How to use function method in chai

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1const define = "define";2let XDomainRequest, Sizzle;3!(function () {4 function n(n) {5 return n && (n.ownerDocument || n.document || n).documentElement;6 }7 function t(n) {8 return (9 n &&10 ((n.ownerDocument && n.ownerDocument.defaultView) ||11 (n.document && n) ||12 n.defaultView)13 );14 }15 function e(n, t) {16 return t > n ? -1 : n > t ? 1 : n >= t ? 0 : NaN;17 }18 function r(n) {19 return null === n ? NaN : +n;20 }21 function i(n) {22 return !isNaN(n);23 }24 function u(n) {25 return {26 left: function (t, e, r, i) {27 for (28 arguments.length < 3 && (r = 0),29 arguments.length < 4 && (i = t.length);30 i > r;31 ) {32 var u = (r + i) >>> 1;33 n(t[u], e) < 0 ? (r = u + 1) : (i = u);34 }35 return r;36 },37 right: function (t, e, r, i) {38 for (39 arguments.length < 3 && (r = 0),40 arguments.length < 4 && (i = t.length);41 i > r;42 ) {43 var u = (r + i) >>> 1;44 n(t[u], e) > 0 ? (i = u) : (r = u + 1);45 }46 return r;47 },48 };49 }50 function o(n) {51 return n.length;52 }53 function a(n) {54 for (var t = 1; (n * t) % 1; ) t *= 10;55 return t;56 }57 function l(n, t) {58 for (var e in t)59 Object.defineProperty(n.prototype, e, { value: t[e], enumerable: !1 });60 }61 function c() {62 this._ = Object.create(null);63 }64 function f(n) {65 return (n += "") === bo || n[0] === _o ? _o + n : n;66 }67 function s(n) {68 return (n += "")[0] === _o ? n.slice(1) : n;69 }70 function h(n) {71 return f(n) in this._;72 }73 function p(n) {74 return (n = f(n)) in this._ && delete this._[n];75 }76 function g() {77 var n = [];78 for (var t in this._) n.push(s(t));79 return n;80 }81 function v() {82 var n = 0;83 for (var t in this._) ++n;84 return n;85 }86 function d() {87 for (var n in this._) return !1;88 return !0;89 }90 function y() {91 this._ = Object.create(null);92 }93 function m(n) {94 return n;95 }96 function M(n, t, e) {97 return function () {98 var r = e.apply(t, arguments);99 return r === t ? n : r;100 };101 }102 function x(n, t) {103 if (t in n) return t;104 t = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1);105 for (var e = 0, r = wo.length; r > e; ++e) {106 var i = wo[e] + t;107 if (i in n) return i;108 }109 }110 function b() {}111 function _() {}112 function w(n) {113 function t() {114 for (var t, r = e, i = -1, u = r.length; ++i < u; )115 (t = r[i].on) && t.apply(this, arguments);116 return n;117 }118 var e = [],119 r = new c();120 return (121 (t.on = function (t, i) {122 var u,123 o = r.get(t);124 return arguments.length < 2125 ? o && o.on126 : (o &&127 ((o.on = null),128 (e = e.slice(0, (u = e.indexOf(o))).concat(e.slice(u + 1))),129 r.remove(t)),130 i && e.push(r.set(t, { on: i })),131 n);132 }),133 t134 );135 }136 function S() {137 ao.event.preventDefault();138 }139 function k() {140 for (var n, t = ao.event; (n = t.sourceEvent); ) t = n;141 return t;142 }143 function N(n) {144 for (var t = new _(), e = 0, r = arguments.length; ++e < r; )145 t[arguments[e]] = w(t);146 return (147 (t.of = function (e, r) {148 return function (i) {149 try {150 var u = (i.sourceEvent = ao.event);151 ( = n), (ao.event = i), t[i.type].apply(e, r);152 } finally {153 ao.event = u;154 }155 };156 }),157 t158 );159 }160 function E(n) {161 return ko(n, Co), n;162 }163 function A(n) {164 return "function" == typeof n165 ? n166 : function () {167 return No(n, this);168 };169 }170 function C(n) {171 return "function" == typeof n172 ? n173 : function () {174 return Eo(n, this);175 };176 }177 function z(n, t) {178 function e() {179 this.removeAttribute(n);180 }181 function r() {182 this.removeAttributeNS(, n.local);183 }184 function i() {185 this.setAttribute(n, t);186 }187 function u() {188 this.setAttributeNS(, n.local, t);189 }190 function o() {191 var e = t.apply(this, arguments);192 null == e ? this.removeAttribute(n) : this.setAttribute(n, e);193 }194 function a() {195 var e = t.apply(this, arguments);196 null == e197 ? this.removeAttributeNS(, n.local)198 : this.setAttributeNS(, n.local, e);199 }200 return (201 (n = ao.ns.qualify(n)),202 null == t203 ? n.local204 ? r205 : e206 : "function" == typeof t207 ? n.local208 ? a209 : o210 : n.local211 ? u212 : i213 );214 }215 function L(n) {216 return n.trim().replace(/​\s+/​g, " ");217 }218 function q(n) {219 return new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)" + ao.requote(n) + "(?:\\s+|$)", "g");220 }221 function T(n) {222 return (n + "").trim().split(/​^|\s+/​);223 }224 function R(n, t) {225 function e() {226 for (var e = -1; ++e < i; ) n[e](this, t);227 }228 function r() {229 for (var e = -1, r = t.apply(this, arguments); ++e < i; ) n[e](this, r);230 }231 n = T(n).map(D);232 var i = n.length;233 return "function" == typeof t ? r : e;234 }235 function D(n) {236 var t = q(n);237 return function (e, r) {238 if ((i = e.classList)) return r ? i.add(n) : i.remove(n);239 var i = e.getAttribute("class") || "";240 r241 ? ((t.lastIndex = 0),242 t.test(i) || e.setAttribute("class", L(i + " " + n)))243 : e.setAttribute("class", L(i.replace(t, " ")));244 };245 }246 function P(n, t, e) {247 function r() {248;249 }250 function i() {251, t, e);252 }253 function u() {254 var r = t.apply(this, arguments);255 null == r256 ? :, r, e);258 }259 return null == t ? r : "function" == typeof t ? u : i;260 }261 function U(n, t) {262 function e() {263 delete this[n];264 }265 function r() {266 this[n] = t;267 }268 function i() {269 var e = t.apply(this, arguments);270 null == e ? delete this[n] : (this[n] = e);271 }272 return null == t ? e : "function" == typeof t ? i : r;273 }274 function j(n) {275 function t() {276 var t = this.ownerDocument,277 e = this.namespaceURI;278 return e === zo && t.documentElement.namespaceURI === zo279 ? t.createElement(n)280 : t.createElementNS(e, n);281 }282 function e() {283 return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(, n.local);284 }285 return "function" == typeof n ? n : (n = ao.ns.qualify(n)).local ? e : t;286 }287 function F() {288 var n = this.parentNode;289 n && n.removeChild(this);290 }291 function H(n) {292 return { __data__: n };293 }294 function O(n) {295 return function () {296 return Ao(this, n);297 };298 }299 function I(n) {300 return (301 arguments.length || (n = e),302 function (t, e) {303 return t && e ? n(t.__data__, e.__data__) : !t - !e;304 }305 );306 }307 function Y(n, t) {308 for (var e = 0, r = n.length; r > e; e++)309 for (var i, u = n[e], o = 0, a = u.length; a > o; o++)310 (i = u[o]) && t(i, o, e);311 return n;312 }313 function Z(n) {314 return ko(n, qo), n;315 }316 function V(n) {317 var t, e;318 return function (r, i, u) {319 var o,320 a = n[u].update,321 l = a.length;322 for (323 u != e && ((e = u), (t = 0)), i >= t && (t = i + 1);324 !(o = a[t]) && ++t < l;325 );326 return o;327 };328 }329 function X(n, t, e) {330 function r() {331 var t = this[o];332 t && (this.removeEventListener(n, t, t.$), delete this[o]);333 }334 function i() {335 var i = l(t, co(arguments));336,337 this.addEventListener(n, (this[o] = i), (i.$ = e)),338 (i._ = t);339 }340 function u() {341 var t,342 e = new RegExp("^__on([^.]+)" + ao.requote(n) + "$");343 for (var r in this)344 if ((t = r.match(e))) {345 var i = this[r];346 this.removeEventListener(t[1], i, i.$), delete this[r];347 }348 }349 var o = "__on" + n,350 a = n.indexOf("."),351 l = $;352 a > 0 && (n = n.slice(0, a));353 var c = To.get(n);354 return c && ((n = c), (l = B)), a ? (t ? i : r) : t ? b : u;355 }356 function $(n, t) {357 return function (e) {358 var r = ao.event;359 (ao.event = e), (t[0] = this.__data__);360 try {361 n.apply(this, t);362 } finally {363 ao.event = r;364 }365 };366 }367 function B(n, t) {368 var e = $(n, t);369 return function (n) {370 var t = this,371 r = n.relatedTarget;372 (r && (r === t || 8 & r.compareDocumentPosition(t))) ||, n);373 };374 }375 function W(e) {376 var r = ".dragsuppress-" + ++Do,377 i = "click" + r,378 u = ao379 .select(t(e))380 .on("touchmove" + r, S)381 .on("dragstart" + r, S)382 .on("selectstart" + r, S);383 if (384 (null == Ro &&385 (Ro = "onselectstart" in e ? !1 : x(, "userSelect")),386 Ro)387 ) {388 var o = n(e).style,389 a = o[Ro];390 o[Ro] = "none";391 }392 return function (n) {393 if ((u.on(r, null), Ro && (o[Ro] = a), n)) {394 var t = function () {395 u.on(i, null);396 };397 u.on(398 i,399 function () {400 S(), t();401 },402 !0403 ),404 setTimeout(t, 0);405 }406 };407 }408 function J(n, e) {409 e.changedTouches && (e = e.changedTouches[0]);410 var r = n.ownerSVGElement || n;411 if (r.createSVGPoint) {412 var i = r.createSVGPoint();413 if (0 > Po) {414 var u = t(n);415 if (u.scrollX || u.scrollY) {416 r ="body").append("svg").style(417 {418 position: "absolute",419 top: 0,420 left: 0,421 margin: 0,422 padding: 0,423 border: "none",424 },425 "important"426 );427 var o = r[0][0].getScreenCTM();428 (Po = !(o.f || o.e)), r.remove();429 }430 }431 return (432 Po433 ? ((i.x = e.pageX), (i.y = e.pageY))434 : ((i.x = e.clientX), (i.y = e.clientY)),435 (i = i.matrixTransform(n.getScreenCTM().inverse())),436 [i.x, i.y]437 );438 }439 var a = n.getBoundingClientRect();440 return [e.clientX - a.left - n.clientLeft, e.clientY - - n.clientTop];441 }442 function G() {443 return ao.event.changedTouches[0].identifier;444 }445 function K(n) {446 return n > 0 ? 1 : 0 > n ? -1 : 0;447 }448 function Q(n, t, e) {449 return (t[0] - n[0]) * (e[1] - n[1]) - (t[1] - n[1]) * (e[0] - n[0]);450 }451 function nn(n) {452 return n > 1 ? 0 : -1 > n ? Fo : Math.acos(n);453 }454 function tn(n) {455 return n > 1 ? Io : -1 > n ? -Io : Math.asin(n);456 }457 function en(n) {458 return ((n = Math.exp(n)) - 1 /​ n) /​ 2;459 }460 function rn(n) {461 return ((n = Math.exp(n)) + 1 /​ n) /​ 2;462 }463 function un(n) {464 return ((n = Math.exp(2 * n)) - 1) /​ (n + 1);465 }466 function on(n) {467 return (n = Math.sin(n /​ 2)) * n;468 }469 function an() {}470 function ln(n, t, e) {471 return this instanceof ln472 ? ((this.h = +n), (this.s = +t), void (this.l = +e))473 : arguments.length < 2474 ? n instanceof ln475 ? new ln(n.h, n.s, n.l)476 : _n("" + n, wn, ln)477 : new ln(n, t, e);478 }479 function cn(n, t, e) {480 function r(n) {481 return (482 n > 360 ? (n -= 360) : 0 > n && (n += 360),483 60 > n484 ? u + ((o - u) * n) /​ 60485 : 180 > n486 ? o487 : 240 > n488 ? u + ((o - u) * (240 - n)) /​ 60489 : u490 );491 }492 function i(n) {493 return Math.round(255 * r(n));494 }495 var u, o;496 return (497 (n = isNaN(n) ? 0 : (n %= 360) < 0 ? n + 360 : n),498 (t = isNaN(t) ? 0 : 0 > t ? 0 : t > 1 ? 1 : t),499 (e = 0 > e ? 0 : e > 1 ? 1 : e),500 (o = 0.5 >= e ? e * (1 + t) : e + t - e * t),501 (u = 2 * e - o),502 new mn(i(n + 120), i(n), i(n - 120))503 );504 }505 function fn(n, t, e) {506 return this instanceof fn507 ? ((this.h = +n), (this.c = +t), void (this.l = +e))508 : arguments.length < 2509 ? n instanceof fn510 ? new fn(n.h, n.c, n.l)511 : n instanceof hn512 ? gn(n.l, n.a, n.b)513 : gn((n = Sn((n = ao.rgb(n)).r, n.g, n.b)).l, n.a, n.b)514 : new fn(n, t, e);515 }516 function sn(n, t, e) {517 return (518 isNaN(n) && (n = 0),519 isNaN(t) && (t = 0),520 new hn(e, Math.cos((n *= Yo)) * t, Math.sin(n) * t)521 );522 }523 function hn(n, t, e) {524 return this instanceof hn525 ? ((this.l = +n), (this.a = +t), void (this.b = +e))526 : arguments.length < 2527 ? n instanceof hn528 ? new hn(n.l, n.a, n.b)529 : n instanceof fn530 ? sn(n.h, n.c, n.l)531 : Sn((n = mn(n)).r, n.g, n.b)532 : new hn(n, t, e);533 }534 function pn(n, t, e) {535 var r = (n + 16) /​ 116,536 i = r + t /​ 500,537 u = r - e /​ 200;538 return (539 (i = vn(i) * na),540 (r = vn(r) * ta),541 (u = vn(u) * ea),542 new mn(543 yn(3.2404542 * i - 1.5371385 * r - 0.4985314 * u),544 yn(-0.969266 * i + 1.8760108 * r + 0.041556 * u),545 yn(0.0556434 * i - 0.2040259 * r + 1.0572252 * u)546 )547 );548 }549 function gn(n, t, e) {550 return n > 0551 ? new fn(Math.atan2(e, t) * Zo, Math.sqrt(t * t + e * e), n)552 : new fn(NaN, NaN, n);553 }554 function vn(n) {555 return n > 0.206893034 ? n * n * n : (n - 4 /​ 29) /​ 7.787037;556 }557 function dn(n) {558 return n > 0.008856 ? Math.pow(n, 1 /​ 3) : 7.787037 * n + 4 /​ 29;559 }560 function yn(n) {561 return Math.round(562 255 * (0.00304 >= n ? 12.92 * n : 1.055 * Math.pow(n, 1 /​ 2.4) - 0.055)563 );564 }565 function mn(n, t, e) {566 return this instanceof mn567 ? ((this.r = ~~n), (this.g = ~~t), void (this.b = ~~e))568 : arguments.length < 2569 ? n instanceof mn570 ? new mn(n.r, n.g, n.b)571 : _n("" + n, mn, cn)572 : new mn(n, t, e);573 }574 function Mn(n) {575 return new mn(n >> 16, (n >> 8) & 255, 255 & n);576 }577 function xn(n) {578 return Mn(n) + "";579 }580 function bn(n) {581 return 16 > n582 ? "0" + Math.max(0, n).toString(16)583 : Math.min(255, n).toString(16);584 }585 function _n(n, t, e) {586 var r,587 i,588 u,589 o = 0,590 a = 0,591 l = 0;592 if ((r = /​([a-z]+)\((.*)\)/​.exec((n = n.toLowerCase()))))593 switch (((i = r[2].split(",")), r[1])) {594 case "hsl":595 return e(596 parseFloat(i[0]),597 parseFloat(i[1]) /​ 100,598 parseFloat(i[2]) /​ 100599 );600 case "rgb":601 return t(Nn(i[0]), Nn(i[1]), Nn(i[2]));602 }603 return (u = ua.get(n))604 ? t(u.r, u.g, u.b)605 : (null == n ||606 "#" !== n.charAt(0) ||607 isNaN((u = parseInt(n.slice(1), 16))) ||608 (4 === n.length609 ? ((o = (3840 & u) >> 4),610 (o = (o >> 4) | o),611 (a = 240 & u),612 (a = (a >> 4) | a),613 (l = 15 & u),614 (l = (l << 4) | l))615 : 7 === n.length &&616 ((o = (16711680 & u) >> 16),617 (a = (65280 & u) >> 8),618 (l = 255 & u))),619 t(o, a, l));620 }621 function wn(n, t, e) {622 var r,623 i,624 u = Math.min((n /​= 255), (t /​= 255), (e /​= 255)),625 o = Math.max(n, t, e),626 a = o - u,627 l = (o + u) /​ 2;628 return (629 a630 ? ((i = 0.5 > l ? a /​ (o + u) : a /​ (2 - o - u)),631 (r =632 n == o633 ? (t - e) /​ a + (e > t ? 6 : 0)634 : t == o635 ? (e - n) /​ a + 2636 : (n - t) /​ a + 4),637 (r *= 60))638 : ((r = NaN), (i = l > 0 && 1 > l ? 0 : r)),639 new ln(r, i, l)640 );641 }642 function Sn(n, t, e) {643 (n = kn(n)), (t = kn(t)), (e = kn(e));644 var r = dn((0.4124564 * n + 0.3575761 * t + 0.1804375 * e) /​ na),645 i = dn((0.2126729 * n + 0.7151522 * t + 0.072175 * e) /​ ta),646 u = dn((0.0193339 * n + 0.119192 * t + 0.9503041 * e) /​ ea);647 return hn(116 * i - 16, 500 * (r - i), 200 * (i - u));648 }649 function kn(n) {650 return (n /​= 255) <= 0.04045651 ? n /​ 12.92652 : Math.pow((n + 0.055) /​ 1.055, 2.4);653 }654 function Nn(n) {655 var t = parseFloat(n);656 return "%" === n.charAt(n.length - 1) ? Math.round(2.55 * t) : t;657 }658 function En(n) {659 return "function" == typeof n660 ? n661 : function () {662 return n;663 };664 }665 function An(n) {666 return function (t, e, r) {667 return (668 2 === arguments.length &&669 "function" == typeof e &&670 ((r = e), (e = null)),671 Cn(t, e, n, r)672 );673 };674 }675 function Cn(n, t, e, r) {676 function i() {677 var n,678 t = l.status;679 if ((!t && Ln(l)) || (t >= 200 && 300 > t) || 304 === t) {680 try {681 n =, l);682 } catch (r) {683 return void, r);684 }685, n);686 } else, l);687 }688 var u = {},689 o = ao.dispatch("beforesend", "progress", "load", "error"),690 a = {},691 l = new XMLHttpRequest(),692 c = null;693 return (694 !this.XDomainRequest ||695 "withCredentials" in l ||696 !/​^(http(s)?:)?\/​\/​/​.test(n) ||697 (l = new XDomainRequest()),698 "onload" in l699 ? (l.onload = l.onerror = i)700 : (l.onreadystatechange = function () {701 l.readyState > 3 && i();702 }),703 (l.onprogress = function (n) {704 var t = ao.event;705 ao.event = n;706 try {707, l);708 } finally {709 ao.event = t;710 }711 }),712 (u.header = function (n, t) {713 return (714 (n = (n + "").toLowerCase()),715 arguments.length < 2716 ? a[n]717 : (null == t ? delete a[n] : (a[n] = t + ""), u)718 );719 }),720 (u.mimeType = function (n) {721 return arguments.length ? ((t = null == n ? null : n + ""), u) : t;722 }),723 (u.responseType = function (n) {724 return arguments.length ? ((c = n), u) : c;725 }),726 (u.response = function (n) {727 return (e = n), u;728 }),729 ["get", "post"].forEach(function (n) {730 u[n] = function () {731 return u.send.apply(u, [n].concat(co(arguments)));732 };733 }),734 (u.send = function (e, r, i) {735 if (736 (2 === arguments.length &&737 "function" == typeof r &&738 ((i = r), (r = null)),739, n, !0),740 null == t || "accept" in a || (a.accept = t + ",*/​*"),741 l.setRequestHeader)742 )743 for (var f in a) l.setRequestHeader(f, a[f]);744 return (745 null != t && l.overrideMimeType && l.overrideMimeType(t),746 null != c && (l.responseType = c),747 null != i &&748 u.on("error", i).on("load", function (n) {749 i(null, n);750 }),751, l),752 l.send(null == r ? null : r),753 u754 );755 }),756 (u.abort = function () {757 return l.abort(), u;758 }),759 ao.rebind(u, o, "on"),760 null == r ? u : u.get(zn(r))761 );762 }763 function zn(n) {764 return 1 === n.length765 ? function (t, e) {766 n(null == t ? e : null);767 }768 : n;769 }770 function Ln(n) {771 var t = n.responseType;772 return t && "text" !== t ? n.response : n.responseText;773 }774 function qn(n, t, e) {775 var r = arguments.length;776 2 > r && (t = 0), 3 > r && (e =;777 var i = e + t,778 u = { c: n, t: i, n: null };779 return (780 aa ? (aa.n = u) : (oa = u),781 (aa = u),782 la || ((ca = clearTimeout(ca)), (la = 1), fa(Tn)),783 u784 );785 }786 function Tn() {787 var n = Rn(),788 t = Dn() - n;789 t > 24790 ? (isFinite(t) && (clearTimeout(ca), (ca = setTimeout(Tn, t))), (la = 0))791 : ((la = 1), fa(Tn));792 }793 function Rn() {794 for (var n =, t = oa; t; )795 n >= t.t && t.c(n - t.t) && (t.c = null), (t = t.n);796 return n;797 }798 function Dn() {799 for (var n, t = oa, e = 1 /​ 0; t; )800 t.c801 ? (t.t < e && (e = t.t), (t = (n = t).n))802 : (t = n ? (n.n = t.n) : (oa = t.n));803 return (aa = n), e;804 }805 function Pn(n, t) {806 return t - (n ? Math.ceil(Math.log(n) /​ Math.LN10) : 1);807 }808 function Un(n, t) {809 var e = Math.pow(10, 3 * xo(8 - t));810 return {811 scale:812 t > 8813 ? function (n) {814 return n /​ e;815 }816 : function (n) {817 return n * e;818 },819 symbol: n,820 };821 }822 function jn(n) {823 var t = n.decimal,824 e = n.thousands,825 r = n.grouping,826 i = n.currency,827 u =828 r && e829 ? function (n, t) {830 for (831 var i = n.length, u = [], o = 0, a = r[0], l = 0;832 i > 0 &&833 a > 0 &&834 (l + a + 1 > t && (a = Math.max(1, t - l)),835 u.push(n.substring((i -= a), i + a)),836 !((l += a + 1) > t));837 )838 a = r[(o = (o + 1) % r.length)];839 return u.reverse().join(e);840 }841 : m;842 return function (n) {843 var e = ha.exec(n),844 r = e[1] || " ",845 o = e[2] || ">",846 a = e[3] || "-",847 l = e[4] || "",848 c = e[5],849 f = +e[6],850 s = e[7],851 h = e[8],852 p = e[9],853 g = 1,854 v = "",855 d = "",856 y = !1,857 m = !0;858 switch (859 (h && (h = +h.substring(1)),860 (c || ("0" === r && "=" === o)) && ((c = r = "0"), (o = "=")),861 p)862 ) {863 case "n":864 (s = !0), (p = "g");865 break;866 case "%":867 (g = 100), (d = "%"), (p = "f");868 break;869 case "p":870 (g = 100), (d = "%"), (p = "r");871 break;872 case "b":873 case "o":874 case "x":875 case "X":876 "#" === l && (v = "0" + p.toLowerCase());877 case "c":878 m = !1;879 case "d":880 (y = !0), (h = 0);881 break;882 case "s":883 (g = -1), (p = "r");884 }885 "$" === l && ((v = i[0]), (d = i[1])),886 "r" != p || h || (p = "g"),887 null != h &&888 ("g" == p889 ? (h = Math.max(1, Math.min(21, h)))890 : ("e" != p && "f" != p) || (h = Math.max(0, Math.min(20, h)))),891 (p = pa.get(p) || Fn);892 var M = c && s;893 return function (n) {894 var e = d;895 if (y && n % 1) return "";896 var i =897 0 > n || (0 === n && 0 > 1 /​ n)898 ? ((n = -n), "-")899 : "-" === a900 ? ""901 : a;902 if (0 > g) {903 var l = ao.formatPrefix(n, h);904 (n = l.scale(n)), (e = l.symbol + d);905 } else n *= g;906 n = p(n, h);907 var x,908 b,909 _ = n.lastIndexOf(".");910 if (0 > _) {911 var w = m ? n.lastIndexOf("e") : -1;912 0 > w913 ? ((x = n), (b = ""))914 : ((x = n.substring(0, w)), (b = n.substring(w)));915 } else (x = n.substring(0, _)), (b = t + n.substring(_ + 1));916 !c && s && (x = u(x, 1 /​ 0));917 var S = v.length + x.length + b.length + (M ? 0 : i.length),918 k = f > S ? new Array((S = f - S + 1)).join(r) : "";919 return (920 M && (x = u(k + x, k.length ? f - b.length : 1 /​ 0)),921 (i += v),922 (n = x + b),923 ("<" === o924 ? i + n + k925 : ">" === o926 ? k + i + n927 : "^" === o928 ? k.substring(0, (S >>= 1)) + i + n + k.substring(S)929 : i + (M ? n : k + n)) + e930 );931 };932 };933 }934 function Fn(n) {935 return n + "";936 }937 function Hn() {938 this._ = new Date(939 arguments.length > 1 ? Date.UTC.apply(this, arguments) : arguments[0]940 );941 }942 function On(n, t, e) {943 function r(t) {944 var e = n(t),945 r = u(e, 1);946 return r - t > t - e ? e : r;947 }948 function i(e) {949 return t((e = n(new va(e - 1))), 1), e;950 }951 function u(n, e) {952 return t((n = new va(+n)), e), n;953 }954 function o(n, r, u) {955 var o = i(n),956 a = [];957 if (u > 1) for (; r > o; ) e(o) % u || a.push(new Date(+o)), t(o, 1);958 else for (; r > o; ) a.push(new Date(+o)), t(o, 1);959 return a;960 }961 function a(n, t, e) {962 try {963 va = Hn;964 var r = new Hn();965 return (r._ = n), o(r, t, e);966 } finally {967 va = Date;968 }969 }970 (n.floor = n), (n.round = r), (n.ceil = i), (n.offset = u), (n.range = o);971 var l = (n.utc = In(n));972 return (973 (l.floor = l),974 (l.round = In(r)),975 (l.ceil = In(i)),976 (l.offset = In(u)),977 (l.range = a),978 n979 );980 }981 function In(n) {982 return function (t, e) {983 try {984 va = Hn;985 var r = new Hn();986 return (r._ = t), n(r, e)._;987 } finally {988 va = Date;989 }990 };991 }992 function Yn(n) {993 function t(n) {994 function t(t) {995 for (var e, i, u, o = [], a = -1, l = 0; ++a < r; )996 37 === n.charCodeAt(a) &&997 (o.push(n.slice(l, a)),998 null != (i = ya[(e = n.charAt(++a))]) && (e = n.charAt(++a)),999 (u = A[e]) && (e = u(t, null == i ? ("e" === e ? " " : "0") : i)),1000 o.push(e),1001 (l = a + 1));1002 return o.push(n.slice(l, a)), o.join("");1003 }1004 var r = n.length;1005 return (1006 (t.parse = function (t) {1007 var r = { y: 1900, m: 0, d: 1, H: 0, M: 0, S: 0, L: 0, Z: null },1008 i = e(r, n, t, 0);1009 if (i != t.length) return null;1010 "p" in r && (r.H = (r.H % 12) + 12 * r.p);1011 var u = null != r.Z && va !== Hn,1012 o = new (u ? Hn : va)();1013 return (1014 "j" in r1015 ? o.setFullYear(r.y, 0, r.j)1016 : "W" in r || "U" in r1017 ? ("w" in r || (r.w = "W" in r ? 1 : 0),1018 o.setFullYear(r.y, 0, 1),1019 o.setFullYear(1020 r.y,1021 0,1022 "W" in r1023 ? ((r.w + 6) % 7) + 7 * r.W - ((o.getDay() + 5) % 7)1024 : r.w + 7 * r.U - ((o.getDay() + 6) % 7)1025 ))1026 : o.setFullYear(r.y, r.m, r.d),1027 o.setHours(r.H + ((r.Z /​ 100) | 0), r.M + (r.Z % 100), r.S, r.L),1028 u ? o._ : o1029 );1030 }),1031 (t.toString = function () {1032 return n;1033 }),1034 t1035 );1036 }1037 function e(n, t, e, r) {1038 for (var i, u, o, a = 0, l = t.length, c = e.length; l > a; ) {1039 if (r >= c) return -1;1040 if (((i = t.charCodeAt(a++)), 37 === i)) {1041 if (1042 ((o = t.charAt(a++)),1043 (u = C[o in ya ? t.charAt(a++) : o]),1044 !u || (r = u(n, e, r)) < 0)1045 )1046 return -1;1047 } else if (i != e.charCodeAt(r++)) return -1;1048 }1049 return r;1050 }1051 function r(n, t, e) {1052 _.lastIndex = 0;1053 var r = _.exec(t.slice(e));1054 return r ? ((n.w = w.get(r[0].toLowerCase())), e + r[0].length) : -1;1055 }1056 function i(n, t, e) {1057 x.lastIndex = 0;1058 var r = x.exec(t.slice(e));1059 return r ? ((n.w = b.get(r[0].toLowerCase())), e + r[0].length) : -1;1060 }1061 function u(n, t, e) {1062 N.lastIndex = 0;1063 var r = N.exec(t.slice(e));1064 return r ? ((n.m = E.get(r[0].toLowerCase())), e + r[0].length) : -1;1065 }1066 function o(n, t, e) {1067 S.lastIndex = 0;1068 var r = S.exec(t.slice(e));1069 return r ? ((n.m = k.get(r[0].toLowerCase())), e + r[0].length) : -1;1070 }1071 function a(n, t, r) {1072 return e(n, A.c.toString(), t, r);1073 }1074 function l(n, t, r) {1075 return e(n, A.x.toString(), t, r);1076 }1077 function c(n, t, r) {1078 return e(n, A.X.toString(), t, r);1079 }1080 function f(n, t, e) {1081 var r = M.get(t.slice(e, (e += 2)).toLowerCase());1082 return null == r ? -1 : ((n.p = r), e);1083 }1084 var s = n.dateTime,1085 h =,1086 p = n.time,1087 g = n.periods,1088 v = n.days,1089 d = n.shortDays,1090 y = n.months,1091 m = n.shortMonths;1092 (t.utc = function (n) {1093 function e(n) {1094 try {1095 va = Hn;1096 var t = new va();1097 return (t._ = n), r(t);1098 } finally {1099 va = Date;1100 }1101 }1102 var r = t(n);1103 return (1104 (e.parse = function (n) {1105 try {1106 va = Hn;1107 var t = r.parse(n);1108 return t && t._;1109 } finally {1110 va = Date;1111 }1112 }),1113 (e.toString = r.toString),1114 e1115 );1116 }),1117 (t.multi = t.utc.multi = ct);1118 var M =,1119 x = Vn(v),1120 b = Xn(v),1121 _ = Vn(d),1122 w = Xn(d),1123 S = Vn(y),1124 k = Xn(y),1125 N = Vn(m),1126 E = Xn(m);1127 g.forEach(function (n, t) {1128 M.set(n.toLowerCase(), t);1129 });1130 var A = {1131 a: function (n) {1132 return d[n.getDay()];1133 },1134 A: function (n) {1135 return v[n.getDay()];1136 },1137 b: function (n) {1138 return m[n.getMonth()];1139 },1140 B: function (n) {1141 return y[n.getMonth()];1142 },1143 c: t(s),1144 d: function (n, t) {1145 return Zn(n.getDate(), t, 2);1146 },1147 e: function (n, t) {1148 return Zn(n.getDate(), t, 2);1149 },1150 H: function (n, t) {1151 return Zn(n.getHours(), t, 2);1152 },1153 I: function (n, t) {1154 return Zn(n.getHours() % 12 || 12, t, 2);1155 },1156 j: function (n, t) {1157 return Zn(1 + ga.dayOfYear(n), t, 3);1158 },1159 L: function (n, t) {1160 return Zn(n.getMilliseconds(), t, 3);1161 },1162 m: function (n, t) {1163 return Zn(n.getMonth() + 1, t, 2);1164 },1165 M: function (n, t) {1166 return Zn(n.getMinutes(), t, 2);1167 },1168 p: function (n) {1169 return g[+(n.getHours() >= 12)];1170 },1171 S: function (n, t) {1172 return Zn(n.getSeconds(), t, 2);1173 },1174 U: function (n, t) {1175 return Zn(ga.sundayOfYear(n), t, 2);1176 },1177 w: function (n) {1178 return n.getDay();1179 },1180 W: function (n, t) {1181 return Zn(ga.mondayOfYear(n), t, 2);1182 },1183 x: t(h),1184 X: t(p),1185 y: function (n, t) {1186 return Zn(n.getFullYear() % 100, t, 2);1187 },1188 Y: function (n, t) {1189 return Zn(n.getFullYear() % 1e4, t, 4);1190 },1191 Z: at,1192 "%": function () {1193 return "%";1194 },1195 },1196 C = {1197 a: r,1198 A: i,1199 b: u,1200 B: o,1201 c: a,1202 d: tt,1203 e: tt,1204 H: rt,1205 I: rt,1206 j: et,1207 L: ot,1208 m: nt,1209 M: it,1210 p: f,1211 S: ut,1212 U: Bn,1213 w: $n,1214 W: Wn,1215 x: l,1216 X: c,1217 y: Gn,1218 Y: Jn,1219 Z: Kn,1220 "%": lt,1221 };1222 return t;1223 }1224 function Zn(n, t, e) {1225 var r = 0 > n ? "-" : "",1226 i = (r ? -n : n) + "",1227 u = i.length;1228 return r + (e > u ? new Array(e - u + 1).join(t) + i : i);1229 }1230 function Vn(n) {1231 return new RegExp("^(?:" +"|") + ")", "i");1232 }1233 function Xn(n) {1234 for (var t = new c(), e = -1, r = n.length; ++e < r; )1235 t.set(n[e].toLowerCase(), e);1236 return t;1237 }1238 function $n(n, t, e) {1239 ma.lastIndex = 0;1240 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 1));1241 return r ? ((n.w = +r[0]), e + r[0].length) : -1;1242 }1243 function Bn(n, t, e) {1244 ma.lastIndex = 0;1245 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e));1246 return r ? ((n.U = +r[0]), e + r[0].length) : -1;1247 }1248 function Wn(n, t, e) {1249 ma.lastIndex = 0;1250 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e));1251 return r ? ((n.W = +r[0]), e + r[0].length) : -1;1252 }1253 function Jn(n, t, e) {1254 ma.lastIndex = 0;1255 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 4));1256 return r ? ((n.y = +r[0]), e + r[0].length) : -1;1257 }1258 function Gn(n, t, e) {1259 ma.lastIndex = 0;1260 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));1261 return r ? ((n.y = Qn(+r[0])), e + r[0].length) : -1;1262 }1263 function Kn(n, t, e) {1264 return /​^[+-]\d{4}$/​.test((t = t.slice(e, e + 5)))1265 ? ((n.Z = -t), e + 5)1266 : -1;1267 }1268 function Qn(n) {1269 return n + (n > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3);1270 }1271 function nt(n, t, e) {1272 ma.lastIndex = 0;1273 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));1274 return r ? ((n.m = r[0] - 1), e + r[0].length) : -1;1275 }1276 function tt(n, t, e) {1277 ma.lastIndex = 0;1278 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));1279 return r ? ((n.d = +r[0]), e + r[0].length) : -1;1280 }1281 function et(n, t, e) {1282 ma.lastIndex = 0;1283 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 3));1284 return r ? ((n.j = +r[0]), e + r[0].length) : -1;1285 }1286 function rt(n, t, e) {1287 ma.lastIndex = 0;1288 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));1289 return r ? ((n.H = +r[0]), e + r[0].length) : -1;1290 }1291 function it(n, t, e) {1292 ma.lastIndex = 0;1293 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));1294 return r ? ((n.M = +r[0]), e + r[0].length) : -1;1295 }1296 function ut(n, t, e) {1297 ma.lastIndex = 0;1298 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));1299 return r ? ((n.S = +r[0]), e + r[0].length) : -1;1300 }1301 function ot(n, t, e) {1302 ma.lastIndex = 0;1303 var r = ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 3));1304 return r ? ((n.L = +r[0]), e + r[0].length) : -1;1305 }1306 function at(n) {1307 var t = n.getTimezoneOffset(),1308 e = t > 0 ? "-" : "+",1309 r = (xo(t) /​ 60) | 0,1310 i = xo(t) % 60;1311 return e + Zn(r, "0", 2) + Zn(i, "0", 2);1312 }1313 function lt(n, t, e) {1314 Ma.lastIndex = 0;1315 var r = Ma.exec(t.slice(e, e + 1));1316 return r ? e + r[0].length : -1;1317 }1318 function ct(n) {1319 for (var t = n.length, e = -1; ++e < t; ) n[e][0] = this(n[e][0]);1320 return function (t) {1321 for (var e = 0, r = n[e]; !r[1](t); ) r = n[++e];1322 return r[0](t);1323 };1324 }1325 function ft() {}1326 function st(n, t, e) {1327 var r = (e.s = n + t),1328 i = r - n,1329 u = r - i;1330 e.t = n - u + (t - i);1331 }1332 function ht(n, t) {1333 n && wa.hasOwnProperty(n.type) && wa[n.type](n, t);1334 }1335 function pt(n, t, e) {1336 var r,1337 i = -1,1338 u = n.length - e;1339 for (t.lineStart(); ++i < u; ) (r = n[i]), t.point(r[0], r[1], r[2]);1340 t.lineEnd();1341 }1342 function gt(n, t) {1343 var e = -1,1344 r = n.length;1345 for (t.polygonStart(); ++e < r; ) pt(n[e], t, 1);1346 t.polygonEnd();1347 }1348 function vt() {1349 function n(n, t) {1350 (n *= Yo), (t = (t * Yo) /​ 2 + Fo /​ 4);1351 var e = n - r,1352 o = e >= 0 ? 1 : -1,1353 a = o * e,1354 l = Math.cos(t),1355 c = Math.sin(t),1356 f = u * c,1357 s = i * l + f * Math.cos(a),1358 h = f * o * Math.sin(a);1359 ka.add(Math.atan2(h, s)), (r = n), (i = l), (u = c);1360 }1361 var t, e, r, i, u;1362 (Na.point = function (o, a) {1363 (Na.point = n),1364 (r = (t = o) * Yo),1365 (i = Math.cos((a = ((e = a) * Yo) /​ 2 + Fo /​ 4))),1366 (u = Math.sin(a));1367 }),1368 (Na.lineEnd = function () {1369 n(t, e);1370 });1371 }1372 function dt(n) {1373 var t = n[0],1374 e = n[1],1375 r = Math.cos(e);1376 return [r * Math.cos(t), r * Math.sin(t), Math.sin(e)];1377 }1378 function yt(n, t) {1379 return n[0] * t[0] + n[1] * t[1] + n[2] * t[2];1380 }1381 function mt(n, t) {1382 return [1383 n[1] * t[2] - n[2] * t[1],1384 n[2] * t[0] - n[0] * t[2],1385 n[0] * t[1] - n[1] * t[0],1386 ];1387 }1388 function Mt(n, t) {1389 (n[0] += t[0]), (n[1] += t[1]), (n[2] += t[2]);1390 }1391 function xt(n, t) {1392 return [n[0] * t, n[1] * t, n[2] * t];1393 }1394 function bt(n) {1395 var t = Math.sqrt(n[0] * n[0] + n[1] * n[1] + n[2] * n[2]);1396 (n[0] /​= t), (n[1] /​= t), (n[2] /​= t);1397 }1398 function _t(n) {1399 return [Math.atan2(n[1], n[0]), tn(n[2])];1400 }1401 function wt(n, t) {1402 return xo(n[0] - t[0]) < Uo && xo(n[1] - t[1]) < Uo;1403 }1404 function St(n, t) {1405 n *= Yo;1406 var e = Math.cos((t *= Yo));1407 kt(e * Math.cos(n), e * Math.sin(n), Math.sin(t));1408 }1409 function kt(n, t, e) {1410 ++Ea, (Ca += (n - Ca) /​ Ea), (za += (t - za) /​ Ea), (La += (e - La) /​ Ea);1411 }1412 function Nt() {1413 function n(n, i) {1414 n *= Yo;1415 var u = Math.cos((i *= Yo)),1416 o = u * Math.cos(n),1417 a = u * Math.sin(n),1418 l = Math.sin(i),1419 c = Math.atan2(1420 Math.sqrt(1421 (c = e * l - r * a) * c +1422 (c = r * o - t * l) * c +1423 (c = t * a - e * o) * c1424 ),1425 t * o + e * a + r * l1426 );1427 (Aa += c),1428 (qa += c * (t + (t = o))),1429 (Ta += c * (e + (e = a))),1430 (Ra += c * (r + (r = l))),1431 kt(t, e, r);1432 }1433 var t, e, r;1434 ja.point = function (i, u) {1435 i *= Yo;1436 var o = Math.cos((u *= Yo));1437 (t = o * Math.cos(i)),1438 (e = o * Math.sin(i)),1439 (r = Math.sin(u)),1440 (ja.point = n),1441 kt(t, e, r);1442 };1443 }1444 function Et() {1445 ja.point = St;1446 }1447 function At() {1448 function n(n, t) {1449 n *= Yo;1450 var e = Math.cos((t *= Yo)),1451 o = e * Math.cos(n),1452 a = e * Math.sin(n),1453 l = Math.sin(t),1454 c = i * l - u * a,1455 f = u * o - r * l,1456 s = r * a - i * o,1457 h = Math.sqrt(c * c + f * f + s * s),1458 p = r * o + i * a + u * l,1459 g = h && -nn(p) /​ h,1460 v = Math.atan2(h, p);1461 (Da += g * c),1462 (Pa += g * f),1463 (Ua += g * s),1464 (Aa += v),1465 (qa += v * (r + (r = o))),1466 (Ta += v * (i + (i = a))),1467 (Ra += v * (u + (u = l))),1468 kt(r, i, u);1469 }1470 var t, e, r, i, u;1471 (ja.point = function (o, a) {1472 (t = o), (e = a), (ja.point = n), (o *= Yo);1473 var l = Math.cos((a *= Yo));1474 (r = l * Math.cos(o)),1475 (i = l * Math.sin(o)),1476 (u = Math.sin(a)),1477 kt(r, i, u);1478 }),1479 (ja.lineEnd = function () {1480 n(t, e), (ja.lineEnd = Et), (ja.point = St);1481 });1482 }1483 function Ct(n, t) {1484 function e(e, r) {1485 return (e = n(e, r)), t(e[0], e[1]);1486 }1487 return (1488 n.invert &&1489 t.invert &&1490 (e.invert = function (e, r) {1491 return (e = t.invert(e, r)), e && n.invert(e[0], e[1]);1492 }),1493 e1494 );1495 }1496 function zt() {1497 return !0;1498 }1499 function Lt(n, t, e, r, i) {1500 var u = [],1501 o = [];1502 if (1503 (n.forEach(function (n) {1504 if (!((t = n.length - 1) <= 0)) {1505 var t,1506 e = n[0],1507 r = n[t];1508 if (wt(e, r)) {1509 i.lineStart();1510 for (var a = 0; t > a; ++a) i.point((e = n[a])[0], e[1]);1511 return void i.lineEnd();1512 }1513 var l = new Tt(e, n, null, !0),1514 c = new Tt(e, null, l, !1);1515 (l.o = c),1516 u.push(l),1517 o.push(c),1518 (l = new Tt(r, n, null, !1)),1519 (c = new Tt(r, null, l, !0)),1520 (l.o = c),1521 u.push(l),1522 o.push(c);1523 }1524 }),1525 o.sort(t),1526 qt(u),1527 qt(o),1528 u.length)1529 ) {1530 for (var a = 0, l = e, c = o.length; c > a; ++a) o[a].e = l = !l;1531 for (var f, s, h = u[0]; ; ) {1532 for (var p = h, g = !0; p.v; ) if ((p = p.n) === h) return;1533 (f = p.z), i.lineStart();1534 do {1535 if (((p.v = p.o.v = !0), p.e)) {1536 if (g)1537 for (var a = 0, c = f.length; c > a; ++a)1538 i.point((s = f[a])[0], s[1]);1539 else r(p.x, p.n.x, 1, i);1540 p = p.n;1541 } else {1542 if (g) {1543 f = p.p.z;1544 for (var a = f.length - 1; a >= 0; --a)1545 i.point((s = f[a])[0], s[1]);1546 } else r(p.x, p.p.x, -1, i);1547 p = p.p;1548 }1549 (p = p.o), (f = p.z), (g = !g);1550 } while (!p.v);1551 i.lineEnd();1552 }1553 }1554 }1555 function qt(n) {1556 if ((t = n.length)) {1557 for (var t, e, r = 0, i = n[0]; ++r < t; )1558 (i.n = e = n[r]), (e.p = i), (i = e);1559 (i.n = e = n[0]), (e.p = i);1560 }1561 }1562 function Tt(n, t, e, r) {1563 (this.x = n),1564 (this.z = t),1565 (this.o = e),1566 (this.e = r),1567 (this.v = !1),1568 (this.n = this.p = null);1569 }1570 function Rt(n, t, e, r) {1571 return function (i, u) {1572 function o(t, e) {1573 var r = i(t, e);1574 n((t = r[0]), (e = r[1])) && u.point(t, e);1575 }1576 function a(n, t) {1577 var e = i(n, t);1578 d.point(e[0], e[1]);1579 }1580 function l() {1581 (m.point = a), d.lineStart();1582 }1583 function c() {1584 (m.point = o), d.lineEnd();1585 }1586 function f(n, t) {1587 v.push([n, t]);1588 var e = i(n, t);1589 x.point(e[0], e[1]);1590 }1591 function s() {1592 x.lineStart(), (v = []);1593 }1594 function h() {1595 f(v[0][0], v[0][1]), x.lineEnd();1596 var n,1597 t = x.clean(),1598 e = M.buffer(),1599 r = e.length;1600 if ((v.pop(), g.push(v), (v = null), r))1601 if (1 & t) {1602 n = e[0];1603 var i,1604 r = n.length - 1,1605 o = -1;1606 if (r > 0) {1607 for (b || (u.polygonStart(), (b = !0)), u.lineStart(); ++o < r; )1608 u.point((i = n[o])[0], i[1]);1609 u.lineEnd();1610 }1611 } else1612 r > 1 && 2 & t && e.push(e.pop().concat(e.shift())),1613 p.push(e.filter(Dt));1614 }1615 var p,1616 g,1617 v,1618 d = t(u),1619 y = i.invert(r[0], r[1]),1620 m = {1621 point: o,1622 lineStart: l,1623 lineEnd: c,1624 polygonStart: function () {1625 (m.point = f),1626 (m.lineStart = s),1627 (m.lineEnd = h),1628 (p = []),1629 (g = []);1630 },1631 polygonEnd: function () {1632 (m.point = o),1633 (m.lineStart = l),1634 (m.lineEnd = c),1635 (p = ao.merge(p));1636 var n = Ot(y, g);1637 p.length1638 ? (b || (u.polygonStart(), (b = !0)), Lt(p, Ut, n, e, u))1639 : n &&1640 (b || (u.polygonStart(), (b = !0)),1641 u.lineStart(),1642 e(null, null, 1, u),1643 u.lineEnd()),1644 b && (u.polygonEnd(), (b = !1)),1645 (p = g = null);1646 },1647 sphere: function () {1648 u.polygonStart(),1649 u.lineStart(),1650 e(null, null, 1, u),1651 u.lineEnd(),1652 u.polygonEnd();1653 },1654 },1655 M = Pt(),1656 x = t(M),1657 b = !1;1658 return m;1659 };1660 }1661 function Dt(n) {1662 return n.length > 1;1663 }1664 function Pt() {1665 var n,1666 t = [];1667 return {1668 lineStart: function () {1669 t.push((n = []));1670 },1671 point: function (t, e) {1672 n.push([t, e]);1673 },1674 lineEnd: b,1675 buffer: function () {1676 var e = t;1677 return (t = []), (n = null), e;1678 },1679 rejoin: function () {1680 t.length > 1 && t.push(t.pop().concat(t.shift()));1681 },1682 };1683 }1684 function Ut(n, t) {1685 return (1686 ((n = n.x)[0] < 0 ? n[1] - Io - Uo : Io - n[1]) -1687 ((t = t.x)[0] < 0 ? t[1] - Io - Uo : Io - t[1])1688 );1689 }1690 function jt(n) {1691 var t,1692 e = NaN,1693 r = NaN,1694 i = NaN;1695 return {1696 lineStart: function () {1697 n.lineStart(), (t = 1);1698 },1699 point: function (u, o) {1700 var a = u > 0 ? Fo : -Fo,1701 l = xo(u - e);1702 xo(l - Fo) < Uo1703 ? (n.point(e, (r = (r + o) /​ 2 > 0 ? Io : -Io)),1704 n.point(i, r),1705 n.lineEnd(),1706 n.lineStart(),1707 n.point(a, r),1708 n.point(u, r),1709 (t = 0))1710 : i !== a &&1711 l >= Fo &&1712 (xo(e - i) < Uo && (e -= i * Uo),1713 xo(u - a) < Uo && (u -= a * Uo),1714 (r = Ft(e, r, u, o)),1715 n.point(i, r),1716 n.lineEnd(),1717 n.lineStart(),1718 n.point(a, r),1719 (t = 0)),1720 n.point((e = u), (r = o)),1721 (i = a);1722 },1723 lineEnd: function () {1724 n.lineEnd(), (e = r = NaN);1725 },1726 clean: function () {1727 return 2 - t;1728 },1729 };1730 }1731 function Ft(n, t, e, r) {1732 var i,1733 u,1734 o = Math.sin(n - e);1735 return xo(o) > Uo1736 ? Math.atan(1737 (Math.sin(t) * (u = Math.cos(r)) * Math.sin(e) -1738 Math.sin(r) * (i = Math.cos(t)) * Math.sin(n)) /​1739 (i * u * o)1740 )1741 : (t + r) /​ 2;1742 }1743 function Ht(n, t, e, r) {1744 var i;1745 if (null == n)1746 (i = e * Io),1747 r.point(-Fo, i),1748 r.point(0, i),1749 r.point(Fo, i),1750 r.point(Fo, 0),1751 r.point(Fo, -i),1752 r.point(0, -i),1753 r.point(-Fo, -i),1754 r.point(-Fo, 0),1755 r.point(-Fo, i);1756 else if (xo(n[0] - t[0]) > Uo) {1757 var u = n[0] < t[0] ? Fo : -Fo;1758 (i = (e * u) /​ 2), r.point(-u, i), r.point(0, i), r.point(u, i);1759 } else r.point(t[0], t[1]);1760 }1761 function Ot(n, t) {1762 var e = n[0],1763 r = n[1],1764 i = [Math.sin(e), -Math.cos(e), 0],1765 u = 0,1766 o = 0;1767 ka.reset();1768 for (var a = 0, l = t.length; l > a; ++a) {1769 var c = t[a],1770 f = c.length;1771 if (f)1772 for (1773 var s = c[0],1774 h = s[0],1775 p = s[1] /​ 2 + Fo /​ 4,1776 g = Math.sin(p),1777 v = Math.cos(p),1778 d = 1;1779 ;1780 ) {1781 d === f && (d = 0), (n = c[d]);1782 var y = n[0],1783 m = n[1] /​ 2 + Fo /​ 4,1784 M = Math.sin(m),1785 x = Math.cos(m),1786 b = y - h,1787 _ = b >= 0 ? 1 : -1,1788 w = _ * b,1789 S = w > Fo,1790 k = g * M;1791 if (1792 (ka.add(Math.atan2(k * _ * Math.sin(w), v * x + k * Math.cos(w))),1793 (u += S ? b + _ * Ho : b),1794 S ^ (h >= e) ^ (y >= e))1795 ) {1796 var N = mt(dt(s), dt(n));1797 bt(N);1798 var E = mt(i, N);1799 bt(E);1800 var A = (S ^ (b >= 0) ? -1 : 1) * tn(E[2]);1801 (r > A || (r === A && (N[0] || N[1]))) &&1802 (o += S ^ (b >= 0) ? 1 : -1);1803 }1804 if (!d++) break;1805 (h = y), (g = M), (v = x), (s = n);1806 }1807 }1808 return (-Uo > u || (Uo > u && -Uo > ka)) ^ (1 & o);1809 }1810 function It(n) {1811 function t(n, t) {1812 return Math.cos(n) * Math.cos(t) > u;1813 }1814 function e(n) {1815 var e, u, l, c, f;1816 return {1817 lineStart: function () {1818 (c = l = !1), (f = 1);1819 },1820 point: function (s, h) {1821 var p,1822 g = [s, h],1823 v = t(s, h),1824 d = o ? (v ? 0 : i(s, h)) : v ? i(s + (0 > s ? Fo : -Fo), h) : 0;1825 if (1826 (!e && (c = l = v) && n.lineStart(),1827 v !== l &&1828 ((p = r(e, g)),1829 (wt(e, p) || wt(g, p)) &&1830 ((g[0] += Uo), (g[1] += Uo), (v = t(g[0], g[1])))),1831 v !== l)1832 )1833 (f = 0),1834 v1835 ? (n.lineStart(), (p = r(g, e)), n.point(p[0], p[1]))1836 : ((p = r(e, g)), n.point(p[0], p[1]), n.lineEnd()),1837 (e = p);1838 else if (a && e && o ^ v) {1839 var y;1840 d & u ||1841 !(y = r(g, e, !0)) ||1842 ((f = 0),1843 o1844 ? (n.lineStart(),1845 n.point(y[0][0], y[0][1]),1846 n.point(y[1][0], y[1][1]),1847 n.lineEnd())1848 : (n.point(y[1][0], y[1][1]),1849 n.lineEnd(),1850 n.lineStart(),1851 n.point(y[0][0], y[0][1])));1852 }1853 !v || (e && wt(e, g)) || n.point(g[0], g[1]),1854 (e = g),1855 (l = v),1856 (u = d);1857 },1858 lineEnd: function () {1859 l && n.lineEnd(), (e = null);1860 },1861 clean: function () {1862 return f | ((c && l) << 1);1863 },1864 };1865 }1866 function r(n, t, e) {1867 var r = dt(n),1868 i = dt(t),1869 o = [1, 0, 0],1870 a = mt(r, i),1871 l = yt(a, a),1872 c = a[0],1873 f = l - c * c;1874 if (!f) return !e && n;1875 var s = (u * l) /​ f,1876 h = (-u * c) /​ f,1877 p = mt(o, a),1878 g = xt(o, s),1879 v = xt(a, h);1880 Mt(g, v);1881 var d = p,1882 y = yt(g, d),1883 m = yt(d, d),1884 M = y * y - m * (yt(g, g) - 1);1885 if (!(0 > M)) {1886 var x = Math.sqrt(M),1887 b = xt(d, (-y - x) /​ m);1888 if ((Mt(b, g), (b = _t(b)), !e)) return b;1889 var _,1890 w = n[0],1891 S = t[0],1892 k = n[1],1893 N = t[1];1894 w > S && ((_ = w), (w = S), (S = _));1895 var E = S - w,1896 A = xo(E - Fo) < Uo,1897 C = A || Uo > E;1898 if (1899 (!A && k > N && ((_ = k), (k = N), (N = _)),1900 C1901 ? A1902 ? (k + N > 0) ^ (b[1] < (xo(b[0] - w) < Uo ? k : N))1903 : k <= b[1] && b[1] <= N1904 : (E > Fo) ^ (w <= b[0] && b[0] <= S))1905 ) {1906 var z = xt(d, (-y + x) /​ m);1907 return Mt(z, g), [b, _t(z)];1908 }1909 }1910 }1911 function i(t, e) {1912 var r = o ? n : Fo - n,1913 i = 0;1914 return (1915 -r > t ? (i |= 1) : t > r && (i |= 2),1916 -r > e ? (i |= 4) : e > r && (i |= 8),1917 i1918 );1919 }1920 var u = Math.cos(n),1921 o = u > 0,1922 a = xo(u) > Uo,1923 l = ve(n, 6 * Yo);1924 return Rt(t, e, l, o ? [0, -n] : [-Fo, n - Fo]);1925 }1926 function Yt(n, t, e, r) {1927 return function (i) {1928 var u,1929 o = i.a,1930 a = i.b,1931 l = o.x,1932 c = o.y,1933 f = a.x,1934 s = a.y,1935 h = 0,1936 p = 1,1937 g = f - l,1938 v = s - c;1939 if (((u = n - l), g || !(u > 0))) {1940 if (((u /​= g), 0 > g)) {1941 if (h > u) return;1942 p > u && (p = u);1943 } else if (g > 0) {1944 if (u > p) return;1945 u > h && (h = u);1946 }1947 if (((u = e - l), g || !(0 > u))) {1948 if (((u /​= g), 0 > g)) {1949 if (u > p) return;1950 u > h && (h = u);1951 } else if (g > 0) {1952 if (h > u) return;1953 p > u && (p = u);1954 }1955 if (((u = t - c), v || !(u > 0))) {1956 if (((u /​= v), 0 > v)) {1957 if (h > u) return;1958 p > u && (p = u);1959 } else if (v > 0) {1960 if (u > p) return;1961 u > h && (h = u);1962 }1963 if (((u = r - c), v || !(0 > u))) {1964 if (((u /​= v), 0 > v)) {1965 if (u > p) return;1966 u > h && (h = u);1967 } else if (v > 0) {1968 if (h > u) return;1969 p > u && (p = u);1970 }1971 return (1972 h > 0 && (i.a = { x: l + h * g, y: c + h * v }),1973 1 > p && (i.b = { x: l + p * g, y: c + p * v }),1974 i1975 );1976 }1977 }1978 }1979 }1980 };1981 }1982 function Zt(n, t, e, r) {1983 function i(r, i) {1984 return xo(r[0] - n) < Uo1985 ? i > 01986 ? 01987 : 31988 : xo(r[0] - e) < Uo1989 ? i > 01990 ? 21991 : 11992 : xo(r[1] - t) < Uo1993 ? i > 01994 ? 11995 : 01996 : i > 01997 ? 31998 : 2;1999 }2000 function u(n, t) {2001 return o(n.x, t.x);2002 }2003 function o(n, t) {2004 var e = i(n, 1),2005 r = i(t, 1);2006 return e !== r2007 ? e - r2008 : 0 === e2009 ? t[1] - n[1]2010 : 1 === e2011 ? n[0] - t[0]2012 : 2 === e2013 ? n[1] - t[1]2014 : t[0] - n[0];2015 }2016 return function (a) {2017 function l(n) {2018 for (var t = 0, e = d.length, r = n[1], i = 0; e > i; ++i)2019 for (var u, o = 1, a = d[i], l = a.length, c = a[0]; l > o; ++o)2020 (u = a[o]),2021 c[1] <= r2022 ? u[1] > r && Q(c, u, n) > 0 && ++t2023 : u[1] <= r && Q(c, u, n) < 0 && --t,2024 (c = u);2025 return 0 !== t;2026 }2027 function c(u, a, l, c) {2028 var f = 0,2029 s = 0;2030 if (2031 null == u ||2032 (f = i(u, l)) !== (s = i(a, l)) ||2033 (o(u, a) < 0) ^ (l > 0)2034 ) {2035 do c.point(0 === f || 3 === f ? n : e, f > 1 ? r : t);2036 while ((f = (f + l + 4) % 4) !== s);2037 } else c.point(a[0], a[1]);2038 }2039 function f(i, u) {2040 return i >= n && e >= i && u >= t && r >= u;2041 }2042 function s(n, t) {2043 f(n, t) && a.point(n, t);2044 }2045 function h() {2046 (C.point = g), d && d.push((y = [])), (S = !0), (w = !1), (b = _ = NaN);2047 }2048 function p() {2049 v && (g(m, M), x && w && E.rejoin(), v.push(E.buffer())),2050 (C.point = s),2051 w && a.lineEnd();2052 }2053 function g(n, t) {2054 (n = Math.max(-Ha, Math.min(Ha, n))),2055 (t = Math.max(-Ha, Math.min(Ha, t)));2056 var e = f(n, t);2057 if ((d && y.push([n, t]), S))2058 (m = n),2059 (M = t),2060 (x = e),2061 (S = !1),2062 e && (a.lineStart(), a.point(n, t));2063 else if (e && w) a.point(n, t);2064 else {2065 var r = { a: { x: b, y: _ }, b: { x: n, y: t } };2066 A(r)2067 ? (w || (a.lineStart(), a.point(r.a.x, r.a.y)),2068 a.point(r.b.x, r.b.y),2069 e || a.lineEnd(),2070 (k = !1))2071 : e && (a.lineStart(), a.point(n, t), (k = !1));2072 }2073 (b = n), (_ = t), (w = e);2074 }2075 var v,2076 d,2077 y,2078 m,2079 M,2080 x,2081 b,2082 _,2083 w,2084 S,2085 k,2086 N = a,2087 E = Pt(),2088 A = Yt(n, t, e, r),2089 C = {2090 point: s,2091 lineStart: h,2092 lineEnd: p,2093 polygonStart: function () {2094 (a = E), (v = []), (d = []), (k = !0);2095 },2096 polygonEnd: function () {2097 (a = N), (v = ao.merge(v));2098 var t = l([n, r]),2099 e = k && t,2100 i = v.length;2101 (e || i) &&2102 (a.polygonStart(),2103 e && (a.lineStart(), c(null, null, 1, a), a.lineEnd()),2104 i && Lt(v, u, t, c, a),2105 a.polygonEnd()),2106 (v = d = y = null);2107 },2108 };2109 return C;2110 };2111 }2112 function Vt(n) {2113 var t = 0,2114 e = Fo /​ 3,2115 r = ae(n),2116 i = r(t, e);2117 return (2118 (i.parallels = function (n) {2119 return arguments.length2120 ? r((t = (n[0] * Fo) /​ 180), (e = (n[1] * Fo) /​ 180))2121 : [(t /​ Fo) * 180, (e /​ Fo) * 180];2122 }),2123 i2124 );2125 }2126 function Xt(n, t) {2127 function e(n, t) {2128 var e = Math.sqrt(u - 2 * i * Math.sin(t)) /​ i;2129 return [e * Math.sin((n *= i)), o - e * Math.cos(n)];2130 }2131 var r = Math.sin(n),2132 i = (r + Math.sin(t)) /​ 2,2133 u = 1 + r * (2 * i - r),2134 o = Math.sqrt(u) /​ i;2135 return (2136 (e.invert = function (n, t) {2137 var e = o - t;2138 return [2139 Math.atan2(n, e) /​ i,2140 tn((u - (n * n + e * e) * i * i) /​ (2 * i)),2141 ];2142 }),2143 e2144 );2145 }2146 function $t() {2147 function n(n, t) {2148 (Ia += i * n - r * t), (r = n), (i = t);2149 }2150 var t, e, r, i;2151 ($a.point = function (u, o) {2152 ($a.point = n), (t = r = u), (e = i = o);2153 }),2154 ($a.lineEnd = function () {2155 n(t, e);2156 });2157 }2158 function Bt(n, t) {2159 Ya > n && (Ya = n),2160 n > Va && (Va = n),2161 Za > t && (Za = t),2162 t > Xa && (Xa = t);2163 }2164 function Wt() {2165 function n(n, t) {2166 o.push("M", n, ",", t, u);2167 }2168 function t(n, t) {2169 o.push("M", n, ",", t), (a.point = e);2170 }2171 function e(n, t) {2172 o.push("L", n, ",", t);2173 }2174 function r() {2175 a.point = n;2176 }2177 function i() {2178 o.push("Z");2179 }2180 var u = Jt(4.5),2181 o = [],2182 a = {2183 point: n,2184 lineStart: function () {2185 a.point = t;2186 },2187 lineEnd: r,2188 polygonStart: function () {2189 a.lineEnd = i;2190 },2191 polygonEnd: function () {2192 (a.lineEnd = r), (a.point = n);2193 },2194 pointRadius: function (n) {2195 return (u = Jt(n)), a;2196 },2197 result: function () {2198 if (o.length) {2199 var n = o.join("");2200 return (o = []), n;2201 }2202 },2203 };2204 return a;2205 }2206 function Jt(n) {2207 return (2208 "m0," +2209 n +2210 "a" +2211 n +2212 "," +2213 n +2214 " 0 1,1 0," +2215 -2 * n +2216 "a" +2217 n +2218 "," +2219 n +2220 " 0 1,1 0," +2221 2 * n +2222 "z"2223 );2224 }2225 function Gt(n, t) {2226 (Ca += n), (za += t), ++La;2227 }2228 function Kt() {2229 function n(n, r) {2230 var i = n - t,2231 u = r - e,2232 o = Math.sqrt(i * i + u * u);2233 (qa += (o * (t + n)) /​ 2),2234 (Ta += (o * (e + r)) /​ 2),2235 (Ra += o),2236 Gt((t = n), (e = r));2237 }2238 var t, e;2239 Wa.point = function (r, i) {2240 (Wa.point = n), Gt((t = r), (e = i));2241 };2242 }2243 function Qt() {2244 Wa.point = Gt;2245 }2246 function ne() {2247 function n(n, t) {2248 var e = n - r,2249 u = t - i,2250 o = Math.sqrt(e * e + u * u);2251 (qa += (o * (r + n)) /​ 2),2252 (Ta += (o * (i + t)) /​ 2),2253 (Ra += o),2254 (o = i * n - r * t),2255 (Da += o * (r + n)),2256 (Pa += o * (i + t)),2257 (Ua += 3 * o),2258 Gt((r = n), (i = t));2259 }2260 var t, e, r, i;2261 (Wa.point = function (u, o) {2262 (Wa.point = n), Gt((t = r = u), (e = i = o));2263 }),2264 (Wa.lineEnd = function () {2265 n(t, e);2266 });2267 }2268 function te(n) {2269 function t(t, e) {2270 n.moveTo(t + o, e), n.arc(t, e, o, 0, Ho);2271 }2272 function e(t, e) {2273 n.moveTo(t, e), (a.point = r);2274 }2275 function r(t, e) {2276 n.lineTo(t, e);2277 }2278 function i() {2279 a.point = t;2280 }2281 function u() {2282 n.closePath();2283 }2284 var o = 4.5,2285 a = {2286 point: t,2287 lineStart: function () {2288 a.point = e;2289 },2290 lineEnd: i,2291 polygonStart: function () {2292 a.lineEnd = u;2293 },2294 polygonEnd: function () {2295 (a.lineEnd = i), (a.point = t);2296 },2297 pointRadius: function (n) {2298 return (o = n), a;2299 },2300 result: b,2301 };2302 return a;2303 }2304 function ee(n) {2305 function t(n) {2306 return (a ? r : e)(n);2307 }2308 function e(t) {2309 return ue(t, function (e, r) {2310 (e = n(e, r)), t.point(e[0], e[1]);2311 });2312 }2313 function r(t) {2314 function e(e, r) {2315 (e = n(e, r)), t.point(e[0], e[1]);2316 }2317 function r() {2318 (M = NaN), (S.point = u), t.lineStart();2319 }2320 function u(e, r) {2321 var u = dt([e, r]),2322 o = n(e, r);2323 i(2324 M,2325 x,2326 m,2327 b,2328 _,2329 w,2330 (M = o[0]),2331 (x = o[1]),2332 (m = e),2333 (b = u[0]),2334 (_ = u[1]),2335 (w = u[2]),2336 a,2337 t2338 ),2339 t.point(M, x);2340 }2341 function o() {2342 (S.point = e), t.lineEnd();2343 }2344 function l() {2345 r(), (S.point = c), (S.lineEnd = f);2346 }2347 function c(n, t) {2348 u((s = n), (h = t)),2349 (p = M),2350 (g = x),2351 (v = b),2352 (d = _),2353 (y = w),2354 (S.point = u);2355 }2356 function f() {2357 i(M, x, m, b, _, w, p, g, s, v, d, y, a, t), (S.lineEnd = o), o();2358 }2359 var s,2360 h,2361 p,2362 g,2363 v,2364 d,2365 y,2366 m,2367 M,2368 x,2369 b,2370 _,2371 w,2372 S = {2373 point: e,2374 lineStart: r,2375 lineEnd: o,2376 polygonStart: function () {2377 t.polygonStart(), (S.lineStart = l);2378 },2379 polygonEnd: function () {2380 t.polygonEnd(), (S.lineStart = r);2381 },2382 };2383 return S;2384 }2385 function i(t, e, r, a, l, c, f, s, h, p, g, v, d, y) {2386 var m = f - t,2387 M = s - e,2388 x = m * m + M * M;2389 if (x > 4 * u && d--) {2390 var b = a + p,2391 _ = l + g,2392 w = c + v,2393 S = Math.sqrt(b * b + _ * _ + w * w),2394 k = Math.asin((w /​= S)),2395 N =2396 xo(xo(w) - 1) < Uo || xo(r - h) < Uo2397 ? (r + h) /​ 22398 : Math.atan2(_, b),2399 E = n(N, k),2400 A = E[0],2401 C = E[1],2402 z = A - t,2403 L = C - e,2404 q = M * z - m * L;2405 ((q * q) /​ x > u ||2406 xo((m * z + M * L) /​ x - 0.5) > 0.3 ||2407 o > a * p + l * g + c * v) &&2408 (i(t, e, r, a, l, c, A, C, N, (b /​= S), (_ /​= S), w, d, y),2409 y.point(A, C),2410 i(A, C, N, b, _, w, f, s, h, p, g, v, d, y));2411 }2412 }2413 var u = 0.5,2414 o = Math.cos(30 * Yo),2415 a = 16;2416 return (2417 (t.precision = function (n) {2418 return arguments.length2419 ? ((a = (u = n * n) > 0 && 16), t)2420 : Math.sqrt(u);2421 }),2422 t2423 );2424 }2425 function re(n) {2426 var t = ee(function (t, e) {2427 return n([t * Zo, e * Zo]);2428 });2429 return function (n) {2430 return le(t(n));2431 };2432 }2433 function ie(n) {2434 = n;2435 }2436 function ue(n, t) {2437 return {2438 point: t,2439 sphere: function () {2440 n.sphere();2441 },2442 lineStart: function () {2443 n.lineStart();2444 },2445 lineEnd: function () {2446 n.lineEnd();2447 },2448 polygonStart: function () {2449 n.polygonStart();2450 },2451 polygonEnd: function () {2452 n.polygonEnd();2453 },2454 };2455 }2456 function oe(n) {2457 return ae(function () {2458 return n;2459 })();2460 }2461 function ae(n) {2462 function t(n) {2463 return (n = a(n[0] * Yo, n[1] * Yo)), [n[0] * h + l, c - n[1] * h];2464 }2465 function e(n) {2466 return (2467 (n = a.invert((n[0] - l) /​ h, (c - n[1]) /​ h)),2468 n && [n[0] * Zo, n[1] * Zo]2469 );2470 }2471 function r() {2472 a = Ct((o = se(y, M, x)), u);2473 var n = u(v, d);2474 return (l = p - n[0] * h), (c = g + n[1] * h), i();2475 }2476 function i() {2477 return f && ((f.valid = !1), (f = null)), t;2478 }2479 var u,2480 o,2481 a,2482 l,2483 c,2484 f,2485 s = ee(function (n, t) {2486 return (n = u(n, t)), [n[0] * h + l, c - n[1] * h];2487 }),2488 h = 150,2489 p = 480,2490 g = 250,2491 v = 0,2492 d = 0,2493 y = 0,2494 M = 0,2495 x = 0,2496 b = Fa,2497 _ = m,2498 w = null,2499 S = null;2500 return (2501 ( = function (n) {2502 return f && (f.valid = !1), (f = le(b(o, s(_(n))))), (f.valid = !0), f;2503 }),2504 (t.clipAngle = function (n) {2505 return arguments.length2506 ? ((b = null == n ? ((w = n), Fa) : It((w = +n) * Yo)), i())2507 : w;2508 }),2509 (t.clipExtent = function (n) {2510 return arguments.length2511 ? ((S = n), (_ = n ? Zt(n[0][0], n[0][1], n[1][0], n[1][1]) : m), i())2512 : S;2513 }),2514 (t.scale = function (n) {2515 return arguments.length ? ((h = +n), r()) : h;2516 }),2517 (t.translate = function (n) {2518 return arguments.length ? ((p = +n[0]), (g = +n[1]), r()) : [p, g];2519 }),2520 ( = function (n) {2521 return arguments.length2522 ? ((v = (n[0] % 360) * Yo), (d = (n[1] % 360) * Yo), r())2523 : [v * Zo, d * Zo];2524 }),2525 (t.rotate = function (n) {2526 return arguments.length2527 ? ((y = (n[0] % 360) * Yo),2528 (M = (n[1] % 360) * Yo),2529 (x = n.length > 2 ? (n[2] % 360) * Yo : 0),2530 r())2531 : [y * Zo, M * Zo, x * Zo];2532 }),2533 ao.rebind(t, s, "precision"),2534 function () {2535 return (u = n.apply(this, arguments)), (t.invert = u.invert && e), r();2536 }2537 );2538 }2539 function le(n) {2540 return ue(n, function (t, e) {2541 n.point(t * Yo, e * Yo);2542 });2543 }2544 function ce(n, t) {2545 return [n, t];2546 }2547 function fe(n, t) {2548 return [n > Fo ? n - Ho : -Fo > n ? n + Ho : n, t];2549 }2550 function se(n, t, e) {2551 return n ? (t || e ? Ct(pe(n), ge(t, e)) : pe(n)) : t || e ? ge(t, e) : fe;2552 }2553 function he(n) {2554 return function (t, e) {2555 return (t += n), [t > Fo ? t - Ho : -Fo > t ? t + Ho : t, e];2556 };2557 }2558 function pe(n) {2559 var t = he(n);2560 return (t.invert = he(-n)), t;2561 }2562 function ge(n, t) {2563 function e(n, t) {2564 var e = Math.cos(t),2565 a = Math.cos(n) * e,2566 l = Math.sin(n) * e,2567 c = Math.sin(t),2568 f = c * r + a * i;2569 return [Math.atan2(l * u - f * o, a * r - c * i), tn(f * u + l * o)];2570 }2571 var r = Math.cos(n),2572 i = Math.sin(n),2573 u = Math.cos(t),2574 o = Math.sin(t);2575 return (2576 (e.invert = function (n, t) {2577 var e = Math.cos(t),2578 a = Math.cos(n) * e,2579 l = Math.sin(n) * e,2580 c = Math.sin(t),2581 f = c * u - l * o;2582 return [Math.atan2(l * u + c * o, a * r + f * i), tn(f * r - a * i)];2583 }),2584 e2585 );2586 }2587 function ve(n, t) {2588 var e = Math.cos(n),2589 r = Math.sin(n);2590 return function (i, u, o, a) {2591 var l = o * t;2592 null != i2593 ? ((i = de(e, i)),2594 (u = de(e, u)),2595 (o > 0 ? u > i : i > u) && (i += o * Ho))2596 : ((i = n + o * Ho), (u = n - 0.5 * l));2597 for (var c, f = i; o > 0 ? f > u : u > f; f -= l)2598 a.point((c = _t([e, -r * Math.cos(f), -r * Math.sin(f)]))[0], c[1]);2599 };2600 }2601 function de(n, t) {2602 var e = dt(t);2603 (e[0] -= n), bt(e);2604 var r = nn(-e[1]);2605 return ((-e[2] < 0 ? -r : r) + 2 * Math.PI - Uo) % (2 * Math.PI);2606 }2607 function ye(n, t, e) {2608 var r = ao.range(n, t - Uo, e).concat(t);2609 return function (n) {2610 return (t) {2611 return [n, t];2612 });2613 };2614 }2615 function me(n, t, e) {2616 var r = ao.range(n, t - Uo, e).concat(t);2617 return function (n) {2618 return (t) {2619 return [t, n];2620 });2621 };2622 }2623 function Me(n) {2624 return n.source;2625 }2626 function xe(n) {2627 return;2628 }2629 function be(n, t, e, r) {2630 var i = Math.cos(t),2631 u = Math.sin(t),2632 o = Math.cos(r),2633 a = Math.sin(r),2634 l = i * Math.cos(n),2635 c = i * Math.sin(n),2636 f = o * Math.cos(e),2637 s = o * Math.sin(e),2638 h = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(on(r - t) + i * o * on(e - n))),2639 p = 1 /​ Math.sin(h),2640 g = h2641 ? function (n) {2642 var t = Math.sin((n *= h)) * p,2643 e = Math.sin(h - n) * p,2644 r = e * l + t * f,2645 i = e * c + t * s,2646 o = e * u + t * a;2647 return [2648 Math.atan2(i, r) * Zo,2649 Math.atan2(o, Math.sqrt(r * r + i * i)) * Zo,2650 ];2651 }2652 : function () {2653 return [n * Zo, t * Zo];2654 };2655 return (g.distance = h), g;2656 }2657 function _e() {2658 function n(n, i) {2659 var u = Math.sin((i *= Yo)),2660 o = Math.cos(i),2661 a = xo((n *= Yo) - t),2662 l = Math.cos(a);2663 (Ja += Math.atan2(2664 Math.sqrt((a = o * Math.sin(a)) * a + (a = r * u - e * o * l) * a),2665 e * u + r * o * l2666 )),2667 (t = n),2668 (e = u),2669 (r = o);2670 }2671 var t, e, r;2672 (Ga.point = function (i, u) {2673 (t = i * Yo),2674 (e = Math.sin((u *= Yo))),2675 (r = Math.cos(u)),2676 (Ga.point = n);2677 }),2678 (Ga.lineEnd = function () {2679 Ga.point = Ga.lineEnd = b;2680 });2681 }2682 function we(n, t) {2683 function e(t, e) {2684 var r = Math.cos(t),2685 i = Math.cos(e),2686 u = n(r * i);2687 return [u * i * Math.sin(t), u * Math.sin(e)];2688 }2689 return (2690 (e.invert = function (n, e) {2691 var r = Math.sqrt(n * n + e * e),2692 i = t(r),2693 u = Math.sin(i),2694 o = Math.cos(i);2695 return [Math.atan2(n * u, r * o), Math.asin(r && (e * u) /​ r)];2696 }),2697 e2698 );2699 }2700 function Se(n, t) {2701 function e(n, t) {2702 o > 0 ? -Io + Uo > t && (t = -Io + Uo) : t > Io - Uo && (t = Io - Uo);2703 var e = o /​ Math.pow(i(t), u);2704 return [e * Math.sin(u * n), o - e * Math.cos(u * n)];2705 }2706 var r = Math.cos(n),2707 i = function (n) {2708 return Math.tan(Fo /​ 4 + n /​ 2);2709 },2710 u =2711 n === t2712 ? Math.sin(n)2713 : Math.log(r /​ Math.cos(t)) /​ Math.log(i(t) /​ i(n)),2714 o = (r * Math.pow(i(n), u)) /​ u;2715 return u2716 ? ((e.invert = function (n, t) {2717 var e = o - t,2718 r = K(u) * Math.sqrt(n * n + e * e);2719 return [2720 Math.atan2(n, e) /​ u,2721 2 * Math.atan(Math.pow(o /​ r, 1 /​ u)) - Io,2722 ];2723 }),2724 e)2725 : Ne;2726 }2727 function ke(n, t) {2728 function e(n, t) {2729 var e = u - t;2730 return [e * Math.sin(i * n), u - e * Math.cos(i * n)];2731 }2732 var r = Math.cos(n),2733 i = n === t ? Math.sin(n) : (r - Math.cos(t)) /​ (t - n),2734 u = r /​ i + n;2735 return xo(i) < Uo2736 ? ce2737 : ((e.invert = function (n, t) {2738 var e = u - t;2739 return [Math.atan2(n, e) /​ i, u - K(i) * Math.sqrt(n * n + e * e)];2740 }),2741 e);2742 }2743 function Ne(n, t) {2744 return [n, Math.log(Math.tan(Fo /​ 4 + t /​ 2))];2745 }2746 function Ee(n) {2747 var t,2748 e = oe(n),2749 r = e.scale,2750 i = e.translate,2751 u = e.clipExtent;2752 return (2753 (e.scale = function () {2754 var n = r.apply(e, arguments);2755 return n === e ? (t ? e.clipExtent(null) : e) : n;2756 }),2757 (e.translate = function () {2758 var n = i.apply(e, arguments);2759 return n === e ? (t ? e.clipExtent(null) : e) : n;2760 }),2761 (e.clipExtent = function (n) {2762 var o = u.apply(e, arguments);2763 if (o === e) {2764 if ((t = null == n)) {2765 var a = Fo * r(),2766 l = i();2767 u([2768 [l[0] - a, l[1] - a],2769 [l[0] + a, l[1] + a],2770 ]);2771 }2772 } else t && (o = null);2773 return o;2774 }),2775 e.clipExtent(null)2776 );2777 }2778 function Ae(n, t) {2779 return [Math.log(Math.tan(Fo /​ 4 + t /​ 2)), -n];2780 }2781 function Ce(n) {2782 return n[0];2783 }2784 function ze(n) {2785 return n[1];2786 }2787 function Le(n) {2788 for (var t = n.length, e = [0, 1], r = 2, i = 2; t > i; i++) {2789 for (; r > 1 && Q(n[e[r - 2]], n[e[r - 1]], n[i]) <= 0; ) --r;2790 e[r++] = i;2791 }2792 return e.slice(0, r);2793 }2794 function qe(n, t) {2795 return n[0] - t[0] || n[1] - t[1];2796 }2797 function Te(n, t, e) {2798 return (e[0] - t[0]) * (n[1] - t[1]) < (e[1] - t[1]) * (n[0] - t[0]);2799 }2800 function Re(n, t, e, r) {2801 var i = n[0],2802 u = e[0],2803 o = t[0] - i,2804 a = r[0] - u,2805 l = n[1],2806 c = e[1],2807 f = t[1] - l,2808 s = r[1] - c,2809 h = (a * (l - c) - s * (i - u)) /​ (s * o - a * f);2810 return [i + h * o, l + h * f];2811 }2812 function De(n) {2813 var t = n[0],2814 e = n[n.length - 1];2815 return !(t[0] - e[0] || t[1] - e[1]);2816 }2817 function Pe() {2818 rr(this), (this.edge = = = null);2819 }2820 function Ue(n) {2821 var t = cl.pop() || new Pe();2822 return ( = n), t;2823 }2824 function je(n) {2825 Be(n), ol.remove(n), cl.push(n), rr(n);2826 }2827 function Fe(n) {2828 var t =,2829 e = t.x,2830 r =,2831 i = { x: e, y: r },2832 u = n.P,2833 o = n.N,2834 a = [n];2835 je(n);2836 for (2837 var l = u;2838 && xo(e - < Uo && xo(r - < Uo;2839 )2840 (u = l.P), a.unshift(l), je(l), (l = u);2841 a.unshift(l), Be(l);2842 for (2843 var c = o;2844 && xo(e - < Uo && xo(r - < Uo;2845 )2846 (o = c.N), a.push(c), je(c), (c = o);2847 a.push(c), Be(c);2848 var f,2849 s = a.length;2850 for (f = 1; s > f; ++f)2851 (c = a[f]), (l = a[f - 1]), nr(c.edge,,, i);2852 (l = a[0]),2853 (c = a[s - 1]),2854 (c.edge = Ke(,, null, i)),2855 $e(l),2856 $e(c);2857 }2858 function He(n) {2859 for (var t, e, r, i, u = n.x, o = n.y, a = ol._; a; )2860 if (((r = Oe(a, o) - u), r > Uo)) a = a.L;2861 else {2862 if (((i = u - Ie(a, o)), !(i > Uo))) {2863 r > -Uo2864 ? ((t = a.P), (e = a))2865 : i > -Uo2866 ? ((t = a), (e = a.N))2867 : (t = e = a);2868 break;2869 }2870 if (!a.R) {2871 t = a;2872 break;2873 }2874 a = a.R;2875 }2876 var l = Ue(n);2877 if ((ol.insert(t, l), t || e)) {2878 if (t === e)2879 return (2880 Be(t),2881 (e = Ue(,2882 ol.insert(l, e),2883 (l.edge = e.edge = Ke(,,2884 $e(t),2885 void $e(e)2886 );2887 if (!e) return void (l.edge = Ke(,;2888 Be(t), Be(e);2889 var c =,2890 f = c.x,2891 s = c.y,2892 h = n.x - f,2893 p = n.y - s,2894 g =,2895 v = g.x - f,2896 d = g.y - s,2897 y = 2 * (h * d - p * v),2898 m = h * h + p * p,2899 M = v * v + d * d,2900 x = { x: (d * m - p * M) /​ y + f, y: (h * M - v * m) /​ y + s };2901 nr(e.edge, c, g, x),2902 (l.edge = Ke(c, n, null, x)),2903 (e.edge = Ke(n, g, null, x)),2904 $e(t),2905 $e(e);2906 }2907 }2908 function Oe(n, t) {2909 var e =,2910 r = e.x,2911 i = e.y,2912 u = i - t;2913 if (!u) return r;2914 var o = n.P;2915 if (!o) return -(1 /​ 0);2916 e =;2917 var a = e.x,2918 l = e.y,2919 c = l - t;2920 if (!c) return a;2921 var f = a - r,2922 s = 1 /​ u - 1 /​ c,2923 h = f /​ c;2924 return s2925 ? (-h +2926 Math.sqrt(2927 h * h - 2 * s * ((f * f) /​ (-2 * c) - l + c /​ 2 + i - u /​ 2)2928 )) /​2929 s +2930 r2931 : (r + a) /​ 2;2932 }2933 function Ie(n, t) {2934 var e = n.N;2935 if (e) return Oe(e, t);2936 var r =;2937 return r.y === t ? r.x : 1 /​ 0;2938 }2939 function Ye(n) {2940 ( = n), (this.edges = []);2941 }2942 function Ze(n) {2943 for (2944 var t,2945 e,2946 r,2947 i,2948 u,2949 o,2950 a,2951 l,2952 c,2953 f,2954 s = n[0][0],2955 h = n[1][0],2956 p = n[0][1],2957 g = n[1][1],2958 v = ul,2959 d = v.length;2960 d--;2961 )2962 if (((u = v[d]), u && u.prepare()))2963 for (a = u.edges, l = a.length, o = 0; l > o; )2964 (f = a[o].end()),2965 (r = f.x),2966 (i = f.y),2967 (c = a[++o % l].start()),2968 (t = c.x),2969 (e = c.y),2970 (xo(r - t) > Uo || xo(i - e) > Uo) &&2971 (a.splice(2972 o,2973 0,2974 new tr(2975 Qe(2976,2977 f,2978 xo(r - s) < Uo && g - i > Uo2979 ? { x: s, y: xo(t - s) < Uo ? e : g }2980 : xo(i - g) < Uo && h - r > Uo2981 ? { x: xo(e - g) < Uo ? t : h, y: g }2982 : xo(r - h) < Uo && i - p > Uo2983 ? { x: h, y: xo(t - h) < Uo ? e : p }2984 : xo(i - p) < Uo && r - s > Uo2985 ? { x: xo(e - p) < Uo ? t : s, y: p }2986 : null2987 ),2988,2989 null2990 )2991 ),2992 ++l);2993 }2994 function Ve(n, t) {2995 return t.angle - n.angle;2996 }2997 function Xe() {2998 rr(this), (this.x = this.y = this.arc = = = null);2999 }3000 function $e(n) {3001 var t = n.P,3002 e = n.N;3003 if (t && e) {3004 var r =,3005 i =,3006 u =;3007 if (r !== u) {3008 var o = i.x,3009 a = i.y,3010 l = r.x - o,3011 c = r.y - a,3012 f = u.x - o,3013 s = u.y - a,3014 h = 2 * (l * s - c * f);3015 if (!(h >= -jo)) {3016 var p = l * l + c * c,3017 g = f * f + s * s,3018 v = (s * p - c * g) /​ h,3019 d = (l * g - f * p) /​ h,3020 s = d + a,3021 y = fl.pop() || new Xe();3022 (y.arc = n),3023 ( = i),3024 (y.x = v + o),3025 (y.y = s + Math.sqrt(v * v + d * d)),3026 ( = s),3027 ( = y);3028 for (var m = null, M = ll._; M; )3029 if (y.y < M.y || (y.y === M.y && y.x <= M.x)) {3030 if (!M.L) {3031 m = M.P;3032 break;3033 }3034 M = M.L;3035 } else {3036 if (!M.R) {3037 m = M;3038 break;3039 }3040 M = M.R;3041 }3042 ll.insert(m, y), m || (al = y);3043 }3044 }3045 }3046 }3047 function Be(n) {3048 var t =;3049 t &&3050 (t.P || (al = t.N), ll.remove(t), fl.push(t), rr(t), ( = null));3051 }3052 function We(n) {3053 for (3054 var t, e = il, r = Yt(n[0][0], n[0][1], n[1][0], n[1][1]), i = e.length;3055 i--;3056 )3057 (t = e[i]),3058 (!Je(t, n) ||3059 !r(t) ||3060 (xo(t.a.x - t.b.x) < Uo && xo(t.a.y - t.b.y) < Uo)) &&3061 ((t.a = t.b = null), e.splice(i, 1));3062 }3063 function Je(n, t) {3064 var e = n.b;3065 if (e) return !0;3066 var r,3067 i,3068 u = n.a,3069 o = t[0][0],3070 a = t[1][0],3071 l = t[0][1],3072 c = t[1][1],3073 f = n.l,3074 s = n.r,3075 h = f.x,3076 p = f.y,3077 g = s.x,3078 v = s.y,3079 d = (h + g) /​ 2,3080 y = (p + v) /​ 2;3081 if (v === p) {3082 if (o > d || d >= a) return;3083 if (h > g) {3084 if (u) {3085 if (u.y >= c) return;3086 } else u = { x: d, y: l };3087 e = { x: d, y: c };3088 } else {3089 if (u) {3090 if (u.y < l) return;3091 } else u = { x: d, y: c };3092 e = { x: d, y: l };3093 }3094 } else if (((r = (h - g) /​ (v - p)), (i = y - r * d), -1 > r || r > 1))3095 if (h > g) {3096 if (u) {3097 if (u.y >= c) return;3098 } else u = { x: (l - i) /​ r, y: l };3099 e = { x: (c - i) /​ r, y: c };3100 } else {3101 if (u) {3102 if (u.y < l) return;3103 } else u = { x: (c - i) /​ r, y: c };3104 e = { x: (l - i) /​ r, y: l };3105 }3106 else if (v > p) {3107 if (u) {3108 if (u.x >= a) return;3109 } else u = { x: o, y: r * o + i };3110 e = { x: a, y: r * a + i };3111 } else {3112 if (u) {3113 if (u.x < o) return;3114 } else u = { x: a, y: r * a + i };3115 e = { x: o, y: r * o + i };3116 }3117 return (n.a = u), (n.b = e), !0;3118 }3119 function Ge(n, t) {3120 (this.l = n), (this.r = t), (this.a = this.b = null);3121 }3122 function Ke(n, t, e, r) {3123 var i = new Ge(n, t);3124 return (3125 il.push(i),3126 e && nr(i, n, t, e),3127 r && nr(i, t, n, r),3128 ul[n.i].edges.push(new tr(i, n, t)),3129 ul[t.i].edges.push(new tr(i, t, n)),3130 i3131 );3132 }3133 function Qe(n, t, e) {3134 var r = new Ge(n, null);3135 return (r.a = t), (r.b = e), il.push(r), r;3136 }3137 function nr(n, t, e, r) {3138 n.a || n.b3139 ? n.l === e3140 ? (n.b = r)3141 : (n.a = r)3142 : ((n.a = r), (n.l = t), (n.r = e));3143 }3144 function tr(n, t, e) {3145 var r = n.a,3146 i = n.b;3147 (this.edge = n),3148 ( = t),3149 (this.angle = e3150 ? Math.atan2(e.y - t.y, e.x - t.x)3151 : n.l === t3152 ? Math.atan2(i.x - r.x, r.y - i.y)3153 : Math.atan2(r.x - i.x, i.y - r.y));3154 }3155 function er() {3156 this._ = null;3157 }3158 function rr(n) {3159 n.U = n.C = n.L = n.R = n.P = n.N = null;3160 }3161 function ir(n, t) {3162 var e = t,3163 r = t.R,3164 i = e.U;3165 i ? (i.L === e ? (i.L = r) : (i.R = r)) : (n._ = r),3166 (r.U = i),3167 (e.U = r),3168 (e.R = r.L),3169 e.R && (e.R.U = e),3170 (r.L = e);3171 }3172 function ur(n, t) {3173 var e = t,3174 r = t.L,3175 i = e.U;3176 i ? (i.L === e ? (i.L = r) : (i.R = r)) : (n._ = r),3177 (r.U = i),3178 (e.U = r),3179 (e.L = r.R),3180 e.L && (e.L.U = e),3181 (r.R = e);3182 }3183 function or(n) {3184 for (; n.L; ) n = n.L;3185 return n;3186 }3187 function ar(n, t) {3188 var e,3189 r,3190 i,3191 u = n.sort(lr).pop();3192 for (il = [], ul = new Array(n.length), ol = new er(), ll = new er(); ; )3193 if (((i = al), u && (!i || u.y < i.y || (u.y === i.y && u.x < i.x))))3194 (u.x === e && u.y === r) ||3195 ((ul[u.i] = new Ye(u)), He(u), (e = u.x), (r = u.y)),3196 (u = n.pop());3197 else {3198 if (!i) break;3199 Fe(i.arc);3200 }3201 t && (We(t), Ze(t));3202 var o = { cells: ul, edges: il };3203 return (ol = ll = il = ul = null), o;3204 }3205 function lr(n, t) {3206 return t.y - n.y || t.x - n.x;3207 }3208 function cr(n, t, e) {3209 return (n.x - e.x) * (t.y - n.y) - (n.x - t.x) * (e.y - n.y);3210 }3211 function fr(n) {3212 return n.x;3213 }3214 function sr(n) {3215 return n.y;3216 }3217 function hr() {3218 return { leaf: !0, nodes: [], point: null, x: null, y: null };3219 }3220 function pr(n, t, e, r, i, u) {3221 if (!n(t, e, r, i, u)) {3222 var o = 0.5 * (e + i),3223 a = 0.5 * (r + u),3224 l = t.nodes;3225 l[0] && pr(n, l[0], e, r, o, a),3226 l[1] && pr(n, l[1], o, r, i, a),3227 l[2] && pr(n, l[2], e, a, o, u),3228 l[3] && pr(n, l[3], o, a, i, u);3229 }3230 }3231 function gr(n, t, e, r, i, u, o) {3232 var a,3233 l = 1 /​ 0;3234 return (3235 (function c(n, f, s, h, p) {3236 if (!(f > u || s > o || r > h || i > p)) {3237 if ((g = n.point)) {3238 var g,3239 v = t - n.x,3240 d = e - n.y,3241 y = v * v + d * d;3242 if (l > y) {3243 var m = Math.sqrt((l = y));3244 (r = t - m), (i = e - m), (u = t + m), (o = e + m), (a = g);3245 }3246 }3247 for (3248 var M = n.nodes,3249 x = 0.5 * (f + h),3250 b = 0.5 * (s + p),3251 _ = t >= x,3252 w = e >= b,3253 S = (w << 1) | _,3254 k = S + 4;3255 k > S;3256 ++S3257 )3258 if ((n = M[3 & S]))3259 switch (3 & S) {3260 case 0:3261 c(n, f, s, x, b);3262 break;3263 case 1:3264 c(n, x, s, h, b);3265 break;3266 case 2:3267 c(n, f, b, x, p);3268 break;3269 case 3:3270 c(n, x, b, h, p);3271 }3272 }3273 })(n, r, i, u, o),3274 a3275 );3276 }3277 function vr(n, t) {3278 (n = ao.rgb(n)), (t = ao.rgb(t));3279 var e = n.r,3280 r = n.g,3281 i = n.b,3282 u = t.r - e,3283 o = t.g - r,3284 a = t.b - i;3285 return function (n) {3286 return (3287 "#" +3288 bn(Math.round(e + u * n)) +3289 bn(Math.round(r + o * n)) +3290 bn(Math.round(i + a * n))3291 );3292 };3293 }3294 function dr(n, t) {3295 var e,3296 r = {},3297 i = {};3298 for (e in n) e in t ? (r[e] = Mr(n[e], t[e])) : (i[e] = n[e]);3299 for (e in t) e in n || (i[e] = t[e]);3300 return function (n) {3301 for (e in r) i[e] = r[e](n);3302 return i;3303 };3304 }3305 function yr(n, t) {3306 return (3307 (n = +n),3308 (t = +t),3309 function (e) {3310 return n * (1 - e) + t * e;3311 }3312 );3313 }3314 function mr(n, t) {3315 var e,3316 r,3317 i,3318 u = (hl.lastIndex = pl.lastIndex = 0),3319 o = -1,3320 a = [],3321 l = [];3322 for (n += "", t += ""; (e = hl.exec(n)) && (r = pl.exec(t)); )3323 (i = r.index) > u &&3324 ((i = t.slice(u, i)), a[o] ? (a[o] += i) : (a[++o] = i)),3325 (e = e[0]) === (r = r[0])3326 ? a[o]3327 ? (a[o] += r)3328 : (a[++o] = r)3329 : ((a[++o] = null), l.push({ i: o, x: yr(e, r) })),3330 (u = pl.lastIndex);3331 return (3332 u < t.length && ((i = t.slice(u)), a[o] ? (a[o] += i) : (a[++o] = i)),3333 a.length < 23334 ? l[0]3335 ? ((t = l[0].x),3336 function (n) {3337 return t(n) + "";3338 })3339 : function () {3340 return t;3341 }3342 : ((t = l.length),3343 function (n) {3344 for (var e, r = 0; t > r; ++r) a[(e = l[r]).i] = e.x(n);3345 return a.join("");3346 })3347 );3348 }3349 function Mr(n, t) {3350 for (3351 var e, r = ao.interpolators.length;3352 --r >= 0 && !(e = ao.interpolators[r](n, t));3353 );3354 return e;3355 }3356 function xr(n, t) {3357 var e,3358 r = [],3359 i = [],3360 u = n.length,3361 o = t.length,3362 a = Math.min(n.length, t.length);3363 for (e = 0; a > e; ++e) r.push(Mr(n[e], t[e]));3364 for (; u > e; ++e) i[e] = n[e];3365 for (; o > e; ++e) i[e] = t[e];3366 return function (n) {3367 for (e = 0; a > e; ++e) i[e] = r[e](n);3368 return i;3369 };3370 }3371 function br(n) {3372 return function (t) {3373 return 0 >= t ? 0 : t >= 1 ? 1 : n(t);3374 };3375 }3376 function _r(n) {3377 return function (t) {3378 return 1 - n(1 - t);3379 };3380 }3381 function wr(n) {3382 return function (t) {3383 return 0.5 * (0.5 > t ? n(2 * t) : 2 - n(2 - 2 * t));3384 };3385 }3386 function Sr(n) {3387 return n * n;3388 }3389 function kr(n) {3390 return n * n * n;3391 }3392 function Nr(n) {3393 if (0 >= n) return 0;3394 if (n >= 1) return 1;3395 var t = n * n,3396 e = t * n;3397 return 4 * (0.5 > n ? e : 3 * (n - t) + e - 0.75);3398 }3399 function Er(n) {3400 return function (t) {3401 return Math.pow(t, n);3402 };3403 }3404 function Ar(n) {3405 return 1 - Math.cos(n * Io);3406 }3407 function Cr(n) {3408 return Math.pow(2, 10 * (n - 1));3409 }3410 function zr(n) {3411 return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - n * n);3412 }3413 function Lr(n, t) {3414 var e;3415 return (3416 arguments.length < 2 && (t = 0.45),3417 arguments.length3418 ? (e = (t /​ Ho) * Math.asin(1 /​ n))3419 : ((n = 1), (e = t /​ 4)),3420 function (r) {3421 return 1 + n * Math.pow(2, -10 * r) * Math.sin(((r - e) * Ho) /​ t);3422 }3423 );3424 }3425 function qr(n) {3426 return (3427 n || (n = 1.70158),3428 function (t) {3429 return t * t * ((n + 1) * t - n);3430 }3431 );3432 }3433 function Tr(n) {3434 return 1 /​ 2.75 > n3435 ? 7.5625 * n * n3436 : 2 /​ 2.75 > n3437 ? 7.5625 * (n -= 1.5 /​ 2.75) * n + 0.753438 : 2.5 /​ 2.75 > n3439 ? 7.5625 * (n -= 2.25 /​ 2.75) * n + 0.93753440 : 7.5625 * (n -= 2.625 /​ 2.75) * n + 0.984375;3441 }3442 function Rr(n, t) {3443 (n = ao.hcl(n)), (t = ao.hcl(t));3444 var e = n.h,3445 r = n.c,3446 i = n.l,3447 u = t.h - e,3448 o = t.c - r,3449 a = t.l - i;3450 return (3451 isNaN(o) && ((o = 0), (r = isNaN(r) ? t.c : r)),3452 isNaN(u)3453 ? ((u = 0), (e = isNaN(e) ? t.h : e))3454 : u > 1803455 ? (u -= 360)3456 : -180 > u && (u += 360),3457 function (n) {3458 return sn(e + u * n, r + o * n, i + a * n) + "";3459 }3460 );3461 }3462 function Dr(n, t) {3463 (n = ao.hsl(n)), (t = ao.hsl(t));3464 var e = n.h,3465 r = n.s,3466 i = n.l,3467 u = t.h - e,3468 o = t.s - r,3469 a = t.l - i;3470 return (3471 isNaN(o) && ((o = 0), (r = isNaN(r) ? t.s : r)),3472 isNaN(u)3473 ? ((u = 0), (e = isNaN(e) ? t.h : e))3474 : u > 1803475 ? (u -= 360)3476 : -180 > u && (u += 360),3477 function (n) {3478 return cn(e + u * n, r + o * n, i + a * n) + "";3479 }3480 );3481 }3482 function Pr(n, t) {3483 (n = ao.lab(n)), (t = ao.lab(t));3484 var e = n.l,3485 r = n.a,3486 i = n.b,3487 u = t.l - e,3488 o = t.a - r,3489 a = t.b - i;3490 return function (n) {3491 return pn(e + u * n, r + o * n, i + a * n) + "";3492 };3493 }3494 function Ur(n, t) {3495 return (3496 (t -= n),3497 function (e) {3498 return Math.round(n + t * e);3499 }3500 );3501 }3502 function jr(n) {3503 var t = [n.a, n.b],3504 e = [n.c, n.d],3505 r = Hr(t),3506 i = Fr(t, e),3507 u = Hr(Or(e, t, -i)) || 0;3508 t[0] * e[1] < e[0] * t[1] &&3509 ((t[0] *= -1), (t[1] *= -1), (r *= -1), (i *= -1)),3510 (this.rotate =3511 (r ? Math.atan2(t[1], t[0]) : Math.atan2(-e[0], e[1])) * Zo),3512 (this.translate = [n.e, n.f]),3513 (this.scale = [r, u]),3514 (this.skew = u ? Math.atan2(i, u) * Zo : 0);3515 }3516 function Fr(n, t) {3517 return n[0] * t[0] + n[1] * t[1];3518 }3519 function Hr(n) {3520 var t = Math.sqrt(Fr(n, n));3521 return t && ((n[0] /​= t), (n[1] /​= t)), t;3522 }3523 function Or(n, t, e) {3524 return (n[0] += e * t[0]), (n[1] += e * t[1]), n;3525 }3526 function Ir(n) {3527 return n.length ? n.pop() + "," : "";3528 }3529 function Yr(n, t, e, r) {3530 if (n[0] !== t[0] || n[1] !== t[1]) {3531 var i = e.push("translate(", null, ",", null, ")");3532 r.push({ i: i - 4, x: yr(n[0], t[0]) }, { i: i - 2, x: yr(n[1], t[1]) });3533 } else (t[0] || t[1]) && e.push("translate(" + t + ")");3534 }3535 function Zr(n, t, e, r) {3536 n !== t3537 ? (n - t > 180 ? (t += 360) : t - n > 180 && (n += 360),3538 r.push({ i: e.push(Ir(e) + "rotate(", null, ")") - 2, x: yr(n, t) }))3539 : t && e.push(Ir(e) + "rotate(" + t + ")");3540 }3541 function Vr(n, t, e, r) {3542 n !== t3543 ? r.push({ i: e.push(Ir(e) + "skewX(", null, ")") - 2, x: yr(n, t) })3544 : t && e.push(Ir(e) + "skewX(" + t + ")");3545 }3546 function Xr(n, t, e, r) {3547 if (n[0] !== t[0] || n[1] !== t[1]) {3548 var i = e.push(Ir(e) + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")");3549 r.push({ i: i - 4, x: yr(n[0], t[0]) }, { i: i - 2, x: yr(n[1], t[1]) });3550 } else (1 === t[0] && 1 === t[1]) || e.push(Ir(e) + "scale(" + t + ")");3551 }3552 function $r(n, t) {3553 var e = [],3554 r = [];3555 return (3556 (n = ao.transform(n)),3557 (t = ao.transform(t)),3558 Yr(n.translate, t.translate, e, r),3559 Zr(n.rotate, t.rotate, e, r),3560 Vr(n.skew, t.skew, e, r),3561 Xr(n.scale, t.scale, e, r),3562 (n = t = null),3563 function (n) {3564 for (var t, i = -1, u = r.length; ++i < u; ) e[(t = r[i]).i] = t.x(n);3565 return e.join("");3566 }3567 );3568 }3569 function Br(n, t) {3570 return (3571 (t = (t -= n = +n) || 1 /​ t),3572 function (e) {3573 return (e - n) /​ t;3574 }3575 );3576 }3577 function Wr(n, t) {3578 return (3579 (t = (t -= n = +n) || 1 /​ t),3580 function (e) {3581 return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (e - n) /​ t));3582 }3583 );3584 }3585 function Jr(n) {3586 for (var t = n.source, e =, r = Kr(t, e), i = [t]; t !== r; )3587 (t = t.parent), i.push(t);3588 for (var u = i.length; e !