How to use oneOf method in chai

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Source:oneof.js Github


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1"use strict";2module.exports = OneOf;3/​/​ extends ReflectionObject4var ReflectionObject = require("./​object");5((OneOf.prototype = Object.create(ReflectionObject.prototype)).constructor = OneOf).className = "OneOf";6var Field = require("./​field"),7 util = require("./​util");8/​**9 * Constructs a new oneof instance.10 * @classdesc Reflected oneof.11 * @extends ReflectionObject12 * @constructor13 * @param {string} name Oneof name14 * @param {string[]|Object.<string,*>} [fieldNames] Field names15 * @param {Object.<string,*>} [options] Declared options16 * @param {string} [comment] Comment associated with this field17 */​18function OneOf(name, fieldNames, options, comment) {19 if (!Array.isArray(fieldNames)) {20 options = fieldNames;21 fieldNames = undefined;22 }23, name, options);24 /​* istanbul ignore if */​25 if (!(fieldNames === undefined || Array.isArray(fieldNames)))26 throw TypeError("fieldNames must be an Array");27 /​**28 * Field names that belong to this oneof.29 * @type {string[]}30 */​31 this.oneof = fieldNames || []; /​/​ toJSON, marker32 /​**33 * Fields that belong to this oneof as an array for iteration.34 * @type {Field[]}35 * @readonly36 */​37 this.fieldsArray = []; /​/​ declared readonly for conformance, possibly not yet added to parent38 /​**39 * Comment for this field.40 * @type {string|null}41 */​42 this.comment = comment;43}44/​**45 * Oneof descriptor.46 * @interface IOneOf47 * @property {Array.<string>} oneof Oneof field names48 * @property {Object.<string,*>} [options] Oneof options49 */​50/​**51 * Constructs a oneof from a oneof descriptor.52 * @param {string} name Oneof name53 * @param {IOneOf} json Oneof descriptor54 * @returns {OneOf} Created oneof55 * @throws {TypeError} If arguments are invalid56 */​57OneOf.fromJSON = function fromJSON(name, json) {58 return new OneOf(name, json.oneof, json.options, json.comment);59};60/​**61 * Converts this oneof to a oneof descriptor.62 * @param {IToJSONOptions} [toJSONOptions] JSON conversion options63 * @returns {IOneOf} Oneof descriptor64 */​65OneOf.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON(toJSONOptions) {66 var keepComments = toJSONOptions ? Boolean(toJSONOptions.keepComments) : false;67 return util.toObject([68 "options" , this.options,69 "oneof" , this.oneof,70 "comment" , keepComments ? this.comment : undefined71 ]);72};73/​**74 * Adds the fields of the specified oneof to the parent if not already done so.75 * @param {OneOf} oneof The oneof76 * @returns {undefined}77 * @inner78 * @ignore79 */​80function addFieldsToParent(oneof) {81 if (oneof.parent)82 for (var i = 0; i < oneof.fieldsArray.length; ++i)83 if (!oneof.fieldsArray[i].parent)84 oneof.parent.add(oneof.fieldsArray[i]);85}86/​**87 * Adds a field to this oneof and removes it from its current parent, if any.88 * @param {Field} field Field to add89 * @returns {OneOf} `this`90 */​91OneOf.prototype.add = function add(field) {92 /​* istanbul ignore if */​93 if (!(field instanceof Field))94 throw TypeError("field must be a Field");95 if (field.parent && field.parent !== this.parent)96 field.parent.remove(field);97 this.oneof.push(;98 this.fieldsArray.push(field);99 field.partOf = this; /​/​ field.parent remains null100 addFieldsToParent(this);101 return this;102};103/​**104 * Removes a field from this oneof and puts it back to the oneof's parent.105 * @param {Field} field Field to remove106 * @returns {OneOf} `this`107 */​108OneOf.prototype.remove = function remove(field) {109 /​* istanbul ignore if */​110 if (!(field instanceof Field))111 throw TypeError("field must be a Field");112 var index = this.fieldsArray.indexOf(field);113 /​* istanbul ignore if */​114 if (index < 0)115 throw Error(field + " is not a member of " + this);116 this.fieldsArray.splice(index, 1);117 index = this.oneof.indexOf(;118 /​* istanbul ignore else */​119 if (index > -1) /​/​ theoretical120 this.oneof.splice(index, 1);121 field.partOf = null;122 return this;123};124/​**125 * @override126 */​127OneOf.prototype.onAdd = function onAdd(parent) {128, parent);129 var self = this;130 /​/​ Collect present fields131 for (var i = 0; i < this.oneof.length; ++i) {132 var field = parent.get(this.oneof[i]);133 if (field && !field.partOf) {134 field.partOf = self;135 self.fieldsArray.push(field);136 }137 }138 /​/​ Add not yet present fields139 addFieldsToParent(this);140};141/​**142 * @override143 */​144OneOf.prototype.onRemove = function onRemove(parent) {145 for (var i = 0, field; i < this.fieldsArray.length; ++i)146 if ((field = this.fieldsArray[i]).parent)147 field.parent.remove(field);148, parent);149};150/​**151 * Decorator function as returned by {@link OneOf.d} (TypeScript).152 * @typedef OneOfDecorator153 * @type {function}154 * @param {Object} prototype Target prototype155 * @param {string} oneofName OneOf name156 * @returns {undefined}157 */​158/​**159 * OneOf decorator (TypeScript).160 * @function161 * @param {...string} fieldNames Field names162 * @returns {OneOfDecorator} Decorator function163 * @template T extends string164 */​165OneOf.d = function decorateOneOf() {166 var fieldNames = new Array(arguments.length),167 index = 0;168 while (index < arguments.length)169 fieldNames[index] = arguments[index++];170 return function oneOfDecorator(prototype, oneofName) {171 util.decorateType(prototype.constructor)172 .add(new OneOf(oneofName, fieldNames));173 Object.defineProperty(prototype, oneofName, {174 get: util.oneOfGetter(fieldNames),175 set: util.oneOfSetter(fieldNames)176 });177 };...

