How to use inspectTypedArray method in chai

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1/​* !2 * loupe3 * Copyright(c) 2013 Jake Luer <>4 * MIT Licensed5 */​6import inspectArray from './​lib/​array'7import inspectTypedArray from './​lib/​typedarray'8import inspectDate from './​lib/​date'9import inspectFunction from './​lib/​function'10import inspectMap from './​lib/​map'11import inspectNumber from './​lib/​number'12import inspectBigInt from './​lib/​bigint'13import inspectRegExp from './​lib/​regexp'14import inspectSet from './​lib/​set'15import inspectString from './​lib/​string'16import inspectSymbol from './​lib/​symbol'17import inspectPromise from './​lib/​promise'18import inspectClass from './​lib/​class'19import inspectObject from './​lib/​object'20import inspectArguments from './​lib/​arguments'21import inspectError from './​lib/​error'22import inspectHTMLElement, { inspectHTMLCollection } from './​lib/​html'23import { normaliseOptions } from './​lib/​helpers'24const symbolsSupported = typeof Symbol === 'function' && typeof Symbol.for === 'function'25const chaiInspect = symbolsSupported ? Symbol.for('chai/​inspect') : '@@chai/​inspect'26let nodeInspect = false27try {28 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line global-require29 const nodeUtil = require('util')30 nodeInspect = nodeUtil.inspect ? nodeUtil.inspect.custom : false31} catch (noNodeInspect) {32 nodeInspect = false33}34const constructorMap = new WeakMap()35const stringTagMap = {}36const baseTypesMap = {37 undefined: (value, options) => options.stylize('undefined', 'undefined'),38 null: (value, options) => options.stylize(null, 'null'),39 boolean: (value, options) => options.stylize(value, 'boolean'),40 Boolean: (value, options) => options.stylize(value, 'boolean'),41 number: inspectNumber,42 Number: inspectNumber,43 bigint: inspectBigInt,44 BigInt: inspectBigInt,45 string: inspectString,46 String: inspectString,47 function: inspectFunction,48 Function: inspectFunction,49 symbol: inspectSymbol,50 /​/​ A Symbol polyfill will return `Symbol` not `symbol` from typedetect51 Symbol: inspectSymbol,52 Array: inspectArray,53 Date: inspectDate,54 Map: inspectMap,55 Set: inspectSet,56 RegExp: inspectRegExp,57 Promise: inspectPromise,58 /​/​ WeakSet, WeakMap are totally opaque to us59 WeakSet: (value, options) => options.stylize('WeakSet{…}', 'special'),60 WeakMap: (value, options) => options.stylize('WeakMap{…}', 'special'),61 Arguments: inspectArguments,62 Int8Array: inspectTypedArray,63 Uint8Array: inspectTypedArray,64 Uint8ClampedArray: inspectTypedArray,65 Int16Array: inspectTypedArray,66 Uint16Array: inspectTypedArray,67 Int32Array: inspectTypedArray,68 Uint32Array: inspectTypedArray,69 Float32Array: inspectTypedArray,70 Float64Array: inspectTypedArray,71 Generator: () => '',72 DataView: () => '',73 ArrayBuffer: () => '',74 Error: inspectError,75 HTMLCollection: inspectHTMLCollection,76 NodeList: inspectHTMLCollection,77}78/​/​ eslint-disable-next-line complexity79const inspectCustom = (value, options, type) => {80 if (chaiInspect in value && typeof value[chaiInspect] === 'function') {81 return value[chaiInspect](options)82 }83 if (nodeInspect && nodeInspect in value && typeof value[nodeInspect] === 'function') {84 return value[nodeInspect](options.depth, options)85 }86 if ('inspect' in value && typeof value.inspect === 'function') {87 return value.inspect(options.depth, options)88 }89 if ('constructor' in value && constructorMap.has(value.constructor)) {90 return constructorMap.get(value.constructor)(value, options)91 }92 if (stringTagMap[type]) {93 return stringTagMap[type](value, options)94 }95 return ''96}97const toString = Object.prototype.toString98/​/​ eslint-disable-next-line complexity99export function inspect(value, options) {100 options = normaliseOptions(options)101 options.inspect = inspect102 const { customInspect } = options103 let type = value === null ? 'null' : typeof value104 if (type === 'object') {105 type =, -1)106 }107 /​/​ If it is a base value that we already support, then use Loupe's inspector108 if (baseTypesMap[type]) {109 return baseTypesMap[type](value, options)110 }111 /​/​ If `options.customInspect` is set to true then try to use the custom inspector112 if (customInspect && value) {113 const output = inspectCustom(value, options, type)114 if (output) {115 if (typeof output === 'string') return output116 return inspect(output, options)117 }118 }119 const proto = value ? Object.getPrototypeOf(value) : false120 /​/​ If it's a plain Object then use Loupe's inspector121 if (proto === Object.prototype || proto === null) {122 return inspectObject(value, options)123 }124 /​/​ Specifically account for HTMLElements125 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line no-undef126 if (value && typeof HTMLElement === 'function' && value instanceof HTMLElement) {127 return inspectHTMLElement(value, options)128 }129 if ('constructor' in value) {130 /​/​ If it is a class, inspect it like an object but add the constructor name131 if (value.constructor !== Object) {132 return inspectClass(value, options)133 }134 /​/​ If it is an object with an anonymous prototype, display it as an object.135 return inspectObject(value, options)136 }137 /​/​ We have run out of options! Just stringify the value138 return options.stylize(String(value), type)139}140export function registerConstructor(constructor, inspector) {141 if (constructorMap.has(constructor)) {142 return false143 }144 constructorMap.add(constructor, inspector)145 return true146}147export function registerStringTag(stringTag, inspector) {148 if (stringTag in stringTagMap) {149 return false150 }151 stringTagMap[stringTag] = inspector152 return true153}154export const custom = chaiInspect...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const typedArray = new Uint16Array(2);3typedArray[0] = 5000;4typedArray[1] = 4000;5chai.use(require('chai-typedarray'));6chai.expect(typedArray)[5000, 4000]);7[MIT](LICENSE)