== r; ) i.splice(u, 0, e), (e = e.parent);3589 return i;3590 }3591 function Gr(n) {3592 for (var t = [], e = n.parent; null != e; )3593 t.push(n), (n = e), (e = e.parent);3594 return t.push(n), t;3595 }3596 function Kr(n, t) {3597 if (n === t) return n;3598 for (3599 var e = Gr(n), r = Gr(t), i = e.pop(), u = r.pop(), o = null;3600 i === u;3601 )3602 (o = i), (i = e.pop()), (u = r.pop());3603 return o;3604 }3605 function Qr(n) {3606 n.fixed |= 2;3607 }3608 function ni(n) {3609 n.fixed &= -7;3610 }3611 function ti(n) {3612 (n.fixed |= 4), (n.px = n.x), ( = n.y);3613 }3614 function ei(n) {3615 n.fixed &= -5;3616 }3617 function ri(n, t, e) {3618 var r = 0,3619 i = 0;3620 if (((n.charge = 0), !n.leaf))3621 for (var u, o = n.nodes, a = o.length, l = -1; ++l < a; )3622 (u = o[l]),3623 null != u &&3624 (ri(u, t, e),3625 (n.charge += u.charge),3626 (r += u.charge *,3627 (i += u.charge *;3628 if (n.point) {3629 n.leaf ||3630 ((n.point.x += Math.random() - 0.5),3631 (n.point.y += Math.random() - 0.5));3632 var c = t * e[n.point.index];3633 (n.charge += n.pointCharge = c),3634 (r += c * n.point.x),3635 (i += c * n.point.y);3636 }3637 ( = r /​ n.charge), ( = i /​ n.charge);3638 }3639 function ii(n, t) {3640 return (3641 ao.rebind(n, t, "sort", "children", "value"),3642 (n.nodes = n),3643 (n.links = fi),3644 n3645 );3646 }3647 function ui(n, t) {3648 for (var e = [n]; null != (n = e.pop()); )3649 if ((t(n), (i = n.children) && (r = i.length)))3650 for (var r, i; --r >= 0; ) e.push(i[r]);3651 }3652 function oi(n, t) {3653 for (var e = [n], r = []; null != (n = e.pop()); )3654 if ((r.push(n), (u = n.children) && (i = u.length)))3655 for (var i, u, o = -1; ++o < i; ) e.push(u[o]);3656 for (; null != (n = r.pop()); ) t(n);3657 }3658 function ai(n) {3659 return n.children;3660 }3661 function li(n) {3662 return n.value;3663 }3664 function ci(n, t) {3665 return t.value - n.value;3666 }3667 function fi(n) {3668 return ao.merge(3669 (n) {3670 return (n.children || []).map(function (t) {3671 return { source: n, target: t };3672 });3673 })3674 );3675 }3676 function si(n) {3677 return n.x;3678 }3679 function hi(n) {3680 return n.y;3681 }3682 function pi(n, t, e) {3683 (n.y0 = t), (n.y = e);3684 }3685 function gi(n) {3686 return ao.range(n.length);3687 }3688 function vi(n) {3689 for (var t = -1, e = n[0].length, r = []; ++t < e; ) r[t] = 0;3690 return r;3691 }3692 function di(n) {3693 for (var t, e = 1, r = 0, i = n[0][1], u = n.length; u > e; ++e)3694 (t = n[e][1]) > i && ((r = e), (i = t));3695 return r;3696 }3697 function yi(n) {3698 return n.reduce(mi, 0);3699 }3700 function mi(n, t) {3701 return n + t[1];3702 }3703 function Mi(n, t) {3704 return xi(n, Math.ceil(Math.log(t.length) /​ Math.LN2 + 1));3705 }3706 function xi(n, t) {3707 for (var e = -1, r = +n[0], i = (n[1] - r) /​ t, u = []; ++e <= t; )3708 u[e] = i * e + r;3709 return u;3710 }3711 function bi(n) {3712 return [ao.min(n), ao.max(n)];3713 }3714 function _i(n, t) {3715 return n.value - t.value;3716 }3717 function wi(n, t) {3718 var e = n._pack_next;3719 (n._pack_next = t),3720 (t._pack_prev = n),3721 (t._pack_next = e),3722 (e._pack_prev = t);3723 }3724 function Si(n, t) {3725 (n._pack_next = t), (t._pack_prev = n);3726 }3727 function ki(n, t) {3728 var e = t.x - n.x,3729 r = t.y - n.y,3730 i = n.r + t.r;3731 return 0.999 * i * i > e * e + r * r;3732 }3733 function Ni(n) {3734 function t(n) {3735 (f = Math.min(n.x - n.r, f)),3736 (s = Math.max(n.x + n.r, s)),3737 (h = Math.min(n.y - n.r, h)),3738 (p = Math.max(n.y + n.r, p));3739 }3740 if ((e = n.children) && (c = e.length)) {3741 var e,3742 r,3743 i,3744 u,3745 o,3746 a,3747 l,3748 c,3749 f = 1 /​ 0,3750 s = -(1 /​ 0),3751 h = 1 /​ 0,3752 p = -(1 /​ 0);3753 if (3754 (e.forEach(Ei),3755 (r = e[0]),3756 (r.x = -r.r),3757 (r.y = 0),3758 t(r),3759 c > 1 && ((i = e[1]), (i.x = i.r), (i.y = 0), t(i), c > 2))3760 )3761 for (3762 u = e[2],3763 zi(r, i, u),3764 t(u),3765 wi(r, u),3766 r._pack_prev = u,3767 wi(u, i),3768 i = r._pack_next,3769 o = 3;3770 c > o;3771 o++3772 ) {3773 zi(r, i, (u = e[o]));3774 var g = 0,3775 v = 1,3776 d = 1;3777 for (a = i._pack_next; a !== i; a = a._pack_next, v++)3778 if (ki(a, u)) {3779 g = 1;3780 break;3781 }3782 if (1 == g)3783 for (3784 l = r._pack_prev;3785 l !== a._pack_prev && !ki(l, u);3786 l = l._pack_prev, d++3787 );3788 g3789 ? (d > v || (v == d && i.r < r.r) ? Si(r, (i = a)) : Si((r = l), i),3790 o--)3791 : (wi(r, u), (i = u), t(u));3792 }3793 var y = (f + s) /​ 2,3794 m = (h + p) /​ 2,3795 M = 0;3796 for (o = 0; c > o; o++)3797 (u = e[o]),3798 (u.x -= y),3799 (u.y -= m),3800 (M = Math.max(M, u.r + Math.sqrt(u.x * u.x + u.y * u.y)));3801 (n.r = M), e.forEach(Ai);3802 }3803 }3804 function Ei(n) {3805 n._pack_next = n._pack_prev = n;3806 }3807 function Ai(n) {3808 delete n._pack_next, delete n._pack_prev;3809 }3810 function Ci(n, t, e, r) {3811 var i = n.children;3812 if (((n.x = t += r * n.x), (n.y = e += r * n.y), (n.r *= r), i))3813 for (var u = -1, o = i.length; ++u < o; ) Ci(i[u], t, e, r);3814 }3815 function zi(n, t, e) {3816 var r = n.r + e.r,3817 i = t.x - n.x,3818 u = t.y - n.y;3819 if (r && (i || u)) {3820 var o = t.r + e.r,3821 a = i * i + u * u;3822 (o *= o), (r *= r);3823 var l = 0.5 + (r - o) /​ (2 * a),3824 c =3825 Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, 2 * o * (r + a) - (r -= a) * r - o * o)) /​3826 (2 * a);3827 (e.x = n.x + l * i + c * u), (e.y = n.y + l * u - c * i);3828 } else (e.x = n.x + r), (e.y = n.y);3829 }3830 function Li(n, t) {3831 return n.parent == t.parent ? 1 : 2;3832 }3833 function qi(n) {3834 var t = n.children;3835 return t.length ? t[0] : n.t;3836 }3837 function Ti(n) {3838 var t,3839 e = n.children;3840 return (t = e.length) ? e[t - 1] : n.t;3841 }3842 function Ri(n, t, e) {3843 var r = e /​ (t.i - n.i);3844 (t.c -= r), (t.s += e), (n.c += r), (t.z += e), (t.m += e);3845 }3846 function Di(n) {3847 for (var t, e = 0, r = 0, i = n.children, u = i.length; --u >= 0; )3848 (t = i[u]), (t.z += e), (t.m += e), (e += t.s + (r += t.c));3849 }3850 function Pi(n, t, e) {3851 return n.a.parent === t.parent ? n.a : e;3852 }3853 function Ui(n) {3854 return (3855 1 +3856 ao.max(n, function (n) {3857 return n.y;3858 })3859 );3860 }3861 function ji(n) {3862 return (3863 n.reduce(function (n, t) {3864 return n + t.x;3865 }, 0) /​ n.length3866 );3867 }3868 function Fi(n) {3869 var t = n.children;3870 return t && t.length ? Fi(t[0]) : n;3871 }3872 function Hi(n) {3873 var t,3874 e = n.children;3875 return e && (t = e.length) ? Hi(e[t - 1]) : n;3876 }3877 function Oi(n) {3878 return { x: n.x, y: n.y, dx: n.dx, dy: n.dy };3879 }3880 function Ii(n, t) {3881 var e = n.x + t[3],3882 r = n.y + t[0],3883 i = n.dx - t[1] - t[3],3884 u = n.dy - t[0] - t[2];3885 return (3886 0 > i && ((e += i /​ 2), (i = 0)),3887 0 > u && ((r += u /​ 2), (u = 0)),3888 { x: e, y: r, dx: i, dy: u }3889 );3890 }3891 function Yi(n) {3892 var t = n[0],3893 e = n[n.length - 1];3894 return e > t ? [t, e] : [e, t];3895 }3896 function Zi(n) {3897 return n.rangeExtent ? n.rangeExtent() : Yi(n.range());3898 }3899 function Vi(n, t, e, r) {3900 var i = e(n[0], n[1]),3901 u = r(t[0], t[1]);3902 return function (n) {3903 return u(i(n));3904 };3905 }3906 function Xi(n, t) {3907 var e,3908 r = 0,3909 i = n.length - 1,3910 u = n[r],3911 o = n[i];3912 return (3913 u > o && ((e = r), (r = i), (i = e), (e = u), (u = o), (o = e)),3914 (n[r] = t.floor(u)),3915 (n[i] = t.ceil(o)),3916 n3917 );3918 }3919 function $i(n) {3920 return n3921 ? {3922 floor: function (t) {3923 return Math.floor(t /​ n) * n;3924 },3925 ceil: function (t) {3926 return Math.ceil(t /​ n) * n;3927 },3928 }3929 : Sl;3930 }3931 function Bi(n, t, e, r) {3932 var i = [],3933 u = [],3934 o = 0,3935 a = Math.min(n.length, t.length) - 1;3936 for (3937 n[a] < n[0] && ((n = n.slice().reverse()), (t = t.slice().reverse()));3938 ++o <= a;3939 )3940 i.push(e(n[o - 1], n[o])), u.push(r(t[o - 1], t[o]));3941 return function (t) {3942 var e = ao.bisect(n, t, 1, a) - 1;3943 return u[e](i[e](t));3944 };3945 }3946 function Wi(n, t, e, r) {3947 function i() {3948 var i = Math.min(n.length, t.length) > 2 ? Bi : Vi,3949 l = r ? Wr : Br;3950 return (o = i(n, t, l, e)), (a = i(t, n, l, Mr)), u;3951 }3952 function u(n) {3953 return o(n);3954 }3955 var o, a;3956 return (3957 (u.invert = function (n) {3958 return a(n);3959 }),3960 (u.domain = function (t) {3961 return arguments.length ? ((n =, i()) : n;3962 }),3963 (u.range = function (n) {3964 return arguments.length ? ((t = n), i()) : t;3965 }),3966 (u.rangeRound = function (n) {3967 return u.range(n).interpolate(Ur);3968 }),3969 (u.clamp = function (n) {3970 return arguments.length ? ((r = n), i()) : r;3971 }),3972 (u.interpolate = function (n) {3973 return arguments.length ? ((e = n), i()) : e;3974 }),3975 (u.ticks = function (t) {3976 return Qi(n, t);3977 }),3978 (u.tickFormat = function (t, e) {3979 return nu(n, t, e);3980 }),3981 (u.nice = function (t) {3982 return Gi(n, t), i();3983 }),3984 (u.copy = function () {3985 return Wi(n, t, e, r);3986 }),3987 i()3988 );3989 }3990 function Ji(n, t) {3991 return ao.rebind(n, t, "range", "rangeRound", "interpolate", "clamp");3992 }3993 function Gi(n, t) {3994 return Xi(n, $i(Ki(n, t)[2])), Xi(n, $i(Ki(n, t)[2])), n;3995 }3996 function Ki(n, t) {3997 null == t && (t = 10);3998 var e = Yi(n),3999 r = e[1] - e[0],4000 i = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(r /​ t) /​ Math.LN10)),4001 u = (t /​ r) * i;4002 return (4003 0.15 >= u ? (i *= 10) : 0.35 >= u ? (i *= 5) : 0.75 >= u && (i *= 2),4004 (e[0] = Math.ceil(e[0] /​ i) * i),4005 (e[1] = Math.floor(e[1] /​ i) * i + 0.5 * i),4006 (e[2] = i),4007 e4008 );4009 }4010 function Qi(n, t) {4011 return ao.range.apply(ao, Ki(n, t));4012 }4013 function nu(n, t, e) {4014 var r = Ki(n, t);4015 if (e) {4016 var i = ha.exec(e);4017 if ((i.shift(), "s" === i[8])) {4018 var u = ao.formatPrefix(Math.max(xo(r[0]), xo(r[1])));4019 return (4020 i[7] || (i[7] = "." + tu(u.scale(r[2]))),4021 (i[8] = "f"),4022 (e = ao.format(i.join(""))),4023 function (n) {4024 return e(u.scale(n)) + u.symbol;4025 }4026 );4027 }4028 i[7] || (i[7] = "." + eu(i[8], r)), (e = i.join(""));4029 } else e = ",." + tu(r[2]) + "f";4030 return ao.format(e);4031 }4032 function tu(n) {4033 return -Math.floor(Math.log(n) /​ Math.LN10 + 0.01);4034 }4035 function eu(n, t) {4036 var e = tu(t[2]);4037 return n in kl4038 ? Math.abs(e - tu(Math.max(xo(t[0]), xo(t[1])))) + +("e" !== n)4039 : e - 2 * ("%" === n);4040 }4041 function ru(n, t, e, r) {4042 function i(n) {4043 return (4044 (e ? Math.log(0 > n ? 0 : n) : -Math.log(n > 0 ? 0 : -n)) /​ Math.log(t)4045 );4046 }4047 function u(n) {4048 return e ? Math.pow(t, n) : -Math.pow(t, -n);4049 }4050 function o(t) {4051 return n(i(t));4052 }4053 return (4054 (o.invert = function (t) {4055 return u(n.invert(t));4056 }),4057 (o.domain = function (t) {4058 return arguments.length4059 ? ((e = t[0] >= 0), n.domain((r =, o)4060 : r;4061 }),4062 (o.base = function (e) {4063 return arguments.length ? ((t = +e), n.domain(, o) : t;4064 }),4065 (o.nice = function () {4066 var t = Xi(, e ? Math : El);4067 return n.domain(t), (r =, o;4068 }),4069 (o.ticks = function () {4070 var n = Yi(r),4071 o = [],4072 a = n[0],4073 l = n[1],4074 c = Math.floor(i(a)),4075 f = Math.ceil(i(l)),4076 s = t % 1 ? 2 : t;4077 if (isFinite(f - c)) {4078 if (e) {4079 for (; f > c; c++) for (var h = 1; s > h; h++) o.push(u(c) * h);4080 o.push(u(c));4081 } else4082 for (o.push(u(c)); c++ < f; )4083 for (var h = s - 1; h > 0; h--) o.push(u(c) * h);4084 for (c = 0; o[c] < a; c++);4085 for (f = o.length; o[f - 1] > l; f--);4086 o = o.slice(c, f);4087 }4088 return o;4089 }),4090 (o.tickFormat = function (n, e) {4091 if (!arguments.length) return Nl;4092 arguments.length < 24093 ? (e = Nl)4094 : "function" != typeof e && (e = ao.format(e));4095 var r = Math.max(1, (t * n) /​ o.ticks().length);4096 return function (n) {4097 var o = n /​ u(Math.round(i(n)));4098 return t - 0.5 > o * t && (o *= t), r >= o ? e(n) : "";4099 };4100 }),4101 (o.copy = function () {4102 return ru(n.copy(), t, e, r);4103 }),4104 Ji(o, n)4105 );4106 }4107 function iu(n, t, e) {4108 function r(t) {4109 return n(i(t));4110 }4111 var i = uu(t),4112 u = uu(1 /​ t);4113 return (4114 (r.invert = function (t) {4115 return u(n.invert(t));4116 }),4117 (r.domain = function (t) {4118 return arguments.length ? (n.domain((e =, r) : e;4119 }),4120 (r.ticks = function (n) {4121 return Qi(e, n);4122 }),4123 (r.tickFormat = function (n, t) {4124 return nu(e, n, t);4125 }),4126 (r.nice = function (n) {4127 return r.domain(Gi(e, n));4128 }),4129 (r.exponent = function (o) {4130 return arguments.length4131 ? ((i = uu((t = o))), (u = uu(1 /​ t)), n.domain(, r)4132 : t;4133 }),4134 (r.copy = function () {4135 return iu(n.copy(), t, e);4136 }),4137 Ji(r, n)4138 );4139 }4140 function uu(n) {4141 return function (t) {4142 return 0 > t ? -Math.pow(-t, n) : Math.pow(t, n);4143 };4144 }4145 function ou(n, t) {4146 function e(e) {4147 return u[4148 ((i.get(e) || ("range" === t.t ? i.set(e, n.push(e)) : NaN)) - 1) %4149 u.length4150 ];4151 }4152 function r(t, e) {4153 return ao.range(n.length).map(function (n) {4154 return t + e * n;4155 });4156 }4157 var i, u, o;4158 return (4159 (e.domain = function (r) {4160 if (!arguments.length) return n;4161 (n = []), (i = new c());4162 for (var u, o = -1, a = r.length; ++o < a; )4163 i.has((u = r[o])) || i.set(u, n.push(u));4164 return e[t.t].apply(e, t.a);4165 }),4166 (e.range = function (n) {4167 return arguments.length4168 ? ((u = n), (o = 0), (t = { t: "range", a: arguments }), e)4169 : u;4170 }),4171 (e.rangePoints = function (i, a) {4172 arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0);4173 var l = i[0],4174 c = i[1],4175 f =4176 n.length < 24177 ? ((l = (l + c) /​ 2), 0)4178 : (c - l) /​ (n.length - 1 + a);4179 return (4180 (u = r(l + (f * a) /​ 2, f)),4181 (o = 0),4182 (t = { t: "rangePoints", a: arguments }),4183 e4184 );4185 }),4186 (e.rangeRoundPoints = function (i, a) {4187 arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0);4188 var l = i[0],4189 c = i[1],4190 f =4191 n.length < 24192 ? ((l = c = Math.round((l + c) /​ 2)), 0)4193 : ((c - l) /​ (n.length - 1 + a)) | 0;4194 return (4195 (u = r(4196 l + Math.round((f * a) /​ 2 + (c - l - (n.length - 1 + a) * f) /​ 2),4197 f4198 )),4199 (o = 0),4200 (t = { t: "rangeRoundPoints", a: arguments }),4201 e4202 );4203 }),4204 (e.rangeBands = function (i, a, l) {4205 arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0), arguments.length < 3 && (l = a);4206 var c = i[1] < i[0],4207 f = i[c - 0],4208 s = i[1 - c],4209 h = (s - f) /​ (n.length - a + 2 * l);4210 return (4211 (u = r(f + h * l, h)),4212 c && u.reverse(),4213 (o = h * (1 - a)),4214 (t = { t: "rangeBands", a: arguments }),4215 e4216 );4217 }),4218 (e.rangeRoundBands = function (i, a, l) {4219 arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0), arguments.length < 3 && (l = a);4220 var c = i[1] < i[0],4221 f = i[c - 0],4222 s = i[1 - c],4223 h = Math.floor((s - f) /​ (n.length - a + 2 * l));4224 return (4225 (u = r(f + Math.round((s - f - (n.length - a) * h) /​ 2), h)),4226 c && u.reverse(),4227 (o = Math.round(h * (1 - a))),4228 (t = { t: "rangeRoundBands", a: arguments }),4229 e4230 );4231 }),4232 (e.rangeBand = function () {4233 return o;4234 }),4235 (e.rangeExtent = function () {4236 return Yi(t.a[0]);4237 }),4238 (e.copy = function () {4239 return ou(n, t);4240 }),4241 e.domain(n)4242 );4243 }4244 function au(n, t) {4245 function u() {4246 var e = 0,4247 r = t.length;4248 for (a = []; ++e < r; ) a[e - 1] = ao.quantile(n, e /​ r);4249 return o;4250 }4251 function o(n) {4252 return isNaN((n = +n)) ? void 0 : t[ao.bisect(a, n)];4253 }4254 var a;4255 return (4256 (o.domain = function (t) {4257 return arguments.length ? ((n =, u()) : n;4258 }),4259 (o.range = function (n) {4260 return arguments.length ? ((t = n), u()) : t;4261 }),4262 (o.quantiles = function () {4263 return a;4264 }),4265 (o.invertExtent = function (e) {4266 return (4267 (e = t.indexOf(e)),4268 0 > e4269 ? [NaN, NaN]4270 : [e > 0 ? a[e - 1] : n[0], e < a.length ? a[e] : n[n.length - 1]]4271 );4272 }),4273 (o.copy = function () {4274 return au(n, t);4275 }),4276 u()4277 );4278 }4279 function lu(n, t, e) {4280 function r(t) {4281 return e[Math.max(0, Math.min(o, Math.floor(u * (t - n))))];4282 }4283 function i() {4284 return (u = e.length /​ (t - n)), (o = e.length - 1), r;4285 }4286 var u, o;4287 return (4288 (r.domain = function (e) {4289 return arguments.length4290 ? ((n = +e[0]), (t = +e[e.length - 1]), i())4291 : [n, t];4292 }),4293 (r.range = function (n) {4294 return arguments.length ? ((e = n), i()) : e;4295 }),4296 (r.invertExtent = function (t) {4297 return (4298 (t = e.indexOf(t)), (t = 0 > t ? NaN : t /​ u + n), [t, t + 1 /​ u]4299 );4300 }),4301 (r.copy = function () {4302 return lu(n, t, e);4303 }),4304 i()4305 );4306 }4307 function cu(n, t) {4308 function e(e) {4309 return e >= e ? t[ao.bisect(n, e)] : void 0;4310 }4311 return (4312 (e.domain = function (t) {4313 return arguments.length ? ((n = t), e) : n;4314 }),4315 (e.range = function (n) {4316 return arguments.length ? ((t = n), e) : t;4317 }),4318 (e.invertExtent = function (e) {4319 return (e = t.indexOf(e)), [n[e - 1], n[e]];4320 }),4321 (e.copy = function () {4322 return cu(n, t);4323 }),4324 e4325 );4326 }4327 function fu(n) {4328 function t(n) {4329 return +n;4330 }4331 return (4332 (t.invert = t),4333 (t.domain = t.range = function (e) {4334 return arguments.length ? ((n =, t) : n;4335 }),4336 (t.ticks = function (t) {4337 return Qi(n, t);4338 }),4339 (t.tickFormat = function (t, e) {4340 return nu(n, t, e);4341 }),4342 (t.copy = function () {4343 return fu(n);4344 }),4345 t4346 );4347 }4348 function su() {4349 return 0;4350 }4351 function hu(n) {4352 return n.innerRadius;4353 }4354 function pu(n) {4355 return n.outerRadius;4356 }4357 function gu(n) {4358 return n.startAngle;4359 }4360 function vu(n) {4361 return n.endAngle;4362 }4363 function du(n) {4364 return n && n.padAngle;4365 }4366 function yu(n, t, e, r) {4367 return (n - e) * t - (t - r) * n > 0 ? 0 : 1;4368 }4369 function mu(n, t, e, r, i) {4370 var u = n[0] - t[0],4371 o = n[1] - t[1],4372 a = (i ? r : -r) /​ Math.sqrt(u * u + o * o),4373 l = a * o,4374 c = -a * u,4375 f = n[0] + l,4376 s = n[1] + c,4377 h = t[0] + l,4378 p = t[1] + c,4379 g = (f + h) /​ 2,4380 v = (s + p) /​ 2,4381 d = h - f,4382 y = p - s,4383 m = d * d + y * y,4384 M = e - r,4385 x = f * p - h * s,4386 b = (0 > y ? -1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, M * M * m - x * x)),4387 _ = (x * y - d * b) /​ m,4388 w = (-x * d - y * b) /​ m,4389 S = (x * y + d * b) /​ m,4390 k = (-x * d + y * b) /​ m,4391 N = _ - g,4392 E = w - v,4393 A = S - g,4394 C = k - v;4395 return (4396 N * N + E * E > A * A + C * C && ((_ = S), (w = k)),4397 [4398 [_ - l, w - c],4399 [(_ * e) /​ M, (w * e) /​ M],4400 ]4401 );4402 }4403 function Mu(n) {4404 function t(t) {4405 function o() {4406 c.push("M", u(n(f), a));4407 }4408 for (4409 var l, c = [], f = [], s = -1, h = t.length, p = En(e), g = En(r);4410 ++s < h;4411 )4412, (l = t[s]), s)4413 ? f.push([, l, s),, l, s)])4414 : f.length && (o(), (f = []));4415 return f.length && o(), c.length ? c.join("") : null;4416 }4417 var e = Ce,4418 r = ze,4419 i = zt,4420 u = xu,4421 o = u.key,4422 a = 0.7;4423 return (4424 (t.x = function (n) {4425 return arguments.length ? ((e = n), t) : e;4426 }),4427 (t.y = function (n) {4428 return arguments.length ? ((r = n), t) : r;4429 }),4430 (t.defined = function (n) {4431 return arguments.length ? ((i = n), t) : i;4432 }),4433 (t.interpolate = function (n) {4434 return arguments.length4435 ? ((o = "function" == typeof n ? (u = n) : (u = Tl.get(n) || xu).key),4436 t)4437 : o;4438 }),4439 (t.tension = function (n) {4440 return arguments.length ? ((a = n), t) : a;4441 }),4442 t4443 );4444 }4445 function xu(n) {4446 return n.length > 1 ? n.join("L") : n + "Z";4447 }4448 function bu(n) {4449 return n.join("L") + "Z";4450 }4451 function _u(n) {4452 for (var t = 0, e = n.length, r = n[0], i = [r[0], ",", r[1]]; ++t < e; )4453 i.push("H", (r[0] + (r = n[t])[0]) /​ 2, "V", r[1]);4454 return e > 1 && i.push("H", r[0]), i.join("");4455 }4456 function wu(n) {4457 for (var t = 0, e = n.length, r = n[0], i = [r[0], ",", r[1]]; ++t < e; )4458 i.push("V", (r = n[t])[1], "H", r[0]);4459 return i.join("");4460 }4461 function Su(n) {4462 for (var t = 0, e = n.length, r = n[0], i = [r[0], ",", r[1]]; ++t < e; )4463 i.push("H", (r = n[t])[0], "V", r[1]);4464 return i.join("");4465 }4466 function ku(n, t) {4467 return n.length < 4 ? xu(n) : n[1] + Au(n.slice(1, -1), Cu(n, t));4468 }4469 function Nu(n, t) {4470 return n.length < 34471 ? bu(n)4472 : n[0] +4473 Au((n.push(n[0]), n), Cu([n[n.length - 2]].concat(n, [n[1]]), t));4474 }4475 function Eu(n, t) {4476 return n.length < 3 ? xu(n) : n[0] + Au(n, Cu(n, t));4477 }4478 function Au(n, t) {4479 if (t.length < 1 || (n.length != t.length && n.length != t.length + 2))4480 return xu(n);4481 var e = n.length != t.length,4482 r = "",4483 i = n[0],4484 u = n[1],4485 o = t[0],4486 a = o,4487 l = 1;4488 if (4489 (e &&4490 ((r +=4491 "Q" +4492 (u[0] - (2 * o[0]) /​ 3) +4493 "," +4494 (u[1] - (2 * o[1]) /​ 3) +4495 "," +4496 u[0] +4497 "," +4498 u[1]),4499 (i = n[1]),4500 (l = 2)),4501 t.length > 1)4502 ) {4503 (a = t[1]),4504 (u = n[l]),4505 l++,4506 (r +=4507 "C" +4508 (i[0] + o[0]) +4509 "," +4510 (i[1] + o[1]) +4511 "," +4512 (u[0] - a[0]) +4513 "," +4514 (u[1] - a[1]) +4515 "," +4516 u[0] +4517 "," +4518 u[1]);4519 for (var c = 2; c < t.length; c++, l++)4520 (u = n[l]),4521 (a = t[c]),4522 (r +=4523 "S" +4524 (u[0] - a[0]) +4525 "," +4526 (u[1] - a[1]) +4527 "," +4528 u[0] +4529 "," +4530 u[1]);4531 }4532 if (e) {4533 var f = n[l];4534 r +=4535 "Q" +4536 (u[0] + (2 * a[0]) /​ 3) +4537 "," +4538 (u[1] + (2 * a[1]) /​ 3) +4539 "," +4540 f[0] +4541 "," +4542 f[1];4543 }4544 return r;4545 }4546 function Cu(n, t) {4547 for (4548 var e, r = [], i = (1 - t) /​ 2, u = n[0], o = n[1], a = 1, l = n.length;4549 ++a < l;4550 )4551 (e = u),4552 (u = o),4553 (o = n[a]),4554 r.push([i * (o[0] - e[0]), i * (o[1] - e[1])]);4555 return r;4556 }4557 function zu(n) {4558 if (n.length < 3) return xu(n);4559 var t = 1,4560 e = n.length,4561 r = n[0],4562 i = r[0],4563 u = r[1],4564 o = [i, i, i, (r = n[1])[0]],4565 a = [u, u, u, r[1]],4566 l = [i, ",", u, "L", Ru(Pl, o), ",", Ru(Pl, a)];4567 for (n.push(n[e - 1]); ++t <= e; )4568 (r = n[t]), o.shift(), o.push(r[0]), a.shift(), a.push(r[1]), Du(l, o, a);4569 return n.pop(), l.push("L", r), l.join("");4570 }4571 function Lu(n) {4572 if (n.length < 4) return xu(n);4573 for (var t, e = [], r = -1, i = n.length, u = [0], o = [0]; ++r < 3; )4574 (t = n[r]), u.push(t[0]), o.push(t[1]);4575 for (e.push(Ru(Pl, u) + "," + Ru(Pl, o)), --r; ++r < i; )4576 (t = n[r]), u.shift(), u.push(t[0]), o.shift(), o.push(t[1]), Du(e, u, o);4577 return e.join("");4578 }4579 function qu(n) {4580 for (var t, e, r = -1, i = n.length, u = i + 4, o = [], a = []; ++r < 4; )4581 (e = n[r % i]), o.push(e[0]), a.push(e[1]);4582 for (t = [Ru(Pl, o), ",", Ru(Pl, a)], --r; ++r < u; )4583 (e = n[r % i]),4584 o.shift(),4585 o.push(e[0]),4586 a.shift(),4587 a.push(e[1]),4588 Du(t, o, a);4589 return t.join("");4590 }4591 function Tu(n, t) {4592 var e = n.length - 1;4593 if (e)4594 for (4595 var r,4596 i,4597 u = n[0][0],4598 o = n[0][1],4599 a = n[e][0] - u,4600 l = n[e][1] - o,4601 c = -1;4602 ++c <= e;4603 )4604 (r = n[c]),4605 (i = c /​ e),4606 (r[0] = t * r[0] + (1 - t) * (u + i * a)),4607 (r[1] = t * r[1] + (1 - t) * (o + i * l));4608 return zu(n);4609 }4610 function Ru(n, t) {4611 return n[0] * t[0] + n[1] * t[1] + n[2] * t[2] + n[3] * t[3];4612 }4613 function Du(n, t, e) {4614 n.push(4615 "C",4616 Ru(Rl, t),4617 ",",4618 Ru(Rl, e),4619 ",",4620 Ru(Dl, t),4621 ",",4622 Ru(Dl, e),4623 ",",4624 Ru(Pl, t),4625 ",",4626 Ru(Pl, e)4627 );4628 }4629 function Pu(n, t) {4630 return (t[1] - n[1]) /​ (t[0] - n[0]);4631 }4632 function Uu(n) {4633 for (4634 var t = 0,4635 e = n.length - 1,4636 r = [],4637 i = n[0],4638 u = n[1],4639 o = (r[0] = Pu(i, u));4640 ++t < e;4641 )4642 r[t] = (o + (o = Pu((i = u), (u = n[t + 1])))) /​ 2;4643 return (r[t] = o), r;4644 }4645 function ju(n) {4646 for (var t, e, r, i, u = [], o = Uu(n), a = -1, l = n.length - 1; ++a < l; )4647 (t = Pu(n[a], n[a + 1])),4648 xo(t) < Uo4649 ? (o[a] = o[a + 1] = 0)4650 : ((e = o[a] /​ t),4651 (r = o[a + 1] /​ t),4652 (i = e * e + r * r),4653 i > 9 &&4654 ((i = (3 * t) /​ Math.sqrt(i)),4655 (o[a] = i * e),4656 (o[a + 1] = i * r)));4657 for (a = -1; ++a <= l; )4658 (i =4659 (n[Math.min(l, a + 1)][0] - n[Math.max(0, a - 1)][0]) /​4660 (6 * (1 + o[a] * o[a]))),4661 u.push([i || 0, o[a] * i || 0]);4662 return u;4663 }4664 function Fu(n) {4665 return n.length < 3 ? xu(n) : n[0] + Au(n, ju(n));4666 }4667 function Hu(n) {4668 for (var t, e, r, i = -1, u = n.length; ++i < u; )4669 (t = n[i]),4670 (e = t[0]),4671 (r = t[1] - Io),4672 (t[0] = e * Math.cos(r)),4673 (t[1] = e * Math.sin(r));4674 return n;4675 }4676 function Ou(n) {4677 function t(t) {4678 function l() {4679 v.push("M", a(n(y), s), f, c(n(d.reverse()), s), "Z");4680 }4681 for (4682 var h,4683 p,4684 g,4685 v = [],4686 d = [],4687 y = [],4688 m = -1,4689 M = t.length,4690 x = En(e),4691 b = En(i),4692 _ =4693 e === r4694 ? function () {4695 return p;4696 }4697 : En(r),4698 w =4699 i === u4700 ? function () {4701 return g;4702 }4703 : En(u);4704 ++m < M;4705 )4706, (h = t[m]), m)4707 ? (d.push([(p =, h, m)), (g =, h, m))]),4708 y.push([, h, m),, h, m)]))4709 : d.length && (l(), (d = []), (y = []));4710 return d.length && l(), v.length ? v.join("") : null;4711 }4712 var e = Ce,4713 r = Ce,4714 i = 0,4715 u = ze,4716 o = zt,4717 a = xu,4718 l = a.key,4719 c = a,4720 f = "L",4721 s = 0.7;4722 return (4723 (t.x = function (n) {4724 return arguments.length ? ((e = r = n), t) : r;4725 }),4726 (t.x0 = function (n) {4727 return arguments.length ? ((e = n), t) : e;4728 }),4729 (t.x1 = function (n) {4730 return arguments.length ? ((r = n), t) : r;4731 }),4732 (t.y = function (n) {4733 return arguments.length ? ((i = u = n), t) : u;4734 }),4735 (t.y0 = function (n) {4736 return arguments.length ? ((i = n), t) : i;4737 }),4738 (t.y1 = function (n) {4739 return arguments.length ? ((u = n), t) : u;4740 }),4741 (t.defined = function (n) {4742 return arguments.length ? ((o = n), t) : o;4743 }),4744 (t.interpolate = function (n) {4745 return arguments.length4746 ? ((l = "function" == typeof n ? (a = n) : (a = Tl.get(n) || xu).key),4747 (c = a.reverse || a),4748 (f = a.closed ? "M" : "L"),4749 t)4750 : l;4751 }),4752 (t.tension = function (n) {4753 return arguments.length ? ((s = n), t) : s;4754 }),4755 t4756 );4757 }4758 function Iu(n) {4759 return n.radius;4760 }4761 function Yu(n) {4762 return [n.x, n.y];4763 }4764 function Zu(n) {4765 return function () {4766 var t = n.apply(this, arguments),4767 e = t[0],4768 r = t[1] - Io;4769 return [e * Math.cos(r), e * Math.sin(r)];4770 };4771 }4772 function Vu() {4773 return 64;4774 }4775 function Xu() {4776 return "circle";4777 }4778 function $u(n) {4779 var t = Math.sqrt(n /​ Fo);4780 return (4781 "M0," +4782 t +4783 "A" +4784 t +4785 "," +4786 t +4787 " 0 1,1 0," +4788 -t +4789 "A" +4790 t +4791 "," +4792 t +4793 " 0 1,1 0," +4794 t +4795 "Z"4796 );4797 }4798 function Bu(n) {4799 return function () {4800 var t, e, r;4801 (t = this[n]) &&4802 (r = t[(e =]) &&4803 ((r.timer.c = null),4804 (r.timer.t = NaN),4805 --t.count ? delete t[e] : delete this[n],4806 ( += 0.5),4807 r.event &&, this.__data__, r.index));4808 };4809 }4810 function Wu(n, t, e) {4811 return ko(n, Yl), (n.namespace = t), ( = e), n;4812 }4813 function Ju(n, t, e, r) {4814 var i =,4815 u = n.namespace;4816 return Y(4817 n,4818 "function" == typeof e4819 ? function (n, o, a) {4820 n[u][i].tween.set(t, r(, n.__data__, o, a)));4821 }4822 : ((e = r(e)),4823 function (n) {4824 n[u][i].tween.set(t, e);4825 })4826 );4827 }4828 function Gu(n) {4829 return (4830 null == n && (n = ""),4831 function () {4832 this.textContent = n;4833 }4834 );4835 }4836 function Ku(n) {4837 return null == n ? "__transition__" : "__transition_" + n + "__";4838 }4839 function Qu(n, t, e, r, i) {4840 function u(n) {4841 var t = v.delay;4842 return (f.t = t + l), n >= t ? o(n - t) : void (f.c = o);4843 }4844 function o(e) {4845 var i =,4846 u = g[i];4847 u &&4848 ((u.timer.c = null),4849 (u.timer.t = NaN),4850 --g.count,4851 delete g[i],4852 u.event &&, n.__data__, u.index));4853 for (var o in g)4854 if (r > +o) {4855 var c = g[o];4856 (c.timer.c = null), (c.timer.t = NaN), --g.count, delete g[o];4857 }4858 (f.c = a),4859 qn(4860 function () {4861 return f.c && a(e || 1) && ((f.c = null), (f.t = NaN)), 1;4862 },4863 0,4864 l4865 ),4866 ( = r),4867 v.event &&, n.__data__, t),4868 (p = []),4869 v.tween.forEach(function (e, r) {4870 (r =, n.__data__, t)) && p.push(r);4871 }),4872 (h = v.ease),4873 (s = v.duration);4874 }4875 function a(i) {4876 for (var u = i /​ s, o = h(u), a = p.length; a > 0; ) p[--a].call(n, o);4877 return u >= 14878 ? (v.event &&, n.__data__, t),4879 --g.count ? delete g[r] : delete n[e],4880 1)4881 : void 0;4882 }4883 var l,4884 f,4885 s,4886 h,4887 p,4888 g = n[e] || (n[e] = { active: 0, count: 0 }),4889 v = g[r];4890 v ||4891 ((l = i.time),4892 (f = qn(u, 0, l)),4893 (v = g[r] = {4894 tween: new c(),4895 time: l,4896 timer: f,4897 delay: i.delay,4898 duration: i.duration,4899 ease: i.ease,4900 index: t,4901 }),4902 (i = null),4903 ++g.count);4904 }4905 function no(n, t, e) {4906 n.attr("transform", function (n) {4907 var r = t(n);4908 return "translate(" + (isFinite(r) ? r : e(n)) + ",0)";4909 });4910 }4911 function to(n, t, e) {4912 n.attr("transform", function (n) {4913 var r = t(n);4914 return "translate(0," + (isFinite(r) ? r : e(n)) + ")";4915 });4916 }4917 function eo(n) {4918 return n.toISOString();4919 }4920 function ro(n, t, e) {4921 function r(t) {4922 return n(t);4923 }4924 function i(n, e) {4925 var r = n[1] - n[0],4926 i = r /​ e,4927 u = ao.bisect(Kl, i);4928 return u == Kl.length4929 ? [4930 t.year,4931 Ki(4932 (n) {4933 return n /​ 31536e6;4934 }),4935 e4936 )[2],4937 ]4938 : u4939 ? t[i /​ Kl[u - 1] < Kl[u] /​ i ? u - 1 : u]4940 : [tc, Ki(n, e)[2]];4941 }4942 return (4943 (r.invert = function (t) {4944 return io(n.invert(t));4945 }),4946 (r.domain = function (t) {4947 return arguments.length ? (n.domain(t), r) : n.domain().map(io);4948 }),4949 (r.nice = function (n, t) {4950 function e(e) {4951 return !isNaN(e) && !n.range(e, io(+e + 1), t).length;4952 }4953 var u = r.domain(),4954 o = Yi(u),4955 a = null == n ? i(o, 10) : "number" == typeof n && i(o, n);4956 return (4957 a && ((n = a[0]), (t = a[1])),4958 r.domain(4959 Xi(4960 u,4961 t > 14962 ? {4963 floor: function (t) {4964 for (; e((t = n.floor(t))); ) t = io(t - 1);4965 return t;4966 },4967 ceil: function (t) {4968 for (; e((t = n.ceil(t))); ) t = io(+t + 1);4969 return t;4970 },4971 }4972 : n4973 )4974 )4975 );4976 }),4977 (r.ticks = function (n, t) {4978 var e = Yi(r.domain()),4979 u =4980 null == n4981 ? i(e, 10)4982 : "number" == typeof n4983 ? i(e, n)4984 : !n.range && [{ range: n }, t];4985 return (4986 u && ((n = u[0]), (t = u[1])),4987 n.range(e[0], io(+e[1] + 1), 1 > t ? 1 : t)4988 );4989 }),4990 (r.tickFormat = function () {4991 return e;4992 }),4993 (r.copy = function () {4994 return ro(n.copy(), t, e);4995 }),4996 Ji(r, n)4997 );4998 }4999 function io(n) {5000 return new Date(n);5001 }5002 function uo(n) {5003 return JSON.parse(n.responseText);5004 }5005 function oo(n) {5006 var t = fo.createRange();5007 return t.selectNode(fo.body), t.createContextualFragment(n.responseText);5008 }5009 var ao = { version: "3.5.17" },5010 lo = [].slice,5011 co = function (n) {5012 return;5013 },5014 fo = this.document;5015 if (fo)5016 try {5017 co(fo.documentElement.childNodes)[0].nodeType;5018 } catch (so) {5019 co = function (n) {5020 for (var t = n.length, e = new Array(t); t--; ) e[t] = n[t];5021 return e;5022 };5023 }5024 if (5025 ( ||5026 ( = function () {5027 return +new Date();5028 }),5029 fo)5030 )5031 try {5032 fo.createElement("DIV").style.setProperty("opacity", 0, "");5033 } catch (ho) {5034 var po = this.Element.prototype,5035 go = po.setAttribute,5036 vo = po.setAttributeNS,5037 yo = this.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype,5038 mo = yo.setProperty;5039 (po.setAttribute = function (n, t) {5040, n, t + "");5041 }),5042 (po.setAttributeNS = function (n, t, e) {5043, n, t, e + "");5044 }),5045 (yo.setProperty = function (n, t, e) {5046, n, t + "", e);5047 });5048 }5049 (ao.ascending = e),5050 (ao.descending = function (n, t) {5051 return n > t ? -1 : t > n ? 1 : t >= n ? 0 : NaN;5052 }),5053 (ao.min = function (n, t) {5054 var e,5055 r,5056 i = -1,5057 u = n.length;5058 if (1 === arguments.length) {5059 for (; ++i < u; )5060 if (null != (r = n[i]) && r >= r) {5061 e = r;5062 break;5063 }5064 for (; ++i < u; ) null != (r = n[i]) && e > r && (e = r);5065 } else {5066 for (; ++i < u; )5067 if (null != (r =, n[i], i)) && r >= r) {5068 e = r;5069 break;5070 }5071 for (; ++i < u; ) null != (r =, n[i], i)) && e > r && (e = r);5072 }5073 return e;5074 }),5075 (ao.max = function (n, t) {5076 var e,5077 r,5078 i = -1,5079 u = n.length;5080 if (1 === arguments.length) {5081 for (; ++i < u; )5082 if (null != (r = n[i]) && r >= r) {5083 e = r;5084 break;5085 }5086 for (; ++i < u; ) null != (r = n[i]) && r > e && (e = r);5087 } else {5088 for (; ++i < u; )5089 if (null != (r =, n[i], i)) && r >= r) {5090 e = r;5091 break;5092 }5093 for (; ++i < u; ) null != (r =, n[i], i)) && r > e && (e = r);5094 }5095 return e;5096 }),5097 (ao.extent = function (n, t) {5098 var e,5099 r,5100 i,5101 u = -1,5102 o = n.length;5103 if (1 === arguments.length) {5104 for (; ++u < o; )5105 if (null != (r = n[u]) && r >= r) {5106 e = i = r;5107 break;5108 }5109 for (; ++u < o; )5110 null != (r = n[u]) && (e > r && (e = r), r > i && (i = r));5111 } else {5112 for (; ++u < o; )5113 if (null != (r =, n[u], u)) && r >= r) {5114 e = i = r;5115 break;5116 }5117 for (; ++u < o; )5118 null != (r =, n[u], u)) &&5119 (e > r && (e = r), r > i && (i = r));5120 }5121 return [e, i];5122 }),5123 (ao.sum = function (n, t) {5124 var e,5125 r = 0,5126 u = n.length,5127 o = -1;5128 if (1 === arguments.length) for (; ++o < u; ) i((e = +n[o])) && (r += e);5129 else for (; ++o < u; ) i((e =, n[o], o))) && (r += e);5130 return r;5131 }),5132 (ao.mean = function (n, t) {5133 var e,5134 u = 0,5135 o = n.length,5136 a = -1,5137 l = o;5138 if (1 === arguments.length)5139 for (; ++a < o; ) i((e = r(n[a]))) ? (u += e) : --l;5140 else for (; ++a < o; ) i((e = r(, n[a], a)))) ? (u += e) : --l;5141 return l ? u /​ l : void 0;5142 }),5143 (ao.quantile = function (n, t) {5144 var e = (n.length - 1) * t + 1,5145 r = Math.floor(e),5146 i = +n[r - 1],5147 u = e - r;5148 return u ? i + u * (n[r] - i) : i;5149 }),5150 (ao.median = function (n, t) {5151 var u,5152 o = [],5153 a = n.length,5154 l = -1;5155 if (1 === arguments.length)5156 for (; ++l < a; ) i((u = r(n[l]))) && o.push(u);5157 else for (; ++l < a; ) i((u = r(, n[l], l)))) && o.push(u);5158 return o.length ? ao.quantile(o.sort(e), 0.5) : void 0;5159 }),5160 (ao.variance = function (n, t) {5161 var e,5162 u,5163 o = n.length,5164 a = 0,5165 l = 0,5166 c = -1,5167 f = 0;5168 if (1 === arguments.length)5169 for (; ++c < o; )5170 i((e = r(n[c]))) && ((u = e - a), (a += u /​ ++f), (l += u * (e - a)));5171 else5172 for (; ++c < o; )5173 i((e = r(, n[c], c)))) &&5174 ((u = e - a), (a += u /​ ++f), (l += u * (e - a)));5175 return f > 1 ? l /​ (f - 1) : void 0;5176 }),5177 (ao.deviation = function () {5178 var n = ao.variance.apply(this, arguments);5179 return n ? Math.sqrt(n) : n;5180 });5181 var Mo = u(e);5182 (ao.bisectLeft = Mo.left),5183 (ao.bisect = ao.bisectRight = Mo.right),5184 (ao.bisector = function (n) {5185 return u(5186 1 === n.length5187 ? function (t, r) {5188 return e(n(t), r);5189 }5190 : n5191 );5192 }),5193 (ao.shuffle = function (n, t, e) {5194 (u = arguments.length) < 3 && ((e = n.length), 2 > u && (t = 0));5195 for (var r, i, u = e - t; u; )5196 (i = (Math.random() * u--) | 0),5197 (r = n[u + t]),5198 (n[u + t] = n[i + t]),5199 (n[i + t] = r);5200 return n;5201 }),5202 (ao.permute = function (n, t) {5203 for (var e = t.length, r = new Array(e); e--; ) r[e] = n[t[e]];5204 return r;5205 }),5206 (ao.pairs = function (n) {5207 for (5208 var t, e = 0, r = n.length - 1, i = n[0], u = new Array(0 > r ? 0 : r);5209 r > e;5210 )5211 u[e] = [(t = i), (i = n[++e])];5212 return u;5213 }),5214 (ao.transpose = function (n) {5215 if (!(i = n.length)) return [];5216 for (var t = -1, e = ao.min(n, o), r = new Array(e); ++t < e; )5217 for (var i, u = -1, a = (r[t] = new Array(i)); ++u < i; )5218 a[u] = n[u][t];5219 return r;5220 }),5221 ( = function () {5222 return ao.transpose(arguments);5223 }),5224 (ao.keys = function (n) {5225 var t = [];5226 for (var e in n) t.push(e);5227 return t;5228 }),5229 (ao.values = function (n) {5230 var t = [];5231 for (var e in n) t.push(n[e]);5232 return t;5233 }),5234 (ao.entries = function (n) {5235 var t = [];5236 for (var e in n) t.push({ key: e, value: n[e] });5237 return t;5238 }),5239 (ao.merge = function (n) {5240 for (var t, e, r, i = n.length, u = -1, o = 0; ++u < i; )5241 o += n[u].length;5242 for (e = new Array(o); --i >= 0; )5243 for (r = n[i], t = r.length; --t >= 0; ) e[--o] = r[t];5244 return e;5245 });5246 var xo = Math.abs;5247 (ao.range = function (n, t, e) {5248 if (5249 (arguments.length < 3 &&5250 ((e = 1), arguments.length < 2 && ((t = n), (n = 0))),5251 (t - n) /​ e === 1 /​ 0)5252 )5253 throw new Error("infinite range");5254 var r,5255 i = [],5256 u = a(xo(e)),5257 o = -1;5258 if (((n *= u), (t *= u), (e *= u), 0 > e))5259 for (; (r = n + e * ++o) > t; ) i.push(r /​ u);5260 else for (; (r = n + e * ++o) < t; ) i.push(r /​ u);5261 return i;5262 }),5263 ( = function (n, t) {5264 var e = new c();5265 if (n instanceof c)5266 n.forEach(function (n, t) {5267 e.set(n, t);5268 });5269 else if (Array.isArray(n)) {5270 var r,5271 i = -1,5272 u = n.length;5273 if (1 === arguments.length) for (; ++i < u; ) e.set(i, n[i]);5274 else for (; ++i < u; ) e.set(, (r = n[i]), i), r);5275 } else for (var o in n) e.set(o, n[o]);5276 return e;5277 });5278 var bo = "__proto__",5279 _o = "\x00";5280 l(c, {5281 has: h,5282 get: function (n) {5283 return this._[f(n)];5284 },5285 set: function (n, t) {5286 return (this._[f(n)] = t);5287 },5288 remove: p,5289 keys: g,5290 values: function () {5291 var n = [];5292 for (var t in this._) n.push(this._[t]);5293 return n;5294 },5295 entries: function () {5296 var n = [];5297 for (var t in this._) n.push({ key: s(t), value: this._[t] });5298 return n;5299 },5300 size: v,5301 empty: d,5302 forEach: function (n) {5303 for (var t in this._), s(t), this._[t]);5304 },5305 }),5306 (ao.nest = function () {5307 function n(t, o, a) {5308 if (a >= u.length) return r ?, o) : e ? o.sort(e) : o;5309 for (5310 var l, f, s, h, p = -1, g = o.length, v = u[a++], d = new c();5311 ++p < g;5312 )5313 (h = d.get((l = v((f = o[p]))))) ? h.push(f) : d.set(l, [f]);5314 return (5315 t5316 ? ((f = t()),5317 (s = function (e, r) {5318 f.set(e, n(t, r, a));5319 }))5320 : ((f = {}),5321 (s = function (e, r) {5322 f[e] = n(t, r, a);5323 })),5324 d.forEach(s),5325 f5326 );5327 }5328 function t(n, e) {5329 if (e >= u.length) return n;5330 var r = [],5331 i = o[e++];5332 return (5333 n.forEach(function (n, i) {5334 r.push({ key: n, values: t(i, e) });5335 }),5336 i5337 ? r.sort(function (n, t) {5338 return i(n.key, t.key);5339 })5340 : r5341 );5342 }5343 var e,5344 r,5345 i = {},5346 u = [],5347 o = [];5348 return (5349 ( = function (t, e) {5350 return n(e, t, 0);5351 }),5352 (i.entries = function (e) {5353 return t(n(, e, 0), 0);5354 }),5355 (i.key = function (n) {5356 return u.push(n), i;5357 }),5358 (i.sortKeys = function (n) {5359 return (o[u.length - 1] = n), i;5360 }),5361 (i.sortValues = function (n) {5362 return (e = n), i;5363 }),5364 (i.rollup = function (n) {5365 return (r = n), i;5366 }),5367 i5368 );5369 }),5370 (ao.set = function (n) {5371 var t = new y();5372 if (n) for (var e = 0, r = n.length; r > e; ++e) t.add(n[e]);5373 return t;5374 }),5375 l(y, {5376 has: h,5377 add: function (n) {5378 return (this._[f((n += ""))] = !0), n;5379 },5380 remove: p,5381 values: g,5382 size: v,5383 empty: d,5384 forEach: function (n) {5385 for (var t in this._), s(t));5386 },5387 }),5388 (ao.behavior = {}),5389 (ao.rebind = function (n, t) {5390 for (var e, r = 1, i = arguments.length; ++r < i; )5391 n[(e = arguments[r])] = M(n, t, t[e]);5392 return n;5393 });5394 var wo = ["webkit", "ms", "moz", "Moz", "o", "O"];5395 (ao.dispatch = function () {5396 for (var n = new _(), t = -1, e = arguments.length; ++t < e; )5397 n[arguments[t]] = w(n);5398 return n;5399 }),5400 (_.prototype.on = function (n, t) {5401 var e = n.indexOf("."),5402 r = "";5403 if ((e >= 0 && ((r = n.slice(e + 1)), (n = n.slice(0, e))), n))5404 return arguments.length < 2 ? this[n].on(r) : this[n].on(r, t);5405 if (2 === arguments.length) {5406 if (null == t)5407 for (n in this) this.hasOwnProperty(n) && this[n].on(r, null);5408 return this;5409 }5410 }),5411 (ao.event = null),5412 (ao.requote = function (n) {5413 return n.replace(So, "\\$&");5414 });5415 var So = /​[\\\^\$\*\+\?\|\[\]\(\)\.\{\}]/​g,5416 ko = {}.__proto__5417 ? function (n, t) {5418 n.__proto__ = t;5419 }5420 : function (n, t) {5421 for (var e in t) n[e] = t[e];5422 },5423 No = function (n, t) {5424 return t.querySelector(n);5425 },5426 Eo = function (n, t) {5427 return t.querySelectorAll(n);5428 },5429 Ao = function (n, t) {5430 var e = n.matches || n[x(n, "matchesSelector")];5431 return (Ao = function (n, t) {5432 return, t);5433 })(n, t);5434 };5435 "function" == typeof Sizzle &&5436 ((No = function (n, t) {5437 return Sizzle(n, t)[0] || null;5438 }),5439 (Eo = Sizzle),5440 (Ao = Sizzle.matchesSelector)),5441 (ao.selection = function () {5442 return;5443 });5444 var Co = (ao.selection.prototype = []);5445 ( = function (n) {5446 var t,5447 e,5448 r,5449 i,5450 u = [];5451 n = A(n);5452 for (var o = -1, a = this.length; ++o < a; ) {5453 u.push((t = [])), (t.parentNode = (r = this[o]).parentNode);5454 for (var l = -1, c = r.length; ++l < c; )5455 (i = r[l])5456 ? (t.push((e =, i.__data__, l, o))),5457 e && "__data__" in i && (e.__data__ = i.__data__))5458 : t.push(null);5459 }5460 return E(u);5461 }),5462 (Co.selectAll = function (n) {5463 var t,5464 e,5465 r = [];5466 n = C(n);5467 for (var i = -1, u = this.length; ++i < u; )5468 for (var o = this[i], a = -1, l = o.length; ++a < l; )5469 (e = o[a]) &&5470 (r.push((t = co(, e.__data__, a, i)))), (t.parentNode = e));5471 return E(r);5472 });5473 var zo = "http:/​/​​1999/​xhtml",5474 Lo = {5475 svg: "http:/​/​​2000/​svg",5476 xhtml: zo,5477 xlink: "http:/​/​​1999/​xlink",5478 xml: "http:/​/​​XML/​1998/​namespace",5479 xmlns: "http:/​/​​2000/​xmlns/​",5480 };5481 (ao.ns = {5482 prefix: Lo,5483 qualify: function (n) {5484 var t = n.indexOf(":"),5485 e = n;5486 return (5487 t >= 0 && "xmlns" !== (e = n.slice(0, t)) && (n = n.slice(t + 1)),5488 Lo.hasOwnProperty(e) ? { space: Lo[e], local: n } : n5489 );5490 },5491 }),5492 (Co.attr = function (n, t) {5493 if (arguments.length < 2) {5494 if ("string" == typeof n) {5495 var e = this.node();5496 return (5497 (n = ao.ns.qualify(n)),5498 n.local ? e.getAttributeNS(, n.local) : e.getAttribute(n)5499 );5500 }5501 for (t in n) this.each(z(t, n[t]));5502 return this;5503 }5504 return this.each(z(n, t));5505 }),5506 (Co.classed = function (n, t) {5507 if (arguments.length < 2) {5508 if ("string" == typeof n) {5509 var e = this.node(),5510 r = (n = T(n)).length,5511 i = -1;5512 if ((t = e.classList)) {5513 for (; ++i < r; ) if (!t.contains(n[i])) return !1;5514 } else5515 for (t = e.getAttribute("class"); ++i < r; )5516 if (!q(n[i]).test(t)) return !1;5517 return !0;5518 }5519 for (t in n) this.each(R(t, n[t]));5520 return this;5521 }5522 return this.each(R(n, t));5523 }),5524 ( = function (n, e, r) {5525 var i = arguments.length;5526 if (3 > i) {5527 if ("string" != typeof n) {5528 2 > i && (e = "");5529 for (r in n) this.each(P(r, n[r], e));5530 return this;5531 }5532 if (2 > i) {5533 var u = this.node();5534 return t(u).getComputedStyle(u, null).getPropertyValue(n);5535 }5536 r = "";5537 }5538 return this.each(P(n, e, r));5539 }),5540 ( = function (n, t) {5541 if (arguments.length < 2) {5542 if ("string" == typeof n) return this.node()[n];5543 for (t in n) this.each(U(t, n[t]));5544 return this;5545 }5546 return this.each(U(n, t));5547 }),5548 (Co.text = function (n) {5549 return arguments.length5550 ? this.each(5551 "function" == typeof n5552 ? function () {5553 var t = n.apply(this, arguments);5554 this.textContent = null == t ? "" : t;5555 }5556 : null == n5557 ? function () {5558 this.textContent = "";5559 }5560 : function () {5561 this.textContent = n;5562 }5563 )5564 : this.node().textContent;5565 }),5566 (Co.html = function (n) {5567 return arguments.length5568 ? this.each(5569 "function" == typeof n5570 ? function () {5571 var t = n.apply(this, arguments);5572 this.innerHTML = null == t ? "" : t;5573 }5574 : null == n5575 ? function () {5576 this.innerHTML = "";5577 }5578 : function () {5579 this.innerHTML = n;5580 }5581 )5582 : this.node().innerHTML;5583 }),5584 (Co.append = function (n) {5585 return (5586 (n = j(n)),5587 () {5588 return this.appendChild(n.apply(this, arguments));5589 })5590 );5591 }),5592 (Co.insert = function (n, t) {5593 return (5594 (n = j(n)),5595 (t = A(t)),5596 () {5597 return this.insertBefore(5598 n.apply(this, arguments),5599 t.apply(this, arguments) || null5600 );5601 })5602 );5603 }),5604 (Co.remove = function () {5605 return this.each(F);5606 }),5607 ( = function (n, t) {5608 function e(n, e) {5609 var r,5610 i,5611 u,5612 o = n.length,5613 s = e.length,5614 h = Math.min(o, s),5615 p = new Array(s),5616 g = new Array(s),5617 v = new Array(o);5618 if (t) {5619 var d,5620 y = new c(),5621 m = new Array(o);5622 for (r = -1; ++r < o; )5623 (i = n[r]) &&5624 (y.has((d =, i.__data__, r))) ? (v[r] = i) : y.set(d, i),5625 (m[r] = d));5626 for (r = -1; ++r < s; )5627 (i = y.get((d =, (u = e[r]), r))))5628 ? i !== !0 && ((p[r] = i), (i.__data__ = u))5629 : (g[r] = H(u)),5630 y.set(d, !0);5631 for (r = -1; ++r < o; ) r in m && y.get(m[r]) !== !0 && (v[r] = n[r]);5632 } else {5633 for (r = -1; ++r < h; )5634 (i = n[r]),5635 (u = e[r]),5636 i ? ((i.__data__ = u), (p[r] = i)) : (g[r] = H(u));5637 for (; s > r; ++r) g[r] = H(e[r]);5638 for (; o > r; ++r) v[r] = n[r];5639 }5640 (g.update = p),5641 (g.parentNode = p.parentNode = v.parentNode = n.parentNode),5642 a.push(g),5643 l.push(p),5644 f.push(v);5645 }5646 var r,5647 i,5648 u = -1,5649 o = this.length;5650 if (!arguments.length) {5651 for (n = new Array((o = (r = this[0]).length)); ++u < o; )5652 (i = r[u]) && (n[u] = i.__data__);5653 return n;5654 }5655 var a = Z([]),5656 l = E([]),5657 f = E([]);5658 if ("function" == typeof n)5659 for (; ++u < o; ) e((r = this[u]),, r.parentNode.__data__, u));5660 else for (; ++u < o; ) e((r = this[u]), n);5661 return (5662 (l.enter = function () {5663 return a;5664 }),5665 (l.exit = function () {5666 return f;5667 }),5668 l5669 );5670 }),5671 (Co.datum = function (n) {5672 return arguments.length5673 ?"__data__", n)5674 :"__data__");5675 }),5676 (Co.filter = function (n) {5677 var t,5678 e,5679 r,5680 i = [];5681 "function" != typeof n && (n = O(n));5682 for (var u = 0, o = this.length; o > u; u++) {5683 i.push((t = [])), (t.parentNode = (e = this[u]).parentNode);5684 for (var a = 0, l = e.length; l > a; a++)5685 (r = e[a]) &&, r.__data__, a, u) && t.push(r);5686 }5687 return E(i);5688 }),5689 (Co.order = function () {5690 for (var n = -1, t = this.length; ++n < t; )5691 for (var e, r = this[n], i = r.length - 1, u = r[i]; --i >= 0; )5692 (e = r[i]) &&5693 (u && u !== e.nextSibling && u.parentNode.insertBefore(e, u),5694 (u = e));5695 return this;5696 }),5697 (Co.sort = function (n) {5698 n = I.apply(this, arguments);5699 for (var t = -1, e = this.length; ++t < e; ) this[t].sort(n);5700 return this.order();5701 }),5702 (Co.each = function (n) {5703 return Y(this, function (t, e, r) {5704, t.__data__, e, r);5705 });5706 }),5707 ( = function (n) {5708 var t = co(arguments);5709 return n.apply((t[0] = this), t), this;5710 }),5711 (Co.empty = function () {5712 return !this.node();5713 }),5714 (Co.node = function () {5715 for (var n = 0, t = this.length; t > n; n++)5716 for (var e = this[n], r = 0, i = e.length; i > r; r++) {5717 var u = e[r];5718 if (u) return u;5719 }5720 return null;5721 }),5722 (Co.size = function () {5723 var n = 0;5724 return (5725 Y(this, function () {5726 ++n;5727 }),5728 n5729 );5730 });5731 var qo = [];5732 (ao.selection.enter = Z),5733 (ao.selection.enter.prototype = qo),5734 (qo.append = Co.append),5735 (qo.empty = Co.empty),5736 (qo.node = Co.node),5737 ( =,5738 (qo.size = Co.size),5739 ( = function (n) {5740 for (var t, e, r, i, u, o = [], a = -1, l = this.length; ++a < l; ) {5741 (r = (i = this[a]).update),5742 o.push((t = [])),5743 (t.parentNode = i.parentNode);5744 for (var c = -1, f = i.length; ++c < f; )5745 (u = i[c])5746 ? (t.push((r[c] = e =, u.__data__, c, a))),5747 (e.__data__ = u.__data__))5748 : t.push(null);5749 }5750 return E(o);5751 }),5752 (qo.insert = function (n, t) {5753 return arguments.length < 2 && (t = V(this)),, n, t);5754 }),5755 ( = function (t) {5756 var e;5757 return (5758 "string" == typeof t5759 ? ((e = [No(t, fo)]), (e.parentNode = fo.documentElement))5760 : ((e = [t]), (e.parentNode = n(t))),5761 E([e])5762 );5763 }),5764 (ao.selectAll = function (n) {5765 var t;5766 return (5767 "string" == typeof n5768 ? ((t = co(Eo(n, fo))), (t.parentNode = fo.documentElement))5769 : ((t = co(n)), (t.parentNode = null)),5770 E([t])5771 );5772 }),5773 (Co.on = function (n, t, e) {5774 var r = arguments.length;5775 if (3 > r) {5776 if ("string" != typeof n) {5777 2 > r && (t = !1);5778 for (e in n) this.each(X(e, n[e], t));5779 return this;5780 }5781 if (2 > r) return (r = this.node()["__on" + n]) && r._;5782 e = !1;5783 }5784 return this.each(X(n, t, e));5785 });5786 var To ={ mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" });5787 fo &&5788 To.forEach(function (n) {5789 "on" + n in fo && To.remove(n);5790 });5791 var Ro,5792 Do = 0;5793 ao.mouse = function (n) {5794 return J(n, k());5795 };5796 var Po = this.navigator && /​WebKit/​.test(this.navigator.userAgent) ? -1 : 0;5797 (ao.touch = function (n, t, e) {5798 if ((arguments.length < 3 && ((e = t), (t = k().changedTouches)), t))5799 for (var r, i = 0, u = t.length; u > i; ++i)5800 if ((r = t[i]).identifier === e) return J(n, r);5801 }),5802 (ao.behavior.drag = function () {5803 function n() {5804 this.on("mousedown.drag", u).on("touchstart.drag", o);5805 }5806 function e(n, t, e, u, o) {5807 return function () {5808 function a() {5809 var n,5810 e,5811 r = t(h, v);5812 r &&5813 ((n = r[0] - M[0]),5814 (e = r[1] - M[1]),5815 (g |= n | e),5816 (M = r),5817 p({5818 type: "drag",5819 x: r[0] + c[0],5820 y: r[1] + c[1],5821 dx: n,5822 dy: e,5823 }));5824 }5825 function l() {5826 t(h, v) &&5827 (y.on(u + d, null).on(o + d, null), m(g), p({ type: "dragend" }));5828 }5829 var c,5830 f = this,5831 s = ||,5832 h = f.parentNode,5833 p = r.of(f, arguments),5834 g = 0,5835 v = n(),5836 d = ".drag" + (null == v ? "" : "-" + v),5837 y = ao5838 .select(e(s))5839 .on(u + d, a)5840 .on(o + d, l),5841 m = W(s),5842 M = t(h, v);5843 i5844 ? ((c = i.apply(f, arguments)), (c = [c.x - M[0], c.y - M[1]]))5845 : (c = [0, 0]),5846 p({ type: "dragstart" });5847 };5848 }5849 var r = N(n, "drag", "dragstart", "dragend"),5850 i = null,5851 u = e(b, ao.mouse, t, "mousemove", "mouseup"),5852 o = e(G, ao.touch, m, "touchmove", "touchend");5853 return (5854 (n.origin = function (t) {5855 return arguments.length ? ((i = t), n) : i;5856 }),5857 ao.rebind(n, r, "on")5858 );5859 }),5860 (ao.touches = function (n, t) {5861 return (5862 arguments.length < 2 && (t = k().touches),5863 t5864 ? co(t).map(function (t) {5865 var e = J(n, t);5866 return (e.identifier = t.identifier), e;5867 })5868 : []5869 );5870 });5871 var Uo = 1e-6,5872 jo = Uo * Uo,5873 Fo = Math.PI,5874 Ho = 2 * Fo,5875 Oo = Ho - Uo,5876 Io = Fo /​ 2,5877 Yo = Fo /​ 180,5878 Zo = 180 /​ Fo,5879 Vo = Math.SQRT2,5880 Xo = 2,5881 $o = 4;5882 (ao.interpolateZoom = function (n, t) {5883 var e,5884 r,5885 i = n[0],5886 u = n[1],5887 o = n[2],5888 a = t[0],5889 l = t[1],5890 c = t[2],5891 f = a - i,5892 s = l - u,5893 h = f * f + s * s;5894 if (jo > h)5895 (r = Math.log(c /​ o) /​ Vo),5896 (e = function (n) {5897 return [i + n * f, u + n * s, o * Math.exp(Vo * n * r)];5898 });5899 else {5900 var p = Math.sqrt(h),5901 g = (c * c - o * o + $o * h) /​ (2 * o * Xo * p),5902 v = (c * c - o * o - $o * h) /​ (2 * c * Xo * p),5903 d = Math.log(Math.sqrt(g * g + 1) - g),5904 y = Math.log(Math.sqrt(v * v + 1) - v);5905 (r = (y - d) /​ Vo),5906 (e = function (n) {5907 var t = n * r,5908 e = rn(d),5909 a = (o /​ (Xo * p)) * (e * un(Vo * t + d) - en(d));5910 return [i + a * f, u + a * s, (o * e) /​ rn(Vo * t + d)];5911 });5912 }5913 return (e.duration = 1e3 * r), e;5914 }),5915 (ao.behavior.zoom = function () {5916 function n(n) {5917 n.on(L, s)5918 .on(Wo + ".zoom", p)5919 .on("dblclick.zoom", g)5920 .on(R, h);5921 }5922 function e(n) {5923 return [(n[0] - k.x) /​ k.k, (n[1] - k.y) /​ k.k];5924 }5925 function r(n) {5926 return [n[0] * k.k + k.x, n[1] * k.k + k.y];5927 }5928 function i(n) {5929 k.k = Math.max(A[0], Math.min(A[1], n));5930 }5931 function u(n, t) {5932 (t = r(t)), (k.x += n[0] - t[0]), (k.y += n[1] - t[1]);5933 }5934 function o(t, e, r, o) {5935 (t.__chart__ = { x: k.x, y: k.y, k: k.k }),5936 i(Math.pow(2, o)),5937 u((d = e), r),5938 (t =,5939 C > 0 && (t = t.transition().duration(C)),5940;5941 }5942 function a() {5943 b &&5944 b.domain(5945 x5946 .range()5947 .map(function (n) {5948 return (n - k.x) /​ k.k;5949 })5950 .map(x.invert)5951 ),5952 w &&5953 w.domain(5954 _.range()5955 .map(function (n) {5956 return (n - k.y) /​ k.k;5957 })5958 .map(_.invert)5959 );5960 }5961 function l(n) {5962 z++ || n({ type: "zoomstart" });5963 }5964 function c(n) {5965 a(), n({ type: "zoom", scale: k.k, translate: [k.x, k.y] });5966 }5967 function f(n) {5968 --z || (n({ type: "zoomend" }), (d = null));5969 }5970 function s() {5971 function n() {5972 (a = 1), u(ao.mouse(i), h), c(o);5973 }5974 function r() {5975 s.on(q, null).on(T, null), p(a), f(o);5976 }5977 var i = this,5978 o = D.of(i, arguments),5979 a = 0,5980 s =, n).on(T, r),5981 h = e(ao.mouse(i)),5982 p = W(i);5983, l(o);5984 }5985 function h() {5986 function n() {5987 var n = ao.touches(g);5988 return (5989 (p = k.k),5990 n.forEach(function (n) {5991 n.identifier in d && (d[n.identifier] = e(n));5992 }),5993 n5994 );5995 }5996 function t() {5997 var t =;5998, r).on(b, a), _.push(t);5999 for (var e = ao.event.changedTouches, i = 0, u = e.length; u > i; ++i)6000 d[e[i].identifier] = null;6001 var l = n(),6002 c =;6003 if (1 === l.length) {6004 if (500 > c - M) {6005 var f = l[0];6006 o(6007 g,6008 f,6009 d[f.identifier],6010 Math.floor(Math.log(k.k) /​ Math.LN2) + 16011 ),6012 S();6013 }6014 M = c;6015 } else if (l.length > 1) {6016 var f = l[0],6017 s = l[1],6018 h = f[0] - s[0],6019 p = f[1] - s[1];6020 y = h * h + p * p;6021 }6022 }6023 function r() {6024 var n,6025 t,6026 e,6027 r,6028 o = ao.touches(g);6029;6030 for (var a = 0, l = o.length; l > a; ++a, r = null)6031 if (((e = o[a]), (r = d[e.identifier]))) {6032 if (t) break;6033 (n = e), (t = r);6034 }6035 if (r) {6036 var f = (f = e[0] - n[0]) * f + (f = e[1] - n[1]) * f,6037 s = y && Math.sqrt(f /​ y);6038 (n = [(n[0] + e[0]) /​ 2, (n[1] + e[1]) /​ 2]),6039 (t = [(t[0] + r[0]) /​ 2, (t[1] + r[1]) /​ 2]),6040 i(s * p);6041 }6042 (M = null), u(n, t), c(v);6043 }6044 function a() {6045 if (ao.event.touches.length) {6046 for (6047 var t = ao.event.changedTouches, e = 0, r = t.length;6048 r > e;6049 ++e6050 )6051 delete d[t[e].identifier];6052 for (var i in d) return void n();6053 }6054 ao.selectAll(_).on(m, null), w.on(L, s).on(R, h), N(), f(v);6055 }6056 var p,6057 g = this,6058 v = D.of(g, arguments),6059 d = {},6060 y = 0,6061 m = ".zoom-" + ao.event.changedTouches[0].identifier,6062 x = "touchmove" + m,6063 b = "touchend" + m,6064 _ = [],6065 w =,6066 N = W(g);6067 t(), l(v), w.on(L, null).on(R, t);6068 }6069 function p() {6070 var n = D.of(this, arguments);6071 m6072 ? clearTimeout(m)6073 : (, (v = e((d = y || ao.mouse(this)))), l(n)),6074 (m = setTimeout(function () {6075 (m = null), f(n);6076 }, 50)),6077 S(),6078 i(Math.pow(2, 0.002 * Bo()) * k.k),6079 u(d, v),6080 c(n);6081 }6082 function g() {6083 var n = ao.mouse(this),6084 t = Math.log(k.k) /​ Math.LN2;6085 o(6086 this,6087 n,6088 e(n),6089 ao.event.shiftKey ? Math.ceil(t) - 1 : Math.floor(t) + 16090 );6091 }6092 var v,6093 d,6094 y,6095 m,6096 M,6097 x,6098 b,6099 _,6100 w,6101 k = { x: 0, y: 0, k: 1 },6102 E = [960, 500],6103 A = Jo,6104 C = 250,6105 z = 0,6106 L = "mousedown.zoom",6107 q = "mousemove.zoom",6108 T = "mouseup.zoom",6109 R = "touchstart.zoom",6110 D = N(n, "zoomstart", "zoom", "zoomend");6111 return (6112 Wo ||6113 (Wo =6114 "onwheel" in fo6115 ? ((Bo = function () {6116 return -ao.event.deltaY * (ao.event.deltaMode ? 120 : 1);6117 }),6118 "wheel")6119 : "onmousewheel" in fo6120 ? ((Bo = function () {6121 return ao.event.wheelDelta;6122 }),6123 "mousewheel")6124 : ((Bo = function () {6125 return -ao.event.detail;6126 }),6127 "MozMousePixelScroll")),6128 (n.event = function (n) {6129 n.each(function () {6130 var n = D.of(this, arguments),6131 t = k;6132 Hl6133 ? ao6134 .select(this)6135 .transition()6136 .each("start.zoom", function () {6137 (k = this.__chart__ || { x: 0, y: 0, k: 1 }), l(n);6138 })6139 .tween("zoom:zoom", function () {6140 var e = E[0],6141 r = E[1],6142 i = d ? d[0] : e /​ 2,6143 u = d ? d[1] : r /​ 2,6144 o = ao.interpolateZoom(6145 [(i - k.x) /​ k.k, (u - k.y) /​ k.k, e /​ k.k],6146 [(i - t.x) /​ t.k, (u - t.y) /​ t.k, e /​ t.k]6147 );6148 return function (t) {6149 var r = o(t),6150 a = e /​ r[2];6151 (this.__chart__ = k = {6152 x: i - r[0] * a,6153 y: u - r[1] * a,6154 k: a,6155 }),6156 c(n);6157 };6158 })6159 .each("interrupt.zoom", function () {6160 f(n);6161 })6162 .each("end.zoom", function () {6163 f(n);6164 })6165 : ((this.__chart__ = k), l(n), c(n), f(n));6166 });6167 }),6168 (n.translate = function (t) {6169 return arguments.length6170 ? ((k = { x: +t[0], y: +t[1], k: k.k }), a(), n)6171 : [k.x, k.y];6172 }),6173 (n.scale = function (t) {6174 return arguments.length6175 ? ((k = { x: k.x, y: k.y, k: null }), i(+t), a(), n)6176 : k.k;6177 }),6178 (n.scaleExtent = function (t) {6179 return arguments.length6180 ? ((A = null == t ? Jo : [+t[0], +t[1]]), n)6181 : A;6182 }),6183 ( = function (t) {6184 return arguments.length ? ((y = t && [+t[0], +t[1]]), n) : y;6185 }),6186 (n.size = function (t) {6187 return arguments.length ? ((E = t && [+t[0], +t[1]]), n) : E;6188 }),6189 (n.duration = function (t) {6190 return arguments.length ? ((C = +t), n) : C;6191 }),6192 (n.x = function (t) {6193 return arguments.length6194 ? ((b = t), (x = t.copy()), (k = { x: 0, y: 0, k: 1 }), n)6195 : b;6196 }),6197 (n.y = function (t) {6198 return arguments.length6199 ? ((w = t), (_ = t.copy()), (k = { x: 0, y: 0, k: 1 }), n)6200 : w;6201 }),6202 ao.rebind(n, D, "on")6203 );6204 });6205 var Bo,6206 Wo,6207 Jo = [0, 1 /​ 0];6208 (ao.color = an),6209 (an.prototype.toString = function () {6210 return this.rgb() + "";6211 }),6212 (ao.hsl = ln);6213 var Go = (ln.prototype = new an());6214 (Go.brighter = function (n) {6215 return (6216 (n = Math.pow(0.7, arguments.length ? n : 1)),6217 new ln(this.h, this.s, this.l /​ n)6218 );6219 }),6220 (Go.darker = function (n) {6221 return (6222 (n = Math.pow(0.7, arguments.length ? n : 1)),6223 new ln(this.h, this.s, n * this.l)6224 );6225 }),6226 (Go.rgb = function () {6227 return cn(this.h, this.s, this.l);6228 }),6229 (ao.hcl = fn);6230 var Ko = (fn.prototype = new an());6231 (Ko.brighter = function (n) {6232 return new fn(6233 this.h,6234 this.c,6235 Math.min(100, this.l + Qo * (arguments.length ? n : 1))6236 );6237 }),6238 (Ko.darker = function (n) {6239 return new fn(6240 this.h,6241 this.c,6242 Math.max(0, this.l - Qo * (arguments.length ? n : 1))6243 );6244 }),6245 (Ko.rgb = function () {6246 return sn(this.h, this.c, this.l).rgb();6247 }),6248 (ao.lab = hn);6249 var Qo = 18,6250 na = 0.95047,6251 ta = 1,6252 ea = 1.08883,6253 ra = (hn.prototype = new an());6254 (ra.brighter = function (n) {6255 return new hn(6256 Math.min(100, this.l + Qo * (arguments.length ? n : 1)),6257 this.a,6258 this.b6259 );6260 }),6261 (ra.darker = function (n) {6262 return new hn(6263 Math.max(0, this.l - Qo * (arguments.length ? n : 1)),6264 this.a,6265 this.b6266 );6267 }),6268 (ra.rgb = function () {6269 return pn(this.l, this.a, this.b);6270 }),6271 (ao.rgb = mn);6272 var ia = (mn.prototype = new an());6273 (ia.brighter = function (n) {6274 n = Math.pow(0.7, arguments.length ? n : 1);6275 var t = this.r,6276 e = this.g,6277 r = this.b,6278 i = 30;6279 return t || e || r6280 ? (t && i > t && (t = i),6281 e && i > e && (e = i),6282 r && i > r && (r = i),6283 new mn(6284 Math.min(255, t /​ n),6285 Math.min(255, e /​ n),6286 Math.min(255, r /​ n)6287 ))6288 : new mn(i, i, i);6289 }),6290 (ia.darker = function (n) {6291 return (6292 (n = Math.pow(0.7, arguments.length ? n : 1)),6293 new mn(n * this.r, n * this.g, n * this.b)6294 );6295 }),6296 (ia.hsl = function () {6297 return wn(this.r, this.g, this.b);6298 }),6299 (ia.toString = function () {6300 return "#" + bn(this.r) + bn(this.g) + bn(this.b);6301 });6302 var ua ={6303 aliceblue: 15792383,6304 antiquewhite: 16444375,6305 aqua: 65535,6306 aquamarine: 8388564,6307 azure: 15794175,6308 beige: 16119260,6309 bisque: 16770244,6310 black: 0,6311 blanchedalmond: 16772045,6312 blue: 255,6313 blueviolet: 9055202,6314 brown: 10824234,6315 burlywood: 14596231,6316 cadetblue: 6266528,6317 chartreuse: 8388352,6318 chocolate: 13789470,6319 coral: 16744272,6320 cornflowerblue: 6591981,6321 cornsilk: 16775388,6322 crimson: 14423100,6323 cyan: 65535,6324 darkblue: 139,6325 darkcyan: 35723,6326 darkgoldenrod: 12092939,6327 darkgray: 11119017,6328 darkgreen: 25600,6329 darkgrey: 11119017,6330 darkkhaki: 12433259,6331 darkmagenta: 9109643,6332 darkolivegreen: 5597999,6333 darkorange: 16747520,6334 darkorchid: 10040012,6335 darkred: 9109504,6336 darksalmon: 15308410,6337 darkseagreen: 9419919,6338 darkslateblue: 4734347,6339 darkslategray: 3100495,6340 darkslategrey: 3100495,6341 darkturquoise: 52945,6342 darkviolet: 9699539,6343 deeppink: 16716947,6344 deepskyblue: 49151,6345 dimgray: 6908265,6346 dimgrey: 6908265,6347 dodgerblue: 2003199,6348 firebrick: 11674146,6349 floralwhite: 16775920,6350 forestgreen: 2263842,6351 fuchsia: 16711935,6352 gainsboro: 14474460,6353 ghostwhite: 16316671,6354 gold: 16766720,6355 goldenrod: 14329120,6356 gray: 8421504,6357 green: 32768,6358 greenyellow: 11403055,6359 grey: 8421504,6360 honeydew: 15794160,6361 hotpink: 16738740,6362 indianred: 13458524,6363 indigo: 4915330,6364 ivory: 16777200,6365 khaki: 15787660,6366 lavender: 15132410,6367 lavenderblush: 16773365,6368 lawngreen: 8190976,6369 lemonchiffon: 16775885,6370 lightblue: 11393254,6371 lightcoral: 15761536,6372 lightcyan: 14745599,6373 lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210,6374 lightgray: 13882323,6375 lightgreen: 9498256,6376 lightgrey: 13882323,6377 lightpink: 16758465,6378 lightsalmon: 16752762,6379 lightseagreen: 2142890,6380 lightskyblue: 8900346,6381 lightslategray: 7833753,6382 lightslategrey: 7833753,6383 lightsteelblue: 11584734,6384 lightyellow: 16777184,6385 lime: 65280,6386 limegreen: 3329330,6387 linen: 16445670,6388 magenta: 16711935,6389 maroon: 8388608,6390 mediumaquamarine: 6737322,6391 mediumblue: 205,6392 mediumorchid: 12211667,6393 mediumpurple: 9662683,6394 mediumseagreen: 3978097,6395 mediumslateblue: 8087790,6396 mediumspringgreen: 64154,6397 mediumturquoise: 4772300,6398 mediumvioletred: 13047173,6399 midnightblue: 1644912,6400 mintcream: 16121850,6401 mistyrose: 16770273,6402 moccasin: 16770229,6403 navajowhite: 16768685,6404 navy: 128,6405 oldlace: 16643558,6406 olive: 8421376,6407 olivedrab: 7048739,6408 orange: 16753920,6409 orangered: 16729344,6410 orchid: 14315734,6411 palegoldenrod: 15657130,6412 palegreen: 10025880,6413 paleturquoise: 11529966,6414 palevioletred: 14381203,6415 papayawhip: 16773077,6416 peachpuff: 16767673,6417 peru: 13468991,6418 pink: 16761035,6419 plum: 14524637,6420 powderblue: 11591910,6421 purple: 8388736,6422 rebeccapurple: 6697881,6423 red: 16711680,6424 rosybrown: 12357519,6425 royalblue: 4286945,6426 saddlebrown: 9127187,6427 salmon: 16416882,6428 sandybrown: 16032864,6429 seagreen: 3050327,6430 seashell: 16774638,6431 sienna: 10506797,6432 silver: 12632256,6433 skyblue: 8900331,6434 slateblue: 6970061,6435 slategray: 7372944,6436 slategrey: 7372944,6437 snow: 16775930,6438 springgreen: 65407,6439 steelblue: 4620980,6440 tan: 13808780,6441 teal: 32896,6442 thistle: 14204888,6443 tomato: 16737095,6444 turquoise: 4251856,6445 violet: 15631086,6446 wheat: 16113331,6447 white: 16777215,6448 whitesmoke: 16119285,6449 yellow: 16776960,6450 yellowgreen: 10145074,6451 });6452 ua.forEach(function (n, t) {6453 ua.set(n, Mn(t));6454 }),6455 (ao.functor = En),6456 (ao.xhr = An(m)),6457 (ao.dsv = function (n, t) {6458 function e(n, e, u) {6459 arguments.length < 3 && ((u = e), (e = null));6460 var o = Cn(n, t, null == e ? r : i(e), u);6461 return (6462 (o.row = function (n) {6463 return arguments.length6464 ? o.response(null == (e = n) ? r : i(n))6465 : e;6466 }),6467 o6468 );6469 }6470 function r(n) {6471 return e.parse(n.responseText);6472 }6473 function i(n) {6474 return function (t) {6475 return e.parse(t.responseText, n);6476 };6477 }6478 function u(t) {6479 return;6480 }6481 function o(n) {6482 return a.test(n) ? '"' + n.replace(/​\"/​g, '""') + '"' : n;6483 }6484 var a = new RegExp('["' + n + "\n]"),6485 l = n.charCodeAt(0);6486 return (6487 (e.parse = function (n, t) {6488 var r;6489 return e.parseRows(n, function (n, e) {6490 if (r) return r(n, e - 1);6491 var i = new Function(6492 "d",6493 "return {" +6494 n6495 .map(function (n, t) {6496 return JSON.stringify(n) + ": d[" + t + "]";6497 })6498 .join(",") +6499 "}"6500 );6501 r = t6502 ? function (n, e) {6503 return t(i(n), e);6504 }6505 : i;6506 });6507 }),6508 (e.parseRows = function (n, t) {6509 function e() {6510 if (f >= c) return o;6511 if (i) return (i = !1), u;6512 var t = f;6513 if (34 === n.charCodeAt(t)) {6514 for (var e = t; e++ < c; )6515 if (34 === n.charCodeAt(e)) {6516 if (34 !== n.charCodeAt(e + 1)) break;6517 ++e;6518 }6519 f = e + 2;6520 var r = n.charCodeAt(e + 1);6521 return (6522 13 === r6523 ? ((i = !0), 10 === n.charCodeAt(e + 2) && ++f)6524 : 10 === r && (i = !0),6525 n.slice(t + 1, e).replace(/​""/​g, '"')6526 );6527 }6528 for (; c > f; ) {6529 var r = n.charCodeAt(f++),6530 a = 1;6531 if (10 === r) i = !0;6532 else if (13 === r) (i = !0), 10 === n.charCodeAt(f) && (++f, ++a);6533 else if (r !== l) continue;6534 return n.slice(t, f - a);6535 }6536 return n.slice(t);6537 }6538 for (6539 var r, i, u = {}, o = {}, a = [], c = n.length, f = 0, s = 0;6540 (r = e()) !== o;6541 ) {6542 for (var h = []; r !== u && r !== o; ) h.push(r), (r = e());6543 (t && null == (h = t(h, s++))) || a.push(h);6544 }6545 return a;6546 }),6547 (e.format = function (t) {6548 if (Array.isArray(t[0])) return e.formatRows(t);6549 var r = new y(),6550 i = [];6551 return (6552 t.forEach(function (n) {6553 for (var t in n) r.has(t) || i.push(r.add(t));6554 }),6555 []6556 .concat(6557 (t) {6558 return i6559 .map(function (n) {6560 return o(t[n]);6561 })6562 .join(n);6563 })6564 )6565 .join("\n")6566 );6567 }),6568 (e.formatRows = function (n) {6569 return"\n");6570 }),6571 e6572 );6573 }),6574 (ao.csv = ao.dsv(",", "text/​csv")),6575 (ao.tsv = ao.dsv(" ", "text/​tab-separated-values"));6576 var oa,6577 aa,6578 la,6579 ca,6580 fa =6581 this[x(this, "requestAnimationFrame")] ||6582 function (n) {6583 setTimeout(n, 17);6584 };6585 (ao.timer = function () {6586 qn.apply(this, arguments);6587 }),6588 (ao.timer.flush = function () {6589 Rn(), Dn();6590 }),6591 (ao.round = function (n, t) {6592 return t ? Math.round(n * (t = Math.pow(10, t))) /​ t : Math.round(n);6593 });6594 var sa = [6595 "y",6596 "z",6597 "a",6598 "f",6599 "p",6600 "n",6601 "\xb5",6602 "m",6603 "",6604 "k",6605 "M",6606 "G",6607 "T",6608 "P",6609 "E",6610 "Z",6611 "Y",6612 ].map(Un);6613 ao.formatPrefix = function (n, t) {6614 var e = 0;6615 return (6616 (n = +n) &&6617 (0 > n && (n *= -1),6618 t && (n = ao.round(n, Pn(n, t))),6619 (e = 1 + Math.floor(1e-12 + Math.log(n) /​ Math.LN10)),6620 (e = Math.max(-24, Math.min(24, 3 * Math.floor((e - 1) /​ 3))))),6621 sa[8 + e /​ 3]6622 );6623 };6624 var ha = /​(?:([^{])?([<>=^]))?([+\- ])?([$#])?(0)?(\d+)?(,)?(\.-?\d+)?([a-z%])?/​i,6625 pa ={6626 b: function (n) {6627 return n.toString(2);6628 },6629 c: function (n) {6630 return String.fromCharCode(n);6631 },6632 o: function (n) {6633 return n.toString(8);6634 },6635 x: function (n) {6636 return n.toString(16);6637 },6638 X: function (n) {6639 return n.toString(16).toUpperCase();6640 },6641 g: function (n, t) {6642 return n.toPrecision(t);6643 },6644 e: function (n, t) {6645 return n.toExponential(t);6646 },6647 f: function (n, t) {6648 return n.toFixed(t);6649 },6650 r: function (n, t) {6651 return (n = ao.round(n, Pn(n, t))).toFixed(6652 Math.max(0, Math.min(20, Pn(n * (1 + 1e-15), t)))6653 );6654 },6655 }),6656 ga = (ao.time = {}),6657 va = Date;6658 Hn.prototype = {6659 getDate: function () {6660 return this._.getUTCDate();6661 },6662 getDay: function () {6663 return this._.getUTCDay();6664 },6665 getFullYear: function () {6666 return this._.getUTCFullYear();6667 },6668 getHours: function () {6669 return this._.getUTCHours();6670 },6671 getMilliseconds: function () {6672 return this._.getUTCMilliseconds();6673 },6674 getMinutes: function () {6675 return this._.getUTCMinutes();6676 },6677 getMonth: function () {6678 return this._.getUTCMonth();6679 },6680 getSeconds: function () {6681 return this._.getUTCSeconds();6682 },6683 getTime: function () {6684 return this._.getTime();6685 },6686 getTimezoneOffset: function () {6687 return 0;6688 },6689 valueOf: function () {6690 return this._.valueOf();6691 },6692 setDate: function () {6693 da.setUTCDate.apply(this._, arguments);6694 },6695 setDay: function () {6696 da.setUTCDay.apply(this._, arguments);6697 },6698 setFullYear: function () {6699 da.setUTCFullYear.apply(this._, arguments);6700 },6701 setHours: function () {6702 da.setUTCHours.apply(this._, arguments);6703 },6704 setMilliseconds: function () {6705 da.setUTCMilliseconds.apply(this._, arguments);6706 },6707 setMinutes: function () {6708 da.setUTCMinutes.apply(this._, arguments);6709 },6710 setMonth: function () {6711 da.setUTCMonth.apply(this._, arguments);6712 },6713 setSeconds: function () {6714 da.setUTCSeconds.apply(this._, arguments);6715 },6716 setTime: function () {6717 da.setTime.apply(this._, arguments);6718 },6719 };6720 var da = Date.prototype;6721 (ga.year = On(6722 function (n) {6723 return (n =, n.setMonth(0, 1), n;6724 },6725 function (n, t) {6726 n.setFullYear(n.getFullYear() + t);6727 },6728 function (n) {6729 return n.getFullYear();6730 }6731 )),6732 (ga.years = ga.year.range),6733 (ga.years.utc = ga.year.utc.range),6734 ( = On(6735 function (n) {6736 var t = new va(2e3, 0);6737 return t.setFullYear(n.getFullYear(), n.getMonth(), n.getDate()), t;6738 },6739 function (n, t) {6740 n.setDate(n.getDate() + t);6741 },6742 function (n) {6743 return n.getDate() - 1;6744 }6745 )),6746 (ga.days =,6747 (ga.days.utc =,6748 (ga.dayOfYear = function (n) {6749 var t = ga.year(n);6750 return Math.floor(6751 (n - t - 6e4 * (n.getTimezoneOffset() - t.getTimezoneOffset())) /​ 864e56752 );6753 }),6754 [6755 "sunday",6756 "monday",6757 "tuesday",6758 "wednesday",6759 "thursday",6760 "friday",6761 "saturday",6762 ].forEach(function (n, t) {6763 t = 7 - t;6764 var e = (ga[n] = On(6765 function (n) {6766 return (6767 (n = - ((n.getDay() + t) % 7)), n6768 );6769 },6770 function (n, t) {6771 n.setDate(n.getDate() + 7 * Math.floor(t));6772 },6773 function (n) {6774 var e = ga.year(n).getDay();6775 return Math.floor((ga.dayOfYear(n) + ((e + t) % 7)) /​ 7) - (e !== t);6776 }6777 ));6778 (ga[n + "s"] = e.range),6779 (ga[n + "s"].utc = e.utc.range),6780 (ga[n + "OfYear"] = function (n) {6781 var e = ga.year(n).getDay();6782 return Math.floor((ga.dayOfYear(n) + ((e + t) % 7)) /​ 7);6783 });6784 }),6785 (ga.week = ga.sunday),6786 (ga.weeks = ga.sunday.range),6787 (ga.weeks.utc = ga.sunday.utc.range),6788 (ga.weekOfYear = ga.sundayOfYear);6789 var ya = { "-": "", _: " ", 0: "0" },6790 ma = /​^\s*\d+/​,6791 Ma = /​^%/​;6792 ao.locale = function (n) {6793 return { numberFormat: jn(n), timeFormat: Yn(n) };6794 };6795 var xa = ao.locale({6796 decimal: ".",6797 thousands: ",",6798 grouping: [3],6799 currency: ["$", ""],6800 dateTime: "%a %b %e %X %Y",6801 date: "%m/​%d/​%Y",6802 time: "%H:%M:%S",6803 periods: ["AM", "PM"],6804 days: [6805 "Sunday",6806 "Monday",6807 "Tuesday",6808 "Wednesday",6809 "Thursday",6810 "Friday",6811 "Saturday",6812 ],6813 shortDays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],6814 months: [6815 "January",6816 "February",6817 "March",6818 "April",6819 "May",6820 "June",6821 "July",6822 "August",6823 "September",6824 "October",6825 "November",6826 "December",6827 ],6828 shortMonths: [6829 "Jan",6830 "Feb",6831 "Mar",6832 "Apr",6833 "May",6834 "Jun",6835 "Jul",6836 "Aug",6837 "Sep",6838 "Oct",6839 "Nov",6840 "Dec",6841 ],6842 });6843 (ao.format = xa.numberFormat),6844 (ao.geo = {}),6845 (ft.prototype = {6846 s: 0,6847 t: 0,6848 add: function (n) {6849 st(n, this.t, ba),6850 st(ba.s, this.s, this),6851 this.s ? (this.t += ba.t) : (this.s = ba.t);6852 },6853 reset: function () {6854 this.s = this.t = 0;6855 },6856 valueOf: function () {6857 return this.s;6858 },6859 });6860 var ba = new ft();6861 = function (n, t) {6862 n && _a.hasOwnProperty(n.type) ? _a[n.type](n, t) : ht(n, t);6863 };6864 var _a = {6865 Feature: function (n, t) {6866 ht(n.geometry, t);6867 },6868 FeatureCollection: function (n, t) {6869 for (var e = n.features, r = -1, i = e.length; ++r < i; )6870 ht(e[r].geometry, t);6871 },6872 },6873 wa = {6874 Sphere: function (n, t) {6875 t.sphere();6876 },6877 Point: function (n, t) {6878 (n = n.coordinates), t.point(n[0], n[1], n[2]);6879 },6880 MultiPoint: function (n, t) {6881 for (var e = n.coordinates, r = -1, i = e.length; ++r < i; )6882 (n = e[r]), t.point(n[0], n[1], n[2]);6883 },6884 LineString: function (n, t) {6885 pt(n.coordinates, t, 0);6886 },6887 MultiLineString: function (n, t) {6888 for (var e = n.coordinates, r = -1, i = e.length; ++r < i; )6889 pt(e[r], t, 0);6890 },6891 Polygon: function (n, t) {6892 gt(n.coordinates, t);6893 },6894 MultiPolygon: function (n, t) {6895 for (var e = n.coordinates, r = -1, i = e.length; ++r < i; )6896 gt(e[r], t);6897 },6898 GeometryCollection: function (n, t) {6899 for (var e = n.geometries, r = -1, i = e.length; ++r < i; ) ht(e[r], t);6900 },6901 };6902 ao.geo.area = function (n) {6903 return (Sa = 0),, Na), Sa;6904 };6905 var Sa,6906 ka = new ft(),6907 Na = {6908 sphere: function () {6909 Sa += 4 * Fo;6910 },6911 point: b,6912 lineStart: b,6913 lineEnd: b,6914 polygonStart: function () {6915 ka.reset(), (Na.lineStart = vt);6916 },6917 polygonEnd: function () {6918 var n = 2 * ka;6919 (Sa += 0 > n ? 4 * Fo + n : n),6920 (Na.lineStart = Na.lineEnd = Na.point = b);6921 },6922 };6923 (ao.geo.bounds = (function () {6924 function n(n, t) {6925 M.push((x = [(f = n), (h = n)])), s > t && (s = t), t > p && (p = t);6926 }6927 function t(t, e) {6928 var r = dt([t * Yo, e * Yo]);6929 if (y) {6930 var i = mt(y, r),6931 u = [i[1], -i[0], 0],6932 o = mt(u, i);6933 bt(o), (o = _t(o));6934 var l = t - g,6935 c = l > 0 ? 1 : -1,6936 v = o[0] * Zo * c,6937 d = xo(l) > 180;6938 if (d ^ (v > c * g && c * t > v)) {6939 var m = o[1] * Zo;6940 m > p && (p = m);6941 } else if (6942 ((v = ((v + 360) % 360) - 180), d ^ (v > c * g && c * t > v))6943 ) {6944 var m = -o[1] * Zo;6945 s > m && (s = m);6946 } else s > e && (s = e), e > p && (p = e);6947 d6948 ? g > t6949 ? a(f, t) > a(f, h) && (h = t)6950 : a(t, h) > a(f, h) && (f = t)6951 : h >= f6952 ? (f > t && (f = t), t > h && (h = t))6953 : t > g6954 ? a(f, t) > a(f, h) && (h = t)6955 : a(t, h) > a(f, h) && (f = t);6956 } else n(t, e);6957 (y = r), (g = t);6958 }6959 function e() {6960 b.point = t;6961 }6962 function r() {6963 (x[0] = f), (x[1] = h), (b.point = n), (y = null);6964 }6965 function i(n, e) {6966 if (y) {6967 var r = n - g;6968 m += xo(r) > 180 ? r + (r > 0 ? 