert.strictEqual(str1, str2);20assert.notStrictEqual(str1, str3);21assert.strictEqual(str1, str2, 'str1 is strictly equal to str2');22assert.notStrictEqual(str1, str3, 'str1 is strictly not equal to str3');23assert.include(str1, 'll');24assert.notInclude(str1, 'world');25assert.include(str1, 'll', 'str1 contains string ll');26assert.notInclude(str1, 'world', 'str1 does not contain string world');27assert.match(str1, /^Hello$/);28assert.notMatch(str1, /^world$/);29assert.match(str1, /^Hello$/, 'str1 matches regex');30assert.notMatch(str1, /^world$/, 'str1 does not match regex');31assert.lengthOf(str1, 5);32assert.lengthOf(str1, 5, 'str1 has a length of 5');33assert.lengthOf('foobar', 6, 'foobar has a length of 6');34assert.lengthOf([1,2,3], 3, 'array has a length of 3');35assert.lengthOf('
Using AI Code Generation
1var chai = require('chai');2var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance-capped');3chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);4var expect = chai.expect;5expect('hello')'helo', 2);6var chai = require('chai');7var stringDistance = require('chai-string-distance');8chai.use(stringDistance);9var expect = chai.expect;10expect('hello')'helo', 2);11var chai = require('chai');12var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance-capped');13chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);14var expect = chai.expect;15expect('hello')'helo', 2);16var chai = require('chai');17var stringDistance = require('chai-string-distance');18chai.use(stringDistance);19var expect = chai.expect;20expect('hello')'helo', 2);21var chai = require('chai');22var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance-capped');23chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);24var expect = chai.expect;25expect('hello')'helo', 2);26var chai = require('chai');27var stringDistance = require('chai-string-distance');28chai.use(stringDistance);29var expect = chai.expect;30expect('hello')'helo', 2);31var chai = require('chai');32var stringDistanceCapped = require('chai-string-distance-capped');33chai.use(stringDistanceCapped);34var expect = chai.expect;35expect('hello')'helo', 2);36var chai = require('chai');
Using AI Code Generation
1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const chaiFuzzy = require('chai-fuzzy');4chai.use(chaiFuzzy);5it('should return true', () => {6 const str = 'abc';7 const str2 = 'abd';8 expect(str);9});10expect('abc')'abc');11expect('abc')'ABC');12expect('abc')'AbC');13expect('abc')'abc');14expect('abc')'ABC');15expect('abc')'AbC');16expect('abc').to.containIgnoreCase('abc');17expect('abc').to.containIgnoreCase('ABC');18expect('abc').to.containIgnoreCase('AbC');19expect('abc').to.not.containIgnoreCase('abc');20expect('abc').to.not.containIgnoreCase('ABC');21expect('abc').to.not.containIgnoreCase('AbC');22expect('abc').to.startWithIgnoreCase('abc');23expect('abc').to.startWithIgnoreCase('ABC');24expect('abc').to.startWithIgnoreCase('AbC');25expect('abc').to.not.startWithIgnoreCase('abc');26expect('abc').to.not.startWithIgnoreCase('ABC');27expect('abc').to.not.startWithIgnoreCase('AbC');28expect('abc').to.endWithIgnoreCase('abc');29expect('abc').to.endWithIgnoreCase('ABC');30expect('abc').to.endWithIgnoreCase('AbC');
Using AI Code Generation
1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3describe('String Distance Capped', function () {4 it('should return false if the distance is greater than the cap', function () {5 expect('foo').to.not.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 1);6 });7});8var chai = require('chai');9var expect = chai.expect;10describe('String Distance Capped', function () {11 it('should return true if the distance is less than the cap', function () {12 expect('foo').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 2);13 });14});15var chai = require('chai');16var expect = chai.expect;17describe('String Distance Capped', function () {18 it('should return true if the distance is equal to the cap', function () {19 expect('foo').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 3);20 });21});22var chai = require('chai');23var expect = chai.expect;24describe('String Distance Capped', function () {25 it('should return false if the distance is greater than the cap', function () {26 expect('foo').to.not.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 0);27 });28});29var chai = require('chai');30var expect = chai.expect;31describe('String Distance Capped', function () {32 it('should return false if the distance is greater than the cap', function () {33 expect('foo').to.not.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', -1);34 });35});36var chai = require('chai');37var expect = chai.expect;38describe('String Distance Capped', function () {39 it('should return true if the distance is less than the cap', function () {40 expect('foo').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 4);41 });42});43var chai = require('chai');44var expect = chai.expect;45describe('
Using AI Code Generation
1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3describe('String Distance Test', function() {4 it('should return 0 for same strings', function() {5 assert.equal(0, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hello', 1));6 });7 it('should return 1 for strings with one different letter', function() {8 assert.equal(1, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hallo', 1));9 });10 it('should return 2 for strings with two different letters', function() {11 assert.equal(2, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hillo', 2));12 });13 it('should return 3 for strings with three different letters', function() {14 assert.equal(3, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hillo', 3));15 });16 it('should return 4 for strings with four different letters', function() {17 assert.equal(4, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hillo', 4));18 });19 it('should return 5 for strings with five different letters', function() {20 assert.equal(5, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hillo', 5));21 });22 it('should return 6 for strings with six different letters', function() {23 assert.equal(6, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hillo', 6));24 });25 it('should return 7 for strings with seven different letters', function() {26 assert.equal(7, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hillo', 7));27 });28 it('should return 8 for strings with eight different letters', function() {29 assert.equal(8, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hillo', 8));30 });31 it('should return 9 for strings with nine different letters', function() {32 assert.equal(9, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hillo', 9));33 });34 it('should return 10 for strings with ten different letters', function() {35 assert.equal(10, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hillo', 10));36 });37 it('should return 11 for strings with eleven different letters', function() {38 assert.equal(11, 'hello'.stringDistanceCapped('hillo', 11));39 });40 it('should return 12 for
