How to use inspectAttribute method in chai

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Source:index.js Github


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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env node2/​/​ ShellJS plugins3require('shelljs-plugin-clear');4require('shelljs-plugin-inspect');5require('shelljs-plugin-open');6require('shelljs-plugin-sleep');7const util = require('util');8const repl = require('repl');9const argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2));10const replHistory = require('repl.history');11const osHomedir = require('os-homedir');12const path = require('path');13let shell;14let json;15let isLocal;16try {17 if (argv.path[0] === '~') argv.path = argv.path.replace('~', osHomedir());18 const localShellJS = path.resolve(argv.path);19 shell = require('require-relative')(localShellJS, process.cwd());20 json = require(path.join(localShellJS, 'package.json'));21 isLocal = true;22} catch (e) {23 shell = require('shelljs');24 json = require('shelljs/​package.json');25 isLocal = false;26}27/​/​ Create the prompt28let myprompt = argv.prompt || 'shelljs %v%l $ ';29myprompt = myprompt.replace(/​%./​g, (function fn() {30 const option = {31 '%%': '%',32 '%v': json.version,33 '%l': (isLocal ? ' [local]' : '')34 };35 return (match) => option[match];36}()));37const replServer = repl.start({38 prompt: myprompt,39 replMode: process.env.NODE_REPL_MODE === 'strict' || argv.use_strict ? repl.REPL_MODE_STRICT : repl.REPL_MODE_MAGIC40});41/​/​ save repl history42const HISTORY_FILE = path.join(osHomedir(), '.n_shell_history');43replHistory(replServer, HISTORY_FILE);44/​/​ Newer versions of node use a symbol called util.inspect.custom.45const inspectAttribute = util.inspect.custom || 'inspect';46function wrap(fun, key) {47 if (typeof fun !== 'function') {48 return fun; /​/​ not a function49 }50 const outerRet = (...args) => {51 const ret = fun.apply(this, args);52 /​/​ Polyfill .inspect() method53 function emptyInspect() {54 return '';55 }56 if (ret instanceof Object) {57 let oldInspect;58 if (ret[inspectAttribute]) {59 oldInspect = ret[inspectAttribute].bind(ret);60 } else {61 oldInspect = () => '';62 }63 if (key === 'echo' || key === 'exec') {64 ret[inspectAttribute] = emptyInspect;65 } else if (key === 'pwd' || key === 'which') {66 ret[inspectAttribute] = () => {67 const oldResult = oldInspect();68 return oldResult.match(/​\n$/​) ? oldResult : oldResult + '\n';69 };70 }71 }72 return ret;73 };74 outerRet[inspectAttribute] = outerRet[inspectAttribute] || function thisFn() { return this(); };75 return outerRet;76}77argv.no_global = argv.no_global || argv.local || argv.n;78/​/​ Add inspect() method, if it doesn't exist79if (!argv.noinspect) {80 Object.keys(shell).forEach((key) => {81 try {82 shell[key] = wrap(shell[key], key);83 } catch (e) { /​* empty */​ }84 });85}86if (argv.no_global) {87 if (typeof argv.no_global !== 'string') argv.no_global = 'shell';88 replServer.context[argv.no_global] = shell;89} else {90 Object.keys(shell).forEach((key) => {91 replServer.context[key] = shell[key];92 });93}...

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Source:binding-language.js Github


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...9 _classCallCheck(this, BindingLanguage);10 }11 _createClass(BindingLanguage, [{12 key: 'inspectAttribute',13 value: function inspectAttribute(resources, attrName, attrValue) {14 throw new Error('A BindingLanguage must implement inspectAttribute(...)');15 }16 }, {17 key: 'createAttributeInstruction',18 value: function createAttributeInstruction(resources, element, info, existingInstruction) {19 throw new Error('A BindingLanguage must implement createAttributeInstruction(...)');20 }21 }, {22 key: 'parseText',23 value: function parseText(resources, value) {24 throw new Error('A BindingLanguage must implement parseText(...)');25 }26 }]);27 return BindingLanguage;28})();...

