How to use excludeProps method in chai

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1'use strict'2import omit from 'lodash/​omit'3import isEmpty from 'lodash/​isEmpty'4import size from 'lodash/​size'5import extend from 'lodash/​extend'6import getPropertyAtPath from 'lodash/​get'7import { utils as tradleUtils } from '@tradle/​engine'8import { GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request'9import constants from '@tradle/​constants'10import utils from '../​../​utils/​utils'11const {12 TYPE,13 SIG,14 ROOT_HASH,15 PREV_HASH,16 CUR_HASH,17} = constants18const { MONEY, ORGANIZATION, MESSAGE, MODEL, FORM, IDENTITY } = constants.TYPES19const PHOTO = 'tradle.Photo'20const COUNTRY = 'tradle.Country'21const PUB_KEY = 'tradle.PubKey'22const APPLICATION = 'tradle.Application'23const APPLICATION_SUBMISSION = 'tradle.ApplicationSubmission'24const BOOKMARKS_FOLDER = 'tradle.BookmarksFolder'25const NETWORK_FAILURE = 'Failed to fetch'26const INVALID_QUERY = 'Syntax Error GraphQL request'27const WRONG_VERSION_ID = 'expected models with versionId: '28const INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_MSG = 'Internal Server Error'29const INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 50030const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 331var messageMap = {32 [NETWORK_FAILURE]: 'networkFailure',33 [INVALID_QUERY]: 'invalidQuery',34}35const useApollo = false36var search = {37 initClient(meDriver, url) {38 return this.initClientGraphQLRequest(meDriver, url)39 },40 initClientGraphQLRequest(meDriver, url, headers) {41 /​/​ debugger42 let graphqlEndpoint = `${url.replace(/​[/​]+$/​, '')}/​graphql`43 if (!graphqlEndpoint)44 return45 this.graphqlEndpoint = graphqlEndpoint46 this.meDriver = meDriver47 /​/​ Not needed but just to make it generic48 return new GraphQLClient(graphqlEndpoint, { headers })49 },50 async searchServer(params) {51 let {client, modelName, filterResource, sortProperty, asc, limit,52 endCursor, properties, select, excludeProps, bookmark} = params53 if (filterResource && !Object.keys(filterResource).length)54 filterResource = null55 let table = `rl_${modelName.replace(/​\./​g, '_')}`56 let model = utils.getModel(modelName)57 let versionId = params.versionId || model._versionId58 let version = versionId ? '($modelsVersionId: String!)' : ''59 let query = `query ${version} {\n${table}\n`60 let props = model.properties61 let inClause = []62 let op = {63 CONTAINS: '',64 EQ: '',65 NEQ: '',66 NULL: '',67 STARTS_WITH: '',68 GT: '',69 GTE: '',70 LT: '',71 LTE: '',72 }73 let exclude = [ROOT_HASH, CUR_HASH, TYPE]74 if (excludeProps)75 exclude.concat(excludeProps)76 if (filterResource) {77 for (let p in filterResource) {78 if (exclude.indexOf(p) !== -1)79 continue80 let val = filterResource[p]81 let neq82 if (p.endsWith('!')) {83 neq = true84 p = p.slice(0, -1)85 }86 if (!props[p] && val) {87 if (p.charAt(0) === '_') {88 if (Array.isArray(val)) {89 let s = `${p}: [`90 val.forEach((r, i) => {91 if (i)92 s += ', '93 s += `"${r}"`94 })95 s += ']'96 inClause.push(s)97 }98 else99 this.addTo(op, neq, `\n ${p}: "${val}",`)100 }101 else if (p.indexOf('.') !== -1 && props[p.split('.')[0]]) {102 p = p.replace('.', '__')103 this.addTo(op, neq, `\n ${p}: "${val}",`)104 }105 continue106 }107 if (!props[p] || props[p].hidden)108 continue109 if (props[p].type === 'string') {110 if (Array.isArray(val)) {111 let s = `${p}: [`112 val.forEach((r, i) => {113 if (i)114 s += ', '115 s += `"${r}"`116 })117 s += ']'118 inClause.push(s)119 continue120 }121 if (!val || !val.trim().length) {122 if (val === null)123 op.NULL += `\n ${p}: true`124 continue125 }126 let len = val.length127 if (val.indexOf('*') === -1)128 this.addTo(op, neq, `\n ${p}: "${val}",`)129 else if (len > 1) {130 if (val.charAt(0) === '*') {131 if (val.charAt(val.length - 1) === '*')132 op.CONTAINS = `\n ${p}: "${val.substring(1, len - 1)}",`133 else134 op.CONTAINS = `\n ${p}: "${val.substring(1)}",`135 }136 else if (val.charAt(len - 1) === '*')137 op.STARTS_WITH = `\n ${p}: "${val.substring(0, len - 1)}",`138 }139 }140 else if (props[p].type === 'boolean') {141 if (val)142 op.EQ += `\n ${p}: ${val},`143 else if (val === null) {144 if (!bookmark)145 op.NULL += `\n ${p}: true`146 }147 else148 op.NEQ += `\n ${p}: true,`149 }150 else if (props[p].type === 'number')151 addEqualsOrGreaterOrLesserNumber(val, op, props[p])152 else if (props[p].type === 'date')153 op.GTE = `\n ${p}: "${typeof val === 'date' && val || new Date(val).getTime()}",`154 else if (props[p].type === 'object') {155 let isEnum = props[p].ref && utils.isEnum(props[p].ref)156 