Using AI Code Generation
1chai.use(require('chai-string'));2describe('Test', () => {3 it('should return a string', () => {4 expect('test')'string');5 });6 it('should return the same string', () => {7 expect('test').to.equal('test');8 });9 it('should return the same string with a different case', () => {10 expect('test').to.equalIgnoringCase('TEST');11 });12 it('should return a string with 2 characters difference', () => {13 expect('test').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('tes', 2);14 });15 it('should return a string with 1 character difference', () => {16 expect('test').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('tes', 1);17 });18 it('should return an error', () => {19 expect('test').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('tes', 0);20 });21});22var chai = require('chai');23var expect = chai.expect;24describe('String Distance Capped', function () {25 it('should return false if the distance is greater than the cap', function () {26 expect('foo').to.not.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 1);27 });28});29var chai = require('chai');30var expect = chai.expect;31describe('String Distance Capped', function () {32 it('should return true if the distance is less than the cap', function () {33 expect('foo').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 2);34 });35});36var chai = require('chai');37var expect = chai.expect;38describe('String Distance Capped', function () {39 it('should return true if the distance is equal to the cap', function () {40 expect('foo').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 3);41 });42});43var chai = require('chai');44var expect = chai.expect;45describe('String Distance Capped', function () {46 it('should return false if the distance is greater than the cap', function () {47 expect('foo').to.not.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 0);48 });49});50var chai = require('chai');51var expect = chai.expect;52describe('String Distance Capped', function () {53 it('should return false if the distance is greater than the cap', function () {54 expect('foo').to.not.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', -1);55 });56});57var chai = require('chai');58var expect = chai.expect;59describe('Strin Distance Capped', function () {60 it('should return true if the distance is less than the cap', function () {61 expect('foo').to.have.stringDistaceCapped('bar', 4);62 });63});64var chai = require('chai');65var expect = chai.expect;66decrib('67expect('abc').to.not.containIgnoreCase('abc');68expect('abc').to.not.containIgnoreCase('ABC');69expect('abc').to.not.containIgnoreCase('AbC');70expect('abc').to.startWithIgnoreCase('abc');71expect('abc').to.startWithIgnoreCase('ABC');72expect('abc').to.startWithIgnoreCase('AbC');73expect('abc').to.not.startWithIgnoreCase('abc');74expect('abc').to.not.startWithIgnoreCase('ABC');75expect('abc').to.not.startWithIgnoreCase('AbC');76expect('abc').to.endWithIgnoreCase('abc');77expect('abc').to.endWithIgnoreCase('ABC');78expect('abc').to.endWithIgnoreCase('AbC');
Using AI Code Generation
1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3describe('String Distance Capped', function () {4 it('should return false if the distance is greater than the cap', function () {5 expect('foo').to.not.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 1);6 });7});8var chai = require('chai');9var expect = chai.expect;10describe('String Distance Capped', function () {11 it('should return true if the distance is less than the cap', function () {12 expect('foo').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 2);13 });14});15var chai = require('chai');16var expect = chai.expect;17describe('String Distance Capped', function () {18 it('should return true if the distance is equal to the cap', function () {19 expect('foo').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 3);20 });21});22var chai = require('chai');23var expect = chai.expect;24describe('String Distance Capped', function () {25 it('should return false if the distance is greater than the cap', function () {26 expect('foo').to.not.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 0);27 });28});29var chai = require('chai');30var expect = chai.expect;31describe('String Distance Capped', function () {32 it('should return false if the distance is greater than the cap', function () {33 expect('foo').to.not.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', -1);34 });35});36var chai = require('chai');37var expect = chai.expect;38describe('String Distance Capped', function () {39 it('should return true if the distance is less than the cap', function () {40 expect('foo').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('bar', 4);41 });42});43var chai = require('chai');44var expect = chai.expect;45describe('
Using AI Code Generation
1chai.use(require('chai-string'));2describe('Test', () => {3 it('should return a string', () => {4 expect('test')'string');5 });6 it('should return the same string', () => {7 expect('test').to.equal('test');8 });9 it('should return the same string with a different case', () => {10 expect('test').to.equalIgnoringCase('TEST');11 });12 it('should return a string with 2 characters difference', () => {13 expect('test').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('tes', 2);14 });15 it('should return a string with 1 character difference', () => {16 expect('test').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('tes', 1);17 });18 it('should return an error', () => {19 expect('test').to.have.stringDistanceCapped('tes', 0);20 });21});
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