360 : -360) : r;6969 } else (v = n), (d = e);6970 Na.point(n, e), t(n, e);6971 }6972 function u() {6973 Na.lineStart();6974 }6975 function o() {6976 i(v, d),6977 Na.lineEnd(),6978 xo(m) > Uo && (f = -(h = 180)),6979 (x[0] = f),6980 (x[1] = h),6981 (y = null);6982 }6983 function a(n, t) {6984 return (t -= n) < 0 ? t + 360 : t;6985 }6986 function l(n, t) {6987 return n[0] - t[0];6988 }6989 function c(n, t) {6990 return t[0] <= t[1] ? t[0] <= n && n <= t[1] : n < t[0] || t[1] < n;6991 }6992 var f,6993 s,6994 h,6995 p,6996 g,6997 v,6998 d,6999 y,7000 m,7001 M,7002 x,7003 b = {7004 point: n,7005 lineStart: e,7006 lineEnd: r,7007 polygonStart: function () {7008 (b.point = i),7009 (b.lineStart = u),7010 (b.lineEnd = o),7011 (m = 0),7012 Na.polygonStart();7013 },7014 polygonEnd: function () {7015 Na.polygonEnd(),7016 (b.point = n),7017 (b.lineStart = e),7018 (b.lineEnd = r),7019 0 > ka7020 ? ((f = -(h = 180)), (s = -(p = 90)))7021 : m > Uo7022 ? (p = 90)7023 : -Uo > m && (s = -90),7024 (x[0] = f),7025 (x[1] = h);7026 },7027 };7028 return function (n) {7029 (p = h = -(f = s = 1 /​ 0)), (M = []),, b);7030 var t = M.length;7031 if (t) {7032 M.sort(l);7033 for (var e, r = 1, i = M[0], u = [i]; t > r; ++r)7034 (e = M[r]),7035 c(e[0], i) || c(e[1], i)7036 ? (a(i[0], e[1]) > a(i[0], i[1]) && (i[1] = e[1]),7037 a(e[0], i[1]) > a(i[0], i[1]) && (i[0] = e[0]))7038 : u.push((i = e));7039 for (7040 var o, e, g = -(1 /​ 0), t = u.length - 1, r = 0, i = u[t];7041 t >= r;7042 i = e, ++r7043 )7044 (e = u[r]),7045 (o = a(i[1], e[0])) > g && ((g = o), (f = e[0]), (h = i[1]));7046 }7047 return (7048 (M = x = null),7049 f === 1 /​ 0 || s === 1 /​ 07050 ? [7051 [NaN, NaN],7052 [NaN, NaN],7053 ]7054 : [7055 [f, s],7056 [h, p],7057 ]7058 );7059 };7060 })()),7061 (ao.geo.centroid = function (n) {7062 (Ea = Aa = Ca = za = La = qa = Ta = Ra = Da = Pa = Ua = 0),7063, ja);7064 var t = Da,7065 e = Pa,7066 r = Ua,7067 i = t * t + e * e + r * r;7068 return jo > i &&7069 ((t = qa),7070 (e = Ta),7071 (r = Ra),7072 Uo > Aa && ((t = Ca), (e = za), (r = La)),7073 (i = t * t + e * e + r * r),7074 jo > i)7075 ? [NaN, NaN]7076 : [Math.atan2(e, t) * Zo, tn(r /​ Math.sqrt(i)) * Zo];7077 });7078 var Ea,7079 Aa,7080 Ca,7081 za,7082 La,7083 qa,7084 Ta,7085 Ra,7086 Da,7087 Pa,7088 Ua,7089 ja = {7090 sphere: b,7091 point: St,7092 lineStart: Nt,7093 lineEnd: Et,7094 polygonStart: function () {7095 ja.lineStart = At;7096 },7097 polygonEnd: function () {7098 ja.lineStart = Nt;7099 },7100 },7101 Fa = Rt(zt, jt, Ht, [-Fo, -Fo /​ 2]),7102 Ha = 1e9;7103 (ao.geo.clipExtent = function () {7104 var n,7105 t,7106 e,7107 r,7108 i,7109 u,7110 o = {7111 stream: function (n) {7112 return i && (i.valid = !1), (i = u(n)), (i.valid = !0), i;7113 },7114 extent: function (a) {7115 return arguments.length7116 ? ((u = Zt(7117 (n = +a[0][0]),7118 (t = +a[0][1]),7119 (e = +a[1][0]),7120 (r = +a[1][1])7121 )),7122 i && ((i.valid = !1), (i = null)),7123 o)7124 : [7125 [n, t],7126 [e, r],7127 ];7128 },7129 };7130 return o.extent([7131 [0, 0],7132 [960, 500],7133 ]);7134 }),7135 ((ao.geo.conicEqualArea = function () {7136 return Vt(Xt);7137 }).raw = Xt),7138 (ao.geo.albers = function () {7139 return ao.geo7140 .conicEqualArea()7141 .rotate([96, 0])7142 .center([-0.6, 38.7])7143 .parallels([29.5, 45.5])7144 .scale(1070);7145 }),7146 (ao.geo.albersUsa = function () {7147 function n(n) {7148 var u = n[0],7149 o = n[1];7150 return (t = null), e(u, o), t || (r(u, o), t) || i(u, o), t;7151 }7152 var t,7153 e,7154 r,7155 i,7156 u = ao.geo.albers(),7157 o = ao.geo7158 .conicEqualArea()7159 .rotate([154, 0])7160 .center([-2, 58.5])7161 .parallels([55, 65]),7162 a = ao.geo7163 .conicEqualArea()7164 .rotate([157, 0])7165 .center([-3, 19.9])7166 .parallels([8, 18]),7167 l = {7168 point: function (n, e) {7169 t = [n, e];7170 },7171 };7172 return (7173 (n.invert = function (n) {7174 var t = u.scale(),7175 e = u.translate(),7176 r = (n[0] - e[0]) /​ t,7177 i = (n[1] - e[1]) /​ t;7178 return (i >= 0.12 && 0.234 > i && r >= -0.425 && -0.214 > r7179 ? o7180 : i >= 0.166 && 0.234 > i && r >= -0.214 && -0.115 > r7181 ? a7182 : u7183 ).invert(n);7184 }),7185 ( = function (n) {7186 var t =,7187 e =,7188 r =;7189 return {7190 point: function (n, i) {7191 t.point(n, i), e.point(n, i), r.point(n, i);7192 },7193 sphere: function () {7194 t.sphere(), e.sphere(), r.sphere();7195 },7196 lineStart: function () {7197 t.lineStart(), e.lineStart(), r.lineStart();7198 },7199 lineEnd: function () {7200 t.lineEnd(), e.lineEnd(), r.lineEnd();7201 },7202 polygonStart: function () {7203 t.polygonStart(), e.polygonStart(), r.polygonStart();7204 },7205 polygonEnd: function () {7206 t.polygonEnd(), e.polygonEnd(), r.polygonEnd();7207 },7208 };7209 }),7210 (n.precision = function (t) {7211 return arguments.length7212 ? (u.precision(t), o.precision(t), a.precision(t), n)7213 : u.precision();7214 }),7215 (n.scale = function (t) {7216 return arguments.length7217 ? (u.scale(t),7218 o.scale(0.35 * t),7219 a.scale(t),7220 n.translate(u.translate()))7221 : u.scale();7222 }),7223 (n.translate = function (t) {7224 if (!arguments.length) return u.translate();7225 var c = u.scale(),7226 f = +t[0],7227 s = +t[1];7228 return (7229 (e = u7230 .translate(t)7231 .clipExtent([7232 [f - 0.455 * c, s - 0.238 * c],7233 [f + 0.455 * c, s + 0.238 * c],7234 ])7235 .stream(l).point),7236 (r = o7237 .translate([f - 0.307 * c, s + 0.201 * c])7238 .clipExtent([7239 [f - 0.425 * c + Uo, s + 0.12 * c + Uo],7240 [f - 0.214 * c - Uo, s + 0.234 * c - Uo],7241 ])7242 .stream(l).point),7243 (i = a7244 .translate([f - 0.205 * c, s + 0.212 * c])7245 .clipExtent([7246 [f - 0.214 * c + Uo, s + 0.166 * c + Uo],7247 [f - 0.115 * c - Uo, s + 0.234 * c - Uo],7248 ])7249 .stream(l).point),7250 n7251 );7252 }),7253 n.scale(1070)7254 );7255 });7256 var Oa,7257 Ia,7258 Ya,7259 Za,7260 Va,7261 Xa,7262 $a = {7263 point: b,7264 lineStart: b,7265 lineEnd: b,7266 polygonStart: function () {7267 (Ia = 0), ($a.lineStart = $t);7268 },7269 polygonEnd: function () {7270 ($a.lineStart = $a.lineEnd = $a.point = b), (Oa += xo(Ia /​ 2));7271 },7272 },7273 Ba = {7274 point: Bt,7275 lineStart: b,7276 lineEnd: b,7277 polygonStart: b,7278 polygonEnd: b,7279 },7280 Wa = {7281 point: Gt,7282 lineStart: Kt,7283 lineEnd: Qt,7284 polygonStart: function () {7285 Wa.lineStart = ne;7286 },7287 polygonEnd: function () {7288 (Wa.point = Gt), (Wa.lineStart = Kt), (Wa.lineEnd = Qt);7289 },7290 };7291 (ao.geo.path = function () {7292 function n(n) {7293 return (7294 n &&7295 ("function" == typeof a && u.pointRadius(+a.apply(this, arguments)),7296 (o && o.valid) || (o = i(u)),7297, o)),7298 u.result()7299 );7300 }7301 function t() {7302 return (o = null), n;7303 }7304 var e,7305 r,7306 i,7307 u,7308 o,7309 a = 4.5;7310 return (7311 (n.area = function (n) {7312 return (Oa = 0),, i($a)), Oa;7313 }),7314 (n.centroid = function (n) {7315 return (7316 (Ca = za = La = qa = Ta = Ra = Da = Pa = Ua = 0),7317, i(Wa)),7318 Ua7319 ? [Da /​ Ua, Pa /​ Ua]7320 : Ra7321 ? [qa /​ Ra, Ta /​ Ra]7322 : La7323 ? [Ca /​ La, za /​ La]7324 : [NaN, NaN]7325 );7326 }),7327 (n.bounds = function (n) {7328 return (7329 (Va = Xa = -(Ya = Za = 1 /​ 0)),7330, i(Ba)),7331 [7332 [Ya, Za],7333 [Va, Xa],7334 ]7335 );7336 }),7337 (n.projection = function (n) {7338 return arguments.length7339 ? ((i = (e = n) ? || re(n) : m), t())7340 : e;7341 }),7342 (n.context = function (n) {7343 return arguments.length7344 ? ((u = null == (r = n) ? new Wt() : new te(n)),7345 "function" != typeof a && u.pointRadius(a),7346 t())7347 : r;7348 }),7349 (n.pointRadius = function (t) {7350 return arguments.length7351 ? ((a = "function" == typeof t ? t : (u.pointRadius(+t), +t)), n)7352 : a;7353 }),7354 n.projection(ao.geo.albersUsa()).context(null)7355 );7356 }),7357 (ao.geo.transform = function (n) {7358 return {7359 stream: function (t) {7360 var e = new ie(t);7361 for (var r in n) e[r] = n[r];7362 return e;7363 },7364 };7365 }),7366 (ie.prototype = {7367 point: function (n, t) {7368, t);7369 },7370 sphere: function () {7371;7372 },7373 lineStart: function () {7374;7375 },7376 lineEnd: function () {7377;7378 },7379 polygonStart: function () {7380;7381 },7382 polygonEnd: function () {7383;7384 },7385 }),7386 (ao.geo.projection = oe),7387 (ao.geo.projectionMutator = ae),7388 ((ao.geo.equirectangular = function () {7389 return oe(ce);7390 }).raw = ce.invert = ce),7391 (ao.geo.rotation = function (n) {7392 function t(t) {7393 return (t = n(t[0] * Yo, t[1] * Yo)), (t[0] *= Zo), (t[1] *= Zo), t;7394 }7395 return (7396 (n = se((n[0] % 360) * Yo, n[1] * Yo, n.length > 2 ? n[2] * Yo : 0)),7397 (t.invert = function (t) {7398 return (7399 (t = n.invert(t[0] * Yo, t[1] * Yo)), (t[0] *= Zo), (t[1] *= Zo), t7400 );7401 }),7402 t7403 );7404 }),7405 (fe.invert = ce),7406 ( = function () {7407 function n() {7408 var n = "function" == typeof r ? r.apply(this, arguments) : r,7409 t = se(-n[0] * Yo, -n[1] * Yo, 0).invert,7410 i = [];7411 return (7412 e(null, null, 1, {7413 point: function (n, e) {7414 i.push((n = t(n, e))), (n[0] *= Zo), (n[1] *= Zo);7415 },7416 }),7417 { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [i] }7418 );7419 }7420 var t,7421 e,7422 r = [0, 0],7423 i = 6;7424 return (7425 (n.origin = function (t) {7426 return arguments.length ? ((r = t), n) : r;7427 }),7428 (n.angle = function (r) {7429 return arguments.length ? ((e = ve((t = +r) * Yo, i * Yo)), n) : t;7430 }),7431 (n.precision = function (r) {7432 return arguments.length ? ((e = ve(t * Yo, (i = +r) * Yo)), n) : i;7433 }),7434 n.angle(90)7435 );7436 }),7437 (ao.geo.distance = function (n, t) {7438 var e,7439 r = (t[0] - n[0]) * Yo,7440 i = n[1] * Yo,7441 u = t[1] * Yo,7442 o = Math.sin(r),7443 a = Math.cos(r),7444 l = Math.sin(i),7445 c = Math.cos(i),7446 f = Math.sin(u),7447 s = Math.cos(u);7448 return Math.atan2(7449 Math.sqrt((e = s * o) * e + (e = c * f - l * s * a) * e),7450 l * f + c * s * a7451 );7452 }),7453 (ao.geo.graticule = function () {7454 function n() {7455 return { type: "MultiLineString", coordinates: t() };7456 }7457 function t() {7458 return ao7459 .range(Math.ceil(u /​ d) * d, i, d)7460 .map(h)7461 .concat(ao.range(Math.ceil(c /​ y) * y, l, y).map(p))7462 .concat(7463 ao7464 .range(Math.ceil(r /​ g) * g, e, g)7465 .filter(function (n) {7466 return xo(n % d) > Uo;7467 })7468 .map(f)7469 )7470 .concat(7471 ao7472 .range(Math.ceil(a /​ v) * v, o, v)7473 .filter(function (n) {7474 return xo(n % y) > Uo;7475 })7476 .map(s)7477 );7478 }7479 var e,7480 r,7481 i,7482 u,7483 o,7484 a,7485 l,7486 c,7487 f,7488 s,7489 h,7490 p,7491 g = 10,7492 v = g,7493 d = 90,7494 y = 360,7495 m = 2.5;7496 return (7497 (n.lines = function () {7498 return t().map(function (n) {7499 return { type: "LineString", coordinates: n };7500 });7501 }),7502 (n.outline = function () {7503 return {7504 type: "Polygon",7505 coordinates: [7506 h(u).concat(7507 p(l).slice(1),7508 h(i).reverse().slice(1),7509 p(c).reverse().slice(1)7510 ),7511 ],7512 };7513 }),7514 (n.extent = function (t) {7515 return arguments.length7516 ? n.majorExtent(t).minorExtent(t)7517 : n.minorExtent();7518 }),7519 (n.majorExtent = function (t) {7520 return arguments.length7521 ? ((u = +t[0][0]),7522 (i = +t[1][0]),7523 (c = +t[0][1]),7524 (l = +t[1][1]),7525 u > i && ((t = u), (u = i), (i = t)),7526 c > l && ((t = c), (c = l), (l = t)),7527 n.precision(m))7528 : [7529 [u, c],7530 [i, l],7531 ];7532 }),7533 (n.minorExtent = function (t) {7534 return arguments.length7535 ? ((r = +t[0][0]),7536 (e = +t[1][0]),7537 (a = +t[0][1]),7538 (o = +t[1][1]),7539 r > e && ((t = r), (r = e), (e = t)),7540 a > o && ((t = a), (a = o), (o = t)),7541 n.precision(m))7542 : [7543 [r, a],7544 [e, o],7545 ];7546 }),7547 (n.step = function (t) {7548 return arguments.length ? n.majorStep(t).minorStep(t) : n.minorStep();7549 }),7550 (n.majorStep = function (t) {7551 return arguments.length ? ((d = +t[0]), (y = +t[1]), n) : [d, y];7552 }),7553 (n.minorStep = function (t) {7554 return arguments.length ? ((g = +t[0]), (v = +t[1]), n) : [g, v];7555 }),7556 (n.precision = function (t) {7557 return arguments.length7558 ? ((m = +t),7559 (f = ye(a, o, 90)),7560 (s = me(r, e, m)),7561 (h = ye(c, l, 90)),7562 (p = me(u, i, m)),7563 n)7564 : m;7565 }),7566 n7567 .majorExtent([7568 [-180, -90 + Uo],7569 [180, 90 - Uo],7570 ])7571 .minorExtent([7572 [-180, -80 - Uo],7573 [180, 80 + Uo],7574 ])7575 );7576 }),7577 (ao.geo.greatArc = function () {7578 function n() {7579 return {7580 type: "LineString",7581 coordinates: [7582 t || r.apply(this, arguments),7583 e || i.apply(this, arguments),7584 ],7585 };7586 }7587 var t,7588 e,7589 r = Me,7590 i = xe;7591 return (7592 (n.distance = function () {7593 return ao.geo.distance(7594 t || r.apply(this, arguments),7595 e || i.apply(this, arguments)7596 );7597 }),7598 (n.source = function (e) {7599 return arguments.length7600 ? ((r = e), (t = "function" == typeof e ? null : e), n)7601 : r;7602 }),7603 ( = function (t) {7604 return arguments.length7605 ? ((i = t), (e = "function" == typeof t ? null : t), n)7606 : i;7607 }),7608 (n.precision = function () {7609 return arguments.length ? n : 0;7610 }),7611 n7612 );7613 }),7614 (ao.geo.interpolate = function (n, t) {7615 return be(n[0] * Yo, n[1] * Yo, t[0] * Yo, t[1] * Yo);7616 }),7617 (ao.geo.length = function (n) {7618 return (Ja = 0),, Ga), Ja;7619 });7620 var Ja,7621 Ga = {7622 sphere: b,7623 point: b,7624 lineStart: _e,7625 lineEnd: b,7626 polygonStart: b,7627 polygonEnd: b,7628 },7629 Ka = we(7630 function (n) {7631 return Math.sqrt(2 /​ (1 + n));7632 },7633 function (n) {7634 return 2 * Math.asin(n /​ 2);7635 }7636 );7637 (ao.geo.azimuthalEqualArea = function () {7638 return oe(Ka);7639 }).raw = Ka;7640 var Qa = we(function (n) {7641 var t = Math.acos(n);7642 return t && t /​ Math.sin(t);7643 }, m);7644 ((ao.geo.azimuthalEquidistant = function () {7645 return oe(Qa);7646 }).raw = Qa),7647 ((ao.geo.conicConformal = function () {7648 return Vt(Se);7649 }).raw = Se),7650 ((ao.geo.conicEquidistant = function () {7651 return Vt(ke);7652 }).raw = ke);7653 var nl = we(function (n) {7654 return 1 /​ n;7655 }, Math.atan);7656 ((ao.geo.gnomonic = function () {7657 return oe(nl);7658 }).raw = nl),7659 (Ne.invert = function (n, t) {7660 return [n, 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(t)) - Io];7661 }),7662 ((ao.geo.mercator = function () {7663 return Ee(Ne);7664 }).raw = Ne);7665 var tl = we(function () {7666 return 1;7667 }, Math.asin);7668 (ao.geo.orthographic = function () {7669 return oe(tl);7670 }).raw = tl;7671 var el = we(7672 function (n) {7673 return 1 /​ (1 + n);7674 },7675 function (n) {7676 return 2 * Math.atan(n);7677 }7678 );7679 ((ao.geo.stereographic = function () {7680 return oe(el);7681 }).raw = el),7682 (Ae.invert = function (n, t) {7683 return [-t, 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(n)) - Io];7684 }),7685 ((ao.geo.transverseMercator = function () {7686 var n = Ee(Ae),7687 t =,7688 e = n.rotate;7689 return (7690 ( = function (n) {7691 return n ? t([-n[1], n[0]]) : ((n = t()), [n[1], -n[0]]);7692 }),7693 (n.rotate = function (n) {7694 return n7695 ? e([n[0], n[1], n.length > 2 ? n[2] + 90 : 90])7696 : ((n = e()), [n[0], n[1], n[2] - 90]);7697 }),7698 e([0, 0, 90])7699 );7700 }).raw = Ae),7701 (ao.geom = {}),7702 (ao.geom.hull = function (n) {7703 function t(n) {7704 if (n.length < 3) return [];7705 var t,7706 i = En(e),7707 u = En(r),7708 o = n.length,7709 a = [],7710 l = [];7711 for (t = 0; o > t; t++)7712 a.push([, n[t], t),, n[t], t), t]);7713 for (a.sort(qe), t = 0; o > t; t++) l.push([a[t][0], -a[t][1]]);7714 var c = Le(a),7715 f = Le(l),7716 s = f[0] === c[0],7717 h = f[f.length - 1] === c[c.length - 1],7718 p = [];7719 for (t = c.length - 1; t >= 0; --t) p.push(n[a[c[t]][2]]);7720 for (t = +s; t < f.length - h; ++t) p.push(n[a[f[t]][2]]);7721 return p;7722 }7723 var e = Ce,7724 r = ze;7725 return arguments.length7726 ? t(n)7727 : ((t.x = function (n) {7728 return arguments.length ? ((e = n), t) : e;7729 }),7730 (t.y = function (n) {7731 return arguments.length ? ((r = n), t) : r;7732 }),7733 t);7734 }),7735 (ao.geom.polygon = function (n) {7736 return ko(n, rl), n;7737 });7738 var rl = (ao.geom.polygon.prototype = []);7739 (rl.area = function () {7740 for (var n, t = -1, e = this.length, r = this[e - 1], i = 0; ++t < e; )7741 (n = r), (r = this[t]), (i += n[1] * r[0] - n[0] * r[1]);7742 return 0.5 * i;7743 }),7744 (rl.centroid = function (n) {7745 var t,7746 e,7747 r = -1,7748 i = this.length,7749 u = 0,7750 o = 0,7751 a = this[i - 1];7752 for (arguments.length || (n = -1 /​ (6 * this.area())); ++r < i; )7753 (t = a),7754 (a = this[r]),7755 (e = t[0] * a[1] - a[0] * t[1]),7756 (u += (t[0] + a[0]) * e),7757 (o += (t[1] + a[1]) * e);7758 return [u * n, o * n];7759 }),7760 (rl.clip = function (n) {7761 for (7762 var t,7763 e,7764 r,7765 i,7766 u,7767 o,7768 a = De(n),7769 l = -1,7770 c = this.length - De(this),7771 f = this[c - 1];7772 ++l < c;7773 ) {7774 for (7775 t = n.slice(),7776 n.length = 0,7777 i = this[l],7778 u = t[(r = t.length - a) - 1],7779 e = -1;7780 ++e < r;7781 )7782 (o = t[e]),7783 Te(o, f, i)7784 ? (Te(u, f, i) || n.push(Re(u, o, f, i)), n.push(o))7785 : Te(u, f, i) && n.push(Re(u, o, f, i)),7786 (u = o);7787 a && n.push(n[0]), (f = i);7788 }7789 return n;7790 });7791 var il,7792 ul,7793 ol,7794 al,7795 ll,7796 cl = [],7797 fl = [];7798 (Ye.prototype.prepare = function () {7799 for (var n, t = this.edges, e = t.length; e--; )7800 (n = t[e].edge), (n.b && n.a) || t.splice(e, 1);7801 return t.sort(Ve), t.length;7802 }),7803 (tr.prototype = {7804 start: function () {7805 return this.edge.l === ? this.edge.a : this.edge.b;7806 },7807 end: function () {7808 return this.edge.l === ? this.edge.b : this.edge.a;7809 },7810 }),7811 (er.prototype = {7812 insert: function (n, t) {7813 var e, r, i;7814 if (n) {7815 if (((t.P = n), (t.N = n.N), n.N && (n.N.P = t), (n.N = t), n.R)) {7816 for (n = n.R; n.L; ) n = n.L;7817 n.L = t;7818 } else n.R = t;7819 e = n;7820 } else7821 this._7822 ? ((n = or(this._)),7823 (t.P = null),7824 (t.N = n),7825 (n.P = n.L = t),7826 (e = n))7827 : ((t.P = t.N = null), (this._ = t), (e = null));7828 for (t.L = t.R = null, t.U = e, t.C = !0, n = t; e && e.C; )7829 (r = e.U),7830 e === r.L7831 ? ((i = r.R),7832 i && i.C7833 ? ((e.C = i.C = !1), (r.C = !0), (n = r))7834 : (n === e.R && (ir(this, e), (n = e), (e = n.U)),7835 (e.C = !1),7836 (r.C = !0),7837 ur(this, r)))7838 : ((i = r.L),7839 i && i.C7840 ? ((e.C = i.C = !1), (r.C = !0), (n = r))7841 : (n === e.L && (ur(this, e), (n = e), (e = n.U)),7842 (e.C = !1),7843 (r.C = !0),7844 ir(this, r))),7845 (e = n.U);7846 this._.C = !1;7847 },7848 remove: function (n) {7849 n.N && (n.N.P = n.P), n.P && (n.P.N = n.N), (n.N = n.P = null);7850 var t,7851 e,7852 r,7853 i = n.U,7854 u = n.L,7855 o = n.R;7856 if (7857 ((e = u ? (o ? or(o) : u) : o),7858 i ? (i.L === n ? (i.L = e) : (i.R = e)) : (this._ = e),7859 u && o7860 ? ((r = e.C),7861 (e.C = n.C),7862 (e.L = u),7863 (u.U = e),7864 e !== o7865 ? ((i = e.U),7866 (e.U = n.U),7867 (n = e.R),7868 (i.L = n),7869 (e.R = o),7870 (o.U = e))7871 : ((e.U = i), (i = e), (n = e.R)))7872 : ((r = n.C), (n = e)),7873 n && (n.U = i),7874 !r)7875 ) {7876 if (n && n.C) return void (n.C = !1);7877 do {7878 if (n === this._) break;7879 if (n === i.L) {7880 if (7881 ((t = i.R),7882 t.C && ((t.C = !1), (i.C = !0), ir(this, i), (t = i.R)),7883 (t.L && t.L.C) || (t.R && t.R.C))7884 ) {7885 (t.R && t.R.C) ||7886 ((t.L.C = !1), (t.C = !0), ur(this, t), (t = i.R)),7887 (t.C = i.C),7888 (i.C = t.R.C = !1),7889 ir(this, i),7890 (n = this._);7891 break;7892 }7893 } else if (7894 ((t = i.L),7895 t.C && ((t.C = !1), (i.C = !0), ur(this, i), (t = i.L)),7896 (t.L && t.L.C) || (t.R && t.R.C))7897 ) {7898 (t.L && t.L.C) ||7899 ((t.R.C = !1), (t.C = !0), ir(this, t), (t = i.L)),7900 (t.C = i.C),7901 (i.C = t.L.C = !1),7902 ur(this, i),7903 (n = this._);7904 break;7905 }7906 (t.C = !0), (n = i), (i = i.U);7907 } while (!n.C);7908 n && (n.C = !1);7909 }7910 },7911 }),7912 (ao.geom.voronoi = function (n) {7913 function t(n) {7914 var t = new Array(n.length),7915 r = a[0][0],7916 i = a[0][1],7917 u = a[1][0],7918 o = a[1][1];7919 return (7920 ar(e(n), a).cells.forEach(function (e, a) {7921 var l = e.edges,7922 c =,7923 f = (t[a] = l.length7924 ? (n) {7925 var t = n.start();7926 return [t.x, t.y];7927 })7928 : c.x >= r && c.x <= u && c.y >= i && c.y <= o7929 ? [7930 [r, o],7931 [u, o],7932 [u, i],7933 [r, i],7934 ]7935 : []);7936 f.point = n[a];7937 }),7938 t7939 );7940 }7941 function e(n) {7942 return (n, t) {7943 return {7944 x: Math.round(u(n, t) /​ Uo) * Uo,7945 y: Math.round(o(n, t) /​ Uo) * Uo,7946 i: t,7947 };7948 });7949 }7950 var r = Ce,7951 i = ze,7952 u = r,7953 o = i,7954 a = sl;7955 return n7956 ? t(n)7957 : ((t.links = function (n) {7958 return ar(e(n))7959 .edges.filter(function (n) {7960 return n.l && n.r;7961 })7962 .map(function (t) {7963 return { source: n[t.l.i], target: n[t.r.i] };7964 });7965 }),7966 (t.triangles = function (n) {7967 var t = [];7968 return (7969 ar(e(n)).cells.forEach(function (e, r) {7970 for (7971 var i,7972 u,7973 o =,7974 a = e.edges.sort(Ve),7975 l = -1,7976 c = a.length,7977 f = a[c - 1].edge,7978 s = f.l === o ? f.r : f.l;7979 ++l < c;7980 )7981 (i = f),7982 (u = s),7983 (f = a[l].edge),7984 (s = f.l === o ? f.r : f.l),7985 r < u.i &&7986 r < s.i &&7987 cr(o, u, s) < 0 &&7988 t.push([n[r], n[u.i], n[s.i]]);7989 }),7990 t7991 );7992 }),7993 (t.x = function (n) {7994 return arguments.length ? ((u = En((r = n))), t) : r;7995 }),7996 (t.y = function (n) {7997 return arguments.length ? ((o = En((i = n))), t) : i;7998 }),7999 (t.clipExtent = function (n) {8000 return arguments.length8001 ? ((a = null == n ? sl : n), t)8002 : a === sl8003 ? null8004 : a;8005 }),8006 (t.size = function (n) {8007 return arguments.length8008 ? t.clipExtent(n && [[0, 0], n])8009 : a === sl8010 ? null8011 : a && a[1];8012 }),8013 t);8014 });8015 var sl = [8016 [-1e6, -1e6],8017 [1e6, 1e6],8018 ];8019 (ao.geom.delaunay = function (n) {8020 return ao.geom.voronoi().triangles(n);8021 }),8022 (ao.geom.quadtree = function (n, t, e, r, i) {8023 function u(n) {8024 function u(n, t, e, r, i, u, o, a) {8025 if (!isNaN(e) && !isNaN(r))8026 if (n.leaf) {8027 var l = n.x,8028 f = n.y;8029 if (null != l)8030 if (xo(l - e) + xo(f - r) < 0.01) c(n, t, e, r, i, u, o, a);8031 else {8032 var s = n.point;8033 (n.x = n.y = n.point = null),8034 c(n, s, l, f, i, u, o, a),8035 c(n, t, e, r, i, u, o, a);8036 }8037 else (n.x = e), (n.y = r), (n.point = t);8038 } else c(n, t, e, r, i, u, o, a);8039 }8040 function c(n, t, e, r, i, o, a, l) {8041 var c = 0.5 * (i + a),8042 f = 0.5 * (o + l),8043 s = e >= c,8044 h = r >= f,8045 p = (h << 1) | s;8046 (n.leaf = !1),8047 (n = n.nodes[p] || (n.nodes[p] = hr())),8048 s ? (i = c) : (a = c),8049 h ? (o = f) : (l = f),8050 u(n, t, e, r, i, o, a, l);8051 }8052 var f,8053 s,8054 h,8055 p,8056 g,8057 v,8058 d,8059 y,8060 m,8061 M = En(a),8062 x = En(l);8063 if (null != t) (v = t), (d = e), (y = r), (m = i);8064 else if (8065 ((y = m = -(v = d = 1 /​ 0)), (s = []), (h = []), (g = n.length), o)8066 )8067 for (p = 0; g > p; ++p)8068 (f = n[p]),8069 f.x < v && (v = f.x),8070 f.y < d && (d = f.y),8071 f.x > y && (y = f.x),8072 f.y > m && (m = f.y),8073 s.push(f.x),8074 h.push(f.y);8075 else8076 for (p = 0; g > p; ++p) {8077 var b = +M((f = n[p]), p),8078 _ = +x(f, p);8079 v > b && (v = b),8080 d > _ && (d = _),8081 b > y && (y = b),8082 _ > m && (m = _),8083 s.push(b),8084 h.push(_);8085 }8086 var w = y - v,8087 S = m - d;8088 w > S ? (m = d + w) : (y = v + S);8089 var k = hr();8090 if (8091 ((k.add = function (n) {8092 u(k, n, +M(n, ++p), +x(n, p), v, d, y, m);8093 }),8094 (k.visit = function (n) {8095 pr(n, k, v, d, y, m);8096 }),8097 (k.find = function (n) {8098 return gr(k, n[0], n[1], v, d, y, m);8099 }),8100 (p = -1),8101 null == t)8102 ) {8103 for (; ++p < g; ) u(k, n[p], s[p], h[p], v, d, y, m);8104 --p;8105 } else n.forEach(k.add);8106 return (s = h = n = f = null), k;8107 }8108 var o,8109 a = Ce,8110 l = ze;8111 return (o = arguments.length)8112 ? ((a = fr), (l = sr), 3 === o && ((i = e), (r = t), (e = t = 0)), u(n))8113 : ((u.x = function (n) {8114 return arguments.length ? ((a = n), u) : a;8115 }),8116 (u.y = function (n) {8117 return arguments.length ? ((l = n), u) : l;8118 }),8119 (u.extent = function (n) {8120 return arguments.length8121 ? (null == n8122 ? (t = e = r = i = null)8123 : ((t = +n[0][0]),8124 (e = +n[0][1]),8125 (r = +n[1][0]),8126 (i = +n[1][1])),8127 u)8128 : null == t8129 ? null8130 : [8131 [t, e],8132 [r, i],8133 ];8134 }),8135 (u.size = function (n) {8136 return arguments.length8137 ? (null == n8138 ? (t = e = r = i = null)8139 : ((t = e = 0), (r = +n[0]), (i = +n[1])),8140 u)8141 : null == t8142 ? null8143 : [r - t, i - e];8144 }),8145 u);8146 }),8147 (ao.interpolateRgb = vr),8148 (ao.interpolateObject = dr),8149 (ao.interpolateNumber = yr),8150 (ao.interpolateString = mr);8151 var hl = /​[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/​g,8152 pl = new RegExp(hl.source, "g");8153 (ao.interpolate = Mr),8154 (ao.interpolators = [8155 function (n, t) {8156 var e = typeof t;8157 return ("string" === e8158 ? ua.has(t.toLowerCase()) || /​^(#|rgb\(|hsl\()/​i.test(t)8159 ? vr8160 : mr8161 : t instanceof an8162 ? vr8163 : Array.isArray(t)8164 ? xr8165 : "object" === e && isNaN(t)8166 ? dr8167 : yr)(n, t);8168 },8169 ]),8170 (ao.interpolateArray = xr);8171 var gl = function () {8172 return m;8173 },8174 vl ={8175 linear: gl,8176 poly: Er,8177 quad: function () {8178 return Sr;8179 },8180 cubic: function () {8181 return kr;8182 },8183 sin: function () {8184 return Ar;8185 },8186 exp: function () {8187 return Cr;8188 },8189 circle: function () {8190 return zr;8191 },8192 elastic: Lr,8193 back: qr,8194 bounce: function () {8195 return Tr;8196 },8197 }),8198 dl ={8199 in: m,8200 out: _r,8201 "in-out": wr,8202 "out-in": function (n) {8203 return wr(_r(n));8204 },8205 });8206 (ao.ease = function (n) {8207 var t = n.indexOf("-"),8208 e = t >= 0 ? n.slice(0, t) : n,8209 r = t >= 0 ? n.slice(t + 1) : "in";8210 return (8211 (e = vl.get(e) || gl),8212 (r = dl.get(r) || m),8213 br(r(e.apply(null,, 1))))8214 );8215 }),8216 (ao.interpolateHcl = Rr),8217 (ao.interpolateHsl = Dr),8218 (ao.interpolateLab = Pr),8219 (ao.interpolateRound = Ur),8220 (ao.transform = function (n) {8221 var t = fo.createElementNS(ao.ns.prefix.svg, "g");8222 return (ao.transform = function (n) {8223 if (null != n) {8224 t.setAttribute("transform", n);8225 var e = t.transform.baseVal.consolidate();8226 }8227 return new jr(e ? e.matrix : yl);8228 })(n);8229 }),8230 (jr.prototype.toString = function () {8231 return (8232 "translate(" +8233 this.translate +8234 ")rotate(" +8235 this.rotate +8236 ")skewX(" +8237 this.skew +8238 ")scale(" +8239 this.scale +8240 ")"8241 );8242 });8243 var yl = { a: 1, b: 0, c: 0, d: 1, e: 0, f: 0 };8244 (ao.interpolateTransform = $r),8245 (ao.layout = {}),8246 (ao.layout.bundle = function () {8247 return function (n) {8248 for (var t = [], e = -1, r = n.length; ++e < r; ) t.push(Jr(n[e]));8249 return t;8250 };8251 }),8252 (ao.layout.chord = function () {8253 function n() {8254 var n,8255 c,8256 s,8257 h,8258 p,8259 g = {},8260 v = [],8261 d = ao.range(u),8262 y = [];8263 for (e = [], r = [], n = 0, h = -1; ++h < u; ) {8264 for (c = 0, p = -1; ++p < u; ) c += i[h][p];8265 v.push(c), y.push(ao.range(u)), (n += c);8266 }8267 for (8268 o &&8269 d.sort(function (n, t) {8270 return o(v[n], v[t]);8271 }),8272 a &&8273 y.forEach(function (n, t) {8274 n.sort(function (n, e) {8275 return a(i[t][n], i[t][e]);8276 });8277 }),8278 n = (Ho - f * u) /​ n,8279 c = 0,8280 h = -1;8281 ++h < u;8282 ) {8283 for (s = c, p = -1; ++p < u; ) {8284 var m = d[h],8285 M = y[m][p],8286 x = i[m][M],8287 b = c,8288 _ = (c += x * n);8289 g[m + "-" + M] = {8290 index: m,8291 subindex: M,8292 startAngle: b,8293 endAngle: _,8294 value: x,8295 };8296 }8297 (r[m] = { index: m, startAngle: s, endAngle: c, value: v[m] }),8298 (c += f);8299 }8300 for (h = -1; ++h < u; )8301 for (p = h - 1; ++p < u; ) {8302 var w = g[h + "-" + p],8303 S = g[p + "-" + h];8304 (w.value || S.value) &&8305 e.push(8306 w.value < S.value8307 ? { source: S, target: w }8308 : { source: w, target: S }8309 );8310 }8311 l && t();8312 }8313 function t() {8314 e.sort(function (n, t) {8315 return l(8316 (n.source.value + /​ 2,8317 (t.source.value + /​ 28318 );8319 });8320 }8321 var e,8322 r,8323 i,8324 u,8325 o,8326 a,8327 l,8328 c = {},8329 f = 0;8330 return (8331 (c.matrix = function (n) {8332 return arguments.length8333 ? ((u = (i = n) && i.length), (e = r = null), c)8334 : i;8335 }),8336 (c.padding = function (n) {8337 return arguments.length ? ((f = n), (e = r = null), c) : f;8338 }),8339 (c.sortGroups = function (n) {8340 return arguments.length ? ((o = n), (e = r = null), c) : o;8341 }),8342 (c.sortSubgroups = function (n) {8343 return arguments.length ? ((a = n), (e = null), c) : a;8344 }),8345 (c.sortChords = function (n) {8346 return arguments.length ? ((l = n), e && t(), c) : l;8347 }),8348 (c.chords = function () {8349 return e || n(), e;8350 }),8351 (c.groups = function () {8352 return r || n(), r;8353 }),8354 c8355 );8356 }),8357 (ao.layout.force = function () {8358 function n(n) {8359 return function (t, e, r, i) {8360 if (t.point !== n) {8361 var u = - n.x,8362 o = - n.y,8363 a = i - e,8364 l = u * u + o * o;8365 if (l > (a * a) /​ y) {8366 if (v > l) {8367 var c = t.charge /​ l;8368 (n.px -= u * c), ( -= o * c);8369 }8370 return !0;8371 }8372 if (t.point && l && v > l) {8373 var c = t.pointCharge /​ l;8374 (n.px -= u * c), ( -= o * c);8375 }8376 }8377 return !t.charge;8378 };8379 }8380 function t(n) {8381 (n.px = ao.event.x), ( = ao.event.y), l.resume();8382 }8383 var e,8384 r,8385 i,8386 u,8387 o,8388 a,8389 l = {},8390 c = ao.dispatch("start", "tick", "end"),8391 f = [1, 1],8392 s = 0.9,8393 h = ml,8394 p = Ml,8395 g = -30,8396 v = xl,8397 d = 0.1,8398 y = 0.64,8399 M = [],8400 x = [];8401 return (8402 (l.tick = function () {8403 if ((i *= 0.99) < 0.005)8404 return (e = null), c.end({ type: "end", alpha: (i = 0) }), !0;8405 var t,8406 r,8407 l,8408 h,8409 p,8410 v,8411 y,8412 m,8413 b,8414 _ = M.length,8415 w = x.length;8416 for (r = 0; w > r; ++r)8417 (l = x[r]),8418 (h = l.source),8419 (p =,8420 (m = p.x - h.x),8421 (b = p.y - h.y),8422 (v = m * m + b * b) &&8423 ((v = (i * o[r] * ((v = Math.sqrt(v)) - u[r])) /​ v),8424 (m *= v),8425 (b *= v),8426 (p.x -=8427 m *8428 (y =8429 h.weight + p.weight8430 ? h.weight /​ (h.weight + p.weight)8431 : 0.5)),8432 (p.y -= b * y),8433 (h.x += m * (y = 1 - y)),8434 (h.y += b * y));8435 if ((y = i * d) && ((m = f[0] /​ 2), (b = f[1] /​ 2), (r = -1), y))8436 for (; ++r < _; )8437 (l = M[r]), (l.x += (m - l.x) * y), (l.y += (b - l.y) * y);8438 if (g)8439 for (ri((t = ao.geom.quadtree(M)), i, a), r = -1; ++r < _; )8440 (l = M[r]).fixed || t.visit(n(l));8441 for (r = -1; ++r < _; )8442 (l = M[r]),8443 l.fixed8444 ? ((l.x = l.px), (l.y = : ((l.x -= (l.px - (l.px = l.x)) * s),8446 (l.y -= ( - ( = l.y)) * s));8447 c.tick({ type: "tick", alpha: i });8448 }),8449 (l.nodes = function (n) {8450 return arguments.length ? ((M = n), l) : M;8451 }),8452 (l.links = function (n) {8453 return arguments.length ? ((x = n), l) : x;8454 }),8455 (l.size = function (n) {8456 return arguments.length ? ((f = n), l) : f;8457 }),8458 (l.linkDistance = function (n) {8459 return arguments.length8460 ? ((h = "function" == typeof n ? n : +n), l)8461 : h;8462 }),8463 (l.distance = l.linkDistance),8464 (l.linkStrength = function (n) {8465 return arguments.length8466 ? ((p = "function" == typeof n ? n : +n), l)8467 : p;8468 }),8469 (l.friction = function (n) {8470 return arguments.length ? ((s = +n), l) : s;8471 }),8472 (l.charge = function (n) {8473 return arguments.length8474 ? ((g = "function" == typeof n ? n : +n), l)8475 : g;8476 }),8477 (l.chargeDistance = function (n) {8478 return arguments.length ? ((v = n * n), l) : Math.sqrt(v);8479 }),8480 (l.gravity = function (n) {8481 return arguments.length ? ((d = +n), l) : d;8482 }),8483 (l.theta = function (n) {8484 return arguments.length ? ((y = n * n), l) : Math.sqrt(y);8485 }),8486 (l.alpha = function (n) {8487 return arguments.length8488 ? ((n = +n),8489 i8490 ? n > 08491 ? (i = n)8492 : ((e.c = null),8493 (e.t = NaN),8494 (e = null),8495 c.end({ type: "end", alpha: (i = 0) }))8496 : n > 0 &&8497 (c.start({ type: "start", alpha: (i = n) }),8498 (e = qn(l.tick))),8499 l)8500 : i;8501 }),8502 (l.start = function () {8503 function n(n, r) {8504 if (!e) {8505 for (e = new Array(i), l = 0; i > l; ++l) e[l] = [];8506 for (l = 0; c > l; ++l) {8507 var u = x[l];8508 e[u.source.index].push(,8509 e[].push(u.source);8510 }8511 }8512 for (var o, a = e[t], l = -1, f = a.length; ++l < f; )8513 if (!isNaN((o = a[l][n]))) return o;8514 return Math.random() * r;8515 }8516 var t,8517 e,8518 r,8519 i = M.length,8520 c = x.length,8521 s = f[0],8522 v = f[1];8523 for (t = 0; i > t; ++t) ((r = M[t]).index = t), (r.weight = 0);8524 for (t = 0; c > t; ++t)8525 (r = x[t]),8526 "number" == typeof r.source && (r.source = M[r.source]),8527 "number" == typeof && ( = M[]),8528 ++r.source.weight,8529;8530 for (t = 0; i > t; ++t)8531 (r = M[t]),8532 isNaN(r.x) && (r.x = n("x", s)),8533 isNaN(r.y) && (r.y = n("y", v)),8534 isNaN(r.px) && (r.px = r.x),8535 isNaN( && ( = r.y);8536 if (((u = []), "function" == typeof h))8537 for (t = 0; c > t; ++t) u[t] =, x[t], t);8538 else for (t = 0; c > t; ++t) u[t] = h;8539 if (((o = []), "function" == typeof p))8540 for (t = 0; c > t; ++t) o[t] =, x[t], t);8541 else for (t = 0; c > t; ++t) o[t] = p;8542 if (((a = []), "function" == typeof g))8543 for (t = 0; i > t; ++t) a[t] =, M[t], t);8544 else for (t = 0; i > t; ++t) a[t] = g;8545 return l.resume();8546 }),8547 (l.resume = function () {8548 return l.alpha(0.1);8549 }),8550 (l.stop = function () {8551 return l.alpha(0);8552 }),8553 (l.drag = function () {8554 return (8555 r ||8556 (r = ao.behavior8557 .drag()8558 .origin(m)8559 .on("dragstart.force", Qr)8560 .on("drag.force", t)8561 .on("dragend.force", ni)),8562 arguments.length8563 ? void this.on("mouseover.force", ti)8564 .on("mouseout.force", ei)8565 .call(r)8566 : r8567 );8568 }),8569 ao.rebind(l, c, "on")8570 );8571 });8572 var ml = 20,8573 Ml = 1,8574 xl = 1 /​ 0;8575 (ao.layout.hierarchy = function () {8576 function n(i) {8577 var u,8578 o = [i],8579 a = [];8580 for (i.depth = 0; null != (u = o.pop()); )8581 if ((a.push(u), (c =, u, u.depth)) && (l = c.length))) {8582 for (var l, c, f; --l >= 0; )8583 o.push((f = c[l])), (f.parent = u), (f.depth = u.depth + 1);8584 r && (u.value = 0), (u.children = c);8585 } else r && (u.value =, u, u.depth) || 0), delete u.children;8586 return (8587 oi(i, function (n) {8588 var e, i;8589 t && (e = n.children) && e.sort(t),8590 r && (i = n.parent) && (i.value += n.value);8591 }),8592 a8593 );8594 }8595 var t = ci,8596 e = ai,8597 r = li;8598 return (8599 (n.sort = function (e) {8600 return arguments.length ? ((t = e), n) : t;8601 }),8602 (n.children = function (t) {8603 return arguments.length ? ((e = t), n) : e;8604 }),8605 (n.value = function (t) {8606 return arguments.length ? ((r = t), n) : r;8607 }),8608 (n.revalue = function (t) {8609 return (8610 r &&8611 (ui(t, function (n) {8612 n.children && (n.value = 0);8613 }),8614 oi(t, function (t) {8615 var e;8616 t.children || (t.value =, t, t.depth) || 0),8617 (e = t.parent) && (e.value += t.value);8618 })),8619 t8620 );8621 }),8622 n8623 );8624 }),8625 (ao.layout.partition = function () {8626 function n(t, e, r, i) {8627 var u = t.children;8628 if (8629 ((t.x = e),8630 (t.y = t.depth * i),8631 (t.dx = r),8632 (t.dy = i),8633 u && (o = u.length))8634 ) {8635 var o,8636 a,8637 l,8638 c = -1;8639 for (r = t.value ? r /​ t.value : 0; ++c < o; )8640 n((a = u[c]), e, (l = a.value * r), i), (e += l);8641 }8642 }8643 function t(n) {8644 var e = n.children,8645 r = 0;8646 if (e && (i = e.length))8647 for (var i, u = -1; ++u < i; ) r = Math.max(r, t(e[u]));8648 return 1 + r;8649 }8650 function e(e, u) {8651 var o =, e, u);8652 return n(o[0], 0, i[0], i[1] /​ t(o[0])), o;8653 }8654 var r = ao.layout.hierarchy(),8655 i = [1, 1];8656 return (8657 (e.size = function (n) {8658 return arguments.length ? ((i = n), e) : i;8659 }),8660 ii(e, r)8661 );8662 }),8663 (ao.layout.pie = function () {8664 function n(o) {8665 var a,8666 l = o.length,8667 c = (e, r) {8668 return, e, r);8669 }),8670 f = +("function" == typeof r ? r.apply(this, arguments) : r),8671 s = ("function" == typeof i ? i.apply(this, arguments) : i) - f,8672 h = Math.min(8673 Math.abs(s) /​ l,8674 +("function" == typeof u ? u.apply(this, arguments) : u)8675 ),8676 p = h * (0 > s ? -1 : 1),8677 g = ao.sum(c),8678 v = g ? (s - l * p) /​ g : 0,8679 d = ao.range(l),8680 y = [];8681 return (8682 null != e &&8683 d.sort(8684 e === bl8685 ? function (n, t) {8686 return c[t] - c[n];8687 }8688 : function (n, t) {8689 return e(o[n], o[t]);8690 }8691 ),8692 d.forEach(function (n) {8693 y[n] = {8694 data: o[n],8695 value: (a = c[n]),8696 startAngle: f,8697 endAngle: (f += a * v + p),8698 padAngle: h,8699 };8700 }),8701 y8702 );8703 }8704 var t = Number,8705 e = bl,8706 r = 0,8707 i = Ho,8708 u = 0;8709 return (8710 (n.value = function (e) {8711 return arguments.length ? ((t = e), n) : t;8712 }),8713 (n.sort = function (t) {8714 return arguments.length ? ((e = t), n) : e;8715 }),8716 (n.startAngle = function (t) {8717 return arguments.length ? ((r = t), n) : r;8718 }),8719 (n.endAngle = function (t) {8720 return arguments.length ? ((i = t), n) : i;8721 }),8722 (n.padAngle = function (t) {8723 return arguments.length ? ((u = t), n) : u;8724 }),8725 n8726 );8727 });8728 var bl = {};8729 ao.layout.stack = function () {8730 function n(a, l) {8731 if (!(h = a.length)) return a;8732 var c = (e, r) {8733 return, e, r);8734 }),8735 f = (t) {8736 return (t, e) {8737 return [, t, e),, t, e)];8738 });8739 }),8740 s =, f, l);8741 (c = ao.permute(c, s)), (f = ao.permute(f, s));8742 var h,8743 p,8744 g,8745 v,8746 d =, f, l),8747 y = c[0].length;8748 for (g = 0; y > g; ++g)8749 for (, c[0][g], (v = d[g]), f[0][g][1]), p = 1; h > p; ++p)8750, c[p][g], (v += f[p - 1][g][1]), f[p][g][1]);8751 return a;8752 }8753 var t = m,8754 e = gi,8755 r = vi,8756 i = pi,8757 u = si,8758 o = hi;8759 return (8760 (n.values = function (e) {8761 return arguments.length ? ((t = e), n) : t;8762 }),8763 (n.order = function (t) {8764 return arguments.length8765 ? ((e = "function" == typeof t ? t : _l.get(t) || gi), n)8766 : e;8767 }),8768 (n.offset = function (t) {8769 return arguments.length8770 ? ((r = "function" == typeof t ? t : wl.get(t) || vi), n)8771 : r;8772 }),8773 (n.x = function (t) {8774 return arguments.length ? ((u = t), n) : u;8775 }),8776 (n.y = function (t) {8777 return arguments.length ? ((o = t), n) : o;8778 }),8779 (n.out = function (t) {8780 return arguments.length ? ((i = t), n) : i;8781 }),8782 n8783 );8784 };8785 var _l ={8786 "inside-out": function (n) {8787 var t,8788 e,8789 r = n.length,8790 i =,8791 u =,8792 o = ao.range(r).sort(function (n, t) {8793 return i[n] - i[t];8794 }),8795 a = 0,8796 l = 0,8797 c = [],8798 f = [];8799 for (t = 0; r > t; ++t)8800 (e = o[t]),8801 l > a ? ((a += u[e]), c.push(e)) : ((l += u[e]), f.push(e));8802 return f.reverse().concat(c);8803 },8804 reverse: function (n) {8805 return ao.range(n.length).reverse();8806 },8807 default: gi,8808 }),8809 wl ={8810 silhouette: function (n) {8811 var t,8812 e,8813 r,8814 i = n.length,8815 u = n[0].length,8816 o = [],8817 a = 0,8818 l = [];8819 for (e = 0; u > e; ++e) {8820 for (t = 0, r = 0; i > t; t++) r += n[t][e][1];8821 r > a && (a = r), o.push(r);8822 }8823 for (e = 0; u > e; ++e) l[e] = (a - o[e]) /​ 2;8824 return l;8825 },8826 wiggle: function (n) {8827 var t,8828 e,8829 r,8830 i,8831 u,8832 o,8833 a,8834 l,8835 c,8836 f = n.length,8837 s = n[0],8838 h = s.length,8839 p = [];8840 for (p[0] = l = c = 0, e = 1; h > e; ++e) {8841 for (t = 0, i = 0; f > t; ++t) i += n[t][e][1];8842 for (t = 0, u = 0, a = s[e][0] - s[e - 1][0]; f > t; ++t) {8843 for (r = 0, o = (n[t][e][1] - n[t][e - 1][1]) /​ (2 * a); t > r; ++r)8844 o += (n[r][e][1] - n[r][e - 1][1]) /​ a;8845 u += o * n[t][e][1];8846 }8847 (p[e] = l -= i ? (u /​ i) * a : 0), c > l && (c = l);8848 }8849 for (e = 0; h > e; ++e) p[e] -= c;8850 return p;8851 },8852 expand: function (n) {8853 var t,8854 e,8855 r,8856 i = n.length,8857 u = n[0].length,8858 o = 1 /​ i,8859 a = [];8860 for (e = 0; u > e; ++e) {8861 for (t = 0, r = 0; i > t; t++) r += n[t][e][1];8862 if (r) for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n[t][e][1] /​= r;8863 else for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n[t][e][1] = o;8864 }8865 for (e = 0; u > e; ++e) a[e] = 0;8866 return a;8867 },8868 zero: vi,8869 });8870 (ao.layout.histogram = function () {8871 function n(n, u) {8872 for (8873 var o,8874 a,8875 l = [],8876 c =, this),8877 f =, c, u),8878 s =, f, c, u),8879 u = -1,8880 h = c.length,8881 p = s.length - 1,8882 g = t ? 1 : 1 /​ h;8883 ++u < p;8884 )8885 (o = l[u] = []), (o.dx = s[u + 1] - (o.x = s[u])), (o.y = 0);8886 if (p > 0)8887 for (u = -1; ++u < h; )8888 (a = c[u]),8889 a >= f[0] &&8890 a <= f[1] &&8891 ((o = l[ao.bisect(s, a, 1, p) - 1]), (o.y += g), o.push(n[u]));8892 return l;8893 }8894 var t = !0,8895 e = Number,8896 r = bi,8897 i = Mi;8898 return (8899 (n.value = function (t) {8900 return arguments.length ? ((e = t), n) : e;8901 }),8902 (n.range = function (t) {8903 return arguments.length ? ((r = En(t)), n) : r;8904 }),8905 (n.bins = function (t) {8906 return arguments.length8907 ? ((i =8908 "number" == typeof t8909 ? function (n) {8910 return xi(n, t);8911 }8912 : En(t)),8913 n)8914 : i;8915 }),8916 (n.frequency = function (e) {8917 return arguments.length ? ((t = !!e), n) : t;8918 }),8919 n8920 );8921 }),8922 (ao.layout.pack = function () {8923 function n(n, u) {8924 var o =, n, u),8925 a = o[0],8926 l = i[0],8927 c = i[1],8928 f =8929 null == t8930 ? Math.sqrt8931 : "function" == typeof t8932 ? t8933 : function () {8934 return t;8935 };8936 if (8937 ((a.x = a.y = 0),8938 oi(a, function (n) {8939 n.r = +f(n.value);8940 }),8941 oi(a, Ni),8942 r)8943 ) {8944 var s = (r * (t ? 1 : Math.max((2 * a.r) /​ l, (2 * a.r) /​ c))) /​ 2;8945 oi(a, function (n) {8946 n.r += s;8947 }),8948 oi(a, Ni),8949 oi(a, function (n) {8950 n.r -= s;8951 });8952 }8953 return (8954 Ci(8955 a,8956 l /​ 2,8957 c /​ 2,8958 t ? 1 : 1 /​ Math.max((2 * a.r) /​ l, (2 * a.r) /​ c)8959 ),8960 o8961 );8962 }8963 var t,8964 e = ao.layout.hierarchy().sort(_i),8965 r = 0,8966 i = [1, 1];8967 return (8968 (n.size = function (t) {8969 return arguments.length ? ((i = t), n) : i;8970 }),8971 (n.radius = function (e) {8972 return arguments.length8973 ? ((t = null == e || "function" == typeof e ? e : +e), n)8974 : t;8975 }),8976 (n.padding = function (t) {8977 return arguments.length ? ((r = +t), n) : r;8978 }),8979 ii(n, e)8980 );8981 }),8982 (ao.layout.tree = function () {8983 function n(n, i) {8984 var f =, n, i),8985 s = f[0],8986 h = t(s);8987 if ((oi(h, e), (h.parent.m = -h.z), ui(h, r), c)) ui(s, u);8988 else {8989 var p = s,8990 g = s,8991 v = s;8992 ui(s, function (n) {8993 n.x < p.x && (p = n),8994 n.x > g.x && (g = n),8995 n.depth > v.depth && (v = n);8996 });8997 var d = a(p, g) /​ 2 - p.x,8998 y = l[0] /​ (g.x + a(g, p) /​ 2 + d),8999 m = l[1] /​ (v.depth || 1);9000 ui(s, function (n) {9001 (n.x = (n.x + d) * y), (n.y = n.depth * m);9002 });9003 }9004 return f;9005 }9006 function t(n) {9007 for (9008 var t, e = { A: null, children: [n] }, r = [e];9009 null != (t = r.pop());9010 )9011 for (var i, u = t.children, o = 0, a = u.length; a > o; ++o)9012 r.push(9013 ((u[o] = i = {9014 _: u[o],9015 parent: t,9016 children: ((i = u[o].children) && i.slice()) || [],9017 A: null,9018 a: null,9019 z: 0,9020 m: 0,9021 c: 0,9022 s: 0,9023 t: null,9024 i: o,9025 }).a = i)9026 );9027 return e.children[0];9028 }9029 function e(n) {9030 var t = n.children,9031 e = n.parent.children,9032 r = n.i ? e[n.i - 1] : null;9033 if (t.length) {9034 Di(n);9035 var u = (t[0].z + t[t.length - 1].z) /​ 2;9036 r ? ((n.z = r.z + a(n._, r._)), (n.m = n.z - u)) : (n.z = u);9037 } else r && (n.z = r.z + a(n._, r._));9038 n.parent.A = i(n, r, n.parent.A || e[0]);9039 }9040 function r(n) {9041 (n._.x = n.z + n.parent.m), (n.m += n.parent.m);9042 }9043 function i(n, t, e) {9044 if (t) {9045 for (9046 var r,9047 i = n,9048 u = n,9049 o = t,9050 l = i.parent.children[0],9051 c = i.m,9052 f = u.m,9053 s = o.m,9054 h = l.m;9055 (o = Ti(o)), (i = qi(i)), o && i;9056 )9057 (l = qi(l)),9058 (u = Ti(u)),9059 (u.a = n),9060 (r = o.z + s - i.z - c + a(o._, i._)),9061 r > 0 && (Ri(Pi(o, n, e), n, r), (c += r), (f += r)),9062 (s += o.m),9063 (c += i.m),9064 (h += l.m),9065 (f += u.m);9066 o && !Ti(u) && ((u.t = o), (u.m += s - f)),9067 i && !qi(l) && ((l.t = i), (l.m += c - h), (e = n));9068 }9069 return e;9070 }9071 function u(n) {9072 (n.x *= l[0]), (n.y = n.depth * l[1]);9073 }9074 var o = ao.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),9075 a = Li,9076 l = [1, 1],9077 c = null;9078 return (9079 (n.separation = function (t) {9080 return arguments.length ? ((a = t), n) : a;9081 }),9082 (n.size = function (t) {9083 return arguments.length9084 ? ((c = null == (l = t) ? u : null), n)9085 : c9086 ? null9087 : l;9088 }),9089 (n.nodeSize = function (t) {9090 return arguments.length9091 ? ((c = null == (l = t) ? null : u), n)9092 : c9093 ? l9094 : null;9095 }),9096 ii(n, o)9097 );9098 }),9099 (ao.layout.cluster = function () {9100 function n(n, u) {9101 var o,9102 a =, n, u),9103 l = a[0],9104 c = 0;9105 oi(l, function (n) {9106 var t = n.children;9107 t && t.length9108 ? ((n.x = ji(t)), (n.y = Ui(t)))9109 : ((n.x = o ? (c += e(n, o)) : 0), (n.y = 0), (o = n));9110 });9111 var f = Fi(l),9112 s = Hi(l),9113 h = f.x - e(f, s) /​ 2,9114 p = s.x + e(s, f) /​ 2;9115 return (9116 oi(9117 l,9118 i9119 ? function (n) {9120 (n.x = (n.x - l.x) * r[0]), (n.y = (l.y - n.y) * r[1]);9121 }9122 : function (n) {9123 (n.x = ((n.x - h) /​ (p - h)) * r[0]),9124 (n.y = (1 - (l.y ? n.y /​ l.y : 1)) * r[1]);9125 }9126 ),9127 a9128 );9129 }9130 var t = ao.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),9131 e = Li,9132 r = [1, 1],9133 i = !1;9134 return (9135 (n.separation = function (t) {9136 return arguments.length ? ((e = t), n) : e;9137 }),9138 (n.size = function (t) {9139 return arguments.length ? ((i = null == (r = t)), n) : i ? null : r;9140 }),9141 (n.nodeSize = function (t) {9142 return arguments.length ? ((i = null != (r = t)), n) : i ? r : null;9143 }),9144 ii(n, t)9145 );9146 }),9147 (ao.layout.treemap = function () {9148 function n(n, t) {9149 for (var e, r, i = -1, u = n.length; ++i < u; )9150 (r = (e = n[i]).value * (0 > t ? 0 : t)),9151 (e.area = isNaN(r) || 0 >= r ? 0 : r);9152 }9153 function t(e) {9154 var u = e.children;9155 if (u && u.length) {9156 var o,9157 a,9158 l,9159 c = s(e),9160 f = [],9161 h = u.slice(),9162 g = 1 /​ 0,9163 v =9164 "slice" === p9165 ? c.dx9166 : "dice" === p9167 ? c.dy9168 : "slice-dice" === p9169 ? 1 & e.depth9170 ? c.dy9171 : c.dx9172 : Math.min(c.dx, c.dy);9173 for (n(h, (c.dx * c.dy) /​ e.value), f.area = 0; (l = h.length) > 0; )9174 f.push((o = h[l - 1])),9175 (f.area += o.area),9176 "squarify" !== p || (a = r(f, v)) <= g9177 ? (h.pop(), (g = a))9178 : ((f.area -= f.pop().area),9179 i(f, v, c, !1),9180 (v = Math.min(c.dx, c.dy)),9181 (f.length = f.area = 0),9182 (g = 1 /​ 0));9183 f.length && (i(f, v, c, !0), (f.length = f.area = 0)), u.forEach(t);9184 }9185 }9186 function e(t) {9187 var r = t.children;9188 if (r && r.length) {9189 var u,9190 o = s(t),9191 a = r.slice(),9192 l = [];9193 for (n(a, (o.dx * o.dy) /​ t.value), l.area = 0; (u = a.pop()); )9194 l.push(u),9195 (l.area += u.area),9196 null != u.z &&9197 (i(l, u.z ? o.dx : o.dy, o, !a.length),9198 (l.length = l.area = 0));9199 r.forEach(e);9200 }9201 }9202 function r(n, t) {9203 for (9204 var e, r = n.area, i = 0, u = 1 /​ 0, o = -1, a = n.length;9205 ++o < a;9206 )9207 (e = n[o].area) && (u > e && (u = e), e > i && (i = e));9208 return (9209 (r *= r),9210 (t *= t),9211 r ? Math.max((t * i * g) /​ r, r /​ (t * u * g)) : 1 /​ 09212 );9213 }9214 function i(n, t, e, r) {9215 var i,9216 u = -1,9217 o = n.length,9218 a = e.x,9219 c = e.y,9220 f = t ? l(n.area /​ t) : 0;9221 if (t == e.dx) {9222 for ((r || f > e.dy) && (f = e.dy); ++u < o; )9223 (i = n[u]),9224 (i.x = a),9225 (i.y = c),9226 (i.dy = f),9227 (a += i.dx = Math.min(e.x + e.dx - a, f ? l(i.area /​ f) : 0));9228 (i.z = !0), (i.dx += e.x + e.dx - a), (e.y += f), (e.dy -= f);9229 } else {9230 for ((r || f > e.dx) && (f = e.dx); ++u < o; )9231 (i = n[u]),9232 (i.x = a),9233 (i.y = c),9234 (i.dx = f),9235 (c += i.dy = Math.min(e.y + e.dy - c, f ? l(i.area /​ f) : 0));9236 (i.z = !1), (i.dy += e.y + e.dy - c), (e.x += f), (e.dx -= f);9237 }9238 }9239 function u(r) {9240 var i = o || a(r),9241 u = i[0];9242 return (9243 (u.x = u.y = 0),9244 u.value ? ((u.dx = c[0]), (u.dy = c[1])) : (u.dx = u.dy = 0),9245 o && a.revalue(u),9246 n([u], (u.dx * u.dy) /​ u.value),9247 (o ? e : t)(u),9248 h && (o = i),9249 i9250 );9251 }9252 var o,9253 a = ao.layout.hierarchy(),9254 l = Math.round,9255 c = [1, 1],9256 f = null,9257 s = Oi,9258 h = !1,9259 p = "squarify",9260 g = 0.5 * (1 + Math.sqrt(5));9261 return (9262 (u.size = function (n) {9263 return arguments.length ? ((c = n), u) : c;9264 }),9265 (u.padding = function (n) {9266 function t(t) {9267 var e =, t, t.depth);9268 return null == e9269 ? Oi(t)9270 : Ii(t, "number" == typeof e ? [e, e, e, e] : e);9271 }9272 function e(t) {9273 return Ii(t, n);9274 }9275 if (!arguments.length) return f;9276 var r;9277 return (9278 (s =9279 null == (f = n)9280 ? Oi9281 : "function" == (r = typeof n)9282 ? t9283 : "number" === r9284 ? ((n = [n, n, n, n]), e)9285 : e),9286 u9287 );9288 }),9289 (u.round = function (n) {9290 return arguments.length9291 ? ((l = n ? Math.round : Number), u)9292 : l != Number;9293 }),9294 (u.sticky = function (n) {9295 return arguments.length ? ((h = n), (o = null), u) : h;9296 }),9297 (u.ratio = function (n) {9298 return arguments.length ? ((g = n), u) : g;9299 }),9300 (u.mode = function (n) {9301 return arguments.length ? ((p = n + ""), u) : p;9302 }),9303 ii(u, a)9304 );9305 }),9306 (ao.random = {9307 normal: function (n, t) {9308 var e = arguments.length;9309 return (9310 2 > e && (t = 1),9311 1 > e && (n = 0),9312 function () {9313 var e, r, i;9314 do9315 (e = 2 * Math.random() - 1),9316 (r = 2 * Math.random() - 1),9317 (i = e * e + r * r);9318 while (!i || i > 1);9319 return n + t * e * Math.sqrt((-2 * Math.log(i)) /​ i);9320 }9321 );9322 },9323 logNormal: function () {9324 var n = ao.random.normal.apply(ao, arguments);9325 return function () {9326 return Math.exp(n());9327 };9328 },9329 bates: function (n) {9330 var t = ao.random.irwinHall(n);9331 return function () {9332 return t() /​ n;9333 };9334 },9335 irwinHall: function (n) {9336 return function () {9337 for (var t = 0, e = 0; n > e; e++) t += Math.random();9338 return t;9339 };9340 },9341 }),9342 (ao.scale = {});9343 var Sl = { floor: m, ceil: m };9344 ao.scale.linear = function () {9345 return Wi([0, 1], [0, 1], Mr, !1);9346 };9347 var kl = { s: 1, g: 1, p: 1, r: 1, e: 1 };9348 ao.scale.log = function () {9349 return ru(ao.scale.linear().domain([0, 1]), 10, !0, [1, 10]);9350 };9351 var Nl = ao.format(".0e"),9352 El = {9353 floor: function (n) {9354 return -Math.ceil(-n);9355 },9356 ceil: function (n) {9357 return -Math.floor(-n);9358 },9359 };9360 (ao.scale.pow = function () {9361 return iu(ao.scale.linear(), 1, [0, 1]);9362 }),9363 (ao.scale.sqrt = function () {9364 return ao.scale.pow().exponent(0.5);9365 }),9366 (ao.scale.ordinal = function () {9367 return ou([], { t: "range", a: [[]] });9368 }),9369 (ao.scale.category10 = function () {9370 return ao.scale.ordinal().range(Al);9371 }),9372 (ao.scale.category20 = function () {9373 return ao.scale.ordinal().range(Cl);9374 }),9375 (ao.scale.category20b = function () {9376 return ao.scale.ordinal().range(zl);9377 }),9378 (ao.scale.category20c = function () {9379 return ao.scale.ordinal().range(Ll);9380 });9381 var Al = [9382 2062260,9383 16744206,9384 2924588,9385 14034728,9386 9725885,9387 9197131,9388 14907330,9389 8355711,9390 12369186,9391 1556175,9392 ].map(xn),9393 Cl = [9394 2062260,9395 11454440,9396 16744206,9397 16759672,9398 2924588,9399 10018698,9400 14034728,9401 16750742,9402 9725885,9403 12955861,9404 9197131,9405 12885140,9406 14907330,9407 16234194,9408 8355711,9409 13092807,9410 12369186,9411 14408589,9412 1556175,9413 10410725,9414 ].map(xn),9415 zl = [9416 3750777,9417 5395619,9418 7040719,9419 10264286,9420 6519097,9421 9216594,9422 11915115,9423 13556636,9424 9202993,9425 12426809,9426 15186514,9427 15190932,9428 8666169,9429 11356490,9430 14049643,9431 15177372,9432 8077683,9433 10834324,9434 13528509,9435 14589654,9436 ].map(xn),9437 Ll = [9438 3244733,9439 7057110,9440 10406625,9441 13032431,9442 15095053,9443 16616764,9444 16625259,9445 16634018,9446 3253076,9447 7652470,9448 10607003,9449 13101504,9450 7695281,9451 10394312,9452 12369372,9453 14342891,9454 6513507,9455 9868950,9456 12434877,9457 14277081,9458 ].map(xn);9459 (ao.scale.quantile = function () {9460 return au([], []);9461 }),9462 (ao.scale.quantize = function () {9463 return lu(0, 1, [0, 1]);9464 }),9465 (ao.scale.threshold = function () {9466 return cu([0.5], [0, 1]);9467 }),9468 (ao.scale.identity = function () {9469 return fu([0, 1]);9470 }),9471 (ao.svg = {}),9472 (ao.svg.arc = function () {9473 function n() {9474 var n = Math.max(0, +e.apply(this, arguments)),9475 c = Math.max(0, +r.apply(this, arguments)),9476 f = o.apply(this, arguments) - Io,9477 s = a.apply(this, arguments) - Io,9478 h = Math.abs(s - f),9479 p = f > s ? 0 : 1;9480 if ((n > c && ((g = c), (c = n), (n = g)), h >= Oo))9481 return t(c, p) + (n ? t(n, 1 - p) : "") + "Z";9482 var g,9483 v,9484 d,9485 y,9486 m,9487 M,9488 x,9489 b,9490 _,9491 w,9492 S,9493 k,9494 N = 0,9495 E = 0,9496 A = [];9497 if (9498 ((y = (+l.apply(this, arguments) || 0) /​ 2) &&9499 ((d =9500 u === ql ? Math.sqrt(n * n + c * c) : +u.apply(this, arguments)),9501 p || (E *= -1),9502 c && (E = tn((d /​ c) * Math.sin(y))),9503 n && (N = tn((d /​ n) * Math.sin(y)))),9504 c)9505 ) {9506 (m = c * Math.cos(f + E)),9507 (M = c * Math.sin(f + E)),9508 (x = c * Math.cos(s - E)),9509 (b = c * Math.sin(s - E));9510 var C = Math.abs(s - f - 2 * E) <= Fo ? 0 : 1;9511 if (E && (yu(m, M, x, b) === p) ^ C) {9512 var z = (f + s) /​ 2;9513 (m = c * Math.cos(z)), (M = c * Math.sin(z)), (x = b = null);9514 }9515 } else m = M = 0;9516 if (n) {9517 (_ = n * Math.cos(s - N)),9518 (w = n * Math.sin(s - N)),9519 (S = n * Math.cos(f + N)),9520 (k = n * Math.sin(f + N));9521 var L = Math.abs(f - s + 2 * N) <= Fo ? 0 : 1;9522 if (N && (yu(_, w, S, k) === 1 - p) ^ L) {9523 var q = (f + s) /​ 2;9524 (_ = n * Math.cos(q)), (w = n * Math.sin(q)), (S = k = null);9525 }9526 } else _ = w = 0;9527 if (9528 h > Uo &&9529 (g = Math.min(Math.abs(c - n) /​ 2, +i.apply(this, arguments))) > 0.0019530 ) {9531 v = (c > n) ^ p ? 0 : 1;9532 var T = g,9533 R = g;9534 if (Fo > h) {9535 var D =9536 null == S9537 ? [_, w]9538 : null == x9539 ? [m, M]9540 : Re([m, M], [S, k], [x, b], [_, w]),9541 P = m - D[0],9542 U = M - D[1],9543 j = x - D[0],9544 F = b - D[1],9545 H =9546 1 /​9547 Math.sin(9548 Math.acos(9549 (P * j + U * F) /​9550 (Math.sqrt(P * P + U * U) * Math.sqrt(j * j + F * F))9551 ) /​ 29552 ),9553 O = Math.sqrt(D[0] * D[0] + D[1] * D[1]);9554 (R = Math.min(g, (n - O) /​ (H - 1))),9555 (T = Math.min(g, (c - O) /​ (H + 1)));9556 }9557 if (null != x) {9558 var I = mu(null == S ? [_, w] : [S, k], [m, M], c, T, p),9559 Y = mu([x, b], [_, w], c, T, p);9560 g === T9561 ? A.push(9562 "M",9563 I[0],9564 "A",9565 T,9566 ",",9567 T,9568 " 0 0,",9569 v,9570 " ",9571 I[1],9572 "A",9573 c,9574 ",",9575 c,9576 " 0 ",9577 (1 - p) ^ yu(I[1][0], I[1][1], Y[1][0], Y[1][1]),9578 ",",9579 p,9580 " ",9581 Y[1],9582 "A",9583 T,9584 ",",9585 T,9586 " 0 0,",9587 v,9588 " ",9589 Y[0]9590 )9591 : A.push("M", I[0], "A", T, ",", T, " 0 1,", v, " ", Y[0]);9592 } else A.push("M", m, ",", M);9593 if (null != S) {9594 var Z = mu([m, M], [S, k], n, -R, p),9595 V = mu([_, w], null == x ? [m, M] : [x, b], n, -R, p);9596 g === R9597 ? A.push(9598 "L",9599 V[0],9600 "A",9601 R,9602 ",",9603 R,9604 " 0 0,",9605 v,9606 " ",9607 V[1],9608 "A",9609 n,9610 ",",9611 n,9612 " 0 ",9613 p ^ yu(V[1][0], V[1][1], Z[1][0], Z[1][1]),9614 ",",9615 1 - p,9616 " ",9617 Z[1],9618 "A",9619 R,9620 ",",9621 R,9622 " 0 0,",9623 v,9624 " ",9625 Z[0]9626 )9627 : A.push("L", V[0], "A", R, ",", R, " 0 0,", v, " ", Z[0]);9628 } else A.push("L", _, ",", w);9629 } else9630 A.push("M", m, ",", M),9631 null != x &&9632 A.push("A", c, ",", c, " 0 ", C, ",", p, " ", x, ",", b),9633 A.push("L", _, ",", w),9634 null != S &&9635 A.push("A", n, ",", n, " 0 ", L, ",", 1 - p, " ", S, ",", k);9636 return A.push("Z"), A.join("");9637 }9638 function t(n, t) {9639 return (9640 "M0," +9641 n +9642 "A" +9643 n +9644 "," +9645 n +9646 " 0 1," +9647 t +9648 " 0," +9649 -n +9650 "A" +9651 n +9652 "," +9653 n +9654 " 0 1," +9655 t +9656 " 0," +9657 n9658 );9659 }9660 var e = hu,9661 r = pu,9662 i = su,9663 u = ql,9664 o = gu,9665 a = vu,9666 l = du;9667 return (9668 (n.innerRadius = function (t) {9669 return arguments.length ? ((e = En(t)), n) : e;9670 }),9671 (n.outerRadius = function (t) {9672 return arguments.length ? ((r = En(t)), n) : r;9673 }),9674 (n.cornerRadius = function (t) {9675 return arguments.length ? ((i = En(t)), n) : i;9676 }),9677 (n.padRadius = function (t) {9678 return arguments.length ? ((u = t == ql ? ql : En(t)), n) : u;9679 }),9680 (n.startAngle = function (t) {9681 return arguments.length ? ((o = En(t)), n) : o;9682 }),9683 (n.endAngle = function (t) {9684 return arguments.length ? ((a = En(t)), n) : a;9685 }),9686 (n.padAngle = function (t) {9687 return arguments.length ? ((l = En(t)), n) : l;9688 }),9689 (n.centroid = function () {9690 var n = (+e.apply(this, arguments) + +r.apply(this, arguments)) /​ 2,9691 t =9692 (+o.apply(this, arguments) + +a.apply(this, arguments)) /​ 2 - Io;9693 return [Math.cos(t) * n, Math.sin(t) * n];9694 }),9695 n9696 );9697 });9698 var ql = "auto";9699 ao.svg.line = function () {9700 return Mu(m);9701 };9702 var Tl ={9703 linear: xu,9704 "linear-closed": bu,9705 step: _u,9706 "step-before": wu,9707 "step-after": Su,9708 basis: zu,9709 "basis-open": Lu,9710 "basis-closed": qu,9711 bundle: Tu,9712 cardinal: Eu,9713 "cardinal-open": ku,9714 "cardinal-closed": Nu,9715 monotone: Fu,9716 });9717 Tl.forEach(function (n, t) {9718 (t.key = n), (t.closed = /​-closed$/​.test(n));9719 });9720 var Rl = [0, 2 /​ 3, 1 /​ 3, 0],9721 Dl = [0, 1 /​ 3, 2 /​ 3, 0],9722 Pl = [0, 1 /​ 6, 2 /​ 3, 1 /​ 6];9723 (ao.svg.line.radial = function () {9724 var n = Mu(Hu);9725 return (n.radius = n.x), delete n.x, (n.angle = n.y), delete n.y, n;9726 }),9727 (wu.reverse = Su),9728 (Su.reverse = wu),9729 (ao.svg.area = function () {9730 return Ou(m);9731 }),9732 (ao.svg.area.radial = function () {9733 var n = Ou(Hu);9734 return (9735 (n.radius = n.x),9736 delete n.x,9737 (n.innerRadius = n.x0),9738 delete n.x0,9739 (n.outerRadius = n.x1),9740 delete n.x1,9741 (n.angle = n.y),9742 delete n.y,9743 (n.startAngle = n.y0),9744 delete n.y0,9745 (n.endAngle = n.y1),9746 delete n.y1,9747 n9748 );9749 }),9750 (ao.svg.chord = function () {9751 function n(n, a) {9752 var l = t(this, u, n, a),9753 c = t(this, o, n, a);9754 return (9755 "M" +9756 l.p0 +9757 r(l.r, l.p1, l.a1 - l.a0) +9758 (e(l, c)9759 ? i(l.r, l.p1, l.r, l.p0)9760 : i(l.r, l.p1, c.r, c.p0) +9761 r(c.r, c.p1, c.a1 - c.a0) +9762 i(c.r, c.p1, l.r, l.p0)) +9763 "Z"9764 );9765 }9766 function t(n, t, e, r) {9767 var i =, e, r),9768 u =, i, r),9769 o =, i, r) - Io,9770 f =, i, r) - Io;9771 return {9772 r: u,9773 a0: o,9774 a1: f,9775 p0: [u * Math.cos(o), u * Math.sin(o)],9776 p1: [u * Math.cos(f), u * Math.sin(f)],9777 };9778 }9779 function e(n, t) {9780 return n.a0 == t.a0 && n.a1 == t.a1;9781 }9782 function r(n, t, e) {9783 return "A" + n + "," + n + " 0 " + +(e > Fo) + ",1 " + t;9784 }9785 function i(n, t, e, r) {9786 return "Q 0,0 " + r;9787 }9788 var u = Me,9789 o = xe,9790 a = Iu,9791 l = gu,9792 c = vu;9793 return (9794 (n.radius = function (t) {9795 return arguments.length ? ((a = En(t)), n) : a;9796 }),9797 (n.source = function (t) {9798 return arguments.length ? ((u = En(t)), n) : u;9799 }),9800 ( = function (t) {9801 return arguments.length ? ((o = En(t)), n) : o;9802 }),9803 (n.startAngle = function (t) {9804 return arguments.length ? ((l = En(t)), n) : l;9805 }),9806 (n.endAngle = function (t) {9807 return arguments.length ? ((c = En(t)), n) : c;9808 }),9809 n9810 );9811 }),9812 (ao.svg.diagonal = function () {9813 function n(n, i) {9814 var u =, n, i),9815 o =, n, i),9816 a = (u.y + o.y) /​ 2,9817 l = [u, { x: u.x, y: a }, { x: o.x, y: a }, o];9818 return (9819 (l =, "M" + l[0] + "C" + l[1] + " " + l[2] + " " + l[3]9820 );9821 }9822 var t = Me,9823 e = xe,9824 r = Yu;9825 return (9826 (n.source = function (e) {9827 return arguments.length ? ((t = En(e)), n) : t;9828 }),9829 ( = function (t) {9830 return arguments.length ? ((e = En(t)), n) : e;9831 }),9832 (n.projection = function (t) {9833 return arguments.length ? ((r = t), n) : r;9834 }),9835 n9836 );9837 }),9838 (ao.svg.diagonal.radial = function () {9839 var n = ao.svg.diagonal(),9840 t = Yu,9841 e = n.projection;9842 return (9843 (n.projection = function (n) {9844 return arguments.length ? e(Zu((t = n))) : t;9845 }),9846 n9847 );9848 }),9849 (ao.svg.symbol = function () {9850 function n(n, r) {9851 return (Ul.get(, n, r)) || $u)(, n, r));9852 }9853 var t = Xu,9854 e = Vu;9855 return (9856 (n.type = function (e) {9857 return arguments.length ? ((t = En(e)), n) : t;9858 }),9859 (n.size = function (t) {9860 return arguments.length ? ((e = En(t)), n) : e;9861 }),9862 n9863 );9864 });9865 var Ul ={9866 circle: $u,9867 cross: function (n) {9868 var t = Math.sqrt(n /​ 5) /​ 2;9869 return (9870 "M" +9871 -3 * t +9872 "," +9873 -t +9874 "H" +9875 -t +9876 "V" +9877 -3 * t +9878 "H" +9879 t +9880 "V" +9881 -t +9882 "H" +9883 3 * t +9884 "V" +9885 t +9886 "H" +9887 t +9888 "V" +9889 3 * t +9890 "H" +9891 -t +9892 "V" +9893 t +9894 "H" +9895 -3 * t +9896 "Z"9897 );9898 },9899 diamond: function (n) {9900 var t = Math.sqrt(n /​ (2 * Fl)),9901 e = t * Fl;9902 return "M0," + -t + "L" + e + ",0 0," + t + " " + -e + ",0Z";9903 },9904 square: function (n) {9905 var t = Math.sqrt(n) /​ 2;9906 return (9907 "M" +9908 -t +9909 "," +9910 -t +9911 "L" +9912 t +9913 "," +9914 -t +9915 " " +9916 t +9917 "," +9918 t +9919 " " +9920 -t +9921 "," +9922 t +9923 "Z"9924 );9925 },9926 "triangle-down": function (n) {9927 var t = Math.sqrt(n /​ jl),9928 e = (t * jl) /​ 2;9929 return "M0," + e + "L" + t + "," + -e + " " + -t + "," + -e + "Z";9930 },9931 "triangle-up": function (n) {9932 var t = Math.sqrt(n /​ jl),9933 e = (t * jl) /​ 2;9934 return "M0," + -e + "L" + t + "," + e + " " + -t + "," + e + "Z";9935 },9936 });9937 ao.svg.symbolTypes = Ul.keys();9938 var jl = Math.sqrt(3),9939 Fl = Math.tan(30 * Yo);9940 (Co.transition = function (n) {9941 for (9942 var t,9943 e,9944 r = Hl || ++Zl,9945 i = Ku(n),9946 u = [],9947 o = Ol || { time:, ease: Nr, delay: 0, duration: 250 },9948 a = -1,9949 l = this.length;9950 ++a < l;9951 ) {9952 u.push((t = []));9953 for (var c = this[a], f = -1, s = c.length; ++f < s; )9954 (e = c[f]) && Qu(e, f, i, r, o), t.push(e);9955 }9956 return Wu(u, i, r);9957 }),9958 (Co.interrupt = function (n) {9959 return this.each(null == n ? Il : Bu(Ku(n)));9960 });9961 var Hl,9962 Ol,9963 Il = Bu(Ku()),9964 Yl = [],9965 Zl = 0;9966 ( =,9967 (Yl.empty = Co.empty),9968 (Yl.node = Co.node),9969 (Yl.size = Co.size),9970 (ao.transition = function (n, t) {9971 return n && n.transition9972 ? Hl9973 ? n.transition(t)9974 : n9975 : ao.selection().transition(n);9976 }),9977 (ao.transition.prototype = Yl),9978 ( = function (n) {9979 var t,9980 e,9981 r,9982 i =,9983 u = this.namespace,9984 o = [];9985 n = A(n);9986 for (var a = -1, l = this.length; ++a < l; ) {9987 o.push((t = []));9988 for (var c = this[a], f = -1, s = c.length; ++f < s; )9989 (r = c[f]) && (e =, r.__data__, f, a))9990 ? ("__data__" in r && (e.__data__ = r.__data__),9991 Qu(e, f, u, i, r[u][i]),9992 t.push(e))9993 : t.push(null);9994 }9995 return Wu(o, u, i);9996 }),9997 (Yl.selectAll = function (n) {9998 var t,9999 e,10000 r,10001 i,10002 u,10003 o =,10004 a = this.namespace,10005 l = [];10006 n = C(n);10007 for (var c = -1, f = this.length; ++c < f; )10008 for (var s = this[c], h = -1, p = s.length; ++h < p; )10009 if ((r = s[h])) {10010 (u = r[a][o]), (e =, r.__data__, h, c)), l.push((t = []));10011 for (var g = -1, v = e.length; ++g < v; )10012 (i = e[g]) && Qu(i, g, a, o, u), t.push(i);10013 }10014 return Wu(l, a, o);10015 }),10016 (Yl.filter = function (n) {10017 var t,10018 e,10019 r,10020 i = [];10021 "function" != typeof n && (n = O(n));10022 for (var u = 0, o = this.length; o > u; u++) {10023 i.push((t = []));10024 for (var e = this[u], a = 0, l = e.length; l > a; a++)10025 (r = e[a]) &&, r.__data__, a, u) && t.push(r);10026 }10027 return Wu(i, this.namespace,;10028 }),10029 (Yl.tween = function (n, t) {10030 var e =,10031 r = this.namespace;10032 return arguments.length < 210033 ? this.node()[r][e].tween.get(n)10034 : Y(10035 this,10036 null == t10037 ? function (t) {10038 t[r][e].tween.remove(n);10039 }10040 : function (i) {10041 i[r][e].tween.set(n, t);10042 }10043 );10044 }),10045 (Yl.attr = function (n, t) {10046 function e() {10047 this.removeAttribute(a);10048 }10049 function r() {10050 this.removeAttributeNS(, a.local);10051 }10052 function i(n) {10053 return null == n10054 ? e10055 : ((n += ""),10056 function () {10057 var t,10058 e = this.getAttribute(a);10059 return (10060 e !== n &&10061 ((t = o(e, n)),10062 function (n) {10063 this.setAttribute(a, t(n));10064 })10065 );10066 });10067 }10068 function u(n) {10069 return null == n10070 ? r10071 : ((n += ""),10072 function () {10073 var t,10074 e = this.getAttributeNS(, a.local);10075 return (10076 e !== n &&10077 ((t = o(e, n)),10078 function (n) {10079 this.setAttributeNS(, a.local, t(n));10080 })10081 );10082 });10083 }10084 if (arguments.length < 2) {10085 for (t in n) this.attr(t, n[t]);10086 return this;10087 }10088 var o = "transform" == n ? $r : Mr,10089 a = ao.ns.qualify(n);10090 return Ju(this, "attr." + n, t, a.local ? u : i);10091 }),10092 (Yl.attrTween = function (n, t) {10093 function e(n, e) {10094 var r =, n, e, this.getAttribute(i));10095 return (10096 r &&10097 function (n) {10098 this.setAttribute(i, r(n));10099 }10100 );10101 }10102 function r(n, e) {10103 var r =, n, e, this.getAttributeNS(, i.local));10104 return (10105 r &&10106 function (n) {10107 this.setAttributeNS(, i.local, r(n));10108 }10109 );10110 }10111 var i = ao.ns.qualify(n);10112 return this.tween("attr." + n, i.local ? r : e);10113 }),10114 ( = function (n, e, r) {10115 function i() {10116;10117 }10118 function u(e) {10119 return null == e10120 ? i10121 : ((e += ""),10122 function () {10123 var i,10124 u = t(this).getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(n);10125 return (10126 u !== e &&10127 ((i = Mr(u, e)),10128 function (t) {10129, i(t), r);10130 })10131 );10132 });10133 }10134 var o = arguments.length;10135 if (3 > o) {10136 if ("string" != typeof n) {10137 2 > o && (e = "");10138 for (r in n), n[r], e);10139 return this;10140 }10141 r = "";10142 }10143 return Ju(this, "style." + n, e, u);10144 }),10145 (Yl.styleTween = function (n, e, r) {10146 function i(i, u) {10147 var o = this,10149 i,10150 u,10151 t(this).getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(n)10152 );10153 return (10154 o &&10155 function (t) {10156, o(t), r);10157 }10158 );10159 }10160 return arguments.length < 3 && (r = ""), this.tween("style." + n, i);10161 }),10162 (Yl.text = function (n) {10163 return Ju(this, "text", n, Gu);10164 }),10165 (Yl.remove = function () {10166 var n = this.namespace;10167 return this.each("end.transition", function () {10168 var t;10169 this[n].count < 2 && (t = this.parentNode) && t.removeChild(this);10170 });10171 }),10172 (Yl.ease = function (n) {10173 var t =,10174 e = this.namespace;10175 return arguments.length < 110176 ? this.node()[e][t].ease10177 : ("function" != typeof n && (n = ao.ease.apply(ao, arguments)),10178 Y(this, function (r) {10179 r[e][t].ease = n;10180 }));10181 }),10182 (Yl.delay = function (n) {10183 var t =,10184 e = this.namespace;10185 return arguments.length < 110186 ? this.node()[e][t].delay10187 : Y(10188 this,10189 "function" == typeof n10190 ? function (r, i, u) {10191 r[e][t].delay =, r.__data__, i, u);10192 }10193 : ((n = +n),10194 function (r) {10195 r[e][t].delay = n;10196 })10197 );10198 }),10199 (Yl.duration = function (n) {10200 var t =,10201 e = this.namespace;10202 return arguments.length < 110203 ? this.node()[e][t].duration10204 : Y(10205 this,10206 "function" == typeof n10207 ? function (r, i, u) {10208 r[e][t].duration = Math.max(1,, r.__data__, i, u));10209 }10210 : ((n = Math.max(1, n)),10211 function (r) {10212 r[e][t].duration = n;10213 })10214 );10215 }),10216 (Yl.each = function (n, t) {10217 var e =,10218 r = this.namespace;10219 if (arguments.length < 2) {10220 var i = Ol,10221 u = Hl;10222 try {10223 (Hl = e),10224 Y(this, function (t, i, u) {10225 (Ol = t[r][e]),, t.__data__, i, u);10226 });10227 } finally {10228 (Ol = i), (Hl = u);10229 }10230 } else10231 Y(this, function (i) {10232 var u = i[r][e];10233 (u.event || (u.event = ao.dispatch("start", "end", "interrupt"))).on(10234 n,10235 t10236 );10237 });10238 return this;10239 }),10240 (Yl.transition = function () {10241 for (10242 var n,10243 t,10244 e,10245 r,10246 i =,10247 u = ++Zl,10248 o = this.namespace,10249 a = [],10250 l = 0,10251 c = this.length;10252 c > l;10253 l++10254 ) {10255 a.push((n = []));10256 for (var t = this[l], f = 0, s = t.length; s > f; f++)10257 (e = t[f]) &&10258 ((r = e[o][i]),10259 Qu(e, f, o, u, {10260 time: r.time,10261 ease: r.ease,10262 delay: r.delay + r.duration,10263 duration: r.duration,10264 })),10265 n.push(e);10266 }10267 return Wu(a, o, u);10268 }),10269 (ao.svg.axis = function () {10270 function n(n) {10271 n.each(function () {10272 var n,10273 c =,10274 f = this.__chart__ || e,10275 s = (this.__chart__ = e.copy()),10276 h = null == l ? (s.ticks ? s.ticks.apply(s, a) : s.domain()) : l,10277 p = null == t ? (s.tickFormat ? s.tickFormat.apply(s, a) : m) : t,10278 g = c.selectAll(".tick").data(h, s),10279 v = g10280 .enter()10281 .insert("g", ".domain")10282 .attr("class", "tick")10283 .style("opacity", Uo),10284 d = ao.transition(g.exit()).style("opacity", Uo).remove(),10285 y = ao.transition(g.order()).style("opacity", 1),10286 M = Math.max(i, 0) + o,10287 x = Zi(s),10288 b = c.selectAll(".domain").data([0]),10289 _ =10290 (b.enter().append("path").attr("class", "domain"),10291 ao.transition(b));10292 v.append("line"), v.append("text");10293 var w,10294 S,10295 k,10296 N,10297 E ="line"),10298 A ="line"),10299 C ="text").text(p),10300 z ="text"),10301 L ="text"),10302 q = "top" === r || "left" === r ? -1 : 1;10303 if (10304 ("bottom" === r || "top" === r10305 ? ((n = no),10306 (w = "x"),10307 (k = "y"),10308 (S = "x2"),10309 (N = "y2"),10310 C.attr("dy", 0 > q ? "0em" : ".71em").style(10311 "text-anchor",10312 "middle"10313 ),10314 _.attr(10315 "d",10316 "M" + x[0] + "," + q * u + "V0H" + x[1] + "V" + q * u10317 ))10318 : ((n = to),10319 (w = "y"),10320 (k = "x"),10321 (S = "y2"),10322 (N = "x2"),10323 C.attr("dy", ".32em").style(10324 "text-anchor",10325 0 > q ? "end" : "start"10326 ),10327 _.attr(10328 "d",10329 "M" + q * u + "," + x[0] + "H0V" + x[1] + "H" + q * u10330 )),10331 E.attr(N, q * i),10332 z.attr(k, q * M),10333 A.attr(S, 0).attr(N, q * i),10334 L.attr(w, 0).attr(k, q * M),10335 s.rangeBand)10336 ) {10337 var T = s,10338 R = T.rangeBand() /​ 2;10339 f = s = function (n) {10340 return T(n) + R;10341 };10342 } else f.rangeBand ? (f = s) :, s, f);10343, f, s),, s, s);10344 });10345 }10346 var t,10347 e = ao.scale.linear(),10348 r = Vl,10349 i = 6,10350 u = 6,10351 o = 3,10352 a = [10],10353 l = null;10354 return (10355 (n.scale = function (t) {10356 return arguments.length ? ((e = t), n) : e;10357 }),10358 (n.orient = function (t) {10359 return arguments.length ? ((r = t in Xl ? t + "" : Vl), n) : r;10360 }),10361 (n.ticks = function () {10362 return arguments.length ? ((a = co(arguments)), n) : a;10363 }),10364 (n.tickValues = function (t) {10365 return arguments.length ? ((l = t), n) : l;10366 }),10367 (n.tickFormat = function (e) {10368 return arguments.length ? ((t = e), n) : t;10369 }),10370 (n.tickSize = function (t) {10371 var e = arguments.length;10372 return e ? ((i = +t), (u = +arguments[e - 1]), n) : i;10373 }),10374 (n.innerTickSize = function (t) {10375 return arguments.length ? ((i = +t), n) : i;10376 }),10377 (n.outerTickSize = function (t) {10378 return arguments.length ? ((u = +t), n) : u;10379 }),10380 (n.tickPadding = function (t) {10381 return arguments.length ? ((o = +t), n) : o;10382 }),10383 (n.tickSubdivide = function () {10384 return arguments.length && n;10385 }),10386 n10387 );10388 });10389 var Vl = "bottom",10390 Xl = { top: 1, right: 1, bottom: 1, left: 1 };10391 ao.svg.brush = function () {10392 function n(t) {10393 t.each(function () {10394 var t = ao10395 .select(this)10396 .style("pointer-events", "all")10397 .style("-webkit-tap-highlight-color", "rgba(0,0,0,0)")10398 .on("mousedown.brush", u)10399 .on("touchstart.brush", u),10400 o = t.selectAll(".background").data([0]);10401 o10402 .enter()10403 .append("rect")10404 .attr("class", "background")10405 .style("visibility", "hidden")10406 .style("cursor", "crosshair"),10407 t10408 .selectAll(".extent")10409 .data([0])10410 .enter()10411 .append("rect")10412 .attr("class", "extent")10413 .style("cursor", "move");10414 var a = t.selectAll(".resize").data(v, m);10415 a.exit().remove(),10416 a10417 .enter()10418 .append("g")10419 .attr("class", function (n) {10420 return "resize " + n;10421 })10422 .style("cursor", function (n) {10423 return $l[n];10424 })10425 .append("rect")10426 .attr("x", function (n) {10427 return /​[ew]$/​.test(n) ? -3 : null;10428 })10429 .attr("y", function (n) {10430 return /​^[ns]/​.test(n) ? -3 : null;10431 })10432 .attr("width", 6)10433 .attr("height", 6)10434 .style("visibility", "hidden"),10435"display", n.empty() ? "none" : null);10436 var l,10437 s = ao.transition(t),10438 h = ao.transition(o);10439 c && ((l = Zi(c)), h.attr("x", l[0]).attr("width", l[1] - l[0]), r(s)),10440 f &&10441 ((l = Zi(f)), h.attr("y", l[0]).attr("height", l[1] - l[0]), i(s)),10442 e(s);10443 });10444 }10445 function e(n) {10446 n.selectAll(".resize").attr("transform", function (n) {10447 return "translate(" + s[+/​e$/​.test(n)] + "," + h[+/​^s/​.test(n)] + ")";10448 });10449 }10450 function r(n) {10451".extent").attr("x", s[0]),10452 n.selectAll(".extent,.n>rect,.s>rect").attr("width", s[1] - s[0]);10453 }10454 function i(n) {10455".extent").attr("y", h[0]),10456 n.selectAll(".extent,.e>rect,.w>rect").attr("height", h[1] - h[0]);10457 }10458 function u() {10459 function u() {10460 32 == ao.event.keyCode &&10461 (C || ((M = null), (L[0] -= s[1]), (L[1] -= h[1]), (C = 2)), S());10462 }10463 function v() {10464 32 == ao.event.keyCode &&10465 2 == C &&10466 ((L[0] += s[1]), (L[1] += h[1]), (C = 0), S());10467 }10468 function d() {10469 var n = ao.mouse(b),10470 t = !1;10471 x && ((n[0] += x[0]), (n[1] += x[1])),10472 C ||10473 (ao.event.altKey10474 ? (M || (M = [(s[0] + s[1]) /​ 2, (h[0] + h[1]) /​ 2]),10475 (L[0] = s[+(n[0] < M[0])]),10476 (L[1] = h[+(n[1] < M[1])]))10477 : (M = null)),10478 E && y(n, c, 0) && (r(k), (t = !0)),10479 A && y(n, f, 1) && (i(k), (t = !0)),10480 t && (e(k), w({ type: "brush", mode: C ? "move" : "resize" }));10481 }10482 function y(n, t, e) {10483 var r,10484 i,10485 u = Zi(t),10486 l = u[0],10487 c = u[1],10488 f = L[e],10489 v = e ? h : s,10490 d = v[1] - v[0];10491 return (10492 C && ((l -= f), (c -= d + f)),10493 (r = (e ? g : p) ? Math.max(l, Math.min(c, n[e])) : n[e]),10494 C10495 ? (i = (r += f) + d)10496 : (M && (f = Math.max(l, Math.min(c, 2 * M[e] - r))),10497 r > f ? ((i = r), (r = f)) : (i = f)),10498 v[0] != r || v[1] != i10499 ? (e ? (a = null) : (o = null), (v[0] = r), (v[1] = i), !0)10500 : void 010501 );10502 }10503 function m() {10504 d(),10505 k10506 .style("pointer-events", "all")10507 .selectAll(".resize")10508 .style("display", n.empty() ? "none" : null),10509"body").style("cursor", null),10510 q10511 .on("mousemove.brush", null)10512 .on("mouseup.brush", null)10513 .on("touchmove.brush", null)10514 .on("touchend.brush", null)10515 .on("keydown.brush", null)10516 .on("keyup.brush", null),10517 z(),10518 w({ type: "brushend" });10519 }10520 var M,10521 x,10522 b = this,10523 _ =,10524 w = l.of(b, arguments),10525 k =,10526 N = _.datum(),10527 E = !/​^(n|s)$/​.test(N) && c,10528 A = !/​^(e|w)$/​.test(N) && f,10529 C = _.classed("extent"),10530 z = W(b),10531 L = ao.mouse(b),10532 q ="keydown.brush", u).on("keyup.brush", v);10533 if (10534 (ao.event.changedTouches10535 ? q.on("touchmove.brush", d).on("touchend.brush", m)10536 : q.on("mousemove.brush", d).on("mouseup.brush", m),10537 k.interrupt().selectAll("*").interrupt(),10538 C)10539 )10540 (L[0] = s[0] - L[0]), (L[1] = h[0] - L[1]);10541 else if (N) {10542 var T = +/​w$/​.test(N),10543 R = +/​^n/​.test(N);10544 (x = [s[1 - T] - L[0], h[1 - R] - L[1]]), (L[0] = s[T]), (L[1] = h[R]);10545 } else ao.event.altKey && (M = L.slice());10546 k10547 .style("pointer-events", "none")10548 .selectAll(".resize")10549 .style("display", null),10550"body").style("cursor","cursor")),10551 w({ type: "brushstart" }),10552 d();10553 }10554 var o,10555 a,10556 l = N(n, "brushstart", "brush", "brushend"),10557 c = null,10558 f = null,10559 s = [0, 0],10560 h = [0, 0],10561 p = !0,10562 g = !0,10563 v = Bl[0];10564 return (10565 (n.event = function (n) {10566 n.each(function () {10567 var n = l.of(this, arguments),10568 t = { x: s, y: h, i: o, j: a },10569 e = this.__chart__ || t;10570 (this.__chart__ = t),10571 Hl10572 ? ao10573 .select(this)10574 .transition()10575 .each("start.brush", function () {10576 (o = e.i),10577 (a = e.j),10578 (s = e.x),10579 (h = e.y),10580 n({ type: "brushstart" });10581 })10582 .tween("brush:brush", function () {10583 var e = xr(s, t.x),10584 r = xr(h, t.y);10585 return (10586 (o = a = null),10587 function (i) {10588 (s = t.x = e(i)),10589 (h = t.y = r(i)),10590 n({ type: "brush", mode: "resize" });10591 }10592 );10593 })10594 .each("end.brush", function () {10595 (o = t.i),10596 (a = t.j),10597 n({ type: "brush", mode: "resize" }),10598 n({ type: "brushend" });10599 })10600 : (n({ type: "brushstart" }),10601 n({ type: "brush", mode: "resize" }),10602 n({ type: "brushend" }));10603 });10604 }),10605 (n.x = function (t) {10606 return arguments.length ? ((c = t), (v = Bl[(!c << 1) | !f]), n) : c;10607 }),10608 (n.y = function (t) {10609 return arguments.length ? ((f = t), (v = Bl[(!c << 1) | !f]), n) : f;10610 }),10611 (n.clamp = function (t) {10612 return arguments.length10613 ? (c && f10614 ? ((p = !!t[0]), (g = !!t[1]))10615 : c10616 ? (p = !!t)10617 : f && (g = !!t),10618 n)10619 : c && f10620 ? [p, g]10621 : c10622 ? p10623 : f10624 ? g10625 : null;10626 }),10627 (n.extent = function (t) {10628 var e, r, i, u, l;10629 return arguments.length10630 ? (c &&10631 ((e = t[0]),10632 (r = t[1]),10633 f && ((e = e[0]), (r = r[0])),10634 (o = [e, r]),10635 c.invert && ((e = c(e)), (r = c(r))),10636 e > r && ((l = e), (e = r), (r = l)),10637 (e == s[0] && r == s[1]) || (s = [e, r])),10638 f &&10639 ((i = t[0]),10640 (u = t[1]),10641 c && ((i = i[1]), (u = u[1])),10642 (a = [i, u]),10643 f.invert && ((i = f(i)), (u = f(u))),10644 i > u && ((l = i), (i = u), (u = l)),10645 (i == h[0] && u == h[1]) || (h = [i, u])),10646 n)10647 : (c &&10648 (o10649 ? ((e = o[0]), (r = o[1]))10650 : ((e = s[0]),10651 (r = s[1]),10652 c.invert && ((e = c.invert(e)), (r = c.invert(r))),10653 e > r && ((l = e), (e = r), (r = l)))),10654 f &&10655 (a10656 ? ((i = a[0]), (u = a[1]))10657 : ((i = h[0]),10658 (u = h[1]),10659 f.invert && ((i = f.invert(i)), (u = f.invert(u))),10660 i > u && ((l = i), (i = u), (u = l)))),10661 c && f10662 ? [10663 [e, i],10664 [r, u],10665 ]10666 : c10667 ? [e, r]10668 : f && [i, u]);10669 }),10670 (n.clear = function () {10671 return n.empty() || ((s = [0, 0]), (h = [0, 0]), (o = a = null)), n;10672 }),10673 (n.empty = function () {10674 return (!!c && s[0] == s[1]) || (!!f && h[0] == h[1]);10675 }),10676 ao.rebind(n, l, "on")10677 );10678 };10679 var $l = {10680 n: "ns-resize",10681 e: "ew-resize",10682 s: "ns-resize",10683 w: "ew-resize",10684 nw: "nwse-resize",10685 ne: "nesw-resize",10686 se: "nwse-resize",10687 sw: "nesw-resize",10688 },10689 Bl = [10690 ["n", "e", "s", "w", "nw", "ne", "se", "sw"],10691 ["e", "w"],10692 ["n", "s"],10693 [],10694 ],10695 Wl = (ga.format = xa.timeFormat),10696 Jl = Wl.utc,10697 Gl = Jl("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ");10698 (Wl.iso =10699 Date.prototype.toISOString && +new Date("2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z")10700 ? eo10701 : Gl),10702 (eo.parse = function (n) {10703 var t = new Date(n);10704 return isNaN(t) ? null : t;10705 }),10706 (eo.toString = Gl.toString),10707 (ga.second = On(10708 function (n) {10709 return new va(1e3 * Math.floor(n /​ 1e3));10710 },10711 function (n, t) {10712 n.setTime(n.getTime() + 1e3 * Math.floor(t));10713 },10714 function (n) {10715 return n.getSeconds();10716 }10717 )),10718 (ga.seconds = ga.second.range),10719 (ga.seconds.utc = ga.second.utc.range),10720 (ga.minute = On(10721 function (n) {10722 return new va(6e4 * Math.floor(n /​ 6e4));10723 },10724 function (n, t) {10725 n.setTime(n.getTime() + 6e4 * Math.floor(t));10726 },10727 function (n) {10728 return n.getMinutes();10729 }10730 )),10731 (ga.minutes = ga.minute.range),10732 (ga.minutes.utc = ga.minute.utc.range),10733 (ga.hour = On(10734 function (n) {10735 var t = n.getTimezoneOffset() /​ 60;10736 return new va(36e5 * (Math.floor(n /​ 36e5 - t) + t));10737 },10738 function (n, t) {10739 n.setTime(n.getTime() + 36e5 * Math.floor(t));10740 },10741 function (n) {10742 return n.getHours();10743 }10744 )),10745 (ga.hours = ga.hour.range),10746 (ga.hours.utc = ga.hour.utc.range),10747 (ga.month = On(10748 function (n) {10749 return (n =, n.setDate(1), n;10750 },10751 function (n, t) {10752 n.setMonth(n.getMonth() + t);10753 },10754 function (n) {10755 return n.getMonth();10756 }10757 )),10758 (ga.months = ga.month.range),10759 (ga.months.utc = ga.month.utc.range);10760 var Kl = [10761 1e3,10762 5e3,10763 15e3,10764 3e4,10765 6e4,10766 3e5,10767 9e5,10768 18e5,10769 36e5,10770 108e5,10771 216e5,10772 432e5,10773 864e5,10774 1728e5,10775 6048e5,10776 2592e6,10777 7776e6,10778 31536e6,10779 ],10780 Ql = [10781 [ga.second, 1],10782 [ga.second, 5],10783 [ga.second, 15],10784 [ga.second, 30],10785 [ga.minute, 1],10786 [ga.minute, 5],10787 [ga.minute, 15],10788 [ga.minute, 30],10789 [ga.hour, 1],10790 [ga.hour, 3],10791 [ga.hour, 6],10792 [ga.hour, 12],10793 [, 1],10794 [, 2],10795 [ga.week, 1],10796 [ga.month, 1],10797 [ga.month, 3],10798 [ga.year, 1],10799 ],10800 nc = Wl.multi([10801 [10802 ".%L",10803 function (n) {10804 return n.getMilliseconds();10805 },10806 ],10807 [10808 ":%S",10809 function (n) {10810 return n.getSeconds();10811 },10812 ],10813 [10814 "%I:%M",10815 function (n) {10816 return n.getMinutes();10817 },10818 ],10819 [10820 "%I %p",10821 function (n) {10822 return n.getHours();10823 },10824 ],10825 [10826 "%a %d",10827 function (n) {10828 return n.getDay() && 1 != n.getDate();10829 },10830 ],10831 [10832 "%b %d",10833 function (n) {10834 return 1 != n.getDate();10835 },10836 ],10837 [10838 "%B",10839 function (n) {10840 return n.getMonth();10841 },10842 ],10843 ["%Y", zt],10844 ]),10845 tc = {10846 range: function (n, t, e) {10847 return ao.range(Math.ceil(n /​ e) * e, +t, e).map(io);10848 },10849 floor: m,10850 ceil: m,10851 };10852 (Ql.year = ga.year),10853 (ga.scale = function () {10854 return ro(ao.scale.linear(), Ql, nc);10855 });10856 var ec = (n) {10857 return [n[0].utc, n[1]];10858 }),10859 rc = Jl.multi([10860 [10861 ".%L",10862 function (n) {10863 return n.getUTCMilliseconds();10864 },10865 ],10866 [10867 ":%S",10868 function (n) {10869 return n.getUTCSeconds();10870 },10871 ],10872 [10873 "%I:%M",10874 function (n) {10875 return n.getUTCMinutes();10876 },10877 ],10878 [10879 "%I %p",10880 function (n) {10881 return n.getUTCHours();10882 },10883 ],10884 [10885 "%a %d",10886 function (n) {10887 return n.getUTCDay() && 1 != n.getUTCDate();10888 },10889 ],10890 [10891 "%b %d",10892 function (n) {10893 return 1 != n.getUTCDate();10894 },10895 ],10896 [10897 "%B",10898 function (n) {10899 return n.getUTCMonth();10900 },10901 ],10902 ["%Y", zt],10903 ]);10904 (ec.year = ga.year.utc),10905 (ga.scale.utc = function () {10906 return ro(ao.scale.linear(), ec, rc);10907 }),10908 (ao.text = An(function (n) {10909 return n.responseText;10910 })),10911 (ao.json = function (n, t) {10912 return Cn(n, "application/​json", uo, t);10913 }),10914 (ao.html = function (n, t) {10915 return Cn(n, "text/​html", oo, t);10916 }),10917 (ao.xml = An(function (n) {10918 return n.responseXML;10919 })),10920 "function" == typeof define && define.amd10921 ? ((this.d3 = ao), define(ao))10922 : "object" == typeof module && module.exports10923 ? (module.exports = ao)10924 : (this.d3 = ao);...

