Best JavaScript code snippet using chai
Source: index.js
1const http = require('http'),2 https = require('https'),3 fs = require('fs'),4 zlib = require('zlib'),5 querystring = require('querystring'),6 WebSocket = require('ws'),7 btoa = str => new Buffer.from(str).toString('base64'),8 atob = str => new Buffer.from(str, 'base64').toString('utf-8');9module.exports = class {10 // Constructor function.11 constructor(prefix = "/crosis/", config = {}) {12 this.prefix = prefix;13 this.config = config;14 this.proxifyRequestURL = (url, type) => type ? atob(url.split('_').slice(1).splice(0, 1).join()) + url.split('_').slice(2).join('_') : `_${btoa(url.split('/').splice(0, 3).join('/'))}_/${url.split('/').splice(3).join('/')}`15 if (!prefix.startsWith('/')) this.prefix = '/' + prefix;16 if (!prefix.endsWith('/')) this.prefix = prefix + '/'; 17 };18 // HTTP(S) proxy.19 http(req, res, next = () => res.end('')) {20 if (!req.url.startsWith(this.prefix)) return next();21 // Defining alternatives to `req.url` that don't contain web proxy prefix (req.path) and with the additional prop (req.pathname) not containing any hash or query params.22 req.path = req.url.replace(this.prefix.slice(1), '');23 req.pathname = req.path.split('#')[0].split('?')[0];24 25 if (req.pathname == '/client_hook' || req.pathname == '/client_hook/') return res.end(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/window.js', 'utf-8'));26 27 try {new URL(this.proxifyRequestURL(req.path, true))} catch {return res.end('URL Parse Error')};28 29 var proxyURL = {30 href: this.proxifyRequestURL(req.path, true),31 origin: this.proxifyRequestURL(req.path, true).split('/').splice(0, 3).join('/'),32 hostname: this.proxifyRequestURL(req.path, true).split('/').splice(0, 3).slice(2).join('/')33 },34 proxify = {},35 isBlocked = false,36 protocol = proxyURL.href.startsWith('https://') ? https : http, 37 proxyOptions = {38 headers: Object.assign({}, req.headers),39 method: req.method,40 rejectUnauthorized: false41 };42 43 if (proxyURL.href.startsWith('https://') || proxyURL.href.startsWith('http://')); else return res.end('URL Parse Error');44 45 delete proxyOptions.headers['host']; 46 47 // URL hostname blocklist.48 if (typeof this.config.blacklist == 'object' && this.config.blacklist.length != 0) this.config.blacklist.forEach(blacklisted => proxyURL.hostname == blacklisted ? isBlocked = true : isBlocked = false);49 if (isBlocked) return res.end('The URL you are trying to access is not permitted for use.')50 if (!req.path.startsWith(`/_${btoa(proxyURL.origin)}_/`)) return (res.writeHead(308, { location: this.prefix + `_${btoa(proxyURL.origin)}_/`}), res.end(''));51 52 // Proxifying "Origin" request header. Vital since some websites might have a failsafe for their API involving the "Origin" request header.53 if (proxyOptions.headers['origin']) {54 var proxified_header = this.proxifyRequestURL(`/${proxyOptions.headers['origin'].split('/').splice(3).join('/')}`.replace(this.prefix, ''), true);55 if (proxified_header.startsWith('https://') || proxified_header.startsWith('http://')) proxified_header = proxified_header.split('/').splice(0, 3).join('/');56 else proxified_header = proxyURL.origin;57 proxyOptions.headers['origin'] = proxified_header;58 }59 60 // Proxifying "Referer" request header. Vital since some websites might have a failsafe for their API involving the "Referer" request header.61 if (proxyOptions.headers['referer']) {62 63 var proxified_header = this.proxifyRequestURL('/' + proxyOptions.headers['referer'].split('/').splice(3).join('/').replace(this.prefix, ''), true);64 if (proxified_header.startsWith('https://') || proxified_header.startsWith('http://')) proxified_header = proxified_header;65 else proxified_header = proxyURL.href;66 67 proxyOptions.headers['referer'] = proxified_header;68 69 }70 71 72 if (proxyOptions.headers['cookie']) { 73 var new_cookie = [],74 cookie_array = proxyOptions.headers['cookie'].split('; ');75 76 cookie_array.forEach(cookie => {77 78 const cookie_name = cookie.split('=').splice(0, 1).join(),79 cookie_value = cookie.split('=').splice(1).join();80 81 if (proxyURL.hostname.includes(cookie_name.split('@').splice(1).join())) new_cookie.push(cookie_name.split('@').splice(0, 1).join() + '=' + cookie_value);82 83 });84 85 proxyOptions.headers['cookie'] = new_cookie.join('; ');86 };87 if (typeof this.config.localAddress == 'object' && this.config.localAddress.length != 0) proxyOptions.localAddress = this.config.localAddress[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.config.localAddress.length)];88 89 var makeRequest = protocol.request(proxyURL.href, proxyOptions, proxyResponse => {90 91 var rawData = [],92 sendData = '';93 94 proxyResponse.on('data', data => rawData.push(data)).on('end', () => {95 96 const inject_config = {97 prefix: this.prefix,98 url: proxyURL.href99 }100 101 // General URL proxifer.102 proxify.url = url => {103 104 if (url.match(/^(#|about:|data:|blob:|mailto:|javascript:|{|\*)/)) return url;105 106 if (url.startsWith('//')) url = new URL('http:' + url);107 else if (url.startsWith('/')) url = new URL(proxyURL.origin + url);108 else if (url.startsWith('https://') || url.startsWith('http://')) url = new URL(url);109 else url = new URL(proxyURL.href.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/') + '/' + url);110 111 if (url.protocol == 'https:' || url.protocol == 'http:') return this.prefix + this.proxifyRequestURL(url.href);112 else return url.href; 113 114 };115 116 // Javascript "location" object proxifier. Will be replaced in the future with a more efficient one.117 proxify.js = buffer => buffer.toString().replace(/(,| |=|\()document.location(,| |=|\)|\.)/gi, str => { return str.replace('.location', `.alloyLocation`); })118 .replace(/(,| |=|\()window.location(,| |=|\)|\.)/gi, str => { return str.replace('.location', `.alloyLocation`); })119 .replace(/(,| |=|\()location(,| |=|\)|\.)/gi, str => { return str.replace('location', `alloyLocation`); });120 121 122 // CSS proxifier.123 proxify.css = buffer => {124 return buffer.replace(/url\("(.*?)"\)/gi, str => {125 var url = str.replace(/url\("(.*?)"\)/gi, '$1');126 return `url("${proxify.url(url)}")`;127 }).replace(/url\('(.*?)'\)/gi, str => {128 var url = str.replace(/url\('(.*?)'\)/gi, '$1');129 return `url('${proxify.url(url)}')`;130 }).replace(/url\((.*?)\)/gi, str => {131 var url = str.replace(/url\((.*?)\)/gi, '$1');132 133 if (url.startsWith(`"`) || url.startsWith(`'`)) return str;134 135 return `url("${proxify.url(url)}")`;136 }).replace(/@import (.*?)"(.*?)";/gi, str => {137 var url = str.replace(/@import (.*?)"(.*?)";/, '$2');138 return `@import "${proxify.url(url)}";`139 }).replace(/@import (.*?)'(.*?)';/gi, str => {140 var url = str.replace(/@import (.*?)'(.*?)';/, '$2');141 return `@import '${proxify.url(url)}';`142 })143 };144 145 // DOM based HTML proxifier.146 proxify.html = body => {147 148 const html = new (require('./dom')).JSDOM(body, {contentType: 'text/html'}), document = html.window.document;149 150 var base_tag = false; 151 152 if (document.querySelector('head base')) base_tag = document.querySelector('head base').getAttribute('href');153 154 // Sloppy due to having to release this fast.155 if (base_tag) {156 157 if (base_tag.includes('#') || base_tag.includes('?')) base_tag = base_tag.split('#')[0].split('?')[0];158 159 if (base_tag.startsWith('//')) base_tag = 'http:' + base_tag;160 161 if (base_tag.startsWith('https://') || base_tag.startsWith('http://')) base_tag = new URL(base_tag).href;162 else if (base_tag.startsWith('/')) base_tag = new URL(proxyURL.origin + base_tag).href;163 else base_tag = new URL(proxyURL.href.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/') + '/' + base_tag).href;164 165 inject_config.baseURL = base_tag;166 167 };168 169 proxify.attribute = attribute => {170 if (attribute.startsWith('https://') || attribute.startsWith('http://') || attribute.startsWith('//')) return proxify.url(attribute);171 else if (base_tag) {172 if (attribute.startsWith('/')) return attribute = proxify.url(base_tag.split('/').splice(0, 3).join('/') + attribute);173 else return attribute = proxify.url(base_tag.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/') + '/' + attribute);174 } else return proxify.url(attribute);175 };176 177 // Removing all "nonce" and "integrity" attributes. 