How to use getPathValue method in chai

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Source:getPathValue.js Github


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...5 * MIT Licensed6 */​7var getPathInfo = require('./​getPathInfo');8/​**9 * ### .getPathValue(path, object)10 *11 * This allows the retrieval of values in an12 * object given a string path.13 *14 * var obj = {15 * prop1: {16 * arr: ['a', 'b', 'c']17 * , str: 'Hello'18 * }19 * , prop2: {20 * arr: [ { nested: 'Universe' } ]21 * , str: 'Hello again!'22 * }23 * }24 *25 * The following would be the results.26 *27 * getPathValue('prop1.str', obj); /​/​ Hello28 * getPathValue('prop1.att[2]', obj); /​/​ b29 * getPathValue('prop2.arr[0].nested', obj); /​/​ Universe30 *31 * @param {String} path32 * @param {Object} object33 * @returns {Object} value or `undefined`34 * @namespace Utils35 * @name getPathValue36 * @api public37 */​38module.exports = function(path, obj) {39 var info = getPathInfo(path, obj);40 return info.value;...

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1var chain = require('./​chain.js');2var obj = {3 "a": {4 "b": {5 }6 }7};8var value = chain.getPathValue(obj, "a.b.c");9var chain = require('./​chain.js');10var obj = {11 "a": {12 "b": {13 }14 }15};16chain.setPathValue(obj, "a.b.c", "e");17exports.getPathValue = function(obj, path) {18 return path.split('.').reduce(function(prev, curr) {19 }, obj || self)20}21exports.setPathValue = function(obj, path, value) {22 if (!Array.isArray(path)) path = path.toString().match(/​[^.[\]]+/​g) || [];23 path.slice(0, -1).reduce(function(a, c, i) {24 return Object(a[c]) === a[c] ? a[c] : a[c] = Math.abs(path[i + 1]) >> 0 == +path[i + 1] ? [] : {};25 }, obj)[path[path.length - 1]] = value;26 return obj;27}28{ a: { b: { c: 'e' } } }

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1var chain = require('chain-node');2var client = new chain.Client();3var key = new chain.HsmSigner();4client.mockHsm.keys.create({alias: 'alice'}, function(err, aliceKey) {5 if (err) throw err;6 key.addKey(aliceKey.xpub, client.mockHsm.signerConnection);7 client.assets.create({alias: 'gold', rootXpubs: [aliceKey.xpub], quorum: 1}, function(err, gold) {8 if (err) throw err;9 => {10 builder.issue({assetAlias: 'gold', amount: 100})11 builder.controlWithAccount({accountAlias: 'alice', assetAlias: 'gold', amount: 100})12 }, function(err, unsignedTemplate) {13 if (err) throw err;14 client.transactions.sign(unsignedTemplate, key, function(err, signedTemplate) {15 if (err) throw err;16 client.transactions.submit(signedTemplate, function(err, tx) {17 if (err) throw err;18 client.transactions.queryAll({filter: 'id=$1', filterParams: []}, function(err, results) {19 if (err) throw err;20 var tx = results.items[0];21 var value = chain.getPathValue(tx, 'outputs[0].amount');22 console.log(value);23 });24 });25 });26 });27 });28});29### `chain.signHash(hash, signer, callback)`30| `callback` | `function(err, signature)` | Callback function. |31var chain = require('chain-node');32var client = new chain.Client();33var key = new chain.HsmSigner();34client.mockHsm.keys.create({alias: 'alice'}, function(err, aliceKey) {35 if (err) throw err;36 key.addKey(aliceKey.xpub,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chain = require('chain.js');2var obj = {a: {b: {c: 'd'}}};3var path = ['a', 'b', 'c'];4console.log(chain.getPathValue(obj, path));5var chain = require('chain.js');6var obj = {a: {b: {c: 'd'}}};7var path = ['a', 'b', 'c'];8chain.setPathValue(obj, path, 'e');9console.log(obj);10var chain = require('chain.js');11var obj = {a: {b: {c: 'd'}}};12var path = ['a', 'b', 'c'];13chain.deletePathValue(obj, path);14console.log(obj);15var chain = require('chain.js');16var obj = {a: {b: {c: 'd'}}};17var path = ['a', 'b', 'c'];18console.log(chain.getPathType(obj, path));19var chain = require('chain.js');20var obj = {a: {b: {c: 'd'}}};21var path = ['a', 'b', 'c'];22console.log(chain.hasPath(obj, path));23var chain = require('chain.js');24var obj = {a: {b: {c: 'd'}}};25var path = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'];26console.log(chain.hasPath(obj, path));27var chain = require('chain.js');28var obj = {a: {b: {c: 'd'}}};29var path = ['a', 'b', 'c'];30console.log(chain.hasPath(obj, path, 'string'));

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1const chainable = require('chainable-object');2const obj = {3 a: {4 b: {5 c: {6 d: {7 e: {8 }9 }10 }11 }12 }13};14const chainObj = chainable(obj);15const value = chainObj.getPathValue('a.b.c.d.e.f');16console.log(value);17### chainable(object)18### .getPathValue(path)19MIT © [Nikhil](

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1const { chainmaker } = require('chainmaker');2const obj = {3 a: {4 b: {5 },6 },7};8const value = chainmaker(obj).getPathValue('a.b.c');9### `chainmaker(obj).setPathValue(path, value)`10const { chainmaker } = require('chainmaker');11const obj = {12 a: {13 b: {14 },15 },16};17chainmaker(obj).setPathValue('a.b.c', 10);18### `chainmaker(obj).getKeys()`19const { chainmaker } = require('chainmaker');20const obj = {21 a: {22 b: {23 },24 },25};26const keys = chainmaker(obj).getKeys();27### `chainmaker(obj).getValues()`28const { chainmaker } = require('chainmaker');29const obj = {30 a: {31 b: {32 },33 },34};35const values = chainmaker(obj).getValues();36### `chainmaker(obj).getEntries()`37const { chainmaker } = require('chainmaker');38const obj = {39 a: {40 b: {41 },42 },43};44const entries = chainmaker(obj).getEntries();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chain = require('chain-js')2const chainObj = new chain();3const json = {4 "a": {5 "b": {6 }7 }8}9const value = chainObj.getPathValue(json, 'a.b.c');10console.log(value);11const chain = require('chain-js')12const chainObj = new chain();13const json = {14 "a": {15 "b": {16 }17 }18}19const json1 = chainObj.setPathValue(json, 'a.b.c', 'e');20console.log(json1);21const chain = require('chain-js')22const chainObj = new chain();23const json = {24 "a": {25 "b": {26 }27 }28}29const keys = chainObj.getKeys(json);30console.log(keys);31const chain = require('chain-js')32const chainObj = new chain();33const json = {34 "a": {35 "b": {36 }37 }38}39const values = chainObj.getValues(json);40console.log(values);41const chain = require('chain-js')42const chainObj = new chain();

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