if (Array.isArray(val)) {157 if (!val.length)158 continue159 if (isEnum) {160 if (val.length === 1) {161 this.addTo(op, neq, `\n ${p}__id: "${val[0].id}",`)162 }163 else {164 let s = `${p}__id: [`165 val.forEach((r, i) => {166 if (i)167 s += ', '168 s += `"${}"`169 })170 s += ']'171 inClause.push(s)172 }173 }174 else {175 if (val.length === 1) {176 this.addTo(op, neq, `\n ${p}___permalink: "${utils.getRootHash(val[0])}",`)177 }178 else {179 let s = `${p}___permalink: [`180 val.forEach((r, i) => {181 if (i)182 s += ', '183 s += `"${utils.getRootHash(r)}"`184 })185 s += ']'186 inClause.push(s)187 }188 }189 }190 else {191 if (isEnum) {192 this.addTo(op, neq, `\n ${p}__id: "${}",`)193 }194 else if (props[p].ref === MONEY) {195 let {value, currency} = val196 this.addTo(op, neq, `\n ${p}__currency: "${currency}",`)197 if (val.value)198 addEqualsOrGreaterOrLesserNumber(value, op, props[p])199 }200 else if (val && (typeof val === 'string') && val.indexOf('NULL') !== -1) {201 if (val === 'NULL')202 op.NULL += `\n ${p}: true`203 else204 op.NULL += `\n ${p}: false`205 continue206 }207 else {208 this.addTo(op, neq, `\n ${p}___permalink: "${utils.getRootHash(val)}",`)209 }210 }211 }212 else if (props[p].type === 'array') {213 if (props[p].items.ref) {214 if (!val.length)215 continue216 if (val.length === 1 && val[0].indexOf('NULL') !== -1) {217 if (val[0] === 'NULL')218 op.NULL += `\n ${p}: true`219 else220 op.NULL += `\n ${p}: false`221 continue222 }223 let s = `${p}___permalink: [`224 val.forEach((r, i) => {225 if (i)226 s += ', '227 s += `"${utils.getRootHash(r)}"`228 })229 s += ']'230 inClause.push(s)231 }232 }233 }234 }235 op.IN = inClause ? inClause.join(',') : ''236 let qq = ''237 for (let o in op) {238 let q = op[o]239 if (q.length) {240 qq +=241 `\n ${o}: {242 ${op[o]}\n},`243 }244 }245 query += '('246 if (versionId)247 query += `\nmodelsVersionId: $modelsVersionId\n`248 if (limit) {249 if (endCursor)250 query += `checkpoint: "${endCursor}"\n`251 query += `limit: ${limit}\n`252 }253 if (qq.length)254 query += `filter: { ${qq} },\n`255 if (sortProperty) {256 let sortBy257 let ref = props[sortProperty].ref258 if (ref) {259 if (ref === MONEY)260 sortBy = sortProperty + '__value'261 else262 sortBy = sortProperty + '__title'263 }264 else265 sortBy = sortProperty266 query += `\norderBy: {267 property: ${sortBy},268 desc: ${asc ? false : true}269 }`270 }271 else272 query += `\norderBy: {273 property: _time,274 desc: true275 }`276 query += ')'277 query += `\n{\n`278 query += `pageInfo {\n endCursor\n}\n`279 query += `edges {\n node {\n`280 if (!select) {281 select = this.getSearchProperties({model, properties, isList: true, excludeProps})282 }283 query += `${select.join(' \n')}`284 query += `\n}` /​/​ close 'node'285 query += `\n}` /​/​ close 'edges'286 query += `\n}` /​/​ close properties block287 query += `\n}` /​/​ close query288 let error, mapping, retry = true289 for (let attemptsCnt=0; attemptsCnt<MAX_ATTEMPTS && retry; attemptsCnt++) {290 let data = await this.execute({client, query, table, versionId})291 if (data.result) {292 return { result: data.result }293 }294 ({ error='', excludeProps={}, retry=true, mapping={}, versionId='' } = await this.checkError(data, model))295 if (excludeProps.length) {296 params.excludeProps = excludeProps297 params.mapping = mapping298 return await this.searchServer(params)299 }300 if (versionId && versionId !== this.versionId) {301 params.versionId = versionId302 return await this.searchServer(params)303 }304 if (error && error === NETWORK_FAILURE || !retry)305 break306 }307 console.log(error)308 return { error: messageMap[error] || error, retry }309 function addEqualsOrGreaterOrLesserNumber(val, op, prop) {310 let isMoney = prop.ref === MONEY311 let p = prop.name312 if (isMoney)313 p += '__value'314 let ch = val.toString().charAt(0)315 switch (ch) {316 case '>':317 if (val.charAt(1) === '=')318 op.GTE += `\n ${p}: ${val.substring(2)},`319 else320 op.GT += `\n ${p}: ${val.substring(1)},`321 break322 case '<':323 if (val.charAt(1) === '=')324 op.LTE += `\n ${p}: ${val.substring(2)},`325 else326 op.LT += `\n ${p}: ${val.substring(1)},`327 break328 default:329 op.EQ += `\n ${p}: ${val},`330 }331 }332 },333 addTo(op, neq, condition) {334 if (neq)335 op.NEQ += condition336 else337 op.EQ += condition338 },339 async getChat(params) {340 let { author, client, context, filterResource, limit, endCursor, application } = params341 let table = `rl_${MESSAGE.replace(/​\./​g, '_')}`342 let contextVar = filterResource || context ? '' : '($context: String)'343 let limitP = limit ? `limit: ${limit}` : ''344 let checkpoint = limit && endCursor ? `checkpoint: "${endCursor}"\n` : ''345 /​/​ let desc = !direction || direction === 'down' ? true : false346 let desc = true347 /​/​ if (endCursor)348 /​/​ debugger349 let queryHeader =350 `query ${contextVar} {351 ${table} (352 ${limitP}353 ${checkpoint}354 filter: {355 `356 let queryFooter = `357 }358 orderBy:{359 property: _time360 desc: ${desc}361 }362 )363 {364 pageInfo { endCursor }365 edges {366 node {367 _author368 _recipient369 _inbound370 originalSender371 object372 _time373 context374 }375 }376 }377 }`378 let eq = `379 EQ: {380 `381 /​/​ for app view prevent prevent from displaying double wrapped messages382 if (author) /​/​ && (!context || application))383 eq += `_counterparty: "${author}"\n`384 let filter = ''385 if (filterResource) {386 for (let p in filterResource) {387 if (typeof filterResource[p] === 'boolean')388 filter += ' ' + p + ': ' + `${filterResource[p]}\n`389 else390 filter += ' ' + p + ': ' + `"${filterResource[p]}"\n`391 }392 }393 eq += filter394 if (context)395 eq += ` context: "${context}"`396 eq += `397 },398 `399 let neq = ''400 if (!context && !filterResource) {401 context = null402 neq = `403 NEQ: {404 context: $context405 _payloadType: "${MESSAGE}"406 }407 `408 }409 if (!neq && application) {410 neq = `411 NEQ: {412 _payloadType: "${MESSAGE}"413 }414 `415 }416 let query = queryHeader + eq + neq + queryFooter417 try {418 let result = await this.execute({client, query, table})419 return result && result.result420 } catch (err) {421 debugger422 }423 },424 async getBookmarkChat(params) {425 let { author, client, context, filterResource, limit, endCursor, application,426 sortProperty, asc } = params427 let table = `rl_${MESSAGE.replace(/​\./​g, '_')}`428 let contextVar = filterResource || context ? '' : '($context: String)'429 let limitP = `limit: ${limit || 20}`430 let checkpoint = limit && endCursor ? `checkpoint: "${endCursor}"\n` : ''431 /​/​ let desc = !direction || direction === 'down' ? true : false432 let orderBy = sortProperty || '_time'433 let desc434 if (orderBy && typeof asc !== 'undefined')435 desc = params.hasOwnProperty('asc') ? asc : true436 else437 desc = true438 let props = utils.getModel(MESSAGE).properties439 /​/​ if (endCursor)440 /​/​ debugger441 let queryHeader =442 `query ${contextVar} {443 ${table} (444 ${limitP}445 ${checkpoint}446 filter: {447 `448 let queryFooter = `449 }450 orderBy:{451 property: ${orderBy}452 desc: ${desc}453 }454 )455 {456 pageInfo { endCursor }457 edges {458 node {459 _author460 _recipient461 _link462 _permalink463 originalSender464 _payloadType465 _payloadLink466 _time467 context468 }469 }470 }471 }`472 let op = {473 CONTAINS: '',474 EQ: '',475 IN: '',476 NEQ: '',477 NULL: '',478 STARTS_WITH: '',479 GT: '',480 GTE: '',481 LT: '',482 LTE: '',483 }484 /​/​ for app view prevent prevent from displaying double wrapped messages485 if (author) /​/​ && (!context || application))486 op.EQ += `_counterparty: "${filterResource._counterparty || author}"\n`487 if (filterResource) {488 for (let p in filterResource) {489 if (p === TYPE)490 continue491 let val = filterResource[p]492 if (Array.isArray(val))493 op.IN += `\n ${p}: ["${val.join('\",\"')}"],`494 else if (typeof val === 'string' && props[p].type === 'string') {495 let len = val.length496 if (val.charAt(0) === '*') {497 if (val.charAt(len - 1) === '*')498 op.CONTAINS += `\n ${p}: "${val.substring(1, len - 1)}",`499 else500 op.CONTAINS += `\n ${p}: "${val.substring(1)}",`501 }502 else if (val.charAt(len - 1) === '*')503 op.STARTS_WITH += `\n ${p}: "${val.substring(0, len - 1)}",`504 else505 op.EQ += ' ' + p + ': ' + `"${val}"\n`506 }507 else if (props[p].type === 'date')508 op.GTE = `\n ${p}: "${new Date(val).getTime()}",`509 else if (typeof val === 'boolean')510 op.EQ += ' ' + p + ': ' + `${val}\n`511 else512 op.EQ += ' ' + p + ': ' + `"${val}"\n`513 }514 }515 if (context)516 op.EQ += ` context: "${context}"`517 else /​/​if (filterResource && filterResource.hasOwnProperty('context') && typeof filterResource.context !== 'string') {518 op.NULL += ` context: false `519 if (!context && !filterResource) {520 context = null521 op.NEQ += `522 context: $context523 _payloadType: "${MESSAGE}"524 `525 }526 if (!op.NEQ && application) {527 op.NEQ = ` _payloadType: "${MESSAGE}"`528 }529 let qq = ''530 for (let o in op) {531 let q = op[o]532 if (q.length) {533 qq +=534 `\n ${o}: {535 ${op[o]}\n},`536 }537 }538 let query = queryHeader + qq + queryFooter539 try {540 let result = await this.execute({client, query, table})541 return result && result.result542 } catch (err) {543 debugger544 }545 },546 getSearchProperties(params) {547 let { model, inlined, properties, backlink } = params548 let props = /​*backlink ? {[]: backlink} :*/​ model.properties549 let arr550 if (utils.isInlined(model))551 arr = [] /​/​[TYPE] /​/​, '_link', '_permalink']552 else {553 arr = ['_permalink', '_link', '_p', '_time', '_author', '_org', '_authorTitle', '_time']554 if ( !