How to use inspectSet method in chai

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Source:index.js Github


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1const Sysmsg = require('sysmsg');2const TeraStrings = require('tera-strings');3const IPC = require('./​ipc');4const request = require('request');5/​/​ constants6const REFRESH_THRESHOLD = 60 * 1000;7const REFRESH_TIMER = 15 * 1000;8/​/​ helpers9function conv(s) {10 return TeraStrings(s) || '(???)';11}12function escapeRegExp(s) {13 return s.replace(/​[-\/​\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/​g, '\\$&');14}15function escapeHtml(str) {16 const entities = {17 '"': 'quot',18 '&': 'amp',19 '<': 'lt',20 '>': 'gt',21 };22 return str.replace(/​["&<>]/​g, e => `&${entities[e]};`);23}24function escape(str) {25 const words = [26 '.com',27 'fag',28 'mmoc',29 'molest',30 'nigg',31 ];32 const wordRegex = new RegExp('(' +'|') + ')', 'gi');33 return (escapeHtml(str)34 .replace(wordRegex, match => match[0] + '&#8206;' + match.slice(1))35 .replace(/​w-w/​gi, match => match.split('-').join('-&#8206;'))36 .replace(/​w{3,}/​gi, match => match.split('').join('&#8206;'))37 .replace(/​w w w/​gi, match => match.split(' ').join('&#8206; '))38 .replace(/​\n/​g, ' ').replace(/​\t/​g, ' ')39 .replace(/​[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/​g, '?')40 .replace(/​[^\x20-\x7E]/​g, '?')41 );42}43/​/​ main44module.exports = function Discord(dispatch, config) {45try {46 require('guild-app-inspector')(dispatch)47 console.log('guild-app-inspector successfully loaded')48 } catch (e) {49 console.warn()50 console.warn(`[proxy] failed to load guild-app-inspector`)51 console.warn(e.stack)52 console.warn()53 }54 let path = config.socketName;55 if (process.platform === 'win32') {56 path = '\\\\.\\pipe\\' + path;57 } else {58 path = '/​tmp/​' + path + '.sock';59 }60 let loaded = false;61 let messageQueue = [];62 function sendOrQueue(...args) {63 if (!loaded) {64 messageQueue.push(args);65 } else {66 dispatch.toServer(...args);67 }68 }69 const sysmsg = new Sysmsg(dispatch);70 const ipc = new IPC.client(path, (event, ...args) => {71 switch (event) {72 case 'fetch': {73 for (let typename in GINFO_TYPE) {74 requestGuildInfo(GINFO_TYPE[typename]);75 }76 break;77 }78 case 'chat': {79 const [author, message] = args;80 sendOrQueue('C_CHAT', 1, {81 channel: 2,82 message: '<FONT>' + escape(`<${author}> ${message}`) + '</​FONT>',83 });84 break;85 }86 case 'whisper': {87 const [target, message] = args;88 sendOrQueue('C_WHISPER', 1, {89 target: target,90 message: `<FONT>${message}</​FONT>`,91 });92 break;93 }94 case 'info': {95 const [message] = args;96 sendOrQueue('C_CHAT', 1, {97 channel: 2,98 message: `<FONT>* ${escape(message)}</​FONT>`,99 });100 break;101 }102 }103 });104 let guildId = 0;105 let myName = false;106 let motd = '';107 let allGuildies = [];108 let guildMembers = [];109 let inspectSet = new Set();110 const GINFO_TYPE = {111 details: 2,112 members: 5,113 quests: 6,114 };115 const requestGuildInfo = (() => {116 const timers = {};117 function doRequest(type) {118 dispatch.toServer('C_REQUEST_GUILD_INFO', 1, { guildId, type });119 timers[type] = null;120 }121 return function requestGuildInfo(type, immediate) {122 if (!immediate) {123 if (!timers[type]) {124 