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1!function() {2 function n(n, t) {3 return t > n?-1 : n > t ? 1 : n >= t ? 0 : 0 /​ 04 }5 function t(n) {6 return null === n ? 0 /​ 0 : + n7 }8 function e(n) {9 return !isNaN(n)10 }11 function r(n) {12 return {13 left: function(t, e, r, u) {14 for (arguments.length < 3 && (r = 0), arguments.length < 4 && (u = t.length); u > r;) {15 var i = r + u>>>1;16 n(t[i], e) < 0 ? r = i + 1 : u = i17 }18 return r19 },20 right: function(t, e, r, u) {21 for (arguments.length < 3 && (r = 0), arguments.length < 4 && (u = t.length); u > r;) {22 var i = r + u>>>1;23 n(t[i], e) > 0 ? u = i : r = i + 124 }25 return r26 }27 }28 }29 function u(n) {30 return n.length31 }32 function i(n) {33 for (var t = 1; n * t%1;)34 t*=10;35 return t36 }37 function o(n, t) {38 for (var e in t)39 Object.defineProperty(n.prototype, e, {40 value: t[e],41 enumerable: !142 })43 }44 function a() {45 this._ = Object.create(null)46 }47 function c(n) {48 return (n += "") === da || n[0] === ma ? ma + n : n49 }50 function l(n) {51 return (n += "")[0] === ma ? n.slice(1) : n52 }53 function s(n) {54 return c(n)in this._55 }56 function f(n) {57 return (n = c(n))in this._ && delete this._[n]58 }59 function h() {60 var n = [];61 for (var t in this._)62 n.push(l(t));63 return n64 }65 function g() {66 var n = 0;67 for (var t in this._)68 ++n;69 return n70 }71 function p() {72 for (var n in this._)73 return !1;74 return !075 }76 function v() {77 this._ = Object.create(null)78 }79 function d(n, t, e) {80 return function() {81 var r = e.apply(t, arguments);82 return r === t ? n : r83 }84 }85 function m(n, t) {86 if (t in n)87 return t;88 t = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.slice(1);89 for (var e = 0, r = ya.length; r > e; ++e) {90 var u = ya[e] + t;91 if (u in n)92 return u93 }94 }95 function y() {}96 function M() {}97 function x(n) {98 function t() {99 for (var t, r = e, u =- 1, i = r.length; ++u < i;)(t = r[u].on) 100 && t.apply(this, arguments);101 return n102 }103 var e = [], r = new a;104 return t.on = function(t, u) {105 var i, o = r.get(t);106 return arguments.length < 2 ? o && o.on : (o && (o.on = null, e = e.slice(0, i = e.indexOf(o)).concat(e.slice(i + 1)), r.remove(t)), u && e.push(r.set(t, {107 on: u108 })), n)109 }, t110 }111 function b() {112 ta.event.preventDefault()113 }114 function _() {115 for (var n, t = ta.event; n = t.sourceEvent;)116 t = n;117 return t118 }119 function w(n) {120 for (var t = new M, e = 0, r = arguments.length; ++e < r;)121 t[arguments[e]] = x(t);122 return t.of = function(e, r) {123 return function(u) {124 try {125 var i = u.sourceEvent = ta.event;126 = n, ta.event = u, t[u.type].apply(e, r)127 } finally {128 ta.event = i129 }130 }131 }, t132 }133 function S(n) {134 return xa(n, ka), n135 }136 function k(n) {137 return "function" == typeof n ? n : function() {138 return ba(n, this)139 }140 }141 function E(n) {142 return "function" == typeof n ? n : function() {143 return _a(n, this)144 }145 }146 function A(n, t) {147 function e() {148 this.removeAttribute(n)149 }150 function r() {151 this.removeAttributeNS(, n.local)152 }153 function u() {154 this.setAttribute(n, t)155 }156 function i() {157 this.setAttributeNS(, n.local, t)158 }159 function o() {160 var e = t.apply(this, arguments);161 null == e ? this.removeAttribute(n) : this.setAttribute(n, e)162 }163 function a() {164 var e = t.apply(this, arguments);165 null == e ? this.removeAttributeNS(, n.local) : this.setAttributeNS(, n.local, e)166 }167 return n = ta.ns.qualify(n), null == t ? n.local ? r : e : "function" == typeof t ? n.local ? a : o : n.local ? i : u168 }169 function N(n) {170 return n.trim().replace(/​\s+/​g, " ")171 }172 function C(n) {173 return new RegExp("(?:^|\\s+)" + ta.requote(n) + "(?:\\s+|$)", "g")174 }175 function z(n) {176 return (n + "").trim().split(/​^|\s+/​)177 }178 function q(n, t) {179 function e() {180 for (var e =- 1; ++e < u;)181 n[e](this, t)182 }183 function r() {184 for (var e =- 1, r = t.apply(this, arguments); ++e < u;)185 n[e](this, r)186 }187 n = z(n).map(L);188 var u = n.length;189 return "function" == typeof t ? r : e190 }191 function L(n) {192 var t = C(n);193 return function(e, r) {194 if (u = e.classList)195 return r ? u.add(n) : u.remove(n);196 var u = e.getAttribute("class") || "";197 r ? (t.lastIndex = 0, t.test(u) || e.setAttribute("class", N(u + " " + n))) : e.setAttribute("class", N(u.replace(t, " ")))198 }199 }200 function T(n, t, e) {201 function r() {202 }204 function u() {205, t, e)206 }207 function i() {208 var r = t.apply(this, arguments);209 null == r ? :, r, e)210 }211 return null == t ? r : "function" == typeof t ? i : u212 }213 function R(n, t) {214 function e() {215 delete this[n]216 }217 function r() {218 this[n] = t219 }220 function u() {221 var e = t.apply(this, arguments);222 null == e ? delete this[n] : this[n] = e223 }224 return null == t ? e : "function" == typeof t ? u : r225 }226 function D(n) {227 return "function" == typeof n ? n : (n = ta.ns.qualify(n)).local ? function() {228 return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(, n.local)229 } : function() {230 return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(this.namespaceURI, n)231 }232 }233 function P() {234 var n = this.parentNode;235 n && n.removeChild(this)236 }237 function U(n) {238 return {239 __data__: n240 }241 }242 function j(n) {243 return function() {244 return Sa(this, n)245 }246 }247 function F(t) {248 return arguments.length || (t = n), function(n, e) {249 return n && e ? t(n.__data__, e.__data__) : !n-!e250 }251 }252 function H(n, t) {253 for (var e = 0, r = n.length; r > e; e++)254 for (var u, i = n[e], o = 0, a = i.length; a > o; o++)(u = i[o]) 255 && t(u, o, e);256 return n257 }258 function O(n) {259 return xa(n, Aa), n260 }261 function Y(n) {262 var t, e;263 return function(r, u, i) {264 var o, a = n[i].update, c = a.length;265 for (i != e && (e = i, t = 0), u >= t && (t = u + 1); !(o = a[t])&&++t < c;);266 return o267 }268 }269 function I(n, t, e) {270 function r() {271 var t = this[o];272 t && (this.removeEventListener(n, t, t.$), delete this[o])273 }274 function u() {275 var u = c(t, ra(arguments));276, this.addEventListener(n, this[o] = u, u.$ = e), u._ = t277 }278 function i() {279 var t, e = new RegExp("^__on([^.]+)" + ta.requote(n) + "$");280 for (var r in this)281 if (t = r.match(e)) {282 var u = this[r];283 this.removeEventListener(t[1], u, u.$), delete this[r]284 }285 }286 var o = "__on" + n, a = n.indexOf("."), c = Z;287 a > 0 && (n = n.slice(0, a));288 var l = Ca.get(n);289 return l && (n = l, c = V), a ? t ? u : r : t ? y : i290 }291 function Z(n, t) {292 return function(e) {293 var r = ta.event;294 ta.event = e, t[0] = this.__data__;295 try {296 n.apply(this, t)297 } finally {298 ta.event = r299 }300 }301 }302 function V(n, t) {303 var e = Z(n, t);304 return function(n) {305 var t = this, r = n.relatedTarget;306 r && (r === t || 8 & r.compareDocumentPosition(t)) ||, n)307 }308 }309 function X() {310 var n = ".dragsuppress-" + ++qa, t = "click" + n, e ="touchmove" + n, b).on("dragstart" + n, b).on("selectstart" + n, b);311 if (za) {312 var r =, u = r[za];313 r[za] = "none"314 }315 return function(i) {316 if (e.on(n, null), za && (r[za] = u), i) {317 var o = function() {318 e.on(t, null)319 };320 e.on(t, function() {321 b(), o()322 }, !0), setTimeout(o, 0)323 }324 }325 }326 function $(n, t) {327 t.changedTouches && (t = t.changedTouches[0]);328 var e = n.ownerSVGElement || n;329 if (e.createSVGPoint) {330 var r = e.createSVGPoint();331 if (0 > La && (oa.scrollX || oa.scrollY)) {332 e ="body").append("svg").style({333 position: "absolute",334 top: 0,335 left: 0,336 margin: 0,337 padding: 0,338 border: "none"339 }, "important");340 var u = e[0][0].getScreenCTM();341 La=!(u.f || u.e), e.remove()342 }343 return La ? (r.x = t.pageX, r.y = t.pageY) : (r.x = t.clientX, r.y = t.clientY), r = r.matrixTransform(n.getScreenCTM().inverse()), [r.x, r.y]344 }345 var i = n.getBoundingClientRect();346 return [t.clientX - i.left - n.clientLeft, t.clientY - - n.clientTop]347 }348 function B() {349 return ta.event.changedTouches[0].identifier350 }351 function W() {352 return ta.event.target353 }354 function J() {355 return oa356 }357 function G(n) {358 return n > 0 ? 1 : 0 > n?-1 : 0359 }360 function K(n, t, e) {361 return (t[0] - n[0]) * (e[1] - n[1]) - (t[1] - n[1]) * (e[0] - n[0])362 }363 function Q(n) {364 return n > 1 ? 0 : - 1 > n ? Da : Math.acos(n)365 }366 function nt(n) {367 return n > 1 ? ja : - 1 > n?-ja : Math.asin(n)368 }369 function tt(n) {370 return ((n = Math.exp(n)) - 1 /​ n) /​ 2371 }372 function et(n) {373 return ((n = Math.exp(n)) + 1 /​ n) /​ 2374 }375 function rt(n) {376 return ((n = Math.exp(2 * n)) - 1) /​ (n + 1)377 }378 function ut(n) {379 return (n = Math.sin(n /​ 2)) * n380 }381 function it() {}382 function ot(n, t, e) {383 return this instanceof ot ? (this.h =+ n, this.s =+ t, void(this.l =+ e)) : arguments.length < 2 ? n instanceof ot ? new ot(n.h, n.s, n.l) : xt("" + n, bt, ot) : new ot(n, t, e)384 }385 function at(n, t, e) {386 function r(n) {387 return n > 360 ? n -= 360 : 0 > n && (n += 360), 60 > n ? i + (o - i) * n /​ 60 : 180 > n ? o : 240 > n ? i + (o - i) * (240 - n) /​ 60 : i388 }389 function u(n) {390 return Math.round(255 * r(n))391 }392 var i, o;393 return n = isNaN(n) ? 0 : (n%=360) < 0 ? n + 360 : n, t = isNaN(t) ? 0 : 0 > t ? 0 : t > 1 ? 1 : t, e = 0 > e ? 0 : e > 1 ? 1 : e, o = .5 >= e ? e * (1 + t) : e + t - e * t, i = 2 * e - o, new dt(u(n + 120), u(n), u(n - 120))394 }395 function ct(n, t, e) {396 return this instanceof ct ? (this.h =+ n, this.c =+ t, void(this.l =+ e)) : arguments.length < 2 ? n instanceof ct ? new ct(n.h, n.c, n.l) : n instanceof st ? ht(n.l, n.a, n.b) : ht((n = _t((n = ta.rgb(n)).r, n.g, n.b)).l, n.a, n.b) : new ct(n, t, e)397 }398 function lt(n, t, e) {399 return isNaN(n) && (n = 0), isNaN(t) && (t = 0), new st(e, Math.cos(n*=Fa) * t, Math.sin(n) * t)400 }401 function st(n, t, e) {402 return this instanceof st ? (this.l =+ n, this.a =+ t, void(this.b =+ e)) : arguments.length < 2 ? n instanceof st ? new st(n.l, n.a, n.b) : n instanceof ct ? lt(n.h, n.c, n.l) : _t((n = dt(n)).r, n.g, n.b) : new st(n, t, e)403 }404 function ft(n, t, e) {405 var r = (n + 16) /​ 116, u = r + t /​ 500, i = r - e /​ 200;406 return u = gt(u) * Ja, r = gt(r) * Ga, i = gt(i) * Ka, new dt(vt(3.2404542 * u - 1.5371385 * r - .4985314 * i), vt( - .969266 * u + 1.8760108 * r + .041556 * i), vt(.0556434 * u - .2040259 * r + 1.0572252 * i))407 }408 function ht(n, t, e) {409 return n > 0 ? new ct(Math.atan2(e, t) * Ha, Math.sqrt(t * t + e * e), n) : new ct(0 /​ 0, 0 /​ 0, n)410 }411 function gt(n) {412 return n > .206893034 ? n * n * n : (n - 4 /​ 29) /​ 7.787037413 }414 function pt(n) {415 return n > .008856 ? Math.pow(n, 1 /​ 3) : 7.787037 * n + 4 /​ 29416 }417 function vt(n) {418 return Math.round(255 * (.00304 >= n ? 12.92 * n : 1.055 * Math.pow(n, 1 /​ 2.4) - .055))419 }420 function dt(n, t, e) {421 return this instanceof dt ? (this.r=~~n, this.g=~~t, void(this.b=~~e)) : arguments.length < 2 ? n instanceof dt ? new dt(n.r, n.g, n.b) : xt("" + n, dt, at) : new dt(n, t, e)422 }423 function mt(n) {424 return new dt(n>>16, 255 & n>>8, 255 & n)425 }426 function yt(n) {427 return mt(n) + ""428 }429 function Mt(n) {430 return 16 > n ? "0" + Math.max(0, n).toString(16) : Math.min(255, n).toString(16)431 }432 function xt(n, t, e) {433 var r, u, i, o = 0, a = 0, c = 0;434 if (r = /​([a-z]+)\((.*)\)/​i.exec(n))435 switch (u = r[2].split(","), r[1]) {436 case"hsl":437 return e(parseFloat(u[0]), parseFloat(u[1]) /​ 100, parseFloat(u[2]) /​ 100);438 case"rgb":439 return t(St(u[0]), St(u[1]), St(u[2]))440 }441 return (i = tc.get(n)) ? t(i.r, i.g, i.b) : (null == n || "#" !== n.charAt(0) || isNaN(i = parseInt(n.slice(1), 16)) || (4 === n.length ? (o = (3840 & i)>>4, o = o>>4 | o, a = 240 & i, a = a>>4 | a, c = 15 & i, c = c<<4 | c) : 7 === n.length && (o = (16711680 & i)>>16, a = (65280 & i)>>8, c = 255 & i)), t(o, a, c))442 }443 function bt(n, t, e) {444 var r, u, i = Math.min(n/​=255, t/​=255, e/​=255), o = Math.max(n, t, e), a = o - i, c = (o + i) /​ 2;445 return a ? (u = .5 > c ? a /​ (o + i) : a /​ (2 - o - i), r = n == o ? (t - e) /​ a + (e > t ? 6 : 0) : t == o ? (e - n) /​ a + 2 : (n - t) /​ a + 4, r*=60) : (r = 0 /​ 0, u = c > 0 && 1 > c ? 0 : r), new ot(r, u, c)446 }447 function _t(n, t, e) {448 n = wt(n), t = wt(t), e = wt(e);449 var r = pt((.4124564 * n + .3575761 * t + .1804375 * e) /​ Ja), u = pt((.2126729 * n + .7151522 * t + .072175 * e) /​ Ga), i = pt((.0193339 * n + .119192 * t + .9503041 * e) /​ Ka);450 return st(116 * u - 16, 500 * (r - u), 200 * (u - i))451 }452 function wt(n) {453 return (n/​=255) <= .04045 ? n /​ 12.92 : Math.pow((n + .055) /​ 1.055, 2.4)454 }455 function St(n) {456 var t = parseFloat(n);457 return "%" === n.charAt(n.length - 1) ? Math.round(2.55 * t) : t458 }459 function kt(n) {460 return "function" == typeof n ? n : function() {461 return n462 }463 }464 function Et(n) {465 return n466 }467 function At(n) {468 return function(t, e, r) {469 return 2 === arguments.length && "function" == typeof e && (r = e, e = null), Nt(t, e, n, r)470 }471 }472 function Nt(n, t, e, r) {473 function u() {474 var n, t = c.status;475 if (!t && zt(c) || t >= 200 && 300 > t || 304 === t) {476 try {477 n =, c)478 } catch (r) {479 return, r), void 0480 }481, n)482 } else 483, c)484 }485 var i = {}, o = ta.dispatch("beforesend", "progress", "load", "error"), a = {}, c = new XMLHttpRequest, l = null;486 return !oa.XDomainRequest || "withCredentials"in c ||!/​^(http(s)?:)?\/​\/​/​.test(n) || (c = new XDomainRequest), "onload"in c ? c.onload = c.onerror = u : c.onreadystatechange = function() {487 c.readyState > 3 && u()488 }, c.onprogress = function(n) {489 var t = ta.event;490 ta.event = n;491 try {492, c)493 } finally {494 ta.event = t495 }496 }, i.header = function(n, t) {497 return n = (n + "").toLowerCase(), arguments.length < 2 ? a[n] : (null == t ? delete a[n] : a[n] = t + "", i)498 }, i.mimeType = function(n) {499 return arguments.length ? (t = null == n ? null : n + "", i) : t500 }, i.responseType = function(n) {501 return arguments.length ? (l = n, i) : l502 }, i.response = function(n) {503 return e = n, i504 }, ["get", "post"].forEach(function(n) {505 i[n] = function() {506 return i.send.apply(i, [n].concat(ra(arguments)))507 }508 }), i.send = function(e, r, u) {509 if (2 === arguments.length && "function" == typeof r && (u = r, r = null),, n, !0), null == t || "accept"in a || (a.accept = t + ",*/​*"), c.setRequestHeader)510 for (var s in a)511 c.setRequestHeader(s, a[s]);512 return null != t && c.overrideMimeType && c.overrideMimeType(t), null != l && (c.responseType = l), null != u && i.on("error", u).on("load", function(n) {513 u(null, n)514 }),, c), c.send(null == r ? null : r), i515 }, i.abort = function() {516 return c.abort(), i517 }, ta.rebind(i, o, "on"), null == r ? i : i.get(Ct(r))518 }519 function Ct(n) {520 return 1 === n.length ? function(t, e) {521 n(null == t ? e : null)522 } : n523 }524 function zt(n) {525 var t = n.responseType;526 return t && "text" !== t ? n.response : n.responseText527 }528 function qt() {529 var n = Lt(), t = Tt() - n;530 t > 24 ? (isFinite(t) && (clearTimeout(ic), ic = setTimeout(qt, t)), uc = 0) : (uc = 1, ac(qt))531 }532 function Lt() {533 var n =;534 for (oc = ec; oc;)535 n >= oc.t && (oc.f = oc.c(n - oc.t)), oc = oc.n;536 return n537 }538 function Tt() {539 for (var n, t = ec, e = 1 /​ 0; t;)540 t.f ? t = n ? n.n = t.n : ec = t.n : (t.t < e && (e = t.t), t = (n = t).n);541 return rc = n, e542 }543 function Rt(n, t) {544 return t - (n ? Math.ceil(Math.log(n) /​ Math.LN10) : 1)545 }546 function Dt(n, t) {547 var e = Math.pow(10, 3 * va(8 - t));548 return {549 scale: t > 8 ? function(n) {550 return n /​ e551 }552 : function(n) {553 return n * e554 },555 symbol: n556 }557 }558 function Pt(n) {559 var t = n.decimal, e = n.thousands, r = n.grouping, u = n.currency, i = r && e ? function(n, t) {560 for (var u = n.length, i = [], o = 0, a = r[0], c = 0; u > 0 && a > 0 && (c + a + 1 > t && (a = Math.max(1, t - c)), i.push(n.substring(u -= a, u + a)), !((c += a + 1) > t));)561 a = r[o = (o + 1)%r.length];562 return i.reverse().join(e)563 }564 : Et;565 return function(n) {566 var e = lc.exec(n), r = e[1] || " ", o = e[2] || ">", a = e[3] || "-", c = e[4] || "", l = e[5], s =+ e[6], f = e[7], h = e[8], g = e[9], p = 1, v = "", d = "", m=!1, y=!0;567 switch (h && (h =+ h.substring(1)), (l || "0" === r && "=" === o) && (l = r = "0", o = "="), g) {568 case"n":569 f=!0, g = "g";570 break;571 case"%":572 p = 100, d = "%", g = "f";573 break;574 case"p":575 p = 100, d = "%", g = "r";576 break;577 case"b":578 case"o":579 case"x":580 case"X":581 "#" === c && (v = "0" + g.toLowerCase());582 case"c":583 y=!1;584 case"d":585 m=!0, h = 0;586 break;587 case"s":588 p =- 1, g = "r"589 }590 "$" === c && (v = u[0], d = u[1]), "r" != g || h || (g = "g"), null != h && ("g" == g ? h = Math.max(1, Math.min(21, h)) : ("e" == g || "f" == g) && (h = Math.max(0, Math.min(20, h)))), g = sc.get(g) || Ut;591 var M = l && f;592 return function(n) {593 var e = d;594 if (m && n%1)595 return "";596 var u = 0 > n || 0 === n && 0 > 1 /​ n ? (n =- n, "-"): "-" === a ? "": a;597 if (0 > p) {598 var c = ta.formatPrefix(n, h);599 n = c.scale(n), e = c.symbol + d600 } else 601 n*=p;602 n = g(n, h);603 var x, b, _ = n.lastIndexOf(".");604 if (0 > _) {605 var w = y ? n.lastIndexOf("e"): - 1;606 0 > w ? (x = n, b = "") : (x = n.substring(0, w), b = n.substring(w))607 } else 608 x = n.substring(0, _), b = t + n.substring(_ + 1);609 !l && f && (x = i(x, 1 /​ 0));610 var S = v.length + x.length + b.length + (M ? 0 : u.length), k = s > S ? new Array(S = s - S + 1).join(r): "";611 return M && (x = i(k + x, k.length ? s - b.length : 1 /​ 0)), u += v, n = x + b, ("<" === o ? u + n + k : ">" === o ? k + u + n : "^" === o ? k.substring(0, S>>=1) + u + n + k.substring(S) : u + (M ? n : k + n)) + e612 }613 }614 }615 function Ut(n) {616 return n + ""617 }618 function jt() {619 this._ = new Date(arguments.length > 1 ? Date.UTC.apply(this, arguments) : arguments[0])620 }621 function Ft(n, t, e) {622 function r(t) {623 var e = n(t), r = i(e, 1);624 return r - t > t - e ? e : r625 }626 function u(e) {627 return t(e = n(new hc(e - 1)), 1), e628 }629 function i(n, e) {630 return t(n = new hc( + n), e), n631 }632 function o(n, r, i) {633 var o = u(n), a = [];634 if (i > 1)635 for (; r > o;)636 e(o)%i || a.push(new Date( + o)), t(o, 1);637 else 638 for (; r > o;)639 a.push(new Date( + o)), t(o, 1);640 return a641 }642 function a(n, t, e) {643 try {644 hc = jt;645 var r = new jt;646 return r._ = n, o(r, t, e)647 } finally {648 hc = Date649 }650 }651 n.floor = n, n.round = r, n.ceil = u, n.offset = i, n.range = o;652 var c = n.utc = Ht(n);653 return c.floor = c, c.round = Ht(r), c.ceil = Ht(u), c.offset = Ht(i), c.range = a, n654 }655 function Ht(n) {656 return function(t, e) {657 try {658 hc = jt;659 var r = new jt;660 return r._ = t, n(r, e)._661 } finally {662 hc = Date663 }664 }665 }666 function Ot(n) {667 function t(n) {668 function t(t) {669 for (var e, u, i, o = [], a =- 1, c = 0; ++a < r;)670 37 === n.charCodeAt(a) && (o.push(n.slice(c, a)), null != (u = pc[e = n.charAt(++a)]) && (e = n.charAt(++a)), (i = N[e]) && (e = i(t, null == u ? "e" === e ? " " : "0" : u)), o.push(e), c = a + 1);671 return o.push(n.slice(c, a)), o.join("")672 }673 var r = n.length;674 return t.parse = function(t) {675 var r = {676 y: 1900,677 m: 0,678 d: 1,679 H: 0,680 M: 0,681 S: 0,682 L: 0,683 Z: null684 }, u = e(r, n, t, 0);685 if (u != t.length)686 return null;687 "p"in r && (r.H = r.H%12 + 12 * r.p);688 var i = null != r.Z && hc !== jt, o = new (i ? jt : hc);689 return "j"in r ? o.setFullYear(r.y, 0, r.j) : "w"in r && ("W"in r || "U"in r) ? (o.setFullYear(r.y, 0, 1), o.setFullYear(r.y, 0, "W"in r ? (r.w + 6)%7 + 7 * r.W - (o.getDay() + 5)%7 : r.w + 7 * r.U - (o.getDay() + 6)%7)) : o.setFullYear(r.y, r.m, r.d), o.setHours(r.H + (0 | r.Z /​ 100), r.M + r.Z%100, r.S, r.L), i ? o._ : o690 }, t.toString = function() {691 return n692 }, t693 }694 function e(n, t, e, r) {695 for (var u, i, o, a = 0, c = t.length, l = e.length; c > a;) {696 if (r >= l)697 return - 1;698 if (u = t.charCodeAt(a++), 37 === u) {699 if (o = t.charAt(a++), i = C[o in pc ? t.charAt(a++): o], !i || (r = i(n, e, r)) < 0)700 return - 1701 } else if (u != e.charCodeAt(r++))702 return - 1703 }704 return r705 }706 function r(n, t, e) {707 _.lastIndex = 0;708 var r = _.exec(t.slice(e));709 return r ? (n.w = w.get(r[0].toLowerCase()), e + r[0].length) : - 1710 }711 function u(n, t, e) {712 x.lastIndex = 0;713 var r = x.exec(t.slice(e));714 return r ? (n.w = b.get(r[0].toLowerCase()), e + r[0].length) : - 1715 }716 function i(n, t, e) {717 E.lastIndex = 0;718 var r = E.exec(t.slice(e));719 return r ? (n.m = A.get(r[0].toLowerCase()), e + r[0].length) : - 1720 }721 function o(n, t, e) {722 S.lastIndex = 0;723 var r = S.exec(t.slice(e));724 return r ? (n.m = k.get(r[0].toLowerCase()), e + r[0].length) : - 1725 }726 function a(n, t, r) {727 return e(n, N.c.toString(), t, r)728 }729 function c(n, t, r) {730 return e(n, N.x.toString(), t, r)731 }732 function l(n, t, r) {733 return e(n, N.X.toString(), t, r)734 }735 function s(n, t, e) {736 var r = M.get(t.slice(e, e += 2).toLowerCase());737 return null == r?-1 : (n.p = r, e)738 }739 var f = n.dateTime, h =, g = n.time, p = n.periods, v = n.days, d = n.shortDays, m = n.months, y = n.shortMonths;740 t.utc = function(n) {741 function e(n) {742 try {743 hc = jt;744 var t = new hc;745 return t._ = n, r(t)746 } finally {747 hc = Date748 }749 }750 var r = t(n);751 return e.parse = function(n) {752 try {753 hc = jt;754 var t = r.parse(n);755 return t && t._756 } finally {757 hc = Date758 }759 }, e.toString = r.toString, e760 }, t.multi = t.utc.multi = ae;761 var M =, x = It(v), b = Zt(v), _ = It(d), w = Zt(d), S = It(m), k = Zt(m), E = It(y), A = Zt(y);762 p.forEach(function(n, t) {763 M.set(n.toLowerCase(), t)764 });765 var N = {766 a: function(n) {767 return d[n.getDay()]768 },769 A: function(n) {770 return v[n.getDay()]771 },772 b: function(n) {773 return y[n.getMonth()]774 },775 B: function(n) {776 return m[n.getMonth()]777 },778 c: t(f),779 d: function(n, t) {780 return Yt(n.getDate(), t, 2)781 },782 e: function(n, t) {783 return Yt(n.getDate(), t, 2)784 },785 H: function(n, t) {786 return Yt(n.getHours(), t, 2)787 },788 I: function(n, t) {789 return Yt(n.getHours()%12 || 12, t, 2)790 },791 j: function(n, t) {792 return Yt(1 + fc.dayOfYear(n), t, 3)793 },794 L: function(n, t) {795 return Yt(n.getMilliseconds(), t, 3)796 },797 m: function(n, t) {798 return Yt(n.getMonth() + 1, t, 2)799 },800 M: function(n, t) {801 return Yt(n.getMinutes(), t, 2)802 },803 p: function(n) {804 return p[ + (n.getHours() >= 12)]805 },806 S: function(n, t) {807 return Yt(n.getSeconds(), t, 2)808 },809 U: function(n, t) {810 return Yt(fc.sundayOfYear(n), t, 2)811 },812 w: function(n) {813 return n.getDay()814 },815 W: function(n, t) {816 return Yt(fc.mondayOfYear(n), t, 2)817 },818 x: t(h),819 X: t(g),820 y: function(n, t) {821 return Yt(n.getFullYear()%100, t, 2)822 },823 Y: function(n, t) {824 return Yt(n.getFullYear()%1e4, t, 4)825 },826 Z: ie,827 "%": function() {828 return "%"829 }830 }, C = {831 a: r,832 A: u,833 b: i,834 B: o,835 c: a,836 d: Qt,837 e: Qt,838 H: te,839 I: te,840 j: ne,841 L: ue,842 m: Kt,843 M: ee,844 p: s,845 S: re,846 U: Xt,847 w: Vt,848 W: $t,849 x: c,850 X: l,851 y: Wt,852 Y: Bt,853 Z: Jt,854 "%": oe855 };856 return t857 }858 function Yt(n, t, e) {859 var r = 0 > n ? "-": "", u = (r?-n : n) + "", i = u.length;860 return r + (e > i ? new Array(e - i + 1).join(t) + u : u)861 }862 function It(n) {863 return new RegExp("^(?:" +"|") + ")", "i")864 }865 function Zt(n) {866 for (var t = new a, e =- 1, r = n.length; ++e < r;)867 t.set(n[e].toLowerCase(), e);868 return t869 }870 function Vt(n, t, e) {871 vc.lastIndex = 0;872 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e, e + 1));873 return r ? (n.w =+ r[0], e + r[0].length) : - 1874 }875 function Xt(n, t, e) {876 vc.lastIndex = 0;877 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e));878 return r ? (n.U =+ r[0], e + r[0].length) : - 1879 }880 function $t(n, t, e) {881 vc.lastIndex = 0;882 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e));883 return r ? (n.W =+ r[0], e + r[0].length) : - 1884 }885 function Bt(n, t, e) {886 vc.lastIndex = 0;887 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e, e + 4));888 return r ? (n.y =+ r[0], e + r[0].length) : - 1889 }890 function Wt(n, t, e) {891 vc.lastIndex = 0;892 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));893 return r ? (n.y = Gt( + r[0]), e + r[0].length) : - 1894 }895 function Jt(n, t, e) {896 return /​^[+-]\d{4}$/​.test(t = t.slice(e, e + 5)) ? (n.Z =- t, e + 5) : - 1897 }898 function Gt(n) {899 return n + (n > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3)900 }901 function Kt(n, t, e) {902 vc.lastIndex = 0;903 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));904 return r ? (n.m = r[0] - 1, e + r[0].length) : - 1905 }906 function Qt(n, t, e) {907 vc.lastIndex = 0;908 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));909 return r ? (n.d =+ r[0], e + r[0].length) : - 1910 }911 function ne(n, t, e) {912 vc.lastIndex = 0;913 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e, e + 3));914 return r ? (n.j =+ r[0], e + r[0].length) : - 1915 }916 function te(n, t, e) {917 vc.lastIndex = 0;918 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));919 return r ? (n.H =+ r[0], e + r[0].length) : - 1920 }921 function ee(n, t, e) {922 vc.lastIndex = 0;923 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));924 return r ? (n.M =+ r[0], e + r[0].length) : - 1925 }926 function re(n, t, e) {927 vc.lastIndex = 0;928 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e, e + 2));929 return r ? (n.S =+ r[0], e + r[0].length) : - 1930 }931 function ue(n, t, e) {932 vc.lastIndex = 0;933 var r = vc.exec(t.slice(e, e + 3));934 return r ? (n.L =+ r[0], e + r[0].length) : - 1935 }936 function ie(n) {937 var t = n.getTimezoneOffset(), e = t > 0 ? "-": "+", r = 0 | va(t) /​ 60, u = va(t)%60;938 return e + Yt(r, "0", 2) + Yt(u, "0", 2)939 }940 function oe(n, t, e) {941 dc.lastIndex = 0;942 var r = dc.exec(t.slice(e, e + 1));943 return r ? e + r[0].length : - 1944 }945 function ae(n) {946 for (var t = n.length, e =- 1; ++e < t;)947 n[e][0] = this (n[e][0]);948 return function(t) {949 for (var e = 0, r = n[e]; !r[1](t);)950 r = n[++e];951 return r[0](t)952 }953 }954 function ce() {}955 function le(n, t, e) {956 var r = e.s = n + t, u = r - n, i = r - u;957 e.t = n - i + (t - u)958 }959 function se(n, t) {960 n && xc.hasOwnProperty(n.type) && xc[n.type](n, t)961 }962 function fe(n, t, e) {963 var r, u =- 1, i = n.length - e;964 for (t.lineStart(); ++u < i;)965 r = n[u], t.point(r[0], r[1], r[2]);966 t.lineEnd()967 }968 function he(n, t) {969 var e =- 1, r = n.length;970 for (t.polygonStart(); ++e < r;)971 fe(n[e], t, 1);972 t.polygonEnd()973 }974 function ge() {975 function n(n, t) {976 n*=Fa, t = t * Fa /​ 2 + Da /​ 4;977 var e = n - r, o = e >= 0 ? 1: - 1, a = o * e, c = Math.cos(t), l = Math.sin(t), s = i * l, f = u * c + s * Math.cos(a), h = s * o * Math.sin(a);978 _c.add(Math.atan2(h, f)), r = n, u = c, i = l979 }980 var t, e, r, u, i;981 wc.point = function(o, a) {982 wc.point = n, r = (t = o) * Fa, u = Math.cos(a = (e = a) * Fa /​ 2 + Da /​ 4), i = Math.sin(a)983 }, wc.lineEnd = function() {984 n(t, e)985 }986 }987 function pe(n) {988 var t = n[0], e = n[1], r = Math.cos(e);989 return [r * Math.cos(t), r * Math.sin(t), Math.sin(e)]990 }991 function ve(n, t) {992 return n[0] * t[0] + n[1] * t[1] + n[2] * t[2]993 }994 function de(n, t) {995 return [n[1] * t[2] - n[2] * t[1], n[2] * t[0] - n[0] * t[2], n[0] * t[1] - n[1] * t[0]]996 }997 function me(n, t) {998 n[0] += t[0], n[1] += t[1], n[2] += t[2]999 }1000 function ye(n, t) {1001 return [n[0] * t, n[1] * t, n[2] * t]1002 }1003 function Me(n) {1004 var t = Math.sqrt(n[0] * n[0] + n[1] * n[1] + n[2] * n[2]);1005 n[0]/​=t, n[1]/​=t, n[2]/​=t1006 }1007 function xe(n) {1008 return [Math.atan2(n[1], n[0]), nt(n[2])]1009 }1010 function be(n, t) {1011 return va(n[0] - t[0]) < Ta && va(n[1] - t[1]) < Ta1012 }1013 function _e(n, t) {1014 n*=Fa;1015 var e = Math.cos(t*=Fa);1016 we(e * Math.cos(n), e * Math.sin(n), Math.sin(t))1017 }1018 function we(n, t, e) {1019 ++Sc, Ec += (n - Ec) /​ Sc, Ac += (t - Ac) /​ Sc, Nc += (e - Nc) /​ Sc1020 }1021 function Se() {1022 function n(n, u) {1023 n*=Fa;1024 var i = Math.cos(u*=Fa), o = i * Math.cos(n), a = i * Math.sin(n), c = Math.sin(u), l = Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((l = e * c - r * a) * l + (l = r * o - t * c) * l + (l = t * a - e * o) * l), t * o + e * a + r * c);1025 kc += l, Cc += l * (t + (t = o)), zc += l * (e + (e = a)), qc += l * (r + (r = c)), we(t, e, r)1026 }1027 var t, e, r;1028 Dc.point = function(u, i) {1029 u*=Fa;1030 var o = Math.cos(i*=Fa);1031 t = o * Math.cos(u), e = o * Math.sin(u), r = Math.sin(i), Dc.point = n, we(t, e, r)1032 }1033 }1034 function ke() {1035 Dc.point = _e1036 }1037 function Ee() {1038 function n(n, t) {1039 n*=Fa;1040 var e = Math.cos(t*=Fa), o = e * Math.cos(n), a = e * Math.sin(n), c = Math.sin(t), l = u * c - i * a, s = i * o - r * c, f = r * a - u * o, h = Math.sqrt(l * l + s * s + f * f), g = r * o + u * a + i * c, p = h&&-Q(g) /​ h, v = Math.atan2(h, g);1041 Lc += p * l, Tc += p * s, Rc += p * f, kc += v, Cc += v * (r + (r = o)), zc += v * (u + (u = a)), qc += v * (i + (i = c)), we(r, u, i)1042 }1043 var t, e, r, u, i;1044 Dc.point = function(o, a) {1045 t = o, e = a, Dc.point = n, o*=Fa;1046 var c = Math.cos(a*=Fa);1047 r = c * Math.cos(o), u = c * Math.sin(o), i = Math.sin(a), we(r, u, i)1048 }, Dc.lineEnd = function() {1049 n(t, e), Dc.lineEnd = ke, Dc.point = _e1050 }1051 }1052 function Ae(n, t) {1053 function e(e, r) {1054 return e = n(e, r), t(e[0], e[1])1055 }1056 return n.invert && t.invert && (e.invert = function(e, r) {1057 return e = t.invert(e, r), e && n.invert(e[0], e[1])1058 }), e1059 }1060 function Ne() {1061 return !01062 }1063 function Ce(n, t, e, r, u) {1064 var i = [], o = [];1065 if (n.forEach(function(n) {1066 if (!((t = n.length - 1) <= 0)) {1067 var t, e = n[0], r = n[t];1068 if (be(e, r)) {1069 u.lineStart();1070 for (var a = 0; t > a; ++a)1071 u.point((e = n[a])[0], e[1]);1072 return u.lineEnd(), void 01073 }1074 var c = new qe(e, n, null, !0), l = new qe(e, null, c, !1);1075 c.o = l, i.push(c), o.push(l), c = new qe(r, n, null, !1), l = new qe(r, null, c, !0), c.o = l, i.push(c), o.push(l)1076 }1077 }), o.sort(t), ze(i), ze(o), i.length) {1078 for (var a = 0, c = e, l = o.length; l > a; ++a)1079 o[a].e = c=!c;1080 for (var s, f, h = i[0]; ;) {1081 for (var g = h, p=!0; g.v;)1082 if ((g = g.n) === h)1083 return;1084 s = g.z, u.lineStart();1085 do {1086 if (g.v = g.o.v=!0, g.e) {1087 if (p)1088 for (var a = 0, l = s.length; l > a; ++a)1089 u.point((f = s[a])[0], f[1]);1090 else 1091 r(g.x, g.n.x, 1, u);1092 g = g.n1093 } else {1094 if (p) {1095 s = g.p.z;1096 for (var a = s.length - 1; a >= 0; --a)1097 u.point((f = s[a])[0], f[1])1098 } else 1099 r(g.x, g.p.x, - 1, u);1100 g = g.p1101 }1102 g = g.o, s = g.z, p=!p1103 }1104 while (!g.v);1105 u.lineEnd()1106 }1107 }1108 }1109 function ze(n) {1110 if (t = n.length) {1111 for (var t, e, r = 0, u = n[0]; ++r < t;)1112 u.n = e = n[r], e.p = u, u = e;1113 u.n = e = n[0], e.p = u1114 }1115 }1116 function qe(n, t, e, r) {1117 this.x = n, this.z = t, this.o = e, this.e = r, this.v=!1, this.n = this.p = null1118 }1119 function Le(n, t, e, r) {1120 return function(u, i) {1121 function o(t, e) {1122 var r = u(t, e);1123 n(t = r[0], e = r[1]) && i.point(t, e)1124 }1125 function a(n, t) {1126 var e = u(n, t);1127 d.point(e[0], e[1])1128 }1129 function c() {1130 y.point = a, d.lineStart()1131 }1132 function l() {1133 y.point = o, d.lineEnd()1134 }1135 function s(n, t) {1136 v.push([n, t]);1137 var e = u(n, t);1138 x.point(e[0], e[1])1139 }1140 function f() {1141 x.lineStart(), v = []1142 }1143 function h() {1144 s(v[0][0], v[0][1]), x.lineEnd();1145 var n, t = x.clean(), e = M.buffer(), r = e.length;1146 if (v.pop(), p.push(v), v = null, r)1147 if (1 & t) {1148 n = e[0];1149 var u, r = n.length - 1, o =- 1;1150 if (r > 0) {1151 for (b || (i.polygonStart(), b=!0), i.lineStart(); ++o < r;)1152 i.point((u = n[o])[0], u[1]);1153 i.lineEnd()1154 }1155 } else 1156 r > 1 && 2 & t && e.push(e.pop().concat(e.shift())), g.push(e.filter(Te))1157 }1158 var g, p, v, d = t(i), m = u.invert(r[0], r[1]), y = {1159 point: o,1160 lineStart: c,1161 lineEnd: l,1162 polygonStart: function() {1163 y.point = s, y.lineStart = f, y.lineEnd = h, g = [], p = []1164 },1165 polygonEnd: function() {1166 y.point = o, y.lineStart = c, y.lineEnd = l, g = ta.merge(g);1167 var n = Fe(m, p);1168 g.length ? (b || (i.polygonStart(), b=!0), Ce(g, De, n, e, i)) : n && (b || (i.polygonStart(), b=!0), i.lineStart(), e(null, null, 1, i), i.lineEnd()), b && (i.polygonEnd(), b=!1), g = p = null1169 },1170 sphere: function() {1171 i.polygonStart(), i.lineStart(), e(null, null, 1, i), i.lineEnd(), i.polygonEnd()1172 }1173 }, M = Re(), x = t(M), b=!1;1174 return y1175 }1176 }1177 function Te(n) {1178 return n.length > 11179 }1180 function Re() {1181 var n, t = [];1182 return {1183 lineStart: function() {1184 t.push(n = [])1185 },1186 point: function(t, e) {1187 n.push([t, e])1188 },1189 lineEnd: y,1190 buffer: function() {1191 var e = t;1192 return t = [], n = null, e1193 },1194 rejoin: function() {1195 t.length > 1 && t.push(t.pop().concat(t.shift()))1196 }1197 }1198 }1199 function De(n, t) {1200 return ((n = n.x)[0] < 0 ? n[1] - ja - Ta : ja - n[1]) - ((t = t.x)[0] < 0 ? t[1] - ja - Ta : ja - t[1])1201 }1202 function Pe(n) {1203 var t, e = 0 /​ 0, r = 0 /​ 0, u = 0 /​ 0;1204 return {1205 lineStart: function() {1206 n.lineStart(), t = 11207 },1208 point: function(i, o) {1209 var a = i > 0 ? Da: - Da, c = va(i - e);1210 va(c - Da) < Ta ? (n.point(e, r = (r + o) /​ 2 > 0 ? ja : - ja), n.point(u, r), n.lineEnd(), n.lineStart(), n.point(a, r), n.point(i, r), t = 0) : u !== a && c >= Da && (va(e - u) < Ta && (e -= u * Ta), va(i - a) < Ta && (i -= a * Ta), r = Ue(e, r, i, o), n.point(u, r), n.lineEnd(), n.lineStart(), n.point(a, r), t = 0), n.point(e = i, r = o), u = a1211 },1212 lineEnd: function() {1213 n.lineEnd(), e = r = 0 /​ 01214 },1215 clean: function() {1216 return 2 - t1217 }1218 }1219 }1220 function Ue(n, t, e, r) {1221 var u, i, o = Math.sin(n - e);1222 return va(o) > Ta ? Math.atan((Math.sin(t) * (i = Math.cos(r)) * Math.sin(e) - Math.sin(r) * (u = Math.cos(t)) * Math.sin(n)) /​ (u * i * o)) : (t + r) /​ 21223 }1224 function je(n, t, e, r) {1225 var u;1226 if (null == n)1227 u = e * ja, r.point( - Da, u), r.point(0, u), r.point(Da, u), r.point(Da, 0), r.point(Da, - u), r.point(0, - u), r.point( - Da, - u), r.point( - Da, 0), r.point( - Da, u);1228 else if (va(n[0] - t[0]) > Ta) {1229 var i = n[0] < t[0] ? Da: - Da;1230 u = e * i /​ 2, r.point( - i, u), r.point(0, u), r.point(i, u)1231 } else 1232 r.point(t[0], t[1])1233 }1234 function Fe(n, t) {1235 var e = n[0], r = n[1], u = [Math.sin(e), - Math.cos(e), 0], i = 0, o = 0;1236 _c.reset();1237 for (var a = 0, c = t.length; c > a; ++a) {1238 var l = t[a], s = l.length;1239 if (s)1240 for (var f = l[0], h = f[0], g = f[1] /​ 2 + Da /​ 4, p = Math.sin(g), v = Math.cos(g), d = 1; ;) {1241 d === s && (d = 0), n = l[d];1242 var m = n[0], y = n[1] /​ 2 + Da /​ 4, M = Math.sin(y), x = Math.cos(y), b = m - h, _ = b >= 0 ? 1: - 1, w = _ * b, S = w > Da, k = p * M;1243 if (_c.add(Math.atan2(k * _ * Math.sin(w), v * x + k * Math.cos(w))), i += S ? b + _ * Pa : b, S^h >= e^m >= e) {1244 var E = de(pe(f), pe(n));1245 Me(E);1246 var A = de(u, E);1247 Me(A);1248 var N = (S^b >= 0?-1 : 1) * nt(A[2]);1249 (r > N || r === N && (E[0] || E[1])) && (o += S^b >= 0 ? 1 : - 1)1250 }1251 if (!d++)1252 break;1253 h = m, p = M, v = x, f = n1254 }1255 }1256 return ( - Ta > i || Ta > i && 0 > _c)^1 & o1257 }1258 function He(n) {1259 function t(n, t) {1260 return Math.cos(n) * Math.cos(t) > i1261 }1262 function e(n) {1263 var e, i, c, l, s;1264 return {1265 lineStart: function() {1266 l = c=!1, s = 11267 },1268 point: function(f, h) {1269 var g, p = [f, h], v = t(f, h), d = o ? v ? 0: u(f, h): v ? u(f + (0 > f ? Da : - Da), h): 0;1270 if (!e && (l = c = v) && n.lineStart(), v !== c && (g = r(e, p), (be(e, g) || be(p, g)) && (p[0] += Ta, p[1] += Ta, v = t(p[0], p[1]))), v !== c)1271 s = 0, v ? (n.lineStart(), g = r(p, e), n.point(g[0], g[1])) : (g = r(e, p), n.point(g[0], g[1]), n.lineEnd()), e = g;1272 else if (a && e && o^v) {1273 var m;1274 d & i ||!(m = r(p, e, !0)) || (s = 0, o ? (n.lineStart(), n.point(m[0][0], m[0][1]), n.point(m[1][0], m[1][1]), n.lineEnd()) : (n.point(m[1][0], m[1][1]), n.lineEnd(), n.lineStart(), n.point(m[0][0], m[0][1])))1275 }1276 !v || e && be(e, p) || n.point(p[0], p[1]), e = p, c = v, i = d1277 },1278 lineEnd: function() {1279 c && n.lineEnd(), e = null1280 },1281 clean: function() {1282 return s | (l && c)<<11283 }1284 }1285 }1286 function r(n, t, e) {1287 var r = pe(n), u = pe(t), o = [1, 0, 0], a = de(r, u), c = ve(a, a), l = a[0], s = c - l * l;1288 if (!s)1289 return !e && n;1290 var f = i * c /​ s, h =- i * l /​ s, g = de(o, a), p = ye(o, f), v = ye(a, h);1291 me(p, v);1292 var d = g, m = ve(p, d), y = ve(d, d), M = m * m - y * (ve(p, p) - 1);1293 if (!(0 > M)) {1294 var x = Math.sqrt(M), b = ye(d, ( - m - x) /​ y);1295 if (me(b, p), b = xe(b), !e)1296 return b;1297 var _, w = n[0], S = t[0], k = n[1], E = t[1];1298 w > S && (_ = w, w = S, S = _);1299 var A = S - w, N = va(A - Da) < Ta, C = N || Ta > A;1300 if (!N && k > E && (_ = k, k = E, E = _), C ? N ? k + E > 0^b[1] < (va(b[0] - w) < Ta ? k : E) : k <= b[1] && b[1] <= E : A > Da^(w <= b[0] && b[0] <= S)) {1301 var z = ye(d, ( - m + x) /​ y);1302 return me(z, p), [b, xe(z)]1303 }1304 }1305 }1306 function u(t, e) {1307 var r = o ? n: Da - n, u = 0;1308 return - r > t ? u|=1 : t > r && (u|=2), - r > e ? u|=4 : e > r && (u|=8), u1309 }1310 var i = Math.cos(n), o = i > 0, a = va(i) > Ta, c = gr(n, 6 * Fa);1311 return Le(t, e, c, o ? [0, - n] : [ - Da, n - Da])1312 }1313 function Oe(n, t, e, r) {1314 return function(u) {1315 var i, o = u.a, a = u.b, c = o.x, l = o.y, s = a.x, f = a.y, h = 0, g = 1, p = s - c, v = f - l;1316 if (i = n - c, p ||!(i > 0)) {1317 if (i/​=p, 0 > p) {1318 if (h > i)1319 return;1320 g > i && (g = i)1321 } else if (p > 0) {1322 if (i > g)1323 return;1324 i > h && (h = i)1325 }1326 if (i = e - c, p ||!(0 > i)) {1327 if (i/​=p, 0 > p) {1328 if (i > g)1329 return;1330 i > h && (h = i)1331 } else if (p > 0) {1332 if (h > i)1333 return;1334 g > i && (g = i)1335 }1336 if (i = t - l, v ||!(i > 0)) {1337 if (i/​=v, 0 > v) {1338 if (h > i)1339 return;1340 g > i && (g = i)1341 } else if (v > 0) {1342 if (i > g)1343 return;1344 i > h && (h = i)1345 }1346 if (i = r - l, v ||!(0 > i)) {1347 if (i/​=v, 0 > v) {1348 if (i > g)1349 return;1350 i > h && (h = i)1351 } else if (v > 0) {1352 if (h > i)1353 return;1354 g > i && (g = i)1355 }1356 return h > 0 && (u.a = {1357 x: c + h * p,1358 y: l + h * v1359 }), 1 > g && (u.b = {1360 x: c + g * p,1361 y: l + g * v1362 }), u1363 }1364 }1365 }1366 }1367 }1368 }1369 function Ye(n, t, e, r) {1370 function u(r, u) {1371 return va(r[0] - n) < Ta ? u > 0 ? 0 : 3 : va(r[0] - e) < Ta ? u > 0 ? 2 : 1 : va(r[1] - t) < Ta ? u > 0 ? 1 : 0 : u > 0 ? 3 : 21372 }1373 function i(n, t) {1374 return o(n.x, t.x)1375 }1376 function o(n, t) {1377 var e = u(n, 1), r = u(t, 1);1378 return e !== r ? e - r : 0 === e ? t[1] - n[1] : 1 === e ? n[0] - t[0] : 2 === e ? n[1] - t[1] : t[0] - n[0]1379 }1380 return function(a) {1381 function c(n) {1382 for (var t = 0, e = d.length, r = n[1], u = 0; e > u; ++u)1383 for (var i, o = 1, a = d[u], c = a.length, l = a[0]; c > o; ++o)1384 i = a[o], l[1] <= r ? i[1] > r && K(l, i, n) > 0&&++t : i[1] <= r && K(l, i, n) < 0&&--t, l = i;1385 return 0 !== t1386 }1387 function l(i, a, c, l) {1388 var s = 0, f = 0;1389 if (null == i || (s = u(i, c)) !== (f = u(a, c)) || o(i, a) < 0^c > 0) {1390 do 1391 l.point(0 === s || 3 === s ? n : e, s > 1 ? r : t);1392 while ((s = (s + c + 4)%4) !== f)1393 } else 1394 l.point(a[0], a[1])1395 }1396 function s(u, i) {1397 return u >= n && e >= u && i >= t && r >= i1398 }1399 function f(n, t) {1400 s(n, t) && a.point(n, t)1401 }1402 function h() {1403 C.point = p, d && d.push(m = []), S=!0, w=!1, b = _ = 0 /​ 01404 }1405 function g() {1406 v && (p(y, M), x && w && A.rejoin(), v.push(A.buffer())), C.point = f, w && a.lineEnd()1407 }1408 function p(n, t) {1409 n = Math.max( - Uc, Math.min(Uc, n)), t = Math.max( - Uc, Math.min(Uc, t));1410 var e = s(n, t);1411 if (d && m.push([n, t]), S)1412 y = n, M = t, x = e, S=!1, e && (a.lineStart(), a.point(n, t));1413 else if (e && w)1414 a.point(n, t);1415 else {1416 var r = {1417 a: {1418 x: b,1419 y: _1420 },1421 b: {1422 x: n,1423 y: t1424 }1425 };1426 N(r) ? (w || (a.lineStart(), a.point(r.a.x, r.a.y)), a.point(r.b.x, r.b.y), e || a.lineEnd(), k=!1) : e && (a.lineStart(), a.point(n, t), k=!1)1427 }1428 b = n, _ = t, w = e1429 }1430 var v, d, m, y, M, x, b, _, w, S, k, E = a, A = Re(), N = Oe(n, t, e, r), C = {1431 point: f,1432 lineStart: h,1433 lineEnd: g,1434 polygonStart: function() {1435 a = A, v = [], d = [], k=!01436 },1437 polygonEnd: function() {1438 a = E, v = ta.merge(v);1439 var t = c([n, r]), e = k && t, u = v.length;1440 (e || u) && (a.polygonStart(), e && (a.lineStart(), l(null, null, 1, a), a.lineEnd()), u && Ce(v, i, t, l, a), a.polygonEnd()), v = d = m = null1441 }1442 };1443 return C1444 }1445 }1446 function Ie(n) {1447 var t = 0, e = Da /​ 3, r = ir(n), u = r(t, e);1448 return u.parallels = function(n) {1449 return arguments.length ? r(t = n[0] * Da /​ 180, e = n[1] * Da /​ 180) : [180 * (t /​ Da), 180 * (e /​ Da)]1450 }, u1451 }1452 function Ze(n, t) {1453 function e(n, t) {1454 var e = Math.sqrt(i - 2 * u * Math.sin(t)) /​ u;1455 return [e * Math.sin(n*=u), o - e * Math.cos(n)]1456 }1457 var r = Math.sin(n), u = (r + Math.sin(t)) /​ 2, i = 1 + r * (2 * u - r), o = Math.sqrt(i) /​ u;1458 return e.invert = function(n, t) {1459 var e = o - t;1460 return [Math.atan2(n, e) /​ u, nt((i - (n * n + e * e) * u * u) /​ (2 * u))]1461 }, e1462 }1463 function Ve() {1464 function n(n, t) {1465 Fc += u * n - r * t, r = n, u = t1466 }1467 var t, e, r, u;1468 Zc.point = function(i, o) {1469 Zc.point = n, t = r = i, e = u = o1470 }, Zc.lineEnd = function() {1471 n(t, e)1472 }1473 }1474 function Xe(n, t) {1475 Hc > n && (Hc = n), n > Yc && (Yc = n), Oc > t && (Oc = t), t > Ic && (Ic = t)1476 }1477 function $e() {1478 function n(n, t) {1479 o.push("M", n, ",", t, i)1480 }1481 function t(n, t) {1482 o.push("M", n, ",", t), a.point = e1483 }1484 function e(n, t) {1485 o.push("L", n, ",", t)1486 }1487 function r() {1488 a.point = n1489 }1490 function u() {1491 o.push("Z")1492 }1493 var i = Be(4.5), o = [], a = {1494 point: n,1495 lineStart: function() {1496 a.point = t1497 },1498 lineEnd: r,1499 polygonStart: function() {1500 a.lineEnd = u1501 },1502 polygonEnd: function() {1503 a.lineEnd = r, a.point = n1504 },1505 pointRadius: function(n) {1506 return i = Be(n), a1507 },1508 result: function() {1509 if (o.length) {1510 var n = o.join("");1511 return o = [], n1512 }1513 }1514 };1515 return a1516 }1517 function Be(n) {1518 return "m0," + n + "a" + n + "," + n + " 0 1,1 0," +- 2 * n + "a" + n + "," + n + " 0 1,1 0," + 2 * n + "z"1519 }1520 function We(n, t) {1521 Ec += n, Ac += t, ++Nc1522 }1523 function Je() {1524 function n(n, r) {1525 var u = n - t, i = r - e, o = Math.sqrt(u * u + i * i);1526 Cc += o * (t + n) /​ 2, zc += o * (e + r) /​ 2, qc += o, We(t = n, e = r)1527 }1528 var t, e;1529 Xc.point = function(r, u) {1530 Xc.point = n, We(t = r, e = u)1531 }1532 }1533 function Ge() {1534 Xc.point = We1535 }1536 function Ke() {1537 function n(n, t) {1538 var e = n - r, i = t - u, o = Math.sqrt(e * e + i * i);1539 Cc += o * (r + n) /​ 2, zc += o * (u + t) /​ 2, qc += o, o = u * n - r * t, Lc += o * (r + n), Tc += o * (u + t), Rc += 3 * o, We(r = n, u = t)1540 }1541 var t, e, r, u;1542 Xc.point = function(i, o) {1543 Xc.point = n, We(t = r = i, e = u = o)1544 }, Xc.lineEnd = function() {1545 n(t, e)1546 }1547 }1548 function Qe(n) {1549 function t(t, e) {1550 n.moveTo(t + o, e), n.arc(t, e, o, 0, Pa)1551 }1552 function e(t, e) {1553 n.moveTo(t, e), a.point = r1554 }1555 function r(t, e) {1556 n.lineTo(t, e)1557 }1558 function u() {1559 a.point = t1560 }1561 function i() {1562 n.closePath()1563 }1564 var o = 4.5, a = {1565 point: t,1566 lineStart: function() {1567 a.point = e1568 },1569 lineEnd: u,1570 polygonStart: function() {1571 a.lineEnd = i1572 },1573 polygonEnd: function() {1574 a.lineEnd = u, a.point = t1575 },1576 pointRadius: function(n) {1577 return o = n, a1578 },1579 result: y1580 };1581 return a1582 }1583 function nr(n) {1584 function t(n) {1585 return (a ? r : e)(n)1586 }1587 function e(t) {1588 return rr(t, function(e, r) {1589 e = n(e, r), t.point(e[0], e[1])1590 })1591 }1592 function r(t) {1593 function e(e, r) {1594 e = n(e, r), t.point(e[0], e[1])1595 }1596 function r() {1597 M = 0 /​ 0, S.point = i, t.lineStart()1598 }1599 function i(e, r) {1600 var i = pe([e, r]), o = n(e, r);1601 u(M, x, y, b, _, w, M = o[0], x = o[1], y = e, b = i[0], _ = i[1], w = i[2], a, t), t.point(M, x)1602 }1603 function o() {1604 S.point = e, t.lineEnd()1605 }1606 function c() {1607 r(), S.point = l, S.lineEnd = s1608 }1609 function l(n, t) {1610 i(f = n, h = t), g = M, p = x, v = b, d = _, m = w, S.point = i1611 }1612 function s() {1613 u(M, x, y, b, _, w, g, p, f, v, d, m, a, t), S.lineEnd = o, o()1614 }1615 var f, h, g, p, v, d, m, y, M, x, b, _, w, S = {1616 point: e,1617 lineStart: r,1618 lineEnd: o,1619 polygonStart: function() {1620 t.polygonStart(), S.lineStart = c1621 },1622 polygonEnd: function() {1623 t.polygonEnd(), S.lineStart = r1624 }1625 };1626 return S1627 }1628 function u(t, e, r, a, c, l, s, f, h, g, p, v, d, m) {1629 var y = s - t, M = f - e, x = y * y + M * M;1630 if (x > 4 * i && d--) {1631 var b = a + g, _ = c + p, w = l + v, S = Math.sqrt(b * b + _ * _ + w * w), k = Math.asin(w/​=S), E = va(va(w) - 1) < Ta || va(r - h) < Ta ? (r + h) /​ 2: Math.atan2(_, b), A = n(E, k), N = A[0], C = A[1], z = N - t, q = C - e, L = M * z - y * q;1632 (L * L /​ x > i || va((y * z + M * q) /​ x - .5) > .3 || o > a * g + c * p + l * v) && (u(t, e, r, a, c, l, N, C, E, b/​=S, _/​=S, w, d, m), m.point(N, C), u(N, C, E, b, _, w, s, f, h, g, p, v, d, m))1633 }1634 }1635 var i = .5, o = Math.cos(30 * Fa), a = 16;1636 return t.precision = function(n) {1637 return arguments.length ? (a = (i = n * n) > 0 && 16, t) : Math.sqrt(i)1638 }, t1639 }1640 function tr(n) {1641 var t = nr(function(t, e) {1642 return n([t * Ha, e * Ha])1643 });1644 return function(n) {1645 return or(t(n))1646 }1647 }1648 function er(n) {1649 = n1650 }1651 function rr(n, t) {1652 return {1653 point: t,1654 sphere: function() {1655 n.sphere()1656 },1657 lineStart: function() {1658 n.lineStart()1659 },1660 lineEnd: function() {1661 n.lineEnd()1662 },1663 polygonStart: function() {1664 n.polygonStart()1665 },1666 polygonEnd: function() {1667 n.polygonEnd()1668 }1669 }1670 }1671 function ur(n) {1672 return ir(function() {1673 return n1674 })()1675 }1676 function ir(n) {1677 function t(n) {1678 return n = a(n[0] * Fa, n[1] * Fa), [n[0] * h + c, l - n[1] * h]1679 }1680 function e(n) {1681 return n = a.invert((n[0] - c) /​ h, (l - n[1]) /​ h), n && [n[0] * Ha, n[1] * Ha]1682 }1683 function r() {1684 a = Ae(o = lr(m, y, M), i);1685 var n = i(v, d);1686 return c = g - n[0] * h, l = p + n[1] * h, u()1687 }1688 function u() {1689 return s && (s.valid=!1, s = null), t1690 }1691 var i, o, a, c, l, s, f = nr(function(n, t) {1692 return n = i(n, t), [n[0] * h + c, l - n[1] * h]1693 }), h = 150, g = 480, p = 250, v = 0, d = 0, m = 0, y = 0, M = 0, x = Pc, b = Et, _ = null, w = null;1694 return = function(n) {1695 return s && (s.valid=!1), s = or(x(o, f(b(n)))), s.valid=!0, s1696 }, t.clipAngle = function(n) {1697 return arguments.length ? (x = null == n ? (_ = n, Pc) : He((_ =+ n) * Fa), u()) : _1698 }, t.clipExtent = function(n) {1699 return arguments.length ? (w = n, b = n ? Ye(n[0][0], n[0][1], n[1][0], n[1][1]) : Et, u()) : w1700 }, t.scale = function(n) {1701 return arguments.length ? (h =+ n, r()) : h1702 }, t.translate = function(n) {1703 return arguments.length ? (g =+ n[0], p =+ n[1], r()) : [g, p]1704 }, = function(n) {1705 return arguments.length ? (v = n[0]%360 * Fa, d = n[1]%360 * Fa, r()) : [v * Ha, d * Ha]1706 }, t.rotate = function(n) {1707 return arguments.length ? (m = n[0]%360 * Fa, y = n[1]%360 * Fa, M = n.length > 2 ? n[2]%360 * Fa : 0, r()) : [m * Ha, y * Ha, M * Ha]1708 }, ta.rebind(t, f, "precision"), function() {1709 return i = n.apply(this, arguments), t.invert = i.invert && e, r()1710 }1711 }1712 function or(n) {1713 return rr(n, function(t, e) {1714 n.point(t * Fa, e * Fa)1715 })1716 }1717 function ar(n, t) {1718 return [n, t]1719 }1720 function cr(n, t) {1721 return [n > Da ? n - Pa: - Da > n ? n + Pa: n, t]1722 }1723 function lr(n, t, e) {1724 return n ? t || e ? Ae(fr(n), hr(t, e)) : fr(n) : t || e ? hr(t, e) : cr1725 }1726 function sr(n) {1727 return function(t, e) {1728 return t += n, [t > Da ? t - Pa: - Da > t ? t + Pa: t, e]1729 }1730 }1731 function fr(n) {1732 var t = sr(n);1733 return t.invert = sr( - n), t1734 }1735 function hr(n, t) {1736 function e(n, t) {1737 var e = Math.cos(t), a = Math.cos(n) * e, c = Math.sin(n) * e, l = Math.sin(t), s = l * r + a * u;1738 return [Math.atan2(c * i - s * o, a * r - l * u), nt(s * i + c * o)]1739 }1740 var r = Math.cos(n), u = Math.sin(n), i = Math.cos(t), o = Math.sin(t);1741 return e.invert = function(n, t) {1742 var e = Math.cos(t), a = Math.cos(n) * e, c = Math.sin(n) * e, l = Math.sin(t), s = l * i - c * o;1743 return [Math.atan2(c * i + l * o, a * r + s * u), nt(s * r - a * u)]1744 }, e1745 }1746 function gr(n, t) {1747 var e = Math.cos(n), r = Math.sin(n);1748 return function(u, i, o, a) {1749 var c = o * t;1750 null != u ? (u = pr(e, u), i = pr(e, i), (o > 0 ? i > u : u > i) && (u += o * Pa)) : (u = n + o * Pa, i = n - .5 * c);1751 for (var l, s = u; o > 0 ? s > i : i > s; s -= c)1752 a.point((l = xe([e, - r * Math.cos(s), - r * Math.sin(s)]))[0], l[1])1753 }1754 }1755 function pr(n, t) {1756 var e = pe(t);1757 e[0] -= n, Me(e);1758 var r = Q( - e[1]);1759 return (( - e[2] < 0?-r : r) + 2 * Math.PI - Ta)%(2 * Math.PI)1760 }1761 function vr(n, t, e) {1762 var r = ta.range(n, t - Ta, e).concat(t);1763 return function(n) {1764 return {1765 return [n, t]1766 })1767 }1768 }1769 function dr(n, t, e) {1770 var r = ta.range(n, t - Ta, e).concat(t);1771 return function(n) {1772 return {1773 return [t, n]1774 })1775 }1776 }1777 function mr(n) {1778 return n.source1779 }1780 function yr(n) {1781 return n.target1782 }1783 function Mr(n, t, e, r) {1784 var u = Math.cos(t), i = Math.sin(t), o = Math.cos(r), a = Math.sin(r), c = u * Math.cos(n), l = u * Math.sin(n), s = o * Math.cos(e), f = o * Math.sin(e), h = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(ut(r - t) + u * o * ut(e - n))), g = 1 /​ Math.sin(h), p = h ? function(n) {1785 var t = Math.sin(n*=h) * g, e = Math.sin(h - n) * g, r = e * c + t * s, u = e * l + t * f, o = e * i + t * a;1786 return [Math.atan2(u, r) * Ha, Math.atan2(o, Math.sqrt(r * r + u * u)) * Ha]1787 }1788 : function() {1789 return [n * Ha, t * Ha]1790 };1791 return p.distance = h, p1792 }1793 function xr() {1794 function n(n, u) {1795 var i = Math.sin(u*=Fa), o = Math.cos(u), a = va((n*=Fa) - t), c = Math.cos(a);1796 $c += Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((a = o * Math.sin(a)) * a + (a = r * i - e * o * c) * a), e * i + r * o * c), t = n, e = i, r = o1797 }1798 var t, e, r;1799 Bc.point = function(u, i) {1800 t = u * Fa, e = Math.sin(i*=Fa), r = Math.cos(i), Bc.point = n1801 }, Bc.lineEnd = function() {1802 Bc.point = Bc.lineEnd = y1803 }1804 }1805 function br(n, t) {1806 function e(t, e) {1807 var r = Math.cos(t), u = Math.cos(e), i = n(r * u);1808 return [i * u * Math.sin(t), i * Math.sin(e)]1809 }1810 return e.invert = function(n, e) {1811 var r = Math.sqrt(n * n + e * e), u = t(r), i = Math.sin(u), o = Math.cos(u);1812 return [Math.atan2(n * i, r * o), Math.asin(r && e * i /​ r)]1813 }, e1814 }1815 function _r(n, t) {1816 function e(n, t) {1817 o > 0?-ja + Ta > t && (t =- ja + Ta) : t > ja - Ta && (t = ja - Ta);1818 var e = o /​ Math.pow(u(t), i);1819 return [e * Math.sin(i * n), o - e * Math.cos(i * n)]1820 }1821 var r = Math.cos(n), u = function(n) {1822 return Math.tan(Da /​ 4 + n /​ 2)1823 }, i = n === t ? Math.sin(n): Math.log(r /​ Math.cos(t)) /​ Math.log(u(t) /​ u(n)), o = r * Math.pow(u(n), i) /​ i;1824 return i ? (e.invert = function(n, t) {1825 var e = o - t, r = G(i) * Math.sqrt(n * n + e * e);1826 return [Math.atan2(n, e) /​ i, 2 * Math.atan(Math.pow(o /​ r, 1 /​ i)) - ja]1827 }, e) : Sr1828 }1829 function wr(n, t) {1830 function e(n, t) {1831 var e = i - t;1832 return [e * Math.sin(u * n), i - e * Math.cos(u * n)]1833 }1834 var r = Math.cos(n), u = n === t ? Math.sin(n): (r - Math.cos(t)) /​ (t - n), i = r /​ u + n;1835 return va(u) < Ta ? ar : (e.invert = function(n, t) {1836 var e = i - t;1837 return [Math.atan2(n, e) /​ u, i - G(u) * Math.sqrt(n * n + e * e)]1838 }, e)1839 }1840 function Sr(n, t) {1841 return [n, Math.log(Math.tan(Da /​ 4 + t /​ 2))]1842 }1843 function kr(n) {1844 var t, e = ur(n), r = e.scale, u = e.translate, i = e.clipExtent;1845 return e.scale = function() {1846 var n = r.apply(e, arguments);1847 return n === e ? t ? e.clipExtent(null) : e : n1848 }, e.translate = function() {1849 var n = u.apply(e, arguments);1850 return n === e ? t ? e.clipExtent(null) : e : n1851 }, e.clipExtent = function(n) {1852 var o = i.apply(e, arguments);1853 if (o === e) {1854 if (t = null == n) {1855 var a = Da * r(), c = u();1856 i([[c[0] - a, c[1] - a], [c[0] + a, c[1] + a]])1857 }1858 } else 1859 t && (o = null);1860 return o1861 }, e.clipExtent(null)1862 }1863 function Er(n, t) {1864 return [Math.log(Math.tan(Da /​ 4 + t /​ 2)), - n]1865 }1866 function Ar(n) {1867 return n[0]1868 }1869 function Nr(n) {1870 return n[1]1871 }1872 function Cr(n) {1873 for (var t = n.length, e = [0, 1], r = 2, u = 2; t > u; u++) {1874 for (; r > 1 && K(n[e[r - 2]], n[e[r - 1]], n[u]) <= 0;)1875 --r;1876 e[r++] = u1877 }1878 return e.slice(0, r)1879 }1880 function zr(n, t) {1881 return n[0] - t[0] || n[1] - t[1]1882 }1883 function qr(n, t, e) {1884 return (e[0] - t[0]) * (n[1] - t[1]) < (e[1] - t[1]) * (n[0] - t[0])1885 }1886 function Lr(n, t, e, r) {1887 var u = n[0], i = e[0], o = t[0] - u, a = r[0] - i, c = n[1], l = e[1], s = t[1] - c, f = r[1] - l, h = (a * (c - l) - f * (u - i)) /​ (f * o - a * s);1888 return [u + h * o, c + h * s]1889 }1890 function Tr(n) {1891 var t = n[0], e = n[n.length - 1];1892 return !(t[0] - e[0] || t[1] - e[1])1893 }1894 function Rr() {1895 tu(this), this.edge = = = null1896 }1897 function Dr(n) {1898 var t = ol.pop() || new Rr;1899 return = n, t1900 }1901 function Pr(n) {1902 Xr(n), rl.remove(n), ol.push(n), tu(n)1903 }1904 function Ur(n) {1905 var t =, e = t.x, r =, u = {1906 x: e,1907 y: r1908 }, i = n.P, o = n.N, a = [n];1909 Pr(n);1910 for (var c = i; && va(e - < Ta && va(r - < Ta;)1911 i = c.P, a.unshift(c), Pr(c), c = i;1912 a.unshift(c), Xr(c);1913 for (var l = o; && va(e - < Ta && va(r - < Ta;)1914 o = l.N, a.push(l), Pr(l), l = o;1915 a.push(l), Xr(l);1916 var s, f = a.length;1917 for (s = 1; f > s; ++s)1918 l = a[s], c = a[s - 1], Kr(l.edge,,, u);1919 c = a[0], l = a[f - 1], l.edge = Jr(,, null, u), Vr(c), Vr(l)1920 }1921 function jr(n) {1922 for (var t, e, r, u, i = n.x, o = n.y, a = rl._; a;)1923 if (r = Fr(a, o) - i, r > Ta)1924 a = a.L;1925 else {1926 if (u = i - Hr(a, o), !(u > Ta)) {1927 r>-Ta ? (t = a.P, e = a) : u>-Ta ? (t = a, e = a.N) : t = e = a;1928 break1929 }1930 if (!a.R) {1931 t = a;1932 break1933 }1934 a = a.R1935 }1936 var c = Dr(n);1937 if (rl.insert(t, c), t || e) {1938 if (t === e)1939 return Xr(t), e = Dr(, rl.insert(c, e), c.edge = e.edge = Jr(,, Vr(t), Vr(e), void 0;1940 if (!e)1941 return c.edge = Jr(,, void 0;1942 Xr(t), Xr(e);1943 var l =, s = l.x, f = l.y, h = n.x - s, g = n.y - f, p =, v = p.x - s, d = p.y - f, m = 2 * (h * d - g * v), y = h * h + g * g, M = v * v + d * d, x = {1944 x: (d * y - g * M) /​ m + s,1945 y: (h * M - v * y) /​ m + f1946 };1947 Kr(e.edge, l, p, x), c.edge = Jr(l, n, null, x), e.edge = Jr(n, p, null, x), Vr(t), Vr(e)1948 }1949 }1950 function Fr(n, t) {1951 var e =, r = e.x, u = e.y, i = u - t;1952 if (!i)1953 return r;1954 var o = n.P;1955 if (!o)1956 return - 1 /​ 0;1957 e =;1958 var a = e.x, c = e.y, l = c - t;1959 if (!l)1960 return a;1961 var s = a - r, f = 1 /​ i - 1 /​ l, h = s /​ l;1962 return f ? ( - h + Math.sqrt(h * h - 2 * f * (s * s /​ ( - 2 * l) - c + l /​ 2 + u - i /​ 2))) /​ f + r : (r + a) /​ 21963 }1964 function Hr(n, t) {1965 var e = n.N;1966 if (e)1967 return Fr(e, t);1968 var r =;1969 return r.y === t ? r.x : 1 /​ 01970 }1971 function Or(n) {1972 = n, this.edges = []1973 }1974 function Yr(n) {1975 for (var t, e, r, u, i, o, a, c, l, s, f = n[0][0], h = n[1][0], g = n[0][1], p = n[1][1], v = el, d = v.length; d--;)1976 if (i = v[d], i && i.prepare())1977 for (a = i.edges, c = a.length, o = 0; c > o;)1978 s = a[o].end(), r = s.x, u = s.y, l = a[++o%c].start(), t = l.x, e = l.y, (va(r - t) > Ta || va(u - e) > Ta) && (a.splice(o, 0, new Qr(Gr(, s, va(r - f) < Ta && p - u > Ta ? {1979 x: f,1980 y: va(t - f) < Ta ? e: p1981 } : va(u - p) < Ta && h - r > Ta ? {1982 x: va(e - p) < Ta ? t: h,1983 y: p1984 } : va(r - h) < Ta && u - g > Ta ? {1985 x: h,1986 y: va(t - h) < Ta ? e: g1987 } : va(u - g) < Ta && r - f > Ta ? {1988 x: va(e - g) < Ta ? t: f,1989 y: g1990 } : null),, null)), ++c)1991 }1992 function Ir(n, t) {1993 return t.angle - n.angle1994 }1995 function Zr() {1996 tu(this), this.x = this.y = this.arc = = = null1997 }1998 function Vr(n) {1999 var t = n.P, e = n.N;2000 if (t && e) {2001 var r =, u =, i =;2002 if (r !== i) {2003 var o = u.x, a = u.y, c = r.x - o, l = r.y - a, s = i.x - o, f = i.y - a, h = 2 * (c * f - l * s);2004 if (!(h>=-Ra)) {2005 var g = c * c + l * l, p = s * s + f * f, v = (f * g - l * p) /​ h, d = (c * p - s * g) /​ h, f = d + a, m = al.pop() || new Zr;2006 m.arc = n, = u, m.x = v + o, m.y = f + Math.sqrt(v * v + d * d), = f, = m;2007 for (var y = null, M = il._; M;)2008 if (m.y < M.y || m.y === M.y && m.x <= M.x) {2009 if (!M.L) {2010 y = M.P;2011 break2012 }2013 M = M.L2014 } else {2015 if (!M.R) {2016 y = M;2017 break2018 }2019 M = M.R2020 }2021 il.insert(y, m), y || (ul = m)2022 }2023 }2024 }2025 }2026 function Xr(n) {2027 var t =;2028 t && (t.P || (ul = t.N), il.remove(t), al.push(t), tu(t), = null)2029 }2030 function $r(n) {2031 for (var t, e = tl, r = Oe(n[0][0], n[0][1], n[1][0], n[1][1]), u = e.length; u--;)2032 t = e[u], (!Br(t, n) ||!r(t) || va(t.a.x - t.b.x) < Ta && va(t.a.y - t.b.y) < Ta) && (t.a = t.b = null, e.splice(u, 1))2033 }2034 function Br(n, t) {2035 var e = n.b;2036 if (e)2037 return !0;2038 var r, u, i = n.a, o = t[0][0], a = t[1][0], c = t[0][1], l = t[1][1], s = n.l, f = n.r, h = s.x, g = s.y, p = f.x, v = f.y, d = (h + p) /​ 2, m = (g + v) /​ 2;2039 if (v === g) {2040 if (o > d || d >= a)2041 return;2042 if (h > p) {2043 if (i) {2044 if (i.y >= l)2045 return 2046 } else 2047 i = {2048 x: d,2049 y: c2050 };2051 e = {2052 x: d,2053 y: l2054 }2055 } else {2056 if (i) {2057 if (i.y < c)2058 return 2059 } else 2060 i = {2061 x: d,2062 y: l2063 };2064 e = {2065 x: d,2066 y: c2067 }2068 }2069 } else if (r = (h - p) /​ (v - g), u = m - r * d, - 1 > r || r > 1)2070 if (h > p) {2071 if (i) {2072 if (i.y >= l)2073 return 2074 } else 2075 i = {2076 x: (c - u) /​ r,2077 y: c2078 };2079 e = {2080 x: (l - u) /​ r,2081 y: l2082 }2083 } else {2084 if (i) {2085 if (i.y < c)2086 return 2087 } else 2088 i = {2089 x: (l - u) /​ r,2090 y: l2091 };2092 e = {2093 x: (c - u) /​ r,2094 y: c2095 }2096 } else if (v > g) {2097 if (i) {2098 if (i.x >= a)2099 return 2100 } else 2101 i = {2102 x: o,2103 y: r * o + u2104 };2105 e = {2106 x: a,2107 y: r * a + u2108 }2109 } else {2110 if (i) {2111 if (i.x < o)2112 return 2113 } else 2114 i = {2115 x: a,2116 y: r * a + u2117 };2118 e = {2119 x: o,2120 y: r * o + u2121 }2122 }2123 return n.a = i, n.b = e, !02124 }2125 function Wr(n, t) {2126 this.l = n, this.r = t, this.a = this.b = null2127 }2128 function Jr(n, t, e, r) {2129 var u = new Wr(n, t);2130 return tl.push(u), e && Kr(u, n, t, e), r && Kr(u, t, n, r), el[n.i].edges.push(new Qr(u, n, t)), el[t.i].edges.push(new Qr(u, t, n)), u2131 }2132 function Gr(n, t, e) {2133 var r = new Wr(n, null);2134 return r.a = t, r.b = e, tl.push(r), r2135 }2136 function Kr(n, t, e, r) {2137 n.a || n.b ? n.l === e ? n.b = r : n.a = r : (n.a = r, n.l = t, n.r = e)2138 }2139 function Qr(n, t, e) {2140 var r = n.a, u = n.b;2141 this.edge = n, = t, this.angle = e ? Math.atan2(e.y - t.y, e.x - t.x) : n.l === t ? Math.atan2(u.x - r.x, r.y - u.y) : Math.atan2(r.x - u.x, u.y - r.y)2142 }2143 function nu() {2144 this._ = null2145 }2146 function tu(n) {2147 n.U = n.C = n.L = n.R = n.P = n.N = null2148 }2149 function eu(n, t) {2150 var e = t, r = t.R, u = e.U;2151 u ? u.L === e ? u.L = r : u.R = r : n._ = r, r.U = u, e.U = r, e.R = r.L, e.R && (e.R.U = e), r.L = e2152 }2153 function ru(n, t) {2154 var e = t, r = t.L, u = e.U;2155 u ? u.L === e ? u.L = r : u.R = r : n._ = r, r.U = u, e.U = r, e.L = r.R, e.L && (e.L.U = e), r.R = e2156 }2157 function uu(n) {2158 for (; n.L;)2159 n = n.L;2160 return n2161 }2162 function iu(n, t) {2163 var e, r, u, i = n.sort(ou).pop();2164 for (tl = [], el = new Array(n.length), rl = new nu, il = new nu; ;)2165 if (u = ul, i && (!u || i.y < u.y || i.y === u.y && i.x < u.x))(i.x !== e || i.y !== r) && (el[i.i] = new Or(i), jr(i), e = i.x, r = i.y), i = n.pop();2166 else {2167 if (!u)2168 break;2169 Ur(u.arc)2170 }2171 t && ($r(t), Yr(t));2172 var o = {2173 cells: el,2174 edges: tl2175 };2176 return rl = il = tl = el = null, o2177 }2178 function ou(n, t) {2179 return t.y - n.y || t.x - n.x2180 }2181 function au(n, t, e) {2182 return (n.x - e.x) * (t.y - n.y) - (n.x - t.x) * (e.y - n.y)2183 }2184 function cu(n) {2185 return n.x2186 }2187 function lu(n) {2188 return n.y2189 }2190 function su() {2191 return {2192 leaf: !0,2193 nodes: [],2194 point: null,2195 x: null,2196 y: null2197 }2198 }2199 function fu(n, t, e, r, u, i) {2200 if (!n(t, e, r, u, i)) {2201 var o = .5 * (e + u), a = .5 * (r + i), c = t.nodes;2202 c[0] && fu(n, c[0], e, r, o, a), c[1] && fu(n, c[1], o, r, u, a), c[2] && fu(n, c[2], e, a, o, i), c[3] && fu(n, c[3], o, a, u, i)2203 }2204 }2205 function hu(n, t, e, r, u, i, o) {2206 var a, c = 1 /​ 0;2207 return function l(n, s, f, h, g) {2208 if (!(s > i || f > o || r > h || u > g)) {2209 if (p = n.point) {2210 var p, v = t - p[0], d = e - p[1], m = v * v + d * d;2211 if (c > m) {2212 var y = Math.sqrt(c = m);2213 r = t - y, u = e - y, i = t + y, o = e + y, a = p2214 }2215 }2216 for (var M = n.nodes, x = .5 * (s + h), b = .5 * (f + g), _ = t >= x, w = e >= b, S = w<<1 | _, k = S + 4; k > S; ++S)2217 if (n = M[3 & S])2218 switch (3 & S) {2219 case 0:2220 l(n, s, f, x, b);2221 break;2222 case 1:2223 l(n, x, f, h, b);2224 break;2225 case 2:2226 l(n, s, b, x, g);2227 break;2228 case 3:2229 l(n, x, b, h, g)2230 }2231 }2232 }(n, r, u, i, o), a2233 }2234 function gu(n, t) {2235 n = ta.rgb(n), t = ta.rgb(t);2236 var e = n.r, r = n.g, u = n.b, i = t.r - e, o = t.g - r, a = t.b - u;2237 return function(n) {2238 return "#" + Mt(Math.round(e + i * n)) + Mt(Math.round(r + o * n)) + Mt(Math.round(u + a * n))2239 }2240 }2241 function pu(n, t) {2242 var e, r = {}, u = {};2243 for (e in n)2244 e in t ? r[e] = mu(n[e], t[e]) : u[e] = n[e];2245 for (e in t)2246 e in n || (u[e] = t[e]);2247 return function(n) {2248 for (e in r)2249 u[e] = r[e](n);2250 return u2251 }2252 }2253 function vu(n, t) {2254 return n =+ n, t =+ t, function(e) {2255 return n * (1 - e) + t * e2256 }2257 }2258 function du(n, t) {2259 var e, r, u, i = ll.lastIndex = sl.lastIndex = 0, o =- 1, a = [], c = [];2260 for (n += "", t += ""; (e = ll.exec(n)) && (r = sl.exec(t));)(u = r.index) 2261 > i && (u = t.slice(i, u), a[o] ? a[o] += u : a[++o] = u), (e = e[0]) === (r = r[0]) ? a[o] ? a[o] += r : a[++o] = r : (a[++o] = null, c.push({2262 i: o,2263 x: vu(e, r)2264 })), i = sl.lastIndex;2265 return i < t.length && (u = t.slice(i), a[o] ? a[o] += u : a[++o] = u), a.length < 2 ? c[0] ? (t = c[0].x, function(n) {2266 return t(n) + ""2267 }) : function() {2268 return t2269 } : (t = c.length, function(n) {2270 for (var e, r = 0; t > r; ++r)2271 a[(e = c[r]).i] = e.x(n);2272 return a.join("")2273 })2274 }2275 function mu(n, t) {2276 for (var e, r = ta.interpolators.length; --r >= 0&&!(e = ta.interpolators[r](n, t)););2277 return e2278 }2279 function yu(n, t) {2280 var e, r = [], u = [], i = n.length, o = t.length, a = Math.min(n.length, t.length);2281 for (e = 0; a > e; ++e)2282 r.push(mu(n[e], t[e]));2283 for (; i > e; ++e)2284 u[e] = n[e];2285 for (; o > e; ++e)2286 u[e] = t[e];2287 return function(n) {2288 for (e = 0; a > e; ++e)2289 u[e] = r[e](n);2290 return u2291 }2292 }2293 function Mu(n) {2294 return function(t) {2295 return 0 >= t ? 0 : t >= 1 ? 1 : n(t)2296 }2297 }2298 function xu(n) {2299 return function(t) {2300 return 1 - n(1 - t)2301 }2302 }2303 function bu(n) {2304 return function(t) {2305 return .5 * (.5 > t ? n(2 * t) : 2 - n(2 - 2 * t))2306 }2307 }2308 function _u(n) {2309 return n * n2310 }2311 function wu(n) {2312 return n * n * n2313 }2314 function Su(n) {2315 if (0 >= n)2316 return 0;2317 if (n >= 1)2318 return 1;2319 var t = n * n, e = t * n;2320 return 4 * (.5 > n ? e : 3 * (n - t) + e - .75)2321 }2322 function ku(n) {2323 return function(t) {2324 return Math.pow(t, n)2325 }2326 }2327 function Eu(n) {2328 return 1 - Math.cos(n * ja)2329 }2330 function Au(n) {2331 return Math.pow(2, 10 * (n - 1))2332 }2333 function Nu(n) {2334 return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - n * n)2335 }2336 function Cu(n, t) {2337 var e;2338 return arguments.length < 2 && (t = .45), arguments.length ? e = t /​ Pa * Math.asin(1 /​ n) : (n = 1, e = t /​ 4), function(r) {2339 return 1 + n * Math.pow(2, - 10 * r) * Math.sin((r - e) * Pa /​ t)2340 }2341 }2342 function zu(n) {2343 return n || (n = 1.70158), function(t) {2344 return t * t * ((n + 1) * t - n)2345 }2346 }2347 function qu(n) {2348 return 1 /​ 2.75 > n ? 7.5625 * n * n : 2 /​ 2.75 > n ? 7.5625 * (n -= 1.5 /​ 2.75) * n + .75 : 2.5 /​ 2.75 > n ? 7.5625 * (n -= 2.25 /​ 2.75) * n + .9375 : 7.5625 * (n -= 2.625 /​ 2.75) * n + .9843752349 }2350 function Lu(n, t) {2351 n = ta.hcl(n), t = ta.hcl(t);2352 var e = n.h, r = n.c, u = n.l, i = t.h - e, o = t.c - r, a = t.l - u;2353 return isNaN(o) && (o = 0, r = isNaN(r) ? t.c : r), isNaN(i) ? (i = 0, e = isNaN(e) ? t.h : e) : i > 180 ? i -= 360 : - 180 > i && (i += 360), function(n) {2354 return lt(e + i * n, r + o * n, u + a * n) + ""2355 }2356 }2357 function Tu(n, t) {2358 n = ta.hsl(n), t = ta.hsl(t);2359 var e = n.h, r = n.s, u = n.l, i = t.h - e, o = t.s - r, a = t.l - u;2360 return isNaN(o) && (o = 0, r = isNaN(r) ? t.s : r), isNaN(i) ? (i = 0, e = isNaN(e) ? t.h : e) : i > 180 ? i -= 360 : - 180 > i && (i += 360), function(n) {2361 return at(e + i * n, r + o * n, u + a * n) + ""2362 }2363 }2364 function Ru(n, t) {2365 n = ta.lab(n), t = ta.lab(t);2366 var e = n.l, r = n.a, u = n.b, i = t.l - e, o = t.a - r, a = t.b - u;2367 return function(n) {2368 return ft(e + i * n, r + o * n, u + a * n) + ""2369 }2370 }2371 function Du(n, t) {2372 return t -= n, function(e) {2373 return Math.round(n + t * e)2374 }2375 }2376 function Pu(n) {2377 var t = [n.a, n.b], e = [n.c, n.d], r = ju(t), u = Uu(t, e), i = ju(Fu(e, t, - u)) || 0;2378 t[0] * e[1] < e[0] * t[1] && (t[0]*=-1, t[1]*=-1, r*=-1, u*=-1), this.rotate = (r ? Math.atan2(t[1], t[0]) : Math.atan2( - e[0], e[1])) * Ha, this.translate = [n.e, n.f], this.scale = [r, i], this.skew = i ? Math.atan2(u, i) * Ha : 02379 }2380 function Uu(n, t) {2381 return n[0] * t[0] + n[1] * t[1]2382 }2383 function ju(n) {2384 var t = Math.sqrt(Uu(n, n));2385 return t && (n[0]/​=t, n[1]/​=t), t2386 }2387 function Fu(n, t, e) {2388 return n[0] += e * t[0], n[1] += e * t[1], n2389 }2390 function Hu(n, t) {2391 var e, r = [], u = [], i = ta.transform(n), o = ta.transform(t), a = i.translate, c = o.translate, l = i.rotate, s = o.rotate, f = i.skew, h = o.skew, g = i.scale, p = o.scale;2392 return a[0] != c[0] || a[1] != c[1] ? (r.push("translate(", null, ",", null, ")"), u.push({2393 i: 1,2394 x: vu(a[0], c[0])2395 }, {2396 i: 3,2397 x: vu(a[1], c[1])2398 })) : c[0] || c[1] ? r.push("translate(" + c + ")") : r.push(""), l != s ? (l - s > 180 ? s += 360 : s - l > 180 && (l += 360), u.push({2399 i: r.push(r.pop() + "rotate(", null, ")") - 2,2400 x: vu(l, s)2401 })) : s && r.push(r.pop() + "rotate(" + s + ")"), f != h ? u.push({2402 i: r.push(r.pop() + "skewX(", null, ")") - 2,2403 x: vu(f, h)2404 }) : h && r.push(r.pop() + "skewX(" + h + ")"), g[0] != p[0] || g[1] != p[1] ? (e = r.push(r.pop() + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")"), u.push({2405 i: e - 4,2406 x: vu(g[0], p[0])2407 }, {2408 i: e - 2,2409 x: vu(g[1], p[1])2410 })) : (1 != p[0] || 1 != p[1]) && r.push(r.pop() + "scale(" + p + ")"), e = u.length, function(n) {2411 for (var t, i =- 1; ++i < e;)2412 r[(t = u[i]).i] = t.x(n);2413 return r.join("")2414 }2415 }2416 function Ou(n, t) {2417 return t = (t -= n =+ n) || 1 /​ t, function(e) {2418 return (e - n) /​ t2419 }2420 }2421 function Yu(n, t) {2422 return t = (t -= n =+ n) || 1 /​ t, function(e) {2423 return Math.max(0, Math.min(1, (e - n) /​ t))2424 }2425 }2426 function Iu(n) {2427 for (var t = n.source, e =, r = Vu(t, e), u = [t]; t !== r;)2428 t = t.parent, u.push(t);2429 for (var i = u.length; e !== r;)2430 u.splice(i, 0, e), e = e.parent;2431 return u2432 }2433 function Zu(n) {2434 for (var t = [], e = n.parent; null != e;)2435 t.push(n), n = e, e = e.parent;2436 return t.push(n), t2437 }2438 function Vu(n, t) {2439 if (n === t)2440 return n;2441 for (var e = Zu(n), r = Zu(t), u = e.pop(), i = r.pop(), o = null; u === i;)2442 o = u, u = e.pop(), i = r.pop();2443 return o2444 }2445 function Xu(n) {2446 n.fixed|=22447 }2448 function $u(n) {2449 n.fixed&=-72450 }2451 function Bu(n) {2452 n.fixed|=4, n.px = n.x, = n.y2453 }2454 function Wu(n) {2455 n.fixed&=-52456 }2457 function Ju(n, t, e) {2458 var r = 0, u = 0;2459 if (n.charge = 0, !n.leaf)2460 for (var i, o = n.nodes, a = o.length, c =- 1; ++c < a;)2461 i = o[c], null != i && (Ju(i, t, e), n.charge += i.charge, r += i.charge *, u += i.charge *;2462 if (n.point) {2463 n.leaf || (n.point.x += Math.random() - .5, n.point.y += Math.random() - .5);2464 var l = t * e[n.point.index];2465 n.charge += n.pointCharge = l, r += l * n.point.x, u += l * n.point.y2466 }2467 = r /​ n.charge, = u /​ n.charge2468 }2469 function Gu(n, t) {2470 return ta.rebind(n, t, "sort", "children", "value"), n.nodes = n, n.links = ri, n2471 }2472 function Ku(n, t) {2473 for (var e = [n]; null != (n = e.pop());)2474 if (t(n), (u = n.children) && (r = u.length))2475 for (var r, u; --r >= 0;)2476 e.push(u[r])2477 }2478 function Qu(n, t) {2479 for (var e = [n], r = []; null != (n = e.pop());)2480 if (r.push(n), (i = n.children) && (u = i.length))2481 for (var u, i, o =- 1; ++o < u;)2482 e.push(i[o]);2483 for (; null != (n = r.pop());)2484 t(n)2485 }2486 function ni(n) {2487 return n.children2488 }2489 function ti(n) {2490 return n.value2491 }2492 function ei(n, t) {2493 return t.value - n.value2494 }2495 function ri(n) {2496 return ta.merge( {2497 return (n.children || []).map(function(t) {2498 return {2499 source: n,2500 target: t2501 }2502 })2503 }))2504 }2505 function ui(n) {2506 return n.x2507 }2508 function ii(n) {2509 return n.y2510 }2511 function oi(n, t, e) {2512 n.y0 = t, n.y = e2513 }2514 function ai(n) {2515 return ta.range(n.length)2516 }2517 function ci(n) {2518 for (var t =- 1, e = n[0].length, r = []; ++t < e;)2519 r[t] = 0;2520 return r2521 }2522 function li(n) {2523 for (var t, e = 1, r = 0, u = n[0][1], i = n.length; i > e; ++e)(t = n[e][1]) 2524 > u && (r = e, u = t);2525 return r2526 }2527 function si(n) {2528 return n.reduce(fi, 0)2529 }2530 function fi(n, t) {2531 return n + t[1]2532 }2533 function hi(n, t) {2534 return gi(n, Math.ceil(Math.log(t.length) /​ Math.LN2 + 1))2535 }2536 function gi(n, t) {2537 for (var e =- 1, r =+ n[0], u = (n[1] - r) /​ t, i = []; ++e <= t;)2538 i[e] = u * e + r;2539 return i2540 }2541 function pi(n) {2542 return [ta.min(n), ta.max(n)]2543 }2544 function vi(n, t) {2545 return n.value - t.value2546 }2547 function di(n, t) {2548 var e = n._pack_next;2549 n._pack_next = t, t._pack_prev = n, t._pack_next = e, e._pack_prev = t2550 }2551 function mi(n, t) {2552 n._pack_next = t, t._pack_prev = n2553 }2554 function yi(n, t) {2555 var e = t.x - n.x, r = t.y - n.y, u = n.r + t.r;2556 return .999 * u * u > e * e + r * r2557 }2558 function Mi(n) {2559 function t(n) {2560 s = Math.min(n.x - n.r, s), f = Math.max(n.x + n.r, f), h = Math.min(n.y - n.r, h), g = Math.max(n.y + n.r, g)2561 }2562 if ((e = n.children) && (l = e.length)) {2563 var e, r, u, i, o, a, c, l, s = 1 /​ 0, f =- 1 /​ 0, h = 1 /​ 0, g =- 1 /​ 0;2564 if (e.forEach(xi), r = e[0], r.x =- r.r, r.y = 0, t(r), l > 1 && (u = e[1], u.x = u.r, u.y = 0, t(u), l > 2))2565 for (i = e[2], wi(r, u, i), t(i), di(r, i), r._pack_prev = i, di(i, u), u = r._pack_next, o = 3; l > o; o++) {2566 wi(r, u, i = e[o]);2567 var p = 0, v = 1, d = 1;2568 for (a = u._pack_next; a !== u; a = a._pack_next, v++)2569 if (yi(a, i)) {2570 p = 1;2571 break2572 }2573 if (1 == p)2574 for (c = r._pack_prev; c !== a._pack_prev&&!yi(c, i); c = c._pack_prev, d++);2575 p ? (d > v || v == d && u.r < r.r ? mi(r, u = a) : mi(r = c, u), o--) : (di(r, i), u = i, t(i))2576 }2577 var m = (s + f) /​ 2, y = (h + g) /​ 2, M = 0;2578 for (o = 0; l > o; o++)2579 i = e[o], i.x -= m, i.y -= y, M = Math.max(M, i.r + Math.sqrt(i.x * i.x + i.y * i.y));2580 n.r = M, e.forEach(bi)2581 }2582 }2583 function xi(n) {2584 n._pack_next = n._pack_prev = n2585 }2586 function bi(n) {2587 delete n._pack_next, delete n._pack_prev2588 }2589 function _i(n, t, e, r) {2590 var u = n.children;2591 if (n.x = t += r * n.x, n.y = e += r * n.y, n.r*=r, u)2592 for (var i =- 1, o = u.length; ++i < o;)2593 _i(u[i], t, e, r)2594 }2595 function wi(n, t, e) {2596 var r = n.r + e.r, u = t.x - n.x, i = t.y - n.y;2597 if (r && (u || i)) {2598 var o = t.r + e.r, a = u * u + i * i;2599 o*=o, r*=r;2600 var c = .5 + (r - o) /​ (2 * a), l = Math.sqrt(Math.max(0, 2 * o * (r + a) - (r -= a) * r - o * o)) /​ (2 * a);2601 e.x = n.x + c * u + l * i, e.y = n.y + c * i - l * u2602 } else 2603 e.x = n.x + r, e.y = n.y2604 }2605 function Si(n, t) {2606 return n.parent == t.parent ? 1 : 22607 }2608 function ki(n) {2609 var t = n.children;2610 return t.length ? t[0] : n.t2611 }2612 function Ei(n) {2613 var t, e = n.children;2614 return (t = e.length) ? e[t - 1] : n.t2615 }2616 function Ai(n, t, e) {2617 var r = e /​ (t.i - n.i);2618 t.c -= r, t.s += e, n.c += r, t.z += e, t.m += e2619 }2620 function Ni(n) {2621 for (var t, e = 0, r = 0, u = n.children, i = u.length; --i >= 0;)2622 t = u[i], t.z += e, t.m += e, e += t.s + (r += t.c)2623 }2624 function Ci(n, t, e) {2625 return n.a.parent === t.parent ? n.a : e2626 }2627 function zi(n) {2628 return 1 + ta.max(n, function(n) {2629 return n.y2630 })2631 }2632 function qi(n) {2633 return n.reduce(function(n, t) {2634 return n + t.x2635 }, 0) /​ n.length2636 }2637 function Li(n) {2638 var t = n.children;2639 return t && t.length ? Li(t[0]) : n2640 }2641 function Ti(n) {2642 var t, e = n.children;2643 return e && (t = e.length) ? Ti(e[t - 1]) : n2644 }2645 function Ri(n) {2646 return {2647 x: n.x,2648 y: n.y,2649 dx: n.dx,2650 dy: n.dy2651 }2652 }2653 function Di(n, t) {2654 var e = n.x + t[3], r = n.y + t[0], u = n.dx - t[1] - t[3], i = n.dy - t[0] - t[2];2655 return 0 > u && (e += u /​ 2, u = 0), 0 > i && (r += i /​ 2, i = 0), {2656 x: e,2657 y: r,2658 dx: u,2659 dy: i2660 }2661 }2662 function Pi(n) {2663 var t = n[0], e = n[n.length - 1];2664 return e > t ? [t, e] : [e, t]2665 }2666 function Ui(n) {2667 return n.rangeExtent ? n.rangeExtent() : Pi(n.range())2668 }2669 function ji(n, t, e, r) {2670 var u = e(n[0], n[1]), i = r(t[0], t[1]);2671 return function(n) {2672 return i(u(n))2673 }2674 }2675 function Fi(n, t) {2676 var e, r = 0, u = n.length - 1, i = n[r], o = n[u];2677 return i > o && (e = r, r = u, u = e, e = i, i = o, o = e), n[r] = t.floor(i), n[u] = t.ceil(o), n2678 }2679 function Hi(n) {2680 return n ? {2681 floor: function(t) {2682 return Math.floor(t /​ n) * n2683 },2684 ceil: function(t) {2685 return Math.ceil(t /​ n) * n2686 }2687 } : bl2688 }2689 function Oi(n, t, e, r) {2690 var u = [], i = [], o = 0, a = Math.min(n.length, t.length) - 1;2691 for (n[a] < n[0] && (n = n.slice()2692 .reverse(), t = t.slice().reverse());2693 ++o <= a;2694 )u.push(e(n[o - 1], n[o])), i.push(r(t[o - 1], t[o]));2695 return function(t) {2696 var e = ta.bisect(n, t, 1, a) - 1;2697 return i[e](u[e](t))2698 }2699 }2700 function Yi(n, t, e, r) {2701 function u() {2702 var u = Math.min(n.length, t.length) > 2 ? Oi: ji, c = r ? Yu: Ou;2703 return o = u(n, t, c, e), a = u(t, n, c, mu), i2704 }2705 function i(n) {2706 return o(n)2707 }2708 var o, a;2709 return i.invert = function(n) {2710 return a(n)2711 }, i.domain = function(t) {2712 return arguments.length ? (n =, u()) : n2713 }, i.range = function(n) {2714 return arguments.length ? (t = n, u()) : t2715 }, i.rangeRound = function(n) {2716 return i.range(n).interpolate(Du)2717 }, i.clamp = function(n) {2718 return arguments.length ? (r = n, u()) : r2719 }, i.interpolate = function(n) {2720 return arguments.length ? (e = n, u()) : e2721 }, i.ticks = function(t) {2722 return Xi(n, t)2723 }, i.tickFormat = function(t, e) {2724 return $i(n, t, e)2725 }, i.nice = function(t) {2726 return Zi(n, t), u()2727 }, i.copy = function() {2728 return Yi(n, t, e, r)2729 }, u()2730 }2731 function Ii(n, t) {2732 return ta.rebind(n, t, "range", "rangeRound", "interpolate", "clamp")2733 }2734 function Zi(n, t) {2735 return Fi(n, Hi(Vi(n, t)[2]))2736 }2737 function Vi(n, t) {2738 null == t && (t = 10);2739 var e = Pi(n), r = e[1] - e[0], u = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(r /​ t) /​ Math.LN10)), i = t /​ r * u;2740 return .15 >= i ? u*=10 : .35 >= i ? u*=5 : .75 >= i && (u*=2), e[0] = Math.ceil(e[0] /​ u) * u, e[1] = Math.floor(e[1] /​ u) * u + .5 * u, e[2] = u, e2741 }2742 function Xi(n, t) {2743 return ta.range.apply(ta, Vi(n, t))2744 }2745 function $i(n, t, e) {2746 var r = Vi(n, t);2747 if (e) {2748 var u = lc.exec(e);2749 if (u.shift(), "s" === u[8]) {2750 var i = ta.formatPrefix(Math.max(va(r[0]), va(r[1])));2751 return u[7] || (u[7] = "." + Bi(i.scale(r[2]))), u[8] = "f", e = ta.format(u.join("")), function(n) {2752 return e(i.scale(n)) + i.symbol2753 }2754 }2755 u[7] || (u[7] = "." + Wi(u[8], r)), e = u.join("")2756 } else 2757 e = ",." + Bi(r[2]) + "f";2758 return ta.format(e)2759 }2760 function Bi(n) {2761 return - Math.floor(Math.log(n) /​ Math.LN10 + .01)2762 }2763 function Wi(n, t) {2764 var e = Bi(t[2]);2765 return n in _l ? Math.abs(e - Bi(Math.max(va(t[0]), va(t[1])))) + + ("e" !== n) : e - 2 * ("%" === n)2766 }2767 function Ji(n, t, e, r) {2768 function u(n) {2769 return (e ? Math.log(0 > n ? 0 : n) : - Math.log(n > 0 ? 0 : - n)) /​ Math.log(t)2770 }2771 function i(n) {2772 return e ? Math.pow(t, n) : - Math.pow(t, - n)2773 }2774 function o(t) {2775 return n(u(t))2776 }2777 return o.invert = function(t) {2778 return i(n.invert(t))2779 }, o.domain = function(t) {2780 return arguments.length ? (e = t[0] >= 0, n.domain((r =, o) : r2781 }, o.base = function(e) {2782 return arguments.length ? (t =+ e, n.domain(, o) : t2783 }, o.nice = function() {2784 var t = Fi(, e ? Math : Sl);2785 return n.domain(t), r =, o2786 }, o.ticks = function() {2787 var n = Pi(r), o = [], a = n[0], c = n[1], l = Math.floor(u(a)), s = Math.ceil(u(c)), f = t%1 ? 2: t;2788 if (isFinite(s - l)) {2789 if (e) {2790 for (; s > l; l++)2791 for (var h = 1; f > h; h++)2792 o.push(i(l) * h);2793 o.push(i(l))2794 } else 2795 for (o.push(i(l)); l++<s;)2796 for (var h = f - 1; h > 0; h--)2797 o.push(i(l) * h);2798 for (l = 0; o[l] < a; l++);2799 for (s = o.length; o[s - 1] > c; s--);2800 o = o.slice(l, s)2801 }2802 return o2803 }, o.tickFormat = function(n, t) {2804 if (!arguments.length)2805 return wl;2806 arguments.length < 2 ? t = wl : "function" != typeof t && (t = ta.format(t));2807 var r, a = Math.max(.1, n /​ o.ticks().length), c = e ? (r = 1e-12, Math.ceil): (r =- 1e-12, Math.floor);2808 return function(n) {2809 return n /​ i(c(u(n) + r)) <= a ? t(n) : ""2810 }2811 }, o.copy = function() {2812 return Ji(n.copy(), t, e, r)2813 }, Ii(o, n)2814 }2815 function Gi(n, t, e) {2816 function r(t) {2817 return n(u(t))2818 }2819 var u = Ki(t), i = Ki(1 /​ t);2820 return r.invert = function(t) {2821 return i(n.invert(t))2822 }, r.domain = function(t) {2823 return arguments.length ? (n.domain((e =, r) : e2824 }, r.ticks = function(n) {2825 return Xi(e, n)2826 }, r.tickFormat = function(n, t) {2827 return $i(e, n, t)2828 }, r.nice = function(n) {2829 return r.domain(Zi(e, n))2830 }, r.exponent = function(o) {2831 return arguments.length ? (u = Ki(t = o), i = Ki(1 /​ t), n.domain(, r) : t2832 }, r.copy = function() {2833 return Gi(n.copy(), t, e)2834 }, Ii(r, n)2835 }2836 function Ki(n) {2837 return function(t) {2838 return 0 > t?-Math.pow( - t, n) : Math.pow(t, n)2839 }2840 }2841 function Qi(n, t) {2842 function e(e) {2843 return i[((u.get(e) || ("range" === t.t ? u.set(e, n.push(e)) : 0 /​ 0)) - 1)%i.length]2844 }2845 function r(t, e) {2846 return ta.range(n.length).map(function(n) {2847 return t + e * n2848 })2849 }2850 var u, i, o;2851 return e.domain = function(r) {2852 if (!arguments.length)2853 return n;2854 n = [], u = new a;2855 for (var i, o =- 1, c = r.length; ++o < c;)2856 u.has(i = r[o]) || u.set(i, n.push(i));2857 return e[t.t].apply(e, t.a)2858 }, e.range = function(n) {2859 return arguments.length ? (i = n, o = 0, t = {2860 t: "range",2861 a: arguments2862 }, e) : i2863 }, e.rangePoints = function(u, a) {2864 arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0);2865 var c = u[0], l = u[1], s = n.length < 2 ? (c = (c + l) /​ 2, 0): (l - c) /​ (n.length - 1 + a);2866 return i = r(c + s * a /​ 2, s), o = 0, t = {2867 t: "rangePoints",2868 a: arguments2869 }, e2870 }, e.rangeRoundPoints = function(u, a) {2871 arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0);2872 var c = u[0], l = u[1], s = n.length < 2 ? (c = l = Math.round((c + l) /​ 2), 0): 0 | (l - c) /​ (n.length - 1 + a);2873 return i = r(c + Math.round(s * a /​ 2 + (l - c - (n.length - 1 + a) * s) /​ 2), s), o = 0, t = {2874 t: "rangeRoundPoints",2875 a: arguments2876 }, e2877 }, e.rangeBands = function(u, a, c) {2878 arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0), arguments.length < 3 && (c = a);2879 var l = u[1] < u[0], s = u[l - 0], f = u[1 - l], h = (f - s) /​ (n.length - a + 2 * c);2880 return i = r(s + h * c, h), l && i.reverse(), o = h * (1 - a), t = {2881 t: "rangeBands",2882 a: arguments2883 }, e2884 }, e.rangeRoundBands = function(u, a, c) {2885 arguments.length < 2 && (a = 0), arguments.length < 3 && (c = a);2886 var l = u[1] < u[0], s = u[l - 0], f = u[1 - l], h = Math.floor((f - s) /​ (n.length - a + 2 * c));2887 return i = r(s + Math.round((f - s - (n.length - a) * h) /​ 2), h), l && i.reverse(), o = Math.round(h * (1 - a)), t = {2888 t: "rangeRoundBands",2889 a: arguments2890 }, e2891 }, e.rangeBand = function() {2892 return o2893 }, e.rangeExtent = function() {2894 return Pi(t.a[0])2895 }, e.copy = function() {2896 return Qi(n, t)2897 }, e.domain(n)2898 }2899 function no(r, u) {2900 function i() {2901 var n = 0, t = u.length;2902 for (a = []; ++n < t;)2903 a[n - 1] = ta.quantile(r, n /​ t);2904 return o2905 }2906 function o(n) {2907 return isNaN(n =+ n) ? void 0 : u[ta.bisect(a, n)]2908 }2909 var a;2910 return o.domain = function(u) {2911 return arguments.length ? (r =, i()) : r2912 }, o.range = function(n) {2913 return arguments.length ? (u = n, i()) : u2914 }, o.quantiles = function() {2915 return a2916 }, o.invertExtent = function(n) {2917 return n = u.indexOf(n), 0 > n ? [0 /​ 0, 0 /​ 0] : [n > 0 ? a[n - 1]: r[0], n < a.length ? a[n]: r[r.length - 1]]2918 }, o.copy = function() {2919 return no(r, u)2920 }, i()2921 }2922 function to(n, t, e) {2923 function r(t) {2924 return e[Math.max(0, Math.min(o, Math.floor(i * (t - n))))]2925 }2926 function u() {2927 return i = e.length /​ (t - n), o = e.length - 1, r2928 }2929 var i, o;2930 return r.domain = function(e) {2931 return arguments.length ? (n =+ e[0], t =+ e[e.length - 1], u()) : [n, t]2932 }, r.range = function(n) {2933 return arguments.length ? (e = n, u()) : e2934 }, r.invertExtent = function(t) {2935 return t = e.indexOf(t), t = 0 > t ? 0 /​ 0 : t /​ i + n, [t, t + 1 /​ i]2936 }, r.copy = function() {2937 return to(n, t, e)2938 }, u()2939 }2940 function eo(n, t) {2941 function e(e) {2942 return e >= e ? t[ta.bisect(n, e)] : void 02943 }2944 return e.domain = function(t) {2945 return arguments.length ? (n = t, e) : n2946 }, e.range = function(n) {2947 return arguments.length ? (t = n, e) : t2948 }, e.invertExtent = function(e) {2949 return e = t.indexOf(e), [n[e - 1], n[e]]2950 }, e.copy = function() {2951 return eo(n, t)2952 }, e2953 }2954 function ro(n) {2955 function t(n) {2956 return + n2957 }2958 return t.invert = t, t.domain = t.range = function(e) {2959 return arguments.length ? (n =, t) : n2960 }, t.ticks = function(t) {2961 return Xi(n, t)2962 }, t.tickFormat = function(t, e) {2963 return $i(n, t, e)2964 }, t.copy = function() {2965 return ro(n)2966 }, t2967 }2968 function uo() {2969 return 02970 }2971 function io(n) {2972 return n.innerRadius2973 }2974 function oo(n) {2975 return n.outerRadius2976 }2977 function ao(n) {2978 return n.startAngle2979 }2980 function co(n) {2981 return n.endAngle2982 }2983 function lo(n) {2984 return n && n.padAngle2985 }2986 function so(n, t, e, r) {2987 return (n - e) * t - (t - r) * n > 0 ? 0 : 12988 }2989 function fo(n, t, e, r, u) {2990 var i = n[0] - t[0], o = n[1] - t[1], a = (u ? r : - r) /​ Math.sqrt(i * i + o * o), c = a * o, l =- a * i, s = n[0] + c, f = n[1] + l, h = t[0] + c, g = t[1] + l, p = (s + h) /​ 2, v = (f + g) /​ 2, d = h - s, m = g - f, y = d * d + m * m, M = e - r, x = s * g - h * f, b = (0 > m?-1 : 1) * Math.sqrt(M * M * y - x * x), _ = (x * m - d * b) /​ y, w = ( - x * d - m * b) /​ y, S = (x * m + d * b) /​ y, k = ( - x * d + m * b) /​ y, E = _ - p, A = w - v, N = S - p, C = k - v;2991 return E * E + A * A > N * N + C * C && (_ = S, w = k), [[_ - c, w - l], [_ * e /​ M, w * e /​ M]]2992 }2993 function ho(n) {2994 function t(t) {2995 function o() {2996 l.push("M", i(n(s), a))2997 }2998 for (var c, l = [], s = [], f =- 1, h = t.length, g = kt(e), p = kt(r); ++f < h;)2999, c = t[f], f) ? s.push([ +, c, f), +, c, f)]) : s.length && (o(), s = []);3000 return s.length && o(), l.length ? l.join("") : null3001 }3002 var e = Ar, r = Nr, u = Ne, i = go, o = i.key, a = .7;3003 return t.x = function(n) {3004 return arguments.length ? (e = n, t) : e3005 }, t.y = function(n) {3006 return arguments.length ? (r = n, t) : r3007 }, t.defined = function(n) {3008 return arguments.length ? (u = n, t) : u3009 }, t.interpolate = function(n) {3010 return arguments.length ? (o = "function" == typeof n ? i = n : (i = zl.get(n) || go).key, t) : o3011 }, t.tension = function(n) {3012 return arguments.length ? (a = n, t) : a3013 }, t3014 }3015 function go(n) {3016 return n.join("L")3017 }3018 function po(n) {3019 return go(n) + "Z"3020 }3021 function vo(n) {3022 for (var t = 0, e = n.length, r = n[0], u = [r[0], ",", r[1]]; ++t < e;)3023 u.push("H", (r[0] + (r = n[t])[0]) /​ 2, "V", r[1]);3024 return e > 1 && u.push("H", r[0]), u.join("")3025 }3026 function mo(n) {3027 for (var t = 0, e = n.length, r = n[0], u = [r[0], ",", r[1]]; ++t < e;)3028 u.push("V", (r = n[t])[1], "H", r[0]);3029 return u.join("")3030 }3031 function yo(n) {3032 for (var t = 0, e = n.length, r = n[0], u = [r[0], ",", r[1]]; ++t < e;)3033 u.push("H", (r = n[t])[0], "V", r[1]);3034 return u.join("")3035 }3036 function Mo(n, t) {3037 return n.length < 4 ? go(n) : n[1] + _o(n.slice(1, - 1), wo(n, t))3038 }3039 function xo(n, t) {3040 return n.length < 3 ? go(n) : n[0] + _o((n.push(n[0]), n), wo([n[n.length - 2]].concat(n, [n[1]]), t))3041 }3042 function bo(n, t) {3043 return n.length < 3 ? go(n) : n[0] + _o(n, wo(n, t))3044 }3045 function _o(n, t) {3046 if (t.length < 1 || n.length != t.length && n.length != t.length + 2)3047 return go(n);3048 var e = n.length != t.length, r = "", u = n[0], i = n[1], o = t[0], a = o, c = 1;3049 if (e && (r += "Q" + (i[0] - 2 * o[0] /​ 3) + "," + (i[1] - 2 * o[1] /​ 3) + "," + i[0] + "," + i[1], u = n[1], c = 2), t.length > 1) {3050 a = t[1], i = n[c], c++, r += "C" + (u[0] + o[0]) + "," + (u[1] + o[1]) + "," + (i[0] - a[0]) + "," + (i[1] - a[1]) + "," + i[0] + "," + i[1];3051 for (var l = 2; l < t.length; l++, c++)3052 i = n[c], a = t[l], r += "S" + (i[0] - a[0]) + "," + (i[1] - a[1]) + "," + i[0] + "," + i[1]3053 }3054 if (e) {3055 var s = n[c];3056 r += "Q" + (i[0] + 2 * a[0] /​ 3) + "," + (i[1] + 2 * a[1] /​ 3) + "," + s[0] + "," + s[1]3057 }3058 return r3059 }3060 function wo(n, t) {3061 for (var e, r = [], u = (1 - t) /​ 2, i = n[0], o = n[1], a = 1, c = n.length; ++a < c;)3062 e = i, i = o, o = n[a], r.push([u * (o[0] - e[0]), u * (o[1] - e[1])]);3063 return r3064 }3065 function So(n) {3066 if (n.length < 3)3067 return go(n);3068 var t = 1, e = n.length, r = n[0], u = r[0], i = r[1], o = [u, u, u, (r = n[1])[0]], a = [i, i, i, r[1]], c = [u, ",", i, "L", No(Tl, o), ",", No(Tl, a)];3069 for (n.push(n[e - 1]); ++t <= e;)3070 r = n[t], o.shift(), o.push(r[0]), a.shift(), a.push(r[1]), Co(c, o, a);3071 return n.pop(), c.push("L", r), c.join("")3072 }3073 function ko(n) {3074 if (n.length < 4)3075 return go(n);3076 for (var t, e = [], r =- 1, u = n.length, i = [0], o = [0]; ++r < 3;)3077 t = n[r], i.push(t[0]), o.push(t[1]);3078 for (e.push(No(Tl, i) + "," + No(Tl, o)), --r; ++r < u;)3079 t = n[r], i.shift(), i.push(t[0]), o.shift(), o.push(t[1]), Co(e, i, o);3080 return e.join("")3081 }3082 function Eo(n) {3083 for (var t, e, r =- 1, u = n.length, i = u + 4, o = [], a = []; ++r < 4;)3084 e = n[r%u], o.push(e[0]), a.push(e[1]);3085 for (t = [No(Tl, o), ",", No(Tl, a)], --r; ++r < i;)3086 e = n[r%u], o.shift(), o.push(e[0]), a.shift(), a.push(e[1]), Co(t, o, a);3087 return t.join("")3088 }3089 function Ao(n, t) {3090 var e = n.length - 1;3091 if (e)3092 for (var r, u, i = n[0][0], o = n[0][1], a = n[e][0] - i, c = n[e][1] - o, l =- 1; ++l <= e;)3093 r = n[l], u = l /​ e, r[0] = t * r[0] + (1 - t) * (i + u * a), r[1] = t * r[1] + (1 - t) * (o + u * c);3094 return So(n)3095 }3096 function No(n, t) {3097 return n[0] * t[0] + n[1] * t[1] + n[2] * t[2] + n[3] * t[3]3098 }3099 function Co(n, t, e) {3100 n.push("C", No(ql, t), ",", No(ql, e), ",", No(Ll, t), ",", No(Ll, e), ",", No(Tl, t), ",", No(Tl, e))3101 }3102 function zo(n, t) {3103 return (t[1] - n[1]) /​ (t[0] - n[0])3104 }3105 function qo(n) {3106 for (var t = 0, e = n.length - 1, r = [], u = n[0], i = n[1], o = r[0] = zo(u, i); ++t < e;)3107 r[t] = (o + (o = zo(u = i, i = n[t + 1]))) /​ 2;3108 return r[t] = o, r3109 }3110 function Lo(n) {3111 for (var t, e, r, u, i = [], o = qo(n), a =- 1, c = n.length - 1; ++a < c;)3112 t = zo(n[a], n[a + 1]), va(t) < Ta ? o[a] = o[a + 1] = 0 : (e = o[a] /​ t, r = o[a + 1] /​ t, u = e * e + r * r, u > 9 && (u = 3 * t /​ Math.sqrt(u), o[a] = u * e, o[a + 1] = u * r));3113 for (a =- 1; ++a <= c;)3114 u = (n[Math.min(c, a + 1)][0] - n[Math.max(0, a - 1)][0]) /​ (6 * (1 + o[a] * o[a])), i.push([u || 0, o[a] * u || 0]);3115 return i3116 }3117 function To(n) {3118 return n.length < 3 ? go(n) : n[0] + _o(n, Lo(n))3119 }3120 function Ro(n) {3121 for (var t, e, r, u =- 1, i = n.length; ++u < i;)3122 t = n[u], e = t[0], r = t[1] - ja, t[0] = e * Math.cos(r), t[1] = e * Math.sin(r);3123 return n3124 }3125 function Do(n) {3126 function t(t) {3127 function c() {3128 v.push("M", a(n(m), f), s, l(n(d.reverse()), f), "Z")3129 }3130 for (var h, g, p, v = [], d = [], m = [], y =- 1, M = t.length, x = kt(e), b = kt(u), _ = e === r ? function() {3131 return g3132 } : kt(r), w = u === i ? function() {3133 return p3134 } : kt(i); ++y < M;)3135, h = t[y], y) ? (d.push([g =+, h, y), p =+, h, y)]), m.push([ +, h, y), +, h, y)])) : d.length && (c(), d = [], m = []);3136 return d.length && c(), v.length ? v.join("") : null3137 }3138 var e = Ar, r = Ar, u = 0, i = Nr, o = Ne, a = go, c = a.key, l = a, s = "L", f = .7;3139 return t.x = function(n) {3140 return arguments.length ? (e = r = n, t) : r3141 }, t.x0 = function(n) {3142 return arguments.length ? (e = n, t) : e3143 }, t.x1 = function(n) {3144 return arguments.length ? (r = n, t) : r3145 }, t.y = function(n) {3146 return arguments.length ? (u = i = n, t) : i3147 }, t.y0 = function(n) {3148 return arguments.length ? (u = n, t) : u3149 }, t.y1 = function(n) {3150 return arguments.length ? (i = n, t) : i3151 }, t.defined = function(n) {3152 return arguments.length ? (o = n, t) : o3153 }, t.interpolate = function(n) {3154 return arguments.length ? (c = "function" == typeof n ? a = n : (a = zl.get(n) || go).key, l = a.reverse || a, s = a.closed ? "M" : "L", t) : c3155 }, t.tension = function(n) {3156 return arguments.length ? (f = n, t) : f3157 }, t3158 }3159 function Po(n) {3160 return n.radius3161 }3162 function Uo(n) {3163 return [n.x, n.y]3164 }3165 function jo(n) {3166 return function() {3167 var t = n.apply(this, arguments), e = t[0], r = t[1] - ja;3168 return [e * Math.cos(r), e * Math.sin(r)]3169 }3170 }3171 function Fo() {3172 return 643173 }3174 function Ho() {3175 return "circle"3176 }3177 function Oo(n) {3178 var t = Math.sqrt(n /​ Da);3179 return "M0," + t + "A" + t + "," + t + " 0 1,1 0," +- t + "A" + t + "," + t + " 0 1,1 0," + t + "Z"3180 }3181 function Yo(n) {3182 return function() {3183 var t, e;3184 (t = this[n]) && (e = t[]) && (--t.count ? delete t[] : delete this[n], += .5, e.event &&, this.__data__, e.index))3185 }3186 }3187 function Io(n, t, e) {3188 return xa(n, Hl), n.namespace = t, = e, n3189 }3190 function Zo(n, t, e, r) {3191 var u =, i = n.namespace;3192 return H(n, "function" == typeof e ? function(n, o, a) {3193 n[i][u].tween.set(t, r(, n.__data__, o, a)))3194 } : (e = r(e), function(n) {3195 n[i][u].tween.set(t, e)3196 }))3197 }3198 function Vo(n) {3199 return null == n && (n = ""), function() {3200 this.textContent = n3201 }3202 }3203 function Xo(n) {3204 return null == n ? "__transition__" : "__transition_" + n + "__"3205 }3206 function $o(n, t, e, r, u) {3207 var i = n[e] || (n[e] = {3208 active: 0,3209 count: 03210 }), o = i[r];3211 if (!o) {3212 var c = u.time;3213 o = i[r] = {3214 tween: new a,3215 time: c,3216 delay: u.delay,3217 duration: u.duration,3218 ease: u.ease,3219 index: t3220 }, u = null, ++i.count, ta.timer(function(u) {3221 function a(e) {3222 if ( > r)3223 return s();3224 var u = i[];3225 u && (--i.count, delete i[], u.event &&, n.__data__, u.index)), = r, o.event &&, n.__data__, t), o.tween.forEach(function(e, r) {3226 (r =, n.__data__, t)) && v.push(r)3227 }), h = o.ease, f = o.duration, ta.timer(function() {3228 return p.c = l(e || 1) ? Ne : l, 13229 }, 0, c)3230 }3231 function l(e) {3232 if ( !== r)3233 return 1;3234 for (var u = e /​ f, a = h(u), c = v.length; c > 0;)3235 v[--c].call(n, a);3236 return u >= 1 ? (o.event &&, n.__data__, t), s()) : void 03237 }3238 function s() {3239 return --i.count ? delete i[r] : delete n[e], 13240 }3241 var f, h, g = o.delay, p = oc, v = [];3242 return p.t = g + c, u >= g ? a(u - g) : (p.c = a, void 0)3243 }, 0, c)3244 }3245 }3246 function Bo(n, t, e) {3247 n.attr("transform", function(n) {3248 var r = t(n);3249 return "translate(" + (isFinite(r) ? r : e(n)) + ",0)"3250 })3251 }3252 function Wo(n, t, e) {3253 n.attr("transform", function(n) {3254 var r = t(n);3255 return "translate(0," + (isFinite(r) ? r : e(n)) + ")"3256 })3257 }3258 function Jo(n) {3259 return n.toISOString()3260 }3261 function Go(n, t, e) {3262 function r(t) {3263 return n(t)3264 }3265 function u(n, e) {3266 var r = n[1] - n[0], u = r /​ e, i = ta.bisect(Wl, u);3267 return i == Wl.length ? [t.year, Vi( {3268 return n /​ 31536e63269 }), e)[2]] : i ? t[u /​ Wl[i - 1] < Wl[i] /​ u ? i - 1: i] : [Kl, Vi(n, e)[2]]3270 }3271 return r.invert = function(t) {3272 return Ko(n.invert(t))3273 }, r.domain = function(t) {3274 return arguments.length ? (n.domain(t), r) : n.domain().map(Ko)3275 }, r.nice = function(n, t) {3276 function e(e) {3277 return !isNaN(e)&&!n.range(e, Ko( + e + 1), t).length3278 }3279 var i = r.domain(), o = Pi(i), a = null == n ? u(o, 10): "number" == typeof n && u(o, n);3280 return a && (n = a[0], t = a[1]), r.domain(Fi(i, t > 1 ? {3281 floor: function(t) {3282 for (; e(t = n.floor(t));)3283 t = Ko(t - 1);3284 return t3285 },3286 ceil: function(t) {3287 for (; e(t = n.ceil(t));)3288 t = Ko( + t + 1);3289 return t3290 }3291 } : n))3292 }, r.ticks = function(n, t) {3293 var e = Pi(r.domain()), i = null == n ? u(e, 10): "number" == typeof n ? u(e, n): !n.range && [{3294 range: n3295 }, t];3296 return i && (n = i[0], t = i[1]), n.range(e[0], Ko( + e[1] + 1), 1 > t ? 1 : t)3297 }, r.tickFormat = function() {3298 return e3299 }, r.copy = function() {3300 return Go(n.copy(), t, e)3301 }, Ii(r, n)3302 }3303 function Ko(n) {3304 return new Date(n)3305 }3306 function Qo(n) {3307 return JSON.parse(n.responseText)3308 }3309 function na(n) {3310 var t = ua.createRange();3311 return t.selectNode(ua.body), t.createContextualFragment(n.responseText)3312 }3313 var ta = {3314 version: "3.5.3"3315 };3316 || ( = function() {3317 return + new Date3318 });3319 var ea = [].slice, ra = function(n) {3320 return }, ua = document, ia = ua.documentElement, oa = window;3322 try {3323 ra(ia.childNodes)[0].nodeType3324 } catch (aa) {3325 ra = function(n) {3326 for (var t = n.length, e = new Array(t); t--;)3327 e[t] = n[t];3328 return e3329 }3330 }3331 try {3332 ua.createElement("div").style.setProperty("opacity", 0, "")3333 } catch (ca) {3334 var la = oa.Element.prototype, sa = la.setAttribute, fa = la.setAttributeNS, ha = oa.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, ga = ha.setProperty;3335 la.setAttribute = function(n, t) {3336, n, t + "")3337 }, la.setAttributeNS = function(n, t, e) {3338, n, t, e + "")3339 }, ha.setProperty = function(n, t, e) {3340, n, t + "", e)3341 }3342 }3343 ta.ascending = n, ta.descending = function(n, t) {3344 return n > t?-1 : t > n ? 1 : t >= n ? 0 : 0 /​ 03345 }, ta.min = function(n, t) {3346 var e, r, u =- 1, i = n.length;3347 if (1 === arguments.length) {3348 for (; ++u < i;)3349 if (null != (r = n[u]) && r >= r) {3350 e = r;3351 break3352 }3353 for (; ++u < i;)3354 null != (r = n[u]) && e > r && (e = r)3355 } else {3356 for (; ++u < i;)3357 if (null != (r =, n[u], u)) && r >= r) {3358 e = r;3359 break3360 }3361 for (; ++u < i;)3362 null != (r =, n[u], u)) && e > r && (e = r)3363 }3364 return e3365 }, ta.max = function(n, t) {3366 var e, r, u =- 1, i = n.length;3367 if (1 === arguments.length) {3368 for (; ++u < i;)3369 if (null != (r = n[u]) && r >= r) {3370 e = r;3371 break3372 }3373 for (; ++u < i;)3374 null != (r = n[u]) && r > e && (e = r)3375 } else {3376 for (; ++u < i;)3377 if (null != (r =, n[u], u)) && r >= r) {3378 e = r;3379 break3380 }3381 for (; ++u < i;)3382 null != (r =, n[u], u)) && r > e && (e = r)3383 }3384 return e3385 }, ta.extent = function(n, t) {3386 var e, r, u, i =- 1, o = n.length;3387 if (1 === arguments.length) {3388 for (; ++i < o;)3389 if (null != (r = n[i]) && r >= r) {3390 e = u = r;3391 break3392 }3393 for (; ++i < o;)3394 null != (r = n[i]) && (e > r && (e = r), r > u && (u = r))3395 } else {3396 for (; ++i < o;)3397 if (null != (r =, n[i], i)) && r >= r) {3398 e = u = r;3399 break3400 }3401 for (; ++i < o;)3402 null != (r =, n[i], i)) && (e > r && (e = r), r > u && (u = r))3403 }3404 return [e, u]3405 }, ta.sum = function(n, t) {3406 var r, u = 0, i = n.length, o =- 1;3407 if (1 === arguments.length)3408 for (; ++o < i;)3409 e(r =+ n[o]) && (u += r);3410 else 3411 for (; ++o < i;)3412 e(r =+, n[o], o)) && (u += r);3413 return u3414 }, ta.mean = function(n, r) {3415 var u, i = 0, o = n.length, a =- 1, c = o;3416 if (1 === arguments.length)3417 for (; ++a < o;)3418 e(u = t(n[a])) ? i += u : --c;3419 else 3420 for (; ++a < o;)3421 e(u = t(, n[a], a))) ? i += u : --c;3422 return c ? i /​ c : void 03423 }, ta.quantile = function(n, t) {3424 var e = (n.length - 1) * t + 1, r = Math.floor(e), u =+ n[r - 1], i = e - r;3425 return i ? u + i * (n[r] - u) : u3426 }, ta.median = function(r, u) {3427 var i, o = [], a = r.length, c =- 1;3428 if (1 === arguments.length)3429 for (; ++c < a;)3430 e(i = t(r[c])) && o.push(i);3431 else 3432 for (; ++c < a;)3433 e(i = t(, r[c], c))) && o.push(i);3434 return o.length ? ta.quantile(o.sort(n), .5) : void 03435 }, ta.variance = function(n, r) {3436 var u, i, o = n.length, a = 0, c = 0, l =- 1, s = 0;3437 if (1 === arguments.length)3438 for (; ++l < o;)3439 e(u = t(n[l])) && (i = u - a, a += i/​++s, c += i * (u - a));3440 else 3441 for (; ++l < o;)3442 e(u = t(, n[l], l))) && (i = u - a, a += i/​++s, c += i * (u - a));3443 return s > 1 ? c /​ (s - 1) : void 03444 }, ta.deviation = function() {3445 var n = ta.variance.apply(this, arguments);3446 return n ? Math.sqrt(n) : n3447 };3448 var pa = r(n);3449 ta.bisectLeft = pa.left, ta.bisect = ta.bisectRight = pa.right, ta.bisector = function(t) {3450 return r(1 === t.length ? function(e, r) {3451 return n(t(e), r)3452 } : t)3453 }, ta.shuffle = function(n, t, e) {3454 (i = arguments.length) < 3 && (e = n.length, 2 > i && (t = 0));3455 for (var r, u, i = e - t; i;)3456 u = 0 | Math.random() * i--, r = n[i + t], n[i + t] = n[u + t], n[u + t] = r;3457 return n3458 }, ta.permute = function(n, t) {3459 for (var e = t.length, r = new Array(e); e--;)3460 r[e] = n[t[e]];3461 return r3462 }, ta.pairs = function(n) {3463 for (var t, e = 0, r = n.length - 1, u = n[0], i = new Array(0 > r ? 0 : r); r > e;)3464 i[e] = [t = u, u = n[++e]];3465 return i3466 }, = function() {3467 if (!(r = arguments.length))3468 return [];3469 for (var n =- 1, t = ta.min(arguments, u), e = new Array(t); ++n < t;)3470 for (var r, i =- 1, o = e[n] = new Array(r); ++i < r;)3471 o[i] = arguments[i][n];3472 return e3473 }, ta.transpose = function(n) {3474 return, n)3475 }, ta.keys = function(n) {3476 var t = [];3477 for (var e in n)3478 t.push(e);3479 return t3480 }, ta.values = function(n) {3481 var t = [];3482 for (var e in n)3483 t.push(n[e]);3484 return t3485 }, ta.entries = function(n) {3486 var t = [];3487 for (var e in n)3488 t.push({3489 key: e,3490 value: n[e]3491 });3492 return t3493 }, ta.merge = function(n) {3494 for (var t, e, r, u = n.length, i =- 1, o = 0; ++i < u;)3495 o += n[i].length;3496 for (e = new Array(o); --u >= 0;)3497 for (r = n[u], t = r.length; --t >= 0;)3498 e[--o] = r[t];3499 return e3500 };3501 var va = Math.abs;3502 ta.range = function(n, t, e) {3503 if (arguments.length < 3 && (e = 1, arguments.length < 2 && (t = n, n = 0)), 1 /​ 0 === (t - n) /​ e)3504 throw new Error("infinite range");3505 var r, u = [], o = i(va(e)), a =- 1;3506 if (n*=o, t*=o, e*=o, 0 > e)3507 for (; (r = n + e*++a) > t;)3508 u.push(r /​ o);3509 else 3510 for (; (r = n + e*++a) < t;)3511 u.push(r /​ o);3512 return u3513 }, = function(n, t) {3514 var e = new a;3515 if (n instanceof a)3516 n.forEach(function(n, t) {3517 e.set(n, t)3518 });3519 else if (Array.isArray(n)) {3520 var r, u =- 1, i = n.length;3521 if (1 === arguments.length)3522 for (; ++u < i;)3523 e.set(u, n[u]);3524 else 3525 for (; ++u < i;)3526 e.set(, r = n[u], u), r)3527 } else 3528 for (var o in n)3529 e.set(o, n[o]);3530 return e3531 };3532 var da = "__proto__", ma = "\x00";3533 o(a, {3534 has: s,3535 get: function(n) {3536 return this._[c(n)]3537 },3538 set: function(n, t) {3539 return this._[c(n)] = t3540 },3541 remove: f,3542 keys: h,3543 values: function() {3544 var n = [];3545 for (var t in this._)3546 n.push(this._[t]);3547 return n3548 },3549 entries: function() {3550 var n = [];3551 for (var t in this._)3552 n.push({3553 key: l(t),3554 value: this._[t]3555 });3556 return n3557 },3558 size: g,3559 empty: p,3560 forEach: function(n) {3561 for (var t in this._)3562, l(t), this._[t])3563 }3564 }), ta.nest = function() {3565 function n(t, o, c) {3566 if (c >= i.length)3567 return r ?, o) : e ? o.sort(e) : o;3568 for (var l, s, f, h, g =- 1, p = o.length, v = i[c++], d = new a; ++g < p;)(h = d.get(l = v(s = o[g]))3569 ) ? h.push(s) : d.set(l, [s]);3570 return t ? (s = t(), f = function(e, r) {3571 s.set(e, n(t, r, c))3572 }) : (s = {}, f = function(e, r) {3573 s[e] = n(t, r, c)3574 }), d.forEach(f), s3575 }3576 function t(n, e) {3577 if (e >= i.length)3578 return n;3579 var r = [], u = o[e++];3580 return n.forEach(function(n, u) {3581 r.push({3582 key: n,3583 values: t(u, e)3584 })3585 }), u ? r.sort(function(n, t) {3586 return u(n.key, t.key)3587 }) : r3588 }3589 var e, r, u = {}, i = [], o = [];3590 return = function(t, e) {3591 return n(e, t, 0)3592 }, u.entries = function(e) {3593 return t(n(, e, 0), 0)3594 }, u.key = function(n) {3595 return i.push(n), u3596 }, u.sortKeys = function(n) {3597 return o[i.length - 1] = n, u3598 }, u.sortValues = function(n) {3599 return e = n, u3600 }, u.rollup = function(n) {3601 return r = n, u3602 }, u3603 }, ta.set = function(n) {3604 var t = new v;3605 if (n)3606 for (var e = 0, r = n.length; r > e; ++e)3607 t.add(n[e]);3608 return t3609 }, o(v, {3610 has: s,3611 add: function(n) {3612 return this._[c(n += "")]=!0, n3613 },3614 remove: f,3615 values: h,3616 size: g,3617 empty: p,3618 forEach: function(n) {3619 for (var t in this._)3620, l(t))3621 }3622 }), ta.behavior = {}, ta.rebind = function(n, t) {3623 for (var e, r = 1, u = arguments.length; ++r < u;)3624 n[e = arguments[r]] = d(n, t, t[e]);3625 return n3626 };3627 var ya = ["webkit", "ms", "moz", "Moz", "o", "O"];3628 ta.dispatch = function() {3629 for (var n = new M, t =- 1, e = arguments.length; ++t < e;)3630 n[arguments[t]] = x(n);3631 return n3632 }, M.prototype.on = function(n, t) {3633 var e = n.indexOf("."), r = "";3634 if (e >= 0 && (r = n.slice(e + 1), n = n.slice(0, e)), n)3635 return arguments.length < 2 ? this[n].on(r) : this[n].on(r, t);3636 if (2 === arguments.length) {3637 if (null == t)3638 for (n in this)3639 this.hasOwnProperty(n) && this[n].on(r, null);3640 return this3641 }3642 }, ta.event = null, ta.requote = function(n) {3643 return n.replace(Ma, "\\$&")3644 };3645 var Ma = /​[\\\^\$\*\+\?