178 document.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(node => {179 if (node.getAttribute('nonce')) node.removeAttribute('nonce');180 if (node.getAttribute('integrity')) node.removeAttribute('integrity');181 if (node.getAttribute('style')) node.setAttribute('style', proxify.css(node.getAttribute('style')));182 });183 184 // Rewriting "src" attributes on elements.185 document.querySelectorAll("script, embed, iframe, audio, video, img, input, source, track").forEach(node => {186 if (node.src) node.src = proxify.attribute(node.src);187 if (node.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'script' && node.innerHTML != '') node.innerHTML = proxify.js(node.innerHTML);188 });189 190 document.querySelectorAll("img[srcset], source[srcset]").forEach(node => {191 var arr = [];192 193 node.srcset.split(',').forEach(url => {194 url = url.trimStart().split(' ');195 url[0] = proxify.attribute(url[0]);196 arr.push(url.join(' '));197 });198 199 node.srcset = arr.join(', ')200 });201 202 // Rewriting "href" attributes on elements.203 document.querySelectorAll("a, link, area").forEach(node => {204 if (node.href) node.href = proxify.attribute(node.href);205 });206 207 document.querySelectorAll('base').forEach(node => node.href = proxify.attribute(node.href));208 209 // Rewriting "action" attribute for forms.210 document.querySelectorAll('form').forEach(node => {211 if (node.action) node.action = proxify.attribute(node.action);212 });213 214 document.querySelectorAll('style').forEach(node => {215 node.textContent = proxify.css(node.textContent);216 });217 218 // Creating injection script element.219 const inject_script = document.createElement('script');220 221 // Setting injection script attributes.222 inject_script.src = this.prefix + 'client_hook';223 inject_script.setAttribute('data-config', btoa(JSON.stringify(inject_config)));224 225 // Putting "script" element for injection in the beginning of "head" element.226 document.querySelector('head').insertBefore(inject_script, document.querySelector('head').childNodes[0])227 228 return html.serialize();229 230 };231 232 // Handling response body Content-Encoding.233 if (rawData.length != 0) switch(proxyResponse.headers['content-encoding']) {234 case 'gzip':235 sendData = zlib.gunzipSync(Buffer.concat(rawData));236 break;237 case 'deflate':238 sendData = zlib.inflateSync(Buffer.concat(rawData));239 break;240 case 'br':241 sendData = zlib.brotliDecompressSync(Buffer.concat(rawData));242 break;243 default: sendData = Buffer.concat(rawData); break;244 };245 246 // Handling response headers.247 Object.entries(proxyResponse.headers).forEach(([header_name, header_value]) => {248 if (header_name == 'set-cookie') {249 const cookie_array = [];250 header_value.forEach(cookie => cookie_array.push(cookie.replace(/Domain=(.*?);/gi, `Domain=` + req.headers['host'] + ';').replace(/(.*?)=(.*?);/, '$1' + '@' + proxyURL.hostname + `=` + '$2' + ';')));251 proxyResponse.headers[header_name] = cookie_array;252 253 };254 255 if (header_name.startsWith('content-encoding') || header_name.startsWith('x-') || header_name.startsWith('cf-') || header_name.startsWith('strict-transport-security') || header_name.startsWith('content-security-policy') || header_name.startsWith('content-length')) delete proxyResponse.headers[header_name];256 257 if (header_name == 'location') proxyResponse.headers[header_name] = proxify.url(header_value);258 });259 260 // Rewriting the response body based off of the Content-Type response header.261 if (proxyResponse.headers['content-type'] && proxyResponse.headers['content-type'].startsWith('text/html')) sendData = proxify.html(sendData.toString());262 else if (proxyResponse.headers['content-type'] && (proxyResponse.headers['content-type'].startsWith('application/javascript') || proxyResponse.headers['content-type'].startsWith('text/javascript'))) sendData = proxify.js(sendData.toString());263 else if (proxyResponse.headers['content-type'] && proxyResponse.headers['content-type'].startsWith('text/css')) sendData = proxify.css(sendData.toString());264 265 // Sending proxy response with processed headers and body.266 res.writeHead(proxyResponse.statusCode, proxyResponse.headers);267 res.end(sendData);268 269 });270 271 });272 273 makeRequest.on('error', err => res.end(err.toString()))274 275 if (!res.writableEnded) req.on('data', data => makeRequest.write(data)).on('end', () => makeRequest.end());276 277 };278 // Websocket Proxy279 ws(server) {280 new WebSocket.Server({server: server}).on('connection', (cli, req) => {281 var queryParams = querystring.parse(req.url.split('?').splice(1).join('?')), proxyURL, options = { 282 headers: {},283 followRedirects: true284 }, protocol = [];285 286 if (! return cli.close();287 288 proxyURL = atob(;289 290 try { new URL(proxyURL) } catch{ return cli.close() };291 292 Object.entries(req.headers).forEach(([header_name, header_value]) => {293 if (header_name == 'sec-websocket-protocol') header_value.split(', ').forEach(proto => protocol.push(proto));294 if (header_name.startsWith('cf-') || header_name.startsWith('cdn-loop'));295 else if (!header_name.startsWith('sec-websocket')) options.headers[header_name] = header_value;296 })297 298 if (queryParams.origin) (options.origin = atob(queryParams.origin), options.headers.origin = atob(queryParams.origin)); 299 300 delete options.headers['host'];301 delete options.headers['cookie'];302 303 if (typeof this.config.localAddress == 'object' && this.config.localAddress.length != 0) options.localAddress = this.config.localAddress[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.config.localAddress.length)];304 const proxy = new WebSocket(proxyURL, protocol, options),305 before_open = [];306 307 if (proxy.readyState == 0) cli.on('message', data => before_open.push(data));308 309 cli.on('close', () => proxy.close());310 proxy.on('close', () => cli.close());311 cli.on('error', () => proxy.terminate())312 proxy.on('error', () => cli.terminate());313 314 proxy.on('open', () => {315 316 if (before_open.length != 0) before_open.forEach(data => proxy.send(data))317 318 cli.on('message', data => proxy.send(data));319 proxy.on('message', data => cli.send(data));320 321 322 });323 324 });325 };...
Source: ModelProxyHandler.test.js
...4const Sinon = require("sinon");5const ModelProxyHandler_1 = require("../../lib/model/ModelProxyHandler");6describe('ModelProxyHandler', function () {7 describe('.get()', function () {8 it('calls and returns driver.proxify() with get if driver.shouldBeProxied() returns true', function () {9 const driver = {10 shouldBeProxied() {11 return true;12 },13 proxify() {14 return 'anything';15 }16 };17 const model = {18 driver: driver19 };20 const proxifySpy = Sinon.spy(driver, 'proxify');21 expect(, model, 'key')).toEqual('anything');22 expect(proxifySpy.calledWith('get', model, 'key')).toBe(true);23 });24 it('returns target[key] with get if driver.shouldBeProxied() returns false', function () {25 const driver = {26 shouldBeProxied() {27 return false;28 },29 proxify() {30 return 'anything';31 }32 };33 const model = {34 driver: driver,35 key: 'value'36 };37 const proxifySpy = Sinon.spy(driver, 'proxify');38 expect(, model, 'key')).toEqual('value');39 expect(proxifySpy.calledWith('get', model, 'key')).toBe(false);40 });41 });42 describe('.set()', function () {43 it('calls and returns driver.proxify() with get if driver.shouldBeProxied() returns true', function () {44 const driver = {45 shouldBeProxied() {46 return true;47 },48 proxify() {49 return 'anything';50 }51 };52 const model = {53 driver: driver54 };55 const proxifySpy = Sinon.spy(driver, 'proxify');56 expect(, model, 'key', 'value')).toEqual('anything');57 expect(proxifySpy.calledWith('set', model, 'key', 'value')).toBe(true);58 });59 it('assigns value to target[key] with get if driver.shouldBeProxied() returns false', function () {60 const driver = {61 shouldBeProxied() {62 return false;63 },64 proxify() {65 return 'anything';66 }67 };68 const model = {69 driver: driver70 };71 const proxifySpy = Sinon.spy(driver, 'proxify');72, model, 'key', 'value');73 expect(model['key']).toEqual('value');74 expect(proxifySpy.calledWith('get', model, 'key')).toBe(false);75 });76 });...