timers[type] = setTimeout(doRequest, 100, type);125 }126 } else {127 if (timers[type]) clearTimeout(timers[type]);128 doRequest(type); /​/​ will unset timers[type]129 }130 };131 })();132 /​/​ auto updates133 const lastUpdate = {};134 setInterval(() => {135 if (!guildId) return;136 for (let typename in GINFO_TYPE) {137 const type = GINFO_TYPE[typename];138 if (lastUpdate[type] && - lastUpdate[type] > REFRESH_THRESHOLD) {139 lastUpdate[type] =;140 requestGuildInfo(type);141 }142 }143 }, REFRESH_TIMER);144 dispatch.hook('S_LOGIN', 10, (event) => {145 myName =;146 });147 dispatch.hook('S_CHAT', 1, (event) => {148 if ( === 2 && event.authorName !== myName) {149 ipc.send('chat', event.authorName, event.message);150 }151 });152 dispatch.hook('S_WHISPER', 1, (event) => {153 if (event.recipient === myName) {154 ipc.send('rwhisper',, event.message);155 inspectSet.add(;156 dispatch.toServer('C_REQUEST_USER_PAPERDOLL_INFO', 1, {157 name:,158 });159 }160 });161 let player;162 let cid;163 let model;164 let messageMap = new Map();165 let myPlayerId;166 let currentApplicants = new Set();167 dispatch.hook('S_LOGIN', 10, (event) => {168 ({cid, model} = event);169 myName =;170 player =;171 myPlayerId = event.playerId;172 });173 dispatch.hook('S_ANSWER_INTERACTIVE', 2, event => {174 var className = modelToClass(event.model);175 if(currentApplicants.has( {176 ipc.send('guildapp', `@here ` + + ` (Level ` + event.level + ` ` + className + `) applied to the guild. Their message: ` + messageMap.get(;177 }178 });179 dispatch.hook('S_GUILD_APPLY_LIST', 1, (event) => {180 let newCurrentApplicants = new Set();181 for(var i = 0; event.apps[i] !== undefined && i < event.apps.length; i++) {182 var currentApp = event.apps[i];183 newCurrentApplicants.add(;184 messageMap.set(, currentApp.message);185 if(!(currentApplicants.has( {186 inspectSet.add(;187 }188 }189 currentApplicants = newCurrentApplicants;190 });191 dispatch.hook('S_USER_PAPERDOLL_INFO', 2, (event) => {192 if(inspectSet.delete( && currentApplicants.has( ipc.send('guildapp', `Inspected ` + + ` -- click here to view: http:/​/​​` +;194 });195 setInterval(function(){196 for(let name of inspectSet){197 dispatch.toServer('C_REQUEST_USER_PAPERDOLL_INFO', 1, {198 name: name,199 });200 console.log("attempting to inspect " + name);201 }202 }, 25000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000));203 function modelToClass(model){204 var className;205 switch(model % 100) {206 case 1: className = 'Warrior'; break;207 case 2: className = 'Lancer'; break;208 case 3: className = 'Slayer'; break;209 case 4: className = 'Berserker'; break;210 case 5: className = 'Sorcerer'; break;211 case 6: className = 'Archer'; break;212 case 7: className = 'Priest'; break;213 case 8: className = 'Mystic'; break;214 case 9: className = 'Reaper'; break;215 case 10: className = 'Gunner'; break;216 case 11: className = 'Brawler'; break;217 case 12: className = 'Ninja'; break;218 case 13: className = 'Valkyrie'; break;219 default: className = 'UNKNOWN_CLASS';220 }221 return className;222 }223 dispatch.hook('S_LOAD_TOPO', 1, (event) => {224 loaded = true;225 while (messageQueue.length > 0) {226 dispatch.toServer(...messageQueue.shift());227 }228 });229 /​*****************230 * Guild Notices *231 *****************/​232 sysmsg.on('SMT_GC_MSGBOX_APPLYLIST_1', (params) => {233 ipc.send('sysmsg', `${params['Name']} joined the guild.