How to use inspectClass method in chai

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Source:nassh_buffer_tests.js Github


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...60 */​61it('buffer-autoack', () => {62 nassh.buffer.backend = backend;63 const buffer =​* autoack= */​ true);64 const inspector = new inspectClass(buffer);65 /​/​ Write some data to the buffer.66 buffer.write(new Uint8Array([1, 2]));67 buffer.write(new Uint8Array([3]));68 /​/​ Make sure our counters are correct.69 assert.equal(3, buffer.getUnreadCount());70 assert.equal(3, inspector.getUnackedCount());71 /​/​ Read out a byte and check the counters.72 let data =;73 assert.deepStrictEqual(new Uint8Array([1]), data);74 assert.equal(2, buffer.getUnreadCount());75 assert.equal(2, inspector.getUnackedCount());76 /​/​ Read out the rest of the data and check the counters.77 data =;78 assert.deepStrictEqual(new Uint8Array([2, 3]), data);79 assert.equal(0, buffer.getUnreadCount());80 assert.equal(0, inspector.getUnackedCount());81});82/​**83 * Check manual acking behavior.84 */​85it('buffer-manual-ack', () => {86 nassh.buffer.backend = backend;87 const buffer =;88 const inspector = new inspectClass(buffer);89 /​/​ Write some data to the buffer.90 buffer.write(new Uint8Array([5, 6, 7]));91 assert.equal(3, buffer.getUnreadCount());92 /​/​ Read it out and verify the ack counts.93;94 assert.equal(2, buffer.getUnreadCount());95 assert.equal(3, inspector.getUnackedCount());96 /​/​ Read out the rest of the data and check the counters.97;98 assert.equal(0, buffer.getUnreadCount());99 assert.equal(3, inspector.getUnackedCount());100 /​/​ Check ack handling.101 buffer.ack(1);102 assert.equal(2, inspector.getUnackedCount());103 buffer.ack(2);104 assert.equal(0, inspector.getUnackedCount());105});106/​**107 * Check automatic buffer growing.108 */​109it('buffer-grow', () => {110 nassh.buffer.backend = backend;111 const buffer =;112 const inspector = new inspectClass(buffer);113 const basesize = 1024;114 /​/​ Fill the buffer.115 buffer.write(new Uint8Array(basesize).fill(10));116 assert.equal(basesize, buffer.getUnreadCount());117 /​/​ Add some more data and check the growth.118 buffer.write(new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3]));119 assert.equal(basesize + 3, buffer.getUnreadCount());120 /​/​ Read out most data to verify buffer doesn't move.121 assert.deepStrictEqual(new Uint8Array(basesize).fill(10),122;123 assert.equal(3, buffer.getUnreadCount());124 /​/​ Write some more data to check more growth.125 buffer.write(new Uint8Array(1024).fill(20));126 assert.equal(1027, buffer.getUnreadCount());...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const inspectClass = require('chai').inspectClass;2const assert = require('chai').assert;3const expect = require('chai').expect;4const should = require('chai').should();5const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');6const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');7const chaiFs = require('chai-fs');8const chaiJsonSchema = require('chai-json-schema');9const chaiXml = require('chai-xml');10const chaiString = require('chai-string');11const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');12const sinon = require('sinon');13const chaiThings = require('chai-things');14const chaiDatetime = require('chai-datetime');15const chaiArrays = require('chai-arrays');16const chaiDom = require('chai-dom');17const chaiJquery = require('chai-jquery');18const chaiSpies = require('chai-spies');19const chaiEnzyme = require('chai-enzyme');20const chaiLike = require('chai-like');21const chaiFuzzy = require('chai-fuzzy');22const chaiUuid = require('chai-uuid');23const chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');24const chaiXml = require('chai-xml');25const chaiString = require('chai-string');26const sinonChai = require('sinon-chai');27const sinon = require('sinon');28const chaiThings = require('chai-things');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var assert = chai.assert;4var should = chai.should();5var chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");6chai.use(chaiAsPromised);7var inspectClass = require('inspect-class');8var inspect = inspectClass.inspect;9var inspectProperties = inspectClass.inspectProperties;10var inspectMethods = inspectClass.inspectMethods;11var inspectConstructor = inspectClass.inspectConstructor;12var inspectPrototype = inspectClass.inspectPrototype;13var chai = require('chai');14var expect = chai.expect;15var assert = chai.assert;16var should = chai.should();17var chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");18chai.use(chaiAsPromised);19var inspectClass = require('inspect-class');20var inspect = inspectClass.inspect;21var inspectProperties = inspectClass.inspectProperties;22var inspectMethods = inspectClass.inspectMethods;23var inspectConstructor = inspectClass.inspectConstructor;24var inspectPrototype = inspectClass.inspectPrototype;25var chai = require('chai');26var expect = chai.expect;27var assert = chai.assert;28var should = chai.should();29var chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");30chai.use(chaiAsPromised);31var inspectClass = require('inspect-class');32var inspect = inspectClass.inspect;33var inspectProperties = inspectClass.inspectProperties;34var inspectMethods = inspectClass.inspectMethods;35var inspectConstructor = inspectClass.inspectConstructor;36var inspectPrototype = inspectClass.inspectPrototype;37var chai = require('chai');38var expect = chai.expect;39var assert = chai.assert;40var should = chai.should();41var chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");42chai.use(chaiAsPromised);43var inspectClass = require('inspect-class');44var inspect = inspectClass.inspect;45var inspectProperties = inspectClass.inspectProperties;46var inspectMethods = inspectClass.inspectMethods;47var inspectConstructor = inspectClass.inspectConstructor;48var inspectPrototype = inspectClass.inspectPrototype;49var chai = require('chai');50var expect = chai.expect;51var assert = chai.assert;52var should = chai.should();53var chaiAsPromised = require("chai-as-promised");54chai.use(chaiAsPromised);55var inspectClass = require('inspect-class');56var inspect = inspectClass.inspect;