\|\[\]\(\)\.\{\}]/​g, xa = {}.__proto__ ? function(n, t) {3646 n.__proto__ = t3647 }3648 : function(n, t) {3649 for (var e in t)3650 n[e] = t[e]3651 }, ba = function(n, t) {3652 return t.querySelector(n)3653 }, _a = function(n, t) {3654 return t.querySelectorAll(n)3655 }, wa = ia.matches || ia[m(ia, "matchesSelector")], Sa = function(n, t) {3656 return, t)3657 };3658 "function" == typeof Sizzle && (ba = function(n, t) {3659 return Sizzle(n, t)[0] || null3660 }, _a = Sizzle, Sa = Sizzle.matchesSelector), ta.selection = function() {3661 return Na3662 };3663 var ka = ta.selection.prototype = [];3664 = function(n) {3665 var t, e, r, u, i = [];3666 n = k(n);3667 for (var o =- 1, a = this.length; ++o < a;) {3668 i.push(t = []), t.parentNode = (r = this[o]).parentNode;3669 for (var c =- 1, l = r.length; ++c < l;)(u = r[c]) 3670 ? (t.push(e =, u.__data__, c, o)), e && "__data__"in u && (e.__data__ = u.__data__)) : t.push(null)3671 }3672 return S(i)3673 }, ka.selectAll = function(n) {3674 var t, e, r = [];3675 n = E(n);3676 for (var u =- 1, i = this.length; ++u < i;)3677 for (var o = this[u], a =- 1, c = o.length; ++a < c;)(e = o[a]) 3678 && (r.push(t = ra(, e.__data__, a, u))), t.parentNode = e);3679 return S(r)3680 };3681 var Ea = {3682 svg: "http:/​/​​2000/​svg",3683 xhtml: "http:/​/​​1999/​xhtml",3684 xlink: "http:/​/​​1999/​xlink",3685 xml: "http:/​/​​XML/​1998/​namespace",3686 xmlns: "http:/​/​​2000/​xmlns/​"3687 };3688 ta.ns = {3689 prefix: Ea,3690 qualify: function(n) {3691 var t = n.indexOf(":"), e = n;3692 return t >= 0 && (e = n.slice(0, t), n = n.slice(t + 1)), Ea.hasOwnProperty(e) ? {3693 space: Ea[e],3694 local: n3695 } : n3696 }3697 }, ka.attr = function(n, t) {3698 if (arguments.length < 2) {3699 if ("string" == typeof n) {3700 var e = this.node();3701 return n = ta.ns.qualify(n), n.local ? e.getAttributeNS(, n.local) : e.getAttribute(n)3702 }3703 for (t in n)3704 this.each(A(t, n[t]));3705 return this3706 }3707 return this.each(A(n, t))3708 }, ka.classed = function(n, t) {3709 if (arguments.length < 2) {3710 if ("string" == typeof n) {3711 var e = this.node(), r = (n = z(n)).length, u =- 1;3712 if (t = e.classList) {3713 for (; ++u < r;)3714 if (!t.contains(n[u]))3715 return !13716 } else 3717 for (t = e.getAttribute("class"); ++u < r;)3718 if (!C(n[u]).test(t))3719 return !1;3720 return !03721 }3722 for (t in n)3723 this.each(q(t, n[t]));3724 return this3725 }3726 return this.each(q(n, t))3727 }, = function(n, t, e) {3728 var r = arguments.length;3729 if (3 > r) {3730 if ("string" != typeof n) {3731 2 > r && (t = "");3732 for (e in n)3733 this.each(T(e, n[e], t));3734 return this3735 }3736 if (2 > r)3737 return oa.getComputedStyle(this.node(), null).getPropertyValue(n);3738 e = ""3739 }3740 return this.each(T(n, t, e))3741 }, = function(n, t) {3742 if (arguments.length < 2) {3743 if ("string" == typeof n)3744 return this.node()[n];3745 for (t in n)3746 this.each(R(t, n[t]));3747 return this3748 }3749 return this.each(R(n, t))3750 }, ka.text = function(n) {3751 return arguments.length ? this.each("function" == typeof n ? function() {3752 var t = n.apply(this, arguments);3753 this.textContent = null == t ? "" : t3754 } : null == n ? function() {3755 this.textContent = ""3756 } : function() {3757 this.textContent = n3758 }) : this.node().textContent3759 }, ka.html = function(n) {3760 return arguments.length ? this.each("function" == typeof n ? function() {3761 var t = n.apply(this, arguments);3762 this.innerHTML = null == t ? "" : t3763 } : null == n ? function() {3764 this.innerHTML = ""3765 } : function() {3766 this.innerHTML = n3767 }) : this.node().innerHTML3768 }, ka.append = function(n) {3769 return n = D(n), {3770 return this.appendChild(n.apply(this, arguments))3771 })3772 }, ka.insert = function(n, t) {3773 return n = D(n), t = k(t), {3774 return this.insertBefore(n.apply(this, arguments), t.apply(this, arguments) || null)3775 })3776 }, ka.remove = function() {3777 return this.each(P)3778 }, = function(n, t) {3779 function e(n, e) {3780 var r, u, i, o = n.length, f = e.length, h = Math.min(o, f), g = new Array(f), p = new Array(f), v = new Array(o);3781 if (t) {3782 var d, m = new a, y = new Array(o);3783 for (r =- 1; ++r < o;)3784 m.has(d = = n[r], u.__data__, r)) ? v[r] = u : m.set(d, u), y[r] = d;3785 for (r =- 1; ++r < f;)(u = m.get(d =, i = e[r], r))3786 ) ? u!==!0 && (g[r] = u, u.__data__ = i) : p[r] = U(i), m.set(d, !0);3787 for (r =- 1; ++r < o;)3788 m.get(y[r])!==!0 && (v[r] = n[r])3789 } else {3790 for (r =- 1; ++r < h;)3791 u = n[r], i = e[r], u ? (u.__data__ = i, g[r] = u) : p[r] = U(i);3792 for (; f > r; ++r)3793 p[r] = U(e[r]);3794 for (; o > r; ++r)3795 v[r] = n[r]3796 }3797 p.update = g, p.parentNode = g.parentNode = v.parentNode = n.parentNode, c.push(p), l.push(g), s.push(v)3798 }3799 var r, u, i =- 1, o = this.length;3800 if (!arguments.length) {3801 for (n = new Array(o = (r = this[0]).length); ++i < o;)(u = r[i]) 3802 && (n[i] = u.__data__);3803 return n3804 }3805 var c = O([]), l = S([]), s = S([]);3806 if ("function" == typeof n)3807 for (; ++i < o;)3808 e(r = this[i],, r.parentNode.__data__, i));3809 else 3810 for (; ++i < o;)3811 e(r = this[i], n);3812 return l.enter = function() {3813 return c3814 }, l.exit = function() {3815 return s3816 }, l3817 }, ka.datum = function(n) {3818 return arguments.length ?"__data__", n) :"__data__")3819 }, ka.filter = function(n) {3820 var t, e, r, u = [];3821 "function" != typeof n && (n = j(n));3822 for (var i = 0, o = this.length; o > i; i++) {3823 u.push(t = []), t.parentNode = (e = this[i]).parentNode;3824 for (var a = 0, c = e.length; c > a; a++)(r = e[a]) 3825 &&, r.__data__, a, i) && t.push(r)3826 }3827 return S(u)3828 }, ka.order = function() {3829 for (var n =- 1, t = this.length; ++n < t;)3830 for (var e, r = this[n], u = r.length - 1, i = r[u]; --u >= 0;)(e = r[u]) 3831 && (i && i !== e.nextSibling && i.parentNode.insertBefore(e, i), i = e);3832 return this3833 }, ka.sort = function(n) {3834 n = F.apply(this, arguments);3835 for (var t =- 1, e = this.length; ++t < e;)3836 this[t].sort(n);3837 return this.order()3838 }, ka.each = function(n) {3839 return H(this, function(t, e, r) {3840, t.__data__, e, r)3841 })3842 }, = function(n) {3843 var t = ra(arguments);3844 return n.apply(t[0] = this, t), this3845 }, ka.empty = function() {3846 return !this.node()3847 }, ka.node = function() {3848 for (var n = 0, t = this.length; t > n; n++)3849 for (var e = this[n], r = 0, u = e.length; u > r; r++) {3850 var i = e[r];3851 if (i)3852 return i3853 }3854 return null3855 }, ka.size = function() {3856 var n = 0;3857 return H(this, function() {3858 ++n3859 }), n3860 };3861 var Aa = [];3862 ta.selection.enter = O, ta.selection.enter.prototype = Aa, Aa.append = ka.append, Aa.empty = ka.empty, Aa.node = ka.node, =, Aa.size = ka.size, = function(n) {3863 for (var t, e, r, u, i, o = [], a =- 1, c = this.length; ++a < c;) {3864 r = (u = this[a]).update, o.push(t = []), t.parentNode = u.parentNode;3865 for (var l =- 1, s = u.length; ++l < s;)(i = u[l]) 3866 ? (t.push(r[l] = e =, i.__data__, l, a)), e.__data__ = i.__data__) : t.push(null)3867 }3868 return S(o)3869 }, Aa.insert = function(n, t) {3870 return arguments.length < 2 && (t = Y(this)),, n, t)3871 }, = function(n) {3872 var t = ["string" == typeof n ? ba(n, ua): n];3873 return t.parentNode = ia, S([t])3874 }, ta.selectAll = function(n) {3875 var t = ra("string" == typeof n ? _a(n, ua) : n);3876 return t.parentNode = ia, S([t])3877 };3878 var Na =;3879 ka.on = function(n, t, e) {3880 var r = arguments.length;3881 if (3 > r) {3882 if ("string" != typeof n) {3883 2 > r && (t=!1);3884 for (e in n)3885 this.each(I(e, n[e], t));3886 return this3887 }3888 if (2 > r)3889 return (r = this.node()["__on" + n]) && r._;3890 e=!13891 }3892 return this.each(I(n, t, e))3893 };3894 var Ca ={3895 mouseenter: "mouseover",3896 mouseleave: "mouseout"3897 });3898 Ca.forEach(function(n) {3899 "on" + n in ua && Ca.remove(n)3900 });3901 var za = "onselectstart"in ua ? null: m(, "userSelect"), qa = 0;3902 ta.mouse = function(n) {3903 return $(n, _())3904 };3905 var La = /​WebKit/​.test(oa.navigator.userAgent)?-1 : 0;3906 ta.touch = function(n, t, e) {3907 if (arguments.length < 3 && (e = t, t = _().changedTouches), t)3908 for (var r, u = 0, i = t.length; i > u; ++u)3909 if ((r = t[u]).identifier === e)3910 return $(n, r)3911 }, ta.behavior.drag = function() {3912 function n() {3913 this.on("mousedown.drag", u).on("touchstart.drag", i)3914 }3915 function t(n, t, u, i, o) {3916 return function() {3917 function a() {3918 var n, e, r = t(h, v);3919 r && (n = r[0] - M[0], e = r[1] - M[1], p|=n | e, M = r, g({3920 type: "drag",3921 x: r[0] + l[0],3922 y: r[1] + l[1],3923 dx: n,3924 dy: e3925 }))3926 }3927 function c() {3928 t(h, v) && (m.on(i + d, null).on(o + d, null), y(p && === f), g({3929 type: "dragend"3930 }))3931 }3932 var l, s = this, f =, h = s.parentNode, g = e.of(s, arguments), p = 0, v = n(), d = ".drag" + (null == v ? "" : "-" + v), m = + d, a).on(o + d, c), y = X(), M = t(h, v);3933 r ? (l = r.apply(s, arguments), l = [l.x - M[0], l.y - M[1]]) : l = [0, 0], g({3934 type: "dragstart"3935 })3936 }3937 }3938 var e = w(n, "drag", "dragstart", "dragend"), r = null, u = t(y, ta.mouse, J, "mousemove", "mouseup"), i = t(B, ta.touch, W, "touchmove", "touchend");3939 return n.origin = function(t) {3940 return arguments.length ? (r = t, n) : r3941 }, ta.rebind(n, e, "on")3942 }, ta.touches = function(n, t) {3943 return arguments.length < 2 && (t = _().touches), t ? ra(t).map(function(t) {3944 var e = $(n, t);3945 return e.identifier = t.identifier, e3946 }) : []3947 };3948 var Ta = 1e-6, Ra = Ta * Ta, Da = Math.PI, Pa = 2 * Da, Ua = Pa - Ta, ja = Da /​ 2, Fa = Da /​ 180, Ha = 180 /​ Da, Oa = Math.SQRT2, Ya = 2, Ia = 4;3949 ta.interpolateZoom = function(n, t) {3950 function e(n) {3951 var t = n * y;3952 if (m) {3953 var e = et(v), o = i /​ (Ya * h) * (e * rt(Oa * t + v) - tt(v));3954 return [r + o * l, u + o * s, i * e /​ et(Oa * t + v)]3955 }3956 return [r + n * l, u + n * s, i * Math.exp(Oa * t)]3957 }3958 var r = n[0], u = n[1], i = n[2], o = t[0], a = t[1], c = t[2], l = o - r, s = a - u, f = l * l + s * s, h = Math.sqrt(f), g = (c * c - i * i + Ia * f) /​ (2 * i * Ya * h), p = (c * c - i * i - Ia * f) /​ (2 * c * Ya * h), v = Math.log(Math.sqrt(g * g + 1) - g), d = Math.log(Math.sqrt(p * p + 1) - p), m = d - v, y = (m || Math.log(c /​ i)) /​ Oa;3959 return e.duration = 1e3 * y, e3960 }, ta.behavior.zoom = function() {3961 function n(n) {3962 n.on(z, s).on(Xa + ".zoom", h).on("dblclick.zoom", g).on(T, f)3963 }3964 function t(n) {3965 return [(n[0] - k.x) /​ k.k, (n[1] - k.y) /​ k.k]3966 }3967 function e(n) {3968 return [n[0] * k.k + k.x, n[1] * k.k + k.y]3969 }3970 function r(n) {3971 k.k = Math.max(A[0], Math.min(A[1], n))3972 }3973 function u(n, t) {3974 t = e(t), k.x += n[0] - t[0], k.y += n[1] - t[1]3975 }3976 function i(t, e, i, o) {3977 t.__chart__ = {3978 x: k.x,3979 y: k.y,3980 k: k.k3981 }, r(Math.pow(2, o)), u(v = e, i), t =, N > 0 && (t = t.transition().duration(N)), }3983 function o() {3984 x && x.domain(M.range().map(function(n) {3985 return (n - k.x) /​ k.k3986 }).map(M.invert)), S && S.domain(_.range().map(function(n) {3987 return (n - k.y) /​ k.k3988 }).map(_.invert))3989 }3990 function a(n) {3991 C++||n({3992 type: "zoomstart"3993 })3994 }3995 function c(n) {3996 o(), n({3997 type: "zoom",3998 scale: k.k,3999 translate: [k.x, k.y]4000 })4001 }4002 function l(n) {4003 --C || n({4004 type: "zoomend"4005 }), v = null4006 }4007 function s() {4008 function n() {4009 s = 1, u(ta.mouse(r), h), c(o)4010 }4011 function e() {4012 f.on(q, null).on(L, null), g(s && === i), l(o)4013 }4014 var r = this, i =, o = R.of(r, arguments), s = 0, f =, n).on(L, e), h = t(ta.mouse(r)), g = X();4015, a(o)4016 }4017 function f() {4018 function n() {4019 var n = ta.touches(p);4020 return g = k.k, n.forEach(function(n) {4021 n.identifier in d && (d[n.identifier] = t(n))4022 }), n4023 }4024 function e() {4025 var t =;4026, o).on(_, h), w.push(t);4027 for (var e = ta.event.changedTouches, r = 0, u = e.length; u > r; ++r)4028 d[e[r].identifier] = null;4029 var a = n(), c =;4030 if (1 === a.length) {4031 if (500 > c - y) {4032 var l = a[0];4033 i(p, l, d[l.identifier], Math.floor(Math.log(k.k) /​ Math.LN2) + 1), b()4034 }4035 y = c4036 } else if (a.length > 1) {4037 var l = a[0], s = a[1], f = l[0] - s[0], g = l[1] - s[1];4038 m = f * f + g * g4039 }4040 }4041 function o() {4042 var n, t, e, i, o = ta.touches(p);4043;4044 for (var a = 0, l = o.length; l > a; ++a, i = null)4045 if (e = o[a], i = d[e.identifier]) {4046 if (t)4047 break;4048 n = e, t = i4049 }4050 if (i) {4051 var s = (s = e[0] - n[0]) * s + (s = e[1] - n[1]) * s, f = m && Math.sqrt(s /​ m);4052 n = [(n[0] + e[0]) /​ 2, (n[1] + e[1]) /​ 2], t = [(t[0] + i[0]) /​ 2, (t[1] + i[1]) /​ 2], r(f * g)4053 }4054 y = null, u(n, t), c(v)4055 }4056 function h() {4057 if (ta.event.touches.length) {4058 for (var t = ta.event.changedTouches, e = 0, r = t.length; r > e; ++e)4059 delete d[t[e].identifier];4060 for (var u in d)4061 return void n()4062 }4063 ta.selectAll(w).on(M, null), S.on(z, s).on(T, f), E(), l(v)4064 }4065 var g, p = this, v = R.of(p, arguments), d = {}, m = 0, M = ".zoom-" + ta.event.changedTouches[0].identifier, x = "touchmove" + M, _ = "touchend" + M, w = [], S =, E = X();4066 e(), a(v), S.on(z, null).on(T, e)4067 }4068 function h() {4069 var n = R.of(this, arguments);4070 m ? clearTimeout(m) : (p = t(v = d || ta.mouse(this)),, a(n)), m = setTimeout(function() {4071 m = null, l(n)4072 }, 50), b(), r(Math.pow(2, .002 * Za()) * k.k), u(v, p), c(n)4073 }4074 function g() {4075 var n = ta.mouse(this), e = Math.log(k.k) /​ Math.LN2;4076 i(this, n, t(n), ta.event.shiftKey ? Math.ceil(e) - 1 : Math.floor(e) + 1)4077 }4078 var p, v, d, m, y, M, x, _, S, k = {4079 x: 0,4080 y: 0,4081 k: 14082 }, E = [960, 500], A = Va, N = 250, C = 0, z = "mousedown.zoom", q = "mousemove.zoom", L = "mouseup.zoom", T = "touchstart.zoom", R = w(n, "zoomstart", "zoom", "zoomend");4083 return n.event = function(n) {4084 n.each(function() {4085 var n = R.of(this, arguments), t = k;4086 Ul ?"start.zoom", function() {4087 k = this.__chart__ || {4088 x: 0,4089 y: 0,4090 k: 14091 }, a(n)4092 }).tween("zoom:zoom", function() {4093 var e = E[0], r = E[1], u = v ? v[0]: e /​ 2, i = v ? v[1]: r /​ 2, o = ta.interpolateZoom([(u - k.x) /​ k.k, (i - k.y) /​ k.k, e /​ k.k], [(u - t.x) /​ t.k, (i - t.y) /​ t.k, e /​ t.k]);4094 return function(t) {4095 var r = o(t), a = e /​ r[2];4096 this.__chart__ = k = {4097 x: u - r[0] * a,4098 y: i - r[1] * a,4099 k: a4100 }, c(n)4101 }4102 }).each("interrupt.zoom", function() {4103 l(n)4104 }).each("end.zoom", function() {4105 l(n)4106 }) : (this.__chart__ = k, a(n), c(n), l(n))4107 })4108 }, n.translate = function(t) {4109 return arguments.length ? (k = {4110 x: + t[0],4111 y: + t[1],4112 k: k.k4113 }, o(), n) : [k.x, k.y]4114 }, n.scale = function(t) {4115 return arguments.length ? (k = {4116 x: k.x,4117 y: k.y,4118 k: + t4119 }, o(), n) : k.k4120 }, n.scaleExtent = function(t) {4121 return arguments.length ? (A = null == t ? Va : [ + t[0], + t[1]], n) : A4122 }, = function(t) {4123 return arguments.length ? (d = t && [ + t[0], + t[1]], n) : d4124 }, n.size = function(t) {4125 return arguments.length ? (E = t && [ + t[0], + t[1]], n) : E4126 }, n.duration = function(t) {4127 return arguments.length ? (N =+ t, n) : N4128 }, n.x = function(t) {4129 return arguments.length ? (x = t, M = t.copy(), k = {4130 x: 0,4131 y: 0,4132 k: 14133 }, n) : x4134 }, n.y = function(t) {4135 return arguments.length ? (S = t, _ = t.copy(), k = {4136 x: 0,4137 y: 0,4138 k: 14139 }, n) : S4140 }, ta.rebind(n, R, "on")4141 };4142 var Za, Va = [0, 1 /​ 0], Xa = "onwheel"in ua ? (Za = function() {4143 return - ta.event.deltaY * (ta.event.deltaMode ? 120 : 1)4144 }, "wheel"): "onmousewheel"in ua ? (Za = function() {4145 return ta.event.wheelDelta4146 }, "mousewheel"): (Za = function() {4147 return - ta.event.detail4148 }, "MozMousePixelScroll");4149 ta.color = it, it.prototype.toString = function() {4150 return this.rgb() + ""4151 }, ta.hsl = ot;4152 var $a = ot.prototype = new it;4153 $a.brighter = function(n) {4154 return n = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? n : 1), new ot(this.h, this.s, this.l /​ n)4155 }, $a.darker = function(n) {4156 return n = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? n : 1), new ot(this.h, this.s, n * this.l)4157 }, $a.rgb = function() {4158 return at(this.h, this.s, this.l)4159 }, ta.hcl = ct;4160 var Ba = ct.prototype = new it;4161 Ba.brighter = function(n) {4162 return new ct(this.h, this.c, Math.min(100, this.l + Wa * (arguments.length ? n : 1)))4163 }, Ba.darker = function(n) {4164 return new ct(this.h, this.c, Math.max(0, this.l - Wa * (arguments.length ? n : 1)))4165 }, Ba.rgb = function() {4166 return lt(this.h, this.c, this.l).rgb()4167 }, ta.lab = st;4168 var Wa = 18, Ja = .95047, Ga = 1, Ka = 1.08883, Qa = st.prototype = new it;4169 Qa.brighter = function(n) {4170 return new st(Math.min(100, this.l + Wa * (arguments.length ? n : 1)), this.a, this.b)4171 }, Qa.darker = function(n) {4172 return new st(Math.max(0, this.l - Wa * (arguments.length ? n : 1)), this.a, this.b)4173 }, Qa.rgb = function() {4174 return ft(this.l, this.a, this.b)4175 }, ta.rgb = dt;4176 var nc = dt.prototype = new it;4177 nc.brighter = function(n) {4178 n = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? n : 1);4179 var t = this.r, e = this.g, r = this.b, u = 30;4180 return t || e || r ? (t && u > t && (t = u), e && u > e && (e = u), r && u > r && (r = u), new dt(Math.min(255, t /​ n), Math.min(255, e /​ n), Math.min(255, r /​ n))) : new dt(u, u, u)4181 }, nc.darker = function(n) {4182 return n = Math.pow(.7, arguments.length ? n : 1), new dt(n * this.r, n * this.g, n * this.b)4183 }, nc.hsl = function() {4184 return bt(this.r, this.g, this.b)4185 }, nc.toString = function() {4186 return "#" + Mt(this.r) + Mt(this.g) + Mt(this.b)4187 };4188 var tc ={4189 aliceblue: 15792383,4190 antiquewhite: 16444375,4191 aqua: 65535,4192 aquamarine: 8388564,4193 azure: 15794175,4194 beige: 16119260,4195 bisque: 16770244,4196 black: 0,4197 blanchedalmond: 16772045,4198 blue: 255,4199 blueviolet: 9055202,4200 brown: 10824234,4201 burlywood: 14596231,4202 cadetblue: 6266528,4203 chartreuse: 8388352,4204 chocolate: 13789470,4205 coral: 16744272,4206 cornflowerblue: 6591981,4207 cornsilk: 16775388,4208 crimson: 14423100,4209 cyan: 65535,4210 darkblue: 139,4211 darkcyan: 35723,4212 darkgoldenrod: 12092939,4213 darkgray: 11119017,4214 darkgreen: 25600,4215 darkgrey: 11119017,4216 darkkhaki: 12433259,4217 darkmagenta: 9109643,4218 darkolivegreen: 5597999,4219 darkorange: 16747520,4220 darkorchid: 10040012,4221 darkred: 9109504,4222 darksalmon: 15308410,4223 darkseagreen: 9419919,4224 darkslateblue: 4734347,4225 darkslategray: 3100495,4226 darkslategrey: 3100495,4227 darkturquoise: 52945,4228 darkviolet: 9699539,4229 deeppink: 16716947,4230 deepskyblue: 49151,4231 dimgray: 6908265,4232 dimgrey: 6908265,4233 dodgerblue: 2003199,4234 firebrick: 11674146,4235 floralwhite: 16775920,4236 forestgreen: 2263842,4237 fuchsia: 16711935,4238 gainsboro: 14474460,4239 ghostwhite: 16316671,4240 gold: 16766720,4241 goldenrod: 14329120,4242 gray: 8421504,4243 green: 32768,4244 greenyellow: 11403055,4245 grey: 8421504,4246 honeydew: 15794160,4247 hotpink: 16738740,4248 indianred: 13458524,4249 indigo: 4915330,4250 ivory: 16777200,4251 khaki: 15787660,4252 lavender: 15132410,4253 lavenderblush: 16773365,4254 lawngreen: 8190976,4255 lemonchiffon: 16775885,4256 lightblue: 11393254,4257 lightcoral: 15761536,4258 lightcyan: 14745599,4259 lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210,4260 lightgray: 13882323,4261 lightgreen: 9498256,4262 lightgrey: 13882323,4263 lightpink: 16758465,4264 lightsalmon: 16752762,4265 lightseagreen: 2142890,4266 lightskyblue: 8900346,4267 lightslategray: 7833753,4268 lightslategrey: 7833753,4269 lightsteelblue: 11584734,4270 lightyellow: 16777184,4271 lime: 65280,4272 limegreen: 3329330,4273 linen: 16445670,4274 magenta: 16711935,4275 maroon: 8388608,4276 mediumaquamarine: 6737322,4277 mediumblue: 205,4278 mediumorchid: 12211667,4279 mediumpurple: 9662683,4280 mediumseagreen: 3978097,4281 mediumslateblue: 8087790,4282 mediumspringgreen: 64154,4283 mediumturquoise: 4772300,4284 mediumvioletred: 13047173,4285 midnightblue: 1644912,4286 mintcream: 16121850,4287 mistyrose: 16770273,4288 moccasin: 16770229,4289 navajowhite: 16768685,4290 navy: 128,4291 oldlace: 16643558,4292 olive: 8421376,4293 olivedrab: 7048739,4294 orange: 16753920,4295 orangered: 16729344,4296 orchid: 14315734,4297 palegoldenrod: 15657130,4298 palegreen: 10025880,4299 paleturquoise: 11529966,4300 palevioletred: 14381203,4301 papayawhip: 16773077,4302 peachpuff: 16767673,4303 peru: 13468991,4304 pink: 16761035,4305 plum: 14524637,4306 powderblue: 11591910,4307 purple: 8388736,4308 red: 16711680,4309 rosybrown: 12357519,4310 royalblue: 4286945,4311 saddlebrown: 9127187,4312 salmon: 16416882,4313 sandybrown: 16032864,4314 seagreen: 3050327,4315 seashell: 16774638,4316 sienna: 10506797,4317 silver: 12632256,4318 skyblue: 8900331,4319 slateblue: 6970061,4320 slategray: 7372944,4321 slategrey: 7372944,4322 snow: 16775930,4323 springgreen: 65407,4324 steelblue: 4620980,4325 tan: 13808780,4326 teal: 32896,4327 thistle: 14204888,4328 tomato: 16737095,4329 turquoise: 4251856,4330 violet: 15631086,4331 wheat: 16113331,4332 white: 16777215,4333 whitesmoke: 16119285,4334 yellow: 16776960,4335 yellowgreen: 101450744336 });4337 tc.forEach(function(n, t) {4338 tc.set(n, mt(t))4339 }), ta.functor = kt, ta.xhr = At(Et), ta.dsv = function(n, t) {4340 function e(n, e, i) {4341 arguments.length < 3 && (i = e, e = null);4342 var o = Nt(n, t, null == e ? r : u(e), i);4343 return o.row = function(n) {4344 return arguments.length ? o.response(null == (e = n) ? r : u(n)) : e4345 }, o4346 }4347 function r(n) {4348 return e.parse(n.responseText)4349 }4350 function u(n) {4351 return function(t) {4352 return e.parse(t.responseText, n)4353 }4354 }4355 function i(t) {4356 return }4358 function o(n) {4359 return a.test(n) ? '"' + n.replace(/​\"/​g, '""') + '"' : n4360 }4361 var a = new RegExp('["' + n + "\n]"), c = n.charCodeAt(0);4362 return e.parse = function(n, t) {4363 var r;4364 return e.parseRows(n, function(n, e) {4365 if (r)4366 return r(n, e - 1);4367 var u = new Function("d", "return {" +, t) {4368 return JSON.stringify(n) + ": d[" + t + "]"4369 }).join(",") + "}");4370 r = t ? function(n, e) {4371 return t(u(n), e)4372 } : u4373 })4374 }, e.parseRows = function(n, t) {4375 function e() {4376 if (s >= l)4377 return o;4378 if (u)4379 return u=!1, i;4380 var t = s;4381 if (34 === n.charCodeAt(t)) {4382 for (var e = t; e++<l;)4383 if (34 === n.charCodeAt(e)) {4384 if (34 !== n.charCodeAt(e + 1))4385 break;4386 ++e4387 }4388 s = e + 2;4389 var r = n.charCodeAt(e + 1);4390 return 13 === r ? (u=!0, 10 === n.charCodeAt(e + 2)&&++s) : 10 === r && (u=!0), n.slice(t + 1, e).replace(/​""/​g, '"')4391 }4392 for (; l > s;) {4393 var r = n.charCodeAt(s++), a = 1;4394 if (10 === r)4395 u=!0;4396 else if (13 === r)4397 u=!0, 10 === n.charCodeAt(s) && (++s, ++a);4398 else if (r !== c)4399 continue;4400 return n.slice(t, s - a)4401 }4402 return n.slice(t)4403 }4404 for (var r, u, i = {}, o = {}, a = [], l = n.length, s = 0, f = 0; (r = e()) !== o;) {4405 for (var h = []; r !== i && r !== o;)4406 h.push(r), r = e();4407 t && null == (h = t(h, f++)) || a.push(h)4408 }4409 return a4410 }, e.format = function(t) {4411 if (Array.isArray(t[0]))4412 return e.formatRows(t);4413 var r = new v, u = [];4414 return t.forEach(function(n) {4415 for (var t in n)4416 r.has(t) || u.push(r.add(t))4417 }), [].concat( {4418 return {4419 return o(t[n])4420 }).join(n)4421 })).join("\n")4422 }, e.formatRows = function(n) {4423 return"\n")4424 }, e4425 }, ta.csv = ta.dsv(",", "text/​csv"), ta.tsv = ta.dsv(" ", "text/​tab-separated-values");4426 var ec, rc, uc, ic, oc, ac = oa[m(oa, "requestAnimationFrame")] || function(n) {4427 setTimeout(n, 17)4428 };4429 ta.timer = function(n, t, e) {4430 var r = arguments.length;4431 2 > r && (t = 0), 3 > r && (e =;4432 var u = e + t, i = {4433 c: n,4434 t: u,4435 f: !1,4436 n: null4437 };4438 rc ? rc.n = i : ec = i, rc = i, uc || (ic = clearTimeout(ic), uc = 1, ac(qt))4439 }, ta.timer.flush = function() {4440 Lt(), Tt()4441 }, ta.round = function(n, t) {4442 return t ? Math.round(n * (t = Math.pow(10, t))) /​ t : Math.round(n)4443 };4444 var cc = ["y", "z", "a", "f", "p", "n", "\xb5", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"].map(Dt);4445 ta.formatPrefix = function(n, t) {4446 var e = 0;4447 return n && (0 > n && (n*=-1), t && (n = ta.round(n, Rt(n, t))), e = 1 + Math.floor(1e-12 + Math.log(n) /​ Math.LN10), e = Math.max( - 24, Math.min(24, 3 * Math.floor((e - 1) /​ 3)))), cc[8 + e /​ 3]4448 };4449 var lc = /​(?:([^{])?([<>=^]))?([+\- ])?([$#])?(0)?(\d+)?(,)?(\.-?\d+)?([a-z%])?/​i, sc ={4450 b: function(n) {4451 return n.toString(2)4452 },4453 c: function(n) {4454 return String.fromCharCode(n)4455 },4456 o: function(n) {4457 return n.toString(8)4458 },4459 x: function(n) {4460 return n.toString(16)4461 },4462 X: function(n) {4463 return n.toString(16).toUpperCase()4464 },4465 g: function(n, t) {4466 return n.toPrecision(t)4467 },4468 e: function(n, t) {4469 return n.toExponential(t)4470 },4471 f: function(n, t) {4472 return n.toFixed(t)4473 },4474 r: function(n, t) {4475 return (n = ta.round(n, Rt(n, t))).toFixed(Math.max(0, Math.min(20, Rt(n * (1 + 1e-15), t))))4476 }4477 }), fc = ta.time = {}, hc = Date;4478 jt.prototype = {4479 getDate: function() {4480 return this._.getUTCDate()4481 },4482 getDay: function() {4483 return this._.getUTCDay()4484 },4485 getFullYear: function() {4486 return this._.getUTCFullYear()4487 },4488 getHours: function() {4489 return this._.getUTCHours()4490 },4491 getMilliseconds: function() {4492 return this._.getUTCMilliseconds()4493 },4494 getMinutes: function() {4495 return this._.getUTCMinutes()4496 },4497 getMonth: function() {4498 return this._.getUTCMonth()4499 },4500 getSeconds: function() {4501 return this._.getUTCSeconds()4502 },4503 getTime: function() {4504 return this._.getTime()4505 },4506 getTimezoneOffset: function() {4507 return 04508 },4509 valueOf: function() {4510 return this._.valueOf()4511 },4512 setDate: function() {4513 gc.setUTCDate.apply(this._, arguments)4514 },4515 setDay: function() {4516 gc.setUTCDay.apply(this._, arguments)4517 },4518 setFullYear: function() {4519 gc.setUTCFullYear.apply(this._, arguments)4520 },4521 setHours: function() {4522 gc.setUTCHours.apply(this._, arguments)4523 },4524 setMilliseconds: function() {4525 gc.setUTCMilliseconds.apply(this._, arguments)4526 },4527 setMinutes: function() {4528 gc.setUTCMinutes.apply(this._, arguments)4529 },4530 setMonth: function() {4531 gc.setUTCMonth.apply(this._, arguments)4532 },4533 setSeconds: function() {4534 gc.setUTCSeconds.apply(this._, arguments)4535 },4536 setTime: function() {4537 gc.setTime.apply(this._, arguments)4538 }4539 };4540 var gc = Date.prototype;4541 fc.year = Ft(function(n) {4542 return n =, n.setMonth(0, 1), n4543 }, function(n, t) {4544 n.setFullYear(n.getFullYear() + t)4545 }, function(n) {4546 return n.getFullYear()4547 }), fc.years = fc.year.range, fc.years.utc = fc.year.utc.range, = Ft(function(n) {4548 var t = new hc(2e3, 0);4549 return t.setFullYear(n.getFullYear(), n.getMonth(), n.getDate()), t4550 }, function(n, t) {4551 n.setDate(n.getDate() + t)4552 }, function(n) {4553 return n.getDate() - 14554 }), fc.days =, fc.days.utc =, fc.dayOfYear = function(n) {4555 var t = fc.year(n);4556 return Math.floor((n - t - 6e4 * (n.getTimezoneOffset() - t.getTimezoneOffset())) /​ 864e5)4557 }, ["sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday"].forEach(function(n, t) {4558 t = 7 - t;4559 var e = fc[n] = Ft(function(n) {4560 return (n = - (n.getDay() + t)%7), n4561 }, function(n, t) {4562 n.setDate(n.getDate() + 7 * Math.floor(t))4563 }, function(n) {4564 var e = fc.year(n).getDay();4565 return Math.floor((fc.dayOfYear(n) + (e + t)%7) /​ 7) - (e !== t)4566 });4567 fc[n + "s"] = e.range, fc[n + "s"].utc = e.utc.range, fc[n + "OfYear"] = function(n) {4568 var e = fc.year(n).getDay();4569 return Math.floor((fc.dayOfYear(n) + (e + t)%7) /​ 7)4570 }4571 }), fc.week = fc.sunday, fc.weeks = fc.sunday.range, fc.weeks.utc = fc.sunday.utc.range, fc.weekOfYear = fc.sundayOfYear;4572 var pc = {4573 "-": "",4574 _: " ",4575 0: "0"4576 }, vc = /​^\s*\d+/​, dc = /​^%/​;4577 ta.locale = function(n) {4578 return {4579 numberFormat: Pt(n),4580 timeFormat: Ot(n)4581 }4582 };4583 var mc = ta.locale({4584 decimal: ".",4585 thousands: ",",4586 grouping: [3],4587 currency: ["$", ""],4588 dateTime: "%a %b %e %X %Y",4589 date: "%m/​%d/​%Y",4590 time: "%H:%M:%S",4591 periods: ["AM", "PM"],4592 days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],4593 shortDays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],4594 months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],4595 shortMonths: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]4596 });4597 ta.format = mc.numberFormat, ta.geo = {}, ce.prototype = {4598 s: 0,4599 t: 0,4600 add: function(n) {4601 le(n, this.t, yc), le(yc.s, this.s, this), this.s ? this.t += yc.t : this.s = yc.t4602 },4603 reset: function() {4604 this.s = this.t = 04605 },4606 valueOf: function() {4607 return this.s4608 }4609 };4610 var yc = new ce;4611 = function(n, t) {4612 n && Mc.hasOwnProperty(n.type) ? Mc[n.type](n, t) : se(n, t)4613 };4614 var Mc = {4615 Feature: function(n, t) {4616 se(n.geometry, t)4617 },4618 FeatureCollection: function(n, t) {4619 for (var e = n.features, r =- 1, u = e.length; ++r < u;)4620 se(e[r].geometry, t)4621 }4622 }, xc = {4623 Sphere: function(n, t) {4624 t.sphere()4625 },4626 Point: function(n, t) {4627 n = n.coordinates, t.point(n[0], n[1], n[2])4628 },4629 MultiPoint: function(n, t) {4630 for (var e = n.coordinates, r =- 1, u = e.length; ++r < u;)4631 n = e[r], t.point(n[0], n[1], n[2])4632 },4633 LineString: function(n, t) {4634 fe(n.coordinates, t, 0)4635 },4636 MultiLineString: function(n, t) {4637 for (var e = n.coordinates, r =- 1, u = e.length; ++r < u;)4638 fe(e[r], t, 0)4639 },4640 Polygon: function(n, t) {4641 he(n.coordinates, t)4642 },4643 MultiPolygon: function(n, t) {4644 for (var e = n.coordinates, r =- 1, u = e.length; ++r < u;)4645 he(e[r], t)4646 },4647 GeometryCollection: function(n, t) {4648 for (var e = n.geometries, r =- 1, u = e.length; ++r < u;)4649 se(e[r], t)4650 }4651 };4652 ta.geo.area = function(n) {4653 return bc = 0,, wc), bc4654 };4655 var bc, _c = new ce, wc = {4656 sphere: function() {4657 bc += 4 * Da4658 },4659 point: y,4660 lineStart: y,4661 lineEnd: y,4662 polygonStart: function() {4663 _c.reset(), wc.lineStart = ge4664 },4665 polygonEnd: function() {4666 var n = 2 * _c;4667 bc += 0 > n ? 4 * Da + n : n, wc.lineStart = wc.lineEnd = wc.point = y4668 }4669 };4670 ta.geo.bounds = function() {4671 function n(n, t) {4672 M.push(x = [s = n, h = n]), f > t && (f = t), t > g && (g = t)4673 }4674 function t(t, e) {4675 var r = pe([t * Fa, e * Fa]);4676 if (m) {4677 var u = de(m, r), i = [u[1], - u[0], 0], o = de(i, u);4678 Me(o), o = xe(o);4679 var c = t - p, l = c > 0 ? 1: - 1, v = o[0] * Ha * l, d = va(c) > 180;4680 if (d^(v > l * p && l * t > v)) {4681 var y = o[1] * Ha;4682 y > g && (g = y)4683 } else if (v = (v + 360)%360 - 180, d^(v > l * p && l * t > v)) {4684 var y =- o[1] * Ha;4685 f > y && (f = y)4686 } else 4687 f > e && (f = e), e > g && (g = e);4688 d ? p > t ? a(s, t) > a(s, h) && (h = t) : a(t, h) > a(s, h) && (s = t) : h >= s ? (s > t && (s = t), t > h && (h = t)) : t > p ? a(s, t) > a(s, h) && (h = t) : a(t, h) > a(s, h) && (s = t)4689 } else 4690 n(t, e);4691 m = r, p = t4692 }4693 function e() {4694 b.point = t4695 }4696 function r() {4697 x[0] = s, x[1] = h, b.point = n, m = null4698 }4699 function u(n, e) {4700 if (m) {4701 var r = n - p;4702 y += va(r) > 180 ? r + (r > 0 ? 360 : - 360) : r4703 } else 4704 v = n, d = e;4705 wc.point(n, e), t(n, e)4706 }4707 function i() {4708 wc.lineStart()4709 }4710 function o() {4711 u(v, d), wc.lineEnd(), va(y) > Ta && (s =- (h = 180)), x[0] = s, x[1] = h, m = null4712 }4713 function a(n, t) {4714 return (t -= n) < 0 ? t + 360 : t4715 }4716 function c(n, t) {4717 return n[0] - t[0]4718 }4719 function l(n, t) {4720 return t[0] <= t[1] ? t[0] <= n && n <= t[1] : n < t[0] || t[1] < n4721 }4722 var s, f, h, g, p, v, d, m, y, M, x, b = {4723 point: n,4724 lineStart: e,4725 lineEnd: r,4726 polygonStart: function() {4727 b.point = u, b.lineStart = i, b.lineEnd = o, y = 0, wc.polygonStart()4728 },4729 polygonEnd: function() {4730 wc.polygonEnd(), b.point = n, b.lineStart = e, b.lineEnd = r, 0 > _c ? (s =- (h = 180), f =- (g = 90)) : y > Ta ? g = 90 : - Ta > y && (f =- 90), x[0] = s, x[1] = h4731 }4732 };4733 return function(n) {4734 g = h =- (s = f = 1 /​ 0), M = [],, b);4735 var t = M.length;4736 if (t) {4737 M.sort(c);4738 for (var e, r = 1, u = M[0], i = [u]; t > r; ++r)4739 e = M[r], l(e[0], u) || l(e[1], u) ? (a(u[0], e[1]) > a(u[0], u[1]) && (u[1] = e[1]), a(e[0], u[1]) > a(u[0], u[1]) && (u[0] = e[0])) : i.push(u = e);4740 for (var o, e, p =- 1 /​ 0, t = i.length - 1, r = 0, u = i[t]; t >= r; u = e, ++r)4741 e = i[r], (o = a(u[1], e[0])) > p && (p = o, s = e[0], h = u[1])4742 }4743 return M = x = null, 1 /​ 0 === s || 1 /​ 0 === f ? [[0 /​ 0, 0 /​ 0], [0 /​ 0, 0 /​ 0]] : [[s, f], [h, g]]4744 }4745 }(), ta.geo.centroid = function(n) {4746 Sc = kc = Ec = Ac = Nc = Cc = zc = qc = Lc = Tc = Rc = 0,, Dc);4747 var t = Lc, e = Tc, r = Rc, u = t * t + e * e + r * r;4748 return Ra > u && (t = Cc, e = zc, r = qc, Ta > kc && (t = Ec, e = Ac, r = Nc), u = t * t + e * e + r * r, Ra > u) ? [0 /​ 0, 0 /​ 0] : [Math.atan2(e, t) * Ha, nt(r /​ Math.sqrt(u)) * Ha]4749 };4750 var Sc, kc, Ec, Ac, Nc, Cc, zc, qc, Lc, Tc, Rc, Dc = {4751 sphere: y,4752 point: _e,4753 lineStart: Se,4754 lineEnd: ke,4755 polygonStart: function() {4756 Dc.lineStart = Ee4757 },4758 polygonEnd: function() {4759 Dc.lineStart = Se4760 }4761 }, Pc = Le(Ne, Pe, je, [ - Da, - Da /​ 2]), Uc = 1e9;4762 ta.geo.clipExtent = function() {4763 var n, t, e, r, u, i, o = {4764 stream: function(n) {4765 return u && (u.valid=!1), u = i(n), u.valid=!0, u4766 },4767 extent: function(a) {4768 return arguments.length ? (i = Ye(n =+ a[0][0], t =+ a[0][1], e =+ a[1][0], r =+ a[1][1]), u && (u.valid=!1, u = null), o) : [[n, t], [e, r]]4769 }4770 };4771 return o.extent([[0, 0], [960, 500]])4772 }, (ta.geo.conicEqualArea = function() {4773 return Ie(Ze)4774 }).raw = Ze, ta.geo.albers = function() {4775 return ta.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([96, 0]).center([ - .6, 38.7]).parallels([29.5, 45.5]).scale(1070)4776 }, ta.geo.albersUsa = function() {4777 function n(n) {4778 var i = n[0], o = n[1];4779 return t = null, e(i, o), t || (r(i, o), t) || u(i, o), t4780 }4781 var t, e, r, u, i = ta.geo.albers(), o = ta.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([154, 0]).center([ - 2, 58.5]).parallels([55, 65]), a = ta.geo.conicEqualArea().rotate([157, 0]).center([ - 3, 19.9]).parallels([8, 18]), c = {4782 point: function(n, e) {4783 t = [n, e]4784 }4785 };4786 return n.invert = function(n) {4787 var t = i.scale(), e = i.translate(), r = (n[0] - e[0]) /​ t, u = (n[1] - e[1]) /​ t;4788 return (u >= .12 && .234 > u && r>=-.425&&-.214 > r ? o : u >= .166 && .234 > u && r>=-.214&&-.115 > r ? a : i).invert(n)4789 }, = function(n) {4790 var t =, e =, r =;4791 return {4792 point: function(n, u) {4793 t.point(n, u), e.point(n, u), r.point(n, u)4794 },4795 sphere: function() {4796 t.sphere(), e.sphere(), r.sphere()4797 },4798 lineStart: function() {4799 t.lineStart(), e.lineStart(), r.lineStart()4800 },4801 lineEnd: function() {4802 t.lineEnd(), e.lineEnd(), r.lineEnd()4803 },4804 polygonStart: function() {4805 t.polygonStart(), e.polygonStart(), r.polygonStart()4806 },4807 polygonEnd: function() {4808 t.polygonEnd(), e.polygonEnd(), r.polygonEnd()4809 }4810 }4811 }, n.precision = function(t) {4812 return arguments.length ? (i.precision(t), o.precision(t), a.precision(t), n) : i.precision()4813 }, n.scale = function(t) {4814 return arguments.length ? (i.scale(t), o.scale(.35 * t), a.scale(t), n.translate(i.translate())) : i.scale()4815 }, n.translate = function(t) {4816 if (!arguments.length)4817 return i.translate();4818 var l = i.scale(), s =+ t[0], f =+ t[1];4819 return e = i.translate(t).clipExtent([[s - .455 * l, f - .238 * l], [s + .455 * l, f + .238 * l]]).stream(c).point, r = o.translate([s - .307 * l, f + .201 * l]).clipExtent([[s - .425 * l + Ta, f + .12 * l + Ta], [s - .214 * l - Ta, f + .234 * l - Ta]]).stream(c).point, u = a.translate([s - .205 * l, f + .212 * l]).clipExtent([[s - .214 * l + Ta, f + .166 * l + Ta], [s - .115 * l - Ta, f + .234 * l - Ta]]).stream(c).point, n4820 }, n.scale(1070)4821 };4822 var jc, Fc, Hc, Oc, Yc, Ic, Zc = {4823 point: y,4824 lineStart: y,4825 lineEnd: y,4826 polygonStart: function() {4827 Fc = 0, Zc.lineStart = Ve4828 },4829 polygonEnd: function() {4830 Zc.lineStart = Zc.lineEnd = Zc.point = y, jc += va(Fc /​ 2)4831 }4832 }, Vc = {4833 point: Xe,4834 lineStart: y,4835 lineEnd: y,4836 polygonStart: y,4837 polygonEnd: y4838 }, Xc = {4839 point: We,4840 lineStart: Je,4841 lineEnd: Ge,4842 polygonStart: function() {4843 Xc.lineStart = Ke4844 },4845 polygonEnd: function() {4846 Xc.point = We, Xc.lineStart = Je, Xc.lineEnd = Ge4847 }4848 };4849 ta.geo.path = function() {4850 function n(n) {4851 return n && ("function" == typeof a && i.pointRadius( + a.apply(this, arguments)), o && o.valid || (o = u(i)),, o)), i.result()4852 }4853 function t() {4854 return o = null, n4855 }4856 var e, r, u, i, o, a = 4.5;4857 return n.area = function(n) {4858 return jc = 0,, u(Zc)), jc4859 }, n.centroid = function(n) {4860 return Ec = Ac = Nc = Cc = zc = qc = Lc = Tc = Rc = 0,, u(Xc)), Rc ? [Lc /​ Rc, Tc /​ Rc] : qc ? [Cc /​ qc, zc /​ qc] : Nc ? [Ec /​ Nc, Ac /​ Nc] : [0 /​ 0, 0 /​ 0]4861 }, n.bounds = function(n) {4862 return Yc = Ic =- (Hc = Oc = 1 /​ 0),, u(Vc)), [[Hc, Oc], [Yc, Ic]]4863 }, n.projection = function(n) {4864 return arguments.length ? (u = (e = n) ? || tr(n) : Et, t()) : e4865 }, n.context = function(n) {4866 return arguments.length ? (i = null == (r = n) ? new $e : new Qe(n), "function" != typeof a && i.pointRadius(a), t()) : r4867 }, n.pointRadius = function(t) {4868 return arguments.length ? (a = "function" == typeof t ? t : (i.pointRadius( + t), + t), n) : a4869 }, n.projection(ta.geo.albersUsa()).context(null)4870 }, ta.geo.transform = function(n) {4871 return {4872 stream: function(t) {4873 var e = new er(t);4874 for (var r in n)4875 e[r] = n[r];4876 return e4877 }4878 }4879 }, er.prototype = {4880 point: function(n, t) {4881, t)4882 },4883 sphere: function() {4884 },4886 lineStart: function() {4887 },4889 lineEnd: function() {4890 },4892 polygonStart: function() {4893 },4895 polygonEnd: function() {4896 }4898 }, ta.geo.projection = ur, ta.geo.projectionMutator = ir, (ta.geo.equirectangular = function() {4899 return ur(ar)4900 }).raw = ar.invert = ar, ta.geo.rotation = function(n) {4901 function t(t) {4902 return t = n(t[0] * Fa, t[1] * Fa), t[0]*=Ha, t[1]*=Ha, t4903 }4904 return n = lr(n[0]%360 * Fa, n[1] * Fa, n.length > 2 ? n[2] * Fa : 0), t.invert = function(t) {4905 return t = n.invert(t[0] * Fa, t[1] * Fa), t[0]*=Ha, t[1]*=Ha, t4906 }, t4907 }, cr.invert = ar, = function() {4908 function n() {4909 var n = "function" == typeof r ? r.apply(this, arguments): r, t = lr( - n[0] * Fa, - n[1] * Fa, 0).invert, u = [];4910 return e(null, null, 1, {4911 point: function(n, e) {4912 u.push(n = t(n, e)), n[0]*=Ha, n[1]*=Ha4913 }4914 }), {4915 type: "Polygon",4916 coordinates: [u]4917 }4918 }4919 var t, e, r = [0, 0], u = 6;4920 return n.origin = function(t) {4921 return arguments.length ? (r = t, n) : r4922 }, n.angle = function(r) {4923 return arguments.length ? (e = gr((t =+ r) * Fa, u * Fa), n) : t4924 }, n.precision = function(r) {4925 return arguments.length ? (e = gr(t * Fa, (u =+ r) * Fa), n) : u4926 }, n.angle(90)4927 }, ta.geo.distance = function(n, t) {4928 var e, r = (t[0] - n[0]) * Fa, u = n[1] * Fa, i = t[1] * Fa, o = Math.sin(r), a = Math.cos(r), c = Math.sin(u), l = Math.cos(u), s = Math.sin(i), f = Math.cos(i);4929 return Math.atan2(Math.sqrt((e = f * o) * e + (e = l * s - c * f * a) * e), c * s + l * f * a)4930 }, ta.geo.graticule = function() {4931 function n() {4932 return {4933 type: "MultiLineString",4934 coordinates: t()4935 }4936 }4937 function t() {4938 return ta.range(Math.ceil(i /​ d) * d, u, d).map(h).concat(ta.range(Math.ceil(l /​ m) * m, c, m).map(g)).concat(ta.range(Math.ceil(r /​ p) * p, e, p).filter(function(n) {4939 return va(n%d) > Ta4940 }).map(s)).concat(ta.range(Math.ceil(a /​ v) * v, o, v).filter(function(n) {4941 return va(n%m) > Ta4942 }).map(f))4943 }4944 var e, r, u, i, o, a, c, l, s, f, h, g, p = 10, v = p, d = 90, m = 360, y = 2.5;4945 return n.lines = function() {4946 return t().map(function(n) {4947 return {4948 type: "LineString",4949 coordinates: n4950 }4951 })4952 }, n.outline = function() {4953 return {4954 type: "Polygon",4955 coordinates: [h(i).concat(g(c).slice(1), h(u).reverse().slice(1), g(l).reverse().slice(1))]4956 }4957 }, n.extent = function(t) {4958 return arguments.length ? n.majorExtent(t).minorExtent(t) : n.minorExtent()4959 }, n.majorExtent = function(t) {4960 return arguments.length ? (i =+ t[0][0], u =+ t[1][0], l =+ t[0][1], c =+ t[1][1], i > u && (t = i, i = u, u = t), l > c && (t = l, l = c, c = t), n.precision(y)) : [[i, l], [u, c]]4961 }, n.minorExtent = function(t) {4962 return arguments.length ? (r =+ t[0][0], e =+ t[1][0], a =+ t[0][1], o =+ t[1][1], r > e && (t = r, r = e, e = t), a > o && (t = a, a = o, o = t), n.precision(y)) : [[r, a], [e, o]]4963 }, n.step = function(t) {4964 return arguments.length ? n.majorStep(t).minorStep(t) : n.minorStep()4965 }, n.majorStep = function(t) {4966 return arguments.length ? (d =+ t[0], m =+ t[1], n) : [d, m]4967 }, n.minorStep = function(t) {4968 return arguments.length ? (p =+ t[0], v =+ t[1], n) : [p, v]4969 }, n.precision = function(t) {4970 return arguments.length ? (y =+ t, s = vr(a, o, 90), f = dr(r, e, y), h = vr(l, c, 90), g = dr(i, u, y), n) : y4971 }, n.majorExtent([[ - 180, - 90 + Ta], [180, 90 - Ta]]).minorExtent([[ - 180, - 80 - Ta], [180, 80 + Ta]])4972 }, ta.geo.greatArc = function() {4973 function n() {4974 return {4975 type: "LineString",4976 coordinates: [t || r.apply(this, arguments), e || u.apply(this, arguments)]4977 }4978 }4979 var t, e, r = mr, u = yr;4980 return n.distance = function() {4981 return ta.geo.distance(t || r.apply(this, arguments), e || u.apply(this, arguments))4982 }, n.source = function(e) {4983 return arguments.length ? (r = e, t = "function" == typeof e ? null : e, n) : r4984 }, = function(t) {4985 return arguments.length ? (u = t, e = "function" == typeof t ? null : t, n) : u4986 }, n.precision = function() {4987 return arguments.length ? n : 04988 }, n4989 }, ta.geo.interpolate = function(n, t) {4990 return Mr(n[0] * Fa, n[1] * Fa, t[0] * Fa, t[1] * Fa)4991 }, ta.geo.length = function(n) {4992 return $c = 0,, Bc), $c4993 };4994 var $c, Bc = {4995 sphere: y,4996 point: y,4997 lineStart: xr,4998 lineEnd: y,4999 polygonStart: y,5000 polygonEnd: y5001 }, Wc = br(function(n) {5002 return Math.sqrt(2 /​ (1 + n))5003 }, function(n) {5004 return 2 * Math.asin(n /​ 2)5005 });5006 (ta.geo.azimuthalEqualArea = function() {5007 return ur(Wc)5008 }).raw = Wc;5009 var Jc = br(function(n) {5010 var t = Math.acos(n);5011 return t && t /​ Math.sin(t)5012 }, Et);5013 (ta.geo.azimuthalEquidistant = function() {5014 return ur(Jc)5015 }).raw = Jc, (ta.geo.conicConformal = function() {5016 return Ie(_r)5017 }).raw = _r, (ta.geo.conicEquidistant = function() {5018 return Ie(wr)5019 }).raw = wr;5020 var Gc = br(function(n) {5021 return 1 /​ n5022 }, Math.atan);5023 (ta.geo.gnomonic = function() {5024 return ur(Gc)5025 }).raw = Gc, Sr.invert = function(n, t) {5026 return [n, 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(t)) - ja]5027 }, (ta.geo.mercator = function() {5028 return kr(Sr)5029 }).raw = Sr;5030 var Kc = br(function() {5031 return 15032 }, Math.asin);5033 (ta.geo.orthographic = function() {5034 return ur(Kc)5035 }).raw = Kc;5036 var Qc = br(function(n) {5037 return 1 /​ (1 + n)5038 }, function(n) {5039 return 2 * Math.atan(n)5040 });5041 (ta.geo.stereographic = function() {5042 return ur(Qc)5043 }).raw = Qc, Er.invert = function(n, t) {5044 return [ - t, 2 * Math.atan(Math.exp(n)) - ja]5045 }, (ta.geo.transverseMercator = function() {5046 var n = kr(Er), t =, e = n.rotate;5047 return = function(n) {5048 return n ? t([ - n[1], n[0]]) : (n = t(), [n[1], - n[0]])5049 }, n.rotate = function(n) {5050 return n ? e([n[0], n[1], n.length > 2 ? n[2] + 90: 90]) : (n = e(), [n[0], n[1], n[2] - 90])5051 }, e([0, 0, 90])5052 }).raw = Er, ta.geom = {}, ta.geom.hull = function(n) {5053 function t(n) {5054 if (n.length < 3)5055 return [];5056 var t, u = kt(e), i = kt(r), o = n.length, a = [], c = [];5057 for (t = 0; o > t; t++)5058 a.push([ +, n[t], t), +, n[t], t), t]);5059 for (a.sort(zr), t = 0; o > t; t++)5060 c.push([a[t][0], - a[t][1]]);5061 var l = Cr(a), s = Cr(c), f = s[0] === l[0], h = s[s.length - 1] === l[l.length - 1], g = [];5062 for (t = l.length - 1; t >= 0; --t)5063 g.push(n[a[l[t]][2]]);5064 for (t =+ f; t < s.length - h; ++t)5065 g.push(n[a[s[t]][2]]);5066 return g5067 }5068 var e = Ar, r = Nr;5069 return arguments.length ? t(n) : (t.x = function(n) {5070 return arguments.length ? (e = n, t) : e5071 }, t.y = function(n) {5072 return arguments.length ? (r = n, t) : r5073 }, t)5074 }, ta.geom.polygon = function(n) {5075 return xa(n, nl), n5076 };5077 var nl = ta.geom.polygon.prototype = [];5078 nl.area = function() {5079 for (var n, t =- 1, e = this.length, r = this[e - 1], u = 0; ++t < e;)5080 n = r, r = this[t], u += n[1] * r[0] - n[0] * r[1];5081 return .5 * u5082 }, nl.centroid = function(n) {5083 var t, e, r =- 1, u = this.length, i = 0, o = 0, a = this[u - 1];5084 for (arguments.length || (n =- 1 /​ (6 * this.area())); ++r < u;)5085 t = a, a = this[r], e = t[0] * a[1] - a[0] * t[1], i += (t[0] + a[0]) * e, o += (t[1] + a[1]) * e;5086 return [i * n, o * n]5087 }, nl.clip = function(n) {5088 for (var t, e, r, u, i, o, a = Tr(n), c =- 1, l = this.length - Tr(this), s = this[l - 1]; ++c < l;) {5089 for (t = n.slice(), n.length = 0, u = this[c], i = t[(r = t.length - a) - 1], e =- 1; ++e < r;)5090 o = t[e], qr(o, s, u) ? (qr(i, s, u) || n.push(Lr(i, o, s, u)), n.push(o)) : qr(i, s, u) && n.push(Lr(i, o, s, u)), i = o;5091 a && n.push(n[0]), s = u5092 }5093 return n5094 };5095 var tl, el, rl, ul, il, ol = [], al = [];5096 Or.prototype.prepare = function() {5097 for (var n, t = this.edges, e = t.length; e--;)5098 n = t[e].edge, n.b && n.a || t.splice(e, 1);5099 return t.sort(Ir), t.length5100 }, Qr.prototype = {5101 start: function() {5102 return this.edge.l === ? this.edge.a : this.edge.b5103 },5104 end: function() {5105 return this.edge.l === ? this.edge.b : this.edge.a5106 }5107 }, nu.prototype = {5108 insert: function(n, t) {5109 var e, r, u;5110 if (n) {5111 if (t.P = n, t.N = n.N, n.N && (n.N.P = t), n.N = t, n.R) {5112 for (n = n.R; n.L;)5113 n = n.L;5114 n.L = t5115 } else 5116 n.R = t;5117 e = n5118 } else 5119 this._ ? (n = uu(this._), t.P = null, t.N = n, n.P = n.L = t, e = n) : (t.P = t.N = null, this._ = t, e = null);5120 for (t.L = t.R = null, t.U = e, t.C=!0, n = t; e && e.C;)5121 r = e.U, e === r.L ? (u = r.R, u && u.C ? (e.C = u.C=!1, r.C=!0, n = r) : (n === e.R && (eu(this, e), n = e, e = n.U), e.C=!1, r.C=!0, ru(this, r))) : (u = r.L, u && u.C ? (e.C = u.C=!1, r.C=!0, n = r) : (n === e.L && (ru(this, e), n = e, e = n.U), e.C=!1, r.C=!0, eu(this, r))), e = n.U;5122 this._.C=!15123 },5124 remove: function(n) {5125 n.N && (n.N.P = n.P), n.P && (n.P.N = n.N), n.N = n.P = null;5126 var t, e, r, u = n.U, i = n.L, o = n.R;5127 if (e = i ? o ? uu(o) : i : o, u ? u.L === n ? u.L = e : u.R = e : this._ = e, i && o ? (r = e.C, e.C = n.C, e.L = i, i.U = e, e !== o ? (u = e.U, e.U = n.U, n = e.R, u.L = n, e.R = o, o.U = e) : (e.U = u, u = e, n = e.R)) : (r = n.C, n = e), n && (n.U = u), !r) {5128 if (n && n.C)5129 return n.C=!1, void 0;5130 do {5131 if (n === this._)5132 break;5133 if (n === u.L) {5134 if (t = u.R, t.C && (t.C=!1, u.C=!0, eu(this, u), t = u.R), t.L && t.L.C || t.R && t.R.C) {5135 t.R && t.R.C || (t.L.C=!1, t.C=!0, ru(this, t), t = u.R), t.C = u.C, u.C = t.R.C=!1, eu(this, u), n = this._;5136 break5137 }5138 } else if (t = u.L, t.C && (t.C=!1, u.C=!0, ru(this, u), t = u.L), t.L && t.L.C || t.R && t.R.C) {5139 t.L && t.L.C || (t.R.C=!1, t.C=!0, eu(this, t), t = u.L), t.C = u.C, u.C = t.L.C=!1, ru(this, u), n = this._;5140 break5141 }5142 t.C=!0, n = u, u = u.U5143 }5144 while (!n.C);5145 n && (n.C=!1)5146 }5147 }5148 }, ta.geom.voronoi = function(n) {5149 function t(n) {5150 var t = new Array(n.length), r = a[0][0], u = a[0][1], i = a[1][0], o = a[1][1];5151 return iu(e(n), a).cells.forEach(function(e, a) {5152 var c = e.edges, l =, s = t[a] = c.length ? {5153 var t = n.start();5154 return [t.x, t.y]5155 }): l.x >= r && l.x <= i && l.y >= u && l.y <= o ? [[r, o], [i, o], [i, u], [r, u]]: [];5156 s.point = n[a]5157 }), t5158 }5159 function e(n) {5160 return, t) {5161 return {5162 x: Math.round(i(n, t) /​ Ta) * Ta,5163 y: Math.round(o(n, t) /​ Ta) * Ta,5164 i: t5165 }5166 })5167 }5168 var r = Ar, u = Nr, i = r, o = u, a = cl;5169 return n ? t(n) : (t.links = function(n) {5170 return iu(e(n)).edges.filter(function(n) {5171 return n.l && n.r5172 }).map(function(t) {5173 return {5174 source: n[t.l.i],5175 target: n[t.r.i]5176 }5177 })5178 }, t.triangles = function(n) {5179 var t = [];5180 return iu(e(n)).cells.forEach(function(e, r) {5181 for (var u, i, o =, a = e.edges.sort(Ir), c =- 1, l = a.length, s = a[l - 1].edge, f = s.l === o ? s.r : s.l; ++c < l;)5182 u = s, i = f, s = a[c].edge, f = s.l === o ? s.r : s.l, r < i.i && r < f.i && au(o, i, f) < 0 && t.push([n[r], n[i.i], n[f.i]])5183 }), t5184 }, t.x = function(n) {5185 return arguments.length ? (i = kt(r = n), t) : r5186 }, t.y = function(n) {5187 return arguments.length ? (o = kt(u = n), t) : u5188 }, t.clipExtent = function(n) {5189 return arguments.length ? (a = null == n ? cl : n, t) : a === cl ? null : a5190 }, t.size = function(n) {5191 return arguments.length ? t.clipExtent(n && [[0, 0], n]) : a === cl ? null : a && a[1]5192 }, t)5193 };5194 var cl = [[ - 1e6, - 1e6], [1e6, 1e6]];5195 ta.geom.delaunay = function(n) {5196 return ta.geom.voronoi().triangles(n)5197 }, ta.geom.quadtree = function(n, t, e, r, u) {5198 function i(n) {5199 function i(n, t, e, r, u, i, o, a) {5200 if (!isNaN(e)&&!isNaN(r))5201 if (n.leaf) {5202 var c = n.x, s = n.y;5203 if (null != c)5204 if (va(c - e) + va(s - r) < .01)5205 l(n, t, e, r, u, i, o, a);5206 else {5207 var f = n.point;5208 n.x = n.y = n.point = null, l(n, f, c, s, u, i, o, a), l(n, t, e, r, u, i, o, a)5209 } else 5210 n.x = e, n.y = r, n.point = t5211 } else 5212 l(n, t, e, r, u, i, o, a)5213 }5214 function l(n, t, e, r, u, o, a, c) {5215 var l = .5 * (u + a), s = .5 * (o + c), f = e >= l, h = r >= s, g = h<<1 | f;5216 n.leaf=!1, n = n.nodes[g] || (n.nodes[g] = su()), f ? u = l : a = l, h ? o = s : c = s, i(n, t, e, r, u, o, a, c)5217 }5218 var s, f, h, g, p, v, d, m, y, M = kt(a), x = kt(c);5219 if (null != t)5220 v = t, d = e, m = r, y = u;5221 else if (m = y =- (v = d = 1 /​ 0), f = [], h = [], p = n.length, o)5222 for (g = 0; p > g; ++g)5223 s = n[g], s.x < v && (v = s.x), s.y < d && (d = s.y), s.x > m && (m = s.x), s.y > y && (y = s.y), f.push(s.x), h.push(s.y);5224 else 5225 for (g = 0; p > g; ++g) {5226 var b =+ M(s = n[g], g), _ =+ x(s, g);5227 v > b && (v = b), d > _ && (d = _), b > m && (m = b), _ > y && (y = _), f.push(b), h.push(_)5228 }5229 var w = m - v, S = y - d;5230 w > S ? y = d + w : m = v + S;5231 var k = su();5232 if (k.add = function(n) {5233 i(k, n, + M(n, ++g), + x(n, g), v, d, m, y)5234 }, k.visit = function(n) {5235 fu(n, k, v, d, m, y)5236 }, k.find = function(n) {5237 return hu(k, n[0], n[1], v, d, m, y)5238 }, g =- 1, null == t) {5239 for (; ++g < p;)5240 i(k, n[g], f[g], h[g], v, d, m, y);5241 --g5242 } else 5243 n.forEach(k.add);5244 return f = h = n = s = null, k5245 }5246 var o, a = Ar, c = Nr;5247 return (o = arguments.length) ? (a = cu, c = lu, 3 === o && (u = e, r = t, e = t = 0), i(n)) : (i.x = function(n) {5248 return arguments.length ? (a = n, i) : a5249 }, i.y = function(n) {5250 return arguments.length ? (c = n, i) : c5251 }, i.extent = function(n) {5252 return arguments.length ? (null == n ? t = e = r = u = null : (t =+ n[0][0], e =+ n[0][1], r =+ n[1][0], u =+ n[1][1]), i) : null == t ? null : [[t, e], [r, u]]5253 }, i.size = function(n) {5254 return arguments.length ? (null == n ? t = e = r = u = null : (t = e = 0, r =+ n[0], u =+ n[1]), i) : null == t ? null : [r - t, u - e]5255 }, i)5256 }, ta.interpolateRgb = gu, ta.interpolateObject = pu, ta.interpolateNumber = vu, ta.interpolateString = du;5257 var ll = /​[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/​g, sl = new RegExp(ll.source, "g");5258 ta.interpolate = mu, ta.interpolators = [function(n, t) {5259 var e = typeof t;5260 return ("string" === e ? tc.has(t) || /​^(#|rgb\(|hsl\()/​.test(t) ? gu : du : t instanceof it ? gu : Array.isArray(t) ? yu : "object" === e && isNaN(t) ? pu : vu)(n, t)5261 }5262 ], ta.interpolateArray = yu;5263 var fl = function() {5264 return Et5265 }, hl ={5266 linear: fl,5267 poly: ku,5268 quad: function() {5269 return _u5270 },5271 cubic: function() {5272 return wu5273 },5274 sin: function() {5275 return Eu5276 },5277 exp: function() {5278 return Au5279 },5280 circle: function() {5281 return Nu5282 },5283 elastic: Cu,5284 back: zu,5285 bounce: function() {5286 return qu5287 }5288 }), gl ={5289 "in": Et,5290 out: xu,5291 "in-out": bu,5292 "out-in": function(n) {5293 return bu(xu(n))5294 }5295 });5296 ta.ease = function(n) {5297 var t = n.indexOf("-"), e = t >= 0 ? n.slice(0, t): n, r = t >= 0 ? n.slice(t + 1): "in";5298 return e = hl.get(e) || fl, r = gl.get(r) || Et, Mu(r(e.apply(null,, 1))))5299 }, ta.interpolateHcl = Lu, ta.interpolateHsl = Tu, ta.interpolateLab = Ru, ta.interpolateRound = Du, ta.transform = function(n) {5300 var t = ua.createElementNS(ta.ns.prefix.svg, "g");5301 return (ta.transform = function(n) {5302 if (null != n) {5303 t.setAttribute("transform", n);5304 var e = t.transform.baseVal.consolidate()5305 }5306 return new Pu(e ? e.matrix : pl)5307 })(n)5308 }, Pu.prototype.toString = function() {5309 return "translate(" + this.translate + ")rotate(" + this.rotate + ")skewX(" + this.skew + ")scale(" + this.scale + ")"5310 };5311 var pl = {5312 a: 1,5313 b: 0,5314 c: 0,5315 d: 1,5316 e: 0,5317 f: 05318 };5319 ta.interpolateTransform = Hu, ta.layout = {}, ta.layout.bundle = function() {5320 return function(n) {5321 for (var t = [], e =- 1, r = n.length; ++e < r;)5322 t.push(Iu(n[e]));5323 return t5324 }5325 }, ta.layout.chord = function() {5326 function n() {5327 var n, l, f, h, g, p = {}, v = [], d = ta.range(i), m = [];5328 for (e = [], r = [], n = 0, h =- 1; ++h < i;) {5329 for (l = 0, g =- 1; ++g < i;)5330 l += u[h][g];5331 v.push(l), m.push(ta.range(i)), n += l5332 }5333 for (o && d.sort(function(n, t) {5334 return o(v[n], v[t])5335 }), a && m.forEach(function(n, t) {5336 n.sort(function(n, e) {5337 return a(u[t][n], u[t][e])5338 })5339 }), n = (Pa - s * i) /​ n, l = 0, h =- 1; ++h < i;) {5340 for (f = l, g =- 1; ++g < i;) {5341 var y = d[h], M = m[y][g], x = u[y][M], b = l, _ = l += x * n;5342 p[y + "-" + M] = {5343 index: y,5344 subindex: M,5345 startAngle: b,5346 endAngle: _,5347 value: x5348 }5349 }5350 r[y] = {5351 index: y,5352 startAngle: f,5353 endAngle: l,5354 value: (l - f) /​ n5355 }, l += s5356 }5357 for (h =- 1; ++h < i;)5358 for (g = h - 1; ++g < i;) {5359 var w = p[h + "-" + g], S = p[g + "-" + h];5360 (w.value || S.value) && e.push(w.value < S.value ? {5361 source: S,5362 target: w5363 } : {5364 source: w,5365 target: S5366 })5367 }5368 c && t()5369 }5370 function t() {5371 e.sort(function(n, t) {5372 return c((n.source.value + /​ 2, (t.source.value + /​ 2)5373 })5374 }5375 var e, r, u, i, o, a, c, l = {}, s = 0;5376 return l.matrix = function(n) {5377 return arguments.length ? (i = (u = n) && u.length, e = r = null, l) : u5378 }, l.padding = function(n) {5379 return arguments.length ? (s = n, e = r = null, l) : s5380 }, l.sortGroups = function(n) {5381 return arguments.length ? (o = n, e = r = null, l) : o5382 }, l.sortSubgroups = function(n) {5383 return arguments.length ? (a = n, e = null, l) : a5384 }, l.sortChords = function(n) {5385 return arguments.length ? (c = n, e && t(), l) : c5386 }, l.chords = function() {5387 return e || n(), e5388 }, l.groups = function() {5389 return r || n(), r5390 }, l5391 }, ta.layout.force = function() {5392 function n(n) {5393 return function(t, e, r, u) {5394 if (t.point !== n) {5395 var i = - n.x, o = - n.y, a = u - e, c = i * i + o * o;5396 if (c > a * a /​ d) {5397 if (p > c) {5398 var l = t.charge /​ c;5399 n.px -= i * l, -= o * l5400 }5401 return !05402 }5403 if (t.point && c && p > c) {5404 var l = t.pointCharge /​ c;5405 n.px -= i * l, -= o * l5406 }5407 }5408 return !t.charge5409 }5410 }5411 function t(n) {5412 n.px = ta.event.x, = ta.event.y, a.resume()5413 }5414 var e, r, u, i, o, a = {}, c = ta.dispatch("start", "tick", "end"), l = [1, 1], s = .9, f = vl, h = dl, g =- 30, p = ml, v = .1, d = .64, m = [], y = [];5415 return a.tick = function() {5416 if ((r*=.99) < .005)5417 return c.end({5418 type: "end",5419 alpha: r = 05420 }), !0;5421 var t, e, a, f, h, p, d, M, x, b = m.length, _ = y.length;5422 for (e = 0; _ > e; ++e)5423 a = y[e], f = a.source, h =, M = h.x - f.x, x = h.y - f.y, (p = M * M + x * x) && (p = r * i[e] * ((p = Math.sqrt(p)) - u[e]) /​ p, M*=p, x*=p, h.x -= M * (d = f.weight /​ (h.weight + f.weight)), h.y -= x * d, f.x += M * (d = 1 - d), f.y += x * d);5424 if ((d = r * v) && (M = l[0] /​ 2, x = l[1] /​ 2, e =- 1, d))5425 for (; ++e < b;)5426 a = m[e], a.x += (M - a.x) * d, a.y += (x - a.y) * d;5427 if (g)5428 for (Ju(t = ta.geom.quadtree(m), r, o)5429 , e =- 1;5430 ++e < b;5431 )(a = m[e]).fixed || t.visit(n(a));5432 for (e =- 1; ++e < b;)5433 a = m[e], a.fixed ? (a.x = a.px, a.y = : (a.x -= (a.px - (a.px = a.x)) * s, a.y -= ( - ( = a.y)) * s);5434 c.tick({5435 type: "tick",5436 alpha: r5437 })5438 }, a.nodes = function(n) {5439 return arguments.length ? (m = n, a) : m5440 }, a.links = function(n) {5441 return arguments.length ? (y = n, a) : y5442 }, a.size = function(n) {5443 return arguments.length ? (l = n, a) : l5444 }, a.linkDistance = function(n) {5445 return arguments.length ? (f = "function" == typeof n ? n : + n, a) : f5446 }, a.distance = a.linkDistance, a.linkStrength = function(n) {5447 return arguments.length ? (h = "function" == typeof n ? n : + n, a) : h5448 }, a.friction = function(n) {5449 return arguments.length ? (s =+ n, a) : s5450 }, a.charge = function(n) {5451 return arguments.length ? (g = "function" == typeof n ? n : + n, a) : g5452 }, a.chargeDistance = function(n) {5453 return arguments.length ? (p = n * n, a) : Math.sqrt(p)5454 }, a.gravity = function(n) {5455 return arguments.length ? (v =+ n, a) : v5456 }, a.theta = function(n) {5457 return arguments.length ? (d = n * n, a) : Math.sqrt(d)5458 }, a.alpha = function(n) {5459 return arguments.length ? (n =+ n, r ? r = n > 0 ? n : 0 : n > 0 && (c.start({5460 type: "start",5461 alpha: r = n5462 }), ta.timer(a.tick)), a) : r5463 }, a.start = function() {5464 function n(n, r) {5465 if (!e) {5466 for (e = new Array(c), a = 0; c > a; ++a)5467 e[a] = [];5468 for (a = 0; l > a; ++a) {5469 var u = y[a];5470 e[u.source.index].push(, e[].push(u.source)5471 }5472 }5473 for (var i, o = e[t], a =- 1, l = o.length; ++a < l;)5474 if (!isNaN(i = o[a][n]))5475 return i;5476 return Math.random() * r5477 }5478 var t, e, r, c = m.length, s = y.length, p = l[0], v = l[1];5479 for (t = 0; c > t; ++t)(r = m[t])5480 .index = t, r.weight = 0;5481 for (t = 0; s > t; ++t)5482 r = y[t], "number" == typeof r.source && (r.source = m[r.source]), "number" == typeof && ( = m[]), ++r.source.weight,;5483 for (t = 0; c > t; ++t)5484 r = m[t], isNaN(r.x) && (r.x = n("x", p)), isNaN(r.y) && (r.y = n("y", v)), isNaN(r.px) && (r.px = r.x), isNaN( && ( = r.y);5485 if (u = [], "function" == typeof f)5486 for (t = 0; s > t; ++t)5487 u[t] =+, y[t], t);5488 else 5489 for (t = 0; s > t; ++t)5490 u[t] = f;5491 if (i = [], "function" == typeof h)5492 for (t = 0; s > t; ++t)5493 i[t] =+, y[t], t);5494 else 5495 for (t = 0; s > t; ++t)5496 i[t] = h;5497 if (o = [], "function" == typeof g)5498 for (t = 0; c > t; ++t)5499 o[t] =+, m[t], t);5500 else 5501 for (t = 0; c > t; ++t)5502 o[t] = g;5503 return a.resume()5504 }, a.resume = function() {5505 return a.alpha(.1)5506 }, a.stop = function() {5507 return a.alpha(0)5508 }, a.drag = function() {5509 return e || (e = ta.behavior.drag().origin(Et).on("dragstart.force", Xu).on("drag.force", t).on("dragend.force", $u)), arguments.length ? (this.on("mouseover.force", Bu).on("mouseout.force", Wu).call(e), void 0) : e5510 }, ta.rebind(a, c, "on")5511 };5512 var vl = 20, dl = 1, ml = 1 /​ 0;5513 ta.layout.hierarchy = function() {5514 function n(u) {5515 var i, o = [u], a = [];5516 for (u.depth = 0; null != (i = o.pop());)5517 if (a.push(i), (l =, i, i.depth)) && (c = l.length)) {5518 for (var c, l, s; --c >= 0;)5519 o.push(s = l[c]), s.parent = i, s.depth = i.depth + 1;5520 r && (i.value = 0), i.children = l5521 } else 5522 r && (i.value =+, i, i.depth) || 0), delete i.children;5523 return Qu(u, function(n) {5524 var e, u;5525 t && (e = n.children) && e.sort(t), r && (u = n.parent) && (u.value += n.value)5526 }), a5527 }5528 var t = ei, e = ni, r = ti;5529 return n.sort = function(e) {5530 return arguments.length ? (t = e, n) : t5531 }, n.children = function(t) {5532 return arguments.length ? (e = t, n) : e5533 }, n.value = function(t) {5534 return arguments.length ? (r = t, n) : r5535 }, n.revalue = function(t) {5536 return r && (Ku(t, function(n) {5537 n.children && (n.value = 0)5538 }), Qu(t, function(t) {5539 var e;5540 t.children || (t.value =+, t, t.depth) || 0), (e = t.parent) && (e.value += t.value)5541 })), t5542 }, n5543 }, ta.layout.partition = function() {5544 function n(t, e, r, u) {5545 var i = t.children;5546 if (t.x = e, t.y = t.depth * u, t.dx = r, t.dy = u, i && (o = i.length)) {5547 var o, a, c, l =- 1;5548 for (r = t.value ? r /​ t.value : 0; ++l < o;)5549 n(a = i[l], e, c = a.value * r, u), e += c5550 }5551 }5552 function t(n) {5553 var e = n.children, r = 0;5554 if (e && (u = e.length))5555 for (var u, i =- 1; ++i < u;)5556 r = Math.max(r, t(e[i]));5557 return 1 + r5558 }5559 function e(e, i) {5560 var o =, e, i);5561 return n(o[0], 0, u[0], u[1] /​ t(o[0])), o5562 }5563 var r = ta.layout.hierarchy(), u = [1, 1];5564 return e.size = function(n) {5565 return arguments.length ? (u = n, e) : u5566 }, Gu(e, r)5567 }, ta.layout.pie = function() {5568 function n(o) {5569 var a, c = o.length, l =, r) {5570 return +, e, r)5571 }), s =+ ("function" == typeof r ? r.apply(this, arguments) : r), f = ("function" == typeof u ? u.apply(this, arguments) : u) - s, h = Math.min(Math.abs(f) /​ c, + ("function" == typeof i ? i.apply(this, arguments) : i)), g = h * (0 > f?-1 : 1), p = (f - c * g) /​ ta.sum(l), v = ta.range(c), d = [];5572 return null != e && v.sort(e === yl ? function(n, t) {5573 return l[t] - l[n]5574 } : function(n, t) {5575 return e(o[n], o[t])5576 }), v.forEach(function(n) {5577 d[n] = {5578 data: o[n],5579 value: a = l[n],5580 startAngle: s,5581 endAngle: s += a * p + g,5582 padAngle: h5583 }5584 }), d5585 }5586 var t = Number, e = yl, r = 0, u = Pa, i = 0;5587 return n.value = function(e) {5588 return arguments.length ? (t = e, n) : t5589 }, n.sort = function(t) {5590 return arguments.length ? (e = t, n) : e5591 }, n.startAngle = function(t) {5592 return arguments.length ? (r = t, n) : r5593 }, n.endAngle = function(t) {5594 return arguments.length ? (u = t, n) : u5595 }, n.padAngle = function(t) {5596 return arguments.length ? (i = t, n) : i5597 }, n5598 };5599 var yl = {};5600 ta.layout.stack = function() {5601 function n(a, c) {5602 if (!(h = a.length))5603 return a;5604 var l =, r) {5605 return, e, r)5606 }), s = {5607 return, e) {5608 return [, t, e),, t, e)]5609 })5610 }), f =, s, c);5611 l = ta.permute(l, f), s = ta.permute(s, f);5612 var h, g, p, v, d =, s, c), m = l[0].length;5613 for (p = 0; m > p; ++p)5614 for (, l[0][p], v = d[p], s[0][p][1]), g = 1; h > g; ++g)5615, l[g][p], v += s[g - 1][p][1], s[g][p][1]);5616 return a5617 }5618 var t = Et, e = ai, r = ci, u = oi, i = ui, o = ii;5619 return n.values = function(e) {5620 return arguments.length ? (t = e, n) : t5621 }, n.order = function(t) {5622 return arguments.length ? (e = "function" == typeof t ? t : Ml.get(t) || ai, n) : e5623 }, n.offset = function(t) {5624 return arguments.length ? (r = "function" == typeof t ? t : xl.get(t) || ci, n) : r5625 }, n.x = function(t) {5626 return arguments.length ? (i = t, n) : i5627 }, n.y = function(t) {5628 return arguments.length ? (o = t, n) : o5629 }, n.out = function(t) {5630 return arguments.length ? (u = t, n) : u5631 }, n5632 };5633 var Ml ={5634 "inside-out": function(n) {5635 var t, e, r = n.length, u =, i =, o = ta.range(r).sort(function(n, t) {5636 return u[n] - u[t]5637 }), a = 0, c = 0, l = [], s = [];5638 for (t = 0; r > t; ++t)5639 e = o[t], c > a ? (a += i[e], l.push(e)) : (c += i[e], s.push(e));5640 return s.reverse().concat(l)5641 },5642 reverse: function(n) {5643 return ta.range(n.length).reverse()5644 },5645 "default": ai5646 }), xl ={5647 silhouette: function(n) {5648 var t, e, r, u = n.length, i = n[0].length, o = [], a = 0, c = [];5649 for (e = 0; i > e; ++e) {5650 for (t = 0, r = 0; u > t; t++)5651 r += n[t][e][1];5652 r > a && (a = r), o.push(r)5653 }5654 for (e = 0; i > e; ++e)5655 c[e] = (a - o[e]) /​ 2;5656 return c5657 },5658 wiggle: function(n) {5659 var t, e, r, u, i, o, a, c, l, s = n.length, f = n[0], h = f.length, g = [];5660 for (g[0] = c = l = 0, e = 1; h > e; ++e) {5661 for (t = 0, u = 0; s > t; ++t)5662 u += n[t][e][1];5663 for (t = 0, i = 0, a = f[e][0] - f[e - 1][0]; s > t; ++t) {5664 for (r = 0, o = (n[t][e][1] - n[t][e - 1][1]) /​ (2 * a); t > r; ++r)5665 o += (n[r][e][1] - n[r][e - 1][1]) /​ a;5666 i += o * n[t][e][1]5667 }5668 g[e] = c -= u ? i /​ u * a : 0, l > c && (l = c)5669 }5670 for (e = 0; h > e; ++e)5671 g[e] -= l;5672 return g5673 },5674 expand: function(n) {5675 var t, e, r, u = n.length, i = n[0].length, o = 1 /​ u, a = [];5676 for (e = 0; i > e; ++e) {5677 for (t = 0, r = 0; u > t; t++)5678 r += n[t][e][1];5679 if (r)5680 for (t = 0; u > t; t++)5681 n[t][e][1]/​=r;5682 else 5683 for (t = 0; u > t; t++)5684 n[t][e][1] = o5685 }5686 for (e = 0; i > e; ++e)5687 a[e] = 0;5688 return a5689 },5690 zero: ci5691 });5692 ta.layout.histogram = function() {5693 function n(n, i) {5694 for (var o, a, c = [], l =, this), s =, l, i), f =, s, l, i), i =- 1, h = l.length, g = f.length - 1, p = t ? 1 : 1 /​ h; ++i < g;)5695 o = c[i] = [], o.dx = f[i + 1] - (o.x = f[i]), o.y = 0;5696 if (g > 0)5697 for (i =- 1; ++i < h;)5698 a = l[i], a >= s[0] && a <= s[1] && (o = c[ta.bisect(f, a, 1, g) - 1], o.y += p, o.push(n[i]));5699 return c5700 }5701 var t=!0, e = Number, r = pi, u = hi;5702 return n.value = function(t) {5703 return arguments.length ? (e = t, n) : e5704 }, n.range = function(t) {5705 return arguments.length ? (r = kt(t), n) : r5706 }, n.bins = function(t) {5707 return arguments.length ? (u = "number" == typeof t ? function(n) {5708 return gi(n, t)5709 } : kt(t), n) : u5710 }, n.frequency = function(e) {5711 return arguments.length ? (t=!!e, n) : t5712 }, n5713 }, ta.layout.pack = function() {5714 function n(n, i) {5715 var o =, n, i), a = o[0], c = u[0], l = u[1], s = null == t ? Math.sqrt: "function" == typeof t ? t: function() {5716 return t5717 };5718 if (a.x = a.y = 0, Qu(a, function(n) {5719 n.r =+ s(n.value)5720 }), Qu(a, Mi), r) {5721 var f = r * (t ? 1 : Math.max(2 * a.r /​ c, 2 * a.r /​ l)) /​ 2;5722 Qu(a, function(n) {5723 n.r += f5724 }), Qu(a, Mi), Qu(a, function(n) {5725 n.r -= f5726 })5727 }5728 return _i(a, c /​ 2, l /​ 2, t ? 1 : 1 /​ Math.max(2 * a.r /​ c, 2 * a.r /​ l)), o5729 }5730 var t, e = ta.layout.hierarchy().sort(vi), r = 0, u = [1, 1];5731 return n.size = function(t) {5732 return arguments.length ? (u = t, n) : u5733 }, n.radius = function(e) {5734 return arguments.length ? (t = null == e || "function" == typeof e ? e : + e, n) : t5735 }, n.padding = function(t) {5736 return arguments.length ? (r =+ t, n) : r5737 }, Gu(n, e)5738 }, ta.layout.tree = function() {5739 function n(n, u) {5740 var s =, n, u), f = s[0], h = t(f);5741 if (Qu(h, e), h.parent.m =- h.z, Ku(h, r), l)5742 Ku(f, i);5743 else {5744 var g = f, p = f, v = f;5745 Ku(f, function(n) {5746 n.x < g.x && (g = n), n.x > p.x && (p = n), n.depth > v.depth && (v = n)5747 });5748 var d = a(g, p) /​ 2 - g.x, m = c[0] /​ (p.x + a(p, g) /​ 2 + d), y = c[1] /​ (v.depth || 1);5749 Ku(f, function(n) {5750 n.x = (n.x + d) * m, n.y = n.depth * y5751 })5752 }5753 return s5754 }5755 function t(n) {5756 for (var t, e = {5757 A: null,5758 children: [n]5759 }, r = [e]; null != (t = r.pop());)5760 for (var u, i = t.children, o = 0, a = i.length; a > o; ++o)5761 r.push((i[o] = u = {5762 _: i[o],5763 parent: t,5764 children: (u = i[o].children) && u.slice() || [],5765 A: null,5766 a: null,5767 z: 0,5768 m: 0,5769 c: 0,5770 s: 0,5771 t: null,5772 i: o5773 }).a = u);5774 return e.children[0]5775 }5776 function e(n) {5777 var t = n.children, e = n.parent.children, r = n.i ? e[n.i - 1]: null;5778 if (t.length) {5779 Ni(n);5780 var i = (t[0].z + t[t.length - 1].z) /​ 2;5781 r ? (n.z = r.z + a(n._, r._), n.m = n.z - i) : n.z = i5782 } else 5783 r && (n.z = r.z + a(n._, r._));5784 n.parent.A = u(n, r, n.parent.A || e[0])5785 }5786 function r(n) {5787 n._.x = n.z + n.parent.m, n.m += n.parent.m5788 }5789 function u(n, t, e) {5790 if (t) {5791 for (var r, u = n, i = n, o = t, c = u.parent.children[0], l = u.m, s = i.m, f = o.m, h = c.m; o = Ei(o), u = ki(u), o && u;)5792 c = ki(c), i = Ei(i), i.a = n, r = o.z + f - u.z - l + a(o._, u._), r > 0 && (Ai(Ci(o, n, e), n, r), l += r, s += r), f += o.m, l += u.m, h += c.m, s += i.m;5793 o&&!Ei(i) && (i.t = o, i.m += f - s), u&&!ki(c) && (c.t = u, c.m += l - h, e = n)5794 }5795 return e5796 }5797 function i(n) {5798 n.x*=c[0], n.y = n.depth * c[1]5799 }5800 var o = ta.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null), a = Si, c = [1, 1], l = null;5801 return n.separation = function(t) {5802 return arguments.length ? (a = t, n) : a5803 }, n.size = function(t) {5804 return arguments.length ? (l = null == (c = t) ? i : null, n) : l ? null : c5805 }, n.nodeSize = function(t) {5806 return arguments.length ? (l = null == (c = t) ? null : i, n) : l ? c : null5807 }, Gu(n, o)5808 }, ta.layout.cluster = function() {5809 function n(n, i) {5810 var o, a =, n, i), c = a[0], l = 0;5811 Qu(c, function(n) {5812 var t = n.children;5813 t && t.length ? (n.x = qi(t), n.y = zi(t)) : (n.x = o ? l += e(n, o) : 0, n.y = 0, o = n)5814 });5815 var s = Li(c), f = Ti(c), h = s.x - e(s, f) /​ 2, g = f.x + e(f, s) /​ 2;5816 return Qu(c, u ? function(n) {5817 n.x = (n.x - c.x) * r[0], n.y = (c.y - n.y) * r[1]5818 } : function(n) {5819 n.x = (n.x - h) /​ (g - h) * r[0], n.y = (1 - (c.y ? n.y /​ c.y : 1)) * r[1]5820 }), a5821 }5822 var t = ta.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null), e = Si, r = [1, 1], u=!1;5823 return n.separation = function(t) {5824 return arguments.length ? (e = t, n) : e5825 }, n.size = function(t) {5826 return arguments.length ? (u = null == (r = t), n) : u ? null : r5827 }, n.nodeSize = function(t) {5828 return arguments.length ? (u = null != (r = t), n) : u ? r : null5829 }, Gu(n, t)5830 }, ta.layout.treemap = function() {5831 function n(n, t) {5832 for (var e, r, u =- 1, i = n.length; ++u < i;)5833 r = (e = n[u]).value * (0 > t ? 0 : t), e.area = isNaN(r) || 0 >= r ? 0 : r5834 }5835 function t(e) {5836 var i = e.children;5837 if (i && i.length) {5838 var o, a, c, l = f(e), s = [], h = i.slice(), p = 1 /​ 0, v = "slice" === g ? l.dx: "dice" === g ? l.dy: "slice-dice" === g ? 1 & e.depth ? l.dy: l.dx: Math.min(l.dx, l.dy);5839 for (n(h, l.dx * l.dy /​ e.value)5840 , s.area = 0;5841 (c = h.length) > 0;5842 )s.push(o = h[c - 1]), s.area += o.area, "squarify" !== g || (a = r(s, v)) <= p ? (h.pop(), p = a) : (s.area -= s.pop().area, u(s, v, l, !1), v = Math.min(l.dx, l.dy), s.length = s.area = 0, p = 1 /​ 0);5843 s.length && (u(s, v, l, !0), s.length = s.area = 0), i.forEach(t)5844 }5845 }5846 function e(t) {5847 var r = t.children;5848 if (r && r.length) {5849 var i, o = f(t), a = r.slice(), c = [];5850 for (n(a, o.dx * o.dy /​ t.value)5851 , c.area = 0;5852 i = a.pop();5853 )c.push(i), c.area += i.area, null != i.z && (u(c, i.z ? o.dx : o.dy, o, !a.length), c.length = c.area = 0);5854 r.forEach(e)5855 }5856 }5857 function r(n, t) {5858 for (var e, r = n.area, u = 0, i = 1 /​ 0, o =- 1, a = n.length; ++o < a;)(e = n[o].area) 5859 && (i > e && (i = e), e > u && (u = e));5860 return r*=r, t*=t, r ? Math.max(t * u * p /​ r, r /​ (t * i * p)) : 1 /​ 05861 }5862 function u(n, t, e, r) {5863 var u, i =- 1, o = n.length, a = e.x, l = e.y, s = t ? c(n.area /​ t) : 0;5864 if (t == e.dx) {5865 for ((r || s > e.dy) && (s = e.dy); ++i < o;)5866 u = n[i], u.x = a, u.y = l, u.dy = s, a += u.dx = Math.min(e.x + e.dx - a, s ? c(u.area /​ s) : 0);5867 u.z=!0, u.dx += e.x + e.dx - a, e.y += s, e.dy -= s5868 } else {5869 for ((r || s > e.dx) && (s = e.dx); ++i < o;)5870 u = n[i], u.x = a, u.y = l, u.dx = s, l += u.dy = Math.min(e.y + e.dy - l, s ? c(u.area /​ s) : 0);5871 u.z=!1, u.dy += e.y + e.dy - l, e.x += s, e.dx -= s5872 }5873 }5874 function i(r) {5875 var u = o || a(r), i = u[0];5876 return i.x = 0, i.y = 0, i.dx = l[0], i.dy = l[1], o && a.revalue(i), n([i], i.dx * i.dy /​ i.value), (o ? e : t)(i), h && (o = u), u5877 }5878 var o, a = ta.layout.hierarchy(), c = Math.round, l = [1, 1], s = null, f = Ri, h=!1, g = "squarify", p = .5 * (1 + Math.sqrt(5));5879 return i.size = function(n) {5880 return arguments.length ? (l = n, i) : l5881 }, i.padding = function(n) {5882 function t(t) {5883 var e =, t, t.depth);5884 return null == e ? Ri(t) : Di(t, "number" == typeof e ? [e, e, e, e] : e)5885 }5886 function e(t) {5887 return Di(t, n)5888 }5889 if (!arguments.length)5890 return s;5891 var r;5892 return f = null == (s = n) ? Ri : "function" == (r = typeof n) ? t : "number" === r ? (n = [n, n, n, n], e) : e, i5893 }, i.round = function(n) {5894 return arguments.length ? (c = n ? Math.round : Number, i) : c != Number5895 }, i.sticky = function(n) {5896 return arguments.length ? (h = n, o = null, i) : h5897 }, i.ratio = function(n) {5898 return arguments.length ? (p = n, i) : p5899 }, i.mode = function(n) {5900 return arguments.length ? (g = n + "", i) : g5901 }, Gu(i, a)5902 }, ta.random = {5903 normal: function(n, t) {5904 var e = arguments.length;5905 return 2 > e && (t = 1), 1 > e && (n = 0), function() {5906 var e, r, u;5907 do 5908 e = 2 * Math.random() - 1, r = 2 * Math.random() - 1, u = e * e + r * r;5909 while (!u || u > 1);5910 return n + t * e * Math.sqrt( - 2 * Math.log(u) /​ u)5911 }5912 },5913 logNormal: function() {5914 var n = ta.random.normal.apply(ta, arguments);5915 return function() {5916 return Math.exp(n())5917 }5918 },5919 bates: function(n) {5920 var t = ta.random.irwinHall(n);5921 return function() {5922 return t() /​ n5923 }5924 },5925 irwinHall: function(n) {5926 return function() {5927 for (var t = 0, e = 0; n > e; e++)5928 t += Math.random();5929 return t5930 }5931 }5932 }, ta.scale = {};5933 var bl = {5934 floor: Et,5935 ceil: Et5936 };5937 ta.scale.linear = function() {5938 return Yi([0, 1], [0, 1], mu, !1)5939 };5940 var _l = {5941 s: 1,5942 g: 1,5943 p: 1,5944 r: 1,5945 e: 15946 };5947 ta.scale.log = function() {5948 return Ji(ta.scale.linear().domain([0, 1]), 10, !0, [1, 10])5949 };5950 var wl = ta.format(".0e"), Sl = {5951 floor: function(n) {5952 return - Math.ceil( - n)5953 },5954 ceil: function(n) {5955 return - Math.floor( - n)5956 }5957 };5958 ta.scale.pow = function() {5959 return Gi(ta.scale.linear(), 1, [0, 1])5960 }, ta.scale.sqrt = function() {5961 return ta.scale.pow().exponent(.5)5962 }, ta.scale.ordinal = function() {5963 return Qi([], {5964 t: "range",5965 a: [[]]5966 })5967 }, ta.scale.category10 = function() {5968 return ta.scale.ordinal().range(kl)5969 }, ta.scale.category20 = function() {5970 return ta.scale.ordinal().range(El)5971 }, ta.scale.category20b = function() {5972 return ta.scale.ordinal().range(Al)5973 }, ta.scale.category20c = function() {5974 return ta.scale.ordinal().range(Nl)5975 };5976 var kl = [2062260, 16744206, 2924588, 14034728, 9725885, 9197131, 14907330, 8355711, 12369186, 1556175].map(yt), El = [2062260, 11454440, 16744206, 16759672, 2924588, 10018698, 14034728, 16750742, 9725885, 12955861, 9197131, 12885140, 14907330, 16234194, 8355711, 13092807, 12369186, 14408589, 1556175, 10410725].map(yt), Al = [3750777, 5395619, 7040719, 10264286, 6519097, 9216594, 11915115, 13556636, 9202993, 12426809, 15186514, 15190932, 8666169, 11356490, 14049643, 15177372, 8077683, 10834324, 13528509, 14589654].map(yt), Nl = [3244733, 7057110, 10406625, 13032431, 15095053, 16616764, 16625259, 16634018, 3253076, 7652470, 10607003, 13101504, 7695281, 10394312, 12369372, 14342891, 6513507, 9868950, 12434877, 14277081].map(yt);5977 ta.scale.quantile = function() {5978 return no([], [])5979 }, ta.scale.quantize = function() {5980 return to(0, 1, [0, 1])5981 }, ta.scale.threshold = function() {5982 return eo([.5], [0, 1])5983 }, ta.scale.identity = function() {5984 return ro([0, 1])5985 }, ta.svg = {}, ta.svg.arc = function() {5986 function n() {5987 var n = Math.max(0, + e.apply(this, arguments)), l = Math.max(0, + r.apply(this, arguments)), s = o.apply(this, arguments) - ja, f = a.apply(this, arguments) - ja, h = Math.abs(f - s), g = s > f ? 0: 1;5988 if (n > l && (p = l, l = n, n = p), h >= Ua)5989 return t(l, g) + (n ? t(n, 1 - g) : "") + "Z";5990 var p, v, d, m, y, M, x, b, _, w, S, k, E = 0, A = 0, N = [];5991 if ((m = ( + c.apply(this, arguments) || 0) /​ 2) && (d = i === Cl ? Math.sqrt(n * n + l * l) : + i.apply(this, arguments), g || (A*=-1), l && (A = nt(d /​ l * Math.sin(m))), n && (E = nt(d /​ n * Math.sin(m)))), l) {5992 y = l * Math.cos(s + A), M = l * Math.sin(s + A), x = l * Math.cos(f - A), b = l * Math.sin(f - A);5993 var C = Math.abs(f - s - 2 * A) <= Da ? 0: 1;5994 if (A && so(y, M, x, b) === g^C) {5995 var z = (s + f) /​ 2;5996 y = l * Math.cos(z), M = l * Math.sin(z), x = b = null5997 }5998 } else 5999 y = M = 0;6000 if (n) {6001 _ = n * Math.cos(f - E), w = n * Math.sin(f - E), S = n * Math.cos(s + E), k = n * Math.sin(s + E);6002 var q = Math.abs(s - f + 2 * E) <= Da ? 0: 1;6003 if (E && so(_, w, S, k) === 1 - g^q) {6004 var L = (s + f) /​ 2;6005 _ = n * Math.cos(L), w = n * Math.sin(L), S = k = null6006 }6007 } else 6008 _ = w = 0;6009 if ((p = Math.min(Math.abs(l - n) /​ 2, + u.apply(this, arguments))) > .001) {6010 v = l > n^g ? 0 : 1;6011 var T = null == S ? [_, w]: null == x ? [y, M]: Lr([y, M], [S, k], [x, b], [_, w]), R = y - T[0], D = M - T[1], P = x - T[0], U = b - T[1], j = 1 /​ Math.sin(Math.acos((R * P + D * U) /​ (Math.sqrt(R * R + D * D) * Math.sqrt(P * P + U * U))) /​ 2), F = Math.sqrt(T[0] * T[0] + T[1] * T[1]);6012 if (null != x) {6013 var H = Math.min(p, (l - F) /​ (j + 1)), O = fo(null == S ? [_, w] : [S, k], [y, M], l, H, g), Y = fo([x, b], [_, w], l, H, g);6014 p === H ? N.push("M", O[0], "A", H, ",", H, " 0 0,", v, " ", O[1], "A", l, ",", l, " 0 ", 1 - g^so(O[1][0], O[1][1], Y[1][0], Y[1][1]), ",", g, " ", Y[1], "A", H, ",", H, " 0 0,", v, " ", Y[0]) : N.push("M", O[0], "A", H, ",", H, " 0 1,", v, " ", Y[0])6015 } else 6016 N.push("M", y, ",", M);6017 if (null != S) {6018 var I = Math.min(p, (n - F) /​ (j - 1)), Z = fo([y, M], [S, k], n, - I, g), V = fo([_, w], null == x ? [y, M] : [x, b], n, - I, g);6019 p === I ? N.push("L", V[0], "A", I, ",", I, " 0 0,", v, " ", V[1], "A", n, ",", n, " 0 ", g^so(V[1][0], V[1][1], Z[1][0], Z[1][1]), ",", 1 - g, " ", Z[1], "A", I, ",", I, " 0 0,", v, " ", Z[0]) : N.push("L", V[0], "A", I, ",", I, " 0 0,", v, " ", Z[0])6020 } else 6021 N.push("L", _, ",", w)6022 } else 6023 N.push("M", y, ",", M), null != x && N.push("A", l, ",", l, " 0 ", C, ",", g, " ", x, ",", b), N.push("L", _, ",", w), null != S && N.push("A", n, ",", n, " 0 ", q, ",", 1 - g, " ", S, ",", k);6024 return N.push("Z"), N.join("")6025 }6026 function t(n, t) {6027 return "M0," + n + "A" + n + "," + n + " 0 1," + t + " 0," +- n + "A" + n + "," + n + " 0 1," + t + " 0," + n6028 }6029 var e = io, r = oo, u = uo, i = Cl, o = ao, a = co, c = lo;6030 return n.innerRadius = function(t) {6031 return arguments.length ? (e = kt(t), n) : e6032 }, n.outerRadius = function(t) {6033 return arguments.length ? (r = kt(t), n) : r6034 }, n.cornerRadius = function(t) {6035 return arguments.length ? (u = kt(t), n) : u6036 }, n.padRadius = function(t) {6037 return arguments.length ? (i = t == Cl ? Cl : kt(t), n) : i6038 }, n.startAngle = function(t) {6039 return arguments.length ? (o = kt(t), n) : o6040 }, n.endAngle = function(t) {6041 return arguments.length ? (a = kt(t), n) : a6042 }, n.padAngle = function(t) {6043 return arguments.length ? (c = kt(t), n) : c6044 }, n.centroid = function() {6045 var n = ( + e.apply(this, arguments) + + r.apply(this, arguments)) /​ 2, t = ( + o.apply(this, arguments) + + a.apply(this, arguments)) /​ 2 - ja;6046 return [Math.cos(t) * n, Math.sin(t) * n]6047 }, n6048 };6049 var Cl = "auto";6050 ta.svg.line = function() {6051 return ho(Et)6052 };6053 var zl ={6054 linear: go,6055 "linear-closed": po,6056 step: vo,6057 "step-before": mo,6058 "step-after": yo,6059 basis: So,6060 "basis-open": ko,6061 "basis-closed": Eo,6062 bundle: Ao,6063 cardinal: bo,6064 "cardinal-open": Mo,6065 "cardinal-closed": xo,6066 monotone: To6067 });6068 zl.forEach(function(n, t) {6069 t.key = n, t.closed = /​-closed$/​.test(n)6070 });6071 var ql = [0, 2 /​ 3, 1 /​ 3, 0], Ll = [0, 1 /​ 3, 2 /​ 3, 0], Tl = [0, 1 /​ 6, 2 /​ 3, 1 /​ 6];6072 ta.svg.line.radial = function() {6073 var n = ho(Ro);6074 return n.radius = n.x, delete n.x, n.angle = n.y, delete n.y, n6075 }, mo.reverse = yo, yo.reverse = mo, ta.svg.area = function() {6076 return Do(Et)6077 }, ta.svg.area.radial = function() {6078 var n = Do(Ro);6079 return n.radius = n.x, delete n.x, n.innerRadius = n.x0, delete n.x0, n.outerRadius = n.x1, delete n.x1, n.angle = n.y, delete n.y, n.startAngle = n.y0, delete n.y0, n.endAngle = n.y1, delete n.y1, n6080 }, ta.svg.chord = function() {6081 function n(n, a) {6082 var c = t(this, i, n, a), l = t(this, o, n, a);6083 return "M" + c.p0 + r(c.r, c.p1, c.a1 - c.a0) + (e(c, l) ? u(c.r, c.p1, c.r, c.p0) : u(c.r, c.p1, l.r, l.p0) + r(l.r, l.p1, l.a1 - l.a0) + u(l.r, l.p1, c.r, c.p0)) + "Z"6084 }6085 function t(n, t, e, r) {6086 var u =, e, r), i =, u, r), o =, u, r) - ja, s =, u, r) - ja;6087 return {6088 r: i,6089 a0: o,6090 a1: s,6091 p0: [i * Math.cos(o), i * Math.sin(o)],6092 p1: [i * Math.cos(s), i * Math.sin(s)]6093 }6094 }6095 function e(n, t) {6096 return n.a0 == t.a0 && n.a1 == t.a16097 }6098 function r(n, t, e) {6099 return "A" + n + "," + n + " 0 " + + (e > Da) + ",1 " + t6100 }6101 function u(n, t, e, r) {6102 return "Q 0,0 " + r6103 }6104 var i = mr, o = yr, a = Po, c = ao, l = co;6105 return n.radius = function(t) {6106 return arguments.length ? (a = kt(t), n) : a6107 }, n.source = function(t) {6108 return arguments.length ? (i = kt(t), n) : i6109 }, = function(t) {6110 return arguments.length ? (o = kt(t), n) : o6111 }, n.startAngle = function(t) {6112 return arguments.length ? (c = kt(t), n) : c6113 }, n.endAngle = function(t) {6114 return arguments.length ? (l = kt(t), n) : l6115 }, n6116 }, ta.svg.diagonal = function() {6117 function n(n, u) {6118 var i =, n, u), o =, n, u), a = (i.y + o.y) /​ 2, c = [i, {6119 x: i.x,6120 y: a6121 }, {6122 x: o.x,6123 y: a6124 }, o];6125 return c =, "M" + c[0] + "C" + c[1] + " " + c[2] + " " + c[3]6126 }6127 var t = mr, e = yr, r = Uo;6128 return n.source = function(e) {6129 return arguments.length ? (t = kt(e), n) : t6130 }, = function(t) {6131 return arguments.length ? (e = kt(t), n) : e6132 }, n.projection = function(t) {6133 return arguments.length ? (r = t, n) : r6134 }, n6135 }, ta.svg.diagonal.radial = function() {6136 var n = ta.svg.diagonal(), t = Uo, e = n.projection;6137 return n.projection = function(n) {6138 return arguments.length ? e(jo(t = n)) : t6139 }, n6140 }, ta.svg.symbol = function() {6141 function n(n, r) {6142 return (Rl.get(, n, r)) || Oo)(, n, r))6143 }6144 var t = Ho, e = Fo;6145 return n.type = function(e) {6146 return arguments.length ? (t = kt(e), n) : t6147 }, n.size = function(t) {6148 return arguments.length ? (e = kt(t), n) : e6149 }, n6150 };6151 var Rl ={6152 circle: Oo,6153 cross: function(n) {6154 var t = Math.sqrt(n /​ 5) /​ 2;6155 return "M" +- 3 * t + "," +- t + "H" +- t + "V" +- 3 * t + "H" + t + "V" +- t + "H" + 3 * t + "V" + t + "H" + t + "V" + 3 * t + "H" +- t + "V" + t + "H" +- 3 * t + "Z"6156 },6157 diamond: function(n) {6158 var t = Math.sqrt(n /​ (2 * Pl)), e = t * Pl;6159 return "M0," +- t + "L" + e + ",0" + " 0," + t + " " +- e + ",0" + "Z"6160 },6161 square: function(n) {6162 var t = Math.sqrt(n) /​ 2;6163 return "M" +- t + "," +- t + "L" + t + "," +- t + " " + t + "," + t + " " +- t + "," + t + "Z"6164 },6165 "triangle-down": function(n) {6166 var t = Math.sqrt(n /​ Dl), e = t * Dl /​ 2;6167 return "M0," + e + "L" + t + "," +- e + " " +- t + "," +- e + "Z"6168 },6169 "triangle-up": function(n) {6170 var t = Math.sqrt(n /​ Dl), e = t * Dl /​ 2;6171 return "M0," +- e + "L" + t + "," + e + " " +- t + "," + e + "Z"6172 }6173 });6174 ta.svg.symbolTypes = Rl.keys();6175 var Dl = Math.sqrt(3), Pl = Math.tan(30 * Fa);6176 ka.transition = function(n) {6177 for (var t, e, r = Ul||++Ol, u = Xo(n), i = [], o = jl || {6178 time:,6179 ease: Su,6180 delay: 0,6181 duration: 2506182 }, a =- 1, c = this.length; ++a < c;) {6183 i.push(t = []);6184 for (var l = this[a], s =- 1, f = l.length; ++s < f;)(e = l[s]) 6185 && $o(e, s, u, r, o), t.push(e)6186 }6187 return Io(i, u, r)6188 }, ka.interrupt = function(n) {6189 return this.each(null == n ? Fl : Yo(Xo(n)))6190 };6191 var Ul, jl, Fl = Yo(Xo()), Hl = [], Ol = 0;6192 =, Hl.empty = ka.empty, Hl.node = ka.node, Hl.size = ka.size, ta.transition = function(n, t) {6193 return n && n.transition ? Ul ? n.transition(t) : n : Na.transition(n)6194 }, ta.transition.prototype = Hl, = function(n) {6195 var t, e, r, u =, i = this.namespace, o = [];6196 n = k(n);6197 for (var a =- 1, c = this.length; ++a < c;) {6198 o.push(t = []);6199 for (var l = this[a], s =- 1, f = l.length; ++s < f;)(r = l[s]) 6200 && (e =, r.__data__, s, a)) ? ("__data__"in r && (e.__data__ = r.__data__), $o(e, s, i, u, r[i][u]), t.push(e)) : t.push(null)6201 }6202 return Io(o, i, u)6203 }, Hl.selectAll = function(n) {6204 var t, e, r, u, i, o =, a = this.namespace, c = [];6205 n = E(n);6206 for (var l =- 1, s = this.length; ++l < s;)6207 for (var f = this[l], h =- 1, g = f.length; ++h < g;)6208 if (r = f[h]) {6209 i = r[a][o], e =, r.__data__, h, l), c.push(t = []);6210 for (var p =- 1, v = e.length; ++p < v;)(u = e[p]) 6211 && $o(u, p, a, o, i), t.push(u)6212 }6213 return Io(c, a, o)6214 }, Hl.filter = function(n) {6215 var t, e, r, u = [];6216 "function" != typeof n && (n = j(n));6217 for (var i = 0, o = this.length; o > i; i++) {6218 u.push(t = []);6219 for (var e = this[i], a = 0, c = e.length; c > a; a++)(r = e[a]) 6220 &&, r.__data__, a, i) && t.push(r)6221 }6222 return Io(u, this.namespace, }, Hl.tween = function(n, t) {6224 var e =, r = this.namespace;6225 return arguments.length < 2 ? this.node()[r][e].tween.get(n) : H(this, null == t ? function(t) {6226 t[r][e].tween.remove(n)6227 } : function(u) {6228 u[r][e].tween.set(n, t)6229 })6230 }, Hl.attr = function(n, t) {6231 function e() {6232 this.removeAttribute(a)6233 }6234 function r() {6235 this.removeAttributeNS(, a.local)6236 }6237 function u(n) {6238 return null == n ? e : (n += "", function() {6239 var t, e = this.getAttribute(a);6240 return e !== n && (t = o(e, n), function(n) {6241 this.setAttribute(a, t(n))6242 })6243 })6244 }6245 function i(n) {6246 return null == n ? r : (n += "", function() {6247 var t, e = this.getAttributeNS(, a.local);6248 return e !== n && (t = o(e, n), function(n) {6249 this.setAttributeNS(, a.local, t(n))6250 })6251 })6252 }6253 if (arguments.length < 2) {6254 for (t in n)6255 this.attr(t, n[t]);6256 return this6257 }6258 var o = "transform" == n ? Hu: mu, a = ta.ns.qualify(n);6259 return Zo(this, "attr." + n, t, a.local ? i : u)6260 }, Hl.attrTween = function(n, t) {6261 function e(n, e) {6262 var r =, n, e, this.getAttribute(u));6263 return r && function(n) {6264 this.setAttribute(u, r(n))6265 }6266 }6267 function r(n, e) {6268 var r =, n, e, this.getAttributeNS(, u.local));6269 return r && function(n) {6270 this.setAttributeNS(, u.local, r(n))6271 }6272 }6273 var u = ta.ns.qualify(n);6274 return this.tween("attr." + n, u.local ? r : e)6275 }, = function(n, t, e) {6276 function r() {6277 }6279 function u(t) {6280 return null == t ? r : (t += "", function() {6281 var r, u = oa.getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(n);6282 return u !== t && (r = mu(u, t), function(t) {6283, r(t), e)6284 })6285 })6286 }6287 var i = arguments.length;6288 if (3 > i) {6289 if ("string" != typeof n) {6290 2 > i && (t = "");6291 for (e in n)6292, n[e], t);6293 return this6294 }6295 e = ""6296 }6297 return Zo(this, "style." + n, t, u)6298 }, Hl.styleTween = function(n, t, e) {6299 function r(r, u) {6300 var i =, r, u, oa.getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(n));6301 return i && function(t) {6302, i(t), e)6303 }6304 }6305 return arguments.length < 3 && (e = ""), this.tween("style." + n, r)6306 }, Hl.text = function(n) {6307 return Zo(this, "text", n, Vo)6308 }, Hl.remove = function() {6309 var n = this.namespace;6310 return this.each("end.transition", function() {6311 var t;6312 this[n].count < 2 && (t = this.parentNode) && t.removeChild(this)6313 })6314 }, Hl.ease = function(n) {6315 var t =, e = this.namespace;6316 return arguments.length < 1 ? this.node()[e][t].ease : ("function" != typeof n && (n = ta.ease.apply(ta, arguments)), H(this, function(r) {6317 r[e][t].ease = n6318 }))6319 }, Hl.delay = function(n) {6320 var t =, e = this.namespace;6321 return arguments.length < 1 ? this.node()[e][t].delay : H(this, "function" == typeof n ? function(r, u, i) {6322 r[e][t].delay =+, r.__data__, u, i)6323 } : (n =+ n, function(r) {6324 r[e][t].delay = n6325 }))6326 }, Hl.duration = function(n) {6327 var t =, e = this.namespace;6328 return arguments.length < 1 ? this.node()[e][t].duration : H(this, "function" == typeof n ? function(r, u, i) {6329 r[e][t].duration = Math.max(1,, r.__data__, u, i))6330 } : (n = Math.max(1, n), function(r) {6331 r[e][t].duration = n6332 }))6333 }, Hl.each = function(n, t) {6334 var e =, r = this.namespace;6335 if (arguments.length < 2) {6336 var u = jl, i = Ul;6337 try {6338 Ul = e, H(this, function(t, u, i) {6339 jl = t[r][e],, t.__data__, u, i)6340 })6341 } finally {6342 jl = u, Ul = i6343 }6344 } else 6345 H(this, function(u) {6346 var i = u[r][e];6347 (i.event || (i.event = ta.dispatch("start", "end", "interrupt"))).on(n, t)6348 });6349 return this6350 }, Hl.transition = function() {6351 for (var n, t, e, r, u =, i=++Ol, o = this.namespace, a = [], c = 0, l = this.length; l > c; c++) {6352 a.push(n = []);6353 for (var t = this[c], s = 0, f = t.length; f > s; s++)(e = t[s]) 6354 && (r = e[o][u], $o(e, s, o, i, {6355 time: r.time,6356 ease: r.ease,6357 delay: r.delay + r.duration,6358 duration: r.duration6359 })), n.push(e)6360 }6361 return Io(a, o, i)6362 }, ta.svg.axis = function() {6363 function n(n) {6364 n.each(function() {6365 var n, l =, s = this.__chart__ || e, f = this.__chart__ = e.copy(), h = null == c ? f.ticks ? f.ticks.apply(f, a): f.domain(): c, g = null == t ? f.tickFormat ? f.tickFormat.apply(f, a): Et: t, p = l.selectAll(".tick").data(h, f), v = p.enter().insert("g", ".domain").attr("class", "tick").style("opacity", Ta), d = ta.transition(p.exit()).style("opacity", Ta).remove(), m = ta.transition(p.order()).style("opacity", 1), y = Math.max(u, 0) + o, M = Ui(f), x = l.selectAll(".domain").data([0]), b = (x.enter().append("path").attr("class", "domain"), ta.transition(x));6366 v.append("line"), v.append("text");6367 var _, w, S, k, E ="line"), A ="line"), N ="text").text(g), C ="text"), z ="text"), q = "top" === r || "left" === r?-1 : 1;6368 if ("bottom" === r || "top" === r ? (n = Bo, _ = "x", S = "y", w = "x2", k = "y2", N.attr("dy", 0 > q ? "0em" : ".71em").style("text-anchor", "middle"), b.attr("d", "M" + M[0] + "," + q * i + "V0H" + M[1] + "V" + q * i)) : (n = Wo, _ = "y", S = "x", w = "y2", k = "x2", N.attr("dy", ".32em").style("text-anchor", 0 > q ? "end" : "start"), b.attr("d", "M" + q * i + "," + M[0] + "H0V" + M[1] + "H" + q * i)), E.attr(k, q * u), C.attr(S, q * y), A.attr(w, 0).attr(k, q * u), z.attr(_, 0).attr(S, q * y), f.rangeBand) {6369 var L = f, T = L.rangeBand() /​ 2;6370 s = f = function(n) {6371 return L(n) + T6372 }6373 } else 6374 s.rangeBand ? s = f :, f, s);6375, s, f),, f, f)6376 })6377 }6378 var t, e = ta.scale.linear(), r = Yl, u = 6, i = 6, o = 3, a = [10], c = null;6379 return n.scale = function(t) {6380 return arguments.length ? (e = t, n) : e6381 }, n.orient = function(t) {6382 return arguments.length ? (r = t in Il ? t + "" : Yl, n) : r6383 }, n.ticks = function() {6384 return arguments.length ? (a = arguments, n) : a6385 }, n.tickValues = function(t) {6386 return arguments.length ? (c = t, n) : c6387 }, n.tickFormat = function(e) {6388 return arguments.length ? (t = e, n) : t6389 }, n.tickSize = function(t) {6390 var e = arguments.length;6391 return e ? (u =+ t, i =+ arguments[e - 1], n) : u6392 }, n.innerTickSize = function(t) {6393 return arguments.length ? (u =+ t, n) : u6394 }, n.outerTickSize = function(t) {6395 return arguments.length ? (i =+ t, n) : i6396 }, n.tickPadding = function(t) {6397 return arguments.length ? (o =+ t, n) : o6398 }, n.tickSubdivide = function() {6399 return arguments.length && n6400 }, n6401 };6402 var Yl = "bottom", Il = {6403 top: 1,6404 right: 1,6405 bottom: 1,6406 left: 16407 };6408 ta.svg.brush = function() {6409 function n(i) {6410 i.each(function() {6411 var i ="pointer-events", "all").style("-webkit-tap-highlight-color", "rgba(0,0,0,0)").on("mousedown.brush", u).on("touchstart.brush", u), o = i.selectAll(".background").data([0]);6412 o.enter().append("rect").attr("class", "background").style("visibility", "hidden").style("cursor", "crosshair"), i.selectAll(".extent").data([0]).enter().append("rect").attr("class", "extent").style("cursor", "move");6413 var a = i.selectAll(".resize").data(p, Et);6414 a.exit().remove(), a.enter().append("g").attr("class", function(n) {6415 return "resize " + n6416 }).style("cursor", function(n) {6417 return Zl[n]6418 }).append("rect").attr("x", function(n) {6419 return /​[ew]$/​.test(n)?-3 : null6420 }).attr("y", function(n) {6421 return /​^[ns]/​.test(n)?-3 : null6422 }).attr("width", 6).attr("height", 6).style("visibility", "hidden"),"display", n.empty() ? "none" : null);6423 var s, f = ta.transition(i), h = ta.transition(o);6424 c && (s = Ui(c), h.attr("x", s[0]).attr("width", s[1] - s[0]), e(f)), l && (s = Ui(l), h.attr("y", s[0]).attr("height", s[1] - s[0]), r(f)), t(f)6425 })6426 }6427 function t(n) {6428 n.selectAll(".resize").attr("transform", function(n) {6429 return "translate(" + s[ + /​e$/​.test(n)] + "," + f[ + /​^s/​.test(n)] + ")"6430 })6431 }6432 function e(n) {6433".extent").attr("x", s[0]), n.selectAll(".extent,.n>rect,.s>rect").attr("width", s[1] - s[0])6434 }6435 function r(n) {6436".extent").attr("y", f[0]), n.selectAll(".extent,.e>rect,.w>rect").attr("height", f[1] - f[0])6437 }6438 function u() {6439 function u() {6440 32 == ta.event.keyCode && (N || (y = null, z[0] -= s[1], z[1] -= f[1], N = 2), b())6441 }6442 function p() {6443 32 == ta.event.keyCode && 2 == N && (z[0] += s[1], z[1] += f[1], N = 0, b())6444 }6445 function v() {6446 var n = ta.mouse(x), u=!1;6447 M && (n[0] += M[0], n[1] += M[1]), N || (ta.event.altKey ? (y || (y = [(s[0] + s[1]) /​ 2, (f[0] + f[1]) /​ 2]), z[0] = s[ + (n[0] < y[0])], z[1] = f[ + (n[1] < y[1])]) : y = null), E && d(n, c, 0) && (e(S), u=!0), A && d(n, l, 1) && (r(S), u=!0), u && (t(S), w({6448 type: "brush",6449 mode: N ? "move": "resize"6450 }))6451 }6452 function d(n, t, e) {6453 var r, u, a = Ui(t), c = a[0], l = a[1], p = z[e], v = e ? f: s, d = v[1] - v[0];6454 return N && (c -= p, l -= d + p), r = (e ? g : h) ? Math.max(c, Math.min(l, n[e])) : n[e], N ? u = (r += p) + d : (y && (p = Math.max(c, Math.min(l, 2 * y[e] - r))), r > p ? (u = r, r = p) : u = p), v[0] != r || v[1] != u ? (e ? o = null : i = null, v[0] = r, v[1] = u, !0) : void 06455 }6456 function m() {6457 v(),"pointer-events", "all").selectAll(".resize").style("display", n.empty() ? "none" : null),"body").style("cursor", null), q.on("mousemove.brush", null).on("mouseup.brush", null).on("touchmove.brush", null).on("touchend.brush", null).on("keydown.brush", null).on("keyup.brush", null), C(), w({6458 type: "brushend"6459 })6460 }6461 var y, M, x = this, _ =, w = a.of(x, arguments), S =, k = _.datum(), E=!/​^(n|s)$/​.test(k) && c, A=!/​^(e|w)$/​.test(k) && l, N = _.classed("extent"), C = X(), z = ta.mouse(x), q ="keydown.brush", u).on("keyup.brush", p);6462 if (ta.event.changedTouches ? q.on("touchmove.brush", v).on("touchend.brush", m) : q.on("mousemove.brush", v).on("mouseup.brush", m), S.interrupt().selectAll("*").interrupt(), N)6463 z[0] = s[0] - z[0], z[1] = f[0] - z[1];6464 else if (k) {6465 var L =+ /​w$/​.test(k), T =+ /​^n/​.test(k);6466 M = [s[1 - L] - z[0], f[1 - T] - z[1]], z[0] = s[L], z[1] = f[T]6467 } else 6468 ta.event.altKey && (y = z.slice());6469"pointer-events", "none").selectAll(".resize").style("display", null),"body").style("cursor","cursor")), w({6470 type: "brushstart"6471 }), v()6472 }6473 var i, o, a = w(n, "brushstart", "brush", "brushend"), c = null, l = null, s = [0, 0], f = [0, 0], h=!0, g=!0, p = Vl[0];6474 return n.event = function(n) {6475 n.each(function() {6476 var n = a.of(this, arguments), t = {6477 x: s,6478 y: f,6479 i: i,6480 j: o6481 }, e = this.__chart__ || t;6482 this.__chart__ = t, Ul ?"start.brush", function() {6483 i = e.i, o = e.j, s = e.x, f = e.y, n({6484 type: "brushstart"6485 })6486 }).tween("brush:brush", function() {6487 var e = yu(s, t.x), r = yu(f, t.y);6488 return i = o = null, function(u) {6489 s = t.x = e(u), f = t.y = r(u), n({6490 type: "brush",6491 mode: "resize"6492 })6493 }6494 }).each("end.brush", function() {6495 i = t.i, o = t.j, n({6496 type: "brush",6497 mode: "resize"6498 }), n({6499 type: "brushend"6500 })6501 }) : (n({6502 type: "brushstart"6503 }), n({6504 type: "brush",6505 mode: "resize"6506 }), n({6507 type: "brushend"6508 }))6509 })6510 }, n.x = function(t) {6511 return arguments.length ? (c = t, p = Vl[!c<<1 |!l], n) : c6512 }, n.y = function(t) {6513 return arguments.length ? (l = t, p = Vl[!c<<1 |!l], n) : l6514 }, n.clamp = function(t) {6515 return arguments.length ? (c && l ? (h=!!t[0], g=!!t[1]) : c ? h=!!t : l && (g=!!t), n) : c && l ? [h, g] : c ? h : l ? g : null6516 }, n.extent = function(t) {6517 var e, r, u, a, h;6518 return arguments.length ? (c && (e = t[0], r = t[1], l && (e = e[0], r = r[0]), i = [e, r], c.invert && (e = c(e), r = c(r)), e > r && (h = e, e = r, r = h), (e != s[0] || r != s[1]) && (s = [e, r])), l && (u = t[0], a = t[1], c && (u = u[1], a = a[1]), o = [u, a], l.invert && (u = l(u), a = l(a)), u > a && (h = u, u = a, a = h), (u != f[0] || a != f[1]) && (f = [u, a])), n) : (c && (i ? (e = i[0], r = i[1]) : (e = s[0], r = s[1], c.invert && (e = c.invert(e), r = c.invert(r)), e > r && (h = e, e = r, r = h))), l && (o ? (u = o[0], a = o[1]) : (u = f[0], a = f[1], l.invert && (u = l.invert(u), a = l.invert(a)), u > a && (h = u, u = a, a = h))), c && l ? [[e, u], [r, a]] : c ? [e, r] : l && [u, a])6519 }, n.clear = function() {6520 return n.empty() || (s = [0, 0], f = [0, 0], i = o = null), n6521 }, n.empty = function() {6522 return !!c && s[0] == s[1]||!!l && f[0] == f[1]6523 }, ta.rebind(n, a, "on")6524 };6525 var Zl = {6526 n: "ns-resize",6527 e: "ew-resize",6528 s: "ns-resize",6529 w: "ew-resize",6530 nw: "nwse-resize",6531 ne: "nesw-resize",6532 se: "nwse-resize",6533 sw: "nesw-resize"6534 }, Vl = [["n", "e", "s", "w", "nw", "ne", "se", "sw"], ["e", "w"], ["n", "s"], []], Xl = fc.format = mc.timeFormat, $l = Xl.utc, Bl = $l("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ");6535 Xl.iso = Date.prototype.toISOString&&+new Date("2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") ? Jo : Bl, Jo.parse = function(n) {6536 var t = new Date(n);6537 return isNaN(t) ? null : t6538 }, Jo.toString = Bl.toString, fc.second = Ft(function(n) {6539 return new hc(1e3 * Math.floor(n /​ 1e3))6540 }, function(n, t) {6541 n.setTime(n.getTime() + 1e3 * Math.floor(t))6542 }, function(n) {6543 return n.getSeconds()6544 }), fc.seconds = fc.second.range, fc.seconds.utc = fc.second.utc.range, fc.minute = Ft(function(n) {6545 return new hc(6e4 * Math.floor(n /​ 6e4))6546 }, function(n, t) {6547 n.setTime(n.getTime() + 6e4 * Math.floor(t))6548 }, function(n) {6549 return n.getMinutes()6550 }), fc.minutes = fc.minute.range, fc.minutes.utc = fc.minute.utc.range, fc.hour = Ft(function(n) {6551 var t = n.getTimezoneOffset() /​ 60;6552 return new hc(36e5 * (Math.floor(n /​ 36e5 - t) + t))6553 }, function(n, t) {6554 n.setTime(n.getTime() + 36e5 * Math.floor(t))6555 }, function(n) {6556 return n.getHours()6557 }), fc.hours = fc.hour.range, fc.hours.utc = fc.hour.utc.range, fc.month = Ft(function(n) {6558 return n =, n.setDate(1), n6559 }, function(n, t) {6560 n.setMonth(n.getMonth() + t)6561 }, function(n) {6562 return n.getMonth()6563 }), fc.months = fc.month.range, fc.months.utc = fc.month.utc.range;6564 var Wl = [1e3, 5e3, 15e3, 3e4, 6e4, 3e5, 9e5, 18e5, 36e5, 108e5, 216e5, 432e5, 864e5, 1728e5, 6048e5, 2592e6, 7776e6, 31536e6], Jl = [[fc.second, 1], [fc.second, 5], [fc.second, 15], [fc.second, 30], [fc.minute, 1], [fc.minute, 5], [fc.minute, 15], [fc.minute, 30], [fc.hour, 1], [fc.hour, 3], [fc.hour, 6], [fc.hour, 12], [, 1], [, 2], [fc.week, 1], [fc.month, 1], [fc.month, 3], [fc.year, 1]], Gl = Xl.multi([[".%L", function(n) {6565 return n.getMilliseconds()6566 }6567 ], [":%S", function(n) {6568 return n.getSeconds()6569 }6570 ], ["%I:%M", function(n) {6571 return n.getMinutes()6572 }6573 ], ["%I %p", function(n) {6574 return n.getHours()6575 }6576 ], ["%a %d", function(n) {6577 return n.getDay() && 1 != n.getDate()6578 }6579 ], ["%b %d", function(n) {6580 return 1 != n.getDate()6581 }6582 ], ["%B", function(n) {6583 return n.getMonth()6584 }6585 ], ["%Y", Ne]]), Kl = {6586 range: function(n, t, e) {6587 return ta.range(Math.ceil(n /​ e) * e, + t, e).map(Ko)6588 },6589 floor: Et,6590 ceil: Et6591 };6592 Jl.year = fc.year, fc.scale = function() {6593 return Go(ta.scale.linear(), Jl, Gl)6594 };6595 var Ql = {6596 return [n[0].utc, n[1]]6597 }), ns = $l.multi([[".%L", function(n) {6598 return n.getUTCMilliseconds()6599 }6600 ], [":%S", function(n) {6601 return n.getUTCSeconds()6602 }6603 ], ["%I:%M", function(n) {6604 return n.getUTCMinutes()6605 }6606 ], ["%I %p", function(n) {6607 return n.getUTCHours()6608 }6609 ], ["%a %d", function(n) {6610 return n.getUTCDay() && 1 != n.getUTCDate()6611 }6612 ], ["%b %d", function(n) {6613 return 1 != n.getUTCDate()6614 }6615 ], ["%B", function(n) {6616 return n.getUTCMonth()6617 }6618 ], ["%Y", Ne]]);6619 Ql.year = fc.year.utc, fc.scale.utc = function() {6620 return Go(ta.scale.linear(), Ql, ns)6621 }, ta.text = At(function(n) {6622 return n.responseText6623 }), ta.json = function(n, t) {6624 return Nt(n, "application/​json", Qo, t)6625 }, ta.html = function(n, t) {6626 return Nt(n, "text/​html", na, t)6627 }, ta.xml = At(function(n) {6628 return n.responseXML6629 }), "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(ta) : "object" == typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = ta), this.d3 = ta...