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Source:vue.config.js Github


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1var webpackConfig = require("@vue/​cli-service/​webpack.config");2function enableShadowCss(config) {3 const configs = [4 config.module.rule('vue').use('vue-loader'),5 config.module.rule('css').oneOf('vue-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),6 config.module.rule('css').oneOf('vue').use('vue-style-loader'),7 config.module.rule('css').oneOf('normal-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),8 config.module.rule('css').oneOf('normal').use('vue-style-loader'),9 config.module.rule('postcss').oneOf('vue-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),10 config.module.rule('postcss').oneOf('vue').use('vue-style-loader'),11 config.module.rule('postcss').oneOf('normal-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),12 config.module.rule('postcss').oneOf('normal').use('vue-style-loader'),13 config.module.rule('scss').oneOf('vue-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),14 config.module.rule('scss').oneOf('vue').use('vue-style-loader'),15 config.module.rule('scss').oneOf('normal-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),16 config.module.rule('scss').oneOf('normal').use('vue-style-loader'),17 config.module.rule('sass').oneOf('vue-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),18 config.module.rule('sass').oneOf('vue').use('vue-style-loader'),19 config.module.rule('sass').oneOf('normal-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),20 config.module.rule('sass').oneOf('normal').use('vue-style-loader'),21 config.module.rule('less').oneOf('vue-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),22 config.module.rule('less').oneOf('vue').use('vue-style-loader'),23 config.module.rule('less').oneOf('normal-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),24 config.module.rule('less').oneOf('normal').use('vue-style-loader'),25 config.module.rule('stylus').oneOf('vue-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),26 config.module.rule('stylus').oneOf('vue').use('vue-style-loader'),27 config.module.rule('stylus').oneOf('normal-modules').use('vue-style-loader'),28 config.module.rule('stylus').oneOf('normal').use('vue-style-loader'),29 ];30 configs.forEach(c => c.tap(options => {31 options.shadowMode = true;32 return options;33 }));34}35module.exports = {36 chainWebpack: config => {37 enableShadowCss(config);38 }...