== PUB_KEY && !inlined) {555 let newarr = arr.concat(TYPE, SIG)556 arr = newarr557 }558 if (model.abstract)559 return arr560 arr.push(`_seal {561 txId,562 blockchain,563 network,564 _time565 }`)566 }567 if (properties) {568 let newProps = {}569 properties.forEach((p) => newProps[p] = props[p])570 props = newProps571 }572 return this.addProps({...params, props, model, arr})573 },574 addRef(prop) {575 let ref = prop.type === 'array' ? prop.items.ref : prop.ref576 let p = prop.name577 if (ref === MONEY) {578 return (579 `${p} {580 value581 currency582 }`583 )584 }585 else if (ref === COUNTRY) {/​/​ || ref === CURRENCY)586 return (587 `${p} {588 id589 title590 }`591 )592 }593 let m = utils.getModel(ref)594 if (utils.isEnum(m)) {595 if (m.enum)596 return (597 `${p} {598 id599 title600 }`601 )602 else603 return p604 }605 if ( === PHOTO) {606 return (607 `${p} {${this.getSearchProperties({model: m})}}`608 )609 }610 return (611 `${p} {612 ${TYPE}613 _permalink614 _link615 _displayName616 }`617 )618 },619 addProps({isList, backlink, props, currentProp, arr, model, excludeProps, mapping, noBacklinks}) {620 if (!arr)621 arr = []622 let isApplication = model && === APPLICATION623 let me = utils.getMe()624 for (let p in props) {625 if (excludeProps && excludeProps.indexOf(p) !== -1)626 continue627 if (p.charAt(0) === '_') {628 if (me.isEmployee) {629 if (p === '_sourceOfData' || p === '_dataLineage')630 arr.push(p)631 }632 continue633 }634 if (p === 'from' || p === 'to' || p.indexOf('_group') !== -1)635 continue636 let prop = props[p]637 if (prop.virtual || prop === currentProp)638 continue639 if (prop.displayAs)640 continue641 let ptype = prop.type642 if (ptype === 'array') {643 /​/​ let excludePropsFor = mapping && prop.items.ref && mapping[prop.items.ref]644 /​/​ this.addArrayProperty({prop, model, arr, isList, backlink, currentProp, excludeProps: excludePropsFor})645 let excludePropsFor646 if (prop.items.ref === excludePropsFor = excludeProps648 else649 excludePropsFor = mapping && prop.items.ref && mapping[prop.items.ref]650 this.addArrayProperty({prop, model, arr, isList, backlink, currentProp, excludeProps, noBacklinks})651 continue652 }653 if (ptype !== 'object') {654 arr.push(p)655 continue656 }657 let ref = prop.ref658 if (!ref) {659 if (prop.range === 'json')660 arr.push(p)661 continue662 }663 if (ref === ORGANIZATION)664 continue665 if (prop.inlined || utils.getModel(ref).inlined)666 arr.push(this.addInlined({prop}))667 else668 arr.push(this.addRef(prop))669 }670 return arr671 },672 addArrayProperty({prop, model, arr, isList, backlink, currentProp, excludeProps, noBacklinks}) {673 let p = prop.name674 let isApplication = model && === APPLICATION675 /​/​ if (p === 'verifications')676 /​/​ return677 let isSubmissions678 if (isApplication) {679 if (isList && p !== 'relationshipManagers')680 return681 isSubmissions = p === 'submissions'682 if (!backlink && prop.items.ref === APPLICATION_SUBMISSION && !isSubmissions)683 return684 }685 let isBookmarksFolder = model && === BOOKMARKS_FOLDER686 let iref = prop.items.ref687 if (iref) {688 let isInlined = iref !== MODEL && utils.isInlined(utils.getModel(iref))689 if (prop.items.backlink && !prop.inlined) { /​/​ && !utils.getModel(iref).abstract) {690 if (isList && !isApplication && !isBookmarksFolder)691 return692 let props693 if (iref !== {694 if (noBacklinks) return695 props = this.getSearchProperties({model: utils.getModel(iref), noBacklinks: true})696 }697 /​/​ HACK698 else if (isApplication)699 props = arr.concat(['hasFailedChecks', 'hasCheckOverrides'])700 else701 props = arr702 arr.push(`${p}${isSubmissions && '(limit: 100)' || ''} {703 edges {704 node {705 ${props}706 }707 }708 }`)709 }710 else if (prop.inlined || isInlined) {711 if (currentProp && currentProp === prop)712 return713 arr.push(this.addInlined({prop, excludeProps}))714 }715 else716 arr.push(717 `${p} {718 ${TYPE}719 _permalink720 _link721 _displayName722 }`723 )724 }725 else {726 let allProps = this.addProps({isList, props:, excludeProps})727 if (allProps.length) {728 arr.push(729 `${p} {730 ${allProps.toString().replace(/​,/​g, '\n')}731 }`732 )733 }734 else735 arr.push(p)736 }737 },738 