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Source:html.js Github


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1import { truncator, inspectList } from './​helpers'2export function inspectAttribute([key, value], options) {3 options.truncate -= 34 if (!value) {5 return `${options.stylize(key, 'yellow')}`6 }7 return `${options.stylize(key, 'yellow')}=${options.stylize(`"${value}"`, 'string')}`8}9export function inspectHTMLCollection(collection, options) {10 /​/​ eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define11 return inspectList(collection, options, inspectHTML, '\n')12}13export default function inspectHTML(element, options) {14 const properties = element.getAttributeNames()15 const name = element.tagName.toLowerCase()16 const head = options.stylize(`<${name}`, 'special')...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var assert = chai.assert;4var should = chai.should();5var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');6chai.use(chaiAsPromised);7var chai = require('chai');8var expect = chai.expect;9var assert = chai.assert;10var should = chai.should();11var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');12chai.use(chaiAsPromised);13var homePage = require('../​pages/​homePage.js');14var loginPage = require('../​pages/​loginPage.js');15var loginPage = require('../​pages/​loginPage.js');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const assert = chai.assert;3const expect = chai.expect;4const should = chai.should();5const chai = require('chai');6const assert = chai.assert;7const expect = chai.expect;8const should = chai.should();9const { inspectAttribute } = require('chai-dom');10chai.use(inspectAttribute);11const chai = require('chai');12const assert = chai.assert;13const expect = chai.expect;14const should = chai.should();15const { inspectAttribute } = require('chai-dom');16chai.use(inspectAttribute);17const chai = require('chai');18const assert = chai.assert;19const expect = chai.expect;20const should = chai.should();21const { inspectAttribute } = require('chai-dom');22chai.use(inspectAttribute);23const chai = require('chai');24const assert = chai.assert;25const expect = chai.expect;26const should = chai.should();27const { inspectAttribute } = require('chai-dom');28chai.use(inspectAttribute);29const chai = require('chai');30const assert = chai.assert;31const expect = chai.expect;32const should = chai.should();33const { inspectAttribute } = require('chai-dom');34chai.use(inspectAttribute);35const chai = require('chai');36const assert = chai.assert;37const expect = chai.expect;38const should = chai.should();39const { inspectAttribute } = require('chai-dom');40chai.use(inspectAttribute);41const chai = require('chai');42const assert = chai.assert;43const expect = chai.expect;44const should = chai.should();45const { inspectAttribute } = require('chai-dom');46chai.use(inspectAttribute);47const chai = require('chai');48const assert = chai.assert;49const expect = chai.expect;50const should = chai.should();51const { inspectAttribute } = require('chai-dom');52chai.use(inspectAttribute);53const chai = require('chai');54const assert = chai.assert;55const expect = chai.expect;56const should = chai.should();57const { inspectAttribute } = require('chai-dom');58chai.use(inspectAttribute);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var inspectAttribute = require('chai-inspect-attribute');3chai.use(inspectAttribute);4var chai = require('chai');5var inspectAttribute = require('chai-inspect-attribute');6chai.use(inspectAttribute);7var chai = require('chai');8var inspectAttribute = require('chai-inspect-attribute');9chai.use(inspectAttribute);10var chai = require('chai');11var inspectAttribute = require('chai-inspect-attribute');12chai.use(inspectAttribute);13var chai = require('chai');14var inspectAttribute = require('chai-inspect-attribute');15chai.use(inspectAttribute);16var chai = require('chai');17var inspectAttribute = require('chai-inspect-attribute');18chai.use(inspectAttribute);19var chai = require('chai');20var inspectAttribute = require('chai-inspect-attribute');21chai.use(inspectAttribute);22var chai = require('chai');23var inspectAttribute = require('chai-inspect-attribute');24chai.use(inspectAttribute);25var chai = require('chai');26var inspectAttribute = require('chai-inspect-attribute');27chai.use(inspectAttribute);28var chai = require('chai');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require("chai");2const assert = chai.assert;3chai.use(require("chai-dom"));4const chai = require("chai");5const assert = chai.assert;6chai.use(require("chai-dom"));7const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom");8const { inspectAttribute } = require("chai-dom");9const dom = new JSDOM(`<!DOCTYPE html><p id="myParagraph">Hello world</​p>`);10describe("inspectAttribute", () => {11 it("should return true when attribute is present", () => {12 assert.isTrue(inspectAttribute(dom.window.document, "p", "id"));13 });14 it("should return false when attribute is not present", () => {15 assert.isFalse(inspectAttribute(dom.window.document, "p", "class"));16 });17});18const chai = require("chai");19const assert = chai.assert;20chai.use(require("chai-dom"));21const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom");22const { inspectAttribute } = require("chai-dom");23const dom = new JSDOM(`<!DOCTYPE html><p id="myParagraph">Hello world</​p>`);24describe("inspectAttribute", () => {25 it("should return true when attribute is present", () => {26 assert.isTrue(inspectAttribute(dom.window.document, "p", "id"));27 });28 it("should return false when attribute is not present", () => {29 assert.isFalse(inspectAttribute(dom.window.document, "p", "class"));30 });31});32const chai = require("chai");33const assert = chai.assert;34chai.use(require("chai-dom"));35const { JSDOM } = require("jsdom");36const { inspectAttribute } = require("chai-dom");37const dom = new JSDOM(`<!DOCTYPE html><p id="myParagraph">Hello world</​p>`);38describe("inspectAttribute", () => {39 it("should return true when attribute is present", () => {40 assert.isTrue(inspectAttribute(dom.window.document, "p", "id"));41 });42 it("should return false when attribute is not present", () => {43 assert.isFalse(inspectAttribute(dom.window.document, "p", "class"));44 });45});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var util = require('util');2var helper = require('./​helper.js');3var logger = helper.getLogger('inspectAttribute');4var ORGS = helper.ORGS;5var tx_id = null;6var nonce = null;7var the_user = null;8var args = process.argv.slice(2);9var config = require('./​config.json');10var channelName = config.channelName;11var chaincodeName = config.chaincodeName;12var inspectAttribute = function(peer,org) {13 helper.setupChaincodeDeploy();14 var chain = helper.getChainForOrg(org);15 var client = helper.getClientForOrg(org);16 eventhubs = [];17 return helper.getSubmitter(client, org)18 .then(19 (user) => {20 the_user = user;21 tx_id = client.newTransactionID();22 nonce = utils.getNonce();23 var request = {24 };25 return channel.queryByChaincode(request);26 },27 (err) => {28 logger.error('Failed to get submitter \'admin\'');29 throw new Error('Failed to get submitter');30 }31 ).then(32 (response) => {33 if (response && response.length == 1) {34 if (response[0] instanceof Error) {35 logger.error('error from query = ',response[0]);36 } else {37 logger.debug('Response is ', response[0].toString());38 console.log(response[0].toString());39 }40 } else {41 logger.debug('No payloads were returned from query');42 }43 },44 (err) => {45 logger.error('Failed to send query due to error: ' + err.stack ? err.stack : err);46 throw new Error('Failed, got error: ' + err.stack ? err.stack : err);47 }48 );49};50inspectAttribute(helper.newPeers([0]),0).then(()