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Source:OneofDescriptor.js Github


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1/​**2 * @fileoverview Descriptor class representing a field in a PB message.3 */​4var util = require('util')5var Descriptor = require('./​Descriptor')6var helper = require('../​helper')7/​**8 * @param {string} name The field name9 * @param {number} oneofIndex The oneofIndex for this field10 * @constructor11 * @extends {Descriptor}12 */​13function OneofDescriptor(name, oneofIndex) {14 this._name = name16 this._oneofIndex = oneofIndex17}18util.inherits(OneofDescriptor, Descriptor)19module.exports = OneofDescriptor20/​** @override */​21OneofDescriptor.prototype.toTemplateObject = function () {22 return {23 name: this._name,24 camelName: this.getCamelName(),25 titleName: this.getTitleName(),26 upperUnderscoreName: this.getUpperUnderscoreName(),27 oneofIndex: this._oneofIndex28 }29}30OneofDescriptor.prototype.getName = function () {31 return this._name32}33OneofDescriptor.prototype.getCamelName = function () {34 return helper.toCamelCase(this._name)35}36OneofDescriptor.prototype.getTitleName = function () {37 return helper.toTitleCase(this._name)38}39OneofDescriptor.prototype.getUpperUnderscoreName = function () {40 return helper.toUpperUnderscoreCase(this._name)41}42OneofDescriptor.prototype.getOneofIndex = function () {43 return this._oneofIndex...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var expect = require('chai').expect;2describe('Test', function() {3 it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function() {4 expect([1,2,3].indexOf(5))[-1, 3, 4]);5 expect([1,2,3].indexOf(0))[-1, 0, 4]);6 });7});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const should = chai.should();4const assert = chai.assert;5const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');6chai.use(chaiHttp);7const app = require('../​app');8const { response } = require('express');9describe('Test', () => {10 it('should return a 200 response', (done) => {11 chai.request(app)12 .get('/​test')13 .end((err, res) => {14 expect(res).to.have.status(200);15 done();16 });17 });18 it('should return a 200 response', (done) => {19 chai.request(app)20 .get('/​test')21 .end((err, res) => {22 expect(res).to.have.status(200);23 done();24 });25 });26 it('should return a 200 response', (done) => {27 chai.request(app)28 .get('/​test')29 .end((err, res) => {30 expect(res).to.have.status(200);31 done();32 });33 });34 it('should return a 200 response', (done) => {35 chai.request(app)36 .get('/​test')37 .end((err, res) => {38 expect(res).to.have.status(200);39 done();40 });41 });42 it('should return a 200 response', (done) => {43 chai.request(app)44 .get('/​test')45 .end((err, res) => {46 expect(res).to.have.status(200);47 done();48 });49 });50 it('should return a 200 response', (done) => {51 chai.request(app)52 .get('/​test')53 .end((err, res) => {54 expect(res).to.have.status(200);55 done();56 });57 });58 it('should return a 200 response', (done) => {59 chai.request(app)60 .get('/​test')61 .end((err, res) => {62 expect(res).to.have.status(200);63 done();64 });65 });66 it('should return a 200 response', (done) => {67 chai.request(app)68 .get('/​test')69 .end((err, res) => {70 expect(res).to.have.status(200);71 done();72 });73 });74 it('should return a 200 response', (