addInlined({prop, excludeProps}) {739 let ref = prop.type === 'array' ? prop.items.ref : prop.ref740 let p = prop.name741 if (ref === MODEL)742 return `${p}`743 let refM = utils.getModel(ref)744 if (prop.range === 'json')745 return p746 if (refM.abstract)747 return p748 if (/​*ref === FORM || */​ refM.isInterface || utils.isEnum(refM)) {749 return (750 `${p} {751 id752 title753 }`754 )755 }756 else {757 let allProps = this.getSearchProperties({model: refM, inlined: true, currentProp: prop, noBacklinks: true, excludeProps})758 return (759 `${p} {760 ${allProps.toString().replace(/​,/​g, '\n')}761 }`762 )763 }764 },765 async getItem({id, client, backlink, noBacklinks, excludeProps, mapping, isChat, isThisVersion}) {766 let [modelName, _permalink, _link] = id.split('_')767 let model = utils.getModel(modelName)768 if (!model)769 return770 let table = `r_${modelName.replace(/​\./​g, '_')}`771 let query772 if (isChat || isThisVersion)773 query = `query {\n${table} (_link: "${_link}")\n`774 else775 query = `query {\n${table} (_permalink: "${_permalink}")\n`776 if (backlink || noBacklinks) {777 if (!excludeProps)778 excludeProps = []779 let itemsProps = utils.getPropertiesWithAnnotation(model, 'items')780 if (size(itemsProps) > 1) {781 if (noBacklinks)782 itemsProps = Object.keys(itemsProps)783 else784 itemsProps = Object.keys(itemsProps).filter(item => item !== excludeProps = excludeProps.concat(itemsProps)786 }787 }788 let arr = this.getSearchProperties({model, backlink, excludeProps, mapping})789 query += `\n{${arr.join(' \n')}\n}\n}`790 try {791 let result = await this.execute({client, query, table})792 if (result.error && !excludeProps) {793 let { excludeProps, error, mapping } = await this.checkError(result, model)794 if (excludeProps)795 return await this.getItem({ id, client, backlink, excludeProps, mapping, isThisVersion })796 }797 return result.result798 }799 catch(err) {800 console.log('graphQL._getItem', err)801 debugger802 }803 },804 async checkError(result, model) {805 let message, graphQLErrors, networkError806 if (useApollo) {807 ({ message, graphQLErrors, networkError } = result.error)808 }809 else {810 debugger811 if (result.error.response) {812 debugger813 /​/​ if (result.error.response.error === INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)814 /​/​ return {error: result.error.response.error, retry: true}815 const { errors, status, error } = result.error.response816 if (status === INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR || error === INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_MSG) {817 if (errors && errors.length === 1) {818 if (errors[0].message.indexOf(WRONG_VERSION_ID) === 0)819 return {error, retry: true, versionId: errors[0].message.split(': ')[1]}820 }821 return {error, retry: true}822 }823 graphQLErrors = result.error.response.errors824 message = INVALID_QUERY825 }826 else {827 graphQLErrors = []828 if (result.error.message === 'Failed to fetch')829 return { error: NETWORK_FAILURE }830 message = result.error.message831 }832 }833 if (graphQLErrors && graphQLErrors.length) {834 let { excludeProps, mapping } = this.getExcludeProps(graphQLErrors, model)835 if (excludeProps.length)836 return { excludeProps, mapping }837 return { error: message, retry: message === NETWORK_FAILURE }838 }839 debugger840 if (networkError && networkError.message === NETWORK_FAILURE)841 return { error: NETWORK_FAILURE }842 if (message.indexOf(INVALID_QUERY) === 0)843 message = INVALID_QUERY844 await utils.submitLog(true)845 return { error: message, retry: false }846 },847 getExcludeProps(graphQLErrors, model) {848 let excludeProps = []849 let mapping = {}850 let str = 'Cannot query field \"'851 let len = str.length852 let props = model.properties853 graphQLErrors.forEach(err => {854 if (err.path) {855 if (err.path === 1)856 return857 let prop858 for (let i=err.path.length - 1; i>=0 && !prop; i--) {859 let p = err.path[i]860 if (props[p])861 prop = p862 }863 if (prop) {864 excludeProps.push(prop)865 return866 }867 }868 let msg = err.message869 let idx = msg.indexOf(str)870 if (idx !