`);234 requestGuildInfo(GINFO_TYPE.members);235 });236 sysmsg.on('SMT_GC_MSGBOX_APPLYRESULT_1', (params) => {237 ipc.send('sysmsg', `${params['Name1']} accepted ${params['Name2']} into the guild.`);238 requestGuildInfo(GINFO_TYPE.members);239 });240 sysmsg.on('SMT_GUILD_LOG_LEAVE', (params) => {241 ipc.send('sysmsg', `${params['UserName']} has left the guild.`);242 requestGuildInfo(GINFO_TYPE.members);243 });244 sysmsg.on('SMT_GUILD_LOG_BAN', (params) => {245 ipc.send('sysmsg', `${params['UserName']} was kicked out of the guild.`);246 requestGuildInfo(GINFO_TYPE.members);247 });248 sysmsg.on('SMT_GUILD_MEMBER_LOGON', (params) => {249 ipc.send('sysmsg', `${params['UserName']} logged in. Message: ${params['Comment']}`);250 requestGuildInfo(GINFO_TYPE.members);251 dispatch.toServer('C_REQUEST_USER_PAPERDOLL_INFO', 1, {252 name: params['UserName'],253 });254 dispatch.toServer('C_DUNGEON_CLEAR_COUNT_LIST', 1, {255 name: params['UserName'],256 });257 });258 sysmsg.on('SMT_GUILD_MEMBER_LOGON_NO_MESSAGE', (params) => {259 ipc.send('sysmsg', `${params['UserName']} logged in.`);260 requestGuildInfo(GINFO_TYPE.members);261 dispatch.toServer('C_REQUEST_USER_PAPERDOLL_INFO', 1, {262 name: params['UserName'],263 });264 dispatch.toServer('C_DUNGEON_CLEAR_COUNT_LIST', 1, {265 name: params['UserName'],266 });267 });268 sysmsg.on('SMT_GUILD_MEMBER_LOGOUT', (params) => {269 ipc.send('sysmsg', `${params['UserName']} logged out.`);270 requestGuildInfo(GINFO_TYPE.members);271 });272 sysmsg.on('SMT_GC_SYSMSG_GUILD_CHIEF_CHANGED', (params) => {273 ipc.send('sysmsg', `${params['Name']} is now the Guild Master.`);274 });275 sysmsg.on('SMT_ACCOMPLISH_ACHIEVEMENT_GRADE_GUILD', (params) => {276 ipc.send('sysmsg', `${params['name']} earned a ${conv(params['grade'])}.`);277 });278 /​****************279 * Guild Quests *280 ****************/​281 dispatch.hook('S_GUILD_QUEST_LIST', 1, (event) => {282 lastUpdate[GINFO_TYPE.quests] =;283 const quests = event.quests.filter(quest => quest.status !== 0);284 ipc.send('quest', => {285 const name = conv(;286 if (quest.targets.length === 1 && name != 'Crafting Supplies') {287 const [target] = quest.targets;288 return { name, completed: target.completed, total: };289 } else {290 const targets = => ({291 name: conv(`@item:${target.info2}`),292 completed: target.completed,293 total:,294 }));295 return { name, targets };296 }297 }));298 });299 dispatch.hook('S_UPDATE_GUILD_QUEST_STATUS', 1, (event) => {300 requestGuildInfo(GINFO_TYPE.quests);301 });302 sysmsg.on('SMT_GQUEST_NORMAL_ACCEPT', (params) => {303 console.log(JSON.stringify(params));304 ipc.send('sysmsg', `Accepted **${conv(params['guildQuestName'])}**.`);305 });306 sysmsg.on('SMT_GQUEST_NORMAL_COMPLETE', (params) => {307 ipc.send('sysmsg', `Completed **${conv(params['guildQuestName'])}**.`);308 });309 sysmsg.on('SMT_GQUEST_NORMAL_CANCEL', (params) => {310 ipc.send('sysmsg', `${params['userName']} canceled **${conv(params['guildQuestName'])}**.`);311 requestGuildInfo(GINFO_TYPE.quests);312 });313 sysmsg.on('SMT_GQUEST_NORMAL_FAIL_OVERTIME', (params) => {314 ipc.send('sysmsg', `Failed **${conv(params['guildQuestName'])}**.