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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const assert = chai.assert;4const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');5chai.use(chaiAsPromised);6const { inspectTypedArray } = require('chai-typed-array');7chai.use(inspectTypedArray);8describe('Test for Typed Array', () => {9 it('should return true for typed array', () => {10 const typedArray = new Uint8Array(10);11 expect(typedArray);12 });13 it('should return false for non typed array', () => {14 const typedArray = new Array(10);15 expect(typedArray);16 });17});18const chai = require('chai');19const expect = chai.expect;20const assert = chai.assert;21const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');22chai.use(chaiAsPromised);23const { inspectTypedArray } = require('chai-typed-array');24chai.use(inspectTypedArray);25describe('Test for Typed Array', () => {26 it('should return true for typed array', () => {27 const typedArray = new Uint8Array(10);28 expect(typedArray);29 });30 it('should return false for non typed array', () => {31 const typedArray = new Array(10);32 expect(typedArray);33 });34});35const chai = require('chai');36const expect = chai.expect;37const assert = chai.assert;38const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');39chai.use(chaiAsPromised);40const { inspectTypedArray } = require('chai-typed-array');41chai.use(inspectTypedArray);42describe('Test for Typed Array', () => {43 it('should return true for typed array', () => {44 const typedArray = new Uint8Array(10);45 expect(typedArray);46 });47 it('should return false for non typed array', () => {48 const typedArray = new Array(10);49 expect(typedArray);50 });51});

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1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');3const expect = chai.expect;4const assert = chai.assert;5chai.use(chaiAsPromised);6const chaiTypedArrays = require('chai-typed-arrays');7chai.use(chaiTypedArrays);8const chai = require('chai');9const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');10const expect = chai.expect;11const assert = chai.assert;12chai.use(chaiAsPromised);13const chaiTypedArrays = require('chai-typed-arrays');14chai.use(chaiTypedArrays);15const chai = require('chai');16const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');17const expect = chai.expect;18const assert = chai.assert;19chai.use(chaiAsPromised);20const chaiTypedArrays = require('chai-typed-arrays');21chai.use(chaiTypedArrays);22const chai = require('chai');23const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');24const expect = chai.expect;25const assert = chai.assert;26chai.use(chaiAsPromised);27const chaiTypedArrays = require('chai-typed-arrays');28chai.use(chaiTypedArrays);29const chai = require('chai');30const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');31const expect = chai.expect;32const assert = chai.assert;33chai.use(chaiAsPromised);34const chaiTypedArrays = require('chai-typed-arrays');35chai.use(chaiTypedArrays);36const chai = require('chai');37const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');38const expect = chai.expect;39const assert = chai.assert;40chai.use(chaiAsPromised);41const chaiTypedArrays = require('chai-typed-arrays');42chai.use(chaiTypedArrays);43const chai = require('chai');44const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');45const expect = chai.expect;46const assert = chai.assert;47chai.use(chaiAsPromised);48const chaiTypedArrays = require('chai-typed-arrays');49chai.use(chaiTypedArrays);

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1const chai = require('chai');2const { inspectTypedArray } = require('chai-typed-array');3chai.use(inspectTypedArray);4const expect = chai.expect;5const typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);6expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf(3);7expect(typedArray);8expect(typedArray);9expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.within(2, 4);10expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.above(2);11expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.below(4);12const typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);13expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf(3);14expect(typedArray);15expect(typedArray);16expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.within(2, 4);17expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.above(2);18expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.below(4);19const typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);20expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf(3);21expect(typedArray);22expect(typedArray);23expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.within(2, 4);24expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.above(2);25expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.below(4);26const typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);27expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf(3);28expect(typedArray);29expect(typedArray);30expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.within(2, 4);31expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.above(2);32expect(typedArray).to.have.lengthOf.below(4);33const typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);34expect(typedArray).to