== 0)871 return872 idx = msg.indexOf('\"', len)873 let field = msg.substring(len, idx)874 /​/​ check if this is the table itself that is not recognized875 if (field.indexOf(`_${'.', '_')}`) === -1) {876 excludeProps.push(field)877 let idx = msg.indexOf(' on type "')878 if (idx === -1)879 return880 let idx2 = msg.indexOf('"', idx + 10)881 if (idx2 === -1)882 return883 let type = msg.slice(idx + 10, idx2).replace(/​_/​g, '.')884 if (utils.getModel(type)) {885 let props = mapping[type]886 if (!props)887 mapping[type] = []888 mapping[type].push(field)889 }890 }891 })892 return { excludeProps, mapping }893 },894 /​/​ TODO: rename _getItem to getItem895 /​/​ getItem: (...args) => search._getItem(...args),896 async getObjects(links, client) {897 let table = 'rl_objects'898 let query = `899 query {900 ${table} (901 links: ["${links.join('","')}"]902 )903 {904 objects905 }906 }`907 try {908 let result = await this.execute({client, query, table})909 return result.result && result.result.objects || []910 }911 catch(err) {912 console.log('graphQL._getItem', err)913 return []914 debugger915 }916 },917 async getIdentity({ client, _permalink, _link, pub }) {918 if (_link) return search.getIdentityByLink({ client, link: _link })919 if (_permalink) return search.getIdentityByPermalink({ client, permalink: _permalink })920 if (!pub) throw new Error('querying identities by _permalink is not supported at this time')921 const list = await search.searchServer({922 client,923 filterResource: { pub, importedFrom: null },924 select: ['link', 'permalink'],925 modelName: 'tradle.PubKey',926 noTrigger: true,927 limit: 1928 })929 if (list) {930 const pubKeyMapping = getFirstNode(list.result)931 if (pubKeyMapping) {932 return search.getIdentityByPermalink({ permalink: pubKeyMapping.permalink, client })933 /​/​ return search.getIdentityByLink({ link:, client })934 }935 }936 throw new Error(`identity not found with pub: ${pub}`)937 },938 async getIdentityByPermalink({permalink, client}) {939 let table = 'rl_tradle_Identity'940 let arr = ['_p', '_time', '_author', '_v', '_pv', '_ph', '_time', '_s']941 let pubArr = ['type', 'purpose', 'pub', 'fingerprint', 'curve', 'importedFrom', 'networkName']942 let query = `query {943 ${table} (944 limit:1945 orderBy: {946 property: _time,947 desc: true948 }949 filter:{950 EQ: {951 _permalink: "${permalink}"952 },953 }954 ) {955 edges {956 node {957 ${arr}958 pubkeys {959 ${pubArr}960 }961 }962 }963 }964 }`965 try {966 let data = await this.execute({query, table})967 if (data.result && data.result.edges.length) {968 /​/​ let ret = omit(data.result.edges[0].node, ['_permalink'])969 let ret = {[0].node }970 for (let p in ret) {971 if (!ret[p])972 delete ret[p]973 }974 if (ret._v)975 ret[ROOT_HASH] = permalink976 ret[TYPE] = IDENTITY977 => {978 for (let p in pub)979 if (!pub[p]) delete pub[p]980 })981 /​/​ debugger982 return ret983 }984 } catch (err) {985 console.log(`unknown identity ${permalink}`, err)986 throw new Error(`identity with permalink: ${permalink}`)987 }988 },989 getIdentityByLink: async ({ link, client }) => {990 const results = await search.getObjects([link], client)991 if (isEmpty(results)) throw new Error(`identity not found with link: ${link}`)992 return results[0]993 },994 async getMasterAuthorKey({pub, importedFrom}) {995 let table = 'rl_tradle_PubKey'996 let query = `query {997 ${table}(998 limit:1999 orderBy: {1000 property: _time,1001 desc: true1002 }1003 filter:{1004 EQ: {1005 pub: "${pub}",1006 importedFrom: "${importedFrom}"1007 },1008 }1009 ) {1010 edges {1011 node {1012 permalink1013 }1014 }1015 }1016 }`1017 let data = await this.execute({query, table})1018 if (data.result && data.result.edges.length)1019 return data.result.edges[0].node.permalink1020 },1021 async execute(params) {1022 if (useApollo)1023 return this.executeApollo(params)1024 var {query, table, versionId} = params1025 let variables = versionId && {modelsVersionId: versionId} || undefined1026 /​/​ debugger1027 const rawBody = { query }1028 if (variables) rawBody.variables = variables1029 const body = tradleUtils.stringify(rawBody)1030 let obj = {1031 [TYPE]: 'tradle.GraphQLQuery',1032 body,1033 _time: }1035 let { _masterAuthor } = utils.getMe()1036 if (_masterAuthor)1037 extend(obj, {_masterAuthor})1038 const result = await this.meDriver.sign({1039 object: obj1040 })1041 /​/​ const result = await this.meDriver.sign({ object })1042 const headers = {1043 'x-tradle-auth': JSON.stringify(omit(result.object, ['body', TYPE]))1044 }1045 let client = new GraphQLClient(this.graphqlEndpoint, { headers })1046 try {1047 let data = await client.rawRequest(query, variables)1048 if ( {1049 /​/​ if ([table].objects)1050 /​/​[table].objects =[table].objects.filter(r => r !== null)1051 return {result:[table]}1052 }1053 else1054 return {error: JSON.stringify(data.errors && data.errors || data)}1055 } catch (error) {1056 console.log(error)1057/​/​ debugger1058 return { error }1059 }1060 }1061}1062/​/​ const neuter = obj => utils.omitVirtual(utils.sanitize(obj))1063const getFirstNode = result => getPropertyAtPath(result, ['edges', '0', 'node'])...