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3var should = chai.should();4var nock = require('nock');5var request = require('request');6var sinon = require('sinon');7var sinonChai = require("sinon-chai");8chai.use(sinonChai);9var should = chai.should();10var chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");11chai.use(chaiAsPromised);12var rewire = require("rewire");13var app = rewire('../​app.js');14describe('Test', function() {15 describe('Test', function() {16 it("should pass", function() {17 var result = app.__get__('test')();18 expect(result).to.equal(2);19 });20 });21});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const expect = require('chai').expect;2const adder = require('../​adder');3describe('adder', function() {4 it('should add two numbers', function() {5 expect(adder(2, 2)).to.equal(4);6 });7 it('should add two numbers', function() {8 expect(adder(2, 2))'number');9 });10 it('should add two numbers', function() {11 expect(adder(2, 2));12 });13 it('should add two numbers', function() {14 expect(adder(2, 2));15 });16 it('should add two numbers', function() {17 expect(adder(2, 2));18 });19 it('should add two numbers', function() {20 expect(adder(2, 2));21 });22 it('should add two numbers', function() {23 expect(adder(2, 2)), 5);24 });25 it('should add two numbers', function() {26 expect(adder(2, 2)), 0.5);27 });28});29const expect = require('chai').expect;30const adder = require('../​adder');31describe('adder', function() {32 it('should add two numbers', function(done) {33 adder(2, 2, function(sum) {34 expect(sum).to.equal(4);35 done();36 });37 });38});39const expect = require('chai').expect;40const adder = require('../​adder');41describe('adder', function() {42 it('should add two numbers', function() {43 return adder(2, 2).then(function(sum) {44 expect(sum).to.equal(4);45 });46 });47});48const expect = require('chai').expect;49const adder = require('../​adder');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const should = chai.should();4const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');5chai.use(chaiHttp);6const server = require('../​server');7describe('Testing the server', () => {8 it('should return the status code 200', (done) => {9 chai.request(server)10 .get('/​login')11 .end((err, res) => {12 expect(res).to.have.status(200);13 done();14 });15 });16 it('should return the status code 200', (done) => {17 chai.request(server)18 .get('/​register')19 .end((err, res) => {20 expect(res).to.have.status(200);21 done();22 });23 });24 it('should return the status code 200', (done) => {25 chai.request(server)26 .get('/​forget')27 .end((err, res) => {28 expect(res).to.have.status(200);29 done();30 });31 });32 it('should return the status code 404', (done) => {33 chai.request(server)34 .get('/​login1')35 .end((err, res) => {36 expect(res).to.have.status(404);37 done();38 });39 });40 it('should return the status code 404', (done) => {41 chai.request(server)42 .get('/​register1')43 .end((err, res) => {44 expect(res).to.have.status(404);45 done();46 });47 });48 it('should return the status code 404', (done) => {49 chai.request(server)50 .get('/​forget1')51 .end((err, res) => {52 expect(res).to.have.status(404);53 done();54 });55 });56 it('should return the status code 200', (done) => {57 chai.request(server)58 .get('/​login')59 .end((err, res) => {60 expect(res).to.have.status(200);61 done();62 });63 });64 it('should return the status code 200', (done) => {65 chai.request(server)66 .get('/​register')67 .end((err, res) => {68 expect(res).to.have.status(200);69 done();70 });71 });72 it('should return the

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var assert = chai.assert;4var should = chai.should();5var chaiHttp = require('chai-http');6chai.use(chaiHttp);7describe('POST /​', function() {8 it('should return a status of 200', function(done) {9 .post('/​')10 .send({ "name": "test", "password": "test" })11 .end(function(err, res) {12 expect(res).to.have.status(200);13 done();14 });15 });16});17describe('GET /​', function() {18 it('should return a status of 200', function(done) {19 .get('/​')20 .end(function(err, res) {21 expect(res).to.have.status(200);22 done();23 });24 });25});26describe('DELETE /​', function() {27 it('should return a status of 200', function(done) {28 .delete('/​')29 .send({ "name": "test", "password": "test" })30 .end(function(err, res) {31 expect(res).to.have.status(200);32 done();33 });34 });35});36describe('PUT /​', function() {37 it('should return a status of 200', function(done) {38 .put('/​')39 .send({ "name": "test", "password": "test" })40 .end(function(err, res) {41 expect(res).to.have.status(200);42 done();43 });44 });45});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const should = chai.should();4const assert = chai.assert;5function add(a,b){6 return a+b;7}8describe('add', function() {9 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {10 expect(add(2,3)).to.equal(5);11 });12 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {13 expect(add(2,3))'number');14 });15 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {16 expect(add(2,3));17 });18 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {19 expect(add(2,3));20 });21 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {22 expect(add(2,3));23 });24 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {25 expect(add(2,3));26 });27 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {28 expect(add(2,3)),0.5);29 });30 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {31 expect(add(2,3)),0.5);32 });33 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {34 expect(add(2,3)),0.5);35 });36 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {37 expect(add(2,3)),0.5);38 });39 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {40 expect(add(2,3)),0.5);41 });42 it('should return 5 when 2 and 3 are passed', function() {43 expect(add(2,3

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