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1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3var expect = chai.expect;4var should = chai.should();5chai.use(require('chai-typedarray'));6describe('TypedArray', function() {7 it('should be a typed array', function() {8 var typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);9 expect(typedArray);10;11 });12 it('should be an instance of Uint8Array', function() {13 var typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);14 expect(typedArray);15;16 });17});18var chai = require('chai');19var assert = chai.assert;20var expect = chai.expect;21var should = chai.should();22chai.use(require('chai-typedarray'));23describe('TypedArray', function() {24 it('should be a typed array', function() {25 var typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);26 expect(typedArray);27;28 });29 it('should be an instance of Uint8Array', function() {30 var typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);31 expect(typedArray);32;33 });34});35var chai = require('chai');36var assert = chai.assert;37var expect = chai.expect;38var should = chai.should();39chai.use(require('chai-typedarray'));40describe('TypedArray', function() {41 it('should be a typed array', function() {42 var typedArray = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);43 expect(typedArray)

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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var assert = chai.assert;4chai.use(require('chai-typedarray'));5var chai = require('chai');6var expect = chai.expect;7var assert = chai.assert;8chai.use(require('chai-typedarray').chaiTypedArray);9var chai = require('chai');10var expect = chai.expect;11var assert = chai.assert;12chai.use(require('chai-typedarray').typedArrayEqual);13var chai = require('chai');14var expect = chai.expect;15var assert = chai.assert;16chai.use(require('chai-typedarray').inspectTypedArray);17var chai = require('chai');18var expect = chai.expect;19var assert = chai.assert;20chai.use(require('chai-typedarray').typedArrayEqual);21var chai = require('chai');22var expect = chai.expect;23var assert = chai.assert;24chai.use(require('chai-typedarray').inspectTypedArray);25var chai = require('chai');26var expect = chai.expect;27var assert = chai.assert;28chai.use(require('chai-typedarray').typedArrayEqual);29var chai = require('chai');30var expect = chai.expect;31var assert = chai.assert;32chai.use(require('chai-typedarray').inspectTypedArray);33var chai = require('chai');34var expect = chai.expect;35var assert = chai.assert;36chai.use(require('chai-typedarray').typedArrayEqual);37var chai = require('chai');38var expect = chai.expect;39var assert = chai.assert;40chai.use(require('chai-typedarray').inspectTypedArray);41var chai = require('chai');42var expect = chai.expect;43var assert = chai.assert;44chai.use(require('chai-typedarray').typedArrayEqual);45var chai = require('chai');46var expect = chai.expect;47var assert = chai.assert;48chai.use(require('chai-typedarray').inspect

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const assert = chai.assert;4const should = chai.should();5chai.use(require('chai-typedarray'));6describe('test', function () {7 it('should test', function () {8 const arr = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);9 expect(arr);10 expect(arr);11 expect(arr);12 expect(arr);13 expect(arr);14 expect(arr);15 expect(arr);16 expect(arr);17 expect(arr);18 expect(arr);19 });20});21 1 passing (7ms)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const assert = chai.assert;4chai.use(require('chai-typedarray'));5describe('inspectTypedArray', function() {6 it('should return true if the object is a typed array', function() {7 const arr = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);8 expect(arr);9 assert.inspectTypedArray(arr);10 });11});12describe('inspectTypedArray', function() {13 it('should return true if the object is a typed array', function() {14 const arr = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);15 expect(arr);16 assert.inspectTypedArray(arr);17 });18});19describe('inspectTypedArray', function() {20 it('should return true if the object is a typed array', function() {21 const arr = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);22 expect(arr);23 assert.inspectTypedArray(arr);24 });25});26describe('inspectTypedArray', function() {27 it('should return true if the object is a typed array', function() {28 const arr = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);29 expect(arr);30 assert.inspectTypedArray(arr);31 });32});33describe('inspectTypedArray', function() {34 it('should return true if the object is a typed array', function() {35 const arr = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);36 expect(arr);37 assert.inspectTypedArray(arr);38 });39});40describe('inspectTypedArray', function() {41 it('should return true if the object is a typed array', function() {42 const arr = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]);43 expect(arr);44 assert.inspectTypedArray(arr);45 });46});47describe('inspectTypedArray', function() {48 it('should return true if the object is a typed array

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const assert = chai.assert;4chai.use(require('chai-typedarray'));5describe('Typed Array test', () => {6 it('should return true if typed array', () => {7 const typedArray = new Uint8Array(10);8 expect(typedArray);9 });10});11describe('Normal Array test', () => {12 it('should return false if normal array', () => {13 const normalArray = [1, 2, 3];14 expect(normalArray);15 });16});

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