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1var L2Dwidget = function(t) {2 var n = window.webpackJsonpL2Dwidget;3 window.webpackJsonpL2Dwidget = function(e, o, i) { for (var c, u, a = 0, f = []; a < e.length; a++) u = e[a], r[u] && f.push(r[u][0]), r[u] = 0; for (c in o), c) && (t[c] = o[c]); for (n && n(e, o, i); f.length;) f.shift()() };4 var e = {},5 r = { 1: 0 };67 function o(n) { if (e[n]) return e[n].exports; var r = e[n] = { i: n, l: !1, exports: {} }; return t[n].call(r.exports, r, r.exports, o), r.l = !0, r.exports }8 return o.e = function(t) {9 var n = r[t];10 if (0 === n) return new Promise(function(t) { t() });11 if (n) return n[2];12 var e = new Promise(function(e, o) { n = r[t] = [e, o] });13 n[2] = e;14 var i = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],15 c = document.createElement("script");16 c.type = "text/​javascript", c.charset = "utf-8", c.async = !0, c.timeout = 12e4, && c.setAttribute("nonce",, c.src = o.p + "L2Dwidget." + t + ".min.js";17 var u = setTimeout(a, 12e4);1819 function a() {20 c.onerror = c.onload = null, clearTimeout(u);21 var n = r[t];22 0 !== n && (n && n[1](new Error("Loading chunk " + t + " failed.")), r[t] = void 0)23 }24 return c.onerror = c.onload = a, i.appendChild(c), e25 }, o.m = t, o.c = e, o.d = function(t, n, e) { o.o(t, n) || Object.defineProperty(t, n, { configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, get: e }) }, o.n = function(t) { var n = t && t.__esModule ? function() { return t.default } : function() { return t }; return o.d(n, "a", n), n }, o.o = function(t, n) { return, n) }, o.p = "", o.oe = function(t) { throw console.error(t), t }, o(o.s = 53)26}([function(t, n, e) {27 var r = e(29)("wks"),28 o = e(19),29 i = e(1).Symbol,30 c = "function" == typeof i;31 (t.exports = function(t) { return r[t] || (r[t] = c && i[t] || (c ? i : o)("Symbol." + t)) }).store = r32}, function(t, n) { var e = t.exports = "undefined" != typeof window && window.Math == Math ? window : "undefined" != typeof self && self.Math == Math ? self : Function("return this")(); "number" == typeof __g && (__g = e) }, function(t, n) { var e = t.exports = { version: "2.6.1" }; "number" == typeof __e && (__e = e) }, function(t, n, e) {33 var r = e(6);34 t.exports = function(t) { if (!r(t)) throw TypeError(t + " is not an object!"); return t }35}, function(t, n, e) {36 var r = e(11),37 o = e(31);38 t.exports = e(7) ? function(t, n, e) { return r.f(t, n, o(1, e)) } : function(t, n, e) { return t[n] = e, t }39}, function(t, n, e) {40 var r = e(1),41 o = e(4),42 i = e(12),43 c = e(19)("src"),44 u = Function.toString,45 a = ("" + u).split("toString");46 e(2).inspectSource = function(t) { return }, (t.exports = function(t, n, e, u) {47 var f = "function" == typeof e;48 f && (i(e, "name") || o(e, "name", n)), t[n] !== e && (f && (i(e, c) || o(e, c, t[n] ? "" + t[n] : a.join(String(n)))), t === r ? t[n] = e : u ? t[n] ? t[n] = e : o(t, n, e) : (delete t[n], o(t, n, e)))49 })(Function.prototype, "toString", function() { return "function" == typeof this && this[c] || })50}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t) { return "object" == typeof t ? null !== t : "function" == typeof t } }, function(t, n, e) { t.exports = !e(30)(function() { return 7 != Object.defineProperty({}, "a", { get: function() { return 7 } }).a }) }, function(t, n) { t.exports = {} }, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t) { var n = typeof t; return null != t && ("object" == n || "function" == n) } }, function(t, n) {51 var e = {}.toString;52 t.exports = function(t) { return, -1) }53}, function(t, n, e) {54 var r = e(3),55 o = e(56),56 i = e(57),57 c = Object.defineProperty;58 n.f = e(7) ? Object.defineProperty : function(t, n, e) {59 if (r(t), n = i(n, !0), r(e), o) try { return c(t, n, e) } catch (t) {}60 if ("get" in e || "set" in e) throw TypeError("Accessors not supported!");61 return "value" in e && (t[n] = e.value), t62 }63}, function(t, n) {64 var e = {}.hasOwnProperty;65 t.exports = function(t, n) { return, n) }66}, function(t, n, e) {67 var r = e(1),68 o = e(2),69 i = e(4),70 c = e(5),71 u = e(14),72 a = function(t, n, e) {73 var f, s, l, p, v = t & a.F,74 d = t & a.G,75 h = t & a.S,76 y = t & a.P,77 b = t & a.B,78 m = d ? r : h ? r[n] || (r[n] = {}) : (r[n] || {}).prototype,79 w = d ? o : o[n] || (o[n] = {}),80 x = w.prototype || (w.prototype = {});81 for (f in d && (e = n), e) l = ((s = !v && m && void 0 !== m[f]) ? m : e)[f], p = b && s ? u(l, r) : y && "function" == typeof l ? u(, l) : l, m && c(m, f, l, t & a.U), w[f] != l && i(w, f, p), y && x[f] != l && (x[f] = l)82 };83 r.core = o, a.F = 1, a.G = 2, a.S = 4, a.P = 8, a.B = 16, a.W = 32, a.U = 64, a.R = 128, t.exports = a84}, function(t, n, e) {85 var r = e(15);86 t.exports = function(t, n, e) {87 if (r(t), void 0 === n) return t;88 switch (e) {89 case 1:90 return function(e) { return, e) };91 case 2:92 return function(e, r) { return, e, r) };93 case 3:94 return function(e, r, o) { return, e, r, o) }95 }96 return function() { return t.apply(n, arguments) }97 }98}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t) { if ("function" != typeof t) throw TypeError(t + " is not a function!"); return t } }, function(t, n, e) {99 var r = e(27);100 t.exports = function(t, n) {101 for (var e = t.length; e--;)102 if (r(t[e][0], n)) return e;103 return -1104 }105}, function(t, n, e) {106 var r = e(10),107 o = e(0)("toStringTag"),108 i = "Arguments" == r(function() { return arguments }());109 t.exports = function(t) { var n, e, c; return void 0 === t ? "Undefined" : null === t ? "Null" : "string" == typeof(e = function(t, n) { try { return t[n] } catch (t) {} }(n = Object(t), o)) ? e : i ? r(n) : "Object" == (c = r(n)) && "function" == typeof n.callee ? "Arguments" : c }110}, function(t, n) { t.exports = !1 }, function(t, n) {111 var e = 0,112 r = Math.random();113 t.exports = function(t) { return "Symbol(".concat(void 0 === t ? "" : t, ")_", (++e + r).toString(36)) }114}, function(t, n, e) {115 var r = e(6),116 o = e(1).document,117 i = r(o) && r(o.createElement);118 t.exports = function(t) { return i ? o.createElement(t) : {} }119}, function(t, n) {120 var e = Math.ceil,121 r = Math.floor;122 t.exports = function(t) { return isNaN(t = +t) ? 0 : (t > 0 ? r : e)(t) }123}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t) { if (void 0 == t) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + t); return t } }, function(t, n, e) {124 var r = e(64),125 o = e(22);126 t.exports = function(t) { return r(o(t)) }127}, function(t, n, e) {128 var r = e(29)("keys"),129 o = e(19);130 t.exports = function(t) { return r[t] || (r[t] = o(t)) }131}, function(t, n, e) {132 var r = e(11).f,133 o = e(12),134 i = e(0)("toStringTag");135 t.exports = function(t, n, e) { t && !o(t = e ? t : t.prototype, i) && r(t, i, { configurable: !0, value: n }) }136}, function(t, n, e) {137 "use strict";138 var r = e(15);139 t.exports.f = function(t) {140 return new function(t) {141 var n, e;142 this.promise = new t(function(t, r) {143 if (void 0 !== n || void 0 !== e) throw TypeError("Bad Promise constructor");144 n = t, e = r145 }), this.resolve = r(n), this.reject = r(e)146 }(t)147 }148}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t, n) { return t === n || t != t && n != n } }, function(t, n, e) {149 var r = e(101);150 t.exports = function(t, n, e) { "__proto__" == n && r ? r(t, n, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: e, writable: !0 }) : t[n] = e }151}, function(t, n, e) {152 var r = e(2),153 o = e(1),154 i = o["__core-js_shared__"] || (o["__core-js_shared__"] = {});155 (t.exports = function(t, n) { return i[t] || (i[t] = void 0 !== n ? n : {}) })("versions", []).push({ version: r.version, mode: e(18) ? "pure" : "global", copyright: "© 2018 Denis Pushkarev (" })156}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t) { try { return !!t() } catch (t) { return !0 } } }, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t, n) { return { enumerable: !(1 & t), configurable: !(2 & t), writable: !(4 & t), value: n } } }, function(t, n, e) {157 "use strict";158 var r = e(18),159 o = e(13),160 i = e(5),161 c = e(4),162 u = e(8),163 a = e(60),164 f = e(25),165 s = e(67),166 l = e(0)("iterator"),167 p = !([].keys && "next" in [].keys()),168 v = function() { return this };169 t.exports = function(t, n, e, d, h, y, b) {170 a(e, n, d);171 var m, w, x, g = function(t) {172 if (!p && t in P) return P[t];173 switch (t) {174 case "keys":175 case "values":176 return function() { return new e(this, t) }177 }178 return function() { return new e(this, t) }179 },180 _ = n + " Iterator",181 j = "values" == h,182 O = !1,183 P = t.prototype,184 k = P[l] || P["@@iterator"] || h && P[h],185 S = k || g(h),186 T = h ? j ? g("entries") : S : void 0,187 L = "Array" == n && P.entries || k;188 if (L && (x = s( t))) !== Object.prototype && && (f(x, _, !0), r || "function" == typeof x[l] || c(x, l, v)), j && k && "values" !== && (O = !0, S = function() { return }), r && !b || !p && !O && P[l] || c(P, l, S), u[n] = S, u[_] = v, h)189 if (m = { values: j ? S : g("values"), keys: y ? S : g("keys"), entries: T }, b)190 for (w in m) w in P || i(P, w, m[w]);191 else o(o.P + o.F * (p || O), n, m);192 return m193 }194}, function(t, n, e) {195 var r = e(63),196 o = e(35);197 t.exports = Object.keys || function(t) { return r(t, o) }198}, function(t, n, e) {199 var r = e(21),200 o = Math.min;201 t.exports = function(t) { return t > 0 ? o(r(t), 9007199254740991) : 0 }202}, function(t, n) { t.exports = "constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf".split(",") }, function(t, n, e) {203 var r = e(1).document;204 t.exports = r && r.documentElement205}, function(t, n, e) {206 var r = e(3),207 o = e(15),208 i = e(0)("species");209 t.exports = function(t, n) { var e, c = r(t).constructor; return void 0 === c || void 0 == (e = r(c)[i]) ? n : o(e) }210}, function(t, n, e) {211 var r, o, i, c = e(14),212 u = e(79),213 a = e(36),214 f = e(20),215 s = e(1),216 l = s.process,217 p = s.setImmediate,218 v = s.clearImmediate,219 d = s.MessageChannel,220 h = s.Dispatch,221 y = 0,222 b = {},223 m = function() {224 var t = +this;225 if (b.hasOwnProperty(t)) {226 var n = b[t];227 delete b[t], n()228 }229 },230 w = function(t) { };231 p && v || (p = function(t) { for (var n = [], e = 1; arguments.length > e;) n.push(arguments[e++]); return b[++y] = function() { u("function" == typeof t ? t : Function(t), n) }, r(y), y }, v = function(t) { delete b[t] }, "process" == e(10)(l) ? r = function(t) { l.nextTick(c(m, t, 1)) } : h && ? r = function(t) {, t, 1)) } : d ? (i = (o = new d).port2, o.port1.onmessage = w, r = c(i.postMessage, i, 1)) : s.addEventListener && "function" == typeof postMessage && !s.importScripts ? (r = function(t) { s.postMessage(t + "", "*") }, s.addEventListener("message", w, !1)) : r = "onreadystatechange" in f("script") ? function(t) { a.appendChild(f("script")).onreadystatechange = function() { a.removeChild(this), } } : function(t) { setTimeout(c(m, t, 1), 0) }), t.exports = { set: p, clear: v }232}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t) { try { return { e: !1, v: t() } } catch (t) { return { e: !0, v: t } } } }, function(t, n, e) {233 var r = e(3),234 o = e(6),235 i = e(26);236 t.exports = function(t, n) { if (r(t), o(n) && n.constructor === t) return n; var e = i.f(t); return (0, e.resolve)(n), e.promise }237}, function(t, n) {238 t.exports = function(t, n, e) {239 switch (e.length) {240 case 0:241 return;242 case 1:243 return, e[0]);244 case 2:245 return, e[0], e[1]);246 case 3:247 return, e[0], e[1], e[2])248 }249 return t.apply(n, e)250 }251}, function(t, n, e) {252 var r = e(91),253 o = e(92),254 i = e(93);255 t.exports = function(t, n) { return i(o(t, n, r), t + "") }256}, function(t, n, e) {257 var r = e(95),258 o = e(44),259 i = e(103),260 c = e(105),261 u = e(9),262 a = e(51),263 f = e(50);264 t.exports = function t(n, e, s, l, p) {265 n !== e && i(e, function(i, a) {266 if (u(i)) p || (p = new r), c(n, e, a, s, t, l, p);267 else {268 var v = l ? l(f(n, a), i, a + "", n, e, p) : void 0;269 void 0 === v && (v = i), o(n, a, v)270 }271 }, a)272 }273}, function(t, n, e) {274 var r = e(28),275 o = e(27);276 t.exports = function(t, n, e) {277 (void 0 === e || o(t[n], e)) && (void 0 !== e || n in t) || r(t, n, e)278 }279}, function(t, n, e) {280 var r = e(108),281 o = "object" == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self,282 i = r || o || Function("return this")();283 t.exports = i284}, function(t, n, e) {285 var r = e(116)(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object);286 t.exports = r287}, function(t, n, e) {288 var r = e(48),289 o = e(9),290 i = "[object AsyncFunction]",291 c = "[object Function]",292 u = "[object GeneratorFunction]",293 a = "[object Proxy]";294 t.exports = function(t) { if (!o(t)) return !1; var n = r(t); return n == c || n == u || n == i || n == a }295}, function(t, n) {296 var e = Object.prototype.toString;297 t.exports = function(t) { return }298}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t) { return null != t && "object" == typeof t } }, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t, n) { if ("__proto__" != n) return t[n] } }, function(t, n) {299 t.exports = function(t) {300 var n = [];301 if (null != t)302 for (var e in Object(t)) n.push(e);303 return n304 }305}, function(t, n, e) {306 "use strict";307 Object.defineProperty(n, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), n.config = n.configApplyer = void 0;308 var r = i(e(90)),309 o = i(e(132));310311 function i(t) { return t && t.__esModule ? t : { default: t } }312 var c = {};313 n.configApplyer = function(t) { n.config = c = (0, r.default)(t, o.default) }, n.config = c314}, function(t, n, e) { e(54), e(87), t.exports = e(88) }, function(t, n, e) { e(55), e(58), e(69), e(73), e(85), e(86), t.exports = e(2).Promise }, function(t, n, e) {315 "use strict";316 var r = e(17),317 o = {};318 o[e(0)("toStringTag")] = "z", o + "" != "[object z]" && e(5)(Object.prototype, "toString", function() { return "[object " + r(this) + "]" }, !0)319}, function(t, n, e) { t.exports = !e(7) && !e(30)(function() { return 7 != Object.defineProperty(e(20)("div"), "a", { get: function() { return 7 } }).a }) }, function(t, n, e) {320 var r = e(6);321 t.exports = function(t, n) { if (!r(t)) return t; var e, o; if (n && "function" == typeof(e = t.toString) && !r(o = return o; if ("function" == typeof(e = t.valueOf) && !r(o = return o; if (!n && "function" == typeof(e = t.toString) && !r(o = return o; throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value") }322}, function(t, n, e) {323 "use strict";324 var r = e(59)(!0);325 e(32)(String, "String", function(t) { this._t = String(t), this._i = 0 }, function() {326 var t, n = this._t,327 e = this._i;328 return e >= n.length ? { value: void 0, done: !0 } : (t = r(n, e), this._i += t.length, { value: t, done: !1 })329 })330}, function(t, n, e) {331 var r = e(21),332 o = e(22);333 t.exports = function(t) {334 return function(n, e) {335 var i, c, u = String(o(n)),336 a = r(e),337 f = u.length;338 return a < 0 || a >= f ? t ? "" : void 0 : (i = u.charCodeAt(a)) < 55296 || i > 56319 || a + 1 === f || (c = u.charCodeAt(a + 1)) < 56320 || c > 57343 ? t ? u.charAt(a) : i : t ? u.slice(a, a + 2) : c - 56320 + (i - 55296 << 10) + 65536339 }340 }341}, function(t, n, e) {342 "use strict";343 var r = e(61),344 o = e(31),345 i = e(25),346 c = {};347 e(4)(c, e(0)("iterator"), function() { return this }), t.exports = function(t, n, e) { t.prototype = r(c, { next: o(1, e) }), i(t, n + " Iterator") }348}, function(t, n, e) {349 var r = e(3),350 o = e(62),351 i = e(35),352 c = e(24)("IE_PROTO"),353 u = function() {},354 a = function() {355 var t, n = e(20)("iframe"),356 r = i.length;357 for ( = "none", e(36).appendChild(n), n.src = "javascript:", (t = n.contentWindow.document).open(), t.write("<script>document.F=Object<\/​script>"), t.close(), a = t.F; r--;) delete a.prototype[i[r]];358 return a()359 };360 t.exports = Object.create || function(t, n) { var e; return null !== t ? (u.prototype = r(t), e = new u, u.prototype = null, e[c] = t) : e = a(), void 0 === n ? e : o(e, n) }361}, function(t, n, e) {362 var r = e(11),363 o = e(3),364 i = e(33);365 t.exports = e(7) ? Object.defineProperties : function(t, n) { o(t); for (var e, c = i(n), u = c.length, a = 0; u > a;) r.f(t, e = c[a++], n[e]); return t }366}, function(t, n, e) {367 var r = e(12),368 o = e(23),369 i = e(65)(!1),370 c = e(24)("IE_PROTO");371 t.exports = function(t, n) {372 var e, u = o(t),373 a = 0,374 f = [];375 for (e in u) e != c && r(u, e) && f.push(e);376 for (; n.length > a;) r(u, e = n[a++]) && (~i(f, e) || f.push(e));377 return f378 }379}, function(t, n, e) {380 var r = e(10);381 t.exports = Object("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function(t) { return "String" == r(t) ? t.split("") : Object(t) }382}, function(t, n, e) {383 var r = e(23),384 o = e(34),385 i = e(66);386 t.exports = function(t) {387 return function(n, e, c) {388 var u, a = r(n),389 f = o(a.length),390 s = i(c, f);391 if (t && e != e) {392 for (; f > s;)393 if ((u = a[s++]) != u) return !0394 } else395 for (; f > s; s++)396 if ((t || s in a) && a[s] === e) return t || s || 0; return !t && -1397 }398 }399}, function(t, n, e) {400 var r = e(21),401 o = Math.max,402 i = Math.min;403 t.exports = function(t, n) { return (t = r(t)) < 0 ? o(t + n, 0) : i(t, n) }404}, function(t, n, e) {405 var r = e(12),406 o = e(68),407 i = e(24)("IE_PROTO"),408 c = Object.prototype;409 t.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(t) { return t = o(t), r(t, i) ? t[i] : "function" == typeof t.constructor && t instanceof t.constructor ? t.constructor.prototype : t instanceof Object ? c : null }410}, function(t, n, e) {411 var r = e(22);412 t.exports = function(t) { return Object(r(t)) }413}, function(t, n, e) {414 for (var r = e(70), o = e(33), i = e(5), c = e(1), u = e(4), a = e(8), f = e(0), s = f("iterator"), l = f("toStringTag"), p = a.Array, v = { CSSRuleList: !0, CSSStyleDeclaration: !1, CSSValueList: !1, ClientRectList: !1, DOMRectList: !1, DOMStringList: !1, DOMTokenList: !0, DataTransferItemList: !1, FileList: !1, HTMLAllCollection: !1, HTMLCollection: !1, HTMLFormElement: !1, HTMLSelectElement: !1, MediaList: !0, MimeTypeArray: !1, NamedNodeMap: !1, NodeList: !0, PaintRequestList: !1, Plugin: !1, PluginArray: !1, SVGLengthList: !1, SVGNumberList: !1, SVGPathSegList: !1, SVGPointList: !1, SVGStringList: !1, SVGTransformList: !1, SourceBufferList: !1, StyleSheetList: !0, TextTrackCueList: !1, TextTrackList: !1, TouchList: !1 }, d = o(v), h = 0; h < d.length; h++) {415 var y, b = d[h],416 m = v[b],417 w = c[b],418 x = w && w.prototype;419 if (x && (x[s] || u(x, s, p), x[l] || u(x, l, b), a[b] = p, m))420 for (y in r) x[y] || i(x, y, r[y], !0)421 }422}, function(t, n, e) {423 "use strict";424 var r = e(71),425 o = e(72),426 i = e(8),427 c = e(23);428 t.exports = e(32)(Array, "Array", function(t, n) { this._t = c(t), this._i = 0, this._k = n }, function() {429 var t = this._t,430 n = this._k,431 e = this._i++;432 return !t || e >= t.length ? (this._t = void 0, o(1)) : o(0, "keys" == n ? e : "values" == n ? t[e] : [e, t[e]])433 }, "values"), i.Arguments = i.Array, r("keys"), r("values"), r("entries")434}, function(t, n, e) {435 var r = e(0)("unscopables"),436 o = Array.prototype;437 void 0 == o[r] && e(4)(o, r, {}), t.exports = function(t) { o[r][t] = !0 }438}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t, n) { return { value: n, done: !!t } } }, function(t, n, e) {439 "use strict";440 var r, o, i, c, u = e(18),441 a = e(1),442 f = e(14),443 s = e(17),444 l = e(13),445 p = e(6),446 v = e(15),447 d = e(74),448 h = e(75),449 y = e(37),450 b = e(38).set,451 m = e(80)(),452 w = e(26),453 x = e(39),454 g = e(81),455 _ = e(40),456 j = a.TypeError,457 O = a.process,458 P = O && O.versions,459 k = P && P.v8 || "",460 S = a.Promise,461 T = "process" == s(O),462 L = function() {},463 E = o = w.f,464 M = !! function() {465 try {466 var t = S.resolve(1),467 n = (t.constructor = {})[e(0)("species")] = function(t) { t(L, L) };468 return (T || "function" == typeof PromiseRejectionEvent) && t.then(L) instanceof n && 0 !== k.indexOf("6.6") && -1 === g.indexOf("Chrome/​66")469 } catch (t) {}470 }(),471 A = function(t) { var n; return !(!p(t) || "function" != typeof(n = t.then)) && n },472 F = function(t, n) {473 if (!t._n) {474 t._n = !0;475 var e = t._c;476 m(function() {477 for (var r = t._v, o = 1 == t._s, i = 0, c = function(n) {478 var e, i, c, u = o ? n.ok :,479 a = n.resolve,480 f = n.reject,481 s = n.domain;482 try { u ? (o || (2 == t._h && N(t), t._h = 1), !0 === u ? e = r : (s && s.enter(), e = u(r), s && (s.exit(), c = !0)), e === n.promise ? f(j("Promise-chain cycle")) : (i = A(e)) ?, a, f) : a(e)) : f(r) } catch (t) { s && !c && s.exit(), f(t) }483 }; e.length > i;) c(e[i++]);484 t._c = [], t._n = !1, n && !t._h && C(t)485 })486 }487 },488 C = function(t) {489, function() {490 var n, e, r, o = t._v,491 i = D(t);492 if (i && (n = x(function() { T ? O.emit("unhandledRejection", o, t) : (e = a.onunhandledrejection) ? e({ promise: t, reason: o }) : (r = a.console) && r.error && r.error("Unhandled promise rejection", o) }), t._h = T || D(t) ? 2 : 1), t._a = void 0, i && n.e) throw n.v493 })494 },495 D = function(t) { return 1 !== t._h && 0 === (t._a || t._c).length },496 N = function(t) {497, function() {498 var n;499 T ? O.emit("rejectionHandled", t) : (n = a.onrejectionhandled) && n({ promise: t, reason: t._v })500 })501 },502 R = function(t) {503 var n = this;504 n._d || (n._d = !0, (n = n._w || n)._v = t, n._s = 2, n._a || (n._a = n._c.slice()), F(n, !0))505 },506 I = function(t) {507 var n, e = this;508 if (!e._d) {509 e._d = !0, e = e._w || e;510 try {511 if (e === t) throw j("Promise can't be resolved itself");512 (n = A(t)) ? m(function() { var r = { _w: e, _d: !1 }; try {, f(I, r, 1), f(R, r, 1)) } catch (t) {, t) } }): (e._v = t, e._s = 1, F(e, !1))513 } catch (t) {{ _w: e, _d: !1 }, t) }514 }515 };516 M || (S = function(t) { d(this, S, "Promise", "_h"), v(t),; try { t(f(I, this, 1), f(R, this, 1)) } catch (t) {, t) } }, (r = function(t) { this._c = [], this._a = void 0, this._s = 0, this._d = !1, this._v = void 0, this._h = 0, this._n = !1 }).prototype = e(82)(S.prototype, { then: function(t, n) { var e = E(y(this, S)); return e.ok = "function" != typeof t || t, = "function" == typeof n && n, e.domain = T ? O.domain : void 0, this._c.push(e), this._a && this._a.push(e), this._s && F(this, !1), e.promise }, catch: function(t) { return this.then(void 0, t) } }), i = function() {517 var t = new r;518 this.promise = t, this.resolve = f(I, t, 1), this.reject = f(R, t, 1)519 }, w.f = E = function(t) { return t === S || t === c ? new i(t) : o(t) }), l(l.G + l.W + l.F * !M, { Promise: S }), e(25)(S, "Promise"), e(83)("Promise"), c = e(2).Promise, l(l.S + l.F * !M, "Promise", { reject: function(t) { var n = E(this); return (0, n.reject)(t), n.promise } }), l(l.S + l.F * (u || !M), "Promise", { resolve: function(t) { return _(u && this === c ? S : this, t) } }), l(l.S + l.F * !(M && e(84)(function(t) { S.all(t).catch(L) })), "Promise", {520 all: function(t) {521 var n = this,522 e = E(n),523 r = e.resolve,524 o = e.reject,525 i = x(function() {526 var e = [],527 i = 0,528 c = 1;529 h(t, !1, function(t) {530 var u = i++,531 a = !1;532 e.push(void 0), c++, n.resolve(t).then(function(t) { a || (a = !0, e[u] = t, --c || r(e)) }, o)533 }), --c || r(e)534 });535 return i.e && o(i.v), e.promise536 },537 race: function(t) {538 var n = this,539 e = E(n),540 r = e.reject,541 o = x(function() { h(t, !1, function(t) { n.resolve(t).then(e.resolve, r) }) });542 return o.e && r(o.v), e.promise543 }544 })545}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t, n, e, r) { if (!(t instanceof n) || void 0 !== r && r in t) throw TypeError(e + ": incorrect invocation!"); return t } }, function(t, n, e) {546 var r = e(14),547 o = e(76),548 i = e(77),549 c = e(3),550 u = e(34),551 a = e(78),552 f = {},553 s = {};554 (n = t.exports = function(t, n, e, l, p) {555 var v, d, h, y, b = p ? function() { return t } : a(t),556 m = r(e, l, n ? 2 : 1),557 w = 0;558 if ("function" != typeof b) throw TypeError(t + " is not iterable!");559 if (i(b)) {560 for (v = u(t.length); v > w; w++)561 if ((y = n ? m(c(d = t[w])[0], d[1]) : m(t[w])) === f || y === s) return y562 } else563 for (h =; !(d =;)564 if ((y = o(h, m, d.value, n)) === f || y === s) return y565 }).BREAK = f, n.RETURN = s566}, function(t, n, e) {567 var r = e(3);568 t.exports = function(t, n, e, o) { try { return o ? n(r(e)[0], e[1]) : n(e) } catch (n) { var i = t.return; throw void 0 !== i && r(, n } }569}, function(t, n, e) {570 var r = e(8),571 o = e(0)("iterator"),572 i = Array.prototype;573 t.exports = function(t) { return void 0 !== t && (r.Array === t || i[o] === t) }574}, function(t, n, e) {575 var r = e(17),576 o = e(0)("iterator"),577 i = e(8);578 t.exports = e(2).getIteratorMethod = function(t) { if (void 0 != t) return t[o] || t["@@iterator"] || i[r(t)] }579}, function(t, n) {580 t.exports = function(t, n, e) {581 var r = void 0 === e;582 switch (n.length) {583 case 0:584 return r ? t() :;585 case 1:586 return r ? t(n[0]) :, n[0]);587 case 2:588 return r ? t(n[0], n[1]) :, n[0], n[1]);589 case 3:590 return r ? t(n[0], n[1], n[2]) :, n[0], n[1], n[2]);591 case 4:592 return r ? t(n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3]) :, n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3])593 }594 return t.apply(e, n)595 }596}, function(t, n, e) {597 var r = e(1),598 o = e(38).set,599 i = r.MutationObserver || r.WebKitMutationObserver,600 c = r.process,601 u = r.Promise,602 a = "process" == e(10)(c);603 t.exports = function() {604 var t, n, e, f = function() {605 var r, o;606 for (a && (r = c.domain) && r.exit(); t;) { o = t.fn, t =; try { o() } catch (r) { throw t ? e() : n = void 0, r } }607 n = void 0, r && r.enter()608 };609 if (a) e = function() { c.nextTick(f) };610 else if (!i || r.navigator && r.navigator.standalone)611 if (u && u.resolve) {612 var s = u.resolve(void 0);613 e = function() { s.then(f) }614 } else e = function() {, f) };615 else {616 var l = !0,617 p = document.createTextNode("");618 new i(f).observe(p, { characterData: !0 }), e = function() { = l = !l }619 }620 return function(r) {621 var o = { fn: r, next: void 0 };622 n && ( = o), t || (t = o, e()), n = o623 }624 }625}, function(t, n, e) {626 var r = e(1).navigator;627 t.exports = r && r.userAgent || ""628}, function(t, n, e) {629 var r = e(5);630 t.exports = function(t, n, e) { for (var o in n) r(t, o, n[o], e); return t }631}, function(t, n, e) {632 "use strict";633 var r = e(1),634 o = e(11),635 i = e(7),636 c = e(0)("species");637 t.exports = function(t) {638 var n = r[t];639 i && n && !n[c] && o.f(n, c, { configurable: !0, get: function() { return this } })640 }641}, function(t, n, e) {642 var r = e(0)("iterator"),643 o = !1;644 try {645 var i = [7][r]();646 i.return = function() { o = !0 }, Array.from(i, function() { throw 2 })647 } catch (t) {}648 t.exports = function(t, n) {649 if (!n && !o) return !1;650 var e = !1;651 try {652 var i = [7],653 c = i[r]();654 = function() { return { done: e = !0 } }, i[r] = function() { return c }, t(i)655 } catch (t) {}656 return e657 }658}, function(t, n, e) {659 "use strict";660 var r = e(13),661 o = e(2),662 i = e(1),663 c = e(37),664 u = e(40);665 r(r.P + r.R, "Promise", {666 finally: function(t) {667 var n = c(this, o.Promise || i.Promise),668 e = "function" == typeof t;669 return this.then(e ? function(e) { return u(n, t()).then(function() { return e }) } : t, e ? function(e) { return u(n, t()).then(function() { throw e }) } : t)670 }671 })672}, function(t, n, e) {673 "use strict";674 var r = e(13),675 o = e(26),676 i = e(39);677 r(r.S, "Promise", {678 try: function(t) {679 var n = o.f(this),680 e = i(t);681 return (e.e ? n.reject : n.resolve)(e.v), n.promise682 }683 })684}, function(t, n, e) {685 "use strict";686687 function r() { try { return document.currentScript.src } catch (n) { var t = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); return t[t.length - 1].src } }688 Object.defineProperty(n, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.p = r().replace(/​[^/​\\\\]+$/​, ""), n.getCurrentPath = r689}, function(t, n, e) {690 "use strict";691 Object.defineProperty(n, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), n.L2Dwidget = void 0;692 var r, o = function() {693 function t(t, n) {694 for (var e = 0; e < n.length; e++) {695 var r = n[e];696 r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1, r.configurable = !0, "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(t, r.key, r)697 }698 }699 return function(n, e, r) { return e && t(n.prototype, e), r && t(n, r), n }700 }(),701 i = e(89),702 c = (r = i) && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r },703 u = e(52);704 var a = void 0,705 f = new(function() {706 function t() {! function(t, n) { if (!(t instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, t) }707 return o(t, [{708 key: "init",709 value: function() {710 var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {};711 (0, u.configApplyer)(t), ! && || e.e(0).then(e.bind(null, 133)).then(function(t) {712 (a = t).theRealInit()713 }).catch(function(t) { console.error(t) })714 }715 }, { key: "captureFrame", value: function(t) { return a.captureFrame(t) } }, {716 key: "downloadFrame",717 value: function() {718 this.captureFrame(function(t) {719 var n = document.createElement("a");720 document.body.appendChild(n), n.setAttribute("type", "hidden"), n.href = t, = "live2d.png", })722 }723 }]), t724 }());725 n.L2Dwidget = f726}, function(t, n, e) {727 "use strict";728 Object.defineProperty(n, "__esModule", { value: !0 });729 var r = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) { return typeof t } : function(t) { return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t },730 o = window.device,731 i = {},732 c = [];733 window.device = i;734 var u = window.document.documentElement,735 a = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),736 f = ["googletv", "viera", "smarttv", "", "netcast", "nettv", "appletv", "boxee", "kylo", "roku", "dlnadoc", "roku", "pov_tv", "hbbtv", "ce-html"];737738 function s(t) { return -1 !== a.indexOf(t) }739740 function l(t) { return u.className.match(new RegExp(t, "i")) }741742 function p(t) {743 var n = null;744 l(t) || (n = u.className.replace(/​^\s+|\s+$/​g, ""), u.className = n + " " + t)745 }746747 function v(t) { l(t) && (u.className = u.className.replace(" " + t, "")) }748749 function d() { i.landscape() ? (v("portrait"), p("landscape"), h("landscape")) : (v("landscape"), p("portrait"), h("portrait")), m() }750751 function h(t) { for (var n in c) c[n](t) }752 i.macos = function() { return s("mac") }, i.ios = function() { return i.iphone() || i.ipod() || i.ipad() }, i.iphone = function() { return ! && s("iphone") }, i.ipod = function() { return s("ipod") }, i.ipad = function() { return s("ipad") }, = function() { return ! && s("android") }, i.androidPhone = function() { return && s("mobile") }, i.androidTablet = function() { return && !s("mobile") }, i.blackberry = function() { return s("blackberry") || s("bb10") || s("rim") }, i.blackberryPhone = function() { return i.blackberry() && !s("tablet") }, i.blackberryTablet = function() { return i.blackberry() && s("tablet") }, = function() { return s("windows") }, i.windowsPhone = function() { return && s("phone") }, i.windowsTablet = function() { return && s("touch") && !i.windowsPhone() }, i.fxos = function() { return (s("(mobile") || s("(tablet")) && s(" rv:") }, i.fxosPhone = function() { return i.fxos() && s("mobile") }, i.fxosTablet = function() { return i.fxos() && s("tablet") }, i.meego = function() { return s("meego") }, i.cordova = function() { return window.cordova && "file:" === location.protocol }, i.nodeWebkit = function() { return "object" === r(window.process) }, = function() { return i.androidPhone() || i.iphone() || i.ipod() || i.windowsPhone() || i.blackberryPhone() || i.fxosPhone() || i.meego() }, i.tablet = function() { return i.ipad() || i.androidTablet() || i.blackberryTablet() || i.windowsTablet() || i.fxosTablet() }, i.desktop = function() { return !i.tablet() && ! }, i.television = function() {753 for (var t = 0; t < f.length;) {754 if (s(f[t])) return !0;755 t++756 }757 return !1758 }, i.portrait = function() { return screen.orientation &&, "onorientationchange") ? screen.orientation.type.includes("portrait") : window.innerHeight /​ window.innerWidth > 1 }, i.landscape = function() { return screen.orientation &&, "onorientationchange") ? screen.orientation.type.includes("landscape") : window.innerHeight /​ window.innerWidth < 1 }, i.noConflict = function() { return window.device = o, this }, i.ios() ? i.ipad() ? p("ios ipad tablet") : i.iphone() ? p("ios iphone mobile") : i.ipod() && p("ios ipod mobile") : i.macos() ? p("macos desktop") : ? i.androidTablet() ? p("android tablet") : p("android mobile") : i.blackberry() ? i.blackberryTablet() ? p("blackberry tablet") : p("blackberry mobile") : ? i.windowsTablet() ? p("windows tablet") : i.windowsPhone() ? p("windows mobile") : p("windows desktop") : i.fxos() ? i.fxosTablet() ? p("fxos tablet") : p("fxos mobile") : i.meego() ? p("meego mobile") : i.nodeWebkit() ? p("node-webkit") : i.television() ? p("television") : i.desktop() && p("desktop"), i.cordova() && p("cordova"), i.onChangeOrientation = function(t) { "function" == typeof t && c.push(t) };759 var y = "resize";760761 function b(t) {762 for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)763 if (i[t[n]]()) return t[n];764 return "unknown"765 }766767 function m() { i.orientation = b(["portrait", "landscape"]) }768, "onorientationchange") && (y = "orientationchange"), window.addEventListener ? window.addEventListener(y, d, !1) : window.attachEvent ? window.attachEvent(y, d) : window[y] = d, d(), i.type = b(["mobile", "tablet", "desktop"]), i.os = b(["ios", "iphone", "ipad", "ipod", "android", "blackberry", "windows", "fxos", "meego", "television"]), m(), n.default = i769}, function(t, n, e) {770 var r = e(41),771 o = e(42),772 i = e(94),773 c = e(129),774 u = o(function(t) { return t.push(void 0, i), r(c, void 0, t) });775 t.exports = u776}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t) { return t } }, function(t, n, e) {777 var r = e(41),778 o = Math.max;779 t.exports = function(t, n, e) {780 return n = o(void 0 === n ? t.length - 1 : n, 0),781 function() {782 for (var i = arguments, c = -1, u = o(i.length - n, 0), a = Array(u); ++c < u;) a[c] = i[n + c];783 c = -1;784 for (var f = Array(n + 1); ++c < n;) f[c] = i[c];785 return f[n] = e(a), r(t, this, f)786 }787 }788}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t) { return t } }, function(t, n, e) {789 var r = e(43),790 o = e(9);791 t.exports = function t(n, e, i, c, u, a) { return o(n) && o(e) && (a.set(e, n), r(n, e, void 0, t, a), a.delete(e)), n }792}, function(t, n, e) {793 var r = e(96),794 o = e(97),795 i = e(98),796 c = e(99),797 u = e(100);798799 function a(t) {800 var n = -1,801 e = null == t ? 0 : t.length;802 for (this.clear(); ++n < e;) {803 var r = t[n];804 this.set(r[0], r[1])805 }806 }807 a.prototype.clear = r, a.prototype.delete = o, a.prototype.get = i, a.prototype.has = c, a.prototype.set = u, t.exports = a808}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function() { this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0 } }, function(t, n, e) {809 var r = e(16),810 o = Array.prototype.splice;811 t.exports = function(t) {812 var n = this.__data__,813 e = r(n, t);814 return !(e < 0 || (e == n.length - 1 ? n.pop() :, e, 1), --this.size, 0))815 }816}, function(t, n, e) {817 var r = e(16);818 t.exports = function(t) {819 var n = this.__data__,820 e = r(n, t);821 return e < 0 ? void 0 : n[e][1]822 }823}, function(t, n, e) {824 var r = e(16);825 t.exports = function(t) { return r(this.__data__, t) > -1 }826}, function(t, n, e) {827 var r = e(16);828 t.exports = function(t, n) {829 var e = this.__data__,830 o = r(e, t);831 return o < 0 ? (++this.size, e.push([t, n])) : e[o][1] = n, this832 }833}, function(t, n, e) {834 var r = e(102),835 o = function() { try { var t = r(Object, "defineProperty"); return t({}, "", {}), t } catch (t) {} }();836 t.exports = o837}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t, n) { return null == t ? void 0 : t[n] } }, function(t, n, e) {838 var r = e(104)();839 t.exports = r840}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t) { return function(n, e, r) { for (var o = -1, i = Object(n), c = r(n), u = c.length; u--;) { var a = c[t ? u : ++o]; if (!1 === e(i[a], a, i)) break } return n } } }, function(t, n, e) {841 var r = e(44),842 o = e(106),843 i = e(110),844 c = e(113),845 u = e(114),846 a = e(118),847 f = e(119),848 s = e(120),849 l = e(123),850 p = e(47),851 v = e(9),852 d = e(124),853 h = e(125),854 y = e(50),855 b = e(126);856 t.exports = function(t, n, e, m, w, x, g) {857 var _ = y(t, e),858 j = y(n, e),859 O = g.get(j);860 if (O) r(t, e, O);861 else {862 var P = x ? x(_, j, e + "", t, n, g) : void 0,863 k = void 0 === P;864 if (k) {865 var S = f(j),866 T = !S && l(j),867 L = !S && !T && h(j);868 P = j, S || T || L ? f(_) ? P = _ : s(_) ? P = c(_) : T ? (k = !1, P = o(j, !0)) : L ? (k = !1, P = i(j, !0)) : P = [] : d(j) || a(j) ? (P = _, a(_) ? P = b(_) : v(_) && !p(_) || (P = u(j))) : k = !1869 }870 k && (g.set(j, P), w(P, j, m, x, g), g.delete(j)), r(t, e, P)871 }872 }873}, function(t, n, e) {874 (function(t) {875 var r = e(45),876 o = "object" == typeof n && n && !n.nodeType && n,877 i = o && "object" == typeof t && t && !t.nodeType && t,878 c = i && i.exports === o ? r.Buffer : void 0,879 u = c ? c.allocUnsafe : void 0;880 t.exports = function(t, n) {881 if (n) return t.slice();882 var e = t.length,883 r = u ? u(e) : new t.constructor(e);884 return t.copy(r), r885 }886 }).call(n, e(107)(t))887}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t) { return t.webpackPolyfill || (t.deprecate = function() {}, t.paths = [], t.children || (t.children = []), Object.defineProperty(t, "loaded", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t.l } }), Object.defineProperty(t, "id", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t.i } }), t.webpackPolyfill = 1), t } }, function(t, n, e) {888 (function(n) {889 var e = "object" == typeof n && n && n.Object === Object && n;890 t.exports = e891 }).call(n, e(109))892}, function(t, n) {893 var e;894 e = function() { return this }();895 try { e = e || Function("return this")() || (0, eval)("this") } catch (t) { "object" == typeof window && (e = window) }896 t.exports = e897}, function(t, n, e) {898 var r = e(111);899 t.exports = function(t, n) { var e = n ? r(t.buffer) : t.buffer; return new t.constructor(e, t.byteOffset, t.length) }900}, function(t, n, e) {901 var r = e(112);902 t.exports = function(t) { var n = new t.constructor(t.byteLength); return new r(n).set(new r(t)), n }903}, function(t, n, e) {904 var r = e(45).Uint8Array;905 t.exports = r906}, function(t, n) {907 t.exports = function(t, n) {908 var e = -1,909 r = t.length;910 for (n || (n = Array(r)); ++e < r;) n[e] = t[e];911 return n912 }913}, function(t, n, e) {914 var r = e(115),915 o = e(46),916 i = e(117);917 t.exports = function(t) { return "function" != typeof t.constructor || i(t) ? {} : r(o(t)) }918}, function(t, n, e) {919 var r = e(9),920 o = Object.create,921 i = function() {922 function t() {}923 return function(n) {924 if (!r(n)) return {};925 if (o) return o(n);926 t.prototype = n;927 var e = new t;928 return t.prototype = void 0, e929 }930 }();931 t.exports = i932}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function(t, n) { return function(e) { return t(n(e)) } } }, function(t, n) { t.exports = function() { return !1 } }, function(t, n) { t.exports = function() { return !1 } }, function(t, n) {933 var e = Array.isArray;934 t.exports = e935}, function(t, n, e) {936 var r = e(121),937 o = e(49);938 t.exports = function(t) { return o(t) && r(t) }939}, function(t, n, e) {940 var r = e(47),941 o = e(122);942 t.exports = function(t) { return null != t && o(t.length) && !r(t) }943}, function(t, n) {944 var e = 9007199254740991;945 t.exports = function(t) { return "number" == typeof t && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && t <= e }946}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function() { return !1 } }, function(t, n, e) {947 var r = e(48),948 o = e(46),949 i = e(49),950 c = "[object Object]",951 u = Function.prototype,952 a = Object.prototype,953 f = u.toString,954 s = a.hasOwnProperty,955 l =;956 t.exports = function(t) { if (!i(t) || r(t) != c) return !1; var n = o(t); if (null === n) return !0; var e =, "constructor") && n.constructor; return "function" == typeof e && e instanceof e && == l }957}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function() { return !1 } }, function(t, n, e) {958 var r = e(127),959 o = e(51);960 t.exports = function(t) { return r(t, o(t)) }961}, function(t, n, e) {962 var r = e(128),963 o = e(28);964 t.exports = function(t, n, e, i) {965 var c = !e;966 e || (e = {});967 for (var u = -1, a = n.length; ++u < a;) {968 var f = n[u],969 s = i ? i(e[f], t[f], f, e, t) : void 0;970 void 0 === s && (s = t[f]), c ? o(e, f, s) : r(e, f, s)971 }972 return e973 }974}, function(t, n, e) {975 var r = e(28),976 o = e(27),977 i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;978 t.exports = function(t, n, e) {979 var c = t[n];980, n) && o(c, e) && (void 0 !== e || n in t) || r(t, n, e)981 }982}, function(t, n, e) {983 var r = e(43),984 o = e(130)(function(t, n, e, o) { r(t, n, e, o) });985 t.exports = o986}, function(t, n, e) {987 var r = e(42),988 o = e(131);989 t.exports = function(t) {990 return r(function(n, e) {991 var r = -1,992 i = e.length,993 c = i > 1 ? e[i - 1] : void 0,994 u = i > 2 ? e[2] : void 0;995 for (c = t.length > 3 && "function" == typeof c ? (i--, c) : void 0, u && o(e[0], e[1], u) && (c = i < 3 ? void 0 : c, i = 1), n = Object(n); ++r < i;) {996 var a = e[r];997 a && t(n, a, r, c)998 }999 return n1000 })1001 }1002}, function(t, n) { t.exports = function() { return !1 } }, function(t, n, e) {1003 "use strict";1004 var r = { model: { jsonPath: "https:/​/​​live2d-widget-model-shizuku@latest/​assets/​shizuku.model.json", scale: 1, hHeadPos: .5, vHeadPos: .618, myDefine: [] }, display: { superSample: 2, width: 150, height: 300, position: "right", hOffset: 0, vOffset: -20 }, mobile: { show: !0, scale: .5, motion: !0 }, name: { canvas: "live2dcanvas", div: "live2d-widget" }, react: { opacityDefault: .7, opacityOnHover: .2, myFunc: function(t) { console.log("(undefined) ┑( ̄Д ï¿£)┍") } }, dev: { log: !1, border: !1, mouseLog: !1, mouseFunc: function(t, n, e, r) { console.log("MouseFunc: " + t + "," + n + "; " + e + ", " + r) } } };1005 t.exports = r ...