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1const chai = require('chai');2const inspectClass = require('inspect-class');3chai.use(inspectClass);4const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');5const server = require('../​app');6chai.use(chaiHttp);7const expect = chai.expect;8const should = chai.should();9const assert = chai.assert;10const describe = chai.describe;11const it =;12const beforeEach = chai.beforeEach;13const afterEach = chai.afterEach;14const before = chai.before;15const after = chai.after;16const sinon = require('sinon');17const sinonMongoose = require('sinon-mongoose');18const mongoose = require('mongoose');19const User = require('../​models/​user');20const Role = require('../​models/​role');21const UserGroup = require('../​models/​userGroup');22const UserGroupMember = require('../​models/​userGroupMember');23const UserGroupRole = require('../​models/​userGroupRole');24const UserGroupRoleMember = require('../​models/​userGroupRoleMember');25const RolePermission = require('../​models/​rolePermission');26const Permission = require('../​models/​permission');27const UserPermission = require('../​models/​userPermission');28const UserPermissionMember = require('../​models/​userPermissionMember');29const UserPermissionRole = require('../​models/​userPermissionRole');30const UserPermissionRoleMember = require('../​models/​userPermissionRoleMember');31const UserPermissionGroup = require('../​models/​userPermissionGroup');32const UserPermissionGroupMember = require('../​models/​userPermissionGroupMember');33const UserPermissionGroupRole = require('../​models/​userPermissionGroupRole');

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1const chai = require('chai');2const inspect = require('util').inspect;3const expect = chai.expect;4chai.Assertion.addMethod('inspectClass', function (className) {5 new chai.Assertion(this._obj);6 this.assert(7 'expected #{this} to be an instance of #{exp}',8 'expected #{this} to not be an instance of #{exp}',9 );10});11function add(a, b) {12 return a + b;13}14describe('add', function () {15 it('should be a function', function () {16 expect(add)'function');17 });18 it('should add two numbers', function () {19 expect(add(1, 2)).to.equal(3);20 });21 it('should throw an error if arguments are not numbers', function () {22 expect(function () {23 add(1, '2');24 }).to.throw(Error);25 });26});27const chai = require('chai');28const expect = chai.expect;29function add(a, b) {30 return a + b;31}32describe('add', function () {33 it('should be a function', function () {34 expect(add)'function');35 });36 it('should add two numbers', function () {37 expect(add(1, 2)).to.equal(3);38 });39 it('should throw an error if arguments are not numbers', function () {40 expect(function () {41 add(1, '2');42 }).to.throw(Error);43 });44});45const chai = require('chai');46const expect = chai.expect;47function add(a, b) {48 return a + b;49}50describe('add', function () {51 it('should be a function', function () {52 expect(add)'function');53 });54 it('should add two numbers', function () {55 expect(add(1, 2)).to.equal(3);56 });57 it('should throw an error if arguments are not numbers', function () {58 expect(function () {59 add(1, '2');60 }).to.throw(Error);61 });62});63const chai = require('chai');

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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const inspectClass = require('chai').inspectClass;4chai.use(inspectClass);5const { calculateTip, fahrenheitToCelsius, celsiusToFahrenheit, add } = require('../​src/​math')6it('Should calculate total with tip', () => {7 const total = calculateTip(10, .3)8 expect(total).to.equal(13)9})10it('Should calculate total with default tip', () => {11 const total = calculateTip(10)12 expect(total).to.equal(12.5)13})14it('Should convert 32 F to 0 C', () => {15 const temp = fahrenheitToCelsius(32)16 expect(temp).to.equal(0)17})18it('Should convert 0 C to 32 F', () => {19 const temp = celsiusToFahrenheit(0)20 expect(temp).to.equal(32)21})22it('Should add two numbers', (done) => {23 add(2, 3).then((sum) => {24 expect(sum).to.equal(5)25 done()26 })27})28it('Should add two numbers async/​await', async () => {29 const sum = await add(10, 22)30 expect(sum).to.equal(32)31})

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const inspectClass = require('chai').inspectClass;2const expect = require('chai').expect;3const assert = require('chai').assert;4const { Person } = require('./​person');5describe('Person', function() {6 it('should be a function', function() {7 expect(Person)'function');8 });9 it('should return an object', function() {10 const person = new Person('John', 'Doe');11 expect(person)'object');12 });13 it('should return the correct values', function() {14 const person = new Person('John', 'Doe');15 expect(person.firstName).to.equal('John');16 expect(person.lastName).to.equal('Doe');17 });18 it('should have a method called fullName', function() {19 const person = new Person('John', 'Doe');20 expect(person.fullName)'function');21 });22 it('should return the correct value when fullName is called', function() {23 const person = new Person('John', 'Doe');24 expect(person.fullName()).to.equal('John Doe');25 });26 it('should have a method called sayHello', function() {27 const person = new Person('John', 'Doe');28 expect(person.sayHello)'function');29 });30 it('should return the correct value when sayHello is called', function() {31 const person = new Person('John', 'Doe');32 expect(person.sayHello()).to.equal('Hello from John Doe!');33 });34 it('should have a static method called sayHello', function() {35 expect(Person.sayHello)'function');36 });37 it('should return the correct value when sayHello is called', function() {38 expect(Person.sayHello()).to.equal('Hello from Person!');39 });40});

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