Using AI Code Generation
1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');3const app = require('../app');4const should = chai.should();5chai.use(chaiHttp);6describe('GET /', () => {7 it('should return 200 OK', () => {8 chai.request(app)9 .get('/')10 .end((err, res) => {11 res.should.have.status(200);12 done();13 });14 });15});16const chai = require('chai');17const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');18const app = require('../app');19const should = chai.should();20chai.use(chaiHttp);21describe('GET /', () => {22 it('should return 200 OK', () => {23 chai.request(app)24 .get('/')25 .end((err, res) => {26 res.should.have.status(200);27 done();28 });29 });30});31const chai = require('chai');32const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');33const app = require('../app');34const should = chai.should();35chai.use(chaiHttp);36describe('GET /', () => {37 it('should return 200 OK', () => {38 chai.request(app)39 .get('/')40 .end((err, res) => {41 res.should.have.status(200);42 done();43 });44 });45});46- [Chai HTTP GitHub](
Using AI Code Generation
1var proxify = require('chain').proxify;2var obj = {3 a: function() {4 console.log('a');5 },6 b: function() {7 console.log('b');8 }9};10var proxy = proxify(obj);11proxy.a().b();12var proxify = require('chain').proxify;13var obj = {14 a: function() {15 console.log('a');16 },17 b: function() {18 console.log('b');19 }20};21var proxy = proxify(obj);22proxy.a().b();23var proxify = require('chain').proxify;24var obj = {25 a: function() {26 console.log('a');27 },28 b: function() {29 console.log('b');30 }31};32var proxy = proxify(obj);33proxy.a().b();34var proxify = require('chain').proxify;35var obj = {36 a: function() {37 console.log('a');38 },39 b: function() {40 console.log('b');41 }42};43var proxy = proxify(obj);44proxy.a().b();45var proxify = require('chain').proxify;46var obj = {47 a: function() {48 console.log('a');49 },50 b: function() {51 console.log('b');52 }53};54var proxy = proxify(obj);55proxy.a().b();56var proxify = require('chain').proxify;57var obj = {58 a: function() {59 console.log('a');60 },61 b: function() {62 console.log('b');63 }64};65var proxy = proxify(obj);66proxy.a().b();67var proxify = require('chain').proxify;
Using AI Code Generation
1var chain = require('./chain.js');2console.log(result);3var chain = require('./chain.js');4console.log(result);5var http = require('http');6var https = require('https');7var httpProxy = require('http-proxy');8var proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({});9var url = require('url');10var request = require('request');11var fs = require('fs');12var express = require('express');13var app = express();14var bodyParser = require('body-parser');15var port = 3000;16app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));17app.use(bodyParser.json());18var router = express.Router();19var proxyServer = http.createServer(function (req, res) {20proxy.web(req, res, { target: req.url });21});22router.get('/', function (req, res) {23res.json({ message: 'Welcome to our api!' });24});'/proxy', function (req, res) {26var url = req.body.url;27var result = proxify(url);28res.json(result);29});30app.use('/api', router);31app.listen(port);32console.log('Magic happens on port ' + port);33function proxify(url) {34var result = {};35request(url, function (error, response, body) {36if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {37var $ = cheerio.load(body);38var title = $('title').text();39result.title = title;40var description = $('meta[name="description"]').attr('content');41result.description = description;42var keywords = $('meta[name="keywords"]').attr('content');43result.keywords = keywords;44var ogTitle = $('meta[property="og:title"]').attr('content');45result.ogTitle = ogTitle;46var ogDescription = $('meta[property="og:description"]').attr('content');47result.ogDescription = ogDescription;48var ogImage = $('meta[property="og:image"]').attr('content');49result.ogImage = ogImage;50var ogUrl = $('meta[property="og:url"]').attr('content');51result.ogUrl = ogUrl;52var ogType = $('meta[property="og:type"]').attr('content');53result.ogType = ogType;54var twitterCard = $('meta[name="twitter:card"]').attr('content');
Using AI Code Generation
1var chainable = require('./chainable');2var obj = chainable.proxify({3}); = 'test2';5obj.value = 2;6console.log(;7console.log(obj.value);8* **Rafael Pires** - *Initial work* - [rafael-pires](
Using AI Code Generation
1var chainable = require('chainable');2var chain = new chainable();3chain.proxify('test', function(){4 this.test = 'test';5});6var chainable = require('chainable');7var chain = new chainable();8chain.proxify('test', function(){9 this.test = 'test';10});11var chainable = require('chainable');12var chain = new chainable();13chain.proxify('test', function(){14 this.test = 'test';15});16var chainable = require('chainable');17var chain = new chainable();18chain.proxify('test', function(){19 this.test = 'test';20});21var chainable = require('chainable');22var chain = new chainable();23chain.proxify('test', function(){24 this.test = 'test';25});26var chainable = require('chainable');27var chain = new chainable();28chain.proxify('test', function(){29 this.test = 'test';30});31var chainable = require('chainable');32var chain = new chainable();33chain.proxify('test', function(){34 this.test = 'test';35});36var chainable = require('chainable');37var chain = new chainable();38chain.proxify('test', function(){39 this.test = 'test';40});
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