`); /​/​ ?315 requestGuildInfo(GINFO_TYPE.quests);316 });317 sysmsg.on('SMT_GQUEST_NORMAL_END_NOTICE', (params) => {318 ipc.send('sysmsg', `The current guild quest ends in 10min.`); /​/​ ?319 });320 sysmsg.on('SMT_GQUEST_NORMAL_CARRYOUT', (params) => {321 if (params['targetValue'] > 25) return; /​/​ silence gather quests322 ipc.send('sysmsg',323 `${params['userName']} advanced **${conv(params['guildQuestName'])}**. ` +324 `(${params['value']}/​${params['targetValue']})`325 );326 });327 sysmsg.on('SMT_CHANGE_GUILDLEVEL', (params) => {328 ipc.send('sysmsg', `Guild level is now **${params['GuildLevel']}**.`);329 });330 sysmsg.on('SMT_LEARN_GUILD_SKILL_SUCCESS', (params) => {331 ipc.send('sysmsg', `The guild has learned a new skill.`);332 });333 sysmsg.on('SMT_GUILD_INCENTIVE_SUCCESS', (params) => {334 ipc.send('sysmsg', `Guild funds have been delivered via parcel post.`);335 });336 337 sysmsg.on('SMT_GQUEST_URGENT_NOTIFY', (params) => {338 var d = new Date();339 var today = d.getDay();340 if(today != 2 && today != 5)341 ipc.send('rally', `@rally BAM spawning soon!`);342 else343 ipc.send('rally', `@rally (PVP) BAM spawning soon!`);344 });345 /​****************346 * Misc Notices *347 ****************/​348 sysmsg.on('SMT_MAX_ENCHANT_SUCCEED', (params) => {349 var parts = params['ItemName'].slice(1).split('?');350 var last = parts.pop().split(':');351 var enchant = last[1];352 if (allGuildies.indexOf(params['UserName']) !== -1) {353 ipc.send('sysmsg', escapeHtml(354 `${params['UserName']} has successfully enchanted ` +355 `(+` + enchant + `) <${conv(params['ItemName'])}>.`356 ));357 }358 });359 sysmsg.on('SMT_GACHA_REWARD', (params) => {360 if (allGuildies.indexOf(params['UserName']) !== -1) {361 ipc.send('sysmsg', escapeHtml(362 `${params['UserName']} obtained <${conv(params['randomItemName'])}> x ` +363 `${params['randomItemCount']} from <${conv(params['gachaItemName'])}>.`364 ));365 }366 });367 /​***************368 * guild hooks *369 ***************/​370 dispatch.hook('S_GUILD_INFO', 1, (event) => {371 lastUpdate[GINFO_TYPE.details] =;372 guildId =;373 motd = event.motd;374 ipc.send('motd', motd);375 });376 dispatch.hook('S_GUILD_MEMBER_LIST', 1, (event) => {377 lastUpdate[GINFO_TYPE.members] =;378 if (event.first) {379 allGuildies = [];380 guildMembers = [];381 }382 for (let member of event.members) {383 allGuildies.push(;384 if (member.status !== 2 && !== myName) {385 guildMembers.push(;386 }387 }388 if (event.last) {389 ipc.send('members', guildMembers);390 }391 });...

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Source:BranchBuilder.jsx Github


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...254 subtaskSet(cleanArr);255 }else if(goes === 'build') {256 buildSet(cleanArr);257 }else{258 inspectSet(cleanArr);259 }260 }261 262 function handleCancelLists(e) {263 subtaskSet(br.subTasks);264 this[id+'tpSbTsk'].value = (br.subTasks || []).join(", ");265 buildSet(br.buildMethods);266 this[id+'tpBldMth'].value = br.buildMethods.join(", ");267 inspectSet(br.inspectMethods);268 this[id+'tpIspMth'].value = br.inspectMethods.join(", ");269 }270 271 function handleSaveLists() {272'editBranchLists', id, subtaskState, buildState, inspectState,273 (error, reply)=>{274 error && console.log(error);275 if(reply) {276 toast.success('good');277 }else{278 toast.error('no good');279 }280 });281 }...