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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3let obj = { name: 'John', age: 30 };4expect(obj)'name');5expect(obj)'name')'string');6expect(obj)'name')'John');7expect(obj)'name')'John').to.have.lengthOf(4);8chai.use(require('chai-json-schema'));9const schema = {10 properties: {11 name: {12 },13 age: {14 },15 },16};17describe('Test case for schema validation', () => {18 it('should validate schema', () => {19 expect(obj);20 });21});

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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const { inspectAttribute } = require('chai-attribute');4chai.use(inspectAttribute);5describe('Test to inspect attribute', function() {6 it('should inspect the attribute', function() {7 const element = document.createElement('div');8 element.setAttribute('data-test', 'test');9 expect(element).to.inspectAttribute('data-test');10 });11});12This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](./​LICENSE) file for details

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {expect} = require('chai');2const {inspectAttribute} = require('chai-dom');3expect.use(inspectAttribute);4expect.use(inspectAttribute);5### `expect(selector).to.have.attribute(attributeName)`6expect('.my-element').to.have.attribute('href');7### `expect(selector).to.have.attribute(attributeName).that.equals(attributeValue)`8### `expect(selector).to.have.attribute(attributeName).that.matches(attributeValueRegex)`9### `expect(selector).to.have.attribute(attributeName)`10### `expect(selector).to.have.attribute(attributeName)`11### `expect(selector).to.have.attribute(attributeName)`12expect('.my-element').to.have.attribute('href');

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