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Source:open-export-dialog.js Github


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1import ui from '../​util/​ui';2import exportUtils from '../​util/​export';3import sketchUtils from '../​util/​sketch';4import exportComponents from './​export-components';5export default function(context, opts, cb) {6 ui.createSettingsDialog(context, opts, exportComponents, (data) => {7 /​/​ Defaults8 data.propertyNamingConvention = data.propertyNamingConvention || 'Numeric';9 data.cssUnit = (data.cssUnit === 'No unit' ? 0 : data.cssUnit);10 /​/​ First store the properties we should exclude11 let excludeProps = [];12 if (data['excludeProps']['Color']) {13 excludeProps.push('color');14 }15 if (data['excludeProps']['Line height']) {16 excludeProps.push('lineHeight');17 }18 /​/​ Get the text styles from the Sketch document19 let textStyles = sketchUtils.getTextStyles(context);20 textStyles = exportUtils.sortTextStyles(textStyles);21 textStyles = exportUtils.excludeTextStyleProperties(textStyles, excludeProps);22 if (data['merge']) {23 textStyles = exportUtils.removeDoubleTextStyles(textStyles);24 }25 cb(textStyles, data);26 });...

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Source: excludeProps.test.js Github


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...4 excludeProps5} = mytoolkit6test('excludeProps', t => {7 const o = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 }8 t.deepEqual(excludeProps(o, 'a'), { b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 })9 t.deepEqual(excludeProps(o, ['a', 'd']), { b: 2, c: 3 })10 t.deepEqual(excludeProps(o, name => name === 'a'), { b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 })11 t.deepEqual(excludeProps(o, name => name !== 'a'), { a: 1 })12 t.end()...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3chai.use(require('chai-exclude'));4var obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };5var obj2 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };6var obj3 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 };7expect(obj1).excluding('a').to.deep.equal(obj2);8expect(obj1).excluding(['a', 'b']).to.deep.equal(obj3);9expect(obj1).excluding('a', 'b').to.deep.equal(obj3);10expect(obj1).excluding('a', 'b').to.deep.equal(obj2);11var chai = require('chai');12var expect = chai.expect;13chai.use(require('chai-exclude'));14var obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };15var obj2 = { a: 1, b: 2 };16var obj3 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 };17expect(obj1).to.containSubset(obj2);18expect(obj1).to.containSubset(obj3);19expect(obj1).to.not.containSubset(obj3);20expect(obj1).to.not.containSubset(obj2);21var chai = require('chai');22var expect = chai.expect;23chai.use(require('chai-exclude'));24var obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };25var obj2 = { a: 1, b: 2 };26var obj3 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4 };27expect(obj1).to.includeSubset(obj2);28expect(obj1).to.includeSubset(obj3);29expect(obj1).to.not.includeSubset(obj3);30expect(obj1).to.not.includeSubset(obj2);31var chai = require('chai');32var expect = chai.expect;33chai.use(require('chai-exclude'));34var obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };35var obj2 = { a: 1, b: 2 };36var obj3 = { a:

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2var expect = chai.expect;3var chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');4chai.use(chaiExclude);5var obj1 = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};6var obj2 = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4};7expect(obj1).excluding('b').to.deep.equal(obj2);8expect(obj1).excluding(['b', 'c']).to.deep.equal(obj2);9expect(obj1).excludingEvery('b').to.deep.equal(obj2);10expect(obj1).excludingEvery(['b', 'c']).to.deep.equal(obj2);11var chai = require('chai');12var expect = chai.expect;13var chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');14chai.use(chaiExclude);15var obj1 = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};16var obj2 = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4};17expect(obj1).including('b').to.deep.equal(obj2);18expect(obj1).including(['b', 'c']).to.deep.equal(obj2);19expect(obj1).includingEvery('b').to.deep.equal(obj2);20expect(obj1).includingEvery(['b', 'c']).to.deep.equal(obj2);21var chai = require('chai');22var expect = chai.expect;23var chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');24chai.use(chaiExclude);25var obj1 = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};26var obj2 = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4};27expect(obj1).excluding('b').to.deep.equal(obj2);28expect(obj1).excluding(['b', 'c']).to.deep.equal(obj2);29expect(obj1).excludingEvery('b').to.deep.equal(obj2);30expect(obj1).excludingEvery(['b', 'c']).to.deep.equal(obj2);31var chai = require('chai');32var expect = chai.expect;33var chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');34chai.use(chaiExclude);35var obj1 = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3};36var obj2 = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');4chai.use(chaiExclude);5const chai = require('chai');6const expect = chai.expect;7const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');8chai.use(chaiExclude);9const chai = require('chai');10const expect = chai.expect;11const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');12chai.use(chaiExclude);13const chai = require('chai');14const expect = chai.expect;15const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');16chai.use(chaiExclude);17const chai = require('chai');18const expect = chai.expect;19const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');20chai.use(chaiExclude);21const chai = require('chai');22const expect = chai.expect;23const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');24chai.use(chaiExclude);25const chai = require('chai');26const expect = chai.expect;27const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');28chai.use(chaiExclude);29const chai = require('chai');30const expect = chai.expect;31const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');32chai.use(chaiExclude);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');3chai.use(chaiExclude);4const expect = chai.expect;5const obj1 = {6};7const obj2 = {8};9const obj3 = {10};11expect(obj1).excludingEvery(['a', 'b']).to.deep.equal(obj2);12expect(obj1).excludingEvery(['a', 'b']).to.deep.equal(obj3);13const chai = require('chai');14const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');15chai.use(chaiExclude);16const expect = chai.expect;17const obj1 = {18};19const obj2 = {20};21const obj3 = {22};23expect(obj1).excludingEvery(['a', 'b']).to.deep.equal(obj2);24expect(obj1).excludingEvery(['a', 'b']).to.deep.equal(obj3);25const chai = require('chai');26const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');27chai.use(chaiExclude);28const expect = chai.expect;29const obj1 = {30};31const obj2 = {32};33const obj3 = {34};35expect(obj1).excludingEvery(['a', 'b']).to.deep.equal(obj2);36expect(obj1).excludingEvery(['a', 'b']).to.deep.equal(obj3);37const chai = require('chai');38const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');39chai.use(chaiExclude);40const expect = chai.expect;41const obj1 = {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const { expect } = chai;3const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');4chai.use(chaiExclude);5describe('test', () => {6 it('test', () => {7 const obj = {8 };9 const obj2 = {10 };11 expect(obj).excluding('a').to.deep.equal(obj2);12 });13});14const chai = require('chai');15const { expect } = chai;16describe('test', () => {17 it('test', () => {18 const obj = {19 };20 const obj2 = {21 };22 expect(obj).to.deep.equal(obj2);23 });24});25{26 "scripts": {27 },28 "devDependencies": {29 }30}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chai = require('chai');2const expect = chai.expect;3const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');4chai.use(chaiExclude);5const { excludeProps } = require('chai-exclude');6const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };7const obj2 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };8expect(obj1).to.deep.equal(obj2);9expect(obj1).excludingEvery('c').to.deep.equal(obj2);10const chai = require('chai');11const expect = chai.expect;12const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');13chai.use(chaiExclude);14const { excludeProps } = require('chai-exclude');15const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };16const obj2 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };17expect(obj1).to.deep.equal(obj2);18expect(obj1).excludingEvery(['c']).to.deep.equal(obj2);19const chai = require('chai');20const expect = chai.expect;21const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');22chai.use(chaiExclude);23const { excludeProps } = require('chai-exclude');24const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };25const obj2 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };26expect(obj1).to.deep.equal(obj2);27expect(obj1).excludingEvery(['c', 'd']).to.deep.equal(obj2);28const chai = require('chai');29const expect = chai.expect;30const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');31chai.use(chaiExclude);32const { excludeProps } = require('chai-exclude');33const obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 };34const obj2 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };35expect(obj1).to.deep.equal(obj2);36expect(obj1).excludingEvery(['c', 'd']).to.deep.equal(obj2);37const chai = require('chai');38const expect = chai.expect;39const chaiExclude = require('chai-exclude');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const chainable = require('chainable');2const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };3const result = chainable(obj).excludeProps('a').value();4console.log(result);5const chainable = require('chainable');6const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };7const result = chainable(obj).includeProps('a').value();8console.log(result);9const chainable = require('chainable');10const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };11const result = chainable(obj).pick(['a', 'b']).value();12console.log(result);13const chainable = require('chainable');14const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };15const result = chainable(obj).omit(['a']).value();16console.log(result);17const chainable = require('chainable');18const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };19const result = chainable(obj).merge({ c: 3 }).value();20console.log(result);21const chainable = require('chainable');22const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };23const result = chainable(obj).clone().value();24console.log(result);25const chainable = require('chainable');26const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };27const result = chainable(obj).cloneDeep().value();28console.log(result);29const chainable = require('chainable');30const obj = { a: 1, b: 2 };31const result = chainable(obj).invert().value();32console.log(result);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var chai = require('chai');2chai.use(require('chai-exclude'));3var expect = chai.expect;4var assert = chai.assert;5describe('Test Case', function() {6 it('Should pass', function() {7 var obj1 = {8 };9 var obj2 = {10 };11 expect(obj1).excluding('a').to.deep.equal(obj2);12 });13});

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