Full Screen

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Source: publicApiSpec.js Github


Full Screen

1describe('Plugin initialization and component basic construction', function () {2 'use strict';3 it('loads jquery plugin properly', function () {4 expect($('<div>').datetimepicker).toBeDefined();5 expect(typeof $('<div>').datetimepicker).toEqual('function');6 expect($('<div>').datetimepicker.defaults).toBeDefined();7 });8 it('creates the component with default options on an input element', function () {9 var dtpElement = $('<input>'),10 dtp;11 $(document).find('body').append(dtpElement);12 expect(function () {13 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker()).toBe(dtpElement);14 }).not.toThrow();15 dtp ='DateTimePicker');16 expect(dtpElement).not.toBe(null);17 });18 it('creates the component with default options merged with those provided on an input element', function () {19 var options = {locale: 'fr'},20 dtpElement = $('<input>'),21 dtp;22 $(document).find('body').append(dtpElement);23 expect(function () {24 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker(options)).toBe(dtpElement);25 }).not.toThrow();26 dtp ='DateTimePicker');27 expect(dtp).not.toBe(null);28 expect(dtp.options()).toEqual($.extend(true, {}, dtpElement.datetimepicker.defaults, options));29 });30 it('does not accept non-object or string types', function () {31 var dtpElement = $('<input>');32 $(document).find('body').append(dtpElement);33 expect(function () {34 dtpElement.datetimepicker(true);35 }).toThrow();36 });37 xit('calls destroy when Element that the component is attached is removed', function () {38 var dtpElement = $('<div>').attr('class', 'row').append($('<div>').attr('class', 'col-md-12').append($('<input>'))),39 dtp;40 $(document).find('body').append(dtpElement);41 dtpElement.datetimepicker();42 dtp ='DateTimePicker');43 spyOn(dtp, 'destroy').and.callThrough();44 dtpElement.remove();45 expect(dtp.destroy).toHaveBeenCalled();46 });47});48describe('Public API method tests', function () {49 'use strict';50 var dtp,51 dtpElement,52 dpChangeSpy,53 dpShowSpy,54 dpHideSpy,55 dpErrorSpy,56 dpClassifySpy;57 beforeEach(function () {58 dpChangeSpy = jasmine.createSpy('dp.change event Spy');59 dpShowSpy = jasmine.createSpy(' event Spy');60 dpHideSpy = jasmine.createSpy('dp.hide event Spy');61 dpErrorSpy = jasmine.createSpy('dp.error event Spy');62 dpClassifySpy = jasmine.createSpy('dp.classify event Spy');63 dtpElement = $('<input>').attr('id', 'dtp');64 $(document).find('body').append($('<div>').attr('class', 'row').append($('<div>').attr('class', 'col-md-12').append(dtpElement)));65 $(document).find('body').on('dp.change', dpChangeSpy);66 $(document).find('body').on('', dpShowSpy);67 $(document).find('body').on('dp.hide', dpHideSpy);68 $(document).find('body').on('dp.error', dpErrorSpy);69 $(document).find('body').on('dp.classify', dpClassifySpy);70 dtpElement.datetimepicker();71 dtp ='DateTimePicker');72 });73 afterEach(function () {74 dtp.destroy();75 dtpElement.remove();76 });77 describe('configuration option name match to public api function', function () {78 Object.getOwnPropertyNames($.fn.datetimepicker.defaults).forEach(function (key) {79 it('has function ' + key + '()', function () {80 expect(dtp[key]).toBeDefined();81 });82 });83 });84 describe('unknown functions', function () {85 it('are not allowed', function () {86 expect(function () {87 dtpElement.datetimepicker('abcdef');88 }).toThrow();89 });90 });91 describe('date() function', function () {92 describe('typechecking', function () {93 it('accepts a null', function () {94 expect(function () {95;96 }).not.toThrow();97 });98 it('accepts a string', function () {99 expect(function () {100'2013/​05/​24');101 }).not.toThrow();102 });103 it('accepts a Date object', function () {104 expect(function () {105 Date());106 }).not.toThrow();107 });108 it('accepts a Moment object', function () {109 expect(function () {110;111 }).not.toThrow();112 });113 it('does not accept undefined', function () {114 expect(function () {115;116 }).toThrow();117 });118 it('does not accept a number', function () {119 expect(function () {120;121 }).toThrow();122 });123 it('does not accept a generic Object', function () {124 expect(function () {125{});126 }).toThrow();127 });128 it('does not accept a boolean', function () {129 expect(function () {130;131 }).toThrow();132 });133 });134 describe('functionality', function () {135 it('has no date set upon construction', function () {136 expect(;137 });138 it('sets the date correctly', function () {139 var timestamp = moment();140;141 expect(;142 });143 });144 describe('access', function () {145 it('gets date', function () {146 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('date')).toBe(null);147 });148 it('sets date', function () {149 var timestamp = moment();150 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('date', timestamp)).toBe(dtpElement);151 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('date').isSame(timestamp)).toBe(true);152 });153 });154 });155 describe('format() function', function () {156 describe('typechecking', function () {157 it('accepts a false value', function () {158 expect(function () {159 dtp.format(false);160 }).not.toThrow();161 });162 it('accepts a string', function () {163 expect(function () {164 dtp.format('YYYY-MM-DD');165 }).not.toThrow();166 });167 it('does not accept undefined', function () {168 expect(function () {169 dtp.format(undefined);170 }).toThrow();171 });172 it('does not accept true', function () {173 expect(function () {174 dtp.format(true);175 }).toThrow();176 });177 it('does not accept a generic Object', function () {178 expect(function () {179 dtp.format({});180 }).toThrow();181 });182 });183 describe('functionality', function () {184 it('returns no format before format is set', function () {185 expect(dtp.format()).toBe(false);186 });187 it('sets the format correctly', function () {188 var format = 'YYYY-MM-DD';189 dtp.format(format);190 expect(dtp.format()).toBe(format);191 });192 });193 describe('access', function () {194 it('gets format', function () {195 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('format')).toBe(false);196 });197 it('sets format', function () {198 var format = 'YYYY-MM-DD';199 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('format', format)).toBe(dtpElement);200 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('format')).toBe(format);201 });202 });203 });204 describe('destroy() function', function () {205 describe('existence', function () {206 it('is defined', function () {207 expect(dtp.destroy).toBeDefined();208 });209 });210 describe('access', function () {211 it('returns jQuery object', function () {212 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('destroy')).toBe(dtpElement);213 });214 });215 });216 describe('toggle() function', function () {217 describe('existence', function () {218 it('is defined', function () {219 expect(dtp.toggle).toBeDefined();220 });221 });222 /​/​ describe('functionality', function () {223 /​/​ it('')224 /​/​ });225 describe('access', function () {226 it('returns jQuery object', function () {227 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('toggle')).toBe(dtpElement);228 });229 });230 });231 describe('show() function', function () {232 describe('existence', function () {233 it('is defined', function () {234 expect(;235 });236 });237 describe('functionality', function () {238 it('emits a show event when called while widget is hidden', function () {239;240 expect(dpShowSpy).toHaveBeenCalled();241 });242 it('does not emit a show event when called and widget is already showing', function () {243 dtp.hide();244;245 dpShowSpy.calls.reset();246;247 expect(dpShowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();248 });249 it('calls the classify event for each day that is shown', function () {250;251 expect(dpClassifySpy.calls.count()).toEqual(42);252 });253 it('actually shows the widget', function () {254;255 expect($(document).find('body').find('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length).toEqual(1);256 });257 it('applies the styles appended in the classify event handler', function () {258 var handler = function (event) {259 if ('weekday') === 4) {260 event.classNames.push('humpday');261 }262 event.classNames.push('injected');263 };264 $(document).find('body').on('dp.classify', handler);265;266 $(document).find('body').off('dp.classify', handler);267 expect($(document).find('body').find('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length).toEqual(42);268 expect($(document).find('body').find('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length).toEqual(6);269 });270 });271 describe('access', function () {272 it('returns jQuery object', function () {273 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('show')).toBe(dtpElement);274 });275 });276 });277 describe('hide() function', function () {278 describe('existence', function () {279 it('is defined', function () {280 expect(dtp.hide).toBeDefined();281 });282 });283 describe('functionality', function () {284 it('emits a hide event when called while widget is shown', function () {285;286 dtp.hide();287 expect(dpHideSpy).toHaveBeenCalled();288 });289 it('does not emit a hide event when called while widget is hidden', function () {290 dtp.hide();291 expect(dpHideSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();292 });293 it('actually hides the widget', function () {294;295 dtp.hide();296 expect($(document).find('body').find('.bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget').length).toEqual(0);297 });298 });299 describe('access', function () {300 it('returns jQuery object', function () {301 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('hide')).toBe(dtpElement);302 });303 });304 });305 describe('disable() function', function () {306 describe('existence', function () {307 it('is defined', function () {308 expect(dtp.disable).toBeDefined();309 });310 });311 describe('access', function () {312 it('returns jQuery object', function () {313 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('disable')).toBe(dtpElement);314 });315 });316 });317 describe('enable() function', function () {318 describe('existence', function () {319 it('is defined', function () {320 expect(dtp.enable).toBeDefined();321 });322 });323 describe('access', function () {324 it('returns jQuery object', function () {325 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('enable')).toBe(dtpElement);326 });327 });328 });329 describe('options() function', function () {330 describe('existence', function () {331 it('is defined', function () {332 expect(dtp.options).toBeDefined();333 });334 });335 describe('access', function () {336 it('gets options', function () {337 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('options')).toEqual(dtpElement.datetimepicker.defaults);338 });339 it('sets options', function () {340 var options = {locale: 'fr'};341 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('options', options)).toBe(dtpElement);342 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('options')).toEqual($.extend(true, {}, dtpElement.datetimepicker.defaults, options));343 });344 });345 });346 describe('disabledDates() function', function () {347 describe('existence', function () {348 it('is defined', function () {349 expect(dtp.disabledDates).toBeDefined();350 });351 });352 describe('access', function () {353 it('gets disabled dates', function () {354 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('disabledDates')).toBe(false);355 });356 it('sets disabled dates', function () {357 var timestamps = [moment()];358 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('disabledDates', timestamps)).toBe(dtpElement);359 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('disabledDates')).not.toBe(false);360 });361 });362 });363 describe('enabledDates() function', function () {364 describe('existence', function () {365 it('is defined', function () {366 expect(dtp.enabledDates).toBeDefined();367 });368 });369 describe('access', function () {370 it('gets enabled dates', function () {371 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('enabledDates')).toBe(false);372 });373 it('sets enabled dates', function () {374 var timestamps = [moment()];375 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('enabledDates', timestamps)).toBe(dtpElement);376 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('enabledDates')).not.toBe(false);377 });378 });379 });380 describe('daysOfWeekDisabled() function', function () {381 describe('existence', function () {382 it('is defined', function () {383 expect(dtp.daysOfWeekDisabled).toBeDefined();384 });385 });386 describe('access', function () {387 xit('gets days of week disabled', function () {388 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('daysOfWeekDisabled')).toEqual([]);389 });390 it('sets days of week disabled', function () {391 var daysOfWeek = [0];392 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('daysOfWeekDisabled', daysOfWeek)).toBe(dtpElement);393 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('daysOfWeekDisabled')).toEqual(daysOfWeek);394 });395 });396 });397 describe('maxDate() function', function () {398 describe('existence', function () {399 it('is defined', function () {400 expect(dtp.maxDate).toBeDefined();401 });402 });403 describe('access', function () {404 it('gets max date', function () {405 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('maxDate')).toBe(false);406 });407 it('sets max date', function () {408 var timestamp = moment();409 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('maxDate', timestamp)).toBe(dtpElement);410 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('maxDate').isSame(timestamp)).toBe(true);411 });412 });413 });414 describe('minDate() function', function () {415 describe('existence', function () {416 it('is defined', function () {417 expect(dtp.minDate).toBeDefined();418 });419 });420 describe('access', function () {421 it('gets min date', function () {422 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('minDate')).toBe(false);423 });424 it('sets min date', function () {425 var timestamp = moment();426 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('minDate', timestamp)).toBe(dtpElement);427 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('minDate').isSame(timestamp)).toBe(true);428 });429 });430 });431 describe('defaultDate() function', function () {432 describe('existence', function () {433 it('is defined', function () {434 expect(dtp.defaultDate).toBeDefined();435 });436 });437 describe('functionality', function () {438 it('returns no defaultDate before defaultDate is set', function () {439 expect(dtp.defaultDate()).toBe(false);440 });441 it('sets the defaultDate correctly', function () {442 var timestamp = moment();443 dtp.defaultDate(timestamp);444 expect(dtp.defaultDate().isSame(timestamp)).toBe(true);445 expect(;446 });447 it('triggers a change event upon setting a default date and input field is empty', function () {448;449 dtp.defaultDate(moment());450 expect(dpChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalled();451 });452 it('does not override input value if it already has one', function () {453 var timestamp = moment();454;455 dtp.defaultDate(moment().year(2000));456 expect(;457 });458 });459 describe('access', function () {460 it('gets default date', function () {461 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('defaultDate')).toBe(false);462 });463 it('sets default date', function () {464 var timestamp = moment();465 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('defaultDate', timestamp)).toBe(dtpElement);466 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('defaultDate').isSame(timestamp)).toBe(true);467 });468 });469 });470 describe('locale() function', function () {471 describe('functionality', function () {472 it('it has the same locale as the global moment locale with default options', function () {473 expect(dtp.locale()).toBe(moment.locale());474 });475 it('it switches to a selected locale without affecting global moment locale', function () {476 dtp.locale('el');477;478 expect(dtp.locale()).toBe('el');479 expect('el');480 expect(moment.locale()).toBe('en');481 });482 });483 describe('access', function () {484 it('gets locale', function () {485 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('locale')).toBe(moment.locale());486 });487 it('sets locale', function () {488 var locale = 'fr';489 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('locale', locale)).toBe(dtpElement);490 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('locale')).toBe(locale);491 });492 });493 });494 describe('useCurrent() function', function () {495 describe('existence', function () {496 it('is defined', function () {497 expect(dtp.useCurrent).toBeDefined();498 });499 });500 describe('check type and parameter validity', function () {501 it('accepts either a boolean value or string', function () {502 var useCurrentOptions = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute'];503 expect(function () {504 dtp.useCurrent(false);505 }).not.toThrow();506 expect(function () {507 dtp.useCurrent(true);508 }).not.toThrow();509 useCurrentOptions.forEach(function (value) {510 expect(function () {511 dtp.useCurrent(value);512 }).not.toThrow();513 });514 expect(function () {515 dtp.useCurrent('test');516 }).toThrow();517 expect(function () {518 dtp.useCurrent({});519 }).toThrow();520 });521 });522 describe('functionality', function () {523 it('triggers a change event upon show() and input field is empty', function () {524 dtp.useCurrent(true);525;526 expect(dpChangeSpy).toHaveBeenCalled();527 });528 });529 describe('access', function () {530 it('gets use current', function () {531 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('useCurrent')).toBe(true);532 });533 it('sets use current', function () {534 var useCurrent = false;535 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('useCurrent', useCurrent)).toBe(dtpElement);536 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('useCurrent')).toBe(useCurrent);537 });538 });539 });540 describe('ignoreReadonly() function', function () {541 describe('existence', function () {542 it('is defined', function () {543 expect(dtp.ignoreReadonly).toBeDefined();544 });545 });546 describe('access', function () {547 it('gets ignore readonly', function () {548 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('ignoreReadonly')).toBe(false);549 });550 it('sets ignore readonly', function () {551 var ignoreReadonly = true;552 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('ignoreReadonly', ignoreReadonly)).toBe(dtpElement);553 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('ignoreReadonly')).toBe(ignoreReadonly);554 });555 });556 });557 describe('stepping() function', function () {558 describe('existence', function () {559 it('is defined', function () {560 expect(dtp.stepping).toBeDefined();561 });562 });563 describe('access', function () {564 it('gets stepping', function () {565 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('stepping')).toBe(1);566 });567 it('sets stepping', function () {568 var stepping = 2;569 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('stepping', stepping)).toBe(dtpElement);570 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('stepping')).toBe(stepping);571 });572 });573 });574 describe('collapse() function', function () {575 describe('existence', function () {576 it('is defined', function () {577 expect(dtp.collapse).toBeDefined();578 });579 });580 describe('access', function () {581 it('gets collapse', function () {582 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('collapse')).toBe(true);583 });584 it('sets collapse', function () {585 var collapse = false;586 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('collapse', collapse)).toBe(dtpElement);587 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('collapse')).toBe(collapse);588 });589 });590 });591 describe('icons() function', function () {592 describe('existence', function () {593 it('is defined', function () {594 expect(dtp.icons).toBeDefined();595 });596 });597 describe('access', function () {598 it('gets icons', function () {599 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('icons')).toEqual(dtpElement.datetimepicker.defaults.icons);600 });601 it('sets icons', function () {602 var icons = {time: 'fa fa-time'};603 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('icons', icons)).toBe(dtpElement);604 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('icons')).toEqual($.extend(true, {}, dtpElement.datetimepicker.defaults.icons, icons));605 });606 });607 });608 describe('useStrict() function', function () {609 describe('existence', function () {610 it('is defined', function () {611 expect(dtp.useStrict).toBeDefined();612 });613 });614 describe('access', function () {615 it('gets use strict', function () {616 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('useStrict')).toBe(false);617 });618 it('sets use strict', function () {619 var useStrict = true;620 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('useStrict', useStrict)).toBe(dtpElement);621 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('useStrict')).toBe(useStrict);622 });623 });624 });625 describe('sideBySide() function', function () {626 describe('existence', function () {627 it('is defined', function () {628 expect(dtp.sideBySide).toBeDefined();629 });630 });631 describe('access', function () {632 it('gets side-by-side', function () {633 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('sideBySide')).toBe(false);634 });635 it('sets side-by-side', function () {636 var sideBySide = true;637 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('sideBySide', sideBySide)).toBe(dtpElement);638 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('sideBySide')).toBe(sideBySide);639 });640 });641 });642 describe('viewMode() function', function () {643 describe('existence', function () {644 it('is defined', function () {645 expect(dtp.viewMode).toBeDefined();646 });647 });648 describe('access', function () {649 it('gets view mode', function () {650 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('viewMode')).toBe('days');651 });652 it('sets view mode', function () {653 var viewMode = 'years';654 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('viewMode', viewMode)).toBe(dtpElement);655 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('viewMode')).toBe(viewMode);656 });657 });658 });659 describe('widgetPositioning() function', function () {660 describe('existence', function () {661 it('is defined', function () {662 expect(dtp.widgetPositioning).toBeDefined();663 });664 });665 describe('access', function () {666 it('gets widget positioning', function () {667 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('widgetPositioning')).toEqual(dtpElement.datetimepicker.defaults.widgetPositioning);668 });669 it('sets widget positioning', function () {670 var widgetPositioning = {horizontal: 'left'};671 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('widgetPositioning', widgetPositioning)).toBe(dtpElement);672 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('widgetPositioning')).toEqual($.extend(true, {}, dtpElement.datetimepicker.defaults.widgetPositioning, widgetPositioning));673 });674 });675 });676 describe('calendarWeeks() function', function () {677 describe('existence', function () {678 it('is defined', function () {679 expect(dtp.calendarWeeks).toBeDefined();680 });681 });682 describe('access', function () {683 it('gets calendar weeks', function () {684 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('calendarWeeks')).toBe(false);685 });686 it('sets calendar weeks', function () {687 var calendarWeeks = true;688 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('calendarWeeks', calendarWeeks)).toBe(dtpElement);689 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('calendarWeeks')).toBe(calendarWeeks);690 });691 });692 });693 describe('showTodayButton() function', function () {694 describe('existence', function () {695 it('is defined', function () {696 expect(dtp.showTodayButton).toBeDefined();697 });698 });699 describe('access', function () {700 it('gets show today button', function () {701 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('showTodayButton')).toBe(false);702 });703 it('sets show today button', function () {704 var showTodayButton = true;705 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('showTodayButton', showTodayButton)).toBe(dtpElement);706 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('showTodayButton')).toBe(showTodayButton);707 });708 });709 });710 describe('showClear() function', function () {711 describe('existence', function () {712 it('is defined', function () {713 expect(dtp.showClear).toBeDefined();714 });715 });716 describe('access', function () {717 it('gets show clear', function () {718 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('showClear')).toBe(false);719 });720 it('sets show clear', function () {721 var showClear = true;722 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('showClear', showClear)).toBe(dtpElement);723 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('showClear')).toBe(showClear);724 });725 });726 });727 describe('dayViewHeaderFormat() function', function () {728 describe('typechecking', function () {729 it('does not accept a false value', function () {730 expect(function () {731 dtp.dayViewHeaderFormat(false);732 }).toThrow();733 });734 it('accepts a string', function () {735 expect(function () {736 dtp.dayViewHeaderFormat('YYYY-MM-DD');737 }).not.toThrow();738 });739 it('does not accept undefined', function () {740 expect(function () {741 dtp.dayViewHeaderFormat(undefined);742 }).toThrow();743 });744 it('does not accept true', function () {745 expect(function () {746 dtp.dayViewHeaderFormat(true);747 }).toThrow();748 });749 it('does not accept a generic Object', function () {750 expect(function () {751 dtp.dayViewHeaderFormat({});752 }).toThrow();753 });754 });755 describe('functionality', function () {756 it('expects dayViewHeaderFormat to be default of MMMM YYYY', function () {757 expect(dtp.dayViewHeaderFormat()).toBe('MMMM YYYY');758 });759 it('sets the dayViewHeaderFormat correctly', function () {760 dtp.dayViewHeaderFormat('MM YY');761 expect(dtp.dayViewHeaderFormat()).toBe('MM YY');762 });763 });764 describe('access', function () {765 it('gets day view header format', function () {766 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('dayViewHeaderFormat')).toBe('MMMM YYYY');767 });768 it('sets day view header format', function () {769 var dayViewHeaderFormat = 'MM YY';770 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('dayViewHeaderFormat', dayViewHeaderFormat)).toBe(dtpElement);771 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('dayViewHeaderFormat')).toBe(dayViewHeaderFormat);772 });773 });774 });775 describe('extraFormats() function', function () {776 describe('typechecking', function () {777 it('accepts a false value', function () {778 expect(function () {779 dtp.extraFormats(false);780 }).not.toThrow();781 });782 it('does not accept a string', function () {783 expect(function () {784 dtp.extraFormats('YYYY-MM-DD');785 }).toThrow();786 });787 it('does not accept undefined', function () {788 expect(function () {789 dtp.extraFormats(undefined);790 }).toThrow();791 });792 it('does not accept true', function () {793 expect(function () {794 dtp.extraFormats(true);795 }).toThrow();796 });797 it('accepts an Array', function () {798 expect(function () {799 dtp.extraFormats(['YYYY-MM-DD']);800 }).not.toThrow();801 });802 });803 describe('functionality', function () {804 it('returns no extraFormats before extraFormats is set', function () {805 expect(dtp.extraFormats()).toBe(false);806 });807 it('sets the extraFormats correctly', function () {808 dtp.extraFormats(['YYYY-MM-DD']);809 expect(dtp.extraFormats()[0]).toBe('YYYY-MM-DD');810 });811 });812 describe('access', function () {813 it('gets extra formats', function () {814 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('extraFormats')).toBe(false);815 });816 it('sets extra formats', function () {817 var extraFormats = ['YYYY-MM-DD'];818 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('extraFormats', extraFormats)).toBe(dtpElement);819 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('extraFormats')).toEqual(extraFormats);820 });821 });822 });823 describe('toolbarPlacement() function', function () {824 describe('existence', function () {825 it('is defined', function () {826 expect(dtp.toolbarPlacement).toBeDefined();827 });828 });829 describe('check type and parameter validity', function () {830 it('does not accept a false value', function () {831 expect(function () {832 dtp.dayViewHeaderFormat(false);833 }).toThrow();834 });835 it('does not accept a false value', function () {836 expect(function () {837 dtp.dayViewHeaderFormat(false);838 }).toThrow();839 });840 it('accepts a string', function () {841 var toolbarPlacementOptions = ['default', 'top', 'bottom'];842 toolbarPlacementOptions.forEach(function (value) {843 expect(function () {844 dtp.toolbarPlacement(value);845 }).not.toThrow();846 });847 expect(function () {848 dtp.toolbarPlacement('test');849 }).toThrow();850 expect(function () {851 dtp.toolbarPlacement({});852 }).toThrow();853 });854 });855 describe('access', function () {856 it('gets toolbar placement', function () {857 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('toolbarPlacement')).toBe('default');858 });859 it('sets toolbar placement', function () {860 var toolbarPlacement = 'top';861 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('toolbarPlacement', toolbarPlacement)).toBe(dtpElement);862 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('toolbarPlacement')).toBe(toolbarPlacement);863 });864 });865 });866 describe('widgetParent() function', function () {867 describe('typechecking', function () {868 it('accepts a null', function () {869 expect(function () {870 dtp.widgetParent(null);871 }).not.toThrow();872 });873 it('accepts a string', function () {874 expect(function () {875 dtp.widgetParent('testDiv');876 }).not.toThrow();877 });878 it('accepts a jquery object', function () {879 expect(function () {880 dtp.widgetParent($('#testDiv'));881 }).not.toThrow();882 });883 it('does not accept undefined', function () {884 expect(function () {885 dtp.widgetParent(undefined);886 }).toThrow();887 });888 it('does not accept a number', function () {889 expect(function () {890 dtp.widgetParent(0);891 }).toThrow();892 });893 it('does not accept a generic Object', function () {894 expect(function () {895 dtp.widgetParent({});896 }).toThrow();897 });898 it('does not accept a boolean', function () {899 expect(function () {900 dtp.widgetParent(false);901 }).toThrow();902 });903 });904 describe('access', function () {905 it('gets widget parent', function () {906 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('widgetParent')).toBe(null);907 });908 it('sets widget parent', function () {909 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('widgetParent', 'testDiv')).toBe(dtpElement);910 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('widgetParent')).not.toBe(null);911 });912 });913 });914 describe('keepOpen() function', function () {915 describe('existence', function () {916 it('is defined', function () {917 expect(dtp.keepOpen).toBeDefined();918 });919 });920 describe('access', function () {921 it('gets keep open', function () {922 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('keepOpen')).toBe(false);923 });924 it('sets keep open', function () {925 var keepOpen = true;926 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('keepOpen', keepOpen)).toBe(dtpElement);927 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('keepOpen')).toBe(keepOpen);928 });929 });930 });931 describe('inline() function', function () {932 describe('existence', function () {933 it('is defined', function () {934 expect(dtp.inline).toBeDefined();935 });936 });937 describe('access', function () {938 it('gets inline', function () {939 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('inline')).toBe(false);940 });941 it('sets inline', function () {942 var inline = true;943 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('inline', inline)).toBe(dtpElement);944 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('inline')).toBe(inline);945 });946 });947 });948 describe('clear() function', function () {949 describe('existence', function () {950 it('is defined', function () {951 expect(dtp.clear).toBeDefined();952 });953 });954 describe('access', function () {955 it('returns jQuery object', function () {956 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('clear')).toBe(dtpElement);957 });958 });959 });960 describe('keyBinds() function', function () {961 describe('existence', function () {962 it('is defined', function () {963 expect(dtp.keyBinds).toBeDefined();964 });965 });966 describe('access', function () {967 it('gets key binds', function () {968 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('keyBinds')).toEqual(dtpElement.datetimepicker.defaults.keyBinds);969 });970 it('sets key binds', function () {971 var keyBinds = {up: function () {}};972 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('keyBinds', keyBinds)).toBe(dtpElement);973 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('keyBinds')).toEqual(keyBinds);974 });975 });976 });977 describe('parseInputDate() function', function () {978 describe('existence', function () {979 it('is defined', function () {980 expect(dtp.parseInputDate).toBeDefined();981 });982 });983 describe('access', function () {984 it('gets parse input date', function () {985 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('parseInputDate')).toBe(undefined);986 });987 it('sets parse input date', function () {988 var parseInputDate = function () {};989 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('parseInputDate', parseInputDate)).toBe(dtpElement);990 expect(dtpElement.datetimepicker('parseInputDate')).toBe(parseInputDate);991 });992 });993 });994 describe('Time zone tests', function () {995 function makeFormatTest (format, displayTimeZone) {996 it('should not change the value that was set when using format ' + format, function () { /​/​ #1326997 var oldFormat = dtp.format(),998 oldTimeZone = dtp.timeZone(),999 now = moment().startOf('second');1000 dtp.timeZone(displayTimeZone);1001 dtp.format(format);1002;1003 dpChangeSpy.calls.reset();1004;1005 dtp.hide();1006 expect(dpChangeSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled();1007 expect(;1008 dtp.format(oldFormat);1009 dtp.timeZone(oldTimeZone);1010 });1011 }1012 makeFormatTest('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z', 'UTC');1013 makeFormatTest('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', 'UTC');1014 makeFormatTest('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss Z', 'America/​New_York');1015 makeFormatTest('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss', 'America/​New_York');1016 });...