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Source:setsBox.js Github


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1import { timerStart, timerState } from "./​timer";2import { nextWorkOut } from "./​workOutStart";3const setsBox = document.getElementById("jsSetsBox");4let boxList = [];5const handleChecked = ({ target }) => {6 const lastSet = InspectSet();7 if (lastSet && timerState === "stop") {8 nextWorkOut();9 } else if (target.checked && timerState === "stop") {10 target.disabled = true;11 timerStart();12 } else {13 target.checked = false;14 }15};16const InspectSet = () => {17 const checkList = boxList.filter((li) => li.checked);18 if (boxList.length === checkList.length) {19 return true;20 }21 return false;22};23export const eraseSets = () => {24 boxList = [];25 while (setsBox.firstChild) {26 setsBox.removeChild(setsBox.lastChild);27 }28};29export const writeSets = (sets) => {30 for (let i = 0; i < sets; i++) {31 const div = document.createElement("div");32 const chkbox = document.createElement("input");33 const label = document.createElement("label");34 chkbox.type = "checkbox";35 = `checkbox${i}`;36 label.htmlFor = `checkbox${i}`;37 boxList.push(chkbox);38 div.append(chkbox, label);39 setsBox.appendChild(div);40 chkbox.addEventListener("click", handleChecked);41 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3var expect = chai.expect;4var should = chai.should();5var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');6chai.use(chaiAsPromised);7chai.config.includeStack = true;8describe('Test', function() {9 it('test', function() {10 var obj = {a: 1, b: 2};11 assert.inspectSet(obj, 'a', 1);12 expect(obj).to.inspectSet('a', 1);13 obj.should.inspectSet('a', 1);14 });15});16(function() {17 var inspectSet = function(obj, prop, value) {18 console.log('obj', obj);19 console.log('prop', prop);20 console.log('value', value);21 };22 module.exports = function(chai, util) {23 chai.Assertion.addMethod('inspectSet', function(prop, value) {24 inspectSet(this._obj, prop, value);25 });26 };27})();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');3chai.use(chaiAsPromised);4const expect = chai.expect;5const assert = chai.assert;6const should = chai.should();7describe('Test', () => {8 it('should test', () => {9 const obj = { a: 1 };10 expect(obj)'a');11 expect(obj)'a', 1);12 expect(obj)'a')'number');13 expect(obj)'a').that.equals(1);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');4chai.use(chaiAsPromised);5var fs = require('fs');6var path = require('path');7var inspectSet = require('../​lib/​inspectSet.js');8var inspectSet = new inspectSet();9var file = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'test.json'));10var data = JSON.parse(file);11describe('inspectSet', function() {12 it('should return a promise', function() {13 expect(inspectSet.inspectSet(data, 'set1'))'promise');14 });15 it('should return an array', function() {16 expect(inspectSet.inspectSet(data, 'set1'))'array');17 });18 it('should return an array of objects', function() {19 expect(inspectSet.inspectSet(data, 'set1'))'array'){name: 'set1'});20 });21 it('should return an array of objects with a name property', function() {22 expect(inspectSet.inspectSet(data, 'set1'))'array'){name: 'set1'});23 });24 it('should return an array of objects with a url property', function() {25 });26 it('should return an array of objects with a method property', function() {27 expect(inspectSet.inspectSet(data, 'set1'))'array'){method: 'GET'});28 });29 it('should return an array of objects with a headers property', function() {30 expect(inspectSet.inspectSet(data, 'set1'))'array'){headers: {Accept: 'application/​json'}});31 });32 it('should return an array of objects with a body property', function() {33 expect(inspectSet.inspectSet(data, 'set1'))'array'){body: {name: 'test'}});34 });35 it('should return an array of objects with a status property', function() {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3chai.config.includeStack = true;4chai.config.showDiff = true;5chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;6chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;7chai.config.inspectSet = true;8var chai = require('chai');9var expect = chai.expect;10chai.config.includeStack = true;11chai.config.showDiff = true;12chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;13chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;14chai.config.inspectSet = true;15var chai = require('chai');16var expect = chai.expect;17chai.config.includeStack = true;18chai.config.showDiff = true;19chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;20chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;21chai.config.inspectSet = true;22var chai = require('chai');23var expect = chai.expect;24chai.config.includeStack = true;25chai.config.showDiff = true;26chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;27chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;28chai.config.inspectSet = true;29var chai = require('chai');30var expect = chai.expect;31chai.config.includeStack = true;32chai.config.showDiff = true;33chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;34chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;35chai.config.inspectSet = true;36var chai = require('chai');37var expect = chai.expect;38chai.config.includeStack = true;39chai.config.showDiff = true;40chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;41chai.config.truncateThreshold = 0;42chai.config.inspectSet = true;43var chai = require('chai');44var expect = chai.expect;45chai.config.includeStack = true;46chai.config.showDiff = true;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const inspectSet = require('chai-inspect-set');3chai.use(inspectSet);4const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');5chai.use(chaiAsPromised);6const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');7chai.use(chaiHttp);8chai.use(require('chai-arrays'));9chai.use(require('chai-fuzzy'));10chai.use(require('chai-json-schema'));11chai.use(require('chai-things'));12chai.use(require('chai-like'));13chai.use(require('chai-xml'));14chai.use(require('chai-jquery'));15chai.use(require('chai-datetime'));16chai.use(require('chai-uuid'));17chai.use(require('chai-enzyme')());18chai.use(require('chai-xml'));19chai.use(requi

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const assert = chai.assert;4chai.use(require('chai-json-schema-ajv'));5chai.use(require('chai-json-schema'));6chai.use(require('chai-json-schema-ajv').default);7chai.use(require('chai-json-schema').default);8const schema = {9 "properties": {10 "name": {11 },12 "age": {13 },14 "address": {15 "properties": {16 "street": {17 },18 "city": {19 },20 "state": {21 },22 "zip": {23 }24 },25 }26 },27};28const data = {29 "address": {30 }31};32expect(data);33expect(data);34assert.jsonSchema(data, schema);35assert.jsonSchema(data, schema);36chai.jsonSchema(data, schema);37chai.jsonSchema(data, schema);38chai.inspectSet(data, schema);39chai.inspectSet(data, schema);40chai.inspectSet(data, schema, 'data');41chai.inspectSet(data, schema, 'data');42chai.inspectSet(data, schema, 'data', 'schema');43chai.inspectSet(data, schema, 'data', 'schema');44chai.inspectSet(data, schema, 'data', 'schema', true);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var assert = chai.assert;3var expect = chai.expect;4var should = chai.should();5describe('InspectSet', function() {6 var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};7 var arr = [1, 2, 3];8 it('should inspect a set', function() {9 expect(obj)'a');10 expect(obj)'b');11 expect(obj)'c');12 expect(arr).to.have.length(3);13 expect(arr).to.have.lengthOf(3);14 });15});16var inspectSet = function (set) {17 var str = '';18 set.forEach(function (value, key) {19 str += key + ' = ' + value + ', ';20 });21 return str;22};23chai.Assertion.addProperty('inspectSet', function () {24 var obj = this._obj;25 var str = inspectSet(obj);26 this.assert(27 'expected #{this} to be a Set',28 'expected #{this} not to be a Set',29 );30});31describe('InspectSet', function() {32 var set = new Set();33 set.add(1);34 set.add(2);35 set.add(3);36 it('should inspect a set', function() {37 expect(set)'inspectSet');38 expect(set).to.have.inspectSet();39 });40});41describe('InspectSet', function() {42 var set = new Set();43 set.add(1);44 set.add(2);45 set.add(3);46 it('should inspect a set', function() {47 expect(set)'inspectSet');48 expect(set).to.have.inspectSet();49 });50});51describe('InspectSet', function() {52 var set = new Set();53 set.add(1);54 set.add(2);55 set.add(3);56 it('should inspect a set', function() {57 expect(set)'inspectSet');58 expect(set).to.have.inspectSet();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var chaiSubset = require('chai-subset');3chai.use(chaiSubset);4var expect = chai.expect;5describe('Test case', function() {6 it('should test the subset', function() {7 expect({a: 1, b: 2}).to.containSubset({a: 1});8 });9});10 0 passing (6ms)11 AssertionError: expected { a: 1, b: 2 } to contain subset { a: 1 }12 at (test.js:10:25)13 at processImmediate [as _immediateCallback] (timers.js:383:17)14var chaiSubset = require('chai-subset');15require('chai-subset');16chai.use(chaiSubset);

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