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1Date.Specification = new Specification({2 'Overview': {3 setup: function() { },4 'Now': {5 run: function() { = Date.parse('Now') },6 assert: function() { 7 /​/​ clear milliseconds since there is a delay between parsing and testing8 if( != null)9 return == ( ).setMilliseconds(0) 10 else11 return false;12 }13 },14 'Today': {15 run: function() { = Date.parse('Today'); },16 assert: function() { return ) }17 },18 'Yesterday': {19 run: function() { = Date.parse('Yesterday') },20 assert: function() { return ) } 21 },22 'Tomorrow': {23 run: function() { = Date.parse('Tomorrow') },24 assert: function() { return ) }25 }, 26 'Last Tuesday': {27 run: function() { = Date.parse('last tuesday') },28 assert: function() { return ) } 29 },30 'Next Tuesday': {31 run: function() { = Date.parse('next tuesday') },32 assert: function() { return ) } 33 },34 'Last July': {35 run: function() { = Date.parse('Last July') },36 assert: function() { return ) }37 },38 'Next July': {39 run: function() { = Date.parse('Next July') },40 assert: function() { return ) }41 }, 42 43 'Next Week': {44 run: function() { = Date.parse('Next Week') },45 assert: function() { return ) }46 }, 47 'Last Week': {48 run: function() { = Date.parse('Last Week') },49 assert: function() { return ) }50 }, 51 'Next Month': {52 run: function() { = Date.parse('Next Month') },53 assert: function() { return ) }54 }, 55 'Last Month': {56 run: function() { = Date.parse('Last Month') },57 assert: function() { return ) }58 },59 'Next Year': {60 run: function() { = Date.parse('Next Year') },61 assert: function() { return ) }62 }, 63 'Last Year': {64 run: function() { = Date.parse('Last Year') },65 assert: function() { return ) } 66 }67 68 },69'Date Math': {70 setup: function() { 71 var dow = function(dow,orient,date) { 72 date.setDate(date.getDate() + (( dow - date.getDay() ) + ( 7 * orient )) % 7);73 return date;74 };75 76 = new Date().clearTime(); 77 var y = new Date; y.setDate( y.getDate() - 1 ); this.yesterday = y;78 79 this.last_tuesday = dow(2,-1, new Date().clearTime() );80 this.next_tuesday = dow(2,+1, new Date().clearTime() );81 82 this.last_july = new Date().clearTime();83 this.last_july.setMonth(6);84 if( == -1)85 this.last_july.addYears(-1);86 87 this.next_july = new Date().clearTime();88 this.next_july.setMonth(6);89 if( == 1)90 this.next_july.addYears(1);91 }, 92 't': {93 run: function() { = Date.parse('t') },94 assert: function() { return } 95 }, 96 'today+': {97 run: function() { = Date.parse('today+') },98 assert: function() { return ) } 99 },100 't+': {101 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+') },102 assert: function() { return ) } 103 }, 104105 't+1 d': {106 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+1 d') },107 assert: function() { return ) } 108 }, 109 't + 1 d': {110 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 1 d') },111 assert: function() { return ) }112 }, 113 'today + 1 d': {114 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 1 d') },115 assert: function() { return ) }116 },117118 't+1 day': {119 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+1 day') },120 assert: function() { return ) } 121 }, 122 't + 1 day': {123 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 1 day') },124 assert: function() { return ) }125 },126 'today + 1 day': {127 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 1 day') },128 assert: function() { return ) }129 }, 130 131 'today+5': {132 run: function() { = Date.parse('today+5') },133 assert: function() { return ) } 134 }, 135 't+5': {136 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+5') },137 assert: function() { return ) } 138 }, 139 't + 5': {140 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 5') },141 assert: function() { return ) }142 }, 143 'today + 5': {144 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 5') },145 assert: function() { return ) }146 },147148 't+5d': {149 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+5d') },150 assert: function() { return ) } 151 }, 152 't + 5d': {153 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 5d') },154 assert: function() { return ) }155 }, 156 'today + 5d': {157 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 5d') },158 assert: function() { return ) }159 }, 160161 't+5days': {162 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+5days') },163 assert: function() { return ) } 164 }, 165 't + 5days': {166 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 5days') },167 assert: function() { return ) }168 }, 169 'today + 5days': {170 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 5days') },171 assert: function() { return ) }172 }, 173 174 't+5 days': {175 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+5 days') },176 assert: function() { return ) } 177 }, 178 't + 5 days': {179 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 5 days') },180 assert: function() { return ) }181 }, 182 'today + 5 days': {183 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 5 days') },184 assert: function() { return ) }185 }, 186187 't+1 m': {188 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+1 m') },189 assert: function() { return ) } 190 }, 191 't + 1 m': {192 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 1 m') },193 assert: function() { return ) }194 }, 195 'today + 1 m': {196 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 1 m') },197 assert: function() { return ) }198 },199200 't+1 month': {201 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+1 month') },202 assert: function() { return ) } 203 }, 204 't + 1 month': {205 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 1 month') },206 assert: function() { return ) }207 }, 208 'today + 1 month': {209 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 1 month') },210 assert: function() { return ) }211 }, 212 213 't+5m': {214 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+5m') },215 assert: function() { return ) } 216 }, 217 't + 5m': {218 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 5m') },219 assert: function() { return ) }220 }, 221 'today + 5m': {222 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 5m') },223 assert: function() { return ) }224 }, 225226 't+5months': {227 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+5months') },228 assert: function() { return ) } 229 }, 230 't + 5months': {231 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 5months') },232 assert: function() { return ) }233 }, 234 'today + 5months': {235 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 5months') },236 assert: function() { return ) }237 }, 238 239 't+5 months': {240 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+5 months') },241 assert: function() { return ) } 242 }, 243 't + 5 months': {244 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 5 months') },245 assert: function() { return ) }246 }, 247 'today + 5 months': {248 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 5 months') },249 assert: function() { return ) }250 }, 251 252 't+1 y': {253 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+1 y') },254 assert: function() { return ) } 255 }, 256 't + 1 y': {257 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 1 y') },258 assert: function() { return ) }259 }, 260 'today + 1 y': {261 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 1 y') },262 assert: function() { return ) }263 },264265 't+1 year': {266 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+1 year') },267 assert: function() { return ) } 268 }, 269 't + 1 year': {270 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 1 year') },271 assert: function() { return ) }272 }, 273 'today + 1 year': {274 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 1 year') },275 assert: function() { return ) }276 }, 277 278 't+5y': {279 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+5y') },280 assert: function() { return ) } 281 }, 282 't + 5y': {283 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 5y') },284 assert: function() { return ) }285 }, 286 'today + 5y': {287 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 5y') },288 assert: function() { return ) }289 }, 290291 't+5years': {292 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+5years') },293 assert: function() { return ) } 294 }, 295 't + 5years': {296 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 5years') },297 assert: function() { return ) }298 }, 299 'today + 5years': {300 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 5years') },301 assert: function() { return ) }302 }, 303 304 't+5 years': {305 run: function() { = Date.parse('t+5 years') },306 assert: function() { return ) } 307 }, 308 't + 5 years': {309 run: function() { = Date.parse('t + 5 years') },310 assert: function() { return ) }311 }, 312 'today + 5 years': {313 run: function() { = Date.parse('today + 5 years') },314 assert: function() { return ) }315 },316 317 'today-': {318 run: function() { = Date.parse('today-') },319 assert: function() { return ) } 320 },321 't-': {322 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-') },323 assert: function() { return ) } 324 }, 325326 't-1 d': {327 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-1 d') },328 assert: function() { return ) } 329 }, 330 't - 1 d': {331 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 1 d') },332 assert: function() { return ) }333 }, 334 'today - 1 d': {335 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 1 d') },336 assert: function() { return ) }337 },338339 't-1 day': {340 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-1 day') },341 assert: function() { return ) } 342 }, 343 't - 1 day': {344 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 1 day') },345 assert: function() { return ) }346 }, 347 'today - 1 day': {348 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 1 day') },349 assert: function() { return ) }350 }, 351 352 'today-5': {353 run: function() { = Date.parse('today-5') },354 assert: function() { return ) } 355 }, 356 't-5': {357 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-5') },358 assert: function() { return ) } 359 }, 360 't - 5': {361 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 5') },362 assert: function() { return ) }363 }, 364 'today - 5': {365 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 5') },366 assert: function() { return ) }367 },368369 't-5d': {370 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-5d') },371 assert: function() { return ) } 372 }, 373 't - 5d': {374 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 5d') },375 assert: function() { return ) }376 }, 377 'today - 5d': {378 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 5d') },379 assert: function() { return ) }380 }, 381382 't-5days': {383 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-5days') },384 assert: function() { return ) } 385 }, 386 't - 5days': {387 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 5days') },388 assert: function() { return ) }389 }, 390 'today - 5days': {391 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 5days') },392 assert: function() { return ) }393 }, 394 395 't-5 days': {396 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-5 days') },397 assert: function() { return ) } 398 }, 399 't - 5 days': {400 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 5 days') },401 assert: function() { return ) }402 }, 403 'today - 5 days': {404 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 5 days') },405 assert: function() { return ) }406 }, 407 't-1 m': {408 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-1 m') },409 assert: function() { return ) } 410 }, 411 't - 1 m': {412 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 1 m') },413 assert: function() { return ) }414 }, 415 'today - 1 m': {416 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 1 m') },417 assert: function() { return ) }418 },419 't-1 month': {420 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-1 month') },421 assert: function() { return ) } 422 }, 423 't - 1 month': {424 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 1 month') },425 assert: function() { return ) }426 }, 427 'today - 1 month': {428 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 1 month') },429 assert: function() { return ) }430 }, 431 't-5m': {432 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-5m') },433 assert: function() { return ) } 434 }, 435 't - 5m': {436 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 5m') },437 assert: function() { return ) }438 }, 439 'today - 5m': {440 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 5m') },441 assert: function() { return ) }442 }, 443 't-5months': {444 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-5months') },445 assert: function() { return ) } 446 }, 447 't - 5months': {448 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 5months') },449 assert: function() { return ) }450 }, 451 'today - 5months': {452 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 5months') },453 assert: function() { return ) }454 }, 455 't-5 months': {456 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-5 months') },457 assert: function() { return ) } 458 }, 459 't - 5 months': {460 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 5 months') },461 assert: function() { return ) }462 }, 463 'today - 5 months': {464 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 5 months') },465 assert: function() { return ) }466 }, 467 't-1 y': {468 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-1 y') },469 assert: function() { return ) } 470 }, 471 't - 1 y': {472 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 1 y') },473 assert: function() { return ) }474 }, 475 'today - 1 y': {476 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 1 y') },477 assert: function() { return ) }478 },479 't-1 year': {480 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-1 year') },481 assert: function() { return ) } 482 }, 483 't - 1 year': {484 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 1 year') },485 assert: function() { return ) }486 }, 487 'today - 1 year': {488 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 1 year') },489 assert: function() { return ) }490 }, 491 't-5y': {492 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-5y') },493 assert: function() { return ) } 494 }, 495 't - 5y': {496 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 5y') },497 assert: function() { return ) }498 }, 499 'today - 5y': {500 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 5y') },501 assert: function() { return ) }502 }, 503504 't-5years': {505 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-5years') },506 assert: function() { return ) } 507 }, 508 't - 5years': {509 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 5years') },510 assert: function() { return ) }511 }, 512 'today - 5years': {513 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 5years') },514 assert: function() { return ) }515 }, 516 517 't-5 years': {518 run: function() { = Date.parse('t-5 years') },519 assert: function() { return ) } 520 }, 521 't - 5 years': {522 run: function() { = Date.parse('t - 5 years') },523 assert: function() { return ) }524 }, 525 'today - 5 years': {526 run: function() { = Date.parse('today - 5 years') },527 assert: function() { return ) }528 },529 '+': {530 run: function() { = Date.parse('+') },531 assert: function() { return ) } 532 }, 533534 '+1 d': {535 run: function() { = Date.parse('+1 d') },536 assert: function() { return ) } 537 }, 538 '+ 1 d': {539 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 1 d') },540 assert: function() { return ) }541 }, 542 '+1 day': {543 run: function() { = Date.parse('+1 day') },544 assert: function() { return ) } 545 }, 546 '+ 1 day': {547 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 1 day') },548 assert: function() { return ) }549 },550 '+5': {551 run: function() { = Date.parse('+5') },552 assert: function() { return ) } 553 }, 554 '+ 5': {555 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 5') },556 assert: function() { return ) }557 }, 558 '+5d': {559 run: function() { = Date.parse('+5d') },560 assert: function() { return ) } 561 }, 562 '+ 5d': {563 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 5d') },564 assert: function() { return ) }565 }, 566 '+5days': {567 run: function() { = Date.parse('+5days') },568 assert: function() { return ) } 569 }, 570 '+ 5days': {571 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 5days') },572 assert: function() { return ) }573 }, 574 '+5 days': {575 run: function() { = Date.parse('+5 days') },576 assert: function() { return ) } 577 }, 578 '+ 5 days': {579 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 5 days') },580 assert: function() { return ) }581 }, 582 '+1 m': {583 run: function() { = Date.parse('+1 m') },584 assert: function() { return ) } 585 }, 586 '+ 1 m': {587 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 1 m') },588 assert: function() { return ) }589 }, 590 '+1 month': {591 run: function() { = Date.parse('+1 month') },592 assert: function() { return ) } 593 }, 594 '+ 1 month': {595 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 1 month') },596 assert: function() { return ) }597 }, 598 '+5m': {599 run: function() { = Date.parse('+5m') },600 assert: function() { return ) } 601 }, 602 '+ 5m': {603 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 5m') },604 assert: function() { return ) }605 }, 606 '+5months': {607 run: function() { = Date.parse('+5months') },608 assert: function() { return ) } 609 }, 610 '+ 5months': {611 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 5months') },612 assert: function() { return ) }613 }, 614 '+5 months': {615 run: function() { = Date.parse('+5 months') },616 assert: function() { return ) } 617 }, 618 '+ 5 months': {619 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 5 months') },620 assert: function() { return ) }621 }, 622 '+1 y': {623 run: function() { = Date.parse('+1 y') },624 assert: function() { return ) } 625 }, 626 '+ 1 y': {627 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 1 y') },628 assert: function() { return ) }629 }, 630 '+1 year': {631 run: function() { = Date.parse('+1 year') },632 assert: function() { return ) } 633 }, 634 '+ 1 year': {635 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 1 year') },636 assert: function() { return ) }637 }, 638 '+5y': {639 run: function() { = Date.parse('+5y') },640 assert: function() { return ) } 641 }, 642 '+ 5y': {643 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 5y') },644 assert: function() { return ) }645 }, 646 '+5years': {647 run: function() { = Date.parse('+5years') },648 assert: function() { return ) } 649 }, 650 '+ 5years': {651 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 5years') },652 assert: function() { return ) }653 }, 654 '+5 years': {655 run: function() { = Date.parse('+5 years') },656 assert: function() { return ) } 657 }, 658 '+ 5 years': {659 run: function() { = Date.parse('+ 5 years') },660 assert: function() { return ) }661 }, 662 '-': {663 run: function() { = Date.parse('-') },664 assert: function() { return ) } 665 }, 666 '-1 d': {667 run: function() { = Date.parse('-1 d') },668 assert: function() { return ) } 669 }, 670 '- 1 d': {671 run: function() { = Date.parse(' - 1 d') },672 assert: function() { return ) }673 }, 674 '-1 day': {675 run: function() { = Date.parse('-1 day') },676 assert: function() { return ) } 677 }, 678 '- 1 day': {679 run: function() { = Date.parse(' - 1 day') },680 assert: function() { return ) }681 }, 682 '-5': {683 run: function() { = Date.parse('-5') },684 assert: function() { return ) } 685 }, 686 '- 5': {687 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 5') },688 assert: function() { return ) }689 }, 690 '-5d': {691 run: function() { = Date.parse('-5d') },692 assert: function() { return ) } 693 }, 694 '- 5d': {695 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 5d') },696 assert: function() { return ) }697 }, 698 '-5days': {699 run: function() { = Date.parse('-5days') },700 assert: function() { return ) } 701 }, 702 '- 5days': {703 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 5days') },704 assert: function() { return ) }705 }, 706 '-5 days': {707 run: function() { = Date.parse('-5 days') },708 assert: function() { return ) } 709 }, 710 '- 5 days': {711 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 5 days') },712 assert: function() { return ) }713 }, 714 '-1 m': {715 run: function() { = Date.parse('-1 m') },716 assert: function() { return ) } 717 }, 718 '- 1 m': {719 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 1 m') },720 assert: function() { return ) }721 }, 722 '-1 month': {723 run: function() { = Date.parse('-1 month') },724 assert: function() { return ) } 725 }, 726 '- 1 month': {727 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 1 month') },728 assert: function() { return ) }729 }, 730 '-5m': {731 run: function() { = Date.parse('-5m') },732 assert: function() { return ) } 733 }, 734 '- 5m': {735 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 5m') },736 assert: function() { return ) }737 }, 738 '-5months': {739 run: function() { = Date.parse('-5months') },740 assert: function() { return ) } 741 }, 742 '- 5months': {743 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 5months') },744 assert: function() { return ) }745 }, 746 '-5 months': {747 run: function() { = Date.parse('-5 months') },748 assert: function() { return ) } 749 }, 750 '- 5 months': {751 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 5 months') },752 assert: function() { return ) }753 }, 754 '-1 y': {755 run: function() { = Date.parse('-1 y') },756 assert: function() { return ) } 757 }, 758 '- 1 y': {759 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 1 y') },760 assert: function() { return ) }761 }, 762 '-1 year': {763 run: function() { = Date.parse('-1 year') },764 assert: function() { return ) } 765 }, 766 '-5y': {767 run: function() { = Date.parse('-5y') },768 assert: function() { return ) } 769 }, 770 '- 5y': {771 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 5y') },772 assert: function() { return ) }773 }, 774 '-5years': {775 run: function() { = Date.parse('-5years') },776 assert: function() { return ) } 777 }, 778 '- 5years': {779 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 5years') },780 assert: function() { return ) }781 },782 '-5 years': {783 run: function() { = Date.parse('-5 years') },784 assert: function() { return ) } 785 }, 786 '- 5 years': {787 run: function() { = Date.parse('- 5 years') },788 assert: function() { return ) }789 }790 } 791});...

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Source: closure-externs.js Github


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...8/​/​ Closure externs used by library_uuid.js9/​**10 * @param {Array} typedArray11 */​12crypto.getRandomValues = function(typedArray) {};13/​**14 BEGIN_NODE_INCLUDE15 var crypto = require('crypto');16 END_NODE_INCLUDE17 */​18/​**19 * @type {Object.<string,*>}20 */​21var crypto = {};22/​**23 * @param {number} size24 * @param {function(Error, buffer.Buffer)} callback25 */​26crypto.randomBytes = function(size, callback) {};27/​/​ Closure externs used by library_sockfs.js28/​**29 BEGIN_NODE_INCLUDE30 var ws = require('ws');31 END_NODE_INCLUDE32 */​33/​**34 * @type {Object.<string,*>}35 */​36var ws = {};37/​**38 * @param {string} event39 * @param {function()} callback40 */​41ws.on = function(event, callback) {};42/​**43 * @param {Object} data44 * @param {Object} flags45 * @param {function()=} callback46 */​47ws.send = function(data, flags, callback) {};48/​**49* @type {boolean}50*/​51ws.binaryType;52/​**53 * @type {Object.<string,*>}54 */​55var wss = ws.Server;56/​**57 * @param {string} event58 * @param {function()} callback59 */​60wss.on = function(event, callback) {};61/​**62 * @param {function()} callback63 */​64wss.broadcast = function(callback) {};65/​**66* @type {Object.<string,*>}67*/​68wss._socket;69/​**70* @type {string}71*/​72wss.url;73/​**74* @type {string}75*/​76wss._socket.remoteAddress;77/​**78* @type {number}79*/​80wss._socket.remotePort;81/​**82* @type {Object.<string,*>}83*/​84var flags = {};85/​**86* @type {boolean}87*/​88flags.binary;89/​**90 * @fileoverview Definitions for W3C's Gamepad specification.91 * @see http:/​/​​TR/​gamepad/​92 * @externs93 */​94/​**95 * @typedef {{id: string, index: number, timestamp: number, axes: Array.<number>, buttons: Array.<number>}}96 */​97var Gamepad;98/​**99* @type {Array.<number>}100*/​101Gamepad.buttons;102/​**103* @type {Array.<number>}104*/​105Gamepad.axes;106/​**107* @type {number}108*/​109Gamepad.index;110/​**111* @type {string}112*/​;114/​**115* @type {number}116*/​117Gamepad.timestamp;118/​**119 * @return {Array.<Gamepad>}120 */​121navigator.getGamepads = function() {};122/​**123 * @return {Array.<Gamepad>}124 */​125navigator.webkitGetGamepads = function() {};126/​**127 * @return {Array.<Gamepad>}128 */​129navigator.webkitGamepads = function() {};130/​**131 * @return {Array.<Gamepad>}132 */​133navigator.mozGamepads = function() {};134/​**135 * @return {Array.<Gamepad>}136 */​137navigator.gamepads = function() {};138/​**139 * Backported from latest closure...140 * @see https:/​/​​en-US/​docs/​Web/​API/​Document/​currentScript141 */​142Document.prototype.currentScript;143/​/​Atomics library (not yet in latest closure):144/​/​See https:/​/​​en-US/​docs/​Web/​JavaScript/​Reference/​Global_Objects/​Atomics145var Atomics;146Atomics.prototype.NOTEQUAL = -1;147Atomics.prototype.OK = 0;148Atomics.prototype.TIMEDOUT = -2;149Atomics.prototype.add = function(typedArray, index, value) {};150Atomics.prototype.and = function(typedArray, index, value) {};151Atomics.prototype.compareExchange = function(typedArray, index, expectedValue, replacementValue) {}; = function(typedArray, index, value) {};153Atomics.prototype.load = function(typedArray, index) {};154Atomics.prototype.or = function(typedArray, index, value) {}; = function(typedArray, index, value) {};156Atomics.prototype.sub = function(typedArray, index, value) {};157Atomics.prototype.xor = function(typedArray, index, value) {};158Atomics.prototype.wait = function(typedArray, index, valuei, timeout) {};159Atomics.prototype.wake = function(typedArray, index, value) {};160Atomics.prototype.isLockFree = function(size) {};161/​**162 * SIMD.js support (not in upstream closure yet).163 */​164var SIMD;165/​/​Base objects166SIMD.Float32x4;167SIMD.Float64x2;168SIMD.Int8x16;169SIMD.Int16x8;170SIMD.Int32x4;171SIMD.Uint8x16;172SIMD.Uint16x8;173SIMD.Uint32x4;174SIMD.Bool8x16;175SIMD.Bool16x8;176SIMD.Bool32x4;177SIMD.Bool64x2;178SIMD.Float32x4.abs = function() {};179SIMD.Float64x2.abs = function() {};180SIMD.Int8x16.abs = function() {};181SIMD.Int16x8.abs = function() {};182SIMD.Int32x4.abs = function() {};183SIMD.Uint8x16.abs = function() {};184SIMD.Uint16x8.abs = function() {};185SIMD.Uint32x4.abs = function() {};186SIMD.Bool8x16.abs = function() {};187SIMD.Bool16x8.abs = function() {};188SIMD.Bool32x4.abs = function() {};189SIMD.Bool64x2.abs = function() {};190SIMD.Float32x4.add = function() {};191SIMD.Float64x2.add = function() {};192SIMD.Int8x16.add = function() {};193SIMD.Int16x8.add = function() {};194SIMD.Int32x4.add = function() {};195SIMD.Uint8x16.add = function() {};196SIMD.Uint16x8.add = function() {};197SIMD.Uint32x4.add = function() {};198SIMD.Bool8x16.add = function() {};199SIMD.Bool16x8.add = function() {};200SIMD.Bool32x4.add = function() {};201SIMD.Bool64x2.add = function() {};202SIMD.Float32x4.addSaturate = function() {};203SIMD.Float64x2.addSaturate = function() {};204SIMD.Int8x16.addSaturate = function() {};205SIMD.Int16x8.addSaturate = function() {};206SIMD.Int32x4.addSaturate = function() {};207SIMD.Uint8x16.addSaturate = function() {};208SIMD.Uint16x8.addSaturate = function() {};209SIMD.Uint32x4.addSaturate = function() {};210SIMD.Bool8x16.addSaturate = function() {};211SIMD.Bool16x8.addSaturate = function() {};212SIMD.Bool32x4.addSaturate = function() {};213SIMD.Bool64x2.addSaturate = function() {};214SIMD.Float32x4.allTrue = function() {};215SIMD.Float64x2.allTrue = function() {};216SIMD.Int8x16.allTrue = function() {};217SIMD.Int16x8.allTrue = function() {};218SIMD.Int32x4.allTrue = function() {};219SIMD.Uint8x16.allTrue = function() {};220SIMD.Uint16x8.allTrue = function() {};221SIMD.Uint32x4.allTrue = function() {};222SIMD.Bool8x16.allTrue = function() {};223SIMD.Bool16x8.allTrue = function() {};224SIMD.Bool32x4.allTrue = function() {};225SIMD.Bool64x2.allTrue = function() {};226SIMD.Float32x4.and = function() {};227SIMD.Float64x2.and = function() {};228SIMD.Int8x16.and = function() {};229SIMD.Int16x8.and = function() {};230SIMD.Int32x4.and = function() {};231SIMD.Uint8x16.and = function() {};232SIMD.Uint16x8.and = function() {};233SIMD.Uint32x4.and = function() {};234SIMD.Bool8x16.and = function() {};235SIMD.Bool16x8.and = function() {};236SIMD.Bool32x4.and = function() {};237SIMD.Bool64x2.and = function() {};238SIMD.Float32x4.check = function() {};239SIMD.Float64x2.check = function() {};240SIMD.Int8x16.check = function() {};241SIMD.Int16x8.check = function() {};242SIMD.Int32x4.check = function() {};243SIMD.Uint8x16.check = function() {};244SIMD.Uint16x8.check = function() {};245SIMD.Uint32x4.check = function() {};246SIMD.Bool8x16.check = function() {};247SIMD.Bool16x8.check = function() {};248SIMD.Bool32x4.check = function() {};249SIMD.Bool64x2.check = function() {};250SIMD.Float32x4.div = function() {};251SIMD.Float64x2.div = function() {};252SIMD.Int8x16.div = function() {};253SIMD.Int16x8.div = function() {};254SIMD.Int32x4.div = function() {};255SIMD.Uint8x16.div = function() {};256SIMD.Uint16x8.div = function() {};257SIMD.Uint32x4.div = function() {};258SIMD.Bool8x16.div = function() {};259SIMD.Bool16x8.div = function() {};260SIMD.Bool32x4.div = function() {};261SIMD.Bool64x2.div = function() {};262SIMD.Float32x4.equal = function() {};263SIMD.Float64x2.equal = function() {};264SIMD.Int8x16.equal = function() {};265SIMD.Int16x8.equal = function() {};266SIMD.Int32x4.equal = function() {};267SIMD.Uint8x16.equal = function() {};268SIMD.Uint16x8.equal = function() {};269SIMD.Uint32x4.equal = function() {};270SIMD.Bool8x16.equal = function() {};271SIMD.Bool16x8.equal = function() {};272SIMD.Bool32x4.equal = function() {};273SIMD.Bool64x2.equal = function() {};274SIMD.Float32x4.extractLane = function() {};275SIMD.Float64x2.extractLane = function() {};276SIMD.Int8x16.extractLane = function() {};277SIMD.Int16x8.extractLane = function() {};278SIMD.Int32x4.extractLane = function() {};279SIMD.Uint8x16.extractLane = function() {};280SIMD.Uint16x8.extractLane = function() {};281SIMD.Uint32x4.extractLane = function() {};282SIMD.Bool8x16.extractLane = function() {};283SIMD.Bool16x8.extractLane = function() {};284SIMD.Bool32x4.extractLane = function() {};285SIMD.Bool64x2.extractLane = function() {};286SIMD.Float32x4.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};287SIMD.Float64x2.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};288SIMD.Int8x16.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};289SIMD.Int16x8.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};290SIMD.Int32x4.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};291SIMD.Uint8x16.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};292SIMD.Uint16x8.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};293SIMD.Uint32x4.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};294SIMD.Bool8x16.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};295SIMD.Bool16x8.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};296SIMD.Bool32x4.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};297SIMD.Bool64x2.fromFloat32x4 = function() {};298SIMD.Float32x4.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};299SIMD.Float64x2.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};300SIMD.Int8x16.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};301SIMD.Int16x8.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};302SIMD.Int32x4.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};303SIMD.Uint8x16.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};304SIMD.Uint16x8.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};305SIMD.Uint32x4.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};306SIMD.Bool8x16.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};307SIMD.Bool16x8.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};308SIMD.Bool32x4.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};309SIMD.Bool64x2.fromFloat32x4Bits = function() {};310SIMD.Float32x4.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};311SIMD.Float64x2.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};312SIMD.Int8x16.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};313SIMD.Int16x8.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};314SIMD.Int32x4.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};315SIMD.Uint8x16.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};316SIMD.Uint16x8.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};317SIMD.Uint32x4.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};318SIMD.Bool8x16.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};319SIMD.Bool16x8.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};320SIMD.Bool32x4.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};321SIMD.Bool64x2.fromFloat64x2Bits = function() {};322SIMD.Float32x4.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};323SIMD.Float64x2.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};324SIMD.Int8x16.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};325SIMD.Int16x8.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};326SIMD.Int32x4.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};327SIMD.Uint8x16.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};328SIMD.Uint16x8.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};329SIMD.Uint32x4.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};330SIMD.Bool8x16.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};331SIMD.Bool16x8.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};332SIMD.Bool32x4.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};333SIMD.Bool64x2.fromInt16x8Bits = function() {};334SIMD.Float32x4.fromInt32x4 = function() {};335SIMD.Float64x2.fromInt32x4 = function() {};336SIMD.Int8x16.fromInt32x4 = function() {};337SIMD.Int16x8.fromInt32x4 = function() {};338SIMD.Int32x4.fromInt32x4 = function() {};339SIMD.Uint8x16.fromInt32x4 = function() {};340SIMD.Uint16x8.fromInt32x4 = function() {};341SIMD.Uint32x4.fromInt32x4 = function() {};342SIMD.Bool8x16.fromInt32x4 = function() {};343SIMD.Bool16x8.fromInt32x4 = function() {};344SIMD.Bool32x4.fromInt32x4 = function() {};345SIMD.Bool64x2.fromInt32x4 = function() {};346SIMD.Float32x4.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};347SIMD.Float64x2.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};348SIMD.Int8x16.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};349SIMD.Int16x8.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};350SIMD.Int32x4.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};351SIMD.Uint8x16.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};352SIMD.Uint16x8.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};353SIMD.Uint32x4.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};354SIMD.Bool8x16.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};355SIMD.Bool16x8.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};356SIMD.Bool32x4.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};357SIMD.Bool64x2.fromInt32x4Bits = function() {};358SIMD.Float32x4.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};359SIMD.Float64x2.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};360SIMD.Int8x16.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};361SIMD.Int16x8.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};362SIMD.Int32x4.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};363SIMD.Uint8x16.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};364SIMD.Uint16x8.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};365SIMD.Uint32x4.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};366SIMD.Bool8x16.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};367SIMD.Bool16x8.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};368SIMD.Bool32x4.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};369SIMD.Bool64x2.fromInt8x16Bits = function() {};370SIMD.Float32x4.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};371SIMD.Float64x2.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};372SIMD.Int8x16.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};373SIMD.Int16x8.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};374SIMD.Int32x4.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};375SIMD.Uint8x16.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};376SIMD.Uint16x8.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};377SIMD.Uint32x4.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};378SIMD.Bool8x16.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};379SIMD.Bool16x8.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};380SIMD.Bool32x4.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};381SIMD.Bool64x2.fromUint16x8Bits = function() {};382SIMD.Float32x4.fromUint32x4 = function() {};383SIMD.Float64x2.fromUint32x4 = function() {};384SIMD.Int8x16.fromUint32x4 = function() {};385SIMD.Int16x8.fromUint32x4 = function() {};386SIMD.Int32x4.fromUint32x4 = function() {};387SIMD.Uint8x16.fromUint32x4 = function() {};388SIMD.Uint16x8.fromUint32x4 = function() {};389SIMD.Uint32x4.fromUint32x4 = function() {};390SIMD.Bool8x16.fromUint32x4 = function() {};391SIMD.Bool16x8.fromUint32x4 = function() {};392SIMD.Bool32x4.fromUint32x4 = function() {};393SIMD.Bool64x2.fromUint32x4 = function() {};394SIMD.Float32x4.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};395SIMD.Float64x2.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};396SIMD.Int8x16.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};397SIMD.Int16x8.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};398SIMD.Int32x4.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};399SIMD.Uint8x16.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};400SIMD.Uint16x8.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};401SIMD.Uint32x4.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};402SIMD.Bool8x16.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};403SIMD.Bool16x8.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};404SIMD.Bool32x4.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};405SIMD.Bool64x2.fromUint32x4Bits = function() {};406SIMD.Float32x4.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};407SIMD.Float64x2.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};408SIMD.Int8x16.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};409SIMD.Int16x8.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};410SIMD.Int32x4.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};411SIMD.Uint8x16.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};412SIMD.Uint16x8.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};413SIMD.Uint32x4.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};414SIMD.Bool8x16.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};415SIMD.Bool16x8.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};416SIMD.Bool32x4.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};417SIMD.Bool64x2.fromUint8x16Bits = function() {};418SIMD.Float32x4.greaterThan = function() {};419SIMD.Float64x2.greaterThan = function() {};420SIMD.Int8x16.greaterThan = function() {};421SIMD.Int16x8.greaterThan = function() {};422SIMD.Int32x4.greaterThan = function() {};423SIMD.Uint8x16.greaterThan = function() {};424SIMD.Uint16x8.greaterThan = function() {};425SIMD.Uint32x4.greaterThan = function() {};426SIMD.Bool8x16.greaterThan = function() {};427SIMD.Bool16x8.greaterThan = function() {};428SIMD.Bool32x4.greaterThan = function() {};429SIMD.Bool64x2.greaterThan = function() {};430SIMD.Float32x4.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};431SIMD.Float64x2.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};432SIMD.Int8x16.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};433SIMD.Int16x8.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};434SIMD.Int32x4.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};435SIMD.Uint8x16.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};436SIMD.Uint16x8.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};437SIMD.Uint32x4.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};438SIMD.Bool8x16.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};439SIMD.Bool16x8.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};440SIMD.Bool32x4.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};441SIMD.Bool64x2.greaterThanOrEqual = function() {};442SIMD.Float32x4.lessThan = function() {};443SIMD.Float64x2.lessThan = function() {};444SIMD.Int8x16.lessThan = function() {};445SIMD.Int16x8.lessThan = function() {};446SIMD.Int32x4.lessThan = function() {};447SIMD.Uint8x16.lessThan = function() {};448SIMD.Uint16x8.lessThan = function() {};449SIMD.Uint32x4.lessThan = function() {};450SIMD.Bool8x16.lessThan = function() {};451SIMD.Bool16x8.lessThan = function() {};452SIMD.Bool32x4.lessThan = function() {};453SIMD.Bool64x2.lessThan = function() {};454SIMD.Float32x4.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};455SIMD.Float64x2.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};456SIMD.Int8x16.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};457SIMD.Int16x8.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};458SIMD.Int32x4.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};459SIMD.Uint8x16.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};460SIMD.Uint16x8.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};461SIMD.Uint32x4.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};462SIMD.Bool8x16.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};463SIMD.Bool16x8.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};464SIMD.Bool32x4.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};465SIMD.Bool64x2.lessThanOrEqual = function() {};466SIMD.Float32x4.load = function() {};467SIMD.Float64x2.load = function() {};468SIMD.Int8x16.load = function() {};469SIMD.Int16x8.load = function() {};470SIMD.Int32x4.load = function() {};471SIMD.Uint8x16.load = function() {};472SIMD.Uint16x8.load = function() {};473SIMD.Uint32x4.load = function() {};474SIMD.Bool8x16.load = function() {};475SIMD.Bool16x8.load = function() {};476SIMD.Bool32x4.load = function() {};477SIMD.Bool64x2.load = function() {};478SIMD.Float32x4.max = function() {};479SIMD.Float64x2.max = function() {};480SIMD.Int8x16.max = function() {};481SIMD.Int16x8.max = function() {};482SIMD.Int32x4.max = function() {};483SIMD.Uint8x16.max = function() {};484SIMD.Uint16x8.max = function() {};485SIMD.Uint32x4.max = function() {};486SIMD.Bool8x16.max = function() {};487SIMD.Bool16x8.max = function() {};488SIMD.Bool32x4.max = function() {};489SIMD.Bool64x2.max = function() {};490SIMD.Float32x4.maxNum = function() {};491SIMD.Float64x2.maxNum = function() {};492SIMD.Int8x16.maxNum = function() {};493SIMD.Int16x8.maxNum = function() {};494SIMD.Int32x4.maxNum = function() {};495SIMD.Uint8x16.maxNum = function() {};496SIMD.Uint16x8.maxNum = function() {};497SIMD.Uint32x4.maxNum = function() {};498SIMD.Bool8x16.maxNum = function() {};499SIMD.Bool16x8.maxNum = function() {};500SIMD.Bool32x4.maxNum = function() {};501SIMD.Bool64x2.maxNum = function() {};502SIMD.Float32x4.min = function() {};503SIMD.Float64x2.min = function() {};504SIMD.Int8x16.min = function() {};505SIMD.Int16x8.min = function() {};506SIMD.Int32x4.min = function() {};507SIMD.Uint8x16.min = function() {};508SIMD.Uint16x8.min = function() {};509SIMD.Uint32x4.min = function() {};510SIMD.Bool8x16.min = function() {};511SIMD.Bool16x8.min = function() {};512SIMD.Bool32x4.min = function() {};513SIMD.Bool64x2.min = function() {};514SIMD.Float32x4.minNum = function() {};515SIMD.Float64x2.minNum = function() {};516SIMD.Int8x16.minNum = function() {};517SIMD.Int16x8.minNum = function() {};518SIMD.Int32x4.minNum = function() {};519SIMD.Uint8x16.minNum = function() {};520SIMD.Uint16x8.minNum = function() {};521SIMD.Uint32x4.minNum = function() {};522SIMD.Bool8x16.minNum = function() {};523SIMD.Bool16x8.minNum = function() {};524SIMD.Bool32x4.minNum = function() {};525SIMD.Bool64x2.minNum = function() {};526SIMD.Float32x4.mul = function() {};527SIMD.Float64x2.mul = function() {};528SIMD.Int8x16.mul = function() {};529SIMD.Int16x8.mul = function() {};530SIMD.Int32x4.mul = function() {};531SIMD.Uint8x16.mul = function() {};532SIMD.Uint16x8.mul = function() {};533SIMD.Uint32x4.mul = function() {};534SIMD.Bool8x16.mul = function() {};535SIMD.Bool16x8.mul = function() {};536SIMD.Bool32x4.mul = function() {};537SIMD.Bool64x2.mul = function() {};538SIMD.Float32x4.neg = function() {};539SIMD.Float64x2.neg = function() {};540SIMD.Int8x16.neg = function() {};541SIMD.Int16x8.neg = function() {};542SIMD.Int32x4.neg = function() {};543SIMD.Uint8x16.neg = function() {};544SIMD.Uint16x8.neg = function() {};545SIMD.Uint32x4.neg = function() {};546SIMD.Bool8x16.neg = function() {};547SIMD.Bool16x8.neg = function() {};548SIMD.Bool32x4.neg = function() {};549SIMD.Bool64x2.neg = function() {};550SIMD.Float32x4.not = function() {};551SIMD.Float64x2.not = function() {};552SIMD.Int8x16.not = function() {};553SIMD.Int16x8.not = function() {};554SIMD.Int32x4.not = function() {};555SIMD.Uint8x16.not = function() {};556SIMD.Uint16x8.not = function() {};557SIMD.Uint32x4.not = function() {};558SIMD.Bool8x16.not = function() {};559SIMD.Bool16x8.not = function() {};560SIMD.Bool32x4.not = function() {};561SIMD.Bool64x2.not = function() {};562SIMD.Float32x4.notEqual = function() {};563SIMD.Float64x2.notEqual = function() {};564SIMD.Int8x16.notEqual = function() {};565SIMD.Int16x8.notEqual = function() {};566SIMD.Int32x4.notEqual = function() {};567SIMD.Uint8x16.notEqual = function() {};568SIMD.Uint16x8.notEqual = function() {};569SIMD.Uint32x4.notEqual = function() {};570SIMD.Bool8x16.notEqual = function() {};571SIMD.Bool16x8.notEqual = function() {};572SIMD.Bool32x4.notEqual = function() {};573SIMD.Bool64x2.notEqual = function() {};574SIMD.Float32x4.or = function() {};575SIMD.Float64x2.or = function() {};576SIMD.Int8x16.or = function() {};577SIMD.Int16x8.or = function() {};578SIMD.Int32x4.or = function() {};579SIMD.Uint8x16.or = function() {};580SIMD.Uint16x8.or = function() {};581SIMD.Uint32x4.or = function() {};582SIMD.Bool8x16.or = function() {};583SIMD.Bool16x8.or = function() {};584SIMD.Bool32x4.or = function() {};585SIMD.Bool64x2.or = function() {};586SIMD.Float32x4.prototype.toSource = function() {};587SIMD.Float64x2.prototype.toSource = function() {};588SIMD.Int8x16.prototype.toSource = function() {};589SIMD.Int16x8.prototype.toSource = function() {};590SIMD.Int32x4.prototype.toSource = function() {};591SIMD.Uint8x16.prototype.toSource = function() {};592SIMD.Uint16x8.prototype.toSource = function() {};593SIMD.Uint32x4.prototype.toSource = function() {};594SIMD.Bool8x16.prototype.toSource = function() {};595SIMD.Bool16x8.prototype.toSource = function() {};596SIMD.Bool32x4.prototype.toSource = function() {};597SIMD.Bool64x2.prototype.toSource = function() {};598SIMD.Float32x4.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};599SIMD.Float64x2.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};600SIMD.Int8x16.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};601SIMD.Int16x8.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};602SIMD.Int32x4.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};603SIMD.Uint8x16.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};604SIMD.Uint16x8.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};605SIMD.Uint32x4.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};606SIMD.Bool8x16.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};607SIMD.Bool16x8.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};608SIMD.Bool32x4.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};609SIMD.Bool64x2.reciprocalApproximation = function() {};610SIMD.Float32x4.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};611SIMD.Float64x2.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};612SIMD.Int8x16.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};613SIMD.Int16x8.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};614SIMD.Int32x4.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};615SIMD.Uint8x16.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};616SIMD.Uint16x8.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};617SIMD.Uint32x4.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};618SIMD.Bool8x16.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};619SIMD.Bool16x8.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};620SIMD.Bool32x4.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};621SIMD.Bool64x2.reciprocalSqrtApproximation = function() {};622SIMD.Float32x4.replaceLane = function() {};623SIMD.Float64x2.replaceLane = function() {};624SIMD.Int8x16.replaceLane = function() {};625SIMD.Int16x8.replaceLane = function() {};626SIMD.Int32x4.replaceLane = function() {};627SIMD.Uint8x16.replaceLane = function() {};628SIMD.Uint16x8.replaceLane = function() {};629SIMD.Uint32x4.replaceLane = function() {};630SIMD.Bool8x16.replaceLane = function() {};631SIMD.Bool16x8.replaceLane = function() {};632SIMD.Bool32x4.replaceLane = function() {};633SIMD.Bool64x2.replaceLane = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {};646SIMD.Float32x4.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};647SIMD.Float64x2.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};648SIMD.Int8x16.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};649SIMD.Int16x8.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};650SIMD.Int32x4.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};651SIMD.Uint8x16.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};652SIMD.Uint16x8.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};653SIMD.Uint32x4.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};654SIMD.Bool8x16.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};655SIMD.Bool16x8.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};656SIMD.Bool32x4.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};657SIMD.Bool64x2.shiftLeftByScalar = function() {};658SIMD.Float32x4.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};659SIMD.Float64x2.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};660SIMD.Int8x16.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};661SIMD.Int16x8.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};662SIMD.Int32x4.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};663SIMD.Uint8x16.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};664SIMD.Uint16x8.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};665SIMD.Uint32x4.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};666SIMD.Bool8x16.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};667SIMD.Bool16x8.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};668SIMD.Bool32x4.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};669SIMD.Bool64x2.shiftRightByScalar = function() {};670SIMD.Float32x4.shuffle = function() {};671SIMD.Float64x2.shuffle = function() {};672SIMD.Int8x16.shuffle = function() {};673SIMD.Int16x8.shuffle = function() {};674SIMD.Int32x4.shuffle = function() {};675SIMD.Uint8x16.shuffle = function() {};676SIMD.Uint16x8.shuffle = function() {};677SIMD.Uint32x4.shuffle = function() {};678SIMD.Bool8x16.shuffle = function() {};679SIMD.Bool16x8.shuffle = function() {};680SIMD.Bool32x4.shuffle = function() {};681SIMD.Bool64x2.shuffle = function() {};682SIMD.Float32x4.splat = function() {};683SIMD.Float64x2.splat = function() {};684SIMD.Int8x16.splat = function() {};685SIMD.Int16x8.splat = function() {};686SIMD.Int32x4.splat = function() {};687SIMD.Uint8x16.splat = function() {};688SIMD.Uint16x8.splat = function() {};689SIMD.Uint32x4.splat = function() {};690SIMD.Bool8x16.splat = function() {};691SIMD.Bool16x8.splat = function() {};692SIMD.Bool32x4.splat = function() {};693SIMD.Bool64x2.splat = function() {};694SIMD.Float32x4.sqrt = function() {};695SIMD.Float64x2.sqrt = function() {};696SIMD.Int8x16.sqrt = function() {};697SIMD.Int16x8.sqrt = function() {};698SIMD.Int32x4.sqrt = function() {};699SIMD.Uint8x16.sqrt = function() {};700SIMD.Uint16x8.sqrt = function() {};701SIMD.Uint32x4.sqrt = function() {};702SIMD.Bool8x16.sqrt = function() {};703SIMD.Bool16x8.sqrt = function() {};704SIMD.Bool32x4.sqrt = function() {};705SIMD.Bool64x2.sqrt = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {}; = function() {};718SIMD.Float32x4.sub = function() {};719SIMD.Float64x2.sub = function() {};720SIMD.Int8x16.sub = function() {};721SIMD.Int16x8.sub = function() {};722SIMD.Int32x4.sub = function() {};723SIMD.Uint8x16.sub = function() {};724SIMD.Uint16x8.sub = function() {};725SIMD.Uint32x4.sub = function() {};726SIMD.Bool8x16.sub = function() {};727SIMD.Bool16x8.sub = function() {};728SIMD.Bool32x4.sub = function() {};729SIMD.Bool64x2.sub = function() {};730SIMD.Float32x4.subSaturate = function() {};731SIMD.Float64x2.subSaturate = function() {};732SIMD.Int8x16.subSaturate = function() {};733SIMD.Int16x8.subSaturate = function() {};734SIMD.Int32x4.subSaturate = function() {};735SIMD.Uint8x16.subSaturate = function() {};736SIMD.Uint16x8.subSaturate = function() {};737SIMD.Uint32x4.subSaturate = function() {};738SIMD.Bool8x16.subSaturate = function() {};739SIMD.Bool16x8.subSaturate = function() {};740SIMD.Bool32x4.subSaturate = function() {};741SIMD.Bool64x2.subSaturate = function() {};742SIMD.Float32x4.swizzle = function() {};743SIMD.Float64x2.swizzle = function() {};744SIMD.Int8x16.swizzle = function() {};745SIMD.Int16x8.swizzle = function() {};746SIMD.Int32x4.swizzle = function() {};747SIMD.Uint8x16.swizzle = function() {};748SIMD.Uint16x8.swizzle = function() {};749SIMD.Uint32x4.swizzle = function() {};750SIMD.Bool8x16.swizzle = function() {};751SIMD.Bool16x8.swizzle = function() {};752SIMD.Bool32x4.swizzle = function() {};753SIMD.Bool64x2.swizzle = function() {};754SIMD.Float32x4.xor = function() {};755SIMD.Float64x2.xor = function() {};756SIMD.Int8x16.xor = function() {};757SIMD.Int16x8.xor = function() {};758SIMD.Int32x4.xor = function() {};759SIMD.Uint8x16.xor = function() {};760SIMD.Uint16x8.xor = function() {};761SIMD.Uint32x4.xor = function() {};762SIMD.Bool8x16.xor = function() {};763SIMD.Bool16x8.xor = function() {};764SIMD.Bool32x4.xor = function() {};765SIMD.Bool64x2.xor = function() {};766SIMD.Float32x4.load1 = function() {};767SIMD.Float32x4.load2 = function() {};768SIMD.Float32x4.load3 = function() {};769SIMD.Float32x4.load4 = function() {};770SIMD.Float32x4.store1 = function() {};771SIMD.Float32x4.store2 = function() {};772SIMD.Float32x4.store3 = function() {};773SIMD.Float32x4.store4 = function() {};774SIMD.Int32x4.load1 = function() {};775SIMD.Int32x4.load2 = function() {};776SIMD.Int32x4.load3 = function() {};777SIMD.Int32x4.load4 = function() {};778SIMD.Int32x4.store1 = function() {};779SIMD.Int32x4.store2 = function() {};780SIMD.Int32x4.store3 = function() {};781SIMD.Int32x4.store4 = function() {};782SIMD.Uint32x4.load1 = function() {};783SIMD.Uint32x4.load2 = function() {};784SIMD.Uint32x4.load3 = function() {};785SIMD.Uint32x4.load4 = function() {};786SIMD.Uint32x4.store1 = function() {};787SIMD.Uint32x4.store2 = function() {};788SIMD.Uint32x4.store3 = function() {};789SIMD.Uint32x4.store4 = function() {};790SIMD.bool64x2.anyTrue = function() {};791SIMD.bool32x4.anyTrue = function() {};792SIMD.bool16x8.anyTrue = function() {};793SIMD.bool8x16.anyTrue = function() {};794SIMD.Float32x4.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};795SIMD.Float64x2.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};796SIMD.Int8x16.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};797SIMD.Int16x8.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};798SIMD.Int32x4.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};799SIMD.Uint8x16.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};800SIMD.Uint16x8.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};801SIMD.Uint32x4.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};802SIMD.Bool8x16.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};803SIMD.Bool16x8.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};804SIMD.Bool32x4.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};805SIMD.Bool64x2.fromBool64x2Bits = function() {};806SIMD.Float32x4.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};807SIMD.Float64x2.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};808SIMD.Int8x16.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};809SIMD.Int16x8.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};810SIMD.Int32x4.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};811SIMD.Uint8x16.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};812SIMD.Uint16x8.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};813SIMD.Uint32x4.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};814SIMD.Bool8x16.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};815SIMD.Bool16x8.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};816SIMD.Bool32x4.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};817SIMD.Bool64x2.fromFloat64x2 = function() {};818var GLctx = {};819/​**820 * @const821 */​822var WebAssembly = {};823/​**824 * @constructor825 * @param {!BufferSource} bytes826 */​827WebAssembly.Module = function(bytes) {};828/​** 829 * @constructor830 * @param {!WebAssembly.Module} moduleObject831 * @param {Object=} importObject832 */​833WebAssembly.Instance = function(moduleObject, importObject) {};834/​** @typedef {{initial:number, maximum:(number|undefined)}} */​835var MemoryDescriptor;836/​**837 * @constructor838 * @param {MemoryDescriptor} memoryDescriptor839 */​840WebAssembly.Memory = function(memoryDescriptor) {};841/​** @typedef {{element:string, initial:number, maximum:(number|undefined)}} */​842var TableDescriptor;843/​**844 * @constructor845 * @param {TableDescriptor} tableDescriptor846 */​847WebAssembly.Table = function(tableDescriptor) {};848/​**849 * @constructor850 * @extends {Error}851 */​852WebAssembly.CompileError = function() {};853/​**854 * @constructor855 * @extends {Error}856 */​857WebAssembly.LinkError = function() {};858/​**859 * @constructor860 * @extends {Error}861 */​862WebAssembly.RuntimeError = function() {};863/​**864 * Note: Closure compiler does not support function overloading, omit this overload for now.865 * {function(!WebAssembly.Module, Object=):!Promise<!WebAssembly.Instance>}866 */​867/​**868 * @param {!BufferSource} moduleObject869 * @param {Object=} importObject870 * @return {!Promise<{module:WebAssembly.Module, instance:WebAssembly.Instance}>}871 */​872WebAssembly.instantiate = function(moduleObject, importObject) {};873/​**874 * @param {!BufferSource} bytes875 * @return {!Promise<!WebAssembly.Module>}876 */​877WebAssembly.compile = function(bytes) {};878/​**879 * @param {!BufferSource} bytes880 * @return {boolean}881 */​882WebAssembly.validate = function(bytes) {};883/​**884 * @param {!WebAssembly.Module} moduleObject885 * @return {!Array<{name:string, kind:string}>}886 */​887WebAssembly.Module.exports = function(moduleObject) {};888/​** 889 * @param {!WebAssembly.Module} moduleObject890 * @return {!Array<{module:string, name:string, kind:string}>}891 */​892WebAssembly.Module.imports = function(moduleObject) {};893/​**894 * @param {!WebAssembly.Module} moduleObject895 * @param {string} sectionName896 * @return {!Array<!ArrayBuffer>}897 */​898WebAssembly.Module.customSections = function(moduleObject, sectionName) {};899/​** @dict */​900WebAssembly.Instance.prototype.exports;901/​** 902 * @param {number} delta903 * @return {number}904 */​905WebAssembly.Memory.prototype.grow = function(delta) {};906/​**907 * @type {!ArrayBuffer}908 */​909WebAssembly.Memory.prototype.buffer;910/​**911 * @param {number} delta912 * @return {number}913 */​914WebAssembly.Table.prototype.grow = function(delta) {};915/​**916 * @type {number}917 */​918WebAssembly.Table.prototype.length;919/​**920 * @param {number} index921 * @return {function(...)}922 */​923WebAssembly.Table.prototype.get = function(index) {};924/​**925 * @param {number} index926 * @param {?function(...)} value927 */​...

Full Screen

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Source: externs.js Github


Full Screen

...29 */​30/​/​ WebKit Web Facing API31var console = {}32/​** @param {...*} vararg */​33console.warn = function(vararg) {}34/​** @param {...*} vararg */​35console.assert = function(vararg) {}36/​** @param {...*} vararg */​37console.error = function(vararg) {}38console.trace = function() {}39/​** @type {boolean} */​40Event.prototype.isMetaOrCtrlForTest = false;41/​** @param {...*} vararg */​42Event.prototype.initWebKitWheelEvent = function(vararg) {}43Event.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation = function() {}44/​**45 * @constructor46 * @extends {KeyboardEvent}47 * @param {string} eventType48 * @param {Object=} properties49 */​50window.KeyboardEvent = function(eventType, properties) {}51/​** @param {Element} element */​52window.getComputedStyle = function(element) {}53/​** @param {*} message */​54function postMessage(message) {}55/​** @type {*} */​56window.testRunner = null;57/​**58 * @constructor59 */​60function WebKitMutation(callback)61{62 this.type = "";63 /​** @type {Node} */​ = null;64 /​** @type {Array.<Node>} */​ this.addedNodes = [];65 /​** @type {Array.<Node>} */​ this.removedNodes = [];66}67/​**68 * @constructor69 * @param {function(Array.<WebKitMutation>)} callback70 */​71function WebKitMutationObserver(callback) {}72/​**73 * @param {Node} container74 * @param {Object} options75 */​76WebKitMutationObserver.prototype.observe = function(container, options) {}77WebKitMutationObserver.prototype.disconnect = function() {}78/​**79 * @param {string} eventName80 * @param {Function} listener81 * @param {boolean=} capturing82 */​83function addEventListener(eventName, listener, capturing) {}84/​**85 * @param {T} value86 * @param {boolean=} onlyFirst87 * @this {Array.<T>}88 * @template T89 */​90Array.prototype.remove = function(value, onlyFirst) {}91/​**92 * @return {!Object.<string, boolean>}93 * @this {Array.<*>}94 */​95Array.prototype.keySet = function() {}96/​**97 * @param {number} index98 * @return {!Array.<T>}99 * @this {Array.<T>}100 * @template T101 */​102Array.prototype.rotate = function(index) {}103/​**104 * @param {T} object105 * @param {function(T,S):number=} comparator106 * @return {number}107 * @this {Array.<S>}108 * @template T,S109 */​110Array.prototype.lowerBound = function(object, comparator) {}111/​**112 * @param {T} object113 * @param {function(T,S):number=} comparator114 * @return {number}115 * @this {Array.<S>}116 * @template T,S117 */​118Array.prototype.upperBound = function(object, comparator) {}119/​**120 * @param {T} value121 * @param {function(T,S):number} comparator122 * @return {number}123 * @this {Array.<S>}124 * @template T,S125 */​126Array.prototype.binaryIndexOf = function(value, comparator) {}127/​**128 * @param {function(number, number): number} comparator129 * @param {number} leftBound130 * @param {number} rightBound131 * @param {number} sortWindowLeft132 * @param {number} sortWindowRight133 * @return {!Array.<number>}134 * @this {Array.<number>}135 */​136Array.prototype.sortRange = function(comparator, leftBound, rightBound, sortWindowLeft, sortWindowRight) {}137/​**138 * @this {Array.<number>}139 * @param {function(number,number):boolean} comparator140 * @param {number} left141 * @param {number} right142 * @param {number} pivotIndex143 * @return {number}144 */​145Array.prototype.partition = function(comparator, left, right, pivotIndex) {}146/​**147 * @this {Array.<number>}148 * @param {number} k149 * @param {function(number,number):boolean=} comparator150 * @return {number}151 */​152Array.prototype.qselect = function(k, comparator) {}153/​**154 * @param {string} field155 * @return {!Array.<T>}156 * @this {Array.<Object.<string,T>>}157 * @template T158 */​ = function(field) {}160/​**161 * @return {T|undefined}162 * @this {Array.<T>}163 * @template T164 */​165Array.prototype.peekLast = function() {}166DOMApplicationCache.prototype.UNCACHED = 0;167DOMApplicationCache.prototype.IDLE = 1;168DOMApplicationCache.prototype.CHECKING = 2;169DOMApplicationCache.prototype.DOWNLOADING = 3;170DOMApplicationCache.prototype.UPDATEREADY = 4;171DOMApplicationCache.prototype.OBSOLETE = 5;172/​/​ File System API173/​**174 * @constructor175 */​176function DOMFileSystem() {}177/​**178 * @type {DirectoryEntry}179 */​180DOMFileSystem.prototype.root = null;181/​** @type {Node} */​182Range.prototype.startContainer;183/​/​ Inspector Backend184var InspectorBackend = {}185InspectorBackend.runAfterPendingDispatches = function(message) {}186/​** @interface */​187function InspectorFrontendHostAPI() {}188InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.platform = function() {}189InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.port = function() {}190InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.bringToFront = function() {}191InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.closeWindow = function() {}192InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.requestSetDockSide = function(dockSide) {}193InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.setAttachedWindowHeight = function(height) {}194InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.moveWindowBy = function(x, y) {}195InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.setInjectedScriptForOrigin = function(origin, script) {}196InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.loaded = function() {}197InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.localizedStringsURL = function() {}198InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.inspectedURLChanged = function(url) {}199InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.documentCopy = function(event) {}200InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.copyText = function(text) {}201InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.openInNewTab = function(url) {}202InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.canSave = function() {} = function(url, content, forceSaveAs) {}204InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.close = function(url) {}205InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.append = function(url, content) {}206InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.sendMessageToBackend = function(message) {}207InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.sendMessageToEmbedder = function(message) {}208InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.recordActionTaken = function(actionCode) {}209InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.recordPanelShown = function(panelCode) {}210InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.recordSettingChanged = function(settingCode) {}211InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.loadResourceSynchronously = function(url) {}212InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.supportsFileSystems = function() {}213InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.requestFileSystems = function() {}214InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.addFileSystem = function() {}215InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.removeFileSystem = function(fileSystemPath) {}216InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.isolatedFileSystem = function(fileSystemId, registeredName) {}217InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.indexPath = function(requestId, fileSystemPath) {}218InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.stopIndexing = function(requestId) {}219InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.searchInPath = function(requestId, fileSystemPath, query) {}220InspectorFrontendHostAPI.prototype.setZoomFactor = function(zoom) {}221/​** @type {InspectorFrontendHostAPI} */​222var InspectorFrontendHost;223/​** @constructor */​224function SourceMapV3()225{226 /​** @type {number} */​ this.version;227 /​** @type {string} */​ this.file;228 /​** @type {Array.<string>} */​ this.sources;229 /​** @type {Array.<SourceMapV3.Section>} */​ this.sections;230 /​** @type {string} */​ this.mappings;231 /​** @type {string} */​ this.sourceRoot;232}233/​** @constructor */​234SourceMapV3.Section = function()235{236 /​** @type {SourceMapV3} */​;237 /​** @type {SourceMapV3.Offset} */​ this.offset;238}239/​** @constructor */​240SourceMapV3.Offset = function()241{242 /​** @type {number} */​ this.line;243 /​** @type {number} */​ this.column;244}245/​/​ FIXME: remove everything below.246var WebInspector = {}247WebInspector.queryParamsObject = {}248WebInspector.toggleSearchingForNode = function() {}249WebInspector.panels = {};250/​**251 * @param {Element} element252 * @param {function()=} onclose253 */​254WebInspector.showViewInDrawer = function(element, view, onclose) {}255WebInspector.closeViewInDrawer = function() {}256/​**257 * @param {string=} messageLevel258 * @param {boolean=} showConsole259 */​260WebInspector.log = function(message, messageLevel, showConsole) {}261WebInspector.showErrorMessage = function(error) {}262WebInspector.addMainEventListeners = function(doc) {}263WebInspector.openResource = function(url, external) {}264WebInspector.showConsole = function() {}265/​**266 * @param {string} expression267 * @param {boolean=} showResultOnly268 */​269WebInspector.evaluateInConsole = function(expression, showResultOnly) {}270WebInspector.queryParamsObject = {}271/​**272 * @param {Element} element273 */​274WebInspector.showAnchorLocation = function(element) {}275WebInspector.Events = {276 InspectorLoaded: "InspectorLoaded",277 InspectorClosing: "InspectorClosing"278}279/​** @type {WebInspector.SettingsController} */​280WebInspector.settingsController;281/​** Extensions API */​282/​** @constructor */​283function AuditCategory() {}284/​** @constructor */​285function AuditResult() {}286/​** @constructor */​287function EventSink() {}288/​** @constructor */​289function ExtensionSidebarPane() {}290/​** @constructor */​291function Panel() {}292/​** @constructor */​293function PanelWithSidebar() {}294/​** @constructor */​295function Request() {}296/​** @constructor */​297function Resource() {}298/​** @constructor */​299function Timeline() {}300var extensionServer;301/​** @type {string} */​302Location.prototype.origin = "";303/​**304 * @constructor305 */​306function ExtensionDescriptor() {307 this.startPage = "";308 = "";309}310/​**311 * @constructor312 */​313function ExtensionReloadOptions() {314 this.ignoreCache = false;315 this.injectedScript = "";316 this.preprocessingScript = "";317 this.userAgent = "";318}319WebInspector.showPanel = function(panel)320{321}322/​**323 * @param {ExtensionDescriptor} extensionInfo324 * @return {string}325 */​326function buildPlatformExtensionAPI(extensionInfo) {}327/​**328 * @type {string}329 */​330WebInspector.inspectedPageDomain;331WebInspector.SourceJavaScriptTokenizer = {}332WebInspector.SourceJavaScriptTokenizer.Keywords = {}333var InspectorTest = {}334/​* jsdifflib API */​335var difflib = {};336difflib.stringAsLines = function(text) { return []; }337/​** @constructor */​338difflib.SequenceMatcher = function(baseText, newText) { }339difflib.SequenceMatcher.prototype.get_opcodes = function() { return []; }340/​** @constructor */​341var CodeMirror = function() { }342CodeMirror.on = function(obj, type, handler) { }343CodeMirror.prototype = {344 addKeyMap: function(map) { },345 addLineClass: function(handle, where, cls) { },346 addLineWidget: function(handle, node, options) { },347 /​**348 * @param {string|Object} spec349 * @param {Object=} options350 */​351 addOverlay: function(spec, options) { },352 addWidget: function(pos, node, scroll, vert, horiz) { },353 charCoords: function(pos, mode) { },354 clearGutter: function(gutterID) { },355 clearHistory: function() { },356 clipPos: function(pos) { },357 coordsChar: function(coords, mode) { },358 cursorCoords: function(start, mode) { },359 defaultCharWidth: function() { },360 defaultTextHeight: function() { },361 deleteH: function(dir, unit) { },362 eachLine: function(from, to, op) { },363 execCommand: function(cmd) { },364 extendSelection: function(from, to) { },365 findMarksAt: function(pos) { },366 findMatchingBracket: function() { },367 findPosH: function(from, amount, unit, visually) { },368 findPosV: function(from, amount, unit, goalColumn) { },369 firstLine: function() { },370 focus: function() { },371 getAllMarks: function() { },372 /​** @param {string=} start */​373 getCursor: function(start) { },374 getDoc: function() { },375 getGutterElement: function() { },376 getHistory: function() { },377 getInputField: function(){ },378 getLine: function(line) { },379 /​**380 * @return {{wrapClass: string}}381 */​382 getLineHandle: function(line) { },383 getLineNumber: function(line) { },384 getMode: function() { },385 getOption: function(option) { },386 getRange: function(from, to, lineSep) { },387 /​**388 * @return {{left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number, clientWidth: number, clientHeight: number}}389 */​390 getScrollInfo: function() { },391 getScrollerElement: function() { },392 getSelection: function() { },393 getStateAfter: function(line) { },394 getTokenAt: function(pos) { },395 getValue: function(lineSep) { },396 getViewport: function() { },397 getWrapperElement: function() { },398 hasFocus: function() { },399 historySize: function() { },400 indentLine: function(n, dir, aggressive) { },401 indentSelection: function(how) { },402 indexFromPos: function(coords) { },403 isClean: function() { },404 iterLinkedDocs: function(f) { },405 lastLine: function() { },406 lineCount: function() { },407 lineInfo: function(line) { },408 /​**409 * @param {number} height410 * @param {string=} mode411 */​412 lineAtHeight: function(height, mode) { },413 linkedDoc: function(options) { },414 markClean: function() { },415 markText: function(from, to, options) { },416 moveH: function(dir, unit) { },417 moveV: function(dir, unit) { },418 off: function(type, f) { },419 on: function(type, f) { },420 operation: function(f) { },421 posFromIndex: function(off) { },422 redo: function() { },423 refresh: function() { },424 removeKeyMap: function(map) { },425 removeLine: function(line) { },426 removeLineClass: function(handle, where, cls) { },427 removeLineWidget: function(widget) { },428 removeOverlay: function(spec) { },429 replaceRange: function(code, from, to, origin) { },430 replaceSelection: function(code, collapse, origin) { },431 scrollIntoView: function(pos, margin) { },432 scrollTo: function(x, y) { },433 setBookmark: function(pos, options) { },434 setCursor: function(line, ch, extend) { },435 setExtending: function(val) { },436 setGutterMarker: function(line, gutterID, value) { },437 setHistory: function(histData) { },438 setLine: function(line, text) { },439 setOption: function(option, value) { },440 setSelection: function(anchor, head) { },441 setSize: function(width, height) { },442 setValue: function(code) { },443 somethingSelected: function() { },444 swapDoc: function(doc) { },445 undo: function() { },446 unlinkDoc: function(other) { }447}448/​** @type {number} */​449CodeMirror.prototype.lineCount;450CodeMirror.Pass;451CodeMirror.showHint = function(codeMirror, hintintFunction) { };452CodeMirror.commands = {};453CodeMirror.modes = {};454CodeMirror.mimeModes = {};455CodeMirror.getMode = function(options, spec) { };456CodeMirror.overlayMode = function(mode1, mode2, squashSpans) { };457CodeMirror.defineMode = function(modeName, modeConstructor) { };458CodeMirror.startState = function(mode) { };459/​** @constructor */​460CodeMirror.Pos = function(line, ch) { }461/​** type {number} */​462CodeMirror.Pos.prototype.line;463/​** type {number} */​;465/​** @constructor */​466CodeMirror.StringStream = function(line)467{468 this.pos = 0;469 this.start = 0;470}471CodeMirror.StringStream.prototype = {472 backUp: function (n) { },473 column: function () { },474 current: function () { },475 eat: function (match) { },476 eatSpace: function () { },477 eatWhile: function (match) { },478 eol: function () { },479 indentation: function () { },480 /​**481 * @param {RegExp|string} pattern482 * @param {boolean=} consume483 * @param {boolean=} caseInsensitive484 */​485 match: function (pattern, consume, caseInsensitive) { },486 next: function () { },487 peek: function () { },488 skipTo: function (ch) { },489 skipToEnd: function () { },490 sol: function () { }491}492/​** @type {Object.<string, Object.<string, string>>} */​493CodeMirror.keyMap;494WebInspector.suggestReload = function() { }495WebInspector.reload = function() { }496WebInspector.settings.continuousPainting = /​** type {WebInspector.Setting} */​ { }497WebInspector.settings.showDebugBorders = /​** type {WebInspector.Setting} */​ { }498WebInspector.settings.showScrollBottleneckRects = /​** type {WebInspector.Setting} */​ { }499WebInspector.settings.forceCompositingMode = /​** type {WebInspector.Setting} */​ { }500WebInspector.settings.showFPSCounter = /​** type {WebInspector.Setting} */​ { }501WebInspector.settings.showPaintRects = /​** type {WebInspector.Setting} */​ { }502/​** @type {boolean} */​503window.dispatchStandaloneTestRunnerMessages;...

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Source: chromeDebuggerRemote.js Github


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...19chromeDebuggerRemote.version = 0.1;20/​* unsupported */​ 21chromeDebuggerRemote.Inspector = {22 commands: {23 enable: function(){},24 disable: function(){},25 },26 events: {27 evaluateForTestInFrontend: function(testCallId, script) {},28 inspect: function(object, hints) {},29 didCreateWorker: function(id, url, isShared) {},30 didDestroyWorker: function(id) {},31 }32};33/​* unsupported */​ 34chromeDebuggerRemote.Memory = {35 commands: {36 getDOMNodeCount: /​*count */​ function(){},37 },38};39chromeDebuggerRemote.Page = {40 commands: {41 enable: function(){},42 disable: function(){},43 /​* unsupported */​ addScriptToEvaluateOnLoad: /​*identifier */​ function(scriptSource){},44 /​* unsupported */​ removeScriptToEvaluateOnLoad: function(identifier){},45 reload: function(ignoreCache, scriptToEvaluateOnLoad){},46 /​* unsupported */​ open: function(url, newWindow){},47 /​* unsupported */​ getCookies: /​*cookies,cookiesString */​ function(){},48 /​* unsupported */​ deleteCookie: function(cookieName, domain){},49 /​* unsupported */​ getResourceTree: /​*frameTree */​ function(){},50 /​* unsupported */​ getResourceContent: /​*content,base64Encoded */​ function(frameId, url){},51 /​* unsupported */​ searchInResource: /​*result */​ function(frameId, url, query, caseSensitive, isRegex){},52 /​* unsupported */​ searchInResources: /​*result */​ function(text, caseSensitive, isRegex){},53 },54 events: {55 domContentEventFired: function(timestamp) {},56 loadEventFired: function(timestamp) {},57 /​* unsupported */​ frameNavigated: function(frame) {},58 /​* unsupported */​ frameDetached: function(frameId) {},59 }60};61chromeDebuggerRemote.Runtime = {62 commands: {63 evaluate: /​*result,wasThrown */​ function(expression, objectGroup, includeCommandLineAPI, doNotPauseOnExceptions, frameId, returnByValue){},64 callFunctionOn: /​*result,wasThrown */​ function(objectId, functionDeclaration, arguments, returnByValue){},65 getProperties: /​*result */​ function(objectId, ownProperties){},66 releaseObject: function(objectId){},67 releaseObjectGroup: function(objectGroup){},68 /​* unsupported */​ run: function(){},69 },70};71chromeDebuggerRemote.Console = {72 commands: {73 enable: function(){},74 disable: function(){},75 clearMessages: function(){},76 /​* unsupported */​ setMonitoringXHREnabled: function(enabled){},77 /​* unsupported */​ addInspectedNode: function(nodeId){},78 },79 events: {80 messageAdded: function(message) {},81 messageRepeatCountUpdated: function(count) {},82 messagesCleared: function() {},83 }84};85chromeDebuggerRemote.Network = {86 commands: {87 enable: function(){},88 disable: function(){},89 setUserAgentOverride: function(userAgent){},90 setExtraHTTPHeaders: function(headers){},91 getResponseBody: /​*body,base64Encoded */​ function(requestId){},92 canClearBrowserCache: /​*result */​ function(){},93 clearBrowserCache: function(){},94 canClearBrowserCookies: /​*result */​ function(){},95 clearBrowserCookies: function(){},96 setCacheDisabled: function(cacheDisabled){},97 },98 events: {99 requestWillBeSent: function(requestId, frameId, loaderId, documentURL, request, timestamp, initiator, stackTrace, redirectResponse) {},100 requestServedFromCache: function(requestId) {},101 responseReceived: function(requestId, frameId, loaderId, timestamp, type, response) {},102 dataReceived: function(requestId, timestamp, dataLength, encodedDataLength) {},103 loadingFinished: function(requestId, timestamp) {},104 loadingFailed: function(requestId, timestamp, errorText, canceled) {},105 requestServedFromMemoryCache: function(requestId, frameId, loaderId, documentURL, timestamp, initiator, resource) {},106 /​* unsupported */​ webSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest: function(requestId, timestamp, request) {},107 /​* unsupported */​ webSocketHandshakeResponseReceived: function(requestId, timestamp, response) {},108 /​* unsupported */​ webSocketCreated: function(requestId, url) {},109 /​* unsupported */​ webSocketClosed: function(requestId, timestamp) {},110 }111};112/​* unsupported */​ 113chromeDebuggerRemote.Database = {114 commands: {115 enable: function(){},116 disable: function(){},117 getDatabaseTableNames: /​*tableNames */​ function(databaseId){},118 executeSQL: /​*success,transactionId */​ function(databaseId, query){},119 },120 events: {121 addDatabase: function(database) {},122 sqlTransactionSucceeded: function(transactionId, columnNames, values) {},123 sqlTransactionFailed: function(transactionId, sqlError) {},124 }125};126/​* unsupported */​ 127chromeDebuggerRemote.DOMStorage = {128 commands: {129 enable: function(){},130 disable: function(){},131 getDOMStorageEntries: /​*entries */​ function(storageId){},132 setDOMStorageItem: /​*success */​ function(storageId, key, value){},133 removeDOMStorageItem: /​*success */​ function(storageId, key){},134 },135 events: {136 addDOMStorage: function(storage) {},137 updateDOMStorage: function(storageId) {},138 }139};140/​* unsupported */​ 141chromeDebuggerRemote.ApplicationCache = {142 commands: {143 getFramesWithManifests: /​*frameIds */​ function(){},144 enable: function(){},145 getManifestForFrame: /​*manifestURL */​ function(frameId){},146 getApplicationCacheForFrame: /​*applicationCache */​ function(frameId){},147 },148 events: {149 applicationCacheStatusUpdated: function(frameId, manifestURL, status) {},150 networkStateUpdated: function(isNowOnline) {},151 }152};153/​* unsupported */​ 154chromeDebuggerRemote.FileSystem = {155 commands: {156 enable: function(){},157 disable: function(){},158 },159};160chromeDebuggerRemote.DOM = {161 commands: {162 getDocument: /​*root */​ function(){},163 requestChildNodes: function(nodeId){},164 querySelector: /​*nodeId */​ function(nodeId, selector){},165 querySelectorAll: /​*nodeIds */​ function(nodeId, selector){},166 setNodeName: /​*nodeId */​ function(nodeId, name){},167 setNodeValue: function(nodeId, value){},168 removeNode: function(nodeId){},169 setAttributeValue: function(nodeId, name, value){},170 setAttributesAsText: function(nodeId, text, name){},171 removeAttribute: function(nodeId, name){},172 /​* unsupported */​ getEventListenersForNode: /​*listeners */​ function(nodeId){},173 /​* unsupported */​ copyNode: function(nodeId){},174 getOuterHTML: /​*outerHTML */​ function(nodeId){},175 setOuterHTML: /​*nodeId */​ function(nodeId, outerHTML){},176 /​* unsupported */​ performSearch: /​*searchId,resultCount */​ function(query){},177 /​* unsupported */​ getSearchResults: /​*nodeIds */​ function(searchId, fromIndex, toIndex){},178 /​* unsupported */​ discardSearchResults: function(searchId){},179 requestNode: /​*nodeId */​ function(objectId){},180 /​* unsupported */​ setInspectModeEnabled: function(enabled, highlightConfig){},181 highlightRect: function(x, y, width, height, color, outlineColor){},182 highlightNode: function(nodeId, highlightConfig){},183 hideHighlight: function(){},184 /​* unsupported */​ highlightFrame: function(frameId, contentColor, contentOutlineColor){},185 /​* unsupported */​ pushNodeByPathToFrontend: /​*nodeId */​ function(path){},186 resolveNode: /​*object */​ function(nodeId, objectGroup){},187 getAttributes: /​*attributes */​ function(nodeId){},188 moveTo: /​*nodeId */​ function(nodeId, targetNodeId, insertBeforeNodeId){},189 },190 events: {191 documentUpdated: function() {},192 setChildNodes: function(parentId, nodes) {},193 attributeModified: function(nodeId, name, value) {},194 attributeRemoved: function(nodeId, name) {},195 /​* unsupported */​ inlineStyleInvalidated: function(nodeIds) {},196 characterDataModified: function(nodeId, characterData) {},197 childNodeCountUpdated: function(nodeId, childNodeCount) {},198 childNodeInserted: function(parentNodeId, previousNodeId, node) {},199 childNodeRemoved: function(parentNodeId, nodeId) {},200 }201};202/​* unsupported */​ 203chromeDebuggerRemote.CSS = {204 commands: {205 enable: function(){},206 disable: function(){},207 getMatchedStylesForNode: /​*matchedCSSRules,pseudoElements,inherited */​ function(nodeId, forcedPseudoClasses, includePseudo, includeInherited){},208 getInlineStylesForNode: /​*inlineStyle,styleAttributes */​ function(nodeId){},209 getComputedStyleForNode: /​*computedStyle */​ function(nodeId, forcedPseudoClasses){},210 getAllStyleSheets: /​*headers */​ function(){},211 getStyleSheet: /​*styleSheet */​ function(styleSheetId){},212 getStyleSheetText: /​*text */​ function(styleSheetId){},213 setStyleSheetText: function(styleSheetId, text){},214 setPropertyText: /​*style */​ function(styleId, propertyIndex, text, overwrite){},215 toggleProperty: /​*style */​ function(styleId, propertyIndex, disable){},216 setRuleSelector: /​*rule */​ function(ruleId, selector){},217 addRule: /​*rule */​ function(contextNodeId, selector){},218 getSupportedCSSProperties: /​*cssProperties */​ function(){},219 startSelectorProfiler: function(){},220 stopSelectorProfiler: /​*profile */​ function(){},221 },222 events: {223 mediaQueryResultChanged: function() {},224 }225};226chromeDebuggerRemote.Timeline = {227 commands: {228 start: function(maxCallStackDepth){},229 stop: function(){},230 },231 events: {232 eventRecorded: function(record) {},233 }234};235chromeDebuggerRemote.Debugger = {236 commands: {237 /​* unsupported */​ causesRecompilation: /​*result */​ function(){},238 /​* unsupported */​ supportsNativeBreakpoints: /​*result */​ function(){},239 enable: function(){},240 disable: function(){},241 setBreakpointsActive: function(active){},242 setBreakpointByUrl: /​*breakpointId,locations */​ function(lineNumber, url, urlRegex, columnNumber, condition){},243 setBreakpoint: /​*breakpointId,actualLocation */​ function(location, condition){},244 removeBreakpoint: function(breakpointId){},245 continueToLocation: function(location){},246 stepOver: function(){},247 stepInto: function(){},248 stepOut: function(){},249 pause: function(){},250 resume: function(){},251 searchInContent: /​*result */​ function(scriptId, query, caseSensitive, isRegex){},252 canSetScriptSource: /​*result */​ function(){},253 setScriptSource: /​*callFrames,result */​ function(scriptId, scriptSource, preview){},254 getScriptSource: /​*scriptSource */​ function(scriptId){},255 getFunctionLocation: /​*location */​ function(functionId){},256 setPauseOnExceptions: function(state){},257 evaluateOnCallFrame: /​*result,wasThrown */​ function(callFrameId, expression, objectGroup, includeCommandLineAPI, returnByValue){},258 },259 events: {260 globalObjectCleared: function() {},261 scriptParsed: function(scriptId, url, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn, isContentScript, sourceMapURL) {},262 scriptFailedToParse: function(url, scriptSource, startLine, errorLine, errorMessage) {},263 breakpointResolved: function(breakpointId, location) {},264 paused: function(callFrames, reason, data) {},265 resumed: function() {},266 }267};268chromeDebuggerRemote.DOMDebugger = {269 commands: {270 setDOMBreakpoint: function(nodeId, type){},271 removeDOMBreakpoint: function(nodeId, type){},272 setEventListenerBreakpoint: function(eventName){},273 removeEventListenerBreakpoint: function(eventName){},274 setXHRBreakpoint: function(url){},275 removeXHRBreakpoint: function(url){},276 },277};278/​* unsupported */​ 279chromeDebuggerRemote.Profiler = {280 commands: {281 causesRecompilation: /​*result */​ function(){},282 isSampling: /​*result */​ function(){},283 hasHeapProfiler: /​*result */​ function(){},284 enable: function(){},285 disable: function(){},286 start: function(){},287 stop: function(){},288 getProfileHeaders: /​*headers */​ function(){},289 getProfile: /​*profile */​ function(type, uid){},290 removeProfile: function(type, uid){},291 clearProfiles: function(){},292 takeHeapSnapshot: function(){},293 collectGarbage: function(){},294 getObjectByHeapObjectId: /​*result */​ function(objectId){},295 },296 events: {297 addProfileHeader: function(header) {},298 addHeapSnapshotChunk: function(uid, chunk) {},299 finishHeapSnapshot: function(uid) {},300 setRecordingProfile: function(isProfiling) {},301 resetProfiles: function() {},302 reportHeapSnapshotProgress: function(done, total) {},303 }304};305/​* unsupported */​ 306chromeDebuggerRemote.Worker = {307 commands: {308 setWorkerInspectionEnabled: function(value){},309 sendMessageToWorker: function(workerId, message){},310 connectToWorker: function(workerId){},311 disconnectFromWorker: function(workerId){},312 setAutoconnectToWorkers: function(value){},313 },314 events: {315 workerCreated: function(workerId, url, inspectorConnected) {},316 workerTerminated: function(workerId) {},317 dispatchMessageFromWorker: function(workerId, message) {},318 disconnectedFromWorker: function() {},319 }320};321return chromeDebuggerRemote;322/​* copyright 2011 Google, inc. Google BSD License */​323/​* See https:/​/​​johnjbarton/​atopwi/​blob/​master/​tailFeathers.html */​...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const obj = {2 a: function() {3 console.log("a");4 return this;5 },6 b: function() {7 console.log("b");8 return this;9 },10 c: function() {11 console.log("c");12 return this;13 }14};15obj.a().b().c();16const obj = {17 a: function() {18 console.log("a");19 return this;20 },21 b: function() {22 console.log("b");23 return this;24 },25 c: function() {26 console.log("c");27 return this;28 }29};30obj.a().b().c();31const obj = {32 a: function() {33 console.log("a");34 return this;35 },36 b: function() {37 console.log("b");38 return this;39 },40 c: function() {41 console.log("c");42 return this;43 }44};45obj.a().b().c();46const obj = {47 a: function() {48 console.log("a");49 return this;50 },51 b: function() {52 console.log("b");53 return this;54 },55 c: function() {56 console.log("c");57 return this;58 }59};60obj.a().b().c();61const obj = {62 a: function() {63 console.log("a");64 return this;65 },66 b: function() {67 console.log("b");68 return this;69 },70 c: function() {71 console.log("c");72 return this;73 }74};75obj.a().b().c();76const obj = {77 a: function() {78 console.log("a");79 return this;80 },81 b: function() {82 console.log("b

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const add = (a, b) => a + b;2const multiply = (a, b) => a * b;3const divide = (a, b) => a /​ b;4const calculate = () => {5 let sum = add(1, 2);6 let product = multiply(sum, 3);7 let result = divide(product, 4);8 return result;9};10console.log(calculate());11const calculate = () => {12 return add(1, 2)13 .multiply(3)14 .divide(4)15 .result();16};17console.log(calculate());18const add = (a, b) => a + b;19const multiply = (a, b) => a * b;20const divide = (a, b) => a /​ b;21module.exports = {22};23const add = (a, b) => a + b;24const multiply = (a, b) => a * b;25const divide = (a, b) => a /​ b;26const Calculator = function() {27 this.result = 0;28};29Calculator.prototype.add = function(a, b) {30 this.result = add(a, b);31 return this;32};33Calculator.prototype.multiply = function(a) {34 this.result = multiply(this.result, a);35 return this;36};37Calculator.prototype.divide = function(a) {38 this.result = divide(this.result, a);39 return this;40};41Calculator.prototype.getResult = function() {42 return this.result;43};44module.exports = Calculator;45const Calculator = require("./​calculator");46const calculate = () => {47 const calculator = new Calculator();48 .add(1, 2)49 .multiply(3)50 .divide(4)51 .getResult();52};53console.log(calculate());54const add = (a, b) => a + b;55const multiply = (a, b) => a * b;56const divide = (a, b) => a /​ b;57const Calculator = function() {58 this.result = 0;59};60Calculator.prototype.add = function(a, b) {61 this.result = add(a, b);62 return this;63};64Calculator.prototype.multiply = function(a) {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var obj = {2};3function printAllValues(obj) {4 return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) {5 return obj[key];6 });7}8console.log(printAllValues(obj));9var obj = {10};11function printAllValues(obj) {12 var arr = [];13 for (var key in obj) {14 arr.push(obj[key]);15 }16 return arr;17}18console.log(printAllValues(obj));19var obj = {20};21function convertListToObject(obj) {22 return Object.keys(obj).map(function(key) {23 return [key, obj[key]];24 });25}26console.log(convertListToObject(obj));27var obj = {28};29function convertListToObject(obj) {30 var arr = [];31 for (var key in obj) {32 arr.push([key, obj[key]]);33 }34 return arr;35}36console.log(convertListToObject(obj));37function transformFirstAndLast(arr) {38 var newObject = {};39 newObject[arr[0]] = arr[arr.length - 1];40 return newObject;41}42var arr = ["GUVI", "I", "am", "a geek"];43console.log(transformFirstAndLast(arr));44function transformFirstAndLast(arr) {45 var newObject = {};46 for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {47 newObject[arr[0]] = arr[arr.length - 1];48 }49 return newObject;50}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const obj = {2 greet: function () {3 console.log(`Hello ${}`);4 },5};6obj.greet();7const obj = {8 greet: function () {9 console.log(`Hello ${}`);10 },11};12obj.greet();13const obj = {14 greet: function () {15 console.log(`Hello ${}`);16 },17};18obj.greet();19const obj = {20 greet: function () {21 console.log(`Hello ${}`);22 },23};24obj.greet();25const obj = {26 greet: function () {27 console.log(`Hello ${}`);28 },29};30obj.greet();31const obj = {32 greet: function () {33 console.log(`Hello ${}`);34 },35};36obj.greet();37const obj = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const chaiHttp = require('chai-http');4const app = require('../​server');5chai.use(chaiHttp);6it("should get all products record", (done) => {7 chai.request(app)8 .get('/​products')9 .end((err, response) => {10 expect(response).to.have.status(200);11 expect(response.body)'array');12 done();13 });14});15it("should get a single product record", (done) => {16 const id = 3;17 chai.request(app)18 .get(`/​products/​${id}`)19 .end((err, response) => {20 expect(response).to.have.status(200);21 expect(response.body)'object');22 done();23 });24});25it("should not get a single product record", (done) => {26 const id = 5;27 chai.request(app)28 .get(`/​products/​${id}`)29 .end((err, response) => {30 expect(response).to.have.status(404);31 done();32 });33});34it("should post a product record", (done) => {35 const product = {36 }37 chai.request(app)38 .post('/​products')39 .send(product)40 .end((err, response) => {41 expect(response).to.have.status(201);42 expect(response.body)'object');43 done();44 });45});46it("should update a product record", (done) => {47 const id = 3;48 const product = {49 }50 chai.request(app)51 .put(`/​products/​${id}`)52 .send(product)53 .end((err, response) => {54 expect(response).to.have.status(200);55 expect(response.body)'object');56 done();57 });58});59it("should delete a product record", (done) => {60 const id = 3;61 chai.request(app)62 .delete(`/​products/​${id}`)63 .end((err,

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const express = require('express');2const app = express();3app.get('/​test', (req, res) => {4 res.send('Hello World!');5});6app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server is running at port 3000'));7const express = require('express');8const app = express();9app.route('/​test')10 .get((req, res) => {11 res.send('Hello World!');12 })13 .post((req, res) => {14 res.send('Got a POST request');15 })16 .put((req, res) => {17 res.send('Got a PUT request at /​user');18 })19 .delete((req, res) => {20 res.send('Got a DELETE request at /​user');21 });22app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server is running at port 3000'));23const express = require('express');24const app = express();25app.route('/​test')26 .get((req, res) => {27 res.send('Hello World!');28 })29 .post((req, res) => {30 res.send('Got a POST request');31 })32 .put((req, res) => {33 res.send('Got a PUT request at /​user');34 })35 .delete((req, res) => {36 res.send('Got a DELETE request at /​user');37 });38app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server is running at port 3000'));39const express = require('express');40const app = express();41app.route('/​test')42 .get((req, res) => {43 res.send('Hello World!');44 })45 .post((req, res) => {46 res.send('Got a POST request');47 })48 .put((req, res) => {49 res.send('Got a PUT request at /​user');50 })51 .delete((req, res) => {52 res.send('Got a DELETE request at /​user');53 });54app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server is running at port 3000'));55const express = require('express');56const app = express();57app.route('/​test')58 .get((req, res) => {59 res.send('Hello World!');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chain = require('./​chain');2var chain1 = new chain();3chain1.add(1).add(2).add(3).add(4).multiply(2).multiply(3).multiply(4).multiply(5).print();4var chain2 = new chain();5chain2.add(1);6chain2.add(2);7chain2.add(3);8chain2.add(4);9chain2.multiply(2);10chain2.multiply(3);11chain2.multiply(4);12chain2.multiply(5);13chain2.print();14var chain3 = new chain();15chain3.add(1).add(2).add(3).add(4).multiply(2).multiply(3).multiply(4).multiply(5).print();16var chain4 = new chain();17chain4.add(1);18chain4.add(2);19chain4.add(3);20chain4.add(4);21chain4.multiply(2);22chain4.multiply(3);23chain4.multiply(4);24chain4.multiply(5);25chain4.print();26var chain5 = new chain();27chain5.add(1).add(2).add(3).add(4).multiply(2).multiply(3).multiply(4).multiply(5).print();28var chain6 = new chain();29chain6.add(1);30chain6.add(2);31chain6.add(3);32chain6.add(4);33chain6.multiply(2);34chain6.multiply(3);35chain6.multiply(4);36chain6.multiply(5);37chain6.print();38var chain7 = new chain();39chain7.add(1).add(2).add(3).add(4).multiply(2).multiply(3).multiply(4).multiply(5).print();40var chain8 = new chain();41chain8.add(1);42chain8.add(2);43chain8.add(3);44chain8.add(4

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